Acupressure massage for back pain. The main techniques of Chinese acupressure Hydronephrosis in children: causes and treatment

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Hydronephrosis is a disease associated with pathological expansion of the collecting cavity of the kidneys and caused by a violation of the natural outflow of urine.

Hydronephrosis in children is congenital, and in adults, as a rule, acquired. This is a serious enough disease that requires immediate treatment so that the kidney function is not impaired and nothing threatens the life of your child. In children, as a rule, the disease is one-sided.

Hydronephrosis of the kidney in the fetus can be detected even in the womb during ultrasound, since it is already possible to recognize the anomaly at the 20th week of pregnancy. As a diagnosis, hydronephrosis is diagnosed in approximately 1% of pregnant women.

Hydronephrosis degrees:

  • I degree. Pyelectasis occurs, i.e. stretching of the renal pelvis, which is associated with high blood pressure urine. The function of the kidney at this stage is not yet impaired, but there is an increase in the size of the kidney.
  • II degree. There is a more significant expansion of the renal pelvis and renal calyces. The fluid contained in the tubules compresses the kidney parenchyma, after which its atrophy (thinning) occurs. Kidney function is impaired.
  • III degree. Atrophy of the renal tissue is increasing, the functions of the kidney are lost, and subsequently the kidney gradually dies, which is a huge threat to the health of the child.
  • Symptoms

    Renal hydronephrosis in newborns and, in general, hydronephrosis in children, as a rule, does not manifest itself in any way until the third degree. Perhaps only the increased anxiety of the child, as well as an admixture of blood in the urine, can alert. Hydronephrosis of the kidney in the fetus is usually known in advance through prenatal ultrasound diagnostics. In some cases, a symptom such as renal colic... It is often characteristic of hydronephrosis caused by urolithiasis... In subsequent stages, the main symptoms are persistent and it's a dull pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe kidneys, edema, hematuria (blood in the urine).

    Diagnosis of hydronephrosis

    One of the most informative methods in the diagnosis of hydronephrosis is ultrasound of the kidneys and urinary tract... Additionally, they resort to CDC (Doppler mapping), computer or magnetic resonance therapy and radioisotope renography. Also apply and endoscopic examination (ureteroscopy or urethrocystoscopy). These methods are aimed at visual examination of the internal structure of the kidney and ureters with the vessels supplying them. Often with hydronephrosis, an infection can join, for this, a bacteriological culture of urine, urine samples according to Zimnitsky and Nechiporenko are taken to study kidney function.


    It is carried out exclusively by surgery. Conservative treatment can only be used to eliminate inflammation, when a secondary infection is attached, or for therapy that relieves symptoms of the disease before surgery. Surgery is the removal of an obstruction that obstructs the flow of urine. Currently modern technologies made it possible to perform the operation endoscopically, which does not require an incision to access the operating field. Choice surgical treatment in each case is individual and remains only for the surgeon. Hydronephrosis in young children at the first stage may not require surgical treatment. In these cases, periodic monitoring with ultrasound is sufficient, which may be necessary up to 4 times a year.

    Hydronephrosis of the kidney in newborns and children of the first year of life of the first and second degrees can pass on their own and do not require surgical treatment. The third stage always requires immediate surgical intervention.

    Hydronephrosis in children

    Hydronephrosis in children: causes and treatment

    How does it work?

    The urine excreted by the kidneys through the ureters is collected in the bladder, from where it is periodically excreted by contraction. Without such a collection system, a person would not be able to control their departures and urine would drip all the time that it was released, that is, almost around the clock. In order to prevent urine from flowing back through the ureters to the kidneys during the contraction of the bladder, the mouths of the ureters are closed using a system of sphincters (constipation). However, it happens that with the contraction of the bladder, part of the urine still enters the kidneys - if the sphincters of the ureters are too weak. This phenomenon is called vesicoureteral reflux, and over time, it can lead to dilation of the ureters and renal pelvis (hydronephrosis). Hydronephrosis may also occur with congenital narrowing or compression of the ureter, defects of the urethra (urethra), in case of dysfunction of the bladder. In turn, the overflow of the renal pelvis prevents the outflow of urine from the kidney, which can lead to the development of infection in it and, ultimately, to its death.

    How does the infection develop?

    Escherichia coli and other microbes of the intestinal group are most often the causative agent of urinary tract infection. systems.

    Microbes are also present in the urine, also without causing inflammation of the urinary tract - they simply do not have time to do this during the passage of urine from the kidneys to the outside. But with urinary retention (in these cases, urologists talk about a violation of urodynamics), the microbes in it get a good chance to multiply, having previously attached themselves to the epithelial cells lining the urinary tract. There are other contributing factors as well. Some people have a special antigen called PL on the surface of their epithelial cells. E. coli is akin to this antigen, so it is able to attach to epithelial cells even in the absence of any changes in the urinary tract and cause inflammation. The infection can develop in any part of the urinary tract - in the bladder (cystitis), the ureters and renal pelvis (pyelitis), or also in the kidneys (pyelonephritis). In addition to the downward path of its development, an upward path is also possible.

    More often it is observed in girls with inflammatory changes in the external genital organs (vulvitis), the main reason is the same Escherichia coli, which contaminates the perineum during bowel movements. In boys, phimosis (narrowing of the opening foreskin, its inflammation). By the way, the normal microbial flora of the genitals prevents pathogenic microorganisms from colonizing them, but after a course of antibacterial therapy, the normal flora suffers, opening the way for intestinal microbes.

    How to recognize a disease?

    Symptoms of an acute urinary tract infection are nonspecific: high fever. refusal to eat, vomiting - that is why all febrile children are given a urine test, which makes it possible to make a diagnosis. Sometimes you can suspect an infection by symptoms such as increased painful urination. In case of infection, the number of leukocytes in the urine is increased, and in cystitis, also red blood cells. More informative than a regular urinalysis, the study of all collected urine per day. And having made a urine culture (this analysis must be taken sterile - an average portion of urine), you can determine the drug resistance of the pathogen and choose the most effective treatment.

    If the urinary tract infection occurs repeatedly, this may indicate a violation of urodynamics. In this case, a complete urological examination is necessary, which will exclude chronic pyelonephritis as a disease that poses the greatest threat to the health of the child. The examination includes an X-ray examination with the introduction contrast agent Into a vein, examining the bladder through a cystoscope, usually filling it with contrast to detect vesicoureteral reflux.

    It is prescribed by a doctor - urologist or pediatric nephrologist. The use of antibiotics is mandatory. acting on pathogens of the intestinal group (or on the pathogen obtained in the sowing). For cystitis, oral medications are usually used, but with acute pyelonephritis give more vigorous antibiotic injections for 10-12 days. At the end of treatment, it is necessary to repeat urine tests within 3-6 months (1 time in 2-3 months). For vulvitis, sit baths with antiseptics are used, if necessary, antifungal agents are used.

    Antimicrobials are used only for persistent infections. It is very important to teach the child the correct hygiene of the genitals in order to prevent them from contamination with feces: the movement of toilet paper should occur from front to back. Phimosis and inflammation of the foreskin in boys are also treated locally with baths; if unsuccessful, the mobilization of the foreskin is done by a urologist. Chronic pyelonephritis most often develops in children with certain disorders of the outflow of urine. With vesicoureteral reflux of mild severity (1-2 degree, without dilatation of the ureters), conservative treatment... Alkalinization of urine is very helpful in the fight against infection - it is carried out by including a lot of vegetables and fruits in the diet or by prescribing additional citric acid or sodium citrate.

    Herbs are widely used: in the acute period - decoctions of the leaves of lingonberry, sage, chamomile, when the process subsides - kidney tea, decoctions of juniper, rose hips. With more pronounced degrees of reflux, surgical interventions are indicated to eliminate it. Chronic urinary tract infection is curable, but requires coordinated action by doctors and parents of the sick child. At the same time, there is no need to go to extremes: I often have to see children who had an episode of urinary infection several years ago and have been on a sparing regime since then, constantly "warmed" beyond all measure, not doing physical education. Such restrictions are completely unjustified if the child has consistently normal urine tests. And in conclusion, let me give an anecdote, as they say, "on the topic."

    During civil war the food detachments caught the bagmen who sold food on the trains. One of them presented a urine test instead of an ID. A food soldier reads: “Urine analysis (emphasizing the last syllables) - Italian? No protein, no sugar - you can go on. ”I would like to wish you and your children always have such a good urine test.

    Hydronephrosis in children. Hydronephrosis treatment

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    What is hydronephrosis? Why does hydronephrosis occur? How is hydronephrosis manifested and treated? Read this article.

    Hydronephrosis or obstruction of the ureteropelvic junction

    Hydronephrosis is an expansion of the collecting system of the kidney (especially the pelvis), resulting from the presence of an obstacle to urine output at the junction of the pelvis and ureter (in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pyeloureteral segment).

