Komarovsky rotavirus without fever. Nutrition for rotavirus infection in children komarovskiy

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To help your child fight rotavirus, clinical guidelines from the medical community must be followed. These recommendations include the rules and tactics of treatment to eliminate the symptoms of the disease and restore balance in the body after an infection. Rotavirus treatment is symptomatic. The disease has a favorable prognosis if the prescriptions of the attending physician are followed.

Rotavirus (also called intestinal flu) is common in children. The disease "ripens" within 1-4 days, and the first signs of it may appear within a day after infection.

Standard course of the disease begin with:

  • a sharp rise in temperature;
  • vomiting;
  • loose stools;
  • excessive gassing.

Thus, when deciding what to do if an infection is suspected, it is worth, first of all, pay attention to the most striking symptoms and start with symptomatic treatment.

How to quickly cure a baby

Rotovirus infection treatment in children, if it is not accompanied by complications such as incessant vomiting or extremely high fever, it passes according to a standardized scheme according to clinical guidelines providing medical care to children with rotavirus infection.

It is better to lower the temperature with candles., as the tablets may not have time to be absorbed due to vomiting. You can go for walks with your baby, but only if the body temperature has returned to normal.

Important! Vomiting can be suppressed. To do this, you need to help the child to take a horizontal position. You can sit him on your knees and hug. However, vomiting is a protective reflex that protects your baby. Therefore, if the urge to vomit occurs, for example, after drinking or eating, then it is better not to water or feed the child.

This rule does not apply to medicinal drinking, namely, the one that restores water balance (for example, "Regidron") and does not allow the body to dehydrate.

The main visible problems in the child are watery stools and frequent urge to have a bowel movement... In this situation, the body loses a lot of fluid. Therefore, to replenish it, it is vital to water the child. A suitable drink would be lemon tea or berry juice.

Tidy up digestion you can take drugs approved by age:

  • activated carbon or other enterosorbent by age. The choice of a drug for the smallest should be correct, because some drugs can harm children's body... Parents of children under 2 years old should pay attention to the report of the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Medical Devices (ANSM, France). The source reports that Smecta®, a popular clay-based enterosorbent, may contain lead impurities, so there is a risk of lead transfer into the blood in children under 2 years of age during therapy with this drug. As a consequence, physicians in France are not advised to prescribe Smecta and generics to children under 2 years of age for treatment acute diarrhea, pregnant and lactating women. The Russian Union of Pediatric Centers has already sent doctors a warning from the French regulator recommending that instead of Smecta for children and pregnant women use russian drugs... For example, Enterosgel is recommended as the first choice drug, which meets the main safety requirement - it works only in the lumen of the digestive tract, does not penetrate through the mucous membrane into the bloodstream.

How to treat rotavirus

Children from 1 to 3 years old are most susceptible to rotavirus. How many days the disease is treated depends on many factors:

  • age,
  • conditions of infection,
  • detection time,
  • state of immunity, etc.

The average duration of the disease is up to 7 days... At an older age, antibodies are produced in the child's body, which significantly shorten the duration of the disease and facilitate its course.

Specific therapy, as a rule, is not used, but the main manifestations of the disease will have to be eliminated.

Fight dehydration

One of the main problems with rotavirus is dehydration.... Large amount of liquid and nutrients is lost or does not enter the body with diarrhea, vomiting, increased sweating, high temperature, refusal to eat.

therefore it is necessary to organize a regular supply of fluid into the body to replenish its needs, as well as to promptly flush out and eliminate toxins through the kidneys. The amount of fluid consumed is regulated depending on the age of the baby.

Treatment regimen for dehydration by age (1 to 4 years - 5 years)

Up to a year give a coffee spoon of water. If it is absorbed, repeat the procedure every 10-20 minutes.

From 1 year to 3 years you can start with a teaspoon, and if everything is in order, increase the dose to dessert.

At 4 years old and 5 years old Children can drink small sips of water from the mug on their own, as long as they are not sick.

There are special preparations for rehydration:

  • Regidron,
  • Oralite,
  • Normahydron,
  • Hydrovit,
  • Humana electrolyte.

They are available in powders. 1 sachet of such a product is dissolved in a liter of water and given to children according to the indicated dosage.

If treatment with these powders is not available, can be used:

  • warm drinking water,
  • light compote from dried fruits,
  • chamomile flower tea,
  • rice broth.

In case of rejection of the liquid drunk by the body, it is necessary to take the child to the hospital, where the baby will be given a dropper to avoid dehydration.

Decrease in temperature

High temperature is a sign of the body's active fight against infection... But if it reaches 38.6 degrees or more, you will have to reduce it - overheating can cause seizures.

