Horsetail higher plants. World of horsetail

Horsetail or Horsetail (Lat. Equisétum Arvénse) - a type of perennial herbaceous plants of the genus of the Horseta, the families ( Equisetaceae.). Translated by S. latin language The name of this plant means "horse tail", due to external similarities. Linguists of Russian philology also noticed the similarities of the "horsettle" with the word "tail". In the people of the tail they call: horse tail, tin grass, whitewash, cat eye, pusher, mop-grass. The field of field is a malicious weed, he clogs all cultures in the forest-steppe and forest strip. For growth prefers acidic and well-moistened soil. In the arid conditions of the hat, the field goes to ravines or meadows, where there is no threat. Horsetail is common almost throughout the territory of Eurasia (in moderate, tropical and subtropical regions), in North America, from Alaska and Canada to the southern states of the United States.

Description Horsetail field

The stalks of the plant hollow, segic, average height - about 50 cm. On the nodes of the stems are gear vagina. The field of field forms fluttering and fruitless stalks, they look externally. Pulling stalks are not branched, juicy, reddish color, up to 25 cm high, they appear early in spring. The steering stems have on tops one by one elongated spikelet, which consist of shielded leaflets. These leaflets are located on small legs and carry bags with disputes. Basic stems develop a little later, they are higher than flushing almost twice, branched, rigid, with ribbed vagina. Breakfest stems have green color and quadrangular branches.

Due to the fact that the horsetail is a floating plant, it is multiplied by disputes. Disputes - extremely small, spherical formations. The disputes are poured on the soil from the bags that are revealed in the spikelet, and in the form of a green powder are spread by the wind. Each dispute is equipped with hygroscopic appendages. In germination, disputes form the ranks that have either female organs With eggs, or men with spermatozoa. After fertilization from the egg, a new plant is developing. Young Horseta forms a process that deepens vertically into the soil, forming rhizome, after overcoming.

Early spring, starting in March, disputes ripen and over time, the steering stems die away.

The field of field is able to multiply in a vegetative way, thanks to underground root shoots that give fruitless stalks. Horizontal rhizome deepens to the ground from 60 cm to several meters, depending on the layers of the soil. Absolutely all parts of the horsetail of the field, from rhizomes to stems, consist of joints and easily flushed at the boundaries of these joints. Even small scraps are able to give rise to new shoots.

Horsetail Field Measure

In the fight against the horsetail, it is necessary to resort to the drying of wet and raw soil with a drainage with open channels. There will also be an indispensable in-depth furnace with the use of lime and soil enrichment with mineral salts and manure. In the case of the root of the root below the arable layer, all activities in the fight against the horsetail should be directed to the depletion of underground parts and the creation of the conditions unfavorable to their development. Effective will be the destruction of the stems by quickens, mowing, brushing, processing chemicals (chlorates).

Horsetail use

Horsetail field has rich chemical compositionThanks to which this plant has a person on the body therapeutic action. Horsetail has blood-resistant, astringent, diuretic, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, anti-shine and well-fascinating effect. As raw materials for medicines, fruitless spring stems are used (it is the grass of a chemistry). Raw materials must be assembled in summer, dried in natural conditions under a canopy, in the attic or in special dryers at a temperature of 40-50 ° C. Billets are stored up to four years.

Demissions and chasters are recommended to use when gallgamed disease, internal bleeding, during diarrhea. As compresses and flames, decoctions are used in the treatment of conjunctivitis, furunculov, ulcers, dermatitis, licray. With pulmonary diseases medical properties The horsetail of the field will be healing. The field of field is used for bronchitis, cough, tuberculosis. As rinsing oral cavity The hat is recommended for inflammation of the gums and in the treatment of angin. By conducting a number of experiments it was found that the helm of the ordinary helps to reduce the level of sugar when sugar diabetes.

To strengthen bones, teeth, hair, nails worth using medicinal products From the chemistry. Horsetail field is perfectly treating acne, makes the skin smooth and elastic.

Despite all healing properties, the horsetail has contraindications in application. It is impossible to eat in any forms during pregnancy and during lactation, with kidney diseases. Before starting treatment, you must be consulted with specialists and doctors.

The scope of the field of horsetail of the field is quite extensive. It is used to polish furniture (powder from stems contains a large amount of silica). For the color of the wool also use the hair, wool after painting becomes yellow and green. In crop production and flower growing, the rope of the horsetail of the field is used for the prevention of a number of diseases of garden plants and to increase resistance to pests and fungal diseases (black spa roses, mildew, rust, ticks). The prepared decoction retains its healing properties over two weeks.

Horsetail photo

Among higher dispute plants, which includes mosses, frames, ferns and horseships, the latter have several features in the external and inner structure. The plant of the field is similar to a small Christmas tree having rigid side stems. Interestingly, animals do not eat it nor other types of horsages in food. It is explained by the fact that the plants of the plant are impregnated with silicon compounds. The systematic position of the kind of hat indicates the fact that their reproduction occurs with the help of a dispute. Our article will be devoted to the issue of the structure of the horsoo, as well as the consideration of its application in medical practice as a medicament.

What is alternating generations?

In the life cycle of the plant cyclically change two vital forms: the useless and sexual generation. The first is represented by a perennial herbaceous plant, the second - has the form of green plates with a dissected surface with numerous threads. The genitals are developing on them: female - Archegonia and Men's - Aniardia. Ripening of egg and spermatozoa, as well as the process of fertilization occurs only in the presence of water. So, to imagine what the chests are, it is necessary to remember that the plants exist in the form of two various shapes - Gametophyte and sporophyte.

