Presentation on the topic "Modern endoscopic diagnostic methods in otolaryngology. Treatment of urgent ENT pathologies"

Etiology Lacrimation in the elderly is most often associated with age-related skin changes. lower eyelids. She loses her tone and sinks. As a result of senile blepharoptosis (drooping of the eyelids), the lacrimal openings are displaced, and the outflow of tear fluid is disturbed. It starts to accumulate and just run down the cheeks.

Another cause of lacrimation in old age can be called dry keratoconjunctivitis. This disease occurs due to insufficient hydration of the cornea and conjunctiva as a result of age-related thinning of the protective film. In this case, the patient may complain of severe pain in the eyes, which most often appear in the morning and evening, the inability to tolerate bright light and a feeling of sand in the eyes.

In older people, lacrimation can also be caused by blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids), which has developed as a result of infection with staphylococcus aureus. Seborrheic blepharitis often accompanies dry keratoconjunctivitis.

The development of Sjögren's syndrome, which is accompanied not only by dryness of the cornea, but also oral cavity, may be another reason for lacrimation.

Treatment of lacrimation in the elderly and old age should be carried out taking into account the causes of the emergence and development of the process. First of all, it should be established what causes lacrimation - age-related changes in the protective and auxiliary apparatus of the eye or diseases of the lacrimal organs.

When the first symptoms of lacrimation occur in elderly and senile people, it is necessary to radically try to eliminate the cause of its appearance.

The patient should be educated the right way wiping tears. To do this, the patient should cover the eye and remove the tear with a slight blotting movement from the outer corner of the eye to the inner with a clean handkerchief or cotton-gauze swab. The lower eyelid is pressed against eyeball, rather than pulling away from it.

Dryness of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract Due to atrophic processes of the mucous membranes. A part of the mucous glands becomes empty, in the lobules of others the secret lingers and becomes thick. The sense of smell can remain good until old age, but nevertheless, at the age of 75-90, a violation of smell is much more common than in younger people. The sharpness of smell falls gradually and therefore is imperceptible for patients.

Causes Dryness in the nose is an indispensable companion diabetes and decreased production of sex hormones in older men and women.

Dryness of the mucous membranes, including the nose and mouth, is also a characteristic sign of such autoimmune disease, like Sjögren's syndrome, in which almost all the external secretion glands of the body are affected.

Symptoms of the disease are manifested in the form of a feeling of dryness and burning in the nose, itching in the nasal cavity, nasal congestion (especially at night), the formation of crusts on the mucous surface. Headaches and nosebleeds may occur. Dryness appears around the nose - along the edge between the mucous membrane and the skin of the nostrils, while painful cracks may appear on the skin, which sometimes bleed.

Treatment The treatment of dryness in the nose is based on local symptomatic therapy aimed at regenerating the nasal mucosa by moisturizing it and at softening the crusts formed from the drying secretion of the nasal glands.

Treatment Humidification of the air Irrigation of mucous membranes with salted water (preparations based on sea water can be used - Otrivin More, Aqua Maris) Vitaon - a regenerating preparation for external use for the skin and mucous membranes, which is an oily plant extract

It is recommended to lubricate the nasal cavity oil solution vitamins A and E (Aevit) or Aekol solution, which contains these vitamins and is used externally as a wound healing agent.

Main folk remedies for dry nose include various oils- olive, peach, almond, linseed, sesame oil, tea tree oil. Oils prevent the mucous membrane from drying out, if regularly, at least three times a day, lubricate them in the nose.

Nosebleeds Nosebleeds (epistaxis) - bleeding from the nasal cavity, which can usually be seen when blood flows through the nostrils, a common condition that complicates the course of some diseases. Typical disease of the elderly, especially in men

Examination of such patients sometimes reveals common diseases- hypertension, atherosclerosis, venous stasis, cardiac decompensation, diseases of the kidneys, liver and blood-forming organs. Each such patient is subject to a general therapeutic examination.

Treatment First aid for nosebleeds involves a quick stop of blood loss in order to prevent an increase in bleeding, as well as hemostatic and etiotropic therapy. Treatment of a massive degree of bleeding, as a rule, is carried out in a complex manner.

To stop nosebleeds, there are proven and simple folk methods help. Usually, in order to stop the "front" bleeding, it is enough to take the victim in a horizontal (sitting) position, without throwing back his head, so as not to complicate venous return

Nasal hydrorrhea is the expiration of a clear liquid from the nose due to increased permeability of the vascular wall. The expiration from the nose increases with fluctuations in ambient temperature or the intake of hot food. characteristic feature- the appearance at the tip of the nose, usually imperceptible to the patient, droplets of a clear liquid.

Causes When examining the nose in such people, no pathology is detected, except age-related changes mucous membrane.

Chronic rhinosinusitis - chronic inflammation mucous membrane of the nasal cavity with extension to the paranasal sinuses

breathing is disturbed, thereby contributing to the development of inflammatory changes in the underlying parts of the respiratory tract that support them chronic course patients often complain of pressing, dull headaches

Causes Untreated or undertreated acute rhinosinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses). Anatomical features of the nasal cavity that prevent normal ventilation of the paranasal sinuses (for example, curvature of the nasal septum). They can be congenital and acquired (as a result of trauma to the nose, face). Allergy. Unfavorable environmental factors (inhalation of dusty, polluted air, toxic substances). Smoking, alcohol abuse.

Treatment From medications prescribed vasoconstrictor drops and nasal sprays in a short course (5-7 days), nasal sprays with antibiotics and steroid hormones, when purulent exacerbation- systemic antibiotics Physiotherapy (treatment with the help of natural and artificially created physical factors) is prescribed at the stage of subsiding exacerbation, with a good outflow of contents from the sinuses

Nasal lavage saline solution or antiseptics: independently at home using special nasal douche devices, sprays or douches; in the conditions of an ENT cabinet, the nose and paranasal sinuses are washed by the method of movement medicines(the popular name for the method is “cuckoo”). A solution is poured into one nostril of the patient, the contents are sucked out of the other nostril with suction, while the patient repeats “cuckoo” so that the solution does not enter the oropharynx

Causes of local irritating factors (smoking, alcoholism, occupational hazards in the present and past) diseases of the organs digestive tract metabolic disorders pharyngeal paresthesia, associated in most cases with cervical osteochondrosis

In some patients, changes in the pharynx are supported by latent infections, allergic reactions, foci of infection in the teeth, gums, tonsils

Chronic pharyngitis is often considered not as an independent pathology, but as a symptom of diseases. gastrointestinal tract, osteochondrosis of the vertebrae in the neck and pathologies endocrine system, in particular thyroid gland. This condition is called pharyngopathy.

Treatment of any form of pharyngitis implies the complete elimination of the factors that caused the disease If chronic pharyngitis was the result of other diseases, then their competent treatment is necessary Stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages necessary in order to quickly get rid of the symptoms that accompany chronic pharyngitis

Antibiotic treatment is almost always necessary for exacerbations chronic form diseases Systemic antibiotic therapy is required in cases where the symptoms of the disease are severe. In other cases, topical therapy is prescribed (Bioparox, IRS-19, Imudon)

Apart from antibiotic therapy patients are advised to gargle with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory solutions, decoctions of herbs (chamomile, sage) chronic pharyngitis

The effectiveness of treatment increases with the use of physiotherapeutic methods of treatment (UHF, inhalation with essential oils or soda, ultrasound) To improve the body's resistance to infections, it is necessary to prescribe vitamin therapy and drugs that strengthen the immune system

Apart from drug treatment patients should follow the diet necessary in order to spare sore throat Do not eat hot or cold food, spicy, salty and sour dishes. Plentiful warm drinking is recommended (not hot!), It is useful to drink warm milk with the addition of honey and butter

The number of precancerous diseases increases with age and cancerous tumors, primarily the larynx. Therefore, when monitoring persons of this age group, constant oncological vigilance is required. In addition, old people do not attach importance to the emerging signs of the disease and do not seek help.

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Methods of examination and research of ENT organs

Methods of obstezhennia ENT
assistant of the department Shamenko V.O.

Methods of examination and research of ENT organs have a number of general principles.
The subject sits down so that the source
lights and a table with tools
to the right of him.
The doctor sits opposite the subject,
placing your feet on the table; legs
the subject should be outside.
The light source is placed at the level
the right auricle of the subject in
10 cm from her.

1) Examination of the external nose and paranasal sinus projections
on the face.
2) Palpation of the external nose: index fingers of both hands
placed along the back of the nose and light massaging
movements feel the area of ​​​​the root, slopes, back and
tip of the nose.
3) Palpation of the anterior and inferior walls frontal sinuses: large
fingers of both hands are placed on the forehead above the eyebrows and gently
press on this area, then thumbs
move to the area upper wall eye sockets to inner
corner and also press. Palpate the exit points of the first
branches trigeminal nerve(n. ophthalmicus). Normal palpation
the walls of the frontal sinuses are painless (Fig. 1.2).
4) Palpation of the anterior walls of the maxillary sinuses: large
fingers of both hands are placed in the area of ​​​​the canine fossa on
anterior surface of the maxillary bone and slightly
press. Palpate the exit points of the second branches
trigeminal nerve (n. infraorbitalis). Normal palpation
the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus is painless.
Palpation of the walls of the frontal sinuses

5) Palpation of the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes:
submandibular The lymph nodes palpate with several
tilted forward head of the subject with light massaging
movements with the ends of the phalanges of the fingers in the submandibular region in
direction from the middle to the edge of the lower jaw.
Deep cervical lymph nodes are palpated first from one
side, then on the other. The patient's head is tilted forward
head tilt backwards anterior cervical lymph nodes and trunk
vessels of the neck are also displaced posteriorly, which makes them difficult to feel).
On palpation of the lymph nodes on the right, the right hand of the doctor lies on
crown of the subject, and with the left hand massaging
movements with soft deep immersion in the tissue with the ends of the phalanges
fingers in front of the anterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid
muscles. On palpation of the lymph nodes on the left, the left hand of the doctor
located on the crown, the right one is palpated.

