Enterosgel for a child: instructions and dosage for children of different ages. Enterosgel for children will put things in order in the intestines Enterosgel sweet dosage for children

Why is Enterosgel (paste) prescribed? Instructions for the use of this medication will be described in this article. From it you will learn about what properties this remedy has, whether it can be given to children, what patients say about it, etc.

Composition, description and packaging

What components are contained in a preparation like Enterosgel (sweet paste)? The instructions for use inform that the active substance of this medicine is Purified water, as well as sweeteners such as E952 and E954, are used as auxiliary elements.

The drug in question is a thin suspension with 30% water content. The paste is sold as a homogeneous mass of white or snowy white without a pronounced aroma. It is a molecular sponge that can absorb any toxic metabolic products.

The drug can be marketed in bags, jars and tubes made of combined material, which are packaged in cardboard boxes.


How does the oral preparation Enterosgel (paste) work? The instruction for use states that its main substance is an inert silicon-organic compound.

After application, this medication exhibits a pronounced sorption effect. It effectively adsorbs toxic substances that damage the epithelium of the mucous membrane, which are of exo and endogenous origin (for example, drugs, as well as their decay products, antigens, allergens, bacteria and toxins produced by them). In addition, the Enterosgel paste is able to naturally remove alcohol, products of incomplete metabolism and salts of heavy metals from the body.

Properties of the drug

What properties does Enterosgel (paste) have? Instructions for use (children are prescribed this remedy without any fear) informs that this drug is able to quickly eliminate the manifestations of toxicosis, improve the functioning of the intestines, as well as the liver and kidneys. In addition, it normalizes the medical parameters of blood and urine.

By enveloping the mucous membrane of the alimentary canal, this drug protects the intestines and stomach from chemical and mechanical effects, renewing their membrane, restoring mucus production and microcirculation.

It should be noted that this drug enhances immunity and normalizes the level of IgA.

Reception of the paste improves the course of the processes of regeneration of the walls of the digestive tract, significantly reducing the time of treatment for many diseases.


Is Enterosgel (paste) absorbed? Instructions for use for children and adults informs that its active substance (polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate) is not absorbed in the intestine, and also does not undergo metabolic or chemical transformations. The drug is excreted together with the elements absorbed into it approximately 12 hours after ingestion.

Indications for use

Why is Enterosgel (paste) needed? The instruction for use informs that this medication is especially popular in gastroenterology, nephrology, toxicology, allergology, gynecology, obstetrics and pediatrics. It is prescribed for:

For what purpose healthy people can the drug "Enterosgel" (paste) be prescribed? Instructions for use informs that this medication is used as a prophylactic agent for atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, chronic intoxication in those who are employed in hazardous industries, as well as in people living in an ecologically unfavorable region.

It should also be noted that the agent in question can be used for routine body cleansing.

Contraindications for use

Does Enterosgel paste have contraindications? Instructions for use, expert reviews report that, despite the high safety profile of this medication (it is chemically inert, is not absorbed into the bloodstream and tissues, does not stick to the walls digestive tract, has a solid structure), it still has some prohibitions on its use.

Doctors say that this remedy should not be used for hypersensitivity to active substance, intestinal atony and acute intestinal obstruction... Also contraindications of the paste in question are:

  • child's age up to one year;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding time.

It should also be noted that Enterosgel is not prescribed for poisoning if it was caused by the intake of caustic substances (acids or alkalis), as well as some solvents (for example, methanol or ethylene glycol) and cyanides.

The drug "Enterosgel" (paste): instructions for use

For infants, this remedy is contraindicated. It can be assigned to children from the age of 1.

According to the instructions, this medication is taken orally 30-60 minutes before or after meals. To do this, the required amount of paste is stirred in a glass of water at room temperature (in a triple volume). The resulting solution is taken orally, also washed down with plain water.

