Sensorsheral hearing loss: reasons. Sensorsheral hearing loss Chronic two-sided sensorsuleral hearing loss 1 degree

Partial decline sound perception against the background of diseases of the nervous system and department The ear is congenital and acquired. Diagnosed more than half of patients with auditory problems. Treatment of sensuously hearing loss is carried out conservatively and operational. The choice of the therapy method occurs in accordance with the cause and degree of the disease.

Sensorsheral touginess, what is it?

Perceptive or sensuous hearing loss (ICB code H90) is a decrease in hearing as a result of damage to the auditory nerve fibers or centers in the brain, the inner department of the ear responsible for the transfer of sound vibrations.

In most cases, pathology is associated with damage to the hair structures of the peripheral department hearing analyzer, less often with defective-snelled nerve defects or human centers brain. With the vice of the cortical department of the auditory analyzer, which is extremely rare, the sensitivity of the organ is within the normal range, but the quality of the perception of sounds is reduced.

Causes of development

The disease is congenital and acquired. In the first case, genetic defects affect the loss of hearing. When purchased form for the development of pathology affect external factorsthat affect the work of the central nervous system and ear after birth.

Congenital causes of gentleness

Congenital sensucleon deafness cause deviations during the period of embryonic development, which are associated with severe infections transferred to the mother during pregnancy. Clamydia, syphilis, rubella virus can cause violations in the development of the auditory. Such diseases lead to the occurrence of defects in the development of hearing, nervous system, as well as congenital pathologies. cordially- vascular system, organs of vision, etc.

Negatively, the process of formation and development of sound-visible organs and the nervous system affects the toxic effect of alcoholic beverages, narcotic and psychotropic substances, medicinal preparationsthat uses mother during the fetal tool.

The high risk of congenital hearing loss exists in the presence of an autosomal gene - is hereditary. Parents with neurosensory deafness, the likelihood of the birth of a child with a similar disease reaches 50%.

Premature births also increase the risk of gentle deafness, as the child's hearing organs are at the formation phase.

The predisposing factors affect the process of laying and developing organs for the perception of sound oscillations and lead to:

  • underdevelopment of the forefront of the reconciliated labyrinth;
  • chromosomal defects;
  • the pathological growth of the tissues of the middle ear and the formation of tumors.

Acquired causes of gentleness

Acquired neurosensory hearing loss is associated with adverse factors that affect the apparatus of the Interior Department responsible for the transfer of vibrations, nervous system or brain.

Causes of the deafness of the acquired character:

  1. Acoustic injuries are associated with the long exposure to noise and sounds of more than 90 dB, therefore the risk of developing the disease increases in people working in a noisy production that addicted to listening to hands-free music in headphones.
  2. Mechanical injuries resulting from falling, shocks on the head or damage during accidents, accidents.
  3. Uncontrollable reception antibacterial agents Group of aminoglycosides and macrolides, nonsteroidal antiflogistic drugs, diuretic products, salicylate.
  4. Viral pathology (measles, rubella, herpes, HIV) severe flow form that damage nerve fibers and influence front department Confused labyrinth and auditory sensory system.
  5. Diseases of bacterial etiology of various location (, meningitis).
  6. Autoimmune diseases that not only affect the work of the central nervous system and ear, but also lead to a decrease in immunity and increasing the likelihood of developing infectious inflammatory diseases.
  7. Allergy that proceeds with frequent rhinitis, provokes inflammation of the middle department. cause a change in the structures of the auditory sensory systemComplications from the vascular system that cause syndrome.
  8. Tumors of benign and malignant character, cystic neoplasms, affecting auditory nerve fibers, brain shells, front section of the mabyrinth.
  9. - pathology characterized by growing bone tissue Around the bone of the middle ear, which provokes its immobility.
  10. Organism poisoning by chemical compounds and heavy metals.
  11. Frequent pressure drops.
  12. The diseases of the vascular system (hypertension, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis), as a result of which the influx of blood is worsened to the sentence-snippene organ, decreases admission nutrients and oxygen, resulting in dystrophic processes.
  13. Age changes.

Classification of the disease

Depending on the causes of the deafness, it is classified for 2 types: congenital and acquired. The first type is associated with factors that affect organs. human perception During the period of intrauterine development, the second - with the reasons that affect the organs after birth.

Partial loss of auditory perception of a congenital species is divided into 2 forms:

  • non-industromal - along with deafness there are no symptoms of other pathologies;
  • the syndromic is a disease for which the clinical picture of deafness and other diseases is characterized, such as the heart muscle, vascular system or organs of vision.

Depending on the localization of the disease, single-sided and bilateral neurosensory hearing loss are isolated. In the first case, only one body is defeated, while pathology can be right-sided and left-sided. As a rule, this type is developing as a result of infectious and inflammatory pathologies or injuries. Bilateral pathology affects both both and is associated with infection, acoustic injuries and pressure drops.

According to the nature of the course, 4 forms of sensory-hearing thugs are distinguished:

  • sudden characterized a sharp advent and rapid development for several hours, for example, as a result of injuries of the head;
  • acute proceeds with pronounced clinical picture and develops gradually, for example, against the background of infectious damage;
  • the attachment is formed over a long period and has a blurred clinical picture, which complicates the diagnosis and leads to the absence of timely therapy;
  • chronic is characterized by alternating the exacerbation of the symptoms of the deafness and the latent flow, as a rule, a decrease in the possibility of perceiving sounds is difficult to therapy, as it is associated with severe diseases and dystrophic transformations of ear or nerve fibers.

Degree of pathological condition

When choosing treatment, sensucleonural hearing loss plays an important role. Reducing hearing, regardless of the type and shape of the flow, the 4th stage of development passes, each of which has a different duration and clinical picture.

First degree

Sensorsheral hearing loss of 1 degree is characterized by a decrease in the threshold of hearingness up to 25-40 dB. At this stage, the disease remains unnoticed, as a person continues to distinguish between the usual speech at a high distance - up to 6 m, and quiet - up to 3 m. Difficulties may occur only when foreign noise appear, which significantly reduce the distance between the interlocutors.

Second degree

Sexuous hearing loss of 2 degrees during an audiometric study is diagnosed by reducing the ability to perceive sounds with force to 40-55 dB. At this stage of the development of pathology, the patient is significantly worse than the speech of the interlocutor at a high distance. For comfortable communication, it is necessary to approach the distance of no more than 4 m, when a quiet speech is heard only at a distance of 1 m.

Headuchness syndrome 2 stage makes a person often asked, strain the rumor during conversations by phone. With a unilateral form of neurosensory deafness, the patient is better hears a healthy organ, so during communication it tries not to be located to the interlocutor with a sick ear.

