Educational hour on the topic: "Your health in your hands. Educational hour "Take care of the health of the Spring! "If you want to be healthy"

Educational hour

Subject:Health Rules

Purpose: The reasonable lifestyle, knowledge and skills in the field of health, the ability to exercise knowledge gained in life.


Educational: Orientation of students to the position of recognition of the value of health, sense of responsibility for the preservation and strengthening of their health.

Educational: Education of the need for a healthy lifestyle, responsible attitude towards health.

Developing: contribute to the expansion of knowledge and skills on hygienic culture; Implementation of learned knowledge and ideas in real behavior.

Form of holding: Conversation with elements of the game.

Equipment: MultimediaProjector, laptop, presentation, magnetic board, health recipes, sheets with tests (by children), handles, watmans, markers, sheets with proverbs, glue.

The course of the educational hour:

1. Organizational moment.


Hello, dear guys! To speak to each other hello - it means to desire health. Hello! They say at meetings, wanting health, so we welcome you, dear guests. Hello!

Many ask themselves the question "how to live, so as not to hurt." And many of themselves answer: "It does not happen."

Yes, every person at least something is sick. But why one falls into the hospital twice all his life, and the other is almost every month?

It has long been established that for his health should be followed from childhood.

Let's sing together the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle.

2. Actualization of the topic.

1 task. Filling chamomile.

You have a daisy petal, you need to enter what, in your opinion, is the basis of a healthy lifestyle. Let's make a "chamomile health" together. (Children attach their filled petals on the board, making up a chamomile flower)

3. Topics and lesson target.

Well done boys. You called a lot of health components.

The theme of today's educational hour: "Health Rules". We will define the basic rules following which you will remember much less often about diseases. (Slide 1)

4. Work on the theme of the educational hour.

This is what folk wisdom says:

Want to be respected - do not speak much, you want to be healthy - do not eat a lot.

Moderation - best doctor.

Whatrule number one?

Pupil: Proper nutrition.

Proper nutrition is a guarantee of health. The body requires the receipt of the necessary balanced amount of energy and the construction material - protein. The energy that the body receives from food during its combustion uses for 2 goals: to ensure its livelihoods and to perform any work. Energy spent, the body constantly fills out food. Energy consumption and costs should be equal. Long fasting leads to a decrease in weight, slows down growth and development. Excessive energy leads to an increase in mass!

Proper nutrition should be diverse, the menu should be rich in vegetables and fruits.

Question for the group: What is balanced nutrition? (Children's responses)

Wordwork: Balance - (Fr.balance) Scales, from lat.Bilanx - having two weight bowls. (Slide2)

Output: The body with food should receive as much energy as he spent during the day. (Slide3)

Second rule - Leisure and beneficial influence of sleep.

Sleep affects the body very positively. A lot of controversy around at how much to sleep a man? They come to the conclusion that no less than seven hours, some need more, some - less. But the main person should not feel fatigue after sleep and be cheerful all day.

The schoolboy must sleep at least 9-10.5 hours. It will be optimal to sleep from 21.00 to 7.00. It is very important that the child always lay down and get up at the same time, then there will be a quick falling asleep, and a slight awakening. Before bedtime, it is necessary to wash, clean your teeth, wash your legs and spark a room well. The lack of sleep negatively reflects not only on academic performance, but also on health.

Do you think your dream brings you health?

Do you comply with this rule at home?

Suggest telling about the right healthy sleep at home.

Third Rule A healthy lifestyle is active activity and outdoor activities.

Any movement is energy consumption. Exercise should be systematic 1 hour a day 7 times a week. Systematic exercises: strengthen health, contribute to a comprehensive physical

improvement, increase performance, cause cheerful mood. Therefore, a sports hour and physical education lessons take place in our school.

Get yourself a habit after school play football or morning run, girls are good in the morning and evenings to jump through the rope. You can help parents at home.

Guys, what kind of active rest do you prefer? (Pupils tell about how they rest).

Educator: Guys, and you noticed how much the person begins to feel when it is in nature? It is not only a rest, but also the treatment that we do not even notice.

Output: The lack of motion leads to the fact that blood circulation, breathing and digestion deteriorates, the memory is worse, attention, the mental and physical performance decreases, the person more often sick.

With physical education you need to be friends! (Slide 4)


I suggest charging the "Health Carousel".

You need to become a circle. Children put hands on the shoulders to each other and squat at the same time in this position. The task is not to break the circle and simultaneously perform squats. (Harmful - sat down, useful - got up)

Harmful or useful?

    Rinse your eyes in the morning ...

    Watch on bright light ...

    Wrap your eyes from shocks ...

    Look near TV ...

    Eat carrots, parsley ...

    Rub the eyes with dirty hands ...

    Do physical education …

Fourth Rule. Daily regime. (Slide 5)

How do you understand what is the mode of the day? (children's responses)

The day mode is a thoughtful routine of actions for a day. He needs us clearly know how much time you need to spend on or another.

