GGTP is raised: what it means causes, treatment. GGT in biochemical blood test - what is it? Raising GGT reasons

Biochemical blood test is the most important guideline of human health. Any change in B. normal indicators Become an alarming signal for both the doctor and for the patient. Of course, it happens that deviations are associated with the physiological characteristics of the body and are not an indirect symptom of illness, but most often the deviations in biochemistry are hidden serious diseases. The key is level GGT in biochemical analysis blood. This enzyme is very important in the study of hepatic samples.

What is GGT

GGT, or gamma-glutamaltransferase, it is a protein contained in the cells of withdrawing organs, liver and kidney, and actively participating in the exchange of amino acids. This component is directly in organs of organs. Its most of its concentration is contained in the liver, kidneys, pancreas. Much less than GGT in the spleen, heart, in brain cells and intestines.

When the cell is destroyed due to any circumstances, the enzyme falls into the blood. Studies have shown that insignificant increased GGT In the blood is considered normal. This is due to the physiological process of cell renewal. If the death of cells in the body takes a critical turn, then the indicators will increase sharply. It will be a serious reason to pass a thorough examination. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the liver, because GGT directly shows pathologies from the particular body.

Sometimes in biochemical analysis of blood, the increase or decrease in the GGT level is not a sign of the disease. Often, we ourselves provoke jumps in the indicators of our wrong lifestyle, harmful fatty food, smoking and excessive use alcohol. In this case, the amount of enzyme rises.

Scarce food, lack of vitamins and minerals cause lowering a serum component. Pathology is not and treating does not require treatment. However, there is a need to adjust the lifestyle.

Even with a slight deflection of the norm should not panic. To talk about serious liver pathologies, GGT in the blood should be increased 10 or more times.


As a rule, a biochemical blood test is assigned to absolutely everything in case of illness symptoms. At the same time there are special cases in which the passage of the study is required. A not only therapist can be directed to the blood test, and narcologist. In the latter case, there is nothing surprising. The GGT enzyme is very susceptible to alcohol, so it quickly and clearly gives the picture of the disease. So, biochemistry is assigned:

  • when such symptoms appear as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, pain in the right side, the jaggility of the skin;
  • as a preoperative study;
  • as a method for tracking a liver condition in chronic alcoholism;
  • suspicion of cirrhosis of the liver or hepatitis;
  • as general diagnosis liver diseases;
  • to identify the levels of toxicity of accepted drugs
  • to control the quality of the outflow of bile from the gallbladder;
  • early diagnosis of the problems of the digestive tract

How to prepare for blood

Preparation for the delivery of biomaterial lies in several simple manipulations;

  1. Refuse alcohol
  2. Withstand the hungry pause from 8 to 12 hours, extremely clean drinking water is allowed
  3. Analysis we pass strictly on an empty stomach early in the morning
  4. Delivery of blood after ultrasound, x-ray and physiotherapore is impossible, since the result will be distorted.

Normal GGT in blood test on biochemistry

Deciphering analysis is the path to timely treatment. Any patient, far from medicine, should approximately represent what normal indicators are.

When reading the analysis, two important factors are taken into account:

  • patient age
  • sexuality
  • the presence of chronic diseases or in the stages of exacerbation
  • incorrecting reagents in different laboratories
  • racial affiliation

They are of great importance, since the norm in adults and the norm in children - two different quantities.

The norm of GGT, taking into account all factors, is shown in the table.


Pregnant women


The age of the child Norm Notes
0 -5 days 185 U / L and below A significant difference in the indicators of adults and children is explained by the growth of the young organism. The formation of all systems is accompanied by an increase in the level of GGT.

Changes in the body associated with adolescence are reflected at the level of GGT in the blood.

The newborn babies of the first week of life GHT in the blood is increased, since its main part was concentrated in the placenta. Somewhat later, when the enzyme will be produced by the liver, its indicators will begin to decline.

