Instructions for the use of atropine eye drops. Atropine drops - to dilate the pupil

Atropine is a drug that contributes to the creation of drug mydriasis, or in other words, the dilation of the pupil. Due to the large number of contraindications and side effects Atropine is rarely used in therapy today.

Atropine is a plant-derived alkaloid. The main active substance harvested from plants that belong to the nightshade family.

Atropine promotes pupil dilation and prevents the outflow of intraocular fluid, which in turn leads to an increase in intraocular pressure and the development of accommodation paralysis. The latter has not only a therapeutic effect, but is also accompanied by impaired visual acuity, which should be taken into account by vehicle drivers.

After Atropine enters the surface of the eye, its muscle, which is responsible for fixing the lens, relaxes, and the outflow of intraocular fluid changes.

A pronounced therapeutic effect, as a rule, can be observed already after half an hour from the moment of application of the composition. Full restoration of eye functions occurs after three days of treatment.

Release form

Atropine belongs to anticholinergic drugs, m-cholinergic receptor blockers. It is produced in the form of eye drops and injection solutions with the main active ingredient - atropine sulfate.

Injection solutions are sold in 1 ml ampoules. The concentration of atropine in 1 ml is 1 mg. As for eye drops, 1 ml of the composition contains about 10 mg of atropine. The drug is sold in 5 ml polyethylene bottles.

Instructions for use

Atropine is prescribed to patients to reduce the secretory functions of the glands, to relax the tone of organs with smooth muscles, pupil dilation, increased intraocular pressure and accommodation paralysis, which is characterized by changes in the focal length of the eye. The medicinal composition is also recommended in the case when it is necessary to accelerate or excite cardiac activity.

Atropine is used in the treatment of patients with:

  • gastric ulcer and duodenum;
  • spasms bile ducts, smooth muscle organs of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchi;
  • hypersalivation;
  • bradycardia;
  • acute form of pancreatitis;
  • intestinal and renal colic;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • bronchial spasms;
  • bronchitis with hypersecretion;
  • AV block;
  • laryngospasm;
  • poisoning with anticholinesterase substances and m-cholinomimetics.

Atropine is also used if it is necessary to carry out x-ray examinations gastrointestinal tract.

In ophthalmology, the medicinal composition is recommended for determining ocular refraction, when examining the bottom of the eye, as well as for medicinal purposes in diagnoses presented by spasms of the central retinal arteries, keratitis, iritis, choroiditis, iridocyclitis, embolism and some eye injuries.


Atropine is produced by a domestic pharmaceutical manufacturer - Moscow Endocrine Plant, which has set the following prices for its own products:

Release form Manufacturer Cost, rub. Pharmacy
1% solution, 5 ml, eye drops MEZ, Russia 53,00
Eye drops 1% bottle, 5 ml MEZ, Russia 52,50 Pharmacy "Roxana"
Eye drops 1%, 5ml MEZ, Russia 51,00 LLC "Apteka"
Eye drops fl-cap. 1%, ml MEZ, Russia 52,80 Pharmacy "Violet"
Eye drops 1%, bottle 5ml MEZ, Russia 51,16 Samson-Pharma
Eye drops 1%, bottle 5ml MEZ, Russia 53,30 Planet Health
Eye drops 1%, bottle 5ml MEZ, Russia 53,00 Onfarm
Eye drops 1%, bottle 5ml MEZ, Russia 49,76 Agave
Eye drops 1%, bottle 5ml MEZ, Russia 53,00 Nova Vita
Eye drops 1%, bottle 5ml MEZ, Russia 53,80 "City Pharmacy"


As already noted, atropine is rarely used today for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Experts prefer its equally effective, but safer, following analogues:

  • Taufon - eye drops based on taurine. The drug is prescribed for corneal dystrophy, cataracts, corneal injuries and degenerative lesions of the retina. The solution is sold in dropper bottles with a volume of 10 ml. The average cost of a medicine is 125 rubles.
  • Systane ultra - composition for moisturizing the surface of the cornea and increasing eye comfort. It is distinguished by its complex composition, and the American pharmaceutical company Alcon is engaged in its production. The prices for the drug are in the range from 190 to 557 rubles.
  • Midriacil - ophthalmic solution based on tropicamide, which promotes pupil dilation, development of accommodation paralysis. It is produced in 15 ml bottles, the average cost of which is 350 rubles.
  • Tropicamide- eye drops with mydriatic, anticholinergic nature of the effect. The main active ingredient is tropicamide. Differs from Atropine more short action caused by paralysis of accommodation, as well as a slight effect on the state of intraocular pressure. Available in 5 ml bottles, the average cost of which is 90 rubles.
  • Cycloptic - eye drops based on cyclopentolate hydrochloride. Medicinal solution It is used for diagnostics when performing ophthalmoscopy, to detect keratitis, iridocyclitis, episcleritis, scleritis and inflammatory pathologies affecting the anterior parts of the eyes. Available in 5 ml bottles, average price which - 130 rubles.
  • Irifrin - eye drops based on phenylephrine hydrochloride. It is prescribed to dilate the pupil for diagnostic purposes during ophthalmoscopy and during other studies, with the help of which it will be possible to determine the condition of the posterior parts of the eyes. It is produced in bottles with a volume of 5 ml and an average cost of 560 rubles.


