We treat balanoposthitis in men with simple methods. Effective treatment with ointment for the disease balanoposthitis Ointments for balanitis in men

With a disease such as balanoposthitis, special ointments are widely used. Recall that this disease is an inflammation of the skin. foreskin in men and is caused by various infections. Its causative agents can be yeast fungi, streptococcus, staphylococcus, etc. You can become infected with this infection through sexual contact, and the causes of inflammation are often the neglect of daily hygiene of the genitals. In addition, balanoposthitis can develop with weakened immunity, diabetes mellitus, hypovitaminosis, anemia, and also due to allergies. Sometimes this disease occurs due to the congenital narrowness of the foreskin of the penis.

The disease can be a complication of candidiasis, chlamydia or gonococcal urethritis, trichomoniasis, chancre, scabies, primary herpes and herpes simplex.

In medicine, balanoposthitis and balanitis are distinguished. The latter is an inflammation of only the glans penis, in which the inner sheet is not affected.

What is important - not only insufficient hygiene of the genitals, but also excessive cleanliness in these places can lead to the development of inflammation, especially if inappropriate detergents are used for washing.

The symptoms of this disease are very unpleasant for the patient. The foreskin becomes inflamed, itchy, it appears erosion and abrasions. Discharges are observed: cheesy, mucous, with a bad smell. Of course, urination with such symptoms causes pain and burning. How to cure balanoposthitis?

Treatment must be immediate, otherwise the disease can progress and lead to dangerous complications - such as urethritis (inflammation of the urethra) and phimosis (cicatricial narrowing of the foreskin).

Balanoposthitis - treatment with ointments and creams

From balanitis, ointments and creams are widely used. But these remedies are effective only under the condition of strict hygiene. What ointment to treat balanoposthitis? Sometimes, even without the use of drugs, only hygiene procedures can get rid of inflammation of the foreskin, and a cream for balanoposthitis will not be needed. But you can't use soap! The procedure should be performed only with clean water, and after washing, dry the head of the penis with a soft towel.

When choosing an ointment for inflammation of the foreskin, the cause of the disease should be taken into account. With an allergic type of disease, steroid (hormonal) creams help, which are used in combination with antibacterial and antimycotic agents. But if the disease is of an infectious origin, it is impossible to use a hormonal ointment from balanoposthitis in men on their own, otherwise, if the drug is chosen incorrectly, the infectious process may worsen. With the diagnosis of candidal balanoposthitis, treatment with an antimycotic ointment of systemic or local action is prescribed. If a man has candidal balanitis, both the treatment and the ointment are similar.

Ointments against balanoposthitis

Of the funds used against balanitis and balaposthitis, antiseptic ointments are mainly prescribed. For example, Levomekol, the main components of which are methyluracil and chloramphenicol. The depth of penetration of the drug into the tissues affected by the disease is enhanced by additional substances. Levomekol has both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, so this ointment quickly cleanses the inflamed areas of pus and dead cells and promotes wound healing. In case of manifestation of allergic reactions to this remedy, its use should be discontinued.

Among the antimyotic ointments used for balanitis and balanoposthitis, there are a lot of broad-spectrum agents. For example, creams Batrafen 1% and Clotrimazole 1%. Ointment Triderm is a complex of antimycotics, corticosteroids and antibiotics. With a simple or erosive type of disease, ointments Dermozolon, Lorinden-S and Gioksizon are often prescribed, and a little less often - Lamisil. The most powerful of these drugs is Dermozolon, so it is used in cases where other means have not given the desired result.

With a diagnosis of balanoposthitis, for treatment at home, ointments are a good therapy. How is an ointment or cream applied for this disease? This is indicated in the instructions for the drug. But the principle is this: first of all - hygiene. After washing and drying, an antiseptic cream or ointment is applied to the affected area with a thin layer. Procedures should be carried out until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely. During treatment, the doctor may also prescribe immunomodulatory drugs. If a man has balanitis, treatment, ointment and other drugs are prescribed in the same way as with balanoposthitis.

This is a disease that is quite common in urological practice. In the absence of timely therapy, severe complications may develop, including tissue death. A timely visit to the doctor will help prevent the development of such events. He will be able to understand the cause of the development of the pathological process, carry out the necessary diagnostic measures and select the appropriate treatment. It must be comprehensive, since it is important to get rid of not only the symptoms, but also the causes of the disease. The composition of therapy should include topical agents in the form of ointments, gels and creams.

