What is Su Jock. Su Jock Doctor

Sudzhok - a relatively young way of recovery, although it is based on the ancient knowledge of Tibetan and chinese medicine . The essence of the judges therapy is that, guided by the atlas of receptor points on the palm and foot, affect the reflexively associated organs.

Pak Just Wu, Korean Professor, in 1984 suggested the original method of reflexotherapy of hands and stop (su - brush; Jock - feet). According to Eastern medicine, all organs have projections on hand and footprints - so-called matching points.

Sudzhok therapy (Atlas Points on Palm). Impact on health occurs due to the massage of certain points corresponding to the internal organs

There are other systems feedback. The reflex points are on the ear sink, on every finger - the insect system. However, the greatest recognition was based on the projection of the body on the brush, since the hand in the form corresponds structural features Body.

The hand palm represents the front of the body, and the back side is the back. Wherein:

  1. Head is projected On the top thumb, below the neck, where there are points of the thyroid gland, nasopharynx.
  2. Under thumb, on a tubercle, receptor points of the heart and lungs.
  3. On the rest of the palm, as in the body, place the projections of organs abdominal cavity.
  4. From the back of the hand - Spinal and kidney points.

Hands and feet are represented by fingers, where hands are an index and a little finger, and the legs are medium and unnamed. There are the same reflex points on the foot.

In case of failure of any organ, the balance of vitality flow (ki) is disturbed. As a result, painful sensations appear in receptor points. Restoring the equilibrium of the energy flux and the judges of therapy is engaged using the atlas of points on the palm and foot.

The goal of the therapy of the method of self-regulation is to find painful points, to activate the sick body through them, help him cope with the ailment and bring the body into a harmonious state.

Interesting fact! To activate points, use chopsticks with cigars, seeds, light. You can massage with match, pencil and other objects of artificial and natural origin.

Unlike medication method treatment, the method is safe, It is not difficult for him to learn, it is effective in many diseases:

  • respiratory system;
  • urogenital system;
  • skin problems;
  • inflammatory processes of different etiology (causes);
  • digestive disorders;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • cardiovascular problems and many others.

Judges therapy with headaches

To relieve pain, first determine its localization. Often the reason lies in violating the work of any organ. Whiskey pain is a problem in bile bubble. If the head hurts, then the reason may be bladder or cervical spine. Feeling pain in the forehead area is possible with stomach problems.

Depending on the nature of pain, judges apply therapy to stimulate bioactive zones. Guided by the atlas of points on the palm, with the help of sticks, matches, nail find a painful place and massage it for 2-3 minutes.

If the pain does not pass, it is recommended to apply an irritant to the receptor zone: grains of buckwheat, millet, rice. The grains are glued to the plaster and applied to the zone (up to 8 hours), pressing them from time to time. Then they are replaced with new ones.

Suzhok therapy with cough and cold

Walled diseases are also successfully treated without drugs. When coughing and cold good effect gives judges therapy. Atlas Points on the palm of the palm is a guide to stimulate the zone corresponding to the nasal sinuses -podukchka of the thumb. Accelerate the result of the massage of the scores of other fingers.

If the throat sores, massage the receptor points of the almonds, trachea, larynx - fold the large-finger phalange and slightly lower. If the sputum is poorly moving, massage thumbs, pressing down-up.

Note attention!Seeds are widely used in judges therapy. They should be alive - capable of giving sprout. Any suitable: from apples seeds to pumpkin seeds. Filled with biological life, they are able to give a quick and resistant effect.

If the applique zone is small, we apply only one seed, if more, it is recommended to lay out the seeds in the form of an organ. Depending on the disease, take into account the color, similarity of the shape and effect of exposure - warming up, cooling or calm.

Sudzhok therapy with neuralgic disorders

Sudzhok therapy gives nice results When depressions, dependencies, neurosis. Topographic card receptor zones, or atlas active points on the palms, will help restore sleep, calm nervous system, Get extra energy.

Insomnia won, activating the correspondence point:

  • hypophysut (nail plate of thumb);
  • the back of the thumb below the nail):
  • neck (area on the finger below the nape).

Stimulate the area of \u200b\u200bkidneys and solar plexus.

Judges Therapy for Oncology

This therapy is not a panacea, although in many diseases it is used as the main method of treatment with a positive result. But for oncological diseases It is impossible to refuse to receive medicines and the advice of the attending physician, which will take into account the severity and course of the disease.

