What is apathy and how to deal with it? Apathy: What to do with a tearing indifference? What to do with complete apathy.

Apathy is a state characterized by deep emotional indifference to all that is happening, abundant and indispensable. This condition may be one of the symptoms of clinical depression, a consequence of some neurological and somatic diseases, as well as one of the negative ("taking something") symptoms in schizophrenia.

It is worth considering apathy from two positions: from the point of view of the normality of the phenomenon, and from the position of a pathological basis.

If we talk about apathy, as a normal phenomenon, it is a kind of protective mechanism, which warns the body about the emergency exhaustion, excessive overvoltage and lack of resources for normal operation.

This condition is found in the case when due to chronic overload (both mental and physical), as well as after sharp (and protracted) stresses of the nervous system resources, simply lacks for ensuring full-fledged life.

In fact, approaching the verge of exhaustion, the nervous system launches the mechanisms of the so-called protective braking - that is, it is forcibly slowing down the execution of some mental functions. In particular, at Apathia, the activity of the emotional sphere is primarily braked.

Formally, the apathy preserves the usual physical (although low) activity, but its emotional support suffers: the hobby is not happy, unpleasant work does not cause disgust.

With long-term preservation of this symptom and the absence of proper correction, apathy from situational and short-term phenomenon can become a chronic factor that will bring changes already in the personality of a person. At some point, the apathy can be said already as a personality property. For example, social apathy can be a consequence of a long-term uncorrecting exhaustion of the nervous system, especially if the traumatic loads were transferred in adolescence. Apathy for all public leads man to complete passivity in terms of professional activity, everyday communication, and, in general, inertness becomes a faithful companion of such a person.

In extreme versions of Apathia, the so-called Abulia is accompanied by the so-called Abulia. If the state of comprehensive indifference appears, Abulia is a phenomenon of inconsistency, the decline of activity and the weakening of the volitional regulation. An apato-abulic syndrome may develop, which is characterized not only by the absolute lack of emotional reactions, but also almost complete inactivity, which manifest themselves on the household level, for example, in all increasing sludge and lack of care about their physical condition and appearance.

Full apathy is the absence of emotions, Abulia - the absence of any activity. In the first case, a person lives "in habit", in the second - he does not even have a desire to do anything.

It is the apato-abulic syndrome that is often the debuting form of schizophrenia and the disorders of this spectrum. At the same time, the sharp custody of emotional life may appear in some somatic, immune and neurological diseases, namely:

  • neurodegenerative phenomena in peak and alzheimer diseases;
  • lyme disease (mite lime borreliosis);
  • HIV infections.

Some neuroleptic agents have an adamation side effect.
Now about some clinical cases of pathology: apathy and depression are almost always found in the bundle. However, with "clean" clinical picture Depression is accompanied by strong negative experiences, then when apathy emotions lose their contrast: a person cannot say that he is sad or fun - depression is accompanied by the state of "no way".

However, it is not necessary to think that at Apathia, a person does not experience emotions in general. In fact, it is often that all experiences are shifted to the unconscious and can manifest themselves in some external actions, while not recognizing the person. However, what really lose emotions is the brightness and saturation.


The first thing worth noting is the external visibility of this state. Apathy, the symptoms of which are reduced to indifference, are easily removed from the outside. A complete loss of interest in what is happening and increasing passivity is always striking relatives and a person familiar.

Gradually, a person ceases to engage in what usually brought satisfaction, the hobby disappears, the number of social contacts can decrease. At the same time, not only pleasant "little things" of life, but also events, in the norm, causing unpleasant emotions disappear, do not touch the person.

Gradually can grow alienation from society, both in the form of professional insulation and inside the family. Behavior becomes indifferent, life is mainly reduced to the usual maintenance of physical well-being. A special feature is a speech, or rather her vocal-intonational characteristics. It acquires a single character, monotony and endlessness. Independent evaluation judgments often disappear.

Another significant sign of apathy is the loss of sympathy. The problems of native people cease to worry a person. Help begins to take a formal nature.

At the same time, attempts to close with a apathetic relative, as a rule, cause even greater alienation, which can translate attitudes into a hostile direction.

The reasons

So, what does it mean and is apathy - we have already understood, but apathy and its reasons deserve a separate discussion. As we have already noted, this phenomenon may result from a variety of reasons: both from purely psychological and physiological. Of course, in the majority of psychogenic forms of apathy are found in the clinic. Before psychotherapeutic treatment, it is necessary to exclude from the list of possible reasons:

  • pathology and injuries of the CNS;
  • AIDS;
  • various forms chemical dependencies;
  • endocrine and hormonal disorders;
  • dementia;
  • schizophrenia;
  • heavy depression.

The first non-psychological reason - side effects from medicines. Some tranquilizers, hypnotifications, antidepressants are capable of providing similar to the state of state. According to some data, KOC and antibiotics can also affect the extinction of emotional activity.

Therefore, the reception of any drugs requires expert advice with the attending physician or a specialist specific profile.

