Spasmolytics from headaches. Therapeutic properties of antispasmodics in urology, testimony and contraindications to the use of natural antispasmodics

In the development of the disease of the gastrointestinal tract, especially insecificial phenomena, great importance have spastic mechanisms. They cause a number of clinical symptomsFirst of all pain. The use of spasmolitics for intestinal diseases is one of the most universal pharmacotherapeutic techniques aimed at eliminating spastic phenomena.
Antispasmodics, or drugs that reduce motility, depending on the mechanism of action are divided into 3 groups:
1. Motropic spasmolitis - reduce muscle tone by direct impact on biochemical processes. Motropic antispasmodics show a certain tropism for individual smooth muscle bodies; Of these, bronchoditics, vasodilators and gastrointestinal antispasmodics are isolated, which cause relaxation of the smooth muscles of the stomach, intestines, biliary tract.
2. Neurotropic antispasmodics - The antispasmodic effect is provided by violating the transfer of nerve impulses in vegetative ganglia or nerve endings that stimulate smooth muscles. The most important neurotropic spasmolitics are cholinolics.
3. Combined drugsspasmolytics.
The action of most antispasmodics is not selective in relation to the gastrointestinal tract, which serves as the cause frequent complications When applied:
Miotropic Preparations reduce blood pressure, can cause tachycardia.
Cholinolitis Can provoke the seizure, arrhythmia, urination delay in older men, cause deviations in mental reactions (inhibition or excitement).
Therefore, drugs should be used with a more selective effect, which can be ensured, in particular, due to slow suction in the intestine.

Motropic spasmolitis

The selectivity of some myotropic drugs (atylonium, furniture) is associated with different sensitivity to them smooth muscles in different organs. So, to oxychonia (spasmod) are sensitive smooth muscles only digestive system, and to furniture (perisphatalin) - only a large intestine, which determines the specifics of the use of these drugs.
The group of myotropic spasmolitics includes papaverine hydrochloride, but-shpa, Galidore, Dicetell, Dusphatalin, Spazmomen, Slavszol.

Antispasmodic preparation: Galidor (EGIS, Hungary)

Galidor is a highly efficient, long action, antispasmodic and disaggregative anti-chemical agent, calcium channel blocker. Galidor is used for various states accompanied by spasms visceral smooth muscles, angiospasms, while practically does not affect the normal tone, in connection with which blood pressure does not change. Antispasmodic effect of the drug for smooth muscles internal organs Significantly surpasses the effects of traditional therapeutic agents. Reducing peripheral resistance favorably affects peripheral blood circulation, improves tissue trophy. It has a positive effect on the heart function, contributing to the increase in coronary and collateral blood flow. Indications for use are the elimination of mental and neurological symptoms (dizziness, headache, noise in ears, sleep disorders with violation of the cerebral circulation of various genesis, vascular eye diseases, binding diseases of arteries, sinus node weak syndrome; sinus bradycardia; ischemic Disease Hearts as a means of additional therapy, elimination of spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs. Possesses the local weselves; Throws platelet aggregation. Does not reduce arterial pressure. Practically does not cause side effects.

Antismolitik drug: Dicetell (Beaufour Ipsen International, France)

Distinctive features Dicetelas are its selective effect on the smooth muscles of the intestines and biliary tract with the lack of influence on the cardiovascular system, which significantly reduces unwanted effects drug. The drug is used for the intestinal diseases, accompanied by pain in the abdomen, a feeling of discomfort and a violation of motility, as well as with pain caused by diskinesia bile paths. During the course application, Dicetell warns the occurrence of pain and gradually normalizes the chair. Available in the form of tablets coated with a shell containing 50 and 100 mg of active substance (Panoverery Bromide), in a package of 20 pcs. It is used for 50 mg 3-4 times / day. If necessary, the daily dose can be increased to 300 mg. Tablets should be taken while eating, drinking with plenty of water, not chewing and not resaking. The drug is not recommended to apply children.

The drug Slavsmolitik: Duslatalin (Solvay Pharma, Germany)

It is a highly selective effective myotropic spasmolytic. Lowering the tone and reduces the contractile activity of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract (mainly a large intestine). Duspatalin is used for symptomatic treatment of abdominal pain, with violations of the chair and discomfort associated with intestinal functional diseases, irritable syndrome, as well as for the treatment of secondary spasm of the gastrointestinal tract in organic diseases. In children over 3 years old, the drug is used to treat functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract flowing with abdominal pain. Compared to cholinolithics, it has much less contraindications (only hypersensitivity to the components of the drug), therefore, it can be used by patients with glaucoma and prostate hyperplasia. The drug is well tolerated, it can very rarely cause weakness and skin reactions. Available in the form of tablets containing 135 mg of active substance (furniture), in packing 50 pcs.; Capsules (200 mg of active substance), in packing 30 pcs. Take inside 135 mg 3 times / day. When the effect is reached, the dose of the drug is gradually reduced within a few weeks. Prolonged action capsules have additional qualities of simpler and more convenient admission. Capsule 200 mg is taken 2 times / day. Duspatalin is recommended to take 20 minutes before meals.

Antismolitik drug: but-shpa (Sanofi-Synthelabo, France)

Successfully applied in clinical practice for 35 years in more than 42 countries of the world. In terms of severity and duration, exceeds Papaverin. But-ship (hydrochloride doll) acts directly on the smooth muscles and leads to the relaxation of smooth muscles, first of all, in the place of spasm. But-shpa can be used as a spasmolytic in cases where drugs from the group of cholinolithics (glaucoma, prostate hypertrophy, etc.) are contraindicated. For intravenous administration The effect of the drug is manifested in 2-4 minutes. The maximum effect develops after 30 minutes. Side Effects: Nausea, insomnia, constipation, feeling of heat, sweating, headache, dizziness, tachycardia. Produced in the form of tablets 0.04 g per package 20 and 100 pcs.; Injection solutions, 2 ml in ampoule of 5 and 25 pcs. In the package (1 ml contains 0.02 g of the active substance). It is used by adults inside 1-2 tab. 3 times / day or 2-4 ml of 1-3 times / day p / k, in / m or in / c. V / in slowly drug is introduced to relieve the renal and hepatic colic. Children under the age of 6 years are prescribed in a single dose of 10-20 mg; At the age of 6-12 years - 20 mg 1-2 times / day.

