Poisoning Dimeksid: manifestations, first aid methods. Dimexide: inexpensive medical miracle Domexide inside is dangerous

The drug is used in the treatment of skin diseases, muscle and articular pains, as well as together with other drugs, reinforcing their penetration through the skin and mucous membranes.

Dimexide (dimethyl sulfoxide) looks like a liquid of a yellowish shade with a weak garlic odor. The compound has a property easily penetrate into the blood through intact skin and perfectly dissolve chemicals, various in their structure: salts, alkaloids, antibiotics, vitamins, hormones, cytostatics.

Due to this, the drug accelerates penetration through the skin of many substances without changing their properties (heparin, glucose, iodine, penicillins, hydrocortisone, diclofenac and organic complex complexes of medicinal plants.


Dimexide is applied separately or as one of the components when complex treatment Next diseases:

  • Patologies of OPS - Radiculitis, Bekhterev's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, reactive synovite, deforming osteoarthrosis (with damage to periarticular tissues).
  • Red (discoomal) lupus.
  • Limited sclerodermia.
  • Reactive synot.
  • Mikosah Stop.
  • Purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, furunculese, acne.
  • Traumatic infiltrates.
  • Keloid scars.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Tensile ligaments.
  • Alopecia.

Method of application and dose

The drug is made in the form of a concentrate, which is used in diluted form with the required percentage content active substance. The solution is made (irrigation) or compresses (tampons) are wetted for overlapping on the affected areas with the capture of adjacent healthy skin seats. Compress is covered with film and natural cloth. Appliques duration - from 10 to 15 days. Depending on the disease, the diaxide solution is used as follows:

  • With therapy of trophic ulcers or faces of 30-50% p-p. 2-3 r. in day.
  • In the treatment of diffuse streptodermia and eczema - compresses with 40-90% r-rum are applied.
  • With pain and local anesthesia, 25-50% rr in the form of a compressing. 2-3 r. In a day.
  • On highly sensitive areas and the skin of the face used 10-30% rr.
  • With plastic operations, bandages are used with 10-20% Rom, attached to transplant transplants immediately after the operation and during the postoperative period until the moment of their full healing. Store the skin grafts in a preservative 5% solution of Dimekside and Ringer.
  • With a 10% concentration of the active ingredient, purulent-necrotic inflammatory foci was washed and cavities.

For dilution of dimexide into the container, the required amount of concentrate is poured and distilled water is added. Instead of water, we can use vegetable oils, especially when using tampons. Various concentrations of the drug are obtained by mixing water and medication in the following proportions:


Domexide is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • With hypersensitivity to the drug.
  • With severe renal or liver failure.
  • Pronounced atherosclerosis.
  • Myocardial infarction or angina.
  • Cataract or glaucoma.
  • Stroke.
  • Coma.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Under the age of 12 years.

Pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, dimexide is contraindicated.


In case of overdose of the drug, allergic reactions may occur. When using an undelivered dimexide, it is possible to obtain chemical burns. Rubbing the drug and massaging with it also causes burns.

Side effects

After applying the aqueous solution of Dimeksid, the following side effects are observed in rare cases:

  • Allergic reaction.
  • Itching and contact dermatitis.
  • Burning and dry skin.
  • Erythematous rash.
  • Very rarely - bronchospasm.

When an allergic reaction appears, the use of the drug is terminated, as necessary, the reception of histamine H1 receptor blockers are prescribed.

Composition and pharmacokinetics

Dimexide is produced in the form of a flock-dropper of orange glass, with 25 ml. Inspected sulfoxide - transparent colorless liquid with a weak odor, soluble in water and alcohol. Used to prepare an outdoor solution. It has antiseptic, antipirelic, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, painkillers and fibrinolytic effect.

Quickly penetrates through biological membranes, including mucous membranes and skin, reinforcing their permeability to other drugs. When appliqués penetrate the blood in 5 minutes, and reaching peak concentration after 5-6 hours. Changes the sensitivity of microflora, resistant to the action of antibiotics. It is used in combination with other drugs (previously dissolved or after applying to the skin) for high-quality and deep penetration into tissue.


Before use of the drug, a test is performed on the portability of the solution to the hand with a tampon. Hyperemia and pronounced itching will be evidence of hypersensitivity.

Recommended by recipe. Shelf life of 2 years. Store in a dry, protected from light, inaccessible to children.


(Leave your feedback in the comments)

The effect of the drug has experienced after consulting a mammologist approved by Dimexide together with hormonal medicines for the treatment of mastopathy. The doctor explained that in the absence of the effect, it will have to remove the nodules using the operation. The solution applied 10 days half an hour. Next diagnostics showed that seals began to dissolve. In my case, the disease is treatable, I hope that everything will pass without the help of a surgeon.

On the steps, he strongly turned his leg, after a short time the joint is the whole, and it was impossible to walk. The mother-in-law of mother-in-law (nurse by profession) bought a Domexide and an elastic bandage, after which he prepared a solution, put the compress for half an hour and rewinded the leg with a bandage. Until the next day, the joint was sick. After the procedure on the second day, the pain declined noticeably, the edema began to go to the third day, and the fourth compress was decided not to do. I think without medication, recovery would be noticeably longer.

* - The average value among several sellers at the time of monitoring is not a public offer.


I often use dimexide with pains and edema of the joints, the drug works. Thank you to developers of the solution! Marina Len. / Region

Hello Marina. Be kind, answer for what time the compress is superimposed. I am unbearably sore joints.

Good day to you. Thank you for the information.

tensile ligaments 1st. on 3 tbsp. Water spoons. wrist. Stretching ligaments, Healthy pain not even moving hand, pain is unbearable, almost two days without sleep. After only after how I put the compress, I managed to sleep 40 to reveal, who knows me!

And I often use Dimeksid when the tanks are glue, perfectly removes methyl-2-cyanacrylate and ethyl-2-cyanacrylate from various surfaces. Recommend!

After the operation, a painful seal appeared with a laser on his legs from the varicose varicose veins, it seems that a trophic ulcer (stain of this-crimson color) is trying to manifest itself. Having read comments, perhaps in my case, the grazing will help, and it will dissipate?!

It is better to refer to the doctor again, check the recurrence of varicose veins, it will help to prevent an ulcer. Dimexide is an antiseptic + anti-inflammatory, before the appearance of ulcers there is no great point to apply it.

Hello, I recently read, the drug Dimexid hair mask - you can add sea buckthorn oil and shampoo, smear on the hair and after 2 hours you can rinse well.

It's true? But in the instructions of Dimeksid, this is not.

Can you wash your hair with dimexide with the addition of sea buckthorn oil and shampoo or it is impossible? Please tell me who knows.

I read that Dimeksid can be used for cosmetics, I want to ask if it really needs to wipe the face with a solution? They write that first wipe the r-rh and then apply salcossuril ointment and all wrinkles will begin to disappear

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Dimeksid - instructions for use, analogues, reviews and forms of release (solution, gel for outdoor use 25%) Medications for lifting inflammation and improved hair growth in adults, children and during pregnancy

This article can be found in the instruction for the use of Dimexide drug. Presented reviews of site visitors - consumers this medicine, as well as the opinions of doctors of specialists in the use of Dimekside in their practice. A big request to more actively add your reviews about the preparation: helped or did not help the medicine to get rid of the disease, which complications were observed and side effects, possibly not stated by the manufacturer in annotations. Analogs of Dimekside in the presence of available structural analogues. Use for the treatment of arthrosis and arthritis, relieving inflammation and improve hair growth in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Masks for improving hair growth and other forms of drug use.

Domexide is an anti-inflammatory tool for outdoor use. The mechanism of action is associated with the inactivation of hydroxyl radicals and the improvement of metabolic processes in the focus of inflammation, a decrease in the velocity of the excitation pulses in peripheral neurons. Provides a local, local anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial effect; It has some fibrinolytic activity. Penetrates the skin and other biological membranes, increases their permeability for medicinal substances.

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • bekhterev's disease;
  • deforming osteoarthritis;
  • sclerodermia;
  • erythema noded;
  • bruises;
  • tensions of ligaments;
  • traumatic infiltrates;
  • inflammatory skin diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • acne;
  • furunculese (as part complex therapy).

Solution for outdoor use.

Gel for outdoor use 25%.

Concentrate for the preparation of the solution for outdoor use.

Instructions for use and method of use

Outwardly, in the form of compresses, tampons, dressings (including occlusive). Usually use 30-50% solutions:

  • in the treatment of faces and trophic ulcers - a 6-50% solution of a solution 2-3 times a day;
  • with eczema, sclerodermia - compresses with 40-50% solution;
  • with rotting skin diseases - 40% solution,
  • for local anesthesia with pain syndromes - a compress Somal 25-50% solution 2-3 times a day;
  • in the treatment of deep burns - dressings with 20-30% solution.
  • allergic reactions;
  • itching dermatitis;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • erythema;
  • dry skin;
  • easy burning;
  • bronchospasm.
  • violation of the liver and / or kidney function;
  • angina;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • pronounced atherosclerosis;
  • glaucoma;
  • cataract;
  • coma;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Domexide is contraindicated to use during pregnancy and during lactation (breastfeeding).

Dimexide is used with caution simultaneously with other drugs, since it can enhance their action.

Before using dimethyl sulfoxide (active substance of the drug Dimexide), it is recommended to test the drug tolerance.

It is possible to use dimexide in combination with heparin, antibiotics and NSAIDs in dosage forms for outdoor use.

Increases suction and enhances the effect of ethanol (alcohol), insulin.

Increases the sensitivity of microorganisms to aminoglycosidic and beta-lactam antibiotics, chloramphenicol, rifampicin, griseofullvin.

Sensitizes the body to the means for general anesthesia.

Analogs of the drug Dimexide

Structural analogs according to the active ingredient drug Dimexide has no.


Instructions for use:

Prices in Internet pharmacies:

Dimexide is a synthetic drug for outdoor use with antibacterial, painkillers and anti-inflammatory properties.

Widely used in dermatology, as well as with muscular and articular pain.

pharmachologic effect

The active ingredient of dimexide is dimethyl sulfoxide. It has anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antipirelic, analgesic, antiseptic and fibrinolytic effect.

Domexide penetrates through the skin and mucous membrane, enhanced skin susceptibility to the penetration of other drugs.

Appliques enters the blood for 5 minutes and reaches its maximum concentration after 4-6 hours.

Form release

Domexide produced in the form:

  • Gel and ointment for outdoor use 25%;
  • Concentrate for the preparation of the solution;
  • Solution for outdoor use.

Indications for the use of Dimekside

The most widely domexide is used at:

  • Inflammatory skin diseases;
  • Systemic sclerodermia;
  • Purulent wounds;
  • Knocked erytheras;
  • Furunculese;
  • Burns;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Acne;
  • Eczema;
  • Mercant skin diseases;
  • Silent inflammation;
  • Trophic ulcers.

According to the instructions, Dimeksid is also used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Traumatic infiltrates;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Bekhterev's diseases;
  • Arthropathy;
  • Tensile ligaments;
  • Deforming osteoarthritis;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Bruises.

The drug is also used in leather-plastic surgery for healing grafts.

In cosmetology quite often use hair domexide.

Together with oils and vitamins, it is part of masks that contribute to the restoration of the hair structure and their growth. The composition and proportion must be clarified by the cosmetologist.

One of the basic conditions when applying hair dimexide - the mask components should be thoroughly mixed immediately before use.


According to the instructions, Dimexide is contraindicated at:

  • Hypersensitivity to the active substance;
  • Cardiovascular failure;
  • Violations of liver or kidney function;
  • Angina;
  • Stroke;
  • Cataract;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Pronounced atherosclerosis;
  • Comatous states.

Domexide is contraindicated for children under 12, during pregnancy and during lactation. Elderly people are prescribed with caution.

Instructions for applying Dimeksid

According to the description, the Dimexide is used to be accepted, in the form of aqueous solutions for compresses and tampons.

The compress from Domexide is imposed on the affected areas, mint:

  • In the treatment of grinding inflammation and trophic ulcers - in the form of a 30-50% solution. Each lap procedure, 2-3 times a day;
  • With pus skin diseases - in the form of a 40% solution;
  • With eczema, diffuse streptoderms - in the form of 40-90% solution;
  • In the treatment of deep burns - in the form of a 20-30% solution. In this case, the dose can be 500 ml.

For local anesthesia is used in the form of a 25-50% solution. Each procedure - LAM 2-3 times a day.