Judges therapy in stroke and heart diseases

The cause of pain in the heart may be neurosis, diseases of the spine, dependence (smoking, alcohol), overwork. Here the judges therapy relies on the reflexology on the atlas of the points on the palm And restores energy at the heart and relevant organs.

With pain in the heart with a stick, a handle, a pencil energetically massage the heart correspondence zone; It is located on the elevation of the thumb. The point can warm the cigar. Further apply the seeds of viburnum, pumpkins, cucumbers, hawthorn (arrhythmia).

In bradycardia (rare pulse) massage clockwiseWhen tachycardia (frequent pulse) - counterclockwise.

Successfully apply judges therapy and with rehabilitation of the effects of stroke. Massage points and reflexotherapy seeds help to speed up recovery.

Sudzhok therapy with thyroid disease

Useful to improve the work of the thyroid gland will be the nail massage of the index finger of the left hand and legs. Next massage sections around the nail plates.

The pituitary gland and hypothalamus are organs closely related to the endocrine system, so the correspondence points of these glands are recommended to massage too. It works well the application of seeds on the projection of the gland on the palm.

Is the judges of therapy for pregnancy allowed

The opinions of specialists about the benefit of therapy do not coincide. Since most medicinal preparations have side effects, many doctors believe that sudzhok therapy and satin points on the palm of the palm of the chopper for pregnant women. Massage removes the morning nausea, reduces swelling, improves exchange processes, accelerates the output of toxins.

Be careful! According to Dr. Loy-CO, a practicing specialist and author of the book "Sudzhok - Healing Samomassage", pregnancy is included in the list of states in which the judges of therapy is not recommended.

Atlas Points on the palm of weight loss

Stimulating receptor points, you can reduce the weight and consolidate the result by controlling the appetite. For this purpose, the projections of the following active points are used: navel, stomach, esophagus, pituitary glands, intestines, mouth.

To reduce the appetite, the sprigs of plants are attached to the points along the movement of food through the esophagus, the direction of growth of the plant must be the opposite passage of food. In the zone of the stomach, appliqués of rice grains, millet, apple seeds. Buckwheam seeds at the intestinal point normalize the chair.

Massage and appliques of seeds in the area of \u200b\u200bthe projection of the navel and pituitary gland have a beneficial effect on endocrine glands, "Doubt" appetite, accelerate metabolism. Therapy for the atlas of points on the palm to reduce weight does not have side EffectsBut get a slim figure and keep health quite real.

Judges therapy and acupuncture: general and different

Combines systems that to restore health, both use biologically active points of conformity. But acupuncture cannot be accessed without deep knowledge of Eastern medicine and philosophy. In addition, in reflexotherapy, the needle is put on points throughout the body.

The method of self-regulation in judges therapy does not require the knowledge of all the subtleties of the Eastern approach, it is based on a massage, the principle of which is available and understandable. Despite the simplicity, the method is effective, which anyone can make sure.

Disruption of energy equilibrium in the body - the cause of most diseases. Restoration of the balance by self-regulation in the judges of therapy is a way without drugs to help yourself, its relatives and friends.

Sudzhok therapy (Atlas Points on Palm). Impact on health in this video:

Sudzhok Therapy, Impact on Health:

Fans of non-standard methods of therapy in the treatment of different diseases and weight loss is becoming more and more. Extremely popular now acupressure. There is a theory that the one or another point on the body is responsible for the health of a certain organ.

Today we will tell about judges therapy, we will tell you what points on the palm are responsible for other bodies, as well as the effectiveness of the judges when weight loss.

What is judge?

Judges-therapy is a technique developed by south Korean professor Pak Ju Wu. When studying Eastern Medicine, he noticed that our hand in its structure resembles the structure of a human body as a whole.

Look carefully on your brush. On the body of man there is a head, two hands and legs. The brush also includes five speakers. With a thorough study, the Korean Professor has developed an innovative methodology for the treatment of different diseases, which is based on the impact on certain points on the palm.

The foot and palm of the person has a large number of receptor zones that are related to one or another.

In the presence of the disease, they turn painful points that are associated with a sick body, the professor calls them points of conformity. When you find them, then help the body overcome the disease, pressing on them or massaging.

At points are affected through such tools:

  • needles;
  • magnets;
  • warming sticks;
  • seed.

Seeds are a natural and biologically active point stimulator. With home therapy procedures, the judges is very convenient.

