Central Asian turtle disease. Diseases of land turtles at home

Often, incorrect care and content is the result of the fact that the turtles appear a variety of types of diseases. If the animal owner observes the first symptoms of the disease, the panic begins. But in most situations there is no reason for the panic, of course, if the symptoms are revealed immediately and the breeder assists its pet. Initially, it is necessary to determine the cause and symptoms of the disease and only after that you need to begin treatment. It is recommended to test a pet for inspection to the doctor, which can accurately diagnose and help with treatment. If there is no competent doctor that you need to know all kinds of diseases of the turtles, their symptoms and how to treat.


Often, water species reptile sees the disease called Otitis, in other words, this is inflammation of the ears. The disease is caused by no observance of the purity of the water of their home. Not so often, no chance can appear in ground rocks. These types of Otitis can only be caused by not a warm temperature indoors or a lack of heating instruments.

The reason for which Otitis may appear is injury to tissue, a small amount of vitamin A, pliers or other types of infections. As a rule, Otitis appears due to improper content. The disease is quite dangerous and for treatment will require an operation. If the owner notices the sign of Otitis, namely tumors in the ear body or on the paws of the reptile, then you need to contact the doctor. He will definitely say, the operation will be required or not, and will be able to assign a course of therapy.


Inflammation of the lungs occurs when the content of reptiles in low temperatures, the appearance of a disease during dehydration or supercooling is possible. Such a disease has certain symptoms:

  1. Turtle is nothing.
  2. Floats only on the side.
  3. Can do sounds, like whistle or rat.
  4. The mucus appears, it looks like a foam that comes out of the mouth or nose.
  5. Turtle sneezes and coughs.
  6. Activity is lost.

When viewing the nasopharynx reptiles, you can see that the nasal holes are scored by gently. If such symptoms are observed, then you should immediately act, otherwise the pet can die for several days and even hours. Treatment can be carried out even at home. Initially, antibiotics and other drugs will be required:

  1. Ringer-Locke solution is sold in conventional pharmacies.
  2. Syringes of 0.3 ml, 5-10 ml and 1 ml.
  3. 2.5% Baitril is sold in a pharmacy for animals.

Many are interested in how to make turtle injections. To do this, you need to understand what it will be introduced. For example, an antibiotic ourselves in the front paws, the drug Ringer-Locke is ourselves as follows:

  1. An animal is fixed down head.
  2. The air is produced from the syringe, and the skin should not be processed with alcohol, then the needle is entered into the region of the groove fox in front of the rear paws.
  3. The skin and muscle should be punctured, and the needle itself goes to the front paws.
  4. If the needle entered correctly, the blood, urine and other contents should not get into the syringe.

The first injection of the turtle at pneumonia is made on the day of identifying symptoms. Baitril ourselves in a dosage of 0.2 ml per 1 kg of mass into the front paw, namely in shoulder part. Pricking should be late in three days. Total will need 5 injections. A tool is used together with Ringer's solution. If after 3 days the turtle does not feel improvements, you need to turn to the branch.

Renal failure

For reasons, it should be attributed:

  1. Conditions rEDUCED TEMPERATURE.
  2. Incorrect diet, a large amount of meat, bread and other harmful meals.
  3. Dehydration (wintering near the battery).

There are reasons for which the breeder does not affect:

  1. Incorrect exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body.
  2. Cloaca infections or urinary tract, as a rule, the land turtle is exposed.
  3. The effects of toxins that affect the kidneys.
  4. Disadvantage or large amount of vitamin A.

It is possible to identify such a notch by a large list of factors:

  1. In the urine reptiles there is no salt.
  2. The body weight decreases.
  3. Pets do not eat.
  4. In rare cases, vomiting may be caused.
  5. Paws and neck can be swept away in land.
  6. The shell and bones are softened.
  7. Sweep your eyes.
  8. Sillar fragrance at urine or feces.
  9. Under the shell, you can see stagnation of liquids.

If the symptoms described is revealed, then it is not recommended to treat the turtle on their own. It is better to turn to the branch. The disease is quite dangerous and, as a rule, breeders are detected at the last stages.

