ZincTer Tablets: Instructions for use. ZincTer: instructions, application, reviews How long can you drink zincter

ZincTell is a drug (tablets), refers to the group mineral additives. The instructions for use allocate the following drug features:

  • In childhood: with caution



One tablet of the drug comprises: zinc sulfate heptahydrate (in terms of zinc sulfate monohydrate) - 124 mg, which corresponds to 45 mg zinc ions.

Auxiliary substances: Potato starch, Pisidone, Talc, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate.

The composition of the shell: macrogol (polyoxyethylene glycol), hypimon cellulose (oxypropylmethylcellulose), titanium dioxide, varnish azorubine.

Form release

Two-screw tablets covered with a shell of pink-purple color, rounded.

25 such tablets in the blister, one such blister in a cardboard pack; Either 150 such tablets in a polymer can, one such a bank in a cardboard pack.

pharmachologic effect

The drug has an action similar to vitamins - the replenishment of the deficit of trace elements (zinc), stimulation of metabolic processes.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Zinc One of the most important trace elements present in the composition of many protein complexes regulating the central processes of metabolism, namely: protein synthesis and carbohydrate exchange. Zinc is indispensable for the proper functioning of more than 200 metal farms (for example, carboxypeptidase A, alcohol dehydrogenase, carbanecides, alkaline phosphatase, RNA polymerase, etc.) and to maintain the correct structure of proteins, nucleic acids and cell membranes.

Zinc also contributes to the development and growth of cells, the right job immune system and immune response, ensuring twilight, taste sensations and smell perception. It affects the preservation of an acceptable level of vitamin A in the blood serum, prolongs the effect of insulin and simplifies its accumulation. For inflammatory diseases The skin produces a prophylactic and therapeutic effect.

The lack of zinc causes difficulties in the concentration of attention and memorization, disruption of appetite and distorted taste, reduction of humoral and cellular immunity, slow healing of wounds, night blindness, hypercholesterolemia, carbohydrate metabolic pathology, hypertension, brain and mental disorders, prostate hypertrophy, pathology of pregnancy, hypogonadism and slowdown in children and to a large extent - skin disorders (some types of alopecia, acne). In excessive doses, zinc inhibits copper adsorption. Zinc deficiency enhances suction of harmful cadmium.


Regardless of the concentration of zinc in food, about 25-30% of the zinc consumed is adsorbed in the thin and duodenal intestine. The maximum content of zinc in the blood is reached 2 hours after the use of the drug. Zinc in the body accumulates mainly in red blood cells and leukocytes, as well as in the bones, muscles, kidneys, liver, skin, prostate and pancreas, retina. 60% of the element interacts with albumin, 35-40% with alpha macroglobulin, 1% with some amino acids (histidine, cysteine). It is removed mainly through the intestines (90%), the rest of the rest is with then urine.

Indications for the use of zincter

  • Complex therapy of diseases leading to the development of zinc lack.
  • Enteropathic Akrodermatitis.
  • Nest baldness, malignant baldness.
  • Pustular and purulent eels.
  • With long-term reception of corticosteroids, at the moment of cancellation.
  • As additional treatment Slowly healing wounds.


Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

Cautions: With long-term use of zinc drugs, it is necessary to take into account the risk of developing copper deficit; It is forbidden to use alcoholic beverages during the treatment period.

Side effects

May be celebrated:

  • nausea, heartburn, diarrhea;
  • leukopenia accompanied by flu-like syndrome;
  • sideroblastic anemia I. total weakness, reduction of copper in the blood;
  • rarely may appear headaches and metal flavor.

Instructions for zincter

The instructions for applying a zincter indicates how to take this drug: orally, not chewing during or after meals.

  • With nest baldness, enteropathic Aquermatimat: Children from 4 years old and adults - 1 tablet three times a day. After the occurrence of clinical improvement, the dosage decreases to 1 tablet twice a day, then 1 tablet per day before the symptoms disappear.
  • With malignant baldness: adults are prescribed 1-2 tablets three times a day; Children from 4 years old - 1 tablet three times a day.
  • From acne (purulent and pleustous acne): adults - 1-2 tablets once a day, children from 4 years old -1 pill a day.
  • With zinc deficiency: adults -1 pill three times a day, after the disappearance of symptoms you can drink 1 tablet per day; Children from 4 years old - 1 tablet per day.