For adult patients, the drug is prescribed in an amount of 22.5 g three times a day. Children 5-14 years old are given 15 g of pasta with the same frequency, and children under 5 years of age - 7.5 g.

In case of urgent need, this medication can be prescribed to infants. In this case, it is recommended that the child be given 2.5 g of the product (6 times a day), after stirring it in a triple volume of water or breast milk... It is advisable to give the resulting solution before each feeding.

In order to prevent chronic intoxication, the paste is prescribed in an amount of 22.5 g twice a day for 7-10 days every month.

In case of severe intoxication, the dose of the medication can be doubled. It should be taken within the first 3 days.

The duration of treatment with this remedy with acute poisoning is 3-5 days. If it was prescribed for allergies and chronic intoxication, then the duration of therapy should be at least 2-3 weeks.

A repeated course of treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Side effects

Does it cause adverse reactions the drug "Enterosgel" (paste)? Instructions for use for children (reviews of the medication will be described later) and adults says that taking this medication can also cause constipation (especially in the first days of treatment). To prevent it, in the first two days it is necessary to do cleansing enemas or take laxatives (at night).

With functional failure of the liver and kidneys, the patient may have an aversion to the drug.

Young children very often have situations when they need a sorbent. Apply classic remedies such as activated carbon, children infancy problematic. Not only because the pills will be difficult to give, but also because the particles of the medicine can injure the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. There is an effective and efficient medicine that will help solve problems and not harm the child. This is Enterosgel. How to give Enterosgel to infants and how much, we will consider below.

Properties and features of Enterosgel for newborns

Enterosgel - a preparation of enterosorbents latest generation... One of the active components is an artificially created substance capable of powerful and selective action in the body. The porous structure of the drug inside digestive system binds and removes toxic substances, pathogenic microorganisms, without affecting beneficial lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. The product is a highly safe sorbent and is prescribed for children of all ages and even the smallest - newborns. The first year of life brings a lot of trouble with the health of the baby. The child changes the manifestation of dysbiosis to diathesis, allergic reactions and similar conditions. The fact that Enterosgel is allowed for infants and helps to cope with diseases makes it very popular and widely used in pediatrics.

After entering the digestive system, the drug does the following:

  • collects and binds pathogenic flora, heavy metal salts;
  • removes antigens, microbes, viruses;
  • absorbs decay products and products, due to which intoxication appears;
  • builds a protective film along the walls of the digestive system, protecting against damage;
  • improves metabolic processes and peristalsis;
  • improves liver function;
  • helps restore intestinal microflora and heal inflamed or damaged mucous membranes.

The drug does not enter the bloodstream, since it acts only locally in the intestine and is not absorbed. It is completely excreted in conjunction with pathological flora and harmful microorganisms.

According to the results of a series of studies, it becomes clear that the drug has a positive effect and helps to speed up the healing process for such disorders in children:

  • allergy;
  • atropic dermatitis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • diathesis;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • diarrhea;
  • poisoning with medicinal and food products;
  • rotavirus infection;
  • indigestion;
  • purulent - septic diseases;
  • pyelonephritis.

About Filtrum in case of alcohol poisoning

Enterosgel helps babies to overcome many painful conditions.

Release form and dosage of the drug

In pharmacy kiosks, Enterosgel is sold in two dosage forms:

  • gel;
  • paste.

Before using the gel, it should be diluted with a little water, the paste is ready to use. Special sweeteners with different flavors are added to the paste, which makes the medicine more attractive. In this form, the medicine is more readily taken by young children. Pediatricians do not advise giving pasta to children under one year old because of the contained there food additives and flavor enhancers. Babies may develop an allergic reaction to the drug. Children up to six months are given one teaspoon per day. The drug is divided into four parts and taken between meals. From six months to a year, it is recommended to take half a teaspoon four times a day.

There are other dosages, the doctor prescribes the amount of medicine depending on the child's condition, weight, age.

