Calendar of preventive vaccinations of the Russian Federation. Calendar of mandatory vaccinations Calendar vaccinations Contacts

Many vaccines are not included in the Russian national vaccination calendar. Why are they needed and who are shown?

National calendar The vaccinations provide not only that the vaccines included in it need to do everything, but also guarantees from the state that every citizen can get them for free. In addition, there are many vaccines that are used in case of readings. Consider those of them that most often apply in children.


In Russia, it is traditionally believed that the chickenpox should be overcome in childhood. With the overwhelming majority of children, it happens, because the contagiousness of this disease reaches a hundred percent. But few knows that after recovery the virus windmill Does not disappear from the body, but remains in sleeping condition in the nerve spinal cord roots. Subsequently, many people have a sleeping virus activated by reducing immunity and causes a very unpleasant painful disease, known as "flattering".

In most cases, the windmill in children proceeds easily. Mortality from her aged 1 to 14 years does not exceed two cases per hundred thousand sick. But adults suffer to a greater extent, mortality among them already reaches 6/100,000, and the number of complications and the severity of the disease is much higher. The newborn chickenpox proceeds especially hard, mortality comes to 30% and high risk of complications.

Complications of chickenpox may include viral pneumonia, encephalitis (brain inflammation) and what is much more often - bacterial infections Skin arising in place of combed bubbles.

For pregnant women, the windmill is also dangerous - the virus can cause miscarriage and complications for the fetus. With a probability of 1-2% when making a mother in the first trimester, a child can be born with shortened fingers, congenital cataract, underdeveloped brain and other problems. It is also possible to develop an intrauterine infection with a chickenpox with a virus, while the child has signs of "zaying depriving".

Especially dangerous chickenpox among people with sharply reduced immunity. These include: HIV media, children with blood diseases (leukemia, leukemia), children and adults after the course of anticancer chemotherapy, people with a remote spleen.

All these are the reasons why chickenpox is vaccinated in many countries, including the United States and Europe. Based on this, vaccinating against the windmill should be appropriate to do the following people:

- Children from families in which parents plan the following pregnancy, provided that the mother did not hurt a windmill in childhood;
- women planning pregnancy and not painful windmill, 3 months before the expected date of conception;
- in families where there are patients after chemotherapy or HIV media;
- people who did not painl the windmill and in contact with the patients listed groups;
- all adults who did not have a windmill in childhood;
- For emergency prevention of the windmill after contact with a sick person: the vaccine introduced for 72 hours can prevent the development of the disease.

Two vaccines are registered in Russia: Okavaks and Varylirix. Age of use - from 1 year. Children from 1 to 13 years old are just one dose of vaccine, adults to achieve persistent immunity it is desirable to introduce two doses with an interval of 6-10 weeks.

Hemophilic infection type B (Hib)

This infection is caused by bacteria - hemophilic stick type B. It is quite widespread among people and only in some cases causes a disease. Infections are primarily subject to newborns, children over 5 years old and adult disease does not develop.

The hemophilic wand is transmitted from man to man with air-droplet. This is one of the reasons for meningitis in small children, mortality at which reaches 3-6%. Recovered often observed non-resistant damage to the brain and nerves. Another dangerous version of the development of hemophilic infection - epiglotte - larynx swelling, leading to suffocation.

Development of vaccination against hemophilic infection in the early 1990s allowed several times to reduce the incidence and frequency of complications. The recommended age of the first vaccination is 2 months.

In Russia, several hemophilic infection vaccines are registered: Akt Hib, Hiberix, and it is included in the combined vaccines Pentaxim and Infanrix Hex.

Meningococcal infection

Meningokok - one of the main pathogens of epidemic meningitis in children and adults. The disease is transmitted by air-droplet. Meningococcus Vaccine is not included in the national calendar, but it is necessary in the event of the development of the epidemic or in contact with the diseased person to prevent secondary cases. If in kindergarten, school or neighbors in the entrance, the child fell ill with meningococcal meningitis, then it is advisable to use this vaccine for prevention.

Vaccine will also be useful for those people who leave for hot countries, especially Africa and India. Meningococcus meets there quite often and the likelihood of getting much higher than at home.

In Russia, one vaccine was registered: Meningo a + s. It is suitable for children over 18 months and adults. Re-vaccination is not required, immunity is formed after 5 days and reaches a maximum of 10 days. Resistance to immunity for about 3 years.


Pneumococcus refers to nonspecific bacteria that can cause a variety of diseases. Among them are the most frequent - pneumococcal pneumonia, bronchitis, sharp middle Otitis (Ear inflammation) and meningitis. This bacterium can live in the nasopharynx of a person without causing any symptoms, and manifest itself only with a decrease in immunity. The percentage of pneumococcus carriers in the collectives can reach up to 70%.

In young children, pneumococcus especially often causes medium otitis. Almost all children under the age of 5 at least once tolerate this disease, it is frequent cause Reducing hearing.

Vaccination against pneumococcus is not shown for everyone, but only for people from risk groups, which include heavy patients and often ill children. The vaccination reduces the incidence of ORZ 2 times and reduce the amount of pneumonium 6 times.