    The urinary tract includes (top to bottom) renal cups, renal pelvis, ureters, bladder, urethra. The pelvis and calyx together make up the collecting system of the kidneys.

    Pronounced obstacles to the outflow of urine from the kidney lead to a significant expansion of the pelvis and, often, to irreversible impairment of kidney function. The degree of expansion of the collecting system of the kidney is proportional to the pressure of urine in it and varies widely.

    A slight obstruction to the flow of urine, causes a moderate expansion of the pelvis (pyelectasia) and is usually not accompanied by impaired renal function, but only increases the risk of pyelonephritis.

    Causes of hydronephrosis in children

    In children, in the overwhelming majority of cases, there is a congenital microbial hydronephrosis due to anatomical reasons. There are external and internal causes of hydronephrosis. The internal cause - congenital narrowing of the ureter, caused by the underdevelopment of its lumen, occurs more often than others. External causes are abnormal discharge of the ureter from the pelvis and an additional vessel that causes compression of the ureter.

    Manifestations, symptoms of hydronephrosis

    Hydronephrosis is included in the group of diseases accompanied by the expansion of the renal pelvis (pyeloectasia), which is easy to detect with ultrasound of the fetus. therefore most of hydronephrosis is detected in utero. If the diagnosis has not been made before the baby is born, hydronephrosis can manifest itself as blood in the urine (hematuria), an infection of the urinary system, abdominal pain, or when a mass is found in the abdominal cavity.

    Research for hydronephrosis

    The first step towards diagnosing hydronephrosis is an ultrasound scan of the fetus. The collecting system of the kidney is visible on ultrasound from the 15th week of the prenatal period. The first sign with ultrasound is the expansion of the pelvis. If, after the birth of the child, the expansion of the pelvis persists, then the pediatric urologist decides on the need for a more in-depth urological examination. If hydronephrosis is suspected, the child should undergo the following examinations:

    Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder before and after urination. An ultrasound specialist can see signs of damage to the renal parenchyma, distinguish between mild, moderate and severe hydronephrosis. In case of doubtful results, ultrasound with water load and diuretics can be performed, which allows a more accurate assessment of the degree of obstruction of the pelvic-ureteric segment.

    Vocational cystourethrography - X-ray contrast examination of the bladder and urethra is performed if there is a suspicion of vesicoureteral reflux or obstructed outflow of urine from the bladder.

    Excretory (intravenous) urography - after intravenous administration the radiopaque contrast agent is excreted by the kidneys, and their collecting systems become visible on x-rays. The study allows you to assess the degree of obstruction.

    Nephroscintigraphy - radioisotope study of the kidneys. Used to assess kidney function and the degree of impaired urine flow.

    Based on the above studies, the specialist must decide how serious the obstruction of the pelvic-ureteric segment is, whether it poses a threat to the kidney or can resolve on its own. In newborns, the diagnosis often becomes apparent only 3-4 weeks after birth. During the first 3 weeks after birth, water exchange in the newborn's body and kidney function change significantly, and the size of the pelvis changes with them.

    The initial manifestations of hydronephrosis often disappear on their own, but sometimes progress. The observation of a specialist with an ultrasound scan 2-4 times a year, in the first 3 years of life, and once a year at an older age is shown.

    The average degree of hydronephrosis, starting with grade 2 hydronephrosis, can have both positive and negative dynamics. With an increase in the expansion of the pelvis during the observation process, it is necessary to carry out surgical treatment. Ultrasound in the first year of life with an average degree of hydronephrosis is performed every 2-3 months.

    Severe hydronephrosis with a sharp violation of the outflow of urine from the kidney requires surgery without delay.

    Operation for hydronephrosis

    The operation for hydronephrosis consists in excision of a narrow section of the ureter and the formation of a new wide connection (anastomosis, anastomosis) between the ureter and the renal pelvis. The operation is called pyeloplasty.

    The most common surgical technique is Hines-Andersen pyeloplasty. The narrowed site of the ureter is usually located directly next to the renal pelvis. After cutting off the ureter, its closest to the kidney section is cut longitudinally, after which the edges of the ureter incision are sutured with the edges of a symmetric (congruent) longitudinal incision in the pelvis. Usually, after the operation, a tube is left, passed through the junction of the ureter and the pelvis, to ensure a uniform lumen of the anastomosis and to avoid its adhesion and deformation. The other end of the tube can be led out into the bladder (internal drainage stent) or through the kidney tissue (blank catheter).

    Length of stay of the child in the hospital after surgery

    The length of a child's stay in the hospital after surgery depends on the way urine is diverted from the operated kidney. When installing an internal drainage stent, additional drainage is not required to drain urine from the kidney, and stationary postoperative period reduced to 5-9 days. The stent is removed in a month or a month and a half after the operation through a thin instrument inserted through the urethra.

    If during the operation not a stent is installed, but a catheter-blank, which is brought out through the kidney, which is parallel to it, a drainage tube (nephrostomy) is installed to ensure free outflow of urine from the operated kidney. In this case, a longer stay of the child in the hospital is required - about 3 weeks. The choice of urine diversion option is made by the surgeon during the operation.

    Peculiarities of treatment and anesthesia are determined taking into account discussed with the operating surgeon

    The effectiveness of pyeloplasty

    The efficiency of pyeloplasty is about 92-95%. After the operation, the kidney function almost always improves and in some cases it reaches the function of a healthy kidney. At the same time, structural changes in the kidney (deformation of the calyces, a decrease in the thickness of the parenchyma) may persist. Especially significant residual changes are observed with pronounced hydronephrosis.

    Predicting the course of hydronephrosis in a newborn

    There is currently no method to determine how hydronephrosis will develop in a newborn. Therefore, the most correct approach is to monitor the state of the kidney in dynamics by an experienced urologist. The main assessment method for dynamic observation is ultrasound. The difficulty of predicting the development of hydronephrosis in a newborn is determined by unstable water exchange, changing kidney function, as well as the possibility of maturation (maturation) of its organs and tissues. These processes can lead to the disappearance of the expansion of the pelvis or the stabilization of its size. At the same time, with long intervals between examinations (more than 2 months), you can skip the beginning deterioration of the kidney and be late with the operation.

    Varieties of hydronephrosis

    Distinguish between congenital hydronephrosis and acquired. Hydronephrosis in children is usually congenital.

  • The first degree does not give itself out with any symptoms, kidney function is not impaired, only the pelvis is enlarged, but slightly.
  • The second degree is characterized by a decrease in kidney function by about 40%, the pelvis expands significantly, the kidney grows in volume.
  • In the third degree, kidney function
  • The classification is based on the degree of dysfunction and the volume of fluid

    Alcohol and smoking during pregnancy can lead to serious changes in the structure of organs

    The uncontrolled use of drugs also has an impact on the development of kidney pathology. There is an opinion that the harmful effects of the environment on a woman can also lead to hydronephrosis.

    Clinical picture

    There may be blood impurities in the urine. With the aggravation of the process in the lumbar region, you can feel an enlarged kidney, the belly of the newborn becomes larger. While the child urinates, he cries, screams. As a result of a violation of the outflow of urine, metabolic products accumulate in the baby's body. Which causes severe itching of the skin.

    The child is crying, sleeps little, apathetic

    Dropsy of the kidney on the left does not differ in any way clinically from the right-sided process.

    Diagnosis of renal hydronephrosis in children

    Hydronephrosis of the left kidney in a child develops in more cases than hydronephrosis of the right kidney. To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to pass routine tests: blood, urine and biochemistry.

    In addition, for diagnosis, the method of excretory urography is used to compare the excretory capacity of both kidneys. There is also a diagnostic technique for voiding cystourethrography. The essence of the technique is in the introduction of contrast, which absorbs X-rays well, into the bladder. While the child urinates, photographs are taken, on the basis of which one can judge the structure of the organs, the presence of a reverse urine flow. And if in doubt, use computed or magnetic resonance imaging.

    How to treat?

    If the obstruction is located at the level of the ureter, then plastic is done. The effect of such an operation is quite high. If there is a large volume of fluid inside the kidney, it is removed by catheterization.

    After the end of the operation, a drainage system is placed on the child, it can be external and internal. If the surgeon installs an internal drainage system, then the baby is discharged from the hospital in an average of a week. And with the external system, the baby spends about a month in the hospital. During the rehabilitation period after hydronephrosis, antibiotics and uroseptics are indicated. The baby must be registered with a urologist at the dispensary. General analysis urine after surgery must be taken every two weeks for six months. Even after 6 months, there may be leukocytosis in the urine, however, this is not a cause for concern.