Injuries and burns

Often, such reptiles can be injured, and the most common injuries can be attributed:

  1. Burns.
  2. Fractures of the limbs or shells.
  3. Wounds on the skin.
  4. Ears.

Light injuries that are not larger in size should be treated with chlorhexidine or furacilin. You can also use dioxidine for washing wounds. After the damage is processed, it is necessary to apply the drug, which can be heated by the wound, but the use of iodine and other means with alcohol is prohibited.

If the wounds are open and bleed, the reptile should be placed for a couple of days in a container with a special film, which is used in medicine or with napkins. This will not be infected with the animal additionally to the injury.

After a couple of days, the pet can again be left in the aquarium and get enough for injuries for a couple of hours. When there is a healing process and characteristic crust appears, then you can use ointment, which quickly heal wounds, such as a rescuer.

The bruises in reptiles themselves pass, but the treatment of burns is carried out from a doctor or independently, to handle damage and then apply the means, for example, panthenol or left-volume. The remaining injuries should be treated only at the doctor.


This ailment is very common among the turtles. It can be attributed to his symptoms:

  1. Swollen eyes.
  2. Pump, which accumulates under the lower eyelid.
  3. Pet ceases to eat.

The main factor of the appearance of the disease is too much or a little vitamin A. As a result of the disease, it can be provoked renal failure. Considering this, it is necessary to treat a parable only by a doctor.

Diseases of the mouth

Reptiles like people may be subjected to herpes virus and sick stomatitis. As a rule, this is due to a lack of vitamin D or with a large number of vitamin A. If you pay attention to the bite of reptile and at the diet, everything will be normal. But if the violation does not correct, then diseases appear, associated with the mouth. Stomatitis has the following signs:

  1. Red or pale mucosa in oral cavity, as well as with big swelling.
  2. There are extended vessels in the mouth.
  3. A large number of saliva foaming consistency, which accumulates in the mouth.
  4. There is a pus in the oral cavity.

If such symptoms are seen, then you need a veterinarian help, to install an accurate and correct diagnosis.

Stomatitis is inflated for other reptiles, so it is necessary to treat a patient from others before. In addition, it will be necessary to increase the temperature regime by several degrees from the standard mode.

The disease passes rather difficult and, as a rule, the turtle does not withstand and dies, therefore it is not recommended to treat such a subsection.

Herpes is more sick of land species. The basis of the manifestation of infection is in incorrect content or if the hibernation was incorrectly carried out. To symptoms include:

  1. Large saliva selection.
  2. Eye mucus.
  3. Yellow raid in language and erosion.
  4. An animal constantly wants to sleep.
  5. Opens your mouth.

If the red turtle opens the mouth and she is noticed by lethargy, then it may also be sick with stomatitis or herpes. You need to get acquainted with the symptoms and contact the doctor. Treatment is carried out using injections, but in some cases they cannot help the pet.

Stomach tympania

Such a disease is observed in water reptiles, for example, in red turtles. The reason is the lot of food intake and lack of calcium. The symptoms include:

  1. Pet floats always on the right side.
  2. Cal may be with non-digested slices of food.
  3. Vomiting.
  4. Lost and refusal of food.

If the red turtle is not, sluggish and constantly sleeps, then the treatment is carried out only by the veterinarian. If the pet is active and does not refuse food, you can be treated on your own. This requires such funds:

  1. Eleovit is applied at a dose of 0.6 ml per 1 kg of mass.
  2. ENPUMISAN for children at the rate of 1 ml of the means on the same amount of water, 2 ml is used per 1 kg of mass.
  3. Calcium burguluconate veterinary 20%. 1 ml is used per 1 kg of mass. Used every 2 days 5-7 times a day

How to make an injection is already known, therefore, difficulties with therapy should not arise.

Dermatitis and other infections

There are similar infections and viruses of turtles, exclusively in aquatic breeds. A frequent cause of occurrence is incorrect care, or rather a small temperature, both in water and on land, dirty water and so on. The signs belong:

  1. Peeling skin cover or his detachment on the folds.
  2. In the water on the affected areas of the skin behind the White Piestic.
  3. Frightened acne is formed on the skin.
  4. After combing the skin, traces of red color remain.
  5. Parts of the shell are numbered.
  6. A large number of ulcers are formed and necrosis of the shell can begin.

Often this disease is accompanied by blood infection. The disease passes difficult, and the course of therapy is 2-3 weeks. What to do in this case? Initially, it will be necessary to isolate a pet from other turtles. Next, you need to change everything in the aquarium and increase the temperature, improve meals, process the aquarium with disinfectants.

