Acute and chronic sensorineural hearing loss. Sensorineural hearing loss: causes and degrees Treatment of grade 1 sensorineural hearing loss after a cold

Partial reduction sound perception against the background of diseases of the nervous system and internal department ear is congenital and acquired. It is diagnosed in more than half of patients with hearing problems. Treatment of sensorineural hearing loss is conservative and operative. The choice of method of therapy occurs in accordance with the cause and degree of the disease.

Sensorineural hearing loss, what is it?

Perceptual or sensorineural hearing loss (ICD code H90) is hearing loss as a result of damage to the auditory nerve fibers or centers in the brain, the inner part of the ear responsible for the transmission of sound vibrations.

In most cases, the pathology is associated with damage to the hair structures of the peripheral section. auditory analyzer, less often with defects of the vestibulocochlear nerve or auditory centers brain. With a defect in the cortical part of the auditory analyzer, which is extremely rare, the sensitivity of the organ is within the normal range, but the quality of perception of sounds decreases.

Reasons for development

The disease is congenital and acquired. In the first case, hearing loss is affected by genetic defects. In the acquired form, the development of pathology is affected by external factors, which affect the functioning of the central nervous system and the ear after birth.

Congenital causes of sensorineural hearing loss

Congenital sensorineural deafness is caused by abnormalities in the period of embryonic development, which are associated with severe infections suffered by the mother during pregnancy. Chlamydia, syphilis, rubella virus can cause disturbances in the development of the hearing aid. Such diseases lead to malformations in the development of the hearing organs, the nervous system, as well as to congenital pathologies. cordially- vascular system, organs of vision and so on.

The process of formation and development of sound-perceiving organs and the nervous system is negatively affected by the toxic effects of alcoholic beverages, narcotic and psychotropic substances, medicines, which the mother consumes during the period of gestation.

A high risk of congenital hearing loss exists in the presence of an autosomal gene - it is hereditary. Parents with sensorineural deafness have a 50% chance of having a child with the same condition.

Premature birth also increases the risk of sensorineural deafness, as the baby's hearing organs are still developing.

Predisposing factors affect the process of laying and development of organs for the perception of sound vibrations and lead to:

  • underdevelopment of the anterior membranous labyrinth;
  • chromosomal defects;
  • pathological proliferation of tissues of the middle ear and the formation of tumors.

Acquired causes of sensorineural hearing loss

Acquired neurosensory hearing loss is associated with adverse factors that affect the apparatus of the internal department responsible for the transmission of vibrations, nervous system or the brain.

Causes of acquired deafness:

  1. Acoustic injuries are associated with prolonged exposure to noise and sounds of more than 90 dB, so the risk of developing the disease increases in people working in noisy industries who are fond of listening to loud music in headphones.
  2. Mechanical injuries resulting from falls, blows to the head or damage during accidents, traffic accidents.
  3. Uncontrolled reception antibacterial agents groups of aminoglycosides and macrolides, nonsteroidal antiphlogistic drugs, diuretics, salicylates.
  4. Viral pathologies (measles, rubella, herpes, HIV) of a severe form of the course that damage nerve fibers and affect anterior section membranous labyrinth and auditory sensory system.
  5. Diseases of bacterial etiology of various localization (, meningitis).
  6. Autoimmune diseases that not only affect the functioning of the central nervous system and ear, but also lead to a decrease in immunity and an increase in the likelihood of developing infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  7. Allergy, which occurs with frequent rhinitis, provokes inflammation of the middle section. cause changes in the structures of the auditory sensory system, complications from the vascular system that cause the syndrome.
  8. Tumors of a benign and malignant nature, cystic neoplasms affecting the auditory nerve fibers, the membranes of the brain, the anterior part of the membranous labyrinth.
  9. a pathology characterized by the growth bone tissue around the ossicle of the middle ear, which provokes its immobility.
  10. Poisoning the body with chemical compounds and heavy metals.
  11. Frequent pressure drops.
  12. Diseases of the vascular system (hypertension, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis), as a result of which the blood flow to the vestibulocochlear organ worsens, the flow nutrients and oxygen, resulting in dystrophic processes.
  13. Age changes.

