Preparation for the OGE (GIA). Management activities of the OU in preparation for the GIA Presentation on the topic of the GIA


MOU "Secondary School No. 8"

to improve the quality of preparation of students for the GIA.

January 2016

Action Plan

to improve the quality of the results of the state (final) certification in 2015-2016

All areas of the GIA preparation plan are interconnected,

work on them is carried out in several stages:

1st stage - analytical (June-August)

4th stage - control (state and quality of training of students) (September-May)

2nd stage - organizational (August-October)

3rd stage - informational and practical (October-May)

A positive result of the implementation of the plan is targeted cooperation:

administration, subject teachers, students and their parents.

Stage 1 Organizational arrangements

1 . Analysis of the results of the state (final) certification in comparison with city, republican indicators.

2. Development of an action plan to improve the quality of general education for students in grades 9-11 (based on taking into account the results of exams, monitoring the educational achievements of students).

4. Study of normative and instructive materials for the OGE, USE (posting information on the stand, school website,, discussion at the teachers' council, methodological council, methodological associations, administrative meetings)

5. Ensuring the functioning of the heading "GIA" on the school website

Stage 2 - Informational and practical

Purpose: Information support for participants in educational relations,

implementation of the GIA preparation plan

1. Information and methodological support for teachers

2. Information support for students

3.Information support for parents

1. Information and methodological support for teachers

1. Instructive and methodological meeting of the teaching staff :

"Regulatory documents governing the procedure

conducting state (final) certification of graduates 9 and 11

classes in the 2015/2016 academic year.”

2. Individual and group consultations on the preparation and conduct of the state (final) certification (for pedagogical difficulties):

  • Using Internet resources to prepare graduates of grades 9-11 for the state (final) certification.
  • Pedagogical guidance of independent work of students aimed at preparing for the state (final) certification.
  • Modern methods and technologies for monitoring the level of knowledge of graduates.
  • Methodology for conducting lessons of repetition and generalization of knowledge.

3.Practical, theoretical seminars on the preparation and conduct of the state (final) certification (within the framework of the ShMO)

4 . Participation of teachers in short-term distance courses, webinars, seminars on preparation and conduct of the state (final) certification of graduates of grades 9-11

from " Action plan aimed at improving the quality of knowledge of graduates of the MOU "Secondary School No. 2" in 2015-2016"

  • Development individual plans subject teachers, teacher-psychologist in preparation for the GIA in 2015-2016.
  • Monitoring the activities of subject teachers in preparing students for the GIA

2. Information and methodological support for students, organization of training tests

1. Design of information stands in classrooms"Preparing for GIA"

2.Updating the information stand "Graduates of the 11th grade - on the state (final) certification in 2016"

3. Familiarization with WEB-resources (webinars, online testing, a bank of open tasks, electronic manuals, video analyzes of training options and thematic tasks)

4. The work of subject teachers in preparing students for the GIA

  • familiarization of students with the certification procedure;
  • familiarization of students with the structure of the content of KIMs;
  • work on KIMs
  • individualization of the learning process (differentiation)
  • teaching students how to fill out forms
  • development of control and self-control skills

5. Carrying out training and diagnostic work in the Russian language, mathematics, elective subjects in grades 9 and 11.

6. Questioning students after training and diagnostic work in order to identify difficult moments, questions on the organization of the exam

7. Group and individual consultations for students to close the gaps

3.Information and methodological support for parents

1. Parent meetings:

  • "On the features of the state (final) certification in the 2015/2016 academic year."
  • Parents - about the legal documents for the state (final) certification in 2016"

2. Organization of meetings of parents with school teachers, consultations for parents on working with Internet resources sites Reshu Unified State Examination of the Russian Federation, AlexLarin, participation in webinars

3. Timely informing parents about the results of training, diagnostic testing

  • Tracking difficulties for teachers in preparing students for the GIA in order to correct the provision of methodological assistance
  • The study and generalization of positive pedagogical experience in the qualitative preparation of students for the GIA
  • The choice of topics for self-education related to the accumulation of didactic and methodological material to prepare students for passing the GIA, increasing the subject competence of the teacher
  • Conducting seminars and workshops within the framework of the School of International Relations with the aim of carrying out targeted work to provide methodological assistance to teachers in preparing students for the GIA, analysis of tasks of increased complexity.

