Eczema spiritual causes. Psychology of diseases - eczema

Scientists have long discovered that skin diseases are rooted in the person. So, for example, eczema of the hands is associated with a person’s hatred, the desire to destroy something, and fear. Perhaps a person is afraid of himself or depends on the opinions of others. In this case, the treatment must begin with oneself, perhaps even under hypnosis, in order to free the subconscious. Homeopathy also helps in this case. If ointments are used for skin disease of the hands, then the disease is driven inside, it does not go away and recurs.

If in children eczema often manifests itself on the cheeks, then in adults it is localized on the arms, elbows and legs. Since the treatment is mainly carried out with hormonal ointments, over time the body gets used to it and stops fighting. And the reasons for constant relapses are psychosomatic, and not at all external.

Video: Causes of skin diseases

Looking for reasons

For example, the disease often manifests itself in people who have despotic bosses who push around subordinates and they develop eczema from stress. Also the causes of eczema can be expressed depending on someone, let's say a wife is financially dependent on her husband. Hand eczema is the birth of new skin on old skin, as an expression of protest and individuality.

The reaction of the body to the environment is most often reflected in the skin. Symptoms such as:

  • Rashes on the skin of the hands, feet, face;
  • Itching and lacrimation.

At the first manifestations of eczema, it is important to visit a specialist, perhaps start using homeopathic remedies, then the treatment may be more effective than the use of ointment as heavy artillery.

Types and forms of eczema, their possibility of transition

There are several types of eczema: true, microbial, occupational, seborrheic and psychosomatic. Usually psychosomatic manifestations are expressed in itching of the hands, swelling and cyanosis of the skin, blistering. In addition, the treatment of hands and other parts of the body is further complicated by the fact that most of them are outdoors, exposed to water and other substances, which makes it difficult to recover quickly. In addition, the causes of atopic eczema originate from rhinitis, urticaria, food allergies. External causes can also give impetus, and eczema from the nerves gets a new result. Work with chemicals, various irritants allows you to move from professional eczema to another form. A person is embarrassed by manifestations on the skin. He tries to hide them or shows hidden irritability, which affects the outcome of the disease. Before treating the causes of the disease, it is necessary to know the psychological problems of a person. It also happens that eczema from the nerves appears on its own, and not as a result of an external stimulus or a passing form.

Video: Psychosomatics. Skin diseases

How does eczema manifest itself?

Most often, eczema from the nerves manifests itself, like the usual form, with redness, vesicles, unbearable itching. The patient is disturbed by rashes on his hands, he combs them. After that, exudate may be released, the wounds are covered with a crust that does not subside for a long time.

The treatment of this disease differs little from others, if the doctor is not looking for psychological reasons and does not offer a session with a psychotherapist.

  • Ointments based on hormonal drugs and antihistamines.
  • In addition, fatty creams are prescribed, as well as soothing sedatives.
  • Vitamins, sorbents for cleansing the body of supposedly existing toxins.

Of the hormonal agents, Elok has proven itself in the form of an ointment. The prescribed course is recommended to be completed, the treatment cannot be interrupted in the middle. Wounds and blisters quickly disappear, the skin becomes clean. Of course, these are all standard remedies for dealing with eczema, as with a common skin disease, but we must not forget that the reasons here are psychological, and the root of the problems must be sought elsewhere.

home remedies for eczema

Also, eczema from nerves is treated at home, with the usual means that are in almost every family.

  • Baths with soda or salt, after which vegetable oil is used;
  • Crushed boiled garlic cloves with honey as a lotion;
  • Black grapes can also be used as a hand compress;
  • Sea buckthorn or oil from it helps perfectly;
  • Emulsion of egg, vinegar and water, 50 ml each.

