The reasons for the increase in the level of GGTP in the blood. What is GGTP in a biochemical blood test and what is it responsible for? Increase in GHT in blood biochemistry

A biochemical blood test is a laboratory test that can help identify problems with functioning internal organs... So, if it is necessary to assess the state of health of the liver, kidneys or pancreas, a study is carried out on the level of the enzyme gamma glutamyltransferase. This specific substance is also found in other internal organs, but an increase in its level rarely occurs due to their dysfunction. Most often, deviations from the norm are caused by problems with the work of the liver and gallbladder.

What is gamma HT in a blood test, what are its functions, and when is it necessary clinical research to identify the level of its content in the human body? Everyone should know this.

What is GGT, and what functions does it perform?

First of all, let's understand what a GGTP is in a biochemical blood test.

On a note. Gamma glutamyltranspeptidase and GGT - gamma glutamyltransferase - are identical concepts, therefore the use of the first or second term is equally correct.

Gamma glutamyl transferase is an enzyme with a protein structure and is actively involved in amino acid metabolism. It accelerates the process of transfer and exchange of amino acid compounds in the cells of the body, and after their destruction it enters the bloodstream. Since throughout the entire period of the body's functioning, its cells are regularly renewed, a certain amount of this protein is always contained in the human blood.

However, when there is a malfunction in the work of internal organs, the process of cellular decay is disrupted, resulting in a sharp increase (sometimes - a decrease) in the level of gamma glutamine transferase in blood plasma. Only a clinical blood test for liver enzymes, especially for GGT, can reveal a deviation from the norm.

Why are these proteins being studied? This is due to the fact that it is they who react more sharply to damage to liver cells, for example, in hepatitis. For this reason, a study for the GGT enzyme in a biochemical blood test is quite often prescribed by narcologists to patients suffering from alcohol dependence.

When alcohol enters the body, more intensive destruction of liver cells occurs, therefore, the GGTP protein is released into the blood much more. If, after the last consumption of alcohol, at least 30 days have passed, the level of this substance will decrease by 2 times.

GGT in blood biochemistry

Based on the foregoing, it is not difficult to understand what GGT is in a biochemical blood test. It is an indicator of amino acid metabolism in the body. The level of this protein indicates the activity of the blood serum, which sharply increases with the destruction of healthy cells in the body.

In simple terms, what is GGTP, it is an enzyme in blood plasma, the level of which shows whether there is a malfunction of the liver or other internal organs, and how serious it is.

An analysis to measure the level of this protein is carried out only if indicated.

Indications for a blood test

A blood test for GGTP is necessarily prescribed to patients who complain of:

  • frequent bouts of nausea;
  • profuse vomiting;
  • decreased or complete loss of appetite;
  • feeling of pressure and pain in the right hypochondrium.

A gastroenterologist or nephrologist (in case of kidney problems) must send the patient for a blood test to the level of gamma HT if there is a suspicion of developing:

  • cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis (gallstone disease);
  • cholestasis;
  • cholangitis;
  • hepatitis C.

In these cases, it is not enough to pay attention to the presence alarming symptoms, because the clinical manifestations of the above pathologies are very similar to each other. Only a clinical study such as a blood test for glutamyltranspeptidase will help determine exactly which disease is tormenting the patient.

Carrying out this analysis is also important to determine the reasons why the patient has a bile stagnation process. This facilitates the appointment correct treatment and prevention of consequences dangerous to the patient's health.

The analysis for gamma glutamyl transpeptidase is necessarily carried out for persons suffering from chronic alcoholism. Under these conditions, it is important to accurately determine the degree of dependence of the patient on ethanol, as well as to understand how badly the liver is damaged. Sometimes this helps not only to preserve a person's health, but also to save his life.

A blood test for GGTP is also indicated for:

  • the development of allergies to medications, which is accompanied by general intoxication of the body;
  • preventive or control assessment of liver health;
  • the need to assess the functioning of the liver or kidneys after surgery.

But this is not all the indications for referring the patient to this study... Biochemistry of GGT is performed in the case of:

  • blockages bile ducts;
  • the presence of suspicious formations in the pancreas;
  • problems with kidney function.

On a note. Donating blood for analysis requires preliminary preparation, therefore, the patient should be instructed by the attending physician what and how to do correctly to obtain reliable data of biochemical research.

The reasons for the increase in GGT, or gamma glutamyltransferase, can be not only problems with the liver, kidneys, gallbladder or pancreas, but also with the heart. Heart failure or previous myocardial infarction are the main indications for this study.

Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Norms

The rate of GGT varies depending on the age and gender of the patient. Thus, the indicators for men and women do not differ very much, which cannot be said about the normal level of GGTP in older children and newborn babies.

The normal level of ggt in a biochemical blood test in adults is considered to be indicators that fluctuate in the range of 6-70 units per 1 liter of blood. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in women the rate of this enzyme is much lower than in men.

In babies, the norm of gamma glutamyltransferase in the blood is different. So in newborns, it can correspond to indicators of 185 units per 1 liter of blood, in half-year-old babies - about 200 U / l. If such high numbers were recorded on the form with the results of blood tests of a newborn, do not worry - in babies, the liver cannot yet produce this enzyme on its own, so the placenta performs this function instead.

Interesting fact... In a blood test for gamma glutamyltransferase in dark-skinned people, the concentration of this enzyme significantly exceeds that of a white-skinned person. Therefore, we can say that the level of this protein also depends on the race of the patient.

The norm in women

The rate of GGT in the blood of women is directly dependent on age. The table below will help you figure out which indicators in the analysis results should not cause you anxiety.

The rate of GGTP in women may vary depending on:

  • used equipment;
  • units of measurement (U / L, U / ml, etc.);
  • the race of the patient.

As for the level of gamma HT in expectant mothers, it depends on the duration of pregnancy:

  1. In the first trimester, GGTP ranges from 0-17 units.
  2. The second trimester is accompanied by an increase in the level of this substance to 33 units.
  3. In the third trimester, the amount of gamma HT in blood plasma decreases by 1 U, and is 32 units per 1 liter.

Sometimes the level of this protein in the blood of pregnant women can rise sharply, but if this is a temporary phenomenon, you should not be afraid of it. Similar jumps in GGT can occur against the background of the expectant mother's use of vitamin complexes and a large number of foods enriched with vitamins.

The norm in men

The rate of GGTP in the blood of men, as already noted, differs from the female in a larger direction. Acceptable values \u200b\u200bare shown in this table.

The norm of GGT indicators in men is higher than that of women due to the high concentration of enzymes in the prostate gland. But if there is a significant jump in the level of this substance in the patient's blood, he should be immediately examined for possible deviations in the functioning of internal organs.

Reasons for deviation of ggt from the norm

A ggt blood test requires a sample of material from a peripheral vein. The research process can take from several hours to several days. The results obtained are recorded on a special printed form, after which they are interpreted by the attending physician.

Of great importance is the correct decoding of the GGT analysis, which depends on how accurately the rules for preparing the patient for the blood sampling process were followed. Deviations from the prescribed norms may result from:

  • long-term intake of vitamin complexes containing a large amount of ascorbic acid;
  • using paracetamol or aspirin;
  • abuse of oral hormonal contraceptives;
  • taking antidepressants, antibiotics, histamine blockers.

A deviation from the norm in the content of gamma glutamitransferase in the body upward can indicate:

  • hepatitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • infectious mononucleosis, which gave a complication to the liver;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • an oncological process in the prostate gland or mammary glands;
  • rheumatoid arthritis etc.

If the level of GGTP in the blood is low, this may be due to:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • treatment of chronic alcoholism with certain types of medications;
  • taking statins (drugs that lower blood cholesterol).

Deciphering the blood test for GGT should be carried out exclusively by the attending physician. Even if the patient understands what the norm should be, and what indicators are deviations from it, he cannot independently prescribe treatment for himself. Often, after the data obtained from the biochemical study, the patient undergoes a number of additional instrumental and laboratory tests, which contribute to the formulation of an accurate diagnosis.