Advantages of judges therapy

Therapy has a sludge there are many advantages. It becomes more popular, especially among those people who were disappointed in classical methods of treatment or weight loss. Now this method is known all over the world.

The benefits of the treatment of judges are as follows:

  • availability of practice at home;
  • safety;
  • efficiency;
  • no need financial investments.

The only moment is that the technique will not be effective if it is wrong to use it. Practitioners about Judzhok say that this therapy for weight loss or treatment helps very well and quickly, but you need to master the theory. No special medical skills do not need to know.

The main thing is learn the atlas of the point.

To check the effectiveness of this therapy, try a little to rub the nail first on the high finger, and then on others. It immediately removes drowsiness and give vigor.

Atlas Points on the palm according to therapy of the judges

Below we suggest familiarizing yourself with which points on the palm correspond to certain parts of the body:

  • nail phalanx on the thumb corresponds to the head;
  • pillow of a thumb - the face of the head;
  • the lower phalanx of the large finger is responsible for the state of the neck;
  • source to the palm just below the level of the neck - this is the point of nasopharynx, thyroid and parachitoid gland and partially lungs;
  • palm tenor, place of elevation next to the thumb is the point of the chest with a heart, light, bone system and trachea;
  • the other surface of the inside of the palm is responsible for the abdominal organs. Conditionally, it divides three parts horizontally. Upper - this is a point of matching the spleen, stomach, busty bubble, liver and a 12-risen intestine, central part - Tolstoy and subtle intestines, and the lower - small pelvis organs in men and women, respectively;
  • an index finger and a little finger are responsible for hands;
  • medium and ring finger - legs;
  • the back of the palm is responsible for the state of the kidneys and the spine.

By analogy with this location of body parts and internal human bodies have points Impact on foot feet.

Insect system in Korean therapy

We looked at how points on the palm correspond to those or other human therapy for judges. It also presents another direction of therapy, which is called an insect system.

It provides the following:

  • the upper phalanges of each finger have exposure points to the state of the head;
  • the average is responsible for the state of the chest;
  • lower phalanges - for the condition of the abdominal cavity, respectively.

As the location of the points at both systems works with therapy. For example, if the spine sores, you can use not only the back of the palm, but also all your fingers. It is good because the spine is located directly and on it can be influenced from all sides.

Energy System for Treatment

The correspondence system according to judges includes not only human organs, but also its energy system. If one or another pathology is present, then the reason must be sought at the energy level. For this purpose, various colors are used to treat.

In east medicine there are five types of energies.Each has its own color:

  • green - wind energy, helping to treat liver disease and biliary tract;
  • red - heat energy, refers to the work of the heart, fine intestine and circulating processes;
  • yellow - moisture energy. She is responsible for the stomach, spleen, pancreas and water exchange;
  • white and brown - dry energy. It is associated with the work of the lungs, a large intestine and mucous membranes;
  • black - Cold energy. She works S. bladder, kidneys, reproductive and bone system of the human body.

How does the judges running for weight loss

This weight loss method refers to completely safe. Even when stimulating the wrong points, it in no way will not affect your condition.

On weight loss, most of us goes to huge sacrifices, refuse our favorite dishes and sit on the exhausting diets. But the therapy of judges at home will help get rid of extra kilograms without tangible limitations in the diet.

But remember that there will be no quick result. Weight will be lost slowly, but stable. And if you observe a strict diet, you can lose weight on average by 15 kilograms for a month. This is effective, but not very good for health, so it is not recommended to hurry.

If within the framework of the therapy of the judges for weight loss to apply seeds and stimulate active points, then you achieve such results:

  • get rid of fences and give a job digestive system;
  • accelerate the metabolism;
  • reduce appetite.

At home, for the procedure for this technique, you will need:

  • little sprigs of plants;
  • apple seeds, flax, rice or buckwheat.

Points of influence on palm During weight loss are located in the following zones:

  • gastric;
  • food;
  • cord;
  • tolstocky;
  • gypophysy and others.

Find the point data. The first 2-3 minutes they are massaged with fingers, then fasten the seed with the plaster on them. You can reduce your appetite when imposing buckwheat seeds on the pituitary zone or navel.

You can also fix the sprigs of plants at the points of matching the esophagus and the stomach, that is, in the region of the thumb and its pads. Remember that the natural direction of growth of the branch should be placed right opposite to promotion of food. This procedure will help to quickly saturate while eating. Also, for the purpose of fast saturation, the seeds can be consolidated (better apple) narrow side down.