In the leather-plastic surgery, dimexide is used immediately after the operation and under the next days to a resistant graft enrollment as an armband with a 20-30% transplant solution.

Purulent-necrotic and inflammatory foci and cavity are washed with less concentrated solutions. With postoperative purulent complications caused by a cinema stick or staphylococcus, the compress of dimexide is applied to ventilated wounds.

Side effects of Dimeksida

According to the reviews, Dimeksid is usually transferred quite well. Sometimes allergic reactions, itching, redness, dizziness, insomnia or muscle weakness occur. With a bad perception of the drug in some cases, dry skin, nausea or bronchospasm can be observed.

Before applying Dimexide, it is necessary to test for portability. For this, the solution of the desired concentration is applied to the skin moistened with a cotton swab. The appearance of severe redness or itching speaks about hypersensitivity to Dimeksida.

Also, when applying the drug, it should be considered that it increases the absorption of ethanol, insulin and some other medicines. In complex therapy in the treatment of osteoarthrosis and rheumatic arthritis, dimexide can be used in combination with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents.

According to the description, various allergic reactions may occur in overdose, such as urticaria, itching or swelling. In these cases, rinse damaged place and remove the drug.

If the drug is hit on the mucous membranes or in the eye, it is necessary to rinse with plenty of water and consult a doctor.

According to the reviews, Dimeksid may cause dizziness and reduction of motor activity, therefore, to control the vehicle when applying the drug should be careful.

Storage conditions

Dimexide is released without a recipe. Store in a place protected from light 2 years.

Dimexide 100ml vial

Domexide concentrate for solution 100 ml

Domexide concentrate 100 ml

Information about the preparation is generalized, provided for informational purposes and does not replace official instructions. Self-health is dangerous to health!

The states in which the Dimeksid is effective are listed in the chapter "Indications for the use of Dimeksid".

Can I do compresses with Dimeksid and is there a chance to disappear cones?

You can try compresses with dimexide.

Can I do compresses with Dimeksid and is there a chance to disappear cones?

it is very good to apply a sheet of cabbage on a bump, personal experience - applied at night. But to make a piece of cabbage firmly

If the swelling and rash appeared at the type of domexide, then its application should be suspended and consult about further with the attending physician.

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American scientists conducted experiments on mice and concluded that watermelon juice prevents the development of the atherosclerosis of the vessels. One group of mice saws ordinary water, and the second is watermelon juice. As a result of the second group vessels were free from cholesterol plaques.

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Caries is the most common infection In the world, compete with which even the flu can not.

According to many scientists, vitamin complexes are practically useless for humans.

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The well-known drug "Viagra" was originally developed for the treatment of arterial hypertension.

The four slices of dark chocolate contains about two hundred calories. So if you do not want to recover, it is better not more than two poles per day.

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A 74-year-old resident of Australia James Harrison became a blood donor about 1000 times. He has a rare blood type, which helps to survive newborns with severe anemia. Thus, Australian saved about two million children.

According to research, women drinking several glasses of beer or wine per week, have an increased risk to get breast cancer.

The average life expectancy of the left less than right-handers.

Do you know the situation when the child is like a few days in the garden, and then 2-3 weeks sick at home? Everything is worse if the kid suffers from allergies.

Mask with hair domexide: is it useful or dangerous?

Medical preparation that effectively penetrates the tissue deep into and transfers with it all useful components is a dimexide. Thanks to its property, it is used quite often in cosmetology.

Also, dimexide is the constituent drugs for the treatment of baldness and stimulants of hair growth. The use of this drug in masks prepared at home is also very effective. But in order not to harm hair, you should know the basic rules for its use.

For the best penetration of useful components in hair masks add dimexide. As a result, the hair growth is enhanced, they are also moisturized, and their saturation is saturated with vitamins. The drug can be purchased in each pharmacy, like many other ingredients of masks.

The benefits and harm of Dimekside

Dimexide, as an element of the drug for the rehabilitation of the hair condition, improves the inflow of blood to the tissues and promotes cell regeneration. The tool is used quite often in combination with oils or water. That is how it is very well divorced, and in cosmetic equipment does not apply independently.

Since the use of substances in the skin of the head is activated using Dimekside, then the hair becomes much stronger and look much reconciled. Also restored damaged tips, and hair growth is enhanced. Dimexide is an excellent addition to other ingredients for hair care products.

Despite all the benefits that the drug is capable of rendering, there is also the reverse side of the medal. Dimexide conducts not only useful, but also harmful trace elements.

The hair suffers daily from many factors. The negative effects of dust, dirt and other substances affects the hair negatively. Therefore, when applying a mask, the component of which there is a dimexide, the unwanted elements penetrate, which leads to the consequences.

The effectiveness of Dimeksid in the treatment of hair loss is noted when the appearance of problems lies in the effects of environmental factors. But if the cause is the disease or lack of beneficial substances in the body (vitamins and trace elements), then treatment will be treated in a complex with other drugs and procedures appointed by a qualified physician.

There are a number of moments that need to be taken into account when using Dimeksid-based masks.

  1. Use the drug only in a diluted form. It may be water, basic and fatty oils.
  2. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the instruction, so as not to exceed the proportion of dimexide. This will help avoid burns.
  3. Since the drug has a property to transfer harmful items, before applying a mask on the hair, you need to thoroughly wash them. Use the conditioner or the rinser should not. Apply a mask only on dry hair.
  4. During the mixing of all the ingredients for the mask, it is important to mix very well all that the dimexide cannot get into the skin in its pure form. The undefected drug is able to burn the scalp. Therefore, if it is sensible items or burning - the use of the drug is immediately stopped.
  5. During the application and cooking mask for hair, hands must be protected by gloves.
  6. Apply the drug is not desirable for the night.

The course, aimed at the treatment and restoration of weakened, damaged, drop-down and lifeless hair should consist of ten, no more, procedures. One procedure is done once a week. The course can be repeated after four months if there is a serious need.

Verified Mask Recipes

The most common hair masks with therapeutic effect are considered as follows:

Mask for active hair growth

In order to make a mask based on Dimeksid, you need to mix 2 tsp. Dimeksida, 2 ppm Lemon juice. Add to 2 tsp. Vitamin A and E in oil solutions. Intense massage movements in the roots of the hair must be labeled the mask and withstand.

After the time expires, the mask is washed off with a shampoo. A full-fledged medical course should consist of 8 procedures for 2 months.

Domexide in mask for damaged and depleted hair

Vitamins A, E and B6 in the form of oil solutions (1 tbsp) are mixed with 1 tbsp. Dimekside, 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. Castor and 1 tbsp. Tying oils. Very well mixing all the necessary components of the mask, it is applied to the washed, dry hair and are covered with thermal compress.

On hair, the healing agent must be kept for 1-2 hours. With severe damage to the hair structure, the mask is used for 2-3 months one time per week.

Intense growth due to Dimeksida

Sea buckthorn oil in the amount of 3 tbsp. Preheat, then 1 tbsp. l. Domexide. Apply to the washed dry hair and insulate. After 2 hours, the hair was washed with shampoo.

Hair loss mask

Hair for hair will require mixing of such ingredients: 1 tsp. Vitamin A and E (Oil Solution), 1 tsp. Oils (refinery and castor), 1 tsp Domexide. Essential oil is also added in the amount of 4-5 drops.

The resulting mixture is applied only on the roots of the hair. Warm polyethylene and towel. Leave for 30 minutes, then wash off with shampoo.


Despite the many positive reviews about the drug, you should not forget that there is a number of contraindications. It is necessary to refuse to apply masks with Dimeksid to those people who have insufficient kidney or liver. Also:

  • if the cataract or glaucoma is diagnosed;
  • suffered stroke or infarction, as well as pronounced atherosclerosis;
  • children use the drug is categorically prohibited;
  • pharmacy tool is contraindicated to people who suffer from endocrine system disorders and diabetes.

Apply in medicinal hair masks Dimexide can not be pregnant and nursing women. The appearance of adverse reactions of the drug: contact dermatitis, allergic reactions, skin drying and, in rare cases, bronchospasm.

Dimexide has a not very pleasant smell. Also, a weakly pronounced burning sensation can be felt, but much weaker than with the use of mustard mask. Thus, knowing all the beneficial properties of Dimekside and all its negative sides, you can use the preparation for the treatment of hair without extreme feet.

The main thing is to adhere to the instructions and your hair will shine a healthy gloss, get fixed and will be much thicker!


Prices in Internet pharmacies:

Dimexide is a drug that is widely used as anti-inflammatory and anesthetics. It is used locally to relieve symptoms of inflammation, as well as for the treatment of some other diseases, mostly affecting the musculoskeletal system.

The active ingredient of Dimekside - dimethyl sulfoxide is a colorless liquid of a viscous consistency. As a medicinal product, it is produced in the form of aqueous solutions (10-50%) and a colorless or yellowish transparent gel with a characteristic spa odor. The substance is also often used as part of various ointments.

Pharmacological action Dimeksida

Dimexide has a kind of oily liquid with a yellowish tinge and a weak odor, something remotely resembling garlic. Studies of the properties of Dimexide, reviews this confirm, showed that the substance has a truly unique ability to easily penetrate the bloodstream through intact skin. Already a few minutes after applying a small amount of the means on the skin, the air exhaled by man acquires garlic smell. And after five to six minutes in the blood, the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide molecules can be detected. The maximum concentration of the substance in the blood plasma is observed in approximately 2-8 hours and gradually falls during the followers.

Another equally important feature of dimethyl sulfoxide is that this substance is an excellent solvent: it can dissolve various in its chemical structure and the origin of the substance, including antibiotics, salts, alkaloids, hormones, citostatic drugs and vitamins. In addition, it significantly accelerates the transdermal penetration of a wide variety of compounds, while at the same time the effect on their composition and pharmacological properties: the use of dimexide compresses makes it easier to penetrate heparin during thrombophlebitis, glucocorticoids with eczema, antimicrobial agents in the treatment of diseases such as furunculosis or erysipelas etc.

In this case, the combination of dimexide with other biologically active substances contributes to strengthening the action of the latter. This is due to the fact that they are used in the form of applications, they penetrate the blood much faster than if the path through the organs of the digestive system were passed. The use of dimexide as a highly efficient solvent for the preparation of transdermal drugs not only improves the permeability indicators of other biologically active ingredients, but in some cases it allows us to reduce their concentration and, accordingly, the load on the body as a whole. Adding to prednisone ointment of dimexide in an amount equal to 20% of the volume of ointments, it allows to reduce 8-10 times the recommended therapeutic dose of prednisolone, and without a decrease in the therapeutic effect.

Reviews of Dimexide are confirmed by the fact that its use in a complex with other drugs allows you to more economically spend expensive drugs, as well as by reducing the concentration of their active substance prevents the development of undesirable adverse reactions.

Indications for use

Since, according to the instructions, Dimeksid acts as a local anesthetic, relieves signs of inflammation, has antimicrobial (or, in other words, antiseptic), antipyretic and thrombolytic effect, is actively used to treat a rather wide circle. various diseases.

Dimexide compresses make it possible to effectively treat the diseases of the musculoskeletal system and inflammatory lesions of the skin (thrombophlebitis, purulent wounds, acne, burns, grinding inflammation, etc.).

Dimexide contributes to the acceleration of healing processes and returns pharmacological activity even to those antibiotics to which the microbes are already resilient. In addition, the drug increases the resistance of the organism to low temperatures and radioactive irradiation. Reviews about Dimexide, compiled on the basis of research, which more than thirty years ago conducted a research institute of rheumatology, indicate that to this day the drug remains one of the most effective means allowing to deal with the contractures of the joints (that is, their tug excit The result of the inflammatory process). When applied to the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bdamage to the disease, it removes inflammation from the surrounding soft tissues and muscles.

Dimexide is prescribed as part of complex therapy with rheumatoid arthritis, deforming osteoarthritis, reactive synot, ankylosing spondyloarthritis, etc. It is also effective at:

In the leather-plastic surgery, Dimeksid is used to preserve the skin homotransplants.


Dimexide instruction prohibits the use of the drug:

  • People S. increased sensitivity to him;
  • With the heavy form of hepatic and / or renal failure;
  • Atherosclerosis in pronounced form;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Cataract;
  • Angina;
  • Myocardial infarction.

It is also not prescribed to patients and women in the periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding periods.