Overdose can manifest as burning in mouth and throat, bloody or watery diarrhea, belching, dizziness, jaundice, lung swelling (breathing difficulty, sore pain), hematuria, vomiting, cramps, collapse, anouria, hemolysis.

In the event of the appearance of the above symptoms, it is necessary to drink water or milk, and then introduce intravenously or intramuscularly calcium-like salt of ethylenediaminetethemususcic acid at a dose of 55-75 mg / kg of weight per day (divided by 3-6 administrations) for no more than five days. It is forbidden to cause vomiting or producing a stomach.


Tetracycles and copper preparations. The drug reduces the absorption of tetracycline and slows down the absorption of copper (when using large doses of zinc), so the zincter must be used 2 hours after tetracycline tetracycline and copper drugs.

Tiazide diuretics accelerate zinc removal by the kidneys.

Folic acid Also slightly weakens zinc suction.

High doses of iron when taking inside suppress zinc suction (exposure between the methods of these drugs should be at least two hours)

Penicillamine and other chelating drugs reduce zinc adsorption (the exposure between the receptions of these drugs should be at least two hours).

When used with zincTell vitamin preparations, which contain zinc, it is necessary to remember the possibility of developing overdose symptoms.

Quinolone. Zincomele reduces adsorption of quinolon-containing antibacterial drugs and fluoroquinolones.

Terms of sale

In Ukraine, the drug can be purchased only by the doctor's prescription, the zincteral is released without a prescription.

Storage conditions

The drug must be stored at a temperature of 15-20 ° C in an unavailable for children, dry place. Do not use after the expiration date.

Shelf life

Shelf life - 3 years.

special instructions

Zincteral contains in the composition of lactose, therefore it is contraindicated in patients with lactose deficiency, intolerance to galactose or violation of glucose and galactose adsorption.

Qintela analogues

The most famous is the analogue of the zincTer called zincite. The main indication for its use is the lack of zinc in the body.


The reception of children from 4 years is allowed.

During pregnancy and lactation

Zinc is able to penetrate the placenta. During pregnancy, the drug is used only in cases where the benefit for the mother exceeds possible risk For fetal.

Zinc stands out with breast milk. Therefore, it should be refracted from taking the drug during lactation.

Reviews of zincter

ZincTer tablets have a sufficiently large test list, so you can hear enough wide spectrum Comments on its use. When used as a means of hair, the zincteral reviews are good enough, when used as a remedy for acne reviews about ZincTeral even better.

The drug is also used in bodybuilding and in men to increase testosterone production and spermatogenesis stimulation, but these effects are not proven.

Reviews of the doctors about Zincteria often indicate a sufficiently large number of emerging side effects, especially from the digestive tract.

Price zincterla

In Russia to buy 25 tablets of the drug will cost you 200-260 rubles, in Ukraine the price of the zincteral in the same dosage can reach 50 hryvnia.

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Tablets ZincTer instruction

The instruction will introduce the patient with the rules for receiving the drug of the zincteral, its testimony for use, as well as a set of different useful information: from the composition and packing tablets to reviews and analogs.

Form, Composition, Packaging

ZincTell is produced in the form of a round-shaped tablets in a purple-pink shell.

Tablets are facing in cardboard packs in bottles (1) from plastic (150 pieces) and in contour packages (1 or 2) with cells (25 pieces).

The active substance is zinc sulfate is simulated. It is complemented by the necessary proportions of polyvinylpyrrolidone, polyoxyethylene glycol, pharmaceutical lactose, oxypropylmethylcellulose, starch of potato, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide and talca.

Storage Terms and Conditions

Storage of the drug zincteral is possible for three years in dry rooms at room temperature. Children to the drug do not allow.