In Russia, one vaccine was registered: Pnemo-23. It is designed for children from 2 years and adults, the course consists of one vaccine. The duration of immunity is 3-5 years.

Human papilloma virus

From this far from children's infection recommend vaccinating girls since 9 years. Why do you need it?
Human papilloma virus is one of the most common sexually transmitted viruses. There is about 40 of its types. Most of them do not cause any symptoms and pass independently, some can cause pointed wings. But most importantly, it is proved that some types of viruses cause cancer cervical cervix.

The cervical cancer is the second in a frequency of mortality oncological disease among women in all over the world. From the moment of infection with the virus to the first manifestations, there may be ten or more years. The main route of transmission - through sex contacts. If a mother is infected with the virus, she can transfer his child during childbirth, and then the newborn has Condylomes of the upper respiratory tract. From the infection of the person's papilloma virus there is no treatment. However, it can be effectively prevented by vaccination.

HPV vaccine has long been used in many countries, including in the United States and some European. It includes inactivated (loose) virus, which in itself cannot cause a disease. For the vaccine, the 4 most widespread types of virus are chosen, two of which are responsible for 70% of the cervical cancer, and the two others in 90% kondil. It is assumed that protective immunity must be maintained all his life.

Thus, the vaccine theoretically protects against the cervical cancer with a probability of about 70%. Therefore, vaccination does not cancel the prophylactic examinations of the gynecologist and screening tests on the subject of cancer, since the probability still remains. It is the mass and the "livestock" vaccinations will help prevent the majority of (70% or more) cases of cervical cancer.

To maximize vaccine efficiency, it is necessary to introduce girls to their first sexual contact, that is, before the first possible meeting in the virus. If the vaccine is introduced after infection with the virus, it will be ineffective for this type, but effective against those types that the body has not yet met. That is why doctors recommend starting vaccination at 11 years before. At the age of 26 years, the vaccine for universal immunization is not used.

Two vaccines are registered in Russia:
"Gardasil" - contains components against four types of virus: 6, 11 (Condylomes), 16 and 18 (cancer).
"Cervarix" - contains components against two types of virus responsible for the development of cancer: 16 and 18.

To generate persistent immunity, it is necessary to undergo a course of three intramuscular injections: on the first day, in two months and after 6 months. A shortened course is possible: repeated doses are introduced after 1 and 3 months. If the third dose is missing, it can be introduced without loss of efficiency for a year after the first.

What to choose?

What vaccines are suitable and necessary for you and your child? This will help you to understand the attending physician. One thing is clear: you should not neglect the possibility of preventing a disease, because the complications of childhood diseases can manifest itself and affect the future. On the other hand, for advice, it is best to choose a competent specialist who has relevant knowledge from the experience of world medicine.

The calendar mandatory vaccinations.

Very often telling about the necessary vaccinations, I hear exclamation: "And we did not say that." Since many parents do not know which vaccinations and when you need to do the days, I decided to tell about it.

There are 2 calendar vaccinations.

First-National Calendar Grafs ,

which differs from the ones in which we were vaccinated with you what was included with the hemophilic infection vaccine.

Second-order in Moscow which includes 4 more vaccines:

1 - from chickenpox in 1 year

2 - Ot pneumococcal infection in 2 years

3 - from hepatitata after a year at any time, preferably before entering kindergarten

4 - from the human papilloma virus girls preferably before entering into sex (prevention of cervical cancer, sharp and chronic infections caused by HPV, precancerous lesions caused by human papillomavic viruses).

I bring excerpts from the order in city Moscow from March 31, 2011 N 271

Regional preventive vaccination calendar

Categories I. WHO raft citizens subject to preventive vaccinations

Value Vaccination

Newborn in the first 24 hours of life

First vaccination against viralhepatitis B.

Newborn for 3-7 days of life

Vaccination againsttuberculosis

Children in 1 month

Second vaccination against viralhepatitis B.

Children B.3 months

First vaccination againstdiphtheria, cough, tetanus

First vaccination againstpoliomyelita (inactivated)

First vaccinationagainst hemophilic infection

Children in 4.5 months

Second vaccination againstdiphtheria, cough, tetanus

Second vaccination againstpoliomyelita (inactivated)

Second vaccinationagainst hemophilic infection

Children in 6 months

Third vaccination againstdiphtheria, cough, tetanus

Third vaccination againstpoliomyelita (live)

The third vaccination against viralhepatitis B.

Third vaccinationagainst hemophilic infection

Childrenin 1 year

Vaccination against

Vaccinationagainst windmill

Children B.18 months

First revaccination against diphtheria, cough, tetanus

First revaccination against Poliomyelita (live)

Revaccination against hemophilic infection

Children at 20 months

Second revaccination againstpoliomyelita (live)

Children B. 2 years

Vaccinationagainst pneumococcal infection

Children 3-6 years old

Vaccinationvs viral hepatitisA. before entering children's preschool institutions. Allowed from 1 year.

