Chlamydia is not completely cured. Can chronic chlamydia be cured? What antibiotics are most effective

Chronic chlamydia is a phrase indicating that the disease has passed into an advanced stage. Perhaps this happened due to improper therapy, interrupted or not started treatment at all. In any case, to get rid of chronic chlamydia, you need to make an effort and be patient, because you need to conduct a certain diagnosis, and the selected course of treatment can be long.

In this article, we will talk about the symptoms of chronic chlamydia in men and women, find out what drugs are prescribed for this disease, and also consider possible complications of chlamydia.

Chlamydia - infectious disease, which is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis. According to WHO, about 1 billion people worldwide suffer from chlamydia. The main route of transmission is sexual (with vaginal or anal sexual intercourse), less often - contact-household.

The transition of chlamydia from acute to chronic is due to late diagnosis of the disease, or incorrect treatment. Usually the transition period lasts 2-3 months.

Chronic chlamydia is characterized by the formation of elementary bodies that stop at any stage of development without turning into reticular ones. In further diagnostic studies, chlamydia-like structures are found that do not complete the development cycle, as a result of which they do not have sensitivity to antibiotics.

Signs of chronic chlamydia in men do not have characteristic manifestations and are hidden behind nonspecific urethritis, accompanied by:

  • burning during urination;
  • itching in the beginning of the urethra;
  • soreness and discomfort in the scrotum;
  • symptoms of prostatitis.

Important! In many cases, chlamydia in men is asymptomatic, which significantly worsens the diagnosis and contributes to negative consequences.

In women, exacerbation of chronic chlamydia is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • vaginal discharge, mucopurulent;
  • burning sensation when urinating;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • uncomfortable feelings during intercourse;
  • itching of the genitals;
  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • pain during menstruation.

In cases of advanced chronic chlamydia, Reiter's disease develops, which is a serious complication leading to disability. The syndrome is accompanied by asymmetric arthritis, urethritis and conjunctivitis.

Methods of therapy for chronic chlamydia

To date, the treatment of chronic chlamydia has advanced significantly, thanks to modern methods diagnostics and medicines. Treatment of this disease is carried out in a complex, using different groups medicines.

For example, the treatment regimen for chronic chlamydia in women allows the use of:

  • vitamins;
  • immunomodulators;
  • probiotics;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • adaptogens;
  • antibiotics;
  • vaginal suppositories and tampons;
  • baths;
  • enzymes;
  • physiotherapy.

Regardless of the gender of the patient, before prescribing treatment, the doctor must conduct an antibiotic sensitivity test. In addition, in the treatment of a chronic disease, the simultaneous use of two antibacterial drugs at once is recommended.

As for what is prescribed for men with chronic chlamydia, the treatment is almost identical, but has slight differences. The following types of drugs are used:

  • antibiotics;
  • probiotics;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • immunomodulators;
  • enzymes;
  • rectal suppositories;
  • enemas;
  • baths;
  • physiotherapy methods.

Antibiotics from the group of macrolides or fluoroquinolones are usually used to treat chronic chlamydia. The instructions for these drugs, as well as the recommendations of a specialist, state that the course of treatment should last at least 14 days.

Quite often, the antibiotic azithromycin, which belongs to macrolides, is prescribed. This tool has many features that are not characteristic of conventional macrolides, which makes it very effective in the fight against chlamydia.

The treatment regimen with azithromycin for chronic chlamydia is selected individually, depending on the severity of the symptoms and the neglect of the disease.

According to the standard appoint:

  1. 1 g once a day, 1-2 hours before meals in the early stage of chlamydia.
  2. In chronic - 0.5 g twice a day for the first 3 days of the course, and 0.25 g 4 times a day in the following days.

The danger of chronic pathology

Chlamydia, like many other diseases affecting reproductive system may lead to certain undesirable health effects. Neglecting the symptoms that have arisen, delaying or refusing treatment - the price of such actions is sometimes too high, but not many people think about it at the initial stage.

Complications of chronic chlamydia:

From the photos and videos in this article, we were able to learn that untreated chlamydia is quite dangerous, and we also got acquainted with the treatment options for this disease.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

Which drug to choose

Good afternoon. I am currently on antibiotic therapy for chronic chlamydia, but my doctor insists that I be prescribed metronidazole for chlamydia. Is this drug really necessary?

Greetings. Metronidazole belongs to antimicrobial and antiprotozoal drugs. Its appointment for chlamydia is justified in cases where there are concomitant infectious diseases, for example, trichomoniasis.

Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. The danger of infection lies in the fact that the clinical picture is characterized by an asymptomatic course, therefore, to identify the disease on early stages very difficult. A person can be a carrier of the chlamydia bacteria without even knowing it and inadvertently infecting their sexual partners. According to statistics, about 50% of men and 30-60% of women of childbearing age are infected with chlamydia.

In almost 75-90% of cases, chlamydia is combined with other sexual infections, increasing the pathogenicity of pathogenic viruses involved in the combination. Very often, the disease occurs in conjunction with syphilis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis and thrush, complicating the treatment process. Insofar as general symptoms diseases are quite vague, often patients seek a solution to the problem from general practitioners, rheumatologists, pulmonologists, ophthalmologists, without even guessing to turn to a venereologist.

There are two main routes of infection with chlamydia:

  • Sexual way. Infection can occur through unprotected sexual contact: genital, oral, anal. Approximately every fourth partner falls into the risk zone, and women are the most susceptible to "reception" of the infection.
  • vertical path. In this case, the transmission of chlamydia occurs from mother to child during childbirth. Data on the possibility of intrauterine infection of the fetus to date does not exist.

The option of infection by the domestic method is practically excluded, since chlamydia bacteria are not viable in the external environment. Therefore, using a shared toilet (toilet seat), bath towels and other hygiene items, visiting saunas, swimming pools and other crowded places are not particularly dangerous.

Signs of manifestation of chlamydia

The development of chlamydia occurs in stages:

  • First stage- direct infection at the time of sexual intercourse. At the same time, a person does not notice any characteristic changes in well-being. One of possible signs disease is a slight itching in the mucous membranes of the vagina or the head of the penis when urinating. However, such meager symptoms do not attract attention and, as a rule, pass after a few days by themselves.
  • Second stage- clinical manifestations. The disease can be expressed by symptoms of urethritis, characterized by painful contractions and cuts during urination. Quite often, there are signs of proctitis associated with pain in the anus during defecation, as well as cases of diagnosing pharyngitis, which entails difficulty in swallowing and swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx.
  • Third stage- the development of complications. The asymptomatic course of the disease often turns it into a chronic stage, causing a number of serious complications: epididymitis, endometritis, cystitis, reactive arthritis, radiculitis, etc.