Up to 6 months Below 204 units / l
From 6 months to a year 34 U / l and below
From year to 3 years Below 18 units / l
36 years 23 U / l and below
Boys in adolescence (12 - 17 years old) No higher than 45 units / l
Girls from 12 to 17 years 33 U / L and below

If the decoding of the analysis shows the values \u200b\u200bbelow or above the reference, it is a reason to consult a doctor. It is necessary to do this as early as possible because many diseases do not show symptoms for a long time, and the only way to learn about their existence is a complete medical examination.

GGT is raised. Causes of deviations

Determining glutamlitranspendaz (GGT), daily oscillations are taken into account with a laboratory. So, for example, in the morning the norm is lower than after lunch. By evening, she reaches its maximum values. This determines the need to take the analysis exclusively early in the morning on an empty stomach. By the way to say that many experts strongly recommend refusing harmful food On the eve of the delivery of biomaterial. The liver will begin the processing of low-oat food, and the level of GGT sharply crawling up.

With biochemical analysis indicator GGT It is estimated in aggregate with other hepatic testers - Bilirubin, AST and Alt. Only in the complex can talk about pathology. If the rule is slightly higher or below the permissible, most likely there is nothing terrible. The disease requiring serious medical intervention is evidenced by the level of GGT, changed in tens of times.

Ways to lower the level of GGT in the blood

It is very important to understand that the deviation from the norm is just a symptom of the disease. In order to reduce the level of the PT in the patient's blood, it is necessary to diagnose and start treated.

There are a number of factors that contribute to a decrease in glutamiltransferase indicator:

  • refusal of alcohol;
  • introduction to the ration of vegetable food. Especially useful in this case will be pumpkin, carrots, spinach, lemons and oranges;
  • drink more liquid. Minimum 1.5 liters per day. Doctors recommend to refrain from tea and coffee at the time of treatment, and drink more simple water;
  • daily walks in the fresh air.

What is the reason for the reduction of the norm of GGT

The phenomenon of the reduced gamma - glutamaltransferase is quite rare.

It can only be reduced in some cases:

  • the patient is undergoing treatment from alcoholism;
  • reception of some drugs, including ascorbic acid;
  • the use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • refusal from the "meat" menu, vegetarianism.

Under compliance with all medical recommendations And a serious approach to treatment, your indicators are normalized. As the prevention of any diseases, it is recommended annually to undergo surveys, which traditionally begin with biochemical blood test.

If there is a violation in the work of the liver, certain symptoms appear, which indicate that pathology. Specify the diagnosis allow laboratory researchwhich are often called "hepatic samples", also conduct tests for enzymes. Great importance In terms of detection of a particular violation in the liver, it has such an enzyme as GGT (GGTP). This abbreviation is decrypted as gamma-glutamlitranspendisosis.

In the form of the analyzes of the analyzes, the enzyme gamma-glutamyltranspend of gamma is defined as GGT (Y-glutamilTransferase) or GGTP (gamma-glutamylTranspend of gamma). This enzyme takes part in the exchange of amino acids in the body. It can be found in various organs, but most of all it is in the liver, kidneys, pancreas, bile ways And spleen. It is located in the outer membranes of organs.

GGTP takes part in the process of constructing protein molecules, stimulates various biological reactions necessary for the exercise of the body's vital activity. Therefore, the GGT enzyme is determined during the execution of a biochemical analysis of blood along with such indicators, like Alt, AST, SFF.

Level enzyme GGT You should pay attention when there are symptoms indicating inflammatory processes In the liver, but there is not enough for the formulation of an accurate diagnosis. For example, for early stages hepatitis A. Also, GGT has an important meaning in terms of tracking the dynamics of the development of chronic diseases affecting the liver parenchyma.

How the analysis is carried out, the indicators of the norm of the GGT

To determine the level of GGT in humans, it will be necessary to fence its blood. It is taken in the morning when the subject has not yet received food, since after its receipt to the body, enzymes will be included in the body, which are capable of changing the picture of the blood. It is important to refrain not only from food, but also from water.

The purity of the experiment is influenced by the infubation temperature of the sample, so in the form you can see the indication of the temperature in degrees Celsius. This allows you to distinguish the indicators of the norm from the pathology obtained at different temperatures.

The values \u200b\u200bof the norm depend on the age of a person, from its sexuality. All of them are presented in the table.