Most of the pathologies detected or confirmed by deciphering a blood test for gamma HT require immediate hospitalization of the patient and round-the-clock medical supervision, which the patient himself cannot provide for himself at home.

Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT, GGTP) is one of the indicators in liver studies, which is characterized as protein enzymetaking part in the exchange of amino acids.

The concentration of this enzyme occurs mainly in the liver cells, kidneys and pancreas. Its lower concentration is noted in the brain, heart cavities, intestines and spleen.

This indicator is significant in diagnosing liver disorders. The identical name is gamma-glutamate transferase, and the determination takes place in a biochemical blood test, or in liver tests.

What is Glutamine Transferase?

Glutamyltransferase (ggt) takes part in complex biochemical processes, being a catalyst during transportation and metabolic processes amino acids with the cells of the body.

Localization of this protein enzyme is located directly in the cell, in the membrane, lysosome and cytoplasm.

When the cell is deformed, it enters the bloodstream. Slight increases in the indicator are normal, since the body is constantly dying of old cells, and their replacement with new ones. A pathological condition is a condition in which a large number of cells die off, but much less is restored.

In the final test result, Y glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) and gamma glutamine transferase (GGTP) can be recorded. They have a slight difference:

In the presence of pathological conditions, the process of cell deformation is significantly rooted, which leads to a sudden increase in GGT in blood plasma. It is he who reacts faster to damage to liver cells and is a more sensitive indicator. It is very effective in helping to diagnose hepatitis, even before changes in other blood parameters and external symptoms.

An indicator such as glutamyl transpeptidase is also very sensitive to the effects of alcohol, and is used to adjust the treatment for alcoholism.

When is the analysis scheduled?

Referral for analysis occurs if there is a suspicion of pathological liver disorders, as well as alcoholism. That is why gGT indicator important for a narcologist.

Referral for the analysis of liver enzymes occurs when there is a suspicion of pathological liver disorders.

In the following cases, a study of liver function tests is prescribed:

  • Suspected death of liver tissue due to alcohol exposure,
  • Suspected hepatitis
  • To diagnose pathological liver damage,
  • If there is a suspicion of cancerous tumors prostate, or pancreas,
  • In order to monitor the effectiveness of therapy in the treatment of alcoholism,
  • For complaints about pain on the right side of the abdomen
  • Nausea, vomiting,
  • Constant fatigue
  • Jaundice,
  • Before carrying out planned surgical interventions,
  • During routine medical examinations.

What are the indicators of the norm of GGT?

A month later, after the last consumption of alcohol, this figure is halved.

The indicator of the norm of glutamyltransperidase fluctuates depending on age category, gender, and even race. The physician should take this into account when examining the test results.

So the norms of adults range from six to seventy units per liter., given that the level of women is significantly lower than that of men.

And in children, GGTP can reach 185 units / l., and at the age of up to six months, the increase can be up to 200 units / l.

In the case of infants, gamma-glutamyltransferase is increased, which means that after birth, within a few days, this enzyme is practically not synthesized by the liver, and its main supplier is the placenta.

Fact! Also, higher levels of GGT are recorded in people with dark skin. The difference in indicators between blacks and Europeans can be almost 2 times.

Children under 5 days of age & lt, 185 & lt, 185
5 days to 6 months & lt, 204 & lt, 204
6 - 12 months & lt, 34 & lt, 34
1 - 3 years & lt, 18 & lt, 18
36 years & lt, 23 & lt, 23
6 - 12 years old & lt, 17 & lt, 17
12 - 17 years old & lt, 45 & lt, 33
Over 17 years & lt, 49 & lt, 32

In the results of the table above, it clearly tracks elevated level saturation with blood protein in men over the age of twelve years is comparable to women of the same age.

This difference is due to the accumulation of the GGT enzyme in the prostate gland. This makes it possible to diagnose prostatitis and other pathological conditions of this gland, manifesting itself in high levels of GGT in blood biochemistry.

Also, separate norms exist for women carrying a child, they are shown in the table below.

1 - 3 months 0 – 17
3 - 6 months & lt, 33
6 - 9 months & lt, 32

The indicators of different laboratories may differ, therefore, the norm for a particular laboratory should be found out at the place of analysis. But, in most cases, a violation of the result will be highlighted with a red underline (a generally accepted rule of laboratories) in order to clearly differ from other indicators.

Gamma HT elevated causes?

The factors influencing the increase in GGT are many diseases associated with disorders in the liver.

The reason for the increase can be one of the following:

  • The death of liver tissue under the influence of alcoholic toxins,
  • Liver cancer,
  • Chronic hepatitis,
  • Jaundice,
  • Cholecystitis,
  • Toxic liver damage
  • Death of liver tissue due to hepatitis,
  • Acute viral hepatitis,
  • Diabetes,
  • Pathological conditions of the lungs,
  • Arthritis,
  • Lupus erythematosus,
  • Fatty hepatosis
  • Exposure of the liver to radiation
  • Cholelithiasis,
  • Tumor formations of a malignant nature that metastasize to the liver,
  • Dying off of heart muscle tissue (high GGT is noted after the fourth day of the pathological condition, and the maximum values \u200b\u200bare reached after a couple of weeks). The reason for the increase is the recovery processes of the myocardium and hepatic parenchyma,
  • Alcohol addiction,
  • Medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis (Rifampicin), epilepsy (Phenobarbital, Phenytoin), hormonal contraceptives, anticonvulsants, certain antidepressants, steroids, medicines against rheumatism.

For accurate diagnosis, in most cases, additional hardware studies of the body are prescribed.

Why are indicators falling?

A decrease in such an indicator as glutamine aminotransferase is a rather rare phenomenon. And it is due to one of three reasons:

  • Hypothyroidism - pathological condition of the thyroid gland, in which it produces an insufficient amount of hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine - which leads to a malfunction in the metabolic processes of the body,
  • The use of certain medications,
  • GGT lowered in patients undergoing treatment for alcohol dependenceafter a month of therapy.

How is GGT analyzed?

The study of GGT is included in the biochemical blood test and is included in the group of liver tests. For the determination, human biological material (blood) is used, which is donated on an empty stomach, since with the consumption of food there is an increase in the indicators of enzyme activity, which will lead to false results.

Blood is drawn from a vein.

It is very important to follow all the preparation measures before doing a blood test so that you do not have to go through it again.

The GGT level is recorded at different temperatures of the incubation sample and by different methods. The choice of the method and the temperature to be used depends directly on the laboratory in which the patient takes the analysis and the equipment installed in them.

As a result of the analysis, next to the GGT indicator, the temperature at which the study was carried out is noted. So the decoding of the analysis is subject only to an experienced doctor, since in addition to the temperature and the method of research, it is necessary to take into account the gender, age, and also the race of the patient.

What measures should be taken during preparation?

To avoid false readings in the final table of results, it is recommended to follow the preparation steps. Observing the rules listed below, the results will be the most reliable, which will help to correctly diagnose or refute the disease.

  • Blood is donated on an empty stomach. To avoid deviations in blood counts triggered by the activation of enzymes due to food intake. Food consumption is limited for at least eight hours (preferably more than ten) before the time of blood sampling. That is why the analysis is given in the morning, since at night a person will not feel hungry. It is also prohibited to drink any drinks, including ordinary drinking water,
  • Refuse to eat fatty, highly salty, spicy, overcooked, heavy food for the body for at least twenty-four hours (preferably forty-eight hours). Such foods affect enzymes too strongly, significantly increasing performance,
  • Stop playing sports and avoid strenuous physical activity as much as possible,it is recommended, in two days, since physical influences on the body also affect the final results,
  • A visit to a sauna, a bath, a hot bath the day before can lead to fluctuations in normal performance. Avoid visiting places where the body is exposed to thermal effects,
  • Limit alcohol intake, cigarette use at least a day before the upcoming analysis,
  • Suspend the use of medicines, not less than two days before analysis. Preparations of certain groups can affect the indicators of a biochemical blood test. If it is not possible to stop using drugs, it is necessary to inform the attending physician about the use drugs... The doctor will make adjustments to the results, in accordance with the effect of a particular drug on human blood,
  • Come to donate blood 10-15 minutes in advance... This is necessary so that the body calms down, the shortness of breath passes, and the body acclimates to the temperature conditions of the room (especially after a cold street).