Third degree

Sensorsheral hearing loss of 3 degrees is characterized by serious violations in the functioning of the predvevno-snelles tissues, which is associated with complex reversible dystrophic processes of the sound-visible apparatus or nerve fibers. During the audiometry, the threshold of hearingness reaches 70DB.

At this stage, the patient ceases to hear whisper and quiet speech. For comfortable communication, it is necessary to observe the distance with the interlocutor of not more than 2 m. A person with violations of the work of the sentence-snelled arrangement of 3 degrees constantly asks and does not perceive a quick speech. This in the aggregate creates great difficulties in communication, therefore reconciling devices are assigned to the patient.

Fourth degree

Seasonural hearing loss 4 degrees - severe disease in which a person does not perceive sounds, force below 90 dB (screams). At this stage, conservative therapy is ineffective - showing the wearing of sound-sensing devices or operational intervention to eliminate the defects of the middle department, the installation of prostheses that replace the damaged departments of the proposer-snelled organ.

Symptoms and manifestations of sensuously hearing loss

Symptoms of sensucleus hearing loss appear at the first stage of the development of the disease, when a person ceases to distinguish a quiet question in the presence of noise interference - it is difficult for him to highlight it from the total mass of sounds.

In the second stage, the signs of sensucleus hearing loss progress - the patient ceases to hear whisper and quiet speech at noise, and when conversation in ordinary colors, the distance with the interlocutor is significantly reduced. A man at the 2 stage of development of pathology may not hear the alarm clock, telephone or door calls.

3 stage is distinguished by pronounced symptoms of gentleneural hearing loss: the patient does not hear a whisper near the ear, and for the differentiation of the usual speech, the interlocutor should be at a distance of no more than 2 m. In the 4th stage, the patient does not hear a quiet and usual speech, the dialogue on elevated colors is perceived only at a distance to 1m.

There are also exist general signs Sensorsheral hearing loss, which combine all stages pathological state - This is: noise in the ears, speech distortion, constant aspiration, the need to strain the rumor during the conversation. During the damage to the auditory analyzer, it is possible to attach headaches and dizziness, nausea, vomiting with sharp movements.


The diagnosis of sensorsulene hearing loss is placed at the reception at the otolaryngologist, when treating a patient with complaints about the reduction of hearing quality. In the diagnostic purposes of ENT examines the state of the outdoor ear and eliminates the presence of obstacles to the passage of sound waves (sulfur plugs, inflammatory processes, foreign languages, neoplasms). After the quality of hearing is diagnosed: the patient is sitting at a distance of 6 m, the doctor says in a whisper and in the usual tone, if necessary, the distance is reduced. Based on the data received is diagnosed.

An audiometry is used to determine the degree of sensuously hearing loss. The method involves the study of acoustic reflexes and the state of the middle department of the organ for the perception of sound oscillations. Impedancemetry - method of diagnosing sensorsuleral hearing loss by determining the state hearing nerve, His ability to conduct and perceive sounds.

Medicia treatment

The choice of therapy depends on the stage, the causes and forms of sensorsulene tightness. In infectious etiology, antibacterial and antiviral therapy is carried out. Preparations contribute to stopping inflammatory process, removal of edema and restoration of the auditory center.

Treatment of sensuously hearing loss, which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and dizziness is carried out using antihistamine, which normalize microcirculation inner ear and reduce pressure. Diuretics are used to remove swelling.

Treatment of sensuously hearing loss with nootrops is necessary when impaired nervous fibers for improvement exchange processes. The therapy of deafness is complemented by medicines to normalize blood circulation, removal of toxins and saturation of the body with vitamins and minerals.

As a rule, with timely diagnosis and correct treatment of sensuously hearing, the forecast is favorable - it is possible to stop the process of deterioration of hearing or restore it completely.


Hearing is the method of correcting the work of the sentence-snelled apparatus using high-tech devices and implants. The selection of the device is carried out based on the stage of the disease, age and patient preferences.

For this purpose, are used:

  • outdoor recovery devices at left-sided or right-hand deafness 4 and 3 degrees;
  • prostheses of the middle department - with chronic form;
  • the internal ear with double-sided chronic sensucleus deafness 3 and 4 degrees;
  • stowing for the tonic organization of the nuclei of the Barrel Mosa;
  • bone conduction prostheses are used to treat sessionless hearing loss in children of congenital form.

The process of adaptation to the sound-seeing device takes up to six months.

Cochlear implantation

The cochlear implant is a medical device that helps to fill the complete loss of hearing, thanks to the transformation of sounds into serial pulses, which stimulate the auditory nerve endings. The prosthesis is established in chronic sensuously hearing loss of 4 stage, two-sided neurosensory hearing loss by 3, 4, when the patient is losing the ability to differentiate speech even in the presence of sound-sensing devices.

Treatment of chronic sensuously hearing loss by installing a cochlear implant is effective only in violation of the hearing function as a result of atrophy of the hairs cell structures of the snail. In other nature of deafness, this method is ineffective. The greatest productivity of the cochlear apparatus in socially adapted patients.

Treatment of sensuously hearing loss in children with the help of cochlear prosthetics is carried out by solving the Special Commission on the results of a comprehensive study.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Treatment of acute sensorsulene hearing loss is possible only by receiving medicines or using special sound-drying devices or implants. Funds folk Medicine Can only be used for the prevention of sensuously hearing loss.

The greatest effectiveness have freshly squeezed juices of rowan, viburnum or beets, oil walnut and almonds. Mix the tourand in any liquid tool and set in the ear to night. The duration of therapy takes from 15 to 20 nights.

The positive result occurs when applying the infusion of propolis: the tincture of propolis and vegetable oil Mix in proportions 1: 3. Mix the turund in the solution and put in the ear at night. Course of treatment from 10 to 15 procedures.

Perfectly cope with the decline of hearing help the leaves of souls, melissa or mint, which are recommended to be placed in the ear to dry. The duration of treatment for 2 weeks.

Sensorsheral hearing loss - dysfunction of the predver-snippene apparatus, associated with a violation of the work of the brain, nerve fibers, the inner ear. Wears congenital and acquired character. Correction is carried out by drugs or with the help of prostheses or sound-enabled devices. With timely treatment, the forecast is favorable.

Under the sensuous (sound perceptual, perceptual), hearing loss understands the defeat of the hearing system from the receptor to the auditory zone of the cerebral cortex. It accounts for 74% of hearing loss. Depending on the level of pathology, it is divided into receptor (peripheral), retrocochlear (root) and central (stem subcortical and cortical). The division is conditional. The most commonly occurred receptor touginess. Retrochlear hearing loss occurs with the defeat of the spiral ganglia and the VIII nerve.

