Dermatology of the scalp. Diseases of the scalp: types, symptoms and treatment

One of frequent reasons appeals to dermatologists and, somewhat less often, to cosmetologists - diseases of the scalp and hair, which are associated with defects in the structure and shape of the latter, their fragility, early baldness, dandruff, itching of the scalp, focal and diffuse hair loss and many other symptoms.

Diseases of the scalp accompanied by the listed clinical symptoms, for many people they become an important source of psycho-emotional discomfort, contributing to a decrease in the quality of life. They often lead to social isolation and difficulties in finding a job.

Hair diseases and internal discomfort

Hair loss, rapid and early baldness, dandruff that is difficult to remove, dermatological diseases of the scalp negatively affect the beauty of the hairstyle and force a person to experience internal discomfort.

Self-selected methods of restoring curls do not always bring the desired result, and the problem only gets worse.

To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to always seek help from a trichologist, the specialization of this doctor allows you to determine the main cause of the deterioration of the hair condition and on the basis of this, the appropriate course of therapy is already selected.

Home treatment for seborrhea

Home treatments for seborrhea show excellent results. But if after 3-4 weeks after the start of therapy, the skin condition has not improved, it is recommended to consult a specialist to avoid baldness.

Traditional healers recipes can be effectively combined with conservative treatment under the supervision of a physician. In this case, it is better to discuss with the doctor the compatibility of home treatment with drug therapy.

If seborrhea of \u200b\u200bthe scalp occurs, treatment at home is carried out in accordance with the following recommendations.

  1. Diet. During treatment, you should refuse salty, spicy, fatty foods and sugar in any form. Ordinary cereals (not instant), fruits and raw vegetables, dairy products will help the body cope with the disease.
  2. Reception of mineral and vitamin complexes. Often seborrhea appears when the body's immune forces are reduced. Taking balanced complexes of minerals and vitamins will restore its own defense mechanisms. Vitamins of group B, A and E and zinc are especially important. You should pay attention to special complexes designed to improve the condition of the hair.
  3. Healthy daily routine. To enhance immunity, an 8-hour night sleep and daily half-hour walks in the fresh air.

What Trichology studies

Trichology is considered a separate section of dermatology, the object of study of this science is the structure of the hair, its functioning and pathological changes leading to problems with curls.

Trichologists are engaged in diagnosing diseases of the scalp and the hair itself, developing methods of treatment and preventive measures.

Trichology is closely interconnected with such branches of medicine as dermatology, endocrinology, cosmetology, gastroenterology, immunology.

Such a close relationship is explained by the fact that the deterioration of the condition of the curls often occurs due to internal disorders, the correction of which requires an integrated approach to treatment.

Features of hair damage with trichophytosis

Trichophyton ectothrix

Zooanthropophilic trichophytons belong to the Trichophyton ectothrix group (ecto - outside). They have large and small spores, which form cases at the base of the hair: wider - large-spore, narrower - small-spore. Along with the spores in the peripheral region of the hair, there are short or long chains of rounded spores. Trichophyton ectothrix are the cause of the development of infiltrative-suppurative processes and purulent fusion of follicles.

Trichophyton endothrix

Anthropophilic trichophytons belong to the Trichophyton endothrix group (endo - inside). The spores of these fungi are found inside the hair. They have a rounded shape, large in size (5 - 7 microns), densely fill the hair inside, without going beyond them, are located either in the form of chains, or fill the hair, like a bag of nuts.

Figure: 10. Trichophyton ectothrix: spores of pathogens envelop the hair from the outside, like a muff (photo on the left). Trichophyton endothrix: The inside of the hair is full of spores (right photo).

Types of hair and scalp diseases

A conditional division of all diseases of the skin of the scalp and hair into four types is accepted:

  1. Infectious and fungal diseases. Infections include head lice, which develops when a person is infected with head lice. Microsporia and trichophytosis are fungal skin lesions.
  2. Diseases caused by dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. The most common diseases in this category include seborrhea and dandruff.
  3. Pathological hair loss. There are a huge number of reasons for excessive loss of curls and the determination of the main one in each case is considered the first step towards restoring the beauty of the hairstyle.
  4. Hair shaft damage. Injury to the hair shaft occurs as a result of thermal, chemical and mechanical external influences.

Depending on the type of disease, not only trichologists, but also doctors of other specialties, take part in the treatment of the patient.

A joint approach to eliminating the cause of the pathology and to restoring the strength of the curls greatly increases the effectiveness of therapy.

READ BY TOPIC: Causes of hair loss in children.

Hair eczema

Symptoms of eczema are similar in the initial stage to seborrhea - plaques with an itchy surface form under the hair. These plaques merge, the skin under them gets wet, the follicles weaken, with the slightest forceful influence the hair crawls out - the "change" is much worse in quality.

The causes of the disease have not yet been precisely understood. Polyvalent allergy, exacerbation of chronic diseases, hormonal disorders, a general decrease in immunity - there are enough factors under the influence of which eczema appears.

Without the help of official medicine, it is impossible to bring the disease to remission.

Seborrheic eczema can spread to the eyebrows and eyelashes and cause hair loss in these areas.

Therapeutic methods are very similar to the treatment of psoriasis: local and general corticosteroid drugs, agents that increase immunity, antihistamines, sedatives. They complement the treatment course with ointments and talkers, which stop the secretion of sebaceous secretions. They include: sulfur, salicyl, rhizocin and the like.

The following methods complement the therapeutic measures:

  • cryomassage;
  • magneto and laser therapy;
  • exposure to currents of different frequencies;
  • spa treatment;
  • competent diet.

Infectious and fungal hair diseases


Head lice develops as a result of the transmission of lice by contact and household means. Children are at high risk. Head lice bites are painful and itchy.


Scratching the skin causes secondary infections to occur, and scarring is possible on the skin.

In advanced cases, head lice leads to the appearance of purulent crusts on the head, to clumping of individual strands of hair due to pus and clutches of eggs.

The general manifestations of the disease include an increase in regional lymph nodes. Attaching a huge number of nits to the curls causes damage to their shaft.

Pediculosis is treated with special topical preparations. And it is imperative to remove nits and adult insects mechanically.


Or microsporosis - fungal infection... Microsporum fungi are most often transmitted from sick people, less often from animals. The main category of patients is children, from whom their family members become infected.

The spread of microsporia is one of the highest in comparison with other infectious diseases of the scalp.

The main signs of this disease are the formation of rounded areas on the scalp with clear boundaries.


The skin in these areas peels off, the hair is brittle, breaks off a few millimeters from the skin and the remaining "hemp" is covered grayish bloomthat looks like mold.

There are almost no inflammatory changes in the affected area; over time, these areas become covered with purulent crusts.


Ringworm (trichophytosis) is a highly contagious and severe scalp lesion.

Fungal spores are transmitted through the use of personal belongings of a sick person or through direct contact with him.

The superficial form of ringworm is characterized by the appearance of foci of peeling of the skin, breaking off of hair at a distance of 2-6 mm from the follicles.

The size of the lesion focus reaches three centimeters, the skin in this place is most often swollen, inflamed and itchy, broken hair looks like black dots.


The infiltrative-purulent form of trichophytosis develops for about two months.

The initial signs are symptoms of intoxication, soreness and swelling of the lymph nodes, allergic rashes.

Rounded spots are formed on the head, surrounded by a clear inflamed corolla.

On this contour, bubbles and crusts with purulent contents may appear; in some patients, deformation of the nails is noted.

Treatment should be carried out in a short time, since the lesions tend to spread rapidly.

Favus (scab)

The main symptoms are the formation of crusts on the scalp and other parts of the body with a yellowish tinge and an indentation in the middle.

Hair often grows in this center, if there is no treatment, then individual crusts merge with each other and large areas of body damage appear.


In advanced cases, the skin under the crusts atrophies and persistent baldness develops.

When the scalp is damaged, the curls lose their shine and strength, they are pulled out without difficulty, the remnants of the strands resemble tow.

Scab is most common among residents of the southern regions, and there are more children and women among sick people.


Microsporia is another fungal disease that simultaneously affects the scalp and scalp, and in the most severe cases, also the nail plates.

