Fluditec, Atscoril: What an expectorant to choose? What is better to choose from the cough of the ACC or Ascoril Ass or Ascoril what is better.

Updated: 08/12/2019 11:02:35

Expert: Evgeny Ginzburg

In the period cold illness Viral, microbial or combined types, people have the problem of choosing a better means from cough. Some of the frequently appointed by the doctors of drugs and their favorite users are Ascoril and the ACC. In which cases, it is better to choose a particular drug whether they can be combined with each other, the testimony and contraindications of ascoril and the ADC. Specialists of the magazine "" by posting only good evidence about Ascoril or the ACC comparison of drugs and what is better to understand this situation.

In order to understand the principle of action of the drug, you need to understand the nature of the cough. Cough arises when the bronchi narrowing and irritation of the bronchi mucosa.

Ascoril - a preparation from cough, which has proven itself very well due to the combined composition:

    1 Component - Salbutamol, who removes bronchial spasms and improves their permeability.

    2 components - bromgexine, which has a property to sound a sputum.

    3 Component - Givephenesin for expectoration of the mucus accumulated in bronchi.

pharmachologic effect

Ascoril acts on the bronchial tree, removing bronchospasm due to Salbutamol. This is an alpha-adrenoreceptor stimulator, which, due to the removal of spasms, improves respiratory tract. Spasm can be caused by an inflammatory or allergic component. He also causes the expansion of coronary arteries without reducing hell. The patient becomes easier to breathe, the compensatory shortness of breath is stopped. The drug has a very quick effect. Bromgexin helps the debit of sputum due to an increase in the volume of secrets and irritation of the family epithelium. Givephenesin is a flour, which stimulates secretion in bronchi, thereby reduces the viscosity of sputum. Activation of the eyelet epithelium allows you to quickly disrupt the sputum. Dry, unproductive cough becomes wet. This greatly facilitates the patient's condition and removes stagnant phenomena that can lead to protracted bronchitis or pneumonia.

Attention! The composition is selected in such a way that each component is a supplement useful properties Other. The syrup contains menthol, which also has expanding bronchi action, increases the secretion of sputum, has an antiseptic effect.

Indications to use ascoril

The drug is used as auxiliary means in the composition of combined therapy of various lung diseases. The main appointment is the hardwood, viscous sputum, shortness of breath, bronchospasm.

Used in the following diseases:


    Tracheit and bronchitis.

    Obstruction syndrome.

    Acute or chronic pneumonia.

    Emphysematous changes in the lungs.


    Pulmonary tuberculosis.


Treatment diagram of drug

Available in two main versions - tablets and syrup for children Ascoril Exactor 100 and 200ml. The drug is calculated by age. The medicine is taken inside. Adult dosage 1T x 3 r per day. Children from 6 to 12 years old on ½ or 1tab x 3 / day. Can be taken regardless of food. Syrup is taken up to 12 years to 5 ml x 3 times a day. From 12 years and adults 10 ml x 3 times. The duration of the course is prescribed by a doctor, most often 7 days.

Side effects

The drug has the following side manifestations:

    In rare cases, dizziness, headaches, nervous excitability or drowsiness, disruption of sleep mode, tremor limbs, convulsive syndrome.

    From the gastrointestinal tract - the aggravation of the stomach ulcers and duodenal gut.

    From the heart - the rise in heartbeat.

    By kidney side - urine coloring in pink color.

    One of the most Grozny complications is an allergic reaction - the urticaria, swelling of quinque. There may also be a collapse or amplification of bronchospasm.

    There are also contraindications when the drug is not recommended to assign.

Contraindications for use

You can not appoint and take the medicine in the following cases:

    high sensitivity to the components of the components of the means;

    pregnancy and lactation

    lactation period;

    tendency to tachycardia;

    myocarditis or heart rate;

    diabetes mellitus in the decompensation stage;

    thyroid diseases;

    an increase in intraocular pressure;

    peptic disease;

    hypertonic disease;

    children under 6 years old.

The tolerability of the drug is good when testimony and contraindications. The effect comes quickly. The drug is accepted by courses up to 7 days. With long-term reception, bromgexine can accumulate in the body. The medicine is appointed by a doctor, it is released in a pharmacy only by prescription.

A flourity that is used for all states when the accumulation of thick sputum in bronchi occurs.

pharmachologic effect

The ACC is well absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, the maximum effect after 1 - 3 hours. Binds with plasma proteins by 50%. Excreted through the kidneys and gasts. Half-life - 1 hour, with kidney pathology up to 8 hours.

The main action is acetylcysteine \u200b\u200bis an enzyme that has a diligent effect on the sputum and removal from the respiratory tract. The release of the respiratory tract improves blood oxygenation and the fastest recovery. Dense purulent tubes can even cause pneumonia, so the ACC prevents the transition to the chronic form of bronchitis or the development of pneumonia.

Also, the ACC has an antidote in poisoning poisoning and toxins, in particular - paracetamol, aldehydes, phenol.

Indications for use

Indications are any congestion in the lungs:


    Obstructive bronchitis.


    Asthma bronchial.

    Protractable sinusitis.




    From the CNS, headaches, noise in the ears.

    The cardiovascular system - arrhythmia, increased blood pressure.

    GCT - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, stomatitis.


    Increased sensitivity to components.

    Gastric ulcer.

    Bleeding from the lungs.

    Glucose intolerance.

    Hepatitis and renal failure.

    Pregnancy and lactation.

The main similarities include:

    Applied with similar diseases that are accompanied by a cough.

    Common contraindications - pregnancy and lactation, intolerance of components, it is impossible for children to 2 years.

    It is impossible to combine with antitussive drugs. This can cause unwanted effects.

The main differences of drugs

Ascoril expands bronchi, the ACC can be revived - cause bronchospasm.

The ACC reduces the effect of antibiotics, ascoril enhances the effect of antibacterial drugs. These facts must be taken into account when bacterial pneumonia and bronchitis, when antibiotics are prescribed.

Ascoril is more effective in the acute period of the disease, when there is a spasm, dry cough. He removes these phenomena, translates the cough into the wet, facilitating the course of the disease. ACC - with chronic flow with a thick viscous sputum.

What drug is better to take

Preparations are not interchangeable. Indications for each drug their own:

    Ascoril is obstructive bronchitis, asthma, cough and other states with respiratory spasms.

    ACC - sharp, chronical bronchitis. Mukobovysidosis, bronchiectatic disease, pneumonia, tracheitis with thick viscous sputum.

Is it possible to take advantage and ascoril

These drugs can be taken simultaneously by testimony, since they have a different mechanism of action:

    The ACC (acetylcysteine) is an enzyme that breaks the relationship between polysaccharides and makes the sputum more liquid. That is why it can be used in sinusitis and otitis.

    Bromgexin affects glands that produce a secret in bronchi, normalizing the serous and mucous component. The wet is diluted and is displayed faster. Also stimulated by the bronchi camber epithelium, which allows you to quickly evacuate the secret of the bronchi. But if in bronchi a thick secret, then bromgexin may be ineffective. In this case, the ACC comes to the rescue.

It is very important that before taking one or another drug, be sure to consult with the attending physician. Cough is a serious symptom, which is characteristic of many pathological conditions. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination, which will reveal the cause of the pathological condition. After setting the correct diagnosis, appropriate treatment is prescribed. Self-medication is not permissible, especially as strong drugs as Ascoril and the ACC. This can lead to irreparable consequences.

