Lorinden and cheap analogues. Ointment Lorinden A and C - Features of Application

Lorinden is a tool last generationwhich perfectly copes with numerous outer lesions of inflammatory, infectious and fungal nature.

It is also relevant for cases that are accompanied by hyperkeratosis and periodic itch. Lorinden C is also used against seborrheic and atopic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, red flat deprived, skin forms Red lupus, polymorphic erythema.

The drug has three main varieties, each of which has certain medical properties And it can be used in the treatment of a number of specific skin diseases.

Clinical and Pharmacological Group

The drug with antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect for outdoor use.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

Recommended by a doctor's prescription.


How much is Lorinden C? average price The pharmacies are at the level of 400 rubles.

Release form and composition

There are two types of Lorindena preparation - Ointment A and C.

The first is an anti-inflammatory medicine with keratolithic action for use in external purposes. The second serves antibacterial aneg with antifungal, anti-inflammatory effect, is also used locally allergic diseases. As part of both drugs contains flumetazone in the form of a salt of pivota.

Two formats of Mazi Lorinden are characterized by a composition and functional action. Detailed description Each:

Ointment S. Oint of A.
Description Grease ointment white color With yellow or gray shades Fatty soft ointment white with yellow tint
Plumetasone concentration of pivalat, μg per 1 g 200 200
Concentration of cliqueinol, mg per 1 ml 30 0
Concentration of salicylic acid, mg per 1 g 0 30
Structure Wax Bees White, Vaseline Lanolin, Propylene Glycol, Vaseline
Packaging Aluminum tubes 15 g in a cardboard pack with instructions for use

Pharmacological effect

The drug has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory action for outdoor use.

  1. Kliokhinol (iodhloroxyxinoline) is active against dermatophytes, yeast mushrooms and gram-positive bacteria. Enhances the anti-seventive effect of flumetazone.
  2. Flumetomazone has an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-plating, anti-edema and vasoconductive effect. Reduces the inflammatory exudate and lymphokine products, slows down the migration of macrophages, reduces infiltration and granulation. Reduces the products of prostaglandins and leukotrienes. The drug causes the reduction of the main substance connective tissue, weakens proliferative and exudative reactions in the skin.

The active ingredients in the interaction suppress the development of inflammatory-allergic reactions from the skin, complicated by bacterial and fungal infection. The fatty base has a softening effect, creates a waterproof protective film on the surface of the skin, due to which the drug can be used in patients with dry and thin skin.

Indications for use

According to the data specified in the instructions for Lorindena, this drug is intended for the treatment of acute and chronic allergermatosis, especially accompanied by excessive energizing of the skin. In particular, it is used at:

  1. Red Warthy Lisha;
  2. Photodermatitis;
  3. Sacrificed with severe liquidization (sealing and roughness of the skin);
  4. Multiform exudative erythene;
  5. Bubble skin diseases (as part of combined therapy);
  6. Discoore;
  7. Chronic Lichnia Vidal;
  8. Diffuse;
  9. Hyperkeratosis;
  10. Various forms of chronic and subacute eczema (especially horny);
  11. Chronic dyshydrosis;
  12. Outdoor otitis;
  13. Insect bite.


Loriden with contraindicated in the following cases:

  • trophic ulcers of the heads caused by varicose extension veins;
  • prejudice states and neoplasms of the skin (atheroma, neust, skin cancer, hemangioma, melanoma, xanthoman, epithelioma, sarcoma);
  • skin post accynyl reactions;
  • pink and vulgar acne;
  • sofilis skin symptoms;
  • lupus;
  • perioreral dermatitis;
  • skin infections;
  • virus skin diseases (chickenpox, herpes);
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • children's age up to 10 years;
  • individual intolerance to active substances or auxiliary components.

With caution, prescribe the drug during pregnancy in the second and third trimester, as well as in the period of breastfeeding.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

In the period of tooling the child, caution should be exercised: although the active substance does not accumulate in the skin and does not penetrate through the placental barrier, it is necessary to control the treatment process. Lactation is also not an obstacle to the use of Loriden: the absence of its penetration into breast milk allows you to use this drug without fear for the health of the kid.

Dosage and method of application

In the instructions for use, it is indicated that the ointment of Lorinden is caused by a subtle layer on the skin in the field of lesion. At the beginning of therapy, the drug should not be used more often than 2-3 times / day; When positive dynamics appear 1-2 times / day.