All the features of the course and treatment of this ailment are given below:

  1. Children aged 5-12 years are at risk, microsporia occurs in adults only in rare cases. This is due to the high concentration of organic acids in the hair, which does not allow the pathogenic fungus to actively multiply.
  2. The lesions from which the lesions spread are most often located at the crown or temples. Their size is usually no more than 2-5 cm, and the borders have clear rounded outlines. The first symptom is peeling of the skin in the affected areas, but after a week the fungus also affects the hair, which becomes too brittle and begins to crumble after numerous mechanical damage... Sometimes there are forms of microscopy in which swelling occurs and inflammatory processes purulent type, due to which soft blue-red nodes appear on the head.
  3. For the treatment of microsporia, 5% iodine tincture is usually used, as well as various ointments containing salicylic acid, tar or sulfur. The peculiarities of therapy depend on the form of the disease and the specifics of its course; antibiotics for oral administration are often additionally prescribed.

Sebaceous gland dysfunctions


This is an inflammatory disease that occurs due to an increased secretion of sebum with a modified composition.

The main manifestations of seborrhea on the scalp are itching, flaking, redness of the skin, in advanced cases, hair falls out and baldness may develop.


Seborrhea is divided into dry and oily, treatment is selected by a trichologist or dermatologist.

Normalization of the scalp condition is achieved by antifungal systemic and local therapy, correction of the diet, excluding the causative factors of the disease.

Seborrheic dermatitis

A chronic inflammatory disease that develops due to excessive multiplication of the yeast-like lipophilic fungus Pityrosporum ovale.

The disease proceeds as dermatitis with the formation of clearly defined spots of inflammation on the skin.


These lesions are red and prone to fusion, and the desquamated epidermis leads to the formation of a yellowish crust on the spots.

Seborrheic dermatitis most often affects the scalp, upper body and face, that is, areas with a lot of sebaceous glands.

The appearance of foci of inflammation on the head is often preceded by the formation of a large amount of dandruff.

Seborrheic dermatitis is one of the causes of hair loss, the growth of which is restored only with a persistent remission of the disease.

The main treatment for the disease is a special hypoallergenic diet, the use of antimycotic drugs and a number of physiotherapy procedures.

Eczema of the scalp

The first appearance of eczema and subsequent exacerbations of this disease are associated with the activation of fungi from the genus Pityrosporum, and staphylococcus skin lesions are also called the cause of the disease.


These microorganisms can not always cause illness. Eczema of the scalp develops in people with allergic reactions to external stimuli, with diseases with a chronic course of the digestive system, with damage to the liver, kidneys, nervous and endocrine systems.

The main manifestations of eczema are the formation of rounded rashes in the form of plaques, spots, papules. Their appearance is accompanied not only by itching and burning, but also by pain.

Eczema on the head can occur simultaneously with seborrhea, in addition to the characteristic rashes, there is an increased dryness of the strands and skin.

Eczema is not contagious. But in order to get rid of it, you first need a complete examination, which will help to identify violations in work. internal organs.


The term dandruff refers to the desquamation of the scalp epithelium, resulting in white or yellowish scales.

The formation of dandruff leads to an itchy scalp, hair becomes dry and dull, or becomes oily.

Dandruff often occurs with fungal infections of the skin, in patients with seborrhea, after severe psycho-emotional stress, with hypovitaminosis, gastrointestinal pathologies.

You can also provoke its appearance by improper care of the scalp.

Dandruff of varying severity worries more than 70% of the world's population.

Treatment consists in careful care of the curls, in preventing the action of aggressive external influences and in the treatment of hair with drugs specially selected by the trichologist.

Dandruff not only makes it worse appearance curls, but it is also one of the most common reasons for their loss.


The situation with psoriasis is much more complicated, since this disease, although it does not pose a threat to human life, often goes into a chronic phase and violates the aesthetics of appearance.

All its main features are discussed in more detail below:

  1. Exist various forms psoriasis, but the main symptomatology is always the appearance of noticeable spots covered with easily detachable scales, which are usually grayish or white in color.
  2. The factors that can provoke this disease are: an excessive increase in the load on the central nervous system; eating disorders; suffered injuries; frequent hypothermia; tendency to an allergic reaction and its exacerbation.
  3. In the initial stages, psoriasis can be cured by treating the affected areas with various ointments, which include one of the following components: salicylic acid, zinc oxide or tar. In all other cases, experts prescribe the intake of potent pharmacological preparations for oral administration. Medication therapy usually includes sedatives, corticosteroids and vitamin complexes.

Hair shaft damage

Hair shaft injury occurs very often. Perm, the use of heat-irons, curls, dyeing curls - all this damages the rod along its entire length.

Mechanical, thermal and chemical aggressive action does not always provoke excessive loss of strands, but becomes the main cause of increased hair fragility, damage to the ends, dryness, loss of elasticity.

Hair health also depends on a balanced diet, constant hygiene procedures, ecology, psycho-emotional background.

Shiny, strong and strong curls are not only external beauty, but also an indicator of internal health.


The term trichoclasia refers to increased fragility. The main cause of the anomaly is infections transmitted by the mother during pregnancy.

Trichoclasia is divided into two types:

Twisted hair

Trichokinesis (twisted hair) - such an anomaly of the rod first becomes noticeable up to two years.

With this disease, the hair is coarse, of different lengths, tough, they are practically devoid of natural shine. Some children have alopecia areata.

The damaged rod has flattened sections and grooves, bends around its axis at different angles. A weak degree of twist is most often a variant of the norm.

With pathology, the curls cannot be combed normally, they are constantly tangled and pulled out.

Trichokinesis is found mainly in girls. By about eight years old, the number of healthy hair increases, and twisted curls against their background become subtle.


One of the most rare anomalies... Monilethrix appears in the first months of life, not only the scalp is affected, but also eyebrows, eyelashes and other areas with hair growth.

The disease is characterized by the appearance of thinning and thickening on the hair shaft. Thickened areas look darker on light strands.


In areas of thinning, the hair breaks off, and therefore the hairline on the head rarely reaches more than one and a half centimeters in length.

With moniletrix, congenital changes in the innervation of the skin are noted, and this becomes the cause of deformation of the hair follicles.

Gradually, the curls become too dry, thinner and break. The disease is accompanied by the development of follicular hyperkeratosis.

Diagnostics of the mycosis of the scalp

Diagnosis of scalp fungus is based on the collection of an epidemiological history, clinical picture of the disease and laboratory diagnosis.


With this type of study, spores and mycelium of fungi are found, but it is impossible to differentiate microscopy from trichophytosis. Microorganisms are identified using a culture method followed by microscopy. The material for the study is the patient's scales and hair taken from the peripheral zone of the lesion.

Figure: 20. Microscopic picture of Microsporum canis (fluffy microsporum). The mycelium (left photo) and numerous exospores (right photo) are clearly visible.

Cultural research

The most reliable sign of scalp fungus is the detection of the growth of pathogens on nutrient media. Microscopy of the obtained material allows to identify the type of fungi.

Figure: 21. Species of colonies of Microsporum canis (fluffy microsporum). It is detected in patients with microsporia in 98% of cases.

Establishment of the tissue form of trichophytons

Microscopy of the affected hair reveals the tissue form of trichophytons:

  • Zooanthropophilic trichophytons belong to the Trichophyton ectothrix group (ecto - outside). The spores of these fungi are located outside the hair. Trichophytons of this type are the cause of the development of infiltrative-suppurative processes on the scalp.
  • Anthropophilic trichophytons belong to the Trichophyton endothrix group (endo - inside). The spores of these fungi are found inside the hair.

Figure: 22. Lesion of hair Trichophyton ectothrix.

Figure: 23. Lesion of hair Trichophyton endothrix.

Diagnostics of the fungus of the scalp using Wood's fluorescent lamp

Glow of emerald color in the rays fluorescent lamp (Wood's lamp) is characteristic only for microsporia.

Figure: 24. Fluorescence (glow) of hair in the rays of a fluorescent lamp with microsporia.

Hair loss

Excessive hair loss is caused by various provoking factors. It can be both internal diseases and direct damage to the follicles.

In people of age, thinning of the hair is associated with age-related changes.


The term alopecia refers to the progressive hair loss resulting in partial or complete baldness. Alopecia is divided into diffuse, focal and androgenic.


