How long the cough has a komarovsky child. Do not commit this error in the treatment of cough in a child! Dr. Komarovsky strongly recommends

There are not so few television programs dedicated to children's health, and many parents gladly look for useful programs with the participation of famous pediatricians. Dr. Komarovsky has long become a universal favorite, accessible and simply talking about the most common children's health problems. Quite often, parents plunge cough in a child in a child without temperature, Komarovsky can say a lot of cognitive and useful about it.

Snot and cough without temperature in a child

Most often, nozzles and cough are observed without temperature in the child after a walk, even if warm on the street. It is explained simply - the spout is going to dust, which provokes a light cough.

Usually at home, it all quickly passes, and without additional measures taken by parents. If a anxious symptom Does not disappear in a few hours, there is a risk of cold weather.

It often happens that after a walk in windy weather, a strong runny nose appears and dry deep cough in a child without temperature, Komarovsky is confident - it is precursor infectious diseases. If you do not respond to dangerous signs in a timely manner, they may develop:

  1. rinofaringitis;
  2. tracheitis.

It is not necessary to wait until the alarming symptoms will disappear on their own, it will not happen. Starting without determining the disease, treatment is also not recommended - mandatory should be a visit to the doctor. Sometimes quite simple folk remedies or short treatment at home medicines so that the first symptoms of the disease completely disappeared.

Baby cough in a child without temperature - what is it

You can watch the bakey cough in a child without a temperature, it is possible, and Komarovsky does not advise prematurely to panic. Usually the attacks occur in the night hours and pass to the morning. To give an accurate explanation to the phenomenon of physicians make it difficult, but the parents' lovers argue that it is just a kid frees the bronchi and the lungs from the dust microparticles accumulated per day.

What to do in such cases? Children's Doctor In its recommendations, categorically, medicines are completely excluded here. Fresh cool air (walking in the afternoon, air ventilation in the evening) will help you quickly forget about the cough.

If there is a nebulizer, you can make inhalation several times a day using alkaline mineral water. In the absence of this useful device, the liquid can be simply drinking, and in small portions throughout the day.

Long-term cough in a child without a temperature Komarovsky offers to treat a large amount of liquid. It does not matter what exactly it will be, the main thing is to drink at least one and a half liters of drink per day. For these purposes, it is perfect for:

  1. compote (with minimal sugar);
  2. tea (preferably green);
  3. juice (you can even shop);
  4. liquid kissel;
  5. morse.

The main rule - drinks must be room temperature, the cold liquid can only enhance the attacks.

Wet cough in a child without temperature - what to do

A well-known doctor claims that it is impossible to leave such a symptom - a wet cough without a temperature stimulates the impact of the sputum accumulated in bronchi. In itself, the manifestation is not very dangerous, but can cause strong irritation and entail serious consequences.

Additional symptoms should alert:

  1. attacks occur in the evening, intensifying at night;
  2. between sighs clearly heard wheezing;
  3. it is possible to highlight a greenish shade with blood clots.

Komarovsky in such cases does not recommend using preparations, overwhelming cough. More useful here will be the means of stimulating expectoration (, Bromgexyl). Instructions for drugs detail the dosage and method of use, exceed the specified norms or give the baby syrup more often than indicated by manufacturers, it is not recommended categorically.

The mandatory stage of treatment is long-term walks in fresh air. In the cold season of the year, it is necessary to dress warmly, but not to bring the body before overheating - the child should be comfortable.

Wet cough in a child without temperature than to treat

The absence of heat or fever with a strong wet cough is not uncommon with colds. Another reason that a wet cough appears in a child without temperature - allergic reaction Small organism on drug, mechanical or vegetable stimuli.

Treatment should be carried out only after medical examination and accurate diagnosis. If the cause of cough is not allergic stimuli, muscolics or expectorant pharmacy preparations are usually used. Of drugs Recommended syrups or Bromgexin.

Folk proven funds will be helped to get rid of wet suffer cough. Komarovsky advises to use baranies from such plants:

  1. coltsfoot (flowers);
  2. plantain (root);
  3. lipa (flowers);
  4. allas (root).

You can prepare the decoction from one of the plant component and use vegetable collection of several herbs. 230 ml of boiling water - 25-30 gr. vegetable raw materials (pre-crushed). Prepare a medicine, like simple tea - fervent boiling water and give it. Giving a child a means of little by little (about 50 ml) during the day, be sure to heat.

Long cough in a child without temperature

Often parents scares a long cough in a child without temperature, especially if there are no other signs of colds. First of all, it is necessary to check whether the air is not rehastned in the home, there is no resistant smell in the room after repair, the baby did not contact with irritating substances. Sometimes it is enough to completely eliminate the discovered problem so that the alarming symptom quickly stopped.

If even after eliminating cough does not stop, Komarovsky does not advise drug treatment, it is necessary to first find out the reason for the symptom. There is a considerable chance that the cause of a long cough is helminths, and without the necessary research to detect them will not work.

Accurate diagnosis will help determine the treatment, so it's not worth tightening with a visit to the doctor. If the disease is associated with breathing tracks, help medication drugs (phyto or synthetic means). It is possible to apply them only with dry cough, in other cases there will be an expectorant drugs.

Cough at night in a child without temperature - with which such manifestations are connected with

The reasons for the night of a strong cough in the absence of temperature, according to Komarovsky, can be a lot, and each case requires a special approach. Often the attacks occur thanks to cold illness, It is in the night hours of a wet accumulate in bronchi.

Cough at night in a child without a temperature may also be triggered by allergens (floral pollen, dust in the room, pets of pets). Another reason for unpleasant alarming manifestation is a reaction to medicia treatment (Some drugs during recovery may cause night cough).

It is practically impossible to determine the main causes of the night cough, especially if there are no other symptoms, it is almost impossible, for this you will need a visit to doctors. The only thing that can be done is to give a child to drink more during the night - this will help make attacks more rare. Do not postpone visit medical institution - In the morning you should go to the reception.

Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky - the best friend of moms! His advice in reality helps cure babies from different unpleasant diseases. Today it will be about cough. And it's time to ask a question to your favorite doctor - a dry cough of a child than to treat, Komarovsky?

How to treat a dry cough of a child?

So how to treat a dry cough in a child at home? The first advice from Dr. Komarovsky: If the kid is tormented by a dry cough, you need to help this cough to become wet! To do this, you can use elementary tips:

  • giving a child to drink as much liquid as possible;
  • to regularly air the room, let fresh air;
  • moisturize the air in the room (for example, put a bowl with water on the windowsill);
  • to walk with a child daily on the street (if its general condition is not a contraindication to walks in the fresh air).

Evgeny Olegovich assures that these simple ways Let them do without flourities. Mulcolics are medicinal products that contribute to the more quick to get rid of cough. In addition, the cough with the emotion of sputum in most cases is easier to be treated.

However, it is still recommended to consult a pediatrician. The fact is that dry cough can become a signal of the most a variety of pathologies in children's body. Dr. Komarovsky, having colossal experience in pediatrics, says that the main causes of the appearance of dry cough are viral, infectious diseases.