Method of application and dosage

Compresses with Dimeksid are recommended to do once a day. The duration of each procedure, as a rule, ranges from 20 to 30 minutes. The solution is bred in proportion 50/50, wetting a gauze cut in it and impose on an affected area of \u200b\u200bthe body. If we are talking about sensitive skin (for example, faces) solution must be made weaker (the drug is bred in proportions 1:10, 1: 5 or 1: 3). This means also allowed to be processed by purulent necrotic and inflammatory foci and cavity. On top of the marlevary napkin, plastic film is applied and above the cut of linen or cotton fabric.

The course of treatment is usually from 10 to 15 days.

Application for hair

Despite the fact that the drug is primarily a drug, it is often used in cosmetology, due to the same ability to transport with them other biologically active substances.

Dimekside is included in a large amount of funds from baldness and contributing to growth and strengthening hair.

At home, dimexide for hair is used in the form of masks. One of the most popular is a mask, for the preparation of which is mixed along a teaspoon of castor, refinery, vitamins A and E, as well as one egg yolk. Then the resulting mixture is heated and 1 h is introduced into it. Vitamin B6 and a third of the teaspoon of dimexide.

Usually max for hair with Dimeksid are applied for an hour. Mandatory condition - hair must be clean and dry.

Domexide conc. D / Rr outer. 100ml

Dimexide 100ml vial

Dimexide 100ml Fl. / TatchimFarPreparations /

Domexide concentrate for solution 100 ml

Domexide concentrate for solution 100 ml

Domexide concentrate for a solution 100ml FL

Domexide concentrate 100 ml

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Symptoms and treatment of poisoning Domexide

Dimexide is a drug for local application. It is used to treat various diseases of the joints, skin, ligaments and bones. It has antimicrobial, antiseptic and painkillers. The poisoning of Dimeksid can develop with incorrectly or long use. In this article, we looked at the symptoms that this state manifests itself, the method of providing first aid and treatment.

Description of the drug

Dimexide is produced in the form of an aqueous solution, sold in bottles of 50 or 100 ml. This preparation is realized without a medical recipe.

This drug is intended only for local applications. Drink and swallow it is strictly prohibited.

When applied to the skin, the medicine acts not only locally, but also sucking, falls into the bloodstream. Before starting treatment, this drug should consult with the attending doctor.

The effect of the drug

Domexide has a complex influence on the pathological hearth. When applied to the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe body, it has the following influence:

  • removes pain syndrome. This drug is used as a local anesthetic;
  • reduces the severity of the inflammatory response;
  • destroys pathogenic microorganisms that caused an inflammatory response;
  • makes resistant bacteria sensitive to antibacterial therapy.

Dimexide is quickly absorbed and able to act not only on the surface of the skin, but also in the joints, bones, tendons and bundles. Based on this drug, compresses with antibiotics, steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs are often made.

Doctors call the Dimexide "conductor". If you need to contribute to the penetration into the subcutaneous layers of some kind of drug, it is used with Dimeksid.


Dimexide is widely used in modern medicine for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • bekhterev's disease;
  • tension of the ligament apparatus of joints;
  • arthrosis and arthritis of various etiology;
  • traumatic infiltrates;
  • bruises;
  • abscesses and phlegmons;
  • purulent wounds;
  • furunkula and Carbuncules;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • trophic ulcers.


Dimexide, absorbed into the blood, has an impact on the entire body. It is categorically impossible to apply when:

  • acute or chronic renal failure;
  • allergic intolerance to the drug or its components;
  • ischemic heart disease in the form of angina, myocardial ischemia;
  • increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma, cataract;
  • disturbed patient consciousness, comatose;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • childhood up to 12 years old.

Poisoning drug

The poisoning of Dimeksid can develop due to the incorrect application or carrying out long-term treatment. Also in the risk group are people who have decided to engage in self-medication.

Upon local use of Domexide, overdose is developing extremely rare. It may occur in the case of the use of the drug the drug inside.

The child can poison the medicine, accidentally filing a bottle. Children love to try everything to taste, so everyone without exception drugs should be stored in inaccessible places for them.

In case of overdose, the drug may develop an acute allergic reaction. Most often it proceeds in the form of urticaria. The patient appears red ductile rashes. For such a rash, a strong itch is characteristic.

In rare cases, a more pronounced allergic reaction is developing - in the form of angioedema swelling. At the same time, the patient begins to swell their face, especially eyelids and lips. Eveniness can develop in the field of oralogoting, leading to asphyxia and suffocation. The patient begins to cough, feel the lack of air.

What to do with the development of allergies to the drug

With the development of an acute allergic reaction, you must immediately cause an ambulance. Describe the patient's status and correctly name the address. During the expectation of doctors, you need to begin to independently have the victim first aid. Below are its main components:

  1. Carefully wash off the leather remnants of the drug.
  2. Open the room in which the patient is located, the window, and make sure that no elements of the clothes interfere with it to breathe.
  3. If there is antihistamine (anti-allergic) drugs in your home aid kit, let them drink them to the patient. It is necessary to clearly follow the dosage rules specified in the instructions,
  4. If poisoning developed due to the adoption of the drug inside, you need to give a poisoning person to drink several glasses of water and then provoke vomit. Then the patient should be taken as a sorbent, for example, activated carbon, or enterosgel.

A ambulance team, arriving at the challenge, examines the patient, and will determine the severity of his condition. During the swelling, the following drugs are introduced intravenously:

  • antihistamines, for example, Dimedrol or Suprastin.
  • corticosteroids - dexamethasone or prednisone.

If after the injected drugs, the patient's condition has not improved, it will be taken to the nearest duty hospital in the therapy separation.

Side effects of Dimeksida

The drug Dimexide may cause the development of side effects. They may occur even with the right use of the drug. The side effects of Dimeksid include the following states:

  • dizziness;
  • itching and redness of the skin;
  • sleep disorder, insomnia;
  • diarrhea;
  • total lethargy, fatigue, weakness;
  • bronchospasm;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • abdominal pain.

When the above symptoms, it is necessary to immediately stop the use of the drug. Then you need to wash it off from the skin and contact your attending physician.

Most of these symptoms are held after the termination of the drug. The attending physician will appoint you another medicine.

Dimexide is widely used to treat inflammatory diseases of the joints and skin. Before you begin to use, you must consult with your doctor. Under the overdose of this medicine, the development of allergies in the form of urticaria or angioedema swelling of quinque is possible. When developing an acute allergic reaction, an ambulance should be called and take an antihistamine drug.

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All information on OTRAVLENYE.RU.ru is intended only for familiarization and is not instructions for action.

To obtain medical care, we strongly recommend consulting a doctor.

Briefly: We regularly write people who have to Drinking at work: with the authorities, at the negotiations, corporate countries, and so on. We offer an effective way of psychological training that will allow you to do not make mistakes.

Psychological preparation for the feast

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Psychological training should begin a day before the upcoming booze and repeat after 12 hours.

Essentially the so-called "ability to drink" consists in following the alcohol treatment regimen, which you installed in advance for yourself, in compliance with the framework of your alcohol consumption rate. The following are several simple techniques that will allow you to stop in time. Tune in advance to perceive the drinking not as pleasure, but a forced measure.

A few hours before the start of the feast, imagine, preferably in the form of visual images from the side, how the sequence of changes in its own appearance, behavior and speech as the dose of alcohol increases. Place them on a mental scale from left to right - from the first dose reception until you are "turn off", that is, you lose consciousness or light. Holding a few such pictures in the head, mentally overburst them in the reverse order, right to left, until you get to the condition you evaluate as an acceptable one.

Once again, move away for one position to the right and left from the chosen, and compare what they differ for you in the moral and physical sense. Selected position should be located on your mental scale between the states "still you can" and "it is already impossible." Realizing that you are in the desired corridor, remember this state first from the side, and then internally: imagine what and how you think about what you say, as you react to others, and what is your well-being at this time. Calculate the number of control points to the selected state and remember how much it will be drunk at each such point, as well as how often you will drink.

When the feast starts, remember the control points, compare your state with the planned. If necessary, adjust the speed with which you drink. Drinking another wineglass, be sure to remember the proper parameters for the next control point. As soon as you understand that you are in the penultimate checkpoint and the following state will be extremely right among the acceptable, stop drinking.

Additional special preparation measures before the start of the feast

12 hours before the start: A visit to a solarium or a tan in the open air. Cyclic 1 - 1.5 hours (running, skiing, running or exercise bike).

4-3 hours before the start: intravenous administration of 2-4 ampoules (50 mg of the active substance each) pyridoxine per 200 ml of saline, calculating the termination of the introduction 2-2.5 hours before the start of alcohol reception. An even more effective will be intravenous administration on the physical (drip slow) of mexidol at a dose of 250 mg of the active substance.

2 hours: High siphon enema.

1 hour: With the complete unpredictability of the upcoming doses of alcohol reception in serious situations, it is possible to advise the preventive reception of ethyl bi-biennzimidazole (sold under the name " metaprot"Previously been available as" Bemitil "and" Bemektor "). Dose - 500 mg (2 tablets at the same time). Maximum action of the drug (3 hours from the moment of reception) in this case approximately coincides with the middle of the feast, as a rule, ongoing 4-5 hours.

0 hours: Mentally reproduce the well-thought out in advance of intoxication and start mentally counting the control points.

Why does Dimekside protect against intoxication

There are a number interesting information About the alkoprotective and criticizing the microindose of local irritating substances, in conventional doses of increasing the permeability of biological barriers. So, dichlorodiethyl sulfide, known for everyone from the school course NVP called "Iprit" - a combat poisoning substance of the skin-disruptive action - has a toxicity threshold of 0.05 mg * min / l.

It is curious that at about 20-30 times the smaller doses of this substance, with inhalation, reduce both the rate of intoxication and the severity of previously inconsision, especially in terms of the impact on the behavior and the ability to perform intellectual actions.

A similar situation is observed in relation to the incapacitated poisoning substance, combat psychotomimetics of Hinuklidyl-benzite, known to Soviet schoolchildren called "BZ" ("Bi-Zed"). These substances are practically unavailable, but if necessary, you can try to take advantage of sold in almost any Russian pharmacy and legally used in rheumatology, traumatology, dermatology and cosmetology medicine dimeksid (dimethyl sulfoxide). According to its chemical structure and properties, it has an explicit similarity with Iprit, but much less poisonous.

How to apply dimexide against intoxication

In the official description of the drug it is reported that Dimeksid sensitizes the body to the means for general anesthesia (anesthesia), and enhances the absorption and effect of ethanol. Speech, of course, goes about therapeutic doses, but by analogy with the iprite, smaller (about 10 times) the dose will be an alkoprotective effect.

Due to the sharp smell, it is not recommended to apply the drug on the skin in front of the feast, however, you can dilute a standard solution with water, to impregnate a piece of bandage or wool, and then put the latter in a tightly closed bottle. The contents of this bottle can be sniffed by entering outdoor air (for example, reflecting on the need to call, or take the call) or to the restroom. Such a trick will really help for some time to drink and not drunk.

If you feel that it's too unnecessary inxicane, but you urgently need to restore the relative sobriety of thinking and perception (at least for a time) - then apply effective measures to run, listed in a separate article recommended by a toxicologist and helping to quickly sober up in home Conditions.

It is difficult to keep in the framework of its norm when he has already started drinking. That is why psychological training should be started in advance. Read our article about why a drunken person forgets about his own promises and generally behaves not as usual, why the next morning is ashamed of yesterday, and what is being intoxicated in men and women.

The article was updated last time: 05/22/2019

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Easily dissolved in water and alcohol. At temperatures below 16 degrees crystallizes.

Dimexide by 99% or 100% consists of a substance called dimethyl sulfoxide. The properties of 100% and 99% of drugs are practically no different.

Dimexide is produced in several forms:

1. Liquid concentrate in dark glass bottles of 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, and 120 ml. From concentrate by dilution, solutions are prepared for direct use.

Domexide Zhf (Zhytomyr Pharmaceutical Factory) and Dimekside Lugan (Lugansk HFZ) are no different from simply Dimekside.

2. Domexide gel 25% and 50% in aluminum 40 gram tubes.

3. SPOLIS-D Candles: propolis and dimexide are included in their composition. These substances with co-use enhance each other's drug properties. Candles are used both intravaginal (in the vagina, during gynecological diseases), and rectally (for the treatment of hemorrhoids). Candles only with Dimeksid is not available.

4. Dimexide ointment contains from 30% to 70% of the actual dimexide. In addition, the composition of the Mazi includes the gel of polyethylene oxide 1500 and the emulsifier (auxiliary substance). There is also an ointment of domexide based on mink oil.

