GGTP - What is it? GGTP (blood test): Where is it and for what? Why in the analysis of blood can be increased GGTP, reasons, treatment, norm in women and men Analysis on GGTP that shows.

Gamma - GlutamilTranspendaz (GGTP) - Enzyme showing the liver job. Takes part in the exchange of proteins, a kind of catalyst for processes in the body. GGTP is present in the liver, intestines, spleen, heart, brain, muscles and a prostate.

As determined by the GGTP

The level of activity of the GGTP can be determined by applying biochemical blood tests. Such an analysis belongs to the group of hepatic samples.

GGTP is one of the most sensitive enzymes that the first to respond with the increase in its number in response to the pathology of the liver, which is accompanied by bile stagnation.

If a significant amount of hepatocytes (liver cells) is damaged, a lot of this enzyme is released, which serves as alarm signal, because it shows the acute phase of the liver disease or other organs.


  • In order to verify health status in planned procedure or early detection of diseases;
  • If there are complaints about:
    • General weakness that appeared sharply;
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • Itching skin;
    • Pain in the right hypochondrium;
    • Darkening of urine or cullery clarification;
    • preparation for planned surgical intervention;
    • Liver status estimates;
    • To diagnose the obstruction of biliary tract (in the presence of pancreatic neoplasms or stones in bile ducts);
    • To identify sclerosing chollets;
    • To determine the success of the conducted previously treatment liver;
    • To determine the nature of the jaundice.

The norms of the GGTP showed

According to the common norms, this biochemical blood test for men is considered a normal level of enzyme within 10.4 m / l to 33.8 MO / l. For female organism This figure is slightly lower, from 8 MO / L to 22 MO / l.

Even if this result indicates that the level is significantly increased on the established norm, it refreshes the presence of the development of an inflammatory or pathological process, which is caused by a certain illness.

What does it mean if increased GGTP

Raising the figures of the GGTP occurs due to increased enzyme activityWhat appears if problems are starting in the work of the liver and biliary tract. Normally, the activity of the GGTP is minor, it is directly related to the release of the enzyme, which is synthesized in the liver. That is why even with minimal violations, GGTP grows up.

If when deciphering biochemical analysis It was determined that the level of the enzyme is significantly higher than the norm, the test must be repeated. In the event that the trend towards increasing the indicator is preserved, such a result is assessed as reliable, and requires further examination.

The main reasons for increasing the activity of the GGTP are:

  • Stagnation B. bile bubble;
  • Inflammatory processes in the liver (caused by hepatitis viruses);
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Cholangitis;
  • Billiarny liver cirrhosis;
  • Toxic damage (alcoholic, drug);
  • Destruction of hepatic cells - cytolysis
  • Provoke the development of damage and the destruction of liver cells can virus hepatitis viruses (A, B and C), while for a long time The disease proceeds without any complaints;
  • The liver damage can cause the EPPstein Barra virus, which is the cause of the development of infectious mononucleosis;
  • Hepatotoxic drugs;
  • Inflammatory liver processes provoked by hepatitis A, B, C;
  • The pathology of the bone system;
  • Alcohol abuse.

Alcohol stimulates the formation of GGTP. Those who use a large amount of alcohol, the degree of increase directly depends on the amount of drunk.

  • A very important scope of testing test for the definition of GGTP has oncology. So, in patients with malignant formations with metastases in the liver (if there is no jaundice, there is no activity of the GGTP. At the same time, patients without metastases are activity exceeding the norm.
  • Significant raising GGTP observed when the liver damage as primaryand when metastases. The activity of enzymes can increase with pancreatic cancer, prostate in men, intestinal cancer. In this case, it is possible to detect the increase in GGTP by 2 times.
  • When slaughter and brain shakes There is a significant increase in the activity of the GGTP. Thus, it can be used to diagnose brain injuries.
  • A number of drugs also induce the activity of GGTP in the liver. The poet is important to follow the indicator in the entire period of treatment, for the timely replacement of the drug, if it is necessary or corrected dosage.

Enhanced enzyme and with other diseases, as it can be determined in cells of other organs:

  1. inflammatory processes of the pancreas - pancreatitis;
  2. diabetes;
  3. in case of violation thyroid gland thyrotoxicosis;
  4. with cardiac cirrhosis (the result of stagnation in heart failure);
  5. various kidney diseases;
  6. neurological diseases, including brain;
  7. traumatic damage;
  8. burns.