ZincTer reading to use

  • with those diseases that lead to a shortage in the zinc organism;
  • for the treatment of hardly healing wounds;
  • under states when the patient was treated for a long time with corticosteroids and, it was time to cancel them;
  • in acrodermatitis enteropathic;
  • with the nest baldness and baldness of malignant character;
  • for acne With the presence of pustic purulent acne.


Zincteral instructions for use

The reception of the tablets of the zincter is carried out inside without pre-chewing or dividing entirely by drinking water.

  • In the treatment of acrodermatitis enteropathic and baldness of the nest for any age category Patients are prescribed 1pc. / 3r. an hour before meals; When improving the reception is reduced to two times, gradually reducing to one reception before recovery;
  • in the baldness of malignant nature, it is prescribed: an adult patient up to 2 pcs / 3r, a child for 1pc. / 3p;
  • with the presence of a purulent gnome bitterness: adult 2pcs per day, the child is 1pc. in a day;
  • for states associated with zinc lack in the body: adult patients 1 Table / 3p. After improvement, you can reduce the reception to once, children recommend 1Tabl. in a day.

ZincTer for children

Kinketal children are allowed only after 4 years.

Side effects

Side effects manifest themselves often mainly them can be observed with the reception of the drug in large doses.

Complaints were received, but rather rarely on headaches and a metal taste in the mouth.

Also in connection with the reception of the drug, it is possible to develop violations in the digestion system in the form of diarrhea, heartburn or nausea.

Not excluded leukopenia accompanied by high temperatures, chills, throat pain.

There were cases of developing anemia aideroblastic, which is accompanied by weakness and reduction of copper in the blood plasma.


The symptoms of an overdose will be the states of hemolysis, hematuria, convulsion, anouria, collapse. Also, excessive medication can be characterized by pain in the mouth and throat, whose character is burning, edema of the lungs, diarrhea bloody or watery, hypotension of arterial, vomiting or belching.

Interaction with medicine

When combining a zincitela with some medicines, the following drug interactions may show themselves:

  • with tetracycles, copper with drugs: their absorption is reduced;
  • with thiazide diuretics: zinc output with urine fluid;
  • with folic acid: zinc absorption is not significantly disturbed;
  • with iron in large doses, penicillamin: zinc suction decreases significantly;
  • with polyvitamin drugs with zinc: the plasma concentration of zinc becomes higher;
  • diet, which is enriched with phosphates (vegetables, milk, grain bread): zinc reduces its absorption.

Additional instructions

With prolonged reception of the drug, the likelihood of copper deficiency is large.

It is forbidden to use alcoholic beverages during the treatment period.

Random pass of another dose does not serve as a reason to then take double.

ZincTell analogs

Zincite, beer yeast with zinc, zinc sulfate 0.25%, a solution of acid boring 2% sterile. All these drugs will be a list of the analogues of the zinc.

ZincTer Price

According to Internet resources, which implement implementation medicines The drug zincteral can be purchased from 289 rubles (25 tablets) to 1130 rubles per bottle bottle of 150 pcs.

Zincteral Reviews

There are quite a lot of review reviews of the drug, but those who have not helped those to whom. Perhaps this happened due to its incorrect application or for some other reasons. There are complaints on sideflinesBut in general the drug is found efficient and effective.

Eugene: Recently, one of my colleagues complained to loss of hair, and they had fallen out really actively, which appeared already and are properly on the head. After many walks in the office of doctors, she received a appointment to the drug zincter. As a result, it was a course of treatment, and her hair was noticeably thicker. Therefore, we decided to stock other part of this drug.

Yana: The drug appointed himself independently, relying on feedback about him. Steel hair to get out and I wanted to cope with this problem. Saw tablet month according to the instructions. Nauseous terribly. However, I did not get any effect. Did not help zincter. Maybe my hair falls for another reason, because I myself decided that I had a zinc deficiency. In general, the problem is not doing anywhere.

One tablet preparation contains: zinc sulfate heptahydrate (in terms of monohydrat ) - 124 mg, which corresponds to 45 mg zinc ions .

Auxiliary substances: Potato starch, talc, Talc, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate .

The composition of the shell: macroogol (polyoxyethylene glycol), hypimlory (oxypropylmethyl cellulose), titanium dioxide, varnish azorubine.

Form release

Two-screw tablets covered with a shell of pink-purple color, rounded.

25 such tablets in the blister, one such blister in a cardboard pack; Either 150 such tablets in a polymer can, one such a bank in a cardboard pack.

pharmachologic effect

The drug has a similar vitaminam - replenishment of microelements deficiency ( zinc ), stimulation of metabolic processes.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Zinc One of the most important trace elements present in the composition of many protein complexes governing the central processes of metabolism, namely: protein synthesis and carbohydrate exchange. Zinc is indispensable for the proper functioning of more than 200 metal farms (for example, carboxypeptidase A, alcohology dehydrogenase, carbanechydrase, alkaline phosphatase, RNA polymerase, etc.) and to maintain the correct structure of proteins, nucleic acids and cell membranes.

Zinc also contributes to the development and growth of cells, the right job and the immune response, ensuring twilight, taste sensations and smell perception. It affects the preservation of an acceptable level in serum, prolongs the action insulin And simplifies its accumulation. With inflammatory skin diseases produce a preventive and therapeutic effect.

The lack of zinc causes difficulties in the concentration of attention and memorization, disruption of appetite and distorted taste, decline gumoral and, slow healing of wounds, night blindness, hypercholesterolemia , pathology of carbohydrate metabolism, brain and mental disorders, pathology of pregnancy, hypogonadism and slowdown in children and to a large extent - skin disorders (some species,). In excessive doses, zinc inhibits copper adsorption. Zinc deficiency enhances suction of harmful cadmia .


Regardless of the concentration of zinc in food, about 25-30% of the zinc consumed is adsorbed in the thin and duodenal intestine. The maximum content of zinc in the blood is reached 2 hours after the use of the drug. Zinc in the body accumulates mainly in erythrocytes and leukocytes. , as well as in the bones, muscles, kidneys, liver, skin, prostate and pancreas, retina . 60% of the element interacts with albumin , 35-40% - with alpha Macroglobulin , 1% - with some (, ). It is removed mainly through the intestines (90%), the rest of the rest is with then urine.

Indications for the use of zincter

  • Complex therapy of diseases leading to the development of a shortage zinc .
  • Enteropathic Aquodermatitis .
  • Nest , malignant baldness .
  • Pustule and purulent acne .
  • With long-term reception corticosteroids , at the time of cancellation.
  • As an additional treatment of slowly healing wounds.


To any of the components of the drug.

Cautions: With long-term use of zinc drugs, it is necessary to take into account the risk of developing copper deficit; It is forbidden to use alcoholic beverages during the treatment period.

Side effects

May be celebrated:

  • nausea;
  • lakeing accompanied by flu-like syndrome ;
  • sideroblastic anemia and general weakness, reducing copper in the blood;
  • rarely, headaches and metal taste can appear.

Instructions for zincter

The instructions for applying a zincter indicates how to take this drug: orally, not chewing during or after meals.

  • For nest, Enteropathic Aquermatimat : Children from 4 years old and adults - 1 tablet three times a day. After the occurrence of clinical improvement, the dosage decreases to 1 tablet twice a day, then 1 tablet per day before the symptoms disappear.
  • For malignant baldness : Adults are prescribed 1-2 tablets three times a day; Children from 4 years old - 1 tablet three times a day.
  • From ( purulent and pustling acne ): Adults - 1-2 tablets once a day, children from 4 years old -1 pill a day.
  • With a deficit zinc : adults -1 tablet three times a day, after the disappearance of symptoms you can drink 1 tablet per day; Children from 4 years old - 1 tablet per day.


Overdose can manifest as burning in mouth and throat, bloody or watery diarrhea, belching , jaundice , pulmonary edema (difficulty breathing, pain in the chest), hematuria , vomot , causes , collapse , anuria, hemolysis .