    Hydronephrosis is serious illness, this condition requires immediate treatment, otherwise the child may develop renal failure and, as a consequence, disability. Dear parents, if you have the slightest doubt about the health of your child's kidneys, be sure to show it to the doctor.

    Hydronephrosis in children: causes, symptoms, treatment

    Hydronephrosis in children is usually a congenital disorder that affects the cavity of one or two kidneys, which affects the flow of urine. It is an expansion of the cavities of the collecting (collecting) system.

    Hydronephrosis in children: a general description

    To understand what kind of disease it is, you need to understand a little about the anatomy of the urinary system. The pelvis and calyces, which are affected by the disease, are a funnel-shaped area where all urine from the body accumulates.

    In a healthy state, there are no problems with the transfer of fluid further into the ureter, but with the expansion of the cavities of the collection system of the pelvis, this process is disrupted.

    There are two types of disease:

    • unilateral nephrosis (only one kidney is affected)
    • bilateral hydronephrosis in children (both kidneys are poorly functioning).
    • With damage to one kidney, the patient may not even know about his condition, since a healthy organ compensates for the lack of outflow from the affected kidney. With a bilateral disease, it becomes extremely dangerous, and may even lead to death from uremia.

      By origin, the disease is divided into:

    • congenital hydronephrosis
    • acquired form.
    • As a rule, the congenital form is much more common, because ultrasound procedure of all internal organs on the second or third day after birth has already been introduced into the practice of neonatologists (doctors who deal with newborns in maternity hospitals) and pediatricians. This is how you can detect a violation of the outflow of urine, which begins to be produced in the womb.

      Early diagnosis also detects increased blood pressure and decreased blood flow in the parenchyma (the protective tissue of the kidney). If the violations do not go away with the normalization of body functions in the second month of life, treatment is started.

      Hydronephrosis in children: causes

      If the disease is acquired in nature, then the causes of development may be kidney stones, treatment of the kidneys by surgery, after which cicatricial narrowing could appear. But such cases are more typical for adults, children are most often already born with hydronephrosis.

      An intrauterine examination during a woman's pregnancy can reveal hydronephrosis in children even before birth, and also explain its causes. As shows modern medicine, damage to the pelvis and calyxes of the kidneys may be the result of:

    • stenosis (narrowing of the lumen) of the adnexal part of the ureter
    • high ureteral discharge
    • violations of the structure of the pryokhanny department
    • stone in the ureter (a rare case of hydronephrosis in children)
    • disorders of innervation with the central nervous system (the passage of nerve impulses from the organ to the brain and back)
    • narrowing of the bladder neck itself
    • reflux - the outflow of urine back from the bladder into the ureter. As a result, the child simply cannot fully go to the toilet.
    • As you can see, hydronephrosis of the kidney in a newborn or an older child is not a consequence of an improper lifestyle. This disease is difficult to "earn" from cold slides, swimming or poor nutrition.

      Kidney disease symptoms

      The disease begins and progresses asymptomatically, especially if it is unilateral hydronephrosis. As a rule, a healthy kidney "takes over" the function of removing urine from the body, while the affected kidney does not manifest itself in any way. The pain can begin with the appearance of microliths in the kidneys. inflammation.

      If hydronephrosis in children has led to pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), then there may be:

    • temperature increase
    • pain when urinating
    • back pain
    • hematuria (the presence of blood in the urine, the most common manifestation of hydronephrosis in children, and pyelonephritis).

    Each of you has repeatedly used massage to strengthen your health and rejuvenate your body.

    This is a unique method not only to prevent the disease, but also to treat it. After all, by means of massage you can influence both the external parts of the body and the internal organs.

    The main massage techniques have been tested by many years of practice of many peoples, are scientifically grounded and are truly a health-improving means of physiological effects on the body.

    Modern medicine different countries, widely introduces the basic techniques of massage into his practice, it is used not only in therapy, neurology, orthopedics, but even in gynecology and surgery.

    Massage techniques are used as independent methods and are combined with other physiological and therapeutic procedures. In therapeutic methods, it is better to use massage after consulting a doctor; for the purpose of prevention, self-massage can be performed.

    All types of massages help relieve fatigue and stress, help prepare the body for great physical and mental stress. It is indicated for all healthy people, regardless of age, only its dosage for each person should be selected individually. Today we will talk about the basic techniques of Chinese acupressure.

    What is acupressure

    Acupressure massage is a very ancient method of influencing the human body. It originated in ancient China, after healers turned their attention to especially important vital points on the human body, which are connected with internal organs and systems by inextricable and invisible channels.

    When exposed to which not only improves general state a person, but also the functions of the disturbed work of internal organs are restored.

    Later, these biologically active points (BAPs) were described. Now there are about 700 of them on the human body, but only about 150 points are used.

    Chinese doctors believed that when a disease occurs in any organ, the entire body is immediately involved in the painful process. One organ cannot be ill in isolation from others, a change in the functions of a diseased organ always affects the work of the whole organism. And any disease is a violation of the relationship not only within the body, but also the relationship between the body and the environment.

    And the reasons leading to diseases can be both external (trauma, infections, climate) and internal (water, emotions, food).

    Chinese healers, based on these data, revealed the relationship of biologically active points with all organs and systems, upon exposure to which the lost internal balance is gradually restored.

    You can influence BAP with your fingers, a sharp stone, a stick (made of steel and copper, silver and gold, a semi-precious stone), a needle, and even burning with wormwood cigarettes.

    An interesting feature of acupressure is revealed: when stimulating a point, it is possible to cause a response of the body in a zone that in no way has any anatomical connection with the point of influence and is located far from it.

    And everything is explained by the fact that when BAP is irritated, the internal energy of the body is activated, which, spreading along the energy channels, can:

    • calm down or, on the contrary, stimulate the autonomic system,
    • activate the flow of blood through the vessels and capillaries,
    • regulate the work of the endocrine glands,
    • reduce the sensation of pain,
    • relieve muscle and nervous tension.

    Recent studies show that BAPs differ from other areas of the skin in certain features. They have a reduced electrical resistance, but the absorption of ultraviolet radiation, on the contrary, is increased. In addition, the points are characterized by a higher temperature, a higher level of metabolism, increased sweating, an increased pain threshold.

    When probing and pressing on them, there is a feeling of soreness, numbness, aches, current discharge, often the impact on the points is accompanied by a feeling of running through goose bumps. Response symptoms and response to exposure to points helps a person to locate the points of interest.

    Chinese acupressure massage has the advantage that the method of its action is very simple, does not require additional equipment, expensive devices. Very small impact area. In emergency cases, massage can be applied before the arrival of the doctor to relieve the patient's condition, as well as in combination with prescribed medical treatment.

    Before doing acupressure, it is advisable to consult a doctor, it is prescribed only in the absence of any contraindications.

    The basics of acupressure

    According to the treatises of ancient Chinese healers, the energy of life moves along the invisible internal channels or meridians of our body. There are 14 such channels in the human body. Two of them are unpaired and 12 are paired channels. IN healthy bodywhen there is no stagnation of energy in the channels, it moves freely in them. Thus, it brings to each internal organ the amount of energy it needs. When the flow of energy is disturbed, a person gets sick.

    Two types of energy move along the meridians:

    • Yin energy, which carries a negative charge and is characterized by a dark, changeable, cold and wet, passive and hidden mother principle.
    • Yang energy, which carries a positive charge and is characterized by warm and light, dry and proactive, constant fatherly principle.

    According to the treatises chinese medicine, in the human body there is a constant confrontation of these two principles and all the processes occurring in the body are either positive or negative. The task of oriental medicine is to reconcile them.

    And another theory of oriental healers speaks of the connection of the internal organs of a person with the five primary elements of the Earth: in this way Fire is associated with the human heart, Earth - with the spleen, Water - with the kidneys, Wood - with the liver, Metal - with the lungs.

    And both of these theories claim that man is a part of nature and all internal organs are connected both with each other and with nature into a single whole. This judgment is the basis on which acupressure is based.

    Basic techniques of acupressure

    Chinese classical medicine uses several techniques for performing Chinese eye massage. These include:

    • stroking,
    • kneading,
    • pressing and rubbing,
    • pushing and vibration,
    • even cutting and sticking.


    This technique is carried out with the thumb, his pad. All other fingers must be clenched into a fist and careful not to touch the skin. Slow circular movements are carried out with the pad of the thumb along the massaged point.

    Make sure that the skin around the point does not move, only the subcutaneous tissue can move. The movements are at first slow, with speed - one circular turn in one second, then with acceleration: 3 movements in 1 second. Usually up to 25 movements are used.


    This type of technique is used after kneading, sometimes it is used as an independent technique, sometimes it can precede or follow any technique.

    If pressure is applied after kneading the biologically active point, then it is necessary to perform the same number of pressure, i.e. 25. If this technique is used as an independent method of influence, then do up to 75 pressure.