And Skuril is combined drugIt is used in the treatment of cough and colds. It exhibits bright, mercolytic, expectorant activity.

The mechanism of action of the drug is due to the combined composition. Thus, Caltonol is a selective β 2 -adrenoreceptor stimulator, which contributes to the expansion of the lumen of the bronchi.

In the dose used in Ascoril (20 mg per 100 ml), it does not affect cardiac activity. Bromgexine hydrochloride reduces the viscosity of the pulmonary secret and contributes to its disbelief.

Givephenesin stimulates the process of relaxation and purification of bronchi from exudate, alleviating expectoration. Menthol eliminates the symptoms of irritation and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Indications for use and dosage

Instructions for use says that ascoril is shown within the framework of secretolithic therapy in the diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by bronchospasm and the formation of viscous sputum, which is poorly separated.

These ailments include tracheobronchitis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary emphysema, fibrosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, which is accompanied by the formation of sputum and attacks of suffocation, pleurisy, pleuropneumonium, bronchopneumonium, pneumoconiosis, cough (with a scoring bakeful cough, moving sometimes in vomiting).

Ascoril is not an antibiotic, however, in view of the content of salbutamol, the drug should be taken as prescribed and under the supervision of the doctor, especially in pediatric practice.

For adolescents from 12 years and adult patients, the daily dose is 30 ml of syrup, divided into 3 receptions.

A more accurate dose is calculated by a doctor taking into account the weight of the child. Children from 2 to 6 years old - at 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

Tablets are used in the therapy of children from 6 years and adults: older than 12 years is recommended on a tablet 3 times a day, from 6 to 12 - 1 tab. twice a day.

The duration of therapy is established by the attending physician, which will take into account the severity of the course of illness and its symptoms.

Contraindications and side effects

Ascoril is not used in hypersensitivity to salbutamol and sympathomimetics in history, bromgexin and the rest of the main and auxiliary components of the drug.

It is also forbidden to take syrup patients with arrhythmia, severe cardiovascular pathologies, hyperthyroidism, liver dysfunction, ulcer of the stomach and / or 12-rosewind, pregnant women and women during lactation.

According to the reviews, when admission of "Ascoril", the development of side effects from side effects is possible:

  • immune system in the form of rashes, skin serium, anaphylactic reactions, multiform erythema, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, face swelling;
  • gastrointestinal bodies: dyspeptic disorders, nausea, attacks of vomiting, diarrhea, epigastria pain, aggravation of the course of ulcerative stomach disease, the appearance of an unpleasant lift in the mouth;
  • nervous system: tremor, Malgy, migraine, hyperactivity, insomnia, dizziness;
  • cardiovascular system: tachycardia, heart rate disorders, decrease / increased blood pressure, myocardial ischemia;
  • respiratory system: shortness of breath, stealing cough jolts, periodoxal bronchospasm;
  • causes, an increase in body temperature, narrowing of pupils, hypokalemia.

List of analogues cheaper ascohlor

Ascoril is produced in two dosage forms:

  1. syrup, FL. 100 ml - 350 rubles;
  2. tablets №20 - 375 rubles.

Axcoril analogues, regardless of the price, must provide the most close therapeutic effect. In any case, select a similar preparation is the doctor.

  • Erispal, syrup 2 mg / ml 150 ml - 250 rubles, tab. №30 - 425 rubles;
  • Ambroxol, Sir. 100 ml (domestic producer) - 120 rubles, tab. №20 - 50 rubles;
  • Stopatssin, syrup - 250 rubles, tab. №20 - 199;
  • Lazolyvan, Sir. 15 mg / ml, 100 ml - 210 rubles, tab. №20 - 165;
  • Dr. MOM, Sir. 150 ml - 165 rubles;
  • Ambroben, Sir. 15 mg / ml 100 ml - 148 rubles.

To the structural analogues ascohoril cheaper, which have identical composition include: "Kashnol" syrup (170 rubles), "JOSET" syrup (185 rubles). These drugs manufactured by India and the cost of them are significantly lower than the original.

What kind of substitutes are suitable for children

In pediatric practice, Ascoril is applied solely on the appointment of a doctor, since in rare cases it is possible to develop paradoxical bronchospasm as a side effect of syrup.

The drug is prescribed to the younger group of patients with a complicated flow of bronchopulmonary diseases.

With a productive (wet) cough The pediatrician, as the cheaper analogue of Ascoril for children, can designate "Ambroben" (148 rubles) in the form of a syrup, if a child has allergic reactions in history, otherwise a solution for preparing a suspension is recommended.

In addition, the Russian "Ambroxol" (120 rubles), Greek "Lazolyvan" (210 rubles), German "Prospan" (417 rubles), French "Fludico" (378 rubles) are prescribed. These drugs stimulate wet wet and facilitate its elimination.

With dry unproductive cough Showing medicinal productsDepressing the cough center in the brain.

Such includes syrup of the prescription vacation "Broncholitin" (121 rubles) as well as non-delicate - "Stoptussin" (161 rubles) "Synecode" (251 rubles)

To eliminate spasmodic coughPertuche's characteristic, recommended Erispal (250 rubles).

Of structural substitutes The syrups "JOSET", "Kashnol" (170 and 185 rubles are appropriate).

Ascoril or Lazolvan - What is better?

Lazolyvan is a cheap analogue of ascoril, which has different from the original means. Its main component is an ambroxol hydrochloride, due to which the drug is prescribed as an expectorant and a musolitic agent.

Also, the medicine is also distinguished by a large number of output forms: syrup, inhalation, pupinte, pills, capsules, focused on different age groups of patients. Ascoril is released only in the form of syrup and tablets.

Lazolyvan is better suitable for the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases accompanied by cough, with uncomplicated flow. Ascoril, in contrast to the analog, due to the combined composition effectively used in the treatment of severe forms of such pathologies.

However, it is wider and a list of possible side effects and contraindications.

If necessary, the simultaneous reception of ascoril and the Lazolyvan is allowed for a speedy offensive therapeutic effect, But solely on the appointment of the attending physician.

Ascoril or Erispal

Erispal - similar on efficiency on the original Ascoril. However, in contrast to it, it is a monopreparation containing hydrochloride phenspirid.

In this regard, the ereser has significantly less contraindications to use and side effects arise less often, and it is transferred to children much easier.

The mechanism of action in drugs is different. So, Erispal manifests an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the formation of a viscous secret and blocks H1-histamine receptors, relaxing the smooth muscle bronchial fabric.

Ascoril stimulates the debit of sputum. Concerning, Erispal is more expedient to appoint when long-term cough With the formation of a viscous sputum on the background increased temperature Bodies, and Ascoril in the event of a feeling of suffocation after the cough attacks.

Advantages of Erespal:

  • cheaper than the original;
  • fewer contraindications and side effects;
  • additional anti-inflammatory effect;
  • more pleasant taste of syrup.


  • less effective in the fog-like cough;
  • the rate of reception is at least 10 days (Ascoril, as a rule, it is recommended to receive for 5-7 days).

Ascoril or Fluedite.