Children in 6 years

Revaccination against Corey, rubella, epidemic parotitis

Children in 6-7 years

Second revaccination againstdiphtheria, tetanus

Children in 7 years

Revaccination againsttuberculosis tuberculino-negative children

Girls 12-13 years old

Vaccinationagainst human papilloma virus

Children in 14 years

Third vaccination againstdiphtheria, tetanus

Third revaccination againstpoliomyelita (live)

Trees from 18 years

Revaccination againstdiphtheria, tetanus Every 10 years


1. Immunization within the framework of the calendar preventive vaccinations is carried out by vaccines of domestic and foreign production, registered and allowed for use in Russian Federation In the prescribed manner in accordance with the instructions for their use.

2. In violation of the proliferation of immunization, it is carried out according to the schemes provided for by the national calendar and in accordance with the instructions for the use of drugs. Vaccine administration is allowed (except vaccines for tuberculosis prevention) used in the framework of the national calendar of preventive vaccinations, in one day different syringes in different parts of the body.

11. Vaccination course against hemophilic infection For children aged 3 to 6 months, it consists of 3 injections of 0.5 ml with an interval of 1-1.5 months. For children who did not receive the first vaccination in 3 months, immunization is carried out according to the following scheme: for children aged 6 to 12 months from 2 injections of 0.5 ml with an interval of 1-1.5 months. Revaccination is carried out at 18 months once. For children from 1 year to 5 years, a single injection of 0.5 ml.

14. Vaccination against pneumococcal infection It is carried out once, from two years of life, children and adults from risk groups (often ill and suffering chronic diseases Bronchildren, patients with diabetes, persons constantly located in special nursing care facilities).

15. Vaccination against chickenpox Conducted to children who are not vaccinated and not previously given by this infection, in accordance with the instructions for use. Immunization is conducted by children before entering the children's preschool institution And children traveling in summer recreation camps.

Graph vaccines for children (preventive vaccination calendar) 2018 in Russia provides for the protection of children and babies up to the year from the most dangerous diseases. Some vaccinations for children are performed directly in the maternity hospital, the rest can be made in the district clinic in accordance with the vaccination schedule.

Calendar vaccinations

Children in the first
24 hours
  1. First vaccination against viral
Children at 3 - 7
  1. Grafting against
Children in 1 month
  1. Second vaccination from viral hepatitis B
Children in 2 months
  1. Third vaccination against viral (risk group)
  2. First vaccination counter
Children in 3 months
  1. First vaccination counter
  2. First vaccination counter
  3. First vaccination against (risk group)
Children in 4.5 months
  1. Second vaccination counter
  2. Second vaccination against hemophilic infection (risk groups)
  3. Second vaccination counter
  4. Second vaccination counter
Children in 6 months
  1. Third grafting
  2. Third vaccination against viral
  3. Third vaccination counter
  4. Third vaccination against hemophilic infection (risk group)
Children at 12 months
  1. Grafting against
  2. Fourth vaccination against viral (risk group)
Children at 15 months
  1. Revaccination against
Children at 18 months
  1. First revaccination against
  2. First revaccination against
  3. Revaccination against hemophilic infection (risk groups)
Children at 20 months
  1. Second revaccination against
Children in 6 years
  1. Revaccination against
Children in 6 - 7 years
  1. Second revaccination against
  2. Revaccination against tuberculosis
Children in 14 years
  1. Third revaccination against
  2. Third revaccination against poliomyelitis
Adults from 18 years
  1. Revaccination against - every 10 years from the moment of last revaccination

Basic vaccinations up to year

The general table of vaccinations by age from birth to 14 years of age involves the organization of maximum protection of the child's body from infancy and support to immunity in adolescence. In 12-14 years, a planned revaccination of poliomyelitis, measles, rubella, vapor is carried out. Cort, rubella and vapotitis can be combined into one vaccine without prejudice to quality. Vaccination from poliomyelitis is performed separately, a lively vaccine in drops or inactivated with an injection in the shoulder.

  1. . The first vaccination is carried out in the maternity hospital. Then the revaccination is 1 month and 6 months.
  2. Tuberculosis. The vaccination is usually performed in the hospital in the first week of the child's life. Subsequent revaccinations are carried out when preparing for school and in high school.
  3. DCA or analogues. Combined vaccine to protect the baby from the cough, and diphtheria. In imported analogs of the vaccine, a hib component is added to protect against inflammatory infections and meningitis. The first vaccination is performed in 3 months, then according to the vaccination schedule, depending on the selected vaccine.
  4. Hemophilic infection or hib component. It may be part of a vaccine or executed separately.
  5. Polio. Baby vaccination is held in 3 months. Repeated vaccination in 4 and 6 months.
  6. At 12 months, children perform a planned vaccination from.

The first year of the child's life requires maximum protection. Vaccinations maximally reduce the risk of infant mortality, forcing the infant body to produce antibodies to bacterial and viral infections.

The own immunity of the child up to the year is too weak to confront the dangerous diseases, congenital immunity weakens about 3-6 months. A certain amount of an antibody infant can receive with maternal milk, but to confront really dangerous diseases this is not enough. It is at this time that it is necessary to strengthen the immunity of the child with the help of timely vaccination. Standard vaccination schedule for children is designed to meet all possible risks and it is desirable to observe it.