If you discuss apathy in the framework of the psychoanalytic school, here Apathy and its treatment are built on the idea that this symptom is a kind of defense of the psyche, a saving person from strong negative experiences. At the same time, Apathia is considered as a "transitional" period, which allows a person to rebuild the value system and change the worldview, which helps to remove the original conflict, which caused this condition.

Some experts adhere to the opinions that the causes of apathy lie in the overly richly rich emotions of life, and the task of this symptom is to switch the emotional sphere to the "energy-saving" mode to avoid the depletion of the minimum of the resources required for full functioning.

Apathy during pregnancy - especially early timing - It may be a consequence of the hormonal restructuring of the body, as well as a consequence of a change in the usual rhythm of life. In particular, such apathies are susceptible to young and hungry to career victories of a woman.

A separate interest is apathy for everything, the reasons for which they lies in human workshop. Workingolism is the pathological status of a person who is actively studied by the last 30 years in the direction of engineering psychology and labor psychology. As a rule, the latter leads to an emotional burnout syndrome (a single accurate term, unfortunately, does not exist). Apathia comes as a natural consequence of the exhaustion of all possible human resources, as a rule, it is this form of a symptom most often in large cities in men 35-45 years. Unfortunately, apathy and depression, in which it is already late to do something at the level of behavior that developed because of the workshop is the cause of a large number of suicides among men.

Correction and treatment

Apathy: What to do, if I don't want anything? Symptoms of apathy require not so much momentous elimination as analyzing and eliminating their causes.

It is worth considering that it is often a temporary and short reduction in total activity - this normal phenomenon"Rechargent" our psyche. With protracted (more than 10 days) of a period of this state, it is worth alarming.

If apathy is a consequence of a long stress or a psychotrauming situation, sometimes it is enough to take a "pause" in a few days: recover or survive what happened. For example, you should not try to drive up the sadness after breaking the relationship or the loss of a relative, sadness is a natural state that helps rebuild our picture of the world under new conditions. Hiding this feeling now, we risk to face emotional decline in the future.

The basis of the treatment of apathy is a compositeness and graduality. There are no drugs that can return the habitual tone in a few days. In some cases, there will be quite ordinary recreation, in protracted and post-traumatic apathy, psychotherapeutic intervention may be required, and apathy in the painting of depression, or apato-abulic phenomena require both treatment with specialized medicines.

A good tool in the fight against apathy can be training relaxation and some respiratory practices. After stress, it is not necessary to neglect the possibility of psychological counseling: sometimes long-term loads make us "blind" to the obvious solutions to which an experienced consultant may bring us.

Psychoanalytic treatment makes sense in cases where Apathia has come after a rapid surge of emotions - most likely after such a manifestation, all the "residual" experiences were sent by the psyche in the unconscious to not injure us. An experienced psychoanalyst is able to help the client survive the emotions hidden themselves and thereby return it to full-blooded life.

And in the case of apathy that followed the death meaningful person, good, but a complex method of work is an existential analysis. As part of this direction, a person literally helps to pass and survive his suffering to further successfully build its new world.

The correction and prevention of apathy keeps on three key principles:

Apathia will never be cured successfully, if you do not remove the root causes of this state. It is impossible to engage in psychological correction of the consequences, if the vital needs of a person are not satisfied: in normal food, rest, health and hygiene.

And completing our article about Apathia, let's touch some "tablet" methods for preventing and treating this state. However, we will immediately declare that the list of drug groups and trade names Are not direct guidance to action.

Before taking anyone medicinal preparations Communicably consult with a specialist and diagnose on the tolerability of medicines!

The main groups of prevention-correction of apathy:

  • B-group of vitamins, namely: neurobion, vitaxon, neuromax;
  • class of Nootropov, namely: Stamper, Noocetam, Pyrateropyl;
  • some facilities that improve tissue exchange: Steamol, Eneerion, Tanakan;
  • psychostimurators: caffeine, dia-activist-n (only after consulting!);
  • some adaptogens, namely: Bilobil, Ginos.

Finally, in heavy (clinical) cases, psychiatrists can prescribe neuroleptics, like a metophenzate.

Fatigue and reluctance to do something - this condition is well known to each of us, and it is completely normal if it occurs periodically, after hard work or emotional tension. But sometimes the feeling of apathy appears too often and interferes with the normal life of a person, and to cope with chronic indifference to everything is very difficult. What is apatic syndrome and how to get rid of it?

Why she arises

"Apathy" is the meaning of this term with Dr. Greek - insensitiveness, denotes a psychopathological condition, in which violations of will, behavior and emotions are observed. The patient does not just do not want to do anything, he disappears the urge to fulfill any actions, including the care and satisfaction of natural needs.

Psychologists and psychotherapists around the world celebrate the increase in the number of patients who have a perisage of consciousness and full apathy to life. It is associated with a sharp change in the "lifting" pace of life modern manTo cope with which the psyche cannot.