  1. The drug should not be used for more than 2 weeks.
  2. It is not recommended to apply more than 2 g of ointment per day.
  3. If you need to use a bandage, use a bandage that transmits air. With excessive liquidation and hyperkeratosis, ointments are used only under an occlusal bandage 1 time in 24-48 hours. In this case, the duration of the drug is not more than 1 week.

In children and adolescents, over 10 years old, the drug can be used only in exceptional cases in limited areas of the skin and avoid applying ointment on the skin of the face.

Side effects

During the use of the drug Lorinden C possibly manifestation of side effects in the form of acne, dry skin dryness, atrophy of subcutaneous fluid, alopecia, excessive hair growth, discoloration or hyperemia skin Pokrov, perioreral dermatitis, inflammation of hair follicles or skin integrity.

In the case of the use of Lorinden with an occlusive bandage, the likelihood of the development of systemic side effects, such as hypertension, ethimony or secondary infection, increases.


With prolonged use of the drug in oversized doses, overdose is possible. Its symptoms can serve a sharp increase in the side effects of the drug. Specific treatment of overdose Lorinden with does not exist. Symptomatic treatment is recommended.

special instructions

Before you start using the drug, familiarize yourself with the special instructions:

  1. To apply Lorinden with the face of the face is not recommended, it is also necessary to avoid falling ointment into the eyes.
  2. With prolonged therapy, the development of microflora resistance is possible to the action of the active substance of the drug (cliojunola).
  3. Apply the drug longer than the recommended period should not be applied, since the long-term use of Lorinden C on extensive areas of leather increases the risk of system side effects of glucocorticosteroids.
  4. In atrophic changes in the skin, especially in the elderly patients, Lorinden C must be used with caution.
  5. With fungal diseases with secondary allergic reactions, ointment should be applied under medical control in exceptional cases.
  6. In cases of developing secondary infections at the site of the drug, it is necessary to use funds with a more pronounced antifungal or antibacterial effect.

Medicinal interaction

Due to the fact that Lorinden C has an immunosuppressive effect, during treatment it is impossible to conduct immunization and vaccination.

Ointment should not be appointed simultaneously with others drugs external use.

Flumetiasone reduces the effectiveness of anticoagulants, antihypertensive and hypoglycemic drugs, reduces the concentration of prazicvantel and serum salicylates.

In the case of joint use of Lorinden C increases the risk of developing side effects of the following drugs: Heart glycosides (digitalistic intoxication); Diuretics (hypokalemia); Oral contraceptives, androgens, estrogens, anabolic steroids (girsutism, acne); antipsychotic drugs, azathioprin, buccanban (cataract); tricyclic antidepressants, antihistamines, nitrates, cholinoblocators (glaucoma).

This page provides a list of all the analogues of Lorinden with the composition and indication. A list of cheap analogues, and also be able to compare prices in pharmacies.

  • Most cheap analog Lorinden C:
  • The most popular analogue of Lorinden C:
  • ATX Classification: Flumetazone in combination with antiseptics
  • Existing substances / Composition: Kliokhinol, Flumetazone

Cheap analogues Lorinden with

When calculating the cost cheap analogues Lorinden with Considered the minimum price, which was found in the price list provided by pharmacies

Popular analogues of Lorinden with

The list of drug analogues Based on the statistics of the most requested medicinal preparations

All analogues Lorinden with

The above list of the analogues of the drugs in which are indicated replays Lorinden S.is the most appropriate because they have the same composition of the active ingredients and coincide the indication to use

Different composition, may coincide due to the indication and method of application

To compile a list of cheap analogues of expensive drugs, we use prices that we provide more than 10,000 pharmacies throughout Russia. The database of drugs and their analogues is updated daily, so the information provided on our site is always relevant as of the current day. If you have not found an analog you are interested in, please use the search above and select the medicine youest interest from the list. On the page of each of them you will find all the possible options for the analogues of the search drug, as well as the prices and addresses of pharmacies in which it is in stock.

How to find a cheap analogue of dear medicine?

To find an inexpensive analogue of medicine, generic or synonym, forward the queue, we recommend paying attention to the composition, namely the same active substances and indications for use. The same drug actors will indicate that the drug is a synonym for a drug, a pharmaceutically equivalent or pharmaceutical alternative. However, do not forget about the inactive components of similar drugs that can affect safety and efficiency. Do not forget about the instruction of doctors, self-medication can harm your health, so before the drafting of anyone medical preparation Always consult your doctor.