After a series of vaccinations, the child can rise the temperature. Be sure to include in the children's first aid kit for paracetamol to reduce the temperature. High temperature indicates the work of protective systems of the organism, but does not affect the efficiency of antibody production. Temperature must be shot down immediately. For babies up to 6 months can be used rectal candles with paracetamol. Older children can take the antipyretic in syrup. Paracetamol has maximum efficiency, but in some cases, and in individual characteristics, it does not work. In this case, you need to apply a children's antipyretic with another active substance.

Do not limit your child drink after vaccination, take a comfortable bottle with water or with children's calming tea.

Vaccinations before kindergarten

In kindergarten, the child is in contact with a significant number of other children. It is proved that it is in the children's environment "Viruses and bacterial infections apply to maximum speed. To prevent the spread of dangerous diseases, you must perform vaccinations by age and provide documentary confirmation of vaccinations.

  • Influenza vaccination. It is performed annually, significantly reduces the likelihood of influenza disease in the autumn-winter period.
  • Vaccination from pneumococcal infection. It is performed once, the vaccination must be performed at least one month before the child's visit to a visit.
  • Grafting from viral meningitis. Performed from 18 months.
  • Grafting from hemophilic infection. From 18 months, with a weakened immunite, perfection is possible from 6 months.

Graph vaccines for children is usually developing an infectious. In good children's vaccination centers, an inspection of kids per day of vaccinations is required to detect contraindications. Undesiative to perform vaccinations when increased temperature and exacerbation of chronic diseases, diathesis, herpes.

Vaccination in paid centers does not reduce some soreness when administering adsorbed vaccines, but you can choose more complete sets that provide protection against more diseases for 1 injection. The choice of combined vaccines provides maximum protection with minimal injury. This applies to Pentaxim vaccines, DC and the like. IN state clinics This choice is often impossible due to the high cost of polyvalent vaccines.

Restoring Graphic Graphics

In the case of violations of the standard periods of vaccination, you can create your own individual chart of vaccinations on the recommendation of the infectious system. Features of vaccines and standard vaccination or extra vaccination schemes are taken into account.

For hepatitis in the standard circuit 0-1-6. This means that after the first vaccination the second should be in a month, then the revaccination is followed in six months.

Vaccinations for children with immunity and HIV diseases are performed exclusively inactivated vaccines or recombinant drugs with a substitution of pathogenic protein.

Why you need to make mandatory vaccinations by age

Not a graft child, constantly among the grafted children, is most likely not ill because of collective immunity. The virus simply does not have a sufficient number of carriers for distribution and further epidemiological infection. But so ethically use the immunity of other children to protect your own child? Yes, your child will not prick a medical needle, he will not experience unpleasant feelings after vaccination, increasing temperature, weakness, will not whine and cry, unlike other children after vaccination. But when contacting with non-vaccinated children, for example, from countries without mandatory vaccination, it is not a vaccinated child who is maximum danger and can get sick.

Immunity does not become stronger, developing "naturally" and child mortality rates - visual confirmation of this fact. Modern medicine It cannot oppose viruses absolutely nothing but prevention and vaccinations forming the body's stability to infection and the disease. Only symptoms and the consequences of viral diseases are treated.

Against viruses in general, only vaccination is effective. Perform required vaccinations By age to preserve the health of your family. Adult vaccination is also desirable, especially with an active lifestyle and contact with people.

Is it possible to combine vaccines

In some polyclinics, simultaneous performing polio vaccinations and DC is practiced. In fact, this practice is undesirable, especially when using a live vaccine from polio. The decision on the possible combination of vaccines can only receive an infectiousist.

What is revaccination

Revaccination is repeated administration Vaccines to maintain the level of antibodies to the disease in the blood and to strengthen the immunity. Usually revaccination passes easily and without special reactions from the body. The only thing that can disturb is a microtraum at the injection site of the vaccine. Together with the active substance, the vaccine is introduced about 0.5 ml of the adsorbing agent that holds the vaccine inside the muscle. The unpleasant sensations from the microtrauma are possible throughout the week.

The need to introduce an additional substance is due to the action of most vaccines. It is necessary that the active ingredients go to blood gradually and evenly, for a long time. This is necessary for the formation of proper and sustainable immunity. At the site of the introduction of the vaccine, a small bruise, hematoma, bloating is possible. This is normal for any intramuscular injections.

How immunity is formed

The formation of natural immunity occurs as a result of a viral disease and the production of appropriate antibodies that promote resistance to infection. Not always immunity is produced after a single disease. To form sustainable immunity, a repeated disease or a sequential cycle of vaccinations may be required. After the disease, immunity can be strongly weakened and various complications arise, often more dangerous than the disease itself. Most often it is pneumonia, meningitis, otitis, for the treatment of which have to use strong antibiotics.

Breastfish protects maternal immunity, getting antibodies along with maternal milk. It does not matter whether maternal immunity has been developed with vaccinations or has a "natural" basis. But from the most dangerous diseases that make up the basis of children's and infant mortality, early vaccination is necessary. Hib infection, cough, hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, should be excluded from hazards for the child's life in the first year of life. The vaccinations form a full-fledged immunity from most fatal for infectious infections without a disease.