Educator: Right mode Day is an alternation of work and recreation time. Let's look at the day of our school's day ...

Output: What can be said about the day of the day of our school. He is right.

Fifth rule. How not to harm your health?

There are many computers, TVs, mobile phonesThey emit harmful radiation. In addition, the computer strongly affects vision. You can use them, but you need to know how. 30 minutes of work on the computer, and then a break is at least half an hour. Work at the computer is needed in special glasses. After working at the computer, it is necessary to do fiz. Creating, visual gymnastics (1-2 minutes are enough to the eyes rested). Do not watch TV for more than two hours.

Task for group: Collect the proverb and read it (work in pairs).

    In a healthy body - healthy Spirit

    Health is more expensive than wealth.

    Move more, live longer.

    What thoughts are such and dreams.

    Morning Meet Charging, Being walking in a walk.

    Eat garlic and onions - will not take illness.

    Health is more expensive than money.

    In a healthy body healthy mind.

    Good to be - long live.

    Clean - pledge of health.

Now let's talk about sixth rule. Bad habits. (Slide 6)

What it is?

Pupils: Smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction.

Educator: About the dangers of these habits now say a lot. Everyone knows that health and these bad habits - incompatible. And yet, every day more and more young people start or smoking, or drinking. And someone goes and on the worst thing takes psychotropic substances.

To specifically talk about each of these habits, you need a lot of time. We have already learned a lot together. Therefore, we will not dwell on them in detail.

Output: We will simply remember that all this leads to diseases and very early death.

Alphabet Health. (Slide 6) You must write down words on a specific letter that help keep health.

The task: Create "ABC of Health" and write it on special sheets. For example:

A - antibiotics;

B - hospital;

In - vitamins; doctor;

S - charging;

P - meal;

    And - immunity;

    L - medicine;

    T - herbs;

    O - vegetables;

    F - Physical culture, etc.

Comment: The work passes by groups within 3 minutes plus 2 minutes on the announcement announcement. After the time, each group reads its "alphabet of health."

there is another major rule Health.

Every day start with good thoughts, a good mood. It is very important for human health.

You all know the saying: "In a healthy body - a healthy mind." The Spirit is our emotions, the mood, the words we say to each other. Only a cheerful person is able to be kind, responsive and see beautiful around him.

I propose to consolidate everything, what we talked about today in the next task "Continue the phrase." I start, and you continue:

Move more - live ( longer);

Prevention of aging - in infinity ( movement);

Pure live - healthy ( be);

Who is accurate - that people ( priified);

Do not moderate food - illness and ( bed.);

Greens on the table - Health on ( a hundred years);

Do not peemance on a neighbor when you sleep ( before lunch);

Lake the body without ( cause);

To live - only the sky ( smash);

Bread to feet puts, and wine ( valit);

Who smokes tobacco, he himself ( enemy);

Smoker - himself ( mogwig);

Who is engaged in sports - that power ( gained);

Sport - Elixir ( life);

HEALTH REST - NEW ( do not buy);

Take care of a dream dress, and health ( sollor).

5. Summing up.

So, we have brought the rules, following which you will always be healthy. Let's repeat them. (Children read the rules).


I found out)…

And at the end of the lesson, to give each student "Health Recipes".

Health recipes.

Health recipes.

before bedtime.

Health recipes.

    With the right hand, massage each pallee on your left hand.

    Massage thumb Enhances brain activity.

    Massage of the middle finger - improves the work of the intestine and the spine.

    Massage of the index finger - improves the stomach operation.

    Massage Unnamed

fingers - improves liver operation.

    Misi massage - helps the work of the heart.

Health recipes.

"Special (correctional) secondary school boarding school №6

Educational hour:

Conversation with elements of the game: "Health Rules".

Educational hour "in a healthy body - healthy mind"

06.04.2018 580 124 Salo Oksana Vladimirovna

Қазақstan republicasy bіlіm zhleniy minstlіgіnің
Saltustіk Kazakhstan Balza әKіmdіigіnің
"Dama Mүmkіngі Scheektulі Balalarғa Arnalғan №2
Arnai (Tүzetu) Mecpep-boarding "KMM

KSU "Special (Correctional) School - boarding school №2
For children S. limited features in the development "akimat
North Kazakhstan region of the Ministry of Education
and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Prepared and held: Educator Salo Oksana Vladimirovna

