What sleep schedule should a two-month-old child have? Sleep rates of a child under one year old, from one year to three How much do they sleep at 2 months

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First month after birth baby most spends his time in a dream. As the development proceeds, the needs of the crumbs change, as well as his regime. Health depends on sleep, and also nervous system baby, so young mothers need to familiarize themselves with how much a baby should sleep at 2 months.

Knowing the approximate norms, you can adjust the wakefulness and rest regime. Of course, each baby is individual and if he sleeps less or more hours, then this should not be regarded as a violation.

Sleep features of a two-month-old baby

The child is still restlessly sleeping at 2 months. During this period of life, superficial sleep prevails, that is, the baby does not sleep, but dozes. He listens to everything that is happening and, if he does not feel his mother next to him, can immediately wake up and burst into tears.

The main task of the mother is to make the baby feel safe, then he will sleep better and longer. You should not expect a long sleep from a two-month crumbs. On average, sleep during the day takes 30-40 minutes, in rare cases, 1.5-2 hours. Night rest is longer, sometimes a newborn can sleep without waking up for 6-8 hours. He is awake for less time than he is asleep.

The dream of a child at 2 months is peculiar. The baby can combine feeding with rest. He sucks on the breast, closes his eyes and falls asleep. And this is the norm, there is no need to try to rebuild his regime. As it grows and develops, everything will change.

Also, the sleep features of a two-month-old baby are as follows:

  • During the day, there are 2 long naps of 1.5-2 hours each, as well as 3-4 short ones - 30-40 minutes each.
  • At night, the baby sleeps longer - 2-4 hours, wakes up to eat, and falls asleep while breastfeeding in the mouth. He should not be awake at night.

The rest of an infant at the age of 2 months is 16-18 hours per day. He sleeps less than one month old baby but the duration of sleep increases. Mothers should be prepared that the baby hardly sleeps for more than 3-4 hours in a row, even at night, so they will not be able to get enough sleep either.

In rare cases, babies as young as 2 months sleep through the night without waking up to feed. Usually they sleep 8-9 hours in a row from the age of five months.

When deviations from the norm are not a pathology

If it seems to you that your baby is sleeping too little at 2 months, observe his behavior.

Signs of a lack of sleep in a newborn:

  • moodiness and irritability;
  • drowsiness;
  • poor concentration, unwillingness to play;
  • poor appetite, poor weight gain.

If you experience these symptoms, you should see a doctor. If the child sleeps a little during the day, but remains active and cheerful, then you should not sound the alarm. It happens that a child is 2 months old, and he sleeps like an adult, only 9-10 hours a day. This means that the baby has enough time to gain strength.

A similar situation develops if a child sleeps a lot at 2 months. There is no cause for concern if your baby is active and cheerful during the game, he normally gains weight and height.

The length of sleep depends on the nature of the infant. If the baby has a calm character, then, accordingly, he loves to sleep.

A child who constantly sleeps, does not gain weight well, does not grow, looks painful, lethargic, should be shown to a pediatrician. Lethargy can indicate serious health problems.

We find out how much a child sleeps at 2 months separately during the day and at night.

Night rest

Sleep at night in a two-month-old baby is relatively well established. If the baby falls asleep near her mother's breast, then in an hour he will wake up to have a snack. Try to calm the newborn as quickly as possible at this moment, otherwise he may finally wake up and stay awake midnight.

Normally, the duration of a night's rest is 8-9 hours. Look like this:

  • after the last feeding, the baby can sleep for 4-5 hours, but it can wake up even after 2-3 hours (if he ate poorly, due to the fact that he was too tired);
  • the child wakes up to three times a night for a snack: at 4, 6 and 8 in the morning.

If the baby wakes up too often to suck on the breast, do not deny him this. It is vital for him to cope with stress after childbirth. Put him to sleep next to you.

Infants who are bottle-fed are less likely to wake up to feed because breast milk is digested faster.

Day rest

A two-month-old baby will sleep longer during the day if his mother is constantly present, who will rock him during the awakening period.

The length of the daytime sleep depends on the quietness in the room, the feeling of security, coziness and comfort. An approximate mode looks like this:

  • rise at 6:00;
  • from 7:30 to 9:30 - morning sleep;
  • 11: 00-12: 00 - lunch break;
  • 14: 30-16: 30 - third dream;
  • 18: 00-19: 00 - evening rest;
  • from 21:00 - night sleep.

During the day, the baby never falls into deep sleep, so he sleeps a little. The duration can be either 20 minutes or 2 hours. The main thing is to maintain a balance of long and short daytime dreams.

There are cases when a child needs to be woken up during the day, namely:

  • cumulative daytime rest is longer than nighttime;
  • the baby sleeps for more than three hours.

What to do if the child does not sleep well?

You don't need to keep track of how long your baby sleeps and how long he sleeps daily. You should not measure your child by other babies, since he has his own daily routine.

The daily deviation of sleep duration from the norm by 2-3 hours in one direction or another is not a violation.

The only exceptions are those cases if the baby is really awake or crying all day. It happens that the baby falls asleep and immediately wakes up, sleeps only in his arms or is very restless.

The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:

  • The newborn is worried about something, such as being tortured or hungry.
  • The kid is scared of something and is afraid to be left alone without a mother.
  • A disorder of the nervous system, including hyperactivity.

It is necessary to provide the baby with a healthy rest, instill in him the skills of prolonged sleep. Then he will become calmer, and mothers will have more rest.

