The main causes of neurosis in children. Neurosis and astheno-neurotic states in children

Nervous disorder or neurosis is a consequence of psychological injury resulting from a strong fright, fear or a prolonged psychotrauming situation. Neurotic disorders can manifest themselves in different ways, for example, (sucking fingers, nail biting, etc.), tics, stuttering, enuresis. In neurosis, three are usually present. characteristic symptom: reduced mood, and

Nervous disorders can be divided into three degrees:

Short-term neurotic reaction (lasts from a few minutes to several days);

Neurotic state (lasts a few months);

The neurotic development of the personality (temporary neurosis develops into chronic and distorts the development of the personality).

The main cause of neuroses is the presence of a long mental injury that imposed on other prerequisites. Consequently, the more such prerequisites, the greater the likelihood that even a minor psychological trauma (a dog lay, drank the educators) can provoke the appearance of neurosis in a child.

Prerequisites and causes of neuroses in children

The first thing I want to pay attention to This is what there are certain age periods characterized by increased vulnerability. nervous system, this is 2 - 3 years (crisis of 3 years, in which the child enters into the "struggle" with his parents) and 5 - 7 years old, when the child takes the traumatic situations especially close to the heart, but still does not know how to influence them and does not possess psychological protection.

In addition, different children are subject to neurosis in varying degrees. The most prone to K. nervous disorders Children with the following characteristics of the nature, nervous system and health:

Increased: vulnerability , impactivity, impressionability, dependence, suggestibility, irritability, excitability,

There are no visible damage to neurosis in children, however, higher nervous processes are violated and do not function. This negatively affects the development of the child and its physiological health.

It is considered to be especially active nervous activity Begins to develop around three years of age. Therefore, the features characteristic for neurotic disorders turns around at the same time. Most often we are talking about emotional and behavioral manifestations.

First of all, parents should be known about all, as well as to all who are engaged in the education and education of children, in order to notice the symptoms of neurosis in a timely manner, to make an appointment with a doctor and begin timely treatment.

Neurosis in a child need to notice as early as possible to start treatment

Neurosis in children should not be confused with psychic diseases. They do not imply a personal decay. Disorder, as it turns out, is quite reversible and all violations associated with the nervous system are functional.

The described condition assumes a sharp shock of the body, as well as long-term irritation of the nervous system. As a result, malfunctions in the work of the central nervous system can begin, because of what unreasonable fears appear, the alarming state is developing, a person is tormented by some physiological troubles:

  • worsening appetite;
  • increased sweating;
  • heart palpitations.

The causes of neuroses in children are bound by the vulnerability of the nervous system and its immaturity. They have no need for the necessary life experience that adults acquire in various life situations. Even to express their emotions, they do not always succeed.

Alas, parents do not always pay attention to certain symptoms of neurosis from their children, since they are busy or distracting a lot of home affairs. Sometimes manifestations of mental disorders are accepted by adults for children's pranks, whims or features associated with age. Especially, it is difficult to see the signs of such states in the infant.

The help provided in a timely manner leads to tightening the disease, serious complications and difficult reversible consequences. Physical health from this, as a rule, also suffers. The neurotic state is worse. There are serious difficulties in communicating with peers and other people. All this is important, considering that the child is just formed by a person.

Even the first-year students of the meduliper on the exam on psychotherapy at the request of the teacher: "Indicate the causes of neuroses" may indicate possible pathology of pregnancy and difficulties that have arisen during childbirth. As a result, hypoxia can occur with the nerve fabrics of the fetus.

Here are some more likely predisposing factors:

  • a tendency to nervous disorders;
  • the presence of psychotrauming situations;
  • emotional overvoltage (actually, as well as physical);
  • regular lack of sleep.

For the course of the disease and the severity of symptoms children's neurosis (Actually, as on the doctor appointed by the doctor) may affect:

  • age features;
  • sexuality;
  • type of constitution;
  • cultivation conditions;
  • children's temperament.

By the type of constitution, for example, children are asthenics, normostasters or hyperstoles. As for temperament, it is necessary to deal with choleric, melancholic, sanguinics and phlegmatic.

Psychotrams and their consequences

Cause different species Neuroses in children can be a psychotrauma. In essence, we are talking about some events and circumstances that were very disturbed, negatively influenced the child and contributed to the change in his consciousness. Situations may be long or sudden.

But even in cases where the circumstance, which caused a psychotraham, far in the past, the consequences still can remain - even in adulthood. These may be phobias and other disorders.

