Eye drops 2 Collargol solution. Collargol: description, indications, application instructions for children

Collargol is a solution of eye drops based on colloidal silver with bactericidal and antiseptic properties. In ophthalmology is used to treat conjunctivitis, streptococcal infectionsDacryocystitis.

Composition and form of release

Collargol - Eye drops of 2% drop, 3%, 5% brown color is not transparent, contains: silver and albumin in a ratio of 70:30.

As a rule, it is made in the recipe-production departments of pharmacies and can be packed in glass or plastic bottles without cardboard boxes.

Pharmacological properties

Collargol solution has an antiseptic, bactericidal and astringent action with a decrease in the mucous membacity of separated. The bactericidal action of silver is due to its ability to adsorption by shells bacterial cells. In this case, the cells of bacterial agents remain viable, but lose part of their functions, including the ability to reproduce. At the same time, silver, penetrating into the cells of the bacterial microflora, blocks the enzymes of the respiratory chain, affects a number of other processes leading to its death.

Indications for use

  • Purulent conjunctivitis, virus conjunctivitis.
  • Streptococcal eye infections.
  • Dacryocystitis.

Method of application and dose

The usual appointed dosage of collargola is for adults 1-2 drops 1 - 3% of the solution, which is buried conjunctivally. Previously, it is necessary to clean the conjunctivation from the selection. Children prepared 1 drop using 1.5 - 2% solution. The multiplicity of use is 2-4 times daily.

The tool applies to the diagnosis of the pavement canal during dacryocystitis. At the same time, a collar head sample is performed when 2% of the results are made in the conjunctival bag, which, after a short time, should go into the nasty tubules. In the case of a good passability of the channels when pressed on the displacement bag zone, the solution is distinguished from the eye along with a tear. When the drug delay in the conjunctival bag is 5 minutes and more, the channel function is considered impaired.


Individual intolerance of silver or albumin.

Side effects

The occurrence of allergic reactions is possible.


The use of the solution according to the instructions, the overdose cannot be called. By swallowing the drug or making location more than 1 grams. The solution is possible to develop the symptoms of argosis, accompanied by irreversible changes in the eyes and skin, which are acquired by silver or bluish shade.

Medicinal interactions

Collargol is not capable of absorbing into local blood flow and react with systemic drugs. Its local application is undesirable with sodium chloride, novocaine, hexamethylenetetramine, iodides, as well as alkaloid salts. It is impossible to use a drug with means including ethanol, electrolytes, adrenomimetics.

special instructions

Collargol solution applies only locally. Its use is prohibited.

The collar grown solution is stored in tightly visited bottles in a darkened place. Do not give children.

The shelf life of the prepared solution is no more than a month.

Price of the drug Collargol

The cost of the drug "Collargol eye drops"In the pharmacies of Moscow begins from 145 rubles.

Analogs of Collargola.

Preparations of silver belong to effective antiseptic (disinfecting) means.COLORLARGOL ® medication related to colloidal silver R-M, often applied in the composition of complex therapy of corrosive inflammation, inflammation of outdoor eye shells (conjunctivitis), chronic inflammation The lacrimal bag (dacryocystitis), soft chancro, paraprocts, adenoiditis and sinusitis (drops in the Nose Collargol ® can be buried even to children), etc.

Collargrol ® for newborns is often prescribed as part comprehensive therapy Dacryocytes.

Collairgol ® refers to effective bactericidal antiseptics.

In the undisputed form, collargol ® is produced in the form of black and green or black and blue small plates, characterized by a pronounced metal glitter.

Upon contact with water, collargol ® dissolves and forms silver colloidal solutions.

At the same time, collargol ® plates are swelling and gradually dissolved, leading to the formation of rapidly collapsed sol. In this regard, collargol ® solutions are never manufactured about the supply.

The shelf life of collargola ® in solution does not exceed thirty days.

Collargool ® solution is manufactured quite easily (provided that high-quality plates are used). Sometimes, to accelerate the dissolution, the plates are pre-triturated into the mortar.