Disease classification

Depending on the causes, deafness is classified into 2 types: congenital and acquired. The first type is associated with factors that affect the organs auditory perception during fetal development, the second - with the causes that affect the organs after birth.

Partial hearing loss of the congenital type is divided into 2 forms:

  • non-syndromic - along with deafness, there are no symptoms of other pathologies;
  • syndromic - a disease characterized by clinical picture deafness and other diseases, such as the heart muscle, vascular system or organs of vision.

Depending on the localization of the disease, unilateral and bilateral sensorineural hearing loss is distinguished. In the first case, only one organ is affected, while the pathology can be right-sided and left-sided. As a rule, this type develops as a result of infectious and inflammatory pathologies or injuries. Bilateral pathology affects both at the same time and is associated with infection, acoustic trauma and pressure drops.

According to the nature of the course, 4 forms of sensorineural hearing loss are distinguished:

  • sudden characterized abrupt appearance and rapid development within a few hours, for example, as a result of head injuries;
  • acute occurs with a pronounced clinical picture and develops gradually, for example, against the background of an infectious lesion;
  • subacute forms over a long period and has a blurred clinical picture, which complicates the diagnosis and leads to a lack of timely therapy;
  • chronic is characterized by an alternation of exacerbation of symptoms of deafness and a latent course, as a rule, a decrease in the ability to perceive sounds is difficult to treat, as it is associated with severe diseases and dystrophic transformations of the ear or nerve fibers.

Degrees of the pathological condition

When choosing a treatment, sensorineural hearing loss plays an important role. Hearing loss, regardless of the type and form of the course, goes through 4 stages of development, each of which has a different duration and clinical picture.

First degree

Sensorineural hearing loss of the 1st degree is characterized by a decrease in the hearing threshold to 25-40 dB. At this stage, the disease goes unnoticed, as a person continues to distinguish ordinary speech at a great distance - up to 6 m, and quiet - up to 3 m. Difficulties can arise only when extraneous noise appears, which significantly reduce the distance between the interlocutors.

Second degree

Sensorineural hearing loss of the 2nd degree during an audiometric study is diagnosed by reducing the ability to perceive sounds with a strength of up to 40-55 dB. At this stage of the development of the pathology, the patient perceives the speech of the interlocutor at a great distance much worse. For comfortable communication, it is necessary to approach at a distance of no more than 4 m, when quiet speech is heard only at a distance of 1 m.

Stage 2 hearing loss syndrome causes a person to often ask again, strain his hearing while talking on the phone. With a unilateral form of sensorineural deafness, the patient hears better with a healthy organ, therefore, during communication, he tries not to be located on the side with the affected ear to the interlocutor.

Third degree

Sensorineural hearing loss of the 3rd degree is characterized by serious disturbances in the functioning of the vestibulocochlear tissues, which is associated with difficultly reversible dystrophic processes of the sound-perceiving apparatus or nerve fibers. During audiometry, the hearing threshold reaches 70 dB.

At this stage, the patient ceases to hear whispers and quiet speech. For comfortable communication, it is necessary to keep a distance of no more than 2 m with the interlocutor. A person with impaired functioning of the vestibulocochlear apparatus of the 3rd degree constantly asks again and does not perceive fast speech. This together creates great difficulties in communication, so the patient is assigned sound amplifying devices.

fourth degree

Sensorineural hearing loss of the 4th degree is a serious illness in which a person does not perceive sounds with a power below 90 dB (screams). At this stage, conservative therapy is ineffective - wearing sound-amplifying devices or surgery is indicated to eliminate defects in the middle section, installing prostheses that replace the damaged sections of the vestibulocochlear organ.

Symptoms and manifestations of sensorineural hearing loss

Symptoms of sensorineural hearing loss appear even at the first stage of the development of the disease, when a person ceases to distinguish quiet speech in the presence of noise interference - it is difficult for him to distinguish it from the general mass of sounds.

At the second stage, the signs of sensorineural hearing loss progress - the patient ceases to hear whispers and quiet speech with noise, and when talking in normal tones, the distance with the interlocutor is significantly reduced. A person at stage 2 of the development of pathology may not hear the alarm clock, phone or doorbells.