Lorinden from the price

On the sites below you can find prices for Lorinden C and learn about the presence in the pharmacy nearby

Lorinden with instruction

for the use of drug
Lorinden S.

Lorinden C - ointment - corticosteroid in combination with antiseptics for use in dermatology.

The properties of Mazi Lorinden with the pivota and clioction of the flumetazon of the flumetazone.

Plumetasone pivotes is a synthetic GCS with a moderate anti-inflammatory effect. In the case of ointment, the form of the Mazi has a local action of the average intensity. It makes lipophilic properties, easily penetrates the horny layer of the skin and has a long anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-allergic effect. In the external use of the fluumetasone poles suppresses the formation of prostaglandins and leukotrienes in the skin due to the inhibition of the activity of phospholipase A 2 and the reduction of the release of arachidonic acid from phospholipids of cell membranes. Phagocytosis and the release of interleukins and other cytokines, which cause inflammatory processes. It offers the release of histamine and the emergence of local allergic reactions, weakens the proliferative processes. Actions reduces exudative reactions. The synthesis of protein and collagen deposition.

Kliofinol has antibacterial effect against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as weak antifungal effect.


Plumetasone pivotilas easily penetrates in the horny layer of the skin, where it accumulates. It is metabolized in the skin. In a small amount, it can penetrate the body in external use and in this case to make a systematic action. After the skin penetration through the skin is metabolized in the liver, is removed from the urine and in minor The amounts with bile in the form of glucuron conjugates and in an unchanged form. Theabsorption of the fluumetasesone pivota increases with the use of folds or face on the tender skin, on the skin with a damaged epidermis or affected by the inflammatory process. Application of an occlusive bandage, which leads to an increase in the temperature and humidity of the skin, Also increases the absorption of pivalata flumetaseson. In addition, the absorption increases with a frequent use of the drug or when applied on extensive skin areas. It is more intenseing through the skin of young people intense than in older patients.

Kliokhinol has a local action and is practically not absorbed into the blood.

Indications for use:

Lorinden ointment with applied in local treatment lesions of the skin without exudation complicated bacterial infectionaccompanied by itching and hyperkeratosis: seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, multiform erythema, red lupus, psoriasis, red flat deprived.

Mode of application:

The drug Lorinden C is intended for local application. Makes are applied to a thin layer on the affected skin 1-2 times a day. There are no more than 2 weeks to apply on the skin of more than 1 week. In the course of the week it is recommended to use no more than 1 tubes.

With increased damping or excessive hyperkeratosis, it is allowed to use an occlusal bandage that should be changed every 24 hours.

Side effects:

From the side of the skin and subcutaneous tissue: acne, sculpted purple, depression of epidermis growth, atrophy of subcutaneous fiber, dry skin, sensation of burning, irritation, itching, excessive hair growth on body or alopecia, discoloration or hyperpigmentation of skin, atrophy and skin integrity, teleangioectas , perioreral dermatitis, inflammation of hair follicles, secondary infections. Harpivica may appear, fifthly papulese rash or exacerbation of existing changes may appear separately.

From the side of the organs: in the external use on the skin of the century, cataract or glaucoma can sometimes develop.

Others: Absorption active substance In the blood can cause systemic side effects inherent in fluumetazone pivota. They arise mainly in the case of long-term use of the drug when applied on extensive skin areas, under the edulicious bandage or application in children.

Systemic side effects of fluumetazone pivota typical for corticosteroids are manifold, including the dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, Cushing syndrome, the oppression of growth and development in children, hyperglycemia, glucosuria, swelling, arterial hypertension, increased sensitivity to infections, decrease in immunity; A neurotoxic effect is possible when cliching, especially in cases of long-term use or application under occluding bandage.

In individuals with individual intolerance to the components of the drug are possible hypersensitivity reactions.


Contraindications to the use of Mazi Lorinden C are:

Hypersensitivity to the flumetazone of pivalat, other corticosteroids, clayinginol or other components of ointment.

Viral (for example, chickenpox, simple herpes), fungal or bacterial (such as tuberculosis) skin infection, skin neoplasms, conventional and pink acne, perioreral and diaper dermatitis, anal itching, itching in the field of vulva, inflammation or ulcers of varicose knots.