Antispasmolitik drug: but-Syna Forte (Sanofi-Synthelabo, France)

New form, distinguished by the convenience of dosing: in 1 tab. Contains 0.08 g of hydrochloride doll, 20 pcs. packaged; ampoules 4 ml, in packing 5 pcs. A doubledest dose allows you to reduce the amount of tablets taken twice, and also provides a significant ease of use of the injection form of the drug.

Antismolitik drug: Papaverin hydrochloride (Ai SI EN Polyfarm, Russia)

Alcaloid opium, has a myotropic antispasmodic effect on a smooth muscles of intestines, biliary and urinary tract. In contrast to other alkaloids, opium does not affect the central nervous system when used in medium-sized therapeutic doses. Papaverin has a maximum antispasmodic effect on the colon; Further, descending the effect - on the duodenum, the antral diversity of the stomach. In addition to the action on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, Papaverin causes an extension of the arteries, contributes to an increase in blood flow, including cerebral. In addition, it has a bronchus-seeing action. Papaverin is produced in the form of tablets of 0.01 and 0.04 g, rectal candles 0.02 g, injection solution (1 ml - 0.01 or 0.02 g of active substance). The drug is introduced in / m, n / k or in / c. One-time adult dose is 10-20 mg; The interval between the introductions is at least an hour. The inside is prescribed by 40-60 mg 3-5 times a day. Papaverin is able to call a number of side effects: nausea, constipation or diarrhea, headache, dizziness, allergic skin reactions, drowsiness, enhanced sweating; With fast / in the introduction, as well as when using high doses, the development of the AV blockade is possible, violation of the heart rhythm.

Antispasmodic preparation: Spazmomen (Berlin-Chemie, Germany)

It is characterized by a high selective action on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. The effect of the drug has the greatest effect on the reduction of the colon, while decreases both amplitude and the frequency of abbreviations, in contrast to papaverine, which to a greater extent reduces the amplitude of the colon abbreviations. Sportsman does not have cholinolitical properties. Unlike all other antispasmodics. Sports is a highly selective agent due to very low suction - absorption is not more than 5% of the drug; By 95% excreted in unchanged form through the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the spasmodomomen acts excrescy exclusively, in the intestine, and has no systemic effects, including side. Due to the mechanism of action, the sprome is the most effective with an increased motor activity of the colon, which is often observed in the widespread intestinal disease - irritable colon syndrome. Produced in the form of tablets coated with a shell containing 40 mg of active
Substances (octiconium bromide), package 30 pcs. Accepted 1-2 tab. 2-3 times / day.

Antispasmolitik drug: Savazzol (Ai Si En Lexedness, Russia)

Miotropic antispasmodic. The active active ingredient - drootserine hydrochloride - has a stronger and long-lasting effect than papaverin. Acts directly on smooth muscles. Does not affect the vegetative nervous system, does not penetrate the CNS. Safaszol lowers the tone of the smooth muscle of internal organs, reduces their motor activity, expands blood vessels. The drug is produced in tablets containing 40 mg of hydrochloride drootser. Adults take the drug 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day, children under 6 years old - 1/3-1-2 tablets 1 -2 times a day.

Cholinolitic spasmolitis

Holinolytic (atropine-like) means have the best antispasmodic effect in upper departments Gastrointestinal tract: 3-10 times more efficiently affect the stomach than the colon. The number of side effects and low efficiency makes the use of cholinolithic tools very limited in bowel disease.

Cholinolithic facilities include buscopane, riabal, but-spasm.

Antismolitik drug: Buckopan (Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany)

It is a selective M-cholinoblocator, has a pronounced antispasmodic effect in relation to the smooth muscles of internal organs, including the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract and the urogenital system. It is used in spastic constipation, dyskinesia of biliary tract, spasms of urinary tract, dysmanifier, ulcer of the stomach. Due to its chemical structure, Buskopan does not cause side phenomena from the central nervous system and salivary glandspeculiar to other preparations atropine series. It has several forms of release. Available in the form of dragee containing 10 mg of active substance (Gymscin Butilbromide), in a package of 20 pcs.; in the form of rectal candles containing 10 mg of active substance, in a package of 10 pcs.; In the form of a solution for injections, 1 ml in ampoule, in a package of 5 pcs. containing 20 mg of active substance in 1 ml. It is used in adults and children over 6 years to 10-20 mg 3-5 times / day. in the form of a dragee or in the form of candles. With sharp attacks of spastic pains of 20-40 mg of buckopane (1-2 ampoules), you can enter P / K, V / M or V / B. Injection can be done several times a day. Side effects: In parenteral administration, there is sometimes tachycardia, during parenteral administration in large doses there may be a temporary disorder of accommodation, passing independently, rarely - urticaria, shortness of breath.

Preparation Safaszmolitik: but spasm (HIKMA, Jordan)

It has a selective antispasmodic effect and stops painful syndrome associated with spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary and urinary tract, suppresses hydrochloric acid products in the stomach. Highly efficient when taking inside and rectally. It is used in patients of any age. When taking medium therapeutic doses, it does not affect the frequency of heart abbreviations and on the central nervous system. It is used in such intestinal diseases as enteritis, colitis, irritable sinders. Side effects are rare (dry mouth, accommodation violation, constipation). Contraindicated with glaucoma, prostate adenome. It has a variety of output forms: shell-coated tablets containing 30 mg of active substance (bromide quantity), in a package of 20 pcs.; suppositories 30 mg, in packing 30 pcs.; 60 ml syrup in the bottle (7.5 mg in 5 ml); Injection mortar, 2 ml in ampoule, in packing 6 pcs. (in 1 AMP. 15 mg).
One-time adult dose is 30-60 mg; For children aged 6-12 years - 15-30 mg. Multiplicity of use 3 times / day. The injection solution is used mainly for bric and renal colic, it is injected with a p / k, in / m or in / in a dose of 1-2 ml, if necessary, administration can be repeated after 6-8 hours. But spasm is produced in a special form for children under 6 years old - syrup for children. One-time dose depends on the age of the child and amounts to children under 3 months - 1 ml; 3-6 months - 1-2 ml; 6-12 months - 2 ml; 1-2 years - 5 ml (1 tsp); 2-6 years - 5-10 ml (1-2 hours l.) Multiplicity of destination - every 6-8 hours.