Stage 3 is characterized by pronounced symptoms of sensorineural hearing loss: the patient does not hear a whisper near the ear, and to differentiate ordinary speech, the interlocutor must be at a distance of no more than 2 m. At stage 4, the patient does not hear quiet and ordinary speech, dialogue in raised tones is perceived only at a distance of 1m.

There are also common signs sensorineural hearing loss, which combine all stages pathological condition- these are: tinnitus, speech distortion, constant asking again, the need to strain your hearing during a conversation. If the auditory analyzer is damaged, headaches and dizziness, nausea, and vomiting may be added with sudden movements.


The diagnosis of sensorineural hearing loss is made at an appointment with an otolaryngologist, when the patient complains about a decrease in the quality of hearing. For diagnostic purposes, the ENT examines the condition of the outer ear and excludes the presence of obstacles in the path of passage sound waves(sulfur plugs, inflammatory processes, foreign bodies, neoplasms). After that, he diagnoses the quality of hearing: the patient sits down at a distance of 6 m, the doctor speaks in a whisper and in a normal tone, if necessary, the distance is reduced. Based on the data obtained, a diagnosis is made.

Audiometry is used to determine the degree of sensorineural hearing loss. The method involves the study of acoustic reflexes and the state of the middle part of the organ for the perception of sound vibrations. Impedancemetry - a method for diagnosing sensorineural hearing loss by determining the condition auditory nerve, his ability to conduct and perceive sounds.

Medical treatment

The choice of therapy depends on the stage, cause and form of sensorineural hearing loss. In infectious etiology, antibacterial and antiviral therapy is carried out. Drugs help relieve inflammatory process, removal of edema and restoration of the auditory center.

Treatment of sensorineural hearing loss, which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and dizziness, is carried out with the help of antihistamines, which normalize the microcirculation of the inner ear and reduce pressure. Diuretics are used to relieve swelling.

Treatment of sensorineural hearing loss with nootropics is necessary in case of disruption of the nerve fibers to improve metabolic processes. Deafness therapy is supplemented with medicines to normalize blood circulation, remove toxins and saturate the body with vitamins and minerals.

As a rule, with timely diagnosis and correct treatment of sensorineural hearing loss, the prognosis is favorable - it is possible to stop the process of hearing loss or restore it completely.

Hearing aid

Hearing prosthesis is a method of correcting the work of the vestibulocochlear apparatus with the help of high-tech devices and implants. The choice of device is based on the stage of the disease, age and preferences of the patient.

For this purpose, the following are used:

  • external sound amplifying devices for left-sided or right-sided deafness of 4 and 3 degrees;
  • prostheses of the middle section - in the chronic form;
  • inner ear prosthesis for bilateral chronic sensorineural deafness of the 3rd and 4th degree;
  • brainstem for tonic organization of brainstem nuclei;
  • Bone conduction prostheses are used to treat sensorineural hearing loss in children with a congenital form.

The process of adaptation to a sound amplifying device takes up to six months.

cochlear implantation

A cochlear implant is a medical device that helps correct total hearing loss by converting sounds into successive pulses that stimulate auditory nerve endings. A prosthesis is installed for chronic sensorineural hearing loss of stage 4, bilateral sensorineural hearing loss at stages 3, 4, when the patient loses the ability to differentiate speech even in the presence of sound amplifying devices.

Treatment of chronic sensorineural hearing loss by installing a cochlear implant is effective only in case of impaired auditory function as a result of atrophy of the hair cell structures of the cochlea. With a different nature of deafness, this method is ineffective. The highest productivity of the cochlear apparatus in socially adapted patients.

Treatment of sensorineural hearing loss in children with the help of cochlear prosthetics is carried out by decision of a special commission based on the results of a comprehensive study.

Traditional medicine recipes

Treatment of acute sensorineural hearing loss is possible only by taking medication or using special sound amplifying devices or implants. Facilities traditional medicine can only be used to prevent sensorineural hearing loss.

The most effective are freshly squeezed juices of mountain ash, viburnum or beets, oil walnut and almonds. Moisten turunda in any liquid product and place in the ear canal overnight. The duration of therapy takes from 15 to 20 nights.