Fluditec - the most similar substitute ascohoril, having a different composition. The main component of the syrup is carbocysteine, which activates the sial transferass than the complex effect of the drug is determined:

  • lighting of viscous sputum;
  • an increase in the number of sialomucins, which inhibits the reproduction of pathogenic viruses;
  • improving the structure and restoration of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs;
  • reducing the number of heights of the epithelium, thanks to which the stock products are suppressed.

As well as Ascoril, Fluditek is not appointed at an early stage of bronchitis or ORVI.

The drug is shown in pneumonia, fibrosis, bronchiectic disease, that is, with a well-seized heap of sputum.

Fludite additionally dilutes the contents of the incomplete sinuses, so it is prescribed in and sinusitis.

The advantage of the fluid is also a smaller list of side effects and contraindications. Syrup can be taken for a long time, which is written in the instructions: with the chronic form of bronchitis and bronchial asthma up to 30 days.

Ascoril, with long-term admission, accumulates and can trigger the development of dizziness, nausea, vomiting.

The course of treatment should not exceed 7 days, so syrup is prescribed to relieve symptoms provoked by the formation and stagnation of a viscous secret.

Ascoril or Ambroben

The main component of the ambroben is ambroxol hydrochloride. Since the composition in drugs is absolutely different, such a replacement is possible only on the recommendation of the attending physician.

Also thanks to the combination medicinal substancesThe original medication aspects of the testimony is significantly wider than ambroben.

When applying ascoril, bronchodular spasms are oppressed, especially at night. In addition, the lung capacity increases, thereby facilitating the breath and excretion of a viscous secret.

Ambrogen stimulates the products of serous cells, which contributes to increasing the amount of sputum. It becomes less viscous and easier leaves.

The advantages of Ambroben is lower cost, fewer contraindications and rare development. side phenomena.

The disadvantages include the absence of a bronchyolic action, a narrower list of indications and a weak therapeutic effect.

Ascoril or ambroxol

Ambroxol is a structural analogue of Ambroben and Lazolyvan. Therefore, the list of indications, contraindications and side effects in drugs is almost the same.

This analogue ascoril is cheaper, but effective only if the cough is an ARZ symptom with an uncomplicated flow.

In another situation, replacing ascoril cheap ambroxol does not make sense, since the expected therapeutic effect will not be.

Ascoril or Joset - what is better

JOSET is an inexpensive structural analogue of Ascoril. The main components of the syrups are identical, as well as their dosages, the difference is only in the auxiliary components.

A list of indications, possible side effects, and mounted contraindications is also similar.

Like the original Ascoril, JOSET is used in pediatric practice from 2 years strictly under the supervision of the doctor. The duration of therapy is determined by the diagnosed diagnosis.

However, unlike Ascoril, a similar JOSET is made only in the form of a syrup of 100 ml. That is, an adult patient of one bottle on the course of treatment is not enough, so therapy can do even more than the cost of Ascoril.

Ascoril or Prospan - what is better

Prospan is plant drugcontaining dry ivy leaves extract. It is produced in several leaps: syrup, solution, drops, loosening, soluble tablets.

The drug shows a muscolitic, secretolithic, antispasmodic activity, as well as a soft bronchological effect.

Ascoril, unlike the shell, contains synthetic components, due to which it has greater efficiency. A list of indications of this syrup is much wider than that of a similar shear.

However, more and list side effects and contraindications.

The advantages of the spoken:

  • vegetable composition (extract obtained from ivy leaves);
  • short list of side effects and contraindications;
  • it is used in pediatric practice from 1 year.


  • high cost compared to ascoril;
  • narrow spectrum of action;
  • weak bronchhalytic effect;
  • practically ineffective with bronchospasms.

Ascoril and Prospan can be taken simultaneously to enhance the therapeutic effect.

When choosing analogue, it should be remembered that inadequate replacement may cause a decrease in the expected therapeutic effect of either its absence.

Such experiments lead to additional spending, the development of complications, the chronicization of the ailment. Only the correct diagnosis and appointment of appropriate treatment is the key to speedy recovery.

Ambroan Lazolvan Dr. GOM Herbion Synecode Ascoril Joset Preparations for the treatment of cough in children

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The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

Ascoril - The drug with diluted sputum, expectorant and relaxing muscles of the bronchi action.

Composition and form of release

Release form Ascoril:
1. Flat Round Form Tablets white color, with risk for convenient separation.
Packing 10 or 20 tablets.
Active ingredients: Salbutamol, Bromgexine hydrochloride, Givephenesin.
Excipients: Microindose calcium hydrophosphate, corn starch, methylparaben, propylparaben, peeled, dioxide silicon talc, magnesium stearate.

2. Syrup transparent, orange color with a specific smell and pleasant taste. Volume - 100 ml.
Active ingredients: Salbutamol, Bromgexina Hydrochloride, Givephenesin, Menthol
Excipients: Microindoses of sucrose, sorbitol, glycerol, propylene glycol, sodium of benzoate, citric acid, sorbic acid, yellow sunset, menthol, black-cormoranodine flavoring, pineapple flavoring and water purified.

pharmachologic effect

The pharmacological effect of the drug is based on an optimal combination of active ingredients, reinforcing the therapeutic effect of each of them.

Salbutamol relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi, warns or eliminates their spasm. Stimulates beta2-adrenoreceptors of bronchi and blood vesselsWhat leads to the expansion of coronary arteries, bronchi, and improves bronchial permeability. Increases the life capacity of the lungs (the maximum amount of air exhaled after the deepest breath). Reduces the resistance in the respiratory tract with airflow, resulting from the narrowing of the diameter of the air paths.

The active ingredients are characterized by very high suction. Salbutamola's bioavailability is about 50%. Food reception slightly reduces suction rate, but does not affect biological availability. Easily penetrates through the placental barrier between the mother and the child. This justifies the impossibility of admission ascoril during pregnancy.

Bromgexine hydrochloride has an expectorant, antitussive effect. Liquets sputum, increases its volume and contributes to the acceleration of evacuation from the body. Enhances the cilia of the fiscal epithelium, providing directional movement of the fluid.

When taking the drug, this ingredient almost completely (99%) is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Easily penetrates through a placental barrier.

Giveufenesin reduces the viscosity of sputum, increases its volume and activates the ciliary apparatus of bronchi, responsible for the removal of sputum.

It is absorbed 30 minutes after taking inside.

Menthol has a light relaxing effect on bronchi, contributes to calm cough, stimulates the secretion of bronchial glands, has an antiseptic effect.

Indications for use

It is used for joint treatment with other preparations of acute and chronic broncho-pulmonary diseases with difficult to separately separated by a spree:
  • tracheobronchitis (acute inflammation of the tissues of trachea and bronchi);
  • obstructive bronchitis (restriction of air flow in the respiratory tract);
  • pneumonia (inflammation of the pulmonary fabric) without refining the pathogen;
  • lung emphysema ( increased content air in the pulmonary fabric);
  • cocal ( acute infection with spasmodic cough);
  • pneumoconiosis (professional pulmonary disease due to inhalation of industrial dust);
  • pulmonary tuberculosis, confirmed by histological analysis;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis, not confirmed by histological or bacteriological analysis;
  • acute or chronic bronchitis;
  • fiberglass (severe violation of the functions of respiratory organs).

Ascoril - instructions for use

Recommended doses of reception ascoril tablets:
Adults - 1 tablet 3 times a day, children over 6 years old - 0.5 tablets 2-3 times a day. For children under 6 years old, pills are not prescribed due to the risk to exaggerate the dose.