Fact! If you are experiencing severe hunger, then it is better to take food with you and satisfy your hunger immediately after taking blood.

What can affect the results?

In addition to liver disorders, normal result Factors listed below can lead to false readings. These include:

  • Prolonged use of ascorbic acid can significantly underestimate the result of GGT,
  • An increased level of GGT is provoked by antibiotics, antidepressants, oral contraceptives, aspirin, paracetamol, testosterone and certain types of medications,
  • Excessive excess weight.

Fact! When decoding the analysis, it is also important to take into account other indicators in the biochemical blood test (lipase, LDH, bilirubin, ALT, AST, etc.), since almost all GGT deviations are accompanied by a violation of the levels of other enzymes. ALT and AST are elevated, then the pathology is confirmed.

How to reduce GGT indicators?

To lower the GGT indicator, you need to heal the initial pathology, which led to this

When treating alcoholism, the GGT index decreases after a month.

state. When the primary disease is cured, the indicators can be normalized quickly enough.

You should also take preventive actions that will help prevent a wide range of diseases. These include:

  • Tidy up the daily routinemaking time for proper rest and sleep,
  • Avoid strenuous physical activity,
  • Get rid of bad habits ... The toxins supplied with alcoholic beverages and cigarettes have a detrimental effect on the body,
  • Eat right... The diet must be balanced in order for the body to receive all the necessary nutrients and trace elements,
  • Maintain the body in normal temperature ... The body should not be too cold or too hot,
  • To avoid stressful situations ... Eliminate strong emotional stress (both positive and negative), constant stress,
  • It is recommended to go in for sports, keep an active lifestyle, and also allocate at least one hour a day for walking,
  • Once a year, take a blood test and undergo an examination.This is done for early diagnosis of possible diseases.

Compliance with these simple but effective rules, will protect from most diseases, and improve the human condition.


In different laboratories, research is carried out in different ways, depending on the equipment and research method.

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  • GGTP - gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase


  • GGT - gamma glutamyltransferase

GGTP designation in analyzes:
Gamma gt

GGTP - what is it in simple language

GGTP (or GGT) is a protein enzyme, a specific catalyst for intracellular biochemical reactions, a participant in the exchange of amino acids.

GGTP is contained inside the cells of parenchymal organs: in the liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas, prostate glands, etc.

GGTP enters the bloodstream mainly when the tissues of the biliary tract (gallbladder and bile duct system), liver and pancreas are damaged.

Unlike "hepatic" transaminases (ALT), GGTP "works" on the surface of cell membranes. Therefore, inflammatory or mechanical damage epithelial cells intrahepatic and external bile ducts leads to a massive "washout" of GGTP from tissues into the blood and, accordingly, to a significant increase in its level. Therefore, a high concentration of GGTP in the blood is mainly associated with impaired bile flow and pathology of the biliary system, and an increase in ALT is associated with the destruction of liver soft tissue cells - hepatocytes.

Alcohol stimulates the synthesis of this enzyme. Therefore, even in the absence of liver and biliary tract diseases, after taking alcohol, GGTP significantly exceeds the norm. When you stop drinking alcohol, its level will return to normal.

This property allows the use of GGTP analysis for the management of patients with alcoholism. If during the period of treatment the concentration of the enzyme in the patient's blood remains high, then either he continues to drink alcohol, or his liver is already irreversibly damaged (alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis).

GGTP - highly sensitive diagnostic test of toxic-alcoholic liver damage

What is GGTP analysis - when is it prescribed

A blood test for GGTP is one of five biochemical functional liver tests - an indicator of the biliary system.

GGTP - a marker of cholestasis
  • Cholestasis (simpler: bile stagnation) is a violation of the formation, secretion and outflow of bile.

Cholestasis is not an independent disease, but a condition inherent in many diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Therefore, an increase in the level of GGTP only suggests the possibility of a disease, but does not determine the diagnosis or the true cause of the pathology.

What drugs affect GGTP indicators

The analysis of GGTP is influenced by substances that change the viscosity of bile, the speed of its movement along the ducts, drugs that induce active synthesis of the enzyme and agents with hepatotoxic effects.

These drugs increase blood GGTP:
- Phenytoin
- Phenobarbital
- Tricyclic antidepressants
- Paracetamol, nimesulide, other NSAIDs
- Carbamazepine
- Chlorpromazine
- Chlorpropamide
- Nifedipine
- Cyclosporine
- Hormonal contraceptives, sex hormones
- Antibiotics (erythromycin, clindamycin, amoxicillin)
- Antifungal agents
- Nitrofurans
- Chlorpropamide
- Azathioprine
- Propafenone
- Blockers of H2-histamine receptors
- Captopril
- Sulpiride
- Some medicinal herbs
- dr.

After drug withdrawal, the level of GGTP in the blood is restored on its own within 1-3 months.

Symptoms of an increase in GGTP

If jaundice is a symptom of high bilirubin, then the increase in GGTP itself does not bear any specific signs.

You can guess about the high GGTP by symptoms of cholestasis:

  • Loss of strength, weakness
  • Severity, pain in the right hypochondrium
  • Itchy skin
  • Jaundice

The rate of GGTP in women and the rate of GGTP in men

The desired enzyme is found in large quantities in the prostate. Therefore, the normal level of GGTP in men is higher than in women.

It is important to understand that the methods for determining the activity of serum GGTP are different in different laboratories.

It is most correct to evaluate the results of your analysis for GGTP according to the standards specified by the laboratory that conducted the study.

Below are the reference values \u200b\u200bof GGTP from a number of independent laboratories.

A variant of the GGTP norm for men and women

GGTP norms in children

The normal level of GGTP in infants is several times higher than in adults. These indicators change with age. Below are the reference values \u200b\u200bof GGTP for children provided by HELIX

GGTP norms in children
Interpretation of the quantitative increase in GGTP - decoding

/ reference values \u200b\u200bprovided by the local laboratory are taken as the norm /

Options for decoding blood biochemistry on GGTP

Read about the analysis for ALT and AST in detail here

What to do if GGTP is increased

Obviously, with an increase in GGTP in the blood, you need to consult a doctor to find out and treat the cause of this condition.

Priority studies with high GGTP:

1. General analysis blood
2. Biochemical blood test for:
- ALT and AST
- ALP (alkaline phosphatase)
- total and direct bilirubin (bound)
- total protein and albumin
3. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

Which doctor to contact:

- therapist
If necessary, the attending physician will appoint a consultation with other specialists.

If an isolated increase in GGTP occurred against the background of the use of alcohol, drugs or drugs, it is necessary to stop taking them and retake the analysis after a few days / weeks.

Possible consequences of increased GGTP

Gamma glutamyl transpeptidase is not toxic. Being in the blood, GGTP itself does not carry any harm.

Diseases that are indicated by high GGTP are dangerous. If left untreated, fibrosis, cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure, or blockage of the bile duct with a stone can develop.

How to donate blood for GGTP correctly

  • Do not drink alcohol, do not take medicines a week before donating blood.
  • Do not smoke in the morning until blood donation.

Blood (5 ml) for GGTP is taken from a vein, in the morning on an empty stomach (i.e., before donating blood, you cannot eat for 12 hours).

If on the day of donating blood to the GGTP you took life-saving medications, inform your doctor-laboratory assistant about it.

"Treatment of GGTP" - How to lower GGTP in the blood

/ a doctor's consultation is required, there are contraindications /

  • To reduce the GGTP, it is necessary to find out and eliminate the reason for its increase.

In other words: to lower the GGTP, one must treat the disease in question (hepatitis, cholelithiasis, cholangitis, tumor, etc.) and / or stop taking alcohol, GGTP inducers.