And to improve the intestinal peristaltics, attach buckwheat grains, placing them along the movement of food by intestines.

But remember the following:

  • if in the zone of pacifying the appetite buckwheat seeds to replace linen, then you provoke constipation;
  • barley grain attached in this area will help to get rid of hemorrhoid exacerbation;
  • grape grain will help actively burn fats.

Each applique is done for a week, Then the seeds need to be changed with new ones. And to enhance the effect of reducing the general caloric content of the products and prefer proper nutrition. Also more drink water.

Perhaps you knew about the existence of judges therapy before reading this article, and perhaps that there is no. In any case, this information will be interesting for you, especially if you are looking for new methods of weight loss and treatment of different diseases.

Judges - this is one of the directions acupuncturewhose method is based on the impact on certain bilogically active points brushes and feet. Translated from Korean Su - Brush, Jock - Stop. This species Therapies were developed by the South Korean professor of Pak Chez Wu in the eighties of the twentieth century.

HistorySudzhok began in 1986, when the first publications tell about the essence of this technique appeared in international press. Soon the effectiveness and simplicity of judges of therapy led to its widespread dissemination not only at home in Korea, but also around the globe. Suffice it to say that in many countries the judges is an integral part of state health and education programs.

The judges is based on the human body as unified energy structure, All processes in which are interconnected. It is believed that the disease is caused by a violation of harmony in the energy body, and the manifestation of the disease at the physical level is just a symptom. Therefore, that treatment is effective, it is necessary to send a healing effect directly to the energy level.

The judges method is based on the concept, according to which between the body of a person and its brushes and feet there are conformity. Vivid everything is visible on the example of the brush. The thumb - corresponds to the head, index and the little finger - hand, medium and nameless legs. The back of the brush is the projection of the spine, the palm surface under the thumb is the chest, the middle of the palm - the abdominal cavity. There are special schemes on which the correspondence of each point on the surface of the palm of the body or body is shown.

Diagnosis on the system of judges is made as follows. With the help of a special stick or needle, a sequential impact on biologically active points. In those places where it arises painfulness (so called " oh-point"), it is necessary to continue certain procedures. Such procedures include:

  • mechanical massage;
  • a magnetic field;
  • biological strength of living seeds;
  • warming;
  • color.

There are several varieties of judges that appeared later, all of them are associated with the opening of the compliance of the human body not only with tassels and feet, but also other parts of the body: auricle (Gomosystems Auricular Su-Jok therapy), maspress part Head (Skalp - Su-Jock Scalpotherapy), languageand etc.

Supporters of judges therapy note the following advantages of this method:

  • Cheerfulness - Treatment can be carried out without the use of needles, which eliminates the patient from fear and discomfort. In addition, it is safer, since there is no risk of damage to the brush or foot due to improper needles.
  • Opportunity independent use - Each person can easily master the apparatus of judges for self-medication and restore the disturbed harmony of its body.
  • High efficiency. The first results of treatment, weakening the symptoms of diseases, increase overall health after a few seconds after the start of treatment has been possible.
  • Absolute security. It is argued that the judges cannot harm. In the extreme case, with improper use, the treatment will not give any effect.
  • Universality. Since there are projections of all organs and parts of the body in the hands and footsteps, the approach is applicable to the treatment of the entire body.
  • Operational treatment. Sudzhok - can become peculiar " Ambulance", if a person is in a critical situation, and cannot count on receiving a qualified medical care in the near future.

In a interesting way to exposure to biologically active points is seedsotherapy. The advantages of this technique in absolute painlessness (needles do not apply) and the ability to maximize the use of nature enclosed in seeds. With the help of seeds, as well as various other parts of plants (leaves, fruits, cuttings, petals), stimulation of biologically active points at the brushes and footsteps. There is a practice of exposure to seeds directly to a sore place, but it gives a smaller effect than working through projections according to the judges method.

Principle of operation of seedsotherapyit is that parts of the plant fill energy points and meridians with vital energy and useful substances, and also absorb destructive negative energy. All this positively affects the corresponding organs by these points. When selecting seeds, many factors are taken into account: plant properties, color, shape and characteristics of the seed itself. It is important to note that even when " wrong"The location of the seed treatment will give a positive effect, due to the saturation of the body by the life of nature.