Etiology . Sensorsheral hearing loss - polyethological disease. The main reasons for it are infections; injuries; chronic brainwater failure; Noiseibration factor; presbyacuise; Nevnoma VIII nerve; radioactive irradiation; anomalies of the development of the innergo ear; Mother's disease during pregnancy; syphilis; intoxication by some antibiotics and medicines, heavy metals salts (mercury, lead), phosphorus, arsenic, gasoline; endocrine diseases; Alcohol abuse and tobacco smoking.

Censaneural hearing loss can be secondary in case of diseases that initially cause conductive or mixed hearing loss, and over time, lead to functional and organic changes in the Cortiyev receptor cells. This happens when chronic purulent middle otitis, adhesive otitis, otosclerosis and Meniere disease.

In 20-30% of deaf and deaf-dumb children, there is a congenital deafness, and 70-80% acquired. The cause of the hearing loss in the postnatal period is a generic injury with asphycia, a violation of cerebral circulation, as well as the resusconflict and hemolytic jaundice.

There are about 30% on the infectious nature of sensucleon hearing loss and deafness. In the first place there are viral infections - flu, epidemic vapotitis, cortex, rubella, herpes, then follow the epidemic cerebrospinaline meningitis, syphilis, scaryttern and typhus.

Pathogenesis . In infectious diseases Ganglion cells are affected, worst nerve fibers and hair cells. Meningococci and viruses have neurotropy, and other pathogens selectively act on the vessels, the third are vase and neurotropic. Under the influence of infectious agents, the capillary blood supply in the inner ear is disturbed and the hairs cells of the main curl of the snail are damaged. A serous-fibrinous exudate can be formed around the auditory nerve with lymphocytes, neutrophils, decay of fibers and the formation of connective tissue. The nervous fabric of the race and after a day, the decay of the axial cylinder, myelin and the above-mentioned centers begins. Damaged nerve can partially recover. Chronic degenerative processes in the nervous trunk lead to growth connective tissue and atrophy of nerve fibers.

At the heart of deafness and hearing loss epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningite. Lies bilateral purulent maze. The receptor, ganglion cells, the trunk of the eighth nerve and the core in the oblong brain are affected. After cerebrospinal meningitis, hearing and vestibular function is often lost.

For epidemic parotitis One- or double-sided labyrinthitis is developing rapidly or the vessels of the inner ear are affected, as a result of which heaviness occurs, deafness with the loss of the vestibular function.

With influenza There is a high vase and virus neuropropy. The infection spreads hematogenically and affects hairs cells, blood vessels inner ear. More often is one-sided pathology. Often develops bullosis-hemorrhagic or purulent average otitis. The damage to the organ of hearing of viral nature is possible when herpes Zoster. With the localization of the process in snail and the trunk of the VIII nerve. There may be a violation of hearing and vestibular functions.

Thus, the pathology of the hearing body in infectious diseases is localized mainly in the receptor of the inner ear and a rumor nerve.

In 20% of cases, the cause of gentlenevical hearing loss is inxication. Among them are first place ototoxic drugs: Antibiotics aminoglycosium row (kanamycin, neomycin, monomitial, gentamicin, biomycin, tobramycin, neutylmicin, amikacin), streptomycins, TBC static, cytostatic (endoxan, cisplatin, etc.), analgesics (antiperscript), antiarrhythmic drugs (Hindin and DR .), Tricyclic antidepressive agents, diuretics (Laziks, etc.). Under the influence of differentoxic antibiotics, pathological changes in the receptor apparatus, vessels, especially in Stria Vascularis, occur, especially in Stria Vascularis. Hair cells first amazed in the main snail curl, and then throughout its entire. Heaviness develops throughout the frequency spectrum, but more on high sounds. The microphone snail potentials are reduced, the promotional potential of the eighth nerve and endolymphatic potential, that is, the potential of rest. In the endolymfe, potassium concentration is reduced and sodium increases - hypoxia of hairs cells and a decrease in acetylcholine in the labyrinth liquid is observed. The output of antibiotics is observed with general and local application. Toxicity depends on penetration through the hematolaband barrier, dose, duration of application and excretory renal function. These antibiotics, especially streptomycins, are affecting vestibular receptors. The output effect of antibiotics is sharply manifested in children.

Sensorsheral hearing loss vascular origin It is associated with a violation of the tone of the inner sleepy, vertebral arteries, the discirculation of blood flow in the vertebrochemical basic pool. This pathology leads to circulatory disorder in spiral arteries and arteries of vascular strips due to spasm, thrombosis, hemorrhages in endo and perilimphhatic spaces, which is often the cause of acute deafness and hearing loss.

Traumatic The origin of hearing thugs includes mechanical, aku-, vibro-, bar-, actukery, electric, actino- and chemotrams. Mechanotrauma can cause a fracture of the base of the skull, damage to the pyramid of temporal bone, the VIII nerve. Under barotravum there is a rupture of the eardrum, the membrane of a round window, dislocation of the tears and damage to the receptor cells of the Cortiyev organ. With long-term exposure to high noise and vibrations, dystrophic changes occur in the receptor against the background of the spasm of the vessels. The neurons of the spiral ganglium and the auditory nerve are affected. The noise and vibration will primarily lead to a decrease in the perception of high and low tones, less affecting the speech zone of them. Strong damage is noted under the influence of high-frequency impulse noise, exceeding 160 dB (on training shooting), which causes acute irreversible sensuousness and deafness as a result of acuteraum.

Presbyhakuzis Developed due to age-related atrophy of the vessels of snail, spiral ganglia against atherosclerosis, as well as changes in the overlying heights of the auditory system. Degenerative processes in the snail begin with 30 years of age, but quickly progress after 50 years.

The most frequent causes of the damage to the central sections of the auditory system are tumors, chronic insufficiency of cerebral circulation, inflammatory processes of the brain, skull injuries, etc.

Syphilitic Headowing may initially be characterized by a violation of sounding, and then - sound perception at the expense of pathology in snail and the centers of the auditory system.

Korehkaya sensucleus hearing loss is accompanied by nevnomaVIII.nerve.