The duration of treatment depends on the disease, as a rule, there is such a schedule:

  • allergic reactions - about three weeks;
  • jaundice of newborns - a month and a half;
  • food or medicine poisoning - about five to six days.

Effectiveness is noted with external use of Enterosgel. When applied to the affected areas (allergy, diathesis), an improvement is noted.

Drug action

Young children suffer from a disease such as diathesis. Diathesis is an allergic reaction of the body to a product, and, unfortunately, it is often not entirely clear what caused such a reaction. This is due to the fact that the pancreas cannot produce enough enzymes to break down the incoming products. Enterosgel helps to get rid of the manifestation of the disease and eliminate the causes.

Also, the intestinal microflora of newborns and infants is not sufficiently formed, therefore, the accumulation of toxins is a frequent occurrence in babies. This leads to intoxication of the body and a deterioration in health. The drug has a detoxifying effect. Removal of toxic compounds from the body occurs immediately after taking the drug. The work of the gastrointestinal tract and liver is stabilized. Children's organism readily responds to treatment with enterosorbent.

When an allergy occurs, infants are prescribed Enterosgel. Allergic dermatitis is manifested by redness and peeling of the cheeks, prickly heat, diaper rash. The drug effectively copes with this problem in a short time. With enterocolitis, the baby has abdominal pain. The cause of the disease is the ingress of an allergen into the digestive system. Enterosgel eases the condition of the child and helps to normalize the functioning of all body systems. Due to the sorbing properties of the drug, the body has a positive effect:

  • extinction of symptoms of intoxication caused by various diseases;
  • improvement clinical indicators composition of blood and urine;
  • improvement of immunity and activation of the protective properties of the body;
  • improvement of gastrointestinal motility;
  • protection of the mucous membrane from mechanical and pathogenic effects.

Features of alcohol intoxication

Reception of Enterosgel by infants

Often there are difficulties with taking the drug by children, many turn away from the measuring spoon or try to spit out the medicine. This problem can be solved by stirring the dose of the medicine with juice or milk.

At a time, children under one year old can be given no more than five milliliters, and the dose of medication per day should not exceed fifteen milliliters.

They give the remedy forty minutes before meals or one and a half to two hours after a meal. If not special recommendations the attending physician, then take the drug for seven to fourteen days. Enterosgel can be taken in parallel with other prescribed therapy. No incompatibility between drugs found, and no mutual suppression found medications... Sometimes constipation is noted while taking Enterosgel. In such cases, children are advised to give an enema. It is necessary to observe the child's stool during the treatment with Enterosgel.


Due to the fact that the drug is not absorbed into the blood, but remains in the intestine, the indications for its use are wider than that of other drugs. This remedy is allowed and recommended for use in children from birth. For babies, the drug is indicated for such diseases:

  • allergic diathesis;
  • intestinal infections;
  • diarrhea;
  • dysbiosis;
  • poisoning with poisonous substances;
  • violation of the kidneys;
  • jaundice of newborns.


Although the drug is very effective and helps with a large number of diseases, there are contraindications to its use by infants:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • intestinal atony;
  • a tendency to constipation;
  • peptic ulcer diseases of the digestive system;
  • intolerance to the constituents of the drug.

The drug is commercially available, and a prescription for its purchase is not needed, but it is not recommended to give Enterosgel to babies under one year old without consulting a pediatrician.

The greatest value of any parent is the health and well-being of their children. Often, moms and dads "for every sneeze" drag their child to the doctor.

However, the doctor is not always there, and many problems can be solved with the help of enterosorbents, for example Enterosgel - these are poisoning, and allergies, and diathesis, and much, much more.

Can Enterosgel be used for children? The instruction says "of course, yes!" and "at any age" - that is why the drug has long become an indispensable assistant for millions of mothers around the world, because it helps with wide range various health problems.

Allergy in children

Atopic (allergic) dermatitis - aka diathesis, in children is considered the most frequent manifestation of allergies. Inflammation of the skin with rashes and itching of the skin brings suffering to the child, disrupts his sleep and quality of life. Diathesis in infants and older children can be the "first call" from allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis.