In the event of the appearance of the above symptoms, it is necessary to drink water or milk, and then introduce intravenously or intramuscularly. calcotrian salt of ethylenediaminetetraxusic acid In a dose of 55-75 mg / kg of weight per day (divided by 3-6 administrations) no more than five days. It is forbidden to cause vomiting or producing a stomach.


Tetracyclines and copper preparations. The drug reduces suction tetracycline And slows down suction medical (When using large doses of zinc), so zincter must be used 2 hours after reception tetracycline and drugs medical.

Tiazid diuretics Accelerate zinc removal by the kidneys.

Also slightly weakens zinc suction.

High doses gland When taking inside suppress zinc absorption (the exposure between the methods of these drugs should be at least two hours)

Penicilline other chelating drugs Reduce zinc adsorption (the exposure between the receptions of these drugs should be at least two hours).

When used with zincTell vitamin preparations, which contain zinc, it is necessary to remember the possibility of developing overdose symptoms.

Hinolona . ZincTell reduces adsorption hinolon-containing and fluoroquinolone .

Terms of sale

In Ukraine, the drug can be purchased only by the doctor's prescription, the zincteral is released without a prescription.

Storage conditions

The drug must be stored at a temperature of 15-20 ° C in an unavailable for children, dry place.
Do not use after the expiration date.

Shelf life

Shelf life - 3 years.

special instructions

Zincter contains lactose , so he is contraindicated in patients with a deficit lactose unbearable galactose or violation of adsorption glucose and galactose .

Qintela analogues

The most famous is the analogue of the zincTer called Zincite . The main indication for its use is the lack of zinc in the body.


The reception of children from 4 years is allowed.

During pregnancy and lactation

Zinc able to penetrate through placet . During pregnancy, the drug is used only in cases where the benefit for the mother exceeds the possible risk to the fetus.

Zinc stands out with breast milk. Therefore, it should be refracted from taking the drug during lactation.

Representing effective drug To eliminate the deficiency of zinc in the body, the zincomele provides the arrival of this trace element in the amount required to cover its deficiency in many diseases. A wide range of use, ease of use and rapid receipt of a tangible result - the most important advantages of the drug zincter in comparison with the analogues offered today on sale.

Due to the rapid penetration of zinc in the body's tissue, the zincomele showed itself with such diseases such as nest baldness, mercury lesions and hypogonadism. The possibility of its use in monofilament does not exclude an integrated approach in the treatment, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the drug. Ease of its use with minimal quantity side manifestations ensures the breadth of the destination as medical agent With a pronounced disadvantage in the zinc body and as preventing such insufficiency. So, today we will look at the instructions for the use of tablets of zincter, its analogues, the price and reviews about him doctors and patients.

Features of the drug

Presented zincteral in the form of tablets of a rounded form of purple-pink color, zincteral has a uniformly painted shell, without stains and clouds on the shell surface. The dosage of its application is prescribed in the instructions that are applied to the drug. Also, adjustments can be made in its use, depending on the diagnosed disease, the features of its flow and the condition of the body.

However, in view of this quality of the drug, an increased caution should be exercised when it is prescribed during pregnancy and feeding a newborn baby: the penetration of the active substance of this funds through the placenta and in breast milk May cause a number of side effects with a deterioration in the state of the kid.

Stabilizing the condition of cell membranes, the zincomele eliminates the lack of zinc and warns the development of many diseases associated with such a shortage. The rapid penetration of zinc from the drug into the cell causes the effectiveness of the conduct of therapeutic effects.

Dosage forms and prices

  • The drug ZincTell is available in the form of round tablets of the right shape with purple-pink color, which when taking should be dried with water. The effectiveness of the application does not depend on the time of meals when appointing a zinc.
  • The drug can be sold in dark bottles in the amount of 150 tablets and in cardboard packaging or in contour polymer cellular packages, which are also in cardboard packaging.
  • The cost of one bottle or packaging of the zincTer can vary from 218 to 420 rubles, which makes the remedy in demand enough and popular.

Composition of zincter

The active substance in the preparation is the zinc sulfate component, which is easily absorbed by the body - due to this, a high rate of assimilation and the manifestation of a positive result in treatment is ensured.