The transition of chlamydia to the chronic phase can lead to serious consequences, in particular, the development of such pathologies as:

  • inflammation of the appendages, uterus and ovaries;
  • prostatitis;
  • cystitis;
  • impotence;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • defeat of cardio-vascular system;
  • arthritis;
  • conjunctivitis
  • infertility, etc.

ICD-10 code A74 - Other diseases caused by chlamydia.

Individual distinctive features there are no manifestations of chlamydia in women, so you can only focus on common signs inherent in other sexually transmitted infections. These include:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, bearing a periodic short-term character.
  • Slight malaise (weakness, loss of appetite, body aches), occurring against the background of a slight increase in temperature in the range of 37-7.5 ° C.
  • Painful urination, burning sensation during emptying, identical to the clinical picture of cystitis.
  • Discharge from the vagina of a mucopurulent nature. The outer color may be white or with a yellowish tint. The discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant fishy odor, so chlamydia is easily confused with bacterial vaginosis.
  • Burning in the genital area, since the infection is localized on the mucous membranes and thereby irritates their surface.

Important: Often, when infected with chlamydia, erosive formations on the cervix, as well as bloody discharge, can be observed.

Symptoms of the disease are expressed in the following signs:

  • Painful sensations when urinating. You may notice that the first drop of urine is cloudy, and the emptying process is accompanied by itching and burning.
  • Bloody discharge during ejaculation, and also at the end of urination.
  • Inflammation of the testicles, characterized by enlargement of their size, pain when touched, local redness.
  • Appearance of vitreous discharge from the urethra. Usually such phenomena occur in the morning before urination.
  • Inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis). It is characterized by pain in the perineal area, a decrease in sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, difficulty urinating, and discharge from the head of the penis.
  • General malaise, accompanied by an increase in temperature to 37-37.5 ° C.

Diagnostic methods

The complexity of diagnosing chlamydia lies in the fact that chlamydia belongs to the category of intracellular microorganisms that accumulate inside cells and remain there, becoming active when favorable conditions. The location of the infection is the mucous membranes of the female and male genital organs, or more precisely, their epithelial layer. That is why relapses of the disease are often associated with problems in the part of the genitourinary system.

There are a number of options for diagnosing chlamydia, each with its own pros and cons. Quite often they are used in combination with each other in order to obtain the most significant result in the detection of pathogenic chlamydia bacteria. These include:

  • Express test. Designed to determine a possible infection at home. It works on the principle of litmus paper: when pathogens enter the test surface, it turns red. A positive answer is two characteristic stripes. Along with ease of use and availability of purchase (in conventional pharmacies), this method of recognizing chlamydia is considered ineffective. The probability of identifying chlamydia is only 25-50%.
  • Smear. This diagnostic method involves a microscopic examination of a part of the mucous membrane separated from the genital organs and the urethra. In women, a smear is taken from the urethra, vaginal mucosa and cervix. In men, a scraping is made from the urethra, and prostate secretions are also taken to detect chlamydia in hard-to-reach places of the urinary organ. The sensitivity of the method is all 20-30%, however, it helps to determine the level of leukocytes, which may indicate an inflammatory process that has begun.
  • REEF (immune fluorescence reaction). This method requires the presence of special equipment: a special fluorescent microscope and appropriate reagents. A smear from the urethra is stained with a fluorescent dye, which makes it possible to identify chlamydia bacteria by luminous illumination. The complexity of such a diagnosis lies in the fact that not only the desired microorganisms can be highlighted, but also particles of staphylococci and streptococci, therefore only a highly qualified specialist is able to distinguish the type of bacterium. Another important detail is the ability to distinguish living chlamydia cells from dead ones that have not yet been removed from the body after treatment. Taking into account the specifics of the study, the effectiveness of this method is 70-75%.
  • RSK (complement binding reaction). The essence of the analysis is as follows: a blood sample is taken, then certain antibodies that can bind to chlamydia and thereby determine the presence of an infection are “planted” into the sample. The serological method is not used for diagnosis acute infection due to its inefficiency. Most often, it is justified when conducting screening tests necessary for the comprehensive identification of pathogens of various infections.
  • ELISA (linked immunosorbent assay). The essence of the method is the determination not of the chlamydia themselves, but of antibodies to them. For analysis, blood or scrapings taken from the walls of the mucous genital organs are used. The sensitivity of the test is about 60-65%. The main advantage of this diagnostic is that it allows you to understand the "status" of the infection: the chronic stage of the disease, acute relapse, etc.
  • Bacteriological culture. It is considered the most expensive, labor-intensive and time-consuming method for diagnosing chlamydia, but giving the most correct result. Smears from the urogenital organs are sown on a specially prepared nutrient surface, where only chlamydia bacteria can grow. The material is closed from the incubator and the changes taking place are observed. If infected cells are present in the smear, they reveal themselves, growing on a nutrient basis in the form of characteristic colonies. Also, this method allows you to determine the type of antibiotic that is deadly for pathogens for a particular person.
  • Methods of DNA diagnostics. These include the method of DNA probes, Ligase chain reaction (LGC), polymer chain reaction (PCR), transcriptional amplification (TA). The level of sensitivity of the listed diagnostic techniques is 95-100%. The main drawback is the availability of a properly equipped laboratory, expensive reagents, and qualified personnel.

In the video in this article, the doctor talks in detail about the methods for diagnosing chlamydia.

How is chlamydia treated: regimen and types of treatment

Complete cure for chlamydia difficult task, therefore, the venereologist must carefully study the results of the studies and analyzes that the patient underwent in order to prescribe the right treatment. Chlamydia microorganisms are able to get inside the cell membranes and conduct their vital activity there.

Treatment for chlamydia includes A complex approach with the obligatory use of antibacterial drugs that can penetrate the cell membrane. An individual treatment regimen is developed for each patient, based on the characteristics of the body and sensitivity to certain groups of antibiotics. Because chlamydia destroys immune system, then immunomodulators are prescribed in parallel, and diagnostics are performed for the presence of concomitant infections. In particular, preparation for the main treatment may look like this:

  • Normalization of the digestive tract and bringing the intestinal microflora into a state of balance (Linex, Hilak Forte, Bifidumbacterin).
  • Disease prevention digestive system associated with pancreatic dysfunction (Creon, Festal).
  • Cleansing the liver with drugs from the category of hepaprotectors (Heptral, Essentiale, Karsil, Ovesol).

The need for a preparatory stage lies in the fact that the use of antibiotics puts a heavy burden on the body, and long-term use of potent toxic drugs provokes an exacerbation of other diseases, including chronic ones.

