Technology curriculum. Program in technology Sample program of basic general education in technology

Working programm on Technology. Industrial Technologies ”for students in grades 5-8 is compiled on the basis of the program of the main general education 2010 (authors: Tishchenko A.T.; Sinitsa N.V.; Simonenko V.D.), corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the federal components of the educational standard, taking into account the curricula (plans) of the educational institutions MBOU "Secondary School No. 26 named after A.S. Pushkin" of the city of Smolensk and the textbook "Technology. Industrial Technologies". Planning includes the title of sections and topics, the type of activity of students, the planned results (subject, meta-subject, personal).

Work program on “Technology. Industrial Technologies ”for students in grades 5-8 was compiled on the basis of the program of basic general education in 2010 (authors: Tishchenko A.T.; Sinitsa N.V.; Simonenko V.D.), corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the federal components of the educational standard, taking into account the curricula (plans) of the educational institution MBOU "Secondary School No. 26 named after A.S. Pushkin" of the city of Smolensk and the textbook "Technologies. Industrial Technologies". Planning includes the title of sections and topics, the type of activity of students, the planned results (subject, meta-subject, personal).

Work program on “Technology. Industrial Technologies ”for students in grades 5-8 was compiled on the basis of the program of basic general education in 2010 (authors: Tishchenko A.T.; Sinitsa N.V.; Simonenko V.D.), corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the federal components of the educational standard, taking into account the curricula (plans) of the educational institution MBOU "Secondary School No. 26 named after A.S. Pushkin" of the city of Smolensk and the textbook "Technologies. Industrial Technologies". Planning includes the title of sections and topics, the type of activity of students, the planned results (subject, meta-subject, personal).

Target audience: for grade 7

The work program of the subject "Technology" was compiled on the basis of the Federal State Standard of Primary General Education (2009), the Exemplary Program of Primary General Education in Fine Arts for Educational Institutions with the Russian Language of Instruction and the Program for General Educational Institutions of the Authors N.I. . Rogovtseva, N.V. Bogdanova, I.P. Freitag, N.V. Dobromyslova, N.V. Shipilova "Technology. Grades 1-4” (educational kit “School of Russia”).
The subject "Technology" has a practice-oriented focus. Its content not only gives the child an idea of technological process as a set of processes, rules, requirements for technical documentation used in the manufacture of any product, but also shows how to use this knowledge in different areas learning activities

Subject: Technology

Target audience: for grade 3

The decoupage program was developed for 6th grade students. the work is one of the components of the work on the artistic and aesthetic development of the child's personality. Where students can get acquainted with the "Decoupage" technique. Perform non-complicated techniques. Develops in children a great interest in work.

Target audience: for grade 6

The work program is based on the program “Your professional career. 8-9 grades / ed. S.N. Chistyakova. - M.: Enlightenment, 2006.
The subject "Your professional career" allows students to explore their capabilities and needs and correlate them with the requirements of the profession they are interested in, prepare for the future work professional activity and in the future to successfully build a professional career, adapting to social conditions and the requirements of the labor market.

Target audience: for grade 8

The program "Hostess" for 5 classes was created in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The relevance of this program is substantiated by the analysis of the current socio-economic situation. New technologies lead to more integration household and production, expand the range of non-productive activities at home, lead to the domestication (domestication) of production and diverse human activity. The leading idea of ​​the program is to introduce middle-level students to a wide range knowledge of needlework in various techniques and traditions. Of particular importance is the problem of acquiring by students adequate ideas about professional activities and their own capabilities.

Target audience: for grade 5

The work program on the subject of professional self-determination of the 9th grade was compiled on the basis of the Model program of basic general education, the program of Simonenko V.D.
The program complies with the federal component of the state standard for basic general education, the curriculum of the educational institution and provides for the study of the subject at a basic level.
The work program for professional self-determination in the 9th grade is designed for 1 hour per week, 34 hours per year.

Target audience: for grade 9

Branch of the municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school with. Karamaly-Gubeevo - "OOSH s.Tukayevo"

municipal district Tuymazinsky district

Republic of Bashkortostan





Program developer:

Yusupova Larisa Musanifovna,

primary school teacher

With. Tukayevo

Explanatory note

Basic Documents for the development of the work program are:

    federal exemplary (standard) technology program;

    federal list of textbooks recommended (approved) for use in the educational process in educational institutions implementing educational programs primary education and having state accreditation, for the 2015/2016 academic year;

The work program was developed in relation to the curriculum "Technology and Artistic Labor", authors O.A. Kurevina, E.A. Lutseva, "Balass" 2010 within the framework of educational system training "School 2100".

Brief description of the formed general educational skills, skills and ways of students' activities

by subject at the beginning school year

- types of materials indicated in the program, their properties and names;
- fixed and movable methods of connecting parts and connecting materials (fixed - paste (glue) and threads, movable - wire, threads, thin rope);
- about the drawing and drawing lines specified in the program.
mustbe able to:
on one's own organize the workplace in accordance with the characteristics of the material used and maintain order on it during work, economically and rationally mark out several details;
with the help of a teacher perform marking based on the drawing on a ruler, square, perform a movable connection of parts using wire, thread (No. 10), a thin rope.

The activity approach to building the learning process on technology is the main characteristic feature this subject, which contributes to the formation of students not only ideas about the interaction of man and the surrounding world, about the role labor activity people in the development of society, but also allows them to form their initial technological knowledge, the most important labor skills and abilities.

It determined The purpose of training technologies: the development of the personality of a younger student, the formation of skills and abilities of educational activities, readiness for independent educational work, etc., make it possible to provide a qualitatively new, high level preparing a younger student for training in the middle link of the school.

Based on the requirements of the State Educational Standard of 2010, the content of the work program is supposed to implement the currently relevant competency-based, student-oriented, activity approaches that determine learning objectives:

Development of sensory skills, fine motor skills of hands, spatial imagination, technical and logical thinking, eye gauge; ability to navigate information different kind;

Mastering knowledge about the role of human labor activity in the transformation of the world around, initial ideas about the world of professions;

Mastering the initial technological knowledge, labor skills, practical experience in the creation of personally and socially significant objects of labor; ways of planning and organizing labor activity, an objective assessment of one's work; the ability to use computer technology to work with information in educational activities and everyday life;

Education of diligence, respect for people and the results of their work, interest in information and communication activities; practical application of the rules of cooperation in collective activities.