The first line of therapy for cholestasis is considered to be ursodeoxycholic acid preparations: Urdoksa, Ursofalk, Ursosan, Ursoliv, Urso, etc.

Reduces the level of GGTP vitamin C (vitamin C), veganism, physical activity.

For treatment itchy skin for bile stasis, Cholestyramine or Rifampicin are usually used.

Essential phospholipids improve liver function and liver function tests: Essentiale, Rezalut, Livolin, Essliver, etc.

When bile stagnation is traditionally prescribed choleretic drugs: Allochol, Cholenzym, Vigeratin, Liobil, Hologon, Decholin, Hofitol, Urolesan, etc.

With acute hepatitis and gallstone disease Choleretic agents are used limitedly, strictly according to the prescription of the attending physician.

To reduce the viscosity and facilitate the excretion of bile, alkaline mineral waters are useful: Naftusya, Borzhomi, Narzan, Essentuki 17, 4, Smirnovskaya, Slavyanovskaya, Arzni, Izhevskaya, Jermuk, etc.

To relieve pain in the right hypochondrium, antispasmodics are prescribed: Besalol,
No-Shpa, Spazmolitin, Duspatalin, etc.

Is it possible to normalize GGTP with folk remedies

Many herbs are hepatotoxic. Therefore, using folk remedies to reduce GGTP should be extremely careful, with the consent of the attending physician.

Herbal remedies,
increasing the production and outflow of bile

In the complex therapy of cholestatic diseases, herbal infusions are used to reduce GGTP.

How to prepare the infusion:
Mix the raw materials. Pour 1 tablespoon of herbal tea with 1 glass of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Refrigerate at room temperature. Strain, squeeze out. Bring the resulting volume of infusion to 200 ml with boiled water.

Phyto-collection for hepatitis, cholecystitis:
Helichrysum flowers - 1 tablespoon
Yarrow herb - 1 tbsp
Wormwood herb - 1 tbsp
Fennel seeds - 1 tablespoon

Take the infusion in half a glass 4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Phyto-collection for cholangitis and cholecystitis
Peppermint leaves - 1 tablespoon
Wormwood herb - 1 tbsp
Valerian root - 1 tbsp
St. John's wort herb - 1.5 tbsp.
Hop cones - 0.5 tbsp

Take the infusion in 0.5 - 1 glass 30 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day.

Choleretic phyto-collection for jaundice
Sandy immortelle flowers - 2 tbsp
Three-leaf watch leaves - 1.5 tbsp
Peppermint leaves - 1 tablespoon
Coriander fruits - 0.5 tbsp

Take half a glass of infusion 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

Phyto-collection for cholelithiasis
Sandy immortelle flowers - 3 tbsp
Tunguska rhubarb roots - 2 tablespoons
Yarrow herb - 5 tablespoons

Take the infusion 1 time per day at night for half a glass.

A course of treatment folk remedies - 2 weeks. With good tolerance after a week break preventive therapy can be repeated.

Milk thistle to reduce GGTP

Milk thistle enhances the formation and excretion of bile, increases the resistance of liver cells to infection and toxins.

Dry Milk Thistle Seed Powder
Take half a teaspoon before each meal 20 minutes before meals.

Milk thistle root decoction
Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed raw materials with 1 cup of boiling water. Heat in a water bath for 30 minutes. Strain immediately, squeeze out, bring the volume of the broth to 1 cup of boiled water. Take 1 tablespoon before meals 3 times a day.

The course of treatment for milk thistle is 1-2 months.

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases with elevated GGTP is carried out by a doctor

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It is an important indicator in the diagnosis of almost all diseases. In a number of serious pathologies of the body, the level of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGTP) rises in the blood, which is confirmed by the analysis. Which leads to an increase GGTP in blood?

General information about the "level of GGTP" in the blood

GGTP - An enzyme called gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, which is involved in the exchange of amino acids in the body. Serves as a catalyst in the transfer of gamma-glutamyl residues from the peptide of the same name (gamma-glutamyl) to another peptide or to an amino acid. GGTP predominantly accumulates in the kidneys, pancreas and liver.

In a newborn child up to six months of age, the level of this enzyme may exceed the value of GGTP in an adult. The level of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase is also different depending on gender. In women and adolescent girls, its value is 1 / 3-1 / 4 lower than that of men.

The indications for the delivery of this analysis are:

  • diagnostics of liver pathologies;
  • monitoring the course of treatment for prostate cancer, pancreas;
  • suspicion of radiation damage to the liver;
  • when assessing the hepatotoxicity of medications;
  • screening for alcoholism.

Blood test on GGTP surrender on an empty stomach. A small amount of water is allowed. Do not take medicine. The day before the test, you should give up fatty, fried and alcohol. Not allowed and physical exercise... In addition, you cannot donate blood for the study of GGTP after performing an X-ray, ultrasound and other similar procedures, otherwise the result will not be accurate.

What causes the level of GGTP in the blood to rise?

The normal level of GGTP is 10.4-33.8 IU / L (8-61 IU / L) in men and 8.8-22.0 IU / L (6-36 IU / L) in women, depending on the use of a particular technique and equipment. laboratory as well as established standards. If the numbers differ from the fixed indicators, this indicates an existing pathology - the presence of a specific disease.

Of great importance for determining the reasons that caused an increase in the GGTP in the blood is a competent decoding of the analysis. If the numbers are significantly increased, a biochemical blood test should be repeated to confirm the previous one. Only a specialist should decipher the analysis in order to correctly determine the cause of the increased value.

It is believed that 5 processes occurring in the body can affect the increase in the activity of GGTP. These include:

  • alcohol intoxication;
  • tumor growth;
  • drug intoxication;
  • cytolysis;
  • cholestasis.

The main reasons for the increase in the level of GGTP in the blood may be the presence of the following diseases:

  • cirrhosis or liver cancer;
  • congestive or hemolytic jaundice;
  • hepatitis b acute form;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • infectious mononucleosis;
  • diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis;
  • pancreatic or prostate cancer;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;

An increase in the level of this enzyme also occurs after a kidney transplant, with hyperthyroidism, after taking certain medications. GGTP values \u200b\u200bnever increase in myocardial infarction and bone diseases.

Liver damage and blood GGTP levels

Despite the highest activity of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase in the kidneys, an increase in serum GGT values \u200b\u200bis observed, first of all, in the hepatobiliary system (a marker of cholestasis).

The level of the enzyme GGTP increases with any liver pathology. This indicator is especially high in cases of hepatic obstruction, the numbers can exceed the permissible norms from 5 to 30 times. A high level of the enzyme is also recorded in the case of neoplastic liver diseases, in particular in the diagnosis of a primary tumor, as well as in the presence of liver metastases.

The level of GGTP in the blood is more sensitive in comparison with other analyzes in the diagnosis of cholecystitis, obstructive jaundice and cholangitis.

Exceeding the norm by 2 to 5 times (moderate changes) may indicate the presence of:

  • infectious hepatitis;
  • fatty degeneration of the liver;
  • drug intoxication;
  • diabetic ketoacidosis.

In patients with diagnoses of "pancreatitis", "alcoholic cirrhosis", as well as those suffering from a malignant disease of the pancreas, the GGT enzyme levels can increase from 5 to 15 times.

It is especially important to carry out this analysis with prolonged alcohol abuse. In such patients, the level of GGPT in the blood may directly depend on the amount of alcohol consumed, so the test can be used to control the treatment of alcoholism. If you stop using alcoholic beverages, the activity of the enzyme in the blood can decrease by up to 50% within 10 days.

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An increase in GGT can be observed with diseases of internal organs, taking alcohol or drugs. Outwardly, this condition may be accompanied by certain symptoms. For example, if gamma-glutamyltransferase is elevated due to liver disease, then nausea, vomiting, itching and yellowing of the skin, darkening of urine, and very light feces may occur.