External structure

As we have already said earlier, the most powerful generation of the horsetail is a plant having overhead and underground parts. So, the rhizome provides support and promotes vegetative reproduction. A large number of apparent roots from it are absorbed from soil water and minerals. At the rhizome there is a large amount of thickening - the fools. It deeply germinates to the ground. It is necessary to note the fact that the indicator of the soil desalination is precisely the horseship. What are soil indicators? These are plants for the normal life of which a certain concentration of soil solution is needed. In our example, this is an excess number of hydrogen ions, that is, the high acidity of the soil. As it turned out, the plants of the kind of chests do not live on neutral or alkaline lands, so their favorite growth places are biocenoses of swampy districts and flooding rivers. The most common view of the horsetail is the field of field. It is his branches that are prepared as therapeutic plant raw materials. It is also found to have a forest, meadow (it has a three-shred stem), a marsh hat with a five-pointed shape of a stem and black edges in the stem nodes. In addition, this species is also very poisonous.

Vegetative organs

We continue to consider the appearance and properties of the chemport. In addition to the rhizomes, the vegetative parts of the body of the plant include stems, leaves and sporangies. They form sporophyte - an affordable generation, whose task is to perform the process of photosynthesis and the formation of the organs of reproduction - sporing spikes. The main terrestrial escape grows from the rhizomes, it branches and divided by the nodes, from which side sprigs are diverged in the form of a muve. There are no leaves with a well-pronounced leaf plate, they are reduced to colorless scales that grow from knots. Therefore, the function of photosynthesis in the horsages are performed by stems containing chlorophyll. We continue to study higher dispute plants - horsetails. What is Spring and Summer Forms of Escapes? It turns out that the axial organ of the plant ribbed, is impregnated with silicon compounds and has a clear differentiation. So, spring shoots - light pink, not capable of branching and devoid of green pigment and leaves. On their tops, sporangies are formed in the form of rigid shields resembling spikelets containing haploid disputes. Summer shoots are the main and apparer stems that have bright green. They are able to branch and, thanks to chlorophyll, the synthesis of organic substances are carried out: proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and also provide oxygen extraction.

Sports and disputes

As with other representatives of higher disputes - mosses, plane and ferns, the horsages on the plant-sporophyte develop organs in which the ripening of cells of non-drug reproduction occurs - haploid disputes. Spikelets - sporangies of the horsages, have the form of the special structures collected together, called sporangiophores. They are derived side stems and look like rings, closely pressed together. Disputes are formed due to the process of meyosis and are haploid cells of the same species. Therefore, to the question of what the chemicals from the point of view of the structure of their forgive generation - sporeophyte can be answered as follows: these are equivalent plants. In addition, disputes are equipped with special springs - elaters that serve as a device for better distribution. In the future, hitting the wet soil, the disputes germinate and one-sex oversights appear, on which men's or female genitals are developing separately.

Gametofit and fertilization process

Gaploid cells dispute in favorable conditions of the external environment (sufficient humidity and absence of direct sunlight) begin to form green plastic structures With filamentous processes along the edges. So the outflow is formed. What kind of genitals, men's or female, will be formed on it, will depend on the illumination and ambient temperature. On the underside, the rhizoids attached to the surface of the soil are located on the bottom side. Aniardia - Men's genital organs, ensure the development of sperm, and in archeganis there are eggs. Fertilization occurs in the presence of water. From the resulting zygota, the embryo is developing, which in the future gives rise to the development of sporophyte - the most powerful generation of the horsettle, whose medical properties were known to a person for a long time. Next, we consider them more.

Application in medicine

One of the most common species - the field of field - is an effective diuretic and hemostatic plant drugobtained from stems. In disruption of the work of the kidneys and hearts, accompanied by a delay in the tissues of the liquid, the appearance of strong edema, apply the decoction prepared in the proportion: 20 g of raw materials by 200 g of water. The diuretic effect is explained by the presence of saving saving saponin in shoots and high content of potassium ions. In addition to them, vegetable raw materials contains vitamin C, carotene, equisometrine, calcium and iron ions. Horsetty decoction apply when uterine bleeding, in the treatment of pleuritis, when inflammatory processes in ureachers I. bladder bubble. Pharmacological raw materials can be purchased in pharmacies in the form of extract, brewing packages or briquettes.

Horsetail: Properties and Contraindications

The presence of a large number of trace elements in the vegetative parts of a large number of microelements, for example, copper, boron, molybdenum, has a positive effect on the exchange of substances in the human body. However, the high concentration of alkaloids, glycosides and saponin determines not only the binders, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties of the plant, but also can cause a number of negative symptoms. For example: diarrhea, nausea, severity and pain in the epigastric area. With caution extract of the horsetail of the field need to be used in patient therapy ulcerative disease Stomach and duodenum. The prerequisite for the reception of drugs is not only a strict dosage - no more than half of the glass, but also the frequency of use (no more than 3 times a day), as well as the observance of the main rule - the use of a beam or extract in an hour after meals.

The role of horsages in ecosystems

What is the value of the horsetail in nature? Gigantic extinct types of tree higher disputes: horsages, planes and ferns who lived in the coal period of the Paleozoic era, served as the cause of the earth's depths of stone coal. Modern species Plants kind of chests are much smaller and distributed in different climatic zones, especially on the floodplain meadows and swamps, as well as in coniferous forests. As we said earlier, the chests perfectly feel at acidic soils, many species, such as the field of field, littered crops of cultivated plants and grazes for pets, as they are inedible. In everyday life of the rigid branches, containing silicic acid and its salts, used to be used as an abrasive tool for cleaning strongly contaminated kitchenware.