Teaching technology contributes to the formation of general educational skills and abilities. Among them: the ability to highlight the features and properties of objects of the surrounding world, to make judgments based on a comparison of their functional and aesthetic qualities, design features; to search and process information (including using a computer), the ability to use measurements to solve practical problems; plan and organize your activities, etc.

must know:

The main genres and types of works of fine art,

The main means of artistic expression;

A method for obtaining three-dimensional forms based on a sweep;

Types of materials studied;

Individual works of outstanding artists;

The main art crafts of Russia.

should be able to:

Make sketches according to your ideas;

Perform sample analysis, planning and control of ongoing practical work;

Realize a creative idea in creating an artistic sample;

Under the supervision of the teacher, build the process of completing the task.

have competencies:

Information and communication;


able to solve the following vital practical tasks:

Doing housework (self-service, minor repairs of clothes, household items, etc.);

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and the use of safe methods of working with materials, tools, household appliances, information and communication technologies;

Creation of various products from available materials according to one's own design;

Implementation of cooperation in joint work.

In the educational system "School 2100" study of the section " Information Technology" in the framework of the subject "Technology" sent to achieve the following goals:

    mastering labor skills and abilities when working on a computer, practical experience in creating information

    objects useful for a person and society, ways of planning and organizing creative activities on a computer, skills

    use computer technology to work with information;

    development of fine motor skills of hands, spatial imagination, logical and visual thinking;

    mastering knowledge about the role of human information activity in the transformation of the surrounding world; formation of initial

    ideas about professions in which information technology plays a leading role;

    fostering interest in information and communication activities, respect for copyrights; practical application of cooperation in collective information activities.

As main tasks

    initial mastering of instrumental computer environments for working with various types of information (texts, images, animated images, schemes of objects, combinations various kinds information in one information object);

    creation of completed projects involving the organization (including cataloging) of a significant amount of disordered information;

Pedagogical technologies:

In order to increase the effectiveness of the quality of the educational process, the formation of a sustainable interest of students in the subject being studied and the development of basic educational and extracurricular skills, the study of this course involves the use of technologies:

    information Technology;

    explanatory - illustrative technologies;

    technologies of student-centered learning;

    problem-developing technologies;

    gaming technologies;

    presentation of projects and creative works;

    personality - oriented technologies;

Explanatory note

Basic Documents for the development of a work program by a teacher, are:

    state educational standard of primary general education (federal and national-regional component)

    regional basic curriculum for general educational institutions of the Republic of Bashkortostan, which contains the distribution of the content of education by educational areas, academic disciplines, years and weeks;

    federal exemplary (standard) program in subjects;

    federal list of textbooks recommended (approved) for use in the educational process in educational institutions implementing educational programs of general education and having state accreditation for the 2013/2014 academic year;

    requirements for equipping the educational process in accordance with the content of the subjects of the federal component of the state standard of general education;

    local act "On approval of the procedure for developing work programs training courses, subjects by educational institution”;

The curriculum "Practice of working on a computer" (educational area "Technology") was created on the basis of an exemplary program in technology (labor) and a program in informatics and ICT for elementary school (author A.V. Goryachev) for students of the 3rd grade of secondary schools "Balass »2010 . When it was created, the requirements of the federal component of the state standard of primary general education were taken into account.

Training module "Informatics and information and communication technologies", calculated for 12 hours. Implemented in the second half of the 3rd grade. The course is purely practical in nature, so the central place in the program is occupied by practical skills and computer skills. Concepts and terms are introduced insofar as they are necessary for the formation of these skills and abilities.

The program was developed in order to specify the content of the educational standard, taking into account inter-subject and intra-subject communications, the logic of the educational process and age features younger students.

The study of the section "Practice of working on a computer" within the subject "Technology" is aimed at achieving the following goals:

mastering labor skills and skills when working on a computer, practical experience in creating information objects that are useful for a person and society, methods of planning and organizing creative activities on a computer, the ability to use computer technology to work with information;

    development of fine motor skills of hands;

    development of spatial imagination, logical and visual thinking;

    mastering knowledge about the role of human information activity in the transformation of the surrounding world;

    formation of initial ideas about professions in which information technology plays a leading role;

    fostering interest in information and communication activities;

    education of the value bases of the information culture of younger students, respectful attitude to copyright;

    practical application of cooperation in collective information activities;

    fostering a positive perception of the computer as an assistant in learning, as a tool for creativity, self-expression and development.

As the main tasks at the lessons of information technology is put:

    initial development of instrumental computer environments for working with information of various types (texts, images, animated images, diagrams of objects, combinations of various types of information in one information object);

    creation of completed projects using mastered instrumental computer environments;

    familiarization with the methods of organizing and searching for information;

    creation of completed projects involving the search for the necessary information.

Subject skills and activities of students at the end of the school year:

It is assumed that by the end of the study of the section “Computer Practice”, children will have the following general educational skills and abilities:

the ability to independently and motivatedly organize their cognitive activity (from setting a goal to obtaining and evaluating the result);

participation in project activities, in the organization and conduct of educational and research work;

Creation of own works, including the use of multimedia technologies;

mastering the initial skills of transferring, searching, converting, storing information, using a computer;

search (verification) of the necessary information in dictionaries, the library catalog, on electronic media;

elementary substantiation of the stated judgment;

Execution of instructions, exact adherence to the model and the simplest algorithms.


the impact of human technological activity on the environment and health;

scope and purpose of tools, various machines, technical devices (including computers);

the main sources of information;

Appointment of the main computer devices for input, output and processing of information;

rules of safe behavior and hygiene when working with a computer.

be able to:

Obtain the necessary information about the object of activity, using drawings, diagrams, sketches, drawings (on paper and electronic media);

create and modify simple information objects on a computer;

search for information using simple queries.

Use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to:

search, transformation, storage and application of information (including using a computer) to solve various problems;

use computer programs to solve educational and practical problems;

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and safety of methods of working with information and communication technologies.