Apathy and fatigue can develop as a protective reaction of the body for excessive load, it develops in those situations where all the resource capabilities of the nervous system and the body are exhausted, and further existence in such a pace will cause destruction. In order to save the psyche and the body as a whole, the patient develops indifference to life, which helps him cope with exhaustion. But, if the patient suffering from apathy syndrome will not be provided in time, there are very few chances for independent recovery, since the lack of interest and constant fatigue prevent him from their own treatment and attach enough effort to recovery.

The causes of apathy can be different:

  • Diseases - any somatic, endocrine, infectious diseases, especially chronically or long flowing causes the exhaustion of the body and can cause a breakdown and development of apathy as a protective reaction.
  • Physical I. nervous exhaustion - With constant overload, lack of sleep, improper and unbalanced nutrition, apathy may also occur due to the depletion of the body and the nervous system. So, spring apathy may arise against the background of avitaminosis, frequent cold illness and lack of vitamin D in winter.
  • Psychological reasons are stress, severe emotional experiences, moral injury and so on often cause severe apathy. Especially subject to women and children.
  • An unfavorable environment - difficulty at work, problems with studying or personal life may seem surrounding something insignificant. But, while maintaining such an environment for a long time, it may be extremely harmful to affect the psyche and cause the development of various neurological violations, including apathy.

To say for sure why apathy arises and no one has so to overcome apathy, in each particular case on the occurrence of pathology, various factors and treatment of each patient should also be selected individually. Only so the fight against apathy will be effective and the person will be able to return to ordinary life without the danger of repetition of an unpleasant episode.

Symptoms of apathy

The state of apathy is quite difficult to distinguish from the usual decline of forces and chronic fatigue. In apathy syndrome besides physical manifestations great importance have behavioral and emotional. If a person has all 3 species of symptoms, the likelihood that it is precisely the apathetic syndrome is much higher.

Signs of apathy:

  • Weakness - Under the apathy, man does not leave the constant sense of fatigue, any work and any action requires a lot of effort and often seems impracticable, even if the amount of work and load did not increase.
  • Reduced performance - This symptom echoes the previous one, the performance of work in full with the disease becomes impossible or requires too much effort.
  • Lack of interest to the surrounding - Apathy attacks are characterized by partial or complete lack of interest in something. The patient is not interested in nothing that happens around him, regardless of the importance of what is happening.
  • Reducing motor activity - Apache syndrome is characterized by the reluctance of a person to make extra movements. A loved one becomes a dream and rest, and to persuade the patient to play sports, take walks or just go somewhere becomes very difficult.
  • Permanent drowsiness - The desire to save can occur immediately after awakening and not to disappear throughout the day. Even a long sleep and rest do not help the patient to gain strength.
  • Violation of the concentration of attention, reduced memory - The state of apathy prevents a person to focus, attach any effort, he is hard to remember something or commit any mental job.
  • Refusal from any entertainment, hobby - Apathy is manifested in all spheres of life, even very beloved, the classes are becoming uninteresting and unnecessary.
  • Refusal to communicate - The patient avoids communication, prefers to spend time alone and does not come to contact even with close friends and relatives.
  • Unwillingness to leave the house - The prolonged apathy causes a person more and more time at home, in difficult cases he can completely refuse to leave his house or room.
  • Depression, reduced mood - Changing the mood or even the perisage of consciousness is also characteristic of apathy. A person can periodically "fall out" from reality, constantly feel sadness, irritation or aggression. This symptom signals that the sick it is time to think about how to deal with apathy.
  • Anxiety, fearspermanent alarmsFear of future, troubles or various phobias are also often present in this pathology.

Sometimes the patient develops an apathetic stupor - a condition in which a person completely ceases to respond to the surrounding, while he is conscious, aware of everything that happens and can react. His muscles are relaxed, reflexes are preserved, he can give answers to questions, take food and send natural need, but at the same time refuse to move or leave the bed. In this situation, it is necessary to decide how only the doctor should treat apathy.

Another variant of the disease is a grand apathy. This condition arises from people before any responsible event, for example, athletes before the start. Representation of apathy occurs due to excessive nervous and physical stress - "bravery" or a negative attitude towards the upcoming. It is characterized by lethargy, lack of interest in the upcoming, worsening of all physical and mental indicators. How to overcome apathy in this case, each decides itself - someone copes with this state, and someone refuses the upcoming test. It is important to understand that even with a favorable outcome cannot be left to the emergence of such symptoms without attention, as it is very difficult to defeat apathy on its own and, as a rule, a patient is required to help a doctor or psychologist.


How to get rid of apathy, especially if the patient has all the signs of pathology, including the perishes of consciousness, can only say a specialist who is treating.

There are different ways to get out of the state of apathy. In easy cases, it is enough to change the lifestyle, more rest and eat right, and in others it is necessary medical therapy And the help of a psychotherapist.

Apathy treatment includes:

  • Finding out the causes of pathology
  • Changing lifestyle
  • Psycho-emotional unloading
  • Reception of medicines
  • Help psychotherapist.