2017 – 2018 academic year

Educational Hour: Competitive - Gaming Program for Children with Disabilities in Development (7-9 years)
"In a healthy body healthy mind!"
Purpose: Formation in children of respect for health: their own and others.
- Clearing what "health" is; "Zoz"
- Everybody learned to realize your attitude about the need to be healthy, to form personal responsibility for healthy image life;
- Creating conditions for the development of communicative skills of students in the process of group work.
- bring up moral and volitional qualities; Skills of proper behavior; Interest, needs for personal hygiene skills and systematic classes exercise.
Structure occupation
- Head, dear guys! At the meeting, people sincecrall wanted each other's health! ...
- Head - let's say to each other.
What special we said to each other ...
And how did you think, what's the point of this word?
It is no coincidence. After all, more B. Ancient Russia They said: "You can't buy health," "God would give health, and you will find happiness."
-. Are you healthy, dear friends? Do you have a good mood today? It is said that "good mood is half of health!".
- The people say: "You will be enough - you will add everything."
- Healthy person is beautiful and pleasant in communication, easily overcomes difficulties, can truly and work, and learn, and relax.
- I invite you all guys, to be on a moment to be in a fantastic "country of health." You will need only a desire and a little imagination.
Each resident of this country complies with certain rules.
And the most important thing is our rule that will be your motto in life now we will learn.
Game "Make a Phrase" Collect the letter from the biggest to the smallest. (Group work: guys build letters in descending order and decrypt offer: "We will be healthy!")
The people say: "Healthy everything is great." What is health?
Slide 1,2,3,4,5,6
- Now consider everything in more detail how to keep your health.
Cartoon "Smeshariki: Fighting Microbes"
Health is the absence of disease. And where do diseases come from? Microbes ... Microbes everywhere .. How do we fight with microbes? Ultraviolet rays, greencraft, iodine, personal hygiene.
"Choose a picture" game

Slide 7,8,9

Guys, and this is who came to visit us? (Slide 10) found out? Who Mojdodyr does not like? Who wrote this wonderful work? (Kornei Ivanovich Chukovsky) What ended the work? (Slide 11)

And now advice from the doctor (slide 12)
And so guys, eat dirty hands it is bad. If you are constantly washing them before meals, it will turn into a habit. Habit is what you do constantly. But the habit of a person is already useful and harmful. (Slide 13,14)
"Yes" - "No"
Guys, and now we will play in the game. I will call any quality or habit, and you try to solve, useful this quality or not. If useful, then you all raise your hands up and clapping in your hands say - yes, and if not, drowning legs - say it's not.

Do physical education; (Yes)
- do exercises; (Yes)
- Watch your TV; (not)
- brush your teeth 2 times a day; (Yes)
- nibble nails; (not)
- laugh a lot; (Yes)
- smoking; (not)
- Sorry in the room; (not)
- Go to school (yes)
Smile, speak to each other good words.
To walk outside.
Talking rude to each other.
Sleep with an open
With dirty hands sit down at the table.
There are many sweet food.

Guys, how do you think, can there be a lot of sweets? Why?
Now we will see another cartoon about the correct nutrition of Smeshariki 2
- Here we are together and deal with what useful products, and what are harmful to the body. Refrigerator and Waste Container game (Slide 15)
- Well done! Now, I hope that you will use only useful products and to strengthen your health.
- But the health with you with you is strengthened not only proper nutritionand what else? Right. Sport, physical education, charging, hardening.
To louder sang songs
Live so that it is interesting
Need to be strong to be healthy
These are truths are not new.
Jump, run, harden.
Sports must be engaged.
Health friendly sport,
Stadium, pool and court,
Hall, rink everywhere you are glad
For efforts as a reward -
There are Cups and Records!
Muscles are hard.
Just remember the athletes
Every day my own
Start with freezing,
Do not play with Dream in hide and seek.
That's health in what a secret!
All friends Physical ... All: Hello!
- Guys, you probably have a little tired? Now, together with the crumble, I will arrange fizminutka.
Smeshariki. Charging for children
- Guys, you know that charging us in the morning is needed primarily in order to wake your body after sleep, and even for cheerfulness and to improve health.
Look at what we will tell our friends Smeshariki
Cartoon "For what you need charging"
- Guys, exercise stress - Real "Elixir Youth."
- Now let's check each other for the strength of the Spirit.
The game "Is Again Your Ball": who has a faster balloon inflated.
The game with the ball "Tell another". At the signal of the leading guys, the ball over his head from the first participant is beginning to transmit each other. The latter, receiving a ball, becomes the first, and the competition continues until the first participant will not take his place again. The team wins the team that did not drop the ball and finished his transfer first.
- And now, guys, while you sit down and calm down, I want to read you several recipes for health.
Health recipes
1. "If you want to be healthy - temper."
2. "Combine recreation and work."
3. "Move more."
4. "smoke - to harm health."
5. "From a smile will be all light."
6. "Eat correctly - and the medicine is not needed."
7. "Dinner is not needed, would be lunch."
8. "What are the food and drinking - such and live."
9. "Wear well - swallow sweets."
10. "The more you will get, the longer you will live."
11. "My hands before meals."
12. "Be active."
And now a game of attention
Listen to the questions that leads the lead. If the answer is negative, everyone is silent, and if the phrase is positive to choir: "This is me, it's me, these are all my friends."
- Who is a cheerful company
Goes to school every day?
- Which of you from kids,
Walks dirty to ears?
- Who loves to answer in the classroom,
And receive five?
- Who lies late to sleep
In dirty shoes on the bed?
- knows who is red
Means: no stroke.
- Who does not care about clothes,
Under the bed it puts it?
- Who loves mom help,
At home garbage collect?
- Which of you does not go gloomy,
Loves sports and physical education?
- Guys, and now guess a few riddles about sports.
1.What is the whistle - scored a goal, the game is called how? (Football)
2.De, there was a question quite simple, now I ask more difficult:
The game has a washer, a stick, ice, we play ... (hockey)
3. Dental muscles, like an arrow, go to the match of a special rank.
And the power here is greater than the dexterity is needed,
In the hands of the athlete heavy ... (bar)
4. Dried two horses down the mountains carry me.
I keep two sticks in my hands, but I do not beat her horses, they are sorry.
And for speeding runs with sticks touches snow ... (Ski)
- Guys, who knows such a sport - amreszling? What are the rules?
This game in the hands existed, always so measured by people and eyelids back, and two millennia ago.
Men not deprived by force were going in the evenings and arranged competitions on the tables. The first champions began to appear. Soon the competition received the status of the World Cup.
Task - to squeeze the sheet of paper in one hand.
- Guys and now we will repeat that we learned today, answer me questions:
- What is more expensive in the world? (health).
- Where do diseases come from? (Microbes enter the body, they are very small, but powerful, man becomes bad, he gets ill).
- How to defeat the cold? (We must harden, do physical exercise and sports).
- Why do you need to do charging? (To wake your body after sleep).
- How to become strong? (run, jump, swim, etc.)
- The poem that you now hear, let it be a dealing in the continued life path.
"Take care of your health"
Everyone needs to know:
Health must be saved.
Need to eat right
You need to do sports
Hands wash in front of meal
Teeth clean, harden,
And always be friends with water.
And then all people in the world
Long, will live for a long time.
And remember health
In the store do not buy.
- See your mood! Be happy! Be healthy!!!