When implementing the program, it is important to observe the optimal combination of traditional methods of teaching younger students with new information technologies. The following learning technologies are expected to be used:

1. Informational, computer (arising from the specifics of the section "Practice of working on a computer");

2. Game technologies (the organization of the educational process is carried out taking into account the age characteristics of younger students and the leading type of their activity);

3. Problem-search technologies (the leading method is the method of projects).

The study of each topic involves the implementation of small project tasks, implemented with the help of the studied technologies. The student's choice of task occurs at the beginning of the study of the topic.

4. Health-saving technologies (compliance with the established norms and rules for organizing the workplace, compliance with the regulated time for students to work at the computer, a pedagogically appropriate balance between traditional methods teaching and inclusion in the educational process of information technology).

by technology

Class: 3

Teacher: Kudryashova E.I.

Number of hours: V this 34, in Week 1 hour

Planned control lessons No, credits No , tests No .

Administrative control lessons___ hours.

The author's program "Technology and artistic work", authors O.A. Kurevina, E.A. Lutseva, "Balass" 2010 within the framework of the Educational training system "School 2100".

Additional literature:

O.A. Kurevina, E.A. Lutseva "Beautiful next to you" for grade 3 - Moscow: Balass, 2011.

Educational and thematic planning

Lesson system

Number of hours

Regional component

Characteristics of students' activities or types of learning activities

Types of control

Requirements for the level of training of students (result)

the date of the

Forms of nature and the form of things (6 hours)

Introductory lesson. theme of the year. Images of nature and human creation.

Observe the relationship of man with nature and the objective world; the objective world of the immediate environment, constructions and images of objects of nature and the surrounding world.

Know objects of animate and inanimate nature, objects created by human hands. Be able to observe the object

Images of animals in plastic.

Plan the upcoming practical activity in accordance with its purpose, tasks, and features of the task being performed.

To have an idea about the forms, images of animals, the features of their plasticity.

Be able to make connections

Stylization and rethinking of natural forms in things

Establish connections.

To know about the existence in the culture of the peoples of nature-morphic (repeating natural forms) everyday things.

Composition with the use and processing of the forms of nature.

Organize your activities: prepare your workplace, rationally place materials and tools, observe safe and rational work practices.

Know the technology of making wall decorations.

Be able to compare objects

Images of animals in different materials.

Be able to work sequentially according to the scheme. Know how to work according to the scheme.

Images of animals in origami.

Analyze the proposed tasks: understand the goal, separate the known from the unknown, predict the result.

Know how to fold origami shapes. Know how to work according to the scheme.

The nature and mood of the thing (2 hours)

Transfer of character and mood in the design and decoration of things. Postcards.

Explore available materials: their types, physical properties(color, texture, shape, etc.), technological properties - properties of material processing (marking, highlighting parts), design features of the tools used.

To be able to build a rectangle using a square and lines (markup).

Be able to compare objects

New papermaking techniques

Analyze the features of products, carry out practical search and discovery of a new one.

Be able to build and mark figures using a compass. Know how to work according to the scheme. Know how to make a scan of the product.

Harmony of things (7 hours)

Style. Stylistic unity in things.

To study design-technological and decorative-artistic features of the products offered, to look for the most appropriate ways to solve problems of an applied nature, depending on the goals and specific working conditions.

Have an initial concept of style and style harmony. Be able to work with reference material

To be able to invent and produce simple sets of products according to the principle of style harmony.

The simplest pattern.

Work according to the scheme.

Know how to make a simple pattern.

Pattern design.

Work with a plan.

Be able to rely on the instructions in the textbook, demonstrate and discuss all stages of work

Designing objects according to the principle of stylistic unity.

Evaluate the result of the activity: check the product in action, correct, if necessary, its design and manufacturing technology.

Know that the design of objects is carried out according to the principle of style unity.

Be able to come up with and mold your own set of dishes.

Designing a notebook for a specific purpose.

Know the techniques for marking a rectangle using a square. Be able to measure, calculate and draw a drawing.

Be able to work from a drawing

Simple binding.

Create a mental image of the structure, taking into account the tasks.

Master the technique of stapling a notebook in “three punctures”. Be able to work from a drawing

Use of Information Technology (19 hours)

Technology of products from papier-mâché.

Plan a sequence of practical actions to implement the plan, the task.

Know how to make products from papier-mâché.

Know the technology of making products from papier-mâché.

Know how to work according to a plan.

Man and computer.

PC Safety

Work with computer

Frontal work Oral survey.

Students should know: Safety regulations. Definition of Information and Informatics

Students should be able to: Behave properly on the computer. class and sit properly at the computer table.

D/Z rules

Line and spot in the decor. Cutting a pattern with repeating rapport.

To select the most effective ways of solving design-technological and decorative-artistic tasks, depending on specific conditions.

Know the techniques for cutting out symmetrical and asymmetrical silhouette images.

Be able to describe the observed object

desktop in real and virtual world. Computer assistant - mouse.

Practical work “Working with the mouse. Launching programs using shortcuts on the desktop

Students should know: term mouse.

Students should be able to: use the mouse.

D/Z Figure sources and destinations

Technology for obtaining images from prints.

Participate in joint creative activities in the performance of educational practical work and the implementation of simple projects.

To know that an engraving is an imprint from some form on paper.

Be able to make an engraving from dried leaves.

Know how to work according to a plan.

Menu - choice. Get started with the Start button.

Practical work "Working with the mouse and keyboard"

Front and individual work

Students should know:

Students should be able to: Use dropdown Students should know: components of a computer

Students should be able to: correctly turn on and off the computer, perform actions with the mouse.

Forms and images in paper plastic.

To carry out self-control and adjustment of the progress of work and the final result.

Be able to make blanks for toys from cones using a compass.

Have an idea about paper plastic.

Be able to describe the observed object

Window to the computer world.

Practical work "Viewing text, graphics, sound objects in a computer."

Front and individual work

Students should know: Concepts of information storage

Students should be able to: Perform mouse actions.

The image in the combined technique.

Design objects taking into account technical and artistic and decorative conditions: determine design features, select appropriate materials and tools.

Be able to use combined techniques in accordance with a constructive or decorative-artistic task.

Know how to plan

The keyboard is a writer's tool.

Practical work "Creation and methods of editing a text document."

Students should know: Concepts: text editor and word processor. Text entry rules

Students should be able to: Open the main menu. Launch programs.

Drawing up a composition (postcard) from natural material and fabric according to the plan.