A positive result occurs when using propolis infusion: propolis tincture and vegetable oil mix in a ratio of 1:3. Moisten the turunda in the solution and place in the ear canal overnight. The course of treatment is from 10 to 15 procedures.

Leaves of oregano, lemon balm or mint, which are recommended to be placed in the ear canal before drying, help to cope with hearing loss. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks.

Sensorineural hearing loss is a dysfunction of the vestibulocochlear apparatus associated with disruption of the brain, nerve fibers, and inner ear. It has an innate and acquired character. Correction is carried out with medication or with the help of prostheses or sound amplifying devices. With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

Sensorineural hearing loss is a damage to the organ of hearing caused by a violation of the function of receiving a signal by a sound-perceiving apparatus located in the middle of the inner ear. The reason for the development of such a pathology can be several factors at once. The most common causes of sensorineural hearing loss are: destruction of the structure of the middle ear, atrophy of the cochlear nerve ending, damage to the cerebral cortex in the centers that are responsible for processing sound signals from the environment.

Sensory hearing loss is determined using a special Weber test. The tuning fork emits characteristic vibrations, and at this moment the doctor touches the bones of the patient's skull along the midline of their location. A patient who is suspected of having this pathology of the organ of hearing must report what sounds he hears directly while the tuning fork is near the ear, and when the device is applied to the skull. So, an otorhinolaryngologist determines the degree of conduction of sound signals, and how active the nerve connecting the inner ear and the brain center of hearing is.

The diagnosis of sensory hearing loss includes several degrees, namely: four, each of which is characterized by a specific clinical picture of the course of the disease.

  • Sensorineural hearing loss 1 degree. The threshold for the conduction of audio signals is at the level of 50 dB.
  • Sensorineural hearing loss 2nd degree. The patient is able to hear conversational speech with a sound range of 50 to 60 dB.
  • Sensorineural hearing loss grade 3. It is already considered a severe form of the disease, since a person hears sounds with a volume of at least 60 - 70 dB. To do this, the interlocutor must be in close proximity to the person suffering from hearing loss, and speak as loudly as possible.
  • Sensorineural hearing loss grade 4. It is the most complex manifestation of neurosensory hearing loss. It is, in fact, complete nonsense. The audibility of sounds is possible only when they sound in the range from 70 to 90 dB.

In the presence of the last degree of the disease, traditional treatment medications has very little effect. The best option is to select a high-quality hearing aid, taking into account the specifics of the disease.

Reasons for the development of neurosensory hearing impairment

In most cases, impaired perception of sound signals is associated with dysfunction of the cochlear nerve inside the middle ear, or with defects in hair cells, which are kind of sensors that capture the slightest vibrations of sound signals. Much less often, sensory hearing loss is caused by damage to the cerebral cortex in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe centers responsible for hearing. It is worthwhile to understand in more detail all the causes of the development of this disease.

Sensorineural damage to the organ of hearing is most difficult to treat when the function of the auditory analyzer is affected, so it is important to avoid noisy rooms so as not to injure this important element of the inner ear.

congenital sensorineural hearing loss

Sensorineural pathology of hearing is quite common in young children, and has a congenital form of its development. Sensory hearing loss in children can be caused not only genetic abnormalities in the formation of the organ of hearing, but also the presence of many other harmful factors.

Defective development of the cochlear nerve inner ear.

Chromosome defects, which are responsible for the formation of the elements of the organ of hearing.

Congenital tumor in the middle ear, surgical removal which can lead to the destruction of the entire structure of the organ of hearing itself.

Alcohol dependence of the fetus. medical statistics says that if during pregnancy the mother systematically drank alcohol and suffered from alcoholism, then there is a 64% chance that the child will have congenital hearing loss. Such an effect on the auditory nerve of the baby is exerted toxic substances formed during the decomposition of the components that make up alcoholic beverages.

premature birth. Approximately 5% of newborns have sensorineural hearing loss due to the fact that the cochlear nerve simply did not have time to fully form.

Chlamydia. If this infection passed from mother to child, it can cause damage to the auditory nerve.