On the shelves of pharmacies there is a wide variety of similar drugs for the treatment of balanoposthitis. When prescribing a particular medication, the doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the cause of the disease. Consider ointments for balanoposthitis in men.


This combination drug, with the help of which the healing process proceeds as quickly as possible. It contains chloramphenicol (antibiotic) and methyluracil (immunomodulator). The ointment is effective against anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. It costs about 124 rubles.

Apply it to pathological areas skin during the day 2 times.

Is Levomekol ointment effective?


The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

The role of the active component is clotrimazole, and the auxiliary ones include:

  1. microcrystalline;
  2. cetomacrogol;
  3. cetostearyl alcohol;
  4. methylparaben;
  5. paraffin.

This ointment for the treatment of balanoposthitis is applied to the skin after all hygiene procedures are carried out 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is set on an individual basis, as it depends on the origin of the disease, the stage of pathogenesis and the degree of damage to the tissues of the organ. It costs about 188 rubles.

From side effects possible itching and redness. If there are these symptoms, then the use of the ointment should be abandoned. Clotrimazole is contraindicated in children and patients with allergies to the constituent components.


This hormonal drug, which does several things:

  1. antiallergic;
  2. anti-inflammatory;
  3. antipruritic;
  4. anti-edematous.

The active components of Akriderm instantly relieve pain, itching, redness and swelling in the area of ​​the affected organ. The ointment is based on betamethasone dipropionate. The dosage of the drug is prescribed only by a doctor. The therapeutic course lasts 1-4 weeks. It costs from 96 to 158 rubles.

Ointment is contraindicated in patients with skin diseases viral, bacterial or mycotic origin.


The action of the drug is reduced to the activation of wound healing, the normalization of cellular metabolism, and the increase in the strength of collagen fibers. Ointment has the following effect:

  • moisturizing;
  • restoring;
  • anti-inflammatory.

The active ingredient is dexpanthenol. Apply this ointment from balanoposthitis to the affected areas of the skin 3-4 times a day. It costs from 432 to 794 rubles.

Adverse symptoms occur extremely rarely, manifested in the form of urticaria and itching.

Synthomycin ointment

This effective remedy for the treatment of balanoposthitis, which is based on synthomycin, ascorbic acid and castor oil. Rub the ointment into the affected tissues or use as a compress. The drug is effective for fungal, viral and bacterial lesions. In addition to the treatment of balanoposthitis, Synthomycin ointment has proven itself to eliminate such symptoms:

  • ulcers;
  • festering wounds;
  • burning and itching.

Apply the drug 2-3 times a day. To obtain the maximum effect from therapy, take antibacterial drugs in the form of tablets in combination with ointment. It costs from 55 to 186 rubles.

Zinc ointment

Effective for the treatment of balanoposthitis of infectious origin. The ointment contains zinc oxide and refined petroleum jelly. The medication perfectly stops swelling, abscesses, ulcers, dries the inflamed area without causing irritation of the skin. It costs from 15 to 39 rubles.

Apply the ointment in the form of a compress 2 times a day. The therapeutic course is 1-2 weeks.

Side effects may include allergies, redness, or burning. With the development of such symptoms, the use of zinc ointment should be canceled.


This complex drug, which is effective for the treatment of balanoposthitis of any etiology, as well as inflammation genitourinary system. The composition of the ointment includes a combination of corticosteroids, antibiotics and antibiotics. These components not only stop the symptoms of the pathological process, but also its cause - fungi and bacteria. Correct Application ointment will eliminate swelling, inflammation, stop the discharge, overcome itching and burning. It costs from 719 to 728 rubles.

Apply the ointment 2-3 times a day, but the duration of treatment is calculated individually. A single dosage of the drug should not exceed 0.5 g.

Vishnevsky ointment

This tool is able to pull pus out. Use it for a compress, it is advisable to do this procedure before going to bed. And although Vishnevsky's ointment is a fairly effective remedy, it is not used so often for the treatment of balanoposthitis. The reason is that the tar and oil base that make up the drug do not allow oxygen to be delivered to the tissues, as a result of which anaerobic microflora develops, which can provoke gangrene. It costs from 32 to 50 rubles.