Dimexide is a topological and anti-inflammatory agent. On bacteria, it acts a destructive way. But the most valuable for medicine is the property of Dimeksida is its ability to easily and quickly penetrate the tissues through the skin and mucous membranes. At the same time, he carries with him those substances that are dissolved in it, "transports" them to the hearth inflammation.

I find out at a distance

This preparation faced in his life often. But the memories of it are not only positive. Of course it is widely used. For example, my mother uses it like this: it mixes several drugs Dimexide, Diprosspan, novocaine in certain proportions and makes compresses when aggravating the bursita (inflammation of the near-handing bag). I was appointed in a diluted form as a compress on the wrist, when I was sick and neomot.

It always helps well, but the smell is horror. As we had such a case in our family: Dimeksid was divided into a tea cup and left on the kitchen table, and the sister had wanted to drink at night and went to the kitchen. Seeing the mug on the table without hesitation drank out of it. He stopped only when she realized that she was not at all water, but by that time a lot had already drank. The smell of Dimekside from her after that came out for several days, although it seemed nothing bad with her did not happen. But since then she has a personal hostility to him, and we are hard to carry the smell of the drug. Although a very effective drug.

Symptoms and treatment of poisoning Domexide

Dimexide is a drug for local application. It is used to treat various diseases of the joints, skin, ligaments and bones. It has antimicrobial, antiseptic and painkillers. The poisoning of Dimeksid can develop with incorrectly or long use. In this article, we looked at the symptoms that this state manifests itself, the method of providing first aid and treatment.

Description of the drug

Dimexide is produced in the form of an aqueous solution, sold in bottles of 50 or 100 ml. This preparation is realized without a medical recipe.

This drug is intended only for local applications. Drink and swallow it is strictly prohibited.

When applied to the skin, the medicine acts not only locally, but also sucking, falls into the bloodstream. Before starting treatment, this drug should consult with the attending doctor.

The effect of the drug

Domexide has a complex influence on the pathological hearth. When applied to the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe body, it has the following influence:

  • removes pain syndrome. This drug is used as a local anesthetic;
  • reduces the severity of the inflammatory response;
  • destroys pathogenic microorganisms that caused an inflammatory response;
  • makes resistant bacteria sensitive to antibacterial therapy.

Dimexide is quickly absorbed and able to act not only on the surface of the skin, but also in the joints, bones, tendons and bundles. Based on this drug, compresses with antibiotics, steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs are often made.

Doctors call the Dimexide "conductor". If you need to contribute to the penetration into the subcutaneous layers of some kind of drug, it is used with Dimeksid.


Dimexide is widely used in modern medicine for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • bekhterev's disease;
  • tension of the ligament apparatus of joints;
  • arthrosis and arthritis of various etiology;
  • traumatic infiltrates;
  • bruises;
  • abscesses and phlegmons;
  • purulent wounds;
  • furunkula and Carbuncules;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • trophic ulcers.


Dimexide, absorbed into the blood, has an impact on the entire body. It is categorically impossible to apply when:

  • acute or chronic renal failure;
  • allergic intolerance to the drug or its components;
  • ischemic heart disease in the form of angina, myocardial ischemia;
  • increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma, cataract;
  • disturbed patient consciousness, comatose;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • childhood up to 12 years old.

Poisoning drug

The poisoning of Dimeksid can develop due to the incorrect application or carrying out long-term treatment. Also in the risk group are people who have decided to engage in self-medication.

Upon local use of Domexide, overdose is developing extremely rare. It may occur in the case of the use of the drug the drug inside.

The child can poison the medicine, accidentally filing a bottle. Children love to try everything to taste, so everyone without exception drugs should be stored in inaccessible places for them.

In case of overdose, the drug may develop an acute allergic reaction. Most often it proceeds in the form of urticaria. The patient appears red ductile rashes. For such a rash, a strong itch is characteristic.

In rare cases, a more pronounced allergic reaction is developing - in the form of angioedema swelling. At the same time, the patient begins to swell their face, especially eyelids and lips. Eveniness can develop in the field of oralogoting, leading to asphyxia and suffocation. The patient begins to cough, feel the lack of air.

What to do with the development of allergies to the drug

With the development of an acute allergic reaction, you must immediately cause an ambulance. Describe the patient's status and correctly name the address. During the expectation of doctors, you need to begin to independently have the victim first aid. Below are its main components:

  1. Carefully wash off the leather remnants of the drug.
  2. Open the room in which the patient is located, the window, and make sure that no elements of the clothes interfere with it to breathe.
  3. If there is antihistamine (anti-allergic) drugs in your home aid kit, let them drink them to the patient. It is necessary to clearly follow the dosage rules specified in the instructions,
  4. If poisoning developed due to the adoption of the drug inside, you need to give a poisoning person to drink several glasses of water and then provoke vomit. Then the patient should be taken as a sorbent, for example, activated carbon, or enterosgel.

A ambulance team, arriving at the challenge, examines the patient, and will determine the severity of his condition. During the swelling, the following drugs are introduced intravenously:

  • antihistamines, for example, Dimedrol or Suprastin.
  • corticosteroids - dexamethasone or prednisone.

If after the injected drugs, the patient's condition has not improved, it will be taken to the nearest duty hospital in the therapy separation.

Side effects of Dimeksida

The drug Dimexide may cause the development of side effects. They may occur even with the right use of the drug. The side effects of Dimeksid include the following states:

  • dizziness;
  • itching and redness of the skin;
  • sleep disorder, insomnia;
  • diarrhea;
  • total lethargy, fatigue, weakness;
  • bronchospasm;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • abdominal pain.

When the above symptoms, it is necessary to immediately stop the use of the drug. Then you need to wash it off from the skin and contact your attending physician.

Most of these symptoms are held after the termination of the drug. The attending physician will appoint you another medicine.

Dimexide is widely used to treat inflammatory diseases of the joints and skin. Before you begin to use, you must consult with your doctor. Under the overdose of this medicine, the development of allergies in the form of urticaria or angioedema swelling of quinque is possible. When developing an acute allergic reaction, an ambulance should be called and take an antihistamine drug.

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All information on OTRAVLENYE.RU.ru is intended only for familiarization and is not instructions for action.

To obtain medical care, we strongly recommend consulting a doctor.



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Domexide - Description and Application at home

The basis for "miracle-tinctures"

IN last years On the shelves of the pharmacies, many medical agents made on the basis of folk recipes appeared. These are all sorts of balms and tinctures for indoor and outdoor use, ointments and creams, aromatic essential oils. However, there are still in service with physicians and undeservedly subsided, but fairly effective drugs tested by not one dozen years of medical practice. In such truly unique drugs include Dimeksid.

Description and properties of Dimekside

This is a slightly yellowish oily oil liquid with a weak smell resembling garlic (chemically pure bloodless drug and almost does not smell). The total name of the substance is dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), it was synthesized in 1866 A.M. Zaitsev, student of the great chemist A.M. Butlerova. But, as often, only after 100 years, the Chemists also paid attention to the DMSO, and then doctors.

In the course of numerous studies, the amazing ability of dimethyl sulfoxide was found to penetrate the blood and human body through intact skin. Already a few minutes after rubbing a small amount of Dimexide in any section of the skin, exhaled air begins slightly smelling garlic. 5-6 minutes after applying to the skin in the blood, the presence of DMSO molecules is detected. The maximum blood concentration is created after 4-6 hours and slowly decreases during the accumulation.

But that's not all! In the Middle Ages, Dimeksid, no doubt, could paint the "alkagestom" - a super-solvent, searching for whom alchemists were passionate about no less than turning lead into gold. And this is not an exaggeration.

Dimethyl sulfoxide perfectly dissolves the most different substances on the origin and chemical structure: antibiotics, hormones, salts, alkaloids, cytostatics, vitamins. And besides, sharply accelerates the penetration through the skin of a set of compounds, without changing their properties (for example, iodine, heparin, glucose, hydrocortisone, penicillin, diclofenac, complex biologically active complexes of medicinal plants).

Due to the powerful improvement in the permeability of drugs through the skin concentration contained in various ointments, rubbing, it is possible to reduce several times! So, it was proved that if in prednisone ointment to introduce about 20% DMSO, then the concentration of prednisone (without reducing therapeutic effect) can be reduced by 8-10 times! This means not only the substantial savings of expensive drugs, but also a sharp decline in the risk of undesirable side effects in the treatment of patients.

The dimethyl sulfoxide tincture is shown in the intolerance of alcohol, contraindications for treatment with alcohol-containing liquids (alcoholism). Wonderful and the fact that the domexide with ordinary dosages is almost toxic no more than the salty salt!

In its pure form, dimexide is used to treat a wide range of diseases. It has strong anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antimicrobial, antifungal properties. In the form of 30-50% solutions, it is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, bruises and tensile ligaments, mosites, traumatic infiltrates). As well as inflammatory diseases Skin (furunculese, grinding inflammation, purulent wounds, burns, thrombophlebitis).

Dimexide accelerates wound healing and returns the activity of antibiotics in cases where the microbes have already developed stability, increases the body's stability to the action of low temperatures and radioactive irradiation.

As a result of research conducted in the Research Institute of Rheumatology more than 30 years ago, it turned out that Dimeksid is one of the best funds in the treatment of the contractures of the joints - tug excitations developing as a result of inflammatory! process.

Applied to the skin in the region of inflamed joints and easily penetrating inside, the DMSO removes the inflammation of the eye-blind soft tissues, muscles.

The purified drug showed good results in the secondary amyloidosis of the kidneys - the heavy complication of rheumatoid arthritis, accompanied by the deposition of an insoluble protein in the kidneys. In this case, the dimexide was appointed inward, diluted by distilled water of the body (1 tbsp. Spoon 2-3 times a day after meals).

In the same form, the drug was used after irradiation of the small pelvis organs, the rectum (due to the treatment of malignant neoplasms). This allows you to remove the reactive inflammation of the tissues after radioactive exposure and protect healthy cells.

Due to the special structure of the dimethyl sulfoxide molecule, it can be successfully used for electrophoresis.

According to Professor I.E. Orange, DMSO does not violate the pharmacological activity of the substances transported to them. It helps them penetrate deeper into fabrics and in more quantities than with ordinary electrophoresis. Thus, excellent results were obtained in the electrophoresis of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) - 5-10% solution in a 50% solution of dimexide. Analgin (also 5-10% solution) has a pronounced effect under electrophoresis of 25% of the dimexide solution, lidase - and a 16% solution of DMSO.

At home based on dimethyl sulfoxide, we can prepare a mass of tinctures, balms and ointments for the treatment of a wide variety of pathologies. Own healing abilities of Dimexide are summed up and amplified by medicinal plants, allowing you to achieve good results.

Preparation of healing drugs at home.

At home based on Domexide, tinctures, balms and ointments can be prepared for the treatment of a variety of pathologies, even in severe, launched cases.

For the preparation of tinctures, a pharmaceutical dimexide is used, which, if necessary, is diluted with boiled water to a concentration of 30-70%.

The concentration depends on the amount of biologically active compounds insoluble in water. The larger in the raw materials of essential oils, the resins, the higher the DMSO concentration should be. For example, propolis extract is prepared on pure Dimekside (finely american propolis insists in proportions 1: 5 for 2 weeks).

Also made extracts from the kidneys of the poplar and pine. At 50-70%, DMSO is preparing tincture from the kora of aspen and the flashes, the ointment of the roots of the burdock, the opponent - with the addition of 25-30% of the domexide.

Based on 25-30% of diaxide solutions, you can prepare the chamomile tinctures of the pharmacy, the Toll, the viscous, sage of the drug, Hypericum, the Cabin, and many other medicinal plants.

All such tinctures are mainly used externally. For a better absorption effect in the blood of active ingredients, it is advisable to pre-achieve a common light sweating, for which exercise, sauna, are perfectly suitable. After that, you need to quickly wipe the sweat, apply the therapeutic tincture on the skin, slightly launched (compresses not to use!).

If you do this procedure not yourself, and someone else, you need to wear rubber gloves to protect your own skin.

Dimexide instructions for the drug:

Latin title of the drug Dimexide: Dimexid

Pharmacological group

Nonological Classification (ICD-10)

Lesions of lumbosacral plexus

Chronic rhinitis, nico-pharyngitis and pharyngitis

Skin and subcutaneous infection

TransPidermal trimming changes

Abscess shell tendon

Other infectious tendosinovites

Abscess synovial bag

Other infectious bursites

Injuries of the unspecified part of the body, limb or body area

Surface injury of unspecified body area

Thermal and chemical burns of unspecified localization

Post-traumatic wound infection, not classified in other categories

1 The bottle-dropper of orange glass contains 25 ml of dimethyl sulfoxide in understed; In a cardboard pack 1 bottle of dropper.