If the child does not sleep well at night, then the following recommendations will help:

  • At night, a newborn should wake up only to eat, but he may wake up more often than necessary. In a dream, the baby does not control its movements. He can hit himself with a hand, get scared and wake up. To prevent this from happening, swaddle your baby. Before laying the baby, wrap him in a diaper, you can only wrap upper part torso, and leave the legs free (if the baby does not like constraining movements).
  • Do not train your child to fall asleep during motion sickness, feeding, or on arms. If he feels that he is not being pumped, he will immediately wake up. Try to get him to fall asleep without your physical intervention, for example, turn on the music mobile above the bed or sing a lullaby. If the baby cannot fall asleep without breast, feed him. Usually, newborns go to bed in 5-10 minutes.
  • Do not let your child stay awake for more than the prescribed time during the day. The more tired he is during the day, experienced many impressions and stresses, the worse he will sleep at night.

Try to get your baby to rest at night at the same time. Do not let him cry for a long time before bed.

For a baby, comfort is important for a good rest. Provide your baby with soft bedding and pajamas. A warm bath before bed will help you relax.

If a child at 2 months does not sleep well during the day, then the reasons may be in the mother's non-observance of the regimen. Constantly monitor the behavior of the crumbs, if you see that he is tired, but cannot fall asleep on his own, help him with this. Take the baby in your arms, you can swaddle him. Shake the baby a little or offer a breast, he will definitely fall asleep.

Some children sleep only outdoors during the day. To get your child to sleep, take a walk with him outside. It is very good for health.

Remember, if the baby is awake for more than the prescribed time, then stress hormones are produced in the body. It is already difficult for him to fall asleep, despite severe fatigue. Overexcitement affects the nervous system, so this state cannot be allowed.

Overexcitation symptoms:

  • it is difficult for a child to fall asleep;
  • he sucks on the breast for more than 40 minutes, but at the same time he is not relaxed, but tense;
  • the baby actively moves his arms and legs, the eyelids tremble during sleep;
  • the dream is very sensitive, the child shudders at every sound.

How long can you play with a baby? The period of wakefulness should not exceed 1.5-2 hours. If a child at 2 months does not sleep at all during the day, you need to show it to the pediatrician. This indicates a problem with the nervous system or serious illness.

A 2-month-old child may not yet have a regimen. He is under the influence of stress during childbirth. Only mother with her care and attention will help the baby to this difficult period.

Useful video about a baby's sleep at 2 months

Sleep in the life of a newborn is one of the main places, and is no less important than food, walks, parental care. Thanks to high-quality day and night rest, the baby grows and develops normally. How much a 2 month old baby should sleep is of interest to many young mothers. In the article we will tell you about the norms of sleep (day, night), we will share recommendations for drawing up a daily routine for a newborn.

How much do two-month-old babies sleep?

Children of two months of age sleep almost as much as in the first month of life. But, the duration of the daily rest is slightly reduced. The little man is already interested in the objects around him, reacts to extraneous sounds, becomes much more active during the day.

At two months, the child should sleep from 17 to 19 hours during the day. The quality of rest is influenced by the behavior and mood of the parents. Therefore, parents should get enough sleep, despite the difficulties and new worries, to show the baby how much they love him. Mom needs to stay close more often, then the baby at 2 months of age sleeps the required number of hours during the day, feeling the affection of the mother, feeling happy, calm.

The child sleeps superficially during the day, compared to the night's rest. The total amount of time spent dreaming during the day is 6 to 8 hours. During the day, the baby falls asleep after each feeding. Do not worry if the baby remains awake for 40 minutes after eating. It is important not to miss the moment when the child starts to fall asleep.

The night's sleep gradually becomes longer. The older the child gets, the less often he wakes up at night. A newborn, waking up at night and receiving food, usually falls asleep immediately immediately.

How should a child sleep?

Babies at the age of 2 months are completely dependent on their parents, but to a greater extent on their mother. Mom is always there, feeds, looks after, tells fairy tales, sings songs. Therefore, how the child should rest at 2 months is decided by the mother, starting from the norms of daily rest for children of this age.

During sleep, the newborn does not yet have a deep phase. Therefore, he can wake up due to any extraneous sound. The child senses the presence of the mother, and when she leaves the room, begins to worry, then wakes up. Being alone in a room, a 2 month old baby sleeps no more than 40 minutes, then starts crying, calling mommy. The main anxiety in children is associated with the absence of the mother and her smell.

Rest in the afternoon

Young mothers should understand that a 2 month old baby should sleep during the day. You can use following recommendations helping to create the necessary conditions for quality rest:

  1. usually, a two-month-old baby sleeps 5 to 6 times during the day. Day dreams are divided into long and short. Long lasting daytime sleep(2 naps) can last from 1 to 1.5 hours. There can be from 3 to 4 short dreams, and the duration of each one is from half an hour to 40 minutes;
  2. short dreams often accompanied by breastfeeding. But, with such a short rest, the child falls asleep no more than 20 minutes. Therefore, after feeding, mothers are advised to leave the baby at the breast in order to sleep longer. If, after feeding, you try to lay the baby alone, then he will wake up to find that mom is not around;
  3. the newborn should definitely sleep several times during the day. If he is disturbed in a dream, then mom can keep the baby near her chest during short dreams;
  4. breaks between daytime naps of varying duration should not exceed 2 hours. If the child is overtired, it will take more than 40 minutes to fall asleep (the norm is 10 minutes). Do not walk too long, because prolonged exposure to the air also excites and disturbs the newborn.
  5. For daytime rest, the following conditions must be created:
  6. it is advisable to determine the time at what time to put the baby in 2 months. Noticing the sticking eyes and the relaxed look of the baby, you need to immediately start preparing the rest;
  7. create twilight in the afternoon by curtains in the children's room;
  8. you can use light swaddling so that the baby has a feeling of being inside the mother's abdomen;
  9. take the child in your arms, sing songs, lull;
  10. you can offer the breast, and thus put the baby to bed.