It should be noted that in the conditions of one laboratory, some reference values \u200b\u200bmay be taken for indicators, and in the conditions of another laboratory there are several other indicators. Therefore, the boundaries of the norm should be clarified in each particular institution where blood fence was performed. Although, as a rule, there is no significant difference in these testimony.

If a person has a decrease in the investigated enzyme, this may indicate only one single state - on decompensated cirrhosis of the liver.

The increase in GGT, on the contrary, is noted against the background of various pathological conditions, among which:

    Mechanical jaundice on the background of blockage bile ducts. Also, the patient will increase alkaline phosphatase and 5-nucleotidases.

    Liver lesion against the background of intoxication of the body, or during its radiation.

    Cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcoholism.

    Cancer lesions of the liver, or penetration into the metastasis organ from the tumor of other localization.

    Receiving hormonal contraceptives.

    Reception of drugs that are able to provide damaging effect on the liver parenchyma: steroids, thiazided diuretic products, antidepressants, cytostatics, anti-tuberculosis drugs, anticonvulsants, anabolics, thyarostatic drugs.

GGT increases due to the defeat of the liver and biliary parenchyma. A wide variety of factors that have a negative impact affect the health of the body are capable of leading to the enzyme jump. Also, the GGT level indicates the degree of alcohol liver damage, as well as for chronic liver diseases.


The liver is an intermediary between the gastrointestinal tract, which receives various substances, and the human body as a whole. The liver is the authority that is directly involved in the exchange of substances.

Alt liver enzymes, GGT, AST helps her cope with various harmful substances, neutralizing them. While the liver is healthy, people do not seek to help her support her normal condition. The authority is beginning to pay attention only after it turns out to be in one degree or another. Until that time, the person traverad his liver over the years.

With increasing hepatic samples and enzymes, it is worth thinking about the state of their health and continue the examination in order to try to eliminate pathology on time.

Education: In 2013, the Kursk State Medical University was completed and a diploma degree was received. Two years later, the ordinite was completed in the specialty "Oncology". In 2016, graduate school was passed in the National Medical and Surgery Center named after N. I. Pirogov.

Gamma GlutamylTranspendaz - the enzyme (protein) of the liver and pancreas, the activity of which in the blood increases with the diseases of the liver and alcohol abuse.

Russian synonyms

Gamma-glutamatTranspend of glyutamattamatidase, gamma-glutamattransferase, GGT, Gamma-glutamattranspend of gamma, Gamma glutamattransferase, GGTP.

Synonyms English

Gamma-glutamyl transferase, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, GGTP, Gamma GT, GTP.

Research method

Kinetic colorimetric method.


UR / L (one per liter).

What kind of biomaterial can be used for research?

Venous, capillary blood.

How to prepare for research?

  • Do not take food within 12 hours before the study.
  • Exclude physical and emotional overvoltage and do not smoke within 30 minutes before the study.

General research information

The bile is formed in the cells of the liver and stands out on the system of microtubules, which are called bile canal. They are then combined into hepatic ducts, leaving outside the liver, and form a common bull duct. small intestine. Bile is needed for suction of fats coming from food. Also through bile allocate some medicinal substances. It is constantly formed, but enters the intestine only during and after meals. When it is not needed - accumulates in the gallbladder.

Gamma GlutamylTranspendaz - an enzyme that is in liver cells and biliary tract and is a catalyst for certain biochemical reactions. In the bloodstream, it is not contained, only in cells, with the destruction of which their contents fall into the blood. Normally, part of the cells is updated, therefore, a certain activity of GGT is detected in the blood. If many cells die, its activity can increase significantly.

Test on GGT is the most sensitive analysis against the stagnation of bile - cholestasis. The activity of GGT in the obstacle of the bile outflow, for example, with stones in bile ducts, increases earlier than alkaline phosphatase activity. However, the increase is nonspecific, as it happens at most acute diseases liver and bile strokes, for example in acute viral hepatitis Or cancer, and usually this result is not very informative when establishing a specific disease or condition that caused damage to the liver.