Syphilis. This bacterial pathogen is also passed from a pregnant mother to her baby while still in the womb, and there is a 30% chance that the baby will be born completely deaf.

Rubella. Women who carry a baby under their hearts should keep as far as possible from public places where outbreaks of this virus have been recorded. For adults, rubella is actually safe, but it has a negative effect on the development of the fetus. If a child, while still inside the mother, becomes infected with rubella, then in addition to neurosensory damage to the organ of hearing, eye disease occurs and heart disease is formed.

These unfavorable factors are the primary sources of congenital sensorineural hearing loss in children, which all responsible parents should be aware of.

Acquired sensorineural deafness

In addition to hereditary and congenital types of hearing loss, deafness is quite common, which was acquired by a healthy person throughout life due to the presence of certain circumstances. It is worth paying more serious attention, which can lead to hearing loss.

It is important to be aware of all these harmful factors that can cause hearing loss in otherwise healthy people.

Classification of neurosensory deafness

According to their type of manifestation, hearing loss is divided into separate types, which are established by the otorhinolaryngologist during the examination of the patient. When diagnosing hearing loss, it is important to correctly qualify the type of disease so that the treatment is as effective as possible, and the patient's hearing organ recovers as soon as possible.

Acute sensorineural hearing loss. It develops rapidly, and is mainly provoked by bacterial and viral infections causing inflammation inside the middle ear and in the cerebral cortex. In some cases it is possible acute inflammation auditory nerve, but this disease is extremely rare on its own.

Chronic sensorineural hearing loss. As a rule, it occurs after untreated ear diseases, which have turned into sluggish inflammation. The disease may not manifest itself for a long period of time, but steadily once or twice a year a person is diagnosed with otitis media, and there is also a gradual hearing loss.

Bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. We are talking about the defeat of both sides of the inner ear at once, as a result of which deafness of both ears is diagnosed.

Unilateral sensorineural hearing loss. If a person does not hear in one ear, and the reason is insufficient conduction of sound signals by the cochlear nerve to the cerebral cortex, then this diagnosis is made to the patient.

Each of these types of disease is dangerous for human health, since in the event of its further development it can progress and lead to much more serious complications.

Treatment of sensorineural hearing loss

Early treatment of sensorineural hearing loss with traditional medical preparations practically did not bring the desired effect. The only way to help the patient was the correct organization of the selection of a high-quality device for amplifying sound signals. The hearing aid was placed behind the outer part auricle. This practice is still used today, and signal amplification devices have become more modern, stylish, and also small in size. The patient is given the second group of disability.

Treatment of sensorineural hearing loss in modern medicine stepped forward.

Physicians have learned to surgical operations, the main purpose of which is the installation of cochlear implants that stimulate the work of a damaged or atrophied auditory nerve. This technique has already proved its effectiveness, but is still at the development stage. Doctors in the field of otorhinolaryngology and surgery will have to refine the technology of operations in order to minimize the risks for patients.

Who among us has not experienced a feeling of confusion and helplessness when, for some reason, he could not hear the words of the interlocutor? Hearing loss is a major detriment to full life, because we receive a huge part of the information about the world around us through our ears. Healthy man capable of recognizing over 400,000 different sounds. Hearing loss significantly reduces the quality of life of a person and complicates his speech communication.

In Russia today there are about 13 million people with hearing loss. 14% of the world's inhabitants over the age of 30 begin to experience these problems. After the 60-year milestone, 30% of the adult population of the planet suffer from hearing loss.

Audiometry in MedicCity

Washing the ear canals

Symptoms of hearing loss

The main symptoms of hearing loss are:

  • significant hearing loss;
  • noise and ringing in the ears of varying intensity;
  • feeling of fullness in the ears;
  • dizziness and loss of balance.

Signs of hearing loss

The following signs may indicate that you have hearing loss:

  • there was a need to observe the lips of the speaker;
  • difficulties began in communicating with people and understanding their speech in in public places;
  • you have to constantly ask the interlocutor again;
  • I want to increase the volume of the radio and TV;
  • there was a fear of talking on the phone due to poor hearing.