So, the main question is the dry cough of the child than to treat, Komarovsky? Evgeny Olegovich chose the best pharmacy drugs that are intended for the treatment of dry cough for children:

  • Bromgexin. Especially for the treatment of kids, the manufacturers of the drug released a delicious syropy. Soft expectorant, which fights perfectly in a dry cough regardless of the cause of its appearance. Children need to be given half a teaspoon three times a day. The approximate cost of the bottle with syrup (100 ml) is 90 rubles.
  • Ambroben. The drug in the form of droplets is allowed for the treatment of small children. Drops (1 ml twice a day) must be added to meals. Approximate cost - 190 rubles per 100 ml.
  • . Another syrup for children, based exclusively on plant components. Twice a day the child needs to be given half a teaspoon of syrup. The approximate price of the bottle of 100 ml is 240 rubles.

Dr. Komarovsky says that many parents allow a serious mistake in the treatment of cough in children. They seek to completely eliminate cough, and it is wrong! Cough is a kind of protective reaction of the organism, like a runny nose. Through the cough there is a removal of viruses and microbes from the body. Therefore, the main task is to facilitate the general condition of the child and eliminate the immediate cause of cough.

Dry cough for a child at 2 years old than to treat?

Especially acute the problem of cough becomes in front of the moms of children of the younger age group. Dry cough for a child at 2 years old than to treat? In so early age It is necessary to use medicines very carefully. Dr. Komarovsky chose the best drug preparations that can be used to treat dry cough in children:

  • . One of the most popular modern means From dry cough. The preparation in the form of a syrup is allowed for the treatment of children from two years. The patient is necessary to give 5 ml twice a day. The average cost of the bottle of 200 ml is 300 rubles.
  • . Effective cough agent, in the form of droplets is allowed for children from a biennium. Drops (25 droplets twice a day) add to food or drink baby. Approximately the price per vial 100 ml - 415 rubles.

Important! Before applying described medicines Be sure to consult with your doctor!

The dry allergic cough is manifested in the case when an allergen falls into the body, causing an aggressive reaction of bronchi. To such allergens include:

  • animal wool, bird feathers;
  • dust;
  • pollen plants;
  • cosmetics (for example perfume, deodorant, hair lacquer);
  • household chemicals (for example, washing powder, kitchen detergents);
  • mold.

Treat dry allergic Kashel Komarovsky advises complex. However, as Evgeny Olegovich notes, if the cough is tormented by a child, which is not two years old, it is recommended to refrain from using medicinal preparations. We are talking about mucolithics. They can bring no benefit, but harm! Komarovsky advises to carry out the treatment of kids in safe ways. These include fresh air walks, frequent ventilation of the child's room, abundant drinking. And most importantly - you need to protect the child from the object, which causes allergies.

Dry night cough in a child

Dry night cough The child is a particularly acute problem for both the baby and for his parents. An unpleasant cough causes the child to wake up, breaking his calm and sleep. Cough attacks at night are significantly enhanced compared to the cough, which is observed in the day. This is due to the fact that the level of oxygen entering bronchi decreases in a lying position.

So, the night dry cough of the child than to heal, Komarovsky? The famous doctor recalls that it is important to treat not the cough himself, but his cause, that is, the disease. In order to determine the immediate reason for the cough, it is necessary to seek advice from the pediatrician. What else advises Komarovsky?

  1. When the night cough appears, you should not immediately give the child all the drugs against cough in the first aid kit! At best, they may be simply useless, and at worst - to put harm you harm and worsen his well-being.
  2. At the time of the attack of the night cough, the child needs to make a warm drink. It can be milk, tea or herbic decoction.
  3. To facilitate breathing, cleaning the nasopharynx and removal of spasms, parents need to drip the baby in the spray salt. To do this, a pinch of salt dilute in half a glass of water, to carefully post, so that the salt is completely dissolved. With the help of a pipette in each nostril of the child to roll 2-3 droplets of the solution.
  4. If the child bothers the night cough, you can place the pillow higher. The child will sleep in a slightly elevated position, and this in turn will save him from frequent bouts of dry cough.

Dry cough for a child without temperature

The child feels quite well, no temperature, but at the same time the baby cough, not accompanied by a sputum separation. What does such a fortune mean when a dry cough has a child without a temperature?

Often, dry cough is observed in babies immediately after waking up. Laying a short time Spasms disappear, and breathing is normalized. Dr. Komarovsky soothes the concerned moms - such a phenomenon is quite normal. Do not stand the child to wrap in warm blankets and peak with expectorant drugs!

What is the cause of dry cough without temperature in a child, must define a doctor. The fact is that no different viral infections can cause cough. A small object that the child accidentally breathed, - a fairly common cause of cough. Therefore, before a visit to the pediatrician, you should not have a child to take therapeutic sipmers!

For parents, it will be quite interesting to watch video with the recommendations of the famous Doctor on how to safely treat the child from cough.

Dry cough in the baby - it is much more difficult processthan an adult person. Before deciding, a dry cough of a child than to treat, Komarovsky strongly advises not to engage in self-medication, but to contact the pediatrician! Reviews on this topic can read or write your own view on the forum.

Treatment cold illness It remains behind, but does not manage to get rid of cough? The mucous respiratory tract in a child after ARVI is recovered slowly and together with a weakened immunity there is an unpleasant residual cough. How dangerous for health and how to cure cough in a child?

Why is the residual cough in children

Cure viral infection, bronchitis, pneumonia is only the first stage on the way to recovery. Weak disease to the child organism, especially after taking antibiotics, time is necessary to recover. And all this time, sensitive broncht use the most common protective mechanism - cough, which does not allow the breathing paths with sputum, mucus or pus. Therefore, parents need to know the causes, symptoms and how to treat the residual cough in the child.

The reasons

Permanent cough in a child after the suffering disease of the respiratory tract, rather refers to the norm of the norm than to the rare phenomenon. To recover and develop immunity, the kid's body takes some time. The viruses remaining after illness are no longer so strong, but still continue to annoy bronchi and trachea, causing residual cough, which proper therapy Must go through two or three weeks. Other reasons when the child has coughing No temperature:

  • recurring inflammatory or infectious disease;
  • response of the respiratory tract for contact with cold air, excessive physical activity;
  • allergies to dust, wool pets, cigarette smoke;
  • foreign body;
  • stress, nervousness;
  • rare stomach disease - gastroesophageal reflux.


The situation when the feeling is created that the cold is not going to be going and the child does not cease to torment the cough for a long time, the parents should be alert. At this point, some signs need to be able to determine where the beginning of a new disease, and where the baby has ceased to hurt, and is only subject to residual phenomena. The most common symptoms of a protracted cough:

  • the periodic manifestation of the residual phenomenon, when the cough himself is shallow, no sputum, more often appears in the morning;
  • there is no temperature, snot, intoxication and other signs of colds;
  • for three weeks after completion of the course of therapy, the cough becomes less intense and rare;
  • the immune system of the kid, restoring, weakens the cough and copes with it, even without treatment.