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Ministry of Education of Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea State

budget educational institution of the Republic of Crimea

"Kerch boarding school with enhanced physical training"

Educational hour - game

"Purity - a guarantee of health"


Tour Yu.S.

kerch, 2018

Educational hour - Agra: "Clean - a guarantee of health!"

Purpose:education and formation of a responsible attitude towards preserving health as the most important value of man, society, states, the basics of effective receipt of decent education, a pledge of a comfortable, spiritually filled life, productive activity.


    familiarize pupils with traditions and customs of the human relationship to their own health;

    form responsible attitudes to your own health;

    help overcoming the harmful habits of pupils by means of physical culture and sports;


    inform and challenge the younger generation of our educational institution;

List of necessary equipment and design:

    table for scene;

    disposable tableware;

    garbage bag;

    makeup (broom);

    chairs for children;

    musical accompaniment "Cheerful Charging";

    songs "Skates", "Big Wash" from M / F "Masha and Bear", cheerful charging;

    on the board was written by the proverb "Purity - a guarantee of health."

Event flow:

The music of minus "skates" from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" sounds. Pupils of the 4th group are included in the hall and sear. Leading.

Lead1: Dear our participants. Today, our event is devoted to the health that will be held under the motto: "I will save health! I will help myself! "

Lead2: We are confident that each of you knows well that health is our wealth and you need to take care.

Presenter1: Pay attention to the words that are written on the board.

Loudly reads "Clean - Pledge of Health"

Lead2: How do you understand her meaning?

Pupils are expressed by explaining the meaning of words.

Presenter1:And now, listen to the poem, and guess about whom or what are we talking about.

Lead2: All dogs know Vanya and River from afar:

He costs without a bath, he is due to scallop,

Never in his nose pocket no handkerchief.

He doesn't need a sidewalk!

Unbuttoned collar

On the docks and on the puddles, he walks straight!

Presenter1: He does not want to carry his portfolio - it drags him on the ground.

Speed \u200b\u200bbelt on the left side, from the side of the linen.

I confess, it is not clear: what did he do? Where was he?

How did spots arose on the forehead? Who is he this student?

Lead2: Have you guessed the guys how can I call this student?

Pupils respond.

Presenter1: Right. What should I do to not be like this boy?

Pupils respond.

Lead2: What are you great! You have now called personal hygiene rules.

Presenter1: Do you keep these rules?

Pupils respond.

Lead2: Here we will check now.

Religious riddles.

Presenter1: Smoothly, scented, washing purely

It is necessary that everyone has ... (soap)

Lead2: Bone back, on a bristle abdomen,

Polyeskol jumped

All the dirt increased. (Tooth puppy)

Presenter1: Whole twenty zubkov

For Kudrey and Khokholkov.

And under each teeth

Fall hair row. (hairbrush)

Lead2: Lit in pocket and guard

Ripu, plaks and dirty.

To them the morning streams tears,

I will not forget about the nose. (Handkerchief)

Presenter1: Well done. All the riddles guess.