The problem can affect both men and women, with this cosmetic defect most people after 50 years.

Baldness not only worsens the appearance, but also delivers a lot of psycho-emotional experiences.

An effective treatment for alopecia is quite difficult to find without finding out the root cause of excessive hair loss. In some cases, a trichologist may prescribe the lifelong use of a number of external agents to restore the thickness of the hairline.

Oily seborrhea: home treatment



A teaspoon of ammonia is diluted in a glass of warm water. The washed hair is rinsed with this solution.

Oak bark and honey

A tablespoon of chopped oak bark is boiled for 10-15 minutes in a glass of water (water bath). The broth is filtered and a spoonful of honey is dissolved in it. The mixture is rubbed into the damaged epidermis, wrap the head with a scarf and leave the product for 1 hour.

Walnut peel

The tool helps to destroy the fungal flora of the epidermis. 100 g of unripe walnut peel is crushed and poured with half a liter of vodka (alcohol). Withstand the tincture for 15 days. The product is rubbed into the scalp.

Decoctions and tinctures

  1. John's wort, yarrow, oak bark are mixed in equal proportions. A spoonful of the mixture is boiled in a glass of boiling water for 1 hour (water bath). The cooled broth is used to rinse the head.
  2. A decoction is prepared from chamomile flowers: 2 tablespoons of raw materials are boiled for half an hour in a glass of water (water bath). The strained broth is used for rinsing, lotions and compresses.
  3. A spoonful of St. John's wort is insisted in a glass of boiling water. Tincture wipe the scalp or make lotions.

Other hair diseases


The term hypertrichosis in medicine means increased hair growth in different parts of the body - back, hips, forearms, abdomen, buttocks, chest.


This hair growth is not caused by the action of androgens. The disease occurs in women and men, while another pathology with similar manifestations - hirsutism can only be in women.

The main causes of hypertrichosis:

  • Congenital gene mutations resulting from the impact of adverse factors on the developing fetus;
  • Long-term use of certain medications;
  • Consequences of TBI.

Treatment is selected based on the data of hormonal and dermatological examination of a person.

If a effective drugs from hypertrichosis it is not possible to pick up, then the patient is offered the removal of unnecessary hair by the method of electrolysis.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: What is trichotillomania and how to treat the disease.

Greasy hair

Excessive greasiness of curls occurs due to increased activity of the sebaceous glands located in the scalp.

Oily curls almost always look untidy, oily, they get dirty easily and quickly, glued locks appear.

With oily hair, the problem cannot be solved even by frequent washing of the scalp, and styling into a beautiful hairstyle is practically impossible.

With oily hair, a professional approach is required to eliminate the defect. It is necessary not only to consult a trichologist, but also to be examined by a gastroenterologist, dermatologist, endocrinologist.

Complex treatment consists in the use of special lotions, balms and shampoos.

The patient is prescribed physiotherapy - darsonvalization, mesotherapy, it is recommended to use phytoseeds, medicinal serums, masks.

Early gray hair

Early gray hair is indicated by the appearance of a large number of gray hair before the age of 25 and discoloration of most of the curls before the age of 40.

The problem arises due to the disruption of the functioning of melanocytes, which in turn is caused by various internal changes in the body.

To stop early graying, you need to consult a trichologist in time, take tests to find out the indicators of trace elements and vitamins in the blood, and determine the ratio of thyroid hormones.

The process of discoloration of curls slows down after a course of head massage, by means of mesotherapy, masks and various hardware procedures help in this.

Thin hair

Hair with a diameter of less than 50 microns is considered thin. Such curls are extremely soft, they quickly get tangled, they are difficult to comb and they lack volume.

The thickness and density of the hair is increased by using various ampoule preparations, serums, professional masks; mesotherapy and scalp massage give good results.

But in order to achieve a noticeable result, the help of a trichologist is required.

Hairdressers can also help solve the problem. Keratin prosthetics of curls, their lamination and extension make curls stronger, thicker and more attractive.

Dry brittle hair

Loss of moisture inside the rod can be caused by improper staining and thermal effects. In rare cases, this anomaly occurs with nodular trichoclasia.

It is possible to return the hair to its normal state only when the root cause of the changes is eliminated. Additionally, the trichologist prescribes the use of funds that enhance the moisture and strength of the curls. Pathological changes in the structure of the hair and diseases of the scalp have a specific reason for their appearance.

A complete examination will allow you to understand what caused the deterioration in the condition of the curls, and this, in turn, is the most important thing in the choice of drugs that help solve the cosmetic and dermatological problem.


All the features of the course of head lice and treatment for it are discussed below:

A disease affecting hair follicles. Most often triggered by a staphylococcal infection. With an illness, elements with pus appear inside. When ripe, the boil bursts, pus spreads over the skin, infecting tissues. Infection usually occurs in the presence of skin injuries. Furunculosis can be cured with antibiotics and wound cleansing.

Can't deal with dandruff and hair loss?

With our active life, filled with stress, malnutrition, lack of sleep, vitamin deficiency, there can be a lot of reasons for dandruff on our heads.
Dandruff is not only ugly, but also harmful. When there is a lot of dandruff on the head, the roots become weaker, the hair breaks and begins to fall out.

It has the following properties:

  • Eliminates itching and flaking of the scalp
  • Awakens inactive hair follicles
  • Stops hair loss
  • Returns hair health, strength and beauty!

Read more about it here \u003e\u003e

Medical cosmetics and preparations for dermatological problems

Fighting dandruff, as well as seborrheic dermatitis, includes the use of medicated shampoos such as Nizoral, Friederm Zinc.

In any treatment, you need to use a set of measures that can lead to recovery. You must follow a diet:

  • give up sweets;
  • fatty;
  • salted and fried.

Folk remedy: wash your hair with tar soap.

Mesotherapy performed in hospitals is a microinjection into the scalp. A mixture of vitamins, trace elements and minerals is individually selected. The procedure normalizes the sebaceous gland and helps to get rid of dandruff.

Treatment of psoriasis requires much more effort, includes general therapy, local therapy, physiotherapy. The shampoos discussed above can also be used to combat psoriasis. Be sure to try ichthyol or salicylic ointments, they are used as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, the drugs cost only 50 - 150 rubles. Along with this, doctors prescribe vitamins, antihistamines and sedatives.

There is and effective recipe from traditional medicine:

In medical institutions, the cryotherapy method is used to combat psoriasis - the freezing of certain areas of the skin with nitrogen, thus activating blood circulation, immune protection, and improving hormonal balance. The course of treatment is 10-20 procedures, 15 minutes each, the cost of one is 700-1500 rubles.


This is a purulent infection of the skin, the head and other parts of the human body suffer. It can be triggered by bacteria or fungus, in order to prescribe adequate treatment, it is necessary to establish the nature of folliculitis. The risk group includes people living in hot climates or unsanitary conditions. The lesion affects the area near the hair follicle, then a purulent pustule forms. After opening the pustule, an ulcer forms with a crust of blood and pus. The crust peels off gradually, leaving a scar. Most often, scalp treatment requires an inpatient stay.

Skin diseases, for the most part, indicate a disruption in the work of the whole organism. Therefore, it is extremely important to seek medical help in time for an accurate diagnosis and adequate treatment.

What you have to give up

Immediately forget about "aggressive" cosmetics, conditioners, shampoos with parabens, harmful sulfates. In winter, sitting in a heated room, it is recommended to stay away from warm batteries that have a drying effect. When going for a walk, be sure to wear a hat, it will protect sensitive strands from the wind and low ambient temperatures. Do not forget about panama hats and hats in summer - today fashion brands delight women with quite stylish options.

And most importantly - eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid alcohol, smoked, pickled foods, hot peppers, sour juices.


One of the most common infectious diseases that significantly affects the scalp. Scalp lesions are caused by a type of fungus. It has been found that people with vitamin A deficiency are more susceptible to the disease.

The causes of the disease:

  • violation of personal hygiene rules;
  • contact with a carrier of lichen: an animal or person;
  • using contaminated personal hygiene items;
  • serious damage to the skin;
  • a significant decrease in immunity.