Unlike other hepatic enzymes, the production of GGT "launches" alcohol, therefore, persons abusing them, its activity can be increased even in the absence of liver disease. In addition, the production of GGT is stimulated by some drugs, including phenobarbital and paracetamol, therefore, against the background of their reception, it is possible to increase the GGT without damage to the liver.

GGT is also contained in the kidneys, spleen, pancreas, brain, prostate, and an increase in its activity is nonspecific only for liver disorders.

What is the study?

  • To confirm the disease of the liver and bile moves, especially when suspected the blockage of biliary tract with stones in bile ducts or with pancreatic tumors.
  • To observe the effectiveness of the treatment of alcoholism or alcohol hepatitis.
  • To diagnose diseases affecting biliary paths - primary biliary cirrhosis and primary sclerosing cholangitis.
  • To determine what caused an increase in activity alkaline phosphatase- liver disease or bone pathology.
  • To monitor the condition of patients with diseases in which GGT is raised, or to assess the effectiveness of their treatment.

When is the study assigned?

  • When performing standard diagnostic panels that can be used with planned medical examinations, in preparation for surgical intervention.
  • When performing "liver samples" used to evaluate the liver function.
  • With complaints of weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain (especially in the right hypochondrium), jaundice, darkening of urine or casing clarification, skin itch.
  • With suspected alcohol abuse or when observing patients who are treated from alcoholism or alcohol hepatitis.

What do the results mean?

Reference values

Age, floor

Reference values

5 days - 6 months.

Most often, the following statement is true: the higher the activity of the GGT, the hardest damage to the liver or bile moves.

Causes of increasing activity of GGT

  • Loading liver and biliary tract
    • Mechanical jaundice associated with obstruction of biliary ducts.
      • Stones of bile ducts, scars of bile ducts after surgical interventions.
      • Tumors of bile ducts.
      • Pancreatic head cancer, stomach cancer with mechanical squeezing of the total bile duct, through which bile enters the duodenum.
    • Alcoholism. After refusing from alcohol, the activity of GGT comes to normal in a month. Although in a third of alcoholics, the activity of GGT is normal.
    • Liver cancer, metastases of tumors of other organs in the liver.
    • Cirrhosis of the liver is a pathological process, during which the normal hepatic tape tissue is replaced, which oppresses all the liver functions.
    • Acute and chronic hepatitis of any origin, especially alcoholic.
    • Infectious mononucleosis. This is acute viral infectionwhich is usually manifested by increasing the temperature, the inflammation of the zois and the increase in lymph nodes. At the same time, the pathological process often involves the liver.
    • Primary biliary cirrhosis and primary sclerosing cholangitis are rare diseases occurring in adults and associated with autoimmune damage to bile moves. Accompanied by extremely high activity of GGT and alkaline phosphatase.
  • Other reasons
    • Pancreatitis - acute inflammation pancreas. Often provoked by alcohol poisoning.
    • Prostate cancer.
    • Breast cancer and lungs with metastases in the liver.
    • Systemic red lupus - a disease in which antibodies are produced to their own tissues.
    • Myocardial infarction. IN acute stage Myocardial infarction Activity GGT usually remains normal, however, it may increase after 3-4 days, reflecting the secondary involvement of the liver due to heart failure.
    • Heart failure.
    • Hyperthyroidism - Enhance the function thyroid gland.
    • Diabetes.

Causes of reducing activity of GGT

  • Hypothyroidism is a condition at which the thyroid function is reduced.

What can affect the result?

  • GGT activity is raised by obesity.
  • Aspirin, paracetamol, phenobarbital, statins (preparations that reduce cholesterol levels), antibiotics, histamine blockers (used to reduce the secretion of gastric juice), antifungal drugs, antidepressants, oral contraceptives, testosterone and a number of other drugs can increase the activity of GGT.
  • The long-term intake of ascorbic acid is able to reduce the activity of GGT.

Important comments

With pathology bone tissue The activity of GGT, in contrast to alkaline phosphatase, remains normal, as well as under states associated with the growth of bones, during pregnancy and renal failure.

Who appoints a study?

Doctor common practice, therapist, gastroenterologist, infectiousness, hematologist, endocrinologist, surgeon.