Interruption of therapy due to a deterioration in the patient's well-being and the subsequent resumption of treatment after stabilization of the condition leads to the fact that chlamydia bacteria become insensitive to the drugs used, that is, addiction occurs.

The most effective antibacterial spectrum drugs include the following:

Among the antibiotics, one can also distinguish funds that can destroy pathogenic fungi, for example, it can be Pimafucin suppositories for the treatment of chlamydia. Also, the drug is effective against strains of the Candida fungus.

Expert opinion

Most often, chlamydia is treated in a complex way. The main blow to bacilli is produced with the help of antibacterial drugs - these are macrolides, a tetracycline line and fluoroquinolones. Antibiotics are necessarily added drugs that help strengthen the immune system, thus increasing the chance of a speedy recovery. Treatment should be carried out by both sexual partners, after therapy, test analyzes are taken.

Complementary Therapies

Along with taking antibiotics, the application of local procedures, aimed at increasing the permeability of cell membranes and, as a result, better absorption of antibacterial drugs, also has a beneficial effect on the treatment process. For instance:

  • vaginal baths, tampons, suppositories (for women);
  • enemas;
  • rectal suppositories;
  • instillation of drugs directly into the cavity of the urethra.

A good effect is also observed from the use of various physiotherapy procedures, in particular, infrared radiation, quantum therapy, ultrasound, iontophoresis, magnetic field, electrophoresis, etc.

It is important to remember that both partners should be treated, regardless of the presence or absence of symptoms of the disease. If chlamydia manage to acquire immunity to the antibiotics used, it must be taken into account that the resistance of bacteria will be observed to all drugs of this group.

Urogenital chlamydia

For the treatment of uncomplicated urogenital chlamydia, antibacterial drugs are prescribed, where the doctor takes into account the sensitivity of the pathogenic microorganism. Most often, the doctor prescribes Erythromycin, Clarithromycin, and the drug Azithromycin can be taken once. In some cases, a dosage of 1000 mg is enough to completely suppress the growth of bacilli.

How to cure persistent chlamydia?

This type of disease is initially treated with weak antichlamydia drugs. If after a few days there is no improvement, then the doctor replaces them with potent drugs. These are the so-called reserve medicines belonging to the group of florquinolones. They are able to destroy strains of chlamydia group L.
Along the way, the patient takes immunomodulators, vitamin complexes and antifungal agents.

Advanced chlamydia

If the disease is difficult to treat or not treated at all, it goes into a chronic stage, which is much more difficult to treat. In this case, antibacterial drugs are used in the required dosage, but the duration of therapy itself can be 2-3 times longer.
Complicated forms of chlamydia will need to be treated for three weeks or more. In parallel, specialized doctors conduct pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy.

The scheme of treatment of chlamydia by day

So, how long is chlamydia treated?

The main treatment regimen for chlamydia, scheduled for one week.

  • Preparations from the tetracycline group are prescribed as follows: 1 day - 200 mg once, 2-7 days - 100 mg taken 2 times a day. It could be Vibracin, Doksibene.
  • Medicines from the group of macrolides: 1 day - a dosage of 500 mg immediately drink 2 tablets of the drug Sumamed, then 3, 5, 7 days - 500 mg 1 tablet / day. You can take Josamycin all week, daily 3 times / day, 500 mg.

In most cases, chlamydia is asymptomatic, so women who have not planned a pregnancy and have not taken appropriate tests for the presence of infection may not know that they are carriers of chlamydia. In some cases, the disease is manifested by such symptoms:

  • vaginal discharge white and yellowish;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • inflammatory processes in the cervix (cervicitis);
  • pain when urinating.

If the infection affected not only the vaginal mucosa and cervix, but also got into the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes, then the pain syndrome will be more pronounced, and inflammation of the appendages may be detected during the examination.

Possible Complications

Chlamydia is one of the most common causes of miscarriage, and also leads to the development of a number of serious complications during pregnancy. In case of primary infection in the first trimester, an exacerbation of the clinical picture of the disease can be observed, in the second, the formation of fetal infectious insufficiency is possible, in the third, cases of intrauterine infection of the child are not excluded.

Among the risks that most often accompany pregnant women, the following are observed:

  • increased toxicosis;
  • anemia;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • cervical erosion;
  • high water;
  • premature birth;
  • spontaneous miscarriages;
  • inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system.

Weakness may occur during childbirth labor activity, premature discharge of amniotic fluid, as well as a high probability of infection of the fetus through the birth canal.

Deviations in the development of the child

In children infected at birth with chlamydia or infected in the womb, various developmental abnormalities can be diagnosed, in particular, heart disease, hypoxia, damage to the nervous system, dysfunction of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract.

Because chlamydia bacteria block entry into the uterus nutrients, then the child may be born with low body weight, suffer from iron deficiency anemia, and subsequently often suffer from otitis media, pharyngitis, pneumonia and viral conjunctivitis.

When the fetus is infected with later dates Pregnancy quite often affects the internal organs, causing severe pathologies of the liver, kidneys, pancreas. There are frequent cases of manifestation of the Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome, as well as encephalopathy complicated by convulsions.

Diagnosis of chlamydia in pregnant women

When registering in a antenatal clinic, tests for chlamydia are not mandatory, but it is recommended that pregnant women who have certain health problems undergo an examination. In particular:

  • chronic diseases respiratory tract(bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, pneumonia);
  • frequent inflammation of the urinary organs (cystitis, urethritis);
  • transferred sexual infections (gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis);
  • arthritis, arthrosis of the joints;
  • previous spontaneous miscarriages;
  • premature birth;
  • ectopic pregnancies.

Women who have experienced the above pathologies in the past automatically fall into the risk zone and should approach pregnancy planning as responsibly as possible. Since the symptoms of chlamydia are similar to other sexually transmitted infections, it is recommended to be tested simultaneously for three pathogens: chlamydia, ureplasmosis, mycoplasmosis. It is noticed that taking contraceptives reduces the likelihood of infection with chlamydia by reducing the degree of cell permeability.

Treatment of chlamydia during pregnancy

When chlamydia is detected in the early stages of pregnancy, there are no indications for its termination. Therapeutic therapy is reduced to the use of generally accepted schemes, including the use of antibiotics. Some doctors are of the opinion that in the absence of clinical symptoms (leucorrhoea, painful urination, general malaise), you can refrain from prescribing antibacterial drugs while the infection is dormant.

When the disease passes into an active form, antibiotics are used, which have the property of not penetrating the placenta, "settling" in the mother's body. The peculiarity of such drugs is that their molecular weight is greater than the throughput of intracellular capillaries. As a result, the fetus receives a minimal toxic load, which reduces the risk of complications and birth defects.