The creation of a "natural" immunity, for which environmentalists stealing, takes too much time and can carry a threat to life. Vaccination contributes to the most secure formation of full-fledged immunity.

The vaccination calendar is formed taking into account age requirements, features of vaccine action. It is advisable to fit in the prescribed medicine time intervals between vaccinations for the full formation of immunity.

Voluntary vaccinations

In Russia, there is a waiver of vaccination, for this it is necessary to sign the relevant documents. No one will be interested in the reasons for the refusal and make vaccinations for children forcibly. Legislative limitations of failures are possible. There are a number of professions for which vaccinations are mandatory and the failure of vaccinations can be considered as a uniformity. Teachers, employees of children's institutions, doctors and animals, veterinarians should make vaccinations in order not to become a source of infection.

Also can not be abandoned by vaccinations in epidemics and when visiting areas declared disaster zone due to the epidemic. A list of diseases, in the epidemics of which the vaccination or even urgent vaccination is carried out without human consent, is enshrined by law. First of all it is natural or black smallpox and tuberculosis. In the 80s of the 20th century, vaccination from natural smallpox was excluded from the list of mandatory vaccinations for children. It was assumed the complete disappearance of the causative agent of the disease and the lack of foci of infection. Nevertheless, at least 3 focal flashes of the disease occurred in Siberia and in China from the moment of refusal to vaccinate. Perhaps it makes sense to perform vaccination from black smallpox in a private clinic. Black smallpox vaccines are ordered specially separately. For livestock brevings, vaccine from black smallpox is mandatory.


All doctors are advised to comply with the standard vaccination schedule for children and maintain immunity by timely vaccinations for adults. Recently, people have become attentively treating their health and attend vaccination centers with the whole family. Especially before journeys, travel. Vaccinations and advanced active immunity

About measles epidemic in Europe. According to WHO, the disease has already affected 28 European countries: the majority of cases have become infected as a result of local transmission of infection. The only one effective tool Vaccination is considered to be vaccination. We talked about vaccinations with a children's infectiousist Irina Friedman and tell how they protect against diseases, which reaction to the vaccine is considered pathological and how many vaccinations can be made in one day.

Irina Fridman

k. m. n., doctor of the specific prevention of infectious diseases of the children's scientific and clinical center of infectious diseases of FMBA

What vaccinations do free?

In Russia, there is a national vaccination calendar - this is the adopted vaccination scheme to protect against the most common infections that may be extremely hard to flow in young children. It cannot be said that this is a tough document - according to the legislation, the parents have a choice: they can instill a child, and can abandon the vaccinations, taking responsibility for this.

Vaccinations, which are included in the national calendar: BCG (tuberculosis vaccine), vaccine against hepatitis B, pneumococcus, poliomyelitis, measles, vapor and rubella, DC (vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and cough), as well as an annual influenza vaccination. Graft from hemophilic infection is included in the National Calcalendar for Risk Groups, but this does not mean that it does not need anyone healthy child, just the state is ready to pay it only to children with health problems.

What vaccinations that are not included in the calendar should be done?

Additional vaccinations that can be done at will (and for a fee) are, for example, vaccine against wind sieves, rotavirus infection, tick-borne encephalitis, hepatitis A, meningococcal infection.

Do vaccines protect 100%?

Any vaccination does not lead to absolute protection against infection. A grafted child can transfer infection in more easy form, without complications. No one guarantees that he will never get sick, it all depends on the efficiency of work immune system: In some antibodies are preserved for a very long time, and others are rapidly lost. Nevertheless, most vaccines contribute to the formation of immune memory cells, which lead to an adequate response of the body. When moving with a microbe, they begin to work quickly and respond well to contact.

Why hurt, if theoretically, the child normally transfers the disease?

Unfortunately, no one is insured against severe illness with complication. Please stick: Do you need a serious stream of complication or the theoretical easy-to-theoretter? It turns out that this is a personal choice of each parent: "Only I can decide what I want to make a child, and what not." This is incorrect, and in some states has now been adopted another tactic: the child is recommended for a certain time to appear on vaccination - the nurse measures the temperature and makes the vaccination (the doctor does not even concern this question).

We have a somewhat different approach: to allow vaccination, sometimes it is necessary to view a certain amount of analyzes (as some parents hold a laboratory examination without the recommendations of the doctor), to examine the child, measure the temperature and only then allow to vaccinate.

Is it often possible to convince parents?

I share my knowledge of vaccinations, world experience, scientific data, pluses of vaccination, and the right to make a decision leave for them. Make them and say: "You do wrong," does not give any effect. In principle, most parents still come to vaccination, even those whose children have serious health problems.

Before receiving, parents should explore the information about the disease from which they plan to vaccinate a child, and find out what could be the consequences of this disease: to extract pictures on the Internet, listen, for example, how coughing patients do not cough. Weigh all: whether such consequences are needed or still planned to carry out the prevention of these infections.

Do I need to donate blood and urine before vaccination?