Inspection of the nasal cavity is carried out with
artificial lighting (frontal
reflector or autonomous
light source) using the nasal
speculum nasopharynx,
which must be kept in the left
hand as shown
Anterior rhinoscopy:
A - correct position nasal dilator in hand;
b - the position of the nasal dilator during examination

Rhinoscopy can be anterior, middle and posterior.
1) Examination of the vestibule of the nose (first position in anterior rhinoscopy).
With the thumb of the right hand, lift the tip of the nose and examine
nasal vestibule. Normally, the vestibule of the nose is free, there is hair.
2) Anterior rhinoscopy is performed alternately - one and the other half
nose. On the open palm of the left hand, put the nasopharynx with the beak down;
thumb the left hand is placed on top of the nasal dilator screw,
index and middle fingers - outside under the branch, IV and V should
be between the jaws of the nasal dilator. Thus, II and III fingers
close the branches and thereby open the beak of the nasal dilator, and IV and V
fingers push apart the jaws and thereby close the beak of the nasopharynx.
3) The elbow of the left hand is lowered, the hand with the nasal dilator should be
mobile; the palm of the right hand is placed on the parietal region of the patient to
put your head in the right position.

4) The beak of the nasal dilator in a closed form is inserted 0.5 cm in front of the right half of the nose
sick. The right half of the beak of the nasopharynx should be in the lower inner corner
vestibule of the nose, left - on the upper third of the wing of the nose.
5) With the index and middle fingers of the left hand, press the jaw of the nasal dilator and
open the right vestibule of the nose so that the tips of the beak of the nasal dilator do not touch
mucous membrane of the nasal septum.
6) Examine the right half of the nose with the head in a straight position, the color of the mucosa is normal
shells are pink, the surface is smooth, moist, the nasal septum is in the midline. Fine
the turbinates are not enlarged, the common, lower and middle nasal passages are free. Distance
between the nasal septum and the edge of the inferior nasal concha is 3-4 mm.
7) Examine the right half of the nose with the patient's head slightly tilted downwards. At
this clearly visible the anterior and middle sections of the lower nasal passage, the bottom of the nose. Fine
the lower nasal passage is free.
8) Examine the right half of the nose with the patient's head slightly tilted back and to the right.
In this case, the middle nasal passage is visible.
9) IV and V fingers move the right branch so that the nose of the beak of the nasal dilator does not
completely closed (and did not pinch the hairs) and the nasal dilator is removed from the nose.
10) Inspection of the left half of the nose is carried out in the same way: the left hand holds the nasal dilator, and
the right hand lies on the crown, while the right half of the beak of the nasal dilator is in
upper inner corner of the vestibule of the nose on the left, and the left - in the lower outer.

1) Exists a large number of methods for determining
respiratory function of the nose. The simplest method of V.I. Voyachek,
which determines the degree of air permeability through
nose. To determine breathing through the right half of the nose
press the left wing of the nose against the nasal septum
with the index finger of the right hand, and with the left hand they bring
a feather of cotton wool to the right vestibule of the nose and ask the patient
take a short breath in and out. Nasal is defined similarly.
breathing through the left side of the nose. According to the deviation of the fleece
the respiratory function of the nose is assessed. Breathing through each
half of the nose may be normal, obstructed or

2) The determination of the olfactory function is carried out in turn by each
halves of the nose with odorous substances from the olfactometric kit
or using an olfactometer. For determining
olfactory function on the right is pressed with the index finger
right hand, the left wing of the nose to the nasal septum, and with the left hand
take a vial of an odorous substance and bring it to the right vestibule
nose, ask the patient to inhale with the right half of the nose and
determine the odor of the substance. The most commonly used substances
with odors of increasing concentration - wine alcohol, tincture
valerian, acetic acid solution, ammonia, etc.
Determination of smell through the left half of the nose is made
similarly, only the right wing of the nose is pressed with the index
finger of the left hand, and with the right hand they bring the odorous substance to the left
half of the nose. The sense of smell may be normal (normosmia),
reduced (hyposmia), absent (anosmia), perverted

Radiography. She is one of the most
common and informative methods
examination of the nose and paranasal sinuses.
The following methods are most often used in the clinic.
With a nasolabial projection (occipital-frontal) in
the patient's head is placed in the supine position
so that the forehead and tip of the nose touch the cassette. On
the resulting image is best seen frontal and in
at least slatted and maxillary sinuses

With a naso-chin projection (occipito-chin)
the patient lies on the cassette face down with open mouth touching
to her nose and chin. This picture clearly shows
frontal, as well as maxillary sinuses, cells of the ethmoid
labyrinth and sphenoid sinuses (Fig. 1.4 b). In order to
see on the x-ray the level of fluid in the sinuses,
apply the same styling, but in a vertical position
patient (sitting).
With a lateral (bitemporal), or profile, projection of the head
the subject is placed on the cassette in such a way that
the sagittal plane of the head was parallel to the cassette,
the x-ray beam travels in the frontal direction slightly
in front (1.5 cm) from the tragus of the auricle.

Most common
x-ray setups,
used in
study of the paranasal
a - nasofrontal (occipital frontal);
b - naso-chin

c - lateral (bitemporal,
g - axial
d - computer
tomogram of the paranasal

With axial (chin-vertical) projection of the patient
lies on his back, throws his head back and the parietal part
placed on a cassette. In this position, the chin
the area is in a horizontal position, and the x-ray
the beam is directed strictly vertically to the thyroid notch
larynx. In this laying, wedge-shaped
sinuses separately from each other (Fig. 1.4 d). In practice, as
As a rule, two projections are used: naso-chin and
nasolabial, with indications, other styling is also prescribed.
In the last decade, widespread
methods computed tomography(CT) and magnetic nuclear
resonance imaging (MRI), which have much larger
permission possibilities.

These methods are the most informative
modern methods of diagnostics with
the use of optical systems for visual
control, rigid and flexible endoscopes with
different viewing angles, microscopes.
The introduction of these high-tech and
expensive methods has significantly expanded
horizons of diagnostics and surgical
capabilities of an ENT specialist.

1. Examine the neck area, the mucous membrane of the lips.
2. Palpate regional lymph nodes of the pharynx: submandibular, in
retromandibular fossae, deep cervical, posterior cervical, in supra- and
subclavian fossae.
II stage. Throat endoscopy. Oroscopy.
1. Take the spatula in the left hand so that the thumb supports the spatula
below, and the index and middle (possibly ring) fingers were on top. right
the hand is placed on the crown of the patient.
2. They ask the patient to open his mouth, with a spatula flatten alternately the left and
the right corners of the mouth and examine the vestibule of the mouth: mucous membrane, excretory
parotid ducts salivary glands located on the buccal surface at the level
upper premolar.
3. Examine the oral cavity: teeth, gums, hard palate, tongue, excretory ducts
sublingual and submandibular salivary glands, floor of the mouth. The floor of the mouth can
examine by asking the subject to raise the tip of the tongue or lifting it

4. Holding the spatula in the left hand, press the anterior 2/3 of the tongue down with it, without touching
language root. The spatula is inserted through the right corner of the mouth, the tongue is pressed out not with a plane
spatula, and its end. When you touch the root of the tongue, vomiting immediately occurs.
movement. Determine the mobility and symmetry of the soft palate by asking
the patient to pronounce the sound "a". Normally, the soft palate is well mobile, the left and
the right side is symmetrical.
5. Examine the mucous membrane of the soft palate, its uvula, anterior and posterior
palatine arches. Normally, the mucous membrane is smooth, pink, the arches are contoured.
Examine the teeth and gums in order to identify pathological changes.
The size of the palatine tonsils is determined, for this they are mentally divided into three parts
the distance between the medial edge of the anterior palatine arch and the vertical
a line passing through the middle of the uvula and soft palate. The size of the tonsil
protruding up to 1/3 of this distance, refer to the I degree, protruding up to 2/3 - to II
degrees; protruding to the midline of the pharynx - to the III degree.

6. Examine the mucous membrane of the tonsils. Normally it is pink
moist, its surface is smooth, the mouths of the lacunae are closed, detachable in
they are not.
7. Determine the content in the crypts of the tonsils. To do this, take two
spatula, in the right and left hands. Press down with one spatula
tongue, the other is gently pressed through the anterior arch on the tonsil
in its upper third. On examination of the right tonsil, the tongue
squeezed with a spatula in the right hand, and when examining the left tonsil with a spatula in the left hand. Normally, there is no content in crypts or it
scanty, non-purulent in the form of minor epithelial plugs.
8. Examine the mucous membrane of the posterior pharyngeal wall. She is normal
pink, moist, even, rare, sized
up to 1 mm, lymphoid granules.

9. The nasopharyngeal mirror is fixed in the handle, heated in hot water up to 40-45 ° C,
wipe with a napkin.
10. With a spatula taken in the left hand, the anterior 2/3 of the tongue is pressed down. Ask the patient
breathe through the nose.
11. The nasopharyngeal mirror is taken in the right hand, like a writing pen, inserted into the oral cavity,
the mirror surface should be directed upwards. Then wind up the mirror behind the soft
palate without touching the root of the tongue and the back of the pharynx. Direct a beam of light from the frontal
reflector on the mirror. With slight turns of the mirror (by 1-2 mm), the nasopharynx is examined
(Fig. 1.5).
12. During posterior rhinoscopy, it is necessary to examine: the arch of the nasopharynx, choanae, the posterior ends of all three
turbinates, pharyngeal openings of the auditory (Eustachian) tubes. Normal nasopharyngeal vault
free in adults (there may be a thin layer of the pharyngeal tonsil), mucosa
the shell is pink, the choanae are free, the vomer of the median line, the mucous membrane of the posterior
the ends of the turbinates are pink with a smooth surface, the ends of the turbinates are not
protrude from the choanae, the nasal passages are free.