In our article, we reviewed the properties, the structure and value of the horsages in the nature and life of a person.

What are the features of the structure and reproduction at the horsages (horsages)?

Chests are perennial herbaceous plants with a segic structure. The shoots are divided into nodes and interstices. Leaves are reduced to whole small plates. Photosynthesis function performs stem. In the cages of the horsages accumulates silica, which makes stem hard. We multiply the horses of disputes that are formed in sporing spikes. The sporing spikes are formed or on special sporing shoots (in the horsetail of the field), or on the tops of vegetative shoots (Horset of meadow, the winter). A sponshop spreech consists of an axis on which sporangophores are located. The sporangiophore consists of a leg, on which a hexagonal plate is located. On the bottom of the plate there are sporangies. Spores are formed in the spouts. In dry weather, disputes are hurt. From the dispute is formed by Gametophyte (switch). It has surcharges with spermatozoa and archegonia with eggs. After fertilization, the zygote is formed, and the embryo and a new plant develops from it.

55. Department of Fern. General biological characteristics, classification, value.

Departures of Playovoid, Helds and Fernrepresent large group Higher terrestrial spore plants having leaves, stems, roots with vascular fibrous beams. In a life cycle, alternation of generations is well expressed. Sporophyte presented a vegetative plant. The spores in the sporangies are formed by haploid disputes. At some representatives - Ravenoforchers - they are morpho-giutically the same, among others - the differencepore - various - microspores and megasy. From the dispute develops in the penis - sexual generation. Ravnapo-out it is obo, at the sieve-separation - separation (male and female).

Department of Playovoid - Lycopodiophyta.The tree forms were extinct, were essential in the formation of cable coal. The herbaceous lowered, up to 70 cm of the height of the distance with weakly branched roots and small thin leaves of the Ti-Pa philloids are preserved. Among them there are equinospector and pavement forms. There are two classes: plane-shaped and shields.

The equaliforous forms are represented by plants of plane. A typical representative is Plava-like (Lycopodium Clavatum), which is common in coniferous forests. It has a flutter, dichotomy branched stem with small linear-and-shaped leaves and poorly developed roots. Stem length up to 6 or more meters. On the top shoots carries pair sporing spikes. The spikelet consists of a rod with leaflets - sporesophilles. Single and prominent sporangies with a large number of identical disputes are sitting in the sneakers of sporeophilles. The dispute gives a break-current - a biscuct Gametophyte of the pladen. The outflow is deprived of chlorophyll, hesitated by Gifi Mushroom - Mikoriza. On the upper side of the gametophyte, archegonia with eggs and anteria with spermatozoa are developing. After fertiliation from the zygote, the embryo is developing, from the embryo - adult plant Sporofit type. The formation of the dispute of the gamethophyt and the development of the SPO-Rofit is leaving over 20 years.

The spores of the plane are used in medicine as children's powder, for sinking pill, in foundry production, pyrotechnics, etc.

A pavement form represents Selaginell from the half-born class (Isoetopsida) - selaginella, which is common mainly in the tropics. Only 8 species grows in the CIS. Selaginell has more gentle dichoto-mitically branching stems of small sizes. Forms small bushes up to 10 cm. Sporied spikes have the sporangies of two types. Microsporane-Gia with a large number of microspores, megasoprangia with 4 megaspora. Differences as the beginning of sex differentiation represents the progress of evolution. Disputes give the oversight: microspores - male, megasy - female. Gametophytes are strongly reduced. Male consists of anteridy and one vegetative cell, on a female zone - several Archeganis with eggs-kami. The overgrowns are very small and do not leave the shell spores. After the ferto-creation of an egg from the zygota, the embryo is formed, and an adult sporeophyte is formed from it. There is no big practical value. Tropical forms are sometimes bred as decorative plants.

Department Helds - Equisetophyta.Representatives of this class Tree forms - Calamites - they played a major role in the vegetation cover of the land of the coal period. Only small herbaceous plants of the occasion of the horsages, which are about 20 species, are pretended. In the CIS, the chests are common: field, meadow, marsh, forest, soaked, branchy, etc.

Features of biology and plants structure Consider on the example of the horsetail of the field - Equisetum Arvense.

As a rule, it is a long-term field weed. Winter in the form of rhizomes with a margin of nutrients both in the rhizomes and in the tubers, we have known for them.

An early spring of rhizomes grows pale-pink sporing shoots with a height of about 20 cm. The stems of these shoots are a reprehension, juicy, rovel-out with sharply pronounced nodes and interstices. The leaves are underdeveloped, small, narrow, they will grow into the tube with their bases, are mood-kami. At the top of escape - a spioner spikelet. The axle of the sporing spikelet is covered with modified leaves - sports springs. Sports are formed on sports, in spouts - disputes. Externally disputes are the same, but physiologically can be different. Each dispute is represented by 4 tanniferous appendages - elaters holding several disputes together. During ripening, the belt spore straightened and scatter them.

In favorable conditions, disputes germinate and give two-way or separate non-voluntary overgrowns, which depends on the conditions of growth. Archegonia and Ante Riddia are shipped to the fabric of the oversight. Anteridias are formed about 200 sole matozoides, which move in a drop of water. The zygota, germ, from the embryo - an adult sporophyte develops from the fertilized egg-cell.

After ripening and squeezing, the sponge of spring sporing shoots from the Miraity, instead of them, the vegetative shoots of sporeophyte are formed from the same rhizoma. Stems of these shoots are a reprehension, branched with reduced scaly leaves, ensure replenishment of spares in the root-blast. Thus, sexual and powerless generation exist alone. There are no great practical significance. Vegetative entries of the horsetail of the field are used in medicine as a diuretic.