The auxiliary components belong:

  • lactose monohydrate;
  • talc;
  • povidone;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • potato starch.

The composition of the tablet shell includes dye (azorubin), hypimloose, propylene glycol, titanium dioxide.

pharmachologic effect

Thanks to the zinc in the body, the intercellular metabolism is regulated, the increased permeability of the walls and the cell membranes is eliminated. Participating in carbohydrate and fat exchange, Zinc is responsible for the processes of fat formation, helps to normalize the metabolism, which makes it possible to use the preparation in question in the treatment and prevention of obesity and diabetes mellitus.


Stabilization of cell walls, elimination of disorders in protein and carbohydrate exchanges - the most important functions of zinc in the body. With the help of the zincitela drug, an increase in metabolic speed is ensured, the risk of formation of an unnecessary amount of fat is prevented and the likelihood of skin lesions is eliminated (purulent rashes, furunculosis).


Penetrating the tissue of cells and providing rapid assimilation by the body, zinc from the drug under consideration can also penetrate the placenta and breast milk. The elimination of decomposition products of this drug is carried out by the kidneys and does not have a negative impact on health and excretory system.


The drug should be used in pronounced zinc insufficiency, which manifests itself in the form of the following diseases:

  • nest and malignant baldness;
  • punchy leather damage;
  • hypogonadism.

In the process of treatment with corticosteroids, there is active consumption of zinc intake, which requires replenishing its reserves, and the drug zincter has perfectly copes with the restoration of the amount of zinc in the body. This is especially true at the time of refusal from corticosteroids.

Now we learn how to take a zincter.

Instructions for use

The ease of use of the zincTer has been constantly interested in the drug. Depending on the manifestations and diagnosis, the application technique may vary somewhat:

  1. Baldness (Nest and malignant) requires a preparation of the drug 1 tablet 3 times a day. After the first manifestations of the improvement of the condition decreases the dosage of the reception, gradually tumped into the number of 1 tablet 1 time per day.
  2. , Furunculez - 2 tablets 2 times a day (for adults), for children dosage decreases: 1 tablet 2 times a day before receiving positive dynamics, while the dosage decreases to 1 tablet once a day.
  3. - Adults should be taken 2 tablets three times a day with a gradual decline in dose, children - 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Sharing a tablet to pieces and chew when receiving should not.

About how to take zincter and other drugs for PKT, will tell the video below:


Increased sensitivity to the components of the means, allergic reaction on the drug and early childhood It should be considered basic contraindications to the reception of the zinc.

Side effects of the zincTer and its interaction with alcohol are described below.

Side effects

When taking the drug zincteral, the following may occur side effects:

  • and skin hypersensitivity;
  • hematological disorders;
  • changes in the work of the gastrointestinal workshop: bowelism, digestive disorder.

However, a relatively small amount of side manifestations when using the drug ZincTell should be considered an important advantage among the analogues.

special instructions

The use of this drug must produce with maximum accuracy during pregnancy, since active substance Penetrates the placenta and lactation: penetrating into breast milk, components can have a negative impact on the newborn.

Interaction with other medicines

The zincter can be used in complex treatment, while its quality is enhanced.

Below, consider feedback on the reception of the zincter from acne, for hair, etc. In men and women.

Polfa Polfa (Krakow Pharmaceutical) Polfa (Kutnovsky Pharmzavod) Teva Kutno S.A. Teva Opereyshns Polyand SP.Z.O.O.