Increased GGTP in women

In women who long use hormonal contraceptives, as well as preparations for maintaining the balance of female sex hormones, an increased level of enzyme activity is observed. This should be considered when interpreting the study. At the same time, it is important to warn your doctor about taking these funds in advance.

Symptoms of an increased indicator of GGTP:

  • sharp weight loss;
  • jaundice;
  • itching skin;
  • darkening of urine;
  • calate lightening;
  • raising skin pigmentation.

What to do with raising GGTP

If, according to the results of the analysis, the indicator is raised, you need to consult with your doctor: It is not necessary to adjust and reduce the level of the enzyme itself, but a disease that provoked its promotion. So, if it is increased due to alcohol consumption, then you need to abandon the abuse of ethyl alcohol.

The doctor to which the enzyme enhancement should be applied to hepatologist.

To put the final diagnosis, it is necessary to apply additional diagnostic methods - radiography, ultrasound, blood tests for hepatitis.

Preparation for research

The level of the enzyme is influenced by some medications that are accepted in large dosages, as well as alcohol.

To determine the GGTP, the blood pressure is carried out on an empty stomach, alcoholic beverages, fatty and smoked foods should be excluded, which can distort the clinical picture.

It is necessary to warn the doctors about the drugs taken on the eve or heavy physical exertion.

In this case, the analysis will be untold.

Treatment and correction of indicators

The purpose of the treatment is the elimination primary cause diseases that led to this result. The main point of the application is the effect on the liver cell membrane.

In this situation, hepatoprotectors will help, thanks to which cellular hepatocyte cell membranes are restored and the organ function is normalized.

Treatment with folk remedies

For comprehensive liver recovery advise to use folk MedicineThat fool effectively restore liver cells.

There are a number of fees and phytopreparations, the main component of which there are plants (chicory, flipstaby). Good ragners with bold bile, presence of stones in the bustling bubble.

To determine the state of health human organism and identifying set various diseases Several species of different are used. One of them is a sample on gamma-glutamiltransferase, or gamma gt. This type of analysis may still be denoted as GGT, as well as to be called a breakdown on Gamma-glovedranspend of gamma.

Most often, this type of analyzes to assess the health status or diagnosis of the disease is used in a complex with other types of samples and surveys, but on some diseases and states a change in the norm of the GGT indicates completely explicitly. For example, chronic alcoholism causes serious changes in this enzyme, which is reflected in the results of analyzes.

Gamma-glutamlitranspendisy, or GGT is, which is found in cells and in bile ways. It serves to stimulate a number of biochemical processes and is not directly in the blood.

This enzyme falls into the bloodstream solely after the destruction of the cell, so the GGT level constantly fluctuates, but within the normal range. If there is some kind of cell destruction process, and the amount of enzyme in the blood increases sharply. The peak lifts of Gamma GT indicate the presence of serious diseases and help with their diagnosis.

For analysis, blood is taken from veins, blood serum is investigated. The sample is handed over in the morning, on an absolutely empty stomach.

The rules for preparing for the delivery of simple and do not differ from the requirements for other species, but it is necessary to observe them.

Before conducting blood research, it is necessary to refuse to eat at least half a day. Smoking will have to refrain within an hour before the analysis. From any alcoholic beverages, even weakly alcohol, will have to abandon the day before visiting the laboratory - even a meager amount of alcohol will affect the correctness of the result. As with the other types of blood samples, it is recommended to maintain emotional calm and do not oversail physically.

Useful video - liver disease: features of development and treatment methods.

Assign such an analysis in the following cases:

  • To determine the state and level of lesion.
  • Tracking the development of liver cancer, pancreas and.
  • Identification of alcoholism and tracking the treatment of treatment on chronic alcoholics.
  • Evaluation of dangerous influence medicinal preparations on the liver condition.

There is a variety of disorders in the work internal organs It says the result of the analysis in which Gamma GT is raised.

GGT - Gamma-glutamilTransferase (synonym - Gamma-glutamylTranspend of gamma-glutamyltranspendase, GGTP) is an enzyme (protein) involved in the exchange of amino acids in the cells of the body. It is contained mainly in kidney cells, liver and pancreas. But a slight amount may also be in a spleen, brain, heart, intestines.