Department of Fern Summary - Pterophyta - Polypodiophyta.Ferns, like frames and horses, originate from psofields. Combines about 10 thousand species, in the CIS - 100 species. Includes classes: Marattiopsida, Polypodiopsida..

As a typical representative of real ferns, consider the men's shield - ASPIDIUM FILIX MAS, widespread in the forests of moderate zone. Breeding rhizomes, crucible and sexually. A bunch of leaves grows from the root. Young leaves are rolled by snail at the base of adults, begin to deployed under the soil and the formation finishes on the third year, reaching 1 or more meters. The formed leaves of the double-particle-separated, grow up the top and die each year. By the middle of summer, sporangies are formed on the bottom side of the sheet. Sports are sitting on groups on a thick grow out - placenta, forming foods. In each SPOORGY, the disputes of the rounded shape with a double shell (exinea and intin).

In favorable terms, the dispute germinates and gives a switch (sexual intercession, gamemarketophyte). On the bottom side of the overwhelming, rhizoids, which is attached to the ground, as well as the Aniardia and above Archegonia. The re-movement of spermatozoa is associated with water.

The germ grows out of the zygota, and from the embryo - an adult plant - a spore fit (diploid), the outflow perishes.

In addition to male panels, an ordinary Orlyak is growing - Pteridium Angelinum, female shield - Athyrium Filix - Femina.

From the point of view of the progress of evolution, the Water Parotcher - Salvinia - Salvinia Natans provides interest, which forms the disputes of two types: microwaves and megasy in micro and megasports as the beginning of sexuality-renovation.

Large practical values \u200b\u200bof fern do not have. The rhizomes of the male panel and some other species are used in medicine for the preparation of antickels.

Conclusion.In the evolution of higher disputes, 2 directions were released. Gametophyte is developing and improved in one line, and the sporophyte occupies a subordinate position. This line of mossoid, which does not lead to the emergence of new plants, turned out to be a blind line of evolution.

A sporeophyte is complicated in another line, which took the dominant position in the plant development cycle, and Gametophyte has increasingly reduced.

The evolution of the spore line was across the development of macrofilia, sore resistance, body dismemberment to organs, improvement and complication of the stem, gradual departure from fertilization in the aquatic environment and ensured all the variety of planet's plant life.

Different plants.

Microspores are contained in microspores, megasy - in megaloprangies or megasinangia. Summer - this is a modified megasinangiy.

Peripheral megaloprangia sterilized and formed the intercourse of the Summer - the Integments. Only central megaloprangiy - nicklouse (or core) of the seed is functioning.

Measuring - 900 species, in the Republic of Belarus - 4. Distributed almost everywhere. Presented mainly by trees, less often by shrubs, and very rarely by Lianami. There are no herbaceous plants among them. The leaves in most species modified are needle. There may be non-collar and large-scale. The overwhelming majority of vote - evergreens.

They settle seeds that are formed from the segments. Summer naked, located on megaphyllah or on seed scales collected in women's cones.

Young shoots are formed by men's cones, on the axes of which multilayer scaly leaflets or microspophilles are located. On their lower surface there are two microsphang - a pollen bag in which pollen is formed. Each pollen grain is equipped with two air bags. In pollen grains there are two cells, one of which is subsequently formed by the pollen tube, the other after division forms two sperm.

On other shoots of the same plants formed women's cones of red. On their main axis there are minor transparent crooked flakes, in the sinuses of which are large thick, subsequently decisive scales. On the upper side of these scales there are two sicks, in each of which the female gamethophyte is developing - endosperm with two archeganis with a large egg cell in each of them. At the top of the sick, outside the protected by the integuter, there is a hole - pops.

Pollen through the popsifunction falls into the segments, where hesitates to the pollen tube, which penetrates the archeganis. Formed two sperm on the pollen tube falls towards Archeganis. Then one of the sperm merges with the egg, and the other dies. A seed germ is formed from a fertilized egg, and the seeds turn into a seed. Seeds are ripening for the second year, poured out of the cones, and are transferred to wind or animals.

Main Articles: Plants, Spore Plants

Housing(Equisetum) is perennial herbaceous plants that grow on wet fields and meadows, swamps and in priest forests. Although in appearance they differ from fern-cages and plaues, but in many signs are similar to them. Couplings, like fern, are spore plants.

Currently, the large role in the formation of vegetation cover does not play.

7. General Characteristics of the Equisetophyta Department Helds

Although it is often necessary to accommodate thickets in those places where other plants cannot exist.

Types of horsetails

The species diversity of the horsetails is small - about 30 species.

In the forests on a moistened so-known, the horsetail of the forest with strongly branched docks-branch sprigs is often found. On sandy soils and in ravages, the horsette, on the shores of the rivers and the lakes, will grow on the shores of the rivers and the lakes (Fig.


A typical representative is a field of field (Fig. 87). This is a long-term weed growing on the fields and arable land. In the soil there is a branched rhizome with the apparent roots and kidneys, of which each year is developing-smiling overhead shoots. When processing the soil, the root-vice pieces do not die, and it grows an email plant from each. Therefore, with this weed is very difficult to fight.


Horsetails have unique black stems.

At the junctions of a locomotive leaves. Stem is saturated with silica, which gives him painful strength.

In the cells of the stem and lateral vertices are chloroplasts - photosynthesis occurs in them. Oblocked organic things are subject to rhizome and are inhibited there. In the spring, organic substances are used for the growth of sporing escapes and the formation of new rhizomes.