Lead2:Personal hygiene rules must comply with everything. Not only people, but also animals.

The poem "must be washed in the morning and evenings!"

Presenter1: You now saw what it looks like healthy person.

Lead2: He is beautiful, smiling, satisfied with life.

Presenter1: But sometimes it happens quite the opposite.

Scenario of the fairy tale "Kolobok to the new way"

Reader: Grandfather lived in a fairy tale,

Lived together for many years

Raised, stalled

Forces are no longer no more!

Forget about order

In the house dirt and dust around

Paul is not soot, dishes too

For microbes here shelter.

And the microbes are so necessary

Dirt for them their environment

For painters of disease

Live here, just beauty.

Flew into the flock window

And from joy buzzes:

Fly: I will stay a f and grandmother for a long time

I will live and not Tu-live!

Reader:Meanwhile, our grandmother,

According to SUYSKAM Roskrebla

And for grandfather dear

Buckle baked.

Woman:Grandfather, and grandfather!

Worth of us for lunch?

I baked a kolobok,

He has a ruddy side

On the window it cools,

Yes, we are waiting for us !!!

Reader: Our bun cooling

Look at the house:

Kolobok:Oh, where did I get?

What is the collapse?

Dust, unwashed dishes,

Sea crumbs on the table

Yes, flies flying,

It is selected to me.

Reader: Scared kolobok

And there was a nude:

Kolobok:Better in the forest thick go

Than in the dirt I will disappear.

Reader: Rolled along the track

And towards the beast runs,

Wool in the sun shines,

And what kind of neat look.

Hare:Kolobok, hello, hello!

I eat you for lunch!

Yes, kidding, I will not eat!

What are you having fun?

Kolobok:I left Baba with my grandfather!

I do not want to live with them!

They divorced microbes

In the house dirt and dust circle

Yes flies fly-beast

How to be me now?

Hare:Oh you, stupid bun,

You would have helped them better.

Kolobok:Do not teach me, oblique

That is clean, what!

Reader: Rolled kolobok,

And towards the wolf goes

Clean, Stylish, Beautiful

In a fashionable hat for the inferno.

Wolf:Kolobok, where do you hurry?

Do you devote problems in the essence?

Kolobok:I left Baba with my grandfather!

I did not want to live with them!

In the house dirt and dust circle,

I do not need such a house!

My hare adsted me,

Himself in the mud, I suppose, did not live?

Wolf:You really lazy,

Where you live - help there!

Kolobok:Do not teach me, wolf

Did you get afraid to get afraid?

And his fox meets

In the fairy tale only such will meet.

The wool on the sun is burning,

Everything overflows

And chanterelle - whiteness,

Milly smiles.

A fox:Oh, who I see in the forest

Where are you from, go closer.

Tell me about trouble,

Maybe I will help?

Kolobok:I left Baba with my grandfather!

I did not want to live with them!

In the house dirt and dust circle,

I do not need such a house!

My hare adsted me,

The wolf taught the Soviets.

A fox:Oh, and ate B I,

Yes old men I feel sorry

What did you help them?

And you are in the nude.

Show me this house

Well, eat you later ...

Reader: Splobok unfolded

Yes with a fox to a couple

To the house of old people came,

To clean up.

And the house has noise

Yes, boils work.

Hare with wolf dust sweat

Dirt remove, wash, rub.

Helps Kolobok

And fox in case

Soon, soon in the house

All floors glistened.

Muha did not accept it

The house decided to defend

Kicked it out the window:

A fox:Flip far away

To the house it now you do not approach

And microbes take away

Yes, stay with them!

Reader:Here and the woman did not hurry with the grandfather arrived:

Grandfather:What is it, Baba!

Woman:What is this grandfather?

Grandfather:Pure our house glitters

Woman:Oh, what a beautiful view!

Grandfather: Even kalvi retreated,

Woman: And there is no more diseases!

Kolobok:Dear Baba with grandfather,

This animals helped ...

Knows everyone in this forest

From microbes - wait for trouble!

Clean the security of health!

I know it now.

I will help in the house

Clean to protect!

Lead2: This is what can happen to those who do not follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Presenter1: Suitable by the end of our wonderful holiday. Let's try to formulate the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Pupils express their point of view leading help. Further as a result, we repeat the rules of the head.

    cleaning the body, dwelling and clothing;

    putting it right;

    observe the day mode;

    check out;

    move more.

Presenter1: Guys, you do not mind finish our holiday funny children's charge?

Music charging



Information sources:

MAS (K) OU "Karasulskaya special (correctional)

school - boarding school "

Amounted to and spent:

Educator: Khokholkova I.V.

Educational hour:

Journey to the country "Health"

    Form installation to a healthy lifestyle

    To form a sustainable opinion on the dangers of smoking, alcohol, drugs.