The duration of wakefulness in newborns up to a year is constantly changing. Determining how much a two-month-old baby should sleep per day, you will have to adjust to the baby's biological clock.

Rest at night

As for night sleep, at the age of two months there is still no definite rest routine. It is during this period that children become especially strongly attached to their mother. Therefore, a night's rest, like a daytime one, completely depends on being around mommy.

The little one sleeps peacefully at night, if you follow the following recommendations:

  • at first, the baby begins to doze (about 40 minutes), but suddenly wakes up, begins to look for the mother's breast. Therefore, it is advisable for mom to stay close while the baby is falling asleep while the baby at 2 months sleeps for these 40 minutes. As soon as you feel the deep breathing of the baby, you can put him in the crib. The baby will sleep continuously for 4 to 5 hours. If you do not maintain this interval when falling asleep, then the baby will be alarmed, wake up. It happens that children do not sleep at night;
  • at night, the baby wakes up to feed, usually around 4, 6, 8 in the morning.

It is clear that a child of 2 months should rest at night. But, as a result of the heavy generic activity and receiving some medications during gestation, sleep disturbances may occur. The child sleeps in fits and starts, for several minutes, and a long night's sleep is completely absent. In this case, you will have to be with the child all night.

Sleep and wakefulness

Many young parents try to arrange for a 2-month-old baby to sleep and wake up. But, in this age period, it is difficult to organize a constant routine, because the child's behavior depends on how the birth went. The baby's body is not ready for any orderly action.

But, you can set the approximate sleep mode 2 one month old baby, which depends on the time of wakefulness, the frequency of feeding, individual characteristics child's body... For many babies, sleep duration is influenced by how the delivery went, whether there were any complications.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the approximate sleep pattern of a child at 2 months old, whom the mother feeds breast milk... Please note that the daily routine is structured in such a way that the baby eats 6 times, and the day's rest consists of 5 dreams of varying duration:

Time Description of the lesson
6:00 Waking up after the night, first feeding. Obligatory washing, changing the night diaper
7:30 - 9:30 Newborn sleeps for the first time in a day
9:30 - 11:00 Lying on the chest after waking up. Preparing for a walk
11:00 - 13:00 The kid rests a second time, preferably during a walk
13:00 - 14:30 Attachment to the breast for a third time
14:30 - 16:30 Afternoon nap
16:30 - 17:30 After waking up, feeding again. Activities with the baby: educational games during which you can sing songs, tell poems
17:30 - 19:30 Infant at 2 months sleeps before evening feeding
19:30 - 21:00 Evening feeding. During this time interval, you need to prepare the baby for bed (bathing and air procedures)
21:00 - 23:00 (23:30) Sleep before the last feeding
23:30 - 00:00 Feeding before night rest
00:00 - 6:00 Night rest. It is believed that this is the best time interval when a newborn at 2 months rests calmly, without worry.

A baby can wake up in the middle of the night from one to several times. During short awakenings, it is imperative to feed the baby so that he can calmly continue to rest.

The data given in the table can be adjusted for your baby. Despite the fact that the table indicates how many hours a 2 month old baby should rest, this does not mean that the baby needs to be fed and put to bed at the specified hours. Don't panic if your kids sleep less during the day. It is better to focus on the biological clock of the baby, feed him when he asks.

Not every young mother has the opportunity to feed her baby with breast milk. If a baby grows up on artificial feeding, then his daily regimen will differ from the routine of a newborn who feeds on breast milk. The child absorbs artificial feeding more slowly, so the time intervals between feedings increase. The schedule of daytime and nighttime sleep will be the same as for children on breastfeeding.

One of critical issues for mothers, the sleeping pattern of the newborn is always. We will tell you how much sleep children under one year old need to sleep, as well as explain when to sound the alarm and how to change the schedule of improper rest.

How much should a baby sleep in 1 month of life?

Sleep mode of the baby of the first month of life

A child born into the world in the first month of his life sleeps 18-20 hours a day. He slowly begins to realize what day and night are.

In the first three weeks, the baby may not sleep so well, wake up every hour to eat.

Soon, the period of wakefulness will begin to increase, the baby will be interested in looking at objects. The child will not go to sleep according to the previous regime.

Duration of sleep of a newborn one month of life at night and during the day

  • In a month, the child forms 4 daytime sleep periods and 1 nighttime.
  • As a rule, it is enough for newborns to rest 8-9 hours during the day, and 10-12 hours at night.
  • The baby should be put to sleep at a certain period - from 9 pm to 9 am. It is at this time that night falls on the newborn.

A baby in a month of life sleeps little and restlessly: reasons

Of course, if a month-old baby does not sleep at any time of the day, it is worth sounding the alarm. Remember - the baby should rest both at night and during the day!

Pay attention to your child, he may not sleep for various reasons.