It is located in the cell (in the membrane, cytoplasm and lysosome), but when it is destroyed it enters the bloodstream. The low activity of this correction in the blood is considered the norm, since the cells are updated, but if a considerable part of the cells die, the activity of serum in the blood increases sharply. The largest content of the enzyme is located in the kidneys, but despite this, the source of serum activity of GGT is predominantly the hepatobiliary system. Analysis for the content of blood serum GGTP is the most sensitive laboratory indicator with almost all lesions and diseases of the liver:

  • cholesteas
  • obstructive liver damage (intra-or post-secret closure) - the indicator is raised 5-30 times the norm
  • cholecystitis, chorelgits, jaundice. With these diseases, the analysis on GGT is more accurate, as it appears before other liver enzymes (for example, AST and Alt) and remains for a longer time.
  • infectious hepatitis - exceeding the norm 3-5 times. In this case, it is better to navigate the indicators of AST and Alt.
  • liver fatty - elevated 3-5 times from the norm
  • dosage intoxication
  • pancreatitis (acute and chronic)
  • alcoholic cirrhosis
  • primary and secondary neoplastic liver diseases. Improving the serum content of the enzyme in the blood is more pronounced than the indicators of Alt and Ast

Lot useful information about GGT, GGTP, decoding and other in the video below

Most often to carry out this analysis venous blood is taken. Standard preparation:

  • an analysis is conducted on an empty stomach. The last reception of food must be no later than 8 hours. Before the analysis itself, you can drink a small amount of water.
  • in a couple of days eliminate fatty food and alcohol
  • if you take medicines, you will definitely notify your doctor about this, and if you can temporarily suspend it, do it
  • exclude hard physical exercise
  • the result may affect ultrasound and X-ray studies, keep it in mind
  • some physiotherapy procedures are prohibited

The list of hepatic samples includes analysis on GGT, which allows you to identify pathological deviations in the functioning of the body. What are the norms of the content of gamma-glutamlitranspendase in the blood and what do deviations from reference values \u200b\u200bindicate?

What it is

Gamma-glutamylTranspend of gamma (GGT) is an enzyme, the amount and activity of which increase in the presence of pathologies in the functioning of the body. Inherent in GGT to organs that actively perform the function of isolation and absorption, in particular, liver and kidney.

Indications for analysis

Biochemical blood test on GGT is prescribed to diagnose liver diseases, digestive organs and detecting boles. His conduct is recommended when anxiety symptoms Patient: jaundice, nausea, vomiting, general weakness and darkening urine. The study allows diagnosing alcoholism and control the process of abstinence from harmful addiction.

Analysis on GGT is important to assess the effectiveness of the treatment of liver diseases, as well as to identify pathological changes in the body when receiving some drugs.

Preparation and analysis

Obtain reliable results of analysis on GGT, you can only comply with the recommendations of the doctor. Biological material for research is taken from Vienna in the morning on an empty stomach. Refuse meals 12 hours before the study, you can use only clean water. Exclude physical exertion and emotional experiences. Do not smoke an hour before the analysis, but from alcohol to give up at least a day, because even a minor hitting the body can distort the result. Before studying, do not make x-rays, fluorography or ultrasound.


The norm of GGT in the blood depends on the age and sex of the patient. In addition, reference importance in different clinics and laboratories may differ depending on the reagents used.

Middle Norms GGT in biochemical blood test:

  • kids up to 6 months - up to 204 me / l;
  • in children 6-12 months - 34 me / l;
  • from year to 3 years - 18 IU / l;
  • from 3 to 12 years - 20 me / l;
  • from 13 to 17 years - 40 me / l;
  • women over 18 years old - 5-36 me / l;
  • in men, over 18 years old - 8-61 me / l.

Increased reference importance among strong sexual representatives is due to the presence of an enzyme in a prostate.

Increased GGT

High level of GGT indicates pathological state Liver and retention of bile. Exceeding the reference value is observed in viral hepatitis, which inhibit the promotion of bile in drives, which provokes the development of cholestasis. The level of the enzyme is growing with alcoholic or postgepatic cirrhosis of the liver, as well as mechanical jaundice. Toxic damage to the liver, poisoning, including alcoholic, increases the amount of GGT in the blood to 10 times.

The high level of the enzyme may indicate the presence of malignant formations or metastasis in the liver. Less often enhance the enzyme indicates diabetes mellitus, heart failure, myocardial infarction and arthritis.