The main contraindications for which the appointment of Atropine should be excluded are:

  • hypersensitivity to the constituent components of the drug;
  • angle-closure and narrow-angle forms of glaucoma or with suspicions of its development;
  • synechiae affecting the iris of the eyes;
  • under the age of 7 years.

The drug should be used with caution during the period of bearing a child. The result of research is confirmation of the penetration of atropine through the placental barrier. However, the clinical safety of the composition for the fetus has not been proven.

It has been noted that intravenous administration of Atropine during pregnancy or before childbirth can cause the development of tachycardia in a child. The use of the drug during lactation is also accompanied by penetration medicinal composition in breast milk.

Manufacturers to patients with arrhythmia, increased blood pressure, any other disorders of the functioning of organs of cardio-vascular system, as well as over the age of 40, it is recommended to prescribe the drug only after a comprehensive examination.

No less dangerous conditions in which Atropine should be taken with caution are represented by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, malfunctions endocrine system and an increase in body temperature.


Depending on the expected therapeutic effect the drug can be prescribed in the following dosages:

  • If premedication is necessary, adults are prescribed the introduction of the composition in a dosage calculated at the rate of 300 to 600 μg per kilogram of weight.
  • In case of intoxication with cholinomimetics and drugs with phosphorus, it is recommended to administer the drug intravenously, 1.4 ml.
  • With bradycardia, intravenous administration of the composition in an amount of 0.5 to 1 mg is recommended. Another introduction is allowed if necessary and after 5 minutes.
  • It is recommended to use eye drops no more than 3 times a day, 1-2 drops, and adhering to an interval of 5 hours.

When using the drug, it is important not to exceed the maximum permissible daily dosage of 3 mg and a single dosage of 600 mcg.

Side effects

Serious side effects may occur during treatment with Atropine. This is about:

  • dizziness, dryness in oral cavity, tachycardia, urinary retention, constipation, photophobia, paralysis of accommodation, impaired tactile perception, which can develop against the background of systemic use of the drug;
  • feeling anxiety, headaches, accelerated heartbeat;
  • hyperemia and edema of the conjunctiva, tachycardia, which is typical for the use of Atropine locally;
  • allergic reactions.

Atropine can cause mydriasis, which can persist for 7 to 10 days. At the same time, the installation of cholinomimetics does not contribute to the normalization of the condition. In view of the above side effects, consisting in visual impairment, it is recommended to refuse to drive a car in the first 2-3 hours after the installation of the composition in the area of \u200b\u200bthe conjunctival sac.


Supplementing Atropine with antacids containing aluminum or calcium carbonate helps to reduce the absorption of the drug in the digestive tract. To avoid such consequences, it is recommended to adhere to an interval between doses of 1 hour or more.

Simultaneous reception of Atropine with phenylephrine can cause arterial hypertension, but in combination with Procainamide, an increase in the effect of the first drug is noted.

When applying eye drops it is important to avoid getting the solution into the nasopharynx area. To do this, experts recommend pressing the lacrimal opening located in the lower part. It is also important to consider that in patients with an intensely colored iris, a covered pupil dilation is possible. In this case, it is important not to overdose.


If the recommended permissible dosages of the drug are exceeded or in conditions of frequent use, unpleasant symptoms may develop, which are characteristic of an overdose. Patients are at risk of visual impairment, unsteadiness of gait, difficulty breathing, drowsiness, hallucinations, hyperthermia, muscle weakness.

In this case, the treatment is carried out with physostigmine. The composition should be administered intravenously in an amount of not less than 0.5 and not more than 2 mg, adhering to a rate of not more than 1 mg per minute.

The daily dosage of the drug used should not exceed 5 mg. To provide first aid in case of an overdose of Atropine, it is possible to use neostigmine methyl sulfate, which is administered intramuscularly every 3 hours, 1-2 mg, depending on the patient's condition.

