Directory of medicines. Teturas Analogs with smaller side-side different composition, may coincide due to the indication and method of application

This page contains a list of all the analogues of the alerts in composition and indication to use. A list of cheap analogues, and also be able to compare prices in pharmacies.

  • Most cheap analog Teturas:
  • The most popular analogue of the tetraram:
  • ATX Classification: Disoulphyram.
  • Existing substances / Composition: Disoulphyram.

Cheap analogues of Teturam

# Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
1 94 rubles 159 UAH
2 disoulphyram.
800 rubles 64 UAH
3 naltrexone hydrochloride
Analogue according to the indication and method of application
1204 rubles 1150 UAH
4 cyanamba
Analogue according to the indication and method of application
1400 rubles 233 UAH
5 Analogue according to the indication and method of application 2790 rubles 31 UAH

When calculating the cost cheap analogues of tetraram Considered the minimum price, which was found in the price list provided by pharmacies

Popular Analogs of Teturam

# Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
1 cyanamba
Analogue according to the indication and method of application
1400 rubles 233 UAH
2 disoulphyram.
Analogue in composition and indication
800 rubles 64 UAH
3 nalmefen.
Analogue according to the indication and method of application
3513 rubles 3922 UAH
4 L- Treonin, pyridoxine hydrochloride
Analogue according to the indication and method of application
94 rubles 159 UAH
5 naltrexon
Analogue according to the indication and method of application
19010 rub 10168 UAH

The list of drug analogues Based on the statistics of the most requested drugs

All Analogs of Teturam

The above list of the analogues of the drugs in which are indicated replays of teturamis the most appropriate because they have the same composition of the active ingredients and coincide the indication to use

Analogs in the indication and method of application

Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
Metadoxin -- 19 UAH
-- 165 UAH
Metadoxin -- 174 UAH
glycine, glucose, sodium formate -- 33 UAH
naltrexone hydrochloride 1204 rubles 1150 UAH
Naltrexon 19010 rub 10168 UAH
Naltrexon -- --
naltrexone hydrochloride, triamcinolone acetonide -- --
Nalmefen. 3513 rubles 3922 UAH
L- Treonin, pyridoxine hydrochloride 94 rubles 159 UAH
Cyanamba 1400 rubles 233 UAH
2790 rubles 31 UAH

Different composition, may coincide due to the indication and method of application

Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
antibodies for Mozgospecific S-100 protein S-100 purified -- --
nicotine 348 rubles 78 UAH
nicotine 2970 rub --
nicotine -- 126 UAH
nicotine -- 163 UAH
nicotine -- 184 UAH
nicotine 1959 rubles --
nicotine -- --
Vareniklin 988 rubles 995 UAH
Vareniklin -- 101 UAH
Citizin 731 rubles 56 UAH
buprenorphin -- --
Methadone -- --
Methadone -- --
Methadone -- --
Methadone -- --
Methadone -- --
Methadone -- --
bucrenorphine, Naloxon -- --

To compile a list of cheap analogues of expensive drugs, we use prices that we provide more than 10,000 pharmacies throughout Russia. The database of drugs and their analogues is updated daily, so the information provided on our site is always relevant as of the current day. If you have not found an analog you are interested in, please use the search above and select the medicine youest interest from the list. On the page of each of them you will find all the possible options for the analogues of the search drug, as well as the prices and addresses of pharmacies in which it is in stock.

How to find a cheap analogue of dear medicine?

To find an inexpensive analogue of medicine, generic or synonym, forward the queue, we recommend paying attention to the composition, namely the same active substances and indications for use. The same drug actors will indicate that the drug is a synonym for a drug, a pharmaceutically equivalent or pharmaceutical alternative. However, do not forget about the inactive components of similar drugs that can affect safety and efficiency. Do not forget about the instruction of doctors, self-medication can harm your health, so before the drafting of anyone medical preparation Always consult your doctor.