Redued GGT

The reduction in the level of gamma-glutamytranspendase occurs with increased physical activity, vegetarianism and when abstaining from alcohol. The reason for the reduced GGT can become hypothyroidism when all all slow down exchange processes in organism. In addition, the reduction in the level of the enzyme contributes to the reception of hormonal contraceptives.

Analysis on GGT is not enough to accurately form a diagnosis, so its results are assessed in a complex with other studies (hepatic samples).

For timely detection of pathological changes in the liver and biliary ducts, when analyzing blood, special attention is paid to the enzyme GGT (gamma-glutorattransferase), it is also called gamma-glovedranspend of gamma (GGTP). The enzyme actively participates in the construction of new protein molecules and acts as an important catalyst for biochemical reactions.

GGT in blood shows the condition of the liver and biliary ducts

GGT testimony (gamma-glutamiltransferase)

Gamma GT is placed on kidney cells, liver, pancreas, bile strokes. Normally, it is practically absent in the composition of blood, and it falls there only in the case of the destruction of healthy cells vital important organs. Therefore, the definition of GGT is an integral part of the biochemical blood test (liver samples). Its sharp raising in serum speaks of dangerous changes in the liver or disorders of the work of biliary duct.

Testimony to conduct biochemical research GGTP The following states are:

  1. Violations of the normal functioning of the liver caused by the abuse of alcoholic beverages (alcohol hepatitis). Typically, such patients are observed with a narcologist.
  2. The presence of stones in biliary ducts or tumors in the pancreas. Such states provoke blockage of the gallbladder channels.
  3. Pathological changes in B. bone tissues (analysis is carried out if promoted alkaline phosphatase).
  4. Complaints of the patient for the absence of appetite, pain discomfort on the right side under the edge, periodic nausea, vomiting urge. TO clinical picture The darkening of urine and casing, yellowness and itching can be added.

Donate blood to liver samples operational intervention, as well as in the form of prophylaxis with planned medical examinations.

When stones in the bustling bubble assumes analysis on GGT

Preparation for analysis

To get the most reliable results, the analysis of GGT needs to be properly prepared:

  1. 8-10 hours before donated blood not to use food and any drinks. The fence of the material is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. During the day, limit physical and emotional loads.
  3. For several days, abide by the diet - exclude fatty, sharp, salty and smoked food, sweet, and alcohol from diet.
  4. The day before the study does not use any drugs. If it is impossible, notify the doctor about the reception drugsSince they can distort the results of research.
  5. To try to exclude smoking at least 2-3 hours before the analysis.

A few days before analyzes, it is impossible to eat acute and oily food.

It is worth remembering that the results of the study of biological material may affect physiotherapy or ultrasound surveys, x-ray. Therefore, with such procedures, it is better to pay for several days.

Norms indicators

The level of gamma GT in the blood depends on the age and gender of the person. In children, this indicator in the first days of life is significantly increased. As you grow, the amount of enzyme stabilizes.

Table "Norma Gamma-GlutamilTransferase in the biochemical analysis of children and adults"

Possible causes of deviations

The gamma-glovedransferase enzyme is placed inside the liver cells and enters the blood as a result of their destruction. If in biochemical analysis, the GGT indicator is reduced or elevated, we are talking about negative processes in vital organs.

Causes of high GGTP

Increasing the level of GGT in biochemical analysis does not determine specific pathology, but gives specialists to understand that negative deviations occur in the liver or a yellow bubble.

The causes of high gamma GT can serve such diseases:

  • the exacerbation of hepatitis or the sluggish course of the disease (the level of the GGTP is higher than the norm is 3-4 times);
  • blockage of biliary paths with seals or stones (the enzyme increases 30 times);
  • tumor processes in the pancreas (gamma gt more norm 10 times);
  • damage to the liver due to long alcohol abuse;
  • inflammatory processes in interdolk and septal gall ducts (biliary cirrhosis);
  • malignant lesions of liver cells.

When deciphering a biochemical analysis, it is worth considering that the increase in the number of gamma-glutamyltransferase may affect the diseases of other vital organs.

  1. Oncological tumors in lactic glands (in women), a prostate (in men).
  2. Kidney diseases (glomerulonephritis) of chronic and acute character.
  3. Myocardial infarction.
  4. Metastases in the liver from cancer of any localization.
  5. Diabetes In severe stage.

The results of the study affect medication drugsthat a person took on the eve of the passing of biological material.