Timely diagnosis and treatment of allergic reactions in a child can prevent the development of many autoimmune diseases.

One of the main causes of allergies in children is heredity. Big role toxicosis of pregnant women, smoking and malnutrition of a nursing mother play. The role of bacterial and viral infections, helminthic invasion in triggering allergic reactions in a child's body is undoubted. Allergens in the environment also "make their contribution."

Normal intestinal flora plays an important role in the development of the child's immunity. It is scientifically proven that intestinal dysbiosis increases the risk of developing allergies.

Dysbiosis (dysbiosis) is a decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestine as a result of prolonged antibiotic treatment or after viral infections... This condition is temporary and gradually normal flora repopulates its “abode”.

Food protein allergens play an important role in the formation of allergies: cow's milk, fish, eggs, beef, soy. But, with the age of the child, the risk of food allergy decreases, and the risk of allergy to pollen, bacteria, fungi increases.

In food allergies, toxic substances and allergens accumulate in the intestines. They can persist there very long timesupporting inflammatory process... Enterosgel unloads and cleanses the intestines from toxins and food allergens.

Poisoning in children

Usually, a child's food consists of fresh, well-prepared meals. Unfortunately, there are cases of food poisoning. This may be due to stale food products, vegetables, berries and fruits treated with chemicals.

You can't always keep track of a little fidget, and as a result, not always edible, but always dirty objects appear in his mouth.

Objects can cause serious poisoning household chemicals, medicines and other hazardous substances in places accessible to children.

Enterosgel application

Treatment of any allergy or poisoning in children is not complete without the appointment of sorbents. When choosing a sorbent, its harmlessness, biological compatibility with intestinal tissues, the efficiency of absorption of toxins, a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, and protection of mucous membranes are taken into account. Enterosorbent No. 1 - Enterosgel fully meets these requirements.


The high efficiency of Enterosgel has been proven in children suffering from allergies and concomitant diseases of the digestive tract, chronic infections. Already on day 3-4 of treatment decreased itchy skin, rashes, abdominal pain, bloating, stools returned to normal.

Enterosgel reduces side effects after chemotherapy treatment oncological diseases, viral hepatitis, herpesvirus infection.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that almost all methods of treating diseases are more effective with the use of enterosorbents.

Enterosgel is useful in therapy: diseases nervous system, digestive organs, kidneys.

According to statistics, a quarter of the world's child population suffers from allergic diseases, recognized as indicators of environmental distress. Water, soil, plants, seafood contain a huge amount of radionuclides, salts of heavy metals, pesticides and other industrial "chemistry". Environmental medicine recommends the use of Enterosgel for children living in disadvantaged ecological areas.

The drug will help to remove nitrates, radionuclides, pesticides, heavy metal salts and restore immunity.

Baby allergic diseases, upset stomach, intestinal infections negatively affect well-being. Sometimes, to alleviate the condition in acute allergic reactions or poisoning, you can cleanse the body with an absorbent. Enterosgel - instructions for use for children of any age and adults - effective remedy, which rid the body of allergens and restores well-being with symptoms of poisoning such as indigestion, nausea, vomiting.

Composition and form of release

How the drug works

The drug belongs to the group of enterosorbents, its structure - an organosilicon matrix of hydrophobic nature, allows the process of adsorption of medium molecular weight toxic metabolites. Possesses pronounced sorption properties and detoxification properties, which helps to remove from the body food allergens, bacterial toxins, alcohol, heavy metal salts, poisons.

It perfectly removes metabolic products from the body - an excess of bilirubin, urea, cholesterol, metabolites, which are responsible for the development of endogenous toxicosis. Moreover, absorption occurs separately from the blood and intestines. Does not interfere with the absorption of vitamins and useful microelements by the body, has a beneficial effect on the intestinal mucosa. The time of elimination from the body is 12 hours, the drug is not absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract.

