I have a delay of menstruation what to do. Why monthly delay

To monitor menstruation, the girl should know the norms of its delay. This will allow you to quickly determine the possibility of pregnancy or the development of diseases.

How much can there be a delay of menstruation without pregnancy and reckon with the norm?

Gynecologists call a period of up to 10 days:

  • Lack of 2 days It may occur due to the jump of atmospheric pressure, air temperature drops.
  • Delay 3 days should not be alarming. May appear due to stress, fatigue, large physical Loads, as well as the lack of a day.
    For many women, the oscillations of the start of menstruation in several days is considered absolutely normal, there is absolutely no reason for anxiety.
  • Menstruation delay 5 days It is considered an average period between the norm and pathology. It often occurs in women who have sought colds this month or viral infections.
  • Delay 7 days - This is the border between the norm and pathology. In this case, it is necessary to observe and the fogging of inflammatory diseases, if they were observed in this cycle. Such diseases are most often attributed to angina, ORZ, bronchitis or flu.
  • In the absence of 10 days It is better to consult with experts, be sure to do ultrasound procedure ovaries, focus on ripening follicles. It often occurs in the absence of ovulation.
  • Delay for a month It appears due to a hormonal violation. In this situation, special hormonal drugs are required. Stress should be excluded, more resting and falling out.

The main causes of monthly delay

If menstruation does not begin during the week, then you do not need to panic and get upset. With the exclusion of pregnancy, various factors can contribute to the delay. With a thorough examination, experts identify factors of a gynecological or nonhygenecological nature.

If menstruation does not start during the week, then you do not need to panic and get upset

Gynecological reasons

The factors causing lack of menstruation are:

  1. Polycystic ovarian. Polycystosis is characterized by a shortage of hormones. It appears if there is no ovulation, not an endometrial activity, as a result, a hormonal failure occurs, and the egg generation does not ripen.
  2. Myoma uterus. Consider benign educationwhich at any time can be reborn in malignant.
  3. Endometriosis. It is characterized by the growing of benign fabric, similar to the mucous membrane of a critical organ. It develops in a sexual system or beyond, it changes the hormonal background.
  4. Hormonal contraceptives. Delayed menstruation may occur due to the installation of the spiral. It can cause non-delicate blood discharge, as it affects the hormonal background. The absence of menstruation is possible for several weeks. Contraceptive pills affect the body of each woman in different ways. For some, they are ideal for others, they are not suitable at all - cause nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, menstruation delay. It is better to consult with a specialist before their reception.
  5. Abortion or miscarriage. The body is experiencing severe stress, because there is a scraping of a healthy tissue, the inner layer of cells, which causes a violation of a hormonal background. Recovery occurs in a few months.
  6. Poland. In the ripening of the body, the girl can occur periodic delays in menstruation. It is not worth worrying, since the body adjusts the cycle to his way. Irregular cycle May be observed 1-2 years.
  7. Climax. By 40-50 years old, a woman ceases to develop the right amount of hormones. Because of this, a hormonal background is knocked down, causing abundant bleeding or their absence.

Nonreghecological reasons

Nepinecological factors are distinguished:

How many days can the delay

Gynecologists call different timesHow much there is a delay in menstruation without pregnancy, it all depends on the physiological state of the girl. If the delay is up to 3 days, then this is normal.

Any cycle can move for a couple of days, there is no reason for anxiety. In addition, such a small period arises due to the change of climate, weather conditions or the fatigue of the body.

If menstruation does not occur 5-10 days, then the girl should turn to a specialist, to conduct an ultrasound study. The factor may be the absence of ovulation, the immaturity of the ovaries. In addition, such a delay occurs due to the oppressed moral state, stress or heavy load on the body.

Incologists call different times, how many monthly delay without pregnancy, it all depends on the physiological state of the girl

If menstruation does not start for about a month, then it is worth an immediately examined.

May be due to the presence of inflammation in the body, the development of infections. The violation of the hormonal background also contributes to the absence of critical days. Very often such a term arises due to the moral overwork of a woman.

Delayed monthly after delivery lasts from 1.5 months to 1 year. It happens because the body needs to be recovered. Menopause helps the appearance of a delay of up to 3 years. It occurs due to insufficient amount of production of the hormone needed for ovulation.

No menstruation: wait or act?

It is believed that the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. However, some women are less, others are more, this is not considered pathology. If the day of the onset of the next critical days came up, and they are not, it is not necessary to panic. It should be waiting for up to 3 days if they did not appear, acquire a pregnancy test.

If the test result is one strip, then it is worth waiting for the maximum safe period of lack of menstruation to 7 days

If the test is one strip, then it is worth waiting for a maximum safe period of lack of menstruation to 7 days. If after this time the monthly did not start, it is necessary to refer to a specialist for examination and finding out the delay factor.

How much can you not worry?

Experts believe that it is not necessary to panic if menstruation does not begin until the week. This can occur due to the physiological causes of the body. Throughout this time, you can wait and not go to the doctor.

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the presence of harbingers of menstruation, namely on painting pain In the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen, breast swelling, irritability and mood changes. If the symptoms are present, this indicates the approaching critical days.