For the treatment of chlamydia during pregnancy, preference is given to tetracycline and macrolide antibiotics, such as Rovamycin, Spiramycin, Josamycin, Erythromycin. The dosage is selected individually in each individual case, taking into account the specifics of the infection and the conditions of its course. Antibiotics are prescribed in short courses so that the harmful effects on the body are gentle.

General prevention

Complex preventive measures similar to the prevention of other sexually transmitted infections, implying the implementation of the following recommendations:

  • Observance of sexual culture. Frequent change of partners increases the risk of chlamydia. Casual relationships should be avoided, condoms should be used and one should not forget that chlamydia infection is also possible during oral and anal sex.
  • Personal hygiene of the genitals. This includes washing with cleansers, douching, and so on. Alternative methods of dealing with chlamydia are not only ineffective, but can also cause significant harm to health. When douching, using chlorine-containing antiseptics and other medically unjustified actions, the balance of the vaginal microflora is disturbed, which means that the likelihood of pathogenic microorganisms entering the mucous membranes increases.
  • Carrying out periodic diagnostics for the detection of pathogenic infection by passing tests and tests for STIs.
  • Taking vitamins A, B and C, as well as immunomodulatory drugs that help strengthen the body's defenses.

With timely and correctly prescribed therapy, the prognosis for recovery from chlamydia is quite optimistic, but you need to be patient and be prepared that the treatment will take a long period of time.

Question to the expert: Delayed periods after chlamydia treatment

Expert opinion

Chlamydia - insidious disease, capable of disguising itself for a while, so it’s not possible to completely cure it the first time. This, in turn, can manifest itself as undesirable consequences, for example, a delay in menstruation in women. The bacilli primarily attack the reproductive system.

Remember, if negative changes in the genital area were found, immediately visit a doctor. A timely diagnosis will help to avoid undesirable consequences.

Question to the expert: How to quickly cure chlamydia?

Expert opinion

Artem Sergeevich Rakov, venereologist, more than 10 years of experience

In the standard version, the duration of therapy for urogenital chlamydia is one to two weeks, in more complex cases - up to three weeks. The scheme of the treatment process is drawn up in accordance with the incubation period for chlamydia, the duration of which is within 5-30 days. But on average it is three weeks.

From this we can conclude that it will take an average of 21 days to treat chlamydia. This is enough to destroy all outbreaks (there can be up to 6 of them) of chlamydia reproduction with drugs.

Question to the expert: What to do after treatment for chlamydia?

Expert opinion

Madmuzev ​​Armen Davidovich, specialized in male sexually transmitted diseases

Question to the expert: which doctor treats chlamydia?

Expert opinion

Luvanova Arina Viktorovna, specialized in female sexually transmitted diseases

Gynecologist (for women) and urologist (for men)

Many patients, upon learning of a positive chlamydia test, wonder if chlamydia can be cured. Let us immediately reassure readers: this is not a deadly disease, and not as severe as syphilis. Chlamydia behave not so aggressively. However, when the immune system is weakened, they still make themselves felt. This problem is especially relevant for pregnant women and those who want to become pregnant, since the causative agents of chlamydia are especially aggressive towards the fetus. Consider whether chlamydia is treated and whether it is possible to get rid of it forever.

Today we can confidently say that chlamydia is a curable disease. However, a quick recovery is possible only if the patient seeks help from the clinic in time. Often, patients come to the doctor in an already running chronic form. And in this case, the disease can be cured, but for this it is necessary to take antibiotics for a long time according to a specially selected scheme.

There is a misconception that such a disease cannot be cured, no matter how much antibiotics are taken. This is fundamentally wrong. Even having a chronic form, this disease can be cured if all the doctor's instructions are followed.

If patients are diagnosed with chlamydial infection in the early stages, then usually after one, a maximum of three weeks, this disease can be cured, and forever. It is enough to complete a full course of treatment from an experienced specialist. It should be pointed out that with an illiterate therapeutic course, the probability of a successful outcome of treatment is sharply reduced. Instead of a successful outcome, there may be a transition of chlamydia to the chronic stage.

With advanced chlamydia, the body's defenses are sharply reduced. However, in this case, recovery is real: the doctor adds immunomodulators to antibiotic therapy. Increasing the body's defenses will help reduce the duration of the main treatment and its successful outcome.

How to heal forever

Every chlamydia patient wants to get rid of it as soon as possible. There are cases when such microbes show resistance to the most powerful antibiotics. However, in this case, it is still possible to recover completely. For this, a complex therapy scheme is selected. A treatment regimen without a previous diagnosis cannot be carried out, because it will not only not give a result, but will also be harmful.

Recovery will come if the patient during treatment will abstain from sexual intercourse, will not drink alcohol. It is necessary to adhere to a strictly established treatment regimen for such a disease, because it is insidious, and an individual approach is necessary for each patient.

How to effectively treat chlamydia with antibiotics

For such therapy to be effective, first of all, it is necessary to choose the right medicine. If a person does not suspect that he has chlamydia, he can treat other pathologies with antibiotics. Thus, it contributes to the development of resistance to these medicines. The same picture happens if self-medication was practiced: not knowing which drugs to use, the patient drives himself into a dead end, because chlamydia develop resistance to many drugs.

When prescribing antibiotics for chlamydia, the doctor must make sure that they will be effective in each specific case. It is very important to choose correct mode dosage and medication. If the dosage is chosen incorrectly, then it will be unrealistic to achieve a complete cure. Acute symptoms will pass for a while, but the disease will become chronic. The infection in the body will continue to multiply and cause various complications, the treatment of which is very difficult and lengthy.

Principles of successful treatment of chlamydia

To completely cure chlamydia, you must adhere to certain rules. And if they are performed correctly, then, undoubtedly, the disease will recede.

Infection detection

This means that before starting antibiotic therapy, each patient must undergo a set of diagnostic measures related to determining the presence of concomitant infectious pathologies in the body. The fact is that chlamydia weakens the immune system, and most organs of the human body are susceptible to infectious pathologies. Pathologies such as trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, candidiasis, syphilis, and ureaplasmas complicate the recovery process.

Selection of the drug

In the presence of concomitant infections, the choice of antibiotic is carried out taking into account the existing pathologies. Sometimes it may be that chlamydia will be resistant to a particular disease. It is most difficult to choose a method of treatment for those who have already encountered chlamydia, but have not completed treatment measures. However, in this case, the patient can be helped. The doctor will be guided by data on the sensitivity of chlamydia to certain pathologies and thus choose the most effective scheme therapy.

