G 5 solution for droppers. Medicinal reference book geotar

Or saline - an agent that maintains blood and intercellular pressure in the body. Sodium chloride dropper is used for hypohydration and intoxication of the body, with a decrease in blood volume.

Sodium chloride - solution for intravenous administration

Composition and price of sodium chloride

Sodium chloride solution, or saline, is a colorless salty liquid that does not have a pronounced odor. There are 2 types of saline with different NaCl concentrations: 0.9% isotonic, and 10% hypertonic.

The composition of the product for 1 liter:

There are several forms of saline release:

Storage conditions for sodium chloride: store in a dry place out of the reach of children and pets, at temperatures from +18 to +25 degrees. The shelf life of the product is 5 years.

The cost of the solution depends on the form of release, volume and manufacturer. Average prices are as follows:

  1. In ampoules: 30-325 rubles.
  2. In bottles and bags: 25-60 rubles.
  3. Hypertonic saline solution: 80-220 rubles.

From pharmacies, the drug is dispensed by prescription of the attending physician.

How is sodium chloride useful for the body?

Chlorinated sodium is present in blood plasma and tissue fluids human body... It is responsible for the stability of the osmotic pressure of the intercellular fluid and blood. With a lack of this substance, water leaves the vascular bed and passes into the interstitial fluid.

This provokes the following conditions:

  • increased blood density;
  • spasms of smooth, skeletal muscles;
  • neurological pathology;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Saline infusion restores the water-salt balance to normal, and also cleanses the body of toxins and decay products formed as a result of the vital activity of harmful bacteria.

External use of NaCl improves the secretion of pus, restores microflora, destroys pathogenic microorganisms of various origins.

In addition, chlorinated sodium improves drug absorption. Patients are often given a drip with intravenous medications diluted with saline.

pharmachologic effect

Sodium chloride is used as a detoxification, rehydration and plasma replacement agent. Its use is accompanied by the following effects:

  • normalization of the balance of water and salt;
  • replenishment of the lack of Na and Cl;
  • temporary increase in blood volume;
  • increased urination to cleanse the body.

By improving the bioavailability of most medicines, saline solution used in medicine as a diluent for injectable and infusion preparations.

Saline solution as a basis for injection and infusion preparations

It is incompatible or poorly compatible with the following medicines:

  • norepinephrine;
  • corticosteroids;
  • leukopoiesis stimulator Filgrastim;
  • antibiotic Polymyxin B.

When arterial hypertension sodium chloride should not be combined with Enapril and Spirapril: the use of saline reduces the hypotensive effect of these drugs.

Saline has an osmotic pressure similar to the human blood environment, therefore it is quickly excreted from the body. Within 1 hour after using the dropper, less than half of the drug remains in the body.

What is saline used for?

Saline is administered intravenously as infusion when indicated:

  1. Severe and critical dehydration of the body, violation of the water-salt balance.
  2. Decrease in plasma volume with large blood loss, dyspepsia, severe burns, diabetic coma.
  3. Surgical procedures, postoperative period.
  4. Intoxication of the body with infections and poisoning of various origins.
  5. Epigastric, ileocecal, pulmonary bleeding.
  6. Digestive pathologies: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chronic and acute constipation.
  7. Lack of Na and Cl in the body.

With the introduction of saline droppers with additional components, the list of indications expands.

Instructions for use for dropper

Before the introduction of sodium chloride inside, it must be warmed up to a temperature of 36-38 degrees. The dosage of the drug is calculated individually, based on the patient's condition, history, age and weight.

The average daily dosage of the agent fluctuates in values:

  1. Adults: 500-3000 ml.
  2. During pregnancy: 300-1200 ml.
  3. Children: 20-100 ml for each kg of weight.

To instantly replenish the lack of Na and Cl, 100 ml is injected once.

The average dropper speed is 540 ml / h. The hypertonic solution is injected in a stream.

Saline injection

For breeding and drip injection other drugs are used from 50 to 250 ml of saline per dose of the drug.