The progression of conductive and mixed hearing loss is often leading to the affection of the auditory receptor and the formation of the sensory component, and then the predominance of sensorsulene tightness. Second-sysnevral hearing loss with chronic purulent middle otitis, adhesive Otitis Over time, it may develop as a result of toxic influences on the inner ear of microorganisms, products of inflammation and drugs, as well as age-related changes In the organ of hearing. For cochlear form of otosclerosis The cause of the gentleneural component of the hearing loss is the spread of otosclerotic foci in the drum staircase, the growth of the connective tissue in the web-changing labyrinth with damage to the hair cells. For menieret disease Conductive hearing loss moves into a mixed, and then in sensoryvoral, which is explained by the progressive degenerative-dystrophic changes in the snail under the influence of the labyrinth hydrops, depending on the dysfunction of the vegetative innervation of the inner ear vessels and biochemical violations in the ear lymph.

Clinic . For current distinguishes acute, chronic forms Headup, as well as reversible, stable and progressive.

Patients complain of permanent single or bilateral hearing loss, which arose sharply or gradually, with progression. Headowing can stabilize for a long time. It is often accompanied by a subjective high-frequency ear noise (squeak, whistle, etc.) from a minor, periodic to constant and painful. Noise sometimes becomes the main concern of the patient, irritating it. With one-sided hearing loss and deafness, the communication of patients with surrounding remains normal, but in the bilateral process - it is hampered. High degree of hearing loss and deafness lead people to closetness, loss of emotional coloring and decline in social activity.

Patients find out the cause of the hearing loss, the duration of its, the course, nature and effectiveness of the previous treatment. Endoscopic study of ENT organs is carried out, determine the state of the hearing and vestibular function, as well as the ventilation function of the hearing pipe.

The study of the hearing is essential for the diagnosis of sensoryneral hearing loss, the level of damage to the sensory auditory path, as well as the differential diagnosis of it with conductive and mixed hearing loss. With sessionless hearing loss, a whisper speech is like more high-frequency, often perceived worse conversational. The duration of the perception of tubes for all frequencies is reduced, but mainly on high. The lateralization of sound in Weber's experience is marked in the comfortable ear. Chainning experiences Rinne, Federichi, gallop, bing positive. Bone conduction in the experience of Schwabach is shortened in proportion to the hearing loss. After purging the ears, there is no improvement in hearing on a whisper speech. The eardrum during the otoscopy is not changed, its mobility is normal, ventilation function hearing pipe I-II degree.

Tonal thresholds of air and bone conductivity are increased. The bone-air interval is lacking or does not exceed 5-10 dB in the presence of a conductive component of hearing loss. Characterized steep drop in curves, especially in the high frequency zone. The cliffs of the tonal curves are noted (more often than bone) mainly in the field of high frequencies. With deep hearing loss, only hearing islands remain in separate frequencies. In most cases, 100% speech intelligibility at speech audiometry is not achieved. The speech audiogram curve is shifted from the standard curve to the right and not parallel to it. Speech sensitivity threshold is 50 dB and more.

Using the outgoing tests, the phenomenon of the accelerated increase in volume (Fung) is often detected, which confirms the defeat of the Cortiyev organ. The differential threshold of sound force (DPS) is 0.2-0.7 dB, SISI test - up to 100%, the level of discomfort (UDG) is 95-100 dB, the dynamic range of the auditory field (DDSP) is narrowed. Hearing sensitivity to ultrasound decreases or it is not perceived. The lateralization of ultrasound is aimed at better hearing ear. Reduced or loses the intelligibility of speech among noise. With the impedance audiometry of tympologram normal. The thresholds of acoustic reflex increase in the direction of high frequencies or are not detected. On the audiogram on auditory caused potentials, KSWP, except for the wave I of order, are clearly recorded.

The neurine VIII nerve is characterized by a slow flow, one-sided sensucleon hearing loss, ear noise, tonal-speech dissociation, worsening the intelligibility of speech against the background of noise. It is distinguished by a high UDG and the lack of fung, the lack of lateralization of sound in Weber's experience when lateralizing ultrasound into a healthy ear. The reverse adaptation time is increasing to 15 minutes, its threshold is shifted to 30-40 dB (normally 0-15 dB). There is a decay of acoustic reflex stirru. Normally, within 10, the amplitude of the reflex remains constant, or reduced to 50%. The semi-repity of the reflex for 1.5 s is considered pathognomonic for the neurine VIII nerve. Reflex strokes (IPSI - and contralateral) may not be called when stimulated by the affected side. Ocacoustic emission (UAE) is not recorded on the side of the lesion, the intervals between the I and V peaks of the KSWP are extended. There are vestibular disorders, paresis of facial and intermediate nerves. To diagnose the neuromet of the auditory nerve, x-ray of temporal bones is carried out along the sinter and tomography (ordinary, component and magnetic resonance).

In case of trunking, the speech intelligibility is disturbed, DPS is 5-6 dB (rate of 1-2 dB), the reverse adaptation time is 5-15 minutes. (Norma 5-30 C), shift the adaptation threshold to 30-40 dB (norm 5-10 dB). As with the neurinoma of Yiii, the nerve is lacking pung, ultrasound lateralizes in the rash ear with the lack of lateralization of the sound when the Weber experience, there is a decline of the acoustic reflection of the stirrup, the lengthening of the interval between I and V peaks of the KSVP, the UAE on the lesion side is not registered. The pathology of the brain barrel at the level of the trapezoidal body leads to the loss of both contralateral reflexes of stirrup while maintaining - ipsilateral. The volumetric processes in the field of crossroads and one non-index pathways differ in the lack of all reflexes, except for the ipsilateral on the healthy side.

The central hearing loss is characterized by tonal-speech dissociation, lengthening the latent period of auditory reactions, deterioration of speech intelligibility against the background of noise, disruption of the spatial hearing in the horizontal plane. Binaural perception does not improve the intelligibility of speech. Patients often experience difficulties in the perception of radio broadcasts and telephone conversations. They suffer from DSVP. There is a fall or lack of potentials on sounds of different tonality and intensity.

According to audiological features, it is necessary to differentiate primary sensuously hearing loss from the Meniere disease and the cochlear form of the otosclerosis.

The sensuous component of the hearing loss is observed in the disease of Meniere, however, a positive fung is combined with 100% speech intelligibility and a shift of the lower boundary of the perceived frequencies (NGVCH) to 60-80 Hz, which is characteristic of the conductive hearing loss. The SISI test is 70-100%. When the hearing asymmetry, the lateralization of the sound in Weber's experience is aimed at better hearing ear, and ultrasound - in the opposite ear. The fluctuating character of the hearing loss is detected by a positive glycerol test. The spatial hearing is suffering in horizontal and vertical planes. Vestibular symptoms confirm the diagnosis.

The cochlear form of otosclerosis is similar to the sensuousness of the tongue loss in the nature of the tonal audiogram, and the remaining audiological tests indicate the conductive nature of the hearing impairment (normal perception of ultrasound, the NGVCH shift to 60-80 Hz, high UMD with Wide DDSP, 100% speech intelligibility at high tonal thresholds of bone conductivity.