The unique component of the judges of therapy is the impact color. Like other judges tools, this technique is most effective on initial stages Diseases. The best color is treated with illness, manifested outside - various redness, swelling, itching, etc. The treatment method is simple - it is enough to paint the point or the surface of the body with a colored felt-tip pen or stick to the colored paper (the color surface to the skin). What colors and in what cases is better to apply? When painting, the pain has not yet appeared, - you need to use black. From swelling and itching - helps green. Strong, but not constant pain, - removed in red. With a strong and constant pain, the appearance of ulcers, it is necessary to apply yellow.

Korean Su-Jok Therapy is part alternative medicinewhich includes a whole range of treatment based on the use of different methods. According to its main idea, all organs in human organism have a similar projection on palms and feet. Failure in the functioning of any organ can contribute to the violation of the flow of vital energy, as a result of which the appearance is possible various diseases.

The healing result of the Su-Jock is directed to the whole body, but the main impact is only on hand and legs, since it is these parts that are a mirror image of the human body anatomy. According to doctors practicing in this field, therapy helps to get rid of back pain, neck, joints and other parts of the body. Also treats reproductive and digestive disorders, skin diseases, vision problems, etc.

The main essence of Su-Jok therapy

The noticeable result is achieved by exposure to bioactive points that focused in the palm area and on the fingers of the upper and lower extremities. According to the theory, they have a direct link in both the internal organs and the systems of the body. By influencing them in many ways, it is possible to achieve the result of a soothing or exciting type, thereby regulating the work of systems and organs.

Su-Jock Therapy can have an immunomodulatory, analgesic effect, including aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes.

A feature of such points is their close arrangement to each other. They correspond not only to internal organs, but also such departments of the spine, as chest, cervical and lumbar, as well as some joints.

Active points

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to carefully examine the location of points and compliance with their organs.

  1. Head - The point is located on the last phalange of the thumb.
  2. Neck - The second phalanx of the thumb.
  3. Face - Large finger pad.
  4. Respiratory system - Shake of the thumb and palm.
  5. Intestines - The middle of the palm.
  6. Spleen, liver and stomachtop part Palm.
  7. Heart, trachea, lungs, bone fabric Palm tubercle.
  8. Low pelvis organs - The point is on the bottom of the palm.
  9. Legs - Medium and ring finger.
  10. Hands - Mysinetse and index finger.
  11. Kidney I. vertebrate - The back of the palm.

On the legs of the point are in the same order as on hand.


Su-jok therapy is characterized by a number of advantages, namely:

  • Efficiency. If the methodology is performed correctly, then you can achieve positive results in a short time.
  • Safety. In case of incorrect implementation of actions, no harm to the body turns out.
  • Availability. The rules for using the technique are quite simple.
    There are no contraindications and side effects.

Su-Jock Tools

To stimulate energy sections, the tools are used as:

  • Special massagers.
  • Thin needles.
  • Natural stones.
  • Metal stars.
  • Magnets.
  • Moxes (small devices that are designed to warm the active point).

The greatest effectiveness is given dried parts of different plants, namely the leaves, stems, seeds, cuttings and fruits. To achieve a larger effect in the complex, special devices (needle balls, springs rings) are used, which help strengthen the body and increase its performance.

The required point for stimulation is determined using a wooden stick. To do this, it is necessary to press on the estimated point. If appear small pain or twitching, then the active point is found.

How is the process of treatment

Su-Jock for its work resembles auriculotherapy, which is based on the direct relationship of bioactive points and brain. If acupuncture works with body meridians, Korean therapy interacts with the function of the nervous system.

Directions for treatment

With this method of exposure, some painful symptoms can be facilitated.


Eliminate headache You can use the impact on the pads of large fingers on your hand or leg. So that the sharp pain is left, you will need an intense pressure on a point for several minutes.


Places that are responsible for the nasopherler are located at the end of the first and beginning of the second phalanx of the thumb. Active pressure on these points will help relieve the process of inflammation in the throat. After massage on these places, buckwheat grains are applied.

Remove the runny nose helps the impact on the middle of the Falang thumb

To clear the bronchi, it is necessary to fully massate the entire thumb, performing intense movements and pressure from the bottom up. After the procedure, a piece of mustard is applied to the point of point and is left until the appearance of a small burning.


If a person suffers from strong pain In the back or from the exacerbation of osteochondrosis, then with the help of massage manipulations of the back side, it is possible to substantially alleviate painful symptoms. Massage movements are carried out along the entire length accompanied by a strong pressure. Perform a procedure is necessary every day.