Side effects

To rare negative effects, manifested with prolonged or abundant use of sodium chloride, include:

When such complications appear, the administration of saline is stopped, the patient is assisted to eliminate side effects.

Contraindications for intravenous administration

Saline infusion is prohibited for such pathologies:

Saline dropper - fast and effective method replenishment of blood volume in the body, restoration of water-salt balance, purification of toxins and toxins. To prevent the agent from causing a negative reaction, it should be used exclusively under the supervision of a physician.

rr d / inf .: bottle. 100 ml 20 pcs, bottle 500 ml or 1 l 10 pcs. Reg. No .: LS-000969

Clinical and pharmacological group:

Preparation for rehydration and detoxification for parenteral use

Release form, composition and packaging

500 ml - plastic containers "Viaflex" (1) - plastic bags.
1 l - plastic containers "Viaflex" (1) - plastic bags.
500 ml - plastic containers (1) - plastic bags.
500 ml - plastic containers (1) - plastic bags (20) - cardboard boxes.
1 l - plastic containers "Viaflex" (1) - plastic bags (10) - cardboard boxes.

Description of the active components of the drug Normofundin g-5»

pharmachologic effect

The drug is an electrolyte solution with a total amount of cations equal to 123 mmol / l, whose composition was selected based on the need to compensate for the violation of the mineral composition of the body during metabolic stress. For this purpose, in comparison with electrolyte solutions in composition close to plasma, the amount of sodium is reduced in order to prevent the retention of sodium and fluid.

A sufficiently high concentration of potassium in comparison with solutions of electrolytes close to plasma reflects the increased requirements of the body for potassium at stressful situations, with adequate fluid replacement, which is approximately 1 mmol / kg body weight / day.

Acetate oxidizes and has an alkalizing effect. The composition of anions is represented by a balanced combination of chlorides, which are not metabolized, and acetates, which are metabolized and prevent the development of metabolic acidosis.

In addition, the solution contains carbohydrates in the form of a 5% glucose solution. From a physiological point of view, glucose is the primary source of energy with a caloric value of about 16 kJ or 3.75 kcal / g. Providing the body with glucose is necessary for the functioning of tissues nervous system, erythrocytes, and renal medulla.

On the one hand, glucose is converted into glycogen for carbohydrate stores, on the other hand, it is metabolized during glycolysis into pyruvate or lactate to provide energy to the cells of the body.

There is a close relationship between electrolytes and carbohydrate metabolism.

The absorption of glucose and the increased need for potassium are related. If this is not taken into account, then this can lead to a violation of potassium metabolism, which, in turn, can cause severe disturbances in the heart rhythm.

Some pathological conditions can lead to impaired glucose absorption (glucose intolerance), for example, diseases such as diabetes or conditions in which stress metabolism is observed, leading to a decrease in glucose tolerance (severe complications of an operating or postoperative period, injury). This can lead to hyperglycemia, which, in turn, can - depending on the severity - lead to osmotic diuresis with the subsequent development of hypertensive dehydration and hyperosmotic disorders up to hyperosmotic coma.

Excessive glucose administration, especially in conditions accompanied by a decrease in glucose tolerance, can lead to a serious impairment of glucose uptake and, due to the limitation of oxidative glucose uptake, to a greater conversion of glucose to fat. This, in turn, may be accompanied by more high level CO 2 in the body (problems associated with switching off mechanical ventilation), as well as increased infiltration of fat into tissues, especially into the liver. Patients with traumatic brain injury or cerebral edema are especially at risk of impaired glucose homeostasis. In these cases, even minor violations of the concentration of glucose in the blood and, consequently, an increase in plasma (serum) osmolarity can lead to a noticeable increase in cerebral disorders.

A dose of 40 ml / kg body weight / day covers the necessary carbohydrate needs of the body, equal to 2 g glucose / kg body weight / day (hypocaloric infusion therapy).