Treatment . There are treatment of acute, chronic and progressive sensucleus hearing loss. First, it is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease.

Treatment acute Sensorsheral hearing loss and deafness begin as soon as possible, during the period of reversible changes in the nervous tissue in the order of emergency care. If the reason acute hearing loss Not installed, it is regarded, most often, as the hearing loss of vascular genesis. An intravenous drip administration of drugs is recommended for 8-10 days - refooliglucin 400 ml, 300 ml hemodez in a day; Immediately after they were administered, the drip administration of a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride 500 ml was prescribed with the addition of 60 mg of prednisolone, 5 ml of 5% ascorbic acid, 4 ml of solkossyrile, 0.05 kocarboxylase, 10 ml of Pangin. Etiotropic means for toxic sensuously hearing loss are antidots: unitiol (5 ml of 5% solution intramuscularly for 20 days) and sodium thiosulfate (5-10 ml of 30% solution intravenously 10 times), as well as fabric breathing activator - calcium Pantothenate (20 % solution of 1-2 ml per day subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously). In the treatment of acute and professional hearing loss, hyperbaric oxygenation is applied - 10 sessions for 45 minutes. In the recompression barocamera, inhalation of oxygen or carbagen (in highlighting from the spastic or paralytic form of the vascular pathology of the brain).

Pathogenetic treatment is to assign funds to improve or restore metabolic processes and regeneration of nervous tissue. Vitamins of groups in 1, in 6, a, e, cocarboxylase, ATP are used; biogenic stimulants (aloe extract, fibs, humisol, apilax); vasodinating agents (nicotine acid, papaverin, dibazole); agents that improve vascular microcirculation (Trental, Cavinton, Starbonon); Anticholinesterase agents (Galanamin, Prezero); means that improve the conductivity of the nervous tissue; Antihistamines (DIMEDROL, TAVEGIL, Supratine, diazoline, etc.), glucocorticoids (prednisolone, dexamethasone). Indications are prescribed hypotensive preparations and anticoagulants (heparin).

Apply the methaspanal method for the introduction of drugs (soldiers I.B., 1961). Galanamine is introduced with 1-2% novocaine solution 2 ml daily up to 15 injections per course. Galanamine improves the pulses in the cholinergic synapses of the auditory system, and novocaine helps to reduce ear noise.

Medicinal products (antibiotics, glucocorticoids, novocaine, dibazole) are injected by exacerbate phonophores or endural electrophoresis.

During the stabilization period The patients are under the supervision of a otolaryngologist's doctor, they conduct courses of preventive supporting treatment 1-2 times a year. For intravenous drip administration, Cavinton, Trental, pirazets are recommended. Then, stamp is prescribed inside (zinnarizine), polyvitamins, biostimulants and anticholinesterase preparations. Symptomatic therapy is carried out. Eternal electrophoresis 1-5% solution of potassium iodide, 0.5% solution of galantamine, 0.5% sosmene solution, 1% solution of nicotinic acid.

For decreasing ear noise The method of administering anesthetics to biologically active points of the near-surround region is used, as well as acupuncture, electropuncture, electric pump, magnetopuncture and laser support. Along with the reflexology, the magnetic therapy is carried out by a total solino-lateral and local machine "Magtell" or ENDauraner electrostimulation by a constant pulsed unipolar current. With tormenting ear noise and the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment, resection of drum plexus is produced.

For standardFor a long time of existing hearing loss with stabilization of thresholds of hearingness, drug treatment is mainly not effective, since the morphological substrate of sound perception in the inner ear is already broken.

With bilateral hearing loss or one-sided hearing loss and deafness to another ear that impede speech communication, they resort to hearingness. Hearing aid It is usually shown when the magnitude of the average loss of tone hearing at the frequency 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz is 40-80 dB, and the conversational speech is perceived at a distance of no more than 1 m from own sink.

Currently, the industry produces several types of hearing aids. They are based on electro-acoustic amplifiers with air or bone phones. There are devices in the form of awesome, hearing glasses, pocket receivers. Modern miniature apparatus with air telephone are made in the form of an ear insert. The devices are equipped with a volume control. Some of them have a device for connecting to a telephone. The selection of devices is produced in special rumor items by a otolaryngologist-sardologist, a rumor protest and technician. Prolonged use of the device harmlessly, but it does not prevent the progression of hearing loss. With pronounced sensuous hearing, hearing aids are less efficient than with conductive hearing loss, since patients with a dynamic range of the auditory field (DDSP) are narrowed and fung is noted.

Social deafness is considered to be a loss of tone hearing at the level of 80 dB and more, when a person does not perceive the cry of near the ear shell and is impossible to communicate among people. If the auditory apparatus is ineffective, and communication is difficult or impossible, then a person is taught a contact with people with the help of facial expressions, gestures. This is usually applied in children. If the child has a congenital deafness or it developed before the speech masters, then it is deaf-and-and-the-way. The state of the hearing function in children detect as early as possible, to three years of age, when the rehabilitation of hearing and speech occurs more successfully. Not only methods of subjective audiometry are used to diagnose deafness, but, above all, objective methods are impedance audiometry, audiometry for auditory caused by potentials and an open-acoustic emission. Children with a hearing loss of 70-80 dB and lack of speeches are trained in schools for deaf-and-and-and-ii-iii degree of hearing loss - in schools for taguhuhi, and with I-II degree of hearing loss - in schools for weighted. For deaf and hearing impaired children there are special kindergartens. During the training, the sound-free equipment of collective use and hearing aids are applied.

In recent years, electrode rumor has been developed and implemented - surgical implantation of electrodes in snail almost deaf people for electrical stimulation of auditory nerve. After the operation, patients are taught to speech communication.

For the prevention of sensuously hearing loss, measures are being carried out to reduce the harmful effects of noise and vibration, acuterams and barotraums on the hearing body. Antifons are used - ear inserts, headphones, headsets, etc. In the treatment of non-oxic antibiotics, a 5% solution of unitiola is prescribed intramuscularly, and with the development of hearing loss, these antibiotics are canceled. Prevent infectious diseases and other diseases caused by hearing loss.

The servicemen with hearing loss are directed to the examination to the otolaryngologist and are under the dynamic observation of the doctor's doctor. In the testimony, an examination is carried out under Article 40 of the Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 315 1995

Our perception of sounds is provided by a sufficiently long chain of interrelated structures of an hearing body, which begins with the ear shell and ends with the corresponding zone of the cerebral cortex. Outdoor and secondary ear transmission sound wave, and the inner ear converts it into an electric impulse, which in the chain of nerve cells is delivered to the brain and is estimated to be the sound as familiar to us.