To reduce the pressure, it will take a dark marker to paint all the tips of the fingers. Then determine the painful part on the phalanx of the thumb and attach to it 2-3 grains of untreated buckwheat or radish.


You can stimulate additionally points responsible for the legs. For this, pea peppers are attached to the second phalanx of the middle finger or unnamed.


Su-Jok Therapy is considered one of the most harmless techniques in alternative medicine. Can be used even by children. However, there are certain restrictions for its implementation:

  • Elderly after 70 years.
  • Little children who were not 1 year old.
  • People with diseases of chronic shape and acute disease.
  • Pregnancy period.

According to this theory, many different diseases appear due to a malfunction of fine energy equilibrium. The unusual method is aimed at restoring energy balance and treatment of diseases without the use of drugs.

Su-Jok therapy method was created by a professor from South Korea Pak Chez Wu in 1986. This healing system is deep roots goes to ancient traditional Eastern medicine. Deeply rethinking the experience of traditional medicine and modern achievements of science, Professor Pak Chezu Wu made a huge step in the development of reflexotherapy.

His system of recovery is effective, simple and won recognition worldwide.

History and ideology of the method

Modern medicine, having pretty effective means To provide first aid, a prerequisite for the effectiveness of its implementation assumes the presence of special medical preparations and tools, as well as complex skills to perform assistance techniques. At the same time, some of the recommendations for the provision of medical care at a number of diseases do not imply any interventions and the victim must often endure unbearable pain and just wait for an inspection of a qualified medical worker. But why to endure pain? Is it not better to get rid of her and calmly wait for a doctor? SU JOK is a universal method of treating light diseases without taking drugs without harming the whole organism. The method of providing first medical care during urgent states. The method is specific to each given disease. The method does not require significant material costs and special medical knowledge, complex skills and tools. A method that can master every person at any age and benefits to their health and health to their loved ones to apply in his daily life.

Everyone knows about acupuncture, having a four thousand meal history, and its varieties - point massage, the impact on biologically active points with heat, electricity, etc. These treatment techniques are prerogative of medical professionals, require long-term preparation. In the hands of an amateur attempt to treat them, not only to benefit, but also impose irreparable harm. After many years of thorough research and clinical experience, Korean Professor Pak Zhe Woo (Park Jae Woo), Academician IAS (Berlin), President of the Korean Institute of Su-Jock, President of the International Association of Su-Jock Doctors (London, 1991) introduced a new acupuncture system, Impact only on the brush and stop. Brushes and feet are most often susceptible to mechanical and other types of irritation while walking or any work, which ensures maintenance of health in the body. They are obliged by what they do not suffer. Brushes We begin to rub first in high frost. Warm legs are the basis of a comfortable fortune in the cold time. If the disease occurs in some place of the body in the compliance systems, points or zones appear increased sensitivityWhen exposed to which the impulse occurs, going to the area of \u200b\u200bthe disease, which indicates the body to pathology, and the body takes measures to get rid of it.

The essence of treatment is to find in one of the compliance systems, in the correspondence zone of the patient or place the most painful points and affect them one of them available to each method: mechanical massage, magnetic field, biological strength of living seeds, warming, color. Only this in the initial stages of diseases leads to recovery, it allows preventing severe consequences for threatening states of states, warns the development of exacerbations of chronic
Diseases. Giving practical recommendations In terms of treatment, it is intentionally referred to only on the impact on the brush, since the brush is easier and more convenient to influence when providing self-help. The active points in the footsteps are also very effective in the treatment. If desired, everyone can find in the footsteps of the correspondence point, focusing in the drawings of the brushes, taking into account that the brushes and feet have a fundamentally identical structure.

Video on the history of the SU JOK method

Basic conformity systems

The main compliance systems are called, in which the entire body is entirely projected into a brush or foot. At the same time, the thumb corresponds to the head, palm and sole of the body, III and IV fingers of the brushes and stop correspond to the legs, and the II and IV fingers of the brushes and the feet.

When searching for compliance points, the brush is lined with palm forward. The index finger of the right brush and the little finger of the left brush correspond to the right hand. The middle finger of the right brush and the ring finger of the left brush corresponds to the right leg. Unnamed finger of the right hand and middle finger of the left brush match the left leg. The little finger of the right brush and the index finger of the left brush correspond to the left hand. Radio elevation at the base of the thumb corresponds chestAnd the palm generally correlates with the abdomen area.