Teturas Price

At the following sites you can find prices for teturas and learn about the presence in the pharmacy nearby

Tetura instructions

for the use of funds

Medicinal forms
tablets 250mg

Means for the treatment of alcoholism

International non-proprietary name

Order of vacation
Recommended by prescription

Active substance - disulfiram.

pharmachologic effect
Antalcohol. Inhibits acetal dehydhydhydrogenase and delays the enzyme biotransformation of alcohol at the acetic aldehyde stage. The accumulation of the latter in the body causes intoxication, which (since the consciousness is saved) is accompanied by severe sensations. Quickly and fully absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. It is quite intensely metabolized, restoring to diethyldithiocarbonate, excreted by the kidneys in the form of a glucuronide, or disintegrates with the formation of diethylamine and the servo carbon, which is highlighted with light.

Indications for use
Chronic alcoholism (prophylaxis of relapses, the absence of the therapeutic effect from other methods), chronic nickel intoxication.

Increased sensitivity, thyrotoxicosis, diabetes, sharply pronounced cardiosclerosis, atherosclerosis of the brain vessels, pre- and post-infarction states, aortic aneurysm, coronary failure, hypertonic disease II-III stages, cardiovascular diseases in the stage of decompensation, pulmonary tuberculosis with hemoplary, bronchial asthma, severe lung emphysema, stomach erosion, liver and kidney disease, mental diseases, epileptiform syndrome, polyneurite, glaucoma, pregnancy. Restrictions on use: age over 60 years old, ulcerative illness of the stomach and duodenal gut (in the stages of exacerbation), endarteritic, previously suffered psychoses against the background of receiving a disulfiram.

Side effect
Metal taste in the mouth, hepatitis, neuropsychiatric disorders, headache, Polynevrit lower extremities, skin itch, urticaria.

Effects, incl. Neurotoxic, strengthen tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline), metronidazole, isoniazide, reduces (reaction to alcohol) - ascorbic acid. Reduces blood clotting on the background indirect anticoagulantov. Increases diphenine toxicity.

It is manifested by a comatose state, a collapse, various neurological phenomena. Treatment is symptomatic.

Method of application and dosage
Inside. The dose is selected individually, is usually 0.25-0.5 g / day. Subcutaneously and intramuscularly implanted 8-10 tablets.

special instructions
No information.

Storage conditions
List B. in a dry place.

TatchimFarPreparations (Russia).

All information is provided for informational purposes and is not a reason to independently appoint or replace medication.

Teturas: instructions for use and reviews

Latin name: Teturam.

ATX code: n07bb01

Active substance: Disulfiram (Disulfiram)

Manufacturer: Farmstandard - Lexers, STI-Honey Sorb, TatchimFarPreparations, Avva-Rus (Russia)

Actualization of the description and photo: 12.08.2019

Teturas - Anti-alcohol drug.

Release form and composition

Dosage form - tablets: round flat cylindrical shape, with a chamfer, white with a yellow-green tint or white color (10 pcs. In the contour cellular packaging, in a cardboard pack of 3 or 5 packs; 30 or 50 pcs. in a glass jar of dark color, in a cardboard pack 1 of the bank; In addition, 150 mg: in a polymer jar or a bottle of 30 or 50 pcs., in a cardboard pack 1 of the bank or a bottle; in the contour bale-free package for 10 pcs., in a carton 3 or 5 packs; in the contour cellular package: 15 or 20 pcs., in a cardboard pack 1, 2, 3 or 5 packs, or 10 pcs., in a cardboard pack 1 or 2 packs).

In 1 tablet contains:

  • the active ingredient: disulfers - 100 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg or 250 mg;
  • auxiliary components: Potato starch, aerosil (silicon colloidal dioxide), stearic acid.

Pharmacological properties


Disulfiram - the active substance of the tetramic - is an inhibitor of the enzyme acetaldehydehydhydrogenase, which participates in ethanol metabolism, which helps to increase the concentration of acetaldehyde, which is a metabolite ethyl alcohol, 5-10 times. Acetaldehyde causes the occurrence of a number of unpleasant symptoms: nausea, vomiting, feelings of general ailment, blood tides to the skin of the face, tachycardia, sharp decline arterial pressure. This contributes to the development of a conditionally reflex reaction, which consists in the appearance of a feeling of disgust for the smell and taste of alcohol. The intensity of reactions caused by the teturas is directly proportional to the adopted dose.

