Can second monthly go. Why monthly go several times a month? Bleeding pathology

The occurrence of menstruation with the preservation of the cycle indicates the correct functioning of the reproductive system of the woman. It says that a failure has not happened in the system, and no pathology has developed. But it happens when the girl has monthly appear twice a month. This is often not considered pathology - young girls have such a similar to stabilize the stabilization of the hormonal background. This phenomenon of U. mature woman It can signal any pathology, as a result of which it is unsafe.

Why monthly go 2 times a month, the reasons for this phenomenon and the cycle restoration methods will be described in this article. Menstrual cycle It is considered normal, if the duration of the break between bleeding 28-32 days. If the monthly appeared at the beginning of the month - the 1st day, then at a cycle of 28 days the onset of the following menstruation should be waited at the end of the same month. It happens in girls, younger than 18 years old.

In women, there is a less long cycle equal to 21 days, which means that monthly will come twice a month, this is not a pathology, but a feature of the body of a young lady. It should be worried when menstruation begins every 2 weeks. What are the prerequisites for this phenomenon, and when should you consult a doctor?

Why menstruation cycle became twice a month - here you allocate the following reasons This phenomenon:

  • Application of contraceptives. In the first months, the use of oral contraceptives, the body is accustomed to them and the appearance of osculusing blood discharge does not speak danger. But abundant periods require immediate appeal to the doctor. An irregular cycle can be a woman who has installed a spiral, some time will follow 2 times a month.
  • Age. Teenagers and women aged can be critical days twice a month. Young girls have it when establishing normal cycle. In the age of age testifies that Climax comes.
  • Pregnancy. This is the safest reason for the irregular "arrival" of menstruation. Sometimes the occurrence of menstruation occurs two weeks after the past is the movement of the egg in the uterine cavity. If the allocations are small, it means that the egg fertilization occurred. If bleeding is significant, then it can talk about ectopic pregnancy. The woman urgently should consult a doctor to prevent the pipe break.
  • Diseases of small pelvis. Many diseases affect the impairment of the menstrual cycle. It may be the mioma of the uterus, polypoid, hyperplasia or cancer. Most often, such diseases are found in women older than 35 years old - the most dangerous age, because before the onset of Klimaks is still far away, and changes in the body can adversely affect health. Repeated periods often begin after an abortion or extensive operation In the child bodies. The body can also signal an inflammatory process.
  • Hormonal disbalance. Most often, re-menstruation happens in women with hormonal imbalance. The wrong cycle may have for a long time in a woman who suffered an abortion or because of a strong infection.

It is interesting: "harmless" stress - can also cause frequent bleeding. Hormonal failure due to emotional voltage - frequent phenomenon. The case of re-coming menstruation may be single or last several months. Stress for the body can be overwork or insomnia.

Sometimes the occurrence of menstruation take bleeding of another nature. For example, the development of the erosion of the cervix - this is also normal phenomenon Blood discharge. Also, conventional bleeding can begin, which women are confused with menstruation, but it requires a doctor's intervention. The causes of the disordered monthly cycle may be a climate change and even PMS.

Gynecological diseases

It is important to know that such problems are abundant or scant (but constant) blood discharges - this is the mandatory presence of a gynecological disease. It may not be serious, but there is a survey.

Serious pathologies are considered:

  • Momoma is benign education In the uterine cavity that can grow up to large sizes. The disease entails a failure in a hormonal background, there is instability in the production of hormones, which entails the occurrence of menstruation 2 times a month.
  • Inflammation of appendages. This disease also leads to a violation of the menstrual cycle and the appearance of blood secretions between the monthly.
  • Polyps and endometriosis. Such pathology is the cause of re-coming menstruation in one month.
  • Uterine cancer. Regardless of the menstrual cycle phase, blood selections occur. If the cervical cancer has developed, there will be watery highlights of brown - they can go throughout the month and even more.
  • Blood blood clotting. Menstruation comes twice a month and lasts longer than three days.
  • Okayysh early time. Unplanned blood discharge can be spontaneous interruption of pregnancy early. But the girl who knows about pregnancy takes them for the beginning of menstruation.

These pathologies should be treated, for which it is necessary to contact the gynecologist. A specialist should be handled every time blood discharges entail a strong pain syndrome.