Treatment of the red turtle from dermatitis and infection is carried out like this:

  1. Course is carried out by baytril.
  2. Every day you have to bathen in the bath with a solution of betada. The procedure is carried out half an hour for 14 days.
  3. Methylene blue is added to the water of the aquarium, according to the instructions. The course is 30 days.
  4. Used vitamin complex and UV rays.
  5. Banocin is additionally used.

If the shell began to give cracks, then you need to contact the doctor.


Rickets at the turtle arises due to the lack of calcium. This is caused by improper power and disadvantage of UV irradiation. The main symptoms include:

  1. In young reptiles, which only began to be formed, maybe a soft shell, but he must harden for the one-year-old age. It is also possible to deform the bones, as the result, the jaw, paws and shell changes.
  2. In individuals who older than one year, the shell softened and may fall through his third from the back. He has stripes appear, and the color acquires light tones, Carapaks breaks without any reasons, soft plastrons.
  3. Old features, the color of the shell quickly becomes light, but the structure and hardness does not change.

In addition to the main symptoms of such a disease, another list also needs to be attributed. The symptoms described below appear in a different period of life of the reptile:

  1. An animal can only move with the help of the front paws.
  2. The beak is changing in shape.
  3. Paws often break without any reasons.
  4. Waterfowls do not go to their island, and swim in water low enough, almost along the bottom of the aquarium.
  5. In the shields you can see the accumulation of liquids.
  6. A mucous membrane appears on the skin, and the leather sticky to the touch itself. In the folds, yellow flakes are noticed.

Alternatively, only branch is diagnosed. It is not recommended to engage in self-medication without an accurate diagnosis.

Overabion or shortage of vitamin A

If the red turtle is constantly sleeping, then maybe she just fell into a hibernation, otherwise she could have a lack or overabundance of vitamin A in the body. It is provoked by improper feeding of a pet. In pregnant reptiles, such a problem may cause incorrect development of the fetus. To symptoms include:

  1. Rubble.
  2. Molting problems.
  3. Peeling of skin seats.
  4. Necrotic stomatitis.
  5. Eyelids begin to swell.
  6. Slap shields.
  7. Horn fabrics grow.
  8. Different organs from Cloaca can fall out.
  9. General exhaustion and refusal of food.

If there is not enough vitamin A, then you need to add it in the food itself. For land species, you can apply carrots or dandelion, and animal feeds are used for water, as well as the liver. Once in 7 days you can add vitamins in powder form.

For medical treatment The vitamin preparation is used by Eleovit and 1 ml of syringe. The course of therapy is 2-3 weeks. It is better not to use other substitutes, especially if it is oil droplets or preparations for people. Such means are toxic and on their use, the pet can be killed.

The injection is carried out in the back of the pet. One vaccine is entered only once a week for 2 weeks. If necessary, you can increase the course up to 3 weeks. For water species, a dose is used 0.6 ml per 1 kg of mass, and 0.8 ml per 1 kg of weight is used for land.


Having studied the questions, why the reddish turtle opens his mouth, falls asleep or has other symptoms of disease, and also familiarized with the varieties of diseases can be made a preliminary diagnosis at home. But to install an accurate diagnosis, it is recommended to go to the doctor for the inspection of a pet and only after that begin treatment. After all, if the turtle sleeps, then it may not be a disease, but an ordinary hibernation. By the way proper nutrition, Care and content all diseases will be bypassing the pet side.

1. Change water for drinking and bathing daily (and if necessary, several times a day).

2. Disinfect water tank.

3. If in the terrarium some water fell on the ground, replace it.

4. Remove the remains of feces from terrarium or aviary.

Please note that you must contact the veterinarian consultation, since I do not have a special education.

Cold - Rubber - Pneumonia

In most cases, the turtles are closed due to supercooling or drafts.

How do I recognize the cold?

1. Irregular, difficult breathing.

2. The mucous allocations or the formation of bubbles in the nose or mouth.

3. Frequent feedback from feeding.

4. Probably apathy.

5. Wars with breathing.

You must isolate the patient turtle from the rest and contain it at 29-30 ° C. If the condition does not improve, contact the veterinarian immediately! In the absence of complications, complete recovery is most likely. If the cold is progressing, it will not do without antibiotics.