However, treatment can give a very different outcome if homeopathy is used. Such a disease will not give relapses when the diagnosis is made, right, and the true causes of eczema are raised. For example, a mother pays little attention to a child, or a younger child is born in the family, and the older one does not get the same love. Then the child may react to the lack of feelings and emotions with eczema on the hands. Before starting any treatment, you should consult with various specialists and find out which method will be more effective in each case. Otherwise, a difficult life and negative emotions will create a surge of psychosomatic diseases against the background of various stressful situations and lack of love.

Video: Eczema in a child due to scandals in the family?

Psychological moments

A person himself sometimes sets himself up for illness when he cannot find the harmony of the soul or experiences various negative emotions. Therefore, many skin diseases need to be approached from different angles. First of all, find out what worries the patient, what can cause his problem.

What negative attitudes can affect the condition of the skin:

  • Anxiety;
  • Fear;
  • Impatience;
  • Guilt;
  • disgust;
  • old grievances;
  • Painful self-hypnosis about threats and others.

It is these attitudes that act as the causes of eczema on the hands. Suppressed emotions seem to make a person free, but at the same time he does not feel protected. Psychologists usually say that a person destroys himself, which leads to problems with the skin of the hands.

The reason can be: anxiety and fear, uncleanliness and promiscuity. If a person feels shame, suppresses stress in himself, then the immune system weakens, so various diseases skin on hands, feet, face. Interesting experiments were carried out, and when a person was under anesthesia and hypnosis, there was no allergy. So it is with the skin on the hands. It can become purer if you get rid of the negative emotions that overwhelm your soul. Perhaps a review of all the events of life and a new attitude towards them will be required.

Homeopathy as a solution to the problem

In this case, homeopathy is of great help, where medicinal doses the drug is offered in a minimum amount. This allows not to heal the body, but to try to give it an impetus to self-recovery. The trouble is that modern doctors it is difficult to send a patient to a psychotherapist or a homeopath, and it is much easier to prescribe a hormonal ointment for him so that he remains alone with his problem for the rest of his life.

If a diagnosis is made, psychosomatic eczema has a reason to turn to other specialists on their own, asking for advice on how to be.

With psychosomatic eczema, it is important to find the causes that destroy a person. It is important to teach him to deal with his fears, manage emotions, express feelings. The ability to direct energy in the right direction will help remove eczema from the hands or other parts of the body and make a person more self-confident.

Sets for a positive outcome

If you follow all the instructions of the doctor correctly, then you can forget about the disease on long years, and it will not remind itself of relapses. Perhaps, if the reason at work is necessary to change it, to get away from the environment that irritates, causes negative emotions. If there is disagreement with loved ones, try to give each other more love, or as an adult, just leave for another city.

A person chooses his own destiny and it can be controlled, as well as his self-consciousness. The less a person is irritated, upset or depressed, the better and younger he looks. You can take as an example various oriental practitioners who can cure almost any disease without modern medicines simply by changing a person's attitude to life. Of course, no one talks about incurable diseases, but psychosomatic eczema may well be defeated.

Infected mind. Letting others get on your nerves.

Harmonizing thoughts: I am a living, loving and joyful expression of life. I belong only to myself.


Liz Burbo writes in her book Your Body Says Love Yourself:

Eczema is a very common skin disease. This disease develops unevenly, in jerks: an exacerbation phase, accompanied by some swelling, is replaced by a chronic phase, which is characterized by thickening of the skin and the appearance of scales. Eczema can be caused by both internal and external causes. In children, eczema is often accompanied by asthma or some other allergic disease.

If eczema is accompanied by itching, see article ITCH. If eczema is caused by the impact on the body of some third-party substances - chemical products, etc. - it means that a person too easily allows himself to be influenced by everything that happens around him.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book “Love your illness” writes:

This is an extremely strong antagonism, rejection. You reject or reject someone or something in your life.

The man was very offended by his wife, and after a while he first developed inflammation of the glans penis, and then eczema on his right hand. Moreover, as it turned out later, in his subconscious mind there was a program for the destruction of women transmitted to him from his father, expressed in distrust of them. The disease for some time neutralized this program. It turns out that he will be able to recover from the disease only if he changes his attitude towards women and towards himself as a man.