Rumyantseva Anna Grigorievna

Reading time: 7 minutes


One of the most popular once drugs in ophthalmology was Atropine.

Now is he less and less common in ophthalmic practice due to the presence of a mass of side effects.

But in some situations, the use of these drops is necessary... Application of this drug should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a physician.

Available as a 1% solution in 5 ml vials.

pharmachologic effect

Atropine is an alkaloid vegetable origin... It is found in various plants of the nightshade family, for example, belladonna, belina.

The main action is to dilate the pupil (mydriasis).

This is associated with a slowdown in the outflow of intraocular fluid, an increase in the intraocular pressure.

As a result, accommodation paralysis develops (the ability of the eye to adapt to changing conditions).

This effect significantly reduces vision., which makes working at close range problematic.

Need to know!The duration of the effect is about 4 days, then the work of the eye muscles gradually begins to recover. The maximum action time is 10 days.

Penetration of the drug occurs by absorption through the mucous membrane of the eye.

The ciliary muscle that fixes the lens relaxes, shifts, which stops the outflow of intraocular fluid. The result is an increase in intraocular pressure.

Instructions for use

Instillation 1-2 drops of a 1% solution of atropine in the sore eye (in both eyes in preparation for diagnostic procedures).

According to the instructions for use, apply 3 times a day, every 5-6 hours... For children, use a solution of lower concentration.

With 0.1% solution, subconjunctival or parabulbar injections can be performed... For subconjunctival injections, the volume of the solution is 0.2-0.5 ml, for parabulbar - 0.3-0.5 ml.

By means of electrophoresis or eye baths, a 0.5% solution is injected from the anode.

Indications for use

Keep in mind!Drops are systemically used for:

  • Gastrointestinal pathologies (spasm, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, intestinal colic, irritable bowel syndrome and a number of other pathologies);
  • Respiratory system disorders (bronchospasm, laryngospasm);
  • Premedication for surgical interventions;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (AV block, bradycardia).

Locally used in ophthalmology:

Interaction with other medicinal substances

Important! With the simultaneous use of atropine with certain groups of drugs, certain effects may occur.

When combined with:

Features of use during pregnancy

Able to cross the placenta. When intravenous administration can cause changes in the fetal heart rate (tachycardia).

Remember! Use in pregnant women is indicated only if healing effect from the drug outweighs the risks to the fetus.

Features of use in children

Use under strict supervision in children with chronic diseases lungs - atropine is able to reduce the secretion of bronchial mucus, which leads to its thickening and blockage of the bronchi.

Side effects

When using this drug the following adverse effects are possible:


  • individual intolerance;
  • Closed and open-angle forms of glaucoma;
  • Synechiae of the iris.

Composition and dispensing from pharmacies

The composition includes a 1% solution of atropine sulfate. Dispensed by prescription doctor.

Conditions and shelf life

A drug keep out of reach of children at temperatures up to 25 ° C for 5 years.

After the expiration date, the drug is prohibited to use.

Similar medicines

TO similar medications can be attributed:


average price for eye drops "Atropine" is about 45 rubles.


A month ago I was faced with the fact that to kid at the medical board discovered poor eyesight ... And so, in order to make a specific diagnosis, the doctor prescribed a drip of Atropine.

To drip a child's eyes with Atropine is a real punishment. The medicine burns badly.

but diagnosis we still thanks to this drug they put in and these drops were canceled.

Turned to an ophthalmologist with complaints of deterioration of vision, after inspection me was appointed Atropine... AND in two hours - again for inspection.

There are some inconveniences after using this drug.

For a long time you can not look at a bright light, read, overload your vision, everything around is cloudy and vague.

But the drug does its job - there is an effect, after the next examination, the doctor prescribed the necessary treatment and said to drip Atropine for another 3 days.

Useful video

This video discusses the drug Atropine and its analogues:

Despite all the side effects atropine does not matter takes place in ophthalmology.

The use of this drug must be justified, and its appointment must be carried out by a specialist.

In contact with

Artopin is a drug that is designed to create medication mydriasis (pupil dilation). This drug has long-term action, because the effect after its use lasts 10 days, so this feature should be taken into account.

Eye drops Atropine

Immediately, we note that the drug also has a number of contraindications that should be taken into account. Because of this, you can't call it popular enough, but it suits many people. However, it is strictly prohibited to use it without the permission of a doctor.