A delay that requires the mandatory consultation of the gynecologist, is considered to be 35 days. It is necessary to take into account that with what regularity come critical days. If they are permanent (every month), then you can not worry within a week, If the cycle is irregular, then you can wait for up to 2 weeks.

Delay 4 days and more: there is a problem or not

If menstruation did not come for 4 day, then a woman needs to find the cause of lack.

Such a delay occurs:

The delay of 4 days and may not have pathological changes in the body, but only to be a consequence of its fatigue.

Monthly delay for 6-10 days

If there is no menstruation of 6-10 days, then it should not be ignored. First you need to do a pregnancy test if the fertilization has not been confirmed, then the factor is a violation of health. Such a delay is called secondary amenorrhea.

Arises in the following cases:

  • inflammation of the walls of the vagina;
  • thrush;
  • inflammation of the appendages of the uterus;
  • tumor and mioma uterus;
  • intrauterine device;
  • polycystic;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal
  • diabetes;
  • failure failure thyroid gland;
  • obesity;
  • anoscience.

Delay of menstruation 10 days and more: Begin to seek the reason together with your doctor!

In the absence of critical days 10 days - urgently contact the doctor.

He will send additionally to the endocrinologist and for surveys:

  • brain tomography;
  • Ultrasound of the uterine region;
  • Ultrasound of adrenal glands, thyroid gland.

Ultrasound Survey will help determine the condition of the body of a woman

The survey will help determine the condition of the body of a woman.

The reasons for such a long delay are considered:

  • Gynecological diseases (cervical cancer, mioma, endometriosis, inflammation in the ovaries).
  • Stress.
  • Constant fatigue.
  • Wrong work internal organs (adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland).
  • Ovarian dysfunction.

Delay 2 weeks and more

The delay of menstruation without pregnancy is more than 2 weeks may be due to sharp disorders in the body.

It does not depend how much it lasts, it is necessary to seek the reason:

Monthly delay for 3-6 months

Large absence of a monthly called Amenorrhea. It is characterized by a delay in a couple of cycles in a row.

Caused by ailment:

  • myoma uterus;
  • cervical cervical tumor;
  • polycystic ovarian;
  • inflammation of genital appendages;
  • deckless thyroid gland.

Lactation delay during lactation

After the birth of a child, a woman has a question how many monthly delay without pregnancy during lactation. Gynecologists suggest that the cycle is not restored immediately. This is explained by the fact that in the blood contains a large number of prolactin hormone responsible for the production of breast milk. Prolactin supports high estrogen content.

However, after delivery, the number of estrogen decreases sharply, its renewal is carried out at the expense of the nipple receptors. Sucking increases the activity of the hormone pituitary - oxytocin, it is he who takes milk from the chest.

Menstruation appears when it becomes less prolactin. But all individually, some women need extra year to recover. At the very beginning, the periods will be non-permanent, delays are possible for a short time.

It's important to know! In nursing mothers, the delay of menstruation can be more than a month and it is absolutely normal. The absence of menstruation depends on how much young mother feeds the baby, critical days without pregnancy may not be half a year, and year, if the frequency has not changed, and the feeding volume.

Attention: dangerous reasons for delay

Caution! Ectopic pregnancy can lead to a fatal outcome, so it is important to recognize its signs on time.

Is it possible to call menstruation during delay

The delay of menstruation causes anxiety from a beautiful floor, no matter how long. It can be explained by certain factors.

If the absence of menstruation without pregnancy,it is caused by the following ways:

  1. Use herbs. Herbs are used that improve the movement of bile, blood in the body favorably affecting the peristaltics and the work of the kidneys. Must have diuretic properties.
  2. Essential and vegetable oils. Components of oils have a favorably affect the organs of the sexual system, restore their normal functioning.
  3. Medical preparations. When delayed monthly gynecologists prescribe hormonal medicationscausing their appearance. Artificial hormonesIncluded, restore the hormonal background.

How to cause monthly when delay at home

No matter how much time delayed, they can be caused by home independently. To do this, it is important to understand that the absence occurs without pregnancy, otherwise the miscarriages may be provoked.

What threaten the frequent delays of menstruation?

The delay itself does not harm the girl. The harm of the body is caused by which it is caused. Therefore, it is not necessary to treat the absence of the phenomenon under consideration.

Gynecological diseases, inflammation of the ovaries and myomas of the uterus can also provoke the development of malignant education. Delayed menstruation may appear due to hormonal failure, violations in the body. If you do not eliminate the cause, it may develop infertility.

Regular monthly allowed a woman in time to determine the beginning of pregnancy. Upon delay to suspect that some kind of health problem arose. This will allow you to quickly contact the doctor for clarifying the cause.

Preparations from hormonal failure

To eliminate delay medicationExperts recommend funds with progesterone. In the absence of pregnancy, this hormone prepares the uterus for critical days. If the conception was not, its level reaches the maximum value, after which it decreases, causing critical days.

The most popular hormone preparations are considered:

When a woman wonders, how many monthly delay without pregnancy can be, it should be understood that the absence of menstruation is the emergence of problems in the body. Therefore, you should not postpone the visit to the gynecologist, the sooner the reason becomes clear, the faster the treatment will begin.