Country of origin


Group of goods


The drug replenishing zinc deficiency in the body

Forms of release

  • 150 pcs. - Polymeric banks (1) - packs cardboard. 25 - blisters (1) - cardboard boxes. 25 - blisters (1) - cardboard boxes. 25 - blisters (6) - cardboard boxes. 25 pcs. - Blister (1) - packs cardboard. Pack 150 tab

Description of the dosage form

  • Tablets covered with a shell tablet covered with purple-pink-colored shell, round. Tablets covered with a film shell of pink-purple color, round, biconvenets. Tablets covered with a film shell of pink-purple color, round, biconvenets.

pharmachologic effect

Replenishing zinc deficiency stimulating exchange processes. Zinc - an important intracellular trace element. It is an integral part of more than 70 enzymes catalyzing the key stages of DNA synthesis, RNA and proteins. Therefore, zinc has a pronounced effect on the processes of growth and ripening of tissues, it is positive effectable with a non-differentiated delay of physical and mental Development in children. Normalizes the processes of division, differentiation and keratinization in the epidermis and its derivatives - hair and nails. Zinc has an immunomodulatory effect on the T-cell immunity and increases non-specific factors immune protection. Zinc stimulates the synthesis of glucocorticosteroid hormones in the oppression of the adrenal cortex. It is a powerful antioxidant. Potentiate pharmacological effects Retinoids and reduces their toxicity.


Absorbed by B. thin intestines: 40-65% in duodenalistician15-21% - in the skinny and iliac.

Special conditions

Overdose symptoms: burning oral pain and throat, watery or bloody diarrhea, belching, vomiting, arterial hypotension, lung edema. It may also be observed: hematuria, anouria, collapse, cramps, hemolysis


  • 1 tab. zinc sulfate heptahydrate (in terms of zinc monohydrate sulfate) 124 mg, which corresponds to the content of zinc-yona 45 mg. Auxiliary substances: starch potato, povidone, talc, magnesium stearate, monohydrate lactose. The composition of the shell: hypimosellos (oxypropylmethyl cellulose), macrogol (polyoxyethylene glycol), titanium dioxide, varnish azorubine (E122). Tab. Heptahydrate sulfate zinc (in terms of zinc monohydrate sulfate) 124 mg,? What corresponds to the content of zinc-yon 45 mg excipients: starch potato, poveney, talc, magnesium stearate, monohydrate lactose. The composition of the shell: hypimosellos (oxypropylmethyl cellulose), macrogol (polyoxyethylene glycol), titanium dioxide, varnish azorubine (E122). zinc sulfate 124 mg; Auxiliary in-Va: lactose, starch potato, polyvinylpyrrolidone, talc, magnesium stearate. Zinc sulfate monohydrate 124 mg, which corresponds to an elemental zinc content of 45 mg. Auxiliary substances: Pharmaceutical lactose, starch potato, polyvinylpyrrolidone, talc, magnesium stearate. The composition of the shell: oxypropylmethylcellulose (Methocel E-5 Premium), titanium dioxide, polyoxyethylene glycol (Carbowax 4000), Sicovit Azorubinlack (E122).

ZincTer reading to use

  • - in the composition comprehensive treatment diseases leading to the development of zinc deficiency in the body; - Acrodermatitis Enteropathica (Enteropathic Akrodermatitis); - Alopecia AreaTa (nest baldness) and Alopecia Maligna (malignant baldness); - Acne Pustulosa and Acne Phlegmonosa (Pustulatse and purulent eels); - with long-term treatment with corticosteroids, especially at the time of the abolition of drugs; - as auxiliary treatment employment wounds.

Qincitel contraindications

  • increased sensitivity To the components of the drug. Cautions: Ply long use Zinc drugs should take into account the risk of disadvantage of copper; The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicle; Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.

Qincitel Side Action

  • May be marked (especially at large doses) nausea; diarrhea; heartburn; leukopenia, accompanied by increasing temperature, chills, sore throat; Sideroblastic anemia accompanied by weakness, decreased copper level in blood plasma. Rarely there are headaches, a metal taste in the mouth.

Medicinal interaction

Zinc salts reduce the absorption of tetracycline, copper (the drug should be applied no earlier than 2 hours after taking these drugs). Tiazide diuretics enhance zinc removal with urine. Folic acid can be a small degree to break zinc suction. High doses of iron, penicillamine and other complexing products significantly reduce zinc absorption (should be applied not earlier than 2 hours after taking these drugs). In some cases, the use of zinc drugs is possible in combination with vitamin and mineral complexes.

Storage conditions

  • dry
  • bear from children
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