Typing and editing text.

Practical work "Type the text"

Frontal and individual independent work

Students should know: Text entry rules

Students should be able to: type and edit text.

D / s Compose an algorithm

Drawing up a composition (postcard) from natural material and fabric according to the plan.

Exercise self-control and self-assess their academic work

Know how to organize your workspace.

Select materials taking into account their properties, plan and carry out their work according to the scheme.

What is hidden in the menu bar.

Practical work

Frontal and individual independent work

Students should know: Controlling your computer using the menu

Students should be able to:

Family holidays and traditions. Development and decoration of gifts

Show creativity

Speak the sequence of actions in the lesson

Frontal and individual independent work

Be able to follow instructions when solving learning problems

Get the necessary information about the object of activity,

What is hidden in the menu bar. Actions with a piece of text.

Practical work

Frontal and individual independent work

Students should know: Controlling your computer using the menu

Students should be able to: Use drop-down and context menus.

Students should know: Text entry rules

Students should be able to: type and edit text, copy, transfer, memorize and other operations

Man's helpers

agricultural labor

Work on the school grounds

Use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and

Everyday life

Calculator - assistant to mathematicians.

One assistant is good, but two is better.

Practical work "Creating and editing techniques for a text document"


Working with DM

Students should know: computer capabilities

Students should be able to: Take advantage of these opportunities

Final lesson

Repetition of the studied in the 3rd grade.

Summarize the new that is open and mastered in the classroom.

Be able to organize an exhibition of your own crafts.

Be able to describe the observed object


study tables

Technical training aids:


Methodical Fund

Collection of products of arts and crafts and folk crafts

Photos and illustrations of animals.

Geometric solids (1 set)

Items for natural setting (jugs, clocks, vases, etc.).

Tables of sequential production of applications by topics.

Children's work as examples of implementation creative tasks.

Video footage

World Art Gallery with Aunt Owl.

Collection for video "Wonders of the World"

Collection for the video “Museums of Russia. Hermitage Museum"

Educational and thematic planning

on the educational module "Informatics and information and communication technologies"

Class: 3

Teacher: Kudryashova E.I.

Number of hours: V this 9 hours in the 2nd semester.

Planned control lessons No, 1 credits, no tests.

Administrative control lessons __hours.

Planning based on an exemplary program on technology (labor) and a program on informatics and ICT for elementary school (author A.V. Goryachev) for students in grade 3 of secondary schools Balass 2010. When it was created, the requirements of the federal component of the state standard of primary general education were taken into account.

List of educational and methodological support


study tables

Board large universal (with the possibility of magnetic fastening and a clip for posters)

Racks for storing children's works, art materials, methodological fund.

Technical training aids



Sheet of expert evaluation of the work program in the subject

in accordance with the requirements of clause 19.5 of the Federal State Educational Standard IEO and PEP IEO


Teacher Yusupova Larisa Musanifovna

UMK: School - 2100

Structural elements of work programs

Compliance with the requirements

    title page (coordination, consideration, approval)

    explanatory note:

General characteristics of the subject of the educational plan of the educational institution;

Value orientations of the content of the subject of the educational plan of the educational institution;

The place of this subject in the curriculum of the educational institution;

The results of studying the subject of the educational plan of the educational institution (personal, meta-subject, subject);

    requirements for the level of training of students in this curriculum (personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering a subject, course);

5) assessment of the achievement of the planned results of mastering the curriculum;

6) calendar - thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities of students;

7) a list of educational, methodological and logistical support for the educational process of basic and additional literature

Checked by:


Work program correction sheet

Section name, topic

Scheduled date

Reason for adjustment

Corrective actions

Actual date



Explanatory note

General characteristics of the subject

The present stage of the development of society is characterized by the intensive introduction of new, science-intensive and high technologies into all spheres of human activity, which ensure a more complete realization of the potential abilities of the individual. This trend of our reality urgently requires the preparation of the younger generation, owning a technological culture, ready for transformative activities and having the necessary scientific knowledge for this. Technological culture is a new attitude to the surrounding world, which implies, on the one hand, the knowledge and preservation of traditions, and on the other hand, the transformation, improvement and improvement of the human environment. Primary technological education should provide a person with the opportunity to develop more harmoniously and live in the modern technological world.

The most important feature of technology lessons in primary school is that they are built on a unique psychological and didactic basis - subject-practical activity, which in primary school age serves as a necessary component of an integral process of spiritual, moral and intellectual development(primarily abstract, constructive thinking and spatial imagination). The organization of productive transformative creative activity of children in technology lessons creates an important counterbalance to the verbalism of teaching in elementary school, which is one of the main reasons for the decrease in educational and cognitive motivation, the formalization of knowledge and, ultimately, the low effectiveness of learning. Productive subject activity at technology lessons is the basis for the formation of cognitive abilities of younger students, the desire to actively learn the history of material culture and family traditions of their own and other peoples and respect them.

The meaning and possibilities of the subject "Technology" go far beyond providing students with information about the technical and technological picture of the world. With appropriate content and methodological content, this subject can become a base for the formation of a system of universal educational activities in the primary level of a general education school. In it, all elements of educational activity (planning, task orientation, transformation, product evaluation, the ability to recognize and set tasks that arise in the context of a practical situation, offer practical solutions, achieve results, etc.) appear in a visual form and themes most become more understandable to children.

The practice-oriented orientation of the content of the subject "Technology" naturally integrates the knowledge gained in the study of other subjects (mathematics, the world, fine arts, Russian language, literary reading), and allows you to implement them in the intellectual and practical activities of the student. This, in turn, creates conditions for the development of initiative, ingenuity, and flexibility of thinking.

The employment of children in technology lessons with productive activities creates a unique basis for self-realization of the individual. They are age appropriate. mental development younger children school age when, thanks to independently carried out productive project activities, students can realize their skills, earn approval and receive recognition (for example, for the conscientiousness shown in the work, perseverance in achieving the goal, or as the authors of the original creative idea embodied in material form). As a result, it is here that the foundations of industriousness and the ability to express themselves are laid, socially valuable practical skills, experience of transformative activity and creativity are formed.

Thus, the subject "Technology" provides a real inclusion in the educational process of various structural components of the personality (intellectual, emotional and aesthetic, spiritual and moral, physical) in their unity, which creates conditions for harmonizing the development, preservation and strengthening of the mental and physical health of the younger generations.