As a rule, mental breakdowns, that is, severe stress, lead to eczema and neurodermatitis. At such moments of life, colossal aggression comes out.

A man came to see me with hand eczema.

Here, doctor, look what's wrong with my hands.

Can't take it anymore. Do something.

The hands were in a terrible state: covered with purulent crusts, from under which pus oozed. Ointments and other remedies were tried, but nothing helped. The patient suffered and suffered from unbearable itching and burning.

He approached me as a homeopathic doctor, but at that time I was studying hypnosis and decided to learn about the causes of the disease from the subconscious. We easily made contact with the subconscious, and I asked him:

Tell me, were there any events in the past that caused the development of this disease?

Yes, - answered the patient, being in a state of trance.

Tell me more about these events, I asked him.

It happened two months ago,” he began. - I suspected for a long time that my wife was cheating on me. And then one day I found her with her lover in the car. There was so much resentment, hatred and anger in me that there was a desire to douse the car with gasoline and burn them there.

Why then does he need this eczema? - I asked, referring to the subconscious.

In order to restrain him from doing this, the man answered me on behalf of the subconscious.

This is how jealousy can cause the development of a skin disease.

ECZEMA IN CHILDREN is necessarily associated with the behavior of parents. And later, when the child grows up, he already forms a disease for himself, based on the old thoughts of his parents and on his old experiences.

An 18-year-old girl came to the follow-up appointment. From the age of three, she has had eczema or neurodermatitis (the name is not important) on the folds of the joints. Parents all this time smeared the affected areas with ointments, thereby driving the disease deeper inside. The first course of homeopathy gave a strong exacerbation, after which there was a noticeable improvement. I already knew from experience that if such cases are treated only with homeopathic remedies, then a lot of long time and perseverance.

Doctor, is it possible to recover faster? the patient asked me.

How strong is your desire to heal faster? I asked her back.

I really want this,” she said. - I'm ready to do whatever you say. My mom used to say

me that you inspire something in the subconscious, and the disease goes away.

I don't suggest anything, I replied. - I just help my patients to realize the true causes of the disease and eliminate them. But I'm only helping. The patient himself eliminates these causes. Everything depends on his own efforts and desires. After all, people themselves create diseases for themselves, which means that they themselves must eliminate them. The doctor does not cure the disease - he helps the patient to become healthy.

I'm ready. Tell me what are my reasons?

How do you feel about your father? I asked her, looking into her eyes.

Normally, - she answered indifferently and somehow coldly, averting her gaze to the side.

Can you please explain to me what "normal" means? I asked her.

The day before, I talked with her mother, who herself turned to me for help, and found out for myself the reasons for the illness of both mother and daughter. The mother almost never had warm feelings for the girl's father. He often drank. And the woman lived with him together for the sake of the child. Love from their family has long gone, and only old grievances, irritation, condemnation and contempt remain. And lately there has been even indifference and indifference.

I just try not to notice him, - the girl said, but her voice had already changed. - There used to be resentment and contempt, but now there is some kind of indifference.

You told me that you would do anything to get cured. So, you can have healthy skin only when there is love in your soul for your father.

I won't be able to do it.

Why should I love him? the girl says in a trembling voice. - He humiliated me and my mother all my adult life, did not allow us to live normally, drank. And for that I should respect him?

No, not for that. Because he is your father. You must understand that your mother herself chose such a man for herself. And you, too, chose such a father for yourself.

How did I choose it for myself?

God gives us exactly the kind of parents we deserve. Rise above earthly logic.

Accept and love your father simply for the fact that he is your father and gave you life. And for the fact that he is the best father for you. Start seeing the good in him.

In relation to parents, there should be only love and respect, and not contempt and resentment. One of the commandments says: "Honor your parents." Love cannot and should not depend on anything in this life, nor on any earthly values. Your mother didn't love herself or your father. And your father drank precisely because of the lack of love.