Degrees of hearing loss

Hearing loss refers to any hearing loss. There are 3 degrees of hearing loss:

  • mild hearing loss (hearing threshold rises to 40 decibels, speech differs at a distance of 4-6 meters);
  • hearing loss medium degree(hearing threshold from 41 to 50 decibels, a person perceives spoken language at a distance of 1 to 4 meters);
  • severe hearing loss (threshold of hearing up to 70 decibels, conversational speech can be caught from a distance of 1 meter).

Types of hearing loss

The following types of deafness can be distinguished: conductive , neurosensory (sensorineural) , mixed And genetic (hereditary).

Sensorineural (sensorineural) hearing loss

Neurosensory (sensorineural ) hearing loss is characterized by damage to the sound-receiving organs, the death of hair cells, which modify sounds into neuroelectric impulses.

The main symptom sensorineural hearing loss is hearing loss. Often occurs after ARVI, psycho-emotional stress, intoxication. One ear can be affected, or both at the same time. Very common symptom with this disease - noise in the ear: it can be either high-frequency (ringing, squeaking, "buzzer", "hiss"), or low-frequency (hum). Such phenomena require immediate medical attention. A doctor who suspects sensorineural hearing loss should perform tuning fork tests. To verify the diagnosis and accurately determine the degree of hearing loss, a hardware study is performed - tone threshold audiometry. In the absence of treatment and prevention, the disease progresses and leads to complete deafness.

Clinical forms of neurosensory (sensoneural) hearing loss

sudden hearing loss

Sudden hearing loss can produce symptoms of conductive, sensorineural, and mixed hearing loss, depending on the underlying cause. If hearing has been reduced as a result of exposure to noise, at first the person loses the ability to hear sounds of certain frequencies (about 4000 Hz), and then it becomes worse and worse to distinguish sounds of all frequencies.

A person can lose their hearing suddenly within hours or even minutes. As a rule, an infection is “to blame” for hearing loss. Patients with this disorder compare their sensations to a broken telephone wire: a sharp onset of silence. As a rule, the disease of this form is unilateral. You need to see a doctor urgently. With assistance in the first days of the disease, hearing can be restored in more than 90% of cases.

Acute hearing loss

It's been a week since the man lost his hearing. The probability of returning hearing at this stage is 70-90%. If the clinical picture persists for 1-3 months, then we can talk about subacute hearing loss.

For subacute hearing loss a person feels congestion in the ears, which becomes permanent. Against the background of tinnitus, the patient begins to feel that he begins to hear worse and worse. Of course, the time to restore hearing has already been lost a little, but you still need to see a doctor. Otherwise, hearing loss can develop into a chronic form.

Chronic hearing loss

The duration of the disease is more than 3 months. It is characterized by the fact that already with the existing hearing loss, there is a further decrease in hearing, accompanied by tinnitus. There may be alternating periods of hearing loss with an interval of slight remission. Probability full recovery hearing at this stage is extremely low. However, courses of maintenance vascular therapy can prevent further hearing loss.

There are also senile hearing loss (presbycusis). For senile hearing loss characterized by ringing in the ears and an inability to understand speech (i.e. speech intelligibility).

Diagnosis of hearing loss in MedikCity

Diagnosis of hearing loss in MedikCity

Diagnosis of hearing loss in MedikCity

Conductive hearing loss

At conductive deafness occurs damage to the middle ear or eardrum as a result of mechanical injury or infection.

Conductive hearing loss - These are hearing impairments associated with poor perception of sounds, caused by dysfunction of sound conduction from the outer ear and tympanic membrane to the middle ear and from it to the inner ear.
That's why this species hearing loss is called conductive - from the Latin word "to conduct".

With conductive hearing loss, the sound vibration does not reach the main human recipient organ - the hairs of the epithelium of the organ of Corti located in the inner ear, which transmit signals to the auditory nerve.

Conductive hearing loss is characterized by decreased sensitivity in the perception of sounds, but there is no change in their distinctness. It is enough to increase the volume - and the patient with this form of hearing loss will hear normally. Typically, a person with conductive hearing loss speaks in a quiet voice and has normal hearing ability, but hears less when chewing.

Causes of conductive hearing loss

The causes of conductive hearing loss can be very diverse.