A course of treatment

Equally important is the antibiotic regimen itself. It must be borne in mind that a low dose of the drug will nullify all therapeutic efforts. If after 2 weeks of treatment, taking an antibiotic did not bring the expected results, then the microbes become enveloped and do not respond to drugs. In this case, there is not recovery, but remission. And if an exacerbation of chlamydia is started to be treated with the same drug, then it will no longer work.

Form of the disease

For effective treatment it is very important to determine the clinical form of chlamydia. The fact is that the disease can acquire atypical varieties. For example, chlamydial conjunctivitis requires a special approach. This requires the appointment of other dosage forms antibiotics (ointments, etc.).

What antibiotics are most effective

For chlamydia, the most effective drugs are:

  • tetracycline, doxycycline and others;
  • Azithromycin, Clarithromycin and other macrolide antibiotics;
  • Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin and other drugs from the fluoroquinolone group.

Most of these drugs are effective in other diseases of the genitourinary system. If the course of treatment does not bring the desired result, then an antibiogram is performed. A pathogen is released from the body, which will be used to grow a colony of bacteria. Then, on such a colony, sensitivity to each antibacterial drug is checked. As a result, the doctor will be able to determine the most effective antibiotic in order for the result to be the most successful.

The effectiveness of antibiotic therapy will be quite high under such conditions.

  1. If high medicinal doses are prescribed.
  2. Antibiotic therapy will be carried out only during the period of exacerbation. During remission, it is ineffective, because the bacteria have little sensitivity to the drug.
  3. Medications are changed if multiple courses of treatment are required.
  4. The patient complies with all the prescriptions of the doctor and especially the schedule for taking the drug. So in the blood a sufficiently high concentration of the drug will be maintained. This is the only way to achieve the death of all chlamydia and prevent their transformation into the L-form.

It is the wrong prescription of the antibiotic and the errors on the part of the patient during its administration that are to blame for the insufficient effectiveness of the treatment. That is why, in some cases, several courses are required to treat such a disease. Together, it can take a long time.

So, to the question, is it possible to cure chronic chlamydia, can be answered in the affirmative. In any case, if you find the causative agents of such a disease in yourself, you do not need to panic and give up. modern medicine can successfully help patients with chlamydia.

Many patients assume that the disease is incurable. But this is not true. Indeed, sometimes long enough therapy is required to cure chlamydia. This may be due to the inability to prescribe more effective drugs, for example, due to the state of immunity, intestinal microflora or the genitourinary tract.

In addition to antibiotics, treatment may include taking an immunomodulator, antimicrobial drugs, multivitamins, probiotics, bacteriophages. For local therapy, vaginal and rectal suppositories, baths, enemas, tampons are used. Both sexual partners should be treated. Even if a person completely cures the disease, then there is a high probability of re-infection, since immunity is not formed against sexually transmitted infections.

Why is it difficult to cure chronic chlamydia and should it be treated?

If the patient seeks medical help in the acute period, then the treatment lasts for several weeks and ends with a complete recovery. But the problem is that in most cases the clinical picture is erased. A person either has no symptoms, or they appear to a slight extent and do not cause concern. After a couple of days of minimal discomfort in genitourinary system, everything subsides and the person believes that the problem was resolved by itself. But the disease has become chronic, and with the next decrease in immunity, it reappears.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the manifestations of chlamydia. For women it is:

  • discharge from the genitals;
  • pain when urinating;
  • pain in the lower back and lower abdomen;
  • temperature increase;
  • discomfort during intercourse.

One of the methods of selecting a drug for the treatment of chlamydia is the preparation of an antibiogram. This is a laboratory test in which chlamydia taken from a patient is grown to determine the most effective antibiotic for that species. The dosage of the drug is also important, because if it is underestimated, it will be ineffective. If the desired result is not obtained in two weeks of treatment, then the microorganism has adapted to the antibiotic, and the symptoms will decrease until the next decrease in immunity.

In the treatment of chronic chlamydia, you must adhere to the following rules:

Chlamydia depresses the immune system, which leads to various complications. For men it is:

  1. Urethritis. Signs of pathology mucopurulent discharge from the urethra and frequent painful urination.
  2. Prostatitis. The infection causes inflammation in the prostate gland. A man has pain in the rectum, groin, lower back, as well as difficulty urinating, problems with potency may appear.
  3. Epididymitis. Appears inflammation in the epididymis. This provokes a violation of spermatogenesis and infertility. It is manifested by fever, redness and swelling of the scrotum.

women, in connection with anatomical structure are more susceptible to chlamydia infection.

In the absence of therapy, it is possible:

  • endocervicitis - the cervix is ​​inflamed;
  • endometritis - inflammation of the uterus;
  • salpingitis - the fallopian tubes are inflamed;
  • salpingoophoritis- uterine appendages are inflamed.

Chlamydia in women contributes to the formation of adhesions and scarring, which lead to the formation of tubal infertility, provoke spontaneous abortion, and cause ectopic pregnancy. Chlamydia can lead to inflammation of the pharynx, kidneys, joints, bronchi, lungs, kidneys, rectum. Reiter's disease is a disease that causes chlamydia and affects the eyes (conjunctivitis), the genitourinary system (urethritis), and the joints (arthritis).

How long does it take to treat chlamydia

How much chlamydia is treated depends on:

Can we cure chlamydia the first time?

Yes, we can cure, but all the efforts and knowledge of a specialist will not yield results if the patient forgets to take medication and does not follow the instructions.

Online journal about venereology

  • Gardnerellosis
  • Herpes
  • molluscum contagiosum
  • Mycoplasmosis
  • Syphilis
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Ureaplasmosis
  • Chlamydia
  • Cytomegalovirus
  • Dermatovenerological clinics in Moscow

Is it possible to cure chlamydia forever: how to get rid of the infection

Sexually transmitted infections have existed for as long as the sexual relationship itself. Urogenital chlamydia, a sexually transmitted disease, has now overtaken gonorrhea and syphilis in prevalence, and is also the most hidden infection among all STDs, which is the reason for the difficulty in its treatment. Is chlamydia completely cured or is a person who has ever received this disease doomed to live with it all his life?

Statistical data

Is a full recovery possible?

If the infection is detected early, the treatment will not last more than 2-3 weeks, the acute stage is cured the first time, but the specialist must be competent, otherwise there will be little sense and you will only transfer the disease to the chronic stage. Then you will have to be treated in several courses, do not expect speed.

It is really difficult to treat chlamydia, because chlamydia trachomatis, being the causative agent, has unique properties that make them look like both viruses and bacteria, besides, they spend part of their life cycle inside the cells of the host organism and at this time are difficult to treat. In cells, the infection is deployed near the nucleus, in the so-called. the Golgi complex is the storehouse of the cell's energy reserves.