When the cough is dangerous in the child after illness

The fear should be called the situation when the child does not pass the cough month, the temperature or baby appears to pain. It is necessary to be able to distinguish any of these symptoms from residual phenomena and, if suspected, contact the pediatrician so that the baby passes the additional examination. What is dangerous for a long or incessant cough in children? This may hide the development chronic bronchitis, Cocal, pneumonia or chest injury, which makes painful breath and exhalation, start tuberculosis. In these cases, serious medical care is required.

How to treat residual cough

If there is confidence that these are residual phenomena after transferred by ARVI or any other viral infection, then drug treatment may not need. A few weeks later, the work of the respiratory organs is normalized, the mucosa will be cleared and the residual cough will pass if he often air the room, to make a wet cleaning, use an ultrasonic humidifier. Then how to treat remnant cough in a child? Folk remedies, inhalation, in special cases - reception of drugs will help you quickly get rid of obsessive cough.

Medicia treatment

To airways The baby was cleared faster from sputum or mucus, which accumulate during a cold, the therapy program to eliminate residual phenomena may include the reception of medicines. By the nature of the cough and overall assessment Conditions of the body of the child, the pediatrician will prescribe diluted (dry cough) or expectorant (wet cough) agents or drugs with spasmodic or enveloping properties. Reduce the irritation of the mucous membrane and cope with residual phenomena help:

Folk remedies

If the child coughs strongly, then the conspiracy can hardly help influence the process. Among the folk remedies there are other useful recipes that help to remove dry frequent coughing in a child with the help of decoction prepared by a special way of products, compresses. How to cure residual cough in a child by folk methods:

  • Warm drinking on milk, and combines this product with honey, soda, butter, inexaling, goat fat, mineral water. A tablespoon of another ingredient is taken to one glass of heated fluid, and the milk is bred in a 1: 1 ratio. Such a cough treatment in children with the help of folk remedies is considered the most popular, and if you give a warm drink to the baby for the night, it helps to improve sleep, remove the cough cough, cure the throat.
  • Running with sugar yolks (chicken, quail) is a well-known Gogol-Mogol. If the child go a cough to vomiting, a whistle is heard, then this folk remedy will not help, but to soften the hard cough to such sweet treatment. To make the taste even more enjoyable, honey, cocoa, citrus juice, but, provided that there is no allergies for these products. To prepare a portion, you need to take one yolk and a tablespoon of sugar sand, carefully grind to the lush white mass, and then add any of the additional ingredients to the teaspoon.
  • The infusions on herbs are prepared from the evening, for this use thermos, and the proportions are simple: 1 tbsp on a glass of boiling water. l. vegetable raw materials. So that the treatment of cough in children passed faster, for infusion take chamomile, lime color, St. John's wort, sage, green bumps.
  • Instead of mustard chips and ready-made pharmaceutical ointments, it is better to make rubbing on the night, if a child has a wet cough, with a swine, goat, barzuche, bear firing, and then bite the baby.
  • Compresses are another good folk remedy if the child does not have a dry cough for a long time, and boiled and sophisticated potatoes are suitable for the procedure, bread and cabbage sheet with honey.

Inhalation with dry cough without temperature

Search effective methodHow to cure a dry cough in children if the process is residual phenomena leads to treatment with inhalation. Mitigate is the main goal of this type of therapy, and the pairs for this fit perfectly. The baby will have to breathe over hot steam, and the liquid is still bouffroins, so parents must be very attentive and follow the baby. Inhalation is well suited to those who suffer from chronic cough, and in the duration of the procedure takes no more than a quarter of an hour.

In the absence of allergic reactions fit essential oils, for example, pine, juniper, eucalyptus. Dr. Komarovsky advises to make inhalations with medicinal herbs (a series of rods, robust, and machech), and during the procedure, use either inhalers or nebulizer. Effective and simple people's method - Raise over a saucepan with potatoes, top with a head with a towel.

Video: How to facilitate residual cough in a child

Why the child has residual cough

The residual cough is observed at the child after transferred bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs and tracheitis. It is observed after all the symptoms have left, the temperature returned to normal, all the main signs of the suffering disease passed. At the same time, the child periodically coughs without sputuming. Such manifestations and are called residual cough.

A residual cough can appear up to two weeks. In this case, children's immunity becomes defining. In the event that ORVI is observed at the child for the sixth time a year, the residual cough can be observed from him up to three weeks.

Causes residual cough causative agent of the infectious disease. There is a damage to the virus of the mucous membrane of the bronchi and trachea, and it is not restored too fast. For her full recovery must go a certain time. It is precisely it is the period of observing residual cough.

Residual cough after bronchitis in a child

The residual cough after the bronchitis delivers a lot of trouble and requires appropriate treatment. Despite the fact that the immediate danger of coughing after the bronchitis does not represent, there are two circumstances that make it relate to him seriously.

First of all, it is often confused with the symptoms of the most bronchitis or its complications. It matters the duration of the cough and the nature of its flow. After the bronchitis, it makes sense to periodically show the child to the doctor. In the event that the child coughes for more than three weeks, while the cough dry, occurs when the probability of the pertussis should be excluded.

The duration of cough after bronchitis suggests that there are problems in the work of the immune system. Causes of diseases of the diseases of the microbes are perfectly deposited on irritable bronchops of the child. He could again grab the infection, if she is present in his team, whether it is a group kindergarten or class. It is better to keep the child at home until the cough eliminates him.

Residual cough in a child after ARVI

Cough can be a residual phenomenon after ARVI, transferred by the child. It is observed because there is a violation of the normal process of functioning of the body of the child's respiratory system and a sprome in the form of mucus is formed in its bronchi. It is the presence of residual cough after ARVI is a guarantee of protection of bronchi and trachea from sputum.

Residual cough after respiratory infection It can be both dry and with a mocroid. At the same time, the distinguished sputum is thick and viscous, with impurities of mucus.

Cerebral cough can be manifested in different ways. Crimping can be both inconspicuous, and go to a strong, stable cough. In the latter case, the child may increase the temperature and the well-being will worsen. The residual cough after ARVI is most often manifested in preschool children.

Residual cough in a child after tracheitis

The main symptoms of tracheite at the child are fatigue, weakness, elevated temperature. With their external absence of a child, a cough may be observed, which refers to the number of residual symptoms of the disease. This is observed in almost every second case. The residual cough of the child after the tracheite is manifested due to the weakened immunity or individual characteristics of the children's body. Finding on the mucous membranes of the trachea and bronchi, the virus begins to reproduce actively. The residual cough does not need any additional treatment, however, time for recovery is necessary.

How long does the residual cough have a child?

Residual cough after transferring diseases by the child refers to the number of normal phenomena. In about half of the noted cases, it continues up to month and longer. It all depends on the state of the body of the child and the disease, which he suffered. If he is observed after the bronchitis, it is necessary to pay special attention to the nature of the cough discharge. They should be blonde, the body temperature should not grow and generally, the cough itself should tend to decline.

Children B. preschool age Itselves cannot monitor the frequency of sputum selection and normally spur it. In addition, they need more time to restore the bronchial mucosa. If you do not resort to additional treatment methods, the sputum disappears in about a month.