    Pressing is done with the pad of the thumb, the finger should be in a perpendicular position to the point being pressed. Watch your skin so that it does not shift.

    The pressures are slow at first, then their speed increases up to 70 times per minute. If strong pain occurs, then weaken the degree of impact on the point or make a small break. Sometimes forceful pressure is applied, when the thumb is reinforced with the finger of the other hand.


    Rubbing well increases blood circulation and lymph flow. It is used for numbness, chills, small swelling, while the nerve endings are excited, which tones the skin. Use the fingertips for rubbing. When it is necessary to act on biological points located on large muscles, for example, the back, then rubbing is done with the palms or the back of the palm.

    Reception Stroking

    Stroking is performed with the pad of the thumb. Make a fist with your other fingers so that they do not touch your skin. Usually, stroking is carried out in two directions, which should intersect with each other. The speed of stroking a point in the first session is 1 movement per second, in subsequent sessions it can increase. At the massaged point, you need to achieve a feeling of warmth.

    Reception of massage - pushing

    Pushing is performed with the inner or outer part of the thumb, the direction of movement is performed towards the center of the massaged point. The massage begins with a gentle impact, then its pressure increases. At the point of exposure, first a sensation of warmth appears, which turns into numbness or aches. When severe pain the intensity of the impact must be reduced.


    This technique is performed either with one finger or with two (index and thumb). Slowly, but with force, a finger is pressed on the point and hold the finger with maximum pressure for 20-30 seconds. The thrust force is adjusted depending on the sensations that appear at the point of exposure (warmth, bursting, pain).


    The vibration is carried out with the thumb or middle finger and it usually follows the thrust massage. This technique causes unusual sensations at the point being massaged. Sometimes an impression is created of being pierced by an electric discharge, and the sensation of a running current is sometimes felt far from the point of impact.

    If I massage the foot, the pain from this discharge is felt all the way to the knee. Vibration is performed for up to 20 seconds. And at the same time it is necessary to monitor breathing, vibrating pressures are performed on exhalation.

    Reception - Cutting

    This technique is reminiscent of sticking with the pad of the fingers, cutting with a fingernail. Reception must be performed with caution, because inadvertently you can damage the skin. And monitor the patient's pain. For self-massage, this technique is not used, it is used when necessary. urgent help a person (shock, fainting, heart attack)

    My mother had heart attacks with loss of consciousness and before the arrival of the ambulance, I gave her acupressure to relieve pain in the heart and to prevent loss of consciousness, using the acupressure technique - cutting. To do this, you need a little finger on both sides (from the sides) at the level of the bed, squeeze with your nails with force, just stick them into your finger. If it doesn't work with your nails, you can bite with your teeth.

    There will be a separate article about this and other techniques for relieving heart attacks using Chinese acupressure.

    How to do acupressure correctly

    • Operate the BAP carefully, the finger should be perpendicular to the skin surface.
    • If using stroking, it should be continuous.
    • If you are acting by rotation, it should be clockwise.
    • Rotation and stroking can be done with light pressure.
    • When performing a deep pressure technique, do not forget that it should be short-lived.

    Before starting the massage, you need to sit in a comfortable position, distract yourself from extraneous thoughts and observe your inner feelings, thinking about a positive result. The intensity and duration of the massage influences its effect.

    Soothing acupressure

    If you want to carry out a soothing massage, then you need to use slow rotational strokes, without moving the skin, with a further increase in pressure with your finger not a point and holding it for a few seconds at a depth. Massage movements and stimulation of each point are repeated up to 3-5 minutes.


    It is carried out by strong pressure and intermittent vibration for up to one minute. This type of massage should not be performed in the evening before bedtime.

    Contraindications to massage

    Chinese acupressure has contraindications. It can only be used after talking with a doctor. It is forbidden to massage pregnant women, people with mental and medical disorders, in feverish conditions. In case of blood disease, tuberculosis patients, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, deep lesions of internal organs and malignant formations.

    In addition, it is not supposed to influence BAP on an empty stomach, in a state of alcoholic intoxication, during menstruation.

    This massage also has age restrictions. It is not used for small children, up to one year old and the elderly.

    It is not advisable to massage during magnetic storms and sudden changes in weather. And besides this, throughout the entire course of the massage, it is not recommended to drink strong tea, coffee and other tonic drinks, and of course, alcoholic beverages. Spicy and salty foods are excluded. Hot baths, steam rooms, baths are not desirable, it is better to replace them with a warm shower.

    Good luck, dear readers!

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    Winter massage that strengthens the kidneys

    Our journey through the seasons ends with the last element of nature - water. We tune in to changes in the weather (snow, frost), prepare warm clothes. Lines of poetry take us to winter time, remind us that it is good for health to smile more often. The ancients said that "laughter and smile is the best medicine for all diseases."

    From Svetlana's diary

    Was approaching New Yearbut that didn't make me happy. Work, work ... What's the difference - holidays, weekdays ... There was such a hopeless state. Like a horse, you pull the strap and think: "When will this end?" And one of the evenings spent in the kitchen, I heard a voice on the radio. He was like from another world: bright, kind, soft, as if not at all from our twitched life. And if not for that voice, I would never have gathered for any qigong. Honestly, these eastern names of different schools do not warm my ear to me. Somewhere it is our Russian: "A - U"? But what is to be done? Qigong is so qigong. I memorized this word. Unfortunately, they didn’t say the phone number in the program. But fate sometimes throws us a lifeline. So I was lucky. Ten days after the broadcast, I saw a health magazine and the headline "Qigong" at the kiosk. Ah, that was already a cherished word. It was there that I found the telephone number of the health club "White Crane". A year and a half has passed since I began to study at the club and be friends with qigong. And that wonderful voice belonged to the head of the club - Lyudmila Borisovna Belova. And now the world has painted a different color for me: either I painted it, or qigong. I live in a pleasant world for me, although outwardly nothing has changed. Same job, same house. But there is His Majesty Qigong, thanks to him I became different. There is some work going on in me. For example, I know my comfortable state, I feel it. And if it leaves me (well, you know, we live among people, not angels), then I immediately notice it and try to become what I need. And qigong techniques help me to know myself, “hear”, understand and restore. I can apply them on the spot.

    Water -the main element of winter, which largely determines our health at this time of the year. Therefore, the best "medicine" of winter will be its energy, which we will fill our palms with when performing a massage.

    The ancients said about water like this: "Take water as a sample." It was in her that they saw true strength: "The water is soft, and wears away the stone." The image of water teaches the correct massage movements best of all: the palms should move smoothly along the surface of the body, like streams of water.

    This image can also be visualized during a massage to strengthen the kidneys, bladder, legs. The image of water, as one of the most versatile, is useful when performing cleansing massage movements not only in winter, but at any other time of the year.

    Kidneys -an organ that is most active in winter, the main custodian of the energy of water.

    To the element of waterin the human body include:


    Hair on the head),

    The center of inner strength, located in the center of the lower abdomen, is four fingers below the navel.

    Knowing Chinese diagnostics, to the signs kidney diseasewhich are often insensitive to pain include:

    Diseases of the feet, ear, throat, nose,


    Pelvic organs,


    Back pain


    Strengthening the kidneys and legs is one of the secrets of qigong longevity: “Aging begins in the legs and rises higher”; "Take care of the root of the tree, the feet of a man."The kidney meridian is one of the main highways that energize the legs. Therefore, a lot of foot health depends on kidney health.

    In strengthening the kidneys, the ancients saw the basis anti-cancer qigong therapy(see "Antineoplastic massage").

    The kidneys "control the circulation of fluids, the development of the bone marrow, the condition of the bones," therefore, let me remind you that bone health depends on kidney health.They contain the "source of vital forces qi", "primordial energy" (the energy that is given to us at birth).

    And, of course, the strengthening of an important energy center in the lower abdomen is associated with the element of water and with the kidneys. Here in winter we accumulate energy, which in spring will help to bloom all the beauty that is given to us by nature.

    Water suppresses fire and gives birth to wood.In winter, let me remind you, it is necessary to strengthen the heart, which is in a depressed state at this time of the year - "water extinguishes the fire." Therefore, do not forget to perform a massage that strengthens the heart in winter (see "Summer massage that strengthens the heart")

    The element of water in the spring will be replaced by the element of wood, to which the liver corresponds in the human body - “water gives life to a tree”. From mid-February to the winter massage that strengthens the kidneys and legs, it is useful to add a massage that strengthens the liver, so that it becomes stronger by the spring and withstands the load of active work in the spring.