The maximum therapeutic effect is observed 12 hours after taking tablets inside and can last for 10-14 days after the cessation of treatment. The degree of effect of the drug is directly determined by the length of the course of therapy.


After oral reception Disulfirama absorption is 70-90%. The substance is metabolized in the liver by recovery to diethyldithiocarbamate, which is excreted in the form of a glucuronide through the kidneys, or turns into diethylamine and servo-carbon, the ratio of which varies from 4 to 53%. Seroublerod stands out through the lungs. Minimum concentration The disulfiram in the blood is about 20 ng / ml.

Indications for use

The use of tetramic is shown to treat chronic alcoholism and prevents its recurrence.

In addition, the disinfect drug tablets are prescribed during chronic nickel poisoning.


  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • diseases cardiovascular systemsin the decompensation stage (including atherosclerosis of the brain vessels, sharply pronounced cardiosclerosis, coronary failure, state before and after a heart attack, aortic aneurysm, arterial hypertension II-III stages);
  • expressed emphysema of the lungs;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hemople with lung tuberculosis;
  • erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, exacerbation peptic disease stomach and duodenal estate;
  • kidney disorders, liver failure;
  • diabetes;
  • glaucoma;
  • neuropsychic pathology, epilepsy;
  • diseases of Central nervous system (CNS) infectious genesis;
  • neuritis the auditory and eye nerves;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • pregnancy period I. breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

With caution, it is necessary to use tetrars with psychosis in history against the backdrop of disulfiram, with endarteritis, cardiovascular pathologies under compensation, residual phenomena Disorders of the cerebral circulation, over the age of 60, during the remission of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Tetramic instructions: Method and dosage

Tablets teturas take inside.

The appointment of the drug is made after a complete medical examination, the doctor must prevent the patient about possible consequences and complications.

Recommended dosing: according to an individual scheme from 150 to 500 mg 2 times a day. The tetura-alcohol sample is carried out after 7-10 days of therapy, it consists in taking a patient 20-30 ml of vodka (40%) after 500 mg of the drug. In the case of a weak reaction, the amount of vodka is increased by 10-20 ml. The dose of alcohol should not exceed 120 mg. Repeated samples with correction of doses of alcohol and / or drug are carried out after 1-2 days in the hospital and after 3-5 days - outpatient. Supporting therapy in a daily dose of 150-200 mg may continue for 1-3 years.

Side effects

  • violations due to the properties of the drug: confusion, headache, metal taste in the mouth, nasty smell (due to carbon sulfide) in patients with colostomy, loss of memory, neuritis optical nerve, asthenia, polyneurite lower extremities, manifestation of allergic reactions on the skin; rarely - hepatitis (including in the absence of alcohol addiction in patients with nickel eczema);
  • violations caused by admission against the background of therapy doses of alcohol exceeding 50-80 ml of vodka in equivalent: swelling, severe disorders of respiratory and cardiovascular systems, convulsions;
  • violations due to a combination of teturam with ethyl alcohol: possible - respiratory failure, brain swelling, cardiovascular collapse, angina, rhythm disorders; Sometimes - myocardial infarction, neurological disorders;
  • disorders due to complications on the background of long therapy: the exacerbation of Polynevrit; rarely - gastritis, hepatitis, psychosis (similar to alcoholic); Perhaps (with cardiovascular diseases) - thrombosis of brain vessels.


The symptoms of the overdose of Tetrama are neurological complications, a clouded consciousness, coma, collapse.