- hypertensive dehydration;

- isotonic dehydration;

- providing the body with fluid and electrolytes with partial coverage of energy needs during infusion therapy in the postoperative, post-traumatic period;

- for dilution of concentrated solutions of electrolytes and medicines.

Dosage regimen

For intravenous administration (central or peripheral access).

The dose is selected individually in accordance with the patient's fluid and electrolyte needs.

Maximum daily dose: up to 40 ml / kg body weight / day, respectively 2.0 g glucose / kg body weight / day, 4 mmol sodium / kg body weight / day and 0.7 mmol calcium / kg body weight / day.

Administration rate: up to 5 ml / kg body weight / h, respectively 0.25 g glucose / kg body weight / h. The rate of administration is 1.6 drops / kg of body weight / min.

Duration of use:

The solution can be used for several days. The duration of use is determined clinical condition patient and laboratory parameters.

With normal metabolism, the total amount of carbohydrates introduced should not exceed 350-400 g / day. With the introduction of such doses, glucose is completely oxidized. Prescribing higher doses can lead to the development of side effects and lead to fatty liver. In states of impaired metabolism, for example, after extensive operations or trauma, hypoxic stress or organ failure, the daily dose should be reduced to 200-300 g, which corresponds to 3 g / kg of body weight / day. The selection of individual doses includes mandatory laboratory monitoring.

The following dose limits for adults must be strictly observed: 0.25 g glucose / kg body weight / h and up to 6 g / kg body weight / day. The appointment of solutions containing carbohydrates - regardless of the concentration, should always be accompanied by monitoring the concentration of glucose in the blood, as in surgical intervention, and with conservative patient management. To prevent an overdose of carbohydrates, the use of infusion pumps is recommended, especially when using solutions with a high concentration of carbohydrates.

The level of 30 ml of solution / kg of body weight / day covers only the physiological needs of the body for fluid. In patients who have undergone surgery and in resuscitated patients, the need for fluid increases due to a reduced concentration function of the kidneys and an increased excretion of metabolic products, which leads to the need to increase fluid intake to about 40 ml / kg of body weight / day. Additional losses (fever, diarrhea, fistulas, vomiting, etc.) must be compensated for by an even higher fluid intake, the level of which is set individually. The actual individual level of need for fluid is determined by consistent monitoring of clinical and laboratory parameters (urine excretion, serum and urine osmolarity, determination of excreted substances).

The main substitution of the most important sodium and potassium cations reaches 1.5-3 mmol / kg / body weight / day and 0.8-1.0 mmol / kg body weight / day, respectively. Actual needs for fluid therapy are determined electrolyte balance and monitoring plasma electrolyte concentrations.

Side effect


- overhydration;

- hypotonic dehydration;

- hyperkalemia.

FROM caution: with hyponatremia, renal failure with a tendency to hyperkalemia, hyperglycemia not controlled by insulin at a dose of up to 6 units / h.

Pregnancy and lactation

There are no clear contraindications. However, use during pregnancy and lactation when the benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus or newborn.

Application for impaired renal function

Use with caution in renal insufficiency with a tendency to hyperkalemia.

Use in the elderly

special instructions

Clinical monitoring should include monitoring serum electrolytes and fluid balance.

In the presence of hypertension, the appointment of sodium chloride and the volume of fluid should be carried out individually.

For the elderly, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the administered drug due to the danger of volume overload.

The solution should not be administered through the same transfusion systems, concurrently, before or after the administration of blood due to the risk of pseudoagglutination.

Only a solution containing 70 mmol / L sodium can be used for the treatment of hypertensive dehydration. Correction of dehydration should be carried out for at least 48 hours. The introduction of the solution in postoperative, post-traumatic or other conditions with impaired glucose tolerance must be carried out under the condition of constant monitoring of glucose concentration.


Symptoms:overdose of the drug can lead to such phenomena as overhydration with an increase in skin turgor, venous congestion and the development of general edema with the subsequent development of pulmonary edema.

Treatment: withit is necessary to immediately stop the infusion, prescribe diuretics with constant monitoring of blood plasma electrolytes; correction of electrolyte balance.