Sensorsheral hearing loss It is considered to reduce hearing, which arose as a result of a violation of the perceiving sound analyzer. Most often, the cause of sensucleus hearing loss is damage to the structures of the inner ear up to their death. The inner ear cells are highly specialized, extremely sensitive to changes in the conditions of their existence and are not regenerated after damage or, as they say, are not restored. Powered by these cells is ensured by very thin vessels. Therefore, the change in blood flow in them, which occurs even under the action of reasons insignificant for other vessels, rather quickly leads to damage to the cells of the inner ear. This is the reason for both acute and chronic sensorsheral hearing loss. The development of each of them and the possibility of treatment is different.

Acute sensorheral hearing loss It develops with a significant change in blood flow in vessels that feed the inner ear, arising quickly, in a short time. In this case, the patient feels a sudden significant reduction in hearing, usually one ear, often accompanied by noise in it, and sometimes dizziness. This condition can be regarded as an acute circulatory disorder in a separate zone - the vessels of the inner ear. Therefore, the patient must immediately refer to Lor to the doctor who will conduct a survey.

In the FGBU NCC otorinolaryngology of the FMBA of Russia, specialists of the Scientific and Clinical Division of Ear, Scientific and Clinical Division of Audiology, Suruity and Hearing Rehabilitation, Scientific and Clinical Division of Vestibulology and Rehabilitation are engaged in the treatment of patients with a diagnosis of Sensulynevical Headup.

To confirm the diagnosis and identification of the causes of the disease, the patient in the center is examined by several specialists. The diagnosis is confirmed by the results audiological examinationFirst of all audiometry. If the patient has acute sensorsheral hearing loss, it should urgently be hospitalized. The final result depends on the deadlines for the beginning of the disease and its treatment. Treatment can be concluded, depending on the situation, in the use of various drugs (corticosteroid, thrombolytic, vasotropic), which normalize the bloodstream, improve the nutrition of nerve cells, etc. The patient advises a neuropathologist. As practice shows, in the presence of a patient 1-2 degrees of hearing loss (hearing thresholds are increased to 20-60 dB), a significant improvement in the hearing can be achieved, and some of them have full recovery. With more high degree Headups, in most cases, the expected result of treatment will be only an improvement in the hearing.

Chronic sensorsheral hearing loss
It develops for a long time, under the combined effect of many reasons, which lead to a gradual, resistant reduction in blood flow in the vessels of the inner ear. The patient feels a gradual decline in hearing, as a rule, on both ears, a violation of the integrity of speech, the noise in the ears. The diagnosis is also established according to the results of the survey, including audiological. In addition to ENT doctor, a neuropathologist, therapist participate in the patient examination. Their task is to identify the causes of circulatory disorders in the vessels of the inner ear. Various additional research can be appointed: dopplerography of Vessels Sheck and heads reoeczephalography, Daily monitoring of the ECG and others. With a decrease in rumor to one ear, including with a dubious history of a patient with acute sensucleon hearing loss, MRI of the brain must be produced. This study makes it possible to eliminate tumors in the skull cavity, first of all, the neuro (Svanny) auditory nerve. Treatment of chronic sensuclear hearing loss is carried out in a planned manner, with the exception of cases of rapid progressive reduction in the patient. Selection of drugs in each case should be individual and based on the results of the survey. The meaning of treatment is to improve the nutrition of the cells of the inner ear and maintaining them in functional state. With increasing hearing thresholds up to 40 dB, the patient recommends selection of the hearing aid. Its use helps the patient live safely and comfortable.

We described the main reasons for sensucleus hearing loss and the corresponding ways to solve the problem. In addition, the reasons for the development of this pathology can be transferred meningitis, the cranic and brain injury, the use of certain drugs and others. Highly qualified center specialists have great positive experience in working with patients. The use of the best advanced developments and methods of combating sensuously hearing loss, modern medical equipment and equipment helps the team of our doctors to achieve success not only in treatment, but also in the rehabilitation of our patients.

Such a problem, like hearing loss, recently becomes very relevant, since more people are subject to more depending on age. Quite often, this defect leads to a complete deafness, if it does not reveal such a problem in time. And in order to avoid full loss of hearing, it is necessary to find out which reasons to provoke this ailment and how to recognize it in a timely manner.

Description of illness

What is gentleness hearing loss?

When a person has a decline in hearing, which becomes difficult to disassemble, as the interlocutor says on an average or relatively short distance, this condition is called hearing loss.

Frequently quite a person suffering from such a defect is not able to disassemble someone else's whisper addressed to him. This also applies to those cases when a person who turned out to speak loud voice, but the patient still cannot distinguish and understand what they are told.

The examples described above are the first manifestation of such a disease as hearing loss. It is also worth noting that at the moment this defect is a younger and progress. Since the newborn children, young people and people of old age are increasingly exposed to him.

How does heroover develop?

Sensorsheral hearing loss is classified by the duration of its so-called existence on such forms:

  • Acute form progressing for several days to two weeks.
  • Chronic sensorheluble hearing loss - develops quite slowly, but it greatly progresses. It is worth emphasizing that with this form of the disease, it is almost impossible to restore the hearing.
  • A sudden form appearing in less than a day, most often occurs in a dream.

In the form of the damage to the hearing aid, sensucleon hearing loss is often associated with a defect of the structure of the inner ear.

As described above, such a defect can hit any person, but most often people are susceptible to people of old age. Since it is mostly with age, a natural decrease in the hearing function comes.

Why does this defect appear?

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to identify that served as a provocative of this disease. The thing is that the reasons for which there is a lot of gentleness, there are quite a lot, and often provoke such a defect immediately several culprits.

But, nevertheless, experts identified several main reasons, because of which such a disease is developing, namely:

  • from transferred influenza;
  • after the pig;
  • after syphilis;
  • from parotitis;
  • after purulent otitis;
  • after meningitis;
  • after labyrinthitis;
  • after toxoplasmosis.

In addition to the above-described diseases, vascular and nerve defects that cause violations in the work of the hearing aid may cause hearing loss.

Also at the moment there are cases when the hearing thoughts appeared as a result of the strongest stress or injury. And in some people such a defect appears as the body's response to the reception of some medicines.

Less common causes

It is worth noting that there are also less common factors that are also able to provoke this ailment, namely:

  • allergic diseases;
  • with a defect of PEDGET;
  • in the formation of a tumor in a rumor nerve;
  • with alcoholism and drug addiction.