Do not apply in large areas of the skin, especially when the integrity of the skin is impaired, for example, in burns.


In animal studies, it is confirmed that glucocorticosteroids have a teratogenic effect even when taking inside of small doses.

The teratogenic effect is also confirmed with the external use of the GKS. He was conducted by controlled studies of possible teratogenic effects in the external use of pivalata fluctuatasone in pregnant women.

Ointment Lorinden C can be used for pregnant women only briefly, in small areas of the skin and only if, according to the doctor, the benefit exceeds possible risk From application. Application of the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated.

The degree of release of flumetazone pivalata in breast milk with external use is unknown. oral use GKS a significant number of these hormones, which could affect the organism of the newborn, in breast milk It was not found. However, it is recommended to use Lorinden's ointment with women in the period of breastfeeding. In some cases, it is possible to use the drug in small areas to use Lorinden ® ointment on the skin of the mammary glands.

Interaction with other drugs:

With the external use of the GCS of interactions with other drugs, it was not revealed.

Auxiliary substances: white wax, paraffin white soft.


Not to use continuously more than 2 weeks. In prolonged use on extensive areas of leather, the frequency of development of side effects increases. Approach the drug should be immediately discontinued if its use leads to itching, dryness or allergic skin reactions.

During the outdoor use of the fluumetasone, the pivota can decrease the release of the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), due to the oppression of the pituitary-napnirosalosalo communication, the level of blood cortisol and the Yatrogenic syndrome of Cushing syndrome passes after the cessation of treatment. In the case of increased infection at the use of the drug, additional use of antibacterial is needed. Antifungal medicines. If symptoms of infection do not disappear, the use of the drug must be stopped.

It should be avoided by the drug and the skin around the eyes of patients, sick glaucoma with a narrow or wide angle, as well as patients with cataract, given the possibility of enhancing the symptoms of the disease.

Contact the drug with eyes and mucous membranes should be avoided.

On the skin of the face, the inguinal and axillary region is applied only in the event of a special need, since it is possible to increase the suction and high risk of developing side effects (telegoni-methods, perioreral dermatitis), even after a short application.

The use of ointment under an occlusive bandage should be limited by exceptional situations due to the possibility of atrophy and imperthects of epidermis, superinfection.

It is necessary to carefully apply the drug in the presence of subcutaneous tissue atrophy, mainly elderly people.

During the treatment of chronic states, for example, psoriasis or chronic eczema, it should not be abruptly canceled the drug. It takes carefully to apply patients with patients with psoriasis because local application GCS in this case can lead to the relapses of the disease due to the development of tolerance, the risk of propagation of pustular psoriasis and systemic toxicity due to skin dysfunction.

The ability to influence the reaction rate when managing motor vehicles or other mechanisms

The drug does not limit the psychic and motor ability, as well as the ability to manage vehicles or other mechanisms.

The drug does not apply to children up to 12 years old. Over 12 years old the drug is used with caution. It makes it possible to apply ointment in some cases in small areas of skin. Do not apply the drug on the skin of the face.

In children, the children can absorb proportionally more GKS, and therefore they are more susceptible to systemic side effects. This is due to the fact that children have a short-lived skin barrier and a large surface of the skin relative to the body weight compared to adults.

All information is provided for informational purposes and is not a reason to independently appoint or replace medication.

Lorinden C is a drug that is effectively fighting with microbes, fungal lesions and inflammatory skin processes. Used only for outdoor use.

Release form and composition

Lorinden C is a white ointment of white, which can have a gray or yellowish tint.

In the instructions for Lorindenu, it was noted that 1 g of the drug contains 200 μg of fluumetazone pivalat and 30 mg of claying.

Additional components of Mazi Lorinden C include white beeswax (10 g) and vaseline (1 g).

It is possible to purchase the analyzed agent in pharmacies in the cardboard packaging, in which 1 aluminum tube is located in volume.

Flutcinar N and Lorinden A. are considered analogues of Lorinden C.

Pharmacological action Lorinden with

Ointment Lorinden with perfectly eliminates fungal formations, inflammation and microbes.

Flumetomone is able to reduce inflammatory processes, allergic reactions, remove the swelling, eliminate itching and have a vasoconstrictor action. As a result of the application of Mazi Lorinden with microphagus migration, the amount of fluid is reduced, which accumulates in tissues inflammatory processesThe effect of cellular kinines that split proteins ceases or slows down.