Overdose glucose

Symptoms:hyperglycemia, glucosuria, dehydration, serum hyperosmolarity, hyperglycemic or hyperosmolar coma.

Treatment:the infusion should be stopped immediately; rehydration; the appointment of insulin with constant monitoring of blood glucose; replacement of electrolyte losses, monitoring of acid-base balance.

Drug interactions

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

For use in hospitals.

Storage conditions and periods

Store the drug at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C in places inaccessible to children. The shelf life is 3 years. Do not use after the expiration date printed on the package.

Drug interactions

Suxamethonium and potassium, when administered together, can have a negative effect on heart rate due to severe hyperkalemia.

Glucose is a powerful food source that is easily absorbed by the body. This solution is very valuable for the human body, as in the powers of the healing fluid, it can significantly improve energy reserves and restore weakened functions of working capacity. The most important task of glucose is to provide and provide the body with the necessary source of adequate nutrition.

Glucose solutions have long been effectively used in medicine for injection therapy. But why do they drop glucose intravenously, in what cases do doctors prescribe such treatment and is it suitable for everyone? This is worth talking about in more detail.

Glucose is a source of energy for the human body

Glucose (or dextrose) is actively involved in a variety of metabolic processes in the human bodyand. This medicinal substance is diverse in its impact on the systems and organs of the body. Dextrose:

  1. Improves cellular metabolism.
  2. Reanimates weakened liver function.
  3. Replenishes lost energy reserves.
  4. Stimulates essential functions internal organs.
  5. Helps in carrying out detoxification therapy.
  6. Strengthens redox processes.
  7. Replenishes significant fluid loss in the body.

With the penetration of a solution of glucose into the body, its active phosphorylation begins in the tissues. That is, the dextrose is converted to glucose-6-phosphate.

Glucose is essential for healthy cellular metabolism

Glucose-6-phosphate or phosphorylated glucose is an important participant in the main metabolic processes in the human body.

Forms of drug release

Dextrose is produced by the pharmaceutical industry in two forms. Both forms of solution turn out to be useful for people with a weakened body, but they have their own nuances in use.

Isotonic solution

This type of dextrose is intended to restore the functioning of weakened internal organs, as well as to replenish lost fluid reserves. This 5% solution is a powerful source of nutrients necessary for human life.

What is isotonic glucose solution

Isotonic solution is introduced in different ways:

  1. Subcutaneously. In this case, the daily volume of the drug administered is 300-500 ml.
  2. Intravenously. Doctors can prescribe medication and intravenous administration (300-400 ml per day).
  3. Enema. In this case, the total amount of the injected solution is about 1.5-2 liters per day.

It is not recommended to inject glucose intramuscularly in its pure form. In this case, the risk of developing purulent inflammation subcutaneous tissue. Intravenous injections are given unless a slow and gradual infusion of dextrose is required.

Hypertonic solution

This type of dextrose is necessary to improve the functioning of the damaged liver and reanimate metabolic processes. Additionally, the hypertonic solution restores normal diuresis, promotes vasodilation. Also, this dropper with glucose (10-40% solution):

  • increases metabolic processes;
  • improves the functioning of the myocardium;
  • increases the volume of produced urine;
  • promotes the expansion of blood vessels;
  • increases the antitoxic functions of the hepatic organ;
  • enhances the passage of fluid and tissue into the bloodstream;
  • increases the osmotic pressure of the blood (this pressure ensures normal water exchange between body tissues).

The hypertonic solution is prescribed by doctors in the form of injections and droppers. When it comes to injections, dextrose is most often injected intravenously. It can also be used in combination with other medicines... Many people, especially athletes, prefer to drink glucose.

What are hypertonic solutions

A hypertonic solution administered by injections is diluted with thiamine, ascorbic acid or insulin. A single dose in this case is about 25-50 ml.