Stage 3 - control (state and quality of training of students for the state (final) certification)

1.Assessment of the state and quality of the regulatory and legal support of the curriculum (working learning programs, calendar-thematic planning, planning of work in preparation for the GIA).

2. Organization of current control over the quality of education (journals, notebooks of students).

3. The system of control and accounting of knowledge in subjects chosen by graduates for the state (final) certification (reference-analysis based on the results of diagnostic tests)

4. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the teacher's work in preparation for the state (final) certification

Readiness of students to pass the GIA

information readiness(awareness about the rules of conduct in the exam, awareness about the rules for filling out forms, etc.).

Subject readiness or content (readiness for a particular subject, the ability to solve test tasks).

Psychological readiness(state of readiness - “setting”, internal attunement to a certain behavior, focus on expedient actions, actualization and adaptation of the personality’s capabilities for successful actions in a situation of passing an exam).

  • Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation(Ministry of Education and Science of Russia): http ://Ministry of Education.rf/
  • Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor):
  • Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements: http:// /
  • Federal Testing Center http ://
  • Internet portal for information support of the USE: http: // /
  • Regional Information Processing Center:

http:// /


  • Phone number and address of the hotline of the State final certification for the program of basic general education
  • (GIA-9) 47-86-27, [email protected]
  • Telephone hotline for psychological support of participants GIA 8-800-22-22-432

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The word "Exam" in Latin means "test". IN explanatory dictionary Ozhegov "test" - "painful experience, misfortune."

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What is being assessed? It is not just factual knowledge that is important, but the ability to present it. The level of development of oral speech can make it possible to “hide” gaps in knowledge. Factual knowledge and the ability to reason and decide are evaluated.
When can I get the results of the exam? On the oral exam - almost immediately, on the written - within a few days After more long time
What affects the rating? Subjective factors have a great influence: contact with the examiner, general impression. The assessment is as objective as possible.
Possibility to fix own mistake At an oral exam during a story or when answering a question from an examiner, at a written exam - when checking one's own work. Virtually absent
Who evaluates? People familiar to the student. unknown experts.

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Characteristics Traditional exam Unified state exam
Exam content The student must demonstrate mastery of a certain piece of educational material (a certain topic, question, etc.) The exam covers almost the entire volume of educational material
How are the results recorded? In a written exam - on the same sheet on which the tasks are performed. On oral - on a draft. The results of the assignment must be transferred to the answer registration form.
Activity strategy during the exam Unified Individual

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Psychological difficulties of the Unified State Exam and GIA
Cognitive Personal Procedural

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Cognitive Difficulties:
Causes of cognitive difficulties: Insufficient amount of knowledge Insufficient formation of skills for working with test tasks Inability to flexibly operate the system of educational concepts of the subject
Necessary mental functions High mobility, switchability. High level of organization of activities. High and stable performance. High level of concentration, arbitrariness. Clarity and structured thinking, combinatorism Formation of an internal plan of action

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Personal difficulties
Causes of personal difficulties Lack of information about the procedure Lack of access to adult support
Types of personal difficulties: An increased level of anxiety "Mythology" (unrealistic beliefs and prejudices about the Unified State Examination) Inadequate self-esteem

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How can a psychologist help?
it is necessary to understand what psychological functions ensure success in completing the USE assignments provide enough information about what the USE is, paying special attention to its positive aspects with a high level of anxiety caused by the special significance of the exam, carry out work aimed at subjectively reducing the significance of the exam, help the graduate to realize that the USE score is not fatal to involve parents in the work, as they, voluntarily or involuntarily, can support the anxiety of graduates

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Procedural difficulties
Causes of difficulties: insufficient familiarity with the exam procedure, lack of a clear strategy for activities.
Types of difficulties: Difficulties associated with the specifics of fixing answers. Difficulties associated with the role of an adult. Difficulties related to evaluation criteria.

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How can a psychologist help?
Overcoming procedural difficulties should focus on mastering specific features exam procedures. good effect renders not just a story about the USE procedure, but its playback. In addition, a psychologist can help develop an individual strategy for each graduate.