Indications for use

Enterosgel is effective drugused at any age, including children from the first days of life with:

  • acute and chronic intoxication of any origin;
  • drug and food allergies;
  • intestinal infections, as an addition to complex treatment (salmonellosis, toxic infections, dysentery, dysbiosis, diarrheal syndrome);
  • viral hepatitis (hyperbilirunemia);
  • intoxication with purulent-septic diseases;
  • chronic renal failure (hyperazotemia);
  • prevention of chronic intoxication;

How to take Enterosgel for children

Gel for stomach Enterosgel is administered orally and can be used in treatment for children of any age, including infants:

  • infants and newborns take the drug mixed in milk or mixture in the amount of half a teaspoon - 2.5 g (stir in liquid in a ratio of one to three) before feeding six times a day;
  • age up to five years - half a tablespoon - 7.5 g three times daily. The maximum dose per day is 22.5 g (one sachet);
  • children under 14 years old - a tablespoon - 15 g three times daily. The maximum daily dose is 45 g or 2 sachets.

Enterosgel for diarrhea in a child

Diarrhea in children is a symptom of an intestinal disorder that occurs with poisoning, gastrointestinal disorders, and dysbiosis. With diarrhea, the absorption of liquid by the stomach decreases, and peristalsis increases. Most medicines for diarrhea are contraindicated for babies, sorbents come to the rescue, including enterosgel. The drug absorbs and removes toxins, endogenous toxic products, restores beneficial intestinal microflora and removes microorganisms. The course of taking the medicine is up to ten days; in acute cases, you can double the dose.

In case of poisoning

Medicinal and food poisoning children are much more acute, there is a possibility of rapid deterioration Enterosgel is taken orally in case of poisoning, enterosorbents do an excellent job with pathogenic microflora and remove toxins. At the first signs of poisoning, you must call a doctor and begin the withdrawal process toxic substances from the digestive tract. You need to take the medicine three times daily, the dosage is standard. The dose may be doubled in acute poisoning.

Enterosgel for vomiting in a child

Vomiting in a child is a sign various diseases - poisoning, reaction to high temperature, disorder of the vestibular drug. If vomiting is accompanied by an intestinal disorder, it is better to detoxify the body with Enterosgel - the instructions for use for infants should be carefully studied. It removes toxic products, harmful bacteria and chemical elements, as a result, intoxication of the body decreases, vomiting passes. Take the gel according to the standard scheme several times a day, diluted in water or breast milk.

Drug interactions

Enterosgel is used for complex therapy, however, it is worth remembering that the simultaneous intake of the sorbent leads to a decrease in the absorption of other drugs. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the rule of separate administration and take breaks of up to two hours between taking Enterosgel and other drugs. The efficiency of combining the absorbent with antibacterial therapy in case of poisoning and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Side effects

When taking Enterosgel, constipation and, in rare cases, intestinal obstruction may occur. On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, flatulence (bloating) and nausea may occur. With severe renal or liver failure the person may begin to feel disgusted with the drug. Overdose cases were not observed, the drug is not absorbed by the stomach and is excreted from the body in 12 hours.


Contraindication to taking Enterosgel is an individual intolerance to the main component of the drug. The medicine is forbidden to use in case of atony of intestinal functions (the risk of bleeding increases) and acute intestinal obstruction. Enterosgel is used with caution in late pregnancy, although the studies did not reveal any negative consequences from using the drug during pregnancy and feeding.