Medicinal power of droppers

For infusion (intravenous) administration, a 5% dextrose solution is usually used. The healing liquid is packed in plastic, hermetically sealed bags or 400 ml bottles. The infusion solution consists of:

  1. Purified water.
  2. Directly glucose.
  3. Active excipient.

When dextrose enters the bloodstream, it breaks down into water and carbon dioxide, actively producing energy. Subsequent pharmacology depends on the nature of the additional drugs used in the droppers.

Where is glucose used

Why put a dropper with glucose

The appointment of such a therapeutic treatment is carried out with a variety of various diseases and further rehabilitation of the organism weakened by pathology. A glucose dropper is especially useful for health, for which it is prescribed in the following cases:

  • hepatitis;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • dehydration;
  • diabetes;
  • liver pathology;
  • shock state;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • internal bleeding;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • general depletion of the body;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure (collapse);
  • profuse, persistent vomiting;
  • infectious diseases;
  • recurrence of heart failure;
  • accumulation of fluid in the pulmonary organs;
  • upset stomach (prolonged diarrhea);
  • exacerbation of hypoglycemia, in which there is a drop in blood sugar to a critical level.

Also, intravenous infusion of dextrose is indicated when it is necessary to introduce certain drugs into the body. In particular, cardiac glycosides.

Side effects

In rare cases, isotonic dextrose can cause a number of side effects. Namely:

  • increased appetite;
  • increase in body weight;
  • feverish conditions;
  • necrosis of the subcutaneous tissue;
  • blood clots at the injection sites;
  • hypervolemia (increased blood volume);
  • hyperhydration (violation of water-salt metabolism).

In the case of an illiterate preparation of a solution and the introduction of dextrose into the body in an increased amount, more sad consequences can also occur. In this case, an attack of hyperglycemia may occur and, in especially severe cases, coma... The shock comes from a sharp rise in the patient's blood sugar.

So for all its usefulness intravenous administration glucose should only be used for certain indications. And directly according to the doctor's prescription, and the procedures should be carried out only under the supervision of doctors.

In contact with

Dosage Form: & nbspsolution for infusion Composition:

1000 ml of solution contains :

Active ingredients :

55,000 g

Dextrose (glucose) monohydrate

(corresponds to dextrose)

50,000 g

Sodium chloride

3.630 g

Potassium chloride

1.340 g

Calcium chloride dihydrate

0.295 g

Magnesium chloride hexahydrate

0.610 g

Sodium acetate trihydrate

5.170 g


Hydrochloric acid solution 2 M

from0 to 2g

Acetic acid solution 2 M

from 0 to 1 g

Water for injections

up to 1000 ml

Electrolyte concentration:


100.0 mmol / L


18,0 mmol / l


2.0 mmol / L


3.0 mmol / l


90.0 mmol / L


38.0 mmol / l

Physical and chemical characteristics :

Theoretical osmolarity - 530 mOsm / l

pH - from 4.5 to 7.5

Caloric content - 835 kJ / l (200 kcal / l)

Description: Clear, colorless or pale yellow solution. Pharmacotherapeutic group:rehydrating agent ATX: & nbsp
  • Electrolytes combined with carbohydrates
  • Pharmacodynamics:

    The drug is an electrolyte solution with a total amount of cations equal to 123 mmol / l. Such a composition was selected based on the need to compensate for the disturbances in the body's electrolyte metabolism during metabolic stress. For this purpose, in comparison with electrolyte solutions, the composition of which is close to blood plasma, the amount of sodium is reduced in order to prevent sodium and fluid retention, but at the same time remains sufficient to prevent the development of secondary hyperaldosteronism.

    A sufficiently high concentration of potassium in comparison with solutions of electrolytes, close in composition to blood plasma, is due to the increased need of the body for potassium, which occurs during stressful situations in conditions of adequate replacement of the volume of fluid, which is approximately 1 mmol potassium / kg body weight / day.

    Acetates have an alkalizing effect when oxidized. The anionic composition is represented by a balanced combination of chlorides that are not metabolized, and acetates, which are metabolized and prevent the development of metabolic acidosis.