When using low-quality plates (spoiled, with an expired shelf life, incorrectly stored, etc.) are mutual solutions with a precipitate (due to the fact that the plates do not completely dissolve). It should be noted that low-quality plates are distinguished by the absence of a specific metal gloss.

Solutions for outdoor use are filtered through wool. Solutions for rinsing wounds, microclism, etc. are passed through filters from non-salt paper or through glass filters.

Collargrol ® composition

In the prepared solutions of Collargola ® for microclism, washing, droplets, etc. It contains seventy percent of silver and thirty percent of protective albumin (sodium salts of protabinic and lysalbinic acids).

Albumin to collargol ® solutions are added to hold silver molecules in an active condition, since the resulting evils are easily destroyed in the presence of acids or salts of heavy metals.

Most often, prepared RDs are appointed in the form of 1-2% of drugs for injection into the eyes, nose or drainage. According to the testimony, more concentrated r-ry drug.

For patients younger age rr Apply in concentrations up to two percent.


A prescription for the medicine is discharged. It must be remembered that the ry ry for external applications cannot be used with eye infections or to drain.

An example of medicine recipes in Latin:

RP.: SOL. Collargoli 0.2 percent, hundred milliliters

D.S. Wire.

RP.: SOL.COLLARGOLI Three percent, ten milliliters
D.S. 5 cap. In the nose, twice a day.

Collargool release form ®

The tool is produced in the form of small plates or powders. In the future, other ledges are made from raw materials, according to the prescription prescribed by the doctor.

Most often, the drug is used as:

  • eyes (two, three, five percentage solution);
  • ointments of five and fifteen percent;
  • r-s for washing, instillations in the nose and external applications in the form 0.2, 1.2% rr.

Dosage and method of applying Collargola ®

In the form of ophthalmic drops, 1-3 percent solutions can be used. The tool is used on one to two cap. Every six or twelve hours.

In LOR Practice, 1-3 percent solution of five drops can be used twice a day or two or three caps. Every six to eight hours.

With therapy of soft chancro, facets or lymphangitis can be used by Mazi Collargrole ® on the affected area every 12-24 hours.

In the treatment of purulent injuries, 0.2-2% solutions for microclism and instillations bladder 0.2-2% solutions.

How to make microclizm with collargol ®

The volume of the enema, the temperature of the solution and the dosage of the drug is prescribed individually by a proctologist.

The procedure is performed on the side (the patient must pull the legs to the stomach). The tip of the enema before the introduction should be lubricated with vaseline.

The contents of the enema are injected slowly. After the introduction of the RR, it is necessary to lie on the side for 30 minutes.

Indications for the use of collargol ®

Collargol ® has a pronounced bactericidal, binding and antiseptic effects. The tool can penetrate inside the pathogenic microorganisms, breaking the production of important enzymes in it and leading to the death of the pathogenic microorganism.

The tool can be used to treat eye, venereal pathologies, diseases of the ENT organs and skin, urological infections, etc.

Also, Collargol ® can also be used to apply marks on the patient's skin or when signing x-ray shots.

In ophthalmological practice, collargol solutions are often used to treat conjunctivitis, gonorrheal eye damage (including at complex treatment Blennorea in newborns), dacryocystitis (with dacryocystitis collargol ® is often appointed even to infants).

Also collargool solution ® can effectively apply with purulent, adenoy, purulent and other LOR pathologies. The effectiveness of the means is determined not only by the bactericidal properties of the drug, but also its ability to reduce the degree of mucus production.

With external applications, CP-in effectively for washes, as well as as part of complex therapies, soft chance and lymphangitis.

Additionally, with soft chance and lymphangitis, ointments can be used with Collairgol ®.

Collargol ® is also effective when cystitis. However, the treatment of this disease should also be complex. Instillation of the bladder by Collarshol in women and men cannot be used as the main method of treating the disease.

Additionally, collargola ® solutions can be applied not only for treatment, but also for diagnosis with dacryocystitis (samples on the passability of lacrimal channels).

In the COLLARGOL ® proctology, it is used mainly in paraprojects and colitis. Microclisms with collargole ® with hemorrhoids are shown only when the secondary bacterial infection is connected.

Collargool contraindications ®.

The drug is contraindicated to patients with individual intolerance to the components of the means.