Sometimes not one affects the development of neurosis, but several factors at once. The reaction of children on the events taking place with them can be different: it depends on their temperament, education, identity features. For someone, the dog that lay on the street is just a sound stimulus, and for the other - this is a signal that starts a neurotic disorder, in the future only aggravated.

Psychotrauma obtained in childhood may cause neuroses

As already mentioned, much depends on age. So neurosis in a child, which is 2 or 3 years old, may arise in case of parting with parents or with a debut visiting a children's team.

Children 4, 5 and 7 years old are very difficult to perceive the divorce of parents, as well as educational measures as physical punishment.

3 years and 7 years - these ages are considered the most crisis (crises are called "three years" and "five-year hundred"). It is at this time that the "I" of a man "is formed, the child is reassessing the attitude towards himself, and therefore the vulnerability in stressful factors increases.

Often disorder begin because of parental mistakes. At first, their consequence turns out neurotic reactionsand then mental instability is already formed:

  • Parents should avoid such a model of education, as a rejection, when an adult subconsciously wants to engage in the upbringing of the baby, is not interested in his problems. It happens that it happens because the child of another sex appears than they waited and hoped initially (for example, I wanted a boy, but a girl was born).
  • There is nothing good in the so-called hypertension, when adults do not teach children independence, literally all making them for them. It is worth being such a baby in another environment - for example, in the children's team - where it will not be a patronage, and psychotrauma arises. So, for example, the disorders begin in children of younger school age.
  • The use of an authoritarian model when constant and unquestioned is required from the child, and his personal opinion is not taken into account at all - it is also bad.
  • In some families there are no standards and rules, regular conflicts occur between parents. On the mental health of the baby, such a situation cannot affect favorably.

What should adults do, noticing signs of children's neurosis? To contact the psychiatrist and then following its instructions, it may be possible to change your model of upbringing (behavior), having raised to correct the mistakes (better late than ever).

The causes of children's disorders are often associated with their inability to cope with the situation and at least do something. Adults are usually responsible for the prevention of neuroses.

External factors

Which factors do not contribute to the development of children's neurosis! Of external factors It would be worth noting:

  • change of residence (when they are forced to move together with parents);
  • change of children's team (in kindergarten and school);
  • the beginning of a visit to an educational or educational institution;
  • conflicts in the children's team;
  • the emergence of another child in the family (born or reception).

Often, the disorder is developing under the influence of several factors at once. But if the child is not inclined to neurosis and lives in a prosperous family, the likelihood of developing strong neurotic disorders is extremely small. Parents notice changes in the psyche and the behavior of the baby in time, responding to them in the right way.

Impact on character traits

As already mentioned, the treatment of neurosis in children is largely determined by the characteristics of the nature of the child:

  • If the baby has high sensitivity and pronounced emotion, he especially needs caress, love, as well as attention. Not receiving such emotions, Choo begins to suffer from fear of dislike and unnecessaryness.
  • The presence of leadership qualities implies the intolerance to the dictatorship of parents and a large number of restrictions. Excessive guardianship for such a baby is also not a way out.
  • Weak and prone to disease - too strong concern for these children can have their own negative sidesAs they become confident in their helplessness.

Much depends on the nature of the child

Sometimes under the influence of the neurotic state, the child develops new character traits (as a rule, not the best):

  • tearfulness;
  • vulnerability;
  • aggressiveness;
  • anxiety.

Signs of disorders are associated with somatic health:

  • development of tachycardia;
  • disturbed respiratory process;
  • change of pressure indicators;
  • excessive sweating;
  • upset digestion;
  • loss of concentration of attention;
  • insomnia.

In general, with a careful attitude towards his children, parents should notice such symptoms and immediately consult a doctor to learn how to treat it.

One of the signs neurotic disorder Maybe insomnia

About types of neurosis

Types of neuroses in children are different. One of the main classifications implies the possibility of the following types:

  • Anxious - associated with the attacks of fear, which often begin at night and when the child remains alone or darkness. Even visions are likely in heavy forms. The main thing is that the parents do not engage in the cultivation of fears, frightening the kids with all sorts of frightening characters, like a woman or even police officers in order to upbringing. Some guys are not going to school because of fear, because they are afraid of any of other children (for example, high school students). A high tendency to the development of this disorder in low-cost, closed and home children.
  • Obsessive states - We are talking about involuntary movements that are manifested due to strong emotional stress: blinking, blinking, shrimp, penalty, and so on. Psychological factors Can contribute to the development of nervous tick. At first, these repeated actions deliver discomfort to the kids, but over time become familiar. They will preferably eliminate themselves.
  • Depressive - As a rule, it is inextricably linked with adolescent neurosis caused by sex ripening. Depressed mood, reluctance to communicate with anyone, removal from others, degraded appetite, tear, understated self-esteem. Teens - and it should be especially taken into account by parents! - Depressed slopes to think about suicide. Noticing the corresponding symptoms, the treatment should begin on time.
  • Hysterical - With the development of this neurosis, children face when the desired diverges with valid. The main symptom is true hysteries in the most unsightly form (child can fall to the floor, shout, convulsively with limbs). It is possible to occur hysterical blindness, skin covering Loses sensitivity, normal breathing is frustrated.
  • Asthenic (It is also referred to as neural) - is usually caused by excessive loads on the background of childhood, manifests irritability, constant crying, nonsense and bad sleep.
  • Hypochondria - Excessive concernity of a child with a state of their own health, the emergence of unmotivated diseases of diseases, imperitiousness.
  • Neurotic logoneurosisSupposing stuttering caused by psychological trauma.
  • Somnambulism or Lunaticism - related to the peculiarities of the functioning of the nervous system. Usually such problems begin with 4 years of age. Moreover, the baby in the morning does not remember that at night he walked.
  • Nervous anorexia - broken appetite caused by strong stress or improper power mode. The child has a changeless attitude towards what it uses. For some food, a vomit reflex is possible.

There are other disorders, any of whom requires qualified treatment.


For neurosis in children and adolescents, you can read in detail in the works of A.I. Zakharov. For example, a book called "The Origin of Children's Negromes". Although this work was published back in 1977, it is still relevant and in demand among parents, as well as children's doctors.

Nebrosis treatment should be entrusted only to a qualified doctor

In general, in this article gives general information What are the neurosa in the details, for what symptoms they can be determined what can be done for their treatment and prevention. Remember that the sooner you show your child to the doctor in the event of suspicion of neurotic disorders, the sooner adequate treatment will be started and, accordingly, the chances of normalization will be mental state increase.

Children's neurosis crumble in themselves a great danger, and the main problem lies not in the type of disorder or its manifestations, but in relation to it. So, sometimes parents are missing from the appearance of the first symptoms of neurosis, and sometimes they ignore them at all, believing that with age everything will be held by itself. This approach cannot be called correct, it is worth an extreme effort to help the child to overcome the problem that has arisen and avoid accompanying inconveniences in the future. Children's neurosis is a mental disorder that does not distort the perception of the surrounding world and having a reversible character (which is very important). Thus, it is possible to get rid of it and do it really needed, reacting on time to changes in the behavior of your baby.

Varieties of children's neurosis

Exists general classification, in which thirteen varieties of neurosis, which can manifest themselves in children:

  • the neurotic state forming on the basis of fear. This is one of the most common types in children of younger school age. Characterized this species Non-believe the presence of long-term (sometimes half an hour) of fear attacks, especially before bedtime. Manifestations can be the most different: and a slight feeling of anxiety, and even. What a child is afraid is often determined by his age. So, in the period to school, the most common fears are fear of remaining one, darkness, mythical or real animals, which were seen in the movie and others. Among the students of younger classes is often the fear of the severity of teachers, before school as such with its clear regime and many requirements;
  • neurosis caused by a specific obsessive state. In psychological science, such a phenomenon is described as the presence in the behavior of certain ritual actions, the failure of which leads to an increase in voltage, internal discomfort. Children distinguish two main types of such states - these are obsessive actions and fears, although they can often have a mixed nature. In preschool age, there are most often obsessive actions such as flashes, penetrating bridges or foreheads, podding, patting, etc. Performing a ritual action reduces the level of emotional stress by using certain physical activity. If we talk about obsessive fears or in other phobias, then there are most often fear of closed premises and acute items. Later, fears begin to appear before death, illness, oral response to the audience, etc.;
  • neurotic state of depressive type. Such a problem is found already in more adult age - adolescence. The child can notice an explicit change in behavior: bad mood, sad expression of a person, some slowdiness of movements and gestures, a general decrease in activity and level of sociability. In more serious cases, a systematic insomnia may appear, a decrease in appetite and even constipation;
  • asthenic type (neurasthenia) It occurs as a reaction to excessive loading of additional tasks and classes, physical and emotional overloads. The obvious form of this type of neurosis takes place only at school age;
  • hysterical species of neurosis.