Syrope reception doses:
Adults - 10 ml, children under 6 years old - 5 ml, 6-12 years old - 5-10 ml. Multiplicity of reception - 3 times a day.

Take tablets and syrup better on the full stomach, about 30-60 minutes after meals. It is not recommended to drink ascoril alkaline drink (a mixture of milk with soda, mineral water with a large content of hydrocarbonate). This reduces the effectiveness of therapeutic effect.

Ascoril Children

Actively applies in children's practice, but strictly according to specific indications. The flow of infectious and inflammatory diseases in children proceeds in different ways. The presence of a large amount of liquid sputum eliminates the reception of ascoril, otherwise the respiratory tract of the child will be filled with wet, worsened its condition. On the contrary, a dry cough with a viscous thick wet requires Ascoril intervention. The sputum will become more liquid and is easily evacuated from the children's body. It speeds up recovery. Such a case is called the transition of an unproductive cough into the productive.

Receiving tablets in children under 6 years is excluded due to the possible overdose.
Standard course of taking syrup by children - 5-7 days.

- Until a year
For children under 1, the drug Ascoril is not appointed.


Hypersensitivity to the active or auxiliary substances of the drug.

Cardiovascular diseases:

  • heart rhythm disorders;
  • myocarditis (the defeat of the heart muscle due to inflammation);
  • aortic stenosis (narrowing of the hole of the heart aorta);
  • arterial hypertension.
Endocrine pathology:
1. Hyperthyroidism (increased thyroid function).
2. Decompensated diabetes mellitus (diabetes that cannot be treated with drugs).

Eye diseases: Glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure).

Gastrointestinal diseases:
1. Panish disease in the aggravation stage.
2. Gastric bleeding.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding period
Caution prescribe sick with diabetes, and during the remission of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (weakening or disappearance of symptoms of the disease).

Medicinal interaction and overdose

1. Means from one group with salbutamol (Clenbuterol, Ventoline, Sererent, Berothek, Berodal, Pareshistene) enhance its effect, which increases the likelihood of the appearance of side effects. Theophylline (bronchhalytic) has the same effect.
2. Diuretic drugs (Veroshpiron, Dapacarb, Furosmid, Laziks) and glucocorticosteroids (Diprospan, Nedonex, Fliksonaz, Kenalog, prednisone, salt-frost) enhance the ability of salbutamola to reduce the concentration of potassium in the blood.
3. Ascoril is not recommended to patients hosting monoaminoxidase inhibitors (IProniazide, Niamid, Moklobemoid, Porlindol, etc.).
4. Simultaneous reception ascohoril with drugs containing codeine, and other means of cough makes it difficult to separate the salted sputum. Therefore, when taking the drug, read the instructions from the medications you already accept.
5. NOT recommended simultaneous reception of the drug with non-selective blockers beta-adrenoreceptors (Propranolol, Anaprilin, Corgard, Trazikor, Sobilex).
6. Component drug Bromgexin contributes to the penetration of antibiotics (cefassoline, macropane, etc.) in light fabric.

The reception of large doses exceeding the average daily allowable, and long-term reception of the drug can provoke its overdose in the body. In this case, it is recommended to immediately stop accepting and conducting treatment aimed at eliminating symptoms.

Side effects

Sometimes they can be observed:
Changes from the central nervous system:
  • tremor (trembling limbs or body);
  • sleep disturbance;

Description Actually by 09.07.2014

  • Latin name: Ascoril.
  • ATH code: R05C.
  • Active substance: Bromhexin + Givephenesin + Salbutamol (Bromhexine + Guaifenesin + Salbutamol)
  • Manufacturer: Glenmark, India


Structure syrope: 10 ml of syrup contain 100 mg givephenesine , 4 mg bromgexin hydrochloride , 2 mg sulfat Salbutamola. , 1 mg menthol .

  • purified water;
  • sucrose;
  • dye Sansset Yellow;
  • funny black currant;
  • fading pineapple;
  • glycerol;
  • sorbitol;
  • sodium benzoate;
  • propylene glycol;
  • lemon acid monohydrate.

Structure medicines in tablets: One tablet contains 100 mg givephenesine , 8 mg bromgexin hydrochloride , 2 mg sulfat Salbutamola. .

Also in one tablet include such auxiliary substances:

  • purified talc;
  • corn starch;
  • methyl apograproxybenzoate;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • propyl paragidroxybenzoate;
  • magnesium stearate.

Form release

  • Excommation: Vials - 100 and 200 ml, in one pack one bottle.
  • Pills: In packs in the amount of 10 and 20 pieces.

Pharmachologic effect:

It has bronchyolic, mercolytic, and expectorant effect.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Since Ascoril is a medicine from cough He contains the following properties:

  • eliminates spasms in bronchikh ;
  • increases lung capacity;
  • significantly reduces the resistance of the respiratory tract;
  • contributes to relief removal sputum ;
  • arterial pressure It does not decrease.

Indications for Asscoril

To make the drug to have the right action, you need to know exactly what the data of the tablet or syrup and with what cough do they help. The medicine is accepted:


First of all, this drug is contraindicated to people with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Also, contraindications for receiving this drug are the following diseases:

During pregnancy I. breastfeeding The drug is also contraindicated.

Side effects

Rarely (usually overdose) such symptoms may occur:

Instructions for use (method and dosage)

Instructions for the use of syrup ascoril

This expectory should be used to children under 6 years to 5 ml 3 times a day, from 6 to 12 years - 5-10 ml per day, from 12 years - 10 ml 3 times a day.

Instructions for use ascoril in tablets

From 6 to 12 years old - ½ tablets 3 times a day.

From 12 years old - 1 tablet 3 times a day.

How to take ascoril - before or after eating?

Following instructions for use, but regardless of meals.


In case of overdose, an increase in side effects is observed, urgent appeal to the doctor is required.


Does not interact with drugs containing codeine Therefore, you should not combine these drugs.

Bromgexin promotes penetration antibiotics In the pulmonary tissue of the body.

Terms of sale

This drug can be bought at the pharmacy without a recipe.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place inaccessible for children.

Shelf life

Ascoril: Analogs

Many people are often interested in the question - how to replace this or that medicine. Ascoril has several similar drugs about which it is worth telling more. It should be noted that, being similar, drugs have some differences in the composition. The price of ancorilles is also greatly varied.

Along with Ascoril, doctors often prescribe drugs: Lazolyvan, Amboben, Atsz, Erispal .

What is better: Ascoril or Lazolvan?

These drugs differ in the fact that they have different actors. At the same time, the first is an expectorant drug, while Lazolyvan is a stimulator motor function respiratory tract. These drugs are prescribed with the same diseases, Ascoril and Lazolvan can be simultaneously taken, but it is better to stop on one drug.

It is also worth clarifying, from which cough these medicines. Being an expectorant, Ascoril treats dry cough While the Lazolyvan can be used at any stage of the disease.

What is better: ascoril or amboben?

These drugs have almost the same effect on the human body. They are both expectorant means. The difference can only be found in how much a drug is worth it (the price ascoril is significantly higher than the value of its analog).

What is better: Ascoril or ATSC?

Both drugs have an expectorant, a musolitic effect. At the same time, they are different. Differences can also be found in the manufacturer and price. So, the price of an exactor is higher than on its analogue.