The answer to the question of how to cope with Apatia, can give only a patient himself - when it definitely determines its cause. This will help not only understand how to cure apathy, but also to prevent her development in the future. Sometimes the patient needs the treatment of somatic diseases, the normalization of the hormonal background or simply receiving vitamins.

Changing lifestyle plays a crucial role in the fight against apathy. Chronic fatigue, excessive loads and permanent lack of sleep always lead to various health problems and only a complete change in lifestyle helps to eliminate these consequences.

The ability to relax and remove emotional stress - it the best way Normalize the state of the nervous system. This can be both physical methods for relaxation and various hobbies, hobbies or special techniques: yoga, breathing exercises and so on.

Medicines are also necessary when looking for a response to the question: how to get out of apathy. They help relieve tension, fears, establish sleep and appetite. In light cases, treatment includes the reception of vitamins, adaptagents, vegetable sedatives, in more severe - the reception of antidepressants and neuroleptics.

The psychotherapist helps the patient to understand the reasons for the development of such behavior and learn to avoid in the future of such situations that can lead to apathy.

Under the frequently found in psychiatric practice, the term apathy understands a psychopathological state, expressed in a persistent absence of interests, an emotional background and full of indifference to what is happening events and others. The painful indifference demoralizes the person and throws it from the social sphere of society. Without the adoption of cardinal measures, the internal reserves are quickly exhausted, and the situation is only aggravated.

Provoking factors

Highlighting the reasons that entail the appearance of this psychopathological syndrome, doctors pay attention to the fact that apathy is a state, which is most often alarming about the whole complex of somatic and neurological disorders in the body. Before proceeding with the treatment of mental deviation, the following diagnoses should be eliminated:

Often the culprit of the appearance of apathy becomes the reception of drugs.

If during the course treatment of any medication There were such symptoms as overall malaise, lethargy, fading of emotions disappeared, and interest in the future disappeared, then these moments with the attending physician should be discussed.

The principal position among all the causes of Apathy is the concept of which the disorder is a protective reaction of the psyche, designed to retouch the depressive experiences of a person. According to supporters of this psychoanalytic theory, the apathetic state is capable of minimizing the importance of the needs and desires of the subject, which makes it possible to reconsider their attitude to life as a whole, thereby eliminating the internal contradictions.

Some psychology experts consider apathy as an affordable way to progress from the nervous breakdown. It sounds paradoxically, but often the pathological indifference overtakes the most responsible and purposeful personalities, which are fully laid out on a professional field. Thanks to apathy, workaholic gets so necessary unloading.

In some clinical episodes, diagnose the exact cause of the disorder is quite problematic, since the trigger mechanism of pathology is hidden in the hidden department of the psyche - in the subconscious. In other words, on his life path, a person had a chance to face the psychotrambulating situation that brought him a strong mental pain. Subconsciousness thus protects a person from a new portion of experiences.

The development of sustainable indifference is also associated with emotional burnout. Such anomalous state is a response to monotonous and hard work, lack of proper recognition for invested labor.

Forms and connection with depression

Conditionally disorder can be divided into several basic forms. The reference books on psychiatry describes the following types of apathy:

There is also such a term as social apathy for which the loss of interest in the system of social relations is characteristic. Such pathological passivity may experience both one person and a separate group of persons.

The connection of the state associated with full indifference, and the depressive disorder is no doubt. Apathia can generate depression, and also to be considered as one of its signs, but its presence in the symptomatic picture is not enough to form an accurate diagnosis.

Clinical manifestations of depression are characterized by a more extensive variety. It is characterized by such symptoms as an adequate mood, problems with sleep, violation of the mental function and so on.

However, the detached attitude towards the surrounding world sometimes directly indicates the presence of depressive disorder and leads to the development of the so-called apathetic type of depression. In such a situation, apathy determines the specifics of the depressed mental state, is in close connection with other affective violations of this pathology and affects their current.

Risk group

Unfortunately, no one is insured against apathy. Neither the age nor social status in this matter play absolutely no role. Due to the wide range of reasons leading to the depletion of emotions, allocate some one category of people subject to apathy, is not possible. Nevertheless, it is impossible not to say about persons who have a somewhat greater predisposition to this mental pathology. These include:

A mentally balanced man tries to normalize its condition as soon as possible and return life into the usual bed. It is much more difficult to have to those people who are inherent the following properties of character:

Clinical picture

A person who is in a state of total indifference is very easy to identify, since the manifestations of such a mental disorder are noticeable to others even with the naked eye. The typical symptoms of apathy include:

The overall impression that the man is mired in apathy, quite depressing. The conversation with such a person is severe and uninteresting. If you do not accept measures to return to a normal rut, the patient threatens the unenviable fate.

Diagnosis of disorder

Independently come to the conclusion that a failure occurred in the psyche, it is possible to do not every person, therefore a specialist who has a person appropriate education should diagnose pathology. Despite the tremendous progress in medicine and the field of information technology, many people do not find courage to seek help to a doctor whose consultation could save the patient who has fallen in the network of insidious apathy, from gloomy thoughts and absence.

