What shows secretory immunoglobulin a. Analysis on immunoglobulin and the serum of immunoglobulin in what cases is introduced

There are cases when patients give a direction to the analysis, the values \u200b\u200bof which they often do not know. For example, what is immunoglobulins of class a? The direction for the analysis of IGA immunoglobulin can come from a doctor and children, and adults. So what can tell the doctor this indicator?

What is immunoglobulin a?

Immunoglobulin A is a visual indicator of the state of humoral immunity. This protein may be contained in the organism in serum and secretory fractions (both in blood and in the secrets of glands). The serum fraction provides local immunity and is produced in increased quantities in response to inflammatory processes. The secretory fraction is contained in the secrets of the body - saliva, breast milk, secretory fluid in the intestine or bronchi, in tears.

The function of immunoglobulin A is to bind to malicious microorganisms and thereby prevent the damage to the cells. Some IGA is contained in the blood and secrets of the glands constantly. Reduced immunoglobulin A means deficiency immune system. An increase in immunoglobulin A is observed either when sensitizing the immune system due to systemic diseases, or (which is most often) - inflammatory processes.

After it became clear what it is - Immunoglobulin a, the next question arises - for what purpose is it checked? Common testimony for this analysis is a comprehensive examination with frequent infectious diseases - For example, when children often sick cold illness or intestinal infections. In this case, immunoglobulin A in a child will either be reduced, which is an immunodeficiency indicator, or will be normal, and then the reason must be sought in other factors, or enhanced that it will demonstrate the current acute inflammatory process.

In other cases, the analysis on immunoglobulin class A is carried out in suspected immunodeficiency and when monitoring patients with diagnosed immunodeficials, when identifying neoplasms, in the diagnosis of autoimmune pathologies, and to verify the effectiveness of the treatment of myeloma disease.

Thus, IGA is responsible for immunity indicators and are necessary for diagnosing the causes of various recurrent diseases, as well as to control the immune system with various systemic diseases.

How does blood fence occur for analysis?

For analysis on immunoglobulin, a fence of venous blood is necessary. Since antibodies are a very specific structure that differs from the main biochemical elements blood, the rules for the preparation for analysis for them differ from the usual. For example, it does not have a restriction on meal for 8-12 hours. There is before analysis on immunoglobulin it is impossible within 3 hours. You can drink non-carbonated clean water.

Half an hour before the analysis can not be very nervous and subject to physical Loads. Therefore, if the blood gives the child, the task of parents is to make sure that on the specified deadlines he led himself calmly and did not worry because of blood. It follows a calm voice to explain that the procedure is carried out quickly and painlessly, distract the child to some lesson.

It is undesirable to use alcohol to use. Smoking should be excluded at least 3 hours before the procedure. Due to the fact that immunoglobulin A is produced including as an immune response to irritation of bronchi, smoking (including weoping) can negative affect the results of analyzes.

What factors can still distort the result?

In addition to the above, there are still some factors that can affect the result. They should be taken into account at the attending physician, which will evaluate the result of the analysis. Such factors refers primarily a pregnancy at which low Immunoglobulin level. In addition, reduced IGA concentrations are capable of extensive burns, renal failure, drugs lowering immunity and different kinds irradiation.

Among the factors that increase the content of immunoglobulin A should be noted medications (mainly antipsychotics, anticonvulsant, antidepressants and oral contraceptives), vaccinations made less than 6 months ago, as well as excessive physical, mental and emotional loads immediately before surrender.

In some cases, the deficiency of immunoglobulin A is associated with a specific feature of the patient's body - it produces antibodies to their own IGA protein. Such patients are susceptible to high risk of destruction of autoimmune diseases and infections. In addition, there is a risk of developing an anaphylactic reaction when overflowing blood or transplantation of donor organs.

Immunoglobulin content norms

Due to the fact that from birth, our immune system is imperfect, in babies some time own IGA is not produced by the body, but comes with Mother's milk (this is one of the reasons why breastfeeding is so important on early timing). The norm of immunoglobulin A in children under year is 0.83 g / l.

As can be seen from the standards, in an adult, not only the highest upper boundary of the permissible norm, but also the greatest variability of indicators. They can be associated both with the individual characteristics of the body and with the action of any stimuli and the striking vary even within one day.

If immunoglobulin and enhanced

If the content of the immunoglobulin A goes beyond the upper limit, i.e. Immunoglobulin and enhanced - what does this mean? Many diseases can increase the content of IGA. Among the main reasons are infections affecting the skin, bronchi, lungs, intestines, genitals and urinary organs. Moreover, frequent cause Enhance immunoglobulin A are various neoplasms, including malignant.

High concentration of IGA can show when fibrousosis, liver diseases, systemic autoimmune diseases. The life of immunoglobulins of this class is approximately 6-7 days, and the detection of an increased concentration of IGA in the blood means that the inflammatory process either exists in the body at the time of analysis, or attended no earlier week ago. If the analysis indicators are border, then the re-sample is carried out in a week, eliminating the probable factors for distorting results.