In the spring of the horsettle of fields from the rhizoma, yellowish-brown shoots grow, on the tops of which are sporing spikes.

Spores ripen in them. Material from

In favorable conditions, the disputes of the chevival, like fern, are missing into small rapts, unlike leafy.

They form sexual reproduction bodies in which genital cells are softened. In the presence of drip water, fertilization occurs. From the egg, a young plant of horsettle with rhizome is formed.

After the formation of the dispute, the Springless shoots fade, and the green summer shoots, similar to small co-hats, will grow from root-vice (see

Value value

The stalks of the horsetail of the wintering contain a significant amount of silica - a solid, well-polishing agent. Therefore, his stems are particularly tough, durable. They have long been applied to clean the metal dishes and instead of sandpaper.

Saving some horsages (for example, field horsetail) is-use in folk medicine As a diuretic and astringent.

On this page, material on the themes:

  • horschi structure

  • the underground part of the horsetail is formed

  • dispute plants are plants

  • are there chloroplasts at the horsages

  • horsetails belongs to deciduous

Questions to this article:

  • What common signs with ferns have horships and planes?

  • What are the horses differ from the plaues?

  • What are the signs of hvo soup differ from the moss?

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Department flavors. General characteristics. Features of the structure. The playback cycle on the example of the horsetail of the field. Value. Inhabitants of agrocenoses and meadows.

Currently, the horsages are the most small department among fern.

Modern representatives of the Department - Perennial Herbatous Rhizome Plants. Their stem height up to several tens of centimeters is dismembered for long interstices and nodes, which determined the other name of this department - segments. From the nodes of ground escape departs a flutter of side shoots, which are often incorrect for the leaves.

The real leaves of the horsetails are small scratched, very well reduced and do not have chlorophyll. They grow together with each other, forming a tube that covers the interstice. Growing lateral shoots break through this tube. The function of photosynthesis at the horsetail takes on the stem. Its chlorophyllon fabric is located in the peripheral part of the primary bark. Epiderma and mechanical tissue tissue cells are able to accumulate silica, which gives plants increased strength.

In the central part of the stem of young plants there is a core, which gradually collapses. Therefore, in mature above-ground shoots in the center there is a cavity filled with air. At the underground rhizer, apparent roots are formed. Some shortened interstices of underground escape turn into the nodules, in the cells of which starch is postponed in large numbers. Most species on the top of the main, and sometimes on lateral shoots are formed sporing spikes of strobils in which sporangies are developing.

The disputes are formed as a result of a reduction division, as a rule, have a spheroid shape and contain chloroplasts. All modern horsetails are equal protection plants. Horsetail, as all higher plants have two generations, which are self-existing plants.

The spores of the horsetail of the field is an autotrophic plant with sharply specialized types Escapes: green, rhizome and sporing. Green or assimilative shoots are typical for the horsetail structure - stems are sebacing, green, photosyntheses, and the leaves are leathery, a film, deprived of chlorophyll, located wicked in the stem nodes. The stem has well differentiated tissues, conducting collateral beams, closed, without reverse changes.

The lower part of the shoots is in the soil and is modified in the rhizome (2nd type of shoots), from which the apparent roots depart. Rhizomes occur deep in the soil and reserves nutrients. Due to the nutrients on the rhizer, the kidneys are laid and early in the spring of them are pinkish, also segmental sporing shoots (3rd type of shoots), which are not branched, do not assimilate, and are responsible for the useless reproduction and form disputes.

At the top of these shoots, there is gate, with a muttered by sporophylls, otherwise called sporangiophores. Each sporeophyll (sporangiophore) is a 6-coal shape of a panel on the leg. On the underside it is formed from 5 to 13 sporangies of oval form. A disputes are formed in them.

When ripening the argument, the flaps dries and move away, the outer wall of the sporangium is broken, and the disputes, pouring, are dispelled by the wind. The spores of the horsages are rounded, outwardly all the same, but they grow different gamemarketophytes - men's or female, i.e. Gametophytes of horsetails. Downtime plants. The structure of the dispute: they have tanning grows - elaters.

This is the third shell (except eccine and intone) in the form of 4-tier formations. They are hygroscopic, and in the humid state, the elaters are spinning around the dispute, and when drying, they are quickly spinning. Thanks to this adaptation, dry disputes form a light lump, carrying air flows, and facilitating the provision of a sexual process, which, like moss, requires drip-liquid water.

Gametophyte is small green rapts in the form of plates dismembered on the blades. The Hammetophyte of the horsetail is dwarm, - Arhegonia is developing on some plates, and Aniardia, and Gamenaophyte is often called a female and male zone. But sometimes monodomal gametophytes can also develop. The spores of the horsages lucked together by the elaters, when hitting the soil, turn out to be in different favorable lighting conditions, water supply. These microclies affect the formation of the floor of the future ingredient.

For the horsages, a small reduction of genital organs is characteristic: the number of compliant cells is reduced, dimensions decrease and the structure of these organs is simplified. Alterias of the horsages are immersed in the fabric of the outflow. Archegononia is only a neck towers over the overgrowth. Fertilization occurs in crude weather in the presence of a liquid medium. From the resulting zygota quickly forms a young sporophyte. Initially, it is hidden in the tissue of the oversight and consists of a stalk, two or three leaflets and the root, and then the root deepened into the soil, and the raptber moves to independent life.