What is better: Ascoril or Erispal?

Another analogue of the syrup and tablets Ascoril is an Erispal medicine. Both medicines have a similar composition and action, but the price of Erispal is much higher.

All the anclarila analogues have a similar composition and the same action, so if the doctor prescribed one of these drugs, but for some reason the drug does not fit you, you can decide for yourself than can replace it.

Ascoril for children

Many parents are asked: " With what cough give this or that medicine?"As for Ascoril, his doctors are prescribed at dry cough In order to accelerate the treatment process.

Also, many worries, before or after eating a medicine. It can be taken regardless of meals.

Instructions for use for children Next:

Syrup Ascoril From cough:

  • up to 6 years to 5 ml 3 times a day;
  • from 6 to 12 years - 5-10 ml per day;
  • from 12 years - 10 ml 3 times a day.

Pills From cough:

Children under 6 years old take this medicine is not recommended.

  • from 6 to 12 years old - ½ tablets 3 times a day;
  • from 12 years old - 1 tablet 3 times a day.

During pregnancy

Annotations to the drug says that in the period pregnancy Ascoril is not recommended.

Reviews on Ascoril

In general, reviews of doctors on tablets Ascoril positive, but some experts relate to him skeptically due to the manufacturer. About syrup reviews do not differ.

Patients say that the drug helps quickly and without complaints. Many recommended to give this syrup to children, reviews for pills among patients are the same. Another medicine attracts patients due to the price affordable.

However, some patients complain about strong side effects ( tremor , dizziness , heart palpitations , increase pressure).

Price ascorila

The price varies depending on the country, and more specifically, the city where you live. So, the price of syrup Ascoril Ukraine fluctuates from 70 to 100 UAH. In Kharkov, this medicine can be bought for 76 UAH. To find out how much syrup costs, you can in the nearest pharmacy.

Price on tablets Ascoril - Approximately 15 - 50 UAH depending on the pack. In Odessa, Ascoril in tablets can be purchased about the amount from 15 to 30 UAH.

Ascoril - cheap analogues (list with prices), which is better, comparison

Ascoril is mediciane preparationhaving a combined action. Each of its components is intended to perform a specific function. Thus, the tool is effectively coping with the cough, and also can withdraw the sputum and restore all the functions of the respiratory system. No less effective in the fight against the cough are the analogues of Ascoril.

Ascoril: List of cheap analogues

The ascoril preparation is produced in the form of syrup and tablets. The cost of one package of this means varies within 350-400 rubles. There are a number of analogues of the drug with a similar therapeutic effect.

The list of the most popular of them is as follows:

  • Erispal. Syrup can be purchased for 250 rubles, and tablets for 425;
  • Ambroxol. The cost of the syrup is 120 rubles, and the packaging of the tablets is only 50;
  • Stoptushin. Regardless of the form of release, the price of the drug is within 200-250 rubles;
  • Lazolyvan. Syrup - 210 rubles, and tablets - 165;
  • Dr. Mom - 165 rubles;
  • Ambroan - 150 rubles;
  • ACC - from 120 to 350 rubles, depending on the form of release.

Among the preparations with similar to the ascoril composition, Colanol and Joseret are distinguished. The cost of these drugs that are manufactured in India does not exceed 200 rubles.

Ascoril: Analogs for children

Apply Ascoril in the treatment of children can only be prescribed by the pediatrician. It is due to the fact that sometimes there are such side effects as paradoxical bronchospasm.

The indication for its use is the complicated flow of the pathologies of the respiratory tract.

If a child has a wet cough, the ascoril is often replaced with syrup ambroben. Its price is only 150 rubles. Ambroxol (120 rubles) and Lazolvan (210 rubles) is equally effective in this case.

In the same action, Prospan and Fluditeite possesses, but the cost of these drugs is significantly higher (about 400 rubles). With their help, it is possible to sneak the sputum and make it easier to eliminate its further elimination.

If the cough is dry, then the means that oppress the cough center in the brain are appointed. Among such drugs:

  • Broncholitin (120 rubles);
  • Stropotissin (160 rubles);
  • Synecode (250 rubles).

To eliminate the spasmatic cough, resort to the use of ereshpal, the cost of which is about 250 rubles.

The structural substitutes for the preparation used in pediatrics are John and Kashnol.

Erispal or Ascoril: What is better

Both drugs pursue one goal - eliminate cough and inflammation, bring wet. The paths of execution of this task are different from them.

Erispal is able to effectively eliminate inflammation, remove the swelling and slow down the exudation. ASSKoril action is aimed at eliminating sputum, cleaning of bronchi and elimination of obstruction.

The composition of these medicines is different. Ascoril is a combined drug, and only one has one active substance - Fenspirid hydrochloride.

In addition, a list of side effects to ascoril is significantly more.

Erispal is recommended to be used with a long cough, accompanied by viscous sputum. Ascoril is more suitable if you have a suffocation when coughing appears. Its composition has a bronchikolikolik, capable of relaxing the muscles of respiratory organs.

Apply Ascoril in the process of treating one year old children. The espersal is allowed to be used only to achieve a child of the two-year-old age. To enhance the effect of therapy, these funds are allowed to be taken in the complex.

More recently, the price of Erispal was higher than Ascoril, now the situation has changed. The cost of analogue is only 240 rubles, and the original is at least 350.

Among the advantages of the erections, the following can be distinguished:

  • affordable price;
  • minimum number of contraindications;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • pleasant taste.

The disadvantages of this fund are:

  • weak efficiency in the case of the therapy of the fog-like cough;
  • the duration of therapy is at least one and a half weeks.

Ascoril or Lazolyvan: What is better

Lazolyvan, as well as ascoril, can be used in the process of therapy of one-year-old children. The active component is an ambroxol hydrochloride, which has an expectorant effect, capable of igniting the sputum and derive its respiratory system organs.

The drug is produced in several forms:

Due to this, it is possible to choose the most comfortable option of therapy in each case.

To the appointment of Lazolyvan, they are resorted to such situations:

  • bronchitis;
  • asthma, accompanied by the difficulties of wetting
  • pneumonia;
  • respiratory distress syndrome in babies born ahead of time.

For increased sensitivity The substances belonging to the Lazolyvan are not excluded allergic reaction. Disorders of digestion are possible.

This drug is able to quickly remove the sputum and is less than the original.

Ascoril or Ambroben

Activity of ambroben, as well as the Lazolyvan, acts ambroxol hydrochloride. Accordingly, this drug is significantly different from Ascoril, and this replacement is allowed only after agreement with the attending physician.

Ascoril has a comprehensive effect and for this reason he has more wide spectrum Applications than in the case of ambroben.

The original is able to coagulate bronchodular spasms, sharpening at night. With it, the lung capacity increases and due to this breathing is facilitated, and the viscous secret is displayed.

With the help of amboben, it is possible to stimulate the production of serous cells, and this leads to an increase in the volume of sputum, its dilution and rapid removal.

Among the main advantages of this analogue, low prices and the minimum number of side effects are distinguished, as well as contraindications.

The main disadvantage of this means is the bronchhaltic effect of it. In addition, the list of testimony to use Ambroben is significantly less, and its effectiveness is not so high.

Ascoril or Fluditec - what to choose

Despite the fact that the composition of the fluidka is significantly different from Ascoril, it is this analogue that is considered one of the most suitable as a substitution.