Technology is inherently a complex and integrative subject. In terms of content, it implies real relationships with almost all subjects in elementary school.

Mathematics- modeling (converting objects from a sensual form into models, recreating objects according to a model in a material form, mental transformation of objects, etc.), performing calculations, calculations, building forms taking into account the basics of geometry, working with geometric shapes, bodies, named numbers.

art - the use of means of artistic expression in order to harmonize forms and designs, the manufacture of a product based on the laws and rules of decorative art and design.

The world- consideration and analysis of natural forms and structures as a universal source of engineering and artistic ideas for the master, nature as a source of raw materials, taking into account environmental issues, human activity as the creator of the material and cultural environment; study of ethnocultural traditions.

Native language -development of oral speech based on the use of the most important types of speech activity and the main types of educational texts in the process of analyzing tasks and discussing the results of practical activities (description of the design of the product, materials and methods for their processing; narrative about the course of actions and building an activity plan; building logically coherent statements in reasoning , substantiations, formulation of conclusions).

Literary reading - work with texts to create an image that is implemented in the product.

The study of technology in elementary school aims to address the following tasks:

Stimulation and development of curiosity, interest in technology, the world of professions, the need to learn the cultural traditions of your region, Russia and other states;

Formation of a picture of material and spiritual culture as a product of the creative object-transforming human activity;

Formation of motivation for success and achievements, creative self-realization, interest in subject-transformative, artistic and design activities;

Formation of initial design and technological knowledge and skills;

Development of sign-symbolic and spatial thinking, creative and reproductive imagination, creative thinking;

Formation of an internal plan of activity based on the phased development of subject-transformative actions, including goal setting, planning (the ability to draw up an action plan and apply it to solve educational problems), forecasting (anticipating a future result under various conditions for performing an action), control, correction and evaluation;

Mastering the initial skills of transferring, searching, converting, storing information, using a computer; searching (checking) the necessary information in dictionaries, the library catalog.

personalthe results of studying technology are the upbringing and development of socially and personally significant qualities, individual-personal positions, values ​​that reveal the attitude to work, a system of norms and rules of interpersonal communication that ensures the success of joint activities.

metasubject The results of the study of technology are the development by students of universal methods of activity applicable both within the framework of the educational process and in real life situations.

Subjectthe results of the study of technology are age-appropriate initial information about technology, technology and the technological side of labor, about the basics of work culture, elementary skills in subject-transformative activity, knowledge about various professions and the ability to navigate the world of professions, elementary experience in creative and project activities.

Main content lines

1. General cultural and general labor competencies (knowledge, skills and methods of activity). Fundamentals of work culture, self-service

Labor activity and its importance in human life. Man-made world as a result of human labor; variety of objects of the man-made world ( architecture, appliances, household items and arts and crafts, etc. d.).

Elementary general rules creation of objects of the man-made world (convenience, aesthetic expressiveness, strength; harmony of objects and the environment). Respect for nature as a source of raw materials. Masters and their professions; traditions and creativity of the master in creating the subject environment (general idea).

Task analysis, organization of the workplace depending on the type of work, planning of the labor process. Rational placement of materials and tools in the workplace, distribution of working hours. Selection and analysis of information (from the textbook and other didactic materials), its use in the organization of work. Monitoring and correcting the progress of work. Work in small groups, cooperation, fulfillment of social roles (supervisor and subordinate).

Elementary creative and design activities (creation of an idea, its detailing and implementation). Simple collective, group and individual projects. The result of project activities is products, services (for example, assistance to veterans, pensioners, the disabled), holidays, etc.

Performing accessible types of self-service work, domestic work, providing affordable types of assistance to kids, adults and peers.

2. Technology of manual processing of materials1. Elements of graphic literacy

General concept of materials, their origin. Study of elementary physical, mechanical and technological properties of available materials. Variety of materials and their practical application in life.

Preparation of materials for work. Economical use of materials. The choice of materials according to their decorative, artistic and constructive properties, the use of appropriate methods of processing materials, depending on the purpose of the product.

Tools and devices for processing materials (knowledge of the names of the tools used), the implementation of methods for their rational and safe use.

General idea of ​​the technological process: analysis of the device and purpose of the product; building a sequence of practical actions and technological operations; selection of materials and tools; economical markup; processing in order to obtain parts, assembly, finishing of the product; checking the product in operation, making the necessary additions and changes. Naming and performing the main technological operations of manual processing of materials: marking parts (by eye, according to a template, stencil, pattern, copying, using a ruler, square, compass), highlighting parts (tearing off, cutting with scissors, a clerical knife), simple processing (grinding, etc.), shaping of parts (bending, folding, etc.), assembly of parts (adhesive, thread, wire, screw, and other types of connection), finishing of the product or its parts (dyeing, embroidery, appliqué, etc.).

Using measurements and constructions to solve practical problems. Types of conditional graphic images: a drawing, a simple drawing, a sketch, a scan, a diagram (their recognition). Assignment of drawing lines (contour, notch line, bend, dimensional, axial, center, gap). Reading conditional graphic images. Layout of parts based on the simplest drawing, sketch. Production of products according to a drawing, a simple drawing or a sketch, a diagram.

3. Design and modeling

General idea of ​​the world of technology (transport, machines and mechanisms). Product, product detail (general representation). The concept of product design; various types of structures and methods of their assembly. Types and methods of connecting parts. Basic requirements for the product (compliance of the material, design and external design with the purpose of the product).

Design and modeling of products from various materials according to a sample, drawing, simple drawing or sketch, and according to specified conditions (technical and technological, functional, decorative and artistic etc.).

4. Practice working on a computer

Information, its selection, analysis and systematization. Ways of obtaining, storing, processing information.

Appointment of the main devices of the computer for input, output, information processing. Turn the computer and connected devices on and off. Keyboard, a general understanding of the rules of keyboard writing, using the mouse, using the simplest means of a text editor. The simplest methods of information search: by keywords, directories. Compliance with safe work practices when working on a computer; careful attitude to technical devices. Work with DER (digital educational resources), ready-made materials on electronic media (CD).

Working with simple information objects (text, table, diagram, drawing): transformation, creation, saving, deletion. Creation of a short text on topics of interest to children. Text output to the printer. Using drawings from a computer resource, Word and Power Point programs.