The most effective children antipyretic:

  • ibuprofen syrup (used at a certain dosage according to the age and doctor's prescription);
  • rectal suppositories ("Tsefekon" or "Efferalgan"). They are put on every 2 hours.

Caution! It makes no sense to bring down the temperature below 38 degrees, otherwise the body will stop fighting the infection. If the temperature rises above 39 degrees, paracetamol-based medicines should be used... Aspirin-containing agents can not be used for children otherwise than for medical purposes.

Pain syndrome in the intestine should be relieved with antispasmodics... No-shpa is considered a universal remedy. It can be used according to the age dosage.

The doctor may also prescribe Ribal intestinal receptor blocker for the child.... It reduces vomiting and is suitable for relieving spasms in the gastrointestinal tract. Children from 6 years old it should be given in tablets, 1 three times a day. For children from 2 to 6 years old syrup will do. The daily dosage is 30-60 ml and is divided into 3 doses.

Elimination of toxins

Fight against toxins affecting internal organs at rotavirus infection, this is an important part of the treatment. It must be carried out with the help of enterosorbents.

To remove toxins your doctor may recommend:

  • Smectu (children from two years old);
  • activated or white carbon;
  • Enterosgel.

The main thing is to observe the dosage and not to allow the timing of the intake of enterosorbents with antispasmodics and antipyretics.


The diet of a sick child should be dietary... Dairy, meat, fatty, fried, spicy and sour foods should be excluded from it.

Suitable as a supportive power supply:

  • liquid rice porridge,
  • mashed potatoes on water,
  • low-fat chicken broth,
  • crackers, bread sticks, dryers, bananas (as a dessert),
  • fruit drinks, jelly, dried fruit compote with a small amount of sugar (from drinking).

Digestion normalization

In the course of the disease, the body is deprived of digestive enzymes. Therefore, two days after the onset of the disease, you should start taking drugs that normalize digestion:

  • Mezima,
  • Creon and others.

It is good to restore intestinal microflora with probiotics - preparations with bifidobacteria:

  • Bifidumbacturin,
  • Acipol,
  • Linex and the like.

They are taken starting from the third day of illness.

Antiviral protection against rotavirus

Whether it is worth resorting to it in the absence of specialized drugs for rotavirus - only the doctor decides. Immunity support the following drugs can provide:

  • Anaferon,
  • Viferon,
  • Likopid.

Thus, antiviral treatment should be carried out in a comprehensive manner:

  1. Deal with the symptoms first.
  2. Then we remove toxins.
  3. We organize diet food.
  4. We normalize digestion.
  5. We support immunity.


Sometimes, when treating rotavirus, doctors prescribe antibiotics to diagnose an unidentified acute intestinal infection. But there will be no special effect from them, since the disease is viral, not bacterial.

The point in using antibiotics will be when:

  • blood in the stool
  • suspected cholera,
  • prolonged diarrhea with lamblia in the feces.

In other cases, prescribing antibiotics is more likely a reinsurance than a full-fledged treatment.

How to cure at home

Most often, children are treated for rotavirus at home. But sometimes you have to go to the hospital. Actually, there are few differences between these treatments - in both cases, it is necessary:

  • provide the body with a sufficient amount of fluid,
  • stabilize body temperature,
  • choose a therapeutic diet,
  • to ensure the strengthening of the body.

The main difference between the hospital is that people go there in difficult situations., for example, with persistent vomiting and diarrhea, when the child's dehydration becomes critical. Another difference is that at home, in addition to medicines, they sometimes use folk remedies.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies should be used exclusively:

  • in combination with medicines,
  • after consulting a doctor,
  • if the child is not allergic to the components of the product.

Dried blueberries have anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties... Blueberry compote will be useful for the digestive tract - it will help to quickly remove toxins from the body.

Dill seed water helps to cope with intestinal colic. A teaspoon of seeds is infused in a glass of boiling water. For children over 2 years old, you can give 500 grams of infusion every 2 hours.

Raspberries will help lower the temperature... You can brew tea from raspberry leaves - a tablespoon of the product in a glass of boiling water. You can make fruit drink from raspberry jam and drink it 1-3 times a day. You can also remove the heat with water rubbing (without alcohol).

Than to treat at sea

At the resort, rotavirus can be picked up from a sick person or a carrier while eating. The disease spreads especially quickly in children's groups. It is very difficult to protect yourself from infection - after all, even observing the rules of personal hygiene may not help.

At sea, treating an infection will be no different than treating it at home. Since the infection is acute, health insurance will cover the costs and the host will be obliged to provide the baby with qualified assistance.