Chlamydia is completely curable, but difficult, this is due to its properties, and the peculiarity of being combined with other infections. Due to a decrease in general immunity, the local, genital mucosa also becomes more susceptible to other pathogens, in more than 70% of cases another pathogen clings, for example, candida fungi, herpes virus, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, syphilis, mycoplasmosis, then we are talking about mixed infections.

Treatment in such cases should be not only complex, but also combined, i.e. selected antibiotics should act on several pathogens at once. And if only chlamydia is treated, other infections only get worse, a third-party pathogen may simply be insensitive to the prescribed antibiotic. In addition, unaware of the presence of chlamydia, a person can take antibiotics for other reasons, on their own, helping latent chlamydia develop resistance to drugs.

Also, a person often tries to treat the infection himself and does not finish the job. Such cases are especially difficult to treat, strains of chlamydia are already resistant to most antibiotics, hence the myth of the incurability of the disease. Even taking into account the difficulties, it is safe to say that chlamydia is cured, and forever.

Rules for successful treatment

So, the answer to the question of whether chlamydia is treated is positive. Treatment is based on antibiotics that can penetrate the cell membrane. It is desirable to identify which antibiotics the causative agents of the disease in the patient will respond to. Sometimes, in order to enhance the action of antibacterial drugs, laser irradiation of the patient's blood is prescribed.

Treatment is carried out with tetracycline antibiotics, macrolides, fluoroquinolones, rifamycins (treatment course 20-28 days):

  1. Tetracycline series - Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Vibramycin, Unidox, Metacycline, etc.
  2. Macrolides - Azithromycin, Midecamycin, Rovamycin, Sumamed, Oleandomycin, Erythromycin, Clarithromycin, Josamycin, Roxithromycin, Spiramycin, Rulid, Xitrocin, etc.
  3. Fluoroquinolones - Tavanic, Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Zanocin, Tarivid, Pefloxacin, Rofloxan, Unikpef, Lomefloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Tsiprolet, Cifran.
  4. Rifamycins - Rifamycin, Rifampicin, Rifabutin, etc. The combined drug Safocid has proven itself perfectly.

Children under 12 are treated with Erythromycin, and after 12 with Doxycycline and Azithromycin. Pregnant women are also required to undergo treatment, ideally a woman should be treated before pregnancy. All pregnant women, when contacting the antenatal clinic, are necessarily examined for chlamydia, additionally they are tested already in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Antibiotics are used for pregnant women: Rovamycin, Erythromycin, Macropen, Vilprafen. Tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones are contraindicated. Antibacterial therapy should be administered parenterally whenever possible.

Antibiotics of the penicillin series (Ampicillin, Penicillin, Oxacillin), cephalosporins, carbapenems, monobactams are not used in the treatment. they themselves provoke the division of chlamydia, and there is no expediency in their appointment.

In addition, immunocorrectors are prescribed (Cycloferon, Galavit, Derinat, Neovitin, Polyoxidonium, Timalin, Taktivin, Viferon, Lysozyme, Methyluracil, Interferon) to stimulate T-cell immunity that suppresses chlamydial infection. The selection of immunomodulators should be individual. The high efficiency of proteolytic enzymes (Chymotrypsin, Wobenzym, Somilase) has been proven, if necessary, probiotics are prescribed in vaginal tampons, fungicides (Pimafucin, Natamycin, Econazole, Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Nizoral, Nystatin), vitamins, physiotherapy, local treatment in the form of ointments, suppositories with antibiotics.

It is necessary to be treated together with a partner, even if his tests are negative.

After treatment, a control test is carried out after 21 days, with negative results after 2 months again, observation by a doctor for 2 months. Cultural examination is carried out no earlier than 2-3 weeks after the end of antibiotic treatment, and PCR - no earlier than 3-4 weeks, otherwise the results will be false negative. The total duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks. During menstruation, tests are given as usual. In men, observation continues for another 3-4 months.

Getting rid of chlamydia is a completely doable task.

Who cured hr. chlamydia? help the disease progresses.

#1 Message xlam» Tue Sep 13, 2016 11:23 am

Who cured hr. chlamydia? help the disease progresses.

#2 Message let down» Tue Sep 13, 2016 1:18 am

Who cured hr. chlamydia? help the disease progresses.

#3 Message let down» Tue Sep 13, 2016 1:30 pm

Who cured hr. chlamydia? help the disease progresses.

#4 Message xlam» Tue Sep 13, 2016 2:05 pm

Who cured hr. chlamydia? help the disease progresses.

#5 Message let down» Tue Sep 13, 2016 2:25 pm

Maybe pyrogenal? who has experience of application in treatments not to be confused with provacation.

Is it possible to cure chlamydia permanently and completely

Faced with the diagnosis of "chlamydia" and having received information about this disease, almost every person thinks about whether it is possible to completely get rid of chlamydia, and how long it will take. An unambiguous answer cannot be given, since the earlier the disease is detected, the easier and faster it will be possible to cope with it, and the less negative consequences for the body will be.

Is there a cure for chlamydia?

If the disease was detected in the early stages, then the patient will need to spend about three weeks on treatment and then forget about this trouble. The main thing is to find an experienced doctor to receive competent therapy.

Another thing is when the deadlines are missed and the disease has passed into the chronic stage. This happens because at the end of the acute period, the symptoms of chlamydia disappear or appear to such a small extent that they do not bother the person. The latter believes that everything was successfully resolved by itself. However, as soon as the next decrease in immunity occurs, the disease will again manifest itself.

Another reason for the development of the chronic stage is an incomplete course of therapy. And in this case, the treatment will be even more difficult, as the bacterial strains are now stably resistant to the drugs that were already taken during the first attempt to eliminate the disease.

To cope with the problem, the patient will have to be patient, because the treatment will be long (sometimes dragged on for several years), but the result is worth it.

Symptoms of chlamydia

To determine the presence of the disease as early as possible, it is necessary to be able to recognize the signs of chlamydia, which are general order and separate for men and women.

General symptoms

  • Subfebrile temperature (during the acute course of the disease), its rise to 39-40 degrees is also possible.
  • Fever and chills.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • General weakness due to intoxication of the body.

Chlamydia infection can cause acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, conjunctivitis, laryngotracheitis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, arthritis, pharyngitis, proctitis, lymphadenitis, damage to the nervous and cardiovascular systems, etc.

Manifestation in men

  • Mucous, watery or glassy discharge from the urethra, which increases greatly in the morning.
  • Bloody discharge during ejaculation and at the end of urination;
  • discomfort in the groin and lower back.
  • Swelling and redness of the opening of the urethra.
  • Frequent urge to urinate, which is especially annoying at night, reduces the quality of sleep.
  • Pain in the scrotum, redness of the skin of the latter, enlargement and hardening of the testicles, compression of the arteries, followed by necrosis.