Atropine eye drops action

The substance Atropine now belongs to the group of alkaloids, they are found in the nightshade plant families. Such a substance causes the pupils to dilate, which as a result will impede the outflow of fluid within the eye itself. Because of this, pressure increases and accommodation paralysis begins to develop. This effect can reduce short distance visual acuity. Accordingly, after the appointment, you will not be able to work with books or drive, which is not acceptable for many people.

Note! After taking the effect of the Atropine solution, you will feel after half an hour. The main functions of the eyes will return in about 3-4 days, sometimes this period can be one week (it all depends on the organism).

Atropine eye drops are always rapidly absorbed through the conjunctiva. Next, we relax the lens, as a result, the muscles will mix into the anterior chamber of the eye, which changes the outflow of fluid inside the eye itself. Due to this, pressure begins to rise, respectively, in some people, an exacerbation of glaucoma may appear.

Atropine application

Atropine eye drops instruction

Atropine eye drops are now used to dilate the pupil. This is done for diagnostic purposes during treatment. various diseases and at the moment when the pupils cannot narrow and the eye loses the ability to focus distance. This effect is called “eye accommodation paralysis”.

Accordingly, doctors have the opportunity to establish all the problems and prescribe a treatment that will restore vision to any person.

Atropine instructions for use eye drops are used in the following cases:

  1. During a serious eye injury.
  2. To relax the muscles of the eyes, to restore and heal basic functions that may be lost.
  3. Also, the remedy is used at a time if there is a tendency to a blood clot.
  4. Sometimes it is used when the eye needs complete rest.
  5. With spasm of the retinal artery of the eyeball.

Eye drops Atropine instructions for use

Please note that you should not take such drops without a doctor's prescription, they can cause serious harm.

Eye drops Atropine release form

But, if a doctor has prescribed them for you, but there is no standard prescription, then you can proceed according to the standard scheme of taking them. Atropine is used as follows6

  1. 1-2 drops in each eye (if affected).
  2. The drug cannot be used more than three times per day.
  3. Installation 5-6 hours (interval between receptions).

Atropine eye drops for children are diluted in proportions of 0.5% and below.


Now the drug can not be used with:

  • Synechiae of the iris.
  • If there is hypersensitivity to the components of the drops.
  • Do not give to children under 7 years of age if the solution is more than 1%.

It is also worth carefully applying to pregnant women during lactation and people who are 40 years old or more.

Note! The drug can increase blood pressure, and it can also cause cardiac arrhythmias or disorders of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, always see your doctor.

The following diseases are also dangerous: diseases thyroid gland, intestines and stomach, heat body.

Side effects of the drug

Atropine eye drops also have a number of side effects, the main ones worth highlighting:

  1. Dry mouth.
  2. Sense of anxiety.
  3. Difficulty urinating.
  4. Strong headache.
  5. Fear of light.
  6. Redness of the eyelids.
  7. Dry mouth.
  8. Violation of the sensitivity of the human skin.
  9. Long dizziness.
  10. Redness of the eyelids.

Memo! The higher the dose, the stronger side effects can occur in every person.

Atropine price

Now the average price for atropine in pharmacies is 67 rubles. Some set a higher price, but since the drug is not popular, this is not always logical.

Atropine analogs eye drops

Now there are several analogues of this tool.

The preparation contains the main substance atropine sulfate and additional components depending on its shape.

Release form

The main form of release of Atropine: injection solution and eye drops. The solution is packaged in 1 ml ampoules, and eye drops in 5 ml dropper bottles.

pharmachologic effect

The drug has anticholinergic action capable of blocking M-cholinergic receptors.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Atropine is an alkaloid that is also found in some plants, such as belladonna, dope, henbane and others. In medicine, a substance called. It should be noted that the release form of this component is a granular or crystalline powder. whiteodorless. It dissolves easily in water or ethanol and is resistant to chloroform and ether.

The pharmacological group that this drug belongs to is anticholinergic. In this case, the mechanism of action includes blocking m-cholinergic receptors.

The use of this substance leads to amidriasis, accommodation paralysis, increased intraocular pressure, and xerostomia. Inhibition of the secretion of bronchial, sweat and other glands was also noted. Relaxation occurs in the smooth muscles of the bronchi, bile or urinary organs, the gastrointestinal tract, that is, the substance acts as an antagonist and exhibits an antispasmodic effect.

In high dosages, the nervous system may be excited. When atropine is injected intravenously, the manifestation of the maximum effect is noted after 2-4 minutes, and if eye drops are used, then after 30 minutes.

The combination with antacids that contain Al3 + or Ca2 + can reduce the absorption of the main substance from the gastrointestinal tract. Some tricyclic antidepressants , phenothiazines , Quinidine, antihistamines and other drugs with m-anticholinergic properties can increase the development of systemic undesirable effects.