Types of educational activities of students:

The simplest observations and studies of the properties of materials, methods of their processing, structures, their properties, principles and methods of their creation;

Modeling, construction from different materials (according to a model, model, terms of use and area of ​​operation of the subject, technical conditions 2):

Solving available design and technological problems (defining the search area, finding missing information, determining the range of possible solutions, choosing the optimal solution), creative artistic tasks (overall design, decor);

The simplest design (the adoption of an idea, the search and selection of the necessary information, the final image of the object, the determination of the design features and manufacturing technology of the product, the selection of tools, materials, the choice of methods for their processing, the implementation of the idea with the adjustment of the design and technology, testing the product in operation, presentation (protection) ) process and result of work).

By the end of education in primary school, students will be ready for further education, the necessary level of initial labor skills, initial technological training will be achieved, which include:

· elementary knowledge about the meaning and place of labor activity in the creation of a universal culture, about simple and accessible rules for creating a functional, comfortable and aesthetically expressive living space (convenience, aesthetic expressiveness, strength; harmony of objects and the environment);

· age-appropriate technological competence: knowledge of the types of materials used, their properties, processing methods; analysis of the device and purpose of the product; the ability to determine the necessary actions and technological operations and apply them to solve practical problems; selection of materials and tools in accordance with the proposed plan and forecast of possible results; economical markup; processing in order to obtain parts, assembly, finishing of the product; checking the product in action;

· a sufficient level of graphic literacy: taking measurements, reading available graphic images, using drawing tools (ruler, square, compasses) and devices for marking product parts; reliance on drawings, plans, diagrams, simple drawings in solving problems of modeling, reproduction and design of objects;

· the ability to create simple structures from different materials: the study of structural features of objects, the selection of materials and their manufacturing technology, testing the design in action, making adjustments;

· mastering such universal learning activities as: task orientation, search, analysis and selection of the necessary information, action planning, forecasting the results of one’s own and collective technological activities, implementation objective self-control and assessment of one's own activity and the activity of one's comrades, the ability to find and correct mistakes in one's practical work;

· the ability to independently cope with available problems, implement their own plans, establish friendly relationships in the working group, perform various social roles (supervisor-subordinate);

· development of personal qualities: curiosity, benevolence, diligence, respect for work, attentive attitude to elders, juniors and classmates, desire and readiness to help those who need it.

Work program on technology Grade 6

The work program was developed on the basis of the federal component of the state standard for basic general education in technology and the Sample program for basic general education in technology for the basic level.

The program is focused on UMK “Technology. Labor training” recommended by the Department of Basic General Education of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation, M.: Education, 2013. Program authors: V.D. Simonenko, N.V. Tit.

For training, the textbook Simonenko V.D., Pravdyuk V.N., Samorodsky P.S., Technology Grade 6 is used. Venta Graf, 2013.

The textbook is included in the federal list of textbooks, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The material is studied at a basic level.

The study of technology in the basic school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

    development technological knowledge, the foundations of a culture of creative labor, ideas about technological culture based on the inclusion of students in various types of labor activities to create personally or socially significant products;

    mastery general labor and special skills necessary for searching and using technological information, designing and creating labor products, housekeeping, independent and conscious determination of one's life and professional plans; safe working practices;

    development cognitive interests, technical thinking, spatial imagination, intellectual, creative, communicative and organizational skills;

    upbringing industriousness, thrift, accuracy, purposefulness, enterprise, responsibility for the results of their activities; respect for people of various professions and the results of their work;

    receiving experience in applying polytechnical and technological knowledge and skills in independent practice.

To conduct classes in the educational field "Technology" the Basic curriculum of educational institutions on federal level in grade 6, two hours of training are given weekly with a 34-week academic year.

Requirements for learning outcomes in grade 6

Students should know:

sanitary requirements for the kitchen and dining room; rightworking with hot oils and fats, washing dishes;

general information on the importance of mineral salts and microelementscops in the life of the body, about the culinary significanceresearch, nutritional value and chemical composition of milk; spomethods for determining the quality of milk, ways to keep freshmilk, technology for preparing milk soups and cereals;

methods of primary processing of fish, technology for the preparation of fish cutlet mass and fish semi-finished products,fish heat treatment methods;

types of frying products, their distinctive features, dishes and equipment for frying;

rules for cooking cereal porridges of various consistencies, features of cooking dishes from legumes and pastaliy, the ratio of cereals, legumes and pasta andliquids when cooking cereals and side dishes;

dough preparation methods, types of food baking powderdough, technology of baking pancakes, fritters, pancakes;

rules of sanitation, hygiene, safe work with colacutting and cutting tools, with electrical equipment, electric heaters;

methods for obtaining natural fibers of animal originwalking, obtaining threads from these fibers under spinning conditionsindustrial production and at home, the properties of natural fibers of animal origin, threads and fabrics ontheir basis, twill and satin weaves;

the principle of operation of motion transformation mechanisms, their designation on kinematic diagrams; purpose, deviceand the principle of operation of the sewing machine regulators;

composition, rhythm, ornament, rapport in embroidery, coldnye, warm, chromatic and achromatic colors, methodsenlargement and reduction of the picture;

operational, hygienic and aesthetic requirements; to a light women's dress, materials and finishes, primataken in the manufacture of shirts, the rules for taking measurements and their symbols, the mainshirt modeling techniques, rulespreparation of patterns for cutting;

purpose, design, conditional graphic symbolsniya and technology for making the following seams: a stitch with an open cut, a stitch with one closed cut, a butt seam, an overhead seam with two closed cuts, the main technicaltechnological methods of processing shirts;

rules for preparing fabric for cutting and technology for cutting fabric, technological sequence for processing shirts;