For children of younger school age, fewer the time required to eliminate the symptoms of residual cough is characterized. If they do not apply any additional cough treatment, they take place within ten days on average. Treatment can reduce this period twice.

The residual cough in a child, how to treat?

For the treatment of residual cough, a child requires a number of preventive procedures that make it easier for the treatment process itself. Often this happens enough to ensure that the residual cough stops, especially if it is observed after the bronchitis. Preventive measures include the air of the room in which the child lives, preventing acute allergens on it, the fencing of the child from smoking in its presence, maintain the temperature in the dwelling of the child at a certain level, without drops.

In residential premises it is required to regularly carry out wet cleaning and follow the overall state of the microclimate. It is recommended to use a humidifier of air, the principle of operation of which is built on the use of ultrasound. It is more efficient than hanging in the room wet towels and installation on the floor capacities with water. The air humidifier is capable of not only maintaining the air humidity indicator at a given level, but also purify it from harmful impurities.

Dry cough is one of the varieties of residual cough arising from a child after transferring various diseases to them. Like any variety of cough, it requires the use of a certain method of treatment.

First of all, it is necessary to put a child in a cozy and calm condition. Most often, parents know perfectly well that dry cough is often caused by the impact on the child of noise or severe light.

  • a teaspoon of fresh honey without adding something else;
  • a glass of boiled milk with the addition of a teaspoon of food soda;
  • the use of tea with raspberry jam to siquitate a child before going to bed.

Significantly alleviate the flow of dry cough by the child can conduct steam inhalations. For this applies drinking water With the concentration of drinking soda in the amount of four tablespoons per liter.

In the event that independently conducting treatment does not give any desired results, it is necessary to seek help to a doctor. He will be able to properly establish the reason for the appearance of a dry cough of the child and prescribe adequate treatment.

How to remove residual wet cough in a child

The residual cough of the child is most often due to accumulated in its lungs. In such cases, children's doctors mainly advise first of all to ensure the ventilation of the child's room. In addition, it is possible to wash his nose with the help of an imprisonment placed in a jar. Such a measure is more suitable for the prevention so that the sputum does not fall into the nasopharynx of the child.

Be sure to give the child to drink in large quantities. Best for this is a rowing of richness, it contains in its composition a large number of vitamins and trace elements. For example, vitamin C in it is greater than in all mineral and vitamin complexes. The preparation solution should be respected by the dosage of its application. Rosehip fruits in the volume of one tablespoon are poured with a glass of water, after which the whole volume is required to bring to a boil. After boiling for an hour, the entire liquid must be cooled within two hours. After that, about a tenth of the solution is divorced by water to a volume of 200 milliliters. Apply followed every other day. After about a year and a half there is a weakening of dry cough, and by the end of the month it completely stops.

How to treat residual cough on Komarovsky

The main recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky are reduced to the following: one should not suppress residual cough from the child through the use of various means of combating cough. It is dangerous because the cough is nothing more than the consequences of the previously suffered seasonal diseases. Thus, the children's body self-cleaning. If cough stops, a spree will not be distinguished from the lungs in sufficient quantity. This entails violations of ventilation lungs and increases the risk of pneumonia and bronchitis.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that the cough is needed to the child organism. Of course, it is necessary to treat it, but the treatment should be built not to eliminate cough, but on its relief. It should be quite effective facilitating the impact on the lungs of a baby. The use of medicines should be primarily aimed at eliminating sputum. Everyone knows that the thick of the sputum, the harder it is from the children's body.

Residual cough in a child, how to treat folk remedies?

Pine kidneys on water or milk give good effect When used to treat the residual cough of the child. Preparation of the medicinal infusion involves adding a tablespoon of pine kidneys to half liters of boiling milk. The fire turns off and insisters for an hour. To disappear a child, the infusion is used once every two hours in the amount of 50 milliliters. Milk can be replaced by water, and pine cones on spruce shoots.

Badging fat is considered good to a tool folk Medicine For the treatment of residual cough at the child. Preschoolers are recommended only its external use. Fat rubber on the back of the child, on the stomach, shoulders, chest and legs. After that, the child should be covered warm and put to sleep. After he is well suposed to change his lingerie.

For children over seven years old, Barcuka Fat can be recommended for use in a teaspoon three times a day. It is possible to dissolve it in warm milk and give a child with honey, it will be useful and tasty. If the child has an allergy to such drinking components, you can buy bantling fat in the pharmacy.

In addition to the batchuchea fat, you can also apply sheep, as well as goose. The reception of such fat is carried out by the same principle as the use of Barcuke fat for therapeutic purposes.

Lowned nose, ajar mouth, a bellish voice, mucous green selection - no, probably, in the world of parents unfamiliar with these classic symptoms of children's cold. Why are children more often than adults are subject to this unpleasant fear? The root cause lies in the particular structure of the child's respiratory system: respiratory organs up to 12 13 years old have not only smaller sizes, but also differ in the unfinished anatomical structure. Children's nose - not a harmless disease that can be used on samoneck: if it is not cured in time, then the disease can acquire a protracted and even chronic shape.

For what reason the child does not pass runny nose and cough, you can learn from this article.

The reasons

What time frame for rhinitis are considered normal? An ordinary inflammatory process caused by viral infection is able to "win" over a period of five to seven days, depending on the age of the patient.

In some cases, when it comes to weakened immunity and diseases caused by bacteria, it can delay up to ten days. If, after this time, the child is still tormented from the nose - the runny nose is considered protracted. That is, if it lasts a month already, it is worth thinking about the reasons.

What to do when the adult does not pass a runny nose 2 weeks, you can learn from this article.

Long rhinitis is far from always evidence of the negligence of parents. Even if a responsible approach to the problem, the disease may not leave the baby for a long time, creating difficulties with breathing, sleep, having food, poorly affecting memory and attentiveness. Often this is due to incorrect diagnosis and improperly prescribed treatment.

Unmistakably determine what prolonged rhinitis in a child caused, only an ENT doctor based on analyzes can, but there are external differences that will help parents to navigate in the complex classification of this disease.

How the cough is treated and rheuble in infants, you can learn from this article.

Vasomotor rhinitis

The most common complication of the usual, provoked viral or bacterial infectionFunny. The reason for it, or surprising, is not the lack of treatment, but, on the contrary, the abuse of them. Vasomotor rinopathy appears as a result of too long treatment vasoconducting dropswho facilitate the patient's condition and give it the opportunity to breathe, but negatively affect the state of the vessels. Symptoms of the disease:

  • alternately laying the nostrils (especially manifests itself when lying on the side). If the patient lies on the right side of the body, then the right nostril will be laid and the opposite;
  • the appearance of mucous discharge and nasal congestion with a sharp change of temperatures (for example, if you go to a warm room with frost);
  • sleep disorders;
  • headaches;
  • laying the nose during stress, nervous voltage (because of this, the symptom of vasomotor rhinitis is often called a neuro-vascular runny nose).

From this article, you can find out how to rinse the nose to a child with a cold.