For example, it is often caused by a sulfur plug in the outer ear. Unfortunately, patients often try to get rid of such a plug on their own, and often such amateur activity leads to serious injuries and inflammation, which is fraught with irreversible hearing loss.

Finally, at the level of the inner ear, severe forms of otosclerosis and anatomical obstruction can be causes of conductive hearing loss.

Mixed hearing loss

mixed hearing loss (it combines conductive and sensorineural hearing loss) is characterized by damage to the inner, middle, outer ear. Seven out of ten cases are accounted for by this type of hearing loss.

Only an otorhinolaryngologist can determine this or that type of hearing loss and prescribe adequate treatment.

genetic hearing loss

genetic hearing loss not always immediately obvious at birth, but a poor reaction to sound is usually detected on the 2nd or 3rd day of a child's life. As the child grows, hearing loss affects the development of speech.

Diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss

In the department of otorhinolaryngology multidisciplinary clinic"MedicCity" will quickly and accurately diagnose you with the help of special diagnostic procedures and first-class equipment from leading manufacturers.

A special study - audiometry - is aimed at determining the degree of hearing loss. With the help of this study, the effectiveness of the treatment of hearing loss is also evaluated. Also held tuning fork tests , impedancemetry .

Audiometry in MedicCity

Audiometry in MedicCity

Audiometry in MedicCity

Depending on the identified factors, one or another type of treatment is prescribed: conservative (taking anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy - electrophoresis, phonophoresis, etc.), surgical (for example, removing sclerotized tissues or correcting an anatomical defect).

Special procedures are used to clean the ear in case of suppuration, plugs, etc. Very common cleaning procedure auditory tube by blowing through the Politzer, using a special balloon.

We have also developed programs for the complex treatment of sensorineural hearing loss.

Treatment of neurosensory (sensoneural) hearing loss

In our clinic, you can treat hearing loss on an outpatient basis, spending about 2 hours a day on procedures. Diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities in the clinic are much wider than in other hospitals.

The examination includes a comprehensive hearing examination, including laboratory diagnostics, if necessary - MRI, ultrasound, duplex scanning of the vessels of the head and neck, consultation with a neurologist, ophthalmologist, extracorporeal hemocorrection - modern technology cleansing the blood and blood vessels from "bad" cholesterol and excess thrombogenic substances.

If there are indications, local treatment- intratympanic (that is, in tympanic cavity) the introduction of drugs through a shunt in the eardrum.

Carried out by specialists of our clinic complex treatment acute and chronic neurosensory (sensoneural) hearing loss, can significantly improve the auditory function of many patients.

Complementing classical treatment regimens modern methods(intratympanic administration of drugs, extracorporeal hemocorrection) significantly increases the effectiveness of the treatment of sensorineural hearing loss, especially with sufficiently early, timely treatment.

The Department of Otorhinolaryngology of our clinic has a large medical and diagnostic base. We will provide you with professional medical care for any diseases of the ear, throat and nose.

- hearing impairment caused by a lesion of the auditory analyzer and manifested by unilateral or bilateral hearing loss, tinnitus, as well as disorders of social adaptation arising in connection with this. Diagnosis of the disease is based on the study of the anamnesis, physical and instrumental examination data (tuning fork methods, audiometry, MRI, ultrasound of the BCA, etc.). Treatment involves the restoration of reduced auditory function with the help of hearing aids, the use of glucocorticoids, medications with angioprotective and neuroprotective action.

General information

Treatment of sensorineural hearing loss

the main goal medical measures- restoration or stabilization of hearing function, elimination of concomitant symptoms (dizziness, tinnitus, balance disorders, neuropsychiatric disorders), return to active life, social contacts.