In the event that the culprit provoking this disease is not detected, then the specialist denotes such a defect as idiopathic acute sensorsulene tightness. Unfortunately, in the overwhelming majority, this diagnosis is established by young people. Moreover, the danger is that the defect of this variety is pretty quickly progressing and treating treatment.

And if the touginess manifested itself in man of old age, then the defect evenly attacks both ear. This rule concerns the congenital illness, which comes due to sepsis and hypoxia of the fetus. This is bilateral sensorsheral hearing loss.

The first signs of manifestation

In the overwhelming majority, the sharp shape of such a defect as sensoryneural hearing loss is the result of a transferred infection or stressful situation. The very first and main sign of the disease that appeared is a noticeable decline in hearing in humans. In other words, the patient ceases to clearly hear the interlocutor. And quite often, both ear take part in such a defective process.

With regard to other signs of the emerging defect, there are several of them, namely:

  • constant noise or buzz, hearing in the ears;
  • feeling of abandonment of the ears;

The above-described symptoms are mainly manifested in the afternoon and do not disappear until the next morning. Sometimes, on the contrary, such signs are manifested, and then disappear. At the same time, such unpleasant sensations can be quite strong, which man cannot fully relax at night, and in some cases the development of insomnia is possible.

In cases where the hearing thoughts develop rapidly, a person appears very unpleasant sensations, and the defect form itself often leads to complete loss of hearing. But at the same time, it is enough to get rid of the disease, if you ask for help in a timely manner.

The best treatment prediction has a chronic form of this disease. With this form, the symptoms appear gradually in the form of a decrease in hearing over several years. As for the signs of development of this defect, then the person appears only the noise and hum in the ears.

If you do not pay for help for help from a specialist in a timely manual, then there is a high probability of deafness that cannot be treated with any type of sensuously hearing loss.

Sensorsheral hearing loss: degrees

Headup is dangerous in that with age is able to move from acute in chronic form. The threshold of hearingness determines the degree of development of the disease. Allocate 4 degrees or stages.

Sensorsheral hearing loss of 1 degree - audibility decreases, but not too much. If the sound comes from the distance to the meter or two meters, then the man perfectly hears him. Clearly distinguishable words. But if from a distance of two meters a whisper is coming or around the noise, then the person can no longer disassemble anything. The norm is 20 degree, with hearing thoughts of 1 degree threshold changes to 40 degree.

Sensorsheral hearing loss of 2 degrees - changing the threshold of hearingness of up to 55 degree. We are not distinguishable at a distance of 4 meters, the whisper is not heard at a distance of 1 meter. If it is impossible to disassemble the words around the noise.

3 The degree of hearing loss is a heavy stage with a threshold of 70 DC. The sound does not differ from a distance of 2 meters, the whisper is not heard at all.

4 degree - develops into full deafness. More than 70 DC Threshold of hearingness. A person cannot disassemble speech at a distance of more than meters.

It is important to turn to a specialist in a timely manner.

How do hearing decline diagnose?

In the overwhelming majority, diagnose the hearing loss can be using an audiogram. Thanks to this technique, a specialist can determine the degree of violation of the hearing function with an accuracy of 100%. But after the diagnosis is set, there is a prerequisite for the identification of a provocator, which provoked the offensive of this defect. For such a goal, the following types of surveys are assigned:

  • serological tests;
  • tests on bacteriological sowing;
  • x-ray;
  • MRI to identify possible neoplasms in the ear;
  • survey at the ophthalmologist;
  • tonal and computer audiometry.

If the touginess has been detected in a child at birth, then a prerequisite is the complete diagnosis of genetic deviations. This technique is very important in order to begin treatment of this defect.

Sensorsheral Headup: Treatment

As described above, sudden and acute forms Sensorsheral hearing loss is best sufficient to treat. And if the therapy started on time, then the person has a chance to return the rumor completely.

As a rule, such a defect is treated in the hospital in order to apply the entire complex of necessary procedures. As for the sudden form, the urgent hospitalization of the patient is the most important condition in order to cope with this disease.

As for the chronic form of this disease, the most important condition for the recovery of hearing is the timely appeal to the doctor. If you stop the process of listening to hearing on time, even when partial diefing of nerve endings occurs, there is a big chance to partially return the most important function for a person.

During the diagnosis of "Sensorsheral Headup" Treatment Next:

  • Application of drugs.
  • Non-drug treatment.
  • Operational intervention, in the case when the disease was launched.

When identifying such a disease, such as gentleness of 2 degrees, such drugs are prescribed:

  • preparations that improve cerebral blood flow;
  • vasodilatory medicines;
  • drugs-nootropics;
  • group vitamins in;
  • biogenic stimulants;
  • antihistamine drugs.

The above drugs can be introduced in the form of injections both intravenously and directly into the inner ear.

Non-media treatment

Non-media types of treatments include such ways to get rid of this problem:

  • Hyperbaric oxinelation in the form of physiotherapy courses for action on the inner ear. It is worth noting that this method is used only in cases where the treatment of the patient occurs in the hospital.
  • Treatment with the use of the magnetic technique.
  • Microtok reflexology.
  • Neon laser.

Using the methods described above ensures a great result in 90% of cases. But in order to get it, also medication treatment should be used.

If we are talking about chronic form, unfortunately, these techniques can only help in 30% of cases. It is for this reason that in the overwhelming majority of patients a hearing aid is proposed.

As for babies suffering from hearing loss, the course of treatment includes a mandatory rehabilitation period, which is underway under the complete control of the Surdian.


If there is a chance to return the lost hearing with the help of surgical intervention, this procedure is carried out at mandatory. The most common technique is cochlear implantation. In practice, everything looks like this: the patient, during the operation, establish an implant, which will help capture all the sounds of the environment and transmit them to the brain.

At the moment, such surgery helped dozens of thousands of people who had congenital or acquired hearing loss, hearing again. In addition, in modern medicine Recently, more and more often practiced operational interventions To create a collateral blood circulation of the inner ear, the way to summarize the same branch of the cervical artery.

Is it possible to prevent the disease?

In order for such a defect does not distort a person, it is necessary to accommodately approach the treatment of any infectious ailment, especially when such a defect concerns the ears.

If a person suffers from chronic otitis, then it is necessary to be registered with the otolaryngologist and conduct preventive manipulations for hearing organs. It is worth noting that special attention should be done to such a problem for pregnant women. In order to avoid the emergence of such a defect in a child, it is necessary to minimize absolutely all tartogenic factors, this concerns X-ray and the possible effects of radiation. Also to this list you can add more reception medicines And the use of alcoholic beverages.