Rectal prolapse

The reasons for the loss of the rectum (rectal prolapse) are the most diverse! This may occur due to an anatomical intestinal development defect or be caused by eating foreign bodies. It is necessary to observe the specializing veterinarian.

How do I recognize the loss of the rectum?

The straight intestines protrudes from Cloaca. (Attention! Do not confuse with penis!)

The vet with lubrication will return the intestine to the original position. Recovery is quite likely.


The cause of diarrhea is most often bad or non-fodder. In addition, the diarrhea is possible due to the intestinal injury.

How do I recognize the diarrhea?

Fekes Cashevy, liquid or have a sharp smell.

1. An abnormal chair (sometimes worms are present in feces).

2. Strong weight loss.

3. Possible apathy.

4. Sloped eyes.

You need to make an analysis of the turtle feces and visit the veterinarian. Recommended observation in the clinic. The chances of recovery are very high in the early stages of infection, the more the disease is launched, the more difficult it is to cure.

Intestinal obstruction

How do I recognize the intestinal obstruction?

Irregular chair.

You need to bathe an animal in warm water, solar baths are also possible at a temperature of 30 ° C. If this does not help, consult the veterinarian may need enema. The chances of recovery from the turtle are very high.

Skin damage and wound

Causes may have a different origin, for example, damasses of dogs, cunits, etc.

How do I recognize skin damage or wound?

There is bleeding of a damaged area.

Disinfect the damaged area and place your turtle into quarantine. To do this, you need a separate aquarium, at the bottom of which you need to lay a paper towel. After each meal or defecation, the towel must be changed to clean. Veterinarian for better wound healing can assign special healing agents. The chances of recovery depend on the severity of damage.


The causes of the occurrence of paralysis in the turtle can be the most diverse, in particular infection, poisoning, or damage to the nervous system.

How do I recognize paralysis?

Turtle is very slow.

Please visit your veterinarian. The chances of recovery directly depend on the severity of the disease.

Distation (egg laying delay)

The reason consists in violation of the teaching of eggs caused by improper nesting due to a reduced temperature or a calcium oversupply.

How do I recognize distance?

1. The female digs the nest for eggs, but does not postpone them.

2. Possible apathy.

3. The egg laying begins, but does not end.

4. Failure to eat.

5. Dyspnea.

On the skin of the turtle are small moving points.

Infection of ticks occurs in the aviary.

How do I recognize the bite of the tick?

Little round foreign body in soft tissues, as a rule, on the neck or front paws.

Pull the tick using special mite ticklers. The chances of recovery are good.

[Eye inflammation]

The causes are usually supercooling in combination with low humidity.

How do I recognize eye inflammation?

Eyes closed.

If the eyes are open, the conjunctiva is blushing.

It is possible to release a pus or liquid in an eye corner.

If the conditions of the turtle content are normal, but the eye inflammation has arisen, contact the veterinarian. An animal must be in quarantine before recovery. If the disease is detected on early stageThe probability of recovery is great.

Pancier deformation

The reason for the deformation of the shell is the lack of vitamins and calcium during the period of mature of the turtle.

How do I recognize the deformation of the shell?

The shell has a protrusion.

The deformations occur during the period of cultivation when the young animal grows too rapidly, is flipped over and is contained in a dry medium.

Barcier underdevelopment (Rahit)

The reason is the deficiency of vitamin D, which is caused by an insufficient amount of calcium and UV radiation (sunlight).

How do I recognize Rahit?

Easily deformed.

Cryers on the shell.

Power should be filled with vitamins and minerals. In addition, the veterinarian may assign vitamin injections. Please contact a specialist for selection of necessary treatment.

The probability of recovery is high, however, recurrences are not excluded.

(crack or fracture) arise in most cases by chance, after falling or bite of an animal.

How do I recognize damage to the shell?

The shell is broken or there are cracks on it.

The chances of recovery depend on the severity of the injury. The veterinarian must clear and disinfect the damaged section of the shell. The damaged area must be fixed and is isolated from external influences. The food must include preparations containing calcium.

The reason may be relaxing muscle retractors. This happens only after mating.

How do I recognize the fee of the penis?

Sex member does not return to its original position.

An animal must be placed in quarantine. Place it into an aquarium with a wet cloth. If there will be no improvements for one to two days, refer to the veterinarian. The forecast is positive.


Reasons are usually unknown.