What to do if monthly go 2 times a month

When the problem appears, a survey should first be completed. If there are such pathologies like the mioma of the uterus, polyps, hyperplasia or tumor, then the doctor will appoint proper treatment. Additionally, the patient is directed to ultrasound to eliminate pregnancy and determining the nature of pathology. At the reception, the doctor should not be silent about the reception of contraceptives, whether there is a delay of menstruation. Ultrasound helps to identify the pathology of the small pelvis organs. It is also given a direction for the surrender of tests for hormones, if there are changes, applied adequate treatment.

When the body works normally and all systems function in proper mode, no disorders of the menstrual period happens. It is important to remember that extracurricular blood discharges are a sign of a disease or another problem in the body with which to immediately consult a doctor.

The regular occurrence of menstruals indicates the correct functioning of the reproductive system of the woman, as well as the absence of pathological processes.

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However, it happens that the girl appears monthly twice a month. It immediately causes anxiety, but does not always act a testimony of any pathologies. For example, if a girl who first encountered this phenomenon, observes the monthly second time per month, this may be due to the stabilization of the hormonal background.

If the mature woman for the month came the second monthly - it is necessary to immediately turn to the doctor to diagnose the possible pathological process.

Visit to gynecologist

Menstrual cycle normally

Monthly, which go not twice a month, and in accordance with lunar calendar, indicate the trouble-free work of all the mechanisms responsible for the continuation of the kind. The average duration of the break between bleeding, as a rule, is 28 to 32 days. Also find out and why.

We also note that monthly 2 times a month can go and then when the number of days between bleeding in women is 21-28. This may be due to the characteristics of the body of a particular representative of the fine sex, and the pathology is not.

Calculation of a monthly cycle

Causes of the impairment

There are many reasons that can explain why menstruation go 2 times a month. We will analyze the most frequent cases.

  1. Receiving hormonal contraceptives. As soon as the woman begins to drink such drugs, in the first or second month she can again go bleeding. Such a feature can be repeated two to three times, and after that the hormonal background is stabilized, and the cycle comes back to normal.
  2. Hormonal background failure. At the same time, the monthly second time in one month is quite likely. For example, the presence of an inflammatory process inside the girl's childbearing organ prevents sufficient release of progesterone, while the endometrial layer will be separated slightly earlier and will again lead to menstrual bleeding. Moreover, abortion or childbirth also has a considerable effect on the functioning of the endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of hormones. Therefore, such processes can cause the period that monthly went 2 times a month.
  3. Age features. In the girl, the appearance of the first menstruation indicates the beginning of the activities of the childbearing bodies. However, this system is still developing, so monthly can go for the second time per month. This does not at all indicate any disease or pathology. Everything is normalized throughout the couple of years. Woman who is close to climacterid periodcan also face this problem. This is explained by the aging process that affects the hormonal background.
  4. Ovulation selection. Everyone knows that 2 weeks after the menstrual cycle there comes ovulation, in other words, the destruction of the follicle and the exit of the egg cell, which is ready for fertilization. If the merger with sperm occurred, the egg cell is attached to the endometrial layer prepared in advance in the uterus. These processes may be accompanied by small capillarium damage in the body, which will cause minor weakening allocations of brownish color. Most girls by mistake take them over the monthly, which appeared 2 times a month. This phenomenon is due only to physiology and does not require access to the gynecologist.
  5. Spiral inside the uterus. The use of this method of contraception may affect the occurrence of the discharges taken for menstruation. If such a feature is observed more than once, it is abundant, the helix must be removed in order to avoid the development of pathologies within the bodies responsible for the reproductive function.

Diseases because of which bleeding occurs

In addition to the consequences described above, there is a mass of pathological processes that negatively affect the organs of the woman and cause bleeding from the vagina.

We will analyze the most dangerous diseases.

  1. Myoma uterus. This tumor itself is not considered malignant, but it is able to grow to large sizes. At some stage of growth, there are violations of the production of genital hormones, and this leads to the onset of repeated menstruation. Mioma should be treated with medication, and sometimes even surgically.
  2. Adenomyosis. it inflammatory processwhich is also able to influence endocrine systemwhy and emerge monthly twice a month.
  3. Pathology of uterine pipes, inflammation of the ovaries, erosion of the cervix. All specified processes are often able to cause both menstruation and intrauterine bleeding. If blood appeared in the presence of pathologies, an urgent medical examination is necessary in order to avoid the development of anemia.
  4. Polyps and endometriosis. These processes are developing inside the uterus. Certain circumstances may affect the occurrence of menstruation, because it is the remnants of the endometrium exhausted.
  5. Uterine cancer. If, in the main eleven body of a woman there are malignant education, they can cause repeated bleeding, watery discharge from the vagina. This menstruation requires urgent appeal to the doctor with a view to full examination organism.
  6. Interrupted pregnancy. If the fertilized egg could not attached to the uterus, the body gets rid of it. Simply put, there is a miscarriage. This process is accompanied by the release of blood, which does not depend on the menstrual cycle.
  7. Ectopic pregnancy. If the development of the embryo began not in the uterus, but in mastechnic trumpetFrom the vagina may seem blood isolation, which externally resemble menstruation. It is worth noting that this pathology is very dangerous for a woman and immediate surgical intervention is required.
  8. Blood blood clotting. Such a feature can also answer the question why monthly go 2 times in one month.
The value of emotional state