    In addition, the solution contains 5% glucose. From a physiological point of view, glucose is the primary source of energy with a caloric value of about 16 kJ / g or 3.75 kcal / g. Providing the body with glucose is necessary for the functioning of the tissues of the nervous system, erythrocytes and the medulla of the kidneys.

    On the one hand, glucose is converted into glycogen for carbohydrate stores, on the other hand, it is metabolized during glycolysis into pyruvate or lactate to provide energy to the cells of the body.

    There is a close relationship between electrolytes and carbohydrate metabolism. Assimilationglucose and an increased need for potassium are related. If this is not acceptedinto account, this can lead to impaired potassium metabolism, which, in turn,can cause severe heart rhythm disturbances.

    Some pathological conditions can lead to impaired assimilation processesglucose (glucose intolerance), such as diabetes mellitus or conditions in which "stress metabolism" is observed, leading to (decreased glucose tolerance (severe complications of the surgical or postoperative period, trauma). This can lead to hyperglycemia, which, in turn, may, depending on the degree of "severity, lead to osmotic diuresis with subsequentdevelopment of hypertensivedehydration and hyperosmoticdisorders up to hyperosmotic coma.

    Excessive glucose administration, especially in conditions accompanied by a decrease glucose tolerance, can lead to serious impairment of glucose uptake and,due to the limitation of the oxidative absorption of glucose, to a greater transitionglucose to fat. This, in turn, may be accompanied by a higher levelCO 2 in the body (problems associated with disabling ventilation), as well as increasedinfiltration of fat into tissue, especially the liver. Particularly at riskdisorders of glucose homeostasis in patients with traumatic brain injury or cerebral edema. INin these cases, even minor violations of glucose concentration in blood and, therefore, an increase in plasma (serum) osmolarity can lead toa noticeable increase in brain disorders.

    A dose of 40 ml / kg body weight / day covers the body's necessary carbohydrate needs, equal to 2 g glucose / kg body weight / day (hypocaloric infusiontherapy).


    During infusion, glucose first enters the intravascular space, followed by movement into the extracellular space. During glycolysis, glucose is converted to pyruvate or lactate. Further, lactate is partially involved in the reactions of the Krebs cycle. Pyruvate is completely oxidized by oxygen to CO 2 and H 2 O. The products of glucose oxidation are excreted by the lungs (CO 2) and kidneys (H 2 O).

    Normally, glucose is not eliminated by the kidneys. In pathological conditions (such as diabetes mellitus, decreased glucose tolerance) with hyperglycemia (blood glucose concentration more than 120 mg / ml or 6.7 mmol / L), glucose is excreted by the kidneys (glucosuria) when the maximum glomerular filtration rate (180 mg / 100 ml or 10 mmol / L).


    Hypertensive dehydration;

    Isotonic dehydration;

    Providing the body with fluid and electrolytes with partial coverage of energy needs during infusion therapy in the postoperative and post-traumatic period;

    For dilution of compatible concentrated solutions of electrolytes and other medicines.



    Hypotonic dehydration;


    Childhood up to 14 years old.


    Normofundin G-5 should be used with caution in the following cases:


    Renal failure with a tendency to hyperkalemia;

    Hyperglycemia not relieved by insulin at a dose of up to 6 units / hour.

    Pregnancy and lactation:

    It is possible to use the drug Normofundin G-5 in pregnant and lactating women in cases where the expected benefit from drug treatment exceeds possible risk development of complications.

    Method of administration and dosage:

    Normofundin G-5 is injected into the peripheral and central veins.

    The dose of the drug depends on the level of glucose in the blood, the patient's need for fluid and electrolytes.

    Maximum daily dose

    Elderly, adults and children from 14 years of age 40 ml / kg body weight, which corresponds to 2.0 g glucose / kg body weight, 4 mmol sodium / kg body weight and 0.7 mmol potassium / kg body weight.

    Maximum speed introduction

    5 ml / kg body weight / hour or 1.6 drops / kg body weight / min, which corresponds to 0.25 g glucose / kg body weight / hour.