Not. There are no documents regulating the surrender of tests before each vaccination. It is necessary to take tests only to certain groups of patients who have problems from blood. The main thing before vaccination is somatic health for two weeks at least, the lack of ill surrounded and the desire to be hidden. If the patient acted as a severe infection: bronchitis, pneumonia, has long been treated with antibiotics, then the interval should be a month. And after the banal ORVI is not a protracted nature (even with a temperature of 39) two weeks.

Is it necessary to prescribe antihistamines during vaccination?

Before vaccination, there is no need to appoint antihistamine drugs. In some case, they are prescribed for allergies, but this experience remains only with us. Doctors in most European countries even at vaccination of allergies do not prescribe a planned reception of antihistamine drugs.

What reaction after vaccination is considered normal?

Normal vaccination reactions that may arise about 10% of children include: heat, Local manifestations (redness, swelling, swelling). For example, after vaccinations from measles, rubella, the pairotitis from the fourth to the 15th day may appear Core and red-friendly rash, increase salivary glands, Light catarrhal manifestations - cough, throat, a small runny nose. All this briefly, most often not accompanied by intoxication, the child feels good enough, the temperature decreases after the antipyretic.

And what is the pathological?

The edema is more than eight centimeters at the site of vaccination is considered a pathological allergic local response to a vaccine: a six-month-old child has almost all the thigh. There are general allergic reactions in the form of a rash, but it arises extremely rarely and also requires certain actions by doctors: not always the parents remember that the child on the day of vaccination walked for his birthday and there for the first time tried, for example, straw in chocolate, covered in sesame.

Is it always the complications caused by the introduced vaccine?

Any states that arise after vaccination require investigation: the doctor must determine if it is connected with the introduced vaccine or not. And in most cases it is not connected. Our experience shows that children who go to us with a diagnosis of pathological reaction to vaccination, in 90% of cases have some diseases: ORVI, sharp intestinal infections, first identified kidney problems.

If there is no reaction after the introduction of the vaccine, this does not mean that antibodies are not produced: it all depends on the characteristics of the human immune system. Someone even on soft vaccines responds to increasing the temperature, and someone asymptomatically transfers any vaccination.

What are the consequences of the introduction of the vaccine the most dangerous?

The most severe reaction to vaccine worldwide - anaphylactic shock, it is acute allergic reaction on vaccine components. Such an acute allergic reaction occurs in the first 30 minutes after the introduction of the vaccine, the maximum - within two hours. Therefore, at least the first 30 minutes, any graft must be in the institution and sit next to the office where vaccination was carried out. In each vaccination office there is laying for first aid, including anaphylactic shock.

Anaphylactic shock on vaccine - an extremely rare situation, one case per 100 thousand doses used. It happens not only from vaccine, a provocateur can become anything: candy, medicines, strawberries, sausages, eggs - you can eat baking, which contain an egg and "issue" anaphylactic shock. We are not insured from it.

Are autistic and cerebral palsy associated with vaccinations?

Autism, centers, organic lesions of the central nervous system Not related to vaccination. We have a huge number of patients with organic damage to the central nervous system and cerebral palsy, and they are not vaccinated.

Are mercury and aluminum dangerous in vaccines?

It is proved that microdobasks that are contained in vaccines do not have any impact on the body of the gravity. The fact that the child receives with mass vaccination from additional substances is the small tolik of what we get in life. If we talk about aluminum hydroxide, it is contained in the air in big cities with factories and plants: parents do not think that every day, leading to their little child, They breathe this air. Or, for example, in a sea fish, which we are pleased to eat, a huge amount of mercury - in particular, in Tunz, which is very common in European countries.

How many vaccines can be done in one day?

How much. They are made at a distance of two or three centimeters from each other, in the thigh or in the shoulder. The antigenic load increases slightly, but it is not so high. In the Domestic Domestic Vaccine, three thousand antigens. In modern multicomponent vaccines (for example, Pentaxim) - about 25-27. This is several times less than in ADC, which the child perceives is completely adequate for three months.

Is it possible to combine live and "killed" vaccine?

Yes, living and "killed" vaccines can be put in one day, only observation in the post-test period in this case will be longer: the reaction may be in the inactivated vaccines in the first three days, alive - from the fourth to the 15th day. Therefore, during the temperature it will be necessary to follow a little longer.

The only one cannot be combined with anything. b. BCG, Always do it separately.

What is the difference between the live and "killed" vaccine from polio? What's better?

WHO has a program on the transition to the complete use of inactivated vaccines against poliomyelitis. Live vaccine They want to cancel to stop the circulation of the polyovirus of the vaccine strain, since the alive vaccine contains a weakened polyivirus. Vaccinated this vaccine for two months with faeces is isolated polyivirus and can be a source of infection.

The implementation of this program, at least in Russia, is quite difficult: we lack doses to instill the entire population. Now we have a scheme of combined use: two inactivated vaccines, the third and subsequent - alive. The first two administrations are completely protected from paralytic forms of poliomyelitis and on the National Calcalendar are provided free of charge. If parents want, they can further instill a child inactivated vaccine, not alive. The effectiveness of such a scheme is high.