Each woman should remember that, as a rule, often the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina is not monthly, but bleeding, only similar to them.

Change emotional state

Very often, such a phenomenon cause stress. Emotional splash causes a hormonal shock that provokes unexpected bleeding.

Moreover, the climate change during the trip or when moving is also able to lead to the fact that the woman will have monthly walk twice a month.

Meeting of the menstrual cycle

To avoid experiences on this occasion and not wonder why menstruation go 2 times a month, try:

  • avoid strong shocks;
  • do not take to heart every little thing;
  • follow the preparations that accept;
  • control the hormonal background (surrender tests on time).

If you follow yourself and your health - no diseases and pathologies will not be terrible. Read also: and what.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, doctor ultrasound, genetics

Many women of childbearing age at least once in their lives face such a problem as a disruption of the menstrual cycle. The cycle failures can be provoked by completely different factors. Selection can begin before either later than the desired period of time, or change your color and consistency at all. A rather common serious collection of a cycle can be considered the situation when it comes monthly twice a month.

Age changes and hormones

For the continuation of the kind is responsible for sex system Each woman. The menstrual cycle, which is considered normal, should be 28-29 days. Since the conception does not occur, the endometrium of the uterus is purified by the natural way. This phase is repeated again.

Female organism can be compared with the standard alarm clock. After all, each month there are consistent processes on a clearly defined schedule.

The system failure can signal the following pathologies:

The main signs of pathology

Monthly, which take place several times in a month and are accompanied by pain at the bottom of the abdomen or a violation of the well-being of a woman, can be a sign of the appearance of certain pathologies. These include:

  • The presence of formations of a benign character. Indeed, in this case, the level of hormones may increase dramatically, and therefore, and the allocation themselves change.
  • Malignant education. The tumor of this kind is accompanied by malignant organisms, which cause menstruation. However, the allocation in this case is only conventionally called monthly.
  • Inflammation of small pelvis organs. Not only inflammation of the uterine pipes and the ovaries themselves, but also the erosion of the cervix, as well as adenomyosis, can be attributed to this item. Very often a woman does not perceive the like bloody issues As a threat to the whole organism and health in general, but only positions them as simple monthly.
  • The presence of ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the embryo is developing in a masterpiece, and without reaching the uterus of a woman. As a result of reinforced pressure, bleeding occurs. At the beginning of pregnancy, pain is not felt, and bleeding is accepted for simple periods. After a certain period of time, the pain will be tangible, and well-being in general terms will deteriorate. In this case, do not do without the help of a surgeon. If the body cleansing is delayed, then the woman can be completely fruitless.

Premature menstruation can pass by weight of the reasons.

Regardless of the hormonal aspects of the occurrence of menstruation several times in 30 days or a crisis period in women, it is necessary to pay attention to personal well-being and health, visiting the gynecologist on the first ailment and not to delay the flow of inflammatory processes in the body.

First of all, when the appearance of repeated monthly, for 30 days, the girl should pay special attention to the symptoms that appeared and their overall well-being. It is worth a worry if the woman feels drowsiness, fatigue and dizziness throughout the day.

Save the situation will help maintain a special schedule of menstruation. With the help of it, you can find out when ovulation is coming.

Do not forget about regular planned visits to the gynecologist.

The effect of sex hormones causes menstruation, which normally happens in women once a month. However, in some cases, monthly may come twice - this is already pathology. There are several reasons for this deviation.

Hormonal violations

"Why did the monthly go for the second time in a month?" - the question is quite common in women. It is the hormonal failure in most cases and becomes the cause of this pathology. Violation is accompanied by a stable change in the menstrual cycle, when its clear duration is missing. A similar problem does not appear suddenly and does not pass independently in most cases. Deviation development Most often originates on the course of puberty or suffered serious infections.