    Fireand water -two main elements of nature, violation of their harmonious state leads to disaster. Therefore, exercises to strengthen "fire" (heart) and "water" (kidneys) are one of the main exercises in Chinese therapy. The ancient canons of alchemy say that at the junction of the energy of fire and water (the area of \u200b\u200bthe solar plexus related to the elements of the earth), a mysterious "elixir of immortality" is born, which makes our body "diamond" or "golden" and immune to disease. Such a body stops hurting and aging.

    The main exercises of winter will be massages that strengthen the kidneys, bladder, legs, bones, inner strength.

    The options for winter massages suggested below should be performed during the entire winter period, both in whole and in part. For diseases of the kidneys, legs, bones, bronchitis, increased fatigue, cancerthey are useful all year round.

    The main winter massage: "Let's stand under the streams of a waterfall"

    This massage, and we are already familiar with its options, can be performed while standing or sitting. With light and smooth movements of the palms, contact or non-contact, we will massage the whole body from head to feet. The number of movements is from 3 to 5 times. Imagine yourself under the streams of a waterfall. With two palms, we will simultaneously massage the body and distribute the energy of the water over the following surfaces:

    With the palm of the left hand, massage the inner and outer surfaces of the right hand from the base to the fingertips, and vice versa;

    With two palms, we simultaneously wash the face, neck, chest, stomach, inner surface of the legs, fingers;

    Face, neck, chest, abdomen, front legs, toes;

    Temples, shoulders, sides of the body, fourth toes;

    The back of the head, the back of the body along the spine with an interception at the shoulder blades, the back of the legs, heels.

    During the massage, we imagine that the water washes away muddy and sickly energy through the fingers and toes into the ground.

    When high pressure wash the front and back surfaces of the body, with low -from occiput to toes once.

    Attention!Massage will help restore strength and health, cleanse of disease-causing energy, strengthen the kidneys, improve blood circulation in the legs, is useful for high blood pressure and high temperature body.

    From Svetlana's diary

    After class, I felt where my kidneys are. I began to mentally look at them, think about their condition. And they introduced themselves to me as a child who puffed up, frowned and did not want to talk to anyone. And he himself does not know what he wants. I got lost. I remembered that the kidneys love the energy of water. And I realized what they want. Swim, of course. And I began to do exercises that imitate swimming breaststroke movements. The state of health has improved significantly.

    Kidney firming massage

    Let's take a comfortable position of the body - sitting or lying down. The number of massage movements is from 1 to 7 or more. At high pressure, this massage is useful 1-2 times a day.

    "Pouring Qi of Water from the Palms into the Center of Inner Power"

    For a few seconds we will hold the hands, superimposed on one another and mentally filled with water in the lower abdomen. Filling an important energy center with water energy can be done 1 to 3 times.

    "Pouring water qi into the kidneys"

    Put the palms pounded to warmth, filled with the image of water, on the lower back, kidney area and hold them in this position for several seconds, while the heat from the palms goes to the kidneys. The exercise can be performed 1 to 3 times.

    Lumbar massage

    Place your palms on the kidney area and rub the entire lower back, then the kidneys and tailbone. Continue rubbing the lower back with the joints of the fingers, gently clenched into fists, up and down, from side to side.

    Foot massage

    Gently pat with rounded palms at the same time the inner, and then the back surfaces of the legs from top to bottom. We massage the legs in turn with two palms, mentally filled with water from the base to the toes, first the inner and lateral surfaces, placing the foot on the toes, then the front and back, placing the foot on the heel.

    Foot massage

    Rub the feet until warm one against the other or with our palms. With the pads of the thumbs, in turn and in a circular manner, rub the centers of the upper soles.

    Attention!Massage will help to quickly restore health, strength, cleanse the body of diseases and toxins, cope with edema, strengthen muscles, bones, kidneys, pelvic organs, spine and energy system, improve self-healing processes, blood circulation in the legs, is useful for high blood pressure, thyroid diseases, bronchitis.

    Bladder firming massage

    The bladder is the "outer gate of the kidneys", the longest energy route, so it needs strengthening in case of edema, diseases of the kidneys, spine, legs and high pressure.

    Perform this massage while standing, 1-3 times.

    Head massage

    Rub the inner corners of the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise with the pads of the index fingers in a circular manner; with our palms, rub the back of the head from side to side, up and down; we draw the pads of bent fingers along the scalp from the forehead to the neck, as if we are combing our hair.

    Back massage

    At highand normal pressuredraw the joints of the fingers, gently clenched into a fist, along the spine from the shoulder blades to the toes; at low pressurelet's perform these movements in the opposite direction.

    You can massage your back with a wooden ball massage track in the same order as described above.

    "Pouring qi of water from palms into the bladder"

    For a few seconds we will hold the hands, superimposed on one another and mentally filled with water, in the lower abdomen. The exercise can be performed 1 to 3 times.

    Lumbar massage

    Rub in a circular manner with palms clockwise and against the entire lower back.

    Abdominal massage

    Rub gently and in a circular manner with the hands, superimposed on one another, the lower abdomen in a clockwise direction.

    Foot massage

    Massage with two palms at the same time, in turn, from the base to the toes on the inner and back surfaces.

    Massage toes

    Rub the little fingers from the base to the nails.

    Heel steps

    Knock your heels on the floor in turn or at the same time. Tapping can be replaced by walking on the heels, while placing your palms on the lower back.

    Attention!The massage is useful for diseases of the kidneys, bladder, spine, joints, pelvic organs, high and low pressure, edema, bronchitis.

    "Threading the rain through the arms and legs"

    Preparatory movements

    "Vessels of life", or meridians, are located near the surface of the body and at a close distance from each other in the hands, feet, arms and legs. Further, their path forks and goes into the depths of the body, to the internal organs. Before threading imaginary raindrops, let's prepare the body.

    Pat gently and lightly, remember and stroke the surfaces of the arms and legs from top to bottom.

    We will perform a massage, as if we were washing the body with our palms collected in a “boat”, both by contact (easily touching the surface of the body) and non-contact (at a short distance from the body).

    "Threading the Rain"

    Imagine that we take in our palms the silver threads of rain, which are to be passed through our hands and feet, passing them downwards with our palms.

    We will pass 3 threads of rain on the inner surfaces and 3 threads on the outer surfaces into our hands. In the legs - two threads each along the inner and front surfaces, one each along the side and back surfaces.

    The threads of the rain will help to strengthen the meridians, muscles and bones, cleanse the body of disease-causing qi and fill it with fresh qi.Especially useful is a massage using water, which is performed while taking a shower (see "The easiest massage option").

    Attention!Massage will help to strengthen muscles and bones, is useful for diseases of the kidneys, legs, bones, increased fatigue, pressure.

    Massage that strengthens the legs

    The ancients began treating diseases of the feet with the kidneys: "The health of the feet lies in strengthening the kidneys." "Lines of life", or kidney meridians (remember) - one of the main highways that feed the legs with energy.

    It is no coincidence that the book pays a lot of attention to strengthening the legs. Most of the questions that I am asked in my live appearances on radio and television, in letters and by phone, are related to leg diseases: people ask how to cope with swelling, pain in muscles and joints, and sore veins.

    Before doing exercises that strengthen the legs, let's start with the advice of the ancients, which sounds like this: "Keep your feet warm."

    On colder days, do not forget about warm shoes, woolen socks and warm foot baths with a temperature of 28–33 ° C. In case of severe diseases of the legs and varicose veins, we carry out the warm-up sitting on a chair. The number of movements is from 1 to 7 times.

    "Pouring qi of water from palms into kidneys"

    Mentally fill the rounded palms with water, place them on the lower back, kidney area and hold for 30 seconds. Energy-filled kidneys will more actively help in the normalization of blood circulation in the legs.

    Lumbar massage

    Rub the lower back in a circular manner with our palms, and then with the knuckles of the fingers, gathered into fists.

    Massage of four surfaces of the legs

    We gently and lightly stroke the feet with our palms on the inner, outer, side and back surfaces from the base to the tips of the fingers, then just as lightly and pleasantly pat our feet with our palms in the same direction and on the same surfaces.

    After patting the right foot with the foot, rub the left leg from top to bottom, and vice versa.

    In case of leg diseases, rest more often and combine rest with a massage of the legs, massaging them with palms mentally filled with water, from the base to the fingers, imagining that sick qi and fatigue flow down after the movement of the palms into the feet. It is advisable to warm up with bare feet or in socks.

    We will pay special attention to the massage of the inner surfaces of the legs.

    For diseased veins, the legs are massaged only with light, non-contact movements of the palms.

    Foot massage

    Massage the feet with our palms: massage with one palm upper part feet, the other - the sole.

    Unusual steps

    Let's knock on the floor with two feet at the same time or in turn: first - with socks, then - with heels, and then - with the whole foot.

    Attention!The massage will help strengthen the muscles, bones and blood vessels of the legs, improve blood circulation, relieve swelling, reduce and prevent the appearance of swollen veins.