    Educate careful attitude to their own health and health of other people;

    Expand and systematize students' knowledge of personal hygiene; correctly orient pupils in the nutrition mode;

    Develop creative initiative and organizational abilities of pupils; Skills of independent work and work in groups;

    Fasten and improve the skills and skills of moral and volitional qualities - collectivism, discipline, sense of responsibility for their team.


    Exhibition of children's work: I am for a healthy lifestyle "

    Screen, laptop, projector, presentation.

    Emblems for teams: "Mounting", "Health"

    Cards - riddles for captains.

    Tsvetics - Sevenisweetics

    Stone, inscriptions:

    Drink, smoke, and hate

Less sports!

    Choose a healthy life!

    2 racks, 4 hoops, 2 goals, 2 baskets, cards (exercise type), 2 rope, 2 tennis rackets, 2 backpacks,

2 benches, 2 sets - Sports

Preliminary work:

    Figure Contest: "In a healthy body a healthy mind"

    Making emblems, medals for teams.

Individual work:

Skorobogtova Nadia - involve in cognitive activities with the help of additional issues.

QAEKO Maxim, Lena Sizhina - continue to learn to answer the question clearly, consistently.

    Develop speech, thinking, memory.

Voronov Yura, Dupuryygin Kolya - to offer to prepare all the necessary sports equipment.

    Relieve a sense of responsibility for the entrusted business.

Event flow:

Song sounds "If a friend went into the way"

Children (tourists) are included in the hall.

Hello guys!
Boys and girls.
I am glad to see all of you.
On this day and at this hour.
We are together today.
On the trip let's go
And the path to the country "Health"
We will certainly find.

  • Total: "I want to know everything"

Educator: Guys, I want to start our meeting with parables:

In the same house there lived a man. His wife lived together with him, the daughter is already an adult girl, and his elderly mother. One day late in the evening, when all the households have already lay down to sleep, someone knocked on the door. The owner got up and opened the door.

Three were on the threshold. "What is your name?" - asked a man. He was answered: "Our name is health, wealth and love, let us go to the house." A man thought. "You know - he said," we only have one free place in the house, and you will go, I will say with my relatives, whom we can take in our house. "

Daughter suggested let the love

wife is wealth.

And the mother asked to let health.

What do you advise the guys, whom to make a man into your home?

Before giving advice, I suggest you guess the riddle:

What is more expensive in the world?

(children's responses)

How do you guys think what health is?

(children's responses)

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease.

    Total: "Bad habits"

An important link of a healthy lifestyle is the eradication of bad habits:

    How do you guys think about what habits will it be speaking?

  • alcohol consumption


These health violators are the cause of many diseases, sharply reduce the life expectancy, reduce performance, are adversely affect the health of the younger generation.

    What are the most common bad habit in our school?

  • Smoking is the most common harmful habit of a person, which leads to nicotine addiction, which adversely affects the human body and leads to many diseases.

    Consequences: show slides - harm to health.

I suggest listening to information about the bad habits of the modern world


Man became a slave of this "box"

The harm is applied both in physical and mental health:

Obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Scientists believe that the TV can provoke inadequate behavior.

Internet - addiction

Doctors are talking about the dangers of the Internet.

Physical harm to health is applied radiation, long seat in one pose. Psychological harm.


Microwave radiation can threaten brain cells.

It is necessary to limit the time of use of the phone!

    The halt: "I am healthy shore, I will help myself"

Peace healthy nutrition

"The tree keeps its roots, and a person is food"

Azerbaijani Proverbits

The human body is complex mechanismAnd as any mechanism, it is necessary for its work fuel.

The fuel is served by food that we eat: it contains nutrientsFrom which our body receives energy for life, as well as builds new cells and fabrics.

    It is necessary to eat about 4 times a day.

Do not get drunk!

Sweets, confectionery, sugar, chips, etc.

Required nutrients

To work normally, the food must be


food must contain all the necessary


Approximately half of all foods per day should be carbohydrates

    (bread, cereals, potatoes, vegetables, greens);

The third part of the day diet should be

    (meat, fish, milk, eggs);

Sixth part - fats

    (oil, margarine);

Food must contain vitamins

(All kinds of fruits), mineral salts, fiber, water

    Each type of products is useful in its own way.

It is very important that we use all the necessary products in the correct proportion.

Personal hygiene is an important element of a healthy lifestyle.

    How many times a day you need to brush your teeth and tongue?

    How often do you need to wash the body? face, hands, neck, legs?

    How to care for the skin of the hands? Behind the nails?

    Explain how to care for hair?

    What should be clothes and shoes?

    Total: "Sport"

Physical activity

Health, power, dexterity
Sports Flame Testament
Let's show our friendship, courage
Cheerful Starts High Helmet!

    Presentation of the jury.

Evaluate your progress will be a jury.

Let the jury all the move of the battle

Without a missing trace

Who will be friendly

That will win.