Elevated GGT levels may not have any symptoms. If other blood tests do not reveal abnormalities, it is possible that this is a temporary increase in GGT and it returns to normal. Of course, this does not apply to those cases when gamma-glutamyl transferase is increased tenfold.

Increased GGT in the blood: what are the reasons

Changes in the level of gamma glutamyl transferase can be temporary and return to normal (table with norms) after the causes of such changes are eliminated. These include: taking drugs that thicken bile or slow down the rate of its excretion (phenobarbital, furosemide, heparin, etc.), obesity, low physical activity, smoking, alcohol intake, even in small quantities.

A moderate increase in GGT in the blood (1-3 times) occurs due to infection with viral hepatitis (sometimes 6 times the norm is exceeded), when taking hepatotoxic medications (phenytoin, cephalosporins, oral contraceptives, acetaminophen, barbiturates, estrogens, rifampicin and others) , cholecystitis, pancreatitis, post-hepatic cirrhosis, infectious mononucleosis (accompanied by fever, enlarged lymph nodes).

The reasons for the increase in gamma-glutamyltransferase 10 times or more:

  • jaundice as a result of a violation of the outflow of bile and an increase in intraductal pressure;
  • poisoning and toxic damage to the liver;
  • neoplasms of the liver and pancreas, in men - the prostate;
  • diabetes;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • chronic alcoholism and a number of other diseases.

With long-term alcohol consumption, the level of GGT is increased 10 - 30 times (the ratio of gamma glutamyltransferase to AST is about 6). The content of this enzyme in the blood is influenced by the amount, duration and frequency of consumption of alcohol-containing products.

After stopping the regular intake of alcohol, the increased GGT index returns to normal. The process of lowering gamma-glutamyltransferase to normal values \u200b\u200bcan take from several days to several weeks of a sober life.

The duration of this period is determined by the type of alcohol consumed previously, its amount, the state of the liver and other organs, as well as how long the person has been drinking and other factors.

Increased GGT and other enzymes (AST, ALT)

Since the increased level of GGT in the blood does not allow for an accurate diagnosis of the disease and may be caused by other reasons, the doctor prescribes an additional examination of the liver.

First of all, this is the determination of the level of transaminases - ALT (alanine aminotransferase), AST (aspartate aminotransferase), as well as alkaline phosphatase. Comparison of the level of GGT with the content of ALT and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in the blood can differentiate some of the diseases (additional examination is required to make an accurate diagnosis).

In particular, if GGT is above 100, ALT is below 80, alkaline phosphatase is less than 200, can be at:

  • drinking a lot of alcohol;
  • taking drugs;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory processes in the digestive tract;
  • being overweight;
  • increased triglyceride levels;
  • taking certain medications.

GGT in the biochemical blood test exceeds 100, ALT is less than 80 and alkaline phosphatase is more than 200 observed when:

  • slowing down the outflow of bile against the background of excessive alcohol consumption;
  • a decrease in the outflow of bile as a result of liver cirrhosis;
  • obstruction of the outflow of bile due to stones in gallbladder or compression of the bile ducts by neoplasms;
  • other reasons.

An increase in the level of gamma-glutamyl transferase to 100, with ALT and AST above 80 and ALP less than 200 may mean:

  • the presence of viral hepatitis (A, B or C) or the Epstein-Barr virus (sometimes viral hepatitis occurs without an increase in the level of liver enzymes);
  • excessive influence on the liver of alcohol;
  • fatty hepatosis.

The GGT index is increased to 100, ALT exceeds 80 and ALP is more than 200. This means that the outflow of bile is difficult, and liver cells are damaged. Among the reasons for this condition:

  • chronic alcoholic or viral hepatitis;
  • autoimmune hepatitis;
  • neoplasms in the liver;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

For an accurate diagnosis, an additional examination and a full-time doctor's consultation are required!

The GGT indicator in the biochemical blood test diagnoses bile stagnation. It is a very sensitive marker for cholangitis (inflammation of the bile ducts) and cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder) - it rises earlier than other liver enzymes (ALT, ACT). A moderate increase in GGT is observed in infectious hepatitis and liver obesity (2-5 times higher than normal).

Treatment of increased GGT in the blood: how to lower and bring it back to normal

Treatment of an increased level of GGT begins with diagnosing the state of the body and identifying the exact cause of the increase in this enzyme. Treatment of diseases due to which increased gamma-glutamyltransferase can reduce its level.

Besides drug treatment you need to adjust your diet. A menu rich in fruits and vegetables helps to reduce GGT. First of all, these are plant foods rich in vitamin C, fiber, beta-carotene and folic acid:

It is necessary to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. The WHO recommendations on how to quit smoking and how to stop drinking will help to get rid of these habits. It will also lower the elevated GGT.

More on this topic

GGT - gamma glutamyltransferase

GGT or gamma glutamyltransferase - a sensitive indicator of the slowed movement of bile in the liver in the biliary tract, as well as chronic alcoholism.

The GGT test is one of the five standard liver function tests. Read about liver function tests in children here. for pregnant women - here.

GGT is

an enzyme that transfers amino acids in the cells of the body. GGT is widely represented in all organs with active processes of absorption and secretion, i.e. absorption and excretion - in the kidneys, pancreas. liver, prostate, spleen, heart, brain.

Inside the liver cell (hepatocyte), GGT is located in the endoplasmic reticulum - a mini-conveyor along which enzymes move; in the cells of the biliary tract, GGT is located on the surface of the cell membrane. Therefore, GGT is a marker of bile stagnation, to a lesser extent liver damage, in which bile passage is still slowed down.

The presence of an enzyme in the prostate explains the fact that men, the norm of GGT is 1.5 times higher than that of women.

In the kidneys, GGT is the most, but it is not an indicator of kidney disease. Why? Because the blood contains mainly GGT from the liver. And renal GGT can appear in urine, but not in blood.

Analysis for GGT is assigned:

  • with the appearance of jaundice, nausea, vomiting, skin itching, dark urine, discoloration of feces and rapid fatigue - you need to pass an analysis for GGT and alkaline phosphatase to diagnose bile stagnation
  • diagnosis of chronic alcoholism and control of abstinence - abstinence from alcohol
  • in order to monitor the success of the treatment of hepatic pathology
  • when taking medications that cause cholestasis

The rate and reasons for the increase in GGT (gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase) in the blood

Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (abbreviated as GGT or GGTP) is an enzyme that is involved in the exchange of nucleic acids. It is contained in membranes, lysosomes and cytoplasm of cells, in parechimatous organs (liver, kidneys, brain, prostate and spleen), as well as in epithelial cells of the bile ducts.

IN blood GGTP does not circulate. Its low activity in blood plasma can be detected during the period of cell renewal. IN healthy body this process takes place without increasing the level of GGT.

The activity of the enzyme in the blood increases with massive destruction of cells. Cytolysis of hepatocytes and stagnation of bile are in the first place among the most common reasons for an increase in the level of GGT, and in fact the indicator is a nonspecific marker of the decay of hepatic cells and cholestasis.

By changing the level of GGT, it is impossible to determine what pathological process occurs in the liver. But it can be assumed that the cause of the increase is precisely the hepatic disease, and continue the diagnosis of this organ.

The level of GGT in liver diseases rises much earlier than ALT, AST and alkaline phosphatase.

In what cases is an examination prescribed?

  1. If you suspect a pancreatic tumor;
  2. When diagnosing a blockage of the bile ducts (suspected gallstone disease);
  3. To assess the effectiveness of treatment for alcoholic or other hepatitis;
  4. For the diagnosis of a disease of the bile ducts: biliary cirrhosis or ductal sclerosis (sclerosing cholangitis);
  5. For differential diagnosis liver and bone diseases with a previously identified increase in the level of alkaline phosphatase;
  6. As a screening diagnosis as part of other biochemical blood tests, including in preparation for surgery;
  7. For biochemical blood tests in patients with complaints of:
  8. pain in the hypochondrium,
  9. weakness and loss of appetite,
  10. nausea and vomiting
  11. itchy skin
  12. dark color of urine and lightening of feces.