Antispasmodic preparation: Riabal (Laboratoes Jacques Logeis, France)

Anticholinergic preparation used mainly in children with pain in the abdomen, vomiting, psychogenic spasms of the gastrointestinal tract. The average daily dose is 1 mg / kg of the body weight of the child. Applied 3 times / day. It has a convenient form of release for childhood - a solution for intake, in a 50 ml bottle with a pipette by 0.4 ml. In 1 pipette filled to red feature, a dose of 2 mg (0.4 ml) is contained. Side Effects: Dry mouth, it is possible to expand pupils, violation of accommodation, drowsiness.
Combined drugs have the most powerful antispasmodic and anesthetic effect, since it contains a substance with various mechanisms of action. In the irritable sink syndrome, there is a reason to give preference to drugs containing analgesics (barallgan and its analogues: Maksigan, Minalgan, Spasvin, Spasgan, Spasmalgon, etc.). Preparations of this group are identical in composition, doses and effects.


Contains analgin, an antispasmodic, acting like a papaverine, and a gangliplocator. It is a highly efficient means for intestinal, gastric, renal and bile colic, painful menstruation, since it has a pronounced analgesic and antispasmodic effect that comes quickly enough. Available in the form of tablets, in a package of 20 pcs., And in the form of a solution for injections, 5 ml in ampoule, 5 pcs. packaged. Take 1-2 tab. 4 times / day. With colic, 5 ml (1 AMP) in / in slowly for 5-8 minutes are introduced. Repeated administration is possible in 6-8 hours. For long use May cause granulocyptopenia, so it is recommended to control blood test. Able to cause allergic reactions.

Antispasmolitik drug: Meteespazmil (Laboratoises Mayoly Spindler, France)

Along with the myotropic spasmolitik, alveherin (close by properties to but-SPE) contains a symethycone that reduces gas formation in the intestines. Weatherpasmil regulates the activity of the intestine, prevents the accumulation of gases, envelops and protects the intestinal wall, has spasmolytic and anesthetic effect. Does not have side effects and has no contraindications. It is used as a symptomatic treatment for functional disorders of digestion, accompanied by flatulence. Produced in the form of capsules: in the package 20 pcs. (in 1 caps. 60 mg of citrate alveherin and 300 mg of Simeticon). Accepted 1-2 caps. 2-3 times / day before meals.

Antispasmodic drug: Novigan (Dr. Reddy "s Laboratories, India)

Combined drugwhich includes ibuprofen, spasmolitic ketone and the cholinoblocator of the Central and peripheral action amide. Ibuprofen, the coal biosynthesis of prostaglandins, has a painful, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. In women with primary dismenoria reduces elevated level Prostaglandins in myiometry and due to this reduces intrauterine pressure and the frequency of uterine contractions. Keton has a direct motropic effect on the smooth muscles of the internal organs and causes its relaxation. Amide has an additional relaxing effect on a smooth muscles. The combination of these three components of the drug leads to a mutual strengthening of them pharmacological action. Novyan is used with moderately pronounced pain syndrome associated with smooth muscle spasms of internal organs - spastic dysmenorrhea, intestinal spasms, dyskinesia of biliary tract, renal and hepatic colic. Also, the drug is used to relieve headaches, including a migrane nature. As symptomatic therapy, the drug is used with pains in joints, neuralgia, Malgiy. As an antipyretic agent is used for colds and infectious inflammatory diseases. Novigan is intended for episodic and short-term treatment - up to 5 days. A longer use is possible under the supervision of a doctor. The recommended dose is 1-2 tablets 1 hour before meals or 3 hours after meals, up to 4 times a day. The drug is usually well tolerated. Sometimes allergic reactions may occur, extremely rarely dizziness, dyspeptic disorders. Produced in the form of tablets, in packing 20 pieces.

Antispasmodic drug: Slavsmoveralgin (Slovakofarma, Slovenia)

The combined drug, which, along with an analgesic, papaverine and atropine, includes codeine (enhances an anesthetic effect, inhibits the peristaltics, increases the tone of intestinal sphincter), phenobarbital (has a calming effect, reduces the sensitivity to irritant influences) and ephedrine (increases the intestinal tone, Reduces the speed of promotion of digestible food, strengthens the secretion of digestive juices; compensates for the excess braking effect of the phenobarbital). Such a composition provides spasmodaralgine high efficiency in various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by pain and spastic syndromes. Produced in the form of tablets, in packing 10 pcs. Applied by adults 1 tablet 1 -3 times / day. Children at the age of 6-15 years are recommended using 1/2-3 / 4 tab. 1 -3 times / day. Side effects: Possible leukopenia until agranulocytosis, allergic skin reactions, dry mouth, accommodation disorders, tachycardia, constipation, difficult urination. It is possible to get addiction, can reduce the ability to concentrate attention, alcohol should not be consumed during treatment.

Vegetable antispasmodics

Plant preparations that can remove spastic phenomena of the gastrointestinal tract include altalex and intestine.

Antispasmodic drug: Altaleks (Lek, Slovenia)

Preparation based on medicinal plants, contains a mixture essential oils From 11. medicinal herbal, the most famous of which is Melissa. Aptilex is preparing for an old formulation, proven a countercake of its use. Due to its composition, the antispasmodic, choleretic effect is provided, reduces gas formation in the intestine. In addition, the altalex increases appetite, has sedative effect. Available in the form of droplets in a bottle of 50 ml. In the diseases of the intestine, it is taken inside in a hot mint for 10-20 drops.

Antispasmolitik drug: Intestin (Diet Pharma, Germany)

It is a drug of natural origin containing Japanese mint oils, chamomile and fennel. The effective substances contained in the intestine normalize fermentation and rotting processes in the intestines, prevent excessive gas formation, and also have a slight antispasmodic effect and reduce intestinal colic. Produced in the form of droplets for intake, in a 10 ml bottle. Take 5-7 drops on a piece of sugar or from 100 g of warm water 2-3 times / day.

Antispasmodic agents are medicinal substances that eliminate the smooth muscles of vessels, bronchi, digestive channel, bile and urinary tract. Antispasmodic tools are divided into myotropic and neurotropic. Motropic antispasmodics means are directly affected by a smooth muscles. These include (see), (see), (see), (see), Diprophyllin (see), (see), (see), (see), Dibazol (see), (see), diethiphene (see), Diprofen (see), Devigan (see), Kellyn (see), (see), Domekarbin (see), Daukarin (see), Angiotrofin (see. ), Insproved (see), magnesium sulfate (see Magnesium).