How do I recognize the tumor?

In most cases, there are in the field of soft tissues in the form of growths. Contact your veterinarian! The chances of recovery depend on a number of conditions.


The main reason is poor-quality food.

How do I recognize poisoning?

2. Apathy.

2. Step up while driving.

Visit the veterinarian! The purpose of treatment depends on the severity and nature of poisoning.

Herpes (herpes virus)

In most cases, the infection of the herpes virus leads to a fatal outcome. You must immediately refer to the vet, which may be able to help your animal. However, the probability of this is not large. Special attention should be paid to the turtles that were caught in nature, since they are often carrying herpes.

Video about diseases turtles

IN good conditions Turtles can live tens of years, but it also happens that the pets are sick. Diseases can be a consequence of injury, improper nutrition, colds, contact with patients with animals. On the most common diseases of the turtles and will be discussed in our article.

Rahit in the turtles. It is found not only in humans, but also at the brothers of our smaller. The turtle softened the shell and bones. The reason is the lack of vitamin D and calcium, it can develop due to improper nutrition and insufficient lighting. First, soft sections appear on the shell, then the disease progresses: the shell is deformed, the bones are softened, spontaneous fractures are possible. The twisted shell is an incorrigible pathology. As soon as possible, you need to adjust the diet, increase the light day under the ultraviolet lamp or walk under the sun, under the skin of the burglarukonate calcium (4-10 injections).

Fungus, saprolegniosis. The turtle starts to appear on the shell, it flakes. The affected plates need to be taken on the analysis, after confirmation they need to be cleaned, so as not to allow the pathoral bacteria to penetrate deeper. The affected places are lubricated with antifungal and antibacterial ointments (veterinarian will be prescribed). Saprolegniosis is more common in water turtles: it seems that translucent threads stretch behind the paws. It is necessary to disinfect water, make baths with special drugs, pass the course of antibiotics.

Pneumonia at the turtles. It is often found at the turtles: a small draft or walking along the cold floor. Often animals are cold when transporting or violating the temperature regime. Breathing hoarse, in the oral cavity there is a mucus, a bubble liquid is distinguished from the nose. The turtle increasingly opens the mouth, breathes intermittently. The course of antibiotics is required for 5-7 days (amikacin 5 mg, baytril 5 mg per kilogram of weight and other drugs) also give REPTOCAL and REPTOLIFE, vitamin complexes. Turtle need to ensure heat and peace.

Rinitis and sinusitis. May be one-sided or double sided. First, mucous allocations appear from the nose, the turtle behaves sluggishly, apatically. If the disease is not treated, rhinitis can hit the eyes and ears of the turtle. An animal must be kept in heat away from drafts, maintain temperature regime, rinse the nasal passages with antiseptics with a syringe with a catheter (chlorhexidine, sea salt), give vitamin complexes. If necessary, the veterinarian can write the course of antibiotics.

Loss of rectum or cloaca. The reason may be an injury of the intestinal mucosa (for example, if the turtle ate soil or hard food). The males also observes the fee of the sexual organ, it will be better if the veterinarian enters it. Also Cloaca may fall out due to constipation and enteritis. After the clock is played, the tail is fixed with the adhesive tape, vaseline oil is orally introduced. For a few days, you need to watch the pet, whether there will be no relapse, there are no problems with feces.

Cerapeach conjunctivitis. It is observed redness and inflammation of the eyelids and conjunctival bags, the turtle behaves restlessly, rubs the paws of the eye. The disease can be caused by streptococcal or staphylococcal infection. The course of treatment includes antiseptic ointments (chloramphenicol, tetracycline), antibiotics, immunomodulators.

Malladaptation syndrome. If the turtle was incorrectly transported or changed the conditions of content, the work may break digestive system. An animal refuses food, dehydration is observed, apathetic state, drowsiness. It is necessary to give a turtle anthelmintic agent, regularly bathe in warm water, to make feeding. If there is a serious weight loss, the veterinarian can assign droppers. Antibiotics can also be assigned.

Necrosis, osteomyelitis. In the shell often appear cracks through which the infection can penetrate. If necrosis begins, damaged shields need to be removed, then apply antifungal and antibacterial ointments daily. Osteomyelitis is manifested in the form of reddish rough spots, in the running stage, it leads to the elimination of the shell and damage to the internal organs. The turtle is prescribed injections of chloramphenicol or aminoglycoside, baths with antiseptic preparations, give vitamin complexes, calcium.