The current component in it is carbocysteine, capable of activating the sial transferase and have a comprehensive effect:

  • mock the sputum;
  • increase the number of sialomotsins, and due to this to suppress the activity of viruses;
  • restore the mucous membranes and improve their structure;
  • lower the level of glassoid cells and thus stop the operational of the secret.

Like the original, Fluditek is often prescribed with ORVI and bronchitis at the initial stage of development of pathology. This medicine is used in inflammation of light, bronchiectatic disease and dryness, when a productive cough is observed, accompanied by difficulties in the process of sputum.

With the help of fluid, it is also possible to lose the contents of the sinuses in the nose area. It is for this reason that it is resorted to its use in the process of therapy of sinusitis and hymorites.

The list of side effects in the analogue is much less than ascohlor. This syrup is allowed to apply for a long time (about a month). Ascoril in case of continuous use is able to cause such unwanted symptoms as dizziness, vomiting and nausea. The therapeutic course should not be longer than one week. This tool is customary to be appointed in order to relieve clinical manifestations that are caused by the formation of a viscous secret and its stag.

Among the components of Ascoril is a menthol that has a soothing, antiseptic and antispasmodic effect. It is used in the case of acute pathology.

Ascoril or ACC: What is better

The composition of these medicines is completely different. Acetylcysteine \u200b\u200bis active in the active component. The main purpose of the use of this agent is to reduce the viscosity of sputum, its dilution and output from the respiratory system.

The active ingredient has an antioxidant and pneumatic effect. It is also used as antidot in case of aldehydes poisoning.

Schal Manufacturer Ascoril - India. The ACC is manufactured in Germany and Slovenia. Unlike the original, the analog is produced in large quantities various shapesso that it can be used in the very early age. In this way swiming tablets You can give children at least two weeks.

The cost of the syrups of the ACC and Ascoril is practically no different. For this reason, when choosing a drug, it is not necessary to navigate the price, but on clinical manifestations Diseases.

It is impractical to expand the bronchi when they are not in the clamping condition. To eliminate viscous sputum, other drugs are suitable, among which the ACC.

There is a lot of analogues of Ascoril, but nevertheless, it will not be possible to pick up completely identical means. The composition of this medication is unique. No other medicine contains so many active ingredients. In the fight against the cough is allowed to use other, cheaper funds, but the course of therapy must be coordinated with the doctor. Only subject to this condition will be able to avoid unwanted complications.


In the video, it is told about how to quickly cure a cold, flu or an orvi. Opinion of an experienced doctor.

Ascoril syrup - cheap analogs (list), instructions

All medicines for something exist, some suppress the symptoms of the disease, others are trying to "deal" with the cause of the ailment. Ascoril is a combined agent, which includes three active ingredients, each fulfills its task. The combination of all these substances is struggling with cough, viscous sputum, obstructive changes from the bronchi.

The usual cough lasts long, the inflammation period is replaced by the release of sputum, and the mucosa is fully cleaned by viruses and bacteria. Unfortunately, such an optimistic picture is not always observed, and you have to seek help people's methods or drugs.

Our article will present a brief description of Ascoril, we will learn whether there are analogs of cheaper, and is it possible to completely replace the drug in question. We will also carry out a comparative assessment of Ascoril and its popular analogues.

Instructions for the use of syrup ascoril


  • salbutamol - broncholitic, expanding the lumens of the bronchi (suppresses the attacks of suffocation);
  • guiphenisin - dilutes a thick and viscous secret;
  • bromgexin - helps an antibiotic to cope with bacteria, removes the sputum, removes coughing attacks.

Due to such a combination, the drug belongs to expectorant, mercolytic and bronchophycle.

What is AScoril and its price?

On the shelves of pharmacies, you can only find two forms of funds:

  • tablets - packing 10 or 20 tablets;
  • syrup - 100 or 200 ml bottles.

Other forms of the drug will not find, do not look for. Syrup is often used in pediatrics, but the kids sometimes refuse to take it, due to a specific mustard.

In any case, the cost of the drug must be clarified, and reasonable prices are likely to be found in Internet pharmacies.

Under what diseases assigned ascoril?

First of all, it is all pathology of the bronchopulmonary system, in which there is a difficult-wetted sputum, cough, the difficulty of breathing and attacks of suffocation. Let us list these pathologies:

  • tracheobronchitis and bronchitis;
  • fibergation;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis, accompanied by a sputum and respiratory impairment;
  • pleurisy and pleuropneumonia;
  • bronchopneumonia;
  • pneumonia;
  • chronic obstructive bronchitis in the stages of exacerbation;
  • pneumoconiosis;
  • lung emphysema;
  • poklush (with the attacks of a convulsive cough);
  • bronchial asthma (with a viscous sputum and attacks of suffocation).

Note! Ascoril does not apply under the usual cough. Remember that the preparation is Salbutamol, which expands bronchi when they are spasped (obstruction). Therefore, the tool is not used independently, although the pharmacy is sold without a recipe. For Ascoril, special testimony is needed - cough with complications.

How does ascoril dosage?

Tablets Ascoril in one thing apply three times a day. This is a dosage for adults. Children in the age group from 6 to 12 years old are recommended half an adult dose, i.e. 0.5 tablets for reception. Up to 6 years Askoril tablets are prohibited.

Syrup use 10 ml three times a day (for adults). Children from 6 to 12 years old are taken by 5 or 10 ml, depending on the severity of the course of the disease. Kids (up to 6 years) are prescribed 5 ml. The dose of the drug and the duration of treatment is always regulated by the doctor.

Causes and treatment of cough

Can Askoril harm?

The drug has its own contraindications, and the list of these restrictions is not takai and short:

  • hypersensitivity to all components of the means;
  • cardiac rhythm;
  • inflammatory processes in myocardium;
  • frequent pulse;
  • hypertensive disease 2 and 3 degrees;
  • glaucoma;
  • ulcerative processes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • severe organic and functional kidney and liver damage;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • diabetes mellitus (hard forms);
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to a year (for syrup), up to 6 years (for tablets).

If the patient has contraindications for reception, or side effects appear, ascoril change the analogues by selecting syrup or pills that repeat the main drug, and substitutes can cost both cheaper and more expensive.

Cheap analogues ascohory-list

Cheaper analogues, or more expensive, for children they, or for adults, the main task of drug-replacement drugs remains the provision of the therapeutic effect of similar to Ascoril.

Prices are changing rapidly, and often one of the funds was cheaper than ascohlor, and today it became more expensive. Therefore, the selection of the drug is carried out directly on the day of purchase.

Is there a list of analogues ascoril cheaper? Let's try to draw up such a list, and determine the difference in price.

List of cheap analog

  • erispal (syrup) - 240 rubles (150 ml);
  • codelk Broncho (Tablets) - 130 rubles. (10 pieces.);
  • pervertissin (solution) - 30 rubles. (100 g);
  • ambroxol Hexal (syrup) - 100 rubles. (100 ml);
  • kashnol (syrup) - 160 rubles. (100 ml);
  • stopatussin (syrup) - 220 rubles. (100 ml);
  • lazolyvan (syrup) - 200 rubles. (100 ml);
  • dr. MOM (syrup) - 160 rubles. (100 ml);
  • broncholitin (syrup) - 90 rubles. (125 g);
  • ambrone (syrup) - 120 rubles. (100 ml);
  • jOSET (syrup) - 190 rubles. (100 ml);
  • lorkoof (syrup) - you need to check the price.