Specific antidote to the disulfiram is absent. With severe disulfiram-alcohol reaction, lasting about 1.5 hours, resort to oxygen therapy. Also recommended inhalation of the carbogen (a mixture consisting of 95% oxygen and 5% carbon dioxide), intravenous administration High doses ascorbic acid (up to 1 g), antihistamine preparations and ephedrine sulfate. It is necessary to conduct continuous monitoring of the content of potassium in serum, especially if the patient takes drugs.

special instructions

Due to the risk of development of the thrombosis of the vessels of the brain, immediately cancellation of the drug is required when the patient has numbness and paresthesia in the extremities.

In the development of severe disorders against the background of alcohol consumption in a dose, exceeding the permissible threshold, the patient needs to conduct urgent disinfecting therapy, including anagetti and symptomatic treatment.

With a combination of the drug with oral anticoagulants, the patient should ensure frequent control of the level of protecrin concentration and the corresponding correction of the doses of anticoagulants. This will reduce the risk of bleeding.

Impact on the ability to control vehicles and complex mechanisms

Takets receiving Tetrapers practically does not affect the ability to drive a car or perform potentially hazardous species work.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

Before taking Tetramic, it is necessary to exclude pregnancy. Against the background of treatment with disulfiram, you should use reliable means of contraception.

With violations of the kidney function

According to the instructions, teturas are used in patients with any degree of renal failure.

When violations of the liver function

The drug is contraindicated in severe liver function disorders. It is used with caution during liver dysfunctions.

Medicinal interaction

Due to the large risk of developing the reaction of intolerance caused by vomiting, blood bunches, tachycardia, erythym, contraindicated simultaneous use of ethanol-containing medicines and alcohol consumption.

Unwanted combinations include a combination of the drug with the following means:

  • isoniazid - because of his ability to cause violation of coordination and behavior;
  • ornidazole, Tinidazole, Metronidazole, SHINIDAZOL (Nitro-5-imidazole) - the risk of developing delicious disorders, confusion of consciousness;
  • phenytoin - reduces metabolism, quickly and significantly increasing its blood plasma level with symptoms of toxicity (in case of clinical need, treatment should be accompanied by laboratory control of the phenytin content in the blood).

With the simultaneous use of Tetramic:

  • oral anticoagulants, including warfarin, increase their effect and danger of bleeding, therefore it is recommended to carry out more frequent checks of the level of their concentration and maintain the dose of anticoagulants adjusted after the cancellation of the drug for 8 days;
  • theophylline slows down its metabolism;
  • benzodiazepines increase their own sedative effect;
  • tricyclic antidepressants can help enhance alcohol intolerance reactions.


The analogues of the Tetramic are: Antabus, Esparl.

Terms and conditions of storage

Take care of children.

Store in the place protected from moisture and light at temperatures up to 25 ° C.

Shelf life - 4 years.

Tetraram is one of the most popular means for therapy of alcohol addiction. It refers to potent drugs and applies in cases where softer treatment did not give the desired result. The drug has a rather long list of contraindications and possible undesirable consequences. Therefore, patients are often looking for other medicines, with smaller side effects that can replace teturas. Pharmacy points offer many tablets for anti-alcohol therapy with similar effect.

There are as analogues of the Teturam, having the same composition with it, and similar to the action of drugs suitable for the treatment of alcoholics at different stages of addiction. You only need to use the doctor's appointment. The illiterate use is able to harm the patient.

Similar tablets Tetrauma:

  • Stopatyl;
  • Disulfiram;
  • Antabus;
  • Esparl;
  • Antietyl;
  • Clamp.

Medicines used in anti-alcohol therapy, with a softer effect (light substitutes):

  • Naltrekson;
  • Proproen-100;
  • Biotrine;
  • Zerax;
  • Alcodez.

Before use, assume analyzes and carefully read the instructions to find out contraindications and unwanted consequences.


This is a liquid analogue of the teturamic, also widely used for the treatment of alcoholism. The active component is cyanamide. This substance delays the biotransformation of ethanol in the liver. Compared to the tetura, the means acts gentle. Its influence continues fewer time and does not cause pressure jumps.