Colorless transparent liquid of a weak specific smell, crystallizing at temperatures below 16 ° C. Hygroscopic. Soluble in water and alcohol.

pharmachologic effect Pharmacological action - antimicrobial, topless, anti-inflammatory.

Indications of drug Dimeksid

Ears, tensile ligaments, inflammatory swelling, purulent wounds, burns, arthritis, radiculitis, face, eczema, trophic ulcers, mouthful skin diseases.

Hepatic insufficiency, angina, pronounced atherosclerosis, glaucoma, cataract, stroke, coma, myocardial infarction.

Application during pregnancy and breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Externally (applications, irrigation). Apply 1 time per day (at 20-30 minutes) on the affected areas gauze wipes moistened with diluted (1: 1) solution. For the skin of the face and other highly sensitive areas, more divorced (1:10, 1: 5, 1: 3) solutions are used (these solutions can be fused purulent-necrotic and inflammatory foci and cavity). On top of the napkin plastic film and cotton or linen fabric are superimposed. Course - 10-15 days. The conditions for storing the drug Domexide with dry, protected from light place. In an inaccessible place for children.

Conditions for the storage of drug Dimeksid

In a dry, protected from light place.

Keep out of the reach of children.

The shelf life of the drug Dimeksid

Of course, like any drug, Dimexide has its own contraindications to use: angina, pronounced atherosclerosis, glaucoma, cataract, fresh myocardial infarction and stroke, severe liver and kidney disease, as well as pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

In some cases, the drug may cause allergic reactions, nausea, and in the application site - redness and itching of the skin.

How to breed Dimeksid?

The liquid concentrate of dimexide before use should be drained to water to obtain a solution of the desired concentration. Untreated concentrate causes a chemical skin burn. Most often, the dimexide is divorced by water in a ratio of 1: 3 or 1: 4 (one part of the dimexide, 3 or 4 parts of the water).

But sometimes the doctor prescribes for treatment and other dilutions of Domexide. Prepare them as follows:

The solutions obtained by diluting the concentrate are used for compresses, applications, tampons and washes (irrigation).

How does Dimekside against intoxication

Briefly: Take a bottle of Dimeksid and periodically breathe his smell to drink longer and not drunk. Such microdoses of dimexide have an alkoprotective and criticized effect.

Why does Dimekside protect against intoxication

There are a number of interesting information about the alkoprotective and criticizing the micro-irritant micro-irritant, in conventional doses of increasing permeability of biological barriers. So, dichlorodiethyl sulfide, known for everyone from the school course NVP called "Iprit" - a combat poisoning substance of the skin-disruptive action - has a toxicity threshold of 0.05 mg * min / l.

It is curious that approximately the ambassador of the smaller doses of this substance, with inhalation, reduce both the rate of intoxication and the severity of previously intoxication, especially in terms of the impact on the behavior and the ability to perform intellectual actions.

A similar situation is observed in relation to the incapacitated poisoning substance, combat psychotomimetics of Hinuklidyl-benzite, known to Soviet schoolchildren called "BZ" ("Bi-Zed"). These substances are practically unavailable, but if necessary, you can try to take advantage of those sold in almost any Russian pharmacy and legally used in rheumatology, traumatology, dermatology and cosmetology drug Dimexide (dimethyl sulfoxide). According to its chemical structure and properties, it has an explicit similarity with Iprit, but much less poisonous.

How to apply dimexide against intoxication

In the official description of the drug it is reported that Dimeksid sensitizes the body to the means for general anesthesia (anesthesia), and enhances the absorption and effect of ethanol. Speech, of course, goes about therapeutic doses, but by analogy with the iprite, smaller (about 10 times) the dose will be an alkoprotective effect.

Do you know how to drink?

Due to the sharp smell, it is not recommended to apply the drug on the skin in front of the feast, however, you can dilute a standard solution with water, to impregnate a piece of bandage or wool, and then put the latter in a tightly closed bottle. The contents of this bottle can be sniffed by entering outdoor air (for example, reflecting on the need to call, or take the call) or to the restroom. Such a trick will really help for some time to drink and not drunk.

If you feel that it's too unnecessary inxicane, but you urgently need to restore the relative sobriety of thinking and perception (at least for a time) - then apply effective measures to run, listed in a separate article recommended by a toxicologist and helping to quickly sober up in home Conditions.

It is difficult to keep in the framework of its norm when he has already started drinking. That is why psychological training should be started in advance. Read our article about why a drunken person forgets about his own promises and generally behaves not as usual, why the next morning is ashamed of yesterday, and what is being intoxicated in men and women.

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  • Check: What is more harmful: vodka or beer?

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It is not surprising that there is no comment! Introducing this responsible worker who was preparing to the corporate: a break at 7 pm - therefore, at 7 am we run on skis! 3 hours before the start - lie under the dropper, in 2 hours - we put the enema. :))) It's not a corporate direct, and some kind of kind!

Professions are different. I saw such workers.

Immediately I say, I do not drink and everyone gets used to no problems, now there is no way in which organizations and with what people you have to work so that you are forced to drink, stupidity. If you show what is confident, no one will be snewing. Well, if you come across the bosses - alcoholics)) and refuse to offend the other non-peculiar brains of people, then I can say driving, or come up with a joke about mother-in-law or wife, but to write instead of juice)) break the stereotypes and ask the rules yet You did not ask you the others!

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Domexide: amazing substance

In 1866, Russian scientist Alexander Zaitsev allocated an unusual and strange chemical compound (dimethyl sulfoxide). This substance had a crystal structure, was without smell, was not toxic, and the taste was similar to garlic. At that time, the hares and imagine could not be that his discovery would cause so many medical disputes in the future and that thousands of research will be held, during which the huge number of patients will occur miraculous healing.

Dimethyl sulfoxide (Dimexide) is an organic compound of sulfur, which was originally used only as an industrial solvent, while in 1963 its medical properties were opened by the research team headed by Dr. Medicine by Jacob.

Dimexide is a by-product of kraft cellulose converting wood into the woody mass, which consists of almost some cellulose fibers. The process is the processing of wood chips with sodium hydroxide and sodium sulphide. It destroys chemical bonds that connect Lignin (from the Latin word lignum, meaning tree) and cellulose.

Domexide molecule 10-sided, with a central sulfur atom. Dimexide contains two methyl groups - an oxygen atom and an unbound pair of electrons.


Dimexide is a rich source of organic sulfur. This is an intermediate product of a global sulfur cycle that distributes a bioavailable sulfur for all animals and plants. When the ocean water rich in salt evaporates, it is oxidized in Domexide. It is then dissolved in atmospheric moisture, captured by clouds and falls on the ground in the form of rain or snow. This mineral, not a metal sulfur compound, is widely found in nature and found in all cells of the body. The sulfur is vital for numerous chemical reactions associated with detoxification of drugs and other harmful toxins. Sulfur compounds have the potential in clinical application In the treatment of a wide variety of diseases such as: depression, fibromyalgia, arthritis, intramane cystitis, sports injuries, stagnant paralysis of the heart, diabetes, cancer and AIDS. Dimexide has about 40 pharmacological properties that can be useful in preventing and treating a variety of diseases.

Garlic is a powerful healing agent mainly due to sulfur contained in it. Dimexide is effective for the same reason. In fact, this colorless, on the form of the oily liquid has garlic odor due to the sulfur content.

The body uses sulfur to constantly create new healthy cells and replace them old. Without it, the body will produce weak and non-functional cells. The sulfur is also needed to maintain the permeability of cell membranes. For detoxification, it is important to ensure that nutrients They fell inside the cell, and the toxins and livelihood products left it.

Sulfur is indispensable in the formation and maintenance of connective tissue, combating inflammation, supporting the strong immune system.

Currently, the sulfur deficit is distributed due to the fact that sulfur is lost after processing food. Sulfur deficiency leads to: slow healing of wounds, sponable fabric, brittle nails and hair, digestive problems, inflammation, lung dysfunction, immunity dysfunction, arthritis, acne, depression, memory loss.

Therapeutic properties

According to medical and pharmaceutical literature, Dimeksid is possible the most wide spectrum Therapeutic actions, ever demonstrated by one chemical.

Domexide is useful with a wide variety of diseases and performs various functions. Dimexide has such properties: anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal, vasodilator, struggling with free radicals, stimulates various types of immunity, diuretic. In addition, Dimeksid is able to transport various drugs through cell membranes, fights with blood closures, acts as a tranquilizer (soothing means) when rubbing into the skin, stimulates wound healing, performs the creation of interferon (proteins isolated by the cells of the body in response to the invasion of the virus) increases efficiency Antifungal and antibacterial agents (if mixed with them), inhibits the release of cholinesterase (enzyme), smoothes collagen (connective tissue protein) due to its unusual effect of the formation of cross-links and has a lot of other advantages.


Dimexide is a solvent with supernatural ability to penetrate the skin. Dr. Jacob explains that Dimekside is Alter Ego (translated from Lat. - "Other I") of water. Its molecular bond with water is 1.3 times stronger than the molecular connection of water with water. As a result, it replaces water while moving through the cell membranes, and transports with itself a substance that usually cannot penetrate through the cell. Domexide hydrates cells, causing changes in the structure of fluid fluid. Some believe that its main therapeutic principle of operation lies in its ability to change and restore damaged cells using their hydration, changing their water structure and increasing cell permeability - this allows cells to feed themselves more efficiently and get rid of waste.


In his book "Dimeksid: Natural Healer", Dr. Morton Volker declares that people now have a new breakthrough in the fight against pain: Domexide. Some researchers believe that Dimekside "can become aspirin 21 centuries." Despite the fact that all mechanisms of the substance are still not fully known, it is believed that its effect is that it blocks the fibers of the peripheral nerves, which pain signals come.

Free radicals

Production of free radicals is one of the main factors in the process of any disease. Dimexide is one of the most powerful wrestlers with free radicals, which is known to date, and possibly the most powerful. Some molecules in our body produce an unequal amount of electrons and such instability causes them to destroy other cells. Dimexide is attached to these molecules and then they are derived from the organism with dimlexide. Dimexide replaces water in cells and thus treats patients with cells by destroying free radicals inside it. Due to these properties, Dimeksid is useful in the treatment of various diseases, including such as cancer, arthritis, atherosclerosis.


Dimexide easily penetrates through the skin, the hematostephalic barrier (the semi-permeable barrier between blood and the nervous tissue, which prevents the penetration into the brain of large or polar molecules, as well as blood cells, including the immune system) and other fabrics and enters the blood flop flow.

Dimexide applied to one area often leads to a decrease in pain or various improvements in other places due to its common action.

Due to the ability to penetrate, Dimeksid can carry healing properties deep through the body's tissues, where he has a beneficial effect on such diseases as: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, sports injuries, back pain, borer, burns, cuts and scratches, fractures, gouty arthritis, herpes, Muscular and skeletal injuries, tendinite, stretching and load, back injury, spinal neck, and many other diseases. Another unusual property of Dimekside, which greatly distinguishes it from other substances and drugs, is that it has a cumulative effect and does not require large doses.

Transporter and amplifier

Dimexide acts as a transporter for other substances or drugs, as well as it can enhance their effect. In fact, certain drugs are diluted with domexide, such as corticosteroid, antibiotics and insulin, can be used in smaller doses than usual without reducing their therapeutic efficacy and their unwanted side effects are highly reduced. Also, medications are capable of passing through the hematorencephalic barrier (the semi-permeable barrier between blood and a nervous cloth that prevents the penetration into the brain of large or polar molecules, as well as blood cells, including the immune system), which is usually impenetrable.

When exogenous forms of endogenous steroids (including testosterone and hydrocortonistic form of cortisone) are diluted in Dimexide before use, their surface bioavailability increases by 300%.


Dimexide enhances the immune system, increasing the production of white blood cells and macrophages that destroy foreign substances and pathogens in the body. Dimekside activates macrophages, which makes them especially fatal against harmful microorganisms and cancer cells.

Dimekstide reduces allergic reactions by disclosing cell membranes and makes it possible to attach special antigens to more cell receptors, substances that stimulate the production of antibodies in the body. This process creates immunity to infectious diseases and an increase in malignant formations.