Neurotropic antispasmodic agents cause an antispasmodic effect by oppressing the nervous impulse, which causes the spasm of smooth muscles. This impulsation can be slowed down at the CNS level using (see). That is why the composition of many combined antispasmodics consists of substances with sedative properties. It was found that the spasmodic effect of nitrite and nitrate-nitranslane (see), nitroglycerin (see), nitrosorbide (see), zrinitis (see) - is determined not only by direct myotropic effect, but also in the oppressive influence on vasomotor centers.

Nervous impulses causing spasm can flow or in sympathetic (adrenergic) nerves, innervating vessels, or by parasympathetic nerves, innervating digestive channels, bronchi, bile and urinary paths. In accordance with this (see) and adrenolytic agents (see) are antispasmodic with respect to the vessels, and atropine-like (see) - in relation to the rest of the smooth muscle bodies. (see) have an antispasmodic effect in both cases:
A number of adrenalineetics (see) - adrenaline (see), (see), Izadrin (see) - are antispasmodic in relation to bronchi, the smooth muscles of which they relax.

Antispasmodic tools are widely used in medical practice. For diseases associated with vessel spasms (, brain vessels, etc.), use myotropic spasmolytic, gangli-blocking, sympatholytic, adrenolytic agents (see). For bronchial asthma Apply Atropine-like, and myotropic antispasmodics (Eufillin, diprofillin, papaverine). They expand the lumen of the bronchi, as a result of which breathing normalizes.

Diseases of the digestive channel, bile and urinary tract, accompanied by spasms (stomach and duodenal gut, spastic colitis, bile and renal disease) are treated with atropine-like and gangli-blocking agents, as well as myotropic antispasmodic agents, which, reducing or eliminating spasms, thereby stop the seizures of spastic pain (colic) and restore the functions of the digestive channel, boring and urinary tract.

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Antispasmodics - medicines related to a group of pharmaceutical agents intended For efficient and prompt relief of pain syndrome with strong negative effect For the body. The group under consideration of the medical staff actively copes with strong pains having a variety of "nature" of origin, starting from the injury, ending with menstrual pains.

Mechanism of action

Using antispasmodics, you can remove almost any painassociated with gastrointestinal problems, mechanical injury (strikes, malaise during rehabilitation after fractures), menstruation.

Opinion expert

Prikhodko Arkady Arkadyevich

Rheumatologist - city Polyclinic, Moscow.

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. She graduated from Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical ordinator and neurologist Buz in \\ "Moscow Polyclinic \\".

Education: FGBNU NIRM NI.A.Nesonova, Astrakhan State medical Academy.

After taking medication, muscle relaxation occurs in the pain of pain, as well as blocking the nerve irritating pulses. Thus, pain spasm is removed. As a result, the pain subsides.

Pharmacological group

The drugs under consideration relate to the Slavsmolytics group, which includes, including funds of vegetable (natural) origin.

Types of spasmolitikov

In Pharmaceutical, there are several types of spasmolitics. Based on the mechanism of action, antispasmodics are divided into:

  • Miotropic.
  • Neurotropic.

Neurotropic antispasmodics

The use of drugs of this category, contributes to the relief of the nerve impulses coming from the smooth muscles of the internal organs.

In turn, spasmodics of neurotropic action are divided into numerous species.

Pharmaceuticals are aimed at relieving m-cholinoreceptors, as well as the destruction of communication between acetylcholine and M-cholinoreceptors. Preparations are used primarily when suppressing colic gasts.

Examples of m-cholinoblocators:

  • "Adefinin".
  • "Atropine".
  • "Skopolamine".
  • "Pyrenspin".
  • "Platifin hydrothatrate".


The means of this species block the effect of acetylcholine, which is a conductor when transmitting nerve pulses.

Opinion expert

Filimin Oleg Aleksandrovich

Doctor - neurologist, urban polyclinic of Orenburg. Education: Orenburg State Medical Academy, Orenburg.

Preparations are used in sharp pain spasms caused by asthma, the problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

Examples of cholinolithics:

  • "Skopolamine".
  • "Gomatropine".
  • "Metacin".
  • "Saracen".

Funds relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the bronchi. Medical preparations are used to suppress bronchial spasms.

Examples of Miolitics:

  • "Theodore".
  • "Ventax Eufilong".
  • "Teotard".
  • "Teopek".

Vasodinating means
The neurotropic antispasmodic effect is provided, in which the tone from the vessels is removed by suppressing the nerve structures.

Examples of antispasmodics with vasodilatory action:

  • "Papaverin hydrochloride."
  • "Eufillin".
  • "But-shpa".
  • "Theobromine".
  • Nicoshpan.


Applied with pain spasms in the heart. Preparations of this species have a myotropic effect, i.e. remove painfulness Against the background of a decrease in blood inflow to heart.

Examples of nitrites:

  • "Sustak".
  • "ERINIT".
  • "Nitroglycerine".

Safety Miotropic action

Action of the funds of this subgroup directed to the cellular structure of the muscles, changes biomechanic, which leads to the removal of pain spasms.

Medicreparations of this subgroup are divided into the following types:

  • Selective.
  • Non-selective.

Selective spasmolitis
Preparations of the subgroup in question are characterized by selectivity.

Used, mainly to solve problems with pain sinders.

Examples of selective spasmolitics:

  • "Mezhevierin".
  • Loperamide.
  • "Duspatalin".

Non-selective antispasmodics
Medicreparatics of this subspecies do not have selectivity in their action when eliminating pain syndrome.

Examples of non-selective spasmolitics:

  • "Salpadeev".

Savior Safety: Natural and Artificial

By nature, the drugs under consideration are divided into:

  • Artificial. Medical preparations manufactured on the basis of artificial chemical compounds ("Bendazole", "Driptan", "Avisan", "Enablex", "Plantect", etc.).
  • Natural. Funds made on the basis of disintegration (swamp AIR, Pijma, mint, lovers pharmacy, chernobybal).


Despite the manifold of spasmodics, they have the following list of common effective action With the sudden appearance of pain spasms:

  • Removal sharp pain In the gastrointestinal tract. A couple of pills are enough to remove pain in the stomach, side, etc.
  • The relief of painful syndromes with irritable intestines.
  • Smooth muscles of internal organs.


To spasmolyticism be careful with caution. Each drug has its own contraindications. However, they have some common contraindications that need to be familiar with their use.

