Apitherapy: what diseases are treated with bee venom? Parkinsonism treatment with folk remedies Treatment of parkinson's disease with bees.

As you know, the disease develops in violation of dopamine metabolism, which leads to dysfunction of the extrapyramidal system and the appearance of rigidity and tremor.

In conventional treatment, central anticholinergics (cyclodol, norakin, etc.) are used and replacement therapy drugs of the dopamine group (levodopa, nakom, madopar). Symptomatic treatment is widely used to reduce tremor and rigidity.

V complex therapy parkinsonism is necessary to include bee products for the following reasons.

Bee venom is used both through natural bee stings and by applying creams containing bee venom to biologically active points (for example, Tentorium cream).

Royal jelly and drone-brood homogenate. Like bee venom, they improve microcirculation, are immunomodulators, have a regenerating and metabolic effect. Royal jelly is used with honey in the form of "honey compositions" Apitok", "Apitonus", "Apiphytotonus" for 1-2 months. Drone-brood homogenate ("drone milk") is also used for 1-2 months.

Pollen (bee pollen) and

2nd course. 1.5 months:

  • « Product number 1 "inward according to the scheme. The product is taken 20 minutes before meals, dissolving the drops in 1/3 cup of milk or any other liquid;
  • "ApiHit" - inside 2 weeks;
  • dragee "Tentorium plus" - 1.5 months;
  • cream "Tentorium" and "Apicrem" anti-sclerotic in the ratio 1:1 are applied to biologically active points 2 times a day for 1 month.

3rd course. 1.5 months:

  • "Hey wee" 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals for 1.5 months;
  • "ApiHit" 2 weeks;
  • composition "a href="../Product_ten/product.php?id_products=36">Polyanka
» 1.5 months;
  • dragee "Formula Ra" 1.5 months;
  • repeated course of apitoxin therapy (bee sting) 10-15 sessions.
  • Before conducting sessions of bee stings, it is mandatory to conduct two biological samples with delivery general analyzes blood and urine, as well as urine for sugar.

    Bee stings are carried out in the following biologically active points: large intestine meridian - GI4, 10, 11, 15; meridian of the stomach - E 36, 41; spleen meridian - RP 9; meridian Bladder- V 10, 11, 13, 22, 23; triple heater meridian - TR 5, 17, 18, 21; gallbladder - VB 20, 34; anterior median meridian VC 9, 12; posterior median meridian -VG 4, 14.

    The source of information:Practical apitherapy. / Khismatullina N.3. - Perm: ExLibrum, 2009. - 336 p. The author of the book is Ph.D., Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, an apitherapist with fifteen years of experience.

    Parkinson's disease mainly affects the elderly. Today, this diagnosis is by no means uncommon, but when a patient hears about this disease, he is not just confused, often these people are seized by a real panic. Few people want to feel and feel helpless and unable to even eat on their own - this is the picture that emerges as an association with Parkinson's disease.

    In fact, not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance. Parkinson's disease is not a sentence, the most important thing is to remain calm and follow all the doctor's recommendations. Besides drug treatment Recently, alternative methods have become popular, or simply speaking, traditional medicine recipes.

    Treatment of Parkinson's with bees is one of the most popular methods among Parkinson's patients. Apitherapy is effective in many diseases, mainly inflammatory processes in the body and the regulation of work immune system. Bee products really do have a lot of benefits for the body, but can they really cure such a serious disease as Parkinson's disease? What is the power of apitherapy? How can it prevent degenerative processes in brain tissues?

    A few years ago, Korean scientists came to the conclusion that Parkinson's disease develops like autoimmune diseases. Therefore, they should be treated in the same way. According to the results of the study, it was bees that were chosen, because their poison has a healing effect. It is believed that they have a positive effect on the production of T-lymphocytes responsible for the formation of immunity. The basis of this doctrine lies in the fact that it is the restoration of the body's defenses that can prevent the development and progress of the disease. Treatment of Parkinson with bees, or rather their poison, significantly reduces the rate of death of neurons - brain cells. This method, according to scientists, can play a sufficient role both at the first signs of the disease, and as a preventive measure.

