Proponial assistance in poisoning. First aid for poisoning

When eating poor-quality (infected) products of animal origin (meat, fish, sausages, meat and fish canned food, milk and products from it - cream, ice cream, etc.) There is food poisoning - food toxicoinfection.

The disease causes in this product microbes and their livelihoods - toxins.
Meat, fish can be infected while animal life, but most often this happens in the process of cooking and as a result, improper storage food products. Especially easily infected with chopped meat (pate, cold, minced meat, etc.). The first symptoms of the disease appear in 2-4 hours after receiving an infected product. In some cases, the disease can develop through a large period of time - 20-26 hours.

The disease usually begins suddenly: there are general ailments, nausea, multiple vomiting, grasp abdominal pain, a frequent liquid chair, sometimes with admixture of mucus and streaks of blood. Inxication, manifested by a decrease in blood pressure, increased pulse, pallhery skin Pokrov, thirst, high temperatures (38-40 ° C).
If the patient is left without help, cardiovascular insufficiency develops catastrophically rapidly, convulsive muscle contractions arise, collapse and death occur.

First aid.

First aid lies:

  • In the immediate washing of the stomach with water with a gastric probe or by causing artificial vomiting - abundant drinking warm water (1.5-2 liters) with subsequent irritation of the root of the tongue. Wash follows to "clean water". It is necessary to give abundant drink when independent vomiting.
  • For a speedy removal from the intestine of infected products, the patient needs to be given carbullen ("gastric" coal) and a laxative (25 g of saline laxative on a half-table of water or 30 ml of castor oil).
  • It is forbidden to receive any food (within 1-2 days), but abundant drink is assigned. In the acute period (after washing the stomach), hot tea or coffee are shown.
  • The patient must be warm, having fallen by the heating plates (to the legs, hand).
  • Contributes to the recovery of the reception inside sulfanimamides (Sulgin, phthalazole 0.5 g 4-6 times a day) or antibiotics (levomycetin 0.5 g 4-6 times a day, chloro tetracycline hydrochloride (300,000) 4 times during 2-3 days).
  • Patient alarms and vomit must be disinfected directly in the vessel (mixing with dry chlorine lime). To the victim, you should call an ambulance or deliver it to a medical institution.

All persons who have used suspicious foods for 1-2 days should be supervised and when they appear such symptoms to be hospitalized.

Poisoning mushrooms.

Mushroom poisoning It can occur when taking poisonous mushrooms (red or gray amanita, false beef, pale custodia, false champignon, etc.), as well as edible mushrooms, if they are spoiled (mold, mucus-coated, long stored). The most poisonous pale custodia - the deadly poisoning can occur when taking even one mushroom. It should be remembered that boiling does not destroy poisonous substances in mushrooms.

The first signs of poisoning are noticeable after a few hours (11 / 2-3h). On the background of rapidly increasing weakness appear salivation, nausea, multiple painful vomiting, severe chico-like abdominal pain, headache, dizziness. Soon diarrhea (often bloody) and symptoms of damage to the nervous system: vision disorder, nonsense, hallucinations, motor arousal, convulsions.

With severe poisoning, especially pale toes, the excitement occurs quite quickly (after 6-10 hours); It is replaced by drowsiness, indifference. During this period, cardiac activity is sharply weakened, decrease arterial pressure, body temperature, jaundice appears. If the patient does not assist, the collapse develops, quickly leading to death.

First aid for poisoning mushrooms often plays a decisive role in the salvation of the patient.

  • It is necessary to immediately begin washing the stomach with water, better weak (pink) solution of potassium permanganate with a probe or method of artificially caused vomiting.
  • Useful to add adsorbents: Activated carbon, carbullen.
  • Then give a laxative ( castor oil and salt laxative), several times put cleansing enemas.
  • After these patient's procedures, it is necessary to heat and set the heating plates, give to drink hot sweet tea, coffee.
  • The patient should be delivered soon to medical institutionwhere he will be rendered medical HelpIn which all these patients need.