However, one should to take care of the child's assistance in advance and to protect yourself as much as possible from "acquaintance" with the disease, observing the following rules:

  • Take enterosorbents with you in the first aid kit, antipyretic, antiviral drugs, so that help can be provided faster.
  • Don't buy food from beach vendors - they can carry rotavirus.
  • Try to eat less often in catering establishments... If possible, it's best to prepare your own meals.
  • Thoroughly wash purchased products before eating.
  • Wash your hands before eating.
  • Boil water and milk for drinking... Use bottled water, not tap water.
  • Wash toys periodically.
  • Always have disinfectant wipes and gels with you.
  • If you can choose disposable or reusable dishes in public catering places, it is better give preference to disposable tableware.
  1. Never dehydrate the body... Not only the digestive system can suffer from this, but also nervous system, as well as disrupted the work of the lungs.
  2. If the child does not want to drink, the solution must be instilled into the mouth. with an ordinary disposable syringe.
  3. First infection (from 6 months to 2 years) is a severe intestinal infection.
  4. Diagnosis can only be made in a laboratory settingtherefore, the tactics for treating watery stool will always be the same.
  5. You should not force-feed a child when sick... 1 day of fasting will not bring fatal harm to the body.
  6. A first aid kit should always contain oral rehydration products at home.
    If they are not there, you can cook it yourself - dissolve 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a liter of water.
  7. Vaccination is the only one effective method prevention... protects 80% from the disease and 90-95% from its severe forms.
  8. It is worth vaccinating at the age of 1.5 to 8 months... Later, the child's body will start producing antibodies on its own.

Useful video

Dr. Komarovsky talks about rotavirus infection in children:


  1. If a baby is diagnosed with rotavirus, medical attention should begin as soon as possible. A visit to the doctor, as well as the delivery of tests for laboratory confirmation of the disease are the first steps to be taken.
  2. The most important task for parents is to prevent dehydration, which can develop within a few hours. Oral rehydration therapy is a must.
  3. If the baby has persistent vomiting and diarrhea, then hospitalization in a hospital is required.

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For me now, this information is more relevant than ever ... both children are sick, the little one is especially hard ...

God forbid it won't come in handy ...

Rotavirus infection: causes, symptoms, treatment of rotavirus in a child

* The main danger of rotavirus infection is associated with dehydration due to severe diarrhea.

Rotavirus infection (synonyms Rotavirus gastroenteritis, stomach flu, intestinal flu) is one of the forms of acute intestinal infection caused by human Rotavirus from the genus Rotavirus. People of any age can get rotavirus infection, but most often children from 6 months to a year or two get sick.
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In some countries (for example, the United States), intestinal flu accounts for up to 40% of all cases of acute intestinal infections in children. Adults develop rotavirus (rotavirus infection) by contracting it while caring for sick children.

Source of rotavirus infection and disease progression

The source of Rotavirus infection is a sick person or a healthy virus carrier. The virus multiplies in the cells of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and is excreted in the feces. Isolation of rotavirus begins from the first days of the disease, simultaneously with the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease. The main mechanism of transmission of rotavirus infection is food.

In children's groups, rotavirus infection can cause outbreaks of acute diarrhea (diarrhea).
Rotavirus infects the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine with the occurrence of gastroenteritis (gastro-stomach, entero-small intestine). Mucosal damage digestive tract disrupts the digestion of food and leads to the development of severe diarrhea and dehydration.

Rotavirus infection symptoms

The incubation period for rotavirosis lasts from 1 to 5 days. The disease with rotavirus infection begins acutely: the first symptoms of rotavirus are abdominal pain (acute, cramping), vomiting (up to 3-4 times a day), malaise, fever (up to 38 C).

Acute diarrhea (diarrhea) very quickly joins the described symptoms. Diarrhea in a patient with rotavirus infection is abundant, yellowish in color with a sharp unpleasant, sour odor.
When examining a patient with rotavirus, you can notice redness of the conjunctiva of the eyes, mucous membrane of the pharynx and palatine arches (sore throat).

The main danger of rotavirus infection is associated with dehydration of the body due to severe diarrhea.
The course of rotavirus infection is usually benign.
The disease ends in 4-7 days with complete recovery.

The symptoms described should be distinguished from those of cholera, salmonellosis, food poisoning.
After suffering a "stomach flu", stable immunity remains, therefore, recurrent rotavirus infection is rare.

An adult may not even notice that he is a carrier of rotavirus infection,

The disease, as a rule, proceeds with erased symptoms: a short, possibly one-time case of diarrhea, loss of appetite, a short-term rise in temperature. But during this period, a person is contagious!