    Beekeeping products for treatment and rehabilitation

    Absolutely all bee products can be an excellent restorative agent for the body. Apitherapy and the treatment of Parkinson's disease are considered possible thanks to propolis. Those amino acids and useful substances contained in it fortify and saturate brain cells, thereby preventing the occurrence of a degenerative process.

    Recipe for the use of propolis against Parkinson's disease

    Take a piece of propolis, the size of which is not more than a centimeter (about the size of one tablet), and chew it for about half an hour twice a day. The duration of such treatment is about one month, after which you should take a break for 2-3 weeks, after which you can repeat the course again.

    Expert opinion

    Of course, apitherapy and the treatment of Parkinson's disease is a tandem that deserves the right to exist. However, it is not always necessary to unconditionally trust the theory; practical evidence of the effectiveness of this method is also important. In addition, under no circumstances should you rely on alternative medicine without the knowledge of the doctor. The effectiveness of all existing traditional medicine recipes is based solely on integrated approach, i.e. it "works" only together with the traditional, drug therapy or can be used as a prophylaxis.

    From this it follows that before starting the treatment of Parkinson with bees, it is necessary to consult a doctor. And even if you decide to put this method into practice, you need to conduct regular examinations, so that you can control the dynamics of the disease.

    In our medical center you can get a doctor's consultation and an examination. The results of diagnostics and treatment will certainly please you and help you overcome or stop the disease. Come to our center and we will give you a real chance to fight Parkinson's disease.

    The "correct" bees not only produce delicious honey, but also act as healers. Many diseases have long been treated and are being treated to this day with the help of apitherapy (from the Latin word apis, that is, “bee”), which traditionally includes not only healing with bee products, but also bee stinging.

    We all love honey very much, but we try to stay away from bees. Meanwhile, it is known that when a bee stings, it releases poison, which in small doses has a healing effect on the body. Capillaries and small arteries expand, blood flow to organs increases. Accordingly, the metabolism improves. When bee venom enters the body, the process of formation of hormones of the pituitary and adrenal glands is enhanced. Cortisol, cortisone and other hormones have an active anti-inflammatory effect. Apitherapy sessions help to get rid of insomnia and neurosis, improve appetite, stabilize the immune forces of the body.

    And yet it's poison

    In fact, bee venom has a very complex composition, it contains proteins, polypeptides, biogenic amines and others. It is also interesting that the composition of the poison varies depending on the age of the bee.

    On the one hand, bee stings are useful, on the other hand, they are by no means harmless. In addition to pain, they can cause allergic reaction. About 2% of people are allergic to bee venom. If its dose is significant, it can come to asphyxia, lesions internal organs etc. So for some diseases (tuberculosis, diabetes, diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, hypersensitivity to bee venom, etc.) apitherapy is contraindicated.

    A swarm of bees is flying towards us!

    Initially, bee venom is administered in small doses and the patient's condition is monitored, control tests blood and urine. Is the body reacting normally? You can start treatment. At the same time, during the course, it is advisable to refrain from smoking and be sure to drink alcohol, and you should not overeat. These bees are such demanding insects.

    Bee venom, with all its wonderful properties, is still poison, and self-medication is inappropriate here. Today, special schemes and tables have already been developed, doses have been selected, zones for bee stings have been determined in accordance with the disease and age of the patient. Sessions begin, as a rule, with the setting of only one or two bees, gradually the number of bees is increased to three dozen at a time. Of course, this is painful, although it is more effective than the introduction of bee venom using ointments, infusions and other drugs. In addition, the pain from the underlying disease goes away almost immediately, so many agree to endure the required number of sessions. Yes, and the pain from bites is gradually dulled ... The course of treatment, as a rule, is enough for at least six months.