Another name of the disease is a false runny nose - it was given to her for the fact that it often appears with the absence of a viral infection. In this case, the nose can "lay" due to hormonal changes (pregnancy, menstruation, climax, problems with thyroid gland), external stimuli (smells, dust, smoke), sharp weather changes.

Diagnosedly diagnosed, this type of disease is easy to treat, otherwise it can cause complications such as otitis and sinusitis.

The video discusses the situation when the child does not pass a runny nose:

For what reason the child has 3 years a runny nose and cough, you can learn from this article.


Inflammation gaymorovy sinus or sinusitis - the consequences of the unrealized rhinitis. Gaimorov sinuses are located next to the nose, on both sides of it, and are designed for warming and filtering the air flowing through the nose. They are directly related to the cavity of the nose and during the runny nose are also being inflamed. With timely and adequate treatment, the sinusitis runs simultaneously with rhinitis, but if the disease can be launched to go into a chronic state. You can determine the disease in the following symptoms:

The disease is treated with antibiotics, regular rinsing, heating, physiotherapy (electrophoresis, ultrasound, inhalation). In rare cases, the surgical puncture and washing in the hospital may be needed.

What to do when I laid the ear in a cold, you can learn from this article.

Allergic rhinitis

This ailment is striking children more often than it may seem at first glance, but most parents last to allow allergies to their child. After all, they try to feed it only by natural farm products, spend a few hours a day in the park, and there are no allergies in the family - where to take such an attack?

In fact, everything is not so simple, the human body is amenable to an attack of external stimuli every second. It can be household dust, wool and pet food, pollen, household chemicals, children's leaving cosmetics, food. Organism healthy man Changes with these attacks, but in the case of reduced immunity or impaired metabolism, it begins to signal that he needs help. The main danger of allergies is that it can grow into a bronchial asthma, so the apparent harmless allergic runny nose must be treated.

What pills from the cold are best to take, you can learn from this article.

Symptoms of Rinopathy:

  • constant liquid transparent discharge from the nose;
  • frequent parole sneezing;
  • redness and tear eye;
  • nasal congestion;
  • itching in the nose area.

The video tells about the reasons why the runny nose does not pass in the child and what to treat it:

It is possible to walk with a child with a cold, indicated in this article.

The treatment diagram for each child is developed individually, depending on the course of the disease and age of the patient. First of all, this is monitoring the environment Exception medium from food potential allergens and maintaining cleanliness indoors. From the appointment of antihistamine drugs, doctors are pleased to refuse, since this type of drugs are not transferred to all children well.

Curvature of the nasal partition

The nasal partition is a cartilaginous thin wall that shares respiratory body a person for two cavities. The cause of its curvature can be an uneven growth of the skeleton, injury, unequal cross-passage of nasal passages. Symptoms of pathology are similar to the symptoms of rhinitis, but also the snoring, whistle or other sounds are usually added to them, indicating the violation of nasal respiration. It is treated simple surgical operationThe decision on the need for which the ENT doctor takes, weighing all the factors.

What children's drops in the nose from the runny nose is best used, indicated in the article.

The video describes the situation if the runny nose does not pass in an adult for a long time:

Features of the treatment of protracted rhinitis in children of different ages

Despite the fact that the doctors strongly do not recommend parents to engage in the self-treatment of children even in the case of normal rhinitis, most moms and dads, as a rule, turn to the doctor when the runny nose lasts two weeks and more. In the fight against children's snot, the first, the funds that remained from the past disease, pills recommended by the pharmacist in the nearest pharmacy, the ointment, which helped the baby's neighbors helped. How many complications (and often excess costs) could be avoided with a timely handling of the pediatrician. But even if the diagnosis is correctly delivered immediately, each age group of children has its own characteristics that do not allow them to treat them by one exhaust scheme.

How to apply aloe juice from a cold, indicated in this article.

Children up to the year

Rinith has the most younger patients the phenomenon is common. If a runny nose in a baby does not pass in any way, it is often due to the fact that the breathing system of infant is imperfect, nasal passages are too small and narrow. In this regard, the newborn can observe a physiological runny nose caused by which the adaptation after delivery becomes. In the womb, he was in a wet environment and did not know what the temperature differences are, and after the appearance, he met dust, dry air, and began to study to breathe a nose. Because of this, the nasal passages of the child are pushed out, which gives "green light" to the bacteria and viruses in them.

In order to prevent physiological rhinitis, it is necessary to carefully clean the spout from the very blessingly from the sterile cotton wool (in no case not cotton sticks!) And irrigate ready-made hygienic solutions selling in a pharmacy (Reforine Baby, Humer, Aquamaris). Nose breast milk It is not necessary contrary to widespread misconception, it does not have disinfectant properties, but is a gracious medium for breeding pathogenic microorganisms.

To treat the baby from a cold independently in case it is still talking about viral rhythm, the infection can spread to bronchi and lungs in a matter of hours, and this is fraught with very poor consequences.

Children from year to three

This category of patients can no longer suffer from physiological cold, but is often subject to viral and allergic. At the age of 1 3, the protracted rhinitis can become an additional factor for the occurrence of diseases such as Otitis, Angina, Larygitis. The treatment is complicated by the fact that the child cannot yet empty the nose and rinse with it with brine, so the cleansing of the nasal moves from the mucus is the task of parents. To do this, use an aspirator a device consisting of a rubber pear to which the plastic tip is attached. It works at the expense of a vacuum and allows you to quickly return the child to fully breathe the nose.

Children from three years

In the treatment of rhinitis, patients over three years old doctors try to use the minimum of drugs. If the disease is not allergic, emphasis should be done on the so-called folk remedies: Warming up the geimor sinuses with a screwed chicken egg, a bag with a heated large salt, potatoes "in unidire". Hurry to purify to moisturize the algorithm for which the rhino is treated at this age. Naturally, with the approval of the doctor.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

What to do if a long time fails to get rid of the "leaks" from the nose? Just like most pediatricians, Dr. Komarovsky primarily insists on the search for the reasons for a cold. We already know that most often it can be a virus or allergen. Accordingly, treatment should not be directed to the elimination of symptoms, and not the eradication of what caused them.

In the viral rinite, the mucus, which is formed in the nose is a natural medium that contributes to the destruction of harmful microbes and prevents them from penetrating further into the respiratory tract. The main task of parents is to maintain the level of air humidity at least 70% so that the mucus can keep a viscous state. You can do this in any available way often wash the floors and wipe the dust, turn on the humidifier, open the windows, provide abundant drink. It is not necessary to fear fresh air: if the runny nose is not accompanied by an increased temperature, in any weather and at any time of the year the child can and need to take a walk. For a walk, of course, it is necessary to far from other children in order not to promote the spread of infection.

The video tells why the child does not pass a runny nose:

By appointment of a doctor, you can use vasoconstrictor drops, while defining the following rules:

  • In accordance with the instructions, strictly observe the dosage (if it is written three times a day, then this should not be four or five simply because the drug temporarily read the nose and brings relief);
  • do not use the medicine longer than seven days;
  • buy children's forms of the drug containing active substances in a lesser concentration;
  • refuse to use droplets if appeared side effects (Heart rhythm, shortness of breath, itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose, etc.).