Dimexide has antobacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. Dimexide also increases the permeability of cell membranes, allowing you to flush toxins from the cell.

Dimexid has shown that it has the properties of cholinesterase (enzyme), in other words, it prevents the decay of enzymes to acetylcholine, increasing the level and duration of the action of this important neurotransmitter. Acetylcholine Responsible for training and memory and also soothing and relaxing. Acetylcholine is also the main factor in the regulation of the immune system and acts as the main brake of inflammation in the body.

Radio protection properties

Dimexide has radio protection properties against deadly and mutagenic effects from X-rays on cells.

Radiation produces free radicals ("inflammatory molecules"), which damage cells from which such fabrics, as organs, glands, muscles and bones. In addition to the fact that cells are growing faster, they also become distorted or mutated, by causing leukemia, anemia, birth defects and other diseases.

Sulfur has a long history of use as an antidote against acute defeat by radioactive materials. Dimexide is a classic sulfur connection. The Japanese study showed that even small concentrations of dimexide have radioprotective effects. They help repair the discontinuities of DNA double threads, and thus provide protection against radiation damage at all cellular levels of the body.

Morozo-protective properties

Dimexide also has frost-proof properties. This means that it is capable of protecting from damage caused by frost.

Dimexide did not exist in the way to maintain organs without the formation of ice crystals that killed fabrics.

In 1961, Dr. Jacob first met with the anti-informing properties of Dimeksid. Saving organs for transplantation is still one of the many Dimexide applications. 100 Percentage Dimexide will freeze at a temperature of about 19 ° C, while 50% solution of dimexide and water will not freeze at temperatures far below the freezing point of ordinary water.


Dimexide (introduced intravenously) contributes to the removal of amyloid proteins (amyloidosis), which cause Alzheimer's disease.

Dimexide can help in detoxification from heavy metals. Heavy metals (mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, nickel) is very hard to remove from the body and they are the cause of many diseases.

Sulfur is a mineral and the main ingredient of certain amino acids, which binds to heavy metals (mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, nickel) and takes them through urine, defecation and sweat.

Side effects

When 60-90% Dimexide is applied to the palm, the skin can remain wrinkled for several days.

A similar to garlic smell of body and the taste in the mouth refers to a specific metabolite (intermediate product of metabolism) Dimexide: Dimethyl sulfide, a component of a natural bow and garlic taste. It can last from one to two days, and a small percentage of people, especially men, the smell can be very strong. Disassemble the smell will help drink enough water.

Other side effects of dimexide are such as the disorder of the stomach, headaches, nausea and soothing - refer to the reactions of detoxification.

When the dymexide is diluted with water, heat is formed. The bottle will be warm. This is a temporary safe reaction.


Buy Dimexide for medical purposes only in reliable suppliers.

The pure solution of dimexide will be solid (as ice) in the refrigerator for 2 hours. If a frozen bottle is flipped over, and small weaves of water flow through the ice, then you most likely a veterinary domexide. This is 90% concentration. 10 percent is distilled water.

Many solutions of industrial degree diaxide have a certain percentage of acid or acetone impurities. Despite the fact that this solvent is sometimes used for pharmaceutical purposes there is a big risk. Acetone can lead to serious medical consequences. Long exposure to acetone can damage liver and death. Beware of this problem when you buy an unreliable dimexide.

Also remember that dimexide increases the effects of these drugs as blood diluents, steroids, medicines for the heart, sedative, etc.


Dimexide is one of the safest products ever used in medicine. Despite the fact that it was used by millions of people in the United States and in other countries around the world, there was no documented event of death or serious injury from using Domexide.

And now compare. The number of deaths associated with medical drugs in the United States is estimated by the grees of the year, which makes medicines of the third of the four main causes of death. Even ordinary painkillers, which are not called steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, Advil, Mortin, Aleve and Aspirin), have about 7,600 oshiping deaths in the USA annually. Given this, it can be argued that Dimeksid is one of the safest substances in the world today.

A classic toxicity test - the LD-50 test is measured by a lethal dose at which half of the group of experimental animals dies. This test for aspirin and Dimeksid shows that aspirin is seven times more toxic than DamExide.

Opponents of Dimeksida

First of all, this is the FDA (USA and US Drug Administration) and large pharmaceutical companies.

Dimexide is sold in stores healthy nutrition, on the Internet and most of the world. It was used by millions for the benefit that he brings health, but in the US Dimeksid approved by FDA only as a preservative of stem cells, bone marrow cells and organs for transplantation, as well as for intramane cystitis - painful inflammatory urinary bubble disease, which is very hard to treat other therapies .

The fact that dimexide is not approved for other medical diseases is partly due to the fact that it is impossible to carry out double blind tests. Blind tests, as the name implies, require that the study is carried out without knowledge what patient takes placebo, and what medicine. In the case of dimexide, blind tests can not be carried out due to a specific taste and smell similar to garlic (regardless of the application method).

If you are looking for information about Domexide in the US National Medicine Library (pub studed.gov) you will find aboutindexed results, which makes Dimekside one of the most studied compounds of our time. Nevertheless, we are forced to believe that Dimexide cannot fulfill the necessary requirements to be approved for other medical diseases, despite its efficiency and indisputable low toxicity.

You see, Dimexide is a common chemical substancewhich is very cheap produced. No medicinal company can get an exclusive patent, as it is also a natural connection, therefore these companies will not be able to get significant financial profit. The president of a large pharmaceutical company said: "We don't care that Dimeksid is the main medicine of our century and we all know all this, it's just nothing for us" (CBS TV show 60 minutes with Mike Valens, a riddle of Domexide). If Domexide would be approved by the FDA, he could compete with pharmaceutical companies. Director of the FDA Medicine Bureau, Richard Croat, Doctor of Medicine, said: "Dimexide is low toxic and is a safe connection (....) I think this is a matter of the existence of pharmaceutical companies. They will not invest in anything until they see that there will be significant financial benefits "(CBS TV Show 60 minutes with Mike Valens, a mystery of Dimeksid).

Despite the restrictions on the use of Dimekside, thousands of Americans buy it in the "black market" every year, its popularity is not related to advertising, but thanks to the recommendations of other people who have benefited from Domexide. When you have something that he treats all kinds of diseases, including some incurable and threatening life, people naturally recommend it to friends and family.

Fast Guide

Dimexide is usually applied to the skin as a liquid, gel or cream. It can be taken through mouth or through intravenous injection (in many cases, along with other medicines). It is also prescribed subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intra-red, intolerectic, through inhalation, on the mucous membranes and in the bladder. Also, dimexide can be buried in the eye. The concentration and dose vary greatly.

People with white leather having blonde or red hair and blue eyes More sensitive to Domexide. For them, superficial, oral or intravenous concentration should be 50 percent or less, especially around the face and neck.

Dimexide applied to the skin is completely absorbed in 4-8 hours. Dimexide accepted through the mouth reaches the peak level in the blood after 4 hours. In general, the absorption through the skin is slightly weaker than through the digestive tract.

Dimexide cannot quickly penetrate the nails, hair or enamel of teeth.

Surface application

The liquid form of dimexide is the most effective form of applying dimexide.

It is advisable to begin to carry out surface treatment with dimexide from low concentrations while the skin is not accustomed with time.

For any surface use of dimexide, the skin should be clean, dry and intact. The face and neck are more sensitive for Dimxide and therefore concentrations above 50% should not be applied. In areas where circulation, surface concentrations of dimexide should be below 70%. If 60% -90% Dimexide is applied to the skin, heat can appear, redness, plugging. This usually passes through a couple of hours. To prevent such an effect, you can use natural scarlet faith, gel or cream. In general, after surface treatment, Dimeksid is recommended to apply scarlet faith cream, regardless of whether there is or no irritation on the skin.

Taking through the mouth

The usual dose of dosexide for receiving through the mouth is 1-2 teaspoons (5-10 ml) per day.

Dimexide is usually mixed with tomato or grape juice to disguise its unpleasant taste.

It is advisable to first start with half a teaspoon of dimexide and gradually increase (if any possible detoxification reactions are normally transferred).

Intravenous injections

Up to 20 cc, cm of dimexide 25% concentration (Dimexide should be diluted with sterile water), are prescribed through an intravenous injection by a specially trained doctor for the treatment of more serious degenerative diseases.

Intravenous injection is made using a slow pushing in the blood flow of the entire volume for 1 time.

Intravenous dropper

A slow intravenous dropper is used for 2-3 hour periods. CU CM Damoxide added in 500 cm cm glucose or saline solution, burst into a patient into a vein arm. This method should be carried out only by a qualified doctor.


Dimexide is very effective in the treatment of such diseases:

Amyloidosis, Alzheimer's disease and dementia, arthritis, sports injuries, brain damage, burns, cancer, brush tunnel syndrome, liver cirrhosis, diabetes, problems with digestion, problems with ears and hearing, emergency medical care, eyes with eyes, fibromyalgia, fungal infections, problems with hair and scalp, headaches, infections, inflammation, intricatex cystitis, skin tuberculosis (lupus), mental illness, mental backwardness, sclerosis, pain, respiratory problems

Sclerodermia, slimming and herpes, spinal cord injuries, skin problems, stroke, teeth and gum disease and many others.

Head and spinal cord injuries

One of the brightest areas of applying Dimeksid is the treatment of injuries of the head and spinal cord. If domexide is introduced intravenously, within 90 minutes after injury, the substance can produce almost miraculous results, including the prevention of paralysis. The earlier apply Dimexide, the more tangible results will have a patient. The developmental results appear even when using Dimeksid a few hours after the initial injury. For such an action, such factors are responsible: Dimekside relieves inflammation, fights with free radicals, and also reduces the cellular requirements of oxygen.

When the head and spinal cord (central nervous system) is injured, in that place there is a compression of nerves and tissues, which causes a tumor. While the tumor occurs in the skull during injury of the head and the spinal column during the injury of the spinal cord, blood vessels are compressed and blood and oxygen are cut off from damaged areas, which causes damage or death of cells and tissues. With the timely administration of dimexide intravenously, the tumor is prevented and the injury increases the injury.

In injuries of the head, water and blood accumulate in the skull, causing a pressure accumulation, which ultimately squeezes the life centers of the brain, which leads to permanent injury or death. Immediate treatment with Dimeksid significantly reduces intracranial pressure, helping the victim to avoid long injury and perhaps death. Dimexide is associated with excess water and blood, takes it into the surrounding blood vessels and takes it out of the brain. In fact, it dries the brain from potentially harmful water and blood.

The injury of the head and spinal cord accompanies the production of free radicals that strengthen the damage killing surrounding cells. Dimexide is so powerful antioxidant that it stops the impending wave of free radicals, and thus protects neural tissues. Although it is not known why Dimexide reduces the requirements of cells in oxygen necessary for their healthy functioning. This is extremely important in injuries of the head and spinal cord when the lack of oxygen is the main factor of damage and death of the cells.

In one study, 24 jorans were blocked by the blood flow to the median cut of the spinal cord for 30 minutes. 12 animals in the control group were salted injection, while the experimental group of 12 animals received the injection of dimexide. In 11 of 12 animals received a saline solution, a full paralysis of the lower extremities occurred. 11 of the 12 animals received DMExide occurred full recovery And they could go normally and run. The twelfth animal in the Dimeksid group had only light weakness. Microscopic studies of the tissues of both groups revealed that ischemic (lack of oxygen) changes and cellular damage received animals only from the control group.

The use of Dimeksid on people had the same impressive results. One patient with paralyzed limbs that did not have sensitivity and muscle activity below the neck, the immediate administration of Dimeksid allowed him to move the fingers after two hours, and ultimately fully restored all the functions.

Dr. Jacob reported two cases at his Oregon Medical School, in which the Dimeksid was used for one hour after the injuries of the central nervous system. These injuries could lead to full paralysis of the hands and legs. In both cases, the patients themselves came out of the hospital after their complete recovery. Dr. Jacob reported another three cases in which the Dimeksid was appointed in five, six and nine hours after the injury of the central nervous system, and where the likelihood of full paralysis was about 100 percent. Despite the fact that the 90 minute window of the possibilities was significantly narrowed, two of three patients after receiving intravenous administration Could walk.

When intravenous administration is not possible, rubbing several tablespoons 70% of dimexide / 30% water to almost any area of \u200b\u200bthe skin (except the place of damage) should help prevent swelling of tissues and injuries of the central nervous system including brain damage.