How do you know this?

I spoke to your mother the day before. If you revive love in your soul, then you have a chance not only to heal yourself, but also to help your parents. When a person loves, he creates a space of love around him, which greatly affects the people around him.

I see that the girl's eyes have become wet, her features are softer. Another would probably have burst into tears long ago, but she holds on. And yet, changes began to occur within her. - Do you love yourself? I ask her after a short pause.

Probably not much. Sometimes I hate myself.

In such cases, recovery can come only after a lot of work on oneself. If the child is already an adult, then you can work with him, and if he is small, then parents need to change. It is not the skin that needs to be cleansed, but thoughts. Cleansing from the inside leads to cleansing from the outside.

According to Sergey S. Konovalov (“Energy-informational medicine according to Konovalov. Healing emotions”):

The reasons. The patient with neurodermatitis has a pronounced desire for physical contact, suppressed by the restraint of the parents.

Louise Hay, in her book Heal Yourself, points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of eczema:

irreconcilable antagonism. Mental breakdowns.

Harmonizing thoughts: Peace and harmony, love and joy surround me and constantly abide in me. Nobody and nothing threatens me.

Dr. Luule Viilma, in his book Psychological Causes of Disease, writes:

Panic rage.

Searches and studies of metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of skin problems continue. This material is constantly updated. We ask readers to write their comments and send additions to this article. To be continued!


Louise Hay. "Heal yourself."

Lazarev S. N. "Diagnostics of Karma" (books 1-12) and "Man of the Future".

Valery Sinelnikov. "Love your disease."

Liz Burbo. “Your body says: “Love yourself!”.

Torsunov O. G. “Relationship of diseases with character. Human life energy.

Bodo Baginski, Sharamon Shalila. Reiki is the universal life energy.

Sergey S. Konovalov “Energy-informational medicine according to Konovalov. Healing Emotions.

L. Viilma "Psychological causes of diseases."

Alexander Astrogor "Confession of a Sore".

Olga Zhalevich. 9 drugs that will save the world.

The skin is a reflection of human health, both physical and psychological.

Eczema is one of the most common skin diseases, and more often the causes lie in the subconscious, as it often occurs after a strong shock and flows into a chronic form without timely complex treatment.

Sometimes people do not even know what psychosomatic eczema is, why it appears, how it is treated and who is susceptible to such a disease.

general information

Human skin performs a protective function, therefore it constantly suffers - from external climatic conditions, from health internal organs and psychological state. By its appearance, the doctor can determine the existing problems with the body. But there are diseases that live "in the head."

Psychosomatics is a combination of psychology and somatic medicine; the disease in this form is treated in the aggregate of these two directions.

This disease has several varieties - but the most mysterious is psychosomatic eczema. This disease mainly affects the hands, face and legs, appearance has puffiness of blue-violet color and is accompanied by itching, tightness of the skin, burning. It can pass in the form of small rashes, it can develop into blisters.

The main causes of occurrence

The disease occurs after the transferred stress and in the future does not let go of a person with unresolved intrapersonal conflicts. Definitely, the causes of the appearance of such a disease are psychological in nature. The impetus for the manifestation of such a skin lesion is most often:

  • increased anxiety, shyness or unreasonable fears of a person;
  • constant suppression of one's own feelings and emotions;
  • increased emotionality and susceptibility to situations, self-doubt;
  • chronic tension and fatigue - exhaustion of the nervous system;
  • severe emotional upheavals (care, separation, betrayal, loss of loved ones).

It is these factors that suppress the body, and in the first place immune system. Psychologists say that a person is capable of destroying himself. Being in the situations described above, keeping yourself constantly in tension and unreasonable emotions, this is exactly what happens. This kind of disease is expressed in the growth of new skin on the old layer. skin, thus "defending" and "protesting" against the dangers that the subconscious signals.