If the protracted rhinit is wearing allergic natureIt is important to get rid of its source. If possible, it is necessary to change the situation to take the child to the country, to the village, to Grandma and Grandfather, at sea. At this time, conduct general cleaning of the apartment, since the most frequent cause Allergic runny nose Household dust and animal wool. We'll have to say solid "no" carpets, tracks, down pillows and blankets, darous bedspreads, fabric lampshaps and panels. If allergy appears often the apartment will have to be equipped with a cleaner and humidifier. If you are allergic causes seasonal flowering and take a child for this period there is no possibility, you will have to use special sprays and antihistamine drugs assigned by the attending doctor.

Cough without temperature

Some symptoms of colds proceed without temperature and therefore sometimes do not cause much concern. In fact, they are very dangerous. For example, a long cough without temperature and a runny nose testifies to the presence of a hidden infection in the body. This symptom is extremely serious. Let's describe in more detail the reasons for this phenomenon and ways to get rid of it.

Causes of cough without temperature

If a person coughs long, but he has no temperature, a cold or sneezing, it may be a sign of such problems in the body:

  1. Hidden inflammation or allergic reaction. At the same time, the cough in the throat is accompanied by a runny nose and sneezing, but the temperature 37 does not rise above.
  2. Heart failure.
  3. Venereal disease. With such pathology, constant shaking is accompanied by irritations on the skin, rash, and the temperature does not rise.
  4. Pneumonia or ORVI.

Sometimes people cough not because of colds, but due to environmental pollution. Often this symptom together with a runny nose is observed in people working in a mine, a metal processing or chemical enterprise. Very often without a cold and temperatures, smokers are cough. Allergies have such a state can cause feather pillows in which ticks are breed. To understand how to be treated from a long cough without a cold and high temperatures, determine dry it or wet.


The main reasons that can cause a dry cough (sometimes with wheezing) without temperature and runny nose is:

  1. Allergies to external irritating factors. The body is trying to free the respiratory system from irritant particles, for example, dust, animal wool, household chemicals.
  2. Ecology. If you live in an unfavorable place from an ecological point of view for a long time, the laminating cough with a runny nose without temperature can be caused by environmental pollution. Long smoking exacerbates the situation. All this sometimes leads to chronic diseases respiratory system.
  3. Heart problems. In this situation, the condition worsens in the situation lying. Sometimes because of this it becomes difficult to breathe.
  4. Papillomatosis of the larynx. Lanes are covered with papillomas. Another patient feels discomfort in the throat, but increasing the temperature or runny nose, as with a cold, no.


The causes of such a cough (in the absence of temperature and runny nose) may be the following problems:

  1. Bronchitis, tracheitis, other similar diseases. As a rule, this symptom is residual phenomenon Transferred inflammation, its maximum duration is a month.
  2. False croup. With this diagnosis, a person has a very strong cough without a cold and temperatures with painful attacks. The sputum is practically not cleared.
  3. Tuberculosis. Dangerous disease, which often no other symptoms manifests itself. Rubber and cough with a sputter containing blood.
  4. Cold. With ORVI, the person suffers more and runny nose, even if the temperature remains normal.


Such cough in the absence of a cold and temperature is very dangerous. A man is choking, his throat hurts. This is no means to be tolerated or treated at home. It is urgent to consult a doctor who will determine whether such attacks are symptom. If you sometimes cough almost before vomiting, the reasons for this can be:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • whooping cough;
  • ORVI;
  • tumor in lungs or bronchi;
  • pneumonia.


Dry cough at night can be a sign of allergies on natural cushion fillers. But he is also a symptom of other dangerous diseases. It is necessary to try to understand what other signs are observed, for example, runny nose or sneezing. If you have no snot with no temperature at night, then this is either a cold or allergy. Often people cough at night because of the wrong structure of the skeleton or internal organs, or inflammation of nerve endings.


If there is no chill with a long cough, it does not mean that there is no danger. Permanent shaking may indicate that the body for some reason does not respond to a high temperature virus. If it lasts a very long time, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination. The causes of such a state can be:

  • heart diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • allergy;
  • pneumonia;
  • ORVI;
  • complex form of bronchitis.

How to cure cough

To cure a long cough without a temperature, it is recommended to use medicines and folk recipes. If you prefer the first option, first visit the doctor so that it determines the cause of the problem and wrote down the recipe for suitable medicines. If it is a cold without temperature, then tablets that sound wet is help. These include Mukaltin, Ambroben, BBromhexin. In more severe cases, antibiotics will be needed.

Wet cough at home is treated with traditional medicine. A mixture of cranberry and honey (in equal parts) will be very effective. It is still recommended to drink honey with lime color and birch kidney in proportion 1: 1: 0.5 cup. The mixture is boiled in a water bath a quarter of an hour, filter and drink three times a day on a small spoon. If you do not know how to stop the cough and how to treat this condition, rub the chest with a barcurate fat with anti-inflammatory action. Be sure to drink a lot of warm fluid. Different approaches are used to the treatment of cough in children and adults.

In adults

To cure a strong long cough in an adult, it is necessary to determine the cause of the symptom and eliminate it. The dry cough is treated at night with antitussive drugs so that the person can relax well. If it is associated with the infection of the upper respiratory tract, it will be necessary to drink tablets from the cold. The most important thing is to understand what to take to convert a permanent dry cough into wet. For this purpose prescribed drugs stimulating:

  1. Reflex. Preparations that drink at a tightening cold. They affect the sections of the brain responsible for the cough reflex. The most common example is a mother-and-stepmother leaves, plantain. From drugs - codeine.
  2. Resorbative. Drugs drank sputum. Thanks to them, the lungs are intensely cleaned. Often such medicines are used for inhalations. Examples: ACC, Amtersol, Ascoril.
  3. Proloolithic. Make a sputum less viscous. These include gelomirtol, grass chasty.
  4. Moorgulators. Tablets for enhanced sputum generation used to treat colds in most cases. For example, ambroxol, bromgexine.

In children

The cough in the infants without temperature is the norm if the child does not capricious and sleep well, behaves very actively, does not complain about the laid nose or weakness. But if the barking, dry or wet cough does not pass, then you should contact the doctor. Pain when coughing and frequent long attacks that sometimes bring to vomiting and do not give the baby in 3 years to sleep, talk about availability serious diseases in organism.

For the treatment of a long cough without temperature, a child is prescribed:

  • means, soothing spasms (Joset, Ascoril, Kashnol);
  • medications for wet wet (sip Chabret, ATSC, bromgexine);
  • expectorant preparations (stop vehicles, bronchikum, plantain syrup).

If your child has a dry allergic cough without a cold, then the treatment must be complex. In this situation, you need to drink antitussive drugs and visit the allergist, which will identify Allergen and eliminates it. It can be household dust, pet wool. Specialist will addate antihistamines (Antiallergic), will tell me that drinking for tall therapy and enhance immunity.