Rotavirus infection treatment

There is no specific treatment for rotavirus infection (stomach flu). Shown symptomatic treatment diseases: treatment of diarrhea (mainly adequate rehydration of the body), temperature reduction, light diet and enzyme preparations (buy ampoules (2 ml each), give the child 1 ml in the mouth for pain, drink tea.

To prevent the development of intestinal bacterial infection appoint enterofuril (dosage according to the age of the child, from 1 to 2 years - 1 tsp 2 times a day for 5 days) or enterol (but enterofuril is better).

For the treatment of diarrhea with rotavirus infection, smecta is prescribed (2 sachets per day in half a glass of water).

Vomiting with rotavirus infection can last up to 3-5 days, diarrhea - even longer.

For a faster restoration of intestinal microflora and normalization of stools in case of rotavirus infection, the drug bactisubtil is prescribed - 2 times a day, 1 capsule dissolved in water one hour before meals. Start taking Bactisubtil after vomiting has subsided, approximately on the 3rd day of illness.

On the second day of the day of illness, the child develops severe drowsiness, let the child sleep as much as he wants, just constantly monitor his body temperature, when he wakes up - let's drink a little.

Before using the above drugs and to diagnose the disease, be sure to call a doctor, do not self-diagnose, since the symptoms of rotavirus infection are similar to those of more dangerous diseasesrequiring urgent medical attention.

Prevention of rotavirus infection

Prevention of rotavirus infection consists in observing personal hygiene measures and isolating the patient during illness

It was discovered by Australian researchers in 1973 year, and at the moment it is known for sure that up to 3 years of age, in fact, 100% of children become infected and carry rotavirus infection, which is manifested by diarrhea. The vast majority of diarrhea in children is a rotavirus infection. It is called “ rotavirus"Not because it gets into the mouth, but because it has the shape of a wheel under an electron microscope, which in Latin sounds like" rota ". Every year 125 million children fall ill with rotavirus diarrhea on earth, while 2 million are hospitalized and 500,000 die. Dr. Komarovsky says that everyone suffers from this disease and it is impossible to raise a child who does not have rotavirus infection.

In many civilized countries, vaccination against rotavirus infection is carried out, but, nevertheless, many questions arise in connection with this disease. Doctors distinguish between two types of diarrhea: 1) watery diarrhea is when there is a lot of fluid;
2) hemocolitis is an inflammation of the large intestine when there is blood in the stool. The bacteria that cause bloody feces are treated with antibiotics, and antibiotics are contraindicated for watery diarrhea. When infant diarrhea must be called a doctor, because in young children, diarrhea is dangerous due to dehydration. Parents are often unable to independently assess whether a child is dehydrated. Adults understand that with diarrhea, you need to drink a lot, but children do not understand this and do not want to drink, therefore, parents are often unable to water the child. Signs of dehydration are dangerous: dry tongue, crying without tears, lack of urine and sweat. When a child develops such symptoms, then this is a reason to immediately seek medical aid... Because if the child cannot drink, then it is necessary to urgently administer the fluid intravenously. If the child does not show signs of dehydration, then the parents can help the child themselves. A child with diarrhea within 2-3 hours may develop dehydration, which is dangerous with loss of consciousness, convulsions and very high fever. No matter how clean the mother is, and no matter how high-quality food she feeds, anyway, at the age of 6 months to 5 years, the child will acquire a rotavirus infection.

Intestinal infection has not bypassed a single person. Everyone (regardless of the state of immunity, gender and race) has suffered this ailment at least once. And those who were just born have yet to get sick with rotavirus. That is why the famous children's doctor Evgeny Komarovsky considers it his duty to tell his parents what this disease is and how to act correctly when the child gets sick.

About the disease

Rotavirus infection is a type of acute intestinal infection. It is caused by a special type of virus - rotavirus, popularly referred to as "intestinal flu".

Yevgeny Komarovsky emphasizes that rotavirus has nothing to do with the influenza virus and some of its specific strains. Any flu can multiply and exist only on the mucous membranes. respiratory tract... With rotavirus everything is different, it "lives" in small intestine, and therefore it is not very correct to call it the flu in general.

For the first time, a virus (under a microscope resembling a wheel with hubs and a rim, and therefore the so-called "rota" - wheel (lat.) Was discovered in 1973 by Australian researchers. 98% of children under the age of 3 years have had this disease at least once (according to the existing medical statistics). The virus is transmitted by contact - fecal-oral, it is popularly called "the disease of dirty hands."

A baby can become infected from a sick person through toys, doorknobs, dishes, household items.The virus is extremely contagious. Although specific immunity to rotavirus is being developed, it is almost irrelevant, since this agent has a lot of strains and varieties. A person is attacked by completely different "modifications" of the rotavirus (science knows more than 9 of them, and mutations are still ongoing).