The incubation period lasts up to four days. Symptoms: The scalp is covered with red or pink ring-shaped spots and severe itching is present. The success of the treatment depends largely on the patient and his lifestyle.

How to get rid of head lice at home?

Important! Do not use gasoline or kerosene to treat head lice. This can damage the scalp and face.

  • "Pedikulen R Ultra".
  • "Paranit Lotion".
  • "Para-Plus".

It is better to use drugs in the form of a lotion. You need to apply it on your head in accordance with the instructions and, after a time, rinse with water and shampoo. Means are contraindicated in young children and pregnant women. The price varies from 200 to 400 rubles. You may also be interested in the article "How and how to wash hair dye from the skin at home?".

In folk medicine, 9% table vinegar is used (by no means an essence!): Dilute 2 tbsp in 1 glass of water. l. vinegar and rinse hair with this solution. You can also use alcohol, applying it to all hair for 30 minutes, you need to be careful when using.

Features of Vitiligo disease

With vitiligo, the formation of skin melanocytes is disrupted. Because of this, white spots of various shapes and sizes are formed on its surface. The pathological process of destruction of melanocytes also affects the condition of the hairline. This is reflected in the appearance of spots on the head. In these places, complete discoloration occurs, which gives the impression of gray hair. A similar symptom can appear during adolescence. Other symptoms - peeling, hair atrophy, alopecia, are not observed.

Alopecia: a disease or something more?

Alopecia is not called a specific disease, but the manifestation of certain pathologies in the form of baldness or simply increased hair loss. Alopecia is almost never an independent disease, but only a symptom of one or more disorders of the body. If it acts as an independent ailment, then, as a rule, in the form of a complication after previous skin diseases or improper hair care.

Despite the fact that alopecia is no longer manifested, it has nothing to do with a violation of the hair structure. Strictly speaking, the hair is like deprived metabolic processes parts of the body cannot hurt on their own - unlike the skin. But the areas at the roots, closer to the hair follicles, are already "embedded" in circulatory system, and therefore prone to damage, which is often mistaken for hair pathology.

How to treat sores on the head

Dandruff and sores on the head do not go away on their own, they need treatment. At the first symptoms of the disease, contact a specialist (dermatologist or trichologist). He will determine the cause of the disease and prescribe the appropriate therapy.

Drug treatment

Most of the sores on the head are accompanied by severe itching and profuse dandruff. For the treatment of the ailment, specialists turn mainly to ointments, among them the following drugs have earned positive reviews:

  • Clotrimazole ointment - used against many fungal skin infections. The drug is applied to a clean and dry surface with a thin layer, you can rub in the agent a little. The procedure is repeated up to 3 times a day. The medicinal ointment is applied for 1–4 weeks, depending on the diagnosis. To consolidate the success, it is recommended to apply the drug within 2 weeks after the end of treatment. Not suitable for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who are planning a pregnancy. The cost of the ointment is from 77 rubles.

  • Substance-powder Pyrithione zinc - the drug is intended for the treatment of psoriasis, seborrhea, dandruff, various dermatitis, relieves inflammation and reduces peeling of the integument. For use, it is enough to dilute the powder and treat the affected areas with it up to 3 times a day. The duration of the treatment course is 14 days, psoriasis - 30 days. After the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, the use of the drug continues for another 7 days.

  • Zinocap cream - an alternative version of zinc pyrioin, applied in a thin layer to the lesion site several times a day. It is used to treat psoriasis, atopic and seborrheic dermatitis, helps to eliminate dry skin. The course of drug therapy lasts 2-6 weeks, depending on the complexity of the disease. It can be prescribed to children over a year old; the drug has not been tested on pregnant and lactating women. The cost of the drug is about 400 rubles for 20 g.

To increase the patient's immunity and speed up the healing process, the doctor prescribes a complex of vitamins and trace elements. It is especially important to pay attention to B vitamins, retinol (vitamin A), nicotinic and ascorbic acid, calcium intake will be useful.

Traditional methods

Folk remedies can relieve itching, get rid of dandruff and contribute to a speedy recovery from ailment. They are especially relevant for children. Consider several effective options for self-medication.

  1. Mix in equal proportions tomato juice and unrefined vegetable oil (preferably olive oil). Apply the mixture 2-3 times a day, continue for 5 days. You will notice relief after the first application of the composition.
  2. The easiest, fastest way to relieve inflammation, relieve symptoms of the disease is a pill salicylic acid (aspirin). Grind the preparation into powder and sprinkle it over the wound. You can add salicylic acid to your shampoo for shampooing.
  3. Rinsing hair with a decoction of medicinal herbs (St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula and string) will complement drug treatment, fill the epidermis cells with nutritious components, preserve the natural beauty and health of hair.
  4. Applesauce compresses can help get rid of dandruff quickly. Grate a fresh apple, rub the resulting gruel into the affected skin, do not rinse for half an hour.
  5. To get rid of sores caused by unsuccessful hair coloring, you can use dandelion infusion. To do this, pour the root of the plant (250 g) with ½ liter of vodka, cover and leave to infuse. After a week, make compresses with tincture for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedures daily until the disease disappears.

Important! Do not rely on the treatment of sores, the scab is only folk methods... They will complement the action of the prescribed drugs, speed up recovery. Consultation and examination by a specialist, identifying the cause of the disease are required.

Alternative methods

No less effective in dealing with sores are modern alternative methods of treatment:

  • Laser therapy - is aimed at launching regeneration processes inside the skin, contributes to the normalization of blood circulation and metabolism in cells in the affected areas. In addition, the laser is a powerful antiseptic.
  • Mesotherapy - by injections into the skin, a complex of vitamins, mineral supplements or medications are injected. They will strengthen the immune system, normalize intracellular processes.
  • Hirudotherapy - the essence of the method is in the effect on special acupuncture points, for which leeches are used. They help cleanse the body of toxins, secrete a secret filled different kinds enzymes. It speeds up the metabolism in skin cells, has anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects, and normalizes blood circulation.
  • Biocomplex procedure - includes massage using a steam capsule. Natural oils are used to fill the affected areas with nutrients. The treatment course lasts at least 5 days, each session will last up to half an hour.

Scabs, sores on the head under the hair are quite common. They will not cause you much trouble if you respond in a timely manner with appropriate treatment. What and how to treat diseases is determined by a specialist after a detailed examination of the scalp and establishing a diagnosis.

Do not try to cure sores and scabs under the hair using folk methods, only in combination with drugs and modern alternative methods, the disease will be quickly and without a trace defeated. Be attentive to the condition of your skin, it is often the first to signal malfunctions in the body.

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Hair Diseases: 8 Most Common Scalp Diseases

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A brief overview of what diseases of the hair and scalp are very common today, the reasons for their occurrence, salon and alternative methods of treatment, the role of trichology in life modern man... Helpful information on when to sound the alarm and how to tell one hair condition from another.

Hair is not a separate, independent organ. This is nothing more than an appendage of the skin - this fact explains the direct dependence of hair on the health of the scalp. She, in turn, reflects, as if in a mirror, all the failures of internal organs: the immune system has weakened, the stomach has worked incorrectly, the nerves have failed - all this affects the condition of the hair, which begins to get sick. To chop, fall out, become covered with a greasy sheen and dandruff, thin, break - many different misfortunes fall to their lot.

In such situations diseases of the hair and scalp cannot always be treated on their own, the help of specialists is required. There is a separate branch of medicine - trichology ("the study of hair"), which studies the structure, diseases, growth, protection, nutrition of hair and scalp.

It is to the trichologists that you should contact if you have problems on this issue. An overview of the most frequent, topical, common scalp diseases today will help determine what is wrong with the hair, why it started to hurt, and how it is treated.

Alopecia / baldness

Everyone knows that hair can fall out in different ways: you can pick strands from the combs and pillows a couple of times a year, or you can lose them in tufts, from under which the scalp will be exposed. The latter case is called baldness in everyday life, in medicine -.

This is an intensely passing hair loss, which one way or another, but really leads to baldness - partial or complete. Such a pathology is associated either with age-related changes in the body, or with serious internal diseases, without the treatment of which one cannot get rid of such a misfortune.