Raise GGTP levels.

  • antidepressants;
  • contraceptives (hormonal);
  • cephalosporins (antibiotics);
  • statins (funds for the normalization of cholesterol in the blood);
  • anticline and antihistamine medicines.
Table "What means an increase in GGT together with changes in Alt, Ast and Alkaline Phosphatase"
Indicators Number of blood, ed / l Decryption ( possible reasons deviations)

Alt and Ast

Above 100. Diabetes, obesity, inflammatory processes in digestive system, abuse of alcohol or narcotic substances

Alt and PBX

Above 100. A strong decrease in bile outflow, which is observed in alcoholism, or caused by cirrhosis of the liver, the presence of stones or tumors in biliary ducts

Alt and PBX

Up to 100.

Less than 200.

Hepatitis A, in or from viral origin, fatter hepatosis or excessive use Alcoholic beverages

Alt and PBX

100 Muffed outflow of the bile and destruction of liver tissues due to hepatitis (viral or alcoholic), cirrhosis of the liver or appearance in an organ of malignant formations

Gamma GT is a highly sensitive enzyme, and most often its increase is associated with stagnation of bile as a result of inflammation of the ducts (cholangitis) or the most bile organ (cholecystitis). Gamma-glutamiltransferase reacts faster to pathological deviations and before other enzymes increase in plasma. That is why his role is so important in the study of blood.

Removal Factors Gamma GlutamilTransferase

Reducing the number of renal enzyme in serum is very rare. If this indicator is lowered, the main reason may be decompensated cirrhosis of the liver - the state when the cells of the organ are not yet destroyed, but they are strongly graced, which does not allow them to perform their functions.

The reduction of GGT affects a sharp refusal of alcohol after its long-term use, as well as the reception of some drugs.

GGT can decrease due to sharp abandonment of alcohol

Is it dangerous to life raising GGT?

An increase in the amount of gamma-glutamiltransferase in the blood always testifies to negative violations in the work of internal organs, in particular the liver or a gully bubble. With the exception of those situations where high GGT was caused by drugs or violation of the rules for preparing for analysis. How dangerous for life, the increase in such an enzyme depends on the degree of its change, as well as the level of deviation of other indicators (AST, Alt, SFF).

For a person, the increase in Gamma GT, and the reasons that caused such a state are dangerous. Pathological disorders are able to threaten the patient's life, which shows the high activity of the GGT liver.

How to reduce the level of the enzyme

To bring the level of the enzyme to the norm, it is necessary to eliminate the reason for its increase. Depending on the disease and severity of the flow, the patient is assigned medicia treatment.

To achieve high therapeutic effect It is important to abandon smoking and drinking alcohol, lead healthy image life, avoid stress and physical overwork.

Physical education classes stabilize the indicator of GGT

Gamma-glutamilTranspend of blood in biochemical analysis of blood plays an important role. The enzyme is sensitive to pathological changes in the liver and a bustling bubble, which allows you to identify dangerous disease on the early stages. Even a minor increase in GGTP should move the person to complete a full examination and determine the true cause of deviations from the norm.

GGT or GGTP elevated: causes, treatment with traditional and folk methods

Blood is a liquid organ in the human body. Thanks to this physiological fluid, all systems function. Blood is saturated with different chemical elements, enzymes, proteins, etc. Each component established indicators of the norm.

If the number of any component of blood becomes less or more norm, this is considered a violation. Such a condition often entails the development of dangerous pathologies.

One of the key indicators of the analysis is the level of GGT. You can also meet the abbreviation of GGTP. These letters, like glutamlitransferase or gamma-glutamyltranspend of gamma-glovedranspend. The increase in the GGT level warns of possible problems in the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, and in particular the liver. This enzyme in the membranes of the kidneys, liver, pancreas and spleen lives.

Causes of increasing GGT

At the age of 17, a stable level of glutamaltransferase is established. For women extreme permissible value is 6-42 units / l. In men, the indicators are slightly higher - 10-71 ed / l. This difference is due to the fact that representatives of the strong gender protein enzyme is also formed at the prostate.

These elements fall into the blood, but do not affect the health of the man. If GGT is upgraded by 2-3 times, it does not cause special concerns. As a rule, it only talks about overwork, improper nutrition or unhealthy lifestyle. When Gamma GlutamylTranspendaz rises more than 5 times, it is necessary to send a patient for additional surveys.