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Test about the rules and procedure of the exam
TEST ON THE RULES AND PROCEDURE OF THE USE A1 What can not be used on the exam? Mobile phone (+) Gel pen Test material A2 You must bring to the exam: Textbook Passport (+) Personal computer A3 In case of violation of the requirements stipulated by the rules of the exam, the student: Stands in a corner Is removed from the exam (+) Pays a fine A4 To leave the classroom during the exam, you must contact: To the organizer (+) To the President of the Russian Federation To a friend A5 To avoid mistakes, it is better to first write down the numbers of the answers: On the palm of your hand On the margins of the form On the draft (+) A6 put in the box with the number of the correct answer: Check mark Asterisk Cross (+) A7 If the student has any doubts when filling out the forms, then you need to: Clap your hands Stamp your foot Raise your hand (+) A8 To file an appeal, you must contact: To the responsible organizer (+) To the duty officer on floor 3. To the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation (+) is the correct answer

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The most significant psychological qualities that are required in the process of passing the exam and the GIA

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high mobility, switchability; high level organization of activities; high and stable performance; high level of concentration of attention, arbitrariness; clarity and structured thinking; formation of an internal action plan.

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Individual features of educational activities of students (children at risk)
Right-brain children Synthetic children Anxious children Unsure children Children lacking volition and self-organization Perfectionists and "A" students Asthenic children Hyperthymic children "stuck" children Audials and kinesthetics

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Interaction of the cerebral hemispheres in the cognition of the surrounding world
Test to identify "right hemisphere" and "left hemisphere" students

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Eagle, scales, run, feathers, fly, fish, wool, swim, sheep.
Divide these words into three groups

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1st group of cards: fish, eagle, sheep. 2nd group of cards: run, swim, fly. 3rd group of cards: wool, feathers, scales. CONCLUSION: Thinking type. Logical thinking. Dominance of the left hemisphere.

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1st group of cards: fish, swim, scales. 2nd group of cards: eagle, fly, feathers. 3rd group of cards: sheep, run, wool. CONCLUSION: Artistic type. Creative thinking. Dominance of the right hemisphere.

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Simultaneous execution of test options #2 and #1. CONCLUSION: Mixed type.

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Right hemispheric children - experience difficulties when it is necessary to clearly think logically, structure; - it is difficult to distract from the emotional-figurative component of the educational material; difficulties in studying subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle; test tasks where you need to master logical constructions, analyze and compare Support strategies: Before the exam: - use imagination and imaginative thinking: use comparisons, images, metaphors, drawings; it is important to illustrate dry theoretical material with examples or pictures During the exam: try your hand not so much in the simplest tasks of type A, but where you need to expand the answer, then move on to tasks with multiple choice.

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synthetic kids
experience difficulties with analysis, highlighting key points in information, dividing the material into semantic blocks; it is difficult to make plans or notes, some of them make a plan after the work is written; rarely focus on one issue Support strategies: Before the exam: develop analytical skills. When studying each topic, summarize it, highlight specific blocks (what is the main thing here, what to pay attention to) During the exam: first familiarize yourself with the material as a whole, orient yourself. Draw up a general work plan. Rely on the ability to highlight the main thing in each issue

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Anxious children
often double-check what has already been done, constantly correct what is written; with an oral answer, they closely observe the reactions of an adult; ask a lot of clarifying questions; teachers often ask again, checking whether they understood him correctly; any evaluation situation is difficult; Support strategies: Before the exam: - creating a situation of emotional comfort at the pre-examination stage; - you can not escalate the situation, recalling the seriousness of the upcoming exam and the significance of its results; -create a situation of success, encouragement, support During the exam: provide a feeling of emotional support (smile) "I am sure that you will do everything right and you will succeed"

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Insecure children
they do not know how to rely on their own opinion, they tend to resort to the help of other people; cannot independently check the quality of their work; have difficulty during any exam Support strategies: Before the exam: refrain from giving advice and guidance; you can’t say phrases like “Think again”, “Think carefully” to insecure children During the exam: support with the words “You will succeed”. If he cannot start, give advice “start with simple tasks or look at all the material, choose whichever is easier for you”

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Children lacking arbitrariness and self-organization
unstable performance, they are characterized by frequent fluctuations in the pace of activity; are often distracted irrationally use the allotted time Support strategies: Before the exam: - it is very important to teach the child to use various material means for self-regulation of activities: an hourglass, a list of necessary tasks, a ruler pointing to the right line, etc. During the exam: to control his self-organization: "What are you doing now?". You can use aids.