Posterior rhinoscopy (epipharyngoscopy):
a - the position of the nasopharyngeal mirror; b - picture of the nasopharynx with posterior rhinoscopy: 1 - vomer;
2 - choanae; 3 - posterior ends of the lower, middle and upper turbinates; 4 - pharyngeal opening
auditory tube; 5 - tongue; 6 - pipe roller

13. The patient sits, the doctor gets up
behind to the right of the subject.
Left index finger
hands gently press the left
patient's cheek between teeth
open mouth. index
right finger quickly
pass through the soft palate
nasopharynx and feel the choanae,
vault of the nasopharynx, lateral walls
(Fig. 1.6). At the same time, the pharyngeal
amygdala feels like an end
back side of the index
Finger examination of the nasopharynx:
a - the position of the doctor and the patient; b - finger position
doctor in the nasopharynx

I stage. External examination and palpation.
1. Examine the neck, the configuration of the larynx.
2. Palpate the larynx, its cartilages: cricoid, thyroid;
determine the crunch of the cartilage of the larynx: thumb and forefinger
right hand take the thyroid cartilage and gently shift it into one, and
then to the other side. Normally, the larynx is painless, passively
mobile in the lateral direction.
3. Palpate the regional lymph nodes of the larynx:
submandibular, deep cervical, posterior cervical, prelaryngeal,
pretracheal, paratracheal, in supraclavicular and subclavian fossae. IN
Normally, the lymph nodes are not palpable (not palpable).

II stage. Indirect laryngoscopy (hypopharyngoscopy).
1. The laryngeal mirror is fixed in the handle, heated in hot water or over an alcohol lamp in
for 3 s to 40-45 ° C, wipe with a napkin. The degree of heating is determined
by applying a mirror to the back of the hand.
2. Ask the patient to open his mouth, stick out his tongue and breathe through his mouth.
3. Wrap the tip of the tongue from above and below with a gauze napkin, take it with the fingers of the left
hands so that the thumb is located on the upper surface of the tongue, the middle finger on the lower surface of the tongue, and the index finger lifts the upper lip. Slightly
pull the tongue towards themselves and downwards (Fig. 1.7 a, c).
4. The laryngeal mirror is taken in the right hand, like a pen for writing, inserted into the oral cavity
mirror plane parallel to the plane of the tongue, without touching the root of the tongue and the back wall
throats. Having reached the soft palate, lift the tongue with the back of the mirror and put
the plane of the mirror at an angle of 45 ° to the median axis of the pharynx, if necessary, you can slightly
lift the soft palate up, the light beam from the reflector is directed exactly at the mirror
(Fig. 1.7 b). They ask the patient to make a drawn out sound "e", "and" (at the same time, the epiglottis
will shift anteriorly, opening the entrance to the larynx for inspection), then inhale. Thus,
you can see the larynx in two phases of physiological activity: phonation and inspiration.
Correction of the location of the mirror must be carried out until it reflects
picture of the larynx, however, this is done with great care, very thin small
5. Remove the mirror from the larynx, separate it from the handle and lower it into a disinfectant solution.

Indirect laryngoscopy (hypopharyngoscopy): a - position of the laryngeal mirror (front view); b position of the laryngeal mirror (side view); c - indirect laryngoscopy; d - a picture of the larynx with an indirect
laryngoscopy: 1 - epiglottis; 2 - false vocal folds; 3 - true vocal folds; 4 arytenoid cartilage; 5 - interarytenoid space; 6 - pear-shaped pocket; 7 - pits of the epiglottis; 8
- root of the tongue; 9 - aryepiglottic fold; 10 - subvocal cavity (tracheal rings); d - glottis
with indirect laryngoscopy

1. An image is seen in the laryngeal mirror, which differs from the true one in that
the anterior sections of the larynx in the mirror are at the top (they seem to be behind), the posterior ones are at the bottom
(appear ahead). Right and left side larynxes in the mirror are true
(do not change) .
2. In the laryngeal mirror, first of all, the root of the tongue is visible with the lingual
tonsil, then the epiglottis in the form of an unfolded petal. mucous membrane
the epiglottis is usually pale pink or slightly yellowish. Between
the epiglottis and the root of the tongue are visible two small depressions - the pits of the epiglottis
(vallecules), limited by the median and lateral lingual-epiglottic folds.
3. During phonation, vocal folds are visible, normally they are pearly white.
The anterior ends of the folds at the place of their departure from the thyroid cartilage form the angle of the anterior commissure.
4. Above vocal folds pink vestibular folds are visible, between
voice and vestibular folds on each side there are recesses - laryngeal
ventricles, inside of which there may be small accumulations of lymphoid tissue - laryngeal
5. Below, in the mirror, the posterior sections of the larynx are visible; arytenoid cartilages are represented by two
tubercles on the sides of the upper edge of the larynx, have a pink color with a smooth surface, to
the posterior ends of the vocal folds are attached to the vocal processes of these cartilages, between
bodies of cartilage is interarytenoid space.

6. Simultaneously with indirect laryngoscopy, an indirect
hypopharyngoscopy, while the following picture is visible in the mirror. From
arytenoid cartilages up to the lower lateral edges of the lobe
epiglottis go scoop-epiglottic folds, they are pink
with a smooth surface. Lateral to the aryepiglottic folds
pear-shaped pockets (sinuses) are located - lower section pharynx,
the mucous membrane of which is pink, smooth. Tapering down,
pear-shaped pockets approach the esophageal pulp.
7. When inhaling and phonation, symmetrical mobility is determined
vocal folds and both halves of the larynx.
8. When inhaling, a triangular shape is formed between the vocal folds
a space called the glottis through which
examine the lower part of the larynx - the subvocal cavity; often
it is possible to see the upper tracheal rings covered with pink mucous
shell. The size of the glottis in adults is 15-18 mm.
9. Examining the larynx, you should make a general review and evaluate
the state of its individual parts.

I stage. External examination and palpation. Inspection begins with a healthy ear.
Inspection and palpation of the auricle, external opening of the auditory
passage, behind the ear, in front of the ear canal.
1. To examine the external opening of the right auditory canal in adults
it is necessary to delay auricle back and up, holding a large and
with the index fingers of the left hand behind the curl of the auricle. Viewed from the left
the auricle must be pulled back in the same way with the right hand. In children, retraction of the ear
shells are produced not upwards, but downwards and backwards. When retracting the ear
in this way, the bone and membranous cartilage are displaced
parts of the ear canal, which makes it possible to insert the ear funnel to the bone
department. The funnel holds the ear canal in a straightened position, and this
allows for otoscopy.
2. To examine the behind-the-ear region, the right auricle is turned away with the right hand
investigated anteriorly. Pay attention to the behind-the-ear crease (place
attachment of the auricle to the mastoid process), normally it is well
3. With the thumb of the right hand, gently press on the tragus. Normal palpation
tragus is painless, in an adult, pain in acute external
otite, in a child younger age such pain appears in the middle.

4. Then the right thumb is palpated with the thumb of the left hand.
mastoid process at three points: projections of the antrum,
sigmoid sinus, apex of the mastoid process.
On palpation of the left mastoid process, the auricle
pull with your left hand, and palpate with your right finger
5. With the index finger of the left hand, palpate the regional
lymph nodes of the right ear anterior, inferior, posterior to
external auditory canal.
With the index finger of the right hand, palpate in the same way
lymph nodes of the left ear. Normally, lymph nodes are
are palpated.

1. Select a funnel with a diameter corresponding to the transverse diameter
external auditory canal.
2. Pull the patient's right auricle back and up with your left hand.
With the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, the ear funnel is inserted into
membranous-cartilaginous part of the external auditory canal.
When examining the left ear, pull the auricle with your right hand, and the crow
enter with the fingers of your left hand.
3. The ear funnel is inserted into the membranous-cartilaginous part of the auditory canal
to keep it in a straightened position (after pulling the ear
sinks upward and backward in adults), the funnel cannot be inserted into the bone section
ear canal, as it causes pain. When inserting the funnel, the length
its axis must coincide with the axis of the ear canal, otherwise the funnel will rest against
its wall.
4. Lightly move the outer end of the funnel in order to
review all departments eardrum.
5. With the introduction of the funnel, there may be a cough, depending on irritation
branch endings vagus nerve in the skin of the ear canal.

Otoscopic picture.
1. Otoscopy shows that the skin of the membranous-cartilaginous section has hair, here
earwax is usually present. The length of the external auditory meatus is 2.5 cm.
2. The eardrum has a gray color with a pearly tint.
3. Identification points are visible on the eardrum: short (lateral)
process and handle of the malleus, anterior and posterior malleus folds, light cone
(reflex), navel of the eardrum (Fig. 1.8).
4. Below the anterior and posterior malleus folds, the stretched part of the tympanic
membranes, above these folds - the loose part.
5. There are 4 quadrants on the eardrum, which are obtained from the mental
drawing two lines that are mutually perpendicular. One line is drawn along the handle
hammer down, the other - perpendicular to it through the center (umbo) of the tympanic membrane and
lower end of the hammer handle. The resulting quadrants are called:
anteroposterior and posterior superior, anteroinferior and posterior inferior.

