1 surgical table. Milk semolina soup

Diet 1 belongs to the group of therapeutic medical tables. It is prescribed for certain diseases gastrointestinal tract. Our article is devoted to the main recommendations of the diet.

Indications for diet 1

Table number 1 must be observed for such problems as:
stomach ulcer and duodenum during remission (after exacerbation)
Unsharp exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers
Acute gastritis in remission
Unsharp exacerbation of chronic gastritis (with increased or preserved secretion of gastric juice)

A diet without mechanical sparing is prescribed at the final stage of treatment of exacerbation of PU ( peptic ulcer) and with a sluggish course of this disease. In other cases, the food is wiped.

Dishes, drinks and foods that stimulate the secretion of digestive juices are subject to exception. Food is boiled or steamed (in some cases it is baked after boiling, but without a crust). In most cases, dishes are served mashed (fish and soft meat, in agreement with the doctor, are cooked in a piece).

Diet prescription

Diet 1, with a full balanced diet, provides moderate chemical mechanical, thermal sparing of the gastrointestinal tract. The diet reduces inflammation, accelerates tissue regeneration, and normalizes the secretory and motor functions of the stomach.

Chemical composition of diet 1

By chemical composition The diet is divided as follows:
Proteins - 100 g (of which animal proteins - 60 g)
Carbohydrates - 400 g
Fats - 100 g (of which fat plant origin- 30 g)

The optimal calorie content is 3000 kcal (women can reduce this figure to 2800 kcal).

The maximum amount of salt is 12 g per day. Free liquid is supposed to drink about one and a half liters. You need to eat 5-6 times a day (portions should be small). Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of warm milk.

Diet plan 1

Patients are shown the following range of dishes:
Soups from mashed vegetables on potato (carrot) broth
Milk cereal soups or milk pureed soups with vegetables
Meat soups-puree from pre-boiled chickens (you can also use meat without veins)
Yesterday's wheat bread
Dry biscuits
biscuit cookies
Well-baked buns and baked pies with apple, meat or cottage cheese filling - no more than twice a week
Lean meats and poultry (without skin and tendons)
Low-fat varieties of fish without skin (in the form of a cutlet mass, a piece)
Dairy products (milk, non-acidic kefir, acidophilus, fresh grated cottage cheese, curdled milk, non-acidic sour cream, grated mild cheese)
Soft-boiled eggs - 2-3 pcs. per day (steam omelette is also acceptable)
Semolina, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, boiled in water or milk, mashed or semi-viscous (dishes based on them are also acceptable - puddings, soufflés, casseroles, cereal cutlets)
Boiled, steamed and pureed vegetables
Finely chopped dill (as a condiment)
Salads from boiled products (vegetables, fish, meat)
Boiled tongue and homemade liver pate
Dietary sausages (milk, doctoral)
Unsalted and lean ham
Sturgeon caviar
Soaked herring
Berries and fruits of sweet varieties, as well as dishes based on them
Sweets: meringues, milk jelly, butter cream, sugar, natural honey, sweet jam, marshmallows and marshmallows
Milk-fruit, fruit, milk sauces
Vanillin and cinnamon - limited
Weakly brewed tea, cocoa, coffee (with milk, cream)
Juices made from sweet fruits and berries
Weak decoction of wild rose
Premium unsalted butter or ghee
Refined vegetable oils

The following are subject to exception:
Refractory and confectionery fats
Carbonated drinks
Strongly brewed coffee
Meat, mushroom, fish, tomato sauces
Meat, mushroom, fish broths
Pepper, mustard, horseradish
Sour and unripe, as well as fiber-rich berries and fruits
Ice cream
Vegetables such as cabbage, turnips, rutabaga, sorrel, radish, spinach, cucumbers and onions
Pickled, salted, pickled vegetables
Any canned food
Spicy and salty snacks
Smoked meats
Millet, as well as barley, barley, corn grits
whole pasta
Hard boiled or fried eggs
Expressed sour dairy products
Spicy and salty cheeses
Rye and fresh bread
Sweets and puff pastry products
Fatty and sinewy varieties of poultry and meat
Oily and salted fish

Sample menu (wiped dishes)