Rudimentary seizures of motor type - not uncommon in preschool age. When a child does not get the desired, offended or punished, he can show his discontent with a rather bright way - falling on the floor, accompanied by wrinkling hands and legs, loud crying and shouts, shocks, fists, etc.;

  • stutter on the nervous soil. In the overwhelming majority of cases, takes place aged 2 to 5 years in periods of the initial formation of speech and its further phrase complication.

Very often becomes a response to the fright from separation with the parents, which for the child was unexpected. In addition, it is possible to include pressure on the kid with the desire to speed up its development (speech, intellectual, etc.), as well as significant information overloads, can be attributed to the number of factors.

  • hypochondria - a state in which there is a painful concern about his own health, numerous and unreasonable suspicions on various diseases. The characteristic age period is adolescent age;
  • obsessive movements (teaks), About which there was already a speech earlier - a variety of uncomplicated movements and gestures carried out in automatic mode to remove the voltage. Children are often accompanied by enuresis and stuttering;
  • violation of normal sleep - Meet children of younger, and in adolescents.

The disorder can find its expression in anxiety, problems with the deep phases of sleep, nightmares, speaking and walking in a dream, frequent awakening in the middle of the night without an explicit reason for this.

  • reducing appetite on neurotic soil. Mothers often show an excessive alarm about their children, and therefore sometimes try to feed the baby forcibly if he refuses, or give too large portions. Sometimes the cause of neurotic anorexia becomes fright during the feeding process. The result of such events is the disappearance of a child of the desire to take food, frequent jumping, vomiting, sometimes excessive selectivity.
  • incoming urination (enuresis). Most often, this type of neurotic disorder occurs during night sleep;
  • if the child has involuntary feces in minor quantities and there are no physiological reasons for this, then we can talk about a neurotic enchnozer. It is found quite rare, the pathogenesis studied very badly. The age of manifestation of this type of disorder - from 7 to 10 years;
  • pathological actions based on the habit.

This can also be quite often found in children of any age - swinging when falling asleep, or hair and others.

What could be the cause of a neurotic disorder from a child?

In most cases, the cause of the neurotic disorder is a child's psychological trauma (this may be a fright, a strong insult, the result of emotional pressure, etc.). However, to establish a specific event that caused the development of neurosis is almost impossible, and therefore it fails to establish direct connection.

Doctor's opinion: The overwhelming majority of neurosis cases in children becomes a consequence of a non-specific traumatic event that took place once, and the result of a long purge and inability to accept or understand this or that situation or adapt to the changed environmental conditions.

The presence of neurosis in a child - This is a problem that lies not in the body of the Baby's body, but in shortcomings of education. Children are very wounded, and therefore any negative event can postpone a serious imprint, the consequences of which can not be opened immediately, but in the future.

In the matter of the causes of the development of children's neurosis, such factors have great influence:

  • paul and child's age;
  • family history, heredity;
  • features and traditions of education in the family;
  • suffered by a child of the disease;
  • significant loads of physical and emotional nature;
  • lack of sleep.

Who are more susceptible to problems

On the basis of a number of research of neurosis in children, you can talk about the risk group different factors. So, it is believed that most susceptible to neurotic disorders:

  • children aged 2 to 5 and 7 years;
  • having a pronounced "I-position";
  • weakened somatically (children who have a weakened organism due to frequent diseases);
  • children who have been in a difficult life situation for a long time.

Symptomatic manifestations of children's neurosis

What do parents pay attention to? What can alarm about the development of neurosis in a child? Manifestations can wear different nature Depending on the type of neurotic violation. To show anxiety about the state of the child is in the presence of at least one of the listed phenomena:

  • pronounced bouts of fear;
  • stupor and stuttering;
  • change of facial expressions and increased tears compared to the usual state;
  • decline in appetite;
  • irritation;
  • reduction of communicability, striving for loneliness;
  • all sorts of sleep disorders;
  • increased fatigue;
  • increased sensitivity and suggestibility;
  • hysterical seizures;
  • imperidity and indecision;
  • enurpere and Enchnoprez.

Manifestations of neurosis in the photo

When you need to consult a doctor and how to treat a child

Any change in behavior for a long time, systematic seizures or actions - all this should alert the parents. The reason may be different, but to reinforce and turn to the specialist in time is very important. Timely response will allow to deprive the baby unpleasant manifestations Neurotic disorder and relieve it from serious problems in the future.