Botulism- acute infectionat which the CNS is defeated by toxins, highlighting anaerobic sporing bacilli. Botulism belongs to food toxicoin intakes, since poisoning occurs when taking products infected with this bacillus.

The most often botulism is infected with products, the preparation of which goes without sufficient hot processing: dried and smoked meat and fish, sausages, old meat, fish, canned vegetables. The period from the reception of infected food before the appearance of the first signs of the disease is more often small - 12-24 hours; But in some cases it is possible to lengthen it up to several days.

The disease begins with headaches, general ailment, dizziness. The chair is absent, the stomach will be off. The body temperature remains normal. The state is worsening, after a day, signs of severe damage to the CNS appear on the beginning of the disease: bias occur in eyes, squint, omit upper century, paralysis of a soft sky - the voice becomes vague, the act of swallowing is disturbed. The bloating increases, urine delay is observed. The disease quickly progresses and patient during the first 5 days dies from the paralysis of the respiratory center and heart weakness.

First aid is similar to that with other food poisoning:

  • Washing the stomach with a weak solution of sodium bicarbonate, potassium permanganate with the addition of adsorbents - activated coal, carboral,
  • Laxatives, cleansing belizes,
  • Abundant hot drink (tea, milk).
  • It is necessary to know that the main method of treatment is the speedy administration of a patient with specific antibotinic serum, so the patient with botulism must be immediately delivered to the hospital.

Food poisoning is a common problem that occurs when using low-quality products.

The causes of food poisonings can be the use of inedible products (poisonous mushrooms), poor-quality, overdue food or food, which contains a large number of dangerous, poisoning bacterial organism.

Food poisoning can also be obtained as a result of non-compliance with the rules of hygiene, and in case of violation of the storage and cooking mode.

Food intoxication is not the only problem that may arise from a person who poisoned food. Reception of poor-quality foods can end in infection with intestinal infection.

Symptoms and signs of food poisoning

If the food contained certain malicious bacteria, they can provoke the development of unpleasant and requiring long medical treatment diseases in the hospital.

To the most common diseases obtained as a result of poisoning and requiring stationary treatmentinclude:

  • Dysentery - acute infectious disease whose development provokes Bacteria Shigella. It is characterized by severe intoxication of the entire body and inflammation of the intestine. In the people, the disease is known for the name "Bloody diarrhea". In cases of complications of dysentery, the intestinal rupture is dangerous. Requires medication treatment.
  • Botulism - A complex infectious disease, which is accompanied by severe intoxication. Botulism sticks most often multiply in incorrectly canned food, fish, sausages. With the slightest suspicions for the possibility of infection with botulism, the doctor's appeal is necessary. In cases of untimely treatment, the disease is dangerous irreversible lesions of the nervous system and can lead to a fatal outcome.
  • Escherichoz.infectious diseasewhich affects the gastrointestinal organs. Eschherichoz poisoning is accompanied by the development of sharp enterocolites and enteritis. Infection can occur in the absence of hygiene, through water and food, often observed in small children. Be sure to require medical intervention and medication treatment.
  • Salmonelles - view intestinal infectionwhich is accompanied by severe intoxication, affects the gastrointestinal tract. In case of late treatment, development can provoke renal failure. Requires compulsory appeal to the medical institution.

The first symptoms of food poisoning in adults and children can manifest themselves as 2-4 hours after meals and a day. Food inxications activate the body's protective reactions, which begins to reject harmful substances that have fallen into it. Often one of the first symptoms indicating the poisoning of food in humans is nausea and vomiting. The victim can feel sudden lethargy, weakness, not provoked by strong fatigue.

In addition, food poisoning, which requires help and treatment, can manifest themselves with the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea;
  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • abdominal pain;
  • severe thirst;
  • increased sweating, chills, pallor of lip and skin of the face.

If a person suspects that he recently ate doubtful quality and he has similar symptoms of food poisoning, you should not ignore them. Provided that vomiting and the urge to the toilet are infrequent, and the pain in the stomach moderate, you can treat and provide first aid with food poisoning At home independently.

