How to remove muscle overvoltage. We smear the neck

(osteochondrosis cervical department) - how to treat the neck

What is the common programmer, accountant and painter? This disease significantly worsens the quality of life and human performance. Long-term static, or uncomfortable head position leads to changes bone tissue cervical vertebrae.

As a result, others are injured soft fabrics: nerves, vessels, ligaments, muscles, whom a great set passes through the neck.

Often, a person has been drinking Valerian "from the heart" for many years, or aspirin "from the head", and does not even realize that it is necessary to heal.

Many patients having cervical osteochondrosis Spine, complain, first of all, on pain, dizziness and limited movements in the neck. But no less often there are pain or numbness in the chest, arms, various parts of the head, noise in the ears, nausea and the so-called. These symptoms can appear as in the morning (with improper position during sleep) and in the evening (due to uncomfortable working posts).

The initial symptoms at cervical osteochondrosis can be felt even at 20 years. And the earlier to begin prevention, the longer you can do without medication treatment.

With a feeling of fatigue and discomfort in the neck, the relaxing massage of the cerhing and collar zone will help well.

Soft circular motions, kneading neck and shoulders, can be easily done even yourself. No need to try to "correct" something - our task is to simply relax muscles and improve blood circulation.

It will help to people who have cervical osteochondrosis the simplest gymnastic exercises. You can remember familiar to everyone with school turns and rotation head. It is more interesting to try to draw, or write something with the help of an imaginary handle, clamped with teeth.

Try to spend such workouts 3-4 times during the working day. Follow your posture - neck and back straight, shoulders are stripped. Use elastic orthopedic pillows for more comfortable sleep.

If a cervical osteochondrosis It has been manifested for several years, significantly worsening the quality of life, you need to contact.

Currently, there are many approaches of traditional and alternative medicine, which are capable of helping almost any patient with osteochondrosis. Although it is almost impossible to fully cure the already developing disease, it is possible to effectively remove the symptoms and slow down the development of the disease. So do not forget about your neck, because it bears the most important thing you have - your head.

Self-massage of the neck or original treatment of the disease "cervical osteochondrosis of the spine"

Start from massage the back surface of the neck.

Massage neck. It should be done by one or two hands.

    Starting position:

    Sitting on a chair - the back should be straight, legs bent in the knees preferably at a right angle, set the foot on the width of the shoulders. You can sit at the table. At the same time, you will be conveniently relying with elbows about the table, so as not to keep your hands on the weight;

    Standing. Set legs on the width of the shoulders. Mass all the body will evenly distribute on the right and left legs. Start from massage the back surface of the neck.

First we will tell about self-massage for the rear surface of the neck. Start relies with strokes. It is performed by both hands, at the same time they make moving from top to bottom, first barely touching the skin, then amplifying pressure. If it is uncomfortable with two hands, then you can make stroking with one hand, and the second to hold the first for the elbow, periodically changing the position of the hands.

1. Stroke - spend one (the other supports it for the elbow
(Photo 1 ↓)) or two hands, carrying out movements tightly pressed palms in the direction from top to bottom, ranging from the hair growth boundary to the shoulder joints (photo 2 ↓).

2. Squeezing - Perform on the same massage lines as stroking: the edge of the palm on the neck side, the massaging hand (photo 3 ↓), and the thumb with a thumb on the opposite side (photo 4 ↓).

3. Trituration - the tips of the fingers of both hands are carried out rubbing along the bottom line (in places attaching the neck muscles to the occipital bone) from the ear to the ear with rectilinear circular motions, directing his hands towards each other (photo 5 ↓). Next, rub along the cervical vertebrae from the hair growth boundary to the back.

4. Sensing - Apply a force-shaped kneading: capturing the muscle of the neck with pillows of thumb and the four others, as if they crush it, simultaneously shifting to the side of four fingers. The kneading makes the right hand on the left side of the neck, and with the left hand - on the right side (photo 8 ↓).

You can make each hand to massage the same side, producing the kneading phalanges of the fingers of the same hand (photo 9 ↓).

5. At the end of the self-massage of the neck, stroking at once with two hands, ranging from the nape and smoothly move to the upper corners of the blade. When stroking with one hand, massage movements go to the shoulder towards the deltoid muscle (photo 10 ↓).

Next, go to self-massage front of the neck.

The neck massage in front produce the palm surface of the brush, ranging from the chin, to the clavicle. Do not massage sleepy arteries and veins (photo 11 ↓).