Diagram of the tympanic membrane:
I - anteroposterior quadrant;
II - anteroinferior quadrant;
III - posterior lower quadrant;
IV - posterior superior quadrant

Function research auditory tubes. The study of the ventilation function of the auditory
pipe is based on blowing the pipe and listening to the sounds passing through it
air. For this purpose, a special elastic (rubber) tube with ear
liners at both ends (otoscope), a rubber bulb with an olive at the end (cylinder
Politzer), a set of ear catheters of various sizes - from the 1st to the 6th number.
Sequentially perform 5 ways of blowing the auditory tube. Opportunity
performing one or another method allows you to determine I, II, III, IV or V degree
pipe patency. When performing an examination, one end of the otoscope is placed in
the external auditory canal of the subject, the second - the doctor. The doctor listens through the otoscope
the sound of air passing through the auditory tube.
A test with an empty sip allows you to determine the patency of the auditory tube when
making a swallowing movement. When opening the lumen of the auditory tube, the doctor
through the otoscope hears a characteristic slight noise or crackle.
Toynbee method. This is also a swallowing movement, however, performed by the subject at
closed mouth and nose. When performing the study, if the tube is passable, the patient
feels a push in the ears, and the doctor hears the characteristic sound of air passing.
Valsalva method. The subject is asked to take a deep breath and then
increased expiration (inflation) with a tightly closed mouth and nose. Under pressure
exhaled air, the auditory tubes open and air enters with force
tympanic cavity, which is accompanied by a slight crackle that feels
examined, and the doctor listens through the otoscope for a characteristic noise. In case of violation
patency of the auditory tube, the implementation of the Valsalva experiment fails.

The olive of the ear balloon is inserted into the vestibule of the nasal cavity
on the right and hold it with the II finger of the left hand, and I
with a finger press the left wing of the nose to the septum
nose. Insert one olive of the otoscope into the external auditory
passage of the patient, and the second - in the ear of the doctor and ask the patient
say the words "steamboat", "one, two, three." In the moment
pronouncing a vowel sound compress the balloon with four
fingers of the right hand, while the first finger serves as a support. IN
moment of blowing when pronouncing a vowel sound
The soft palate deviates posteriorly and separates the nasopharynx.
Air enters the closed cavity of the nasopharynx and
evenly presses on all walls; part of the air with
force passes into the pharyngeal openings of the auditory tubes, which
determined by the characteristic sound heard
through an otoscope. Then in the same way, but only through
the left half of the nose, blowing is performed, along
Politzer, left auditory tube.
Blowing the auditory tubes, according to Politzer

III stage. Methods of radiation diagnostics.
X-rays are widely used to diagnose ear diseases.
temporal bones; three are the most common
special styling: according to Schüller, Mayer and Stenvers. Wherein
perform radiographs of both temporal bones at once. Main
the condition for conventional radiography of the temporal bones is
symmetry of the image, the absence of which leads to
diagnostic errors.
Lateral survey radiography of the temporal bones, according to Schüller
, allows you to identify the structure of the mastoid process. On
radiographs clearly show the cave and perianthral cells,
the roof of the tympanic cavity and the anterior wall are clearly defined
sigmoid sinus. According to these pictures, one can judge the degree
pneumatization of the mastoid process, characteristic of
mastoiditis destruction of bone bridges between cells.

Axial projection, according to Mayer, allows you to more clearly than in the projection along
Schuller, remove the bone walls of the external auditory canal,
epitympanic depression and mastoid cells. Extension
atticoantral cavity with clear boundaries indicates the presence
Oblique projection, according to Stanvers. With its help, the top of the pyramid is displayed,
labyrinth and internal auditory canal. Highest value It has
the ability to assess the condition of the internal auditory canal. At
diagnosis of neuroma of the vestibulocochlear (VIII) nerve is assessed
symmetry of the internal auditory canals, subject to identity
styling of the right and left ear. Laying is also informative in diagnostics
transverse fractures of the pyramid, which are most often one of the
manifestations of a longitudinal fracture of the base of the skull.
More clearly structure temporal bone and the ear are visualized at
using CT and MRI.
Computed tomography (CT). It is performed in axial and frontal
projections with a slice thickness of 1-2 mm. CT allows

Plain radiograph of the temporal bones
in Schüller laying:
1 - temporomandibular joint;
2 - external auditory meatus;
3 - internal auditory meatus;
4 - mastoid cave;
5 - perianthral cells;
6 - cells of the apex of the mastoid process;
7 - the front surface of the pyramid

Plain radiograph of the temporal
bones in laying, according to Mayer:
1 - cells of the mastoid process;
2 - antrum;
3 - front wall of the ear canal;
4 - temporomandibular joint;
5 - internal auditory meatus;
6 - the core of the labyrinth;
7 - sinus border;
8 - apex of the mastoid process

X-ray of the temporal
bones in laying, by
1 - internal auditory
2 - auditory ossicles;
3 - mastoid cells

Computed tomogram
temporal bone is normal

Depending on the tasks facing the doctor, the volume
The research carried out may be different. Information
about the state of hearing is necessary not only for the diagnosis
ear diseases and solving the problem of the method of conservative and
surgical treatment, but also in professional selection,
selection hearing aid. Very important is
study of hearing in children in order to identify early impairments

The study of hearing with the help of speech. After identifying complaints and
collecting anamnesis, perform a speech examination of hearing,
determine the perception of whispered and colloquial speech.
The patient is placed at a distance of 6 m from the doctor; ear being examined
should be directed towards the doctor, and the opposite
the assistant closes by firmly pressing the tragus against the hole
external auditory meatus with the II finger, while the III finger is slightly
rubs II, which creates a rustling sound that drowns out that ear,
excluding replay

The subject is explained that he must repeat loudly
heard words. To avoid lip reading, the patient should not
look towards the doctor. Whispering, using the air left in
lungs after an unforced exhalation, the doctor pronounces the words with
low sounds (number, hole, sea, tree, grass, window, etc.), then
words with high sounds are treble (thicket, already, cabbage soup, hare, etc.).
Patients with damage to the sound-conducting apparatus (conductive
hearing loss) hear low sounds worse. On the contrary, in case of violation
hearing loss (sensorineural hearing loss)
high sounds.
If the subject cannot hear from a distance of 6 m, the doctor reduces
distance of 1 m and re-examine the hearing. This procedure is repeated until
until the subject hears all the spoken words.
Normally, when studying the perception of whispered speech, a person hears
low sounds from a distance of at least 6 m, and high ones - 20 m.
The study of colloquial speech is carried out according to the same rules.
The results of the study are recorded in the auditory passport.

Tuning forks are the next step in hearing assessment.
Air conduction study. For this, tuning forks are used.
C128 and C2048. The study begins with a low-frequency tuning fork
Holding the tuning fork by the leg with two fingers,
by striking the branches against the tenor of the palm, they cause it to oscillate. Tuning fork С2048
vibrate by jerky squeezing of the jaws with two fingers
or the flick of a fingernail.
A sounding tuning fork is brought to the external auditory canal of the subject
at a distance of 0.5 cm and hold in such a way that the branches make
fluctuations in the plane of the axis of the auditory canal. Starting the countdown from
the moment the tuning fork is struck, the time is measured with a stopwatch, during
which the patient hears its sound. After the subject stops
hear the sound, the tuning fork is moved away from the ear and brought closer again, without exciting
him again. As a rule, after such a distance from the ear of the tuning fork, the patient
a few more seconds hear the sound. The final time is marked by
last answer. Similarly, a study is carried out with a tuning fork C2048,
determine the duration of perception of its sound through the air.

Bone conduction study. Bone conduction is examined
tuning fork C128. This is due to the fact that the vibration of tuning forks with more
low frequency is felt by the skin, and tuning forks with a higher
frequency are heard through the air with the ear.
The sounding tuning fork C128 is placed perpendicularly with its foot on the platform
mastoid process. The duration of perception is also measured
stopwatch, counting time from the moment of excitation
tuning fork.
If sound conduction is impaired (conductive hearing loss), the
perception through the air of a low-sounding tuning fork C128; at
the study of bone conduction, the sound is heard longer.
Violation of air perception of a high tuning fork C2048
accompanied mainly by damage to the sound-perceiving
apparatus (sensorineural hearing loss). decreases proportionally
and the duration of sounding C2048 in air and bone, although the ratio
of these indicators remains, as in the norm, 2:1.

Qualitative tuning fork tests are carried out in order to
differential express diagnostics of the lesion
sound-conducting or sound-receiving parts of the auditory
analyzer. For this, experiments are carried out by Rinne, Weber, Jelle,
Federice, when performing them, a C128 tuning fork is used.
Rinne's experience consists in comparing the duration of air and
bone conduction. The sounding tuning fork C128 is placed with its foot to
site of the mastoid process. After the cessation of sound perception
along the bone, the tuning fork, without exciting, is brought to the external auditory
pass. If the subject continues to hear the sound through the air
tuning fork, Rinne's experience is regarded as positive (R+). In
if the patient stops sounding the tuning fork on
mastoid process does not hear it and at the external auditory canal,
Rinne's experience is negative (R-).

With a positive experience of Rinne, the air conduction of sound in
1.5-2 times higher than the bone, with a negative - vice versa.
Rinne's positive experience is normal, negative
- in case of damage to the sound-conducting apparatus, i.e. at
conductive hearing loss.
In case of damage to the sound-receiving apparatus (i.e. with
sensorineural hearing loss) conduction of sounds through the air, as in
normal, prevails over bone conduction. However, at the same time
the duration of perception of a sounding tuning fork as in the air,
and bone conduction is less than normal, therefore
Rinne's experience remains positive.

Weber's experience (W). With it, you can evaluate the lateralization of sound.
The sounding tuning fork C128 is placed on the crown of the subject to
the leg was in the middle of the head (see Fig. 1.15 a). Branches
The tuning fork should oscillate in the frontal plane. IN
Normally, the subject hears the sound of a tuning fork in the middle of the head or
the same in both ears (normal<- W ->). With unilateral
damage to the sound-conducting apparatus, the sound is lateralized in
affected ear (e.g. left W ->), with unilateral lesion
sound-receiving apparatus (for example, on the left) sound
lateralizes into a healthy ear (in this case, to the right<При двусторонней кондуктивной тугоухости звук будет латерализоваться
towards the worse hearing ear, with bilateral neurosensory - in
side of the better hearing ear.