The basis for the treatment of neurosis in children - Psychotherapy. Sessions can be carried out in different forms: group psychotherapy, individual, family. The value of the latter is very large - it is during contact with a child, and with parents a doctor has the opportunity to most accurately determine the cause of the problem and comprehensively affect its permission.

It is worth noting that psychotherapy in the case of children's neuroses is more aimed at the overall improvement of the situation in the family and the normalization of relations within its framework. Additional measures - appointment drug addicts, the use of reflex and physiotherapy - are not basic, but are designed only to create favorable conditions For psychotherapy.

As part of group psychotherapy used a large number of Methods that allow the child to cope with neurotic disorders:

  • artherapy (most often - drawing, which allows the child to better figure out his own experiences and helps the doctor to collect information about his personal characteristics and moods);
  • game therapy is a spontaneous game without a specific scenario aimed at improvisation of participants;
  • autogenous training (for teenagers);
  • talegotherapy - inventing characters, plots, playing fairy tales, creation of dolls, etc.;
  • suggestive type of psychotherapy or affected by suggestion.

Preventive measures and what should not be done with neurosis

If the child has symptoms of neurosis, then increased attention, hyperbulsed care can only aggravate the situation - such a behavior of parents can consolidate negative manifestations of disorder, provoke their use as a means of manipulation. Often this happens precisely with the hysterical forms of neurotic disorder.

Do not pamper your baby on the basis of what he is sick. Symptoms of among and ticks are very firmly fixed with the active appeal to their attention.

The prophylactic action should include:

  • careful observation of the behavior of a child, timely response to manifested deviations;
  • creation in the family of a favorable psychological and emotional situation;
  • an explanation for the child's reasons and the need for requirements that are presented to it.

Video on how to recognize the first signs of system neurosis in children

For caring parents, the symptoms and the origin of neurosis are too contradictory and blurred. And often have little to do with the medical interpretation of this neuralgic disorder. Neuroses in children and adolescents 1-12 years are often confused with such deviations as:

  • infantality;
  • low brain dysfunction;
  • cerebral paroxysmistry;

They are difficult to blame for ignorance - signs are largely similar to the neurosis:

  • aggression;
  • excitability;
  • bad Son.;
  • inattention;
  • headaches;
  • pallor;
  • tremor fingers;
  • fatigue.

All these symptoms are temporary and dictated by unpreparedness of the child to changes in age - only to consult with a neuropathologist, which will give recommendations and will write treatment and psychotherapy. The origin of neurosis always stems from a long stressful situation and has a deeper anamnesis that requires a specialist intervention.

Events and shocks

Children's psyche is very raven and susceptible - any change in the usual routine of life is reflected even on newborns, with a force corresponding to the dynamics of age. So, for babies from the year to 3 years, even short separation from the mother can affect the form of beginning neurosis. Especially if before that day they were inseparable.

Children 3-6 years old can get an indexed state if their pet is lost, or a favorite toy is broken. The first symptoms are lost, long mountain, despondency, sleep disorder and appetite. Family scandals, incomplete family, dislike parents also negatively affect the children's psyche, leaving a child in the shower is an indelible track for life.

The dictatories of one of the parents also bring neurosis to the baby. Suppression of personality, temperament, instincts and interests is the faithful child's road to neurosis and sessions of psychotherapy.

Instincts of the child

Neurosis in children and adolescents is a common and dangerous phenomenon. The child grows as insecure in himself, various mental deviations, fears, from schizophrenia to paranoia are quite possible in its brain.

The most innocent of this bouquet is the complexes, due to which the inner world of the child's child is closed to others. Already as an adult, such a person is not able to fully love, communicate and develop personally. Only psychotherapy as treatment can bring relief.

Negrosis as a consequence arises from the struggle of instincts. Children defend how they can, simply speaking, try not to go crazy. The most common causes of neurosis in a child:

  • family conflicts;
  • fright, accident, injury;
  • pressure of parental care and control;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • excessive mental loads.

Children's psyche show the following symptoms:

  • decline in appetite;
  • reduced performance;
  • prostration;
  • sweating;
  • nervous tick;
  • hysterics;
  • headaches;
  • cold hands and legs.

In addition to the symptoms, there are such signs in psychotherapy as stuttering and incontinence. In children up to the year and newborns distinctive features Neuroses can be a plaintive, slanting crying and sensitive, restless sleep. After 4 years before preschool and school age - hysterical seizures, riding on the floor, fierce requirement of the desired.