    From varicose veins to Parkinson's

    What diseases are subject to apitherapy? Bee venom lowers cholesterol, helps with atherosclerosis (this problem is relevant now for many). But hemoglobin, on the contrary, increases and is very effective - here you have it budget alternative black caviar and French cognac. As an anti-inflammatory agent, bee venom is especially effective in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, rheumatism and polyarthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis.

    With osteochondrosis, bee stings are made exactly in that part of the spine (in its biologically active points), where there are the greatest problems. So in this case, apitherapy is akin to acupuncture.

    An excellent result is given by apitherapy for obliterating endarteritis, and this is a severe chronic illness peripheral blood vessels, a real scourge of modern young men. The vasospasm is relieved, blood clotting decreases, it has an analgesic effect, and well-being improves. Also, men should pay attention that with the help of bees you can get rid of prostatitis. Another pleasant surprise: it has been noticed that bee venom has a positive effect on hair growth and even baldness is eliminated with its help. But for women, apitherapy will help get rid of varicose veins, inflammation of the appendages, malfunctions in menstrual cycle. According to a special scheme, infertility is also treated with apitherapy.

    Since, as already noted, bee venom reduces blood clotting and reduces its viscosity, it can be used with a tendency to thrombosis. Great for apitherapy bronchial asthma. Ideally, if the frequency of attacks is known, bee venom is administered in small doses some time before them.

    Multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, Parkinson's disease - even with such serious diagnoses, it is worth trying apitherapy. Of course, this is not a magic key to universal healing, but it may well bring relief, slow down or stop the progress of the disease.

    The number of fans of apitherapy is growing year by year, and if you paraphrase a well-known children's poem, then they may well take the following lines as their motto: “Open the door! A swarm of bees is flying towards us!”

    To this topic

    Daria Kostyuk, trainer:

    I heard about bee treatment, but I probably would not have dared to do such an experiment myself. In order to agree to a session of apitherapy, it is necessary that there is no allergy.

    But most importantly, you need to be mentally prepared. And not everyone, but I would even say - rare person will knowingly agree to be stung by bees.

    Another thing is honey. I welcome this part of apitherapy.

    Every person, probably, more than once in his life has met people with shaking hands. The first thought in my head is that the person is suffering from a severe hangover. Of course, in some cases this idea is not erroneous, but the fact that the hands tremble only in people who abuse alcoholic drinks completely wrong. Parkinson's disease can “reward” a person with the same symptoms. Many people are very complex because of this, they feel embarrassed in crowded places, they become nervous and withdrawn. I would like to offer you five effective recipes traditional medicine in order not to give you so many problems.

    Parkinson's disease also called shaking paralysis. Parkinson's disease affects a special area of ​​the brain - neurons. Dopamine is produced in this area. Dopamine is such a specific substance of the central nervous system.

    Symptoms that define Parkinson's disease.

    Parkinson's disease requires more attention. Treatment of this disease must begin immediately! If you delay the treatment, then little by little the connection and interaction between the muscles and the brain will begin to be disrupted. As a result of the loss of this connection, hands, legs begin to tremble, even the head trembles. Muscle stiffness leads to stiffness of all movements. Even in people suffering from walking is disturbed. Such people begin to move in small steps, these steps periodically turn into a run. Parkinson's disease"rewards" human faces with the so-called mask without emotions. It is impossible to read any feelings and emotions on the face of such a person.

    Reasons why Parkinson's disease can "sudden up".

    There are many reasons why a person can be captured. Parkinson's disease may be hereditary. Injuries, infections, all kinds of past brain damage can also “invite” It can also appear due to endocrine disorders and atherosclerotic changes in the vessels of the brain. This includes malnutrition, and a lot of toxins in the body.