  • The room is stuffy or humid. Ventilate the room before putting your child to bed.
  • An external stimulus interferes - music, conversation, fly and other environmental factors.
  • Temperature cooling or overheating. The baby may be hot or cold. Swaddle him so that he feels cozy and warm.

A baby at 1 month is constantly sleeping: why?

According to pediatricians, a newborn can sleep 18-20 hours a day. And this is not a problem if the little man rests most of the time of the day.

Take this opportunity and sleep yourself. Typically, this period will not last long. Remember that the baby can adopt the mother's habit of sleeping during the day and not closing his eyes at night.

It is better for mothers to adjust their sleep schedule in advance during pregnancy than not to accustom the child to a new schedule later.

How much and how should a baby sleep at 2 months of age?

Features of daytime and nighttime sleep in infants aged two months

  • Children of this age sleep 18 hours a day. This time is enough for the baby to gain strength.
  • For active and outdoor games and activities, 5-6 hours remain, but this period will be enough for a crumb. It is not necessary to wean a child from such a regime.

Duration of good sleep in an infant at 2 months of age at night and during the day

  • Two month old baby spends 8 hours of daytime sleep. This time is divided into 2 deep sleep of 3 hours each and 2 surface sleep, which last from 30 minutes.
  • And the night's rest is divided into 2 naps. The baby can wake up for feeding. There is no need to deny her this.

Why does the baby sleep badly or does not sleep at 2 months of age?

Here are the main reasons why 2-month-old babies may sleep poorly.

  • A stuffy room.
  • Inconvenient sleeping place.
  • Tummy pain or other illness.
  • Temperature change - hot or cold.
  • Flinching in sleep. Swaddling will save them.
  • External stimulus - voice, music, mosquito.

Why does a baby sleep constantly at 2 months?

Long sleep is the cause of the baby's illness! Pay attention to the crumb. She may have a stomach ache.

The baby should sleep no more than 4 hours during the day. If his sleep was previously disturbed, then the crumb will simply sleep off.

How much and how do children sleep at three months?

Features of daytime and nighttime sleep of a newborn at 3 months of age

The sleep schedule for a three-month-old baby is almost the same as for a two-month-old baby. He only sleeps 1 hour less.

Four daily sleep is also necessary for children. They begin to show themselves more actively within 7-8 hours - they reach for toys, hold their heads and watch what is happening around.

Duration proper sleep a child of three months of life at night and during the day

  • The baby spends 7 hours on daytime rest. This time is divided into 2 deep sleep for 2-3 hours and 2 superficial ones for 30-40 minutes.
  • A child needs 10 hours to rest at night. During the night, you still have to feed the baby 1 time.

A child at 3 months sleeps little or restlessly: why?

The child will sleep well and sweetly if all the conditions necessary for this are met.

  • The room will be fresh.
  • Will not interfere with voice, music, phone or TV sounds.
  • He will feel comfortable in bed. A quality mattress and pillow are the key to a good rest.
  • He will not be cold or hot. Swaddling will help with this.
  • If the child does not get sick.

A child at 3 months sleeps a lot and for a long time: why?

The baby can sleep for a long time for one reason - something hurts. Pay attention to it. The disease does not always manifest itself from the outside, because the crumbs may have a red throat, a stomach ache, or a high temperature may appear.

How much and how should a four month old baby sleep?

The mode of sleep and wakefulness of a baby of 4 months of life

A baby at the age of 4 months should rest 17 hours a day. This time is quite enough for the energy to be restored.

The baby will spend its strength for 7 hours of wakefulness.

Notice that in a dream, the baby grows and develops. It is advisable to adhere to a certain routine: sleep 4 times during the day, and 2 times at night.

Sleep should be interrupted for feeding or active play.

Duration of infant sleep at four months of life

  • In the first half of the day, the child should have 2 deep sleep, 3 hours each, and in the afternoon, 2 superficial sleep, 30-40 minutes each.
  • The baby will spend the remaining 10 hours sleeping at night. This stage should not be divided in time. The child can wake up at night after 3-4 hours, eat and lie down to rest.

Why is a child at 4 months old, does not sleep well and restlessly, does not sleep at all during the day or at night?

We list the important reasons bad sleep babies 4 months of life.

  • Overwork. The crumb can "go overboard", then he will cry and will not fall asleep in time.
  • He wants attention.
  • The tummy hurts. The reasons are a new product that a nursing mother ate, or mixtures.
  • Stuffy air in the room or humidity.
  • Hot or cold. Maintain the baby's temperature.

Mothers are advised to put the child to sleep next to them in the first six months. Thus, you will spend less energy climbing up to the baby. When the baby starts crying, it will be enough to reach out to her, stroke or feed her.

Why does a baby sleep a lot at 4 months of age?

If your child sleeps for a long time, do not immediately panic. Take a close look at the baby. Perhaps something hurts him, and the disease proceeds internally. If something worries you about the behavior of the crumbs, go to the doctor for an examination. He will advise on how to establish a regime and solve the problem.

How much should a child sleep at the age of five months

Features of daytime and nighttime sleep in children at five months

  • At this age, the time schedule differs from the previous one by 1 hour.
  • You will have to shorten the rest time during the day. The baby will need to be taught to sleep three times a day.
  • You won't have to wake up very often at night to feed. Everything will depend on whether the child is hungry or not.
  • In total, children will sleep 16 hours a day.

The duration of the baby's sleep at 5 months of life at night and during the day

  • A 5-month-old baby needs 6 hours of daytime rest. This time should be divided into 2 deep sleep of 2.5 hours and one hour on the surface.
  • Your child will sleep for 10 hours at night.