Internal conflicts

Neuroses are actually very easy to earn. Not enough to understand your own child. That is why it is usually the origin of such phenomena as non-rudeness in women - they also have a sensitive soul. The psyche of children like plasticine, but it requires a careful relationship.

Thanks to stress at work and in everyday life, adults in adults leads to depression and neurasthenia, but they can go to psychoanalyst or simply intuitive to begin the relaxation period of psychotherapy. Children are not able to learn internal alarm, experiences. It seems that parents know that they indicate, know how it will be better, but the teenager of school age, for example, is afraid not to cope with the responsibilities imposed on it.

And please, please children's neurosis requiring treatment. Internal contradictions of personal growth together with incorrect education and as a result - increased nervousness. Types of incorrect education:

  • hyperemp;
  • authoritarian;
  • rejection and dislike;
  • indulgence;
  • contrast;
  • tyranny.

Of course, biological features also play a role in the emergence of neuroses in newborns. So, neuropathy may be due to heavy pregnancy, unnatural childbirth, pathology. Children born with difficulties are more susceptible to breakdowns, and, the older, the feeling.

A difficult age

In school age children, the origin of the classic types of neuroses is often associated with excessive loads, a sense of fear, pressure of parents, adaptation at school. Experiences are fraught with stuttering and enuresum, irregular ticks. The neurosis in adolescents are conditionally divided into several irregular states:

With more detailed review, the following symptoms are characterized for hysteria:

  • sensitivity;
  • impressionability;
  • egocentrism;
  • egoism;
  • suggestibility;
  • sharp mood swings.

Hysteria, as a form of neurosis, often inherent in the spoiled children of 3-6 years. Parents are too superozing the child, depriving him of independence. For preschoolers, those symptoms such as affective respiratory delays are also characteristic of preschoolers. When a child is crying, he is so depressed that he lacks the air. It looks like a seizure of asthma.

From 7-11 years, the seizures turn into a theatrical representation with fainting and choking. The worst thing, the child believes in the truthfulness of his actions, which is further fraught with the addiction of the body to such insinuations. Psychotherapy is needed and treatment.

Symptoms of neurasthenia:

  • irritability;
  • weakness;
  • fatigue;
  • inattention;
  • headache in the morning;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • night fears;
  • passivity;
  • pallor.

Neurasthenics are very quick-tempered and wounded, in everything they see the trick. Inspective, fearless, mostly melancholic and depressive. At night, they are experiencing re-events of the day, often with shouts wake up, testing chills and cold.

Symptoms and signs of obsessive neurosis:

  • uncertainty;
  • indecision;
  • imperidity;
  • fears;
  • anxiety.

Children who are ill form of neurosis - obsessive states, afraid of microbes, communication, darkness, in general, many symbolism of various phobias. For a child of preschool and school age, ritual habits are characterized, such as:

  • frequent hand washing;
  • bouncing;
  • pat.

And this is done automatically as conditional reflexes. An indicative symptom may be tick. In 4-5 years, nervous twitching is temporary, from several weeks to a month. In the future, this symptom passes, instantly manifested in stressful situations.

Social factors

At the older age, children's neuroses are harder to treat, as they are due to more complex causes. Children 4-12 years old are hardly worried:

  • parental divorce;
  • translation to another school;
  • unfair punishment;
  • first visit to the children's team;
  • moving to a new place of residence.

There is another concept in psychotherapy, as predisposing factors, the origin of which entails neurosis:

  • residual organic pathology;
  • unintentional character accentuation;
  • the weakness of the body in front of a somatic disease;
  • negative emotional mother background during pregnancy;
  • hereditary ghosting;
  • the threat of pregnancy, stress.

Because of them, the child is especially vulnerable, neurological diseases. With the timely handling of parents to psychotherapy you can draw neurosis. If not to notice his presence, you can forget about the soul rest.

Neurosis just as an expected event contributes to an intra-day history. So, a completely healthy 10-month-old child earned by neurosis may well be obliged to their parents, who considers a violation of the discipline to take the kid until the year of life in hand, when he is acute in this needs.

The displeasure of the parents by half the newborn gradually forms a virtual person, a small man inherent in the inner anxiety, which does not leave it for a minute. The same fate awaits late infants - scientists have proven the connection of children's neurosis with late pregnancy Mother.

Scientific theories

Many psychoanalysts believe that the true cause of children's neuroses is improper education based on factors such as:

  • emotional blackmail;
  • traditionalism;
  • open threats and promises;
  • lack of attachments in the family;
  • indiscretion of parents;
  • negative attitude of adults to elderly people.