Only the attending physician can accurately determine which medical preparations can be prescribed to the patient, based on its passing pathologies, so as not to harm the body.

Such general contraindications include the following items:

  • When the megalon is detected (increased thick intestine).
  • Crohn's disease.
  • When setting colitis (separate subspecies).
  • The presence of tuberculosis (regardless of stage).
  • In the intestinal pathologies associated with the active development of microbes.

The patient with antispasmodic effects should be used only after the medical examination, or remember its associated pathologies.

special instructions

Both types of spasmolitics (neurotropic, mullopic) have general instructions on their use. It is important to know each patient before their adoption.

  • Pregnancy. Using antispasmodics during pregnancy, women risk fruit, as some components may affect the development of the future child. Perhaps the adoption of such drugs as "Papaverin", "", "Riabal".
  • Coordination. Such medical preparations, on the like "DROTAVERIN", can cause a certain state of inhibition in actions, drowsiness. For this reason, injections or tablets of antispasmodics drugs should be excluded for professional drivers and people, often chasing the car's wheel. This also applies to "Solifenatsin".
  • The overwhelming majority of antispasmodics are prohibited for use in childhoodAlthough, there are some exceptions. "DROTAVERIN" - from 2 years old, "Gioscin Butilbromide" - from 8 years old, "Panoveria Bromide" - from 14 years old. It is advisable to use the means of natural origin. Having made a decoction of special herbs bringing an anesthetic effect, you can protect the child from side-gravity consequences.
  • Elderly people. It should be prescribed with caution, take into account the old age of patients of this group. This is due to the presence of possible accompanying pathologies that may cause severe condition in the body.

In addition, exist special instructions And on the storage of antispasmodics preparations. Leave funds in the fishing zone - not permissible.

A cool and dark storage place has a positive effect on the shelf life of spasmolitics.


In case of overdose that occur antispasmodics can give the following negative reactions On the body:

  • Dispersal disappointments, including vomiting, nausea.
  • The patient may feel the strongest dizziness.
  • Strong inhibition, loss of physical tone.

Side effects

With care, you should approach the choice of one or another spasmodic, based on possible side effects. Possible side effects are as follows:

  • Causes are not excluded.
  • Allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, rash, erythema, itching.
  • The course of adoption of the medical preparation may be accompanied by flatulence.

Complex drugs

Funds of this species possess wide spectrum actionscapable of helping almost with any pain, regardless of the nature of its origin. Such means are helpful with pains (removal of angiosphazms) of vascular diseases, with painful concerns in the lower back, with brain circulation problems.

Thus, the combined means combine the possibility of eliminating spasms, both smooth muscles and blood vessels.

The following complex medical staff is most in demand:

  • "Spasmalgon".
  • "Spasgan".

What antispasmodics to use?

When eliminating pain the result will be achieved fasterIf you use certain means.

Use with osteochondrosis

Recipes get rid of headaches when cervical osteochondrosis lots of. However, the effectiveness of all is the use of Baratina.

With osteochondrosis cervical department Effective tablets "DROTAVERINA" and "PAPAVERINA".

Medical information data not only improve blood circulation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cervical spine, but also successfully remove muscle stresses, which leads to the long-awaited relief of the patient's condition.

If the main pain zone with osteochondrosis protrudes, it is necessary to use specialized injections. With osteochondrosis lumbar Department Middokalm injections were confirmed their effectiveness. The medical preparation has a general action, so it will be able to help with osteochondrosis in various spinal deposits. After a pair of "Middokalm" injections, the patient will feel a noticeable relief, as well as improved while walking and turning hands. This is due to the presence of lidocaine injections, creating a powerful anesthetic effect. In the overwhelming majority, if especially heavy forms acquires, doctors are necessarily resorted to help "".

Usage with headache

Safety medical preparations easily solve the problem with sudden strong headaches. Doctors recommend at the spasms of the brain vessels to take "Bencyclan", "DroTaver", "Papaverin".

These funds normalize blood circulation in the neck, which brings an additional amount of oxygen to the brain, and also remove muscle stiffness.

Conclusion on the topic

Suddenly surpassed pain makes no sense to endure if it has a long time. It is advisable to use antispasmodics in the case of the helplessness of analgesic agents. It is important to remember that the use of antispasmodics should be agreed with the attending physician. Only a specialist can give optimal recommendations for the use of a particular drug under consideration of the Anesthetic Medical Education Group. Otherwise, it may apply to the patient's health.

For this reason, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the instructions for antispasmodics, or visiting the Cabinet therapist.

Action of spasmolitikov

Smooth muscle spasms are quite frequent phenomenon, so the needs of their elimination are very relevant. Antispasmodics are taken primarily when it comes to the need to eliminate abdominal pain, differing in the degree of intensity. They are recommended for functional dyspepsia, for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome in various manifestations. They are widely used in exacerbations of peptic diseases, as well as with the development of exacerbations of biliary diseases. Antispasmodic agents are used to treat bronchial muscle spasms, they contribute to the stimulation of cardiac activity, as well as they are used for the treatment of angina.

The effect of the use of antispasmodic agents is achieved due to their intervention in the muscular abbreviation process. Due to the action of spasmolitics begins painful attack. There is similar due to the immediate effect of drugs on muscle cells. Nervous impulses that come to muscles are blocked.

Types of spasmolitikov

The following main groups of spasmolytic drugs differ in pharmaceutical science:

  • neurotropic antispasmodics, the action of which is directed directly to the human nervous system. They can act both on the periphery of the human body, and specifically on certain organs and parts of the body;
  • motropic antispasmodics acting directly on muscle groups of the human body;
  • complex antispasmodics, the effects are directed at the end of the nerves and cells of the smooth muscles;
  • neuromiotropic antispasmodics, combining the effect of the use of myotropic and neurotropic drugs.

Motropic spasmolitis

This type of antispasmodic means is intended to eliminate the cramping of the smooth muscles of the body. This mainly occurs when nutritional disorders, menstruation in women, as well as certain diseases of the organs of the stomach and intestines. Antispasmodics of this species relax the muscles of problem areas of the body, thereby contributing to the cessation of unpleasant, painful sensations.

When exposed to myotropic spasmolitics on the muscles of the body, there is a change in the flow of internal biochemical processes. The basis of the described drugs contain certain medicines: papaverine, nitroglycerin, drootaverin.