So the circle of development of the horsages is completed, in which you can clearly see the predominance of a sufficiently drought-resistant sporophyte, but the sexual process, however, is impossible without water. The appointment of some types of horses are used as feed plants. At the same time, among them there are species (swolat and stringy) for domestic livestock. Because of its rigidity, the chests were used to clean the dishes, instead of sandpaper for polishing furniture. The field of field has a medicinal value, it is used as a hemostatic agent.

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general characteristics horsages. Held apart in the past is a huge, but almost completely extincting group of plants, whose flourishing fell on the coal period.

Ecology and spread of horsages. Horsetails are quite widespread mainly in the northern hemisphere.

It is found on a wet acidic soil, in raw forests, meadows, on the swamps, that is, in a variety of plant communities, but in any case in places with sufficient or excessive moisture. Often they form large thickets, and in some types of lowland swamps, along the shores of water bodies and in raw forests, the chests are often dominated in herbaceous cover.

Features of the structure of horsetails.

Horsetails have a winter rhizome, from which the apparent roots depart. On the rhizome there are nodules that contain starch. The above-ground part of the stem reaches in the species living in a moderate zone, 0.5 - 1 m, in tropical species of stems are usually longer.

For horsages, the special structure of shoots, distinguishing them from the rest of the highest disputes of plants.

Their shoots consist of segments (intercosals) and nodes with a mutter-located leaves. Leaves small brown scales, struck in the tube. Photosynthesis function performs green stem.

Another feature of horsages - accumulation of silica in the walls of the cells of the whole plant. Silica plays a mechanical and protective role: the chemicals are practically not damaged by mollusks and insects, they avoid vertebrate animals.

Reproduction of horsages.

Vegetative reproduction is carried out by fragmentation of rhizome, which, as the above-ground part, has a segic structure and is easily cleaned in nodes. Each fragment of the layer gives plentiful shoots.

Due to the presence of such a method of vegetative reproduction, the horsetails are hard-expirable weeds.

In the spring, shoots grow on the rhizomes, on which sporing spikes are located.

Characteristics of the department hostess. Development cycle, representatives, meaning.

At the bottom side of the gamemarketophyte, colorless rhizoids arise, with the help of which it is attached to the soil and sucks water with mineral salts dissolved in it.

Fertilization at the horsages is carried out, as in all disputes of plants, in the presence of a drop-length of moisture on the surface of the gametophyte. Sperm coat float to female sexual organs, one of them penetrates him and merges with an egg.

The resulting zygota grows into sporophyte.

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See also:

Value value

Most of the horsages are inedible, but some types of horsetails (horsetail) are used as animal feed.

In some localities, it may be poisonous. It is also used in medicine as a hemostanior and diuretic drug during edema.

Sometimes starchy tubers and young sporing spikes are used in food. Horsetail - malicious weed. Horsetail, Hall, Screensy, White Hall - poisonous plants. Rigid stalks of the horseway of the wintering can be used as an abrasive material.

Chapter 10. Department of Fern

Department of higher disputes, combining about 12 thousand.

modern species. For ferns typical:

© Widely distributed in a wide variety of climatic zones, the largest number of species is typical for the tropics;

© Life forms are diverse - perennial herbaceous, tree plants, lianas, epiphytes;

© In the life cycle, sporeophyte prevails, which is a leafy plant with well-pronounced roots, stems and leaves;

© roots are always apparent, with root hairs;

© Stems are well developed in tree shapes; Herbatous ferns shoots most often represented by rhizomes, often covered with various hairs and scales;

in the core of the stem, there is a mechanical fabric, in the center - several concentric wire-blowing beams; Xylem, formed by tracheids, is surrounded by floem from sithoid cells without satellite cells;

© Leaves ( wii), for a long time retain the ability to the top growth; can be both whole and filament; typical

one-piece sheet is differentiated on a petiole and leaf plate; the overwhelming majority of ferns leaves, having a petiole, which is continuing in Rahis - the sheet axis on which feathers are located; Often, the leaves combine the function of photosynthesis and spioning;

© Sports are located on the bottom surface of the leaves and most often collected by groups - sarusescovered with a shared bedspread - induce, representing the leaf tissue;

© Mostly ferns - equivofor plants;

© A disposal of the overwhelming majority of metering ferns develops a ripple GaMetophyte (also called the overgrowth), having a kind of green plate attached to the substrate with rhizoids;

© Archegononia and Aniardia are developing on the lower surface of the outflow;

© For fertilization, water is necessary;

© zygota first develops the embryo, and then adult sporophyte.

One of the most widespread types of ferns in Europe (Fig.

71). It grows mainly in shady forests. Sporophyte is represented by a large perennial herbaceous plant with a height of up to 1 meter.

Rhizome is powerful, abundantly covered with residues of pasta leaf pastries and rust-brown flakes. Thin apparent roots depart from the bottom of the root. Sheet plate twiceperistrastic. Two years, the leaves are developing in kidneys underground and only on the third year in spring appear above the surface of the soil, and by autumn die away.

Young leaves are twisted in the form of a snail and grow long for a long time, gradually spinning.

On the lower surface of the leaves along the average veins by autumn, sporangies collected in the seats are formed.

As a result of the meyotic division of the cells of the spore tissue, haploid disputes are formed. After ripening the argument, the sporal wall is broken, thereby ensuring the spread of the dispute.

OK B. favorable conditionsThe dispute grows up and, from it is formed by a gamethophyte, which has a view of a heart-shaped plate with a length of 1.5-5 mm. Single-layer switch and only in the middle part of the multilayer.

On the bottom facing the ground, the side forms a large number of rhizoids located closer to the pointed part of the record. Here are Archegonia and Aniardia. Archegononia is located on a thickened part of the ingrowth, closer to the heart-shaped excavation, and Aniardia - closer to the pointed part, often among the rhizoids.