    Five traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of Parkinson's disease:

    1. Take one hundred grams of willow bark, willow bark, aspen bark, blackthorn flowers, juniper fruits, yarrow. Pour three tablespoons of the prepared collection in an enamel bowl with three glasses cold water. You need to boil for half an hour under a closed lid. Then strain well. You need to drink the prepared medicine during the day.
    2. Every day you need to consume two to three grams of propolis. Propolis should be thoroughly chewed by swallowing saliva. The first two weeks, take propolis after eating two to three grams. The next two weeks, you can reduce the dose and take 1 - 1.5g per day. It is recommended to be treated in this way for one month.
    3. Take one hundred grams: burdock root, primrose, common flaxseed, sage, oregano, initial letter, mix all the ingredients well. Place two tablespoons of the prepared mixture in a thermos and pour two cups of boiling water over it. This should be done at night, and carefully strain in the morning. It is recommended to take such a medicine by nature four times a day half an hour before meals, one hundred grams.
    4. Take and carefully grind one hundred grams of the roots of the drug, then fill the floor - put a liter of vodka to infuse in a dark and warm place for ten days, then strain. It is recommended to take one tablespoon three times a day, and drink the medicine with milk. It is recommended to rub the hands and feet with the same healing tincture, while wrapping it well warmly. This method of treatment is very effective in cases where the hands and feet tremble.
    5. Buy a tincture of leuzea soflorovidny at the pharmacy. It is recommended to take, controlling arterial blood pressure, three times a day, twenty-five drops.

    Nutrition in Parkinson's disease.

    Include more dairy-vegetable foods in your diet.

    Try to limit salt, meat, lard, egg yolks.

    Eat as many lemons and garlic as possible.

    Sprouted grains, tomatoes, spinach, black currants are very useful.

    In order to respond to treatment more effectively, it is recommended to add to herbal medicinal preparations those plants that are used to treat those diseases that accompany, for example, concomitant diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, heart, nervous system and psyche.

    Having prepared such a herbal collection with many ingredients, your daily dose calculate for yourself, based on your weight. For example, if your weight is sixty - seventy kilograms, then it is recommended to drink up to three glasses of healing herbal infusion per day.

    Actually, it’s a very serious illness, the person who was captured cannot live and work fully, it’s even difficult to eat with trembling hands! But no matter how hard it is, you need to fight for your health, for your life! ethnoscience help and back off!

    Good health and happiness to you!

    Do not be ill!

    I look forward to your comments!

    Parkinson's disease manifests itself when the pathology becomes chronic. People aged 45 and older are susceptible to the degenerative process. Accompanied by an anomaly characteristic symptoms: muscle rigidity (extrapyramidal hypertension), rhythmic tremor (trembling of the limbs), impaired facial expressions, slowness of movements.

    Causes of Parkinson's Disease

    Pathology is due to progressive neuro degenerative change neurons of the substantia nigra of the extrapyramidal system. The chronic form destroys the cells responsible for the production of dopamine, so patients experience dysfunction in motor activity. The causes of Parkinson's disease are not fully understood. The disease is provoked by a number of possible factors:

    1. According to epidemiological studies, in 5% of cases in the pathogenesis of parkinsonism lies a genetic predisposition.
    2. The influence of viruses on the pathways of the central nervous system (meningitis, encephalitis). The pathological process causes inflammation of the subcortical structures and is accompanied by characteristic symptoms.
    3. History of craniocerebral injuries (injuries), as a result of which part of the stem structure was destroyed. The disease does not occur immediately, a certain time passes, nerve tissues die. When the losses reach a critical point, the patient has symptoms characteristic of parkinsonism.
    4. Vascular disorders: atherosclerosis (cerebral), dementia, encephalopathy.
    5. Intoxication with exogenous poisons that disrupt biochemical processes in the subcortical system.
    6. Reception medications often causes Parkinson's disease in the elderly if drugs contain phenothiazine derivatives taken as a remedy for dizziness.

    The influence of one cause or a combination of factors triggers an irreversible process of cell death. When the death of neurons reaches a critical level of 50–80% of the total mass, the extrapyramidal system responsible for motor skills suffers.