This ointment is an activator metabolic processes in tissues, it improves glucose transport and enhances oxygen saturation of tissues. Thanks to these properties, Solcoseryl ointment quickly restores damaged tissues and cells. It contains the following components:

  • hemodialysate;
  • cetyl alcohol and petroleum jelly;
  • cholesterol and preservatives.

The ointment is applied to the affected areas of the skin with a thin layer 2-3 times a day. Just before that, it is imperative to carry out hygienic treatment and dry the damaged area. It costs from 309 to 1,754 rubles.

Ointment for balanoposthitis is used to eliminate such unpleasant symptoms as itching, burning, redness and pain. At the same time, it must be used in combination with other drugs that are prescribed depending on the etiology of the pathological origin. External agents can only stop unpleasant manifestations, while eliminating the fundamental factor they can not do.

Balanoposthitis is a disease accompanied by inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin. The disease delivers a lot of unpleasant moments to men and requires immediate treatment. Consider the medications and ointments used for balanoposthitis.

Remedies for balanoposthitis

Currently, there are a huge number of funds to help cure balanoposthitis in men.

Let's consider the main ones.


Miramistin is an effective disinfectant with a wide area of ​​action. The drug is produced in two forms - ointment and solution.

Miramistin for balanoposthitis is used in the form of a solution used for the manufacture of baths and compresses. As a rule, a gauze bandage is moistened with the product, and then it is applied to the head and foreskin of the penis for 5 minutes. However, it is often injected into the urethra (the volume of the injected solution in this case should not exceed 3 ml).

Contraindication for use in balanoposthitis Miramistin is personal intolerance active substances drug, and its only side effect is a short-term burning sensation.

Levomekol is an ointment with a wide area of ​​action, effective against many types of bacteria.


Levomekol is an ointment with a wide area of ​​action, effective against many types of bacteria.

Levomekol with balanoposthitis is applied to sterile napkins or dressings made of gauze, after which the tissue with ointment is applied to the inflamed areas of the penis (the dressings are changed daily). In addition, the tool can also be used as an ointment for balanitis.

Contraindication to treatment with Levomekol is personal intolerance active ingredients means, and side effects are mainly allergic manifestations.


Triderm is a preparation of complex action:

  • relieving itching, inflammation and allergic manifestations;
  • fighting pathogenic microflora.

Triderm with balanoposthitis is used both in the primary stages of the disease, and in its complicated or advanced forms. A small amount of funds in this case is applied to the inflamed areas of the penis and gently rubbed. Treatments are performed three times a day for 14-28 days.

A contraindication to the use of the ointment is the individual intolerance of its components, tuberculosis and syphilis of the skin, and its use can lead to the development of the following side effects:

  • irritation;
  • itching;
  • burning sensation;
  • dryness and other skin reactions.

Furacilin is an antibacterial drug used in the treatment of balanoposthitis for the manufacture of baths and lotions.


Furacilin is an antibacterial drug that is available in powder and tablet form and is used to make baths and lotions in the treatment of balanoposthitis.
Restrictions on the use of Furacilin include:

  • personal rejection of Nitrofuran and products based on it;
  • kidney disease.

And side effects are dermatitis and inflammation of the skin.

Hydrocortisone ointment

Hydrocortisone ointment is a hormonal drug that has anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects and is used in conjunction with other medicines.

Against the background of treatment with hydrocortisone ointment, allergic manifestations may develop - itching, burning and redness, and contraindications to its use are:

  • hypersensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug;
  • tuberculosis, injury, ulceration or viral diseases skin.


Chlorhexidine is a local antiseptic with a disinfecting effect.

Chlorhexidine with balanoposthitis is used to wash the affected areas of the penis, as well as to make baths and compresses. In addition, it is possible to inject the drug into the urethra.

A contraindication to the use of the drug is personal intolerance to its components, and side effects from its use may include dermatitis, dry skin and mucous membranes.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidant used as an antiseptic and is used in the treatment of wounds and inflamed skin in order to reduce the activity of pathogenic microflora and cleanse the skin of its waste products.