    Performing the proposed exercises every day, in whole or in part, will help not only strengthen the legs and kidneys, but also relieve fatigue, calm the nerves, get rid of depression, diseases of the pelvic organs, thyroid and pancreas, liver, bronchitis, asthma, tonsillitis, allergies.

    Northern energy massage

    North -the main side of the world of winter. It is helpful to sit or stand facing this direction for 30 seconds at this time of year. You can mentally use the energy of the north to fill your palms when performing a massage.

    Imagine that the energy of the north washes the body from head to foot, fills with fresh energy and helps strengthen the kidneys, bones, hair, ears, throat, inner strength, will.

    It is good not only to sit under the rays of northern energy, but also to draw its mental image with rounded palms in turn or at the same time, washing the body from head to feet: head, hair, face, neck, joints, spine, lower back, kidneys, lower abdomen, legs.

    Blue energy massage

    Blue color -the main color of winter. Sources often indicate the black color of winter, which is better not to use in qigong therapy.

    Imagine ourselves in a stream of blue and distribute its energy throughout the body: wash our hands on two surfaces - inner and outer, legs on four surfaces - inner, front, side and back.

    Then we will wash the whole body at the same time with two rounded palms in this order:

    Face, neck, chest, abdomen, inner surface of the legs;

    Face, neck, chest, abdomen, front surface of the legs;

    Lateral surfaces - from the temples to the fourth toes;

    The back surface is from the back of the head to the toes.

    Do not forget to imagine that the disease-causing energy flows down following the movement of the palms into the fingers and toes, then goes into the ground.

    Energy of asceticism

    Asceticism -one of the main characteristics of winter energy. In winter, active processes usually do not take place in the body. All living things in nature fall asleep, preserving and accumulating strength until the spring awakening and growth.

    At this time of the year, an even and calm lifestyle, moderation in everything, including food, is useful.

    Cold energy

    Cold -the main feature of winter. Dress warmly at this time of year. Pay special attention to the kidneys, which are the worst tolerant organs of all organs. In case of kidney disease, tie a woolen scarf around your lower back and wear warm socks on your feet.

    Energy of softness

    Mental softness -the main emotion of winter. Softness is one of the defining words in qigong: the softer the body, the less clamps and tension in it, the fewer obstacles to the movement of energy and blood.

    In winter, it is useful to speak quietly for at least 30 minutes, walk easily, take objects carefully, try to be level and calm. It is good to imagine your body consisting of soft white cosmic clay for a few seconds and perform the massage in this way.

    Everything will also replace winter - autumn, and spring - winter, but we will enter a new round of the invisible circle of changes by others: stronger, stronger and younger.

    From Svetlana's diary

    I also want to learn to speak as gently, quietly and calmly as Lyudmila Borisovna. She coos with us during the whole Qigong class. I think that in general it is necessary to speak in such a tone, as if we were cradling our child. Here he closes his eyes, we are so pleased to look at his treasure, and at this time we purr something. It seems to me that the vibrations of such a voice are very beneficial for others and for our own body. And how our loved ones would be surprised at such an intonation! So far, my voice is shrill, as one woman said. I was so sad when I heard this. I myself do not like some voices on the radio: alarming, depressing bad mood... It turns out that she did not go far from them. So there is a goal, I will learn to speak fluently, softly and easily. By the way, these three words are key in mastering the secrets of qigong. The movements in this ancient gymnastics should also be smooth, soft and light. And I am very happy that I got acquainted with this unusual and amazing gymnastics. I think that thanks to her, many more different discoveries await me.

    acute diseases kidney; congenital pathologies;
    - the last stages of pathological disorders.

    Indications include:

    - the presence of edema on the arms, legs, face;
    - nephritis, pyelonephritis of initial and moderate;
    - stones and sand, kidney congestion.

    The degree of impairment in the kidneys is specified according to the reflex zones on the patient's body, namely, from the pain perception of the reflex zone number 5 on the left wrist (Fig. 5), and on the patient's back.

    Stimulation of the kidneys begins from the position of the patient lying on his back with legs bent at the knees. Before stimulation, it is checked for the dependence of violations on the first circle of interactions, if such a connection is traced, then actions aimed at therapy of the "A" circle are performed and only after its passage, they begin the stage of kidney therapy. If there is no connection, then the task becomes easier, you can start stimulating.

    The person performing the stimulation is to the right or left of the patient.

    The first pressure on the abdomen is done on the side with the greatest kidney impairment. The pressure is applied through the anterior abdominal wall, through the spasmodic small intestine on the perirenal space until the patient feels pain.

    The pressure on the abdomen takes place approximately at the border of the first third of the horizontal segment from the navel to the mid-lateral line of the body (axillary line), displaced from it upward by the width of the patient's index and middle fingers together; when stimulating the right kidney, the pressure is applied on the navel line. The navel will act as a reference point in determining the location of the perirenal space stimulation zone through which kidney therapy is performed (Fig. 42).

    Pressure, as in previous cases, is carried out according to the technique described earlier.

    The pain during pressing can radiate to the back, if the disease is chronic, in some cases it can give off pain in the heart, sometimes there may be a feeling of shortness of breath.

    As soon as the patient feels pain in the pressure zone during pressing, the pressure is suspended at this level of pressing, the time is maintained within three minutes. After the pain disappears, the doctor's hand is displaced upward from the original place of pressure and a new pressure is performed in a new place until painful (photo 43).

    The next pressure is applied to the area below the starting point of the pressure. The next pressure is performed at the interface between the small and large intestines. The pressing hand is placed on the abdominal wall at an angle towards the kidney and the perirenal space is pressed from the side.

    The higher the degree of impairment in the kidneys, the longer it takes to wait for the pain at the point of pressure to disappear. With daily work to improve the condition of the kidneys, there is a greater penetration of the fingers into the abdomen due to the relaxation of the anterior abdominal wall, a reduction in the time until the pain disappears when pressed and a reduction in the area of \u200b\u200bpainfulness, while improving the bowel function.

    The first stimulations often give a change in the color of urine, it becomes darker in color and thick, saturated with sedimentary structures.

    The condition of the perineal space improves and the kidney begins to function better. Such stimulation results in the disappearance of the sand and often the dissolution of the formed kidney stones.

    In some cases, experienced chiropractors seek to eliminate the kidney cyst by improving blood circulation in it and the perirenal space.

    An additional variant of the method can be considered as stimulation, which is performed from the patient's position on his side (Photo 44). When stimulating the left kidney, for example, the patient is placed on the right side and the pressure is applied through the anterior abdominal wall to the perirenal space until pain appears, a time delay is given, etc., according to the methods described earlier. Further, similar actions are performed with the other kidney.

    After completing the work on the abdomen, the patient is turned over with the abdomen and the next stage of kidney therapy is performed. Warm up painful zones on the back, reflexively associated with renal disorders, that is, it indirectly affects them.

    On the back, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe kidneys, the Pasternatsky test is carried out. Tapping the area of \u200b\u200bthe kidneys on the back, they stop at the areas where the tapping responds with internal pain, in these areas the movement of the hand through which they are tapped is paused, and the tapping is performed until the pain response disappears. The tapping is carried out very carefully, in time - within a minute in one area.

    Thus, the entire kidney zone on the back in the lumbar region is tapped out, preferably until there is no painful response.

    If the process of disrupting the work of the kidneys has gone deep, then when tapping, the complete disappearance of pain is not achieved, but its dullness is observed, which for the first stimulations is quite normal occurrence... With subsequent stimulations, the pain will be relieved, and the time spent on pain relief will be reduced, which will indicate the correct implementation of the actions.

    Kidney massage. General Provisions

    The massaged person lies on his back. You need to massage with the right hand in the area of \u200b\u200bthe projection of the right kidney. At this time, the left hand does the same technique on the lumbar region, also on the right. After that, the same is done on the left side. Movements should be directed from front to back. Apply circular rubbing, pushing, shaking, stroking.

    The massage is carried out in a differentiated manner, taking into account the indications.

    Probing the kidneys

    The kidneys lie in the lumbar region on the psoas muscle and are normally not palpable. When the kidneys are displaced, they become accessible to palpation. There are several ways to feel the kidney. The kidney is probed in a standing and lying position. To feel the kidney in a standing position, the patient tilts the body forward to weaken the abdominal muscles. When feeling the right kidney, the masseur's right hand presses on the stomach from the right side, the left one lies on the lumbar region under the last rib and raises the psoas muscle along with the kidney lying on it to the right hand.

    When feeling the left kidney, the masseur puts his right hand on the lumbar region, and lifts the kidney with his left from the side of the abdomen.
    When palpating the kidney in a supine position, the patient lies on his back, as when performing an abdominal massage. The masseur puts his hands in the same way as when lifting and feeling the kidney in a standing position, with the only difference that when feeling the left kidney, the massage therapist, in view of the lesser force in the left hand, puts the left hand on the back of the lumbar region, and with the right pressing on the stomach in front looking for a kidney.