About the delay of menstruation without pregnancy, see this video:

About 10 reasons for delay See here:

Causes of monthly delay If there is no pregnancy in this video:

No doubt causes the fact that almost every woman had definitely experienced a feeling of confusion when a monthly delay. Actually, this is the cause of complaints of many patients coming to the gynecologist. Such violations of the functioning of the female organism can occur in different ageAs adolescents at the beginning of the occurrence of menstruation and ripe women, whose childbody function gradually fades.

Quite often, unfortunately, the delays appear in women capable of conception. Sometimes they themselves can determine the cause of violations - for example: the waiting for the child, the lactation period, the refusal to receive contraceptive drugs, addictive to the new climate and so on. However, if the problems of such a plan arise regularly, and the menstrual cycle cannot enter the norm himself - in this case, it is already about pathology. It is for this reason that a qualified counseling of a specialist gynecologist is so important here.

On the dangerous duration of the absence of menstruation shows the delay period of 10-15 days and more. After the test of pregnancy, which will show a negative result, it is necessary to schedule a mandatory visit to the doctor. Supposed that such delays point to serious health problems caused by the presence of changes in the functions of the body. It is not necessary to develop yourself with illusions and wait until the cycle itself restores - to diagnose the cause of the delay and only the doctor will be able to assign the necessary therapy.

The menstrual cycle of women is a sensitive system that provides maintaining a childbearing function and demonstrating a variety of overall health anomalies. In order to correctly designate the causes of the main violations, it is advisable to understand that there is a norm, and what - anomalies in the characterization menstrual cycle.

What is he?

The female organism, which is in childbirth, operates according to the nature established by the nature of cyclic patterns.

The menstrual cycle is also a hormonal process under the control of the structures of the brain, including the hypothalamus. Women's genitals also obey its effects. The first stage of the cycle begins with the release of the next egg from the ovary. She is moving in mastechnic trumpetwhere perhaps fertilization is possible, then goes to the uterus, attaching there to the naval of its inner shell. When meeting it, a pregnancy is developing with spermatozoom in a woman. Otherwise, it is rejected by the inner layer of the uterus and is derived outward, as a result of which blood is released - the final stage of the menstrual cycle. On time, the starting bleeding indicates the physical health of a woman, and also that in the process of the cycle did not occur in fertilization of the egg. If monthly delayed - it means there is some kind of failure in the body.

The first bleeding is usually starting from 11 to 15 years. At first they are irregular, but after the expiration of the year - one and a half the cycle must be established and enter the norm. If the beginning of the menstruation comes out for the established framework, this indicates a certain pathology of the female organism. Menstruation delay until 18 to 20 years may indicate the presence of violations associated with the pituitary gland, ovaries, uterus.

The duration of the cycle also testifies to the state of the health of the woman. In most cases (about 60%), it is calculated 28 days, which corresponds to the lunar month. Many women (about 30%) cycle can last 21 days, and a relatively small part (10%) have monthly every 30 - 35 days. At the same time, the total duration of menstruation for each is calculated 3 to 7 days. Complete cessation of menstruation occurs after 45-50 years and marks the onset of menopause.

Irregular monthly, alternation of abundant and scant bleeding, as well as their different duration indicate serious violations in the body of a woman requiring immediate intervention of the gynecologist.

For regular control of the offensive or delay of menstruation, experts recommend to conduct a special calendar, where you need to celebrate the first day of the start of bleeding. The reasons for the delay of menstruation, except for pregnancy, are quite harmless, and they can talk about serious diseases that need to be treated as early as possible.

The main causes of delays of menstruation, except for pregnancy

The delay of the "red day of the calendar" for 2 - 5 days should not be a reason for concern, as it is considered quite real phenomenon for each woman. If pregnancy is excluded, such violations of the female organism can be caused by many factors. Careful analysis allows you to determine the cause of a gynecological or nonhygenecological nature.

By first reasons include:

1. Polycystic ovarian

The main reason for the lag of menstruation from the usual graph in this case is. As a rule, the process is caused by the absence of ovulation, endometrial deploinity, as well as present hormonal disorders. The egg in this process does not ripen, which gives the body a signal about the absence of the need to prepare for possible fertilization.

2. Myoma of the uterus

Mentenually occasionally can be irregular, and the delay hesitates from several days to several months. Despite the fact that this pathology is in most cases considered benign tumor, There are a number of negative consequences to which it can lead. And first of all it is dangerous to its rebirth in onco-scab. Therefore, the appeal to the doctor with the slightest suspicions in Mioma is extremely necessary.

3. Endometriosis

This ailment is a pathological growth of a benign tissue, which is similar to the mucous membrane of the orbown organ. Development can occur in various parts of the sexual system, as well as the output beyond its limits. Changes in hormonal background can be both the cause of the disease and its consequence. Irregular critical days are also one of the main symptoms with similar deviations.

4. Inflammatory diseases

On the frequency of the repeated cycle, any disease, burdened by inflammatory processes, is very negative. Cold and infectious diseases, chronic exacerbations Certain diseases, as well as many other problems, may well be the original source. If the retention base is precisely in this, the cycle will be able to normalize throughout the entire few months.