Small doses of the drug are mainly transferred to patients well and do not cause complications. Therapy of the launched forms of alcoholism can be carried out for a long time, as a result of which side effects are possible. They are weaker than that of Tetrama, so they are faster. These include:

  • target disorders (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting),
  • the emergence of erosions in the esophagus;
  • vessel thrombosis;
  • liver disorders;
  • dermatitis.

The colme is produced in the form of droplets. They do not have colors and smell, which is a plus in cases of treatment without a patient's knowledge. For standard alcoholism therapy take 30-50 drops daily. However, the dosage appoints a doctor depending on the severity of a particular case. The cost of the drug is from 1200 to 1500 rubles for 4 ampoules.

The preparation is widely used in alcoholism therapy at different stages. It is used in clinics for:

  • treatment of chronic patients
  • removal from the feed
  • elimination of abstinence syndrome.

In addition, it has detoxifying properties. The medicine is a hepatoprotector, restoring liver functions. The means enhances the output of the decomposition of ethyl alcohol from the body, prevents the occurrence of cirrhosis. Active substances contribute to improved thinking, restore neuron connections in cells. These properties allow it to be used in complex therapy To restore the health of chronic alcoholics.

Produced in tablets and in liquid form, as a solution for injection. For detoxification of the body, the drug is injected into the blood using droppers. For the purposes of therapy, alcoholism takes orally on one tablet 2-3 times a day. Among the side actions are indicated allergic reactions. Price in pharmacies about 1,500 rubles.


It is used in anti-alcohol therapy at all stages of the disease. The principle of the medication is blocking opioid centers in the brain. The drug does not apply to the perversive means (causing conditional reflexes). When applied, it does not occur, accompanied by physical ailments, like a teturam.

Among undesirable consequences are:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • stomach upset;
  • weakness.

In rare cases, itching, rash, muscle pain. Some patients had irritability, sweating, a decrease in libido. The drug is produced in the form of an oil solution for administration intravenously. The treatment regimen is prescribed individually. The price is about 750 rubles.


This is an analogue of the teturamic in injections and tablets. The active substance is disulfiram. The tool is intended to combat chronic alcoholism, preventing recurrences after treatment. Side effects Same as Teturam. With long-term reception, mental disorders may appear.

If the patient takes alcohol in the treatment process, even in small quantities, the consequences will be such:

  • strong pressure in breasts, breathing spasms;
  • heartbearance;
  • tide of blood to face, heat;
  • head and muscle pain;
  • lower or increase pressure;
  • panic feeling of fear, disturbing thoughts.

In addition, the patient can develop psychosis, hallucinations with nonsense, persecution state. The emergence of these complications requires immediate medical carewhich is impossible at home.

It is necessary to carry out therapy by this means in the clinic under the careful observation of a narcologist.


  • endocrine diseases;
  • brain lesions;
  • tuberculosis;
  • complex diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • disorders in the work of the lungs, respiratory tract;
  • mental disorders;
  • neuritis;
  • epilepsy.

Before starting therapy, a survey should be examined to identify the presence or absence of these diseases. This is a very important point that cannot be neglected.

For the treatment of severe stages of alcoholism, the remedy is taken orally on one tablet during breakfast. During the therapy, the dose is gradually decreasing. For a steady effect, espearl drink regularly, up to three years. As intramuscular injections Used for coding for 1-3 years. The cost depends on the form of the issue and the amount of substance and begins from 1000 rubles.


Medication of homeopathic nature. The active substance is antibodies to S-100 protein compounds in the brain. It is intended for removing the abstineent syndrome, used as an aid in complex anti-alcohol therapy. The drug eliminates the symptoms associated with the effect of cancellation after the long use of alcohol. Its use has a positive effect on the patient's psyche, normalizes sleep, reduces aggression.

Side effects are not observed, except for the intolerance of the components of the drug. There are also no contraindications. The price varies within 100-200 rubles.


The main substances of the drug are pyridoxine (vitamin B) and L-threonine. Designed for the treatment of chronic alcoholism in a complex with other drugs, removal of symptoms of abstinence. Reduces thrust to alcohol, removes irritability, normalizes the metabolism.