First breakfast: soft-boiled egg, a portion of mashed milk rice porridge and weakly brewed tea with milk
Second breakfast: apple baked with added sugar
Lunch: pureed milk oatmeal soup, steamed meatballs, carrot puree, sweet fruit mousse
Snack: wheat croutons with rosehip broth
Dinner: boiled fish (you can bake it with milk sauce), mashed potatoes and weakly brewed tea with milk
At night: warm milk

Sample menu (not pureed dishes)

First breakfast: soft-boiled chicken egg, crumbly porridge (for example, buckwheat), weakly brewed tea with milk
Second breakfast: non-sour fresh cottage cheese and rosehip broth
Lunch: vegetarian soup, boiled meat (it can be baked with sauce), boiled carrots and dried fruit compote
Snack: wheat croutons and sweetened broth wheat bran
Dinner: boiled fish (it can be baked with milk sauce), carrot-apple roll and weakly brewed tea with milk
At night: warm milk

Diet 1 (table No. 1) protects the gastrointestinal tract from any irritants, therefore, it contributes to a significant improvement in the well-being of patients.


What is table 1 in dietary nutrition

Indications for use:

Therapeutic diet No. 1 is recommended for people suffering from gastric and duodenal ulcers during the recovery period after a sharp exacerbation, as well as for any exacerbation of these ailments. The same diet is prescribed for exacerbation of chronic gastritis with preserved or increased secretion. During the recovery period after acute gastritis, the therapeutic diet No. 1 is also beneficial.

Power features:

The main feature of treatment table number 1 is moderation. That is, the moderation of chemical, mechanical, thermal effects on the gastrointestinal tract. By following such a diet, inflammation decreases, ulcers heal faster and easier, and the secretory and motor functions of the stomach return to normal. At the same time, a person receives good nutrition, with all the necessary minerals, vitamins, nutrients.

In terms of energy value, table number 1 is physiologically complete nutrition. In the diet, limit foods that strongly excite the secretions of the stomach, irritate its mucous membrane, and are difficult or long to digest. The main part of the food is prepared in pureed form, it is boiled in water or steamed. If the dish needs to be baked, then it should be without a crust, but fish and coarse meats can be served in a piece. Too cold and very hot dishes are excluded from the diet, and salt is limited. It is recommended to eat according to the therapeutic diet No. 1 five to six times a day.

In terms of its chemical composition and energy value, diet No. 1 is as follows: proteins - 90-100 g (60% animals), fats - 100 g (30% vegetable), carbohydrates - 400-420 g, table salt - 10-12 g, free liquid - 1.5 liters. The calorie content of the diet is 2800-3000 kcal.

So, it is allowed from drinks - weak tea, tea with milk or cream, weak cocoa with milk or cream, weak juices from fruits and berries, rosehip broth.

From bread products, you can eat white wheat bread from flour of the highest or 1st grade of yesterday's baking or dried, dry biscuit, white crackers, unsweetened and biscuit cookies. Once or twice a week, baked lean buns, baked pies with apples are allowed, boiled meat or fish and eggs, jam, cheesecake with cottage cheese.

From dairy products, whole, powdered or condensed milk, cream, fresh non-acidic cottage cheese, non-acidic kefir, yogurt, acidophilus, sour cream are allowed. You can cook cottage cheese dishes: baked cheesecakes, soufflés, lazy dumplings, puddings. Cheese lovers will have to eat only non-spicy grated grated cheese, and occasionally.

Soups are recommended to be prepared from mashed cereals, soup-puree from boiled vegetables (except cabbage) on a decoction of cereals and allowed vegetables, milk soup with small vermicelli is also useful. Flour for soups must be dried. You can fill the first dishes with butter, egg-milk mixture, cream.

From meat dishes, diet number 1 allows you to eat non-greasy dishes, without tendons, fascia, bird skin. Steam and boiled beef dishes, young low-fat lamb and trimmed pork, chickens, and turkeys will be hearty and healthy. You can cook boiled dishes, including lean veal, chicken, rabbit meat. Cutlets, meatballs, zrazy are steamed. Beef stroganoff is made from boiled meat. Boiled tongue and liver are also allowed.

Fish is not prohibited with such a diet, but only its low-fat types without skin, in a piece or in the form of a cutlet mass. Fish should be boiled in water or steamed.

Permitted cereals - semolina, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. These cereals are boiled in milk or water. Vermicelli or pasta with diet No. 1 are allowed finely chopped, boiled.