Why is the baby restless, poor, sleeps little or does not sleep at all at five months?

The crumbs mode can be violated for various reasons.

  • The room is stuffy, dry, or humid.
  • He is disturbed by extraneous noise and sounds.
  • It is uncomfortable and uncomfortable to lie in a large bed. Babies of this age are often put to sleep in a separate crib. There they can freeze or, conversely, they can be very hot under the covers.
  • He was overtired.
  • Requires attention from mom.

Why does a baby sleep a lot at 5 months of age?

There are two reasons: either the child is sleeping off after long "festivities", or he is ill.

Pay attention to the baby, inspect. See your pediatrician just in case.

Features of daytime and nighttime sleep in a child at 6 months

Sleep in a child of six months of life at night and during the day

  • At six months, the little one will sleep 15 hours a day.
  • He will gain strength and energy, which he will spend on 8-9 hours of active knowledge of the world around him.
  • At 6 months old, an infant can sleep soundly at night without ever waking up.
  • No one canceled the day's rest either - there should definitely be 3 naps.

How much should a baby sleep at six months?

  • At 6 months, the baby will sleep 10 hours a night.
  • Daytime sleep will be divided into 2 deep 2 hours each and 1 superficial sleep lasting 30-40 minutes.
  • In total, the baby should spend 5 hours on rest during the day.

Causes of sleep disturbance in a child at 6 months

A toddler can sleep poorly for a variety of reasons.

  • Because of the uncomfortable bed, mattress, pillow.
  • He may be disturbed by a new environment (in the event of renovation or relocation).
  • The child is sick.
  • Humidity or stuffiness in the room.
  • Extraneous irritants.

Why does a baby sleep a lot at 6 months of age?

  • If your child does not go to bed according to the schedule and "walked", then he can sleep for several hours in excess of the prescribed time. This is one reason for the violation of the regime.
  • Another is a disease that runs unnoticed inside a child's body. See your doctor!

How should a child sleep at the age of 7 months?

Sleep in children at 7 months during the day and night

  • The duration of daily sleep in children of 7 months does not change and is 15 hours.
  • The only difference is in the periods of daytime rest. You should teach your child to sleep only 2 times during the day.
  • The little ones are awake now longer, for 9 hours.
  • By the way, for a seven-month-old baby, you can no longer get up at night for feeding.

How much and how should a baby sleep at seven months?

  • A child at 7 months needs 10 hours for a night's sleep, and 5 hours for a daytime sleep.
  • Sleep time during the day should be divided into 2 periods of 2.5 hours. This time will be enough for the baby to rest, and even a superficial sleep after dinner is not required.

Why does the child sleep poorly, little, restlessly or does not sleep at all at night and during the day at 7 months of life: reasons

  • A man at 7 months already reacts sensitively to what is happening around. He may wake up due to conversations or other sounds, such as from a TV or phone.
  • In addition, the toddler at this age really wants attention from the mother. Perhaps you put him to bed with you for up to six months, and then weaned him off and began to put him in a separate bed.
  • Also, the causes of sleep disturbance can be a disease, colic in the abdomen, an uncomfortable sleeping place, unbearable humidity or stuffiness in the room.

Why does a child sleep a lot at 7 months of age?

There are no reasons for a child's long sleep at 7 months. He should not interfere with the schedule of sleep and wakefulness. If this happens, see a doctor who will examine the baby. Often in children, diseases are unnoticeable.

How much should babies sleep at 8 months of age?

Sleep in children aged 8 months during the day and at night

  • A baby who begins to actively move, learns to get up and crawl, at this age, 15 hours of sleep is enough. During rest, he will grow, his energy and strength will be replenished.
  • The child will be able to cheerfully play and study the world within 9 hours.

Sleep duration in babies aged eight months

  • Some children at 8 months adhere to the old routine - sleep soundly during the day 2 times for 2.5 hours. And other toddlers can sleep for 3-4 hours at a time.
  • In total, babies should spend 5 hours on daytime rest, and 10 hours on night rest.

Why does the child have poor sleep, restless sleep or does not sleep at all during the day / night?

Sleep disturbances often occur for specific reasons.

  • It is difficult for him to breathe due to stuffiness or high humidity in the room.
  • It is hot or cold to sleep.
  • Sounds of the surrounding world or insects interfere (in summer).
  • Tummy hurts due to complementary foods.
  • Uncomfortable sleeping on a pillow or new mattress.

A child at 8 months is constantly sleeping: why?

The cause of long sleep can be a disease inside the child's body. You should contact your pediatrician.

And an eight-month-old baby can be overworked, because now she spends so much energy!

How much and how should a child sleep at 9 months of age

Schedule of proper sleep in children 9 months of life

  • The correct daily routine for a nine month old child is 8-9 hours of active developmental games and two periods of sleep. Observing a strict regime, you will notice that the baby will become vigorous, sleepy, smiling.
  • In total, he needs 15 hours to rest per day.

Duration of sleep in a nine-month-old baby, day and night

  • A child at this age should sleep at least 5 hours during the day. This time is divided into 2 equal periods of 2.5 hours.
  • And at night the baby will need 10 hours of sleep. Your baby may not even wake up in the dark for feeding.

Restless sleep in a child at the age of 9 months: causes

Sleep disturbance is not the best period in a baby's life. A child may wake up from noise, conversation, sounds of music, and, starting to cry, will not be able to sleep normally.