The remedy takes a course duration of up to 14 days during the exacerbation of the disease. The dosage determines the attending physician. Contraindications, unwanted consequences were not observed. It is impossible to take together with antidepressants.


Effective drug used to reduce thrust to alcoholic beverages and recovery after winding states. The composition includes a toilet substance that has a detoxifying effect. Also, the medicine contains a calcium salt of pantothenic acid, regulating calcium-phosphoric exchange in the body.

To reduce dependence, take one tablet twice a day, before meals. When removing the hangover syndromes and the abstitent syndrome, drink 1 capsule in the morning and during the day. There are no side effects, except for the appearance of allergies on the components of the drug. Contraindications are diseases of the kidneys and liver in severe form.

This article allows you to familiarize yourself with the instructions for the use of the drug. Teturam. Presented reviews of site visitors - consumers this medicine, as well as the opinions of doctors of specialists in the use of Tetramic in their practice. A big request to more actively add your reviews about the preparation: helped or did not help the medicine to get rid of the disease, which complications were observed and side effectsmay not be stated by the manufacturer in annotations. Analogs of Tetramic in the presence of available structural analogues. Use for the treatment of chronic alcoholism and eliminate traction to alcohol in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Teturam - Means for the treatment of alcohol addiction. It has an inhibitory effect on the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase, which participates in the metabolism of ethyl alcohol. This leads to an increase in the concentration of ethyl alcohol of acetaldehyde, causing blood tides to face, nausea, vomiting, overall malaise, tachycardia, decrease in blood pressure, which are extremely unpleasant to drink alcohol after teturam taking.


Disulfiram + excipients.


After taking inside, fast, but incomplete (70-90%) absorption active substance From the gastrointestinal Due to the high solubility in lipids, disulfers are widely distributed in the body and accumulates in various fatty depots. Disulfiram is rapidly metabolized into diethyldithiocarbamate (DDK), which is partially derived in the form of a survolution with exhaled air and is partially metabolized in the liver in methyl ddk. The latter turns into an active metabolite - diethyl carymbamic acid methyl ether (methyl dtk). With a weak or moderate deterioration of the liver function, metabolism does not change. In contrast, under the cirrhosis of the liver, an increase in the concentration of metabolites in the blood is observed. Metabolites are mainly displayed with urine. The part is derived from the exhaled air in the form of a carbon. 20% in the form of unchanged disulfirama is excreted through the intestines. Up to 20% of the dose may remain in the body for 1 week or more. Despite very low levels, disulfiram-ethanol reactions may occur within 5-9 months after implantation.


For reception inside:

  • prevention of relapses during the treatment of chronic alcoholism.

For implantation:

  • treatment of chronic alcoholism
  • as a disinfectant with chronic poisoning with nickel.

Forms of release

Tablets 100 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg and 250 mg.

Others dosage forms, Whether drops or capsules, do not exist.

Instructions for use and reception scheme

When ingestion, the dose is 125-500 mg per day, the treatment diagram is determined individually.

When implantation in subcutaneous fat cells, 800 mg is introduced using a special technique.

Side effect

  • metal taste in the mouth;
  • polyneurite lower limbs;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • reduction of memory;
  • disorientation;
  • headache;
  • skin rash;

Reactions caused by Association Disulfiram-ethanol: Collapse, heart rate disorders, angina attacks, myocardial infarction, brain swelling.


  • severe cardiovascular diseases;
  • severe liver failure;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • neuropsychiatric diseases;
  • simultaneous reception of phenytoin, isoniazide, metronidazole;
  • the simultaneous use of beverages containing alcohol or the reception of drugs containing ethanol, as well as their use for 24 hours after receiving disulfiram;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • increased sensitivity to disulfiram.

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated to use during pregnancy and during lactation.

Before conducting implantation, pregnancy should be excluded. Against the background of the actions of the disulfiram, it is necessary to apply reliable means of contraception.