Vegetables diversify the table, namely: potatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower. Green peas are allowed in limited quantities. Vegetables should be steamed or boiled in water. Vegetable dishes should be pureed, such as mashed potatoes, soufflés, steamed puddings. Unrubbed, you can use early pumpkin and zucchini. It is allowed to add finely chopped dill to soups. Ripe non-acidic tomatoes can also be present in the diet, but not more than 100 g.

Table number 1 allows the use of eggs and egg dishes: soft-boiled eggs, steamed scrambled eggs, but limitedly - no more than two pieces per day. From fats, unsalted butter is allowed, as well as refined vegetable oils.

From appetizers, you can allow a salad of boiled vegetables, meat, fish, boiled tongue, liver pate. It is also allowed in a small amount of doctor's, dairy, dietary sausage; jellied fish on vegetable broth; sturgeon caviar, occasionally soaked low-fat herring.

Adhering to diet number 1, you can not stay without berries, fruits and sweets. Useful and safe in this case are sweet varieties of ripe fruits, berries from compotes, berries and fruits in pureed, boiled and baked form, jelly, mousses, milk jelly. Sugar, honey, marshmallows, marshmallows, non-sour jam are also allowed.

Now about the prohibitions that apply to diet number 1. Drinks that you have to forget about are all carbonated drinks, kvass, black coffee.

from bread and flour products you need to abandon rye and any fresh bread, as well as products made from rich and puff pastry. Among dairy products, those that have high acidity, as well as spicy and salty cheeses, are excluded. Sour cream is allowed to be consumed in limited quantities. Forbidden in the therapeutic diet number 1 are soups on strong meat and fish broths, mushroom and strong vegetable broths, as well as cabbage soup, borscht, okroshka. Fatty or sinewy varieties of meat and poultry, duck, goose, canned food, any smoked meats should be excluded from meat dishes. Also, the diet should not contain fatty, salted fish and canned food. Prohibited cereals are millet, pearl barley, barley, corn grits, legumes.

Hard-boiled and fried eggs are excluded from the diet menu. Any spicy and salty snacks, canned food, smoked meats should also not be on the table with diet No. 1. And from berries, fruits and sweets, sour, insufficiently ripe, unmashed dried fruits, chocolate and ice cream are prohibited.

Diet, table 1, menu for every day:

Two types of treatment table No. 1

There are two types of diet No. 1, which are respectively No. 1a and No. 1b. Table No. 1a is recommended in the very first days of exacerbation of the diseases indicated at the beginning of the chapter, that is, in the first three to eight days of treatment, depending on the disease. If you follow this diet, even from the allowed products listed above, it is advisable to exclude vegetables, snacks, dairy products, cheese and sour cream, as they can greatly irritate the digestive organs. After acute stage the disease passes, table number 16 is recommended, in which the prohibitions of diet number 1a are removed.

Sample menu for the day of diet number 1.

  • First breakfast: a steam omelet from two eggs or two soft-boiled eggs, a glass of milk.
  • Second breakfast: milk or fruit jelly.
  • Lunch: milky oatmeal slimy soup, chicken or fish steamed soufflé, fruit jelly or fruit jelly.
  • Snack: rosehip broth or cabbage juice.
  • Dinner: pureed milk rice or oatmeal, milk or fruit jelly.
  • At night: milk.

Helpful Recipes:

Rice slimy milk soup. 40 g rice, 1/4 egg, 2/3 cup pasteurized milk, 10 g butter, 350 g of water, sugar, salt.

Cook rice until fully cooked. Then you need to strain it through a sieve without rubbing. Boil the resulting slimy broth, add a little sugar, salt, season with egg-milk mixture. Add oil to the finished dish.

Fish steam soufflé (from cod). 125 g cod, 1/2 egg, 1/3 tsp butter, salt. Sauce: 1/2 teaspoon of wheat flour, 30 g of pasteurized milk; butter for greasing the mold.

Rinse the gutted cod and cut it into fillets without skin and bones, then boil and let cool. Pass the boiled fish through a meat grinder twice and combine with a sauce made from milk and flour. Add salt, yolk and whipped protein to this mass, beat everything well. Transfer the soufflé to a greased saucepan and steam. Serve the souffle to the table, transferring it to a plate. Can be drizzled with melted butter.

Preparation of milk sauce. Pour hot milk in a thin stream into the wheat flour dried in a pan, stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained and boil over low heat. The sauce is ready.