Treatment of balanoposthitis in men with hydrogen peroxide is effective at the initial stages of the disease (when its first symptoms appear) and reduces the amount of pathogenic microflora leading to the development of the disease.

The drug has no contraindications, however, against the background of its use, burning and pain may occur.

Attention! If the disease is accompanied by phimosis, treatment with hydrogen peroxide will not bring proper relief.


Clotrimazole is a cream that has an antimycotic effect and is used in the primary stages of the disease if it has developed as a result of infection with fungi of the genus Candida.

Clotrimazole with balanoposthitis is used to treat inflamed areas of the penis. The procedure is performed three times a day, and the duration of treatment in the vast majority of cases is 2-4 weeks.

A contraindication to the use of clotrimazole in balanoposthitis is personal intolerance to its components, and adverse reactions, due to its use, may include burning and dermatitis of various origins at the sites of application.

Potassium permanganate is an effective antiseptic that destroys pathogens

Potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate is an effective antiseptic that destroys pathogens and significantly accelerates the regeneration of wounds. In the treatment of balanoposthitis, the remedy is used both in the early and late (neglected) stages of the disease for the manufacture of baths, lotions and douches.

Attention! The use of a strong solution of potassium permanganate is unacceptable due to the fact that it can lead to burns of the genitals.

There are no contraindications to the use of the drug.


Pimafukort is an ointment that relieves inflammation and fights pathogenic microflora.
In the treatment of balanoposthitis, the agent is used to treat inflamed areas of the skin and mucous membranes. The duration of therapy is recommended by the urologist, but generally does not exceed 30 days.

Against the background of treatment with the drug, it is possible that the symptoms of the disease worsen, however, after the withdrawal of the ointment, the complication quickly passes.

In addition, Pimafucort with balanoposthitis can lead to the development of the following complications:

  • stretch marks (skin stretch marks) and thinning of the skin;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • contact dermatitis.

Restrictions on the use of funds are:

  • personal intolerance to the active substances that make up its composition;
  • ulcerative lesions of the skin;
  • open wounds.

Fluconazole is a complex drug, the action of which is aimed at combating pathogenic microflora


Fluconazole is a complex drug, the action of which is aimed at combating pathogenic microflora. The tool is available in several forms (in the treatment of balanoposthitis, tablets and injections are used) and is used in the treatment of a disease that has developed against the background of candidal lesions of the genitals.

Despite the fact that the drug is well tolerated by most men, occasionally, against the background of its use, the following side effects may develop:

  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • skin reactions.


Lamisil is a broad-spectrum antifungal agent widely used in the treatment of balanoposthitis, which has a candidal nature. The drug is used twice a day for application to inflamed skin and mucous membranes. And positive healing effect observed within 3-5 days after using the product.

A contraindication to the use of the drug is personal intolerance to its components, and side effects from the use include:

  • itching and burning;
  • rash;
  • redness of the skin.


Pimafucin is an antimycotic drug, produced in the form of a cream and tablet form, widely used in the treatment of balanoposthitis, which has developed on the basis of infection with a fungus of the genus Candida. The tool is not addictive, does not affect the work internal organs and systems and is mainly used externally - to lubricate the affected areas of the genitals.

If therapy for the chronic form of the disease is required, in addition to the cream, a tablet form of the drug is also used. Moreover, treatment for candidiasis are, as a rule, both sexual partners.


Akriderm is a hormonal drug that relieves inflammation and allergic manifestations, has anti-edematous and antipruritic effects and is widely used in the treatment of acute and chronic forms of balanoposthitis.

The tool is used three times a day to treat the inflamed areas of the penis, and the course of treatment is usually 2-4 weeks.

Against the background of the use of Akriderm, the following side effects may develop:

  • burning and itching;
  • dryness and irritation of the skin;
  • striae.

Contraindications to the use of the drug include:

  • personal intolerance to active substances;
  • skin cancer;
  • skin diseases of any etiology;
  • diabetes.

An overdose of the drug can be expressed:

  • allergic manifestations;
  • decreased function of the adrenal cortex.

Bepanthen is a cream that relieves inflammation, moisturizes the skin and accelerates its recovery, destroys pathogenic bacteria and prevents the growth of fungus.