Massage techniques. The cervical muscles use stroking, rubbing and kneading one or two hands.

1. Stroke - Perform OT lower jaw To the chest. The action of the hands should be gentle. It is desirable that the skin is not shifted under your hands (photo 12 ↓).

2. Trituration - Make around the breast-curable-bed-like muscles behind the ear. Receptions Perform circle alternately in one, two, etc. fingers. Then the muscles themselves are triturated with circular motions: from the uhh of the ear, the muscles began, down the front surface of the neck to the sternum. It is possible to rub only the side surfaces of the neck, because in the middle is located thyroid (Photo 13 ↓).

3. Sensing - gently knead the side surfaces of the neck from the ear of the ear to the tier. First, knead on the one hand, and then on the other. To relax the muscles, the head should be slightly tilted in the opposite direction, the chin is raised and turned towards the massable muscle. Apply a nipple-shaped circular longitudinal kneading one hand: they capture the large and rest of the other fingers and gently "crushed" the muscle (photo 14 ↓).

4. Stroke - Perform plane stroking from top to bottom along the breast-curable-bed-like muscles. Then - patting the palm and the back surface of the fingers on the rear and side surfaces of the neck. Finish the neck massage with clamping strokes. The sammassage of the neck is advisable to complement the slopes, turns of the head and the rotations of it in both directions. Perform all movements at a slow pace, increasing the amplitude of the movements gradually (photo 15 ↓).

June 17, 2019.

Osteochondrosis (from Greek. Osteon - bone and Hondros - cartilage) - "Ocan of cartilage". The spine includes the vertebrae themselves and intervertebral discs. It is the latter that suffer from osteochondrosis, they, as it were, "okay," become less elastic. It often happens at elevated physical Loads Or, on the contrary, with a sedentary lifestyle, the absence of sufficient load.

What is dangerous osteochondrosis?

In the intervertebral cartilage there are no own vessels that would feed their useful substances from the blood, discs can count in this sense only on connecting fabrics. Excessive compression or relaxation of deep muscles violates blood movement, and the process of "sinking" begins in the chance. And the enhanced load can even lead to displacement or damage to the disk, intervertebral herniawhat is fraught not only acute pain and discomfort, but also other health problems.

The cervical massage is an effective and enjoyable tool for prevention and facilitating the course of the disease.

What you need to know about our neck?

The cervical spine is the most fragile and overcurrent, as it carries a lot of skulls, and also makes more movements than other departments. Through the neck to the brain there are many of the most important blood vessels and large nerves. Therefore, sometimes the problem causing, Located in the spine, but, as they speak in the people, "gives" in the neck. Before starting any procedures, including massage, consult with a specialist, otherwise you can only aggravate the situation, because the massage is in this case the type of treatment, and not pleasant relaxing procedures.

Another common error - the use of drugs from increased pressure. The fact is that the osteochondrosis of the cervical influence affects blood vesselswhy pressure rises, and the matter is not in the heart.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical department gives pain not only in the neck, but also in the area between the blades and the occipital part of the head. The neck at the same time becomes as if cotton, it is difficult to turn to the side. The bloodstream is worse in the cervical vessels, the brain does not have enough nutrition, so headaches, dizziness and even fainting are possible.

Massage effects

The first thing that the patient suffers from osteochondrosis, and his attending physician, - the relief of pain, as pain can be truly unbearable. After that, the doctor, as a rule, prescribes moderate loads in the form of a lecturer (therapeutic physical education) and neck massage. The first method for the neck may not be so useful as a massage, because the number of movements of the cervical department is limited and can only "develop" it can only be hand. In addition, massage performs several functions: decrease in pain, improved blood flow in the cervical, removal of muscle spasms, bringing the muscles of the neck and back into the tone.

How to make a neck massage

For each osteochondrosis patient, the massage scenario is individual, as it is important to consider the phase of the development of the disease, its features, concomitant diseases (pressure drops, respiratory disruption, and so on). Having received a direction for a massage from the doctor, choose a really good specialist, whose actions will not exacerbate the situation, and help you cope with the ailment. Also remember that the massage should be started when the peak of the disease has already passed and the pain does not feel so acute, otherwise the massage will turn into torment.