First Help at home in food poisoning

Measures taken at the first signs of poisoning are aimed at maximum elimination of toxins and dehydration warnings.

These measures are usually enough to cope with the manifestations of food poisoning. At the same time, you should be exactly known exactly what caused the attack. It is very important to remember that with many toxins it is impossible to cope on their own at home.

  • the body temperature rose to 39 ° C and higher;
  • the poisoned complain of very strong cuts or permanent spasms in the stomach;
  • the stomach became hard or swollen strongly;
  • skin rash appeared on the body;
  • the main signs of food poisoning were supplemented with inflammation and pains in the joints;
  • breathing disorders have become noticeable, it is observed in swallowing;
  • in the chair or vomiting the patient is noticeable blood.

If the first assistance in food poisoning was rendered, but severe vomiting and diarrhea do not pass over the next two or three hours, it is worth calling ambulance.

Treatment of food poisoning at home can have negative consequences in cases where the patient requires more serious qualified help than simply receiving a sorbent. With poisoning mushrooms in ambulance, it is necessary to call it immediately.

For example, the poison of pale refunds in a short time is capable of destroying liver cells. Exoto-toxic sticks of bumps that have fallen into the body with food products, with unwise of the first medical care, not only poisoning, but also affect nervous system man.

Do not hide with a challenge soon, so that a person has been rendered qualified first aid if the symptoms of food poisoning are amplified.

Regardless of where the treatment and first aid for food poisoning (at home or in the hospital), for a faster recovery of the body, you need to take some preventive measures. First of all, this is a long reception of probiotics that will restore the disturbed flora and will help to cope with dysbacteriosis, which often appears after a long diarrhea.

Even after complete recovery, it is worth a diet for some time - not to use oily, acute, roasted and alcohol. After transferred intoxication, the body is always weakened, and it should not be loaded heavy for the tract of the tract.

If a few hours after the meal suddenly began nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, the temperature rose and weakness came, it is likely that the poisoning of food. It is necessary not only to be able to recognize the symptoms of unhealthy, but also to provide first help to reduce the consequences of using poor-quality meals to a minimum.

Causes of food poisoning

In case of non-compliance with the temperature regime, the timing of food storage in them is favorable for the development of pathogenic microflora medium. Bacteria, among which are intestinal wand, golden staphylococcus, salmonella and others, not only actively multiply, but also distinguish toxins as life products.

If in digestive tract a person, such a food leads to a failure of the GIA with the accompanying signs of unhealthy.

The most commonly occurs poisoning with poor-quality dairy, meat, fish products, baking with creams, salads with mayonnaise dressing, homemade canned food, as well as poisonous mushrooms and berries.

Types of food poisoning

Classification of food poisoning includes three groups:

Microbial infection

  • toxicoinfection (intestinal wand, klebseyella, protea, enterococci, paraghemolytic vibrion, etc.)
  • bacteriotoxicosis (staphylococci, botulin stick)
  • mycotoxicosis (microscopic fungi)

Multical infection

  • poisoning a priori poisonous plants and animals;
  • poisoning toxic products formed in food as a result of the impact of certain conditions (Solan in potato tubers under the influence of sunlight)
  • chemicals in food (pesticides, nitrates, nutritional supplements)

Bacterial poisoning is not transmitted from a sick person to healthy, the path of infection - through food.

Signs of food poisoning

The severity of poisoning depends on several factors:

  • age
  • body masses
  • health of the gastrointestinal tract and state immune system;
  • species of the causative agent of the disease;
  • the number of spoiled food that fell into the body

As a rule, the first signs of food poisoning appear 4-5 hours later, but in some cases, symptoms can manifest itself within an hour or, on the contrary, after a day and later.

To suspect food poisoning can be as follows:

  1. Discomfort, pain, spasms in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, intestines;
  2. Nausea, vomiting;
  3. Bloating, meteorism;
  4. Diarrhea (a chair has an unpleasant sharp smell, in feces - not digested pieces of food);
  5. Weakness, dizziness;
  6. Clouding consciousness;
  7. Salivation;
  8. Tachycardia, Dyshie

May increase body temperature.