If Immunoglobulin A is reduced

Immunoglobulin A is lowered if the body's immune system has failed and does not produce a sufficient amount of proteins to protect. This situation consists in HIV, the removal of the spleen ,. Other diseases that can cause a decrease in IGA -, chronic diseases Respiratory system, colon, kidneys. In addition, the decrease in immunoglobulin A can be explained by the congenital characteristics of the body, which has already been mentioned earlier in the text.

The electoral immunodeficiency immunoglobulin A is found among the population more frequently compared to other types of immunodeficiency. By itself, he often proceeds asymptomatic, leaving only indirect hints in the form of often recurrent infectious diseases or allergic reactions. The disease can sharply in a situation of stress for the body - changing climatic conditions, power mode, during pregnancy and childbirth, hormonal failure, strong emotional stress.

Patients whose immunoglobulin content is not enough can experience various allergic reactions Or get asthma. The most common symptoms that are experiencing a person with a selective deficit of immunoglobulin A is an anaphylactic shock when contacting previously safe stimuli, increased sensitivity Respiratory system, as well as urination violation. There are less often intestinal disorders, inflammation of the conjunctivities of the eyes and the disease of the lungs and bronchi.

The exact cause of the occurrence of the election deficit of immunoglobulin A is unknown. Various hypotheses are put forward, among which congenital features (obtained hereditary or by random mutation), long-term stress, bad social conditions (in particular, insufficient nutrition), poisoning of hazardous substances and oncological diseases.

Evaluation of the results obtained

Conducting blood test on the content of immunoglobulin and on average takes 2-3 days from the date of delivery. The study is inexpensive, within 200 rubles (prices may vary depending on the specific laboratory). For an adequate and complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe patient's state, in addition to analysis on immunoglobulin A, analyzes and other immunoglobulins are analyzed: E, G, M.

In addition to finding out the content of immunoglobulins, for a complete representation of the state of the immune system, the patient must pass tests to the general blood formula, leukocyte, ESO, protein fractions in serum. If at the attending physician has reason to suspect some particular disease, then others, additional analyzes are appointed to its discretion. In other words, the analysis for the content of IGA is informative, it represents the value only being inscribed in a full-fledged examination.

Serum preparations contain antibodies specifically binding and neutralizing certain bacteria, viruses, toxins.

Serums are used to treat, emergency prevention and diagnosis of infectious diseases. Distinguish medical and prophylactic and D. iagity Serum.

Therapeutic and prophylactic serums are used to create passive artificially acquired immunity and divide on antiviral, antibacterial and antitoxic. Diagnostic serums include agglutinating, precipitating, hemolytic, antiviral and antitoxic serums. The advantage of sera in front of vaccines is that they immediately after the introduction create immunity (12 to 24 hours). Disadvantaged immunity, because Antibodies are alien proteins that are quickly (after 1 to 2 weeks) are derived from the body.

Medical and prophylactic serums get from bloodhyperimmunized animals(horses) and from blood people(donor, placental, abortigative), or immunized.

Diagnostic serums are obtained from the blood of immunized rabbits.

For getting antitoxic serum Conduction of hyperimmunization (multiple administration) of horses toxins. Immunization is carried out subcutaneously or intravenously increasing doses of the antigen at certain time intervals between injections. Initially, anatoksin is introduced, and after 4 - 5 days - toxin. Antitoxic serums are used to create antitoxic immunity. for treatment and prevention toxigenic infections(botulism, tetanus, gas gangrene, diphtheria).

For getting antibacterial whey Conduct hyperimmunization by vaccine strains of bacteria or killed bacteria. They contain antibodies with agglutinating and lying properties. These are nonitrate drugs. Ineffective.

For getting antiviral serum Conduct hyperimmunization of viruses strains.

Serum is purified by various methods, concentrated, sterilize and determine its activity (antibody titer).

The activity of antitoxic sera is expressed in international units (IU). Serum activity reflects its ability to neutralize a certain dose of toxin. This is a conditionally taken value for each type of serum. For example, for diphtheria serum 1 meter is the smallest amount of serum, which neutralizes 100 Dlm diphtheria toxin for the guinea pig.

Serums are transparent liquids, pale yellow color. Released in ampoules. Serum, as well as vaccines, after production undergo state control In accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Health. Serums are controlled on sterility, harmlessness, amount of protein, transparency and activity (antibody titer). Serum is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly, less often - intravenously or in the cerebrospinal channel. Seams are injected the method of charterto prevent anaphylactic shock and serum disease .

Immunoglobulins get from serum by water-alcohol extraction (cleaning). Immunoglobulins - These are purified and concentrated immune serums.