Boiled beef dumplings. 120 g beef, 1 1/3 cups pasteurized milk, 1/2 teaspoon wheat flour, 1/8 egg, 1/3 teaspoon butter, salt.

Pass the beef meat twice through a fine meat grinder and season with salt. Then prepare a white milk sauce, let it cool and pour into the minced meat, mix. Add the egg to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly. Form quenelles (quenelles are round balls that are made from minced meat with a tablespoon). Put them in a saucepan or steam them, or boil them over low heat until tender (quenelles should float). Cook at least 8 knels for one serving. Transfer the cooled quenelles to a plate and drizzle with melted butter to taste.

Oatmeal jelly. 200 g oatmeal"Hercules", 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. spoon potato starch, 4–5 tbsp. spoons of honey, salt.

Pour in oatmeal cold water and cook for 30-35 minutes. Then strain, and rub the remainder through a fine mesh sieve. Mix everything you get. Salt the broth, bring to a boil, pour in the starch diluted in a small amount of water, boil over low heat. Then let cool. Dissolve honey in 1 cup of hot water and pour the finished jelly with the resulting mixture.

Based on the book by A. Sinelnikova “Dietary nutrition. Culinary recipes for your health.

Among the problems that arise with the stomach, the first place is occupied by gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, which are socially significant diseases. These ailments affect both children and adults. According to statistics, 14% of the total population in the world suffers from them. There are many factors that influence the development of these pathologies, but the main one is lifestyle. Improper diet, stress, bad habits- all this turns out to be a trigger in the occurrence of gastritis and ulcers. Since it is precisely this way of life that is observed among urban residents, the prevalence of these pathologies is growing among the population of megacities. At modern man life is fast, full, dense. In work duties healthy eating Excluded. They include: calls, meetings, purchases and sales, services and offers, demands and excuses. This is good because we are developing. This is bad because we are sacrificing our health.

Treatment of gastritis and ulcers is extremely important, because long-term untreated gastritis turns into an ulcer, which, also, if not properly treated, can degenerate into a tumor. The Soviet gastroenterologist, Professor Manuil Pevzner, formed a whole system of necessary diets for therapeutic nutrition. Let's take a look at the first one in this series right now.

What is

Patients with ulcers and gastritis with hyperacidity, both during the period of exacerbation and the remission of the symptoms of the disease, diet No. 1 is prescribed. No self-activity! The diet should be prescribed only by a gastroenterologist. This therapeutic gastronomic program is divided into several options: 1, 1a, 1b. Each of them is assigned depending on the state of the disease and is called the "table".

As a rule, one treatment program smoothly transitions into another. If the patient has undergone surgery, the number one diet is preceded by the Surgical Zero Nutrition System. Table number 1 is assigned when inflammatory processes stomach and duodenum.

The first diet lasts from 6 months to a year after the exacerbation of the disease. The purpose of the diet is to normalize acidity, eliminate and reduce inflammation, heal ulcers, erosions, and stabilize the secretory function of the stomach. Recovery occurs due to diet therapy, aimed at maximum sparing of the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Types of sparing

Chemical - excludes dishes and foods that increase secretion, are hard and long to digest, require high costs from the outside internal organs. Under the ban is: spicy, highly salty and sour, canned, fatty, smoked, fried, spicy. That is, everything that is too bright for taste. This does not mean that for the next six months you will have to eat bland and tasteless food. The diet is balanced, except for exceptions, it contains a lot of allowed products.

The daily allowance should be at least 2800 kcal, but it is not recommended to gain more than 3000 kcal. No fasting is provided, food should be enough. Healing meals will be boiled, steamed, baked. You also need to observe the drinking regimen, it is advised to drink a glass of milk at night.

Table number 1 - a nutrition program balanced in chemical composition. In the diet of each day will be present:

  • – up to 100 g, including animals;
  • - 400-420 g;
  • - 100 g, including and.

Mechanical sparing excludes large-sized food. In a patient, such food enhances motor skills digestive tract, which provokes nausea, vomiting, heartburn and similar unpleasant symptoms. Diet number one provides for soft foods: pureed, mashed, finely chopped. If the dish is baked, it should be without a crust. Boiled lean meat and fish can be eaten without being crushed, serving as a whole piece. Food should be taken often and in moderation. In addition, products with great content:, mushrooms, cabbage (except), legumes, etc. Full list prohibited and permitted products for table number 1 will be discussed below.