Pregnancy I. childhood There are no contraindications to the appointment of the drug, but all treatment must be coordinated with the attending physician.

Collargol during pregnancy and breastfeeding

In the appointment of the attending physician, collargol ® solutions can be used to treat pregnant women.

According to the testimony, pregnant women can also assign instillations of the bladder Collargol ® with cystitis.

Compatibility Collargol ® with alcohol

Since collargol ® is not capable of systemic suction, alcoholic beverages does not affect the effectiveness of treatment.

However, it is necessary to take into account that this drug is practically not prescribed as mono therapy, and the systemic antibiotics used additionally to collargohol - antifungal, etc. may be incompatible with alcohol.

Side effects of collargola ®

In most cases, the drug is transferred well and does not cause complications from the treatment. In isolated cases, the development of allergic genes to the components of the means is possible.

Also, with long-term use in high dosages, the development of argosis (silver overdose) is possible.

This condition is accompanied by irreversible skin staining and mucous membranes in a grayish blue color.

In compliance with the duration of treatment and prescribed by a doctor of dosages, no overdose cases are registered.

How to store Collargol ®

Prepared RDs can be kept up to 30 days. The bottle for the drug must be made of opaque orange glass and stored in a dark, protected from ultraviolet place. The room temperature in which the solution is stored should not exceed twenty degrees.

After each application, the bottle must be tightly closed with a lid.

In the hot season, the solution is preferable to store in the refrigerator.

Interaction with other medicines

According to the testimony, the drug can be combined with others. means.

The drug is well combined with systemic antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial therapy, local means with, etc.

However, the drug is contraindicated to use with other means containing silver (to reduce the risk of overdose development), NaCl, hexamethylenetetramine, anesthetics, iodites, alkaloid salts, alcohols, electrolytes and adrenomimetics.

Analogs of funds

Similar preparations are considered:

  • Poparturgol ®;
  • Salor ®;
  • Vitargol ®.

Collargrol ® and Poparturgol ®, what is the difference?

As well as Collargrol ®, the protargol refers to silver agents. However, silver oxide is used in the protargol and in less concentration than in Collargol ®.

In this regard, Collargrol ® has a more powerful disinfecting and bactericidal effect on the pathogenic microflora.

P-R Potargola ® is more safe, less often causes overdose and preferable for use in nasal droplets.

Predotagol drops are a common antiseptic agent used for the treatment and prevention of nasopharynx diseases. The composition is used in bacterial lesions. The drug is often used in pediatric practice, the tool is distinguished by high security. The medicinal component contains silver protein. 2% solution is used to treat nasophacks. The composition is rich, brown, a bitter taste can appear.

Description and composition

Predotgole drops is water solutionimplemented from the pharmacy network in glass tanks equipped with a pipette for ease of dosing. The main operating component medicinal composition is silver proteinate. The composition contains about 8% of the metal. The drug is perfectly soluble in aqueous medium, therefore, it is produced in the form of a solution with a mass of the active substance of about 2%. Drops have transparency can have a shade from brown to dark brown.

Pharmacological group

for kids

The composition can be used in pediatric practice in adequate doses. The drug is moved well, subject to use rules. Children under the age of 12 are recommended to bury 2 drops in each nasal passage 2 times a day. Children over the age of 12 can apply the composition according to the scheme defined for adult patients.

for pregnant women and during lactation

The mechanism of action of silver ions per process of pregnancy is not studied. In the course of the conducted studies, it was revealed that the active substance could penetrate in minor doses in breast milkTherefore, its use during lactation is not recommended. In case you choose another, more safe tool It is impossible, the composition is used in doses recommended by a specialist.

Side effects

The process of use of drug composition may accompany the following reactions: irritation of dryness of the nasal cavity;

  • feeling of burning;
  • skin numbness;
  • itching, red eyes;
  • headache;
  • increased drowsiness.

It is impossible to exclude the likelihood of the manifestation of an allergic reaction. In this case, the patient may encounter allergic dermatitis, swelling and anaphylactic shock.