The spasmodic drug Papaverin is the most common antispasmodic of this group. It may reduce the muscle tone for a short period of time and relaxes the smooth muscles of the internal organs. With its regular admission, there is a slowdown in the internal conductivity of the heart. The excitability of the heart decreases and this fact contributes to the achievement of the effect of brave activity. In addition, the specified drug is widely used in the development of spasms of organs located in the peritoneum, has a beneficial effect on bronchi and brain vessels.

Neurotropic antispasmodics

Safety of this type are divided into two main groups on the principle of affected by them.

The first group includes the most common neurotropic antispasmodics. It is a scopolamine, historical, platificimin, as well as sulfate atrophin. Preparations have a strong effect on receptors that are directly involved in carrying out nerve pulses through the vessels located in the brain. The result becomes a decrease in the activity of the glands. internal secretion. There is an increase in the total volume of hydrochloric acid distinguished in the human body, heartbeat and intraocular pressure increases.

The basis of the second group of neurotropic spasmolitics is a bouticbromide housycin. Its action is largely more selective. The drug is not intended to penetrate inside the brain, besides, it does not have any influence on other bodies. The main task is to provide the impact on receptors, which are directly related to the smooth muscles of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the urinary and excretory systems. This drug has gained wide popularity in Western European countries. In the territories of the post-Soviet space, he acquired fame called spanled and bustle.

Neuromyotropic spasmolytics

Neuromiotropic antispasmodics combine the properties of both myotropic and neurotropic drugs. At the same time, the combined effect mainly has one substance, in particular, Camilosophine, however, a combination of several components is required to achieve a qualitative effect.
- Complex spasmolitis

Complex spasmolytics combine in their composition several active substances. The result of their use is integrated. One adopted tablet is capable of not only to remove the pain, but also neutralize the cause of its occurrence. Complex spasmolitis with anti-inflammatory effects are capable of not only to remove pain, but also relax muscles, eliminate the heat and development of the inflammatory process.

Spasmolytics: list of drugs

The pharmaceutical industry produces antispasmodic preparations in various designs. The following varieties are distinguished:

Tablets Slavsmolytiki

The most famous drug under consideration is Papaverin. Produced in tablets of 0.04 grams, in a variety of packages. Showing for use in spasms smooth muscles of the body, in the spasms of internal organs abdominal cavity, bronchi, as well as blood vessels and vessels located on the periphery of the brain. Effective in the development of renal failure.

The tool is characterized by a pronounced hypotensive effect. When used in large quantities, the drug is able to reduce the rate of excitability of the heart muscle, as well as reduce intracardiac conductivity. The effect of the drug on the central nervous system is not so clearly expressed. Tablets are completely safe when admitting them with pregnant women and do not cause addiction.

Possible side effects from the use of the drug include drowsiness, occurrence allergic reactionsas well as possible constipation.

Spasmolytic injections (in ampoules)

The most famous antispasmodic agent that is produced in ampoules is a spasmalgon. Its use is prescribed by a doctor's decision, it is not recommended to take the drug for your own fear and risk. It is recommended to use with gastric colic, painful sensations in the organs of the small pelvis, as well as other than those implicitly expressed spasms smooth muscles of internal organs.

As a result intramuscular administration The drug occurs rapid suction of its active ingredients from the meta of the injection. The binding indicator with blood proteins does not exceed 60%.

Candles of spasmolytics

Among the antispasmodic candles, the greatest popularity was gained rectal candles Pavanner. At room temperature, the candles are in solid state, after their introduction to the rectum they are melted and absorbed into the mucous membrane of the internal organs without problems, thereby providing local and general therapeutic effects.

Such means have many advantages compared to other drugs. Rectal antispasmodic candles are effective in cases where urgent health careSince the action after their use occurs significantly faster than the use of tablets. They are not inferior at the speed of action by intravenous injections, while not disturbing the integrity of the skin. Rectal antispasmodic candles differ in the duration of the action, since the release of their active component is gradually and smoothly.

Do not use force when the candle is introduced. The muscles of the body must be relaxed, otherwise you can inflict injury to the mucous membrane. To facilitate the introduction of the candle, it is recommended to lubricate its tip with children's cream or vaseline.

Grass spasmolytics

The use of antispasmodic medicinal grasses provides relaxation of the muscles of the body and thereby eliminate the emerging spasms. Herbs are recommended for use with multiple diseases that flow against the background of reducing smooth muscles. Among the most famous and efficient antispasmodic herbs should be allocated as follows: Medicine Valerian, cat foot, Dudnik, Morozha, White Claw, Medicine.

Application of spasmolitikov

Antispasmodic tools are widely used in medicine in medicine. various diseases. Preparations are shown to use both adults and children.

Antispasmodics during pregnancy

If you follow a rigorous definition, antispasmodic drugs do not apply to the number of means for carrying out anesthesia. They are able to remove the stress of smooth muscles and various parts of the muscles of the body, while eliminating pain syndromes. In particular, they are able to significantly expand the vessels, which increases cerebral blood circulation and hits the headache. However, this happens only in cases where the migraine is caused by vascular spasms. It is for these reasons that during pregnancy it is forbidden to take many painkillers, in any case, their acceptance is not recommended. As for antispasmodics during pregnancy, they do not have similar contraindications. Drugs such as but-shpa, riabal and papaverin bring great favor When removing pain during pregnancy.

Safety spasmodics for children

Features of the admission of an antispasmodic drug for children individually indicated by each manufacturer of similar funds on the packaging of the product itself. In particular, some varieties of dolls are not recommended for the use of children under the age of two years. Other forms of the same drug are allowed to accept children up to six years, while the daily rate of reception over the day is from 40 to 120 mg, for children older than the specified age, the rate of reception is considered to be an indicator of 80 to 220 mg. Such a drug like hioscine butylbromide is not at all forbidden to receiving children under the age of 8 years. It is not recommended for reception until the age of the majority is such a means as Panoney Bromide. Best of all, in the event of such a need to give children antispasmodic drugs of natural origin. These are infusions, decoctions, means using roots and fruits of medicinal plants. Children can take them in various diseases occurring with convulsions and spasms.

Slavsmolitics for children of the year

Children at the age of one year to give antispasmodic tools should be strictly dosed and only on the prescription of the attending physician. There are only a few drugs that are allowed to give to infants. In limited volumes of the prefiction, bromide highly eliminates muscle spasms And relieves pain. For a child under the age of three months old It is recommended that its use in the form of a syrup inside the millilitone every eight hours. Children aged from three months before half a year it is recommended to take it two millilita once every eight hours, with the age of children from six months to a year of a year, the dose and frequency of reception means are not increasing. For one year, antispasmodic agents of natural origin are recommended for children. This includes peppermint, anise, dill and phenhel oil.