In the 1960s, the study of Dimeksid on people was temporarily terminated after certain animals, which were treated with Domexide, there were changes in LAZ leaks. Studies were gradually resumed after it was found that such changes do not occur in the eyes of people. Daniel Haley reports in his book a policy in treatment: "Tests on rabbits, dogs and pigs (but not in humans) showed some problems. With daily reception within six months, the dose of Dimekside, which exceeds the maximum dose of a person at about ten times, there were small changes in the crustacles of the animal eye. This caused small myopia in animals. Changes in lens were not sufficient to create dogs difficulties when running - they were not crashed into obstacles - and in some cases, changes disappeared immediately after the termination of the use of massive doses. In no tests at the time or from that time, Dimeksid never caused cataract, nor in animals in no people.

In reality, dimexide is very effective in the degeneration of yellow spots and retinal diseases. Its effectiveness was first discovered when patients with pigment retinitis, retinal disease, received a dimexide for the treatment of certain bone muscular disorders. They felt that their vision was improved, and some had amazing results.

When several patients who treated Dimeksid from muscle problems, Dr. Jacob reported that their vision improved, he sent them to Dr. Robert O. Hill, an ophthalmologist at the University of Oregon Medical School. Confirming the favorable changes, Dr. Hill began its own experiments with Dimeksid. His study showed that 50% of Dimexide drops are effective in pigment rhythitis and degeneration of the yellow spot (it has provided a report on the Symposium of the New York Academy of Sciences in 1971).

One drop of 25% of dimexide (diluted in sterile saline saline) one or twice a day is useful when eye problems, including cataracts or glaucoma.

Arthritis, stretching, dislocation, calcification

Most people with arthritis that visit resort hot springs report positive results. In these hot springs, water usually contains a large amount of natural sulfur. Despite the fact that hot water can be useful, the most important wellness effect of these hot springs is most likely linked in the presence of sulfur in water.

Doctors attending arthritis Dimeksid and their patients agree that Dimeksid is better treatment From arthritis, regardless of whether it is osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. This treatment may include one dymexide or domexide in combination with other products. Also, Dimeksid can be used: superficially affected areas, through injection or accepted through the mouth.

With surface application, Dimeksid sharply reduces pain and increases mobility, and also reduces inflammation. Positive reactions can be observed for 5-20 minutes and they usually last 4-6 hours.

Jun Jones, the former head of the football team, was the calcification of Bursita in his right shoulder. He received an injection of domexide in the shoulder. After using Dimeksid for 30 days, the calcification completely disappeared.

Amyloidosis and Alzheimer's disease

Amyloidosis is a disease characterized by anomalous deposition of amyloid proteins in various tissues of the body. Proteins become amyloid, if during deformation in their secondary structure they take the collected insoluble form similar Betta-folded sheet.

The two most common symptoms associated with localized amyloidosis is a diabetes of the second type, where the amyloid proteins are accumulated in the pancreas, and Alzheimer's disease, where amyloid proteins accumulate in the brain.

In one Israeli study, amyloidosis was caused from experimental mice. The next 60 days over the mice conducted a study, and then they were killed and made an autopsy. Almost immediately after the start of treatment with Dimeksid mice, broken amyloid fibers were discovered in their urine. And after their autopsy, it was revealed that their liver was completely cleaned of amyloid deposits. The liver of mice, which were not treated with Dimeksid, were clogged with amyloid. This study showed that Dimexide dissolves amyloid proteins.

One of the most important applications of Dimekside relates to the treatment of patients with Alzheimer's disease. Dimexide demonstrated dissolution of amyloid proteins in brain damage in patients with Alzheimer's disease.

The most significant improvement is observed in patients on early stage Diseases. If you allow the disease to develop to a certain point, then it will be impossible to reverse the process.

Stroke, hemorrhagic blow, head injury

Dimexide has several properties that make it valuable in the treatment of any problem associated with the brain. One very important property of Dimeksid is to cross the hematorecephalic barrier (between blood and cerebrospinal fluid).

If you apply Dimexide immediately after a stroke, it may dissolve the thrombus, which caused a stroke by restoring the circulation and preventing paralysis. As soon as Dimexide enters the body or through the skin, intravenous injection or through the mouth, it penetrates the body and crosses the brain barrier, so that even by taking through the mouth it can improve circulation. Ideally, intravenous injection should be made.

Despite the fact that 40 percentage domexide prolongs the time of bleeding, it is still recommended for the treatment of embolochetic or hemorrhagic impact. Hemorrhagic (related to bleeding) Punch is a gap of weakened blood vessel in the brain. Emumbolic blow This blockage of the vessel thrombus. Dimexide is an excellent agent for the treatment of brain damage obtained for example as a result of bulk injury. The key to success in this case lies in using Dimexide as early as possible after impact or injured. The healing properties of dimexide lead tissue to normal.

One man who received a stroke at 7:30, refused to go to the hospital while his wife would not talk to the doctor Wednie Jacob. Talk to the doctor turned out only at 18:30. Starting at 19:00 (on a stroke day), the woman gave her husband one oz (1 oz \u003d 28.3 g) 50% of Dimeksid in small orange juice every 15 minutes for two hours and then every half an hour for two hours. The next day, her husband became better and soon he recovered. Such a substance that can stop the stroke should be in every home first aid kit.

Brain damage in children

Dimexide is useful in treatment mental backwardness and Down syndrome. It can carry medicines into the brain through the hemoencephalic barrier, which is usually the main problem in the treatment of the brain.

Children with a damaged brain through the mouth gives a 50% concentration domexide. This is especially useful for underdeveloped children, which is given through the mouth half a gram for every kilogram of weight. The cholinesterase inhibitor (enzyme), a medicine that can stimulate the central nervous system, definitely worth trying to restore the child with a damaged brain.

Mental retardation

Dimexide is very effective in the treatment of mental retardation. In some cases, only Dimexide is used, and in some cases a dimexide is used in combination with amino acids, vitamins or other products. Dimexide is also used in various ways, which include: receiving through the mouth when the patient is drinking dymexide diluted in water, juice or milk, intramuscular injection or superficial use.

Mental violations

Dimexide is useful in treating patients with the following diagnoses:

(1) Over-excluded states (acute schizophrenic reactions, maniacal phase manic-depressive psychosis);

(2) Some symptoms of chronic psychosis (autism, stereotypical perception, negativism, abnormal behavior or delusional states);

(3) serious neurosis (concern reactions, obsession)

Special attention should be paid to the extraordinary report provided by Dr. Eduardo Ramiren and Dr. Segisfredo Luza from Aetano Herdia University in Lima, Peru. After comprehensive tests on animals and then on ordinary people, Dr. Ramirere reports: "An intramuscular injection was carried out 50% - 80% of domexide patients with acute or chronic schizophrenia" and that "out of 14 acute cases, each was discharged from the hospital within 45 days after The start of treatment with Dimeksid ... 4 of 11 chronic cases, one of which was patient 14 years, were discharged over time, and the other 7 had very strong improvements ... there was a sharp decline in excitation .... Spoon feelings of persecution ..., decline in obsessive ideas, returning vigilance, calm instead of anxiety and anxiety "

Multiple sclerosis

Scotched sclerosis is an inflammatory disease at which myelin shells are damaged around axons of the head and spinal cord, which leads to dimielinization (the destruction of myelin layer nerve fibers) and scarring. The disease reduces the ability of nerve cells to communicate with each other.

After treatment, dimexide in patients has a periodization (the growth of myelin shells), the reduction of edema and improving communication between nerve cells


Dimexide is very effective in vascular headaches and muscle tension, which so often accompanies headaches. Dimexide can be used both on the hair and the area next to the eyes. 90% solution is more effective.

Dimeksid has several properties that can make it one of the most important products in the treatment of cancer. This is a powerful fighter against free radicals and a detoxifying agent. It can penetrate the tissues of the body and individual cells transporting with them and other medicines. Domexide by itself anti-cancer and becomes even stronger when combined with other anti-cancer drugs.

Any of these important properties of dimexide can be effective in the treatment of cancer. When all these properties are combined in one product, we have one of the most powerful anti-cancer agents known to date.

Also excellent results gives treatment with dimexide in combination with lahellier (vitamin B-17 or amygdalin)


Dimexide in combination with antibiotics will remove the resistance of bacteria to these antibiotics. In such a case, the dimexide was clinically useful, a possibility of a solid solution of dimexide will be required. Dimexide was used with excellent results for transporting antibiotics into hard-to-reach places of the body, such as bone marrow and brain.

Dimexide can dissolve the protein membrane of viruses, leaving their viral nucleus unprotected with its nucleic acid exhibited for the immune system. Superficially applied, it makes it easier to damage resulting from a sliding lingu.

Placed in nostrils or superficially on the face, Dimeksid can open blocked sinuses within a few minutes. Also, dimexide was successfully used in patients with polyps.

Dimexide can cure gum disease, caries and pain if apply to problem areas.

"In the evening, I pour about two teaspoons of Dimekside into a glass, add 20 mg of doxycycline, 2 tablespoons of distilled water and then I clamp about 2-3 minutes and then I swallow. I believe it is approximately 50% solution and it really works. The inflamed area of \u200b\u200bmy jaw completely calmed down in 2-3 days. "- Laura, Toulouse, France.

Fungi, bacteria, viruses

Dimexide stops the spread of fungus. He showed its effectiveness in combination with antibiotic griseofullvin in treating debris, and especially fungal nails. Dimexide can be mixed with other antifungal agents such as iodine. The solution must be 90 percent concentration. Dimexide transfers various fungicitis deep into the skin affected by fungus.

In lower concentrations from 30 to 40 percent, the Dimexide prevents the reproduction of some bacteria. Dimexide at a concentration of 12.5-25 percent completely suppresses the growth of highly pleomorphic bacteria. Also, Dimexide makes antibiotic antibiotics again vulnerable.

It is assumed that dimlexium dissolves the protein shell of viruses and leaves their nucleic acid nucleus unprotected for the immune system.

Lisha and Herpes

Dimexide is effective in the treatment of viral infections, including herpes virus. Good results were obtained both simply from Domexide and from a combination of dimexide and various anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs.

Some doctors, especially those who specialize in physical treatment, used dimexide and lysine for the treatment of herpes and ishing down. From a scientific point of view, it is proved that lysine slows down the development of herpes virus and prevents breeding viruses. Usually, together with the reception through the mouth and the surface application of the dimexide, up to 3000 mg of lysine are accepted through the mouth.

Celoids, scars, burns, bruises.

Dimexide 50-80% of the concentration applied two or three times a day will smooth the protruding scars in several months. It has a significant effect on superficial burns and if you quickly apply for damage, any bruises can remove.

"For two weeks, I applied Dimeksid on my face ... and cured the attack of the acne rash, but that I was surprised most of all this is what my hyperpigmentation (melanosis of the skin (excess of black pigment in the skin) also decreased very much. It's just amazing!" - HG, USA

"I applied a 50% solution of dimexide to the inflamed lymph node. Then repeate even in the evening. It's amazing! There was a significant reduction in the size of the node in just two applying! This node was swollen 20 years. - Melissa Madlock, Coldswoman, Michigan, USA

Skin lotions containing dimexide showed their effectiveness in the treatment of burns. Serious burns covering large areas of the body can not only be very painful, but also fatal. In addition to fabric damage, the burn area can become infected.

Lotion 50% of Dimekside and 50% Scarlet Vera is very effective. Application of such a lotion prevents the formation of blisters and the formation of scars.

Varicose veins and thrombophlebitis

Surface applying Dimexide may give white color Teleangectasy (local excessive expansion of small vessels on the surface of the skin). Dimexide can also reduce inflammation and size of varicose veins on the legs.

Urinary disorders

Domexide was used in the treatment of a large number of patients with various urogenital disorders, including those: fibroplastic domestic member induration, peyroni disease, intricately cystitis, acute epididimitis, inflammation of the appendage of eggs. Some have gained significant improvement in symptoms.

Tunnel syndrome

A person with a brush tunnel syndrome Dimeksid can be very useful. First, Dimekside is an anti-inflammatory agent without any harmful side Effectswhich are usually available in traditional anti-inflammatory drugs. It is very important because inflammation in the wrist can cause compresses of the middle nerve. Dimexide can also help improve circulation and reduce pain.

Cirrhosis of the liver

Dimexide showed excellent results in the treatment of liver cirrhosis. Patients were given one teaspoon of Dimeksid in one oz of the juice of the flares twice a day for six months.


Patients with first and second type diabetes reported good treatment results when using Dimexide. This does not mean that the patient can stop the use of insulin. However, some patients were able to reduce the use of insulin by the daily use of Dimekside. No patient should stop using his insulin without approving his doctor.