What to do in food poisoning

First aid in suspected food poisoning should be rendered immediately at home. It includes the following actions, no dependence on whether the symptoms have - in an adult or a child:

  • stomach washing is necessary to remove poor-quality food from the body and, if possible, toxins. For this purpose, a solution of food soda or a weak-colored solution of potassium permanganate is used. The victim drinks the liquid, and then stimulates the multiple vomiting, until the content becomes transparent, without food impurities;
  • The remaining toxins from the body remove enterosorbents - substances with a huge absorbency. These include activated carbon tablets, polyfepan, enterosgel;
  • due to vomiting and diarrhea there is a liquid loss by the body, so it is important to restore water balance With abundant drink. Along with warm boiled water, it is possible to use reciprons and other drugs, the composition of the solutions of which are close to the composition of physiological fluids of the body. It is important to ride a patient with small portions so as not to provoke re-vomiting;
  • in the food poisoning, bedding and peace is shown.

Symptomatically, you can use antipyretic agents, antispasmodic drugs.

At the very first signs pointing to the child's food poisoning, you should call an ambulance. You will not allow an independent intake of antibiotics: what to take, and in which dosage the doctor should say.

In this video, Dr. Komarovsky emphasizes the danger of food poisoning for children's body, especially under the age of three. In severe intoxication, the loss of consciousness, hallucinations, violation of vision, orientation may occur. Children quick assistance to cause immediately, high risk of fatal outcome!

Food with food poisoning

The patient is important a gentle diet that helps restore the water-salt balance of the body, not irritating the inflamed mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and easily and nutritious.

What you can eat

  • on the second day, in addition to abundant drink, broth (without meat) is added, vegetable puree (100 g)
  • next, a rice porridge is shown, welded on water, without adding salt, seasonings, oils (200 g), rice decoction, vegetable soup without meat, several crackers
  • vegetable casserole (without adding eggs), broths, boiled fish
  • porridge on water (rice, buckwheat)
  • broths (meat, vegetable)
  • meat and fish in the form of steam cutlets
  • vegetables in boiled or baked
  • crackers, fresh cookies
  • mineral water
  • herbal teas

The list of prohibited products got:

  • dairy products without exception
  • fat broths
  • raw vegetables
  • fruits
  • roasted meat, fish
  • biscuits, pastries, cakes, cakes
  • oatmeal, millet, pear porridge
  • sausage
  • sweet drinks, soda, juices

Prevention of intestinal poisoning

To avoid disease and reduce the likelihood of poisoning, follows:

  • pay attention to the shelf life, especially in perishable products;
  • do not take products with improper storage conditions;
  • food products that have broken packaging integrity (disturbed, adorgan), not worth purchasing;
  • refuse to eat foods with unpleasant or unpleasant odor, color, consistency;
  • the precipitate in liquid and puree products, gas bubbles, decreases indicate the flow of chemical reactions, the change in the composition and properties;
  • on vacation, excursions should be trying to try unfamiliar food with caution, if possible, refuse her if there is no confidence in quality;
  • observe personal hygiene, wash your hands after visiting the restroom, street, before meals;
  • thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables;
  • use individual cutting boards for raw meat, fish, vegetables, bread;
  • carry out a revision in the refrigerator and ruthlessly destroy products that can not be eaten

Now you know, because of what food poisoning may occur, what measures should be taken first, which is eaten for the restoration of forces. The treatment prescribes the doctor, if necessary, the patient is left in the hospital.

Food poisoning is a very common phenomenon among adults and children, especially in the hot season. The source of the disease becomes poor-quality or non-freight products that man used to eat. Such intoxication develops very quickly and exhausts human body . To minimize unpleasant consequences, it is necessary that the actions in poisoning with food products were coordinated and clear.