In most cases, this is caused by fear of public censure. However, it is important to understand a simple thing: a psychologist is exactly the same doctor, whose methods of impact are not on the body, and to protect the patient from the deadly threat to the psyche. A conversation will be held with the patient, during which the doctor will try to determine the cause of apathetic disorder. Also, consultation makes it possible to establish the degree of faults of apathy and its form. To obtain a more detailed picture of the psycho-emotional state of the patient, the doctor conducts specially designed psychological tests.

The introverts, as a rule, do not seek to discover the soul before foreign people, even if there is an experienced psychologist in front of them, therefore deep self-analysis will be the only correct decision in the current situation. Practicing this valuable technique is extremely important to be extremely honest with himself. It is necessary to reflect on the reasons that caused the disorder of the psyche, as well as to give a sober assessment to their condition and opportunities to fight against a non-unauthorized assistance.

Therapeutic strategy

In condition when the individual is deprived of any desire to do anything and emotionally involved in social life, emergency measures are required, which are developed taking into account the reasons that caused apathy. It should be understood that such a mental deflection is not always a serious illness requiring serious medication.

If it is known that apathy originated after the impact of a traumatic factor, hasty and thoughtless steps may affect the apathetic state in the worst way. Rehabilitation period It can delay for several days or weeks, during which a person needs peace, physical and emotional vacation, as well as liberation from everyday worries.

Miraculous drug addictscapable of normalizing the emotional background of the patient, simply does not exist.

That is why the consultation of a psychologist or psychotherapist is so important. The indispensability of this step is caused by the fact that only a small percentage of people can independently diagnose apathy and stop its symptoms by their own. Prevention of chronic form of mental deviation is based in the following events:

  • proper alternation of labor and rest;
  • avoiding stressful situations;
  • compliance with the regime of the day.

Faced with apathy, you need to balance the diet. There should be products rich in vitamins and minerals on the table. Among other events that will contribute effective treatment apathy it is worth highlighting:

  • regular stay on the street;
  • active physical culture and sports;
  • visiting the pool;
  • massage and acupuncture.

The use of pharmacological agents are resorted only in particularly launched cases.

Of the most harmless drugs, natural adaptogens and complexes containing a shock dose of vitamin B are used. It may take psychostimulants, neuroleptics and nootropics to eliminate pronounced symptoms. Selection of medicines should be engaged exclusively by the doctor.

Pathological condition for pregnancy

Introducing a child, a woman is experiencing emergency physical and emotional overload. In this responsible period of its life, a hormonal restructuring is launched and a partial reassessment of life beings occurs, so there is nothing surprising that the future mother begins to suffer from Apatia.

Permanent control should be set for a pregnant woman. Due to the reduced criticality of perception, she can skip alarm symptoms. Usually apathies are exposed to emotional, active women who have lost their usual circle of communication at the time of maternity leave. The symptoms of the disorder is classic, thoughts on the future fate of the baby and its place in the changeable world can join it.

Such states during pregnancy need mandatory correction. You should not wait for passivity to disappear - the health of two people at once, under threat.

Without a doubt, apathy is the real Beach of our time. The sense of senselessness of existence against the background of neurosis is familiar almost every second person. Faced apatine - it means to experience my nervous system For strength. The main thing, in no case can the disorder on samonek and strictly observe all the instructions of the doctors, and even better - to perform preventive measures, and then do not have to get rid of the painful psychological state at all.

Our unconscious desires are hidden from us. Therefore, we can and not guess what our psyche asks. The main reason for the emergence of apathy is the lack of realization of our desires.

I don't want anything. I sit like a vegetable, there is no desires nor feelings or aspirations. Complete lack of interest in life. There is even forces to move and do something at all. Would go to bed, and is better forever.

But before life inside burning fire. There were desires, there were aspirations, it was interesting, and life brought pleasure. Now in the shower - only emptiness. What broke down, what went wrong? Who to ask for help, what to try?

We understand the reasons for the state and with the help of the latest knowledge of our time - system-vector psychology.

Man - Principle of Enjoyment

What is apathy? The state of indifference and indifference to everything around. How does this occur? Let's start understanding this from the very beginning: with what is a healthy person.

The man is in essence - this is his psyche, that is, the combination of desires and properties, which in system-vector psychology are combined in the vector. Only 8 vectors, each of which carries its unique desires and features, determining the values, aspirations, the type of thinking and all other features of their owners.

The person always seeks to pleasure unconsciously. All he does in his life, he does, wanting to enjoy. Feeling a desire for something, a man is going to implement it. Getting the desired - enjoys, and then the desire doubles. Next, we make great efforts, but the pleasure of achieving the goal is already more.

The obstacle is that our unconscious desires are hidden from us. Therefore, we can and not guess what our psyche asks. The main reason for the emergence of apathy is the lack of realization of our desires.

What are they, our unconscious desires?

To understand how apathy arises and how to deal with it, consider in more detail what desires live by man in each vector.