Video: Komarovsky about the treatment of cough in a child

Look at the video in which the famous Children's doctor Evgeny Komarovsky tells in detail how to treat bad cough without a cold baby. Doctor's advice will help you understand why the cough arises, what needs to be done so that the disease quickly passed. After reviewing the video below, you will stop counting the cough something frightening and incomprehensible, and when it can appear without delays, take the right measures.

The appearance of cough by the child bothers not only the kid himself, but also his parents. They immediately begin searching for funds, as facilitating the state of their children, save him from an unpleasant symptom. Someone prefers to be treated folk remedies, Someone medicines from the pharmacy. In this case, it is worth listening to what Popular Dr. Komarovsky is thinking about the cough of the child.

Cough as a symptom of a concomitant disease

Do not forget that the tightening cough is only a symptom of any disease. For example, ORVI or ARS. Therefore, first of all, you need to cure the reason and simply remove the symptoms. In addition, the cough begins when the immune system is active. This is a kind of protective reaction of the organism and in many cases it is not required to suppress it.

Evgeny Komarovsky believes that the cough of the child does not need to be eliminated. On the contrary, it should be increased its effectiveness. To do this, it is necessary to influence the amount and quality of sputum by a frequent plenty of drinking and the appearance of wet cool air.

Symptom facilitation

To the treatment of cough should be approached. In addition to the elimination of the cause of the reasons itself, a cleanement should be achieved, which will noticeably facilitate the state of the child as a whole. Especially relevant it becomes when the cough does not pass and is accompanied by a high temperature.

Moisturizing indoor

The dry cough brings a child much more discomfort than wet. That is why before starting treatment it is necessary to ensure the baby cool and slightly humid air. In addition, it should be clean. This is explained by the fact that the child is at times increasing the need for breathing with purified air.

When creating such conditions, the body ceases to spend the forces on independent purification and heated air. Immunity activity will noticeably increase, and the disease immediately starts to retreat.

Frequent and strong cough increases the load on the respiratory tract. It is for this reason that it is worth limiting the access of a kid to the stimulus factors. Dr. Komarovsky, speaking about kashel in children, advises at home to follow the following:

  • prevent the baby's contact with different outsiders and substances. For example, try not to use air freshener in a room where the baby is lying, wash the floors with a means having a sharp smell, etc.;
  • limit the effects of tobacco smoke on the child, if there are smokers in the family;
  • reduce the number of things that can accumulate dust. This includes toys, books, various interior items;
  • periodically spend wet cleaning indoors. Vacuuming with a child should not be again for the previous reason. You can take it to another room for a while;
  • support constant humidity. For this purpose, you can use a special moisturizer, but in the case of its absence, wet sheets or tanks with conventional water are suitable;
  • observe the room temperature range within 18-20 degrees.

Most importantly, this is followed by the specified recommendations at night. When the child is sleeping, the mucous membranes dry out due to their stay at the position of lying, provoking long cough. If you adhere to the schools of the school of Dr. Komarovsky, it will become for the kid with excellent prevention of the night and protracted cough during the disease.

Providing a child with plentiful drink

Everyone knows that for the prevention of dehydration during illness, it is necessary to saturate the body with plenty of drink. Treatment on Komarovsky implies a constant reception by the child with a fluid heated to about the body temperature. This is due to the fact that such a drink will quickly be absorbed in the stomach and fall into the blood, diving it.

The list of allowed drinks includes:

  • dried fruits compote;
  • green or black fastening tea. You can add some sugar and fruits or berries;
  • juices;
  • mors;
  • compote from fresh berries and fruits, on which the child has no allergies;
  • ordinary water without gases and any flavoring additives;
  • Regidron.

The latter option is most preferable, but if the temperature is not more than 38 degrees, then it can be limited to what the child will ask. In addition to the specified drinks, it is possible to give the baby watermelon, which is known is the natural source of a large amount of moisture.

Breasts need extra drinking. Mothermary milk is not able to fully fill the lack of fluid. For such children, rehydration solution, children's teas and ordinary water without gases and flavoring additives are suitable.

In addition, the baby should be more active if a one-year-old child is observed, besides cough, the following list of symptoms:

  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • heat;
  • dyspnea;
  • a strong dry cough;
  • rare urination, in which urine acquires an unnatural dark shade.

What to treat cough for a child

The purpose of drugs is the prerogative of doctors, as Komarovsky believes. In particular, he is against the independent choice of drugs by parents. The exception is a pertussus, in which the cough can last several months, oncological processes in the respiratory tract and pleurisy.

In children at the age of 2 years, the negative impact on the respiratory system begins as a result of the use of cough preparations. Therefore, the reception of drugs must be agreed with the pediatrician after the examination of the child.

Preparations for expectoration

There are 2 groups of drugs capable of facilitating sporming of sputum: these are muscolics and resorbative-reflex drugs. The principle of their action is similar to each other. The first group dilutes the sputum, and the second affects the nerve end of the bronchi, stimulating the output of the mucus accumulated in them.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, resorbative and reflex drugs are safer for children, and murgolics can not even be applied if the child has an ARVI in light form and residual wet cough. Otherwise, the drug is able to even harm, and the treatment will become unproductive.

The use of folk remedies

The famous pediatrician also offers cough treatment in children by folk remedies. For the treatment of dry and wet cough after ARVI, various methods will be used. So, for example, with a dry and incessant type, compresses are best suitable. The treatment is based on increasing blood flow to the place where they are applied. They are also able to reduce pain and inflammation.

Please note that the compresses cannot be used if scratches, cuts and other bleeding wounds are present on the skin.

So, for the treatment of dry cough, a child can use compresses with potatoes. To do this, you will need to do the following:

  1. Cook a couple of potatoes.
  2. Grind them in my puree.
  3. Add half a glass of vodka and mix thoroughly.
  4. While the potatoes are still warm, form a flat shepher from it.
  5. Then wrap in the fabric and put the child on your back, in the area between the blades.
  6. Dress the baby and wrap in a blanket.
  7. After 40 minutes, the compress can be removed. During the day, the procedure can be carried out no more than 2-3 times.

If you need to treat most quickly, oil compresses are suitable for this purpose:

  1. Heat a small amount of vegetable oil on a water bath.
  2. Moisten a towel in it.
  3. Put it at the top of the back of the child.
  4. Cover the parchment paper or polyethylene package, and then eat a warm handkerchief.
  5. The kid must carry out with a compress for at least 2-3 hours. During this time, bronchi warms out enough, and the cough will briefly retreat.

When the strong cough appears, rinsing can be used. This is done several times a day, an hour before or an hour after eating. Solutions can remove inflammation, alleviate pain and sufficiently moisten the respiratory tract, eliminating dry cough. You can use the following recipes:

  • a glass of warm water is mixed with ½ teaspoon of soda;
  • from the calendula, eucalyptus and sage are made decoction. To do this, take a couple of water glasses and on a teaspoon of each of the plants listed;
  • a pair of teaspoons of the pharmaceutical chamomile mixed with a glass of boiling water and insistant 10-15 minutes.

Consider that the effective tool must be selected individually, given the characteristics of the child's body. It is strongly recommended to consult a pediatrician before treatment.