    Duration of use

    The solution can be applied for several days. Duration of use determined by the patient's clinical condition and laboratory parameters.

    With normal metabolism, the total amount of carbohydrates introduced should not exceed 350-400 g per day. With the introduction of such doses, glucose is completely absorbed.

    Prescribing higher doses may lead to the development of adverse adverse reactions and lead to fatty liver. In states of impaired metabolism, for example, after extensive operations or trauma, hypoxic stress or organ failure, the daily dose should be reduced to 200-300 g, which corresponds to 3 g / kg of body weight / day. The selection of individual doses includes mandatory laboratory monitoring.

    The following dose restrictions for adults must be strictly observed: 0.25 g glucose / kg body weight / hour and up to 6 g / kg body weight / day. The appointment of solutions containing carbohydrates, regardless of concentration, should always be accompanied by monitoring the level of glucose in the blood both during surgery and in conservative management of the patient. To prevent an overdose of carbohydrates, the use of infusion pumps is recommended, especially when using solutions with a high concentration of carbohydrates.

    A dose of 30 ml solution / kg of body weight / day covers only the physiological needs of the body for fluid. In patients undergoing surgery and in critically ill patients, fluid requirements increase due to reduced renal concentration function and increased excretion of metabolic products, which leads to the need to increase fluid intake to about 40 ml / kg body weight / day.

    Additional losses (fever, diarrhea, fistulas, vomiting, etc.) must be compensated for by an even higher fluid intake, the level of which is set individually.

    The actual individual level of fluid requirements is determined by consistent monitoring of clinical and laboratory parameters (urine excretion, serum and urine osmolarity, determination of excreted substances).

    The main substitution of the most important sodium and potassium cations is 1.5-3.0 mmol / kg bw / day and 0.8-1.0 mmol / kg bw / day, respectively.

    The actual needs for fluid therapy are determined by the state of water and electrolyte balance.

    Side effects: Overdose:


    An overdose of the drug can lead to such phenomena as overhydration with an increase in skin turgor, venous congestion and the development of general edema with the subsequent development of pulmonary edema.


    Immediate discontinuation of infusion, administration of diuretics, continuous monitoring of plasma electrolytes; correction of electrolyte levels.

    Glucose overdose


    Hyperglycemia, glucosuria, dehydration, serum hyperosmolarity, hyperglycemic or hyperosmolar coma.


    Immediate discontinuation of the infusion; rehydration, insulin administration with constant monitoring of blood glucose levels; replacement of electrolyte losses, monitoring of acid-base balance.


    To avoid sediment formation, Normofundin G-5 should not be mixed with preparations containing oxalates, phosphates, carbonates or bicarbonates.

    Suxamethonium and potassium, when administered together, can have a negative effect on heart rate due to severe hyperkalemia.

    special instructions:

    Clinical monitoring should include monitoring of fluid and electrolyte balance.

    In the presence of arterial hypertension, the appointment of sodium chloride and the volume of fluid should be carried out individually.

    For the elderly, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the administered drug due to the danger of volume overload.

    The solution should not be administered through the same transfusion systems, concurrently, before or after the administration of blood due to the risk of pseudoagglutination.

    Only a solution containing 70 mmol / L sodium can be used for the treatment of hypertensive dehydration. Correction of dehydration should be carried out for at least 48 hours.

    The introduction of the solution in postoperative, post-traumatic or other conditions, accompanied by impaired glucose tolerance, must be carried out under the condition of constant monitoring of glucose concentration.

    Do not freeze!

    Impact on the ability to drive vehicles. Wed and fur .:

    The drug does not affect the ability to manage vehicles, mechanisms, and also potentially dangerous species activities requiring increased concentration of attention and psychomotor reactions.

    Release form / dosage:Solution for infusion. Packaging:

    500 ml or 1000 ml bottles made of polyethylene without additives that meet the requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia for parenteral drugs... The bottle is welded onto a polyethylene cap with two holes in the upper part, under which there is a rubber disc; each of the holes is sealed with foil.