Kliofolol effectively eliminates yeast mushrooms, dermatophytes and gram-positive bacteria. This substance is able to increase the exudative function of the flumetazone.

In responses to Lorinden, it is indicated that due to the fat consistency of ointment, it has excellent moisturizing properties, does not pass through itself moisture, creating a protective film on the surface of the skin. Paying attention to such factors can be argued that the ointment of Lorinden C can be used to treat patients with very thinned and dry skin.

Indications for the use of Lorinden with

Lorinden C and Lorinden analogs are most often prescribed for the treatment of dermatitis, erythrodermia, eczema, psoriasis, scratch, multiform erythema, red lupus and red flat depriving, urticaria and secondary insect bites.

In addition, the ointment effectively eliminates the manifestations of the impetigo, dermatomycosis, infected mother-in-law, blastomicosis, actinomycosis and sports industry.


Lorinden C is not prescribed with tuberculosis, herpes, wind Spap, syphilis, in the presence of pink acne, perioral dermatitis, trophic heads of the shoes.

In the reviews of Lorinden, it is indicated that it is not prescribed patients with skin cancer, melanoma, sarcoma, atheroma, as well as immediately after vaccination.

It is forbidden to prescribe children whose age has not reached 10 years, and patients with hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug.

Method of application and dosage

Instructions for Lorinden with indicates that this tool is allowed to use only for outdoor use. The drug is applied to the affected areas of the skin with a thin layer. In the first days of the treatment of Lorinden C is allowed to use up to 3 times a day. After waiting for a positive result from ointments, it must be applied to the body from 1 to 2 times a day.

In the manual for Lorinden, it is indicated that the analyzed tool is not recommended to use longer than 14 days.

In some cases, after applying Mazi Lorinden with on the skin, the body is covered outside with a gallway bandage. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that the bandage must be sure to pass through itself. If the patient detected a lechnyization or hyperkeratosis, over the ointment (it should be applied not more than 1 time per day or a day) an occlusive bandage is superimposed, which will not allow moisture to get on the affected skin. The total treatment time in the presence of such diseases may not exceed 7 days.

In the instructions for Lorinden, it is indicated that within 24 hours it is better not to use more than 2 g of the drug.

Before appointed Lorinden with or Lorinden analogues with children whose age reached 10 years, it is necessary to further consult a specialist. In these cases, ointment is used quite rarely, applying it in a very small amount into small parts of the body. According to the instructions for Lorinden C, it is strictly forbidden to apply this agent to the surface of the person.


Today in medical practice Little cases of overdose Lorinden S.

Reviews for Lorinden with show that as a result of the application of a large amount of ointments on extensive areas of skin, a number occurs most often. adverse Reactions GKS.

Most effective methods Treatment in this case is the abolition of the drug (it should be gradually), as well as the use of appropriate medicines to eliminate unpleasant sensations from using Lorinden S.

Interaction with other drugs

When using this drug, it is necessary to avoid vaccination, as well as immunization. This is explained by the fact that the ointment of Lorinden C has the ability to temporarily suppress the immunity of the patient.

Lorinden can not be used with other medicines for outdoor use.

The drug includes active ingredients: Plumetazone Pivalalat. and kliokhinol And also vaseline and white wax.

Form release

Lorinden is produced in the form of ointments of 15 g in tubes.

pharmachologic effect

This medicine has antimicrobial , anti-face , antiallergic and anti-inflammatory action.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Active component of the drug - Flumetazone is a synthetic two-fusion GCS designed for outdoor use. The substance is rendered anti-inflammatory , Antiallergic , anti-face , non-estate and vasoconductive Effect. Affecting skin, the drug allows you to prevent the edible cluster , reducing the inflammatory exudate and lymphokine products, slows down the migration of macrophages, reduces the processes of infiltration and granulation and so on.

Kliokhinol or iodhlorokoxyinoline belongs to the 8-oxychinolines derivative. Its activity is manifested in respect of yeast mushrooms, dermatophytes, gram-positive bacteria. In addition, an antioxudative effect is enhanced. Flumetazone .

Combined impact Flumetazone and Kliokhinol Suppresses the development of various inflammatory-allergic reactions on the skin surfaces, which can be complicated by bacterial or fungal infections.