IN modern medicine Selects such reasons for high levels of GGT in the blood:

  • reception of drugs that thicken bile;
  • overweight;
  • use large number alcoholic beverages;
  • low level of physical activity;
  • frequent smoking;
  • abuse of oily and fried food;
  • insufficient consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • mononucleosis, etc.

Cause raising GGT are the majority of the gastrointestinal tract. Ulcerative colitis, gastritis and many other pathologies contribute to the liver worked hard, so protein enzymes By type GGTP rises. The state of severe alcohol intoxication also acts as a provoking factor, however, not at least.

This is explained by the fact that for two days most of toxic substances leaves the human body, and the liver comes back. Accordingly, the level of GGT decreases. The pathology is considered to be the states in which GGTP is raised more than 3 times over a very long period of time.

GGTP level in newborns

Gamma-glovedranspendisis has different indicators in the blood of people of different ages and gender. During the life, the level of this protein-forming enzyme varies from the highest quantitative indicators to normal.

However, in old age, the GGTP rises again. This is due to the physiological characteristics of an aging organism. If we talk about newborn children, then the situation is somewhat different.

The blood of babies is saturated with GGT. The norm is considered indicators not exceeding the mark 204. The fact is that the kid's body is just beginning to adapt to the conditions of the external environment. Newborn immunity is not strong enough to remove the liver load. The organs begin to actively function, and for this they need a building material - protein. GGTP is an enzyme that is converted to the protein. Therefore, the level of this substance in the blood of babies sometimes overcomes the threshold of the norm.

The pathology is considered to be situations where Gamma-glutamylTranspend of newborns increased by 3-5 times. At the same time, pediatricians may assume in a child congenital hepatic or renal failure. To form an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo complete diagnosis of the body and pass additional analyzes.

In most cases, GGT comes back to normal after the first year of life of the baby. It is extremely important to keep track of the child's nutrition. It is recommended to teach from childhood to the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as minimize harmful sweets and oily food.

Treatment: How to downgrade GGTP in the blood?

Before appointing the therapeutic course, the doctor will definitely hold comprehensive examination patient. In order for the GGT level to normalize, you need to cure pathology that provokes an increase in the number of this enzyme in the blood.

In addition, the doctor may advise re-pass a biochemical blood test. It happens that the patient was incorrectly prepared for this procedure, therefore the result was not 100% truthful.

The rules for preparing for the delivery of biochemical blood tests are as follows:

  • Refusal from any food within 12 hours before the fence of the biological material.
  • Avoiding stress and strong emotional shocks.
  • During the day, before surrender, it is impossible to use drinks in which alcohol is contained.
  • An hour before the procedure is forbidden to smoke.

If a repeated analysis shows that GGTP is raised, the doctor sends a patient to the diagnosis. Depending on the identified disease, a therapeutic course is assigned. If a person has a liver problems, in addition to drugs, the diet is also recommended. GGT comes to normal when the main violation is eliminated.

If you do not start timely treatment, it threatens serious consequences. In especially severe cases, kidney, liver or other organs of the gastrointestinal tract may refuse. If the doctor is recommended to pass additional diagnosis, I must definitely do it.

How to normalize the level of GGT folk remedies?

We can bring to the state of the GGTP norm by non-traditional methods. However, such a technique has an effectiveness only if not detected serious deviations. If there are such pathologies such as cirrhosis, gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, etc. folk remedies Will not help.

In all other situations, folk remedies are used. However, there are no special recipes here. Fitotherapists give general recommendations on the normalization of lifestyle.

The most popular are such methods to combat elevated levels of GGTP:

  • consumption as much as possible leaf vegetables;
  • inclusion in the diet products that are rich in antioxidants;
  • regular (ideally daily) use of celluls;
  • drink fresh juices (mostly citrus);
  • consume protein contained in fish and low-fat varieties of meat;
  • compliance with water regime;
  • failure to harm liver work.

In addition, no need to forget about the benefits of oxygen for the body. Fresh air shortage often causes change chemical composition blood. It can be fixed if you walk to walk to the street daily. Even 15-minute walks give a positive result.

It is also necessary to normalize the mode of the day. It is best to go to bed at 9-10 pm, and stand no later than 9 am. At night, the liver is actively regenerated, however, it happens only during sleep. The poet is a healthy full sleep - a pledge of a healthy liver and a normal level of GGTP.

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