Immunoglobulinslike I. Immune serumthere are homologous and heterologous.Homologous Receive from blood people, heterologousfrom the blood of animals. Immunoglobulins of human blood are 2 types: 1) anticorus (Normal) Immunoglobulin - get from the donor, placental or abortive blood of healthy people, which contains antibodies against measles virus, influenza viruses, hepatitis, poliomyelitis, against cough and some other bacterial and viral infections; 2) immunoglobulins aimed - get from the blood of passing people and volunteers, which are immunized against a certain infection; They contain elevated concentrations of specific antibodies and are used with therapeutic purposes; Immunoglobulins of directional action against influenza, rabies, smallpox, tick-borne encephalitis, tetanus and staphylococcal infections are obtained.

Heterologous immunoglobulins: Immunoglobulins horsepins against rabies ( anti-libraryg.-globulin), tick-borne encephalitis, ebola fever, Japanese encephalitis, Siberian ulcers; Immunoglobulins from the blood serum oxen for the treatment of leptospirosis.

Homologous Serum preparations are widely used to prevent and treat viral hepatitis, measles, for the treatment of botulism, tetanus, staphylococcal infections, tick-borne encephalitis, hepatitis V., etc.

Heterologous Serum is horsepower against botulism, gas gangremen, diphtheria, tetanus.

The use of homologous sera and immunoglobulins is preferable (better), since antibodies are longer in the body (4-5 weeks) and do not cause strong adverse reactions as heterologous. Heterologous drugs are rapidly derived from the body (after 1 to 2 weeks) and cause side effects. They have strictly limited use due to the danger of allergic complications.

Immunomodulators - Preparations that stimulate, inhibit or regulate immune responses. They affect the activity of immunocompetent cells, the processes of formation of immune factors. These include interferon, interleukins, myelopeptides, thymus substances, as well as chemicals: decaris, cyclosporin A; Preparations of microbial origin: Prodigiosan, Pirohenal, Mouralpeptide. Immunomodulators are prescribed with tumors, primary and secondary immunodeficiencies, autoimmune diseases.

part 1. Common Microbiology

Lecture №1

Methods of laboratory diagnostics of bacterial infections. Bacteria - causative agents of intestinal infections. The characteristic of the intestinal stick and its value for the macroorganism. Diseases caused by intestinal wand. The principles of their laboratory diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

For the diagnosis of infectious diseases, laboratory research methods are currently widely used. These include the following methods:

1. Microscopic.

2. Microbiological.

3. Biological (biological).

4. Serological.

5. Allergic.

6. Molecular genetic.

The choice of research methods depends on the preliminary diagnosis of the disease.

The material for the study may be blood, spinal fluid, springs, stew, urine, bile, vomit, mucus from the oz, nose, separated by urethra, cervix, punctures of organs, etc., depends on the nature, form, period Diseases.

Microspic method Based on microscopy of smears of prepared from pathological material. The smears can be native, fixed and painted.

Advantage of the method : Simplicity and speed of obtaining results (30-60 minutes).

Method disadvantages:

1) the frequent impossibility of the species identification of pathogens (for example, pathogenic enterobacteria);

2) the need for sufficient pathogen in the material under study.

Method in most cases is an approximate. However, in the diagnosis of some infections (for example, meningitis, leptospirosis, returning typhoid, syphilis), this method may be the main one.

The accuracy of the method rises when conducting immunofluorescent Research. This method is based on the processing of drugs from the material under study with special serums containing antibodies to the causative agent labeled with fluorochromas. Laughty antibodies are connected to the appropriate antigen, which is detected. Under the luminescent microscope around these complexes is visible a glow zone.

Currently, this method is widely used to detect various microorganisms in pathological material.

Microbiological methodit is based on the selection of the pure culture of the pathogen from the pathological material and its identification. Allocation is carried out by sowing it on the appropriate nutrient media. The identification of pure crops is carried out according to morphological, culture, biochemical, antigenic, toxic and other features.

Benefits of the method:

1) high informativeness and reliability;

2) the ability to determine the sensitivity of the selected culture to antibiotics and the purpose of rational chemotherapy;

3) the possibility of detecting bacteria carriers among various groups of the population;

4) The possibility of deciphering the epidemiological chain (source of infection, its transfer paths) on the basis of identification of biological, serm, pathogens phagelovars.

Lack of method : The duration of the study (from 2-4 days to 3-4 weeks - 2 months).

The method is basic In the diagnosis of most infections.

Biological method Based on the infection of the laboratory animals under study in order to allocate and identify the clean culture of the pathogen (or its toxin), as well as for the diagnosis on the clinical picture of the disease.

Benefits of the method:

1) the possibility of excomcing the pathogen when it does not grow or poorly cultivated on artificial nutrient media (for example, tularemia causative agents, rickettsiosis, chlamydias);

2) the possibility of selection of the pathogen with abundant pollution of the pathological material of the 4th microflora;

3) the possibility of differentiation of pathogenic microorganisms (for example, causative agents of endemic and epidemic rickettsiosis) and the determination of their virulence;

4) the ability to learn immunity and the effectiveness of therapeutic and preventive drugs.