All varieties of this virus are quite resistant to low temperatures, exposure to sunlight and air. For quite a long time, rotavirus survives in spring and sea water.

The incubation period is the time that passes after the virus enters the body until the moment when acute stage diseases. This period of time is different for different children.

The virus accumulates, replicates, as a rule, within 3-7 days. The disease itself lasts about 2-3 days, for at least another 5 days the body recovers after recovery.

The child is infected all the time from the moment of infection until the end of the recovery period. Even if the baby is already feeling well, quite viable microparticles of the virus continue to be released with the feces.

That is why Komarovsky does not strongly recommend that immediately after the child has become better, send him to kindergarten or to school. This will certainly lead to massive infection in the children's team.

The likelihood of contracting a rotavirus does not in any way depend on the cleanliness of the family.Even if the mother washes and vacuums everything several times a day, if she makes the child wash her hands with soap every hour, carefully monitors the quality of each product that gets on the table, does not allow drinking water of dubious origin - all this does not reduce the risk of contracting rotavirus.

The virus most commonly attacks children between 6 months and 2 years of age. In general, children from birth to 5 years old are at risk. In a newborn, this ailment happens somewhat less frequently, since the child is favorably influenced by the maternal "innate" immunity for the first six months after his birth, which is usually enough for a maximum of six months. Then the baby becomes more vulnerable.

The World Health Organization cites the following figures: every day on our planet, about 125 million children are infected with rotavirus. Most recover fairly quickly and on their own. 2 million babies go to hospitals, about 500 thousand toddlers die, but not from the rotavirus infection itself, but from severe complications that occur during its course.


Evgeny Komarovsky claims that the vast majority of cases of unexplained diarrhea in babies under three years old are a manifestation of rotavirus infection. In other words, if a child ate everything that usually, and he has no signs of food poisoning, then a stool disorder in 99% of cases indicates an attack by this particular type of virus.

Rotavirus infection is manifested by watery diarrhea. To distinguish it from poisoning (a disorder caused by bacteria) is quite simple - the consistency of the stool should be the main clue for parents. Gruel-like diarrhea is more common with food poisoning. Diarrhea "with water" is a viral diarrhea, and there are no other options, according to Yevgeny Komarovsky.

With viral diarrhea, the feces are grayish and very sharp bad smell... On days 2-3, the contents of the pot acquire a clayey consistency and a yellowish-gray color. The sour smell persists.

Rotavirus infection is characterized by a sudden acute onset - with fever, vomiting. Sometimes vomit can have a specific smell of acetone, similarly, it can smell from the mouth of a child. At the next stage, enteritis and gastroenteritis, diarrhea (up to 10-12 trips to the toilet per day) develop. Minor respiratory manifestations may appear - runny nose, sore throat, pain when swallowing, cough.

About treatment

Diarrhea with rotavirus infection usually goes away in 2–3 days, but carries a rather serious risk of dehydration. Almost all deaths that occurred with this ailment became possible precisely because of critical loss liquid, strong dehydration. The younger the child, the faster he develops dehydration, the more dangerous rotavirus is for him. The infection is most severe in infants.

A serious complication that rotavirus gives with severe dehydration is pneumonia. Many cases of dehydration are complicated by serious disorders of the nervous system. Rotavirus and dehydration are especially dangerous for underweight children.

The main thing that parents should learn to do is not even to determine what is the origin of the baby's diarrhea, but to be able to quickly assess whether the child has signs of dehydration. Evgeny Komarovsky recommends in all cases of diarrhea in little child see a doctor. But you can't sit still without doing anything yourself - you have to watch carefully.

If the baby's tongue becomes dry, he begins to cry without tears, does not pee for more than 6 hours and practically does not sweat - this is a good reason for an urgent call to " Ambulance". If the baby began to lose consciousness, his eyes "sunken", and his facial features "sharpened", his heat - these symptoms are extremely dangerous, they indicate severe dehydration. The help of doctors is required immediately.

If dehydration begins, the child who cannot drink enough fluids to restore balance in the body needs intravenous water. This is what the hospital treatment will be based on.

If there are no signs of dehydration, parents may well cope with rotavirus intestinal infection on their own. And here the main therapy will be to prevent the onset of dehydration. For this child you need to drink. The more often the better. Drinking should not be cold or hot, but exclusively at room temperature, since it is this liquid that is absorbed as quickly as possible in the small intestine. If the baby refuses to drink in sips, he needs to be given a teaspoon and more often, but he must drink.