  • Physiotherapy, reflexology. On the initial stages diseases, phonoelectrophoresis, electrical stimulation of the tissues of the inner ear, acupuncture and electropuncture are used, which in some cases makes it possible to reduce the intensity of tinnitus, get rid of dizziness, improve sleep and mood.
  • Medical treatment. The effectiveness of drug exposure is highest when treatment is started early. With a sudden onset of hearing loss, hearing is sometimes completely restored by the use of loading doses of glucocorticoid hormones for 5-8 days. Drugs that improve blood circulation, conduction of nerve impulses and microcirculation are widely used: pentoxifylline, piracetam. With concomitant NST dizziness, drugs with a histamine-like effect are prescribed, for example, betahistine. Medicines that have an antihypertensive effect are used in the presence of arterial hypertension, as well as psychotropic drugs in the presence of neuropsychiatric disorders.
  • Hearing aid. Indicated for moderate to severe hearing loss. Behind-the-ear, in-the-ear and pocket analog and digital devices for monoaural or binaural hearing aids.
  • Surgical treatment, cochlear implantation. Transtympanic administration of glucocorticoid hormones into the tympanic cavity is practiced. Operational interventions are carried out with tumors of the posterior cranial fossa to reduce the severity of some symptoms that accompany vestibular disorders. Cochlear implantation is performed in the complete absence of hearing, provided that the function of the auditory nerve is preserved.

Forecast and prevention

The prognosis in patients with acute neurosensory hearing loss with timely treatment in 50% of cases is relatively favorable. The use of hearing aids and implants for chronic NST usually helps to stabilize hearing. Preventive actions to prevent hearing loss provide for an exception harmful factors environment (noise and vibration at work and at home), avoiding alcohol and taking toxic medications, preventing injuries, including acoustic and barotrauma, timely treatment of infectious and somatic diseases.

Sensorineural hearing loss of the 1st degree - the treatment of this pathology is best to start immediately after its appearance. This is the only way to cope with the disease. However, sometimes, even timely started proper treatment does not help to fully restore hearing.

What is sensorineural hearing loss

Sensorineural (sound-perceiving, perceptual, neurosensory) hearing loss is a violation of the auditory system from the sound-perceiving receptors located in the inner ear to the auditory zone of the cerebral cortex. This is the most common type of deafness.

Depending on the level of pathology, it is divided into peripheral (the most common type is damage at the level of receptors), retrocochlear (damage to the auditory nerve) and central (damage at the level of the brain). Sensorineural hearing loss can be unilateral or bilateral. Along the course, sudden, acute, subacute and chronic hearing loss are distinguished.

Degree of sensorineural hearing loss determined by the hearing threshold. There are 4 degrees of damage to the hearing aid and complete deafness:

  • sensorineural hearing loss of the 1st degree - the patient hears a whisper at a distance of 3 m and loud conversational speech at a distance of 6 m;
  • sensorineural hearing loss of the 2nd degree - whisper at a distance of 1 m and loud conversational speech at a distance of 4 m;
  • sensorineural hearing loss of the 3rd degree - does not hear a whisper and loud conversational speech at a distance of 1 m;
  • sensorineural hearing loss of the 4th degree - hears loud colloquial speech uttered next to the ear;
  • complete deafness - the patient does not hear sounds.

Causes of sensorineural hearing loss

The reasons can be different, most often they are mixed. The cause of sudden and acute hearing loss that develops over several hours or days is most often infection, mechanical and acoustic injuries, severe sudden stresses, acute vascular disorders on the background of atherosclerosis or high blood pressure.

Subacute and chronic sensorineural hearing loss develop over several weeks or months. This happens against the background of intoxication (industrial hazards, alcohol abuse, frequent smoking), taking ototoxic drugs (for example, antibiotics from the aminoglycoside group - Monomycin, Kanamycin, Neomycin), autoimmune processes (allergies to the body's own tissues), prolonged exposure to noise, chronic disorders cerebral circulation and so on.

How is sensorineural hearing loss treated?

Treatment of any type of hearing loss should be started as early as possible. hearing aid there were no irreversible changes. The optimal time period is considered to be a few days after the first signs of hearing loss appear. It is equally important to establish and eliminate the cause of the development of sensorineural hearing loss.

Treatment of sensorineural hearing loss is carried out in a hospital. A protective regime is assigned: the patient is advised to avoid any loud sounds: singing, music, speech. Conservative treatment effective for stage 1-2 sudden or acute sensorineural hearing loss.

Medical therapy includes:

Effective courses of hyperbaric oxygenation - inhalation of an air mixture with high content oxygen supplied under pressure. This helps to improve blood microcirculation and activate metabolic processes in tissues.

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