  • Owners seek superiority - social and material. It is important for them in society, the opportunity to earn good money for their work.
  • For owners, the main value is family, children and house. In society they are important respect and recognition. They are the best professionals, masters of their business.
  • For representatives, the meaning of life is love, warm, heartfelt relationship. They want emotional ties with people.
  • People with the main request are the knowledge of the forces that manage this world and people around, the knowledge of their destination, the meaning of the appearance on this earth.

To understand how to treat apathy, it is necessary to formulate an accurate cause of apathetic states. She will sound like this: "I want and do not get."

Causes of apathy

1) We are not aware, and therefore, we do not implement our desires.

Man disoriented and often mistaken, realizes not his desires, but imposed by society. For example, a person with an anal vector seems to feel that he wants a family, but screaming from all sides: "First you need a career, then a family already! Create a family - career will not wait! " And he tries, plows to build a career. Inside the same - constant dissatisfaction. As if you do not do at all what is right for you.

A person does not know himself and makes efforts not in that place. Invested - and pleasures does not get. Again efforts - again nothing gets. And then there is no strength on anything, and I don't want to do anything. There is an apathetic state.

2) Bad script or traumatic experience.

A person can and fully realize his desires, but something can interfere with him to get the desired.

For example, in the skin vector it may be a scenario for failure. It is formed in childhood when a child with a skin vector beat or humiliate. As a result, the child reappears unconsciously to enjoy not from achievements and victories, but from failures and failures. Consciously, he puts a big goal, wants status, money, and unconsciously relaxes and calms down if nothing happened again.

When a person does not suspect such a scenario, he can beat as a fish about ice, but nothing and not achieved. While the scenario for failure will not be realized and worked out, nothing will change. Then gradually quenching frustration, knocks the desire to make a person not so hurt from endless fruitless efforts.

People with an auditorium - very emotional and sensitive. Their main desire is love. With all his heart, they strive for her - to warm, gentle relations. But it does not always go out to build emotional connections. A person can suffer, try, but not to receive the desired. And after the mass of the experienced pain, it is already humbled and no longer tries. And does not want anything ...

An injuries are possible in a visual vector: a strong shock occurred, for example, a loss of loved ones - and the psyche to keep themselves, includes a protective mechanism and blocks emotional sensitivity. Then the person has a complete or partial disabling emotion, it feels emotional devastation. But this is a temporary state.

3) The desire falls into the zadietot.

It happens that the desire is quite sensible and conscious, but in these life circumstances it is impossible to implement it. It happens, for example, with women on maternity leave, when they have no opportunity to engage in favorite work, communicate with people, "go out".

Easy of desires

When the desire is not realized for a long time, it turns into frustration, in the internal voltage. When frustrations ("I want and do not get"), the person constantly feels pain and dissatisfaction. He becomes aggressive - begins to hate everyone, annoyance, yelling, or roll hysteries, that is, "drop" his lacks on others. All this aggression begins to destroy it from inside. This is manifested in the form of psychosomatic diseases and disorders.

And then, gradually, the psyche begins to turn the desire to preserve the person. This is a kind of mercy of nature. The person becomes sluggish, without energy, does not want anything, and can not. He just fills completely. No desires - no life.

How can this happen, for example, is a woman with an anal vector? Its main value is a family, a house, children. But in those situations where the family broke up or died close people, - the inner emptiness occurs, often women call this condition - emotional burnout. For whom to knit warm socks? To whom the stove pies? Who to meet after work, about coming? The meaning of life is lost, inside the emptiness. Gradually comes to be not so painful to live.

Full apathy and depression

Sound vector is in the desire hierarchy separately. His desires are the only ones are not connected with the material world. If earthly desires (in the remaining seven vectors) are fully aware of people, then the desire of the sound vector is most often not recognized.

Desires in the sound vector are desires for the disclosure of the device of the world, what is hidden, the reasons for our birth, the meaning of life, our destination. If these desires are not filled, a person completely loses interest in anything, does not want to communicate with people, loses the meaning of any daily action, feels physical weakness, drowsiness, calling it by chronic fatigue syndrome. In the sound vector - a consequence of severe states, depression, this is a complete exhaustion and despair from the impossibility of filing their sound wishes.

The sound vector is dominant - this means that if his desires are not filled, it gradually decreases and desires in other vectors (the desire of communication, family, money, love, etc.). Gradually, a person completely loses its meaning in life, can hate people, constantly strive for loneliness.

He does not want to communicate with anyone, and he needs to answer the questions that he constantly ask others. A person does not understand what he wants, where he moves, more often does not want anything at all. There is a complex emotional disorder - the person is alive, but psychologically, emotionally he dies, lives simply on the machine, in apathy.

How to get rid of apathy and depression to return to full-fledged life? Revealing the conference of the psyche at the training "System-Vector Psychology" Yuri Burlan, a sound person forgets about depression, he wakes up completely unrestrained interest in life and the desire to live.

Apathy: what to do if nothing wants

Council of the system psychologist ,: To implement your natural desires, use the principle of pleasure in life, corresponding to the internal device of your psyche.