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Perfectionists and Excellence
are distinguished by high academic performance, responsibility, organization, diligence; very sensitive to praise and, in general, to any assessment of their activities; everything they do should be noticed and get an appropriate (naturally, high) assessment; very high level of claims and extremely unstable self-esteem; Support strategy: Before the exam: it is important to help such children adjust their expectations and understand the difference between “sufficient” and “excellent” offer training exercises where they will need to choose tasks to complete and will not have to do everything During the exam: help to choose an activity strategy and implement it, ask what they want to do and adjust plans and expectations as necessary

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Asthenic children
-high fatigue, exhaustion; they quickly get tired, their pace of activity decreases and the number of errors increases sharply; Support strategies: Before the exam: - it is important not to make obviously impossible requirements that the child will not be able to meet: “Some graduates study from morning to evening, and after two hours you are already tired.” - the optimal mode of preparation is of great importance so that the child does not overwork, he needs to take breaks in classes, walk, sleep enough; -parents to support the child with vitamins or herbal preparations. During the exam: take your time, allow a few short breaks

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Hyperthymic children
fast, energetic, active, not prone to pedantry; high pace of activity, impulsive and sometimes unrestrained; quickly complete tasks, but often do it carelessly, do not check themselves and do not see their own mistakes; tend to neglect accuracy and precision in the name of speed and efficiency; have difficulty in tasks that require a high degree of thoroughness, concentration, and accuracy, but are excellent at tasks that require high mobility and switchover Support strategy: Before the exam: - it is very important not to try to change the pace of activity, especially with instructions like "Take your time" - it is necessary to develop the control function, self-examination skills; - it is necessary to create in such children a sense of the importance of the exam situation During the exam: gently remind them of the need for self-examination. Seated in the classroom so that the opportunities for interaction with other children are minimal.

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"Stuck" kids
low mobility, low switchability of mental functions, they hardly move from one task to another; slow; they need a long introductory period for each task Support strategies: Before the exam: teach the child to allocate the time needed for each task During the exam: gently help to switch: “You can already move on to the next task”, but do not rush

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Auditory and kinesthetic visual test
test for the definition of visual, kinesthetic, auditory. When answering these questions, choose the first thing that comes to mind. Don't waste time thinking. 1. How would you like to learn how a computer works? A. watching an educational film; b. listening to explanations V. disassembling the computer and independently trying to understand what's what? 2. What would you rather read for fun? A. a travel book with many illustrations; b. detective with many dialogues; V. book with tasks, riddles and puzzles. 3. If you're not sure how a word is spelled, what are you most likely to do? A. write to see if it looks like it should? b. pronounce it; V. write, paying attention to your feelings, are they the same? 4. How are you most likely to prepare for the test? A. read your notes, book titles, look at diagrams and illustrations; b. ask someone to ask you questions or you yourself will repeat everything to yourself; V. write down what you need to know on cards and draw diagrams. 5. What gets in your way the most when you're trying to focus? A. visual distractions; b. Noise; V. other feelings like hunger, tight shoes, or anxiety. 6. What are you most likely to do while standing in line for movie tickets? A. view posters and announcements; b. talk to those who are standing nearby; V. stomp your feet or walk back and forth. 7. Which circle would you prefer? A. art; b. musical; V. sports. 8. How would you tell a story about an incident? A. wrote; b. told; V. played out. and now the result Calculate the number of "a", "b" and "c": "a" ___ "b" ___ "c" ___ If you have the most "a", you rely more on visual perception in your studies. You learn with your eyes. If you have the most "b"s, you rely more on auditory perception in your studies. You learn with your ears. If you have the most "in", you rely most on kinesthetic perception in your studies. You learn in motion and with your hands. If you circled all the letters about the same number of times, you are dependent on several ways of learning in your studies.

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Auditory visuals and kinesthetics
in auditory people, the main way of perception is auditory (auditory); For visuals, the main way of perception is visual; for kinesthetics, it is a tactile way of perception. Support strategy: - it is necessary that children of these categories realize the peculiarities of their learning style, that is, they can clearly formulate for themselves how exactly they learn the learning material better; -audials can use speech (very quietly say tasks out loud) if the child is visual, it would be good to give him a piece of paper on which he can make notes. - kinesthetic learners can help themselves with simple movements (for example, move their feet under the table, tighten and relax their arms), they can be allowed to leave the classroom.