In sufficiently easy cases, massage can be carried out at home. For this, the patient needs to lie on the stomach on a flat solid surface (shop, couch). Feet should be fully fitted on the couch, do not freeze. Hands bent in the elbows, put in front of her palm on the palm, foreheaded in the palm of hand. You should begin with the kneading muscles adjacent to the cervical spine, pinching movements. Next, the neck muscles with the help of "stretching" with fingers. Gradually go to K. breast Department (blades and inter-opacculent space) and head (circular motion and stroking). The head massage cannot be ignored, since it is precisely from the bottom of the skull that the most important nerves suffering from osteochondrosis.

Sometimes massage can be sitting. The procedure is held every two days. Initially, the neck massage can cause the patient pain, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bstrong lesion, but over time, the unpleasant sensations will be held, leaving ease and relaxation.

If you are sitting at the computer for a long time, having put forward a head forward, or lower it, looking at the smartphone, the muscles of the neck falls hard. Permanent voltage causes stiffness and pain.

Lifehaker assembled exercises Yoga for Chronic Neck Pain: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. , Yoga for Chronic Neck Pain: A 12-MONTH FOLLOW-UP For stretching and strengthening the neck, shoulders and chest, which will remove painful sensations and help to avoid them in the future.

When the training does not help

This complex is not created to treat specific violations. If you have been diagnosed with osteochondrosis, the hernia of intervertebral discs or other diseases, the gym should be prescribed by the doctor.

If the pain does not stop for several days, increases or accompanied by headaches, nausea, fever and, as soon as possible, consult medical attention.

What exercises to perform

The complex consists of two parts: simple stretching exercises and muscle strengthening and safe asans from yoga.

Made at least three times a week, and even better every day.

If pain occurs, stop immediately. After the exercise, the stretched place should be felt relaxed and soft.

How to do stretching exercises and strengthen the muscles of the neck and shoulders

You will need a chair. Sit on the edge, straighten your back, lower and straighten your shoulders. Make each exercise for 10-15 seconds.

1. Turns and slopes

13. Translation of the head for the head

Take the towel in the ends, pull it out and move the straight hands up. Serve top Cases forward and fight straight hands with a towel further behind the head.

How to do exercises from yoga

Carefully follow the rules of execution and do not delay your breath. Keep every posture of 30 seconds.

1. Semi-clone forward with a stop on the wall (simplified Utanasan)

Stand right at a distance of two steps from the wall face to her. Put the legs on the width of the hip to make you comfortable. From this position, get started in tazobed Susta And lean forward with a straight back to an angle of 90 ° between the hull and legs. Hands put on the wall.

Try to straighten and pull out the most. Hold a pose 20-30 seconds.

2. Pose of Warrior II (Vicaramandsana)

Stand straight, legs spread wide, straight socks direct forward, lift your hands to the sides, connect and straighten your fingers.

Expand the right foot 90 ° to the right. Bend the right leg in the knee to a straight angle or close to that, left - push back. Distribute the weight between the two legs.

Two pelvis, pull the back, lower your shoulders. Try to reveal the pelvis and chest. Repeat the pose in both directions.

3. Twisting (Bharavajasana)

Sit on the floor, the right leg bend in your knee, get the shin outside and put the heel next to the pelvis. Little bend in the knee, put the left stop on the right thigh.

Distribute the weight between two sedan bones, pull the spine up. Put the right hand on the left knee and expand the housing and head to the left, with your left hand take over the left sock. Repeat the other way.

4. Pose of child

Stand on all fours, connect the feet, and then lower the pelvis on the heels. Bend forward, straighten your back and pull the straight arms before you, touch the floor's forehead and completely relax in this position.

Problems with the neck are often observed in those who work at the computer, with papers, take a long time for a long time ... If our body is long in the forced monotonous position, the spasm of the cervical muscles occurs. And this is fraught dangerous consequences, because the overwhelming muscles are put on the cervical vertebrae, on the vessels supplying the blood brain and nerves, which carry signals from internal organs. The result may become headache, I. bad Son., and a sense of fatigue, breaking the next morning, worsening memory, vision problems.

So that such consequences do not occur, the neck must be regularly kneaded. This is not so difficult.

On a note

It is very important to ensure their relaxation during sleep. So that the muscles are not spasched, the cervical spine must be a continuation of the breast, to be with him on one straight line. Carefully choose a pillow so that it is not too soft, too low or, on the contrary, high.

In the office in the interruptions

Specialists are recommended during the working day to periodically perform isometric exercises for the cervical. During them, the neck muscles must strain the most, but on a short time. Since there are no sharp movements at the same time, the exercises do not put pressure on the spine. They can be performed directly sitting at the table.