Diarrhea (diarrhea) is the leading symptom of a huge number of diseases, with the most different origin.
We will consider here only a few special cases that are most common in terrarium and veterinary practice.

  • Brodyl dyspepsia
  • Rifle diarin
  • Fat dyspepsia
  • Dysbacteriosis
  • "Milk" diarrhea.

Brodyl dyspepsia
Quite a characteristic case - brodyl dyspepsia.
The reasons that cause this symptom are the same as during meteorism. The usual example is dyspepsia after feeding with crude beet.
Fekes have a sour smell (pH about 5). Cloaca is hyperemic, covered with nanilent soil. The disease is often complicated by the clocacte and the loss of cloacuas organs.
In chronic cases, dehydration has a strong load on the renal epithelium. In the thick intestine, the absorption of water group of vitamins and glucose is significantly disturbed. Under these conditions, a conditional pathogenic microflora can be activated, leading to chronic enteritis.

The probe in the stomach is introduced sorbents and cellulose preparations. With severe dehydration, a mixture of ringer-lactate solutions and 5% glucose (1: 1) parenterally.
In the diet increases the proportion of high protein feed (scarlet, bran), as well as coarse green feed.

Rifle diarin
Pinsel diarrhea can be observed in artificial feeding, appointed after long starvation (wintering, illness).
Fekes with dark colors, have a rotten smell and alkaline reaction (pH\u003e 7).
In this case, in addition symptomatic treatment, antibiotics (bajtil) and disintellation therapy are needed.

Fat dyspepsia
Fat dyspepsia in the turtles is usually not directly related to the feed, but is a characteristic symptom hepatosis.

Other frequent cause Diarrhea is dysbacteriosis.
Most bacteria causing diseases in turtles requires the use of antibiotics wide spectrumThe use of which usually ends with dysbacteriosis, and sometimes secondary fungal infection. In the latter case, the turtle feces for 2-3 days can gem hyphams, and it is determined visually in the form of a thin spider pawn.
In the ground turtles normal microflora fine intestine Plays a huge role in the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose and the production of some biologically active substances, including vitamins B6, B12 and K.
Diarrhea associated with dysbacteriosis leads to dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and anemia.
Dysbacteriosis requires a tough diet (mainly gentle greens, carrots and weak fruits and berries).
From medicines prescribed balanced solutions (ISO-REP, Ringer-Locke Tablets) through a probe or parenterally, together with warm baths; KaOPECTATE preparations: KaOPECTATE (UPJOHN), Pectolin (EVSCO) through the probe, probiotics: Avipro (C-Vet), bificol, bifidumbacterin and natural yogurts, a course of vitamin complexes, mainly water-soluble in a conventional scheme, useful to rain the patient with animal fecali from a healthy turtle of that the same species (in the absence of eggs of helminths and oocyst coccidi in analysis).
For the prevention of secondary fungal infection during the long-term course of antibiotic therapy, ketoconazole is assigned (Nizoral, Fungoral) during the entire course.

"Milk diarrhea"
A special case of diarrhea of \u200b\u200bturtles is the "dairy" diarrhea (after feeding with milk, especially with the addition of bread).
The digestive juices of the skulls do not contain the enzyme of lactase, participating in the splitting of milk sugar (lactose) on fructose and galactose. The symbiotic bacteria accumulating in the intestine lactose begin to be used as a substrate, which leads to strong gas products, impaired absorption and sharp drop in the level of vitamin B12.
In acute cases, profuse diarrhea is developing, sometimes vomiting and symptoms of general intoxication.
In the future, the intestinal mucosa swells and becomes inflated, which is fraught with the development of nominal edema, pulmonary and brain edema, clocks prolapse, lathe of the limbs, etc.
In some turtles, the normal intestinal microflora is capable of "cope" with moderate amounts of milk. Such turtles can live quite a long time in the conditions of captivity, withsting a dairy diet. However, with any deterioration general status Or content conditions, equilibrium can break, and the turtle will perish during the day after milk getting.
Especially frequent medical error - Purpose of milk as a dietary feed or a weakly alkaline agent for turtles suffering from ferment dyspepsia, dysbacteriosis or for highly depleted animals.
Treatment Aims to combat intoxication.
In spastic phenomena, antispasmodic drugs are prescribed. In the edema of the intestinal wall (termination of diarrhea and an increase in body weight) -gypertonic enemas and 0.05% prozero in low doses. Orally introduced electrolyte solutions (ISO-REP). Assign a course of lactobacterin in empirical doses within 10-14 days and course B12, 2 times a week for 2 weeks (it is best to use complex drug Catosal, 1 ml / kg intramuscularly).