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Psychological support for preparing for the exam will be effective if all subjects of the educational process are involved in it: - students, - parents, - teachers

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Recommendations for a graduate on preparing for the exam
Preparation throughout the year. · Prepare a place for classes: remove all unnecessary, conveniently arrange the necessary supplies · Yellow and purple colors increase intellectual activity. Make a lesson plan for what you will study today. If you are a "night owl" or "lark", use the evening or morning hours more efficiently. · Start with the most difficult, and if it is difficult to "swing" - then with the most interesting and pleasant. Alternate activities and rest: 40 minutes of classes, 10 minutes - a break. · Do not try to remember everything by heart, structure the material, draw up a plan, a diagram on paper. · Do as many tests as possible. · Train with a stopwatch in your hands, time your tests. · Do not think that you will not cope, but on the contrary, mentally draw a picture of success for yourself. · Leave 1 day before the exam to review answer plans, especially the most difficult passages. · Practice writing clearly. · Know your rights. There are appeals on the exam procedure and on the number of points set, but not on the content of the exam.

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During testing.
Be careful! Follow the rules of conduct on the exam! Focus! Don't be afraid! Start easy! Skip! Read the task to the end! Think only about the current task! Exclude! Plan two laps Guess! Check! Do not worry! Good luck! Remember: - you have the right to file an appeal on the examination procedure in the form of the Unified State Examination to the head of the examination point on the day of the work, without leaving the PES; - you have the right to appeal to the conflict committee within three days after the announcement of the exam result

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Good luck with the exam!

What characteristics should a school have in the 21st century? The new school is an institution that meets the goals of advanced development. The new school is a school for everyone. The new school means new teachers who are open to everything new, who understand child psychology and the peculiarities of the development of schoolchildren, who know their subject well. The new school is a modern infrastructure. The new school is modern system assessment of the quality of education, which should provide us with reliable information about how individual educational institutions and the education system as a whole.

Stages of performance of work: I stage. Organizational (August - October). II stage. Informational (November-January). III stage. Practical (during school year). IV stage. Psychological preparation for the exam (during the academic year). V stage. Analytical (June-August).

I stage. Organizational Analysis of the results is carried out in the following areas: the percentage of grades received by students in the USE in all subjects; compliance of annual grades and grades obtained at the Unified State Examination; the average score in the Russian language and mathematics obtained by students in the comparative characteristics for the district, region; monitoring of progress, quality of graduates of the 11th grade in a comparative characteristic for 3 years (9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade).

Multi-level preparation for the GIA 1 group 2 group 3 group Group "RISK" Students who scored 0-4 b. Students who scored 5-7 b, who can get a satisfactory mark on the exam, with a conscientious attitude and desire - a good one. Students who score 8-12 b are contenders for getting good and excellent grades.

II stage. Information Content of information work with teachers: 1. Regulatory documents of various levels are studied at administrative meetings. 2. At the meetings of the MO of subject teachers, instructional and methodological letters on the results of the Unified State Examination last year and recommendations for preparation this year are analyzed. 3. Conducting pedagogical councils on preparation for the exam. 4. Sending teachers to advanced training courses and seminars to prepare for the USE.

The content of information work with parents: Familiarization with legal documents. Instructing parents on the conduct of the GIA in the form of the exam. Familiarization of parents with the results of training and diagnostic work. GIA for children with handicapped health. Filing of appeals. Evaluation of the results of the GIA.

Analysis of the results of these works in various subjects in the following areas: % of progress and quality of the control work; Comparative characteristics performance of control works; analysis of control work on assignments, comparative characteristics; distribution of marks according to the results of work.

Results of work Marks for work on December 08 Marks for work on February 17. "5""4""3""2""5""4""3""2" number % "5""4""3""2" December 08, 2009 February 17, 2010 offset fail

V stage. Analytical (June-August) s/n Subject Number of students who took exams Passed the Unified State Exam Number of students who did not pass the Unified State Exam Average score % of education 1Russian language17 062.5100% 2Mathematics17 049.5100% 3Literature % 4 English language% 5 History % 6 Social science, 7100 % 7 Biology 33070.7100 % 8 Geography 22046.5100 % Analysis of the GIA for the academic year

Comparative analysis of the state (final) certification for the course of secondary general education in the form of the USE year of study year Russian language6062.5 Mathematics42,849.5 Literature5960 English4257 History42,344 Social studies55,455.7 Biology6170.7