Students should be able to:

work with household electrical appliances, with detergents and cleaning chemicals, wash dishes, apply modetergents and disinfectants for washing dishes;

determine the quality of milk, carry out its thermal imagebottle, cook milk soups and cereals, evaluate the quality ofready meals;

determine the quality of fish, thaw frozen and soakedsalted fish, carry out primary processing of fish, withcook fish cutlet mass with a meat grinder;

carry out primary processing of cereals, legumes and pastaproducts; cook cereals loose, viscous and liquidcereals, cook casseroles, cereals, meatballs, meatballs from cereals,cook legumes and pasta;

prepare dough and bake pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,cook compotes and kissels;

determine the rapport of twill and satin weave,front and back sides and fabric defects;

adjust the quality of the machine stitch, install the needleinto the sewing machine, pick up the needle and thread depending ontype of fabric, troubleshoot the sewing machine, causedneedles that are not correctly installed, clean and lubricate the seamstressesnew car;

select fabrics and finishes for making shirts, removeand write down measurements, read and build shirt drawings, model a shirt,prepare skirt patterns for cutting;

sew on a sewing machine a top stitch with an open cut, a top stitch with one closed cut, a butt seam,patch seam with two closed sections, processshirt;

prepare the fabric for cutting, perform an economical layoutpatterns on fabric, cutting out a shirt, preparing cut details for processing, processing detailscutting, fitting, identifying and correcting defects,carry out the final finishing and determine the quality of the finishedproduct.

Course Content Grade 6

Aesthetics of the school site - 8 hours.

Cooking (14 hours).

Physiology of nutrition (2 hours).

Mineral salts and trace elements,keeping them in food products . The role of minerals in the life of the human body.

The value of calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, iodine salts for the human body. daily salt requirement.

Practical work

Work with tables by composition and quantitymineral salts and trace elementsV various products. Determination of the quantity and composition of products that provide daily requirement person in mmineral salts and trace elements.

Variants of objects of work.

Tables, reference materials.

Cooking technology (10 hours).

Dishes from milk and dairy products

Basic theoretical information

Culinary value of milk and dairy products. Types of milk and dairy products. Nutritional value and chemical composition of milk. Conditions and terms of its storage.

Importance of dairy products in human nutrition. Assortment of dairy products.Types of bacterial cultures for the preparation of fermented milk products.

Practical work

Primary processing cereals. Determining the quality of milk. Cooking milk soup or milk porridge. Cooking curdled milk, kefir, cottage cheese at home. Cooking dishes from dairy products.

Variants of objects of labor

Milk soup, milk porridge, kefir, cheesecakes, cottage cheese casserole.

Dishes from fish and non-fish seafood

Basic theoretical information

The concept of nutritional value fish and non-fish products of the sea. Possibilities of culinary use of fish different breeds. Technology and sanitary conditions primary and thermal processing of fish.

Practical work

Selection of tools and equipment for cutting fish. Determination of fish freshness by organoleptic method. Primary processing of scaly fish. Cooking and frying whole fish, links, portioned pieces. Determining the readiness of fish dishes.

Variants of objects of work.

Dishes of boiled and fried fish.

Dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta

Basic theoretical information

Types of cereals and pasta. Rules for cooking cereals loose, viscous and liquid cereals, pasta. The technology of cooking dishes from legumes, which ensures the preservation of vitamins of group "B" in them. Reasons for the increase in weight and volume during cooking.

Practical work

Preparation for cooking cereals, legumes and pasta. Determination of the required amount of liquid when cooking cereals of various consistencies and side dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta.

Variants of objects of work.

Buckwheat porridge, side dishes of rice and pasta.

Preparing lunch on the go

Basic theoretical information

Ensuring the safety of products. Cooking utensils for camping trips. Natural water sources. Water disinfection methods. Ways to warm up and cook food in field conditions. Compliance with fire safety measures.

Practical work:

Calculation of the quantity, composition and cost of products for the trip.

Preparation of products (2 hours).

Basic theoretical information

Processes that occur during salting and fermentation. Preservative role of lactic acid. Preservation nutrients in salted and pickled vegetables.

Fermentation (fermentation) time for pickled and salted vegetables until cooked. Terms and conditions of storage.

Practical work

Primary processing of vegetables before salting. Container preparation. Determining the amount of salt and spices. Pickled cucumbers or tomatoes. Sauerkraut.

Variants of objects of work.

Pickle, sauerkraut.

Creation of products from textile and ornamental materials (40 hours).

Needlework. Artistic crafts (10 hours).


Basic theoretical information

Brief information about the history of the creation of products from the flap. Ornament in arts and crafts. Symmetry and asymmetry in composition. Geometric ornament. The possibilities of patchwork, its connection with the trends of modern fashion.

Practical work

Making a sketch of the product in the technique of patchwork. Selection of fabrics by color, pattern and texture, preparing them for work. Making templates from cardboard or thick paper for cutting out ornamental elements. Cut the fabric, taking into account the direction of the shared thread. The technology of connecting parts to each other and with a lining. The use of lining materials.

Variants of objects of work.

Potholder, napkin, sofa cushion.

Free painting on fabric

Basic theoretical information

Receptions of stylization of real forms. Elements of decorative solutions for real-life forms. Artistic features of the free painting of fabrics: the construction of the composition, the colorful solution of the drawing. Techniques for performing free painting.

Practical work

Performance of static, dynamic, symmetrical and asymmetric compositions. Sketching natural motifs from life and their stylization. Selection of fabrics and dyes. Tools and accessories for free painting. Free painting with application saline solution. Attaching the pattern to the fabric. Creating a composition depicting a landscape for a panel or a scarf using the “free painting” technique on fabric.

Variants of objects of work.

Decorative panel, scarf, tablecloth.

Elements of materials science (2 hours).

Basic theoretical information

Natural fibers of animal origin. Obtaining threads from these fibers in spinning production and at home. Properties of natural fibers of animal origin, as well as threads and fabrics based on them.

Twill and satin weaves in fabrics. The concept of interlacing rapport. Influence of the type of weave on the drape of the fabric.

Fabric defects. Comparative characteristics properties of cotton, linen, silk and woolen fabrics.

Practical work

Recognition in fabrics of fibers and threads made of cotton, linen, silk, wool. Determination of the front and back sides of twill and satin weave fabrics. Compilation of a collection of twill and satin weave fabrics.

Variants of objects of work.

Samples of cotton, linen, silk and woolen fabrics.

Elements of mechanical engineering (4 hours)

Basic theoretical information

Purpose, device and principle of operation of the regulators of a household universal sewing machine. Selection of the thickness of the needle and threads depending on the type of fabric. Sewing machine malfunctions caused by defective machine needles or incorrectly installed needles.