Trichologists distinguish several types of disease:

  • diffuse alopecia - hair becomes thin on the entire surface of the head;
  • alopecia areata - areas of complete absence of hair are formed on the head;
  • androgenic alopecia - baldness dictated by elevated level in the blood of male sex hormones;
  • alopecia totalis - complete absence of hair on the head, i.e. the person is bald.

These diseases of the scalp are most often susceptible to men and women in adulthood, although with serious diseases, after undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy, young people suffer from alopecia, still very young.

Any type of baldness is a very unpleasant cosmetic defect that can cause serious psychological trauma (especially for young girls and young women).

In order not to bring the matter to such a serious condition, at the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to seek professional help from trichologists, who will identify the cause of alopecia, and determine the type of pathology, and prescribe treatment.

Dropping out

Every woman at least once in her life is faced with trouble when she has to collect hair that has fallen out in shreds throughout the house: not only from a comb, but also from pillows, armchairs, bathtubs, clothes and other places with which hair comes in contact.

Loss of strands is not alopecia, although it may well lead to it in especially neglected conditions. This is a gradual and less intense hair loss process that can be caused by a variety of factors and circumstances.

Trichologists call the causes of this hair disease:

  • vitamin deficiency - a shortage (most often seasonal) to the body of micro- and macroelements, vitamins;
  • side effect of prolonged or illiterate use of certain medications;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • all kinds of infectious diseases;
  • failure in the nervous system (constant stress, prolonged depression, nervous breakdowns);
  • a hereditary factor can also cause the disease;
  • defective, not proper care behind the hair, scalp.

To heal this disease and not to bring the matter to alopecia, you must first determine what was the reason for its development. After that, you need to do your best to eliminate this provoking factor from your life.

Only then can you start treatment as prescribed by a trichologist, make homemade masks against hair loss and to strengthen the roots

This will completely restore the hair on the head and no longer return to this problem.


Dandruff is becoming a disease of the 21st century, a scourge of the modern person, from which sometimes even the most modern and effective, expensive and branded products cannot save. This is a kind of peeling of the epithelium of the head, when, due to intense peeling of the skin, grayish-white scales are formed - dead cells that crumble from the head at the most inopportune moments.

Dandruff is not an independent scalp disease: it is just a symptom of various internal malfunctions in the body. The modern generation does not differ in health, so trichologists are sounding the alarm: today, about 75% of the total population fall ill with dandruff.

The reasons can be very different:

  • hypothermia not only of the whole organism as a whole, but in particular - of the scalp (this applies to those who walk without a headdress in the cold);
  • frequent use of thermal tools for hair - hairdryer, iron, tongs;
  • weakened immunity;
  • poor-quality headgear material (synthetics);
  • avitaminosis;
  • skin reaction to improperly selected or poor-quality hair cosmetics;
  • inadequate, unhealthy diet (a large number of fast foods, fat, marinades, spicy foods, alcoholic and carbonated drinks);
  • disturbances in the work of the stomach;
  • neuroses, chronic stress, constant depression;
  • changes in the hormonal background (during puberty, menopause, pregnancy, when taking hormonal drugs).

Most of the reasons depend on the lifestyle that a person leads. At the first signs of illness, it is recommended to seriously think about proper hair and scalp care. Treatment can be at home, if it is still possible to correct (normalize nutrition, refuse bad habits, find suitable scalp care products).

But with an advanced disease, it will be more useful to seek help from a trichologist.

He will advise on treatment procedures, among which the most effective are cryomassage and physiotherapy.


Sometimes dandruff is called the same disease, using these words as synonyms. However, dandruff is just the cause of a more serious and sufficient severe scalp disease - seborrheic dermatitis.

This is a pathological malfunction of the sebaceous glands of the head, which are located near the hair follicles and secrete subcutaneous fat, the functions of which are very important for the health of the scalp and the appearance of the hair.

It protects curls from external aggressors in the form of ultraviolet radiation and low temperatures, moisturizes, gives a natural shine. However, if the glands begin to produce too much or, conversely, very little, the consequences are the most sad.

Symptoms of this disease scalp can manifest in the following:

  • whole areas of greasy, shiny, shiny skin are formed on the head;
  • hair quickly becomes dirty, becomes greasy within a few hours after shampooing;
  • a lot of dandruff appears;
  • the scalp is inflamed and may not just itch, but hurt in the literal sense of the word;
  • slight itching of the scalp gradually develops into a great desire to comb it until it bleeds;
  • hair may begin to fall out.

The consequences of seborrhea do not bode well for the sick, because among them:

  1. Difficult to treat and very painful pustular diseases of the scalp;
  2. A scattering of acne vulgaris;
  3. Constant physical discomfort in the form of itching of the scalp;
  4. A cosmetic defect that cannot be removed by any hair care product

The treatment of this scalp disease is prescribed by a trichologist, based on the individual characteristics of the patient's body and the reasons that provoked the development and progression of seborrhea.

Complex therapy includes a hypoallergenic diet, a course of antimycotic treatment, physiotherapy procedures (darsonvalization, cryomassage). This treatment is effective for both types of seborrheic dermatitis - oily and dry.

Cross section

Many people think that split ends are nothing more than a cosmetic defect that goes away on its own and does not require any treatment. This opinion is erroneous, because hair that begins to chop anywhere on its shaft is a disease familiar to trichologists. This disease manifests itself most often against the background of excessive dry hair.

In this case, one can observe a variety of symptoms:

  • lifeless, dull hair;
  • splitting strands along the entire length, and not just the ends;
  • severe confusion that complicates the combing process;
  • weakening and thinning hair;
  • fragility, as well as the loss of strands accompanying the disease, is more correct to consider as a consequence of split ends, and not its symptoms.

Like the treatment of other diseases of the scalp and hair, you need to get rid of cuts, excluding from your life the unfavorable factors that could provoke this disease.

This can be constant stress, uncontrolled medication, poor nutrition, abuse of a hairdryer, poor dyeing, frequent perms, washing your hair with chlorinated water. If you try to get rid of this kit and give your hair the right care, chances are you will never have to deal with split ends.


Dry, dehydrated hair is also far from the cosmetic defect that everyone considers these misfortunes to be. In trichology, there is even a scientific term for these phenomena: professionals call this disease trichoclasia.

It is also either a true symptom of some internal pathologies and diseases, or a consequence of neglect of one's own curls. The congenital form of the disease (the so-called nodular trichoclasia) is diagnosed in a few.

Most often we are talking about the acquisition of fragility as a result of:

  • chronic malfunctions of the stomach;
  • problems with the urinary system;
  • chronic infections (tonsillitis, tuberculosis);
  • helminthic invasions;
  • frequent hair coloring;
  • regular perms.

Treatment of this disease begins with identifying the cause and excluding it. Then, procedures that maintain healthy hair are already prescribed. Therapy of the underlying internal disease is the basis for the treatment of hair fragility.

Today, the success and well-being of a modern person is largely determined by the signs of his good physical health and blooming appearance. Pay attention to nails, facial skin, figure and, of course, hair.

Shiny, beautiful, healthy, without cuts, brittleness, dandruff, they testify to good health, which allows you to reach the top, success, authority. While their dull color, lifelessness, baldness, dryness, brittleness, split ends, dandruff and loose strands on the shoulders suggest otherwise.

Therefore, it is so important to identify the disease of curls at the earliest stages and timely contact trichologists for their treatment.

Fungal diseases that develop in the hair zone.

  1. Favus. When this fungus is introduced, the scalp turns yellow. The disease has a chronic form, develops from overheating or lack of ventilation of the hair growth zone. In most cases, those people who constantly have to walk in a headdress or a wig are susceptible to diseases - often it affects actors who spend whole days in wigs during filming or performances;
  2. Superficial trichophoria - spores are transmitted by contact through a comb or hats. Symptoms: redness and peeling of the hair zone, increased hair fragility. A black dot appears at the site of the damaged follicle;
  3. Superficial trichophoria. The causative agents of the disease pass to humans from street dogs and cats, cattle, pigs, goats. Subcutaneous abscesses form under the hair, the hair thinns and falls out. The body in the inflamed areas becomes bumpy, acquires a bluish-purple color;
  4. Microsporia. Signs of the disease are redness of the body and itching, the appearance that burst, forming oozing lesions that increase. The strands at the sites of inflammation are easily pulled out. This fungus is transmitted by pets.