Before laying the crumb, pay attention to some points. After all, it is because of them that the newborn may not sleep.

  • The room should not be stuffy or humid.
  • The sleeping place should be comfortable.
  • Heat, cold are harmful to the baby.
  • Pay attention if the little one is worried about his tummy, is he still having a pain?

A child at 9 months is constantly sleeping: why?

The baby at this age actively manifests itself and tries to stand up, turns his head in all directions, crawls. Overwork can cause long sleep.

It is worth going to bed on time and making sure that the baby does not get tired, especially before bed!

The second reason is illness. See a doctor who will examine your child.

How much should a child sleep at 10 months of age, day and night?

How much should a ten month old baby sleep at night and during the day?

  • The toddler at 10 months should sleep at least 14 hours a day. The rest time is reduced by one hour, but it is enough for the crumb to replenish the energy supply.
  • And the baby has been awake for 9-10 hours.

Sleep duration in a baby at ten months

  • A child needs 10 hours to rest at night. And note that at this age it is no longer necessary to get up to him in the dark for feeding.
  • Daytime sleep is 4 hours. It can be divided into 2 deep naps of 2 hours each.

Why can't a child of ten months of life sleep during the day or at night?

There are many reasons for poor sleep.

  • The child may be disturbed by voice, noise, TV sounds.
  • Stuffy room or high humidity.
  • A sleeping place that is uncomfortable for a baby to sleep, for example, a wide parental bed.
  • Diseases, especially colic in the abdomen.
  • Overwork.
  • Character. A child can prove himself by demanding attention from his mother.

Why does a child sleep a lot at ten months of life?

If your baby sleeps more than the prescribed time for a couple of hours, doctors advise not to panic.

And if a child sleeps for a very long time, refuses to eat at the same time, he should be given special attention. Perhaps something is bothering him. He is ill? Examine the baby yourself or contact a pediatrician!

How much and how should a child sleep at the age of 11 months

Sleep in children aged eleven months of life at night and during the day

  • The rest schedule for eleven-month-old babies does not differ from ten-month-olds. It becomes a little easier for mommies, they continue to live according to the old routine.
  • You also need to give the kids a rest for at least 14 hours, and divide the daytime sleep into 2 periods.

Duration of sleep in a baby at 11 months

  • A night for children at 11 months of age lasts 10 hours. As a rule, the crumbs should get enough sleep during this time.
  • And the child will spend 4 hours on daytime rest.

Why does a child at eleven months sleep poorly or cannot sleep during the day or at night: reasons

  • A baby at this age may sleep poorly for a reason feeling unwell, or an external stimulus (insect, noise, sounds of music, conversation) interferes with him.
  • The regime is also disrupted due to stuffiness, moisture, an uncomfortable sleeping place, and overwork.
  • Or the child just wants your attention.

Why does a baby sleep a lot at 11 months of age?

An eleven month old baby should sleep on schedule. If the child backs away from him for a couple of hours, that's okay.

And if he doesn't wake up even to eat, it's time to sound the alarm!

Pay attention to the baby - he may be sick. Get a pediatrician consultation.

How should a child sleep a year, day and night?

Sleep and wakefulness in a one-year-old child

  • At one year old, children do not change their regime much. They also need 13-14 hours of sleep.
  • Moreover, the daytime 2-time sleep persists, but decreases by half an hour or an hour.
  • The waking time is 10-11 hours.

Sleep duration in babies at twelve months

  • The baby needs 10-11 hours to rest at night, and 3-4 hours during the day.
  • In the afternoon, the child should have a deep sleep lasting 2-2.5 hours, and in the afternoon - a superficial sleep of 1-1.5 hours.

The time for rest depends on the well-being and mood of the child.

Causes of Poor Sleep in Babies at 12 Months

A one year old toddler may sleep poorly due to some circumstances.

  • The room is stuffy or damp.
  • Unusual sleeping place.
  • Uncomfortable mattress, pillow.
  • Noise, voice, sounds of music.
  • Overwork.
  • Diseases.
  • Lack of attention, the baby wants to call his mother to him.

Why one year old child sleeps a lot: reasons

Long sleep and a violation of the sleep and wakefulness schedule may be due to an imperceptible disease in the little man's body, or fatigue resulting from long "walks".

When should a child switch to two-to-one sleep?

At 12-18 months, the child should have two naps a day. Moreover, the baby should be put to sleep before and after dinner.

According to the advice of many mothers, you need to teach children to sleep during the day from 10 to 12 o'clock, feed them lunch, play, and then (from 15 to 16) - back to the crib. Three hours will be enough for a rest.

To make it easier for the child to transfer the transition to this mode, add the time that the baby does not sleep during the day, add to the night's sleep. Let him spend a little more than usual on the night's rest.

And one day's sleep should be switched to 1.5-2 years. Try to lay your child for 2.5-3 hours after lunch.

Although still his rest continues to take most of the day. Let's figure out what are the norms and rules for sleeping for a crumbs of two months.

Features of the period and sleep

A two-month-old baby can already look up to three meters ahead and tries to fix his gaze on the most important image - the mother's face. It is during this period that the baby begins to smile, but the movements of the arms and legs are still chaotic, he only masters them, sometimes it wakes him up. Then it is recommended to do it, especially at night.