Fragile psyche of the child preschool age Begins to slow down - the launched neurosis can affect autism.

Views obsessive insurance In children 5-12 years as a result of neurosis form:

  • agoraphobia;
  • claustrophobia;
  • acarophobia;
  • acromophobia;
  • homloofobia;
  • erethobia;
  • dysmorphophobia;
  • mizophobia.

These mental disorders Fear of anything strongly interfere with a person to live normally and develop. In addition to them, there are still a whole premium of specific children's fears, because of which the thoughts of a small man like drunk birds - the fear of loneliness, darkness, fire, parents loss, etc.

It is worth noting the crisis age periods, where psychological prevention and treatment are needed:

  • in 3-4 years, girls are more likely to suffer from neurosis than boys;
  • at 6-7 years old for children of preschoolers begin unusual stressful situations;
  • in 11-12 years, the lack of understanding of reality is able to confuse the child;
  • neuroses in adolescents 14-18 years old talks about the psychological immaturity of the child as a person.

In the latter case, there is a big tendency to depression, phobiam. Children's fears remain, clinical picture Neprise is aggravated.

The fears of children in psychotherapy are divided into such concepts as obsessive, delusional and utasive. Treatment of fears is largely based on prophylaxis. The obsessive are the beginning of phobias, depending on age, the child's delusional itself is not able to explain, and the ultra-supersonal occupy the attention of children.

The ultra-sustain fears of children include the manifestation of fear responding from the board, fear before performances. Chatting with children, understanding them, you can slowly oust fears.


Children's neurosis have a reversible pathogenesis, but only in the case of professional treatment and prevention. An experienced psychotherapist, carefully asking the patient, draws an anamnesis with the biological peculiarities of the patient and age, respectively.

An integrated approach of psychotherapy is able to effectively and safely cure a child from his fears and anxiety. Often psychologists are asked to draw or describe their fears using ingenious trust techniques. Types of treatment, depending on the complexity of the case:

  • homeopathy;
  • hypnosis;
  • relaxation therapy;
  • medicines;
  • acupuncture and microacupuncture treatment;
  • psychotherapeutic treatment;
  • unconventional techniques.

Consultation is required by the neurologist and psychotherapist. The most difficult cases of child neurosis require medical therapy and constant psychological prevention. Tranquilizers of a group of benzodiazepines are appointed, which reduce the excitability and the risk of convulsion, cause drowsiness.

Side effects of these drugs - skin itch, nausea, constipation. If psychotherapy continues for a long timePerhaps addictive and reduced the effectiveness of drugs. The complex of treatment of children's neurosis also includes:

  • psychostimulants;
  • antidepressants;
  • vitamin and minerals;
  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy.

As part of psychotherapy, hypnosis sessions, trust conversations, consultations are held. If the form of children's neurosis does not need medical treatment, great importance It has individual work Child psychologist as prevention.

Participation of parents and loved ones

Treat children's neurosis is not easy, but mistaken to think that this is completely the work of specialists. Neurotic parents are not less than the patient need consultations and conversations with a psychoanalyst. Only changing your own attitude to life, to the child, parents can help the child of preschool age to overcome psychotrambulating factors, forget them.

Children's fears will retreat, if they surround the child with understanding and care, provide the right to choose, the freedom of personality. Together with a psychologist, parents learn to anenate reality, look at the world through the eyes of their child, understand how hard it is to try to meet inexperial requirements.

Only a family, overestimilate life values, can help the child get rid of phobias and fear to be an infallible personality. Relations in society is always not easy, but each person has the right to his own way and mistakes, and only harmony in the family will help the child to realize their individuality.

Video: How to recognize the first signs of neurosis in a child

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: Time reading:

A three-year-old Misha without stopping nails. Masha, ten years, does not remove the cap. She has a gall on her head, because she is constantly terebught and tears her hair. Pasha in his seven every night wets the bed. So the neurosis is manifested in children.

What other manifestations and where neuroses come from - tells children's psychologist Elena Lagunova.

The cause of child neurosis is often needed very close: the experiences are transmitted to a child from the parent.

It happens, parents scold children for "bad behavior", try to control that whip, then a gingerbread, but nothing helps. Here you have to think: maybe it's children's neurosis?