The first signs of food poisoning

Any food poisoning manifests similar symptoms, so it is easy to recognize such intoxication:

  1. A person feels strong weakness and general ailment.
  2. Worried about nauseawhich quickly develops into indomitable vomiting.
  3. Detergery develops. Fleecers are watery, silent, sometimes with mucus and blood impurities.
  4. The temperature rises. This condition is accompanied by a strong chill and a sense of pressure on the cranial box.
  5. Flowing blood pressure, man sweats greatly.

Food Poison Help

All actions aimed at providing first assistance in food poisoning are divided into several consecutive steps.

Stomach washing

The priority pitch with food intoxication is washing the stomach. It is washed with a large volume of fluid. For the procedure, these solutions can be used:

  • soda solution is a teaspoon without a mountain on a liter of boiled water;
  • salt solution - a complete teaspoon per liter of pure water;
  • face pinking solution of manganese. The manganese is bred in a small amount of water, and then added to a total volume for washing the stomach. This makes it possible to prevent burns with non-dissolisted crystals with mucosa.

The procedure is performed until the outgoing waters are clean, without food residue.

Washing is shown even if there is vomiting. The gastric mucosa should be well cleaned.


After the vomit's vomit became less likely, give any adsorbents that are at hand. It may be an athoxyl, enterosgel, polysorb, cutter or activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet by 10 kg of body weight. Children are more convenient to give more modern sorbents, since the required amount of activated carbon to the child will be hard to swallow. If after receiving these drugs, vomiting resumed again, the reception is repeated in the same dosage.

Adsorbents neutralize the harmful effects of toxins and contribute to their soft removal from the body.

Cleaning enema

Cleaning the intestine with the help of the enema is necessary to prevent suction toxins into the mucous membrane, and from there in the bloodstream. For the cleansing enema, you can use different liquids:

  • Starchy water - a teaspoon of potato starch is brewed in one liter of water. Such a liquid is well enveloped the intestinal walls.
  • A decoction of chamomile - a tablespoon of pharmacy chamomile falls asleep in a liter of water, bring to a boil, insist for 20 minutes and used by destination. The solution has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • A solution of salt or soda is 0.5 teaspoon of a substance dissolve in a liter of water.

You can use the pharmacy preparation solution for the purificationThis remedy helps to clean the intestines and prevents dehydration.

The fluid for the enema should be room temperature or a little warmer. It is unacceptable to use hot water that will contribute to the suction of toxins into the intestinal mucosa.

Normalization of body temperature

Very often, food poisoning proceeds with a strong increase in body temperature. This is a protective reaction of the body's immune system to penetrate pathogenic microorganisms. Long-term hyperthermia adversely affects organs and systems, Therefore, it is necessary to urgently take steps aimed at normalization of temperature.

The patient gives tableted preparations containing paracetamol, ibuprofen or nimesulide. The dosage of medicines is standard, as indicated in the instructions for use.

It is not recommended to use antipyretic drugs in syrup, suspensions or soluble powders. All these forms of drugs contain flavors, dyes and taste amplifiers, which will not well affect the irritated stomach.

Dehydration warning

In food poisoning, the victim has a lot of fluid, which contributes to the development of dehydration and the strongest intoxication of the body. To prevent dehydration, the patient often and small volumes give a drink. It may be ragners of raisins or kuragi, compote from green apples. You can give ordinary clean water, the main thing is that it is without gas. For spaling, the solution of the region is used. This solution is given with caution, especially children, it is very unpleasant to taste and can provoke vomiting. To replenish the fluid in a patient with intoxication, you can use a solution of honey in water, the resulting drink is pleasant to taste and allows you to quickly restore electrolyte balance in organism.

Full of peace

The key to rapid recovery, after edible poisoning, is compliance with the calm regime. The patient is fencing from all negative emotions, put in a convenient bed and heat heat. You can drain the curtains on the windows so that the eyes do not irritate the sunlight.

A person with poisoning should lie on the side and constantly under the supervision of households - this will avoid choking by the lot.