Scalp treatment with home remedies is not possible. Dermatologists take a scraping swab from the inflamed area, determine the type of pathogen. Then appointed complex therapy, consisting of drugs of internal and external action. It is impossible to get rid of fungal infections only with external agents.


When the following skin diseases appear, they do not rush to see a doctor. These diseases are often managed on their own.

Dandruff and seborrhea are not considered serious illnesses - they are caused by a conditionally pathogenic yeast that lives in the upper layer of the skin, which is activated with increased secretion of sebum or, conversely, with a lack of lubricant secretion. Disruption of the sebaceous glands is caused by hormonal imbalance or a decrease in general immunity.

Symptoms of these diseases of the scalp:

  • redness;
  • itching;
  • the appearance of scales that can form a crust.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract provoke the occurrence of seborrhea, which occur against the background of intestinal dysbiosis, stress, and poor hygiene. The tendency to increased activity of the yeast fungus can be inherited.

In children, the manifestation of seborrhea is an infant crust.

For the treatment of seborrhea, the industry produces special shampoos and ointments that contain nizoral or sodium ichthyol. From home remedies, you can recommend infusions of nettle or calendula, a mask of fermented milk products - kefir and serum, treatment of the hair zone with burdock oil. All home remedies are rubbed into the scalp and left on for 30-60 minutes. To increase the healing properties, the head is insulated.

Treatment of seborrhea in infants is carried out using vegetable oil - better than burdock, if the smell does not cause a respiratory allergic reaction in the baby.

An oil product is applied to the baby's head 30 minutes before bathing, a cap is put on. It is advisable to wash your hair later with a special baby shampoo - for example, "Mustela" - or regular baby soap. Then the hairs are carefully combed with a soft brush with rubber teeth, removing the crust.


Scalp psoriasis is extremely difficult to cure - this task is difficult to cope with even under the guidance of a dermatologist. The cause of this disease has not yet been established.

How provoking factors are distinguished:

  • stress;
  • heredity;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • polyvalent allergy;
  • hormonal and endocrine disorders ...

Symptoms of this disease: the appearance of scales, itching, thickening of the skin in the lesions. Hair begins to crawl only with psoriatic erythroderma, in other cases the follicles weaken, but the hairline remains.

Diseases of the scalp should not be ignored. They require urgent treatment, so it is necessary to seek medical help at their first manifestations.

The causes of scalp seborrhea include:

  • Heredity, as seborrhea is often a family disease that is transmitted at the gene level.
  • Hormonal changes, and during puberty, the disease is functional, and the symptoms disappear with the restoration of normal hormonal levels. However, if androgen levels are abnormal, seborrhea can be caused by testicular tumors in men, ovarian diseases in women, such as polycystic disease.
  • Diseases of the nervous system, stress.
  • Disorders in the digestive tract, lack of vitamins, unhealthy diet.
  • Endocrine system problems.

Types of seborrhea:

  • Bold.
  • Dry.
  • Mixed.

Signs of seborrhea:

  • A sign of oily seborrhea is a thickened dense scalp... Hair becomes coarse. The mouths of the sebaceous glands are dilated, the skin is dirty gray. Comedones and acne appear. The hairy surface of the skin is covered with oily dandruff. If the disease is started, oily seborrhea can provoke pustular formations, furunculosis.
  • Dandruff is a symptom of dry seborrhea.... It causes peeling, sometimes severe, with profuse dandruff, the patient suffers from itching, the hair becomes thinner and breaks off.
  • With mixed seborrhea, the skin of the face in the nasolabial triangle is oily, with wide, dirty pores, dry cheeks. The hairy surface is often oily.

To avoid seborrhea, you must adhere to the following measures:

If signs of seborrhea appear, it is better to consult a specialist. Depending on the causes of the occurrence, this may be a dermatologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, etc.

To identify the causes and eliminate the symptoms of seborrhea, the following measures are taken:

  • A visit to a specialist is obligatory: dermatologist, andrologist - for men, gynecologist - for women, endocrinologist, neuropathologist.
  • Diet is prescribed: fats, carbohydrates and salt are minimized. The diet should be dominated by fiber (fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, buckwheat, bran), protein (lean meat, fish, cottage cheese), dairy products; limiting alcohol and nicotine.
  • The problems of the central nervous system and the digestive tract are identified, chronic foci of the disease are eliminated.
  • Medication therapy.
  • Physiotherapy.

Medication methods include:

  • Treatment with antifungal drugs, the most effective is ketoconazole. In tablet form, or as part of shampoos and ointments, it kills the fungus, normalizes the sebaceous glands, eliminates itching and excessive peeling.
  • Help to cope with difficult cases hormonal antiandrogenic drugs, the course of treatment will be determined by a specialist.
  • For restorative action vitamin and mineral complexes enriched with zinc, copper, sulfur are prescribed.
  • With oily seborrhea rubbing a solution of salicylic acid, naphthalan oil, and Sulsen's paste into the scalp helps.
  • Dry seborrhea it is treated with creams and ointments containing sulfur, salicylic acid.


One of the dermatological diseases of the scalp is hyperkeratosis... This disease is characterized by repeated thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. An excess of keratin does not allow dead scales to peel off, but sticks them tightly together. As a result, the top layer of the skin thickens abnormally.

Hyperkeratosis can be determined by visual examination. On the scalp, there are small pimples and brown bumps, roughness and unevenness appear. With hyperkeratosis of the scalp, the hair becomes dull, brittle, the ends split, and dandruff appears.


Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease of a systemic nature. A fairly common disease, more common in people from 15 to 50 years old. A psoriasis patient does not pose a danger to others. It is characterized by pathological proliferation of cells of the upper layers of the skin with the formation of small capillaries. In a healthy state, exfoliation of dead skin cells is normal.

In psoriasis, pathological cell proliferation is observed, followed by their death in large quantities, leading to crusts on the skin surface. This skin disease is not accompanied by hair loss, since it does not affect the hair follicle, however, it noticeably thinns the hair in the foci.

Psoriasis of the scalp, namely the scalp, is the most common form of the disease.

It manifests itself in one of two types:

  • Extensive mass under the hair, dense and protruding above healthy skin like a cap, with a clear border along the forehead.
  • Small numerous plaques under the hairline.

Over time, the disease spreads to the back of the neck, back of the head, and the skin around the ears. Itching and burning appear. Further, psoriasis affects the earlobes, the parting zone and the border of hair growth.

Psoriasis - the disease is chronic. The main goal of treatment is to bring the disease into remission, eliminate symptoms, and prevent exacerbations.

When treating psoriasis, the following are prescribed:

  • Complexes of vitamins, minerals, amino acids to strengthen and maintain the body's defenses.
  • Sedative drugs, since stress is one of the main causes of psoriasis.
  • Corticosteroid ointments to relieve discomfort and inflammation.
  • Ultraviolet exposure. In the required amount, it fights symptoms, but in large doses it can aggravate the condition.
  • Ointments and creams based on hydroxy acids and salicylic acid, tar cosmetics for exfoliating dead skin cells.

Infectious diseases

Infectious skin diseases are contagious, are the result of contact with the patient, his belongings, lack of hygiene.

The following infectious diseases affect the scalp:

  • Pediculosis
  • Folliculitis


It is difficult to identify the disease in the early stages, however, lice multiply very quickly.

The main signs of a lice infestation are:

  • sedatives,
  • tranquilizers,
  • nootropics.

Attention. Some diseases of the scalp can be cured with herbal preparations, however, in these cases, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Preventive measures consist in strict adherence to the doctor's recommendations, the exact implementation of the rules of hygiene and skin care, the systematic intake of vitamins.

Hairdressing: A Practical Guide Konstantinov Anatoly Vasilievich

§ 5. Diseases of the skin and hair

§ 5. Diseases of the skin and hair

Skin diseases... Diseases of the human skin are caused by various reasons, for example, the action of living microorganisms - pathogenic microbes. They are distinguishable only under a microscope, multiply by division, in favorable conditions every 15 - 30 minutes. An environment undesirable for microbial reproduction is high temperature, dryness, sunlight and various disinfectants.