5. Hormonal contraceptives

If a woman has had to use emergency contraception methods to prevent pregnancy, the menstrual cycle failure can be considered absolutely normal phenomenon. In some cases, after the use of this drug, minor isolation of a bloody nature begins, while conventional monthly delayed. At the same time, the delay can last up to two weeks.

Speaking in general about the reception of hormonal contraceptives, it should be noted that their action on the body of a woman in some cases is completely unpredictable. If the reception of hormonal drugs can not affect one woman, then the other is drowsiness, weakness, dry mouth and many other side symptoms appear. Therefore, in many cases reception contraceptive tablets It can cause monthly delay for a specific group of women.

7. Diagnostics of the uterus, abortion or miscarriage

After a medication abortion that does not require surgical interventionThe periods of women are restored almost immediately. The first menstruation in this case begins after the number of days that corresponds to the usual cycle. In the case of the scraping of the uterine or miscarriage, the body is experiencing a sharp restructuring where the hormonal background is also violated. In this case, too many "necessary" fabrics, as well as the inner layer of cells, which usually leaves with menstrual blood can be removed. Typically, the return of menstruation in normal course is occurring over several months.

8. Period after delivery

The delay of the discharge in this case can sometimes be determined by a slow reverse development of the uterus. Experts advise to lie down 2-3 times a day on the belly of 10-15 minutes, after which abundant allocations appear, and the uterus is well reduced. Special gymnastics, observance of personal hygiene rules, daily souls and a frequent change of underwear lead to normalization and installation of the optimal menstrual cycle.

Monthly, as a rule, are installed on the 7-9th week after childbirth. In this case, they acquire character - that is, there have occurred without the exit of the egg. It is desirable to warn women from the misses: often they believe that pregnancy cannot come at this time, since their physiological cycle has not yet become normal. This opinion is very mistaken, since ovulation, and the conception is quite possible.

10. Paulic ripening

The problem of irregular critical days also does not bypass the girls and teenage girls. At the beginning of the process of becoming a cycle, such anomalies are a very common phenomenon. Quite often, experts find that there are no special reasons for excitement, since the optimal cycle is adjustable in the adolescence. Periodic failures in the form of delays may be observed for 1 to 2 years, and the total length of the cycle ranges from 21 to 50 days. However, if a teenager has some fluctuations in hormonal background, then in such cases it is recommended to access the gynecologist-an endocrinologist, which will help it stabilize it.

11. Climacteric disorders

Strong fatigue, tides, jumps arterial pressure, as well as the menstrual disorders are one of the main symptoms of the onset of Klimaks. At about 45 - 55 years of age, every woman is discomfort due to the restructuring of its body.

Gradual cessation of hormone production leads to a delay of menstruation. Start climacteric period It lasts about 6 years and may be accompanied by both abundant and scant bleeding. At the same time, the regularity of the cycle also has signs of an explicit violation, which indicates the failures in the hormonal sphere. In such cases, experts recommend carefully to watch the character of bleeding, behind their frequency, and be sure to seek help to the doctor. Taking into account all the observations, the results of the tests and conducting an inspection, the doctor has the opportunity to assume how interconnected abnormalities of the monthly and approaching menopause.

Delays monthly nonreghecological nature are also caused by a number of reasons, the finding of which is of great importance for treatment. These reasons include:

12. Large exercise

Extremely diligent sports competitions, aerobics, energetic dances can provoke a critical day delay, while delay duration can be several weeks or months. Physical exertion is certainly useful for each woman, however, it is very important not to overvolt here, draw up the right scheme of classes and be sure to give the body to restore. If on the background of intense exercise There was a delay in menstruation, it is necessary to lower the level of workouts or to abandon them at all.

13. Stressful states

As mentioned above, the menstrual cycle as one of the processes in the body of a woman is associated with the work of the cortex of the brain. In case of unforeseen events, the activity of the structure of the brain is subject to unpleasant changes, which fully affects the operation of the sexual system of the woman. Stress, in fact, even short and low, can significantly affect the psyche and nervous system. As a result, a woman may break the regulation of the operation of the ovaries, which leads to a change in the periodicity of the menstrual cycle.

The suspension of critical days due to stress for 14 to 30 days is within the normal range. It is so much that it will be necessary for the female organism to "restart" the cycle of monthly re-. However, in some cases a delay is possible for several years. In order for everything to normalize, the psychological rehabilitation of a person, which could put in order its nervous system.

14. Climatic environmental conditions

This reason is the most common recently. Many women who were forced to move often or traveling for thousands of kilometers, state the fact that their menstrual cycle changes significantly. During the change of time zone, the so-called "reset" of the body is carried out, as a result of which established norms of functioning of their sexual system are knocked.

It is likely that this system takes violations of the cycle for its update and is therefore trying to push the deadlines for subsequent critical days for a certain period. The change of climate situation is genuine stress for the body, as a result of which a significant suspension of menstruation occurs quite often.