Stressful situations can also be the answer to the question: "Why did the monthly go for the second time in a month?" Stress causes a sudden that provokes menstrual-like bleeding. In most cases, this occurs once and is not repeated in the next cycle. At the same time, remember that stress is not only emotional or nervous shocks. Stressful situation Chronic lack of sleep, and serious infection, and severe overworking, becomes for the body.

Age-related changes

The situation when the second time went monthly, it may be related to age-related changes. The preclimacteric period in women may be accompanied by shortening and decreasing regulatory. Allocations occur in the middle of the cycle, or go to a shortened menstrual cycle, become more long and abundant, and only then decrease and the cycle is shortened.

Navy - intrauterine spiral

There are often cases when after installing spirals or other Navy, a woman in the middle of the cycle occurs menstrual-like bleeding, accompanied by a sharp pain at the bottom of the abdomen. Allocations can be abundant, but after 3 months everything comes to normal. If the problem does not disappear, you will have to change the method of contraception.


The reason why monthly went the second time in a month may become benignant tumor - Mioma. A similar problem is more often found in women after 35 years. Also cause monthly repeated diseases such as inflammatory process - adenomyosis, polyps, cervical cancer and body,

The reason why monthly went for the second time in a month, the disease of the salpinophorship becomes - inflammation of the ovaries. Blood blood clotting can also cause double menstruation.

Spontaneous abortion when the organism is rejected by the organism of the fertilized egg, can provoke the monthly second time per month, in the middle of the cycle.

Repeat menstruation, observed after a recent abortion, can talk about inflammation of the mucosa and muscle membrane of the uterus due to infection.

How to be

Exit in such a situation is one - a hike to the gynecologist. Only a doctor can establish the true cause of the problem. Be healthy!

Monthly, as a rule, testify to the new menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle is a change that occurs periodically in the female body. Translated by S. latin language The word Menstruus - denotes monthly. Main appointment critical days - This is readiness female organism For possible conception. In order to understand whether one can go monthly 2 times a month, you need to know what regulates the frequency and character of menstruation. It is very simple.

This function is assigned to hormones, which, in turn, are produced either in the pituitary gland or in the hypothalamus. The entire menstrual cycle can be divided into 3 phases. Each phase is characterized by certain changes not only in the inner shell of the uterus, which is called endometrial, but also in the ovaries. The first day of menstruation is the beginning of the first phase of the cycle. Judging by the changes in the ovaries, it is possible to accurately determine the phase in which the menstrual cycle is currently being: follicular, ovulatory or lutein. Accordingly, changes in the uterus are also divided into three phases: menstrual, proliferative or secretory.

What is the case?

When it comes monthly 2 times a month, it is necessary to understand that this is by no means a physiological process. In order to change first of all, you need to find out the reason to find out why menstruation go 2 times a month. From the response to this question and the further tactics of normalization of your menstrual cycle depends. Here will immediately make a reservation. There are such situations in which the presence of menstruation in the amount of two times a month is the norm. This often happens when receiving oral contraceptives and lasts this phenomenon during the first three months old. Big role Plays the number of outrages from the vagina. Invalid is the situation when there is an abundant reason for anxiety and immediate appeal to the doctor. Perhaps the appearance of oscillations and minor selections in the first time.

If this may be associated with the age-related cycle changes. Two options are possible here. In the first case, such violations occur in girls after the onset of the first menstruation, for two years, the menstrual cycle is established, therefore such situations are not rare. For the second option, it is characteristic, on the contrary, extinction menstrual function. This phenomenon arises in some women during the period of Clea.

Another reason for the vagina may be implantation in the uterine cavity or pipe. Consider if you do not plan to get pregnant, and you had sex in this month without any contraceptive means, sudden bleeding should be suspicable about possible conception. Therefore, in such a situation, it is better to immediately consult a doctor, passing a thorough examination.

The intrauterine spiral used as a reliable means of contraception, it is often possible to cause long and frequent seals. They clearly indicate that you better not use this means for contraception, try to go to something else. After the selection, it is necessary to remove the spiral. On this occasion, it is better to consult with your gynecologist who will conduct a survey and will advise what is better for you.

We act immediately

In the event that it goes monthly 2 times a month for several cycles, the Council suggests itself - immediately to the doctor. In no case should not postpone this visit, since these bleeding will certainly lead to the development of such a disease as anemia.

Therefore, love yourself, take care of your health.

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