Due to the oily basis, the ointment has a softening and water-repellent effect, which provides a protective film that protects the skin from moisture exposure. This drug is suitable for use by patients having a dry and thinned skin.

After applying the means on its skin active substances penetrate through the horny layer. Wherein flumetazone Pivalat It is not absorbed in blood flow, does not have a systematic action. An increase in absorption occurs as a result of the frequent use of ointments or its application on extensive areas of the skin. This can be expected during the use of funds on the face, in the skin folds, in places of damage, under an occlusive bandage. It should be noted that in children the effect of the substance occurs especially expressed. Kliokhinol as part of Mazi is absorbed through, binding to blood plasma proteins.

The active substances are slightly metabolized in the structure of the skin. Mostly this process takes place in the liver. The components are then derived from the body as part of urine or bile.

Indications for the use of the drug

Ointment Lorinden C is prescribed at various lesions of the skin caused by:

  • gram-positive bacteria;
  • dermatophytes;
  • yeast mushrooms.

Contraindications for use

This drug is not prescribed at:

  • skin;
  • virus lesions of the skin, for example, or;
  • with manifestations on the skin;
  • precancerous states and neoplasms of the skin;
  • periioral dermatitis ;
  • period after vaccination;
  • trophic ulcers caused by;
  • age up to 10 years;
  • hypersensitivity.

Side effects

Using the drug Lorinden C may cause: burning, strry, follyculite , and dry skin. Long use leads to development: Purpur, Skin , teleangioectas, pigmentation disorders, local . When the tool is applied to extensive areas for a long time, side effects peculiar to GCS may appear.

Ointment Lorinden C, instructions for use (method and dosage)

According to the instruction on the ointment Lorinden C, it must be applied on the surface of the skin quite thin layer. On the initial stage Treatment Daily multiplicity should not exceed 2-3 times. After the relief acute symptoms reduces to 1-2 times. The course of treatment, on average, is 2 weeks.


Excessive use of the drug may cause various systemic unwanted effects GKS, for example: Cushing syndrome , erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, muscle weakness, inhibition of adrenal cortex ,. Such cases require the abolition of an outdoor agent and further treatment, depending on the symptoms.


The simultaneous use of Lorinden C and other external means is not permissible. When the drug is applied to significant areas of the skin, then absorption Flumetazone Capably reducing the effect insulin , other hypoglycemic agents, hypotensive drugs and anticoagulants. In addition, the risk of negative phenomena of cholinoblocators increases, anabolic steroids, oral contraceptives,

Life without skin is impossible - a statement that can be found to the category of obvious axioms. The biggest human body is a kind of "natural barrier" defending internal organs from adverse environmental factors. The epidermis performs a number of other functions: cleans, restores, tangible, adjusts the temperature and breathes.

Scientists calculated that about 3-5 thousand bacteria constantly lives on the human skin. In the armpits, their concentration reaches 90 thousand. The uncontrolled reproduction of potentially dangerous microorganisms can cause a number of dermatological diseases.

For treatment skin pathologies Doctors recommend using Lorinden C ointment, the instructions for use of which will be presented below. The therapeutic agent is prescribed in dermatitis of different etiology, re-infected with fungal or bacterial pathogens. Consider in the details the mechanism of action of this medicine.

As part of Mazi Lorinden present 2 active components - cliqueinol and phlometsone. The first helps to cope with dermatophytes, gram-positive bacteria and yeast mushrooms. The second ingredient is a glucocorticosteroid, eliminating inflammation, swelling and itching. The synergism of the action of the specified composition is more pronounced, compared with each of the ingredients separately.

This is about hormonal preparationused only on limited skin areas for a short period of time. The prolonged processing of the product under consideration is fraught with a decrease in the protective abilities of the dermis. They are restored naturally, but slowly and long.

Pharmacological group and action

Lorinden Ointment - a hormonal means, characterized by severe anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial effect. The main active ingredient of the drug is flumetazone, which is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid.

Mechanism pharmacological action:

The joint action of the listed ingredients prevents the formation of allergic and inflammatory reactions in the affected tissues. The components of the liniment in the liver disintegrate, the decay products are derived naturally.

Release form and composition

The pharmaceutical agent under consideration is produced by 2 types - Lorinden A and C ointment. They differ not only by the pharmacological action mechanism, but also composition, while the concentration of flumetazone in these drugs is absolutely identical - 200 μg.