Thermal - involves eating food at the optimum temperature. The optimal food temperature when prescribing diet No. 1 should not be lower than 15 degrees and not higher than 60 degrees. If the food irritates the mucous membrane of the mouth, it is not suitable: it must be heated or cooled. Everything should be warm: appetizers and salads, soups and mains. Such a treatment program, with some correction, is sometimes prescribed for patients with pancreatitis, diabetes with associated gastrointestinal problems.

So, on Pevzner's diet No. 1, you need to eat your fill, measuredly, use only prescribed foods for diet meals. For clarity, consider the products for table number 1 and an approximate menu for the week.

Medical Diet Products

The main criteria for choosing dishes will be: low content of fiber and animal fat, a minimum of salt and substances that irritate the gastric mucosa. Consider the table to better navigate the right products.

It is forbidden Can
Rye, flour Whole grain bread
Wheat pasta Vermicelli
Any fatty meat Lean meat: young,
Oily fish, salted and canned Lean fish fillet without skin
Smoked meats, sausages with a fatty layer Milk sausage, doctor's, boiled, natural sausages
Dairy products with high fat content, sour Skimmed dairy products
Spicy and salty cheeses, homemade cheese Hard cheese with a neutral taste
Fried eggs Boiled eggs, omelettes (only after doctor's permission)
, ,
Cabbage and other fermenting vegetables , nightshade (in a small amount)
, and a little bit of)
Fresh, dried fruits Boiled and baked fruits and berries,
Ice cream, , marshmallow, marshmallow, non-sour jam
Any carbonated drinks Weak, coffee with, decoction
Hot spices, flavorings , home
Minimum , and vanillin

Dishes can be cooked in unsalted or refined vegetable oil. All other types of oils (, etc.) are not recommended. The first can be prepared from secondary meat broths or from vegetable broths. Mashed soups are great. They are allowed to add well-boiled cereals (hercules, rice) or vermicelli. Forbidden: thick borscht, rich soups, okroshka, sour cabbage soup, mushroom broths.

At first, the most difficult thing is to accustom yourself to a new diet. Dishes without the usual flavors and seasonings seem insipid. Instead of spices, you can add a little finely chopped dill or parsley,. Desserts are no problem at all. However, sweets should also be useful, i.e. natural, with a minimum margarine content. As a dessert, which, by the way, should be consumed after the main meal, jelly, jam (not sour), dry pastries, marshmallows, baked fruits are perfect.

To avoid temptations, it is best not to buy prohibited foods at all. Of course, it is not always possible to agree with the household on a family therapeutic diet. In this case, you can buy only permitted products: if sausage - then boiled, if - then first grinding, if meat - then lean, etc.

Diet Recipes #1

Recipes for table number 1 for ulcers and gastritis at first can be easily found on the Internet. The best place to look for them is thematic forums or groups, blogs. There, people with a similar problem share recipes, reviews and recommendations.

Diet pate

This pate is suitable for diseases of the ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis.

For cooking, you need to cook:

  • 100 g of beef;
  • 2 pcs. potatoes;
  • 1 medium carrot.

All ingredients should be passed through a meat grinder. Pour half a glass of milk into the prepared mince, stirring and put on a slow fire to stew (3 minutes). The finished dish can be slightly salted.

Diet baked cutlets

For cooking you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese (fat content up to 9%);
  • 1 egg;
  • 150 g of beef;
  • butter.

The meat must be boiled and cooled (it should be without tendons and fascia). Beef and should be passed through a meat grinder twice. Beat the egg, leave a small part for lubrication, pour the rest into the minced meat. Add oil to it and mix well. Arrange the formed cutlets on a baking sheet and grease them with an egg, bake them in the oven until cooked. If you steam cutlets, they are suitable for table 1a.


A versatile dessert suitable for all family members. It is easy to prepare, it looks beautiful and, importantly, it is very tasty.

To prepare meringues, you will need:

  • 3 proteins;
  • half a glass of sugar or powdered sugar.

Proteins must be carefully separated from the yolks. It is important that the dishes are completely dry (without a drop of fat). Place the protein mass in a bowl, then place this dish in a larger bowl with warm. From the heated proteins, the mass will turn out to be more dense and filled with air. Beat with a mixer at low speed. When the proteins become cloudy, you can gradually add sugar or powder (half a teaspoon) and increase the speed of the mixer. When the mass is completely dense, you can start drying.