Terms of sale and storage

Enterosgel is available in pharmacies without a prescription. It is recommended to store at a temperature not lower than +4 degrees. Avoid drying after opening and freezing. The shelf life of the drug is three years, the production period is indicated on the package. Available in the form of a gel in bags of 45 or 225 g or a sweet paste for oral administration in bags of 15 or 45 g or tubes of 45 or 225 g, as well as in plastic jars of 225 g

How to replace Enterosgel

If we take into account the analogue of the active substance, then Enterosgel has only one analogue - polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate, which is not very well known. But there are other enterosorbents that can replace the drug:

  • Smecta is a foreign adsorbent at an affordable price, has few side effects.
  • Activated carbon removes harmful substances from the body, but has an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Polysorb is an adsorbent for poisoning.
  • Lactofiltrum - available in capsules, normalizes the intestinal microflora.

Enterosgel price

Enterosgel is a mid-price drug, the cost of which in pharmacies can vary significantly. The cost of the medicine is given in the form of a paste (tube 225 g).

Enterosgel is a preparation that belongs to the group of sorbents last generation... The tool is used to eliminate the symptoms of intoxication with intestinal infections, poisoning and other digestive disorders.

In children, Enterosgel is often included in the combined treatment regimens for salmonellosis, dysentery, different types allergies and intestinal dysbiosis.

If necessary, the medicine can be used from the first days of a child's life, but in a strictly specified dosage, since the active ingredients of the drug can contribute to the hardening of feces and increased intestinal colic.

By international classification "Enterosgel" refers to adsorbent intestinal preparations... As the main active ingredient, it contains polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate (its concentration is 70% - 70 g of the active ingredient per 100 g of the preparation).

This substance is a new generation sorbent compound that binds toxins, allergens and other toxic substances in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract and removes them from the body without being absorbed into the blood.

Polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate has a porous structure and organic origin (silicon derivative), looks like a sponge. In addition to it, Enterosgel contains only specially treated water (30 g).

Note! The product does not contain flavoring additives, preservatives, thickeners and coloring elements, therefore it practically does not cause allergies and is well tolerated even by newborn children.

Release form

On the pharmaceutical market, Enterosgel is represented by two dosage forms with the same concentration of the active substance and identical composition:

  • homogeneous mass with the consistency of an odorless paste, having a white or milky color;
  • white jelly-like mass with small lumps (gel) of white color, odorless.

Paste "Enterosgel" for children has a sweet taste, so it is easy to give it even to children early age.

Properties of the drug

The active ingredient of Enterosgel does not adhere to the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and does not cause damage to the epithelial layer. The drug actively binds harmful and toxic substances and naturally removes them from the body along with feces.

The tool is effective against medium-molecular toxic elements and compounds, which include:

  • pathogenic bacteria and microbes;
  • waste products of pathogenic flora;
  • food allergens;
  • toxic substances that are part of medications;
  • heavy metals and their salts;
  • industrial poisons;
  • antigens;
  • bad cholesterol;
  • excess urea;
  • bilirubin;
  • products of endogenous metabolism.

Important! Enterosgel cleans the body of alcohol vapors, so it can be shown to young children receiving therapy with drugs that include ethanol.

The drug has no effect on the peristalsis of the intestinal walls. With course use, the product improves the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals, and also restores the balance of the intestinal microflora, which can be disturbed intestinal infections or taking strong antibacterial drugs.

Indications for prescribing the drug in childhood

Enterosgel can be used for any conditions accompanied by intoxication. These include:

  • any type of allergy (including food and drug);
  • acute poisoning by any industrial poisons, detergents, poor-quality food, expired drugs, etc.;
  • intestinal infections of various origins;
  • violation of the intestinal microflora (dysbiosis);
  • diarrhea (including diarrhea of \u200b\u200bnon-infectious etiology);
  • blood diseases and internal organsaccompanied by purulent-necrotic processes and acute intoxication;
  • pathologies in which the level of bilirubin in the blood rises in a child (viral hepatitis);
  • severe violations in the liver, with a chronic course;
  • chronic intoxication, which can be caused by living in unfavorable conditions (next to hazardous industrial production), secondhand smoke (if one of the family members smokes in the presence of a child) and other provoking factors.

In some cases, the drug can be prescribed for prophylactic purposes, for example, for children during the period of the introduction of the first complementary foods, if they have a tendency to allergic reactions.