In a baby of this age, sleep is shallow, superficial, and the baby is sensitive to the absence of the mother. He will not sleep in for a long time, but will start loudly demanding mommy to him. For a 2-month-old baby, the quality and duration of rest is highly dependent on the presence of the mother, feeding and care. Before falling asleep and when the child wakes up, he is applied to the breast.

How much should a child sleep

Often, mothers complain that a child at 2 months does not sleep well, counting only the time when he slept in his crib. The thing is that the baby does not want to sleep without his mother, and in her absence he sleeps for about forty minutes, no more. Finding a mother nearby is very important for children in the first months of life, so many women decide to sleep together with such a small child, buy slings for the period of their wakefulness and activity.

Important! The baby's sleep is very dependent on the emotional mood of the mother. If she is experiencing any stress, is nervous, then this always affects the quality of rest and the condition of the baby.

Sleep rates

Usually a baby's sleep at 2 months lasts about 16-19 hours, of which 10-12 hours is a night's sleep. The rest of the time falls on daytime rest, which consists of two long periods (up to two hours) and several short ones (30-40 minutes). A kid of this age who sleeps all night without interruption is a great rarity. Usually babies wake up every 3-4 hours and demand to eat, and after feeding they fall asleep again. Continuous sleep at night most often lasts no more than 3-6 hours. Periods wakefulness is usually half an hour or an hour.

Infants can cut their sleep rates by two hours.

Daily regime

Have two month old baby there is no definite daily routine yet. But how much he sleeps depends very much on properly organized feeding, good conditions for sleeping, walking and daily bathing. An approximate daily routine is as follows:

  • at 6 am the child wakes up and is fed;
  • from 6:15 to 7:00 - the waking period, filled with morning hygiene, exercise or games;
  • from 7:30 to 9:30 - sleep;
  • from 9:30 - second feeding;
  • until 11:00 - a period of wakefulness filled with games, massage;
  • from 11:00 to 13:00 - walk and sleep;
  • 13:00 - third feeding;
  • from 13:15 to 14:30 - the period of activity, games;
  • from 14:30 to 16:30 - sleep;
  • from 16:30 to 18:00 - the period of wakefulness;
  • 18:00 - fourth feeding;
  • from 18:15 to 20:00 - sleep;
  • from 20:00 to 22:00 - waking period, evening bathing;
  • 22:00 - fifth feeding;
  • from 22:00 to 24:00 - sleep, then the sixth, night feeding.
Of course, it is not at all a fact that a two-month-old baby will adhere to such a routine, especially with an on-demand breastfeeding regimen.

Did you know? The baby begins to recognize the mother's voice while still in the womb. He begins to recognize his mother's face earlier than other faces. Therefore, the mother needs to talk to him more often.

If your child sleeps more during the day than at night, try to keep him busy during the day. Massage, exercise, cuddle, and play with him to extend his daytime wakefulness. During the period of night awakenings and feedings, speak to him quietly, turn on a dim light. If the child falls asleep hard and is anxious, shake him on the arms, but the amplitude of motion sickness should not be large, and the movements should be sharp. When a child falls asleep perfectly without motion sickness, then you should not accustom him to it. If the baby is asleep, you do not need to wake him up to feed or carry out any planned procedures. After all, a child at 2 months knows better than his parents how much to sleep, and should not strictly follow any routine. It should be taught to the regime gently, gradually.

Cause for concern

Moms are often worried about the baby's poor sleep and worried about his health. Children who do not sleep enough time display the following traits:

  • very irritable and moody;
  • sometimes look sleepy, lethargic;
  • do not pay attention to toys and rattles at all, do not play and do not smile;
  • often look with an "unseeing" gaze.

Then the cause of poor sleep should be sought with a doctor. Restful sleep the child may be disturbed by the following factors:
  • hunger... The most common reason for the awakening of a child. It is easy to solve by putting the baby to the breast and feeding him;
  • absence of mother;
  • wet;
  • uncomfortable temperature conditions when the baby is too hot or too cold, so you need to monitor the temperature in the room and the crumbs;
  • pain... Most often it is infant colic, which occurs against the background of immaturity. digestive system... They can appear as early as two weeks after and last up to four months, but usually go away after three. In premature babies, it can last up to six months. During this period, a nursing mother is not recommended to eat food that promotes gas formation (legumes, cucumbers, milk to change to kefir, etc.), and the child is prescribed gas-promoting foods (fennel tea,) and probiotics;
  • excitable nervous system babies of this age. Before going to bed, bathe your baby, swing it in your arms, sing a lullaby. The baby may be disturbed by the mother's nervousness or excessive activity before bedtime;
  • late bedding. It is recommended to settle the kids at night no later than 21:30, preferably around 20:00;
  • allergies accompanied by itching, nasal congestion, and neurological and other health problems that need to be addressed with your doctor.

Important! One of frequent reasons poor sleep in babies - which develops due to lack of. Sometimes the increased excitability accompanying this disease is observed from 1.5 months of life and is clearly noticeable from -. The child is restless, irritable, often shudders, sweating increases (especially of the face and head). Taking the prescribed amount of the vitamin will remove all of these problems.

How to keep your little one sleeping

Sleep quality and how much a child sleeps are influenced by different factors... Parents should create a supportive environment for the baby to fall asleep.