At-risk groups

No one is protected from such a disease, but there are certain risk groups where you can quickly acquire a disease:

  1. People with low self-esteem. Usually in school age the most burning events take place - first love, separation, quarrels with peers, protests for individuality, etc. If the child has not learned to cope with them and has not gained the ability to adapt events, this affects the future on an emotional background.
  2. Spouses dissatisfied with their own family life. If a wife is financially dependent on her husband, she has to live with unwanted relatives, constant scandals, betrayals, etc. Often this disease manifests itself in children who are forced to live in constant fear and tension from their parents' scandals.
  3. People having hard work with despotic bosses. If you are in constant tension, and go to work like an execution, the body will sooner or later fail in the form of skin lesions.
  4. Women 30-40 years old. Scientists have found that women are more susceptible to this disease. This is due to their increased emotionality, which often leads female individuals to nervous (stressful) conditions.
  5. Persons who do not “sleep” suffer from insomnia.

There are many situations in which this type of eczema may occur. The main thing you need to understand is that you can’t run away from stress, you just need to learn how to respond to them competently.

Eczema psychotherapy

Psychiatric treatment is one of the main conditions effective fight with psychosomatic eczema. A person understands this when physiotherapeutic and medical preparations, and itchy areas of the skin again and again cause discomfort.

With eczema of a psychosomatic nature, it is important to understand what exactly has a detrimental effect on the human body and suppresses its immune system. A qualified psychotherapist will help resolve intrapersonal conflicts and teach you how to respond to stressful situations without harm to the psyche.

Today, there are many techniques and ways to learn how to live in harmony with your own feelings, sublimate (direct) your negative emotions in the right direction.

Successfully used in the treatment of psychosomatic eczema:

  • art therapy;
  • transactional analysis method;
  • creative visualization;
  • psychodrama;
  • psychosynthesis;
  • solution focused therapy.

Hypnosis has been recognized since 1895 effective tool in the treatment of various psychosomatic skin diseases. Since then, research has been actively begun by leading scientists along with dermatologists on defeating eczema with the help of hypnotherapy. It has been proven that hypnoanalysis not only finds the root cause that triggers a skin disease, but also helps to survive a traumatic event and return to the present with a new type of behavior.

Psychotherapy is valuable in that it helps not only to resolve the physical component of the disease, but also helps to gain the patient's psychological integrity, self-confidence, increases his degree of awareness and improves the quality of life in the emotional sphere.

Patient and doctor stories

Many people themselves note the connection between life events and the appearance of eczema.

Example #1

Girl, after a few months drug treatment and could not completely get rid of the eczema that struck the hands. After she got an appointment with a psychotherapist, she said that she had recently graduated from the institute with a degree in economics. There was no work in the town, and the girl's mother agreed with the owner of the bakery to arrange for her daughter there. The girl, having worked there a little, began to notice a burning sensation and severe itching on her hands. The changed color of the skin on her hands caused even more embarrassment and shame, it got to the point that she began to wear gloves all the time. With the help of special psychotherapeutic techniques, with the use of additional medication, the girl's hands quickly returned to their former appearance. The girl left the shop.

Example #2

Mother (27 years old) noticed rashes on her body after her young son was found to have diabetes. She began to use hormonal ointments at home, which did not bring results. After the tests, the dermatologist added more pills to her appointment, which also did not eliminate the problem. She was helped by a visit to a clinical psychologist, who helped the mother accept the child's illness and change her attitude towards her. Positive attitudes, combined with the recommendation of a dermatologist, quickly gave a positive result.

Example #3

Male, 44 years old, married. Without visible reasons 2 months ago, an itchy rash appeared on the upper and lower extremities. Diagnosis: wet. Received 2 sessions of hypnosuggestive therapy (grade 2). After the first session, itching was relieved and improvement general condition sick. After the second session, the disease completely receded.