Further, Dr. Komarovsky advises to give special medicines, which should be in the medicine cabinet of every family in which there are babies - means for oral rehydration (for example, "Regidron", "Humana Electrolyte"). If there is no such medicine, there is no way to buy it, Evgeny Komarovsky recommends using a recipe approved by the World Health Organization: 2 tablespoons of sugar, a spoonful of salt and a spoonful of soda are taken per liter of water. The task of the parents is to give the child this drink saline at any cost. If it does not work out, it is better to immediately call an ambulance.

First aid

In general, says Komarovsky, the algorithm for reasonable parenting actions in childhood diarrhea should always look like this:

  • Plentiful warm drink.Frequent and fractional. Plain water and saline. If the child pees every 3 hours, it means that he is consuming enough fluids to prevent dehydration. If you cannot get drunk even with a disposable syringe without a needle, call an ambulance.
  • Put a small child on its side so that in the event of an attack of vomiting, he does not choke on vomit.
  • Antipyretic drugs- only if the temperature is above 38.5.
  • Monitor the condition of the child, avoid dehydration.At the first symptoms of dehydration, call an ambulance.
  • Do not feed. If very much asks - give thin porridge or puree in small quantities.

Leave a diaper with feces or keep a sample of the contents of the pot until the doctor arrives to demonstrate this to the doctor. So the doctor will be able to diagnose the disease faster, and the probability of error will be reduced (rotavirus, for example, is very similar in initial stage for cholera).

It is a big mistake to give your child antibiotics. The disease is of viral origin, but against viruses antibacterial drugs completely powerless. Treating a child with viral diarrhea with them is a real parental crime, since it is not only not beneficial, but also increases the likelihood of complications.

Another mistake that can cost parents dearly is the unauthorized prescription of antidiarrheal drugs (for example, Enterofuril).With rotavirus, viral particles (more precisely, their microparticles) are released with feces. And therefore, stopping diarrhea means prolonging the disease, leaving virus particles in the small intestine, where they will continue to destroy useful cells for some time. It is not necessary to fight diarrhea, it is the body's defense mechanism.

Another misconception is efficiency antiviral agents with intestinal infection.A doctor called at home is likely to prescribe something antiviral, because, according to Komarovsky, no doctor wants to talk long about the benefits of drinking plenty of water and thus take responsibility for the situation.

Whether or not to take the prescribed tablets or syrups is up to you. But Komarovsky reminds that it does not exist yet in nature antiviral drugs with clinically proven efficacy. Moreover, the effectiveness of these drugs has not been proven against a specific pathogen - rotavirus.

It is worth giving up homeopathic remedies ("Anaferon", "Otsillokotsinum").With their effectiveness and proven action, everything is even more deplorable, and the purchase of such drugs, according to Evgeny Komarovsky, will become just an extra burden for the family budget.

Rotavirus vaccine

Many countries have already included vaccination against rotavirus intestinal infection in the mandatory National calendars vaccinations. There is no such mandatory practice in Russia yet. Vaccination against rotavirus, according to Western experts, helps to reduce the incidence by 80% and reduces the risk of death by 45%. That is, infection remains possible, but the course of the disease will be easier.

Today in Russia you can get vaccinated against rotavirus, but only privately - in paid clinics. Two types of vaccine are used - the American Rotatek and the Belgian Rotarix.

Both vaccines are given by mouth (as drops in the mouth). Both contain small amounts of live rotavirus artificially weakened in laboratory conditions.

In most cases, the vaccine does not cause allergic reactions and side effects, it is quite easily tolerated even by the smallest patients. The recommended terms of vaccination are from 1.5 months to six months.It is not advisable for older children to be vaccinated. One of the vaccines is taken twice (with a break of 45 days), the second - in three doses (with similar breaks), and therefore it is better to do it at 2 and 4 months, and the second vaccine is taken according to the scheme - 2-4-5.5 months ...

Naturally, the vaccination will not be given to a child who is sick at the moment, and rotavirus vaccination is contraindicated in babies with congenital malformations development of the gastrointestinal tract. No special preparation is required for vaccination against rotavirus.

During the acute phase of the disease, it is not worth feeding the child, unless he asks for food himself.

A strict diet should be followed not only during treatment, but also for some time after recovery:completely exclude from the menu whole milk and dairy products, sweet fruits, pastries, meat, as well as fatty and fried foods. It is useful to eat porridge on the water, vegetable soups, white bread crackers, apples baked in the oven. You need to feed often and in small portions.

Very young children with rotavirus infection are not denied breast milk, no dietary restrictions are introduced, but they make sure that the drink is plentiful. Breast milk itself contains antiviral components provided by nature itself, which will help the baby in the recovery process.

Occasionally, with a severe course of rotavirus infection in infants, due to the occurrence of an enzyme deficiency, intolerance or partial intolerance may appear breast milk... In this case, you should reduce the number of breastfeeding and temporarily add lactose-free infant formula to the baby's diet (until complete recovery).