What is the difference between the domestic distress and a foreign vaccine "Pentaxim"?

The domestic vaccine contains a whole-cell cough component and is considered a vaccine after which the temperature occurs with a larger frequency. "Pentaxim" contains a cell-free cough component, it is softer, in addition, protects immediately from five infections. From six infections protects "Infanrix Hex". Due to the fact that foreign vaccines have a different composition along the cough component, they have somewhat lower efficiency. If Dhipa has five to seven years effective protection From Poklumus, then, for example, "Infanrix Hex" is four to six years.

Is it possible to assume that after the first dose of Dosses (Pentaxima), the child is already protected?

No you can not! The fact is that different amounts of vaccinations are needed from different infections. If we are talking about the prevention of a cough, then for long-term protection you need four vaccinations. After the first after a couple of weeks, antibodies will be developed, but they can be maintained shortly, therefore additional administration is required. As for diphtheria and tetanus, there are enough two vaccinations with revaccination in a year - it gives good protection. For long-term protection against polio, you need four vaccinations. So it is impossible to say that after one introduction, protection will not be developed, but it will be short-term.

There are no restrictions on the sequence of introduction of vaccines (if the patient has no contraindications): you can start with a vaccine that is most relevant today.

Why do the vaccination from the windmill, if the children do not get sick to her?

Yes, so far 90% of children who have chickenpox suffer it is pretty smooth. But the windmill is dangerous by bacterial complications that may occur: a strong itching leads to combing, infection, and this situation may require the appointment of antibacterial therapy.

One of the serious complications of the chickenpox is the windmill encephalitis. It is most often found in children of nine-ten years old, those who did not break in early childhood. When children finish a kindergarten, go to school, parents perfectly understand that with age, the possibility of a heavier flow of windshield increasing increases, and decide to vaccinate children.

Unfortunately, while a chickenpox vaccine has not been introduced into the National Balamar and will not be carried out by mass vaccination of children, we will see seasonal outbreaks of this disease.

What will happen if people stop vaccinating their children?

In Russia, the viability of the population is more than 95-98%, but as soon as this percentage will decrease, we can see outbreaks of any diseases. A recent example is a measles epidemic in Europe and Ukraine. Now we have limited cases of the disease, they do not give much spread, but nevertheless, adults and children are sick. Most of Patients did not have vaccinations, and some of them were defended.

In the 90s, the last outbreak of diphtheria was happening: there was a restructuring, many refused vaccination. In our institute, many branches for combating diphtheria were republished. Unfortunately, the children died. Those doctors who worked then told: in the evening the patient entered, serum is introduced, and by the morning you come - and it is not. After that, such large outbreaks, thank God, was not.

Children from 1 year to 18 years (inclusive) and adults up to 35 years old (inclusive), not painful, not vaccinated, graft once, who do not have information about the vaccinations against measles; adults from 36 to 55 years (inclusive) related to risk groups (medical workers and educational organizations, organizations of trade, transport, communal and social sphere; persons working as a shift method and employees of state control bodies in the checkpoints through the state border of the Russian Federation), not painful, not vaccinated, vaccinated one-time, not having information about the vaccinations against measles

Children from 6 months, students grades 1-11;

students in professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education;

adults working in individual professions and positions (employees of medical and educational organizations, transport, communal sphere);

pregnant women;

adults older than 60 years;

persons to be called for military service;

facials with chronic diseases, including with diseases of the lungs, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders and obesity

* (1) The first, the second and third vaccinations are carried out according to Scheme 0-1-6 (1 dose - at the time of the start of vaccination, 2 dose - a month after 1 vaccination, 3 dose - 6 months from the beginning of vaccination), with the exception of children relating to risk groups, vaccination against viral hepatitis in which is carried out under scheme 0-1-2-12 (1 dose - at the time of the beginning of vaccination, 2 doses - a month after 1 vaccination, 2 doses - 2 months from the beginning of vaccination, 3 dose - 12 months from the beginning of vaccination).

* (2) Vaccination is carried out by a vaccine for the prevention of tuberculosis for gentle primary vaccination (BCG-M); In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with incidence rates exceeding 80 per 100 thousand population, as well as in the presence of newborn patients with tuberculosis - vaccine for the prevention of tuberculosis (BCG).

* (3) Vaccination is carried out by children related to risk groups (born from Mothers of HBSAG carriers, patients with viral hepatitis in or undergoing viral hepatitis B in the third trimester of pregnancy, which have no results of a survey on hepatitis in markers consuming narcotic products or psychotropic substances, from families in which there is a HBSAG carrier or a patient with acute viral hepatitis in and chronic viral hepatitis).

* (4) The first and second vaccination is carried out by a vaccine for polyomyelitis prevention (inactivated).

* (5) vaccination is carried out by children related to risk groups (with diseases of the nervous system, immunodeficiency states or anatomical defects leading to a sharply increased risk of hemophilic infection; with intestinal development anomalies; from oncological diseases and / or long-term immunosuppressive therapy; Children born from mothers with HIV infection; Children with HIV infection; premature and low-fat children; Children who are in the children's homes).