Example 4

The mother brought a teenager (12 years old) to a psychologist due to sudden apathy and hostility towards her. The guy has a long jacket on his hands, covering even the phalanxes of his fingers. After a successful first stage of contact with a psychologist, the teenager opened his hands, which shone with colored edema, and admitted that for about a month he had been feeling an unpleasant and uncomfortable burning sensation and itching. Apart from medical care, a psychologist in psychodrama worked out the joint claims of mother and son to each other. The course of psychotherapy lasted 3 weeks, the disease completely receded.


Treatment of psychosomatic eczema combines complex therapy.

Psychotherapist, depending on clinical picture, selects his own methods and techniques aimed at finding the initial causes, their elimination and teaching the patient adequate reactions in the future to negative and stressful situations:

  • if you can’t change the situation, you need to change your attitude towards it;
  • be able to find their advantages in difficult situations;
  • do not accumulate negative emotions, do not spew them, but sublimate them into a peaceful direction;
  • ability to accept own responsibility;
  • ability to refuse people;
  • love and accept yourself
  • increase their own self-esteem, the ability to reject unreasonable criticism addressed to them;
  • to form positive, rational attitudes towards the world;
  • find inner harmony and peace.

This is a small part of what will help get rid of skin problems of a psychosomatic nature.

In addition to visiting a psychotherapist, it is necessary to visit a dermatologist, an allergist and a physiotherapist. Each of these doctors contribute to the treatment of the patient.

Treatment of eczema of a psychosomatic nature carries the following recommendations:

  • elimination psychological factor, which starts this process (normalization of the nervous system);
  • general and local anti-inflammatory therapy (taking appropriate drugs);
  • identification of the allergen and exclusion of contact with it;
  • adherence to a certain diet;
  • taking immunomodulators;
  • the use of ointments and creams to restore the skin;
  • physiotherapy procedures if necessary.

For the fastest healing of the skin, it is necessary to avoid contact with the skin chemicals, microbes, wool and saliva of animals, direct rays of the sun.

For drug treatment of eczema, doctors prescribe a hormonal ointment and antihistamines to eliminate itching and swelling of the tissue.

There is folk remedies, which do not treat psychosomatic eczema, but relieve symptoms:

  • cracks helps to heal burdock oil;
  • crushed fresh cabbage leaves or raw potato plates relieve inflammation;
  • infusion of oak bark heal wounds;
  • baths with soda and salt for hands, after - lubricating hands with vegetable oil;
  • black grapes can act as a compress;
  • crushed boiled garlic with honey is used as a lotion;
  • relieves the condition of sea buckthorn in its pure form and its oil;

It turns out that local help to the affected area of ​​​​the skin: if it is moist enough, dry it, if it is too dry, moisturize it.

  • normalizing the daily routine - sufficient sleep and adequate workload;
  • walks in the open air;
  • gymnastics or exercises (strengthening light exercises);
  • the presence of hobbies and hobbies for positive emotions and relaxation;
  • sanitary-resort treatment.

The main factor in the treatment of psychosomatic eczema is to adequately accept your illness. When the disease appears on visible areas of the skin, it is difficult to remain calm. But the more negative feelings (tension, irritability, anger, shame, fear) the patient has, the harder it will be to achieve a positive result.

If it is difficult for a person to control himself, additional antipsychotics, tranquilizers, sedatives are introduced into the treatment.

Psychological connection of the occurrence of the disease on the hands and feet

This disease has different places of localization, depending on its type. It affects the entire body, from the top of the head to the feet.

The cause of eczema on the hands and feet is associated with psychosomatics.

Scientists have found that a rash that affects the arms and legs indicates that such emotions as fear, destructive desires, hatred, promiscuity and uncleanliness possess over a person. These are broad general terms.

Fears can be associated with certain events or, in principle, with fear for life, the future, loved ones, property, etc. Hatred can be pathological in nature and spread to all living things, or hatred is directed at a specific event or person.