Anteridias are formed belgraged polysens (several dozen) spermatozoa. Once in the water, they rush to Archegan and penetrate his abdomen through the neck.

The overall characteristic of the horsages.

Here is the fertilization of the egg and the formation of zygotes. The embryo begins to develop in Archegononia. Before the formation of a green leaf and its own roots, it depends on the Gametophyte.

Ferns are an important component of many plant communities, especially in tropical, subtropical, as well as northern (mostly widely) forests.

Many ferns are indicators of various types of soil. Some species of ferns are used in medicine as an anthelmintic agent for treatment open Ran., cough and throat diseases. Azol types are used as a green fertilizer enriching soil with nitrogen. Some fern are used in decorative flower growing.


See more:

Sporied spikelets of horsetail 1general form; 2 sporeophylls; 3.separate sporophyll led.; foursPOOANGIY

At the top of the shoots of the horsetails, the organs of spioning - sporangia are formed.

At the horsages, they are sitting by uniform, but they are going to whole spikelets. Each spikelet consists of 10-20 thyroid "leaves", under which 4-6 sporangies are hidden. In order to distinguish the usual leaves from the disturbed, scientists have come up with a special term - sporeophyll (from the words "dispute" and "phillon" - leaf).

Remember this word is easy, but it is very necessary - it is still repeated to you on the pages of this book.

Most species spikelets with sporangies can only be seen in spring or early summer, and at the wintering horsetail, old spikelets are saved on the shoot for another one or two years. But the field hat "distinguished" by what has two types of shoots.

The first yellow-brown shoots with sporing spikes on the top appear usually at the beginning of May and "busy" exclusively with reproduction - they do not contain chlorophyll. The shoots of the second type are vegetative: they are green, branched and appear after the union of the sporing.

The main part of the growing plant is underground.

The mass of underground horsages - rhizomes and roots - many times more than the mass of above-ground shoots.

By the way, do not confuse roots and rhizomes! Rhizome is not a terrible cannibal root, and not at all the root, but an underground modified escape that serves for storing reserves, experiences difficult times and vegetative reproduction.

The rhizomes are growing in the soil immediately in two directions - horizontally and vertically.

With the help of horizontal roots, often located at a depth of 0.5-2 m, the hat captures new territories, and with the help of vertical - mastering them. As with overhead stems, scaly leaves and kidneys can be considered on the rhizome, from which new above-ground shoots develop every spring.

In the rhizome, the reserves of nutrients are deposited, mostly starch. Sometimes it is possible to find the nodules, they resemble miniature potatoes (1-1.5 cm in diameter) and are also in stockborne horsewings. Previously, the poor population of Eurasia and North America has been widely used sweet-ricked feld cheer in food.

Sweets for the taste and sporing shoots of wild chewing. However, not too much to get fond of eating horsages - among them there are also poisonous.

The roots of the horsages often grow up to 2 m in length and easily reach aquifer, which allows these plants to live even on dry soils.

Rhizomes of the horsages are stretching underground for many meters. Their old sites die away, and the young are separated from each other, gradually one plant gives rise to several independent - so there is a vegetative reproduction of the horsetail.

The ability to multiply even small pieces Rhizivism makes the chests by hardworking and annoying weeds. Try to evict the cost of the garden, and you will understand what I mean.

Field Horsetail 1 vegetative escape (summer); 2.geneant escape (spring); 3.rhizome; fourtubes; fivesporing spikelet; 6.czechoidal leaves; 7.side sprigs; eightputting roots

Such a survivability and unpretentiousness very reversing the chests.

Often they form clean thickets in those places where other plants cannot live, for example, due to excessive abundance of water or, on the contrary, due to its shortage in the surface layers of the soil.

Capturing some territory, the horsetails successfully hold it, despite the droughts, forest fires, pales and pulling into cattle. And all this thanks to creeping rhizomes, reliably protected thick layer of soil.

Spores of horsages, like other fern, can germinate only on wet soil. It is also necessary for their incentrics to develop water, but nevertheless, the chests are not at all "tied" to wet habitats - after a young horsetail grows on the overpower, it will crawl away from long rhizomes to the sides, exciting all new sites, even those where from Spore he would never be a sprout.

It is probably that the ability to grow and vegetative reproduction allowed the most important to be preserved to the present day.


If you want to see the planes, it is best to go to the coniferous forest. In Ylannik, you will most likely meet the Baranets Plannets, and in the pine - planes are male and flattened. By appearance Planes resemble miniature Christmas trees. Unlike the leaf's horses, they are easily, they dense the escape from the roots to the most tips. Some of them perform an exceptionally functional function, on others, which, as you remember, are called sporophylls, the organs of the useless reproduction are arranged by disputes.

At the Playana-Baranza, both types of leaves externally indistinguishable. Sporophilles have green color and take part in the plant's nutrition. The only way to detect them is to consider each piece from above in search of sporals using a magnifying glass.

Planes: 1. male-shaped; 2. barnets; 3. felt

In other species of our plaues find sporophilles much easier.

All of them are assembled at the top of escape into special spikelets sitting on a thin leg. These spikelets are easily noticeable, since the formulations of their spores and dimensions, and the form, and sometimes even color differ from ordinary leaves. For example, at a pin-shaped plain spikelet of yellow-green.

Many plauines have stale stems.

This means that older sections of shoots lie on Earth, and young raised vertically. Initially, the plane plant grows in all directions and forms a small curtain. Particular more old sections of shoots gradually die off, and new young people grow up in different directions from the center of Kurtin.