* (6) The third vaccination and subsequent revaccinations against poliomyelitis are conducted by children vaccine for polyomelitis prevention (alive); Children relating to risk groups (with diseases of the nervous system, immunodeficientifications or anatomical defects, leading to a sharply increased risk of hemophilic infection; with intestinal development anomalies; with oncological diseases and / or long-term immunosuppressive therapy; children born from mothers with HIV -Infection; children with HIV infection; premature and low-fat children; children in the children's homes) - vaccine for the prevention of polio (inactivated).

* (6.1) Vaccination and revaccination Children relating to risk groups can be carried out by immunobiological drugs for the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases containing a combination of vaccines intended for use in the appropriate age periods.

* (7) The second revaccination is carried out by anatoksins with a reduced antigen content.

* (8) Revaccination is carried out by a vaccine for the prevention of tuberculosis (BCG).

* (9) vaccination is carried out by children and adults, previously not vaccinated against viral hepatitis B, according to Scheme 0-1-6 (1 dose - at the time of the beginning of vaccination, 2 dose - a month after 1 vaccination, 3 dose - 6 months from start vaccination).

* (10) The interval between the first and second vaccinations should be at least 3 months.

The procedure for citizens of preventive vaccinations in the framework of the national calendar of preventive vaccinations

With changes and additions from:

1. Preventive vaccinations in the framework of the national calendar of preventive vaccinations are held to citizens in medical organizations if there are licenses in such organizations providing for the work (services) for vaccination (conducting preventive vaccinations).

2. Vaccination is carried out by medical professionals who have been training on the use of immunobiological drugs for the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases, the organization of vaccination, vaccination techniques, as well as on the issues of providing medical care in emergency or urgent form.

3. Vaccination and revaccination under the national calendar of prophylactic vaccinations are carried out by immunobiological drugs for the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, according to the instructions for their application.

In cases stipulated by the national calendar of preventive vaccinations, vaccination and revaccination with immunobiological drugs for the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases containing a combination of vaccines are allowed.

4. Before conducting a preventive vaccination to vaccinate, or its legal representative explains the need for immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases, possible post-funding reactions and complications, as well as the consequences of refusal to carry out preventive vaccination and is issued informed voluntary consent to medical intervention in accordance with the requirements of Article 20 of the Federal The law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ "On the basics of the health of citizens in the Russian Federation".

5. All persons who need to be carried out preventive vaccinations are pre-examined by a doctor (paramedic).

6. When a change in vaccination periods, it is carried out according to the schemes provided for by the national calendar schemes and in accordance with the instructions for the use of immunobiological drugs for the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases. Vaccine administration is allowed (except vaccines for tuberculosis prevention) used in the framework of the national calendar of preventive vaccinations, in one day different syringes in different parts of the body.

7. Vaccination of children with which the immunoprophylaxis against a pneumococcal infection was not begun in the first 6 months of life, it is conducted twice with the interval between vaccinations at least 2 months.

8. Vaccination of children born of mothers with HIV infection is carried out within the framework of the national calendar of preventive vaccinations in accordance with the instructions for the use of immunobiological drugs for the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases. When vaccinating such children, the child's HIV status, type of vaccine, immune status indicators, child's age, concomitant diseases are taken into account.

9. Revaccination of children against tuberculosis born from mothers with HIV infection and receiving three-stage chemoprophylaxis of HIV transfer from mother to a child (during pregnancy, childbirth and in the period of newborn), is carried out in the maternity hospital for the prevention of tuberculosis (for gentle primary vaccination). In children with HIV infection, as well as at the detection of HIV nucleic acids in the children with molecular methods, revaccination against tuberculosis is not carried out.

10. Vaccination with alive vaccines within the framework of the national calendar of preventive vaccinations (with the exception of vaccines for tuberculosis prevention) is carried out by children with HIV infection with the 1st and 2nd immune categories (no immunodeficiency or moderate immunodeficiency).

11. In the exclusion of the diagnosis of HIV infection, children born from mothers with HIV infection are carried out vaccination with alive vaccines without prior immunological surveys.

12. Anatoksins, killed and recombinant vaccines within the framework of the national calendar of preventive vaccinations introduce all children born from mothers with HIV infection. Children with HIV infection mentioned immunobiological medications For the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases are introduced in the absence of severe and severe immunodeficiency.

13. During vaccination of the population, vaccines are used, containing antigens currently relevant to the Russian Federation, allowing maximum immunization efficiency.

14. When vaccination against hepatitis in children of the first year of life, anti-influenza children from 6-month-old, students who do not contain preservatives are used.


* Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 26, Art. 3442; N 26, Art. 3446; 2013, N 27, Art. 3459; N 27, Art. 3477; N 30, Art. 4038; N 39, Art. 4883; N 48, Art. 6165; N 52, Art. 6951.

** Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 23, 2012 N 252N "On approval of the procedure for placing on the paramedics, obstetrician leader medical organization In organizing the provision of primary health care and emergency medical care of certain functions of the attending physician for the direct provision of medical care to the patient during the observation period of it and its treatment, including the purpose and use of drugs, including narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs " (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 28, 2012, registration number N 23971).

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