    10 bottles of 500 ml or 1000 ml each together with instructions for use in the corresponding amount in a cardboard box (for hospitals).

    Storage conditions:

    Store at temperatures between 2 and 25 ° C.

    Keep out of the reach of children.

    Shelf life:

    Do not use after the expiration date printed on the package.

    Terms of dispensing from pharmacies:For hospitals Registration number:LS-000969 Registration date:03.10.2011 Marketing Authorization Holder:B. Braun Melsungen AG Germany Manufacturer: & nbsp Representative office: & nbspB. Brown Medical, OOO Date of information update: & nbsp09.03.2016 Illustrated instructions

    Are there pills for old age? Unfortunately, such a remedy, the action of which is hidden in one small pill, does NOT exist. Whether it's a magic pill from a magician, or the product of a titanic work of the greatest minds of modern science. And, if on the Internet you repeatedly read


    "Yes, there are. This is a long-term work of medical engineers from Russia (a joint project of specialists from a Novosibirsk company and the Tomsk Research Institute of Pharmacology) working in the field of restoring the human body, regeneration and rejuvenation. It must be said right away that pills, as a medical preparation, can come to the market and will appear in pharmacies only since 2016, but it is already possible to announce it. Now they are undergoing clinical trials on animals and voluntary testers, which include some Siberian scientists who have tested the effect of the drug on themselves. Registration and certification of these "pills" is being carried out as: medical product called G5.

    G5 pills for old age

    What is the principle of the G5, how will it rejuvenate the body? To imagine this is quite simple: imagine a child's body, which is rapidly developing and growing. Each dying cell is very quickly replaced by a new one, the organ is regenerated, the whole organism rejuvenates, this process takes place constantly, every second. Until the age of 25, the body of a young person grows, is young, capable of self-recovery in the shortest possible time. Stem cells, which are actively produced by the bone marrow, are largely responsible for the regeneration and rejuvenation of both individual organs and the whole body. Simply put, these cells themselves heal everything that is required at the moment. And for a young organism, this is quite normal.

    But, after 25 years, our body begins to age slowly. He just gets tired due to many factors. This means that our bone marrow also experiences more and more fatigue every year, producing less and less stem cells. The body simply wears out, gets old.

    G5 enhances the action of the bone marrow, triggering a chain reaction in the body at the cellular level. Having received the necessary regenerative impulse, the restoration work of this or that organ, of the whole organism begins, releasing an infinite number of stem cells.

    What are stem cells - it is they who can reproduce any organ, replace the worn out over time by rejuvenating at the cellular level. The practice of reproducing human organs from stem cells has existed for several years (bioimplants), but G5 starts this process in the human body itself, in a natural way, and not outside it. G5, as a regenerative medicine drug, triggers self-healing of the human body.

    Today's research shows that this drug is able to restore both the number and the function of neurons. Visual functions are restored. Memory improves significantly. The functions of the liver are restored. Skin rejuvenation occurs. The development of connective tissue is limited. Inflammatory reactions are significantly reduced. Already, the work of the drug to cure lungs from rather serious diseases, for example, pulmonary fibrosis.

    To begin with, the drug will be registered for the indication "degenerative liver disease". After the release, additional studies will continue for a long time, and work on expanding the indications will continue.

    What it is? want to call it rejuvenation. Want - self-healing. Natural revitalization - isn't that what millions of women dream about? We will expect the release of the drug G5, which, unfortunately, has no analogues in the world. "


    Do not believe the deception.
    I quote: The tablet of "eternal youth" is nothing more than hype. No one has created a drug that will cure all diseases and allow you to delay old age. We are indeed now developing a regenerating drug, it will be a hepatoprotector (pharmacological agents that have been found to have a positive effect on liver function - note by FederalPress.Siberia). Perhaps a drug can cure chronic hepatitis and initial stages liver cirrhosis ". Testing was carried out only on mice. How G5 will affect the human body is not yet clear.

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