    Strictly speaking, the kidney itself is not massaged. When the kidney is displaced, the abdominal walls and abdomen are massaged in order to strengthen and knead them. On the kidney itself are carried out: elevations and concussions. In the supine position, concussion and lifting are carried out in two types: find the kidney according to the above method, penetrate deeply under its lower edge with the right hand and hold a gentle tremor for 4-5 minutes, interrupting the movement, with long stops for rest of both the patient and the masseur.

    Another type of raising the displaced kidney in the supine position is carried out as follows: with a displaced left kidney, the masseur stands to the right of the patient, puts his left hand on his shoulder, tries to bring his right hand as deep as possible into the abdominal cavity, captures the kidney and trembles, at the same time leads the hand up inward towards the spine. Withdrawing his hand, he puts it back in its original place to repeat the movement.
    When trembling in the area of \u200b\u200bthe right kidney, the same is done, only the masseur stands to the left of the patient, trembling and lifting is performed with his left hand.

    Anatomical features of the kidneys

    The excretory organs perform an important function of cleansing tissues from wastes (salt, urea, etc.) spent in the process of metabolism. These include: kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra.

    The kidney, right and left, each weighing about 150 g, are located in the retroperitoneal space of the abdomen. The right kidney is located at the level of the XII thoracic - upper half of the III lumbar vertebrae, the left kidney - at the level of the lower half of the XI thoracic - II lumbar vertebrae. The following organs are located near the kidneys: a) behind - the lumbar part of the diaphragm, the psoas muscle and the quadratus lumbar muscle; b) in front of the right kidney - the right lobe of the liver, the right bend of the colon and the descending part duodenum, in front of the left kidney - stomach, tail of the pancreas, spleen; c) above each kidney - the adrenal gland.

    Kidney covered own shell - a fibrous capsule consisting of connective tissue. The fibrous capsule is adjacent to the kidney substance, but weakly adhered to it and can be easily separated. Around the kidney there is an accumulation of adipose tissue - a fatty capsule, and outside of it - the renal fascia. The fat capsule is adjacent to the fibrous capsule and is more pronounced on the posterior surface of the kidney. The renal fascia encompasses the fat capsule and has two leaves - anterior and posterior. The kidneys are covered with the peritoneum only in front.

    The membranes of the kidney, together with the renal vessels, are its fixing apparatus. In some people, there is a relaxation of the fixing apparatus of the kidney, and it shifts from its place, sometimes ending up in the pelvic cavity. Such a kidney is called a wandering kidney.

    The kidney is bean-shaped. It distinguishes between the anterior and posterior surfaces, the lateral and medial edges, the upper and lower poles. The lateral edge is convex, and the medial edge is concave and has a groove - the renal gate. The renal artery, renal vein, lymphatic vessels, nerves accompanying the renal artery in the form of a plexus, and the ureter pass through the kidney gate. The gate of the kidney continues into a depression surrounded by the substance of the kidney - the renal sinus. The renal sinus is occupied by the small and large renal cups, the renal pelvis, nerves and blood vessels surrounded by fiber. There are 8-12 small cups, they are in the form of wide, but short tubes. Each small cup at one end encloses the protrusion of the renal substance - the renal papilla, and at the other end it continues into the large cup. Large cups 2-3; merging, they form a funnel-shaped renal pelvis, which, narrowing, passes into the ureter. The wall of the renal cups and pelvis consists of a mucous membrane, a layer of smooth muscle cells and a connective tissue layer.

    The use of vibrators is acceptable. It is advisable to preserve all the basic principles of therapy.

    After the stimulation, a decrease in fatigue is observed, excessive sweating disappears, the back is freed from tension and muscle ties, the patient's well-being improves.

    It should be noted that the system for the diagnosis of renal disorders in visceral chiropractic is significantly superior to clinical studies, and this allows you to identify violations and prevent the development of the disease in its very embryo. Sometimes it helps to eliminate blue under the eyes, any puffiness lower limbs, lead the prevention of osteochondrosis.

    The use of herbs in these cases implies their complex effect on the circles of interactions, as well as on the perirenal spaces, with stagnation in them.

    As a control of the state of the kidneys, you can use red beets, which, in case of disorders in the kidneys, gives a pink-colored urine, as their condition improves, the urine after eating the beets ceases to be colored.

    The secrets of traditional oriental medicine have made their way to all corners of the world. The techniques are striking in their effectiveness and are suitable for prevention and treatment. wide range diseases. Chinese massage successfully combines a whole range of techniques, so the approach to the patient is highly individual and gives the most favorable result.

    In ancient times, Chinese healers considered disease prevention a priority over cure. Then the expression appeared: "The real doctor is not the one who fights with the disease, but the one who does not allow its formation." At the present time, when a minority has family doctors, people have to look for ways to stay healthy on their own, without proper knowledge and experience.

    Physiotherapy began to actively gain popularity not only among celebrities and professional athletes, everyone has the opportunity to improve their health with the help of secret practices.

    In ancient times, hygiene was neglected in Europe. There were even misconceptions that washing was unhealthy. In China, however, special attention has always been paid to the purity of the body. For procedures of this kind were general strengthening activities: sunbathing, gymnastics, baths, meditation, physiotherapy.

    Road through the ages:

    • The first manuscript to mention manual techniques was a work called The Art of the Body. The period of creation of this list of techniques is 2500-2600 years. BC. The book contains the rationale therapeutic action different techniques and for what diseases they are performed.
    • In the 9th century BC. appeared the manuscript "Nei Ching" - a book about the inner man... It consists of a description of diseases in which it is appropriate to help the patient not only with medicines, but also with physiotherapy. For example, back massage is effective for neuralgic diseases and problems with the cardiovascular system. In medicine, there are cases when, due to severe fright or nervous tension, a massive blockage of blood vessels occurred, which provoked numbness of the limbs or the whole body.
    • In the VI century A.D. the world's first state educational institution was legalized, in which medical training was carried out. Students mastered massage techniques as an independent compulsory discipline. If knowledge in this direction was not deep enough, the status of a doctor was not assigned.
    • The era of the Tang Dynasty is another milestone in the growth of the importance of massage practice. It has become one of seven officially recognized branches of medicine. The profession of a massage therapist was perceived on a par with surgery.
    • In the 16th century, a 64-volume encyclopedia was published called San-Tsai-Tu-gosi. This treatise described everything possible techniques, movement and technique according to the classification, which is used now.

    The youngest systematization of the basics of massage techniques saw the world at the suggestion of the doctor Kan-Fu about 1000 years ago. This version can be called final, it is still being addressed now.

    Many people associate this technique with acupuncture, but everything is not so clear and simple.

    Types of techniques

    Physiotherapy technique has an extensive classification, but we will focus on popular practices that work with points or common areas.

    Vacuum - canned

    An effective, deep method of healing. Promotes the concentration of the body's resources in the desired area to relieve pain, accelerate metabolic processes and the flow of bodily fluids. The result of the full course is weight loss with the help of special devices or hardware exposure.

    Guasha - scraper

    The oldest method. The impact on the zones occurs on the whole body and face with a scraper. There are three subspecies: cosmetic, prophylactic, therapeutic and diagnostic. It differs from the acupuncture method of influence and in that it captures large reflex areas. Therefore, it does not need precise definition of points.


    Aimed at awakening the life force - Chi. By activating the flows in the neck and head, they achieve an improvement in brain function, psycho-emotional background and strengthening of the spirit. Before the session, the master drinks a glass of clean water and rubs his palms to warm up the skin.

    Tuina - point

    The technique requires a scrupulous knowledge of the map of reflex points on the bodily meridians.

    Photo: reflexology


    • rejuvenation;
    • getting rid of pain syndrome;
    • release of endorphins;
    • rush of blood to areas of localization of pathological processes.

    It is worth considering separately acupressure of the legs. Chinese healers asserted that all life lines are directed to the feet, on which the projection of organs and their systems is displayed.

    The meridians of the body are conditional lines along which energy bioelectric impulses pass.

    This technique is divided into acupuncture and acupressure, depending on the type of impact on the reflex areas.

    Difference between acupressure and acupuncture

    Both treatments use the energy of the body in the right areas. But if acupuncture is practiced everywhere, then acupuncture is subject exclusively to competent masters.

    Have healthy person Qi flows in the body are continuous and equally stable in all zones. Imbalance leads to disease. Acupressure and acupuncture harmonize the flows through the stimulation of the necessary points and meridians, which are conductors of energy.