A child with rotavirus need not be put to bed. If he has a high temperature, then bed rest is necessary. In all other cases, he must lead a normal life - play, walk. Of course, you should stay away from the courtyard playground so as not to spread rotavirus to other children, but a walk in the uncrowded park or square will be beneficial.

Effective prevention of rotavirus, according to Komarovsky, should be vaccination.Only then you need to wash your hands, always with soap, wash vegetables and fruits, monitor the quality of the water that the child drinks. In fairness, the doctor notes that no amount of hygiene tricks can guarantee a low probability of infection. Therefore, both in the developed and civilized countries and in the third world countries, the incidence of rotavirus is at the same high level.

If you are going to travel to the sea with a small child, Komarovsky strongly recommends the rotavirus vaccine. Recently, this intestinal infection has become quite widespread precisely in the resorts where children become infected with water. Most often, Rospotrebnadzor specialists "signal" about the unfavorable situation due to this disease on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in the Crimea and on the coasts of Bulgaria.

At present, the topic "Rotavirus infection in children, symptoms" is very relevant. Komarovsky urges parents to pay attention to this disease, because it is an acute infectious disease related to intestinal infections and characterized by damage to the gastrointestinal tract. Mostly rotavirus infection occurs between 6 months and 3 years of age and in some cases is fatal.

First information about the disease

Komarovsky, answering this question, says that it is infection, which happened to all our mothers, fathers, grandparents and will appear in our children and grandchildren. Mankind has been facing the manifestations and consequences of rotavirus infection since ancient times. For the first time, the causative agent that causes the disease was discovered in 1973.

The virus was identified by Australian researcher R. Bishop with the participation of colleagues. In 1979, experts from the World Health Organization named the causative agent - rotavirus. When creating a new term, experts took into account appearance the smallest non-cellular particles. Under a microscope, they appear as circular elements that resemble wheels. That is why the term "rotavirus" was formed from the Latin word rota. Translated, it means "wheel".

Features of rotaviruses

Pathogens from the Reoviridae family and the Rotavirus genus are non-cellular particles, due to which they enter human body rotavirus infection develops. Komarovsky notes that absolutely all children are faced with this disease. Even those babies who are very carefully looked after by their parents are not an exception. No amount of hygiene procedures, washing floors and cleaning toys can save you from rotaviruses.

The thing is that pathogens are resistant to environmental factors. They are not afraid of low temperatures and drying. Viruses can also withstand the effects of chloroform, ether, and ultrasound. The death of non-cellular particles occurs quickly when heated and almost instantly when boiled.

Speaking about rotaviruses, it is worth noting that specialists have identified 9 stereotypes of these non-cellular particles. Some of them are pathogenic for humans (1-4 and 8-9). Stereotypes 5, 6 and 7 are distinguished in different animals. For humans, these non-cellular particles pose no danger.

Rotavirus infection

The peak incidence of rotavirus infection occurs in autumn and winter. Most often, the disease is diagnosed between December and February. This is due to the resistance of the virus to cold. The source of pathogens is a person. Non-cellular particles are excreted in significant quantities in the feces from the body of those people who have rotavirus infection.

Komarovsky in one of his videos says that the mechanism of transmission of rotaviruses is fecal-oral. The transmission routes are:

  • food (unwashed products);
  • water (unboiled water);
  • contact and household (infected household items, dirty toys).

The maximum incidence occurs at the age from six months to 3 years. Rotavirus infection can appear much later, when the child starts attending preschool. Babies are often infected after contact with sick children, because the disease is highly contagious. In the first few months of life, rotavirus infection is very rare. This is explained by the receipt of immunity from the mother along with breast milk.

Disease symptoms

After the pathogens enter the body, the child begins an incubation period, during which rotavirus infection does not appear. Komarovsky in his program emphasizes that the duration of this stage can be from 1 to 4 days. After incubation period the first symptoms appear:

  • increased body temperature;
  • vomiting;
  • loose stools.

Body temperature usually rises to 37.5-39 degrees. It stays at this level for 2-4 days. In connection with this condition, the child's appetite disappears. A symptom such as vomiting appears. It can happen 1 or 2 times. In rare cases, there is repeated vomiting for a couple of days. The main sign of rotavirus infection, according to Dr. Komarovsky, is loose stools. Most often it is watery, does not have pathological impurities and is observed within 3-6 days.

The type of infection, its severity and course

The disease in question has a classification. It is based on the distribution by type, severity and course of the disease. So, experts distinguish:

  • a typical rotavirus infection;
  • atypical rotavirus infection;
  • virus carrier.