Method disadvantages:


    high cost;

    the death of laboratory animals (as a result of an infectious process or special kill).

Animal biocrobes are mainly used in zonosos, as well as to detect toxins (for example, botulinical).

Serological method It is aimed at detecting antibodies in the serum of the patient (serodiagnosis) and to identify antigens of pathogens (seroids) directly in the material under study.

For serodiagnosis and seroids, various highly sensitive immunological reactions are used: agglutination, rf, rsk, precipitation, immunofluorescence, immuno-immunimal, radioimmune analysis.

In case of serodiagnosis, live cultures of microorganisms or diagnosticum are used as antigens - killed suspension of microorganisms or extracts of them obtained by chemical means.

For sermagents of pathogens, diagnostic serums with a high content of antibodies and pronounced specificity are used.

Advantages of the serological method:

1) is one of the main in the diagnosis of viral infections and rickettsiosis (due to the difficulties of the allocation and identification of these pathogens);

2) the speed of obtaining results;

3) high sensitivity;

4) allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of vaccine-philaxics;

5) makes it possible to conduct an epidemiological analysis of infectolation of morbidity.

The main drawback of the method: relative accuracy, since there may be positive results of serological studies not only in patients, but also in persons who have undergone the appropriate infection in the past (anamnestic response) or in preventive vaccinations (vaccination reaction).

False-positive results are possible when identifying pathogens antigens due to wide antigenic relationship between birth and species within each family and even among various families.

Generally serological method in laboratory practice more often has massive value and cannot replace bacteriological research.

Allergic methodit is based on the detection of an increased sensitivity of the body to a specific allergen, which is the causative agent of the disease. To identify such sensitivity, they put skin-allergic samples. A person who has the presence of a disease accompanied by allergies (tuberculosis, brucellosis, tularemia, SAP, Siberian ulcer, etc.), intracutaneously small amounts of allergen from the causative agent of this infection (killed microbial cells or antigenic complexes extracted from them or the delicate agents) . In the presence of infectious allergies, after 24-72 hours, an inflammatory response occurs in the form of hyperemia, infiltrate, skin edema. The basis of a positive skin reaction is the Cellular Reaction of GZT, which reflects the specific increased sensitivity of the body to the infectious allergen. It arises as a result of the current, transferred disease, vaccination or infection of the body.

In addition to skin-allergic samples, the in vitro allergity methods are used (leukocytolysis reactions, leukocyte migration, lymphoblastransformation migration), which make it possible to estimate the state of specific sensitization of blood leukocytes with respect to a certain antigen.

Advantage of the allergic method: high specificity.

Method disadvantages:

1) positive reactions are observed not only in patients, but at the persistent or previously immunized against these infections of individuals;

2) intradermal samples contribute to the unwanted additional sensitization of the body (methods of allergite in vitro are deprived of this disadvantage;

3) The method is applicable to the diagnosis of diseases accompanied by allergies to the causative agent, that is, has limited use.

Recently used new group Molecular Genetic Methods. They are used to identify some whimsical bacteria (for example, Legionell, Chlamydia), as well as gonducts, mycobacteria, etc. These methods are based on DNA identification. These include:

a) method of hybridization of nucleic acids; Based on the ability of DNA (and RNA) to specifically connect (hybridized) with complementary fragments of artificially created DNA (and RNA), labeled by isotopes or enzymes (peroxidase or alkaline phosphatase). In the future, the samples are investigated by various methods (for example, IFA).

b) the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is based on multiple formation of copies of a specific DNA section to obtain a large amount of DNA fragment studied even if there is only one source genomic DNA molecule. Identification of DNA copies are carried out by electrophoresis.

Advantages of methods:

1) high specificity and sensitivity;

2) high accuracy;

3) versatility;

4) speed and informativeness.

Secretorial immunoglobulin A is a humoral immunity link. If an alien agent gets into the surface of the mucous membranes, the antibodies proceed to the immune response. Studies The direction for determining the level of this substance is prescribed when suspected of diseases that lead to a decrease in the reactivity of the body. Insufficient number of immunoglobulins leads to frequent respiratory diseases, inflammatory processes in a sexual system and chronic diarrhea.


In humans in the body, this substance exists in several forms: secretory and serum. Secretor LGA takes part in a local immune response. In its composition, it contains an additional secretory component, which is reproduced in epithelial cells of mucous membranes. When the substance passes through the cells, the secretory component is attached. It is necessary to ensure the stability of the immunoglobulin LGA in milk, bile, the secreet of the vagina, tear liquid, saliva, respiratory and digestive tract. Class A secretory antibody protects the body from exposure to alien agents such as: bacteria, viruses, fungi and allergens.