Chronic chlamydia leads to prostatitis, weakening of erection and sexual satisfaction.

Signs in women

  • Swelling of the labia.
  • Itching and burning of the vagina.
  • Discharge from the urethra and vagina yellow color with inclusions of mucus and pus, with an unpleasant fishy smell.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated before the monthly cycle.
  • Bleeding between periods.
  • Increased need to urinate, even if bladder insufficiently filled.
  • Damage to the cervix - an increase and inflammation of the organ, spotting, the possibility of erosion.

Chlamydia causes infertility in women, the appearance of ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, fetal pathology, early delivery.

Can chronic chlamydia be cured permanently?

If you follow the established scheme exactly, then, in the end, it will be possible to cope with the disease. For the treatment of chlamydial infection, basic and auxiliary means are used.


Antibacterial drugs are the basis of treatment:

  • tetracycline series - Doxycycline or Tetracycline;
  • macrolides - Azithromycin, Erythromycin, Clarithromycin, etc .;
  • fluoroquinolones - Ciprofloxacin or Ofloxacin.

In order to determine with maximum accuracy which drug most effectively affects the bacterium, an antibiogram is compiled. To do this, one pathogen is selected, on which many specimens are grown, and various preparations are tested on them.

When prescribing an antibiotic, it is important to choose the right dosage, since with an insufficient dose, the effectiveness of treatment will be low, and chlamydia itself will quickly acquire resistance to it. If after two weeks of therapy a positive result is not obtained, then the drug should be changed.

Rules for the treatment of chlamydia with antibiotics:

  • appointed higher doses means to destroy the infection before it acquires protection from this drug;
  • therapy is carried out only during the acute phase, since with less sensitivity, the bacterium quickly develops resistance;
  • during long-term treatment, each new course is carried out with an antibiotic of a different series, since each type has a separate effect;
  • the schedule of admission must be strictly observed by the patient, since it is especially important to maintain the desired concentration of the drug in the blood.

When making a diagnosis and developing a treatment regimen, a specialist searches for atypical foci of the disease, which will help to correctly determine the form of chlamydia. If this is not done, then curing one disease, you can get a rapid spread of chlamydia from an additional focus throughout the body.


The main complication of chlamydia is a decrease in immunity. Specialized preparations based on interferon, as well as vitamin complexes, will help activate the robot of the system. A good immunomodulating effect is denied by Imunofan, Polyoxidonium, Immunal, Immunomax, Echinacea, etc.


Large doses of antibiotics often have a negative effect on the liver, which the hepatoprotectors Essentiale Forte, Karsil, Legalon are designed to protect.


Antibacterial agents are capable of destroying not only harmful microflora, but also beneficial ones, thereby causing dysbacteriosis, which can lead to a serious deterioration in the patient's health. To restore the microflora of the intestines and vagina will help tools such as Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Bifiform - for oral use, as well as Trichopolum or Metronidazole - for local therapy.

To completely cure chlamydia, the patient must follow the following rules:

  • avoid sexual intercourse (even protected) during treatment;
  • undergo therapy with your partner so as not to be re-infected in the future;
  • follow a diet - exclude dairy products, spicy and spicy dishes from the diet, alcoholic drinks give preference to dietary food rich in vitamins and trace elements;
  • follow the rules of personal hygiene.

At the end of each course of treatment, the patient is tested. If chlamydia was not detected, then after three weeks the examination is repeated. Negative results obtained within two months will allow us to state that the therapy was effective, and the patient completely got rid of chlamydia.

Can chlamydia be permanently cured?

Many patients who have been diagnosed are interested in the question of whether chlamydia is treated completely or not. An infectious disease caused by Chlamydia Trachomatis does not always present with severe symptoms. A person may not be aware of the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the body for a long time. Chlamydia is dangerous by the development of pathological processes leading to serious complications.

Is it possible to completely get rid of chlamydia?

After learning about the diagnosis, patients ask the doctor if chlamydia can be cured forever. It is not easy to answer this question, since the risk of relapse is high when a chronic disease is detected immediately. This phenomenon is not uncommon, since chlamydia is often asymptomatic, and many people learn about it during a routine examination.

If the stage is acute, and the infection is detected for the first time, it is possible to get rid of the disease. To do this, you need to take a course of antibiotic therapy and follow the instructions of the attending physician. The question of whether chlamydia is treated completely if it is chronic is much more difficult to answer, since pathogenic microorganisms are resistant to the active ingredients of many drugs.

It is of great importance to consult a doctor in a timely manner if symptoms of infection occur, which manifest themselves in men and women in the form of:

  • light or purulent discharge from the genitals;
  • itching and irritation;
  • deterioration of well-being;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

If a patient tries to cure chlamydia on his own, by purchasing antibacterial drugs and using alternative methods, the risk of an acute form turning into a chronic one increases dramatically.

Why is it difficult to cure chronic chlamydia?

With the timely treatment of the patient to the doctor, it is possible to recover from chlamydial infection in four to five weeks. Since for many it is not accompanied by symptoms, or the signs are insignificant, a person may not pay attention to the development of pathological processes. In some people, discomfort in the genitourinary organs is observed after infection with chlamydia for only a few days, then they disappear. Under the influence of unfavorable factors on the body that reduce immunity, the symptoms reappear, and when contacting a doctor, a diagnosis of “chronic chlamydia” is already made.

Chronic chlamydia is difficult to cure with a single course of antibiotic therapy. The therapeutic regimen should include immunomodulating agents, hepatoprotectors, vitamin and mineral complexes. With the development of signs of a fungal infection against the background of taking antibacterial drugs, a course of medication with an antimycotic property is prescribed.

How to defeat the disease forever?

Many patients with the chronic form of the disease believe that chlamydia is incurable. This opinion is formed with the appearance of relapses and exacerbation of symptoms after the course. drug therapy. In fact, with a properly selected drug regimen, it is possible to defeat the disease forever. In chronic chlamydia, to completely destroy the infectious agent, several antibacterial drugs from different groups are prescribed at once, since chlamydia quickly form resistance.

Fluoroquinolones, macrolides and tetracyclines have proven efficacy. Antibiotics can cause side effects that should be reported to your doctor. The most safe drugs are drugs from the group of macrolides.

Of great importance in the treatment of the disease is compliance with the recommendations of the doctor. It is important that the sexual partner is also treated, even if they do not have any symptoms. Couples must use condoms during the course. It is necessary to remember about the rules of hygiene. You can not use the personal belongings of other people, contact with patients suffering from acute forms of pneumonia caused by chlamydia. Frequent change of sexual partners and unprotected contacts can lead to re-infection.