When a person is aware of his own nature, his true unconscious desires - already at this stage he is liberated by energy. This makes it possible to start moving in your life not at random, but in the right direction, with the knowledge of your device. Apathy treatment - the task is solved.

You no longer have to get a bad experience. In addition, you can free yourself from the previous experience, from interference that prevents you with your desires.

Scenario for failure, resentment, bad experience, procrastination (postponement for later), fears, panic attacks, phobias. All these problems are being worked out at the training "System-Vector Psychology" Yuri Burlan.

System-vector psychology is a multifaceted knowledge of a man's psyche that drives us from the inside. For people with a sound vector, the study of this knowledge is the most enjoyable pleasure available in our time.

It's time to return to life. This world is waiting for you - living, energetic, waiting for your talents! No one is born just like that - he needs this world, and every person is able to become happy when it is realized according to the properties laid out in nature. confirm it. These people were able to return to life from their depressions and apathy:

"There was some anticipation of new discoveries of each coming day. I began to go out and can not stop in place not a minute. Inside there is a new source of energy - thirst for life. Understanding yourself, who makes up their psyche (vector) and their needs, I clearly realize that I have no right to engage in your business in life and not in your place !! "

And you can also defeat apathy. Start with the free online training "System and Vector Psychology", which will be held in the near future. .

The article is written on the materials of the training " System-vector psychology» Apathy Apathy is characterized by severe depression, uncertainty in his abilities, an unfortunate feeling of anxiety, also often observed depersonalization.


Fairy I.

Many people today suffer from apathy. Some do not even know how this ailment captured them, which has caused the cause of constant [...]

Many people today suffer from apathy. Some do not even realize how this ailment captured them, which caused the constant poor mood. Apathia is such a state in which personality ceases to control their own emotions. It begins to seem like in life there are only negative moments, I don't want to make efforts even for the necessary actions. Apathia is characterized by severe depression, uncertainty in his abilities, an unfortunate sense of anxiety, and depersonalization is also often observed. Apathia makes you feel a worthless loser who does not need anyone.

Causes of apathy

In order for apathy develops, time is necessary and good grounds. From the side it seems that everything happens by itself, without reasons. It should be noted that the reasons are available, and they are quite explained. Consider them in more detail.

Emotional shocks

Some events of life are so unthinkable and unpredictable, which they turn into shock. Faced with loving close man or treason partner, personality can be made indifferent, indifferent to everything around. It is simply required time to restore sincere equilibrium, developing new positive programs. Such a process cannot happen quickly. Workability requires a large internal concentration, affects personality resources. It is the emotional shocks that are so deprived of the person of the inner rod that he disappears the ability to think clearly. To make decisions while in such a state is impossible. Apathia becomes a protective reaction of the psyche that does not give destructive information to penetrate even more into consciousness. With the help of apathy, the individual gets the opportunity to burn out from the events that are not satisfied.


In some cases, the reason for apathy becomes the habit of everything and always perform on "excellent". It is actually extremely unpleasant for further development. Man gets used to constantly working on high level And requires the maximum result from itself even when it is absolutely not needed. Perfectionism, if it is manifested too acute, goes to the harm of the person, makes it work at the limit of its capabilities. Apathia comes as a result of the waste of its internal resources. Personality becomes sluggish, misintermetative, unable to take responsibility.

Addictive behavior

Another reason for the development of apathy. Any dependency destroys the identity, contributes to addiction. The fact is that a person loses the colossal part of his personality, loses individuality, addicted, for example, to alcohol or drugs. He is no longer able to respond for himself. The dependence often becomes the cause of uncontrolled aggression and the onset of complete apathy. Addigative behavior devastates from the inside, contributes to loneliness, the formation of a feeling of cut-off from the world. Apathy appears as a result, as a result of the wrong attitude towards the world.

Physical ailments

Diseases, especially chronic, often contribute to the onset of apathy, caused immersion in their own experiences. Any long disease deprives a person moral forces. His at some point begins to seem that the joy does not exist, because there is no reason for smiles. Long-term treatment, the need to visit the hospital and the stay in it in many ways definitely makes it wary of himself. People who have health becomes a reason for pronounced anxiety, do not believe in a happy future, do not build plans for self-realization, do not want to move towards the desired goal.

Bad relationships

Interactive relationships with people are also often the cause of apathy. When there is no proper understanding among relatives, a sense of unnecessaryness is formed, even rejected. A person often cannot understand what happens to him until it turns out that he has no one to help. Negative feelings become permanent satellites for those who encountered such as unrequited love . Bad relationships with surrounding often contribute to the fact that the individual closes even more. Apathia has the reason for the development of mistrust to the world. Still, everyone needs to feel necessary and in demand.

Symptoms of apathy

Apathy manifests itself in person a certain way. It can not be confused with any other condition. The measure of depression, which is present at apathy, is able to cause significant damage to mental health. What are the pronounced apathy symptoms? Let's try to figure out.