The main groups of spasmolitikov

There is a separation of antispasmodic drugs according to the principle of their action. Among the main groups of spasmolitics it is necessary to allocate such:

Safety pain medication

Anesthetic antispasmodics are used to eliminate cholecystitis pain, pancreatitis, gastric colic and menstruation. They are also used to remove head pains, brain circulation failures, blood pressure growth. Some types of antispasmodic drugs are used to eliminate pain in the heart or muscles of bronchi, others are used only to eliminate pain in the diseases in the stomach.

Selective spasmolitis

Selective antispasmodics are characterized by selectivity of the rendeked action. Basically, they are used to treat pain in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Selective antispasmodics have the following general properties:

  • do not give persistent side effects;
  • have limitations to use;
  • provide normalizing action on the overall intestinal motorcycle and gastrointestinal tract, removal paths from the organism of the bile and gallbladder;
  • there is a comprehensive impact on the human body, manifested in combining the effects of pain relief and accompanying its disorders of the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Safety resgue pressure

Hypertensive suffer from unpleasant sensations from reducing vessels in the cranial cavity. High pressure Frequently through the use of drugs that are able to eliminate the effects of compression of vessels. Atherosclerosis, the failures of the normal functioning of the nervous system cause changes to the tone of the walls of the brain vessels.

Reduced pressure can be reduced by using papaverine. It should only be used in combination with other drugs for treatment: phenobarbital and nicotine acid.

Effectively lowers the pressure of but-shap. This unique antispasmodic agent is capable of quickly and efficiently treat malaise, manifested with pressure increase. The cause of the disease of the but-shp does not eliminate, nevertheless, the headache is significantly reduced.

High pressure effectively lowers diabazole, the drug is also able to remove spasms of the brain vessels. The combination of papaverine and dibazole ensures the elimination of headaches and lower the overall level of blood pressure. The use of Tempalgin is also recommended to normalize the blood pressure and elimination of spasms of brain vessels.

Vasodinating antispasmodics

A good vasodilator antispasmodic action has theobromin. The drug is capable of providing an exciting effect on the nervous system, strengthen diuresis. Take it should be inside one tablet once a day. Often the drug is used in combination with dibazole, papaverine hydrochloride and phenobarbital.

An excellent vasodilatory antispasmodic agent is Eufilin. Introduction Its is carried out intramuscularly and intravenously at various concentrations. The drug expands the vessels, reduces venous and intracranial pressure. It can give side effects, among which nausea, dizziness, tachycardia attacks are distinguished. Contraindicated with coronary failure.

Treatment of spasmolitics

The treatment of spasmolitis should be carried out under the supervision of the doctor. Do not take them at your own risk in order to avoid unwanted effects.

Spasmolytics for the intestine

  • Panoney Bromide is recommended to take up to four times a day before meals, pre-injected it with water;
  • in the occurrence of pain in the intestine should be taken furniture. The drug lowers the intestinal ability to reduce, it is usually prescribed in the case of stool violations and the impedic intestinal syndrome. The drug effectively removes pain in the abdomen. Reception is carried out before eating three times a day.

Before using these funds, the instructions for their use should be carefully learned. There may be a constipation when consuming the elderly people.

Safety spasmolytics

Papaverin and doll helps with colic. You can take them in the volume of two tablets per day. It is also good to eliminate pain symptoms for intestinal colic platifilin. It is able to eliminate pain, eliminate spasms and weaken the turbulent peristaltics of the intestine.

Slavsmolitics at cholecystitis

Antispasmodics with cholecystitis contribute to the reduction of pain symptoms. The most effective papaverine, atropine, drootaverin. It is recommended to use with cholecystitis of infusion containing a natural peppermint sprup. It must be used three times a day at half a glass after receiving food.

Safety spasmodics with pancreatitis

Pancreatitis treatment should be comprehensively and antispasmodics in this case are used as a means to eliminate pain. Under the attacks of the disease, it is recommended to take a nobility, and the drug is adopted both in tablets and when conducting injections. Tablets are applied if there are no vomites and pain is not so intense, which requires immediate removal.

If the patient tears, you should take the means intramuscularly. The effect of the drug in this case will be instantaneous. At one time, no more than 80 milligrams of the agent should be taken, the daily dose of reception is 240 milligrams.

Safety spasmolytics

For renal colic The pain is quite pronounced and the pain follows when attacking first of all. In such cases of showing platoofillin in the form of injections. You can also take tablets of the drug. A good effect gives the use of atropine and doll tablets. They quickly and effectively eliminate the colic for various localization.

Jellery antispasmodics

Cretaceous antispasmodic drugs should be attributed to the apparent. The drug is produced in tablets, they have a white or white-yellow color, the form of their round. The tool contributes to the overall increase in the formation of bile in the human body and causes its subsequent allocation. The drug acts on biliary ducts, moreover, it does not contribute to the decrease in the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines.

Safety spasmisms

When applied as a means of eliminating headaches, antispasmodics reduce its intensity. With such a task, papaverin, drootaverin and bentaltal effectively cope with such a task. As a means of migraine, they are recommended mainly in tablets. A greater efficacy in the elimination of headaches shows the reception of antispasmodic preparations in combination with anti-inflammatory and painkillers.

Cardiac antispasmodics

With pain in the heart, the reception of spasmolitics in tablets is recommended. Most often it is Papaverin and Drozerin. It is difficult to say what is the optimal dosage of application, everything is determined by the specific recommendations of the doctor in each case. You should not determine the dosage on your own, it is best to seek advice to the attending doctor who will help choose the optimal preparation for treatment and its normal dosage.

Similar to become:

Antispasmodics are medical preparationswhich are used to facilitate pain and muscle spasms in the intestines or to stimulate the passage through the digestive tract.

How are antispasmodics?

Food moves along the digestive tract, because the muscles are strained, and then relax over the entire length of the intestine. These muscle contractions are not controlled by consciousness and are caused by various chemicals that interact with muscle cell receptors. However, in cases like an irritable intestine syndrome, the frequency of abbreviations (peristaltic waves) can occur too often and cause such symptoms as pain in the abdomen, spasms, colic and bloating.