The composition of the liniment "C" at the rate of 1 g of the finished product:

It is about the composition of medium fat, white. An insignificant color deviation is allowed for several tones.

Ingredients of the Liniment "A" (for each 1 g):
  • salicylic acid - up to 30 mg;
  • auxiliary components: Medical Vaseline, propylene glycol - up to 10 mg.

Both drugs are available in metal tubes in the volume of 15 g. The secondary packaging is a tutu of dense cardboard, equipped with an annotation-insert.

Instructions for use

According to official instruction Lorinden A and with no way differ by the method of use. Ointment is applied outdoor, thin layer. The composition is treated only intact segments of the skin. It is allowed to rub into the epithelial layer with light massaging movements, the active substances quickly penetrate into the deep structures of the dermis.

Dosing mode, processing multiplicity, as well as the length of therapy is determined by the doctor. A doctor is selected a suitable method of treatment. Patients need to be clearly followed by the prescribed therapy to achieve the maximum healing effect.

Indications and contraindications

Lorinden ointment is characterized by the presence of a special active substance - Kliokhinol. Its main purpose is to inhibit inflammatory reactions, suppressing the vital activity of pathogenic fungi and bacteria. The line is prescribed primarily from allergies, dermatosis, as well as accompanying complications of micaose and microbial etiology.

Indications for the use of medication:

As for the prescriptions for the appointment of Lorinden A, the specified pharmaceutical product is shown for the treatment of psoriasis and eczema. This ointment is suitable for herpes therapy and eczema.

Contraindications for the purpose of the medication:
  • fungal and viral pathologies;
  • dermatological neoplasms;
  • extensive skin lesions;
  • predish ailments;
  • syphilitic rash;
  • the presence on the skin of potentially malignant neoplasms.

The action of active ingredients during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been studied, the corresponding studies were not conducted. Doctors recommend using Lorinden ointment with only in case of acute necessity, when the expected benefits are at times exceeding possible risks.

Method of application and dose

According to the prescriptions specified in the annotation, the Lorinden cream assumes an exceptionally superficial effect on the problem areas of the dermis. The composition is distributed through the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion with a thin layer, while it is allowed to light into the skin.

Recommendations for use:

Since we are talking about a hormonal preparation, it is not recommended to apply longer than 7 days. Maximum dosage - 15 g.

Side Effects and Special Instructions

Ointment Lorinden C is hormonal, and therefore there is a high probability of developing side effects when used. These reactions are manifested in the overdose of the medication, or when it has prolonged use.

Side effects:

Since we are talking about a hormonal medicine, a sharp refusal of its application can only aggravate the pathological process. The best way out of the situation is to seek help to a dermatologist. To level the likelihood of the development of adverse reactions, it is important to adhere to the appointed scheme of therapy.

special instructions:
  1. Lorinden C is forbidden to apply on the skin of the face, the shame-eyed area.
  2. Ointment is not prescribed patients aged, in the presence of atrophic lesions of the epidermis.
  3. For therapy of fungal lesions (especially, with secondary infection).

Dermatology is not recommended to simultaneously use the pharmaceutical agent under consideration with other steroid drugs. It is proved that Lorinden C inhibits the activity of immunostimulants and activates immunosuppressants.


With individual intolerance to the components of the medication, the patient is prescribed a means similar to the action or composition. I find the substitute only the attending physician.

Analogues Lorinden A and C:

It is important to note - full analogs The issues under consideration does not exist. Nearest substitutes provide only similar mechanism of action and therapeutic effect.


Irina, Balashikha

The daughter (4 years) since birth suffers from a very unpleasant disease - atopic dermatitis. Initially, when only encountered this problem, they bought cheap pharmacy, mostly cosmetic. Frankly, very little of them. The pediatrician recommended Ointment Lorinden C, but after reading the instruction it turned out that it is not for children. You can advise decent analog?

Kirill, Bryansk

Bought at the grandmother in the river in the summer and picked up some kind of birth. The skin is on hand, and then on the legs covered with small spots. After 2 days, he returned to the city and immediately went to the dermatologist, as the flaps became more and more. It turned out, picked up flat deprived (as far as I remember, red). I am treated 3 days Masowing Lorinden A. Stains became unambiguously less, and itching disappeared. The result is satisfied.

Lorinden with ointment (review) from 300 rubles

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