Gellet Experience (G). The method makes it possible to detect a violation of sound conduction associated with
immobility of the stirrup in the vestibule window. This type of pathology is observed in
particularly in otosclerosis.
A sounding tuning fork is attached to the crown and at the same time pneumatic
funnel thicken the air in the external auditory canal (see Fig. 1.15 b). In the moment
compression, the subject with normal hearing will feel a decrease in perception,
which is associated with a deterioration in the mobility of the sound-conducting system due to
pressing the stirrup into the vestibule window niche - Zhelle's experience was positive (G+).
With the immobility of the stirrup, no change in perception at the moment of condensation
air in the external auditory canal will not occur - the experience of Zhelle is negative
Experience Federici (F). It consists in comparing the duration of perception of the sounding
C128 tuning fork from the mastoid process and tragus during obturation of the external
ear canal. After the cessation of sounding on the mastoid process, the tuning fork
placed with a foot on the tragus.
In the norm and in violation of sound perception, Federici's experience is positive;
the sound of a tuning fork from a tragus is perceived longer, and in case of violation
sound conduction - negative (F-).
Thus, Federici's experience, along with other tests, allows
differentiate between conductive and sensorineural hearing loss.

The use of electroacoustic equipment allows you to dose
the strength of the sound stimulus in generally accepted units - decibels
(dB), conduct a hearing test in patients with severe
hearing loss, use diagnostic tests.
The audiometer is an electrical sound generator that allows
to give relatively pure sounds (tones) both through the air and through
bone. A clinical audiometer examines hearing thresholds in the range
from 125 to 8000 Hz. At present, there are audiometers,
allowing to examine hearing in an extended frequency range - up to 18
000-20,000 Hz. With their help, audiometry is performed in an extended
frequency range up to 20,000 Hz by air. Through transformation
attenuator, the supplied audio signal can be amplified up to 100-120
dB in the study of air and up to 60 dB in the study of bone
conductivity. The volume is usually adjusted in steps of 5 dB, in
some audiometers - in more fractional steps, starting from 1 dB.

From a psychophysiological point of view, various
audiometric methods are divided into subjective and objective.
Subjective audiometric techniques are the most widely used
application in clinical practice. They are based on
subjective sensations of the patient and on the conscious, depending on his
will, response. Objective, or reflex, audiometry
is based on reflex unconditional and conditional responses
reactions of the subject that occur in the body during sound
influence and not dependent on his will.
Depending on the stimulus used in the study
sound analyzer, there are such subjective methods as
tone threshold and suprathreshold audiometry, research method
hearing sensitivity to ultrasound, speech audiometry.

Tonal audiometry is threshold and suprathreshold.
Tonal threshold audiometry is performed to determine thresholds
perception of sounds of various frequencies during air and bone conduction.
By means of air and bone phones determine the threshold
sensitivity of the organ of hearing to the perception of sounds of different frequencies. results
studies are entered on a special grid form, called
An audiogram is a graphic representation of threshold hearing. Audiometer
designed so that it indicates hearing loss in decibels compared to
the norm. Normal hearing thresholds for sounds of all frequencies, both airborne and
bone conduction are marked with a zero line. Thus, tonal
the threshold audiogram first of all makes it possible to determine the acuity of hearing.
By the nature of the threshold curves of air and bone conduction and their
relationship, you can also get a qualitative characteristic of the patient's hearing, i.e.
determine whether there is a violation of sound conduction, sound perception or
mixed (combined) defeat.

If there is a violation of sound conduction, an increase is noted on the audiogram
hearing thresholds for air conduction mainly in the range
low and medium frequencies and to a lesser extent - high. Hearing thresholds for
bone conduction remain close to normal, between the threshold
curves of bone and air conduction there is a significant
called an air-bone gap (cochlear reserve).
In case of impaired sound perception, air and bone conduction
suffer to the same extent, the air-bone rupture is practically
absent. In the initial stages, predominantly perception suffers
high tones, and in the future this is a violation
manifests itself at all frequencies; breaks in the threshold curves are noted, i.e.
lack of perception on certain frequencies
Mixed, or combined, hearing loss is characterized by the presence of
audiogram of signs of impaired sound conduction and sound perception, but
there is an air-bone gap between them.

Audiogram for violation
sound conduction:
a - conductive form of hearing loss;
b - neurosensory form of hearing loss;
c - mixed form of hearing loss

Tonal suprathreshold audiometry. Designed to identify
the phenomenon of accelerated increase in volume (FUNG - in the domestic
literature, recruitment phenomenon - in
foreign literature).
The presence of this phenomenon usually indicates damage to the receptor
cells of the spiral organ, i.e. about intracochlear (cochlear) lesions
auditory analyzer.
A patient with hearing loss develops increased
sensitivity to loud (above threshold) sounds. He notes unpleasant
sensations in a sore ear if they talk loudly or sharply
amplify the voice. FUNG can be suspected on clinical
survey. It is evidenced by the patient's complaints of intolerance
loud sounds, especially with a sore ear, the presence of dissociation between
perception of whispered and colloquial speech. Whispered speech of the patient completely
does not perceive or perceives at the sink, while colloquial
hears at a distance of more than 2 m. When conducting the Weber experiment,
change or sudden disappearance of sound lateralization, with
audibility suddenly stops on a tuning fork study
tuning fork when slowly moving it away from the diseased ear.

Methods of suprathreshold audiometry (there are more than 30 of them) allow you to directly or
indirectly detect FUNG. The most common among them
are classical methods: Luscher - definition
differential threshold of sound intensity perception,
Fowler loudness equalization (with unilateral hearing loss),
index of small increments of intensity (IMPI, often denoted
like a SISI test). Normally, the differential threshold of sound intensity
equal to 0.8-1 dB, the presence of FUNG is evidenced by its decrease below
0.7 dB.
Study of auditory sensitivity to ultrasound. Fine
a person perceives ultrasound during bone conduction in the range
frequencies up to 20 kHz or more. If hearing loss is not associated with a lesion
cochlea (neurinoma of the VIII cranial nerve, brain tumors, etc.),
the perception of ultrasound remains the same as normal. At
damage to the cochlea increases the threshold for the perception of ultrasound.

Speech audiometry, unlike tone audiometry, allows you to determine
social suitability of hearing in this patient. The method is
especially valuable in the diagnosis of central hearing loss.
Speech audiometry is based on the definition of intelligibility thresholds
speech. Understanding is understood as a value defined as
the ratio of the number of correctly understood words to the total number
listened to, expressed as a percentage. So if out of 10
the patient correctly parsed the words presented for listening
all 10, it will be 100% intelligibility if correctly parsed 8, 5 or
2 words, this will be respectively 80, 50 or 20% intelligibility.
The study is carried out in a soundproof room. results
studies are recorded on special forms in the form of curves
speech intelligibility, while the intensity is marked on the x-axis
speech, and on the y-axis - the percentage of correct answers. Curves
intelligibility are excellent for various forms of hearing loss, which has
differential diagnostic value.

Objective audiometry. Objective methods of hearing research
based on unconditioned and conditioned reflexes. Such research has
value for assessing the state of hearing in case of damage to the central parts
sound analyzer, during labor and forensic
expertise. With a strong sudden sound, unconditioned reflexes
are reactions in the form of dilated pupils (cochlear-pupillary reflex,
or auropupillary), eyelid closure (auropalpebral, nictitating
The most commonly used for objective audiometry is galvanic skin
and vascular response. The galvanic skin reflex is expressed in
change in the potential difference between two areas of the skin under
influence, in particular, sound stimulation. Vascular response
consists in a change in vascular tone in response to sound stimulation, which
recorded, for example, using plethysmography.
In young children, the reaction is most often recorded when playing
audiometry, combining sound stimulation with the appearance of a picture in
the moment the child presses the button. Loud sounds at first
are replaced by quieter ones and auditory thresholds are determined.

The most modern method of objective examination of hearing is
audiometry with registration of auditory evoked potentials (SEP). The method is based
on registration caused in the cerebral cortex by sound signals
potentials on the electroencephalogram (EEG). It can be used in children
infants and young children, in mentally handicapped persons and persons with normal
psyche. Since EEG responses to sound signals (usually short - up to 1 ms,
called sound clicks) are very small - less than 1 μV, for their registration
use computer averaging.
More widely used is the registration of short-latency auditory evoked
potentials (KSVP), giving an idea of ​​the state of individual formations
subcortical pathway of the auditory analyzer (vestibulocochlear nerve, cochlear
nuclei, olives, lateral loop, tubercles of the quadrigemina). But ABRs do not give any complete picture of the response to a stimulus of a certain frequency, since
the stimulus itself should be short. More informative in this respect
long-latency auditory evoked potentials (DSEP). They register
responses of the cerebral cortex to relatively long, i.e. having a certain
frequency of sound signals and they can be used to derive auditory
sensitivity at different frequencies. This is especially important in children's practice, when
conventional audiometry based on the patient's conscious responses is not applicable.

Impedance audiometry is one of the methods of objective assessment
hearing, based on the measurement of acoustic impedance
sound-conducting device. In clinical practice, they use
two types of acoustic impedancemetry - tympanometry and
acoustic reflexometry.
Tympanometry is the registration of acoustic
the resistance that a sound wave encounters when
distribution through the acoustic system of the outer, middle and
inner ear, when the air pressure in the outer
ear canal (usually +200 to -400 mm of water column). Curve,
reflective dependence of tympanic membrane resistance
pressure, called tympanogram. Various types
tympanometric curves reflect normal or
pathological condition of the middle ear.