Emergency medical care

Dimeksid has certain properties that make it a very valuable agent in treating victims of serious accidents or sudden serious diseases, such as heart attacks. Dimexide reduces swelling, is anti-inflammatory, increases the flow of oxygen, struggling with free radicals and helps protect cells from mechanical damage.


Fibromalgia is a relatively common rheumatic disease, which basically affects women. The probability increases with age and most often occurs in women who are for 50. Unlike arthritis, fibromyalgia is striking muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Good results of treatment for fibromyalgia are achieved after applying Dimekside.


Inflammation is an integrated reaction of the body on injury or tissue destruction. IN acute form It can be characterized by classic signs: pain, tumors, heat, redness and loss of functions. Dimexide works as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It can minimize all the symptoms of inflammation. Patients decreased tumors, and the localized heat cooled to the norm. Also, patients often noticed an immediate decline in pain.

Intrakneva cystitis

Initially, Dimeksid was approved by the United States (FDA) product control and medication control (FDA) in 1978 for the treatment of intramanex cystitis. The patient usually drinks one teaspoon of dimexide in cranberry juice once or twice a day. Patients often report almost immediate improvements.

Respiratory problems

Dimexide in combination with other products such as antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs proved its effectiveness in the treatment of most respiratory problems.

Dimexide is effective in the treatment of asthma without the side effects of cortisone and broncho-expander. Treatment is carried out in a very simple way, such as the surface applying of domexide or dimexide in combination with various medications and herbs.

Problems with skin

Domexide mixed with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents gives excellent results in the treatment of ulcers caused by various reasons, such as: diabetes, infected wounds and burns.

Tuberculosis of the skin (Volchanka)

Tuberculosis of the skin is an inflammatory disease with a wide variety of symptoms that may vary from patient to the patient. It was proved that Dimeksid is a very important product in the treatment of lupus. It completely does not treat lupus, but so much reduces the symptoms that the patient can live with the disease.


Sclerodermia is a disease of an unknown reason that makes the body tissue with solid and can attack various internal organs. With this disease, Dimeksid is the only effective treatment.

Diseases of Stop

Dimexide can be effective in the treatment of painful corns, bone cornese, hardening on the skin, ingrown nails, cones on the outdoor side of the thumb, the hammer curvature of the finger, the heel spurs, the inflammation of the gout of large fingers.

Problems with hair and scalp

Dimexide is used to stimulate hair growth. Usually top scores Have patients with recent hair loss. When hair growth occurs, the areas lost their hair will become the first on which hair will appear. Why does Dimekside stimulate hair growth? The main reason is that Dimexide is an excellent vessel. It expands small capillaries in the scalp. After that, blood delivery is raised to the roots of the hair. The necessary nutrients are delivered to hair follicles, which removes the hair growth re-start.

You can learn more information about Dimexide and its application from the book Archi Scott "Dimeksid: Guide for Doctors".

The synthesized substance that, with intravenous administration, is able to induce the dysfunction of the kidneys, liver, the central nervous system, as well as hematopoietic dysfunction. Several controlled clinical studies in humans were conducted. Treatment in case of overdose supporting and symptomatic. No antidotov.

but) Synonyms. Rimso 50, Dermazorb dimethyl sulfoxide, DMS-70, DMS-90, DROMISOL, GAMASOL 90, HYADUR, LNFILTRINA, SOMNIPRONT, SYNTEXAN, DMSO.

b) Application. In industry dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is widely used as an organic solvent for both organic and inorganic substances. In the US, a 50% aqueous solution of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is applied under clinical conditions for intravenous administration in order to facilitate the symptoms of interstitial cystitis.

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was used as a filler for other drugs; The possibility of its use for the treatment of skin and muscle muscular diseases was studied, but the data on a favorable effect was insufficient. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was used to protect live cells when stored in a chilled state. In the experiments on the mice, it was shown that dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) can have a protective effect in the case of hepatotoxicity induced by acetaminophen.

Research on people was not conducted. Currently, clinical trials are carried out in order to assess the possibility of intravenous administration of 10% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or for the treatment of sustainable brain edema.

in) Dosage form . Each milliliter of the commercial drug DMSO for intravenous administration contained 0.54 g of DMSO.

d) Dose. Local use of 80% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) for 12 weeks did not have toxic effects on the eyes. Installing 7.5-60% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in tetrahydrosoline for 1 - 15 months patients with eye diseases were not accompanied by toxic effect on the eyes. Daily injection of 10-40% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in 5% dextrose or water for 3 days at a dose of 1 g / kg (intravenous) caused a dose-dependent hemolysis with hemoglobinuria. Folly dose for man is not installed.

e) Toxicokinetics Dimethylsulfoxide:

- Suction. Oral reception . After swallowing 1 g / kg of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), its maximum serum concentration was approximately 1000-3000 μg / ml. The concentration of dimethyl sulfone (DMSO2) reached maximum values \u200b\u200b(300- 600 μg / ml) after 72-96 hours after use.

Skin application. After 4-8 hours after the skin use of 1 g / kg of DMSO, the maximum concentration of DMSO, in serum was approximately 500 μg / ml. The level of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in serum reaches a maximum at concentrations of 300-5 μg / ml after 36-72 hours.

- Distribution (VD). After 8 hours after the skin use, 2 g 90% of DMSO at the site of use remained 20%. After 24 hours, 10-15% of the total dose was found in the urine.

- Election. Oral reception. The half-life of orally accepted dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is 20 h; The half-life of dimethyl sulfone (DMSO2) was 72 hours. After 120 hours, 50% oral dose was separated from the urine in the form of DMSO and 9.6% in the form of DMSO2.

Skin application. The half-life of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) after skin application was about 11 - 14 hours; The half-life of DMSO2 was approximately 60-70 hours. DMSO is metabolized in the human body by oxidation with the formation of DMSO2 dimethyl sulfone or by the formation of dimethyl sulfide. DMSO and DMSO2 are displayed with urine and feces. Dimethyl sulfide is removed in the process of respiration and through the skin and determines the characteristic smell. DMSO2 can remain in serum for 2 weeks after a single intravenous injection.

e) Drug interaction. It has been established that dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) enhances the absorption of heparin, insulin, sodium salicylate, the blue dye of Evans, sulfadiazine, aminoophylline and TIO-TEPA in the animal body. Other drugs include chloride iron, tertiary and quaternary ammonium bases, glucocorticoids, local anesthetics and antifungal, antibacterial and anticholinesterase drugs.

g) Pregnancy and lactation. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is assigned FDA (USA) to the drug group "Pregnancy, category C". Teratogenic effects are revealed in animal studies. Not adequate, reliably controlled studies on pregnant women. It is not known whether DMSO is excreted from breast milk. The safety and efficacy of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) for children was not installed.

h) Mechanism of action. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), apparently, penetrates through cell membranes due to the ability to create hydrogen bonds and exhibit water. It was also reported that it is characterized by anti-inflammatory activity, local anesthesia, diuresis, extension of vessels and dissolution of collagen.

and) Dimethylsulfoxide poisoning clinic (DMSO):

- INSTANT INSTALLATION. After intravenous administration of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), garlic taste can be maintained for 72 hours. After its use, temporary chemical cystitis is possible.

- Skin application. In humans, there is a regular cake application of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) causes itching, erythym, eosinophilia, garlic odor with breathing, fatigue, headache, nausea, dizziness, eye irritation, peeling and pigmentation at the place of application. In a 63-year-old patient suffering from arthritis, after a local application, 90% of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) developed mixed motor-sensory peripheral neuropathy and segment demelilation.

- Intravenous administration. The intravenous use of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) can induce dose-dependent intravascular hemolysis with bilirubinemia and hemoglobinuria. When using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), as a carrier for other drugs of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), their toxic effect can increase. There were anomalies of kidney functional samples, liver enzymes and coagulation parameters.

Cases of transient encephalopathy, articulation disorders, disorientation, hypoactive reflexes and altered consciousness are described. Symptoms may not appear for 1 week. After two intravenous injections of 100 g of 20% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), acute tubular necrosis followed.

to) Laboratory data of dimethyl sulfoxide poisoning (DMSO):

- Analytical methods. After the extraction of the solvents or precipitates the proteins of the concentration of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and DMSO2 was determined using flame-ionization spectrometry and gas chromatography with an electronic circulation detector.

- Levels in blood. After intravenous administration of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), its serum concentration was 1600 μg / ml, and the concentration of DMSO2 - 3000 μg / ml, which was accompanied by a sharp garlic smell, disorientation and articulation disorder.

Dimexide is a drug with a strong anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, is widely used in burns, acne, purulent wounds, inflammatory skin diseases. The liquid in concentrated form can cause chemical damage to the skin.

Before using the dimethyl sulfoxide solution, we need to wear rubber gloves. This will prevent skin damage. Then apply to the gauze napkin and attach to the affected area. The main thing is not to overdo the dose. Excess dosage causes a diaxide burn.

The main symptom of the injury gained is a red skin that will look shyly, gets whiteish color. Other signs:

  • Skin rashes.
  • Pain.
  • Burning.

Degree of damage

Chemical burn is classified at the defeat stages. In accordance with the depth of the damage, the following degrees are identified:

  1. The first degree is manifested by insignificant hyperemia (redness) and skin swelling. The injury is treated at home under running water.
  2. A second degree is observed red skin with bubbles. Blisters contain a yellow watery liquid, with time shoved, the wound is exposed. Recovery occurs in ten days, the scar is not formed.
  3. The third degree is characterized by a derivation of the skin with the appearance of a dark color.
  4. With a fourth degree, it is necessary to immediately provide medical care. In this phase, the skin and muscle muscles are charred. The fabric disappears on their own in a few weeks, and at the site of the wound form ugly scars. Burn 4 degree from Dimeksid is probably only in the long-term contact of the body part with a concentrated substance.

First aid

Dimexide is often used as the basis for compresses during skin damage. If you do not comply with the instructions for use, reap the remedy on the wound, you can get a serious burn. After improper use of the medication, it is necessary to remove the excess medication with running water. If chemical damage occurred, the affected area needs to be kept under cold running water. If this is impossible when the face burns, make a cold compress from clean water, change it often.

It is impossible to rub the damage to the napkins and towels of the coarse structure, so the substance will be even deeper into the dermis.

After the water drops evaporated, impose a free bandage of gauze. Next, first aid is to visit the doctor to assign appropriate treatment.

Treatment methods

Cure burns and restore the skin in the hospital and at home. It is not necessary to be limited to homemade treatment, the child's burn is even easy to examine the doctor.

In hospital

Under admission to B. medical institution The doctor will appreciate the overall condition of the patient, will determine the degree of burning lesion. If the stage of damage is quite serious, then it is necessary to treat injury in the hospital. For these purposes, antiseptic solutions, irrigation with a mixture (furaciline and novocaine), are used. Then the plot is dried and removed the swallow crusts.

If there are large bubbles, filled with liquid, they need to be opened, small - do not touch. This is a preventive event from infection with infection. At the discretion of the doctor, the bandage is superimposed or the affected area is left open. In mandatory, immunoglobulin of a person is introduced in order to prevent the tetanus.

In the case of surface rotting, daily procedures are carried out: dressings, processing of affected areas by anti-inflammatory medicines. When urgent testimony, when it comes to deep burns, resort to surgical intervention.

At home

With small lesions, you can treat damage to the house. Provide the victim to the victim, after providing first aid, impose a sterile bandage and change it 2 times a day. You can use sea buckthorn oil and panthenol. These funds will help relieve pain and detect. Before applying you need to thoroughly rinse the skin. With severe burns, hydrocortisone and prednisone ointment are used. It is applied with a thin layer on burnt areas.

Another way to reassure itching is to cook the bark of the bark of oak: 1 teaspoon add to boiling water, pecking on a small fire for 5 minutes. Oak Corra Strain and apply in the form of a mow on the affected area. Curry over several days.

Dimexide is used as a means against thermal skin damage. It is important not to rub it with your finger so as not to burn.

It is possible to cure the damage to the skin at home with a proper prepared solution of dimethyl sulfoxide 20-30%. It is necessary to breed 2 ml of domexide and 8 ml of water.

Dimexide in burns is used in the form of a lotion and compresses. Conduct a healing session according to the following algorithm: moisten a gauze bandage in the liquid, apply to the skin. From above to make a compress from the food film and natural fabric. Leave for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure for ten days.

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