    Non-traditional methods of treatment

    In the first three years after diagnosis, patients feel satisfactory, they have only minor disorders. Patients can lead a normal life without the need to take medications. During this period, the treatment of Parkinson's disease is relevant. folk remedies. The recommendations of alternative medicine do not allow the pathology to become chronic and help stop degenerative changes in the subcortical system.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    Along with numerous reasons, in the mechanism of the onset of trembling paralysis, according to the Russian academician I.P. Neumyvakin, lies cerebral hypoxia. The property of hydrogen peroxide to release oxygen under the influence of catalase has become the basis of pathology therapy. Scientists were recommended intravenous injection of the substance, taking into account the individual dosage for each patient, as well as the use of the drug at home by oral intake or rubbing.

    Treatment of Parkinson's disease with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin is carried out according to the following scheme:

    1. Therapy begins with one drop per 2 tablespoons of water for oral administration, followed by an increase. On the tenth day, the dosage is 10 drops.
    2. Then the course is interrupted for three weeks.
    3. Treatment is resumed from the last amount and lasts one month. Daily rate divided into five steps.

    For rubbing, 3% hydrogen peroxide (4 teaspoons) is taken per 100 ml of water. The substance is a potent antioxidant and promotes the oxidation of toxic metabolic products, enriches the cells of the brain and central nervous system with oxygen.


    The method is based on the use of bee products. Insect venom and collected flower pollen stimulate the production of dopamine through the synthesis of serotonin by mast cells. Royal jelly helps to restore the microcirculation of the brain and spinal cord. It will not be possible to completely cure Parkinson's syndrome using the method, but it is possible to stop the destructive process.

    The therapy procedure includes:

    1. Placement of bees (100 pieces) on certain areas (points) of the body (see photo). When bitten, the insect injects poison, which is carried by the bloodstream throughout the body. After a 15-day course of treatment, positive dynamics was noted in 85% of patients: tremor and muscle rigidity were significantly reduced.
    2. The amino acids contained in propolis saturate the cells with vitamins, prevent the death of neurons, thereby blocking degenerative processes. A resinous substance the size of a penny coin is recommended to be chewed for 20 minutes in the morning and evening. The course is 30 days.
    3. Baths with honey (100 g per 10 liters), electrophoresis with 25% product content are effective in pathology.
    4. Reception of flower pollen one teaspoon three times a day for 60 days.

    According to statistics, people long time engaged in an apiary and involuntarily exposed to bee stings, persistent immunity to infectious diseases, normal blood pressure, preservation of mental abilities until old age. No cases of parkinsonism have been reported in beekeepers.


    Treatment of the disease is carried out with medical leeches. The saliva of this species of annelids contains hirudin and more than a hundred biologically active components that enter the body during a bite. Positive effect hirudotherapy for Parkinson's syndrome includes:

    • improvement of blood supply and microcirculation of the brain;
    • elimination of muscle spasticity;
    • normalization blood pressure and metabolic processes;
    • strong reflex action;
    • reduction in rigidity.

    In patients after a course of procedures, immunity is noticeably improved, working capacity increases, irritability decreases, emotional self-control is restored. The treatment is more effective than the results of acupuncture and may well replace it.


    The main emphasis in compiling prescriptions for the prevention and treatment of neurological anomalies, alternative medicine makes the use of plant materials. Folk methods Treatments for Parkinson's disease are based on the preparation of infusions and decoctions at home:

    1. Well-chopped leaves of St. John's wort (3 tablespoons) are poured into 250 ml of boiling water, infused for 120 minutes, filtered, the remnants are squeezed out. The remedy is taken during the day in small portions, a course of 40 days.
    2. Fresh leaves and linden flowers (3 tablespoons) are boiled in 0.5 liters of water, over low heat for 5 minutes. They drink during the day instead of tea, the period of admission is unlimited.
    3. Place two glasses of dry white wine and 40 g belladonna rhizome in a small container. Allow the substance to boil, close the container tightly, reduce the temperature and hold for 15 minutes. Drink 100 ml after meals.
    4. Herbal collection, consisting of three parts of sage, mordovnik and four harmalas, boil for 15 minutes in ½ liters of water. Infuse for two hours, filter, divide into equal parts, take with an interval of 2 hours.
    5. For 1.5 liters of water, 300 g of oats are taken, boiled for 60 minutes, infused for at least 12 hours. It is necessary to distribute the time so that the remedy is ready in the morning, because it must be consumed within one day, and the next day it should be made fresh. The period of admission is 1.5 months, followed by a week break and the resumption of the course.
    6. Place 15 g of belladonna roots, 30 g of knotweed, 40 g of thorn leaves in a liter thermos, completely fill the container with boiling water, soak for two hours. Strain the contents, put in the refrigerator, take 2 tbsp. l. before eating.

    Tibetan medicine recipes for the treatment of illness have found many followers. Almost all patients with degenerative changes showed a weakening of symptoms or their complete disappearance. One of the methods is to use the herb cat's claw, based on the ingredient, tinctures were made. The composition of the plant includes a substance that completely blocks neurotoxins in lipid-containing structures. You can prepare the product yourself, for this you need 2 g of bark, ground into powder, and 30 ml of alcohol. Infused for 14 days, drink 8 drops on an empty stomach.

    Lemon and garlic

    It is unlikely that a recipe consisting of these ingredients will completely get rid of the pathology, but it is possible to stop the destruction of neurons and improve the patient's well-being. The prepared remedy is effective in order to prevent the chronic form of parkinsonism. The tincture is prepared at home and does not require special material costs.

    A medium-sized head of garlic is peeled from the top layer and dried in the oven. Then it is divided into teeth and placed in an opaque container, poured with a glass of sunflower or olive oil. The remedy is infused for three days, periodically shaken. Lemon juice and 0.2 grams of dissolved mummy are added. Drink a teaspoon before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The course of treatment lasts three months, a two-week break is made, then the reception is resumed.

    herbal baths

    Water procedures with the addition of decoctions from medicinal plants promote muscle relaxation, reduce stiffness, weaken the trembling symptom (tremor), soothe nervous system. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the composition:

    • 1 kg of fresh sage grass is taken for ten liters of water, boiled for five minutes, filtered, added to a bathing container;
    • you can make a remedy based on thyme in the same proportions;
    • to take a bath, use a decoction of oregano (6 peas per 5 liters of liquid), boiled for 10 minutes.

    Ready-to-use product is filtered and added during bathing. The water temperature should not exceed forty degrees, the duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. In this way, not only the symptoms of Parkinson's disease are reduced, but a bath taken at night improves the quality of sleep, relieves anxiety, and normalizes the general condition.

    Physical exercise

    Therapeutic exercise (exercise therapy) is a prerequisite for the treatment of pathology. It includes a specially designed set of exercises aimed at distributing physical load on the muscles of the back, limbs, and the pelvic area. Exercise therapy is performed twice a day - in the morning as a charge and in the evening before bedtime. It includes:

    • bending forward and to the side;
    • circular rotation of the body;
    • alternately raising the legs bent at the knees, followed by straightening;
    • squatting using an improvised tool as a support.

    In the prone position in the morning after sleep, it is necessary to wave the legs (“Scissors”), back deflection according to the “Bridge” type. If the patient is not able to do the exercise on his own, he is helped in the form of support.

    In combination with physical activity acupuncture sessions are recommended for muscles. This method came to us from China, where for many decades a huge number of anomalies were treated in this way, including Parkinson's disease.

    There are hundreds of biologically active points on the human body. According to Chinese medicine, all of which are related to the operation of internal systems. The purpose of acupuncture is to influence the necessary areas responsible for the function of the diseased organ. Correctly performed procedure for parkinsonism leads to a noticeable decrease in tremor, normalization of motor function.

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