Department flavors. General biological characteristics, classification, value.

As a result of such a single-sided growth from the center to the periphery of the plain, the "Windges rings", resembling rings of mushrooms. Of course, the "Winched Ring" is not always an ideal even circle, it may be the wrong shape and interrupted. The growth rate of the plant is more or less constant, therefore, measuring the ring diameter, it is possible to calculate its approximate age. Calculations show that the pladen has fallen some rings reaching the diameter of more than 40 m, have an age of 150-300 years.

Sporied plain spikelets: 1sporeophylls; 2.sporangia; 3.spore

In the south of Australia, on Tasmania and in New Zealand, a very interesting representative of the Plauanovy - Filloglesums of Drammond is found.

The adult plant grows not longer than 4-5 cm from the soil surface and is a compact bush of several leaves. Typically, Filloglossum breeds vegetatively with the help of leaves. Fragile leaves are often laid off from the plant, on the wet soil, their bases are formed by the magnets, of which new phillographers grow.

Filloglossum refers to the group of pyroofit plants, which are not only not afraid of fire, but on the contrary, they need fires. Many pyrophyetic plants can normally develop and multiply, if there are no fires from time to time. In the absence of fires, the lush growing herbs are devastating and shadowed by Fillhoflosum. In such conditions, the pyroophyte plane is in the oppressed state, only the burnout of herbal cover and vegetable poking brings it only.

If the fires do not occur over several years, Filloglesums in this place disappears. So destructive for all living fire is the most important condition Survival for Filloglossum.

Filloglesum Drammonda

For the sake of fairness, it must be said that most of the plaunov, unlike Filloglossum, are very vulnerable creatures and need protection.

The weakest places of the plaunov are a long-term developmental (sometimes over 15 years) and primitive roots that can grow only in soft soil. If you meet with a pladen in the forest (or with Selaginella in a flower store, it also applies to the plane-shaped), take it to them with careful reverence - in the end, they are 400 million older than you.

For horsages, the presence of shoots consisting of well-pronounced segments (intersals) and nodes with a mutton-located leaves. Helds belong to herbaceous plants with a stem length from several centimeters to several meters. The tree forms that reached the height of 15 m, and the diameter of more than 0.5 m, difed.

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Higher disputes are the first terrestrial plants living in wet, often under the canopy forest places, or on swamps, or in fields with sour soils.

Mothering in Paleozoic Tree Ferns, Khoshshi and Plauans in our time are presented with herbs, with the exception of tropical tree fern. For this period, the mossy changed little during this period, as they occupy only inherent wet habitats. These plants for reproduction requires water, since their gametes - spermatozoa are transferred to the eggs only in drip-liquid water, and the ingrows can only grow on wet soil.

Life in difficult conditions of sushi led the selection on such adaptive signs as the formation vegetative organs (root, stem, sheet), reproduction organs (Archegononia, Alteria, Sports), as well as fabrics.

In the supply chains of past geological epochs, higher dispute plants occupied the leading place: they served as food for herbivores, reptiles. Currently, their role as feed plants has decreased markedly, but the importance in nature remains: they hold water in the soil, create conditions for the preservation and germination of the seeds of gone and coated plants, are the habitat for animals.

In the human farm, the role of ancient tree forms that gave the deposits of stone coal, which, like peat, is not only fuel, but also valuable chemical raw materials. Among this group of plants, only a field of field is a hard-painted weed field with an increased soil acidity.

Higher disputes are live fossils that have come down to this day, so they must be protected and guarded. In the Red Book of the USSR, 32 types of moss, 6 species of ferns were submitted; The Red Book of the RSFSR contains 22 types of mosses, 10 - ferns and 4-plane.

A characteristic feature of the horsages is the presence of peculiar portrait of the structures of structures - sporangiophors. The overwhelming majority of the horsages are equalifory plants.


Sex generation - Gametophyte (switch). Alterias and Archegonia are formed on Gametophytes. In Anteridia, polysegutic spermatozoa develop, and archeganis - egg cells. Fertilization is made in the presence of drip water, and sporephite grows from the zygote without a period of rest.


From the horsages now there is one class of horsetail (or equisometropsis). From the family of the horsette is the most common occasion. Horsetails often make up a significant percentage of grass meadows and wetlands; Completed on acidic soil. Rod combines about 30 species; In our country, 4, in Ukraine - 9 are common. Most often, we have a field of field, a meadow, a male hat, a horsetail and a horsetail.


Herbal plant having annual overhead shoots. A small number of events evergreen. The sizes of the stems of the horses vary greatly: dweller plants with a stem of 5-15 cm height and a diameter of 0.5-1 mm and a plant with a length of several meters long (the horsetail of a multi-point stem reaches a length of 9 m). Horsetails of tropical forests reach a height of 12 m. The underground part is the rhizome, creeping, branched, in which nutrients can be laid (tubers are formed) and which serves as a vegetative reproduction organ. Overhead shoots grow apart. Summer shoots - vegetative, branchy, assimilating, consist of segments, with well-developed interstices. From the nodes, mortal and also dissected branches are branched. The leaves are unobtrety, they grow up in the gear vagina, which are dressed low part Intezion. In the cells of the epiderma, the stem is often deposited with silica, so the chests are poor food.

Spring shoots - spontaneous, unassimilant, unintelligent, sponshop spikes are formed on their top. After ripening, the dispute shoots away. Spores spherical, with four spring ribbons, greenish, germinate in the oversight, same-sex - male or female. There are cases when Anisteria and Archegononia are snorn on one overgrowth. Of the fertilized egg, the foreground grows, and then adult hat.

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