Normal indicators of GGT

In newborns, the GGT indicator is 10 times higher than in children from 1 to 3 years old and ranges from 180 to 200 U / liter. This is due to the fact that the placenta serves as the source of the enzyme during pregnancy. The fetus's own GGT begins to be produced after the first week of life.

After six months of life, the level of GGT in infants decreases to 34 U / liter. Further, from 1 year to puberty, the enzyme indicator remains at the level: in boys - up to 43-45, in girls - up to 32-33 units / liter.

After reaching the age of 18 for men, the blood level is considered to be up to 70, for women - up to 40 U / liter. Higher allowed values GGT in men is due to the fact that part of the enzyme is produced by the prostate.

In pregnant women, the enzyme levels are also elevated. In the 1st trimester, an increase to 17 U / liter is considered the norm, in the 2nd - up to 33 U / liter, in the third trimester it remains at the level of 32-33 U / liter.

The reasons for the increase in GGT in the blood

When decoding the results, it is necessary to take into account that the level of the enzyme rises in diseases of the liver and gallbladder, diseases of other organs and taking medications.

Diseases associated with liver damage lead to an increase in the level of the enzyme. Among them:

  • Acute or chronic hepatitis. The level of GGT in these diseases exceeds the norm by 3-4 times;
  • Stones in the bile ducts - for this reason, the level of the enzyme in the blood can increase 30 times;
  • Tumors and inflammation of the pancreas - the level of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase exceeds the norm by an average of 10 times;
  • Alcoholism with severe liver damage;
  • Sclerosis of the bile ducts. The enzyme level can increase 10-15 times;
  • Biliary cirrhosis;
  • Infectious mononucleosis involving liver tissue in the pathological process;
  • Malignant formations of the liver. The level of GGT increases immediately after the onset of the disease, long before the onset of clinical symptoms.

Diseases of some other organs also lead to an increase in GGT, for example:

  • Acute period of myocardial infarction;
  • Decompensated diabetes;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • Prostate cancer;
  • Malignant formations of the mammary glands;
  • Acute or chronic glomerulonephritis;
  • Any malignant tumors with liver metastases.

Taking the following drugs below can distort the results of the GGT test :

  • Hormonal contraceptives;
  • Drugs of the statin group;
  • Antidepressants;
  • Cephalosporin antibiotics;
  • Histamine blockers;
  • Preparations containing testosterone;
  • Antifungal agents.

In addition to drugs, the level of GGT increases the intake of alcoholic beverages.

Terms of delivery of GGT

Blood for analysis is taken from the cubital vein (usually in the morning), before delivery, fasting is recommended for 8 hours. The day before the analysis, you cannot consume alcoholic beverages, fatty and spicy foods, and on the day of delivery in the morning you can drink water, tea, coffee and other drinks are excluded.

On the day of the test (before the examination), it is not recommended to undergo fluorographic or X-ray examination, ultrasound. Physiotherapy procedures are also excluded. Immediately before the test, for half an hour, the patient is recommended complete physical and mental rest.

When decoding the result of the analysis, it is necessary to take into account that the level of the enzyme can be increased in people with overweight, as well as while taking medications and high doses of ascorbic acid.

Blood chemistry - an important study that allows for the analysis of various trace elements in the blood to assess the functional state of organs and systems of the human body. Below are the components biochemical blood testused in diagnostics viral hepatitis.

Alanine aminotransferase (ALT, ALT, ALT) is an enzyme found in the tissues of the liver and released into the blood when it is damaged. Elevated ALT levels can be caused by viral, toxic, or other liver damage. In viral hepatitis, the ALT level can fluctuate over time from normal values \u200b\u200bto several norms, so this enzyme must be monitored every 3-6 months. It is generally accepted that the ALT level reflects the degree of hepatitis activity, however, in about 20% of patients with chronic viral hepatitis (CVH) with a stable normal ALT level, serious liver damage is found. It can be added that ALT is a sensitive and accurate test for the early diagnosis of acute hepatitis.

AST blood test -aspartate aminotransferase (AST, AST) is an enzyme found in the tissues of the heart, liver, skeletal muscles, nervous tissue and kidneys and other organs. An increase in AST in a blood test together with ALT in CVH patients may indicate necrosis of liver cells. When diagnosing CVH, special attention should be paid to the AST / ALT ratio, called the de Ritis coefficient. The excess of AST in the blood test over ALT in CVH patients may indicate severe liver fibrosis or toxic (drug or alcoholic) liver damage. If AST in the analysis is significantly increased, then this indicates necrosis of hepatocytes, accompanied by the disintegration of cellular organelles.

Bilirubinis one of the main components of bile. It is formed as a result of the breakdown of hemoglobin, myoglobin and cytochromes in the cells of the reticuloendothelial system, spleen and liver. Total bilirubin includes direct (conjugated, bound) and indirect (unconjugated, free) bilirubin. It is believed that the increase in bilirubin in the blood (hyperbilirubinemia) due to the direct fraction (more than 80% of the total bilirubin is direct bilirubin) is of hepatic origin. This situation is typical for CVH. It may also be associated with impaired excretion of direct bilirubin due to cytolysis of hepatocytes. An increase in concentration due to free bilirubin in the blood may indicate a volumetric lesion of the liver parenchyma. Another reason may be congenital pathology - Gilbert's syndrome. Also, the concentration of bilirubin (bilirubinemia) in the blood can increase if the outflow of bile is obstructed (blockage of the bile ducts). During antiviral therapy for hepatitis, an increase in bilirubin can be caused by an increase in the intensity of hemolysis of erythrocytes. With hyperbilirubinemia above 30 μmol / L, jaundice appears, which is manifested by yellowing skin and the sclera of the eyes, as well as darkening of urine (urine takes on the color of dark beer).

Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GGT, GGTP) - an enzyme whose activity increases in diseases of the hepatobiliary system (a marker of cholestasis). It is used in the diagnosis of obstructive jaundice, cholangitis and cholecystitis. Also, GGT is used as an indicator of toxic liver damage caused by alcohol and hepatotoxic drugs. GGT is assessed in conjunction with ALT and alkaline phosphatase. This enzyme is found in the liver, pancreas, kidneys. It is more sensitive to abnormalities in the liver tissue than ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase, etc. It is especially sensitive to prolonged alcohol abuse. At least five processes in the liver increase its activity: cytolysis, cholestasis, alcohol intoxication, tumor growth, and drug damage. With CVH, a persistent increase in GGTP indicates either a severe process in the liver (cirrhosis), or toxic effects.

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP, AR, Alkaline phosphatase, ALP, ALKP) is used to diagnose liver diseases accompanied by cholestasis. A joint increase in alkaline phosphatase and GGT may indicate a pathology of the biliary tract, cholelithiasis, a violation of the outflow of bile. This enzyme is located in the epithelium of the bile ducts, therefore, an increase in its activity indicates cholestasis of any genesis (intra- and extrahepatic). An isolated increase in the level of alkaline phosphatase is an unfavorable prognostic sign and may indicate the development of hepatocellular carcinoma.

Glucose used in the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, endocrine diseases, as well as pancreatic diseases.

Ferritin indicates iron stores in the body. An increase in ferritin in CVH may indicate hepatic pathology. An increase in ferritin levels can be a factor that reduces the effectiveness of antiviral therapy.

Albumin (Albumin) - the main protein of blood plasma, synthesized in the liver. A decrease in its level may indicate liver pathology caused by acute and chronic diseases. A decrease in the amount of albumin indicates severe liver damage with a decrease in its protein-synthetic function, which occurs already in the stage of liver cirrhosis.

Protein total - the total concentration of proteins (albumin and globulins) in the blood serum. Strong decline total protein in the analysis may indicate a lack of liver function.

Protein fractions - protein components in the blood. There are quite a large number of protein fractions, however, for patients with CVH, special attention should be paid to five main ones: albumin, alpha1 globulins, alpha2 globulins, beta globulins and gamma globulins... A decrease in albumin may indicate liver and kidney pathology. An increase in each of the globulins can indicate various disorders in the liver.