If there is no pastry bag, you can use a spoon or a simple bag, cutting off the edge from it. Grease a baking sheet or cover with baking paper. Place the meringues in the oven at 700 degrees and leave to dry for 60 minutes. After that, turn off the oven and do not get the dessert until it cools completely. Meringues can be used as a layer for a cake, as a decoration or as an independent dessert.

Diet menu number 1

Consider a sample menu for the week, so that in the future it will be easier to navigate your food program. It is better to make a weekly diet in advance. So it will be possible to buy products for the future and plan the day, taking into account the preparation of medicinal dishes. You can easily make your own adjustments to the indicative list, the main thing is not to go beyond the rules of the diet.


  • meat pate with whole grain baguette, baked goods, tea;
  • cheese sandwich, liquid semolina, tea;
  • steam omelet, tea with milk;
  • oatmeal in milk with,.
  • baked fruits with honey or powdered sugar;
  • marshmallows with tea;
  • pudding, soufflé;
  • compote with dry cookies or dryers.
  • vegetable soup, boiled buckwheat with chicken fillet, carrot and spinach salad;
  • soup-puree from, and potatoes, banana with cottage cheese;
  • soup without meat, noodles with steamed meatballs, bread;
  • vegetable first courses, mashed potatoes with boiled meat.


  • sandwich with boiled sausage and hard cheese, tea;
  • cottage cheese with pear or peach;
  • meringues with tea and milk;
  • baked apples.
  • allowed cereals with steam cutlets, milk;
  • mashed potatoes with chicken meat, bread;
  • baked noodles, milk;
  • steamed vegetables, boiled meat;
  • steamed rice and meatballs.

Table 1a

Most often, this variant of the therapeutic diet precedes number one. The rules and essence are the same as in the previous version. Diet 1a is prescribed in the first week of treatment for an exacerbation of peptic ulcer, as well as for gastritis during an exacerbation. The menu here is more truncated, but usually does not last long. The considered recipe for cutlets is also suitable for table No. 1a.

Food should only be warm. The daily caloric content for diet 1a should be an average of 2000 kcal. You also need to observe the drinking regimen. For a speedy recovery, it is important not to deviate from the rules of the diet and eat in small portions, 5-6 times a day.

Sample menu for table 1a

Breakfast: poached eggs (with liquid yolk), tea with milk.

Lunch: carrot jelly, a glass of warm milk.

Lunch: light barley broth without meat, steam cutlets with a side dish of buckwheat porridge.

Snack: fruit pudding, a glass of milk.

Dinner: pureed rice porridge, meatballs from lean fish or meat.

Before going to bed: warm milk.

When compiling the menu, it is worth abandoning: flour products completely, fruits (raw), and cheese, vegetables in any form, cottage cheese in its usual form, spices and sauces, plus everything that is prohibited in No. 1. In general, the food list is the same as table 1, but more limited.

It is allowed to eat soft, mushy food without flavorings. As a heat treatment, only boiling or steaming can be used. Throughout the program, the patient observes bed rest.

When the health and condition of the patient improves, the doctor prescribes another diet: No. 1 or No. 1b.

Table 1b

Diet rules are typical for the previous options: fractional nutrition, warm food, pureed and soft dishes, a minimum of salt. Diet 1b is prescribed after exacerbations, during the period of attenuation of complications in gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcers. The patient during the period of observance of table 1b is shown half-bed rest.

The list of products that can not be consumed is the same as in No. 1 with additional restrictions. Sour-milk drinks are completely excluded. You can eat dry bread, but not much (up to 100 grams). Any boiled meat needs to be finely chopped or rubbed, it is recommended to grind it 2 times. Natural fruits and vegetables are prohibited. They can be boiled, made into jelly, soufflé mousses, compotes. Also exclude coffee, soda and cocoa.

For breakfast, you can cook porridge from semolina or water, steam omelettes, you can add vegetables to them. Baked fruit (allowed), soufflé, warm milk, tea with milk are suitable for afternoon snacks and lunch. For lunch, there must be liquid food: mashed rice or pearl barley soups, light vegetable broths. Pureed cereals, steamed meat and vegetables, mashed potatoes are suitable for dinner. A few hours before bedtime, you should drink 250-300 ml of warm milk. Thermal sparing (15-65 degrees) and the frequency of meals should also be observed. After improving the patient's well-being, they are transferred to diet No. 1.