15. Body weight anomalies

A feature in this case is that, as disadvantage, and the overweight human can lead to unpleasant disorders of the menstrual cycle. In his practice, gynecologists operate with such a concept as a critical menstrual mass. It denotes a certain weight of a teenager, the presence of which implies the beginning of menstruation. Wanting to lose weight dramatically, many women make a mistake, trying to reduce body weight to an unacceptable value.

The weight of an adult, calculated less than 45 kg, can lead to a cycle violation in the form of termination of menstruation. In this case, the body has a protective mechanism that acts due to violations reproductive function women. Therefore, before you sit on any new-fashioned diet, you should consider everything possible risksTo which it can lead.

The rapid weight gain also has similar unpleasant consequences in the form of events of menstruation. As a result of the formation of a large amount of extra subcutaneous fat, the body is concentrated in the body of estrogen hormone. These factors definitely lead to the disappearance of menstruation.

16. Incication of the body

Contrary to the initial perception of this phrase, it is not only and not so much about food poisoning, which have the ability to have a great impact on the female organism. If a girl or a woman uses alcohol in large quantities, "indulges" drugs (even lungs) or smokes, then wondering failures and delays in this case. The same body reaction can cause long work in harmful chemical production. All these factors extremely negatively affect general state Reproductive system of each woman.

17. Reception of certain drugs

Unfortunately, the use of many pharmacological preparations can significantly affect the stability of the menstrual cycle. Depending on what kind of substance is to or another, some women may have a violation of the cycle. Most often, such an impact can be provided:

  • hormonal drugs - reduce the intensity of the selection and lead to a failure of the physiological program;
  • anti-sizes - significantly affect the stability of the menstrual cycle;
  • heal-standing - appointed in case of abundant monthly, can lead to problems with a cycle. It is very important to remember that only the doctor should be appointed.

18. Hereditary predisposition

In this case, it is desirable to find out which cyclicality occurred by mom and grandmother. It is possible that the cause of violations can be a gene predisposition. If there is a periodic retardation of menstruation in the family, then its daughter's genetics should be prevented.

How dangerous is the delay of menstruation?

As follows from all of the above, the reasons for regularly repeated delays of critical days are versatile. Biologically, the clocks can even be confused by the unborn women who often confuse the symptoms of a cycle disorder with pregnancy. The non-permanent menstrual cycle should not be considered particularly dangerous, serious ailment, but to pay close attention to the frequency of its critical days still stands.

In addition, it is impossible to refer to this problem for such a reason: the incorrect development of female hormones has the ability to cause the subsequent development of some dangerous diseases. In case of untimely treatment, the delay of critical days can be fraught with osteoporosis, the occurrence of problems gOOD SYSTEM, loss of reproductive function and even infertility. The absence or refusal to properly appointed therapy leads to the fact that the initially indifferent situation may have very deplorable results.

To indicate the general picture of the disease of one consultation of the gynecologist will not be enough. Often, a number of research and analyzes are required, including ultrasound. Inflammatory diseases of the ovaries and other gynecological and endocrinological diseases provide timely diagnosis and professional treatment, sometimes even in hospital conditions. It is also necessary to determine the hormonal background of the patient, since it is he who is the root cause of failures in many cases.

Self-medication to do is categorically contraindicated for all. If you know for sure that delays are not related to pregnancy or any innovations in your life - it's not worth thinking for a long time, but you need to immediately go for a consultation to the doctor.

It often turns to gynecologists to the gynecologists, while only part of the patients are pregnant. In this case, it is recommended before visiting the clinic to make a test that will be the first step to the correct diagnosis. If, during an inspection, the doctor will consider it necessary, he will additionally send an ultrasound. If, in addition to the violation of the cycle, pain is disturbed, itching or burning into the vagina, then it is also necessary to say about it too. In fact, the question of why menstruation was detained, is quite capacious and difficult, but today we will try to figure it out.

A little about physiology

Before talking about why menstruation was detained, it was quite good for themselves to understand that it represents this cyclical process that accompanies the woman all her conscious life. Today, all information is open and free, however, in matters related to our health, there are still many white spots. The first periods occur in the girls aged 11-14 years. It is at this age that the cycle becomes. Initially, it can be unstable, but gradually aligns.

Normal menstrual cycle is a period of one menstruation to another duration of 21 to 35 days. The average duration is 28 days. If the duration of the cycle increases (we say it is about the interval between menstruation, and not about its duration), then you need to consult a doctor and find out why menstruation was detained.

Gormone game

IN different phases The menstrual cycle their level can differ significantly. In the first half there is an increase in the level of estrogen, which leads to an increase in endometrial in the uterine cavity. It is necessary for fixing the egg inside its cavity. Approximately by the middle of the cycle, this process is considered complete, ovulation occurs, the mature egg starts its journey. An yellow body is formed on the site of its exit, which produces a special hormone, progesterone. It is important in order to preserve pregnancy. It is he who regulates the second phase of the cycle. If fertilization occurs, then the monthly go cannot. If there is no pregnancy, the level of both hormones falls, in this case you need to understand why menstruation was detained.