Violation of the liver is accompanied by a number of functional changes, for each of which are characterized by their symptoms. Clarify the disease, the diagnosis allows laboratory studies that are often referred to as hepatic samples. In parallel, and GGT in biochemical analysis of blood are investigated.

What is GGT?

Gamma-glutamiltransferase is an enzyme that takes an active part in the synthesis of amino acids in the human body. It is found in the composition of the external membranes of many organs, however large quantities Contained in:

  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • pancreas;
  • spleen;
  • bile ways.

GGT actively participates in the process of constructing protein molecules, is a stimulator of numerous biological reactions. The change in the concentration of this substance in the bloodstream indicates the presence of liver pathology - directly this organ is examined by inconsistency in the concentration of GGT in the biochemical blood test.

Gamma-glovedransferase - functions

Finding out what kind of gamma glutamiltransferase in the blood test, we highlight the basic functions of this enzyme. As already mentioned, the enzyme is present in the shells of numerous organs, but its maximum concentration is observed in the liver, biliary tract. Immediately here it performs its basic function - catalyzes numerous biochemical reactions. In a free form, the enzyme is not contained in the bloodstream, but falls there only after the destruction of the cells.

Over time, the cellular part of the cells occurs, so some activity of GGT in biochemical blood test is fixed. The main function of GGT, as well as other peptides - acceleration of biochemical reactions. Thus, this enzyme directly catalyzes the transfer of γ-glutamy to another molecule - amino acid or peptide. Thus, new compounds are formed necessary to restore cells of individual tissues, therefore gamma-glutamiltransferase, GGT, increases with inflammatory processes.

What shows the analysis of GGT in the blood?

Gamma-glutamilTransferase, GGT, in biochemical blood test - an indicator used to identify possible deviations from the norm. With the help of GGT, it is impossible to determine the type of disease, the nature of the violation. The inconsistency of the concentration of this enzyme is regarded by doctors as an indicator for a comprehensive survey of the body, and especially the liver.

Such a study helps to identify:

  • blockage of bile ducts;
  • the presence of concrections in the bustling bubble;
  • pancreatic tumors;
  • primary cirrhosis;
  • sclerosing cholangitis.

When does blood test for GGT need?

Analysis of gamma-glovedransferase is prescribed to patients with impaired liver function. This study Indispensable for dynamic observation of patients with violation of bile outflow, chronic hepatitis. Use this analysis and in cases where the need arises to produce differential analysis possible diseases Liver.

Among other testimony for analysis on GGT:

  • chronic hepatitis;
  • suspected;
  • oncology of the pancreas;
  • alcoholism.

The doctor may appoint the examination of a certain number of symptoms of the liver function, including:

  • constant weakness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • decline in appetite;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • darkening of urine or casing lightening;
  • skin itch.

GGT in biochemical analysis of blood - norm

As specialists installed, the concentration of GGT in the human body depends on several factors. The main one is:

  • age;
  • sexuality.

To establish, in what concentration in the body contains gamma-glutamiltransferase, the norm of which can change over time, the sample of venous blood is taken. Deciphering results should be carried out exclusively by a doctor - a simple comparison of the figures received uninformitively received. However, the following sequence is traced: large values \u200b\u200bof GGT indicate extensive lesions of the liver or biliary tract.

Normal GGT in blood in women

As medical observations show, this enzyme is contained in women's body in a lesser concentration. When evaluating the values \u200b\u200bof GGT, the norm in women is set below. However, with age, an increase in the concentration of the enzyme is observed. If for women under 45 years old, the level of GGT in the middle of reference values \u200b\u200bis optimal, then after 45 years it shifts to the upper boundary of the norm. You will get acquainted with the way with age there is a change in the concentration of GGT in the blood from the weak floor representatives, it is possible in the table below.

Norma GGT in blood in men

The norm of GGT in men exceeds the indicators established for women. One of the reasons for this is the peculiarity of physiology. In addition, men often observes a tendency to use alcoholic beverages. At the same time, it must be said that with the long-term systematic use of alcoholic beverages, the GGT values \u200b\u200bincrease several times. This is due to the toxic influence of alcohol on the liver. A few days after the use of alcohol, the enzyme indicators come back to normal. However, with the development of alcoholism, GGT is constantly increased.