In the treatment of balanoposthitis, the drug is applied three times a day to the glans penis and foreskin until complete recovery.

Against the background of treatment with the drug, allergic reactions may develop, and its use is prohibited if there is a pronounced reaction to the components that make up the drug.
Overdose in the treatment of balanoposthitis with Bepanten is not possible.


Hyoxysone is an ointment that relieves inflammation and fights pathogenic microflora. With balanoposthitis, the remedy is used for daily treatments, and the course of treatment largely depends on the form of the disease and its stage.

Side effects from the use of the drug include allergic manifestations, and contraindications to its use are viral diseases, tuberculosis and skin fungus.


Cycloferon is a drug that has antiviral, immunomodulatory, antitumor, anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative effects. The drug is available in tablet form, in the form of a solution for injection and ointment. It is used both in the initial and in the last, severe stages of the disease.

A contraindication to the use of the drug is personal intolerance to its components.

Fucorcin is a solution that fights any pathogenic microflora.

Fukortsin with balanoposthitis is used for the manufacture of baths, lotions and compresses that ensure the healing of damage on the foreskin and head of the penis. Moreover, after treatment, an ointment or cream should be applied to the skin.

Against the background of drug treatment, pain may appear, which is of a short-term nature and burning.
Contraindications to the use of the drug are personal intolerance to the active components of the drug.


Lamisil is an antifungal agent with a wide range of applications and is used in the treatment of balanoposthitis that has developed against the background of candidiasis. Moreover, a positive therapeutic effect from the use of the drug is observed already a week after the regular use of the drug (to achieve best result processing should be done three times a day).

Side effects of Lamisil may include itching, burning, and redness of the skin.

Synthomycin ointment

Synthomycin ointment is an antibacterial drug with a wide range of applications, used to lubricate the affected areas of the penis. The duration of treatment with the drug is 2-5 days.

During the treatment of the ointment, burning, itching, redness, rashes and swelling may appear.

Attention! Early use of the drug, with balanoposthitis, can stop it further development However, synthomycin ointment for balanoposthitis cannot be used in case of personal intolerance to its active substances.

Antibacterial drugs

Antibiotics for balanoposthitis are used both in the treatment of severe, complicated forms of diseases, and in the case of a disease that has developed against the background of infection with pathogenic bacteria.

Attention! Self-treatment antibacterial drugs unacceptable due to the fact that it can significantly complicate the course of the disease.

In the vast majority of cases, the timely use of balanoposthitis treatment with ointments and other medications allows you to completely cure the disease. However, a doctor should do this - an independent selection of medicines is unacceptable and can lead to a significant deterioration in well-being.

And, of course, you should not run balanoposthitis - an ointment for treatment in this case may not help.

- a disease that is often found in urological practice.

The lack of timely treatment is fraught with negative consequences for the male body, incl. tissue death.

To avoid such a development of events, you should contact a specialist in time.

The doctor will establish the cause of the onset of the disease, carry out the necessary diagnostic procedures, and select an effective therapeutic course.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

The introduction of any pathogenic agent into the body is fraught with the development of an infectious-inflammatory form of the disease.

The main causes of balanoposthitis include:

  • Sexual acts. If a partner has vaginal dysbiosis (violation of microflora), pathogenic organisms enter the head of the penis and cause inflammation. The same goes for sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc.). Additional risk factors include anal sex without a condom and oral sex with a partner suffering from oral diseases.
  • Poor hygiene. The lack of regular hygiene procedures contributes to the accumulation of smegma - a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microflora.
  • Diabetes. It is characterized by a metabolic disorder that causes the development of bacteria on the head of the penis.
  • Foreskin immobility or phimosis. With a disease, the head of the penis is released with difficulty, which makes it difficult to wash it. Often phimosis contributes to the development of balanoposthitis in children.
  • Systemic skin diseases.

Typical symptoms of balanoposthitis include:

  • swelling of the foreskin;
  • discomfort when urinating;
  • increased sexual excitability (the head of the penis is irritated all the time);
  • the presence of cracks and ulcerations on the foreskin;
  • bleeding of the skin in the head area;
  • development of adhesions and scars on the foreskin.

Video: "Treatment of candidal balanoposthitis"

Treatment Methods

Balanoposthitis is treated under the supervision of a specialist urologist in compliance with his recommendations.