It is better to prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract than to treat them later and hard and for a long time. To minimize the likelihood of these diseases, you need to eat fractionally, be sure to eat liquid food, minimize the consumption of fast food, fried foods and convenience foods. For those who have a busy work schedule, instead of a street eatery, it is better to run into a regular supermarket. There you will find more useful things: yogurts, kefir.

General experience: 10 years .

Place of work: private practice, online consultation.

Education:endocrinology-dietology, psychotherapy.


  1. Gastroenterology with endoscopy.
  2. Erickson's self-hypnosis.

Table 1 is a medical diet developed by the Soviet nutritionist M.I. Pevzner. For full recovery work digestive system stick to diet food table 1 is recommended for six months to a year.

Gastroenterologists prescribe this therapeutic diet for the following pathologies of the digestive tract:

  • gastric ulcer during the period of remission and after exacerbation;
  • gastritis with high acidity (acute and chronic course);
  • rehabilitation period after gastric surgery;
  • esophageal burns.

The foundation of the diet for gastritis table 1 is based on the basic principles of treating this pathology: providing good nutrition, a balanced diet, thermal, chemical and mechanical sparing of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach, rejection of products that cause increased production of hydrochloric acid i.e. gastric juice.

Diet No. 1 was introduced in hospitals, and is also provided for in the sanatorium treatment of patients with the listed problems. Rich selection of products and simple principles cooking allow you to easily follow a diet at home for a long period of time.

The main characteristics of the diet table number 1

The amount of proteins - up to 100 g, lipids - up to 100 g, carbohydrates - up to 400 g. Daily rate free liquid - 1.5-1.6 l, table salt - up to 12 gr.

The total calorie content of the daily menu is up to 3000 kcal. Eating in small portions - 5-6 times a day, the entire amount of food is distributed evenly, so that the total weight of a single meal does not exceed 350 g.

Treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcer involves strict adherence to diet. Overeating is categorically contraindicated, especially at night, since during sleep the digestive tract organs must be provided with proper rest.

The last meal is no later than 2.5 hours before going to bed.

It is useful after consultation with a gastroenterologist observing you to daily use of medicinal mineral waters with the following indicators: mineralization level from 2 to 6 grams per liter, high content of carbonates and sulfates.

The intake of mineral and medicinal table waters, especially in the conditions of a sanatorium, where the springs are located in close proximity to the territory of the institution, leads to a natural decrease in the secretion of gastric juice.

Based on these indicators, as well as taking into account the permitted products, experienced nutritionists make up approximate diet for a day, a week, a month, etc.

Diet 1 table - food table

What can you eat What not to eat
Dishes from low-fat varieties of meat and fish - grated, steamed or boiled (cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, dumplings, rolls, minced meat casseroles, mashed potatoes, soufflé). 1. Dishes from fatty, sinewy meat and fish, smoked meats, canned food, pickled and dried dishes. Skin from poultry and subcutaneous fat must be removed.
Milk soups with cereals (oatmeal, semolina, rice, buckwheat, egg) or pasta, including homemade noodles. 2. Pearl barley, millet, legumes, whole corn, egg noodles. These foods are slowly digested and poorly absorbed by the body.
Mucous cereal soups on the water. 3. Uncooked cereals.
Vegetable soups (without cabbage) - mashed, with the addition of root vegetables, seasoned with butter or a milk-egg mixture.
Steam omelettes - protein, on water, with the addition of milk, soft-boiled eggs or "in a bag". 4. Meat, fish, strong vegetable broths and soups based on them. All hot dishes with the addition of unmashed fruits and cabbage (shchi, borscht, okroshka).
Dishes from vegetables and fruits baked, grated, pureed after heat treatment, except for those prohibited. Especially useful: pumpkin, beets, carrots, potatoes, zucchini. It is acceptable to use cauliflower and broccoli. 5. Fried eggs, hard boiled eggs, any fried foods.
Dairy products: whole milk, cream, fresh or calcined cottage cheese, cottage cheese dishes (casserole, steam cheesecakes, dumplings), non-acidic sour cream, butter (up to 10 g per day).
From sauces it is permissible to use milk (bechamel), creamy, fruit. Salt, cinnamon and vanillin are allowed to be consumed in limited quantities. 6. Cabbage (all types except cauliflower and broccoli), sorrel, spinach, onions, garlic, cucumbers, sour unripe fruits, sour berries and fruits. Dill and parsley should be used sparingly. Mushrooms are strictly contraindicated. It is unacceptable to introduce salted, pickled and canned vegetables and mushrooms into the diet.
Desserts: marshmallow, marmalade, jam, confiture, jam, marshmallow, honey, jelly and mousses from sweet berries and fruits. 7. Hard cheeses, fermented milk drinks, margarine.
Beverages: mineral water without gas, wheat bran decoction, oatmeal jelly, rosehip infusion with honey, fruit compotes and jelly, sweet fruit and berry juices, freshly squeezed vegetable juices (except cabbage), weak tea with cream or milk, chicory root powder drink, herbal teas.
Crackers from white breads, daily bread or slices dried in a toaster, biscuit cookies, lean dough in the form of pies, pies (limited). 8. Broth-based sauces, all hot spices, sour sauces.
8. Broth-based sauces, all hot spices, sour sauces.
9. Cocoa, chocolate, ice cream, cakes and cakes with cream, butter and puff pastry, biscuit, margarine-based cookies.
10. Lemonades and any carbonated drinks, coffee, strong tea, alcohol, energy drinks, sour drinks, kvass, brine.
11. Fresh bread, black bread (rye).