Practical work

Adjusting the quality of the machine stitch for different types of fabrics. Changing the needle in a sewing machine. Sewing machine care, cleaning and lubrication.

Variants of objects of work.

Sewing machine.

Design and modeling of waist garments (6 hours).

Basic theoretical information

Operational, hygienic and aesthetic requirements for a light women's dress. Fabrics and finishes used to make skirts. Skirt designs. Measurements needed to build the basis of the drawing of a conical, wedge and straight skirt. Additions to measurements for freedom of fitting.

Conditional graphic images of parts and products in drawings, sketches, drawings, diagrams. Methods for modeling conical, wedge and straight skirts. Form, silhouette, style. Individual style in clothes.

Practical work

Taking measurements and recording measurement results. Building the base of the skirt drawing on a scale of 1: 4 and in full size according to your own measurements. The choice of skirt model depending on the features of the figure. Modeling a skirt of the chosen style. Preparing a skirt pattern for cutting.

Variants of objects of work.

Drawing and pattern of a skirt.

Manufacturing technology of waist garments (18 hours)

Basic theoretical information

Purpose and design of stitching, setting and false seams, their conventional graphic designations and technology of execution. Features of the layout of the pattern on the fabric in a cage and in a strip. Methods for processing the lower and upper sections of the skirt. Features of wet-heat treatment of woolen and silk fabrics.

Practical work

Pattern layout, stitching and fabric cutting. Laying contour and control lines and points on the details of the cut. Processing of cut details. Chipping and sweeping cut details. Preparing a skirt for fitting. Trying on a skirt, leveling the bottom of the product, identifying and correcting defects, fitting the product to the figure. Stitching product details. Final finishing and wet-heat treatment of the product. Artistic design of the product. Control and evaluation of the quality of the finished product.

Variants of objects of work.

The skirt is conical, wedge or straight.

Housekeeping Technologies (2 hours)

Clothing and footwear care, hygiene and cosmetics (2 hours)

Basic theoretical information

Modern means care of linen products, clothes and footwear. Moth protection. Equipment and accessories for dry and wet cleaning. Home hygiene. Personal hygiene and cosmetics.

Practical work:

Removing stains from clothes. Repair of clothes with decorative finishing patches by hand and machine. Bookmark for storage of woolen and fur products.Bookmark for summer storage of winter shoes. Wet house cleaning.

Variants of objects of work.

Item to be repaired, woolen goods.

Electrical works (2 hours)

Electric installation work

Basic theoretical information

General concept of electric current. Kindscurrent sources and consumers of electrical energy. Rules for electrical safety and operation of household electrical appliances. Individual means protection during electrical work.

Types of connection of elements in electrical circuits. Conditional graphic representation of the elements of electrical circuits on electrical diagrams. Electrical products. Types of wires. Techniques for mounting installation products.

Professions related to the performance of electrical work.

Practical work.

Organization of the workplace, the use of tools and devices for electrical work. Perform mechanical termination, connection and branching of wires. Connecting wires to an electric lamp socket, switch, plug, socket. Assembling a model of an electric lighting device from parts of an electrical designer. First aid for electric shock.

Educational and thematic plan.

Sections and topics



Physiology of Nutrition

Cooking technology

Procurement of products


Needlework. art crafts

Elements of materials science

Elements of mechanical engineering

Design and modeling of garments

Manufacturing technology of garments


Composition in the interior. Housing features.

Care for clothes and shoes. Hygiene and cosmetics.


Electric installation work



Resource support for the program.

-"Technology. Grade 6 "V.D. Simonenko, Pravdyuk V.N., Samorodsky P.S. M: Venta-Graf 2013.

-"Technologyfabric processingGrade 6" V.N. Chernyakova,M: "Enlightenment",2010

- “Methodology of teaching technology. Grades 5-9 "A.K. Beshenkov, Moscow: Bustard, 2004.

Method of projects in technological education of schoolchildren. I.A.Sasova. Moscow: "Ventaga-Graf", 2003.

V.M.Kazakevich. Assessment of the quality of training of graduates of the basic school in technology. M .: Bustard, 2000

A.V. Marchenko. Final certification of graduates. Technology. M.: Enlightenment, 2002

An exemplary program in the subject "Technology" is compiled on the basis of the Fundamental core of the content of general education and the Requirements for the results of mastering the main general education program of basic general education, presented in the federal state educational standard of the second generation of basic general education

An exemplary program allows all participants in the educational process to get an idea of ​​​​the goals, content, general strategy for teaching, educating and developing students by means of a given academic subject, sets the thematic and storylines of the course, gives an approximate distribution of teaching hours by sections of the course and a variant of the sequence of their study, taking into account interdisciplinary and intra-subject relations, the logic of the educational process, age characteristics of students, sensitive periods of their development.



On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Work program on the subject "Technology" Grade 5 (girls), according to the program of V. D. Simonenko (Technology for students of educational institutions / V. D. Simonenko, A. T. Tishchenko. P. S. Samorodsky; edited by V. D. Simonenko. - M. "Enlightenment", 2007.)

The program contains an explanatory note. and advanced scheduling.

Work program on the subject "Technology" Grade 6 (girls), according to the program of V. D. Simonenko (Technology for students of educational institutions / V. D. Simonenko, A. T. Tishchenko. P. S. Samorodsky; edited by V. D. Simonenko. - M. "Enlightenment", 2007.)

Work program on the subject "Technology" Grade 7 (girls), according to the program of V. D. Simonenko (Technology for students of educational institutions / V. D. Simonenko, A. T. Tishchenko. P. S. Samorodsky; edited by V. D. Simonenko. - M. "Enlightenment", 2007.)

The program contains an explanatory note and detailed thematic planning....

Work program on the subject "Technology" Grade 5 (boys), according to the program of V. D. Simonenko (Technology for students of educational institutions / V. D. Simonenko, A. T. Tishchenko. P. S. Samorodsky; edited by V. D. Simonenko. - M. "Enlightenment", 2007.)

Work program on the subject "Technology" Grade 6 (boys), according to the program of V. D. Simonenko (Technology for students of educational institutions / V. D. Simonenko, A. T. Tishchenko. P. S. Samorodsky; edited by V. D. Simonenko. - M. "Enlightenment", 2007.)

The program contains an explanatory note and detailed planning....

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