Comparative analysis of the state (final) certification for the course of secondary general education in the form of the Unified State Examination in the district and in the Moscow region Subject Average score for the school Average score for the district Average score for the region Russian language62.5359.3059.46 Mathematics49.4741.7744.04 Literature60,0061,0056.79 English 57,0043,6956.45 History44,0048,3853.66 Social studies55,7053,8255.10 Biology70,6760,0855.54 Geography46,5048,3853.66

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Description of the slide:

MBOU "Borkovskaya secondary school" The system of school work in preparation for the final certification Compiled by: Lukina A.N., teacher of Russian language and literature 2017-2018 academic year

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Description of the slide:

Goals and objectives Purpose: To analyze the work of the school in terms of the effectiveness of the measures taken to prepare for the final certification, identify the problems faced by high school students, their parents, teachers in preparing for the OGE and the Unified State Examination, and outline ways to solve them. Objectives: 1. To identify the level of readiness of teaching staff to create a system of conditions for preparing students for the final certification in the form of the GIA and the Unified State Examination 2. To analyze the emerging experience of teachers in preparing for the final certification. 3. To develop the main directions of work of all participants in the educational process in preparation for the final certification.

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Description of the slide:

The main goal is the successful passing of exams in compulsory subjects and optional subjects (Russian) Tasks: - systematization of ZUN, checked during the exam using new technology; - improving the ability to present the educational text; improving the ability to create your own statement (essay) on a given topic.

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Description of the slide:

Readiness for the GIA According to the law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation" development general educational programs basic general and secondary general education ends with mandatory final certification of graduates of general educational institutions, regardless of the form of education. Preparedness for something is understood by us as a complex of acquired knowledge, skills, abilities, qualities that allow us to successfully perform a certain activity. In the readiness of students to pass the final certification, we distinguish the following components: - information readiness (awareness about the rules of conduct on the exam, awareness about the rules for filling out forms, etc.); - subject readiness or content (readiness for a particular subject, the ability to solve test tasks); - psychological readiness (state of readiness - "setting", internal attunement to a certain behavior, focus on expedient actions, actualization and adaptation of a person's capabilities for successful actions in a situation of passing an exam).

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Description of the slide:

Where to begin? - It is necessary to study the mandatory minimum content of education and the requirements for the level of training of graduates. - Organize a repetition of all the main blocks of educational content. - Develop basic problem solving skills. - To form conscious knowledge of students, using the method of varying the text of the assignment. - When working with tests, to form the skills of self-control of time, estimation of results, substitution as a test method, consider the method of eliminating incorrect answers. - Conduct trainings: on filling out forms, by decision of KIMs. - Constantly monitor the performance of each student.

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Description of the slide:

The system of measures to improve the quality of preparation of students for the GIA-2018 Visiting the lessons of subject teachers by the administration in order to provide methodological assistance; Inclusion in the work plans of the activities of the TG of issues of preparation for the final certification, additional seminars, advanced training courses; Individual consultations of subject teachers for students; - attraction of resources distance learning and Internet resources for training - the introduction of elective courses that expand and deepen the basic education program; the school curriculum includes elective courses in the Russian language and mathematics; - psychological support for students, counseling, development of individual strategies for preparing for the final certification. 4. Informing parents

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Description of the slide:

The content of information work with teachers, parents Informing about legal documents at teachers' councils, parent meetings; on the course of preparation for the final certification at school, in the district, informing about Internet resources. Development of joint recommendations by subject teachers on preparing students for the OGE, USE (taking into account the psychological characteristics of students). Informing parents about the procedure of the OGE, the USE, the specifics of preparing for the test form of exams, the conduct of the trial USE, the USE: - informing about the results of the trial intra-school USE, the USE; - the point of the exam, the issues of conducting a trial OGE in February, the USE - in April. 4. Individual counseling of parents (class teachers).

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Description of the slide:

The content of information work with students 1) Organization of information work in the form of instructing students: - rules of conduct during the exam; - rules for filling out forms; 2) Information stand for students: regulations, forms, rules for filling out forms, Internet resources on the issues of the OGE, the USE. 3) Conducting training sessions for filling out forms. 4) Trial intra-school OGE, USE in various subjects.

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Completing the tasks of standard examination options provides students with the opportunity to independently prepare for the final certification, as well as to objectively assess the level of their preparation.