If you get to the surface of the mucous alien microorganism, secretory immunoglobulin begins to communicate with the antigens already appeared. The resulting complex prevents the adhesion of alien agents to the surface of the mucous membranes. Thus, pathogenic microorganism does not penetrate into the inner medium of the body.

If a deficit of secretory immunoglobulin A is observed in the body, then frequent recurrences occur.

The serum immunoglobulin in the body is much less than the secretory. The fraction of gamma globulin is about 10% of the total number of antibodies. The processes of the formation of serum immunoglobulin A occurs in ripe cells in lymphocytes. The overwhelming majority of this substance is localized in the gastrointestinal tract. Activation of the compliment system occurs alternatively. The level of these antibodies is not controlled by Timus and in childhood Its amounts are not enough to ensure normal protective functions of the body. Determination of serum immunoglobulin A is a diagnostic marker of some diseases of the immune system.


Cases in which analysis on the level of class A antibodies is shown:

  • the presence of systemic diseases;
  • diarrhea;
  • blood and liver diseases;
  • oncology;
  • myeloma disease;
  • frequent recurrences of diseases;
  • Allergic reactions of instant type.


Before talking about pathological conditions, which lead to the rejection of the indicator from the norm, let's talk about the norms. To study the level of secretory immunoglobulin, and usually use saliva. The norm of this indicator for both men and women is from 40 to 170 μg / ml. For better orientation in the results of the study of serum antibodies of class and we compiled a table:

Indicators in children

The level of immunoglobulin alpha in the blood in children is distinguished by an adult. The newborn has its number very little. This is due to the fact that the child was not in contact with the environment. Breastfeeding is especially important in the first 4 months of the child's life, since it allows you to increase the level of antibodies. IN children's body The synthesis of this substance occurs in small quantities and at the age of 12 months its indicator reaches 20% of the adult norm.

Level up

This substance does not have a special memory and therefore, when the organism is rejected, it is observed high level. If the study is a significant sharp increase in the indicator, which shows the presence of an acute inflammatory process in the body.

Immunoglobulin level A can be elevated at:

Reducing the level of immunoglobulin A can be due to the presence of pathological processes in the body, such as:

  • inflammatory processes in the thick intestine, which are most often found after transferring acute intestinal infections;
  • congenital impairment of humoral immunity;
  • celiac disease;
  • selective deficiency of immunoglobulin A;
  • hypoplasia of the fork gland;
  • hIV infection and AIDS disease;
  • tumor processes B. lymphatic system (lymphoma);
  • kidney disease with nephrotic syndrome;
  • ataxia;
  • pregnancy;
  • burn disease;
  • treatment of oncology using radioactive irradiation;
  • intoxication;
  • cytostatic treatment;
  • chronic inflammatory processes in the respiratory system;
  • postoperative period after removing the spleen;
  • helmintes (giardiasis).

The error of the results

To obtain reliable results, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules for passing for all tests. The blood test has a high study accuracy, but errors are possible. Distrow Results Research may Alcohol abuse and medicines (immunosuppressants, estrogens, gold preparations), severe diseases of the kidneys, burns, disposal removal, exposure to ionizing radiation. Immunoglobulin a may be lowered if a person has been vaccinated in the last 6 months or he took immunoglobulins.

Thank you

The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

Immunoglobulin (antibodies, gamma-globulin) are particular compounds produced by cells of the immune system, protecting a person from bacteria, viruses and other alien substances (antigens).

Properties of immunoglobulins

Immunoglobulin does not just perform a protective function in the body, but also is actively used in medicine. Quality and quantitative definition of antibodies of various classes is used to identify diverse pathology. Immunoglobulins are part of the preparations for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, and a number of other states.

Immune system of man and its function

In the norm of immunoglobulins are located on the surface of B-lymphocytes, are present in the blood serum, in the tissue fluid, as well as in the secrets produced by the glaze of mucous membranes. Thus, the various classes of antibodies provide comprehensive protection of the body from diseases, representing the so-called humoral immunity.

The humoral immunity is called the part of the immune system, which performs its function in the liquid media of the human body. Those. Antibodies perform their work in the blood, interstitial fluids and on the surface of the mucous membranes.

There is also cellular immunity carried out by a number of specialized cells (such as macrophages). However, it has nothing to do with immunoglobulins, and is a separate security link.

Immune answer can be:
1. Specific.
2. Nonspecific.

Immunoglobulin carries out a specific immune response, finding and neutralizing alien microorganisms and substances. Against each bacterium, the virus or other agent, their monoclonal antibodies are formed (i.e. capable of interacting with only one antigen). For example, antistaphococcal immunoglobulin will not help with diseases caused by other microorganisms.