Acoustic reflexometry is based on the registration of changes
compliance of the sound-conducting system, occurring during
contraction of the stapedius muscle. Caused by sound stimulus
Nerve impulses travel through the auditory pathways to the superior olive
nuclei, where they switch to the motor nucleus of the facial nerve and go to
stirrup muscle. Muscle contraction occurs on both sides. IN
the external auditory meatus is inserted into the sensor, which responds to
change in pressure (volume). in response to sound stimulation
an impulse is generated that passes through the above-described reflex
arc, as a result of which the stapedius muscle contracts and comes to
movement of the eardrum, pressure (volume) changes in
external auditory canal, which registers the sensor. The normal threshold
acoustic reflex of the stirrup is about 80 dB above
individual sensitivity threshold. With neurosensory
hearing loss accompanied by FUNG, reflex thresholds are significantly
are declining. With conductive hearing loss, pathology of the nuclei or trunk
of the facial nerve, the acoustic reflex of the stirrup is absent on the side
defeat. For the differential diagnosis of retrolabyrinthine
of auditory tract lesions, the decay test is of great importance
acoustic reflex.

Types of tympanometric curves (according to Serger):
a - normal;
b - with exudative otitis media;
c - when the chain of auditory ossicles is broken

Examination of the patient always begins with clarification of complaints and
anamnesis of life and disease. The most common complaints
dizziness, balance disorder, manifested
gait and coordination disorders, nausea, vomiting,
fainting, sweating, skin discoloration
covers, etc. These complaints may be permanent or
be intermittent, transient, or
last several hours or days. They may occur
spontaneously, for no apparent reason, or under the influence
specific factors of the environment and the body: in transport,
surrounded by moving objects, with overwork,
motor load, a certain position of the head, etc.

Vestibulometry includes the identification of spontaneous symptoms,
carrying out and evaluation of vestibular tests, analysis and generalization
received data. To spontaneous vestibular symptoms
include spontaneous nystagmus, changes in muscle tone of the limbs,
gait disturbance.
Spontaneous nystagmus. The patient is examined in a sitting position or in
supine position, while the subject follows the finger
doctor, removed from the eyes at a distance of 60 cm; finger moves
successively in horizontal, vertical and diagonal
planes. Eye abduction should not exceed 40-45°, as
overexertion of the eye muscles may be accompanied by twitching
eyeballs. When observing nystagmus, it is advisable to use
high magnification glasses (+20 diopters) to eliminate the influence
gaze fixation. Otorhinolaryngologists use for this purpose
special Frenzel or Bartels glasses; even more clearly
spontaneous nystagmus is detected by electronystagmography.

When examining a patient in the supine position, the head and
the body is given a different position, while some
patients observe the appearance of nystagmus, referred to as
positional nystagmus (positional nystagmus). Positional nystagmus
may have a central genesis, in some cases it is associated with
dysfunction of otolithic receptors, from which
the smallest particles and enter the ampoules of the semicircular canals with
pathological impulses from cervical receptors.
In the clinic, nystagmus is characterized by a plane (horizontal,
sagittal, rotatory), in direction (right, left, up,
down), by strength (I, II or III degree), by the speed of oscillatory cycles
(lively, sluggish), by amplitude (small, medium or large-spanning),
by rhythm (rhythmic or dysrhythmic), by duration (in seconds).

By strength, nystagmus is considered I degree if it occurs only with
looking towards the fast component; II degree - when looking not
only towards the fast component, but also directly; finally,
nystagmus III degree is observed not only in the first two
positions of the eyes, but also when looking in the direction of the slow
component. Vestibular nystagmus usually does not change its
directions, i.e. in any position of the eyes, its fast component
directed in the same direction. About the extralabyrinth
The (central) origin of nystagmus is evidenced by its
undulating character, when it is impossible to distinguish between fast and
slow phase. vertical, diagonal,
multidirectional (changing direction when looking in
different sides), convergent, monocular,
asymmetrical (unequal for both eyes) nystagmus
characteristic of disorders of the central genesis.

Tonic reactions of hand deflection. They are examined at
performing index tests (finger-nose, finger-finger), Fisher-Vodak test.
Index samples. When performing a finger test
the subject spreads his arms to the sides and first with open, and
then, with his eyes closed, he tries to touch his forefingers
fingers of one and then the other hand to the tip of your nose. At
in the normal state of the vestibular analyzer, it is without
difficulty completing the task. Annoyance of one
labyrinths leads to misses with both hands in
opposite side (toward the slow component
nystagmus). With localization of the lesion in the posterior cranial fossa
(for example, with pathology of the cerebellum) the patient misses
with one hand (on the side of the disease) to the "sick" side.

With a finger-finger test, the patient alternately with the right and left hand
should hit the doctor's index finger with the index finger,
located in front of him at arm's length. Try
performed first with open, then with closed eyes. Fine
the subject confidently hits the doctor's finger with both hands as if
open as well as with closed eyes.
Fisher-Wodak test. Performed by the subjects sitting with closed
eyes and arms outstretched. Index fingers extended
the rest are clenched into a fist. The doctor places his index fingers
opposite the index fingers of the patient and in the immediate
proximity to them and observes the deviation of the hands of the subject. At
in a healthy person, hand deviation is not observed, with a lesion
maze, both hands deviate towards the slow component
nystagmus (i.e. in the direction of that labyrinth, the impulse from which

Study of stability in the Romberg position. The subject is standing
bringing the feet together so that their socks and heels touch, hands
stretched forward at chest level, fingers spread apart, eyes
closed. In this position, the patient should be insured,
so that he doesn't fall. In case of dysfunction of the labyrinth, the patient
will deviate in the direction opposite to nystagmus. Should
take into account that in the pathology of the cerebellum there may be a deviation
torso in the direction of the lesion, so the study in a pose
Romberg is complemented by turns of the subject's head to the right and
to the left. With the defeat of the labyrinth, these turns are accompanied by
change in the direction of fall, with cerebellar damage
direction of deviation remains unchanged and does not depend on
turning the head.

Gait in a straight line and flank:
when examining gait in a straight line, the patient with his eyes closed
takes five steps in a straight line forward and then, without turning, 5 steps
back. If the function of the vestibular analyzer is impaired, the patient
deviates from a straight line in the direction opposite to nystagmus, with
cerebellar disorders - towards the lesion;
flank gait is examined as follows. Subject resigns
right foot to the right, then puts the left foot and takes 5 steps in this way, and
then similarly takes 5 steps to the left. In case of violation
vestibular function, the subject performs a flank gait well in
both sides, if the function of the cerebellum is impaired, it cannot perform it in
side of the affected lobe of the cerebellum.
Also for the differential diagnosis of cerebellar and vestibular
lesions perform a test for adiadochokinesis. The subject performs it with
eyes closed, both hands extended forward, makes a quick change
pronation and supination. Adiadochokinesis - a sharp lag of the hand on the "sick"
side in violation of the function of the cerebellum.

Vestibular tests allow you to determine not only the presence
violations of the function of the analyzer, but also to give a qualitative and
quantitative description of their features. The essence of these trials
consists in excitation of vestibular receptors with the help of
adequate or inadequate dosed effects.
So, for ampullar receptors, an adequate stimulus is
angular accelerations, this is the basis of the dosed rotational
swivel chair test. An inadequate irritant for those
same receptors is the effect of dosed caloric
stimulus when the infusion into the external auditory canal of water of various
temperature leads to cooling or heating of liquid media
inner ear and this causes, according to the law of convection, movement
endolymph in the horizontal semicircular canal
closest to the middle ear. Also an inadequate stimulus for
vestibular receptors is the effect of galvanic current.
For otolith receptors, an adequate stimulus is
rectilinear acceleration in horizontal and vertical planes
when performing a test on a four-bar swing.

Rotational test. The subject is seated in Barani's chair in such a way
so that his back fits snugly against the back of the chair, his legs
located on a stand, and hands - on the armrests. Patient's head
leans forward and down 30°, eyes closed. Rotation
produce uniformly at a speed of 1/2 revolution (or 180 °) per second, in total
10 revolutions in 20 s. At the beginning of rotation, the human body experiences
positive acceleration, at the end - negative. When rotating along
clockwise after stopping the endolymph current in horizontal
the semicircular canals will continue to the right; hence slow
the component of nystagmus will also be to the right, and the direction of nystagmus (fast
component) - to the left. When moving to the right at the moment the chair stops in
in the right ear, the movement of the endolymph will be ampulofugal, i.e. from the ampoule, and
left - ampulopetal. Therefore, postrotational nystagmus and
other vestibular reactions (sensory and autonomic) will
are caused by irritation of the left labyrinth, and the postrotational reaction
from the right ear - observed when rotating counterclockwise, i.e.
to the left. After the chair stops, the countdown begins. test subject
fixes the gaze on the doctor's finger, while determining the degree of nystagmus,
then determine the nature of the amplitude and liveliness of nystagmus, its
duration when the eyes are positioned towards the fast component.

If the functional state of the receptors of the anterior
(frontal) semicircular canals, then the subject sits in
Barany's chair with its head thrown back 60 °, if
the function of the posterior (sagittal) canals is being studied, the head
leans 90° to the opposite shoulder.
Normal duration of nystagmus in the study of lateral
(horizontal) semicircular canals is 25-35 s, with
examination of the posterior and anterior canals - 10-15 s. Character
nystagmus with irritation of the lateral canals is horizontal, anterior - rotatory, posterior - vertical;
in amplitude, it is small or medium-sized, I-II degree,
alive, quickly fading.