Organization of diet nutrition

The rapid recovery of the poisoning person is directly related to a properly organized diet. In the first day after the start of the acute phase of poisoning food, man does not give food at all, only a lot of drinks offer. For the victim, fastness is not critical at all, it is at that time not to dinners, especially the appetite is completely absent. On the second day after normalization, the states begin to gradually enter the products:

  • First day - crackers or gallery cookies with strong sweet tea. Baked apples Green varieties, you can give a puree from ripe bananas.
  • The second day is viscous porridges on water with a small addition of salt and sugar. Use oatmeal, buckwheat, rice. Cereals in front of cooking can be chopped a little blender, then they will break better and quickly digest.
  • The third day is the second broths from chicken, veal, rabbit. You can cook low-fat soup, without adding a spice and tomato.
  • The fourth day is a potato puree with a small addition of butter, steam cutlets from chicken.

From the fifth day, you can slowly enter dairy products - milk, cottage cheese, yogurt and bifoxifier. Milk first bred in half with water and boil porridge and dairy soups. Cakes make casseroles.

IN rehabilitation period After poisoning, doctors recommend drinking bifoxifier. This delicious drink allows not only to quickly restore forces, but also fill the gastrointestinal tract with a useful microflora. On a day you can drink to one liter of bifoxifier.

During the recovery period, it is necessary to take preparations that contain bifidobacteria. They will help to quickly settle the stomach and intestines with useful microorganisms.

How to prevent food poisoning

Any disease is easier to prevent than then try to cure
. This rule is especially relevant for food intoxication. To protect against poisoning, it suffices to comply with the elementary rules:

  1. Do not buy products in natural markets and from hands to unidentified places.
  2. It is good to heat meat and eggs, fish and eggs.
  3. Do not use overdue products and products in which the tightness of the packaging is broken.
  4. Prepare food for one or twice, especially in the summer.
  5. Often wash your hands, especially after the toilet and the street.

Observing the rules of hygiene, you can protect yourself and your family from heavy food poisoning. But even if the trouble happened and someone in the family poisoned, you need to take yourself in hand and quickly have emergency help.

From this article, you will learn how to provide first assistance in poisoning: food, chemical, alcoholic and carbon monoxide poisoning.

Consider the most common types of poisoning.

First assistance in food poisoning

The first aid technique in poisoning is determined depending on the poisoning substance and the way to get into the body.

Signs of food poisoning:

  • spasms painfulness in the abdomen;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • total weakness;
  • temperature of the body is above 39 ° C.

First aid withfood poisoning:

  • Rinse the stomach. Make a solution: 1 tbsp. l. Food soda + 2 l boiled water. Forcing the victim to drink, how much can, we call vomiting. So do several times.
  • Give sorbent. These substances actively bind toxins. It is activated white coal, Enterosgel preparations, "Phosphologel", "Smekt", etc. Dosage is calculated by weight of the body, so read the instructions before receiving.
  • Understately, sing. During vomiting and intestinal disorders, the body loses a lot of water. It is necessary to drink up to 3 liters of boiled salted water per day or drink solutions intended for oral rehydration: "Gastracier", "Human Electrolyte", "Regidron", "Normohydron".
  • If there is an opportunity, save and pass the doctor a sample of what the victim allegedly poisoned is a bit of food, drinking in clean dishes.

It is impossible:

  • to engage in self-medication, even if you read Komarovsky and all for a long time you know.

First aid for chemical poisoning

Poison chemicals It is possible anywhere - while working in production, walking near the busy motorway, homemade cleaning. They penetrate the organism orally, through the skin, through the lungs.


  • when inhalation of vapors: difficulty breathing up to his stop, chimberry mucous nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, loss of consciousness;
  • by swallowing: Pain in the mouth, larynx, esophagus, stomach, nausea, vomiting, stomach disorder (Cal can be tinged due to intestinal bleeding), drying the mucous membranes due to dehydration;
  • when contact with skin: Burns, pain, swelling, itching, red.