Acquired immunity can be:
1. Active:

  • is formed by antibodies formed after the suffering disease;
  • it occurs after the prophylactic vaccination (the introduction of weakened or killed microorganisms, or their modified toxins, in order to form an immune response).
2. Passive:
  • immunity from the fetus and a newborn child who has been transferred to the mother antibodies of intrauterine, or in breastfeeding;
  • arises after the vaccination of finished immunoglobulins was made against a specific disease.
Immunity, formed after the administration of serum of finished immunoglobulins, or carrying out a preventive vaccination with a vaccine, is also called artificial. And antibodies transferred to the child from the mother, or acquired after the disease - natural immunity.

Immunoglobulin man and its functions

Human immunoglobulin performs the following functions:
  • "recognizes" alien substance (microorganism or its toxin);
  • binds to an antigen, forming an immune complex;
  • participates in the removal or destruction of the resulting immune complexes;
  • immunoglobulin against transferred diseases for a long time (sometimes life) is preserved in the body, which protects a person from re-infection.
Immunoglobulins also perform a large number of other functions. For example, there are antibodies, neutralizing "extra", excessively formed immunoglobulins. Thanks to antibodies, rejection of transplanted organs occurs. Therefore, patients with grafts need to make drugs for life, overwhelming the immune response.

Antibodies are actively used in drugs. Currently, it is possible to buy immunoglobulin almost in any pharmacy.

Immunity and immunoglobulins in children

Features of immunity in the fetus and baby:
  • the intrauterine child does not face microorganisms, so his own immune system is almost inactive;
  • during pregnancy, only immunoglobulins of the class G may fall to the child, smoothly penetrating through the placenta due to their small size;
  • the identification of the fetal blood or newborn baby is immunoglobulins of class M testifies to intrauterine infection. It often causes a cytomegalovirus (symptoms of the disease: a runny nose, an increase in temperature, an increase in lymph nodes, lesion of the liver and spleen, and others);
  • acquired immunoglobulins in the blood of a breast child are saved about 6 months, protecting it from various diseasesTherefore, in the absence of pathology of the immune system at this time, children practically do not ill.
During natural feeding, the child receives from the mother of immunoglobulins of the IGA class with breast milk, providing additional protection of the child's body.

Finally, the formation of the immune system in a child ends only by 7 years. Distinctive features Immunity children are:
1. Insufficient ability to phagocytosis (absorption and destruction of the cells of pathogenic microorganisms by human phagocytes).
2. Low products of interferonov (proteins exercising nonspecific defense against viruses).
3. Reducing the number of immunoglobulins of all classes (for example, for immunoglobulin E norm in children is lower than adults).

Therefore, it is natural that in the process of the formation of the body's immune system, the child often sick. To help him create immunity correctly, it should be enhanced by such means as hardening, swimming and other sporting events, in the fresh air.

Immunoglobulins during pregnancy: rhesv conflict

Negative rhesus in mothers during pregnancy, in combination with positive rezes in the fetus can lead to such a state as a rhesus conflict.

The mechanism for the development of this pathology is related to the fact that when a pregnant woman has a negative rhesus - immunoglobulin may begin to be generated against the erythrocytes of the fetus. This is usually happening in late pregnancy. The threat of the occurrence of a rhesus conflict increases with the pathology of pregnancy: inflammatory processes, the threat of interrupt, increased tone of the uterus and others.

The rhesus conflict can lead to severe hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells) in the fetus and a newborn baby. The consequences of this state can be:

  • severe hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus;
  • violation exchange processes, delay of intrauterine development;
  • the appearance of edema, fetal water;
  • miscarriages and premature childbirth, fetal death.
For the prevention of such complications, anti-immunoglobulin against the rhesv factor can be appointed by a doctor during pregnancy.

Anti-immunoglobulin during pregnancy

Antrever-immunoglobulin Rho (d) applies with the following:
1. Preventing the occurrence of rhesus conflict in a pregnant woman with a negative Rh.

2. Preventing the formation of "harmful" immunogolobulins during abortion or other manipulations that can lead to serum feed in the blood of the mother.

The price is high enough, but when it comes to the health of a pregnant woman and her child, you should not save. Lower cost is distinguished by domestic analogs of drugs. Therefore, you can buy antuxerous immunoglobulin of Russian production, especially since there are no differences in the mechanism of funds.

Self-treatment with drugs containing antibodies is contraindicated. During pregnancy, other drugs, with the exception of antuxustic immunoglobulin, do not apply.

Determination of blood antibodies

For the diagnosis of various diseases, methods of high-quality and quantitative determination of serum antibodies have been developed.

Blood and hypovitaminosis may also cause immunodeficiency. The most common of them is iron deficiency anemia, characterized by a low hemoglobin content in red blood cells, and a decrease in the amount of iron in the blood serum. This condition leads to oxygen starvation of tissues and, as a result, a decrease in immunity. Therefore, when hemoglobin is reduced, infectious diseases often occur. This is especially characteristic of children, pregnant women or elderly patients.

Affinity and avidity of antibodies

Very often in the blood, not only the general immunoglobulin and individual antibody fractions are determined. Typically, experts also interest such indicators such as avidity and affinity defined for IgG and IgM.