In a magical country,
I want to invite everyone
Health recipes
There to get with you.
But the road is not simple,
Because of each bush
Can someone appear
You will have to fight him,
Therefore in front of expensive
Disconnect a little
You need to call yourself
And the motto is scruff.


    The captain of the "Healthy" team: a team welcomes you ...
    All team members: "Healthy"
    We decided never to hurt
    Do not be sick? It must be able to.
    Captain: Our motto - ...
    All members of the "Healthy" team:

    " In a healthy body healthy mind".

Command captain "Fortress: a team welcomes you ...
All team members: "Mounting".
Become a healthy, clever, strong!
Be trustly and takov.
Captain: Our motto ...
All members of the "Mounting" team:

"If you want to be healthy, temper"

Competition of captains.

The teacher offers the captains to stretch the card with a mystery, reads the riddles.

    Who will catch me on ice?
    We run food.
    And they are not horses,
    And shiny ...

    Wooden two horses
    Down the mountains carry me.
    I keep two sticks in my hands,
    But do not beat the horses, they are sorry.
    And for speeding run
    I touch the snow with sticks.

The captain, stretching and guessing the first riddle, is offered to the music to simulate the skiing, the captain who gave the second riddle, - skier running.


Well, friends are speedy forward!
The country of health is waiting for us.
Someone meets us here

And on your island invites

    Island: "Health-Ka"

(health flower)

1. You can't buy it for any money. (Health)

2. What nutrients are needed by our body?

(proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fiber, water)

3. Why do people smoke?

(out of curiosity to seem adext, for the company to lose weight, believe that it is fashionable, due to the influence of advertising)

4. What are the food that do not get involved in?

(Packages fast cooking, chips, carbonated drinks, sweets, confectionery TD)

5. Why do you need to fulfill personal hygiene rules?

(Personal hygiene provides a healthy lifestyle, lack of health problems)

6. Telephone is who?

All: Continue the ancient saying:

"In a healthy body healthy mind")

"Take care of your health"

Ksenia P.

We are born to live in the light of a long time:
Be sad and sing, laugh and love.
But that all dreams would be possible,
We must keep all the health.

Maxim K.
Ask yourself: Are you ready to work -
Actively move and moderately eat and drink?
Drop cigarette? Throw the cigarette cigarette
And just to keep health.

Olya H.
Look around: Beautiful Nature
We call us to live in the world.
Give your hand, friend! Let's help you
Planet for all health save.


Well, more and more friends,
It is impossible to delay us!
Oh! Stone on the way
We need to pass it.

There is a fork of 2 roads,

Choose your way of my friend!

    Drink, smoke, and hate

Less sports!

    From bad habits, my friend, refuse,
    Choose a healthy life!

    Island: "Sport"

    Relay "Cross"

    At the signal, players begin to shift to another shore using two hoops (shifting them forward and using them like bumps, to a turning rack), run away the rack return and give two hoops to the next participant.

    Relay "ball in basket"

Participants are coming to the line with the ball in their hands and make one throw in the basket (which is holding a team captain). The team wins, which is faster and forces the balls.

    Relay "Running with obstacles"

Each team member comes to the designated line and takes a card on which the type of exercises is indicated:

    10 jumps on the rope.

    push ups 10 times.

    squats 10 times.

    chacking on a tennis racket 10 times

    jumping in place is 10 times.

    bringing the ball about the floor - 10 times

After completing the exercise, runs to his team and transmits the next participant relay.

    The relay "Tourist trail"

The first participant puts on a backpack runs on a bench. It stops, puts on a bag on his feet - jumps ribbing to a bench. Removes the bag, runs to the team - transmits the next player relay.

    The relay "Who is faster"

Sore me once, friends
Football, I play hockey.
And I am very familiar with Gord
What gives me health ...

"Who will quickly collect cubes and will be the word" sport ".


    Game: "Live Hat"

Baseball cap is transferred in a circle. The child expresses his opinion about the lesson (travel)

The word jury:

Today, everything went to the glory,
And everyone was able to reach the finish.

Good set up charged,
Managed the strength you find in yourself.
And with this from the soul you congratulate you,

We hope that not the last time
We reward these prizes
For strength, dexterity and smelling you!

Awarding: (Medals)


It is a pity to part with you,

But it was time to say goodbye,

Goodbye, do not gross

And with the sport you are friends.

Let's say aloud together:

"In a healthy body healthy mind!"

Used Books.

    Alcohol and health.

Tyumen 2006

    Secrets of healthy food (booklet)

    V.A. Gerasimova Class hour playing

Moscow 2002

    Hurray, physical education!: Studies. For students 2-4kl. E.N. Litvinov, G.I. Rogadaev, T.Ya. Torochakova, R.Ya. Shitova.- 4-EISF.- M.: Education, 2000g.

Smolyakova Nadezhda Vladimirovna, teacher of the correctional school - boarding school, KGKOU Shi No. 10.

Form of holding: collectively - creative business.

Purpose: contribute to the formation of a conscious installation on a healthy lifestyle.