Most often, the reasons must be found in the imbalance of these two hormones. However, the reasons for this may be more than enough. However, before going further, I would like to note that cycle fluctuations within five days are considered completely normal. Therefore, you should not run to the doctor and look for an answer, why traveled monthly for 2 days. If there are no others anxiety symptoms, pain, then wait a few more days, most likely, everything is normalized independently.

Gynecological diseases

This is the first thing that can be suspected when a patient is drawn with a similar disease. In this case, the usual inspection on the chair will already confirm that there is an inflammatory disease. This is evidenced by such symptoms like swelling, redness, nasty smell, change the size of the uterus and appendages. In this case, there is nothing surprising why periods are delayed.

In such a way, you can talk about any inflammatory processes A small pelvis organs, whether endometriosis or salpingitis. We must not forget that mioma and cervical cancer can also cause a monthly bleeding, which can be confused with conventional menstruation, whereas in fact it is complete oppression.

Ovarian dysfunction

This is the most common reason why menstruation was detained. In fact, dysfunction can be age or determined by certain diseases, in some cases - oncology. This is the overall name of the whole cycle of the problems that women are addressed to the consultation to the gynecologist. The dysfunction of the ovaries may cause a disease endocrine system. But here, too, everything is not so simple. We will have to take tens of analyzes and find out what causes the causes of the problem. It may be the defeat of the thyroid gland or the ovaries themselves, the brain. Moreover, the lesion can be mechanical (injuries), viral or oncological (tumor). As you can see, it is unambiguously replied why menstruation is delayed, not so simple, you will have to go very seriously to the question of diagnosis.

Polycystic ovarian

By itself, this term is about what he says. This disease is multi-range, and there are no accurate data on the nature of its occurrence. However, numerous studies have shown that, without proper treatment, polycystosis quickly leads to violation of the pancreas. The excessive generation of insulin is developing. In parallel, the functions of the hypothalamus, ovaries, which leads to excessive developing testosterone and the development of complete or reversible infertility.


Medical abortion is performed by scraping the uterus. As a result, there is a serious hormonal imbalance. The body for 6 weeks diligently prepared the conditions for the development of the fetus, and suddenly everything changed dramatically. This is added excessive scraping of the mucous membrane. Until the functional layer is not restored and the hormones will not come to normal, you can not talk about regular menstruation. However, there are no limits here. If menstruation has not occurred in 40 days, then you need to see a doctor for advice. Perhaps it is necessary to resort to the help of hormone therapy.

Changing body weight

Today it is fashionable to sit on diets, to be slim and attractive. Some women succeed in this that they bring themselves literally to exhaustion. In this case, doctors are not surprising, why menstruation were detained, if there is no pregnancy. Your body is simply unable to carry out a childbearing function, so instinctively complies with the probability of conception. Doctors know well that there is such a concept as a critical menstrual mass. It is understood that there is a certain face in which the menstrual function is possible. The reason is simple - lack of nutrients.

Young women forget that 15% estrogen is contained in the subcutaneous fat layer. If it becomes not enough, then the monthly delayed. No one says that it is good to have excess weightBut depletion of no one has brought health. Especially when it comes to the continuation of the kind.


This is a real Beach of our time. If you are interested in why periods were detained for 3 days, then it is enough to remember the events that came in the near future. Any stress is reflected in the work of the central structures of the brain. And under the blow not only bark, but also hypothalamus. Women who passed war often remember that they had no monthly period for a long time.

In our life reasons for stress more than enough. Problems, loans, lack of permanent income, relationships with spouse and children, diseases and many more thousands of little things, which gradually lead to the fact that stress is accumulated and enhanced. Distress has a destructive impact on our body, so it temporarily turns off the childbearing function.

Excessively high exercise

If you recently signed up in the gym, and in addition, they started to run in the morning and in the evening, then do not be surprised why the monthly one was detained for a week. This is the normal reaction of the female body on shock loads. Once you adapt to a new mode, all the functions of the body will be restored. This reaction is primarily associated with changing conditions.

It should be remembered that the loads for everyone must select the coach taking into account individual characteristics. If the Bodybuilder's star career is not what you are striving for, then you should stay on more adequate programs and raise the load gradually.

Reception of drugs

Any disease and appointed treatment course may affect your menstrual cycle. Therefore, it is very important not to engage in self-medication. Especially often, menstruation disorders are observed after receiving means for weight loss. It affects I. chemical composition Funds, and the effect itself, which is expressed in the loss of subcutaneous fat.

The same group includes antidepressants and anti-rich agents, hormonal and antihistamines. An experienced doctor may choose the most secure treatment regimen, and also advises in matters possible consequences And their reversibility.

What to do

Do not go into the scientific literature and look for an answer, why monthly detained for two weeks. As you can see, the reasons can be a lot. Better consult a doctor, go through the ultrasound and hand over the necessary tests. The absence of menstruation in a negative pregnancy test is a signal that in the body is not all right, so it is not worth postparing with treatment.

Not all women have monthly coming at the same time. The cycle may violate young girls if they have critical days started not so long ago. It will take a year or two so that the cycle is settled. This is possible in women before the onset of Klimaks. The delay may arise after childbirth, if a young mother continues to feed the baby with breasts. In these cases, the time delay periods are different. Sometimes they are stretched for several months. But, nevertheless, they are not considered deviations from the norm.