In order to avoid full hearing loss in the future, each person must regularly carry out preventive inspections from a specialist. This is especially true of young children, because the crumbs can independently introduce themselves in the ear of various items that provoke such a problem in the future.

Sensoneural hearing loss is the defeat of the hearing organ caused by a violation of the function of receiving the signal by the sound-visible apparatus in the middle of the inner ear. The reason for the development of such pathology can immediately be several factors. The most common causes of the occurrence of sensoryneural hearing loss are: the destruction of the structure of the middle ear, atrophy of the snelled nervous end, the defeat of the cerebral cortex in centers that are responsible for processing sound signals coming from the environment.

Sensory touginess is determined using a special Weber test. Tambleton issues characteristic vibrations, and at that moment the doctor touches the bones of the patient's skull in the middle line of their location. The patient who has suspended this pathology of the hearing body must report what sounds he hears directly during the sound of the Chamber near the ear, and when the device was attached to the cranial box. Thus, the otorhinolaryngologist determines the conduction of the sound signals, and how much the nerve is active, connecting the inner ear and the hearing brain center.

The diagnosis of sensory touginess includes several degrees, and it is: four, each of which is characterized by a certain clinical picture of the disease.

  • Sensorsheral hearing age 1 degree. The conduction threshold of sound signals is at 50 dB.
  • Sensuanceful hearing loss of 2 degrees. The patient is able to hear conversational speech with a range of from 50 to 60 dB.
  • Sensorsheral hearing thoughts of 3 degrees. Already considered a severe form of the disease, as a person hears the sounds of at least 60 - 70 dB. For this, the interlocutor should be in close proximity to a person suffering from hearing loss, and speak as much as possible.
  • Sensorsheral heaviness 4 degrees. It is the most complex manifestation of neurosensory hearing damage. This is actually a complete deafness. Hearing sounds are possible only when they are sounding in the range from 70 to 90 dB.

With the latest degree of illness, traditional treatment drug drugs It has a completely insignificant effect. The optimal option is the selection of a high-quality auditory apparatus, given the specifics of the disease.

Causes of the development of a neurosensory hearing defect

In most cases, the violation of the perception of sound signals is associated with the dysfunction of the snelled nerve inside the middle ear, or with the defects of the hairs cells, which are peculiar sensors catching the slightest vibration of sound signals. Much less often, sensory touginess caused the defeat of the cortex of the brain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe centers responsible for the rumor. It is worthwhile to understand in more detail in all causes of the development of this disease.

Neurosensory damage to the hearing body is most difficult to treat when the function of the auditory analyzer is affected, therefore it is important to avoid noisy premises in order not to injure this important element of the inner ear.

Congenital sensorial hearing loss

Neurosensory pathology of hearing is often found in young children, and has a congenital form of its development. The tightness of the sensory type in children may be caused not only by genetic deviations in the formation of the hearing body, but also the presence of many other malicious factors.

The defective development of a snelled nerve in the inner ear.

Defects chromosomeswhich are responsible for the formation of elements of the organ of hearing.

Congenital tumor in middle ear, surgical removal which can lead to the destruction of the entire structure of the organ of hearing itself.

Alcoholic dependence of the fruit. Medical statistics He says that if during pregnancy mother systematically used alcohol, and suffered from alcoholism, then there is a 64% chance that the child will have congenital hearing loss. Such an effect on the hearing nerve of the kid is provided toxic substancesFood in the process of decomposition of components from which alcoholic beverages consist.

Premature birth. Approximately, 5% of newborn children have neurosensory hearing loss due to the fact that the ulitskaya nerve simply did not have time to form until the end.

Chlamydia. If a this infection Transmitted from the mother to the child, it can provoke the damage to the auditory nerve.

Syphilis. This bacterial pathogen is also transmitted from a pregnant mother to his baby still in the womb, and the likelihood that the child will be born completely deaf - equal to 30%.

Rubella. Women who are under the heart of the child must hold at the maximum distance from public seatswhere the flashes of this virus were recorded. For adult rubella is actually safe, but the development of the fetal has a negative impact. If the child is still inside the mother, rubella infected, then besides the neurosensory lesion of the hearing body, the eye disease occurs and the heart disease is formed.

These adverse factors are the primary sources of congenital sensucleus hearing loss in children who need to know all responsible parents.

Acquired Sension Demochota

In addition to hereditary and congenital types of hearing loss, the deafness that was acquired is quite common healthy person Throughout life due to the presence of certain circumstances. It is worth paying more serious attention, which can lead to a loss of hearing.

It is important to remember all these malicious factors that can cause hearing loss in fully healthy people.

Classification of neurosensory deafness

In their type of manifestation, the hearing loss is divided into separate types, which are established by a otorinolaryngologist during a survey of the patient. During the diagnosis of heaviness, it is important to correctly qualify the type of disease so that the treatment is as efficient as possible, and the patient's hearing body recovered in the shortest possible time.

Acute sensorsheral hearing loss. Develops rapidly, and mainly provoked by bacterial and viral infectionscausing inflammation inside the middle ear and in the cerebral cortex. In some cases it is possible acute inflammation Hearing nerve, but independently this disease is manifested extremely rarely.

Chronic sensorsheral hearing loss. As a rule, it arises after not durable ear diseases, which switched to sluggish inflammation. The disease may not be manifested for a long period of time, but stable one or twice a year in a person diagnose otitis, and also there is a gradual decline in hearing.

Bilateral sensorsheral hearing loss. We are talking about the defeat of two sides of the inner ear at once, as a result of which the deafness of both ears is diagnosed.

One-sided sensorsheral hearing loss. If a person does not hear one ear, and the reason lies in insufficient conductivity with a sniplike nerve of sound signals to the cerebral cortex, then this diagnosis is made to the patient.

Each of the specified types of disease is dangerous to human health, as in the event of further development, it can progress, and lead to much more serious complications.

Treatment of neurosensory hearing loss

Previously, the treatment of sensuously hearing loss with the use of traditional medical preparations Practically did not bring due effect. The only opportunity to help the patient was the correct organization of the selection of a high-quality device to enhance sound signals. The auditory apparatus was established for the outer part of the ear shell. This practice is applied today, and the devices for amplifying the signal have become more modern, stylish, and also have small sizes. The patient gives the second group of disability.

Treatment of sensuously hearing loss in modern medicine stepped forward.

Doctors learned to spend surgical operations, the main purpose of which is the installation of cochlear implants, which stimulate the work of a damaged or atrophied auditory nerve. This technique has already managed to prove its effectiveness, but still is still under development. Doctors in the field of otorinolaryngology and surgery will have to refine the technology of operations to minimize risks for patients.

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