GGT - the norm in children

In children, the biochemical blood test is practically not carried out, therefore, the level of GGT is not installed. The study is made only by appointing a doctor. Deciphering the result is carried out exclusively by a specialist. The values \u200b\u200bof the indicator are so small that they often do not give values. So, the GGT norm in newborns is almost equal to zero, therefore, for the purpose of diagnosing, the study is prescribed from 1 year. The norm of GGT for children is given in the table.

Gamma-glovedransferase is raised - what does this mean?

When, according to the results of the analysis, it turns out that gamma-glutamyltransferase is increased, the patient is prescribed an additional examination. First examine the liver. The defeat of the parenchymal fabric of this organ often provokes a sharp rise of the concentration of TSH. Bile outflow violation can also provoke an increase in enzyme concentration. In addition, the level of GGT may be a consequence of alcohol lesion of the liver, chronic processes in this organ.

Gamma glovedransferase increased - reasons

In order to accurately determine why the GGT indicator in biochemical analysis of blood is increased, doctors have to hold not one survey. Only after receiving all the results of the study and evaluation of the values \u200b\u200bof the main indicators, it is possible to establish the reason for increasing the concentration of gamma-glutamiltransferase in the bloodstream.

Among the main pathological conditions causing such a violation:

  • mechanical jaundice caused by blockage of biliary prophets;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • viral hepatitis in the aggravation phase;
  • compensated liver cirrhosis;
  • chronic hepatitis form;
  • liver damage against intoxication;
  • caused by alcoholism;
  • cancer liver damage or penetration into metastases;
  • myocardial infarction (from 4 sickness).

Gamma-glovedransferase is raised - what to do?

If there is an increase in GGT in the patient, doctors prescribe comprehensive examination. If other blood indicators are normal, only gamma-glutamiltransferase is increased, experts prescribe re-surrendering blood. It is necessary to take into account that a minor inconsistency of GGT in the blood conducted in biochemical analysis can be due to the physiological characteristics of the body and have a temporary nature.

Gamma-glovedranspend of gamma (GGTP) is a special enzyme involved in the amino acid exchange process. The level of protein is individual for each person. It can be slightly increased either reduced, but in any case fit into admissible by doctors the range. The deviation from the norm indicates a certain pathology in the human body.

GGTP - a marker of a structural and functional disorder in the liver. In the event of the development of hepatic pathology, the protein level increases to 90% relative to the norm. At the same time, it is more sensitive to diseases of the liver and biliary paths than AST or Alt.

When is the analysis assigned?

Indication for biochemical analysis blood GGTP There may be suspicion of the following pathological conditions:

  • blocking of biliary ducts. The study is relevant under the existing pancreatic neoplasm or the presence of stones in bile ducts;
  • billion cirrhosis. Chronic liver pathology, accompanied by disorders of the movement of bile inside the organ;
  • sclerosing cholangitis. Chronic illness liver accompanied by damage to the inner and outer bile ducts;
  • bone pathology (subject to the existing laboratory evidence of an increase in the level of alkaline phosphatase);
  • alcoholic liver damage. In this case, a toxic lesion of hepatocytes (liver cells) is observed;
  • cholestasis. Bobbing liver ducts;
  • jaundice. Condition caused increased content in the composition of blood and fabrics of free bilirubin;
  • cholecystitis. Inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • hepatitis of infectious origin;
  • adhesive hepatosis of the liver;
  • liver cancer (primary and secondary - metastatic);
  • intoxication of medicinal origin;
  • acute or chronic form of pancreatitis. Inflammation of the pancreas.

Research of blood serum on GGTP can be appointed in the following cases:

  • if complaints come from the patient general weakness, bouts of nausea, abdominal soreness, skin itch, dark urine, discoloration of carts;
  • as a preparatory stage in preoperative preparation;
  • for the purpose of evaluation general status Liver.

In addition, the GGTP analysis is assigned to assess the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment of the gallbladder or the existing liver pathology. The test allows you to assess the results and make (if necessary) adjustments to the appointed course.