If a woman becomes pregnant and is diagnosed with chlamydia, treatment antibacterial drugs from the macrolide group should be carried out from the second trimester. If the fetus becomes infected, it can die or be born with congenital pathologies, therefore, when planning a pregnancy, women need to undergo full examination and the course of therapy, if diseases are detected.

During therapy, it is important to fully comply with all the requirements of the attending physician.

Determining the effectiveness of the therapy

With the wide range of antibiotics available to doctors, the chances of a complete cure for chlamydia are high. Preparations from the group of macrolides are highly effective even in chronic forms of the disease. The use of azithromycin, josamycin is indicated for the latent course of chlamydia.

To determine how effectively the infection was treated, you can use the analysis carried out by the polymerase chain reaction method. It is also recommended to do a culture of secretions collected 40 days after the end of the course of antibiotic therapy. If the test result is negative, we can talk about the complete cure of chlamydia.

The enzyme immunoassay method is not suitable for assessing the effectiveness of therapy, since antibodies to the pathogen antigen are not always produced. When immunoglobulins are detected, one cannot speak of a lack of effectiveness in the treatment of the disease. The presence of antibodies may indicate a person's contact with chlamydia, but it is difficult to find out when the infection occurred and whether the patient was cured.

Treatment of chlamydia is successful and recovery occurs subject to timely detection and proper therapy. If the patient ignores the first symptoms of infection or uses drugs without a doctor's prescription, the acute form of the disease quickly turns into a chronic one, getting rid of which requires a lot of effort and expense.

Can chronic chlamydia be cured?

All chronic diseases are difficult to treat. It is especially difficult to treat chlamydia if it has gone from an acute form to a chronic one. The disease is caused by chlamydia, which, once in the body, first cause an acute form of the disease, if a woman does not undergo treatment, the disease will very quickly become chronic.

When it enters the body, the pathogen behaves very secretly. Depending on the level of immunity, chlamydia can show their activity either a few days after infection or two months later. Only at the end of the incubation period do the first symptoms of the disease appear. But not always the symptoms correspond to the classical manifestations. Therefore, treatment is not started immediately, and as a result, chronic chlamydia has to be treated.

This pathology is widespread throughout the world. This pathogen is sexually transmitted. For a woman, the entrance gate of the infection becomes the vagina. Next, the pathogen moves to the cervix and passes into the uterine cavity. The pathogen can enter the body through the mucous oral cavity and rectum. From the mother, the infection can be transmitted to the child during childbirth. With simple contacts in everyday life, the disease is not transmitted.

If a person’s immunity is strong enough, then the pathogen does not show activity, since its growth is suppressed, up to a certain point. At the slightest failure of protection, signs of chlamydia appear. The carrier can infect his sexual partners, but he himself will look and consider himself an absolutely healthy person.

During the examination, the fact of carriage is not always possible to establish. Signs of chlamydia can appear when infected with other sexually transmitted infections. Gonorrhea, trichomoniasis can trigger the mechanism that awakens chlamydia. The danger of the chronic form is that it does not have pronounced symptoms. The manifestation of pathology in this case is blurred and can be mistaken for manifestations of other, less serious gynecological diseases.


An important sign of chlamydia is the appearance of purulent discharge with a very unpleasant odor. Exacerbation of chronic chlamydia is accompanied by pulling pains lower abdomen. Possible appearance spotting not associated with menstruation.

Burning can be both during intercourse and during urination. Faced with a similar problem, especially after learning that the pathology has become chronic, a woman is trying to find an answer to the question of whether it is possible to be completely cured, or all that is possible is to achieve remission. A prolonged inflammatory process in the uterus, provoked by chlamydia, can cause adhesions.

On the one hand, adhesions will limit the spread inflammatory process, on the other hand, adhesions in the uterus cause infertility. When chlamydia enters the fallopian tubes, they overlap.

All infertile women are tested for chlamydia infection. The same is done in the presence of several spontaneous miscarriages. The reason for a serious examination is the presence of cervical erosion and vaginitis in history.

In the chronic form, the pathology passes to neighboring organs, for example, to the bladder and urethra. With a severely neglected pathology, vision and joints may suffer. In this case, the treatment will be long, in some cases, surgery may be necessary. It is especially difficult to treat damage to the lungs, gastrointestinal tract and heart.

To identify the chronic form of chlamydia, a scraping is taken from the cervix and urethra. Treatment begins only after laboratory confirmation of the disease. The problem is that chlamydia is an intracellular infection and it is not possible to detect it by taking a simple smear. In addition to scraping, there are more accurate methods for determining the presence of infection, such as polymerase chain reaction or enzyme immunoassay.

Treatment Methods

Ways to treat chronic chlamydia:

  • Antibacterial drugs are widely used to treat the chronic form.

In each case, the dose and order of administration is determined individually. Recovery occurs with the complete destruction of the pathogen in the body. In the chronic form, such treatment requires considerable effort.

Having a chronic form and taking treatment, a woman can quickly feel relief, but it will not indicate a complete recovery. The absence of symptoms is not yet an indicator. Tests can confirm recovery, in which there will be no signs of the pathogen.

  • In the treatment of chronic chlamydia, doctors have to support the work of the liver and kidneys. For this, enzymes are prescribed.
  • Since pathogens produce toxins in the course of their life, detoxification of the whole organism is required.
  • Vitamins, immunomodulators and antioxidants should maintain a fairly high level of immunity.
  • Worst of all in this disease is the liver. Because it puts a lot of pressure on her. In the treatment of chlamydia, hepatoprotectors cannot be dispensed with, since antibiotics, actively used in the treatment, have an extremely negative effect on the liver.

During the entire period of treatment, the woman will remain a source of infection. She will have to abstain from sex or use condoms. For a speedy recovery in chronic chlamydia, physiotherapy may be prescribed.

How additional remedy herbal decoctions can be used, antiseptic solutions, allowing to fight such a specific infection.

The usual course of treatment is about two weeks. With longer treatment, encapsulation of the pathogen occurs. This means that an additional shell is formed around the bacteria, which protects this microorganism from adverse effects.

Therefore, the chronic form is treated with the use of several drugs at once, so that addiction does not occur. Doctors advise taking pills at the same time, thus increasing the effectiveness of their action. When the main symptoms of the disease disappear, the patient can be transferred to maintenance doses of drugs.

If the treatment of pathology is carried out under the supervision of doctors, and the patient complies with all the prescriptions issued to her, then it is quite possible to cure the chronic form of chlamydia, the only thing is that it will take much more time than for the treatment of the acute form. Many may be confused by the duration of the course of taking medications, but this is due to the properties of the pathogen that is trying to protect itself.

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