All presented drugs are cheaper, and the price of some of them is 6 times less, for example, like pervertissine.

What drug to choose is a comparative assessment of ascoril and its analogues.

Top 6 cheap colds from cold

Askoril or Erispal?

The purpose of drugs alone is to save the patient from cough, sputum and inflammation, but the way to achieve the task is different.

Erispal removes inflammatory reactions, tissue swelling, inhibits exudation. Ascoril releases sputum, purifies bronchi, eliminates obstruction with bronchial asthma and initial stages of obstructive bronchitis.

Preparations differ in their composition. Ascoril is a combination of funds, Erispal Mono drug, the active substance of which - hydrochloride phenspiride. Ascoril has more side effects and contraindications.

Ascoril is resolved from the year, Erispal prescribe children only from two years. Preparations can be used simultaneously to enhance the therapeutic effect.

Pay attention, Erispal was more expensive before, now, on the contrary, Ascoril went up in price. The price of Erespala (150 ml) - 240 rubles, ascoril (200 ml) - about 350 rubles and higher.

Ascoril or Ambroben - what is better?

Ambroxol hydrochloride is active substance Ambroan. Therefore, comparing drugs can be seen that they differ from them. Ambroan is much cheaper, has fewer unwanted reactions and prohibitions is its advantage. Cons - the lack of bronchology qualities, the range of application is less, the therapeutic effect is weaker.

In pediatrics, both drugs are prescribed only from 12 months of child's life.

Askoril or Ambroxol?

Ambroxol completely repeats the composition of the amboben, therefore, indications, contraindications, and other components of these drugs are identical. The price is also low, so patients often prefer Ambroxol and Ambroben Ascoril.

Choosing one of the means - ascoril or ambroxol, it is necessary to take into account the clinical picture of the disease and the state of the bronchi. Only after detailed diagnostics can make a choice in favor of one of the funds.

Askoril or Lazolvan?

Bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive lung diseases are those pathologies in which the drugs under consideration are often used. Lazolyvan contains the main substance - ambroxol hydrochloride, therefore the drug refers to the structural analogs of the Abroxole and Ambroben (they have different manufacturers only firms).

In order not to confuse patients, I would like to immediately pay attention to the fact that the ascoril includes the bronchological substance - salbutamol, the action of which distinguishes the remedy for other musolitic and expectorant drugs. Salbutamol expands bronchi and removes spasm. After using Ascoril, literally after 20 minutes, patients say that it became free to breathe, and a sense of constraint in the chest.

Therefore, if a patient is diagnosed with bronchial asthma, a distantism state, obstructive bronchitis, it is better to use Ascoril.

Often, drugs are prescribed simultaneously in the complex treatment of pathologies of the lower respiratory tract.

The price of Lazolvan is slightly lower, which is his plus.

Ascoril or Fluditec?

Fluudiche has mono composition, its main substance is carbocysteine. The drug is referred to a group of musolithic preparations, it is used, both with bronchopulmonary pathologies and in inflammatory nasopharynx processes (adenoiditis, sinusitis, sinusites).

Carbocysteine \u200b\u200bdilutes the sputum and relieves inflammation. It is not prescribed when glomerulonephritis, ulcerative processes of the gastrointestinal tract, in children under 2 years old, in the first period of gestation (up to 12 weeks of pregnancy).

Fluditek acts softer, and more secure. Produced only in syrup. Many pediatricians prefer precisely this drug, because It does not contain bronchoditics.

Ascoril and Fludite practically have the same cost. Syrup of fluidka 50mg / ml 125ml ( adult dosage) It costs approximately 380 rubles.

Comparing Ascoril and Fludico, any doctor will say that the first tool is stronger, because It contains three actors, but this is not a reason to treat a banal cough with a strong drug. Therefore, the competent doctor will first conduct a diagnosis, perhaps not one of the funds at all.

Askoril or Joset?

Immediately note, drugs are structural analogues, i.e. According to the composition identical. Differences are observed only in the auxiliary components. The firm-produces spruce is also different. Unlike Ascoril, Joset is produced exclusively in the form of a syrup.

In principle, compare these drugs does not make sense, because "Stuffing" they have the same. The only advantageous parameter in the direction of Joset remains the price. AScoril's bottle, 100 ml, costs 300 rubles, and the same number of JOSET syrup is 190 rubles.

Ascoril or the ACC what to choose?

Preparations have different compositionThe active ingredient ACC is acetylcysteine. The main goal of the ACC is to reduce the viscosity of the secret, as well as ignite the sputum and take it from the tracheobronchial tree. Acetylcystein also shows the pneumatic protector of OE and an antioxidant effect. Used as an antidote in the poisoning of aldehydes.

ACC - Product of Slovenia, Germany, Ascoril - India. Unlike Ascoril, the ACC has more dosage forms, which makes it possible to apply the drug in children at an early age. So, the effervescent Tablets ACCs are used already from a two-week age in newborns.

The price for 200 ml of syrup from Ascoril and the ACC is almost the same.


Selection of analogs should not be based only on pricing policy, as often it happens. Unfortunately, many citizens buy analogues, leaning towards the low cost of drugs, and this is definitely not justified. CAN NOT ACC or PERTUSTIND to remove bronchospasm, although they are as ackoril analogues to certain criteria.

It follows the conclusion that even the simplest anti-facasses should be used strictly by purpose, because the cough is different. Each cough is its drug.

An independent selection of analogues can lead to a decrease in the therapeutic effect or its complete absence. Excessive experiments lead to additional waste, deterioration of patients and bringing pathology to chronic forms. A clear diagnosis and overgrowth of the drug doctor is the right way to eliminate all cough forms. Be healthy!

What is better: ATSC or Ambroben?

Preparations - Mukolitiki are prescribed in the form of an expectorant means in the presence of a difficult sputum in the respiratory tract. Effective means This group is considered to be Ambroben and the ACC. Both drugs have antibacterial properties, but what better ACS. or amboben.

Main characteristics

Drugs Ambronene and the ACC provide a similar pharmachologic effectHowever, drugs are developing in composition and features of application.

Pharmaceutical features of drugs:

  1. The ACC is produced by the German pharmaceutical company in the form of tablets (effervescent), powder granules and syrup, both in children's and in adult form. Active component is acetylcysteine. The dosage of the drug is 100/200 mg or 600 mg (Long ACC), syrup comprises a dose of 20 mg / ml. The cost of mucolytic from 120 rubles.
  2. Ambroan. The drug is also developed in Germany. Dosage form: Ordinary tablets, injection and inhalation solution, and syrup. The active ingredient of the drug - ambroxol hydrochloride. The dosage depends on the form of the drug: 7.5 mg / ml, 15 mg / 5ml, 15 mg / 2 ml and 30 mg. Price on Ambroben from 100 rubles.

Compare the ACC and Ambroben only according to these characteristics it is impossible. For estimation of drugs, it is necessary to study the mechanism of their action to the body and special indications prescribed in annotations.

Medicines prescribed for the treatment of respiratory tract when clustering sputum provide the following action:

  • eliminate the swelling of the fabrics;
  • affect the development of the secretion of the mucous membrane of the tracheobronchial paths;
  • reduce the viscosity of the mucus, facilitating its exhaustion;
  • accelerate the debit of sputum.