The avidity of the antibody allows you to identify the sharpness of the disease. For example, an acute or recently transferred (1-1.5 months ago) cytomegalovirus infection in children is confirmed when the IGM highly avid antibodies are detected, while their small concentrations can be maintained up to two years.

Affinity talks about the power of the interaction of antigens with antibodies. The higher the indicator - the better the antigens are associated with antibodies. Consequently, high affinity speaks of a good immune response when this disease occurs.

When do you assume analysis on immunoglobulins?

Blood test for immunoglobulin E is shown at allergic diseases:
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • food, medicinal allergies;
  • some other states.
In the norm of IgE in the blood is practically absent. If the general immunoglobulin E is increased - it can talk about atopy - congenital leaning the body to increased production of antibodies of this class, and indicates the possibility of allergic diseases. Increased immunoglobulin E in children or in adults - the testimony to consult an immunologist's allergologist.

The blood test for immunoglobulin G is shown in the following cases:

  • diagnosis of immunodeficiency states;
  • determination of antibodies against a specific disease;
  • control over the effectiveness of drug therapy containing immunoglobulin.
Normally, the content of immunoglobulin class G is 70-57% of all antibody fractions.

Analysis of fractions on the definition of class M antibodies is used to identify acute infectious diseases. Often it is assigned to determine cytomegalovirus infection, Epstein-Barra virus, bacteria Helicobacter pylori, causing gastritis and stomach ulcers, and other infections. Normally, the total number of IGMs is up to 10% of all immunoglobulins.

The analysis of blood on immunoglobulin A is shown in recurrent infectious diseases of the mucous membranes. Normal number Iga - 10-15% of the total number of immunoglobulins.

Also, the blood for immunoglobulin is handed over for various autoimmune diseases. Specific antibodies and their complexes with antigens are determined with such pathology as systemic red lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune thyroiditis, myasthenia and others.

Human Immunoglobulin: Application

Immunoglobulin man is appointed with the following diseases:
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • severe viral, bacterial, fungal infections;
  • prevention of diseases in persons from a risk group (for example, in children born deeply premature).
There are also antibodies against individual states. For example, buy anti -usus immunoglobulin follows a rhesus conflict during pregnancy.

With severe allergic diseases, the doctor can recommend buying antiallergic immunoglobulin. This drug is effective tool from atopic reactions. Indications for use will be:

  • allergic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, urticaria, swelling of quinque;
  • atopic bronchial asthma;
  • polleoz.
When the allergies in children are expressed, and its manifestations are constantly repeated - the use of antiallergic immunoglobulin can significantly improve the situation.

The value of antibodies in vaccinations

Immunoglobulins are used in the production of preparations for preventive vaccinations. Do not confuse them with a vaccine, which is weakened or killed microorganisms, or their modified toxins. Immunoglobulins are introduced in the form of sera and serve to create passive artificial immunity.

For the production of drugs for passive immunization Antibodies obtained from animals or human immunoglobulin can be used.
Immunoglobulin is part of preventive vaccinations Against the following diseases:

  • epidemic parotitis (pig);
  • others.
Immunoglobulins are introduced intramuscularly. They are also prescribed to patients who had contact with a sick person and could get infected. In this way, you can reduce the severity of the disease, reduce its duration and prevent complications.

A separate embodiment of immunoglobulins is anatoksin. It is an antibody, the action of which is directed not to the causative agent of the disease, and against toxic substancesproduced by him. For example, the anoxins are used against tetanus and diphtheria.

There are also means for emergency prevention containing human immunoglobulin. Their price will be an order of magnitude higher, but they are indispensable if necessary to go to another country, which is an endemic zone of some kind hazardous infection (for example, yellow fever). Immunity after the introduction of these funds will be less long (up to 1 month), but formed after a day.

However, it should be remembered that the introduction of immunoglobulin is not an alternative to the full preventive vaccination in accordance with the vaccination calendar, since the emerging immunity is less long, and not so strong.

Immunoglobulin preparations

Improving immunity by folk remedies is possible. Fruits, vegetables and berries with a high concentration of vitamin C (natural antioxidant) and other vitamins and trace elements are helpful. But in some cases it is necessary to introduce immunoglobulin to treat severe diseases and restoring the protective forces of the body.

Immunoglobulin human normal is available in vials containing powder for preparing an injection solution or a finished solution (immunoglobulin 25 ml). It contains an IGG class antibodies obtained from plasma of healthy donors, as well as in small amounts of IGM and IGA.

Normal human immunoglobulin is contained in the following drugs: octagam, pentaglobin, immunoglobulin anti-stativiral, immunoglobulin antistaphococcal, immunoglobulin human normal, complex immunoglobulin preparation (KIP), anti-allergic immunoglobulin, antiallergic immunoglobulin, cytotect and many others.