Sit straight, put the brushes one to another, forming a lock. Raise your brush to the chin and press the chin down. Neither the head nor the brushes should move. Then relax and repeat the exercise several times.

Put your hands on the forehead. Try to put your head forward, and with your hands with all my might resist. Only the muscles over the shoulder are strained, and the head and hands are still. After some time relax.

Get your hands behind your head, put the palm on the back of the head. Try to throw your head back, and put the opposite pressure with your hands, interfering with it.

Put the palm on the temple, thumb Behind the ear. Press your head on the palm, trying to bend the hand of the lobby, and at the same time, with all my might resist this pressure. Change your hands and repeat the exercise.

By the way

Psychological stress can lead to the appearance of clamps in the neck. On his background, hormones are thrown into the blood, which enhance muscle tension. If a stressful situation is delayed, it becomes chronic - arises muscular spasmod. To remove it, sometimes you need to go not only to the masseur, but also to a psychologist. True, there is also feedback: When we perform gymnastics to physically relax the neck, the psychological tension is slightly reduced.

Houses after work

To remove the tension from the neck from the muscles, coming home, you need to lie down a little on the floor in such a pose: Put the legs on a chair standing nearby, under the lower back - a small roller, under the neck - too. Such a position will unload the entire spine and remove fatigue from the cervical.

Well, if you buy a nozzle for the hydromassage and winding it onto the shower, take a strong jet of warm, almost hot water on the back and side surfaces of the neck.

Those who have a neck especially tired, you can buy a Shadz collar in the pharmacy. Or make it yourself. Take a thick layer of wool, roll it up with a rather tight roller in the sizes of your neck. Then wrap in a few layers of gauze, wrap and squeeze the edges. Drive on each side two ribbons and gauze belt - and the collar is ready. It is necessary to wear it, tie the bones from behind.

Such collar is used in hospitals with various injuries of the cervical spine. It will be useful to you when, returning from work, you will feel the severity in the head and tension in the cervical muscles. Wear a collar at least for an hour or two, while do households. It is important that he firmly fixed the neck, "you should not have the opportunity to tilt your head. Thanks to this, the muscles from which they removed the load relax. And then you can already start gymnastics - it will be great if you find time for exercises and at home.

Quite often, close people are addressed to each other with a request to smoke the neck. Improvised massage sessions are important to perform correctly to not harm.

Why useful kneading neck

AT collar zone Includes the rear surface of the neck and space between the blades. There are many important vessels and nerves. In people working with their hands (for example, hairdressers, computer, engineers), this zone suffers especially. This is due to the fact that the main muscles that support hands are located here. The muscles are spashed, tired, because of this, the blood supply to the spine deteriorates (it provokes osteochondrosis), the organs suffer from the arteries that pass through this zone.

The group of organs dependent on the upper chest and cervical is the heart and brain. Therefore, people who suffer from the neck of the neck, the memory decreases, worsen attention, the heart and head often hurts. When the collar zone is kneading, the muscles can relax, the blood supply is restored, the vessels are expanding, well-being improved.

How to make massage

Before performing a massage, you need to measure the pressure to the patient: the procedure will reduce it, and if the pressure is low (below ninety-sixty mm. Hg. Art.), Conduct the session.

If the massage is performed at home, the person falls on the stomach, if in other conditions - it sits down, you need to put my head on your hands or on the surface. The patient takes a convenient position for himself, which is a masseuse and need.

Massage cream Scroll into the palms, warm up to the body temperature, smear along the collar zone. Apply the cream on the skin by smoothing movements, try to feel, whether there are clamps in some zones (you can feel more dense parts of the muscles than in the rest of the sections). Keep in mind that above these departments are a larger skin shade than on others. The locations of the clips need to be massaged more carefully than the remaining zones.

Severe deep muscles, which are located along the upper thoracic portion of the spine. Put your hands on the skin, folded with hands Ten times ride the wave on the skin with thumbs.

Pass the neck muscles. Capture them in the type of claw and very gently kneading, bending your fingers. Adjust the rustle. If you overdo it, you can extremely reduce the pressure, shift the vertebrae.

Go to the back muscle group in the shoulder belt (between the top edge of the blades and the spine). Muscles will better work out if you use various techniques. Massive muscles with fingertips, nails. Take the skin to the muscles to the fold.

Mass the zone between the blades, the left and right in turn. Get your hand behind your back and try to go under the bone. If possible, make a massage of the rest of the back, as well as the scalp, stop. Finish the collar zone massage by smoothing movements.

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