How to prepare for the surrender

Venous blood is used as a material for research. In rare cases, the fence of capillary blood can be performed. To get the most accurate results, it is necessary to strictly follow the following recommendations:

  • delivery of blood is carried out strictly on an empty stomach. Dinner should take at least 8 hours to a hike to the laboratory. It is allowed to drink clean water, but not too much;
  • during the day before testing blood from the diet, it is necessary to completely eliminate alcohol-containing drinks and fatty products / dishes;
  • it is advisable to abandon the reception of any drugs. If the cancellation is not possible, then you need to warn your attending doctor;
  • on the eve of blood delivery, significant physical exertion should be avoided.

Distorting real results The following procedures can:

  • Ultrasound research;
  • radiography of the chest;
  • any physiotypers;
  • rectal study.

Deciphering Analysis

Testing can show a slight increase or decrease in serum enzyme, but the indicator should fit into reference values. The permissible standard depends on the patient's sexuality:

  • for women - 0-38 units / l;
  • for men - 0-55 units / l.

In rare cases, the indicator of GGTP in the blood can be 0, but this is an extremely rare result.

Excess reference values

The increase in GGTP is capable of five pathological processes. It:

  • alcohol poisoning;
  • the growth of neoplasms;
  • medication poisoning;
  • cytolysis;
  • cholestasis.

But specific reasons capable of provoke an increase indicator GGTPThe following pathologies may become:

  • cirrhosis of the liver. Chronic pathology accompanied by substitution of liver fabric fibroids;
  • liver cancer. Malignant tumorcharacterized by the defeat of the shares or biliary ducts;
  • stast bile - cholestasis. For this pathology, it is typically a decrease in the volume of bile allocated or complete termination;
  • hemolytic jaundice. A condition characterized by the active destruction of red blood cells and an increase in free bilirubin in the composition of blood;
  • hepatitis in acute form;
  • the pathology of the renal system;
  • mononucleosis of infectious origin. Acute viral pathology, accompanied by lesion of the liver, spleen and lymph nodes;
  • diabetes. Endocrine pathology, accompanied by violations of the process of processing and absorption of glucose;
  • pancreatitis. Inflammation of the pancreas;
  • pancreas cancer;
  • oncopathology of prostate gland;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. The condition characterized by the active production of iron triiodothyronine and thyroxine;
  • alcoholism.

Excess permissible norm is fixed in the following cases:

  • after kidney transplant;
  • with hyperthyroidism;
  • against the background of receiving certain groups of medicines.

Myocardial infarction and bone pathology The increase in the level of GGTP in blood serum does not cause. When deciphering the analysis it is important to understand that the protein level increases with any liver disease. The maximum indicator of the GGTP can achieve with the blocking of hepatic ducts. In this case, the permissible rate is exceeded five to thirty times.

High enzyme indicators are determined during the oncopathology of the liver. It concerns this and primary neoplasia, and metastatic cancer. In addition, an enlarged indicator will be observed with cholecystitis, cholangitis and mechanical jaundice. The testimony of the GGTP level is more informative than other analyzes in suspected:

In this case, the excess of the norm is fixed in two or five times. With diagnosed pancreatitis, cirrhosis of alcoholic origin and cancer of the pancreas, a magnification of the GGTP is five to fifteen times. It is especially important to perform blood testing on the GGTP with long-term use of alcohol.

Reduced permissible indicators

The reduced value of the GGTP is extremely rare, so the reasons for its decrease is only three:

  • during the treatment of alcohol addiction. Caused by such a state of the absence of ethanol speaking drinking man The main stimulant production of this enzyme. The drop in the protein level is recorded in about a month from the start of therapy;
  • hypothyroidism. The complex of symptoms caused by the disadvantage of the hormones produced by the thyroid gland;
  • treatment with certain drugs. In particular, such an effect can give the drug Hlobiferate.

An analysis of the analysis should be engaged in a specialist, since when interpreting the result obtained, it is necessary to take into account the results of concomitant laboratory testing. Upon exceeding / reducing the reference values \u200b\u200bof the GGTP, the biochemical study of blood must be reused to confirm the indicators.

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