Scheme of conformity of organs on the legs. The foot matching system is based on the same principles as the main brush matching system. Stop in structure is like brush, brush is similar to the body. Since the stop at movement is subjected to significant natural stimulation, the correspondence system located in it is especially effective.

The presented drawing clearly displays the points of projections of the human body organs on the sole and palm. To stimulate these correspondence points in household conditions, you can use both special tools and seeds, small pebbles, beads, massagers, or to perform a simple point stimulation with your finger.

MiniSystem of matching fingers of brushes and stop. Each finger on hand and leg is like a human body as a whole. The finger has 3 parts - phalanges, and the body without limbs has three parts - head, chest and abdominal cavity. These parts are clearly excluded from each other both on the body and on the finger. This is the so-called, insect compliance system.
The minissystem correspondence on the tips of the fingers and stop. Considering bone base Fingers as a spine can be stimulated by the correspondences of the affected vertebrae at different angles. This is one of the large advantages of this system. At each of the fingers of the brushes and stop, the healing system of the "insect" is presented, in which the last phalanx corresponds to the head, the middle-chest, the first-abdominal cavity. The compliance of the joints of the hands and legs is in the position of bending on the border of Yin-Yang fingers.

Video on the compliance system SU JOK

Healing Points Su Jock

In order to find the healing point of conformity to the patient or sick part of the body, you need to know how the body on the brush or stop is projected. Then, evenly pressed in the intended zone with a match, an unwitting pencil or a special diagnostic stick, one can determine the exact location of the therapeutic point of conformity.

Property (or any object with a rounded end of a diameter of about 2 mm), press in the area of \u200b\u200bcompliance of the disease to the degree of tolerable pain. Points where pain with the same pressure force will be sharply intensified, and there are points of conformity, the treatment points of this disease. The advantage of this system is its simplicity, safety and efficiency. It can be used both health workers and trained people for self-medication.
On the alleged points you need to press with equal strength and, which is very important, not too much from the very beginning. The therapeutic point shows itself the fact that at the moment of pressureing, a motor reaction appears on it (involuntary motion due to sharp pain). The exact definition of the point is only half of the success. For achievement therapeutic effect It is necessary to be able to stimulate it correctly. You can do this in different ways.

Video search SU jok dot matches

Methods of impact on the point of conformity

Press the most painful out of the found points to the tolerable pain and the vibrating movement massaging it for 1-2 minutes. Thus, you can only come with one point or with several, or massage the entire compliance area with a massage roller, or a massage ring. For mechanical effects on the correspondence points, many remedies can be used: small pebbles, metal or other material balls, cereals grains, etc. These items are pasted with sticky plaster on the correspondence points and periodically massaged - for example, every hour to 1-2 minutes.
After finding a point, it is necessary to push it enough for it with a diagnostic stick (instead you can use any non-war item - a match, pen or even your own nail). After the pain under the diagnostic stick passes, you can continue the massage point by rotational movements clockwise and counterclockwise, pressing a little more stronger. It is necessary to fully massage the therapeutic point before the disappearance of the residual pain and the appearance of the feeling of heat in it. In the case of chronic diseases of one-time exposure to points is not enough. Properly found points are needed with force to massage for 3-5 minutes every 3-4 hours daily, until the condition improves. Multiple massage of compliance areas leads to an improvement in the state, in some cases it occurs very quickly.


Heat, as an expanding energy, has a stimulating effect, therefore, under a number of diseases associated with a disadvantage of energy or an excess of cold, the warming of correspondence points gives a good effect. Warming is carried out by special flippers (moxes), which are installed on the skin directly without additional devices or using special supports. Moxa is set up and smoldering, warming up the correspondence point. Warming out points or area of \u200b\u200bconformity on the brushes and foot can be carried out and simply a warm object of the corresponding configuration and size.

Very effective moxotherapy at walled diseases, flu.