Immunoglobulin injeces are prescribed intramuscularly or intravenously only by a qualified physician. The dose of the drug and the duration of treatment is selected individually, taking into account the age and weight of the patient, as well as the severity of the disease.

Treatment with immunoglobulin

Treatment with immunoglobulins is carried out only in the hospital, as these drugs may have side Effects, such as:
  • severe allergic reactions;
  • influense symptoms (chills

    Where can one buy?

    You can buy the drug in any large pharmacy, or on the Internet. Instructions must be attached to medicines containing immunoglobulin. However, it is categorically forbidden to use them without appointing the doctor, since drugs have a large number of contraindications. For example, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, immunoglobulin is prohibited.

    The price of immunoglobulin drugs can vary greatly, and depends on the specificity of antibodies, the manufacturer drug, output forms and other characteristics.

    Any medicinal preparations containing human immunoglobulin is normal, must be kept in the refrigerator (at a temperature of +2 - +8 o C).

    Before use, you must consult with a specialist.

In any living organism there is an immune system that protects the body from exposure to alien cells. The immunity mechanism ensures the removal of proteins from the body, which have been changed in case of illness, pathological process or with changes in vital activity. The whole complex of immunological reactions maintains individual homeostatic immunity in multicellular organisms. All cells of the immune system are divided into several types: antigensnial, stromal and auxiliary.

The most important is the first type of cells, which consist of lymphocytes - they carry on their surface receptors, with which they are associated with antigens (alien for our organism). Molecules responsible for recognizing and binding antigens are called immunoglobulins. They consist of glycoproteins.

There is a classification of immunoglobulins with a specific designation: immunoglobulins -, IgD, where IG is Globulin, and the letter is an immunoglobulin class. All of them differ in the amino acid composition, structure and the functions performed.

What is immunoglobulin a and when assigned analysis

One of the processes of the immune system is the protection of mucous membranes not only respiratory tract, but also mucous gOOD SYSTEM. The protective function corresponds to secretory IgA (immunoglobulin A), it is contained in saliva, tears, colosum, and also in secrets of the urogenital system secreted. In the blood in a free state is serum IGA - its main function is the neutralization of viruses.

The newborn children of IGA are only 1%, while an IGA adult is present in the norm of 15-20%.

In the first two months, the child has immunoglobulin and from the blood or from secretory discharges is not possible, up to three months IGA falls into the body of a child with a colostrum and mother's milk, after this period of immunoglobulins are already produced by the child's body. At the age of three months, children can already determine the deficiency of immunoglobulin a. Like any body systems, the immune system is also attracted by pathological processes. They can be congenital (primary) and acquired (secondary):

  • immune deficiency (Immunodeficiency), including selective deficiency of immunoglobulin A (due to partial or complete absence of secretory IgA in the body). It is due to genetically, most often pathology proceeds asymptomatic, as the body copes with compensatory mechanisms. Such people more sick respiratory diseases of the respiratory tract. Most often it can manifest itself in a child of school age.
  • AIDS - The only independent form of secondary immunodeficiency, the virus destroys cells - lymphocytes responsible for the immune system as a whole.
  • hypersensitivitywhich is most often manifested by allergies or anaphylactic shock.
  • autoimmune pathologyWhen antibodies perceive the cells of the body as an alien antigen.
  • tumors of the immune systemFirst of all, it is the tumors of any site of the lymphatic system.

Most often, immunodeficiency are secondary, that is, acquired in the process of life and not related to the genetic apparatus and related to unfavorable external factors.

Blood studies on IGA are due to determine autoimmune pathologies, neoplasms, to assess humoral immunity and immunodeficiency diagnostics. To identify the causes of relapses in bacterial, viral, fungal diseases.

Causes for assigning analysis:

  • chronic bacterial, fungal, viral infections, especially if infections manifest themselves on the organism mucous membranes;
  • allergies, with manifestations of anaphylactic shock;
  • tumors;
  • chronic diarrhea;
  • chronic liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis);

Normal immunoglobulin A and causes deviation from it

In any studies, there is a norm and deviation from the norm in the direction of increasing or lowering, in this case, IGA.
IGA standards table.

In the pathological process, the IGA level is raised in the following cases:

  • liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • tumor diseases;
  • bacterial, viral, fungal infections;
  • inflammation connective tissue organism;
  • lymphoma;
  • fibergation;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • increased alcohol.

The decrease in immunoglobulin A in the analyzes is due to several reasons:

  • nephropathy;
  • application in the treatment of immunosuppressants and cystostostostostosts;
  • radiation;
  • pernicious anemia;
  • HIV and AIDS;
  • during pregnancy there is a slight decrease in immunoglobulin A.

The treatment of immunoglobulin deficiency is appointed by research results. Treatment of primary immunoglobulin immunodeficiency A currently not developed. If a primary immunodeficiency Revealed in the child and the level of immunoglobulin and not critized, then prescribe symptomatic treatment Medicinal preparations.

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