Creatinine is the result of the exchange of proteins in the liver. Creatinine is excreted by the kidneys in the urine. An increase in the level of creatitine in the blood may indicate a violation of the normal functioning of the kidneys. The analysis is done before antiviral therapy to assess its safety.

Thymol test (TP) recently it has been used less and less in the diagnosis of CVH. An increase in the TP value indicates dysproteinemia, characteristic of chronic liver damage, and the severity of mesenchymal-inflammatory changes in the organ.

What is GGT

Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT or GGTP) is an enzyme found in many tissues of the body. Normally, the GGT content is low, but if the liver is damaged, the GGTP analysis is the first to show that GGTP is increased: its level begins to increase as soon as the passage through the bile channels from the liver to the intestine begins to block. The bile duct can be obstructed by tumors or stones formed in the bile ducts, in which gamma-GGT is almost always increased. Therefore, the determination of GGTP in the blood is one of the most sensitive analyzes, the measurement of which makes it possible to accurately identify diseases of the bile ducts.

However, despite the high sensitivity, a blood test for GGT is not specific in distinguishing the causes of liver diseases, since it can increase with several diseases of this organ (cancer, viral hepatitis). In addition, its level can increase in some diseases that are not related to the liver (for example, acute coronary syndrome). This is why the GGT test is never done by itself.

On the other hand, plasma GGT testing is a very useful test when interpreted with other assays. It is especially important for clarifying the reasons for the increase in alkaline phosphatase (ALP), another enzyme produced by the liver.

When GGT in the blood is elevated, ALP also increases with liver disease. But with diseases bone tissue only ALP rises, while GGT remains normal. Therefore, the decoding of the gama-HT test can be successfully performed after the ALP test to tell exactly whether the high ALP is the result of bone disease or liver disease.

When to take

Biochemical blood test GGT can be used in conjunction with other tests of the liver panel, such as alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), bilirubin and others. In the general case, when biochemistry shows an increase in GGTP, this indicates damage to liver tissue, but does not indicate the specifics of this damage. In addition, the GGT analysis can be used to monitor the treatment of patients with alcoholism and alcoholic hepatitis.

In order for the doctor to give a referral for the analysis of GGT, the patient must have the following signs:

  • Weakness, tiredness.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Abdominal swelling and / or pain.
  • Jaundice.
  • Dark urine.
  • The chair is light in color.

Gamma glutamyltransferase is always increased when alcohol enters the bloodstream, even in small amounts. Therefore, improper preparation for the analysis, that is, drinking alcohol a day before the analysis, gives incorrect results. Accordingly, gamma-HT is greatly increased in chronic alcoholics and drunkards. That is why the GGTP blood test can be successfully used to determine at what stage of alcoholism the patient is.

Also, this test can be prescribed to patients who have drunk in the past or who have received treatment for alcoholism. Cirrhosis is a very insidious disease, and before it manifests itself, it develops for about 10-15 years. An increase in GGTP will allow to detect pathology in time, and timely treatment will delay the development of pathology.

The meaning of the test results for GGT

The norm of GGT in women and girls older than one year is from 6 to 29 units / l. It should be noted that in women the enzyme increases with age in women. In men, the indicators are slightly higher, and therefore the GGTP rate is:

  • 1-6 years: 7-19 units l;
  • 7-9 years old: 9-22 units l;
  • 10-13 years old: 9-24 units l;
  • 14-15 years old: 9-26 units l;
  • 16-17 years old: 9-27 units l;
  • 18-35 years old: 9-31 units l;
  • 36-40 years old: 8-35 units l;
  • 41-45 years old: 9-37 units l;
  • 46-50 years: 10-39 units l;
  • 51-54 years old: 10-42 units l;
  • 55 years old: 11-45 units l;
  • From 56 years old: 12-48 units l;

As already mentioned, the rate of GGTP is usually increased when liver tissue is damaged, but the interpretation of the analysis does not indicate the exact cause of the pathology. Generally, the higher the level of glutamyl transpeptidase, the more severe the damage. In addition, an increase in GGT may indicate cirrhosis or hepatitis, but may also be the result of congenital heart failure, diabetes, or pancreatitis. In addition, the GGT in the blood may be increased due to the use of drugs toxic to the liver.

An elevated GGT level may indicate cardiovascular disease and / or hypertension. Drugs that increase GGT include Phenytoin, Carbamazepine, drugs from the group of barbiturates (Phenobarbital). In addition, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that lower lipid levels, antibiotics, and histamine receptor blockers (used to treat excess stomach acid production) can increase the level of this enzyme. Antifungals, antidepressants, testosterone also increase GGT levels.

Low GGT values \u200b\u200bindicate that the patient's liver is normal, and he does not consume alcohol at all. If elevated ALP is accompanied by severe high GGT, this rules out bone disease, but if GGT is normal or low, a bone problem may be present. In addition, clofibrate and oral contraceptives can lower the level of GGT.

What is the hepatic panel

Since the GGT test must be considered with other tests, it must be borne in mind that this enzyme is usually included in the hepatic panel, which is used to screen for liver damage. It is especially relevant for patients undergoing treatment that can affect the liver.

The hepatic panel or parts of it are designed to diagnose liver disease if the patient has symptoms and signs of liver disease. If a disease is found, testing is repeated at regular intervals to monitor its condition and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. For example, a series of bilirubin tests are done to monitor newborn jaundice.

The liver panel consists of several tests that are performed on the same blood sample. A typical liver panel consists of the following components:

  • ALP is an enzyme that belongs to the bile ducts and is also produced in the bones, intestines, and during pregnancy by the placenta. Most often it increases with blockage of the bile ducts.
  • ALT is an enzyme that is found primarily in the liver and is best used to detect hepatitis.
  • AST is an enzyme found in the liver and several other organs, especially the heart and muscles of the body.
  • Bilirubin is a bile pigment produced by the liver. The general analysis of bilirubin measures its total amount in the blood, direct bilirubin determines the bound form of bilirubin (in combination with other components) of the liver.
  • Albumin is the main protein in the blood produced by the liver. Its level is influenced by the functioning of the liver and kidneys. A decrease in the level of albumin in the blood can be influenced by both a decrease in its production by the liver, and an increase in its excretion through the kidneys with urine in case of kidney dysfunction.
  • Total Protein - This test measures albumin and other proteins in general, including antibodies that fight infections.
  • AFP - the appearance of this protein is associated with the regeneration or proliferation (proliferation of tissues) of liver cells;

Other tests are included in the liver panel depending on the referral from the attending physician or laboratory. This can be a prothrombin time measurement to measure blood coagulation function. Since many of the enzymes involved in clotting are produced by the liver, abnormal values \u200b\u200bmay indicate liver damage.

In case of negative results, liver panel tests are performed not once, but at regular intervals, which can take from several days to weeks. They must be done in order to determine whether the decrease or increase in values \u200b\u200bis chronic in nature, and whether there is a need for additional tests to identify the causes of liver dysfunction.

Disease Bilirubin ALT and AST ALF Albumen Prothrombin time
Acute liver disease due to infection, toxins or drugs, etc. Normal or higher Highly magnified values \u200b\u200b(\u003e 10 times). ALT is higher than AST Normal value or only slightly increased value Norm Norm
Chronic forms various diseases liver Normal or higher Slightly increased values. ALT has a constant increased value Normal or slightly higher Norm Norm
Alcoholic hepatitis Normal or higher AST is slightly larger; AST is twice as much ALT Normal or slightly higher Norm Norm
Cirrhosis Above normal at first, but declining in later stages AST is higher than ALT, but levels are lower than in alcohol-related illness, since the destroyed liver stops producing them Normal or slightly higher Norm or less Usually above normal
Blocked bile ducts, cholestasis Normal or more, especially high values \u200b\u200bwith full blocking Norm or a little more 4 times higher than normal Usually normal, but if the disease is chronic, it may be below normal Norm
Cancer that has spread to the liver Norm Norm or a little more Highly increased value Norm Norm
Liver cancer May be increased, especially if the disease is progressing AST is higher than ALT Normal or higher Norm or less Longer than normal
Autoimmune diseases Norm or more slightly increased value; ALT is more than AST

Instead of a liver panel, the physician may also prescribe a comprehensive metabolic panel as part of the patient's overall health assessment. It provides for the delivery of most of the tests that are included in the hepatic panel, but in addition it includes other tests necessary to assess organs and systems.