    What is similar between the two forms of exposure:

    • belong to traditional Chinese medicine;
    • it is assumed a mechanical effect on the human body in certain areas to stimulate bioenergy;
    • from the point of view of official medicine, they are a kind of reflexology.

    Not so many factors are united by consonant names. Now let's look at the differences.

    Acupuncture - acupuncture:

    Acupressure - point effect:

    Modern science completely denies the existence of Qi energy, as well as meridians in the human body. But this does not negatively affect the results of a properly performed massage.

    The effectiveness of Chinese technology

    The health-improving effect arising as a response to work with a specific bioenergetic zone occurs due to an increase in blood flow to the desired area.

    Depending on the type of massage and the end goal, the following improvements occur:

    1. Organs and tissues receive the necessary oxygen supply, metabolic processes are activated.
    2. Decay products are removed from the body faster.
    3. The muscles relax, and the sore throat disappears without a trace due to the active excretion of lactic acid.
    4. The body is quickly cleansed at the cellular level, which has a positive effect on the immune system.
    5. The massive production of endorphins helps in the fight against pain, as "happiness hormones" are able to block these sensations.
    6. Turgor skin significantly increases, and the skin acquires a healthy fresh tone. Small mimic folds disappear and deep ones become less noticeable.
    7. The oval of the face is tightened.
    8. The functionality of the internal organs is adjusted.
    9. Cellulite disappears.
    10. The figure becomes toned and takes on an aesthetically pleasing outline.
    11. The energy balance is restored, the efficiency increases, the stress state goes away.

    The list of positive effects is long, but not everyone is allowed these procedures.

    In what cases massage is used

    • arthritis;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • chronic bronchitis or tracheitis;
    • mizoite;
    • hypertension and hypotension;
    • sciatica;
    • insomnia;
    • decreased performance due to fatigue or nervous exhaustion;
    • poor memory;
    • mental fatigue;
    • stress;
    • depressive state;
    • toothache;
    • disturbed digestion process;
    • gastrointestinal diseases with symptoms of heartburn, gastralgia, problems with stools;
    • runny nose and other colds;
    • cough;
    • allergy;
    • ear ache;
    • impaired metabolism;
    • dermatological diseases;
    • impotence;
    • painful menstruation;
    • gynecological pathology;
    • a sore spine;
    • problems of the musculoskeletal system;
    • cramps of the calf muscles;
    • loose skin;
    • age-related manifestations;
    • cellulite.

    If the goal of therapy is to lose weight, the areas responsible for appetite are stimulated. So it turns out to reduce the need for food, and the body begins to consume resources from the "bins" of the body. There are areas that block the flow of fats into the bloodstream, which prevents their subsequent deposition.

    In sports practice, point technique has an almost indestructible reputation. it quick way get rid of hypertonia, dyspepsia, sprains and other unpleasant consequences after training.

    Children are advised to do this massage for:

    • improve memory and common activities brain;
    • increasing efficiency;
    • strengthening immunity;
    • digestion and appetite settings;
    • strengthening sleep;
    • getting rid of cough and runny nose;
    • concentration of attention;
    • reducing hyperactivity;
    • removal of nervous excitability.

    Who can be harmed by the procedure

    The presence of the following restrictions causes a temporary or permanent ban on acupuncture physiotherapy:

    • increased body temperature;
    • fever;
    • appendicitis;
    • tuberculosis;
    • heart attack;
    • congenital heart defect;
    • kidney pathology;
    • stage II, III hypertension;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • neoplasms;
    • diseases associated with blood;
    • thrombophlebitis;
    • ulcers;
    • psychological disorders;
    • pregnancy;
    • menstruation;
    • exacerbation of the inflammatory process of the facial nerve.

    Acupressure massage is prohibited in a state of alcoholic, drug intoxication or on an empty stomach.

    The effect of the procedure can be unpredictable during the period of sudden changes in atmospheric pressure.

    The specialist has the right to refuse to provide massage to elderly people or children under two years of age.

    Face massage

    It is carried out to rejuvenate and increase skin turgor. There are several types.

    Thematic material:

    The technique is aimed at removing toxins and toxins from the dermis. Additionally, muscle clamps are removed and the work of the lymphatic drainage system is adjusted.

    As a result of the massage:

    • metabolic processes are activated;
    • tissue regeneration increases;
    • the skin becomes firm, smooth and healthy in color.

    It is carried out with special jade plates, which are moved along the skin of the face moistened with cream. Cosmetic substances are selected only natural, from various extracts of medicinal plants. The beneficial effects of jade on the patient's skin and energy body helps to restore Qi circulation. This material relaxes the muscles, relieving the nervous system from unnecessary stress.

    It turns out a harmonious combination of lymphatic drainage, plastic, osteopathic massage and reflexology. Capillary circulation is significantly improved.

    The technique is suitable for elderly patients and is becoming an alternative to Botox injections.

    A session in the salon consists of the following stages:

    1. Thorough cleaning and toning of the skin.
    2. Lymphatic drainage.
    3. The massage itself using the gua sha technique.
    4. Point therapy.
    5. Rejuvenating mask.
    6. Additional moisturizing and nourishment of the skin with cosmetics.

    It goes well with any cosmetic procedure.

    Point - acupressure

    The most functional technique of Chinese anti-aging practice. The essence lies in the rhythmic stimulation of the main biologically active zones. Tissue cells are saturated with oxygen, blood circulation is stabilized in all, even hard-to-reach areas, thereby accelerating metabolism. The muscles of the facial skeleton are worked out, which significantly slows down the natural aging processes. There is an active synthesis of endorphins.

    Session stages: preparatory procedures and main massage.

    Preliminary manipulations consist of treating the face with herbal lotion, less often with a scrub. Steaming hot compresses are used to increase blood flow.

    In addition to the rejuvenating effect, the procedure promotes healing and healing from many diseases of the respiratory tract.


    Classics of Chinese aesthetic medicine. Its task is to prevent the formation of new folds and deepening of existing wrinkles.

    At home, ordinary spoons are used for this procedure. In the salon there is a special massager connected to the mains and working on the principle of micro-vibration massage.

    Acupressure points of the face

    For a home session, familiarize yourself with the location of the most effective zones and how to massage them:

    • we rub in the middle of the forehead, and then we do rhythmic pressure for 2 minutes, during which about 70 presses need to be done;
    • rub in the middle of the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows for 2 minutes;
    • we do synchronous pressure on the wings of the nose for 1.5 minutes;
    • press on the back of the nose, into the articulation of the bone with cartilage for 2 minutes;
    • rhythmically press on the cheekbones (1 cun from the lower eyelid along the pupil line) for 1-2 minutes.

    Tsun is the smallest measure of length for calculating the distance between biologically active points.

    Educational lesson

    Foot massage

    During the procedure, the foot and less often the ankle are massaged. The greatest concentration of biologically active points falls on the plane of the lower extremity.

    It is used to treat various ailments:

    • urinary incontinence;
    • constipation;
    • hemorrhoids;
    • depression;
    • acne;
    • stress.

    This list is much longer because, according to Chinese wisdom, the projection of all organs is displayed on the foot.

    The advantages of technology are in complete safety and the absence of adverse consequences. Even during pregnancy, foot massage can solve many health problems without the use of medications, which are mostly contraindicated.

    Acupressure points

    The type of exposure depends on the selected area and the intended result. Most often, rhythmic presses, rubbing and light vibrations are used.

    Video of the procedure

    Back massage

    In addition to acupuncture with fingers and devices, the gua sha technique and acupuncture are actively practiced in this area.

    During the procedure, the lower back, neck, shoulders and back are involved. It is used to treat some concomitant diseases, relieve pain, stress and load from the skeleton. The lumbar region is stimulated when treating the reproductive system of men and women.

    The impact on trigger (painful) points should be with increasing intensity, but unhurried.

    Photo: acupressure points

    Techniques of influence

    For correct execution make movements like this:

    • Kneading. The thumb pad is located on a point and makes circular gestures in a single amplitude, 1 per second.
    • Pressure. The main movement in acupressure practice. Used only after warm-up. Rhythmically, with increasing intensity.
    • Rubbing. It is performed with the fingertips. If the zone is located on a large muscle, it is done with the palm of your hand.
    • Pushing. The process involves the palmar and radial surfaces of the thumb. The movement is directed towards the center with increasing intensity.
    • Stroking. It is performed with the pad of the finger. On symmetrical zones it is synchronous.
    • Piercing. There are one-finger and two-finger. The first is done with the thumb or forefinger in a straightened or bent state. In the second case, the thumb and middle fingers are used, tightly pressed against each other.
    • Vibration. Rhythmic impulses are transmitted through the finger or palm to the treated area.
    • Cutting. Similar to vibration, but performed with a fingernail.

    If you have already attended a Chinese massage session or are practicing it at home, leave your feedback with the results of the procedure and your impressions of it.

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