Application in children

The drug is contraindicated in children and adolescents under the age of 18.

special instructions

It is safe to apply in patients with renal failure, liver diseases, respiratory system.

Medicinal interaction

With simultaneous use with anticoagulants, Kumarina derivatives (incl. With warfarin), an anticoagulant action is enhanced, the risk of bleeding is increased.

Disulfiram inhibits liver enzymes, so with the simultaneous use of drugs metabolized in the liver, it is possible to violate their metabolism.

With the simultaneous use of disulfirama with tricyclic antidepressants, derivatives of phenothiazine, Mao inhibitors there is a risk of developing serious adverse Reactionsassociated with drug interaction.

The case of development of mania in a patient taking teturas and buxpirones is described.

With simultaneous use, clearance of desipramine and imipramine from the body decreases.

With simultaneous use with amitriptylin, it is possible to gain therapeutic action Disulfirama, but it is also possible to strengthen the toxic effect of amitriptyline on the CNS.

With simultaneous use, the concentration in the blood plasma of diazepam and chloridiazepoxide increases, in some cases accompanied by dizziness. Under the influence of diazepam, it is possible to reduce the intensity of the reaction of disulfiram-alcohol. The case of strengthening the toxicity of Tezepama is described.

With simultaneous use with isoniazid described cases of dizziness, depression; caffeine - decreases caffeine from the body; with metronidazole - develops acute psychosis, confusion of consciousness; With omeprazole, the case of developing a violation of consciousness and catatonia is described.

With simultaneous use with Perphenzine, the development of psychotic symptoms cannot be eliminated.

With simultaneous use, tetrars inhibits metabolism and reifampicin.

At the same time, T1 / 2 of the tongue increases with the fenason; With phenytio - the effects of phenytoin are enhanced due to the increase in its concentration in the blood plasma, toxic reactions are developing.

With simultaneous use with chloro-suite, the concentration of chloro-zone in the blood plasma increases; With chlorpromazine - it is possible to strengthen the arterial hypotension.

Analogs of the Medicinal Tetura

Structural analogues of PO active substance:

  • Antabus;
  • Disulfiram;
  • Lidewin;
  • Esperal.

In the absence of analogues of drugs on the active substance, you can follow the links below on the disease, which helps the appropriate drug, and see the analogues on therapeutic effects.


Clinical and Pharmacological Group

02.063 (preparation for the treatment of alcohol dependence)

Release form, composition and packaging

White tablets with a cream colors, round, slightly double bobble, with the inscription "Esperal" on one side and a cruciform notch to another; without smell.

Auxiliary substances: Povidone K30, sodium carmellosis, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, purified water.

20 pcs. - polypropylene bottles (1) - packs cardboard.

pharmachologic effect

Preparation for the treatment of alcoholism. The disulfirama action is based on the blockade of acetal dehydrogenase, which is involved in ethanol metabolism. This leads to an increase in the concentration of ethanol metabolite - acetaldehyde, causing negative sensations (including blood tides to face, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure), which make an extremely unpleasant alcohol consumption after taking the drug. This leads to a conditional reflector disgust to taste and smell of alcoholic beverages.

The maximum therapeutic effect is achieved 12 hours after taking the drug inside and can continue within 10-14 days after the cessation of treatment.


After oral administration, the absorption of disulfirama from the GTS is from 70 to 90%. It is rapidly metabolized, restoring to a dithiocarbamate, which itself is derived as a glucuron conjugate or converted to diethylamine and carbon sulfide, part of which (4-53%) is excreted through the lungs.


Before starting treatment, the patient should be carefully examined and prevented about the consequences and complications.

The drug is prescribed inside 500 mg 1 time / day in the morning during food according to an individual scheme, gradually reducing the dose to 250 mg (1/2 tablets) or 125 mg (1/4 tablets) in the day. Depending on the patient's reaction, the dose treatment can be increased or decreased.