Diseases of the skulls of the land can be infectious, invasive and unsuccessful. Recognize the disease at an early stage is very difficult, since the turtles have a very slow metabolism and not always in time you can pay attention to the absence of appetite or oppressed state.

Infectious diseases

Ground turtles are often observed infectious diseases respiratory tractcaused by viruses. Some adults are carriers of infections and infect with more weak turtles.

Common infectious diseases

Easy respiratory diseases of the land skulls of the symptoms of which are manifested in liquid discharge from the nose, negatively affect the condition of the internal organs (heart, liver, kidney).

Heavy forms of infectious diseases weaken immunity, and pets become more vulnerable to various diseases.

To determine what the animal is sick, you need to contact the veterinarian and pass general analysis blood. It should also determine the sensitivity of infection to various antibiotics.

  • processing of the eyes and the oral cavity in order to avoid re-infection with infection;

  • the use of symptomatic and substitution therapy;

  • injections of vitamins, antibiotics, the doses of which determines the branch, depending on the complexity of the disease;

  • stimulating the immune system.

Infectious Stomatitis (RTA rotting). Can arise as a result of damage to the dental shell of the mouth. To prevent internal abscesses, local treatment is carried out.

Internal bacterial infections.The disease is typical for the skulls contained in captivity. Bacteria damage internal organsWhat leads to the development of hepatitis, infectious diseases of the heart and kidneys.

Invasive diseases (helminty)

In order to prevent the development of invasive diseases, it is recommended to disinfect the terrarium and feed the pets only by a proven feed.

Common diseases that are not transmitted from individuals to individuals (unsuccessful)

Abscesses. Open wounds provoke bacterial abscesses. Treatment: intramuscular administration Antibiotics and their outdoor use.

Seals I. foreign bodies In the gastroy Newborn turtles swallow everything is particularly dealing with food. They can swallow a completely intimate thing located in the terrarium. Therefore, they are recommended to contain on a solid substrate. Extract unwanted items only by surgical intervention.

The deformation and rotting of the shell - Common diseases of land turtles at home. As a result of malnutrition and wrong, the deformation of the shell is observed, especially often it is manifested in young individuals. Excessive use The salad softens the shell softens, as a result, it develops incorrectly.

The shell rotting causes some infectious diseases or turtle content in improper conditions.

Stones in the bladder. With age in the turtle accumulates urinary acid, forming stones. It happens that the stones of impressive sizes are observed. Running, they cause sharp pain when urination, interfere with walking. Remove pebbles only surgically.

Sugar diabetes in the turtles occurs a little less often, but the diagnosis and appropriate treatment must assign a qualified branch.

Burns. When maintaining a turtle, it is necessary to look for the health of the wiring and is good to isolate the heating appliances. If you do not comply with these requirements, the turtles receive burns of varying degrees.

Classification of burns by gravity:

  • I degree. Epithelium blushes and flakes. Treatment is not required.

  • II degree. It manifests itself in the appearance of bubbles and the accumulation of fluid under the horn layer. For the processing of the burn wound use a napkin moistened in a solution of 70% ethyl alcohol. Bubbles are opened, dead tissue is removed.

  • III degree. Occasion of leather occurs.

  • IV degree. All layers of leather and subcutaneous fabric are donated.

Hemochromatosis. Some animals have iron deposition in the liver. This leads to the development of hepatitis, to the cirrhosis of the liver. Sick features can not be given food and water with a high content of iron.

Eye diseases: cataract, conjunctivitis, cornea ulcers, keratitis. Diseases are hereditary in nature, sometimes develop as a result of damage to infection.

The refusal of the organs may be caused by a strong infection. You can diagnose the disease by making a chemical blood test.

Diseases of the home-made landkin turtle can be provoked by non-compliance, improper nutrition, contact with patients with animals. If the turtles provide proper care and create optimal conditions, they will live very long, do not pain.

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