With initial manifestations of colds (influenza), carry out 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 warming up active points on brushes or footsteps with an interval of 12 or 24 hours. If it took more than one warming to eliminate the symptoms, it means that the disease without treatment would flow, the more difficult, the more warming up you spent before healing. Moxotherapy will give an effect in the event that you are late with treatment and started it in the midst of the disease. If you do not have MOKS, you can warm up active points any available method or the entire palm, including the palm surface of the thumb. This can be done by placing palms above the heat source or, for example, pour hot water into a glass jar - to cover it with palms or footsteps and warm them for 10-15 minutes.
In the treatment of almost all chronic diseases, moxotherapy can be used as auxiliary treatment method. Ulcerative disease Stomach I. duodenal gut, chronic diseases intestines, chronic skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, sluggish dermatitis, etc.), chronic diseases of the respiratory organs.
All weakened and older people are shown moxotherapy as an auxiliary method of treating a disease or means of increasing the common tone of the body, increasing its resilience. In these cases, treatment is carried out by sessions of 5-10 procedures.
Almost all people, and especially those older than 40 years old, with sensations of malaise, weakness, breakdown, fatigue, dissatisfaction with their well-being can carry out moxotherapy sessions. The number of procedures chooses the patient itself, depending on its well-being.

It is undesirable to use this technique for the treatment of hypertension and hyperthyroidism.

Also uses hide cigars to warm out matching points and energy points. Warming of points is carried out remotely, until the sensation of resistant heat in the warmed zone.

Different magnets are widely used to stimulate compliance areas: ring, round, magnetic arrows, you can use magnets from road chess. With the help of a patch, the magnets are attached to therapeutic points of the brushes and stop. The magnet is installed in the most painful point. Magnetic asterisk combines two directions of impact on the correspondence point - mechanical and magnetic field.

Treatment with natural seed stimulants

Everyone knows the power of germinating seeds, when a gentle boring breaks with a dense soil. This is their potential energy and is used in SU joke therapy. Seeds are glued with a sticky plaster on the compliance area of \u200b\u200bthe pathological process. The action of the seed on the correspondence points is also carried out in two directions - mechanical and bioenergy effects. Seeds are the most commonly used superficial applicators of natural origin. As living biological structures, seeds have a large margin of vital energy required for the development of a new plant. When fastening seeds at points of conformity, they are awakened, and their biological fields take into account with the "correspondence balls" with patients with organs and parts of the body, restoring their energy potential.

For treatment, intact and capable germination seeds are chosen. Usually use radish seeds, beets, buckwheat, peas, beans, peppers, flax, apples, grapes, pomegranate, viburnum, pumpkins, and more. The seeds are attached to a piece of the leukoploral, and then fixed on the brush or foot. Choosing seeds, you should consider their shape. For diseases of the internal organs, it is better to use seeds with a form similar to them. For example, heart disease can be treated with viburnum seeds, kidney diseases - bean seeds, lung diseases - buckwheat seeds, with pancreatitis, grape bones are used, etc. The seed appliqué time ranges from several hours to day. They can additionally apply to them (with periodicity one or twice a hour to 3-5 minutes). If you need to continue treatment, then the seeds are replaced with new ones, and the procedure is repeated.

Color treatment

Many diseases, especially diseases having outdoor manifestations, can be treated with color. If the disease is manifested only to redness, there is still no swelling and pain, it must be treated in black. If the disease is manifested by swelling, itching, weak stupid transient pains, it must be treated green . If the disease is manifested by significant, but not constant pains, the appearance of erosions, it must be treated red . If the disease is manifested by strong constant pains, ulcers appear, the area of \u200b\u200bthe defeat acquires a grayish black shade, it must be treated yellow . To use the flower, you need a point or compliance area to paint the felt-tip pen of the corresponding color, or stick the colored paper surface to the skin.

With other methods of impact and treatment of su-joke therapy, you can get acquainted from books on Su Jok Pak Zhe Wu and his followers.

Video about methods and means SU joke therapy

Preventive hand massage of brushes and stop

Indicative or thumb carefully examine on two sides of the surface of the brushes and stop. At the same time, you will find painful zones, various seals, spasmned areas of muscles. These are signals about starting disorder in your body. Such zones need to be massaged well to their fingers before the feelings of heat, the disappearance of pain and hardening.
If you know which one of your organs is sick or weakened, then it is especially thoroughly promoting the zones of its compliance.
Remember that the massage of fingertips and nail plates and a feet is very useful. These areas correspond to the brain. In addition, they are projected by the entire body of a person in the form of the ministry of conformity. Therefore, fingertips must be massaged to a resistant feeling of heat. It has a healing effect on the entire body.
A person should not tolerate pain - shoot it yourself, what to promote the acceleration of recovery, mobilizing the body's forces to fight the disease, but please contact a doctor so that it qualifying your condition.

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