Only a qualified specialist can understand this.

A localized rash on the hands indicates that a person has been experiencing negative attitudes for a long time:

  • fear;
  • anxiety;
  • unresolved grievances;
  • impatience;
  • disgust;
  • guilt;
  • constant feeling of threat, etc.

It is these feelings that lead to eczema on the hands. Thus, the emotions sitting inside ask for release, the body is tense to the limit, the person does not feel protected at this time. Experts say that the hands are the first to suffer, because with their help a person defends himself. Thus, self-destruction begins with the subconscious and is reflected in the defeat of the upper limbs.

Psychosomatic eczema affecting lower limbs has the origins of forced hidden negative emotions. This is predetermined by the patient's dependence on other people. For example, a rude boss humiliates, insults, fills up with deeds, does not evaluate work, but subordination does not allow the employee to throw out negativity or fight back. Then the lesions on the legs speak of a clear desire to isolate oneself from the world, life, events, people. And the best solution in such a situation is to change the boss.

The psyche is a powerful human tool. With the help of it, you can become a person with superpowers with the ability to create, or you can launch a “self-destruction” program in yourself.

The main thing is to learn to live in harmony with yourself, to allow yourself to experience all kinds of feelings, because the human factor is inherent in everyone. As “the fish rots from the head”, so the states and diseases also take their origins from the subconscious. You need to learn how to sublimate negative energy, change your inner mood and be able to find positive sides where it's hard to find them!

Eczema on the hands, what is the reason, how to work out?

In response, the Guardian scratched his hands and sent me an info-packet:

“Stop tormenting yourself that you have to do something and you don’t do it (i.e. your hands itch to do something).”

Unpacking has begun: I do as much as I can at this stage, as much as I have readiness, responsibility and as much as I allow myself. If there is no readiness, but in my mind I start to rush about, gnaw at myself, what needs to be done more - a rash and itching appear, I want to hide my hands because of my imperfection. If you want to do more, increase awareness and readiness, or accept that you are not ready now. Moreover, there can be many reasons for unpreparedness, there are not only blocks of personality or circumstances. It happens that everything is woven into a single network, and only after the passage of time comes the realization why it took so long for this readiness to come.

After the session, the situation with eczema improved significantly. But as soon as I notice that somewhere I eat myself up again, the rash lets me know. I am very grateful to my body for communicating with me in this way. It's always like this fascinating story decipher its messages, what it reacts to, what it wants to draw my attention to, and then observe the changes - did I understand correctly, do I think correctly, act after decoding.

Metaphysics of eczema by Liz Burbo:

Eczema is a very common skin disease. This disease develops unevenly, in jerks: an exacerbation phase, accompanied by some swelling, is replaced by a chronic phase, which is characterized by thickening of the skin and the appearance of scales. Eczema can be caused by both internal and external causes. In children, eczema is often accompanied by asthma or some other allergic disease.

If eczema is caused by the impact on the body of some third-party substances - chemical products, etc. - it means that a person too easily allows himself to be influenced by everything that happens around him.

If eczema is accompanied by itching:

Emotional blocking

Itching occurs in a person who feels some kind of strong desire, but does not allow himself to realize this desire, as well as in a person who feels cornered by some people or circumstances. He is too preoccupied, and therefore full of impatience and irritation.

mental blocking

If you suffer from itching, determine exactly in which part of the body it occurs, and then you can guess in which area of ​​\u200b\u200blife you feel cornered or restrained by your desires. Think about the functions of this body part, read the corresponding explanation in this Handbook. Since itching is associated with the skin, and skin is associated with personality, chances are that you are holding yourself back for fear of hurting someone or making someone angry.

Instead of bringing your desire to an internal itch, think about how real it is. If it’s just a whim, stop thinking about it, if it’s a real, feasible desire, boldly face your fears, formulate your intentions and act.