A hairdresser must be able to recognize the most common skin conditions. They can be caused by pyogenic bacteria - staphylococci and streptococci. Inflammatory pustular diseases are superficial (crustal) and deep (boils). These diseases can not only deprive a person of working capacity for a period of time, but also lead to serious complications and diseases that are life-threatening (for example, blood poisoning).

Folliculitis - pustular skin disease. A favorable environment for the development of this disease is the depressions of the skin near the hairs. It is here that small purulent vesicles, the so-called follicles, most often appear. Folliculitis often affects the skin of the face.

It is strictly forbidden to cut and shave a person with folliculitis, as this can lead to the spread of the disease.

Sycosis - purulent inflammation of the sebaceous hair follicles of the beard and mustache. It is characterized by such phenomena as burning, itching, pain, as well as hair loss on the affected skin.

With a deeper penetration of microbes into the sebaceous-hair sac and surrounding tissues, their acute inflammation may occur - furuncle.

An even deeper tissue damage with inflammation of several hair follicles at the same time is called carbuncle... A furuncle, like a carbuncle, causes a general serious condition, an increase in body temperature. Failure to comply with hygiene requirements for skin care can lead to a very serious and long-term illness - furunculosischaracterized by the formation of numerous and often recurring boils.

Infectious skin diseases can also be caused by other types of microorganisms - pathogenic fungi. The most common fungal skin diseases such as ringworm and scab... Fungi can also cause nail and hair diseases.

Severe skin disease scabies causes a scabies mite. A fertilized female tick gnaws at the surface layer of the skin and lays eggs in it. The tick multiplies with incredible speed. In a few weeks, generations of ticks can develop from one female, reaching several million in number. Gnawing passages in the patient's skin, the female itch mite causes excruciating itching. Scratching may result in boils, festering ulcers, and a rash. You can get scabies through the belongings of the patient, as well as through direct contact with him.

Besides infectious diseases skin, there are other skin ailments. So, some people have congenital skin defects (birthmarks, pigmentation disorders, warts, etc.). Birthmarks are of different colors: red, brown or lighter in color. Verrucous birthmarks rise above the skin.

Under the influence of sunlight, some people develop small yellow-brown age spots - freckles. Large age spots often appear in women during pregnancy. The result of the appearance of such spots is pigmentation disorders. Sometimes age spots on the skin can form with a disease of the liver or other internal organs of a person.

Acne occurs in most people. They are like plugs that clog the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands. In cases where the contaminated openings of the sebaceous glands contain irritating substances, inflammation may occur, covering the tissue surrounding the acne. Acne is often associated with a non-communicable disease - seborrhea.

Seborrhea - a disease characterized by excessive secretion of qualitatively altered sebum. There are two types of this disease - oily seborrhea and dry seborrhea... With oily seborrhea, the skin of the face and hair are, as it were, smeared with fat, the hair sticks together in strands, the pores are enlarged. Oily crusts form on the scalp yellow color... The disease is accompanied by itching of the scalp; it is dangerous due to premature hair loss. Dry seborrhea is characterized by insufficient sebum secretion by the sebaceous glands. The skin is dry, flaky; hair becomes dry, brittle, devoid of shine; dandruff appears.

Dandruff in your hair is the first sign of seborrhea. Dandruff is small flakes that have come off the surface layers of the epidermis. The development of seborrhea is also indicated by the itching that appears in the places affected by the disease. Hairdressers who have discovered these diseases in a client are obliged to recommend that he immediately consult a doctor; timely treatment and prevention of this disease will prevent premature baldness.

Seborrhea can occur with diseases of the nervous system, from improper diet and improper skin care. When treating oily seborrhea, it is recommended to wash the skin with hot water and soap and wipe it with salicylic-resorcinol alcohol. For the treatment of dry seborrhea, ointments containing sulfur, tar, resorcinol, etc. are used.

Hair diseases... Common diseases include baldness... The causes of baldness are quite varied, but most often it is the result of oily seborrhea, which affects not only the skin, but also the hair.

Baldness is focal, referring to some areas of the hairline, or general, quickly passing or protracted. Lack of hair can also cause congenital disorders of the body.

Let's consider the most common types of acquired alopecia. Traumatic baldness is the result of an injury to the skull. Hair loss with this type of baldness begins about 2 weeks after the accident. Baldness foci do not expand over time, and after 3 - 4 months the hair begins to grow back again. Temporary hair loss can result from wearing tight hats, wigs, etc.

Baldness is often observed after infectious diseases. It is associated both with the destructive effect of the bacterial poison, and with the presence of a high temperature during the period of the disease. Hair loss in this case is usually observed in emaciated people. The characteristic site of the lesion is the scalp.

Postpartum baldness begins 2 to 3 months after childbirth and can continue as much.

Sometimes baldness appears after poisoning, and in this case, hair falls out in large quantities.

It is especially necessary to note the so-called nested baldness. Most often, this disease is associated with nervous disorders. It is also observed after major operations (more often in men). There are no pathological changes in the skin at the sites of baldness. The patient often does not notice the disease at the initial stage and does not feel any painful ailments. Baldness patches sometimes appear suddenly. In some cases, the disease leads to complete baldness of the head and even hair loss elsewhere. Hair usually begins to grow back from the center of the lesions.

Mycoses - fungal hair diseases. They are caused by pathogenic fungi that affect human hair and skin. The most common fungal diseases are scab (favus), trichophytosis (ringworm), microsporia. Most often, these diseases are transmitted through hats, combs, clothing and other items. The master hairdresser should be very careful and, at the slightest sign of fungal diseases, recommend that the client see a doctor.

It must be remembered that patients with fungal diseases are prohibited from visiting child care facilities, hairdressing salons and baths.

Scab is a disease not only of people, but also of animals (mice, cats, dogs, etc.). However, due to the fact that animals get sick with scab from non-human types of fungi, cases of human infection from animals are very rare.

The development of the disease is characterized by the appearance on the scalp of yellow dry crusts that smell like mold. The skin under the crusts becomes thinner, turning into a scar, and the hair in these areas dies and does not grow back. Hair affected by the fungus loses its color, elasticity and becomes gray, dry, resembling tow. Scab with an inattentive attitude of the patient to the disease can last until old age and lead to complete baldness.

Trichophytosis, or, as it is often called, ringworm, is a fairly common disease of the scalp. Distinguishes between superficial trichophytosis (mainly in humans) and deep trichophytosis (in animals). Superficial trichophytosis of the head is characterized by a large number of small round or oval lesions. Hair in the lesions easily breaks off near the exit from the hair funnels. With deep trichophytosis, the lesion sites of the disease fester.

Microsporia of the scalp and skin most often affects children. Pink-red spots appear on the skin with flaking in the center. Hair grown by a fungus, as with trichophytosis, breaks off and gives the impression of being trimmed.

There are also diseases associated with non-observance of basic hygiene rules by some people: lice, purulent inflammation of hair follicles, etc.

Skin and hair care is the most important condition for their preservation.

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Diseases of the skin and umbilical wounds Non-infectious diseases of the skin Rash is an inflammation of the skin resulting from irritation of the skin with urine, feces or rough diapers. Diaper rash more often occurs on the buttocks, genitals, in the cervical, axillary, inguinal folds,

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APPENDIX VITAMINS FOR BEAUTIFUL SKIN, HAIR AND NAILS When the body is fully saturated with vitamins, we do not even notice it. But the slightest shortage instantly affects our appearance: the condition of our skin, hair and nails. Vitamins must nourish the body

From the book Hairdressing: A Practical Guide author Konstantinov Anatoly Vasilievich

§ 1. Structure of the skin and hair Skin. Every qualified hairdresser must know not only the anatomical structure of the skin, but also the essence of its vital processes. He also needs to have a clear understanding of how to take care of the skin and combat skin

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From the book Medical Memories author Klimov Alexey Grigorievich

pilus, i m - hair Approximate pronunciation: pilus.Z: From the saw proPILUS, like a thin

  1. Weak protective functions of the body.
  2. Stress constant fatigue, mental disorders.
  3. Metabolic disorders.
  4. Failure to comply with hygiene rules.
  5. The presence of an infection in the body.
  6. Improper nutrition, in which all the necessary elements do not enter the body.
  7. Using hair care products that are not suitable for the type of curls and skin.
  8. Fungal infections on the scalp.
  9. Leading an unhealthy lifestyle.
  10. Allergic reactions.
  11. Genetics.
  12. Bad ecology.
  13. Frequent use of chemical procedures (dyeing, curling).
  14. Damage to the scalp.
  15. Using tight or metallic hair accessories.