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Monitoring the quality of education in subjects that students will take in the form and materials of the OGE and the Unified State Examination 1. Monitoring current grades in subjects chosen by students in the form of the Unified State Examination. 2. Control of grades by control work, estimates for independent work. 3. The results of the trial intra-school OGE, USE. Purpose: Monitoring provides an opportunity to identify problems and outline ways to solve them, predict grades at the final exam.

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Description of the slide:

Control of grades for tests, grades for independent work (Grade 9) FI teacher RL (5) MA (8) BIO (3) CHEM 92) GENERAL (0) PHYS (3) 1. Larisa B. 4 4 2. Oleg V. 3 3 3. Vera D. 4 3 4. Konstantin Zh. 3 3 5. Linda Z. 3 3 3 6. Yuri Z. 3 4 4 7. Evgeny K. 4 4 4

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Description of the slide:

Monitoring of grades for tests, independent work (grade 9) PHI teacher RL (5) MA (8) BIO (3) CHEM 92) GENERAL (0) PHYS (3) 8. Alexey K. 4 4 4 9. Anna K. 4 3 10.Victoria P. 5 4 4 11.Anna P. 5 5 12.Denis P. 2 2 13.Ksenia S. 5 4 4 14.Maria S. 4 4 15.Kirill Ch. 3 3 16. Mikhail Sh. 2 2

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All about GIA GIA is the State Final Certification of 2013.

What is the State Final Attestation (GIA)? State final certification (GIA) is a relatively new form of final exams in the 9th grade of a school. Experiments on the introduction of GIA were carried out in different regions since 2002. The exam is conducted in the form of testing on special forms, similar to the USE forms. A student finishing the 9th grade is required to pass 4 or 5 exams. Of these, 2 are mandatory: mathematics and Russian (surrendered in the form of a GIA) and two optional (can be surrendered both in the form of a GIA and by tickets). The last, 5th exam can be set by the education department for each region separately. If it is not set, then students take 4 exams.

Why do you need to take the GIA? Graduates of the 9th grade must pass the State Final Attestation (GIA), because: - this is the only form of passing exams in the Russian language and algebra (exams in other subjects are still optional); - the results of the GIA are considered when enrolling in the 10th grade; - the results of the GIA can be counted for admission to vocational schools and colleges.

What elective subjects can be taken at the GIA The following subjects can be accepted as elective subjects in the State Final Attestation (GIA) exam: - Physics; - geography; - social science; - foreign languages(English, French, German, Spanish); - Informatics.

What subjects are required for the GIA? For passing in the format of the State Final Attestation (GIA) in the 9th grade, two subjects are mandatory: Russian language and mathematics. A student finishing the 9th grade is required to pass 4 or 5 exams. Of these, 2 compulsory subjects: mathematics and Russian (surrendered in the form of the GIA) and two optional (can be taken both in the form of the GIA and by tickets). The last, fifth exam can be set by the education department for each region separately; if it is not set, then students take 4 exams.

Where is the GIA performed? The state final certification exam (GIA) for 9th grade graduates is held in the building of the school where the students were trained. During the examination, the presence of strangers, including the teacher who taught the subject, is not allowed, not only in the exam room, but also on the floor.

Who is allowed to pass the GIA? Graduates of the 9th grade are allowed to pass the State Final Attestation (GIA): - having annual grades in all subjects of the 9th grade program not lower than three; - having no more than one deuce with the obligatory delivery of the subject for which an unsatisfactory mark was received.

How much time is allocated for the delivery of the GIA? Russian language 240 Mathematics 240, of which 90 for the first part (after which the 1st part is surrendered) Physics 180 Geography 120 Social studies 180 Computer science 120 English 90 + oral answer time about 6 minutes and preparation for it 8-10 minutes

How do the results of the GIA affect the school certificate? Grade for the exam of the State Final Attestation (GIA) in new form in various subjects ranges from 26 to 43 primary points. These points are converted into a standard five-point system. The certificate is marked with an average mark between the one received at the GIA and the annual one for the subject. Rounding is done according to the rules of mathematics, that is, 3.5 is rounded to 4 and 4.5 to 5.

What to do if a “deuce” was received at the GIA? In case of receiving an unsatisfactory grade in one or two subjects, the graduate is allowed to retake the subject at an additional time before the start of the next academic year. In case of non-receipt of a satisfactory grade and on retake, the graduate will not be issued a certificate. Instead, a certificate of completion of training will be provided. The certificate indicates the subjects for which an unsatisfactory grade was obtained, and only these subjects can be retaken next year.

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