Interaction with other medicines

Data establishing interaction with other drugs are absent. The patient must notify the doctor about the sharing of any funds.

special instructions

Such drug should be used only by appointment of a doctor. The doctor may pick up adequate doses and assign a scheme of its use. Do not use similar means to treat a cold in children without special indications. Before use of the drug, it is thoroughly cleaned nasal cavity. It is worth remembering that the packaging after opening the tightness loses the ability to preserve the activity of the drug. The composition can be kept no more than 30 days, subject to storage rules. The drug does not act on the speed and speed of the reaction.


There are no data on the overdose of medication.

Storage conditions

The drug is released by the population through the network of pharmacies in a free sale. The prepared composition must be kept in the refrigerator. The maximum storage period after opening the package is 30 days. The term of storage of the drug is 2 years from the date of production. Use the tool after this time is prohibited.


Drug Treatment It is a preferred analog for use in pediatric practice. The drug is produced in the form of droplets. After opening the bottle, the drops should be used during the week. The composition is often used to treat sinusitis, adenoiditis and rhinitis bacterial origin in children. It can also be used to disinfect wound lesions. The remedy is often used to prevent respiratory viral diseases in patients of different ages.


Vitargol can also be considered a substitute. This medicinal product contains silver particles. The drug can be used to treat average and. Often the composition is used as an immunostimulator. The drug is used during seasonal epidemics and is an indispensable medicine that allows preventing the development of the disease.


The cost of the protoregole drops is on average 230 rubles.

Collargol - that's drug Solution for local application, created on the basis of colloidal silver and albumin protein.

The medicine has a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

The history of the use of collargol has many decades. This drug was synthesized at the beginning of the 20th century in Germany and has since been successfully used in medicine.

The main industries in which this healing solution is applied are otolaryngology and ophthalmology. In addition, this drug is used to treat a variety of damage to the skin.

Price and form of release

Collargol is not sold in all pharmacies. This is due to the fact that for its preparation, the pharmacist must dissolve water powder, in which the drug is produced.

The price of the drug in different pharmacies ranges from 145 to 235 rubles per bottle of medication.

Please note when ordering a collargrole pharmacist must ask you about what you intend to use this antiseptic solution. This is done in order to become clear exact proportions in which you need to dissolve powder.

Most often, the pharmacy officer is preparing drops into the nose or eyes.

The drug during its manufacture is poured into darkened glass bottles. It is colorless, transparently and has a weak specific odor.

Indications for use

Instructions for use of collargola contains such indications for the use of the drug:

  • a variety of conjunctivitis;
  • diverse rhinitis (runny nose);
  • inflammation of lymph nodes;
  • inflammation of the bladder;
  • treatment of purulent wounds;
  • urethritis and cystitis;
  • ulcers on the genitals;
  • adenoiditis.

In accordance with the instructions for external use, it follows 3-5 times a day, gently rinse purulent wounds. It is allowed to use sterile medical bandages.

Children and adult patients should be downloaded 2 times a day. Currently 3-5 drops in each nostril.

In conjunctivitis, collargol should be buried 3 times a day. Enough 2-3 drops on the eye affected by the disease.

Contraindications, overdose and side effects

According to the instructions of the drop in the nose and eye, the protargol has only one contraindication. It is increased sensitivity and intolerance to the components included in the medicine.

For the extremely long time of using collargola, no overdose cases were recorded.

Collargol practically does not have side Effects. Extremely rarely during the reception of droplets in the nose and eyes may be celebrated allergic reactionsassociated with the intolerance to the components of the drug. In this case, the reception of the pharmacological preparation should be stopped.

Efficiency and reviews

Collargol - is effective tool. Whether it is not so, he would not have been used with success with so many decades. Collairgol enjoys well-deserved respect among practitioners and among their patients.

Of course, on medical sites you can find not only positive feedback. In any case, it is not necessary to navigate the opinion of virtual experts, but to the prescription of the doctor.

In fairness it should be noted that in the US drugs produced on the basis of colloidal silver are prohibited.

If you previously used Collargol, please leave your opinion about it on our portal. This will help other people in choosing a medicinal preparation.

During pregnancy and lactation

The instruction on the drug does not contain any restrictions associated with pregnancy or lactation.