After 7-10 days, a tetura-alcoholic trial is carried out: 20-30 ml of 40% ethanol (vodka) after taking the drug at a dose of 500 mg; With a weak reaction, the dose of alcohol is increased by 10-20 ml (the maximum dose of vodka is 100-120 ml). The sample is repeated after 1-2 days in the hospital and after 3-5 days outpatient, with the correction of alcohol and / or drug doses, as needed. In the future, the drug can be applied in a supporting dose of 150-200 mg / day for 1-3 years.


Symptoms: The combination of disulfiram-ethanol causes the oppression of consciousness up to coma, cardiovascular collapse, neurological complications.

Treatment: Conducting symptomatic therapy.

Medicinal interaction

Combinations are contraindicated

With the simultaneous admission of the drug Esperal® and ethanol, the reaction of intolerance (blood tides, erythema, vomiting, tachycardia is developing.

With simultaneous use with isoniazid - violation of behavior and coordination.

With simultaneous use with 5-nitroimidazole derivatives (metronidazole, ornidazole, secretion, tinidazole) develop delicious disorders, confusion of consciousness.

With simultaneous use with phenytio, there is a significant and rapid increase in the concentration of phenytoin in blood plasma with development toxic symptoms (due to the oppression of the metabolism of phenytoin). If the combinations cannot be avoided, then clinical observation and control of the plasma concentration in the plasma should be carried out during and after treatment with disulfiram.

Combinations requiring caution

With simultaneous use with warfarin (and other oral anticoagulants), its effect is enhanced and the risk of bleeding is increased (due to the oppression of warfarin metabolism in the liver). With this combination, more frequent control of the level of prothrombin in the blood is recommended and the dose correction of anticoagulants within 8 days after the discontinuation of the disulfiram.

Disulfiram inhibits theophylline metabolism. Therefore, a reduction in the dose of theophylline is required, depending on clinical symptoms and its concentration in plasma.

Disulfiram is able to strengthen the sedative effect of benzodiazepines due to inhibiting their oxidative metabolism (especially chloridiazepoxide and diazepama). The doses of benzodiazepines should be adjusted in accordance with clinical manifestations.

Tricyclic antidepressants enhance the reactions of alcohol intolerance, if patients treated with disulfiram, are accepted by alcoholic beverages.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

The drug is contraindicated to use during pregnancy and during lactation (breastfeeding).

Side effects

Condected disulfiram properties: Metal taste in the mouth, unpleasant odor in patients with colostomy (associated with carbon sulfide); rarely - hepatitis, sometimes found in patients with nickel eczema, not suffering from alcoholism, polyesurite the lower extremities, neurit spectator nerve, reduction of memory, confusion of consciousness, asthenia, headaches, skin allergic reactions.

Associated with a combination of disulfiram-ethanol: cases of respiratory failure, collapse, heart rate disorders or acute angina, sometimes myocardial infarction, and also neurological violations, brain swelling.

Complications with long-term reception: psychosis resembling alcohol, hepatitis, gastritis; In patients with cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis of the vessels of the brain is possible, so with complaints of paresthesia in limbs and face, the drug should be immediately canceled; The aggravation of Polynevrit.

When taking the doses of alcohol, over 50-80 ml (in terms of 40% ethanol) against the background of drug intake, severe violations of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, swelling, seizures are developing. In this case, it is urgently carried out disinfecting therapy, anagetti is introduced, symptomatic treatment is carried out.

Terms and Storage Terms

List B. The drug should be stored in a dry, inaccessible place at temperatures below 25 ° C. Shelf life - 3 years.


- Treatment and prevention of recurrence of chronic alcoholism.

Additionally, the drug is used as a disinfectant with chronic poisoning with nickel.



- severe liver failure;

- diabetes;

- epilepsy I. convulsive syndrome any origin;

- mental illness;

- pregnancy;

- lactation period;

- Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.


renal failure;

- hypothyroidism.

special instructions

During the period of treatment, the admission of alcoholic beverages and drugs containing ethanol should be avoided.

Application in violation of the kidney function

Application in violation of the liver function

The drug is contraindicated in severe hepatic insufficiency.

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