Caloric test. During this test, a weaker effect is achieved than with
rotation, artificial stimulation of the labyrinth, mainly receptors
lateral semicircular canal. An important advantage of the caloric test
is the ability to irritate isolated ampullar receptors of one
Before performing a water caloric test, you should make sure that there are no
dry perforation in the tympanic membrane of the examined ear, since the
water into the tympanic cavity can exacerbate chronic
inflammatory process. In this case, an air
The caloric test is performed as follows. The doctor draws Janet into the syringe
100 ml of water at a temperature of 20 ° C (with a thermal caloric test, the temperature
water is +42 °C). The subject sits with the head tilted back by 60°; wherein
the lateral semicircular canal is located vertically. Pour into the outer
ear canal 100 ml of water in 10 s, directing a stream of water along its posterior superior
wall. Determine the time from the end of the infusion of water into the ear to the appearance
nystagmus is a latent period, normally equal to 25-30 s, then it is recorded
the duration of the nystagmus reaction, which is normally equal to 50-70 s. Feature
nystagmus after calorization is given according to the same parameters as after rotational
samples. Under cold exposure, nystagmus (its fast component) is directed to
the side opposite to the test ear, with thermal calorization - to the side
irritated ear.

caloric test

Pressor (pneumatic, fistula) test. It is carried out for
detection of a fistula in the area of ​​the labyrinth wall (most often in
area of ​​the ampulla of the lateral semicircular canal) in patients
chronic suppurative otitis media. The sample is produced
thickening and rarefaction of air in the external auditory canal,
either by pressure on the tragus, or with the help of a rubber pear.
If nystagmus and other
vestibular reactions, then the pressor test is evaluated as
positive. This indicates the presence of a fistula. Should
take into account, however, that a negative test does not fully
confidently deny the presence of a fistula. With extensive
perforations in the tympanic membrane can be made
direct pressure with a probe with cotton wrapped around it
on areas of the labyrinth wall suspicious for a fistula.

Study of the function of the otolithic apparatus. It is carried out mainly
in professional selection, in clinical practice, methods of direct
and indirect otolithometry are not widely used. WITH
taking into account the interdependence and mutual influence of the otolithic and cupular
departments of the analyzer V.I. Voyachek proposed a technique called by him
"double experiment with rotation" and known in the literature as "Otolithic
reaction according to Wojaczek.
Otolith reaction (OR). The subject sits in Barani's chair and
tilts the head along with the body 90 ° forward and down. In such
its position is rotated 5 times within 10 s, then the chair
stop and wait 5 s, after which they offer to open their eyes and
straighten up. At this point, a reaction occurs in the form of a tilt
torso and head to the side. The functional state of the otolith
apparatus is evaluated by degrees of deviation of the head and torso from
center line towards the last rotation. Also taken into account
expressiveness of vegetative reactions.

So, a deviation by an angle from 0 to 5 ° is estimated as I degree
reactions (weak); deviation by 5-30 ° - II degree (medium force).
Finally, a deviation at an angle of more than 30 ° - III degree (strong), when
the subject loses balance and falls. reflex angle
slope in this reaction depends on the degree of influence of the otolith
irritation when straightening the body on the function of the anterior
semicircular canals. In addition to the somatic response, this
experience take into account vegetative reactions, which can also be
three degrees: I degree - blanching of the face, change in pulse; II
degree (average) - cold sweat, nausea; III degree - change
cardiac and respiratory activity, vomiting, fainting. Experience
double rotation is widely used in the examination
healthy people for professional selection.

When selecting in aviation, astronautics for research
the sensitivity of the subject to the cumulation of the vestibular
irritation, the proposed
K.L. Khilov back in 1933, the motion sickness technique on
four-bar (two-bar) swing. Swing area
oscillates not like an ordinary swing - in an arc, but remains
permanently parallel to the floor. The subject is on
swing platform lying on your back or on your side, with the help of
electrooculography techniques register tonic movements
eye. Modification of the method using small
metered by the amplitude of swings and registration
compensatory eye movements is called direct

Stabilometry. Among the objective methods for assessing static
equilibrium method is becoming more and more widespread.
stabilometry, or posturography (posture - posture). The method is based
on registration of fluctuations of the center of pressure (gravity) of the body
patient placed on a special stabilometric
platform. Body vibrations are recorded separately in
sagittal and frontal planes, a number of
indicators that objectively reflect the functional state
balance systems. The results are processed and summarized with
using a computer. Combined with a set of functional
computer stabilometry samples are
highly sensitive method and is used to detect
vestibular disorders at the earliest stage, when
subjectively, they are not yet manifested (Luchikhin L.A., 1997).

Stabilometry finds application in differential
diagnosis of diseases associated with disorders
balance. For example, a functional test with rotation
heads (Palchun V.T., Luchikhin L.A., 1990) allows early
stages to differentiate disorders caused by
damage to the inner ear or vertebrobasilar
insufficiency. The method makes it possible to control
the dynamics of the development of the pathological process in the disorder
balance function, objectively assess the results of treatment.

slide 2


Diagnostic endoscopic examination makes it possible to make a diagnosis, verify it morphologically, assess the prevalence of the process and develop optimal treatment tactics. Thanks to the constant improvement of endoscopic equipment and ancillary endoscopic instruments, as well as the development and implementation of new methods of treatment, many diseases can be treated through an endoscope. Also, if necessary, you can take a small piece of tissue for examination - a biopsy.

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For the study of different organs, various methods of endoscopic examination are used:

Laryngoscopy - for examining the larynx Otoscopy - for examining the outer ear Rhinoscopy - for examining the nasal cavity.

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Laryngoscopy is a method of visual examination of the larynx. Allocate indirect, direct, retrograde laryngoscopy. This technique is performed to examine the larynx during diagnostic and therapeutic measures. Indirect laryngoscopy is performed for adults and older children using a special mirror, a headlamp or a reflector that reflects the light of a lamp is used for illumination. In direct laryngoscopy, a laryngoscope is inserted into the patient's mouth. Due to the tilting of the head, the angle between the axis of the oral cavity and the axis of the larynx cavity is straightened. Thus, the doctor, moving the tongue away with the blade of the laryngoscope and highlighting the flashlight built into the laryngoscope, can directly observe the inside of the larynx with his eyes.

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A laryngoscope is a lightweight, (weighing ~ 110 grams), portable optical device, specially designed for conducting ETT through the glottis with minimal risk to the patient. This device allows you to visually monitor the progress of intubation using an optical system built into the body of the device. At the end of the laryngoscope blade is a low-temperature LED. The device is also equipped with an optics anti-fogging system for complete visual control of the intubation progress.

It is also possible to control the process of intubation on a wireless monitor, the image of which comes from a portable wireless video camera attached to the laryngoscope body, which can be connected to any external monitor or PC.

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Direct laryngoscopy Fields of application of the optical laryngoscope

Known for complicated laryngoscopy. Patients at increased risk of difficult intubation Emergency in case of unsuccessful direct laryngoscopy Tracheal intubation of the conscious patient. Cervical immobilization patients (Anesthesiology, 2007; 107:53-9). Patients with Infectious Diseases (Internet Journal of Airway Management). Help with tracheostomy Patients with coronary artery disease and arrhythmias Patients with polytrauma. Emergency and pre-hospital laryngoscopy Patients requiring intubation in a sitting position. Replacement of ETT in seriously ill patients with difficult intubations Installation of double-lumen endobronchial tubes in ENT patients. Establishment of a fibroscope and a gastroscope. Fibroscopy training. Removal of foreign bodies.

Slide 7

Otoscopy - examination of the external auditory canal, eardrum, and if it is destroyed, the tympanic cavity using special instruments. Under the control of otoscopy, an ear toilet is performed, removal of foreign bodies, polyps and granulations, as well as various operations - paracentesis, tympanopuncture.

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A modern otoscope is a small optical system with an illuminator and a funnel, placed on a detachable handle. There are diagnostic and operating otoscopes, the design of which has open optics and allows the use of various ENT instruments for medical manipulations. For doctors practicing on the road, manufacturers have developed a pocket otoscope. This is a full-featured portable otoscope with smaller dimensions and weight, which easily fits into a pocket and is fixed in it with a reliable clip on the handle. Modern technologies allow mounting a miniature video camera into the body of the otoscope. Video otoscopes are connected to monitors of various types and allow the doctor not only to examine, but also to demonstrate the image to colleagues, students of medical schools or the patient.

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Rhinoscopy is an instrumental method of visual diagnostic examination of the nasal cavity using nasal dilators, nasopharyngeal mirror or other devices.

In medicine, it is customary to distinguish three main types of rhinoscopy: anterior, middle and posterior rhinoscopy. Anterior rhinoscopy is performed using a nasal speculum. This procedure allows the doctor to examine the anterior and middle parts of the nasal cavity for a condition (normal or abnormal/modified). It is carried out using a nasal mirror with elongated nasal dilators. Posterior rhinoscopy is designed to examine the condition of the posterior parts of the nasal cavity

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A rhinoscope is an endoscopic tool for examining the state of the mucous membrane, searching for pathologies in almost any part of the nasal cavity, which makes it more effective than traditional examination.

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Rhinoscope design

The design of the rhinoscope consists of an outer tube and an ocular head, consisting of a body, a light guide connector and an eyecup. Modern rhinoscopes are equipped with optical tubes with an extended field of view, which work both visually and in combination with an endovideo system. The use of new optical technologies in the manufacture of lenses and coating of optical surfaces makes it possible to achieve high light transmission and uniform light distribution. As a result, the doctor receives a detailed and detailed image of the nasal cavity and can act more accurately and confidently.

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Emergency conditions in otolaryngology:

bleeding from the upper respiratory tract, nasal furuncle, stenosis of the larynx, diphtheria of the larynx, foreign bodies of the respiratory tract, acute stenosing laryngotracheitis, chemical injury of the esophagus, otogenic and rhinogenic intracranial complications.

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Nose bleed.

Causes: Local: traumatic injuries rank first among the local causes of nosebleeds, atrophic rhinitis, nasal polyposis, angiofibroma of the nasal septum, juvenile angiofibroma of the nasopharynx, malignant neoplasms of the nasal cavity; General causes include changes in the vascular wall and blood composition that are observed during : - infectious diseases; - liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis); - diseases of the blood system).