Delayed monthly has always been an alarming sign. It means that in the body of a woman there is something wrong, there was some kind of failure in the hormonal balance. Sometimes it is a pregnancy. But there may be many other reasons.

It should also be remembered that the duration of the menstrual cycle can be different. Not necessarily monthly should come exactly 30 days, some women have critical days every 28 days or every 25 days (from 25 to 33 days). A long cycle is a variety of norms, so it's not about the delay.

What delay is considered the norm

How long can there be a delay in menstruation, if a girl is sure that she is definitely not pregnant? If the critical days are "late" for several days (not more than 7), then it is not worth worrying when:

  • There are no signs of pathology. How much can there be a delay in the period of a more or less healthy non-remote woman? Specialists say that 2-3 days. The delay in the period of the girl 2 days is the norm, it may appear due to sharp air temperature drops on the street or due to atmospheric pressure jumps. The latency of the woman's monthly for 3 days is also not a reason for experiences. It may be associated with constant stress, poor nutrition, overwork, etc. It is worth thinking about changing the lifestyle. Even the delay of menstruation for 4 days is not a reason for panic, it can be caused by the same reasons.
  • Pathology is, but not related to the reproductive system. How much can there be a latency of the girl without pregnancy, and without serious health problems? From 5 to 7 days. Delayed menstruation for about 5 days may appear due to cold illness, influenza or other infection, inflammatory disease. The patient cannot be called completely healthy, but you can not contact a gynecologist with a similar delay. As soon as its organism recovers, the cycle will work out. The delay of menstruation in 6 or 7 days may also be due to the fact that the girl was overdone the ARZ, the influenza, angina, suffered bronchitis. If we talk about the norm, i.e. How many days there may be a delay of monthly - doctors believe that no more than a week, i.e. from 5 to 7 days.
  • Pregnancy or presence of any pathology. When the delay of menstruation lasts 10 days or more, this indicates the presence of various gynecological or endocrine (hormonal) diseases or the occurrence of pregnancy. In this case, you should immediately visit the gynecologist to assign treatment on initial stage Diseases. Otherwise, with time, without proper treatment, complications may appear, for example, infertility.

Non-hazardous reasons for menstruation delay

Delayed monthly for a week or a shorter period suggests that you need to reconsider your lifestyle. So, if a woman sits on a strict diet, it works too much or redirects physically, lives in a state of chronic stress, its body includes protective systems. Our body is designed so that in an unfavorable setting, it is trying to prevent the appearance of pregnancy, because Otherwise, a woman will be difficult to endure and give birth to a child. Therefore, menstruation may be absent. How many days can there be a delay of monthly caused by such reasons? For up to 1 month. But it is advisable to immediately take necessary measures To improve your health, for example, abandon the diet. Then the body will be able to recover and without treatment.

The main reasons for the short delay is:

  • improper nutrition, lack of vitamins, snacks on the go, starvation;
  • constant safety;
  • heavy physical work, excessive mental load, overwork;
  • poisoning of various substances in harmful production or accommodation in the region with a bad environmental situation, alcohol intoxication or tobacco;
  • problems with weight, both its disadvantage and excess;
  • climate change after moving to another country;
  • suffered infectious diseases;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • reception of emergency contraception or cancellation hormonal means (contraceptive).

Delay due to diseases

How many days can a woman have a monthly delay? Everyone in different ways, there are patients who have critical days there are several months. It is necessary to worry if the delay period exceeds 5-7 days. Then you need to visit the gynecologist, which will diagnose.

Diseases that can cause delay:

  • Inflammatory diseases affecting the genitals. Symptoms of these diseases - abdominal pain and highlighting.
  • Oncological pathology of the genital organs.
  • Polycystic ovarian. With this disease, the woman adds in weight, her hair growth on face, hands, back, hair is quickly becoming fat and raised irritability. Arises due to increased levels male hormone Testosterone.
  • The cyst of the yellow bodies of the ovaries. The reason for its appearance is a hormonal imbalance.

Such a problem may appear after abortion, ectopic pregnancy, frozen pregnancy or when a woman makes the scraping of the uterus. In this case, not only hormonal changes, but also mechanical injuries that can occur during the procedure are to blame.

Not always the delay in menstruation is pathology. But if the delay lasts more than 7 days and not a teenage girl appeared, women after childbirth or before the climax, then a gynecologist should be visited and survey. The doctor or will inform the pleasant news about the upcoming motherhood, or will detect the cause, caused the delay. It is desirable to immediately eliminate.

Usually the duration of the cycle of the girl is 28 days. If there are no periods for 35 days, then this can be viewed as a delay. For this phenomenon there are its own, strictly defined temporary frames. There is also a norm of menstruation delay. What it is? The rate of delay of menstruation is the period during which the absence of discharge is allowed. Then it is not necessary to worry. You never know, you have accumulated, worried, slept badly, suffered a disease. All these factors can provoke a small delay. And when should I "beat the alarm"?