The typical type of the disease, in turn, is divided into mild, moderate and severe forms. The leading syndrome is intestinal. The severity of rotavirus infection depends on its severity.

The atypical variety includes an erased and asymptomatic form. Clinical manifestations poorly expressed or not observed at all. These are the mildest forms of infection.

Complications of the disease

Many parents are frightened by Komarovsky, who says that in most cases the prognosis is favorable. Some children get worse just because their mums and dads don't know about possible complications, have no idea how inaction can turn out.

A dangerous consequence of rotavirus infection is dehydration. With loose stools, the body loses water. Its volume can be significant with frequent diarrhea (frequency of bowel movements with mild form rotavirus infection is 2-5 times a day, with severe - up to 20 times). Due to dehydration, the amount of urine excreted decreases, consciousness becomes clouded, decreases arterial pressure, cyanosis is observed, the nervous system is affected, convulsions occur. When 20-25% of water is lost, death occurs.

Komarovsky about rotavirus infection says that it is still fraught with pneumonia. This complication does not develop in a sick child due to the fact that he was infected from someone at home or in preschool... Pneumonia with rotavirus infection is caused by a lack of fluid in the body. Due to lack of water, the functioning of the lungs is impaired.

Rotavirus infection treatment

With this disease, the child can be treated at home. The World Health Organization notes that the primary therapy should be to restore fluid and electrolyte losses. You can prevent dehydration thanks to They are sold in the form of powders in pharmacies.

If there is no such remedy, and the child has a rotavirus infection, Komarovsky advises to carry out treatment with the help of a specially prepared solution. The following ingredients are required:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp soda.

The child should drink the prepared product in sufficient quantities (i.e., he should urinate 1 time in 3 hours). If the baby refuses to drink and cannot get him drunk, then parents should immediately consult a doctor. The patient will be hospitalized. At the hospital, the doctor will prescribe parenteral administration of drugs (into a vein) to prevent dehydration.

Prescribing antibiotics

Doctor Komarovsky notes that when watery diarrhea it is only necessary to replenish the lost fluid. Antibiotics are not prescribed to a sick child, because these medicines not able to harm the viruses that cause the disease. These drugs only inhibit the growth of prokaryotic cells and protozoa.

Antibiotics are needed only in a few cases:

  • in the presence of blood impurities in diarrhea;
  • with cholera (acute caused by bacteria of the species Vibrio cholerae);
  • with giardiasis (a disease caused by protozoa) diagnosed based on the results of analyzes, in combination with diarrhea that lasts more than 2 weeks in a child.

Diet for rotavirus infection

Many moms and dads have heard that in case of illness, it is necessary to adjust the diet. That is why parents often ask questions about what constitutes a rotavirus infection, a diet. Komarovsky emphasizes that with an ailment in the intestine, the activity of some enzymes decreases. One of them is lactase. It participates in the hydrolysis of the lactose disaccharide contained in milk.

With rotavirus infection, dairy products (even mother's milk) should be excluded from the menu of a young child, since the body will not be able to digest them. The patient's condition will worsen. That is why specialists prescribe low-lactose and lactose-free therapeutic nutritional mixtures. Dairy products should be introduced into the diet no earlier than 2-3 weeks after the onset of the disease.

In addition to milk, the following foods are excluded from the diet of older children:

  • sweets;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • legumes;
  • canned food.

In the first days of the disease, light broths, rice, semolina and buckwheat porridge, fresh unleavened cottage cheese, omelet will be useful. You can make jelly, rosehip decoction. Gradually, the diet should be expanded by adding lactic acid products, vegetables, fruits, juices diluted with water.

Disease prevention

For the purpose of prevention, the child can be given Komarovsky notes that 2 vaccines are used in the world. One of them is Rotarix. It contains only one rotavirus. The vaccine is obtained on the basis of a strain isolated from an infant with gastroenteritis. It is administered orally twice. The first vaccination is given between 6 and 12 weeks of age. The second dose is given 4 weeks later. Up to 6 months of age, the baby should already be vaccinated.

The second vaccine is RotaTeq. It contains 5 genetically modified rotaviruses, which were derived from bovine and parental human strains. This vaccine is also administered orally. The number of recommended doses is 3 (the first is given to the child at 2 months, the second at 4 months, and the third at 6 months). Vaccination should begin at 12 weeks of age and should be completed by 32 weeks.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that parents can learn a lot of cognitive information from a television program called "School of Doctor Komarovsky." Rotavirus infection is just being considered in one of the issues. It says that about 500 thousand children die from this disease in the world every year. This disease is not incurable. It's just that some parents do not understand how serious the illness is, and take the necessary measures too late.

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