What does the increase in ALT and AST above normal indicate?

In adults, the content of ALT and AST in different organs is not the same, therefore, an increase in one of these enzymes may indicate a disease of a particular organ.

  • ALT (ALaT, alanine aminotransferase) is an enzyme that is found mainly in the cells of the liver, kidneys, muscles, heart (myocardium - heart muscle) and pancreas. If they are damaged, a large amount of ALT is released from the destroyed cells, which leads to an increase in its level in the blood.
  • AST (ASaT, aspartate aminotransferase) is an enzyme that is also found in the cells of the heart (in the myocardium), liver, muscles, nerve tissues, and to a lesser extent in the lungs, kidneys, and pancreas. Damage to the above organs leads to an increase in the level of AST in the blood.

Basically, the rate of ALT and AST in the blood depends entirely on the work of the most important parenchymal organ - the liver, which performs functions such as:

  1. Protein synthesis.
  2. Production of biochemical substances necessary for the body.
  3. Detoxification - elimination from the body toxic substances and poisons.
  4. Storage of glycogen - a polysaccharide, which is necessary for the full functioning of the body.
  5. Regulation of biochemical reactions of synthesis and decay of most microparticles.

Depending on the equipment used for the study, it is possible to vary the norms and reference values \u200b\u200bof the enzyme level. An increase in the rate of enzyme renewal, cell damage lead to an increase in the level of transaminases in the blood.

The reasons for the increase in ALT and AST

Why are ALT and AST elevated in adults, what does this mean? The most likely reason for an increase in liver enzymes in the blood are:

  1. Hepatitis and other liver diseases (liver cirrhosis, fatty hepatosis - replacement of liver cells with fat cells, liver cancer, etc.).
  2. Increased ALT and AST as a result of diseases of other organs ( autoimmune thyroiditis, mononucleosis).
  3. Myocardial infarction is a necrosis (death) of a part of the heart muscle, as a result of which ALT and AST are released into the blood.
  4. Diffuse liver damage that can be caused by alcohol, drugs and / or a virus.
  5. Major injuries with muscle damage, as well as burns, cause an increase in ALT in the blood.
  6. Acute and chronic pancreatitis.
  7. Metastases or neoplasms in the liver.
  8. Drug reaction.
  9. Taking anabolic steroids.

AST and ALT are important indicators of the state of various organs. An increase in these enzymes indicates damage to organs, such as the liver, heart, muscles, pancreas, etc. Thus, a decrease in their level in the blood occurs independently when the underlying disease is eliminated.


In order to ensure that the rate of indicators does not exceed the permissible limits, it is recommended to avoid long-term drug intake.

If this is not possible due to a chronic disease, then it is better to regularly take an AST test so that it is not increased or a serious increase can be prevented in time. Periodically, you need to visit a gastroenterologist and hepatologist, who can identify a possible disease and prescribe treatment.

What to do if ALT and AST are elevated

In order to quickly and objectively understand the true reason for the increase in the levels of activity of the enzymes ALT and AST, it is necessary to additionally pass biochemical tests.

First of all, it is advisable to determine the levels of total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase and GGTP (gamma-glutamyltransferase) and to assess the degree of safety of the main functions of the liver. To exclude the viral nature of liver damage (acute viral hepatitis), which is also accompanied by an increase in ALT and AST in the blood, you will need to donate blood for specific antigens of viral hepatitis and specific antibodies to these antigens.

In some cases, a study of blood serum by PCR for the presence of HBV DNA and HCV RNA is shown.

Good day to all my readers! Today we will talk about the increased rates of AST and ALT in terms of biochemical blood test. People are interested in what this means, especially since the analysis itself is new, not so long ago conducted. It is especially important on Mondays, when people receive tests - I have already learned this from my own practice.

What is ALT and AST

Analysis for ALT in most cases comes with AST. For them, the norm is the same. These abbreviations mean the presence of the enzymes alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and asparaginine aminotransferase (AST) in the blood plasma.

Their activity is counted in arbitrary units, since it is difficult to accurately determine their concentration in the blood even with modern devices. They are considered by their enzymatic activity. I will not describe how the calculation is going, it is not necessary for us, ordinary people.

These enzymes work inside the cells of our body. Their role is to transfer groups of atoms from one amino acid to another. That is, they perform transport functions. The second name for these enzymes is transaminases. ALT is alanine transaminase, AST is aspartic transaminase.

These enzymes are present in all cells, some more, others less. Liver cells have the highest concentration of ALT, and heart cells have more AST enzymes ... In other tissues, the indicators are also different.

These enzymes enter the bloodstream only from destroyed cells. This means that an increased level of AST and ALT enzymes in the blood indicates that the body is in the process of cell destruction. If ALT is elevated, it means the liver is experiencing certain problems, you need to pay attention to this and take measures to improve it.

If the AST indicator is increased, it means there are some problems in the heart. It is necessary to pay attention to this body.

AlAT norms in blood

for women up to 31 pcs

for men up to 41 pcs

Norms of AST in blood

for women up to 31 pcs

for men up to 41 pcs

These are, so to speak, average values. for the average person leading a normal life. The norm is not an ideal, but with these indicators people live and feel more or less bearable.

How much can the indicator increase

If you have any excess according to the results of the analyzes, then it is important to imagine how much it has deviated from the norm.

If the indicator is 2 - 5 times higher than the norm, then this is a moderate increase - additional analysis will probably be required after some time to track the dynamics.

If the indicator is 6 - 10 times higherthen this is an average increase - consultation with a doctor is recommended.

If the indicator is more than 10 times higher than the norm, that is high rise - you need to contact a specialist.

The reasons for the increase in AST and ALT

The increase in performance is influenced by viruses, various hepatitis - medicinal and alcoholic, heart attacks, pancreatitis. In general, any health problems are reflected in these indicators.

Therefore, a comprehensive assessment of health status is required., and it can only be given by your attending physician, or a specialist who deals with you on the problem with which you turned to him.

ALT or AST increased for no reason

Check your medications, probably among them there is one that can give side effects on the liver. This is the most common reason this kind of promotions. Most often, ALT can be increased by taking statins, drugs to lower cholesterol.

Also, experts advise consult a hepatologist or gastroenterologist... Doctors will prescribe drugs to protect the liver (hepatoprotectors) and treat the gastrointestinal tract.

Increased ALT during pregnancy

Sometimes you have to deal with the fact that ALT can be increased in a woman during pregnancy. This is permissible, and if a woman is under the supervision of a doctor, then there should be no cause for concern. Plus, if the state of health is relatively normal, then the indicator should be considered only as a signal of pregnancy, no more.

Video - why is alt analysis increased?

Friends, I publish this video solely for your acquaintance with the information provided by the specialist. All the phone numbers and contacts of the clinics present in the video have nothing to do with me.


Increased AST and ALT indices on a biochemical blood test indicate that the process of cell destruction is underway in the tissues of the heart and liver.

Avoid harmful effects medicines, alcohol, fatty and fried. See your hepatologist and gastroenterologist who will prescribe restorative procedures for you.

But I repeat once more it is not worth making any scary conclusions on this analysis... Do not scare yourself and loved ones ahead of time. It is necessary to find out the reason for the increased indicators by additional examinations, and even then, if your doctor prescribes them. If the specialist sees no reason for concern, then you do not need to worry.

In the comments, you often write your test results, but I will not give you any recommendations. There is an excess of the norm, but I will not tell you what caused it.

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