The impact of the ADC and the drug ambroben to achieve these results is different.

Comparison of pharmacological properties

The active substance of the drug Ambroben is an ambroxol, affects the functionality of serous cells, acting in a thinning of viscous sputum, also accelerates the movement of the seating surface of the epithelium, due to which the mucus of the bronchi is distinguished with the cough without a stopper.

In addition to the main action, Ambroben has properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • antibacterial;
  • analgesic (locally);
  • antiviral.

Interesting information! Ambroxol acts on brain neurons, reducing the amount of alpha sinucleic protein, which is the cause of Parkinson's disease.

The drug ADC contributes to a philizer of sputum in another way. Acetylcysteine \u200b\u200bdoes not have actions on the fabric of the bronchi and the trachea, and destroys the connection directly between the pathological mucus molecules, reducing its viscosity and facilitating its natural excretion from the body.

As a result of the use of the ACC on the body, an additional effect turns out:

  • reducing the speed of the oxidation process of organic compounds;
  • purification of toxic substances;
  • reducing the intensity of the inflammatory process;
  • destruction of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
  • antibacterial.

When you should take

Comparison of drugs, first of all, implies the study of instructions for applying on drug testimony.

The ACC is appointed with the following testimony:

  • different forms of bronchitis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the trachea;
  • bronchiectatic disease;
  • bacterial infection in small bronchops;
  • fibergation;
  • inflammation of the pulmonary fabric;
  • asthma bronchial form;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane (viral or bacterial);
  • sinusitis.

Compared from the ACC, Ambroben has a narrower spectrum of action.

Medicine prescribe:

  • with the development of bronchitis (in the period of exacerbation in chronic form);
  • at pneumonia;
  • with bronchiectatic disease;
  • with a bronchial type of asthma.

Features of application

Reception of medicines is carried out in accordance with the individual therapy scheme or the method specified in the instructions.

ACCs form to receive children only after ten days after birth. Ambroan can be given to children from birth.

Dosage ACC:

  • until the two-year-old, the child gives no more than 150 mg per day;
  • kids up to five years old - up to 600 mg;
  • after 5 years, the dose increases by 100 mg;
  • children from 14 years can take an adult dose of the drug to 600 mg.

Application frequency 2 - 3 times during the day. Course - up to one week.

Dose of reception Ambroben:

  • capsules can drink only patients older than twelve years once a day (75 mg);
  • tablets are prescribed from six-year-old (1/2 tab), adults - 1 tablet;
  • inhalation and syrup can be prescribed from birth.

Take the medicine three times a day.

Dosage and frequency of injection of injection mortar, taking syrup and dose of inhalation means are determined individually. Children are prescribed by a separate scheme depending on age, weight and testimony.

Compatibility: yes or not

Despite the fact that both drugs relate to one drug group, quite often in patients a question arises: is it possible to take the drug Ambrobene simultaneously with the ACC.

Conduct therapy by simultaneously use of drugs only with complicated forms of diseases specified in the testimony.

Important! The same forms of release of drugs are not accepted together. Perhaps a combination of only different types (for example, inhalation and tablets, syrup and injection, etc.).

Compatibility of the ACC and Ambroben is confirmed by the release of drugs, including both substances in the equal dose.

The simultaneous use of two drugs is possible only with the consent of the specialist. Alone to take the same means, despite the fact that they can be combined - not desirable. Enhanced impact on pathology can provoke serious complications and disrupt the work of other organs. It should also be remembered that medicines have by-effectwhich may manifest much sharper.

Note! It should be borne in mind that if there is an indication in order to drink Ambroben together with the ATSC, the multiplicity of reception and the dose will be changed.

Contraindications and side effect

Multic drugs have contraindications in which it is not recommended to carry out therapy with this means. The ACC and Ambroben contain a different actant, so the contraindications are different. Also drugs are capable of causing a side effect, in the presence of contraindications, a dose, violation of the therapy scheme or an individual reaction of the body.

ACC contraindicated:

  • with peptic ulcers;
  • at risk of an allergic reaction to the components;
  • with pulmonary bleeding;
  • for renal failure or hepatitis in childhood.

During pregnancy, medication is taken with caution.


  • stomatitis;
  • heartburn, nausea, possibly vomiting, diarrhea;
  • migraine, ringing in the ears;
  • increased pressure, arrhythmia.

Ambroan is not prescribed to patients with diagnosis:

  • epileptic syndrome;
  • hypersensitivity to the composition;
  • ulcerative defeat of the gastrointestinal bodies.

Ambroan is contraindicated with breast fogging and women during the first trimester of pregnancy.


  • dermatological allergy;
  • edema angioedema;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • constipation / diarrhea;
  • drying mucosa;
  • migraine;
  • rinorea.

If the patient has contraindications to the second drug, then it is possible to drink ACC instead of Ambroben (or vice versa).

According to contraindications to one and another tool, it is recommended to replace the ADC and ambroben to a similar drug.

The analogue of the drug is synod, defleplem, ascoril and bromgexine.

If you compare the ATSC and Ambroben, then we can conclude that in the treatment of inflammation of the respiratory organs burdened by the formation of sputum, both means are effective. However, medications have the features of pharmacological action, so you choose which drug should take a doctor.

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Quite often satellite various diseases Cough is becoming a natural response of the respiratory tract to stimuli and inflammatory processes. There are various medications that help eliminate not only cough, but also his cause. Among these drugs are allocated ascohoril and the ACC.

Main differences between drugs

The ACC and Ascoril have a number of features that distinguish these drugs from each other. Partially drugs are different in the form of release, substantially - in composition, pharmacological action. In addition, there is a difference in testimony, contraindications and possible reactions organism.

  • The composition of the drugs.

A significant difference between medicines is their composition. Active components of Ascoril - Gweefenesin, Salbutamol, Bromgexin hydrochloride, at the ACC - Acetylcistein, ascorbic acid.

Ascoril eliminates spasms, increases the volume of lungs, improves air patency due to the expansion of the bronchi. There is a liquefaction and removal of sputum, the cough intensity is reduced in parallel.

Acetylcysteine \u200b\u200bis a good flourity that dilutes the secret. The substance has antioxidant properties, which makes it possible to significantly improve the protective functions of the cells. The active ingredient has a detrimental effect on purulent sputum, and ascorbic acid strengthens the protective properties of the organism.

  • Indications for use.
  1. Contact a doctor for consultation and about the feasibility of joint admission of the ACC and Ascoril.
  2. To familiarize yourself with the instructions for use, where the list of medicines is marked with which compatibility is prohibited.
  3. Compare indications for receiving, the pharmacological effect of the drugs listed in the instructions.

The ACC and Ascoril according to the information provided by manufacturers are not prohibited for simultaneous reception. Both drugs have mercolytic, as well as expectorant properties, that is, medicines adopted together contribute to the discharge and removal of sputum. At the same time, an adult or child may have a health disorder, with each of which you need your drug.

Comparing the main characteristics of the ACC and Ascoril, as well as the differences between these medicines, it can be noted that the simultaneous treatment of drugs is not prohibited, but only a doctor takes the decision on the feasibility of such therapy.

Ascoril and the ACC are two effective, modern and medical agentswhich have a wide range of action during therapy of various respiratory diseases.

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