Nitrates can cause an increase in intraocular pressure, and Atropine can change the absorption parameters and Mexiletina .

special instructions

The use of Atropine for AV block of the distal type, accompanied by wide complexes QRS ineffective and generally not recommended.

When the solution is dripped into the conjunctival sac, the lower lacrimal point should be gently pressed to avoid droplets entering the nasopharynx. Subconjunctival or parabulbar injection is recommended with concurrent administration to reduce tachycardia.

Terms of sale

On prescription.

Storage conditions

To store any form of the drug, a dark, cool place is required, out of reach of children.

Shelf life

For injection solution - 5 years, for eye drops - 3 years.

Analogues of Atropine

Matching ATX level 4:

The main analogues: , and .


By order of the Chairman of the Committee

Pharmaceutical control

Ministry of Health

Republic of Kazakhstan

From "___" ___________ 20 ____

№ _______________________

Instructions for medical use




Atropine sulfate

International non-proprietary name

Atropine sulfate

Dosage form

Eye drops 10mg / ml


1 ml of solution contains

active substance- atropine sulfate 0.05 g,

excipients:sodium chloride, sodium metabisulfite, water for injection.


Colorless transparent liquid

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Drugs for the treatment of eye diseases. Midriatics. Holinoblockers.

АТС code S01FA01

Pharmacological properties


Considering the systemic effect of atropine when swallowing eye drops that have entered the nasopharynx through the lacrimal canal, the drug is easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, the bioavailability of the drug is 50%, the half-life is 13-38 hours, atropine is 50% bound to blood plasma proteins, metabolized in the liver, excreted by the kidneys by 50% unchanged.


Atropine sulfate reduces the secretion of salivary and other glands, causes tachycardia, improves atrioventricular conduction, reduces the tone of smooth muscle organs, significantly dilates the pupils (with a possible increase in intraocular pressure), and causes paralysis of accommodation.

The mechanism of action is due to the selective blockade of m-cholinergic receptors by atropine (to a lesser extent affects n-cholinergic receptors), as a result of which the latter become insensitive to acetylcholine, which is formed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe endings of the postganglionic parasympathetic nerves. The maximum mydriasis occurs after 30 - 40 minutes and lasts for 7 - 10 days, accommodation paralysis, respectively, after 1 - 3 hours and persists for 8 - 12 days.

The systemic effect of atropine is due to its anticholinergic (anticholinergic) action and includes inhibition of the secretion of salivary, gastric, bronchial, sweat glands, pancreas, increased heart rate (decreases the inhibitory effect of n.vagus on the heart), decreased tone of smooth muscle organs (bronchial tree, organs abdominal and etc.).

Penetrating the blood-brain barrier, atropine affects the central nervous system... The drug reduces muscle tone and tremor in patients with parkinsonism (central anticholinergic action), in therapeutic doses, atropine stimulates the respiratory center, large doses of atropine cause motor and mental disorders, convulsions, hallucinatory phenomena, respiratory paralysis.

Indications for use

Diagnostic pupil dilation for fundus examination

To achieve accommodation paralysis in order to determine the true refraction of the eye

As part of complex therapy at inflammatory diseases, eye trauma, embolism or spasm of the central retinal artery

Method of administration and dosage

For therapeutic purposes adults and children over 7 years oldappoint 1 - 2 drops of atropine 2 - 3 times a day.

Side effects

Increased intraocular pressure

Hyperemia of the eyelid skin, hyperemia and edema of the conjunctiva (especially when long-term use)



Dry mouth.



Violation of urination with benign hyperplasia prostate

Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug

Childhood up to 7 years

Drug interactions

When atropine sulfate is used with monoamine oxidase inhibitors, cardiac arrhythmias occur, with quinine, novocainamide, a summation of the anticholinergic effect is observed.

special instructions

Atropine sulfate should be prescribed with caution, taking into account the possible increased individual sensitivity to it. When the drug is injected into the conjunctival sac in the form of drops, it is necessary to compress the portion of the lacrimal duct to prevent the solution from entering the lacrimal canal and its absorption. In ophthalmic practice, atropine sulfate is advisable to use primarily for therapeutic purposes, and for diagnostic purposes, it is better to use mydriatics of less prolonged action.

Usage data contact lenses there is no atropine sulfate during use.

Pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed only if absolutely necessary. When using atropine during lactation, you should stop breast-feeding, because the drug passes into breast milk and can cause respiratory depression and drowsiness in the baby.

Features of the effect of the drug on the ability to manage vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms

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