"Bad behavior" is the following symptoms:

  1. The child often compensates for no reason, just in tears.
  2. It satisfies hysterics when something changes around: harsh sounds annoyed, he persistently reacts to the weather and new uncomfortable clothes.
  3. It is hard to carry large clusters of the people.
  4. The kid pursues many fears.
  5. It can not stop in place, he needs to constantly move.
  6. Quickly distracted, easily loses interest in games.
  7. The same uncontrollable movements repeats: nibble nails, pulls hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, often blinks.

There are exotic cases. For example, one child before blood beat one leg about another. Other, when worried, an unpleasant grimace appeared on his face, and the adults could not wean the baby to be curly. The third without a stop repeated the word out of three letters than drove the parents in the paint.

Also neurosis can manifest itself in the form of bodily agers and unclear symptoms:

  1. Often a headache or belly hurts.
  2. The child constantly coughs, the cough is enhanced by excitement.
  3. Do not have time to reach the toilet (over three years old): urinary incontinence (enuresis), incontinence of feces (enchnoprez race).
  4. Eats badly.
  5. He sleeps restlessly.
  6. Stuts.

You can distinguish the neurosis from physical diseases in three criteria.

Doctors did not find anything serious. Pediatrician, therapist, neurologist, endocrinologist do not find serious deviations In the body, analyzes are in order or with minor changes.

The child is subject to stress. With a detailed conversation with his parents, it turns out that the child is experiencing stress, and does not know how to cope with him.

If stress passed, the symptoms disappear. Or another option: stress continues, but the child has learned to cope with him and is going through less. Then neurosis will also pass. For example, parents explained that the problem is in the educathere, and not in the child, and the baby calmed down.

It's all - neurosis in children symptoms, thirteen completely different manifestations. What is common?

"Soul Drive": how neuroses appear in a child

Imagine that there is a vessel in the child's shower. When a child feels something, but can not express, feelings fall inside the vessel.

Seven-year-old Pasha is afraid to sleep in the dark, but parents call him a coward and turn off the light. The child stops talking about fear, but everything is also afraid. Each night, the fear of a drop behind the drop enters this vessel (let's call it "spiritual drive"). It is inevitably overflowed - and the child wakes up in the wet bed.

Masha - chubby angel. Mom believes otherwise: "Wait to eat, harmony requires victims! Want to be beautiful - no buns. " I'm getting angry with Masha in the soul: And she doesn't want to see himself, and the sweet wants. "Eh, not to be me beautiful," says Masha and turns hair. And suddenly notes that the ear of Galsina.

Three-year-old Misha recently went to kindergarten. He is from nature smart and active, loves to run and play. The teacher, the desire for movement does not support and swells a naughty child with all. The boy is experiencing a lot of feelings: anger on an educator, offense, which was not given to run, shame. To tell the educator everything that he thinks he is not solved. She can punish, and Mom says that it is necessary to obey. The drive does not cope. After a quiet hour, the teacher notices that the baby is rolled to the nails up to half.

Most often in the child's drive "pours" from crowded drives of close adults who do not notice or do not understand this.

Pope Pasha in childhood was called a coward. He is now afraid to express everything that he thinks the boss who took. Therefore, he is playing on his wife and children. But for nothing in this is not recognized, even to itself. He thinks that the close mischief behave.

Masha's mother does not make up a personal life. It seems to her that she is only worried about the fate of his daughter. But accumulated experiences splash in cruel words and actions towards it. Result: child neurosis.

Misha's teacher does not just read the child. He gets for her fatigue, a sick colleague, which she replaces, the head and her own smart-sized son. And the boy's mother also was offended in the garden in childhood, and she was afraid of repetition.

This adult will come to mind to associate their behavior with the problems of their Chad?

Second large group The reasons are a strong stress, from which no one is insured, from which the most loving parents will not be removed. This includes, for example, a disease or death of a loved one.

In practice, reasons can be combined: difficult time in the family, the child gets from parents, and the teacher (teacher) adds the last drop.

Who has neurosis

All children are periodically angry, fear and nervous. Why do some neurosis, and others at least that? Why does the teacher scolds everyone, and only Misha's neurosis?

Children from nature are given by the vessels of "different magnitude". A child with a weakened nervous system will get neurosis rather, his drive "less".

Parents should be particularly preserved and not overloaded with a negative child nervous system in the following cases:

  • someone from relatives suffers from neurosis or mental illness;
  • the child during pregnancy or in childbirth got damage to the nervous system and was observed at the neurologist in the first months of life;
  • the child on the temperament of melancholic, fitsly feel the world, but quickly tires, often crying.

In the next article we will examine in detail how to cope with the child's neurosis - what should not be done and how to behave parents.

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