General provisions for skin problems:

Physical blocking

The skin, the outer covering of the body, consists of a lower layer (dermis) and a superficial layer (epidermis). It protects the body and ensures its constant contact with the outside world. The main problems associated with the skin are described in the relevant articles in this book.

Emotional blocking

On a metaphysical level, the skin represents a person's ability to value himself in the face of the world around him. Being a shell of the body, it reflects what a person thinks about himself. For someone who wants to know what he really thinks about himself, it is enough to describe his skin. Example: soft skin means I consider myself gentle.

Any dryness of the skin indicates a dry, not soft enough attitude towards something or someone. Since the skin represents that part of our personality that we show to others, its condition can accurately judge how a person wants to appear to other people. Dry skin suggests that he does not want to show his vulnerability, his softness.

If you have ichthyosis or dry skin, your body wants you to be gentler with yourself and other people. You no longer have to create a certain image and control yourself all the time. Watch one of your acquaintances who allows himself to be gentle, and you will see that he is no more vulnerable than everyone else. Try to be more flexible and gentle, and your life will become much more pleasant.

If your child is sick with ichthyosis, read this explanation to him - his soul will surely understand everything.

Any problem with the skin suggests that a person is ashamed of himself. He attaches too great importance what others think of him. He does not allow himself to be himself and is too willing to reject himself. Its internal integrity is easily broken even by weak external influences. Such a person is very sensitive to what is happening around him, too easily allows others to hurt him to the quick, and cannot love himself for who he is.

If a skin problem is accompanied by a discharge of pus, this indicates that some person or situation is so unpleasant to you that you are trying to get rid of them with the help of this disease.

A serious skin disease is a great way to distance yourself from people. The skin allows a person to come into contact with other people, it also allows him to isolate himself from people. A person may be so ashamed of himself that he refuses to enter into relationships with other people, using his skin disease as an excuse. He becomes untouchable. He would like to have a new skin, that is, to change completely.

When a person tries to get close to someone and encounters indifference or neglect, this causes him shame and resentment, which, in turn, can cause skin cancer.

A disease that affects only the superficial layer of the skin (for example, VITILIGO) suggests that a person is having a hard time breaking up, separating or ending a relationship. He feels rejected. Such a person is always eager to save others, especially members of the opposite sex.

The affected part of the body represents the sphere of life in which one should look for the cause of the disease (example: the defeat of the face speaks of the fear of losing one's face). You can learn the purpose of various parts of the body from this book.

mental blocking

Your skin is very visible to yourself and to others. The more serious the problem, the more you are worried about your attitude towards yourself. You have to change your ideas about yourself. To do this, you must list on a piece of paper your positive traits and every day to supplement this list with one new item. If you are having difficulty, seek help from those who know you well. Skin disease is an important signal that you must give yourself the right to be imperfect and not consider that you are worthless. You have the right, without guilt, to make a decision that will allow you to save your own skin, even if this decision will not please those you love. Your value lies in what is in your heart, in your unique individuality - and not in the events and things of the physical world.

*An excerpt from a new hypnologist session

1. ECZEMA- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

irreconcilable antagonism. Mental breakdowns.

Peace and harmony, love and joy surround me and constantly abide in me. Nobody and nothing threatens me.

2. ECZEMA- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Extremely strong antagonism. mental explosion.

Possible Healing Solution

Harmony and peace, love and joy surround me and live in me. I'm well protected (protected) and safe.

3. ECZEMA- (Liz Burbo)

Eczema is a very common skin disease. This disease develops unevenly, in jerks: an exacerbation phase, accompanied by some swelling, is replaced by a chronic phase, which is characterized by thickening of the skin and the appearance of scales. Eczema can be caused by both internal and external causes. In children, eczema is often accompanied by asthma or some other allergic disease.

If eczema is accompanied by itching, see the article. If eczema is caused by the impact on the body of some third-party substances - chemical products, etc. - it means that a person too easily allows himself to be influenced by everything that happens around him.

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