First aid withchemical poisoning:

  • couples - Move the victim to the zone of clean air;
  • through the digestive tract - Enveloping drugs (for example, Almagel), diluted starch, egg protein that will protect the gastric mucosa. Then give sorbents: activated, white coal, "enterosgel", "phospholyugel", "Smekt", which will watch active substance. It is dangerous to induce vomiting, since it is possible to re-burn the injured mucous membrane and pharynx;
  • through the skin - Remove the substance from the skin. This is usually done by rich water. The exceptions are sulfuric acid and the smallest lime, entering the reaction with water. They need to be removed with a napkin.

First aid for alcoholic poisoning

During the decay of ethanol, harmful substances are formed in the liver. They act as drugs, cause Euphoria, which is, in principle, alcohol and consume. In large doses, these products cause severe intoxication.

Signs of alcohol poisoning:

  • the characteristic smell of the mouth of the victim ("Alpar");
  • incoherent speech, the impossibility of controlling their movements, muscles, sphincters, hallucinations, disturbances of consciousness;
  • vomiting, convulsive cuts of muscles;
  • pallor skin.

First aid withalcoholic poisoning:

  • Rinse the stomach: 1 tbsp. l. Food soda + 2 l of water.
  • Forcing to take a sorbent.
  • We support the victim in consciousness. Help strong tea, but caress coffee. Coffee worsens wellness (roughly speaking, the victim "delivers" again) and removes liquid from the body.
  • We provide abundant drink.

It is impossible:

  • leave victim unattended. He can choke a vomit, die from cardiac disorders, suffocate;
  • send the victim in a cold shower. When alcohol is excreted from the body, the work of the vessels is disturbed, so the cold shower may cause their spasm and supercooling;
  • "Furm". At the time of alcohol poisoning, the liver works under heavy load, and additional adoption of alcohol, albeit in a small dose, is an unnecessary load. Similarly operate advertised antipocrine drugs. After their reception, the groove occurs faster, but the load on the liver is created by colossal.

Carbon black gas is distinguished during a fire, in general, any combustion, for example, when operating gasoline engines. It is very dangerous to its accumulation in a closed room, for example in the garage. High concentrations of CO cause lightning poisoning, small - gradual. Castle carbon dioxide can even be near a major motorway. Such places are especially dangerous for young children. There is a risk to poison CO and when smoking the hookah (there is little oxygen in the hookah apparatus), so after such a classes, many have dizziness, drowsiness, headache.

Signs of acute poisoning:

  • rapid weakening of muscles, confusion of consciousness, the desire to sleep;
  • reduction of force heart Emission, expansion of pupils, the impossibility of deep breathing. All this leads to loss of consciousness;
  • skin lifting, can be pink stains;
  • relaxing sphincters, cramps.

Signs of light poisoning:

  • The victim hurts and spins the head, the pain is especially felt in whiskeys and forehead, noise in the ears, darkens in the eyes.
  • The skin blushes, the muscles weaken, man is sick, tear.

When the concentration of carbon monoxide exceeds 1%, healthy person Loses consciousness after three breaths. Death occurs less than 180 seconds.

Before providing first aid with carbon monoxide poisoning, make sure that you do not hurt them yourself. Do not enter the tanned zone without gas mask.

  • Move the victim from the damage zone to the clean air zone. Do not wait until the room is ventilated, to quickly take the victim to the street. If there is a gas mask, first put on it to the victim, then take it out on the street so that he additionally did not breathe in the way.
  • Loosen close clothes: Estate the jacket, shirt, belt, remove the scarf.
  • If necessary, proceed with cardiovascular intensive care.
  • Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, carboxygemoglobin is faster - a substance formed in the body after contacting it. What is less, the better organism Able to absorb oxygen. Therefore, the victim is better to lay on the sun.
  • You can make affected hot tea, coffee to stimulate the work of the heart.

It is impossible:

  • leave the victim without medical observation, even if he seems to come to himself;
  • ignore the recommendations of the doctor. After poisoning, the probability of inflammation of the lungs, bronchi, trachea increases. Therefore, if the doctor appointed the course of antibiotics, go through it.
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