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Treatment of nosebleeds

First aid: - measurement of blood pressure; - give a horizontal position to the body with an elevated head end; - attach an ice pack to the bridge of the nose and the back of the head; - local measures: insert a swab with hydrogen peroxide into the nasal cavity with pressure on the wing of the nose; cauterization of the bleeding area with 10-40% solution of lapis; cryotherapy; anterior and posterior tamponade; ligation of the external carotid artery. - drugs of general effect: hypotensive; coagulants - decynon, etamsylate (from 1 to 4 ml); factors that improve blood clotting: calcium chloride 20ml; calcium gluconate; fibrinogen (200ml); fibrinolysis inhibitors: aminocaproic acid (200 ml IV cap.), Gordox; blood components: platelet mass, whole blood; vitamins: ascorbic acid, vikasol (vit.K).

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BLEEDING FROM THE pharynx, larynx, trachea

Varicose veins of the pharynx, lingual tonsil, larynx and trachea can serve as a source of hemoptysis, especially in elderly people, in patients with heart defects, lung disease, liver cirrhosis, and chronic nephritis. Hemophilia and other blood diseases are often accompanied by bleeding and hemoptysis from the pharynx, larynx and trachea. Moments contributing to bleeding are a strong cough, expectoration, physical exertion.

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The main thing is to give the patient rest. It is necessary to place the patient in bed in a floor sitting position (with a raised head). For bleeding from the pharynx and trachea, silence, cold or lukewarm food, swallowing pieces of ice, fresh air, and if necessary hemostatic therapy is recommended. .

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Furuncle of the nose

purulent-necrotic inflammation of the hair follicle, adjacent sebaceous gland and fiber. The wide involvement of the surrounding tissues in the inflammatory process is a qualitative difference between the boil and the one close to it in etiology and pathogenesis of ostiofolliculitis. Due to the peculiarities of the venous system of the face and the likelihood of rapid development of thrombosis of the cavernous sinus. The furuncle of the nose, unlike other localizations, is a dangerous and alarming disease. The furuncle is localized on the tip and wings of the nose, on the threshold, near the septum and the bottom of the nose. There is a gradually increasing reddening of the skin, painful infiltration of soft tissues.

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Treatment. Treatment depends on the severity of the disease: 1) Outpatient for uncomplicated course: UV, UHF, ichthyol, tetracycline ointment, indirect anticoagulants (aspirin). 2) Hospitalization: in children; in the presence of septic manifestations; with symptoms of inflammation (thrombosis) of the facial vein. Therapy: opening the abscess, antibiotic therapy, direct anticoagulants (heparin) under the control of the blood coagulation system.

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Stenosis of the larynx

Laryngeal stenosis - narrowing of the lumen of the larynx, leading to difficulty breathing through it. The following forms of stenosis are distinguished by the time of development: ); Subacute stenosis (develops within a few days, up to a week) - with diphtheria, trauma, chondroperichondritis of the larynx, paralysis of the recurrent laryngeal nerves; Chronic (several months) develops with tumors and infectious granulomas of the larynx. Treatment. Stages 1 and 2 - conservatively; 3.4 st. - tracheostomy, conicotomy. Conservative treatment: glucocorticoids, antihistamines, glucose 40% IV, diuretics.

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Diphtheria of the larynx

The larynx is affected by diphtheria in combination with diphtheria of the throat and nose. Ways of infection: airborne; household or alimentary. The clinic is determined by the development of acute stenosis of the larynx. Diphtheria is characterized by a triad of symptoms: shortness of breath, voice change up to aphonia, cough corresponding to the voice. Treatment - Hospitalization in the infectious department. - Early administration of antidiphtheria serum. - Correction of cardiovascular and renal disorders. - Detoxification. - Intubation or tracheostomy in case of decompensated stenosis.

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Acute stenosing laryngotracheitis or croup

is the most common cause of acute laryngeal stenosis in children. Acute laryngotracheitis syndrome is characterized by three leading symptoms: - stenotic breathing; - barking cough; - voice change. With the development of acute stenosis of the larynx, the introduction of the following agents is recommended: glucose solution 20% -20 ml; calcium chloride solution 10% -0.2 ml per 1 kg of body weight; eufillin solution 2.4% -2-3 mg per 1 kg of body weight; diphenhydramine solution 1% -1ml; solution of prednisolone 2-3 mg per 1 kg of body weight. If conservative treatment is ineffective, prolonged intuation is recommended, followed by tracheostomy.

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Foreign bodies of the trachea and bronchi

Inspection of the trachea - upper tracheostomy + bronchoscopy Foreign bodies of the bronchi Treatment: Delivery by SP car in a sitting position, if necessary, mechanical ventilation, cardiovascular agents, cytiton, oxygen inhalation.

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Chemical injury of the esophagus

Emergency care at the scene. - Analgesics and drugs i / m: induce vomiting, rinse the stomach through a thick tube (4-10 l) with bicarbonate of soda, burnt magnesia. - Respiratory and cardiac analeptics: caffeine, cordiamine, camphor. At the hospital stage (surgical department, resuscitation department, intensive care department). Fight against shock (analgesics, antispasmodics, sedatives). Elimination of acidosis. Prevention and treatment of renal failure and toxic hepatitis. Treatment of respiratory tract burns.

THE MAIN MISSION OF A DOCTOR IS TO CONTROL HEALTH, PREVENT AND CURE DISEASES ASSOCIATED WITH THE HUMAN SENSE ORGANS. “After graduating from school, I did not have a choice - where to go to study? what profession to choose? Childhood dream is to become a doctor. The profession of a doctor has always been considered an honorary one. After graduating from the Krasnoyarsk Medical Institute, I went to work in an ENT clinic as a doctor.

An otolaryngologist is a specialist in the treatment of diseases of the ear, throat and nose (ENT doctor, ear-nose-throat doctor). From Greek. Otorhinolaryngologia ot - ear; rhin - nose; laryng - larynx; logos - teaching.

O TOLARYNGOLOGIST - A DOCTOR, SPECIALIST IN THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES OF THE EAR, THROAT AND NOSE. IN TALKING SPEECH, SUCH A SPECIALIST IS CALLED ENT - DOCTOR M OR EVEN EASIER - DOCTOR EAR - THROAT - NOSE. My ear hurts, my throat is tickling, And in addition, my nose is sniffling. “Well, you have to write out an injection” - The ENT doctor will tell me sadly

ABOUT THE FEATURES OF THE PROFESSION To make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment, the doctor uses different methods. First, examines the diseased organ; Secondly, if necessary, he prescribes X-rays, computed tomography, audiometry (measuring the level of hearing), etc.

C SPECIALIZATION: ENT medicine has even narrower specialties within itself, and doctors can specialize in them. Audiology - detects and treats hearing loss. A specialist in this field is called an audiologist. Phoniatrics - specializes in the treatment of the vocal apparatus. The doctor is called a phoniatrist. Otoneurology - a discipline at the intersection of otolaryngology and neurology - treats lesions of the vestibular, auditory and olfactory analyzers, paralysis of the larynx, pharynx and soft palate in diseases and injuries of the brain. The doctor is an otoneurologist.

WORKPLACE ENT - doctors work in polyclinics, hospitals, specialized clinics, research and scientific and practical centers. Problems with ENT organs are so common that doctors of this profile are also in demand in private (paid) clinics. Narrow specialists (audiologists, phoniatrists, etc.) work in specialized offices, centers and clinics.

IMPORTANT QUALITIES: For an ENT doctor, the following are very important: responsibility, good intelligence and a tendency to self-education, self-confidence, sympathy for patients, combined with determination. propensity to work with hands, good motor skills sociability patience endurance observation accuracy

KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS: In addition to anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology and other general medical disciplines, an ENT doctor must thoroughly know the system of ENT organs, be proficient in diagnostic and treatment methods, be able to use special equipment, perform various manipulations (from extracting a cherry stone from the nose to complex ear surgery).

"Prevention of periodontal disease" - Clinical examination. containing herbal preparations. Elimination of bad habits. Toothbrushes. Gingivitis. Pastes containing enzymes. Patients with gingivitis. abrasive action. Complex of proteolytic enzymes. Salt toothpaste. Toothpaste. Hygienic toothpastes. Dental floss. Prevention measures.

"Forensic Medicine" - Dentistry. General clinical examination. List of lecture topics. The name of the discipline section. Preparing and conducting a business game. Final control. Analysis of the quality and effectiveness of their work. A young couple. On the implementation of work programs. Conducting practical exercises. At-risk groups. Link of domestic health care.

"Dermatoglyphics" - Establishing kinship. Functional module on dermatoglyphics. Fundamentals of the stream identification method. Composition of the research group. Dermatoglyphics. Preconditions of the stream identification method. Dermatoglyphic identification of the dead. Special tool kits. Realities of dermatoglyphic identification.

"Medicine of disasters" - Medicine of disasters. Separation and maneuver forces. Modes. First aid. Emergency warning. Elimination of emergencies. Tasks of the disaster medicine service. The epidemiology of the disaster. The number of dead. Factors of the degree of emergency. Command center. Classification of emergencies. Additional expanded medical facilities. VSMK. Emergency situation (ES).

"Dentistry" - Methods of examination of the patient. Pulpitis. The purpose and objectives of dentistry. Serological study. Pathogenesis. Microflora of the oral cavity. Methods of treatment of pulpitis. The main tasks of the dental clinic. Periodontal examination. Luminescent diagnostics. Black classification. Dentistry. Following the oral cavity, the mucous membrane of the gums is examined.

"Artificial organs" - Biological xeno-aortic prosthesis "LABCOR" (USA). Stage of development: preparation of human experiments. One of the most high-tech types of medical equipment is the pacemaker. Stage of development: clinical trials are underway. Pacemakers and sports. A pacemaker is a device designed to maintain the rhythm of the heart.

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