A table of what you can and cannot eat with a diet table 1 is convenient to print and hang in the kitchen, then the list of products will always be at hand. Below is a menu for the week, which you can easily make varied thanks to the options for each day.

Table 1 diet - menu for the week

(composed of the options below for each meal)


  • Steam omelette on the water and oatmeal porridge on skimmed milk with a teaspoon of butter, mate tea (weak).
  • Soft-boiled egg and rice milk porridge rubbed through a sieve, chicory drink.
  • Cottage cheese and banana puree, grated beetroot salad dressed with corn oil, a slice of dried white bread with butter, green tea.
  • Buckwheat porridge on the water, protein omelette, chicory drink with milk.
  • Mashed potatoes and carrots, scrambled eggs in milk, chamomile tea with bee honey.


  • Apple baked with honey.
  • Pear-mango puree.
  • Banana mashed with a fork and drizzled with rosehip syrup.
  • Creamy jelly in milk.
  • 150 g of cottage cheese with raspberries grated with sugar.


First course:

  • Puree potato soup with grated cauliflower and zucchini.
  • Carrot-zucchini pasta on the water with croutons of white bread.
  • Slimy barley soup with whipped cream and egg dressing.
  • Soup of pureed oatmeal with potatoes and cream.
  • Buckwheat puree soup with mashed carrots.

Second course:

  • Zucchini-potato puree with boiled pike-perch meatballs.
  • Liquid mashed potatoes with turkey fillet soufflé.
  • Wheat porridge with vegetable oil, chicken dumplings.
  • Pureed rice porridge and lean veal steam cutlets.
  • Buckwheat porridge grated with butter and boiled hake fillet with carrots.


  • Compote of prunes and raisins.
  • Compote of dried apples and pears.
  • Kissel raspberry.
  • Rosehip decoction.
  • Melissa tea with honey.

Afternoon snack:

  • A glass of baked milk.
  • Fruit mousse (peaches, plums, apricots, persimmons).
  • Freshly squeezed juice from sweet apples and grapes.
  • Biscuit cookies with weak sweet tea.
  • Curd cream with blueberries.


  • Vermicelli casserole, fish dumplings.
  • Pasta with cottage cheese and butter, fish casserole with egg.
  • Stewed pollock with carrots and beets (ground vegetables).
  • Mashed potatoes with meatballs.
  • Chicken zrazy steamed with grated buckwheat porridge.

Before bedtime: a glass of whole or baked milk.

Compliance with table 1 diet after surgery allows the patient to recover as soon as possible and normalize the work of all internal organs.

A balanced diet, varied and tasty, provides the body with all the bionutrients necessary to maintain the health of all systems. Adhering to this diet is not difficult.

The main thing is not to be lazy to use a variety of products and their combinations daily. Thus, even for children, table 1 will not be a burden.

Stay healthy and enjoy your meals!

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