However, women in position and nursing breasts should be used by the collargol only on the prescription of the doctor.

Collargol is the so-called colloidal solution, which contains particles of the dissolved substance (silver), have a colloidal degree of crushing.
Also, as in the case of a protargol, tricks in the form of release are associated with the inconsistency of silver preparations in a dissolved form.
So that the ions of the semi-precious metal, famous for their antimicrobial properties, were in a more or less stable state, they need to be "protected". In the protargol, the function of such a stabilizer is performed by proteins, and in the collargeol - the products of their alkaline hydrolysis. They reliably "envelop" colloidal particles of silver and ensure their resistance over several weeks.
Collargol is distinguished by high concentration active substance - Silver. Its share in the preparation is about 70%, and only the remaining 30% occupy protein products. This truly solid dosage is the most important difference between the collargola from its "counterclaim" of the protargol, the concentration of which does not exceed 8.3%. That is why it is so important to separate and distinguish between these two products with almost the same composition.

Collargol became the first officially developed and recognized silver medicinal agent. Synthesized him at the dawn of the twentieth century Chemist from Germany Carl Pal. To preserve silver molecules in an active condition, as well as that they do not connect to each other, he came up to surround them with "film" from protein. Albumin used for this protein, in large quantities present in chicken eggs. In the pure preparation, the silver collargol may be contained up to seventy percent, and proteins are up to thirty, but it is diluted with water to 0.2% of the solution for medicinal use in pharmacies. Use the drug at a concentration of 0.2 - 1% for eye and injections, 1 - 2% in urology, 2 - 5% for purulent rhinitis therapy.

The drug collargol is an antimicrobial agent that is produced on the basis of colloidal silver. The drug has a bactericidal effect, also relieves inflammation, has an astringent action. The drug is used in the form of a solution of different concentrations, which is preparing directly in the pharmacy, also on the basis of collargola can prepare ointment. In the pharmacy you can meet collargol 2 and collargol 3, which indicates the concentration of the solution: 2% and 3%, respectively). In the form of drops and ointments, this drug is used to treat purulent conjunctivitis and blemores. Drops are used in purulent rhinitis therapy, with increased adenoids and cold. Collargol-based ointment is used in inflammatory process. lymph nodes, soft chancra, furunculach, rozhist inflammation. Also, the collar is effective in the treatment of urethritis and cystitis. It is worth noting that with the help of a solution of this drug, the purulent wounds are washing.

Collargol solution.
Another antiseptic medicines is a collargol, his a distinctive feature It is that its composition includes colloidal silver and albumin. Data ratio active substances In its pure form, 70% of silver and 30% albumin, the role of which is to maintain a silver molecule in the active state and bind them among themselves. In its pure form, this drug does not apply, to use it, it is necessary to prepare a special solution. The drug is produced in the form of a powder, which is divorced by a pharmacist for the preparation of a solution of various concentrations. In pharmacies, this drug is already sold in the form of a prepared solution. Depending on whether the collar is necessary to use a collar range solution, its concentration is determined. In order to store the drug, it is necessary to comply with the following conditions: a glass jar in which the drug is stored must be made of yellow glass, and should also be closed tightly. Well, of course store the jar with the drug you need in a dark place.

Collargol - Drops in the nose.
Collargool disinfection solution is used in the treatment various diseases. This preparation that is made on the basis of silver is used as an antiseptic, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Depending on the disease, it can be used as a solution or ointment of various concentrations. They can rinse wounds, treatment inflammatory process The bladder and the urethra can be used in the treatment of eye diseases (conjunctivitis). It is also used in the form of droplets for the nose in the treatment of a runny nose, purulent rhinitis, sinusitis. Droplet concentrations from 2 to 5% are buried into each nasal stroke in a dosage of one or two drops two to four times a day. Before using the collargol drops, it is necessary to clean the nose from the mucus.

Download instructions.

In our pharmacy always in stock 2% and 3% collarge solution. To order we make solutions of other concentrations.
Packaging: Dark glass bottle 10 ml. With a pipette cover.
Cost 2% solution 250 rub., 3% solution 300 rub.

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