Usually therapy includes:

One of the most effective ways treatment of balanoposthitis is the use of special ointments.

Ointment for the treatment of balanoposthitis

Since balanoposthitis is an inflammatory disease of an infectious nature, the treatment of this disease involves the use of antifungal and antibacterial agents.

So, when infected with chlamydia, antiprotozoal agents are used, with bacterial damage - ointments containing antibiotics, with fungal infection male genitalia - antifungal drugs.

The composition of such ointments may include components that have a calming effect on inflamed skin.

Note! In the presence of an infectious disease, corticosteroid ointments are not used, since hormones aggravate the course of balanoposthitis. The exception is allergic forms ailment.

After elimination of the infectious agent for fast healing ointments with pantothenic acid are used on the skin, which promotes the division of healthy skin cells, the healing of wounds and cracks.

Benefits of ointment treatment

Ointments are often prescribed for the treatment of balanoposthitis, since their use has several advantages:

  • high efficiency;
  • ease of use;
  • possibility of combination with others medicines(for example, in tablet form).

List of effective ointments

The most popular ointments for the treatment of balanoposthitis include:

  • Levomekol;
  • Synthomycin ointment;
  • Bepanthen;
  • Triderm.
Name of the ointment Pharmacological description Mode of application

It is an effective broad-spectrum antifungal drug. Causes the death of fungi, does not allow them to multiply.

With balanoposthitis, it is used for one to two weeks three times a day. It should be remembered that the disappearance of symptoms does not mean a complete cure. To prevent the return of the disease, the use of Clotrimazole should be continued for a week after the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.


It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic designed to combat some protozoa and most pathogenic bacteria.

Long-term use of drugs allows you to use it only 1 time per day, and the anti-inflammatory properties of this ointment reduce the discomfort caused by the disease.


It has a wide range of applications and is a preparation of the macrolide group. It is used to treat balanoposthitis caused by gram-negative and gram-positive flora, as well as chlamydia.

Apply three times a day. The duration of the course depends on the presence of symptoms.

Synthomycin ointment

It is one of the most popular drugs that are prescribed for balanoposthitis. The drug is considered a broad-spectrum antibiotic.

Used several times a day for 2-5 days. Apply to the affected areas in a thin layer.


A drug that has an effect not only at the onset of the disease, but also when it passes into advanced / complicated forms. It has antimycotic, antibacterial, antiexudative and antiallergic effects, and also relieves inflammation and itching.

Balanitis requires medical intervention - adequately prescribed treatment will allow you to quickly regain lost health and the discomfort that has arisen in connection with this.

Balanitis is a polyetiological disease, that is, it occurs for many reasons and their combinations. It can be caused by microbes: staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci, spirochetes, Trichomonas, fungi, Proteus, Escherichia coli.

Less often - a herpetic infection, an allergic reaction to chemical irritants.

Do you feel pain? Do not hope that everything will go away by itself. Need treatment.

The development of balanitis can be caused by mechanical microtrauma of the urethra and head of the penis with salts excreted in the urine during urolithiasis. At chronic diseases endocrine system the immune system weakens, and the body can give an inflammatory response even to conditionally pathogenic microbes.

Neglect of the rules of personal sanitation is a factor in the development of inflammation of the skin of the genital organs.

Manifestations of balanitis

Acutely arisen balanitis in the absence of competent treatment can intensively develop and capture nearby tissues and organs of the reproductive apparatus. Initially, balanitis is characterized by reddening of the skin of the glans penis, swelling of the glans itself, detachment of the surface layer of the skin. The patient experiences burning, itching.

At the next stage, single or multiple erosions occur, subsequently growing over a vast surface and turning into ulcers. In an acute purulent process, the ulcers are sharply painful.

The pathological process captures the leaf of the foreskin. With pronounced inflammation, phimosis is observed with an accumulation of pus in the skin fold of the foreskin.

A rare form of the disease is gangrenous balanitis. The disease is extremely difficult, necrotic tissue breakdown occurs. The patient experiences general intoxication with an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees.

With developed balanitis, you should consult a urologist, or a dermatovenereologist. Mandatory are analyzes of discharge from ulcers or, in their absence, from the surface of the skin. Bacterial culture is very informative.