Indifference to everything

The feeling of depression is a bright apathy symptom. Indifference to everything appears due to deep immersion in the problem. The fact is that a person can be truly happy only when he sees the meaning in life, and it consists of many components: personal happiness, success at work, self-realization. Apathy destroys all this, setting in the shower only emptiness and despair. Such a condition is incredibly depleting the individual, makes it similar to other people who were in a similar position. Personal borders are erased, fear of fear and anxiety for their future are inserted.


A man immersed in Apathy often stops watching what he looks. Many cease to look into the mirror, it becomes unpleasant to obstacize their own reflection. Slope - characteristic symptom apathy. It appears because the individual is too much focused on his own experiences. At a certain point, he may face the fact that someone from relatives will be disgusted with him precisely because of the progressive slope. The habit of wearing old dirty clothes, for a long time it does not wash out even more from people. Personality risks to dissolve in its apathy, to become quite lonely.

Reduced appetite

Apathy makes forget about the need to eat in time. An individual can sit for hours in one place, staring at one point or to sleep, fleeing deep experiences. The decline in appetite is dictated by the fact that the alarming thoughts interfere with feeling hunger as a physiological response. Everything flaps an uncontrolled feeling of anxiety, which sometimes seems impossible to overcome. Reducing appetite is a symptom of apathy and depression.

Lack of initiative

Apathia causes a person to consider himself worthless, ruthlessly shesping his internal resources. The individual becomes weak and chantless, he has no desire to work on himself, to do something. Even if inside himself there is an understanding that it is necessary to take attempts to self-improvement, there is not enough strength in the externality in order to embody the desired life. All because apathy does not allow to believe in itself, make sure of its own consistency.

Violation of speech

Apathimathy harms personality, almost completely destroys it. Staying in this state, the individual cannot understand what happens to it. It becomes difficult to respond to everyday questions, participate in a conversation. He slows speech, there is no reaction to some stimuli. With a violation of speech, memory disturbances are noted: forgetfulness appears, scattered. A slow reaction can lead to uncontrolled consequences. There are cases when people who are in apathy became victims of accidents: attacks, traffic accidents, etc.

Chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigue is a symptom of apathy. In apathy, a person is experiencing an incredible decline. He does not have any life of vital energy in order to start acting. The implementation of the existing desires is constantly postponed indefinitely. The fatigue at the same time is often so strong that you have to overcome yourself even in order to make elementary actions: to move around the apartment, go to the shop for purchases.

How to deal with apatine?

Apathy as a state necessarily needs correction. It is impossible to stay in it for a long time, it is fraught irreversible consequences. For the treatment of apathy, it is best to start immediately as it appeared. It is not recommended to tighten with actions, because then it will make it harder. However, many people unconsciously delay this moment precisely because they do not know how to deal with all-consuming despair and anxiety.

Physical activity

This is the first, where to start the treatment of apathy. The fact is that physical activity cannot be replaced with anything. If you stop moving, then the problem starts only progress with time. Man is so arranged that even small exercises can help cope with obsessive states. That is why it is necessary to sign up for dancing, walking along the street on foot. Making daily walks, you will free yourself from additional spiritual torments. Do not neglect the morning charge. If there are forces for systematic gymnastics, you can include it in your daily routine.

Daily regime

Thinking about how to deal with apathy, should take into account such a thing as right mode day. This important component will save you from significant mistakes that can lead to even greater losses and defeats. Apathy as such has the property to accumulate, if you do not take any effort to eliminate it. Competent treatment of apathy never costs without building an effective routine. Your body must get used to the departure to sleep strictly at certain hours, take food at a while you are hungry. Gradually, you will learn to feel your needs and desires.


How to deal with a sense of cutoff from the world? In the treatment of apathy, it is advisable to travel. It is advisable to do it as much as possible to get the necessary impressions. Of course, everyone has different financial capabilities, but it is recommended not to regret the money for mental recovery.


Interaction with close people in many ways helps to overcome the subjective feeling of unnecessaryness. Apathy treatment is impossible if there is no possibility to express their love and affection. Communication is an indispensable tool in the fight against emotional disorders and depressions. You just need to be able to find such people who will be able to listen to, understand something will be able to advise something. Unfortunately, not everyone with loved ones are built so warm relationships that there is a desire to share all their thoughts and feelings. It is impossible to limit yourself in cooperation with other people. The more communication, the better, the sooner it will be possible to recover, to restore lost mental strength.


They are not always recommended, only in the most difficult situations when ordinary positive actions and support for loved ones are not enough. No need to shy to seek help when it really is necessary. What drugs are usually assigned? It is recommended to take "Novopalsit", "Persen" or "Glycine". In more severe cases, the doctor may assign strong tranquilizers that will help free from disturbing thoughts.

Thus, the pronounced state of apathy is a serious reason to think about your life. Apathy psychological disorder necessarily needs treatment. It is necessary to the right approach to treatment, which will help to overcome the sense of internal hopelessness. Can to seek help in the center of psychology Irakli Fairy. Work with a specialist will be useful. You can figure out the disturbing situation, outline the ways of inner liberation.

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