Moving to an area with different climatic conditions can also cause digestive disorders in infants of the first year of life, therefore, in such cases, the pediatrician may also advise a short intake of Enterosgel for prevention.

At what age can a child be used?

Enterosgel does not contain any harmful additives, is not absorbed into the blood of a child and does not have a cumulative effect, so it can be given to children from the first days of life. The agent is excreted from the body completely unchanged along with the feces.

Instructions for use: drug dosage

Most parents buy their children the sweet paste "Enterosgel", which is easy to give even to a capricious and fastidious child, but you can also use a regular gel - the effectiveness of therapy will not change from this. The dosage and application regimen will also be the same for everyone. dosage forms drug.

The agent must be given before meals (at least 1-2 hours), dissolving it with an amount of water three times higher than the dose of the drug. Small children can be given the paste unchanged, but it is important to make sure that the child drinks enough water after that (according to the instructions). For infants, you can mix the medicine with milk, juice or other drinks, but in this case, you need to choose an odorless and tasteless paste.

The dosage regimen depends on the age of the child and is as follows:

  • children of the first year of life - 2.5 g up to 6 times a day;
  • from 1 year to 5 years - 7.5 g 3 times a day;
  • from 5 to 14 years old - 15 g 3 times a day.

Important! In case of severe poisoning, the daily dose in the first 1-3 days of treatment can be increased, but only as prescribed by the attending specialist, taking into account possible contraindications.

Duration of therapy

Treatment of acute conditions usually lasts at least 3, but not more than 5 days. In the case of chronic intoxication, the duration of therapy is usually from 10 days to 3 weeks.

If the drug is prescribed for the purpose of prophylaxis with prolonged exposure to adverse factors, it is necessary to take the drug for 7-10 days every month. The maintenance dosage is selected individually by the attending physician.

Contraindications and side effects

Enterosgel has practically no contraindications. The exception is intestinal atony - this is a condition in which the muscles of the intestine cannot contract with the necessary force, as a result of which peristalsis may be completely absent. In case of intestinal obstruction, the use of the drug is also contraindicated.

Side effects while taking Enterosgel are extremely rare. In the first days of treatment, the child may experience constipation. If it does not cause painful sensations and lasts no more than 1-2 days, there is no need to cancel the drug. Some children may develop nausea or a feeling of disgust for the drug (associated with abnormalities in the liver and kidney systems).

The drug is effective not only for children, but also can help adults, for example, with a severe hangover. And in order to calculate their strength and not drink too much, they even came up with an alcohol calculator https://enterosgel.info/alkogolnyj-kalkulyator/

Is an overdose possible?

The drug is not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not accumulate in the tissues of the body, therefore the probability of an overdose is extremely small. At the moment, such cases have not been recorded by specialists.

Use with other medicines

Enterosgel possesses pronounced adsorptive properties, therefore it can reduce the effectiveness of many drugspreventing absorption active ingredients other medicines. For this reason, it is necessary to maintain an interval of at least 1 hour between taking Enterosgel and other medications.

Analogues: what to replace

If therapy with Enterosgel is impossible for any reason (for example, in case of individual intolerance to silicon and its derivatives), analogs of the drug can be used.

In terms of pharmaceutical properties, drug analogues are:

  • "Carbactin";
  • "Smecta";
  • Sorbex;
  • "Atoxil".

The absolute analogue of the drug is Polymethylsiloxane Polyhydrate. It has the same properties side effects and contraindications, as "Enterosgel". Therefore, they can replace the drug even without consulting a doctor.

Pediatricians refer to Enterosgel as one of those medicines that should always be available in a children's home medicine cabinet, since in case of severe poisoning, the child needs help in the first minutes. The drug is highly effective and can be used to treat infants and newborns. It is necessary to store the product at a temperature not lower than 4 °, avoiding freezing, within 3 years from the date of production.

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