The active substances that make up the spasmolitics affect the contraction of the muscles by which the food moves through the digestive tract. Therefore, they are used to treat states caused by violations in the work of the peristalsis, including irritable bowel syndrome and the diverticulus digestive tract. In some cases, antispasmodic drugs can be used to facilitate the symptoms of a non-volatile dyspepsia. Safety spasmolitis, stimulating motility, are also used in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease, in which the contents of the stomach fall into the esophagus and injures it.

When does the doctor appoint antispasmodics?

As a rule, if the patient complains of discomfort in the abdomen and pelvis, on the bloating, violations in the intestinal work, before appointing antispasmodic medicines, the doctor can recommend him to change its diet, for example, to reduce the amount of fiber. This can help normalize muscle contraction of the digestive tract in people with irritable intestinal syndrome. The doctor can also advise to reduce the consumption of alcohol and tobacco and drink sedative (because stress can also cause violations in the work of the digestive tract). If the above measures do not help, the doctor prescribes antispasmodics.

What types of spasmolitics exist?

Antispasmodics can be divided into three groups: means that adjust the reduction in the smooth muscles of the esophagus (mullropic), cholinolitic drugs (antihistamines and drugs for the treatment of extrapyramidal disorders) and substances that stimulate the gastrointestinal motorcycle tract. All three types of spasmolitics can be used to relieve abdominal pain, which occurs during irritable intestinal syndrome or esophageal diverticulas. Sometimes antispasmodics are used to remove the symptoms caused by a violation of the normal activity of the stomach and reflux-esophagitis.

Preparations directly wicked on the smooth muscles of the digestive tract, or myotropic spasmolitics

They have a direct effect on the smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines, forcing them to relax and thereby removing pain. As a rule, myotropic antispasmodic preparations are accepted orally. Medicines containing small doses of esophageal musculature reductions can be available without a recipe.

Some antispasmodics can additionally contain funds that increase the volume of intestinal content. If they are taken, it is necessary to drink a lot of fluids, otherwise the intestines may occur. In addition, it is not recommended to take such antispasmodic drugs.

Means regulating the cuts of the muscles of the esophagus, sometimes as side effects can cause headache or nausea.

  • Furniture (contained in two preparations submitted at the Russian market - Duspatalyna and Niaspam);
  • Papaverin (the eponymous drug);
  • DROTAVERIN (well-known "").

Mint pepper (oil, tablets). It is believed that oil from pepper mint works, reducing calcium entering into muscle cells, which leads to muscle relaxation. Capsules with an intestinal-soluble shell are preferable to simply clean oil, as they allow you to deliver the substance straight into the colon. True, some doctors believe that medicinal action Peppermint oils are unconvincing. Pendant mint capsules can irritate the oral cavity or esophagus, so they must be powered by plenty of water.

Cholinolytic antispasmodic products

The active ingredients contained in the spasmolitics of this type work, blocking admission chemical substancescausing reducing the walls of the esophagus, on receptors of muscular cells. This type of spasmolytic can reduce muscle spasm by reducing the transfer of nerve signals to the intestinal wall. Usually they are taken orally, they sell as prescription and without.

Side effects of cholinolitic spasmolitics may include headache, constipation, dry mouth, redness of the skin, impairment of vision. Also may impede urination. Children and the elderly are especially exposed to the risk of developing side effects.

This group includes active substances:

  • Dicycloin (dicyclomine, dicycloverine) is in pure form, as a rule, is not presented, but is part of the following drugs: "Trigan", "Trigar D", "Dolospa TABS";
  • Atropine sulfate is contained in the drug "SPRASMEVRAULGIN";
  • Propantelin is contained in the "Pro-Bantin" medicine;
  • Means stimulating motorcycle gasts

Safety spasmodics belonging to this group help food pass through the stomach and intestines, alleviating the patients with the attacks of ugly dyspepsia. Motoric stimulants also have a positive effect on the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter, which prevents the unnecessary amount of the contents of the stomach in the esophagus. It can also help prevent the appearance of gastroesophageal reflects disease.

Usually motorboat stimulants are accepted orally and available only by recipe. As side effects can cause diarrhea and drowsiness. Sometimes Metoklopramid and, in exceptional cases, Domperidon may call uncontrolled muscle spasms, especially persons, tongue, mouth and neck. Such a complication is more common in children and young people, who has a barrier between blood and nervous tissue (T. N. Gectoatencephalic barrier) more permeate. Therefore, metoclopramide is not recommended for persons under the age of twenty years. Also both of these drugs can be used to relieve nausea and vomiting.

Domperidon is part of "Motorikum", "Domstal", "Motilaka", "Mothilium". Metoclopramide. His trade names - Cerukal, Rlange, etc.

What antispasmodic drug is the best?

In general, medical studies have not shown that some type of antispasmodics obviously exceeds the other. However, some people can better react to some such kind of spasmolitics. Therefore, if one medicine It does not help as quickly as I would like to change it on a similar action, but with another composition. Motropic antispasmodics tend to have less than all side effects, so they are usually prescribed first.

How to take antispasmodics?

Accept medications It follows the appointment of a doctor. The doctor must inform all the required information, including how often it should be done, and when it is (before meals, after eating). Some advise to take antispasmodic preparations before meals if the pains begin after eating.

It is usually recommended to take antispasmodics only if necessary (for example, when symptoms are aggravated, and finishing the reception after their termination). Note: The antispasmodic preparation will facilitate pain, but does not promise to get rid of it.

How fast are antispasmodics?

Usually they have their own action within an hour. The efficiency of the antispasmodics may depend on the dose and frequency of use.

How long have they need to take?

Usually spasmolyts are used to stop symptoms. On this occasion should be consulted with the doctor.

Who can't accept antispasmodics?

For most people, they do not cause side effects. The full list of contraindications is indicated by the instructions that are in the packaging with the medicine. In particular, antispasmodics may not be suitable for people with intestinal obstruction, severe pseudo-paralytic miastenes, pyloric stenosis (narrowing the outlet of the stomach), prostate adenoma (increased prostate gland). Pregnant and nursing should be additionally consulted with the doctor.

Additional Information

Patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome are inclined to attribute all deterioration in their condition. However, this opinion may be erroneous. Therefore, if there will be any changes in the usual picture of the symptoms, especially negative, you should consult with your doctor. Especially should pay attention to: weight loss, bleeding from the rectum, blood in feces.

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