The results of this analysis will help to accurately identify the microorganism that caused the disease process and antibiotics, to which the cultured bacteria are highly sensitive. A blood test for the Wasserman reaction will rule out syphilis.

Treatment of uncomplicated forms

Treatment of balanitis depends on the form of the disease. With a not pronounced inflammatory reaction, washings or baths are made with warm disinfectant solutions of potassium permanganate (0.25%), furacilin (0.02%), rivanol (0.1 - 0.2%), Burov's liquid.

Healing bath.

Procedures are carried out daily 3 times a day, lasting 20 minutes.

After each treatment with the listed solutions, powdering with one of the preparations is indicated: 1-2% boric acid or tannin, xeroform.

When the intensity of inflammation subsides, you can lubricate the affected tissues with ointments: zinc or containing silver ("Silverol"), corticosteroid (dexamethasone).

Apply ointment in the treatment of balanitis should be several times a day, alternating preparations. For example, at night only hormone-containing, and during the day with antiseptic ointment.

Candida balanitis

With balanitis caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, the head of the penis should be washed daily with good laundry soap.

Fungi do not multiply in the alkaline environment created on the skin when using soap. Then the head and adjacent tissues are washed with one of the above solutions.

Ointments used to treat fungal balanitis are applied several times a day. It is recommended to use one of them: nystatin, levorin.

Lamisil, Nizoral, Clotrimazole ointments have proven themselves well. With the persistent course of fungal balanitis, first of all, the underlying disease, against which it arose, should be treated. It could be diabetes. If necessary, oral administration is prescribed antifungal drug Fluconazole.

With a pronounced edema at the beginning of treatment, lotions of 1-2% boric acid, 0.1% rivanol, 0.25% silver nitrate solution.

With phimosis - washing the skin folds of the foreskin with disinfectant solutions. In case of treatment failure - surgical intervention(circumcision).

Complicated forms of balanitis

Erosive and ulcerative balanitis are treated with solutions as described above. The use of a specific ointment is prescribed by a doctor. Often balanitis is treated with levomycetin ointment, it contains two substances: the antibiotic chloramphenicol and methyluracil, a remedy for improving the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Tetracycline ointment, fuzidin, garamycin, synthomycin, erythromycin are also widely used.

As the name suggests, it is a tetracycline.

Trichomonas infection that caused balanitis is well treated locally with clotrimazole ointment, inside metronidazole.

Mycoplasma infection - local application tetracycline ointment, inside tetracycline tablets.

Gangrenous balanitis is treated comprehensively. Topically treated with hydrogen peroxide to remove dead tissue. To calm the process with ointments with antibiotics, methyluracil, synthetic corticosteroids.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed intravenously or intramuscularly for 10-14 days. Then the treatment is continued by taking antibiotics in tablets: ciprofloxacin, azithromycin. At the same time, therapy is carried out to remove intoxication of the body. It is possible to take preparations of the adrenal cortex. Calcium preparations and vitamins strengthen the body.

Electrophoresis with a solution of antibiotic and novocaine is indicated for mild and moderate disease. In this case, the drug penetrates directly into the focus of inflammation and local anesthesia.

Thermomagnetic therapy acts on the damaged surface, warming it up, thereby improving the blood supply to tissues - enhancing the processes of regeneration and nutrition.

Immunostimulating methods are used to activate the healing forces of the whole organism as a whole. Apply intravenous laser blood irradiation.

Allergic balanitis

Particular attention should be paid to the condition nervous system a patient with any form of balanitis. Subjective sensations of burning, itching, pain of varying intensity become a source of the patient's low mood. Insomnia, irritability, and restlessness may occur.

Patients experiencing similar symptoms may be prescribed antihistamines. They relieve itching and are the prevention of allergic reactions to treatment. In special cases, these drugs are a direct remedy for balanitis if it is caused by an allergy to a chemical local irritant ( intimate gel, grease).

Intravenous infusions of calcium, sodium thiosulfate, corticosteroids will relieve a local allergic reaction.

Inflammation of the glans penis must be cured completely. Strictly follow the prescribed treatment. After the cessation of the manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to continue treatment for at least a week. Otherwise, a quietly smoldering infection will lead to chronic balanitis.

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