Diseases of the scalp: names, descriptions and photos



  • Reasons for the appearance. Despite the fact that this disease has been known to mankind for several centuries, no specific reasons for its appearance have yet been found. But there are a number of factors that can contribute to the appearance and progression of seborrheic eczema.
    • prolonged contact with irritating or aggressive substances, it can be any detergent or hair dye);
    • intolerance to any food products;
    • prolonged skin infection.
  • Localization... If we talk about the localization of eczema, then it is seborrheic that is most often found on the scalp, as well as on the face and in the area between the shoulder blades.
  • Manifestation and symptoms. Yellow nodules with a slightly pink tint appear on the skin. These nodules are very oily and scaly to the touch. Subsequently, they can turn into one large focus of inflammation. The process is rarely accompanied.
  • Treatment... If the problem is seen on early stage, it can be solved with the help of shampoos, which include zinc pyrithione, Naftalan, sulfur, tar, selenium. It is also necessary to remove the scales. But only those that easily come off the skin. Do not forget to constantly moisturize hairy part heads. In case of complications, consult a doctor.


  • The reasons... The main reason for the appearance of this disease is the improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. However, they do not produce enough elements that can protect the skin from drying out.
  • Localization... can appear on the scalp, face, chin, chest.
  • Manifestations and symptoms... The epithelium becomes coarser at the site of inflammation. The skin begins to become inflamed, itchy. With too active work of the sebaceous glands, yellow scales appear in this place. And in those places where sebaceous glands work insufficiently, the epidermis begins.
  • Treatment... Normalize your diet. Stop drinking alcohol and nicotine. Monitor the hygiene of the skin, In no case do not get rid of acne on your own, etc. If all of the above does not help, go to the doctor's appointment, or read, in it we will talk about seborrheic dermatitis and methods of its treatment.

More information about the diagnosis and treatment of seborrhea can be found in the video:


In simple words, it is a rash on the skin in the form of acne or acne, which manifests itself in 80% of cases in young people aged 12 to 25 years.

  • The reasons... There can be a lot of them:
  1. excessive use of cosmetics (powder, eye shadow, foundation, even sunburn oil);
  2. skin contact with substances that include oils, greases or tar;
  3. prolonged friction of the epidermis on the tissue;
  4. increased sweating;
  5. taking steroids;
  6. self-removal of acne;
  7. excessive cleanliness, in which even the smallest microbes will cause inflammation;
  8. hormonal changes;
  9. deviations in the work of the ovaries;
  10. chronic diseases.
  • Localization... Acne can occur anywhere on the skin, but is most commonly seen on the face, lower back, neck and chest.
  • Symptoms and manifestations... Pustules appear on the surface of the dermis in the form of bumps of bright red color with a purulent tip. Most often, acne after disappearance leaves scars in the form of dimples on the skin, which cannot be eliminated.
  • Treatment... There may be several options here:
    • the use of ointments and creams against acne;
    • taking antibiotics to fight the infection from the inside out;
    • an appeal to a doctor who will prescribe a comprehensive treatment.


Malignant neoplastic skin disease resulting from atypical transformation of its cells and characterized by significant polymorphism.

  • The reasons:
    • frequent exposure to ultraviolet rays;
    • the result of prolonged exposure to chemicals;
    • persistent trauma involving the area of \u200b\u200bscars or moles;
    • heredity;
    • transformation of other skin diseases.
  • Localization... It can spread to all parts of the body. Manifestation and symptoms.
    • The appearance of a dark area of \u200b\u200bthe skin that grows over time.
    • A small wound that for a long time secretes ichor or just liquid.
    • Thickening and lifting of a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.
    • Itching, redness.
  • Treatment... You need to see a doctor immediately. Usually, if the affected area is small (up to two centimeters), it is removed surgically... In the worst case, it comes down to chemotherapy.

Infectious diseases of the scalp


The causes of trichophytosis are often contact with infected people, less often with animals. Lichen can be localized in any open areas of the skin. The symptoms of the appearance of trichophytosis are as follows:

  • the formation of areas of peeling on the skin;
  • breakage of hair (while a gray bloom remains on the broken curl);
  • the affected area begins to itch, blush;
  • the patient feels general malaise, weakness;
  • a rash appears;
  • the color of the nails changes;
  • on the reddened areas, crusting and blistering can often be observed.

REFERENCE! For the treatment of trichophytosis, ointments based on miconazole, clotrimazole, terbinafine are well suited, as well as tincture of iodine 2 - 5%, sulfuric ointment 10 - 20%, sulfur-salicylic ointment, sulfur-tar ointment.

A detailed description of the symptoms of trichophytosis in this video:


The reasons for the lesion are the same as for the previous infection: contact with an infected person or animal. Moreover, the symptoms of a skin disease are also very similar to trichophotia.

But with microscopy, the color of the nails does not change, and the person does not feel any discomfort. It is better not to start treatment without consulting a doctor. Ideally, laboratory tests are required.
Video with a detailed description of the symptoms of the disease and diagnostic methods:


Inflammation of the scalp, accompanied by severe itching and redness. In this case, the hair begins to fall out excessively, and a black dot appears at the site of hair growth. The fungus is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor depending on the degree of inflammation and the course of the disease.


The doctor immediately diagnoses this disease and prescribes treatment with drugs available for purchase at any pharmacy.

Video about head lice:


At an early stage of this disease of the scalp, small red bumps, the so-called follicles, appear. If measures are not taken in time to treat this infection, these follicles can turn into huge wounds that will be extremely difficult to heal, in addition, this disease can develop into. Treatment is carried out with antiseptic agents, local and systemic use of antibiotics, antimycotics, acyclovir, antiviral drugs.


Disease caused by staphylococci or streptococci. Bacteria enter the body through wounds, making them even bigger. Then, yellow, crusty blisters appear that constantly ooze. If ripped off, the blisters will spread even further throughout the body. In 99% of cases, antibiotics and an antiseptic agent help fight ampetigo.


Purulent inflammation of an acute nature caused by the appearance of a boil. It occurs when bacteria enter the hair follicle. The epidermis "swells", turns red, fills with pus, swells. It hurts to touch the resulting boil. Treatment of furunculosis is prescribed by a doctor, based on the nature and stage of the disease.



Psoriasis is a chronic scalp and hair disease. Therefore, it is impossible to cure it, you can only reduce its manifestations by using special ointments, creams, shampoos and soaps. Sometimes patients resort to physiotherapy. Psoriasis is characterized by a rash of papules covered with loose, easily removable silvery scales. There are many reasons for the appearance of this disease, but experts cannot come to a single decision.


At the beginning of the course of the disease, the epidermis swells, but soon becomes denser. And now, after a short time, it is impossible to separate it from other fabrics, to pull it into folds. Scleroderma, appearing on the scalp, often causes baldness.

Doctors name many reasons:

  1. hypothermia;
  2. injury;
  3. infection;
  4. vaccination;
  5. heredity.

IMPORTANT! Treatment in this case is necessary for a long time and under the constant supervision of a doctor.

lupus erythematosus

The reasons for the appearance are unknown, but usually experts “sin” on malfunctions immune system... It manifests itself as pink spots on the skin, which thicken over time, begin to peel off. And after healing, scars are left. Lupus erythematosus can cause hair loss. You need to treat the disease only after a doctor's appointment.


  • Ingrown hair - with this disease, the hair does not come out, but bends and grows into the skin under the stratum corneum. In such areas, small nodules form, which cause itching, often unbearable.
  • Hypertrichosis (or hairiness) - Excessive hair growth, unusual for this area of \u200b\u200bthe dermis, not corresponding to gender and age.
  • Hirsutism- excessive hair growth in women. Typical signs of hirsutism are the appearance of a mustache and beard in women.
  • Hypotrichosis- a whole complex of diseases that lead to one end - partial or complete baldness. Ctrl + Enter.

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