Tasks: to bring up respect for yourself, feelings of self-esteem, confidence that a healthy lifestyle makes a person free and independent, gives him the strength to make a conscious choice in everything; strengthen the feelings of friendship. Education of creative abilities, skills and skills of collective creative activities.

Equipment and devices: Interactive equipment, Watmans, markers, glue, scissors, set of pictures on a healthy lifestyle, presentation.

Travel course:

Organizing time.


Health riddles.

You need to do in the morning, she gives me a vigor. (Charging)

We eat clock, we walk, and every day we observe it ... (mode).

It is very friendly with her, often wash under the shower. (Water)

- So what will we talk about today? (Children's responses). About health.

Main part.


The group is divided into two subgroups. (Invent the name of your group).

- How do you feel when you are healthy? ( Good mood; I want to play a lot, run; I want to read, write something to tell.)

- How do you feel when they sick? (Everything hurts; I want to cry; I don't want to get up with bed; I do not want to eat, drink.)

- Why are people sick? What do you think? (Most often they are infected from other people.)

- The ancient Indian proverb says: "There is no friend equal to health; No enemy, equal illness. "

Let's think where health begins? (With hygiene, sports, air and healthy food)

Exercise 1 . "Health".

Select from the proposed text to define health. (Cut and glue on a poster). Music. (Appendix 4)

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.

Health is the lack of diseases and physical defects.

Health is when a man is happy.

Health is when nothing hurts.

Health - When a man is cheerful, joyful, vigorous, energetic.

Health - When a person eats well.


- What does human health depend on? (Responses of children). (Perform a day mode. Make in the morning charging. There is useful food. Strengthen immune system. Many move. Wash many times a day. Clean twice a day of teeth.)

Q: - What do you think it is very important to save your health?

Responses of children. (From the ability to avoid contact with a sick person. From the ability to keep a healthy lifestyle. From the ability to help yourself and others.)

Q: What affects human health. (Responses of children) (compliance with the day of the day, performing sports events, proper nutrition).

Task 2. Habits. (Cut pictures and make collage)

Sounds music

1 group choose bad habits

2 group choose useful habits


"Charging" (children become in a circle and take turns perform an exercise.

Q: - Benefit! I suggest that each of you now show one exercise from it. morning gymnasticswhich he, of course, honestly makes every morning. Repeat exercises should not.

Music sounds, guys take turns show exercises, the rest repeat and perform demonstrated exercises.

Q: - One of the factor of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition.

Task 3. "Healthy Lunch".

Sounds music

From the proposed pictures cut and make a recipe for dishes from useful products And justify your answer.

Q: - Another of the health factors is sport.

Task 4. « Kinds of sports".Music sounds "If you want to be healthy."

One group shows a pantomime of the sport specified on the card, the other guess that the sport was shown.

- shooting from the rifle; running;

- Long jumps; ski racing.

Educator: Well done coped with the task. And now let's summarize. We post posters. (Discussion)

Q: "Hello!" We say when you meet each other, wanting, first of all, health, and then everything else. Health is invaluable wealth. We can buy a new suit, a new dress, but you can't buy health for any money. It is very important to remember and take care of him. Altime and near the person live bad habits: it is irrational food, the wrong lifestyle, smoking, alcohol, drugs.

As the Roman poet Yuvenal said: "It is necessary that the mind was healthy in the body healthy." (Slide 3).

- Guys! Health has always worried all people. Your experience, how to save health, they were transferred from generation to generation. There are many proverbs about health, let's remember. (Children's responses).

Healthy - everything is great. There is no price health. You can't buy health.

Take care of a dream dress, and health by a fruit. Health is only more expensive, health is more expensive than wealth.

Labor - health, laziness is a disease.

- Now I see that you are healthy guys. And in order to preserve your health, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle.

- Why is health - the most valuable gift to man?

- Why is it bad to hurt?

- Who will help you in keeping health?

Q: In the conclusion of our classes, I suggest you read and remember "Ten" golden "rules of health care", which will help you keep your health.

Memo "Ten "golden" rules of health ". (Appendix 8)

  1. Observe the mode of the day!
  2. Pay more attention to nutrition!
  3. Move more!
  4. Sleep in a cool room!
  5. Do not quit anger, let him break out!
  6. Constantly engage in intellectual activities!
  7. Drown away the despondency and Handra!
  8. Adequately react to all manifestations of your body!
  9. Try to get as many positive emotions as possible!
  10. Wish you and surrounding only good!

List of used literature

  1. 1000 mysteries. Popular benefit for parents and teachers. Cost. N.V. Elkina. - Yaroslavl: 1997.
  2. Your health. Strengthening the body. Zaitsev G.K., Zaitsev A.G. - SPb.: 1998.

Internet resources.

Music to perform tasks. -\u003dkakarla

Music for Fizminutka -

Riddles and proverbs about health -

"If you want to be healthy" minus one -

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