If menstruation is not available for five to seven days after that date, when menstruation should have come, then worry early. This will tell you any gynecologist. But it is worth thinking if you are not in the position. The possibility of conception with such a delay takes place. If you are not protected, it is quite possible that the pregnancy has come - you will soon become mom. If there is no prerequisites for this (Intima did not have anyone), then you can not pay attention to the delay. The presence of symptoms also depends a lot.

If you have signs of pregnancy, then two day delay should not be left unattended. First buy in a pharmacy good test For pregnancy, it is better three different firms (for reliability). If all three tests (or at least one) show "two stripes", then you need to go to your gynecologist, do an ultrasound and take the necessary tests.

What to think (do) if menstruation "delayed" for a couple of days, is it worth panicing

If the girl is carefully maintaining a menstruation calendar, then even two day delay will already cause a certain anxiety - why did the monthly "not come"? If you have a regular cycle, without failures, you need to go to the doctor, or do at least test. Of course, it is desirable to recall the entire past month: whether you had big physical exertion if you were not overwhelmed if you were not nervous if the climate did not change. If you traveled somewhere resting (flight, another climate), then menstruation may well "stay". Then it is normal. But if all 28 days (standard cycle) were calm enough, then the absence of menstruation should cause some suspicion.

It is also worth remembering his sexual relationships, even if you seem to be carefully prevented, but there are no menstruation, then, most likely, pregnancy has come. Ovulation was, conception occurred. In this case, even one day of delay can be an indicator to the fact that you are "in the position."

What to think if there are no menstruation for more than three days

Probably, never a woman is waiting for the occurrence of menstruation, like when they delay them. If there are no menstruation for three days (and it was supposed to start), then the girls start panicing. Especially often it happens if the girl (a couple) does not plan to start a child. Thoughts climb immediately: what to do, give birth or interrupt the pregnancy ... But the coming (albeit not desirable, not planned) pregnancy is not the only reason for "non-monthly". It may also be diseases of the sexual system, uterus, ovaries, pipes, vagina, and so on. Not excluded I. viral infections, sex infections. Hormonal failure (due to different reasons) also takes place.

Anxiety should strengthen if menstruation "did not come" and four days later, and after five, and more. And if you also have done a pregnancy test, and it shows a negative result, then it is urgent to go to the gynecologist, to find out the reason for the delay of the cycle.

What else can I assume if the monthly "delay" for four to seven days

First of all, this state of affairs can talk about possible pregnancy, which in the first days of the absence of a cycle did not show itself. This sometimes happens. Twice a year the woman's body (without visible causes) "suits the restructuring", this happens by itself. Therefore, in this case, even four daily latency of menstruation will be normal. The girl should go to the clinic and make an analysis on hCG (everyone knows what it is). Even if a pregnancy test showed you a negative result, this analysis will say one hundred percent, whether there is a pregnancy.

If you have experienced some unrest in the last month, poorly slept, there were anxiety, then menstruation can shift, started in 4-5 days after the proper period. Do not "Hold yourself", do not create even more tension. Mentally, "Call" to your monthly. Sometimes such mental streams are very helpful. The main thing is to keep the sobriety of the mind and postpone panic. You manage to still wander.

If you "can not take yourself in hand," went to the doctor, then be prepared for the fact that the gynecologist will lead you your verdict - a violation of the ovarian function. Simply put, their dysfunction. This usually reports that a certain problem has appeared in changing the hormonal background. The situation must be corrected, the hormonal background to restore. But before you start any treatment, you will have to go through a serious examination. The weekly menstruation delay is sometimes considered the norm (if there is no diseases), and is eliminated by itself - the cycle begins.

What to say the delay is weekly and more

If you do not have absolutely no symptoms of PMS (nausea, squeezing at the bottom of the abdomen, moderate pain in the uterus, mood swings, fatigue), then it is necessary to seriously think about the reasons for the absence of menstruation. No menstruation for more than a week - it is worth going to the doctor, start at least take tests. One pregnancy test here will not cost.

Unexpected, unexpected delay of menstruation more than a week may be caused next reasons. Perhaps recently you have transferred a strong emotional shock, even experienced shock. Thus, the body "responded" to the current situation, the change in your emotional background - the monthly "did not come."

Long physical overvoltage, unlimited loads can also provoke a delay. Unstable weight - also bad sign. If you are dramatically losing weight, and then you gain weight, yes twice as much, it indicates a hormonal failure. Monthly can be lingering not only for seven days, but even for a month. There is no pregnancy. Transferred operations can also cause a cycle failure, a sharp climate change. Long illness and reception of medicines (antibiotics) provoke menstruation failures.

If monthly detained for a month, what to think

It can talk about pregnancy. But if it, nevertheless, no, you have passed all tests, passed tests, then we must look for the reason in the other. Perhaps you have some kind serious disease. You need a survey that everything will identify, and after a gynecologist will already be able to register you the necessary treatment.

Diseases may be as follows: The occurrences of the endocrine system, a violation of a hormone background, gynecological diseases (we have already spoken about dysfunction), the follicle matures not correctly. In adolescence or during a climacteric period, women may have problems with the stability of the cycle. Otherwise, you need to look for the cause. "On the eye" here it is difficult to determine something, it's easier to do it yourself.

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