Favorable environment

Various factors affect the sleep of a baby for two months. The main ones are:

  • temperature regime in the bedroom;
  • developed;
  • toddler process;
  • performing special massage and exercises;
  • comfortable place to sleep;
  • feeding with mother's milk;
  • calm music or lullaby;
  • good quality application;
  • daily walks in the fresh air.
It is necessary to make sure that the main activity of the baby occurs during the day, and by the evening try to reduce it in order to prepare the child for the rest period. Therefore, in order for him to sleep better at night, the bathing process is carried out immediately before bedtime. It's a good idea to do a little relaxation massage after swimming. The baby's sleeping place should be well arranged. The baby must have an individual bed, an orthopedic mattress is required. Preference should be given to bedding made from natural fabrics (cotton is ideal). The presence of special toys on the crib will distract the baby. Latching the baby to the mother's breast and the sucking process soothes him. The baby usually begins to doze ten minutes after feeding. Lying the baby to the breast and then falling asleep under the breast is sometimes the only way for the baby to calm down and fall asleep. This is especially true for children after severe or suffering from any. It is important to ensure that the baby has access to the breast at night, mothers are usually advised to sleep with such a small baby next to them. It is advisable to buy for the organization of daytime falling asleep under the breast.
The environment around the baby before bed should be calm. You can sing a melodic lullaby or play nice classical music. To speed up the process of falling asleep, you can shake the baby in your arms. Temperature is an important factor for baby's sleep. The temperature should be in the range of +18 ... + 20 degrees, and the humidity should range from 50 to 70 percent. Too dry air in a baby's room can cause some types of dermatitis, it helps to dry out crusts in the nose. Therefore, it would be nice to get a special one. Good quality, put on the baby at night, will save him from sleep interruption. Walking in the fresh air not only improves your child's health, but also promotes good sleep. If bad weather conditions (heavy rain, severe frost, wind, etc.) do not allow you to go outside with your baby, then you will definitely need to ventilate the room well before going to bed.

Do not overdo it

As the baby grows, he begins to stay awake longer and less sleep. But for a two-month-old toddler, wakefulness of no more than two hours is considered the norm. If a child goes overboard, then his body begins to release stress hormones. The kid becomes restless, can cry and be capricious for a long time. Another sign of walking is long-term falling asleep, even under the mother's breast.
If the baby, while breastfeeding for more than half an hour, still reveals signs of anxiety (eyelids tremble, twitch arms and legs, tremble), this is also a sign that the baby has gone too far. The moment when it was necessary to put the baby to bed has been missed. Such a baby will fall asleep for a long time and sleep poorly. Therefore, when the baby begins to yawn and rub his eyes with his fists, he needs to be put to bed.

Proper feeding and sleeping of the baby

Feeding and sleeping in breastfed babies is different from formula-fed babies. Usually "naturalists" wake up more often, but breast milk protects them from many problems that can disturb sleep, and latching on to the breast calms the baby.


So, for babies who are fed by mothers, feeding at the request of the child is acceptable. After all, mother's milk contains everything essential trace elements and is easily absorbed by the baby's body. The baby informs about his intention to eat with the help of children's whimpering and manifestations of anxiety. It turns out that the child himself develops his own individual feeding schedule.
But, on average, the interval between meals is usually set every three hours during the daytime, and approximately every four hours at night. It should be noted that if the baby is sick and something bothers him, then he will very often demand the mother's breast - this calms him down. If breast milk is not enough, then it will also require breast more often. That's why

A two-month-old baby no longer sleeps for more than three hours. After sleep, the baby begins the time when he plays with his parents, observes the world around him. However, not every child is able to fall asleep without the help of a mother. And if the baby is awake for more than 2 hours, he can get tired.

A mother can help her child fall asleep by shading the windows with curtains from bright light, shaking the baby in her arms, breastfeeding, and wrapping him in a blanket. The baby then falls asleep for 10-15 minutes. It happens that a child walks without falling asleep for 50 minutes. According to him restless sleep it will be noticeable - the child will start to flinch, twitch arms, legs and eyes.

During the day, a child 2 months old needs to sleep 4 times. Moreover, these dreams are different in length. Two naps should last at least 1.5-2 hours. And the rest can last at least half an hour. These short dreams may occur at the same time as feeding. And this is completely normal for a baby. Later, when the baby grows up, he will be able to fall asleep without a breast.

2 month old baby: night sleep

Some babies can sleep all night as early as eight weeks. But most babies still wake up every 3-4 hours to eat or drink. Often children infancy they can still confuse day with night and begin to stay awake at night, as during the day. It is important not to indulge the baby, but to gently show that you need to sleep at night. To do this, it is worth talking to the child in a whisper at night and not playing with him. You also need to turn on the night light instead of bright light, do not use loud household appliances.

But in the afternoon, on the contrary, you need to let the baby play noisily with bright toys, talk loudly with him, turn on music, walk, etc. However, you should not overload the child with many impressions and stresses. If a friendly atmosphere reigns in the family, the child is not too overworked during the day, then at night he will sleep more calmly and longer. Therefore, the mother should be sensitive to the behavior of the baby during the day. And put him to bed when he rubs his eyes, etc.

A night's sleep and a bottle-fed baby are almost no different. However, with breastfeeding, it is easier and faster to put your baby back to bed if mom is around. Only in this case it is necessary to ensure that the baby is actively sucking on the breast. Otherwise, the baby's sleep will be short-lived and the mother will not get enough sleep.

And if the mother has to prepare the mixture at night, then the baby can cry for a long time in anticipation or begin to be actively awake. You should not force the baby to sleep at night without eating in order to accustom him to the regime. By 5-6 months, his nights sleep will be much longer.

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