Using mustard

Among the cough drugs there is a method familiar to many since childhood. In addition to improving blood flow, mustard pieces help heat the bronchi. Using mustard pieces is permissible for children from 3 months. You can make them yourself, but you can buy ready-made mustard pieces in the pharmacy.

So, for wraps, you need to do the following:

  1. Mix ½ tablespoon of mustard powder and half-liter boiling water.
  2. Mix the mixture thoroughly and allow it to cool down to warm condition, so as not to burn the skin of the child.
  3. Moisten a towel in liquid, press and put a child on my back for a few minutes. The duration will depend on the age of the baby: for infants - 2 minutes; If 3 years already turned 3 years, the duration increases to 5 minutes; Over 7 years old - up to 15 minutes.
  4. Remove the towel and wash the remains of the mustard from the skin.

Note that similar method It does not apply if there are various wounds on the skin, acne, acne and other deviations from the norm.

If the cough holds 5 days or more, be sure to consult a doctor to provide a qualified medical care And do not be fond of self-medication.

Preventive measures

Prevent the occurrence of the disease is much easier than to get rid of the consequences caused by it. Try to pay attention more attention to your child. Especially during the occurrence of cold weather. Children's immunity is more vulnerable than adult, and he needs constant support.

In order to avoid cough caused by various diseases respiratory system, stimulate immune system Toddler: Let's vitamins, watch the child led an active lifestyle and the most important thing - add as much vegetables and fruits into the daily diet. As everyone knows, they are natural sources of useful substances for the body, the lack of which is very acute during the offseason.

Cough in children is mainly or viral, or allergic. When the virus or allergen penetrate the bronchi, there is inflammation of their mucous membrane. The body is actively fighting, producing a mucus that should neutralize the virus. And expectoration - attempts to bring outwardly accumulated in light mucus.

The appearance of cough child, of course, worries his parents. In particular confusion, they introduce their absence of any other symptoms - increasing the temperature, redness in the throat, weaknesses, a cold. What is happening in this case with the baby? Cough in a child without temperature and Komarovsky, and a number of other pediatricians consider the signal that some disease develops in the children's body. It remains only to find out what disease we are dealing with.

Test: Why do you have a cough?

How long have you cough?

Your cough is combined with a runny nose and most noticeing in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already bed)?

Cough can be described as:

You characterize cough like:

Can you say that the cough is deep (in order to understand this, dial more air into the lungs and plow)?

During an attack of cough, you feel pain in the stomach and / or chest (pain in intercostal muscles and abdominal press)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the character of the mucus, which stands out during the cough (no matter how much it is: little, or a lot). She is:

Do you feel blunt pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and wears the "incommete" character (as if the hearth is in the easiest of pain)?

Do you have a shortness of breath (during exercise You quickly "fierce" and tired, breathing becomes more often, after which the air shortage comes)?

Causes of cough in children no temperature

How to treat

As already mentioned, cough is not a separate disease, but one of the symptoms. Thus, it is necessary to treat not only it, but the illness is entirely.

So, summarize - how to treat cough, which is not accompanied by an elevated temperature? First of all, to soften it, in the second - to help the body with deliverance from snot.

This will require:

  • give a child a lot of drinks;
  • support normal temperature (about 18-20 degrees) and air humidity level in the room where the kid is located;
  • walk with the baby so that he breathe fresh air;
  • giving a child muscolics to stimulate expectoration.

What to do with wet cough

Despite the fact that the cough in a child today is not uncommon, it is necessary to be able to distinguish a simple swollen from the beginning of some disease. In particular, the wet cough indicates crumbling infections into the body.

Even if your child does not temperature, in no case cannot take medication at its discretion. First of all, you must consult a pediatrician. Children's doctor will find out the real cause of wet cough. But if you came to the reception, and he immediately discharges the recipe for the purchase of antibiotics - change the doctor. Moist cough A child who is not accompanied by an increased temperature is inappropriate to immediately treat "heavy artillery" - taking antibiotics.

In order for the accumulating sputum faster and much more efficiently, as a rule, narrow-controlled musolithic preparations are prescribed (for example, "Bromgexin" or "Mukaltin").

In addition, when the kashe is a child, you need to steal hard. Children will be happy with cranberry monster, tea in need with raspberry jam, sweet compotes with licorice root and chamber. If the body temperature is within the normal range, you can confuse and shake the baby legs.

If the child began to "bark"

If parents heard a child's cough in a child, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment. Otherwise, the disease can go to acute, and then - both in a chronic form.

According to Komarovsky, it is not necessary to treat the cough himself separately, and that ailment that provoked the occurrence of this symptom. Drugs and other methods are used for treatment. If the child began to "bark" because of allergies, it is extremely important to reveal an allergen and eliminate it. If the allergen cannot be determined independently, you need to be examined by the doctor, which will write a suitable antihistamine drug according to the results. Winter regularly sweat warm drinks. It is necessary in order to avoid drying the throat and larynx. And Dr. Komarovsky strongly advises to acquire a humidifier for the children's room.

If the cause of the cough is the sharp form of Larygitis and the child, coughing, is suffering, immediately call the doctor. After all, the development of larynx edema is a very dangerous state for the kid. Larningospazmis is removed by Loratadin and Dzloratadine preparations. Faringitis is treated with antibiotics and drugs that reduce the annoyance of the throat ("Inhalipte").

Before sending a child to sleep, so that he won't wake up from cough, you need to give him "Mukaltin" or "Codelak". If the doctor diagnosed in the baby bronchitis or tracheitis, then treatment with mulitics - "Bromgexin", "Lazolyvan" or "Ambroben".

The main task is to translate the dry cough into wet, which indicates a rapid recovery. For this purpose, drugs are used to dissolve sputum and improve its expectoration.

If infection has bacterial origin, antibiotics are added ("Augmentin" and "Cefalexin"). In addition, couch Vegetable syrups, made on the basis of althea or plantain, help well.

Folk recipes

If the kid does not temperature, there will be some funds of traditional medicine. We give a couple of examples.

  • To soften cough, you can use warm milk mixed with mineral water in proportions 1: 1. Alternative version of this drug - mix the heated milk with a tea spoon of natural honey and add a small slice of fresh butter. This tool will soften the irritated throat, and for some time the cough will cease to annoy the child.
  • Good tool - Sing of radish. It should be given to the baby on a teaspoon every three hours. How to get this juice? You can split radish in half, pour a bit of honey to each half and sprinkle with sugar-sand with a slightly. Then put it in a deep plate - so that the radish lay at an angle. Literally an hour, the healing juice can be merged and used as intended. Remember that before a year, children can not give it.


Finally, it should be emphasized once again that the fight against one cough is not only deprived of any meaning, but also is dangerous for the child. Meanous reception of various drugs and the change of drugs, if the result from their use does not appear instantly, are absolutely unreasonable and harming the baby's toddler. After all, it may be that you just need to cover the batteries or remove a new flower out of the room, check if the crumb of allergies do not suffer on wool in a blanket.

In any case, it is necessary to find out the reason for the appearance of a symptom, and only then comprehensively affect it. Only so you can cure cough, and caused its illness.

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