Why tremor extremities and heads appear: causes, types, diagnosis and treatment prediction. Tremor causes, symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention tremor reduction

Actuous tremor (synonym - tremor actions) - One of the types of tremor (along with the Tremelor of rest) - extrapyramidal hyperkinosis. It is involuntary rhythmic oscillatory movements of a part of the body or the entire body with an arbitrary contraction of the muscles. It is divided into postural, kinetic (tremor movement) and isometric tremor.

Postural tremor arises when maintaining poses (tremor stretched forward or on the hand side). It can enhance or occur in certain poses (for example, when the patient holds hands above his head or near the lower back). In this case, they talk about the positive posture of tremor.

Tremor movement (kinetic) appears with any arbitrary movement. There are a simple movement tremor (simple kinetic tremor), which occurs when performing unfinished movements (for example, raising the lowering of the arms, bending the extension, the pronation of the hand). Also isolated intense (lat. Intentio is a target, intention) tremor - tremor with targeted movements, for example, with a decension and heel-knee sample, in which the trembling amplitude increases as the end target of the movement approaches.

Isometric tremor is manifested in the isometric work of the muscles (muscle tension without movement), for example, in the study of force in the limbs or with a straight hand in a fixed surface. see also

Tremor is hypercines, which is manifested by involuntary oscillatory rhythmic movements of the part (limbs, head) or the entire body as a result of constant repetition and relaxation of muscles. It is one of the most common extrapyramidal disorders. Quite often, Tremor is family-friendly character, in some cases it is poorly quality and has an extremely difficult course.

Tremor: causes and factors of development

Structures nervous systemInteresting for the occurrence of tremors are not sufficiently studied.

Pathological tremor is postural, intentional, static, mixed.

Static tremor is observed in Parkinsonism, Essential Tremera, hepatic brain dystrophy, mercury poisoning.

Postural tremor is observed in poisoning with lithium, alcohol, with thyrotoxicosis, Parkinsonism.

Often, tremor is observed in a state of fatigue, anxiety.

The intensive tremor appears when the cerebellum and his connections are damaged.

Types of disease: classification of tremor

By frequency of vibrational movements during tremor:

  • slow Tremor (3-5 Hz);
  • fast tremor (6-12 Hz).

By the nature of movements:

  • tremor according to the type "No, no";
  • tremor in the type "Yes,";
  • tremor on the type of riding pill;
  • tremor by the type of coin account.

Depending on the localization of tremor:

  • tremera head;
  • tremor brushes;
  • tremor language;
  • tremor feet.

Depending on the conditions of the occurrence:

  • static tremor - arises in the body part, which is alone;
  • intentive (dynamic) - appears with muscle activity;
  • postural - arises when maintaining the position, keeping poses;
  • mixed - arises both alone and when driving.

Depending on the reasons:

  • hysterical;
  • senile;
  • emotional;
  • mercury;
  • alcoholic;
  • with thyrotoxicosis;
  • under the shocks of the cerebellum;
  • essential;
  • parkinsonic.

Tremor symptoms: how the disease is manifested

  • Physiological tremor - Fast and light tremor of the eyelids, fingers, head, which occurs with muscular activity, tension, cooling, overwork, emotional excitation.
  • Shenyl (or senile) tremor - Mixed finger shakes, lower jaw, head that does not have a significant effect on the movement of a person.
  • Drug Tremor. - This type of tremor is caused by phosphodiesterase inhibitors (caffeine, eufillin), glucocorticosteroids, β-adrenergic receptor agonists, lithium, neuroleptics, valproat, tricyclic antidepressants, amiodarons, psychostimulants.
  • Mercury tremor It is observed in mercury poisoning, it occurs in peace, it is enhanced with arbitrary muscle movements. Mercury tremor manifests itself in the muscles of the face, and then the limbs.
  • Alcohol tremor It manifests itself in the form of trembling fingers of elongated hands, which are divorced, as well as muscles of the face, language. Alcohol tremor takes place with alcohol intoxication, alcoholism, abstineent syndrome.
  • Hysterical tremor It is observed in hysteria, has a non-permanent amplitude and rhythm, it is permanent or fitful character, is intensified under the influence of psychological factors.
  • Tremor with cerebellum damage It is intention and manifests itself with rhythmic oscillations of the limbs when they approach their goal (for example, when the nasal tip is touched). Tremor may have a postural nature that occurs when the preservation of a certain posew is kept.
  • Essential Tremor. It may occur both when performing actions and when maintaining the position, keeping poses. Tremor is bilateral, but may be asymmetrical. In addition to the limbs, a head can be involved (by type "no-no" or "yes yes"), lower jaw, legs, vocal cords. Intelligent abilities are saved. In half cases, essential tremor is hereditary disease With an autosomal dominant type of inheritance, although there is an opinion about the possibility of damage efferent paths cerebellum.

Tremora's patient action

The appearance of tremor is a reason to appeal to a doctor and surveys. It should define the type of tremor, the causes of its development, as well as to carry out the necessary medical events To eliminate the problem and improving the quality of life of the patient.

Diagnosis of measles

With tremor, doctors perform a series of instrumental diagnostic methods, which make it possible to determine the causes of the development of symptoms. Among the methods of examination during tremor, it is most often used:

  • The Rapid method (filming) is a high frequency of shooting with the subsequent projection of the footage in slow motion.
  • Tremography - registration of tremor in three planes.
  • An dark photo - the glowing elements are fixed on certain segments of the limb, which is involved in Tremera. In the dark, the fluctuations of the luminous elements are photographed on the film.
  • Electromyography - muscle study, which gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe characteristic of rhythmic hypercines.
  • Other research methods are used at the discretion of the doctor, depending on the health status of the patient and the severity of pathological signs.

If the tremor manifests itself easy formThe treatment is reduced to the appointment of relaxing techniques. It is important to learn to avoid stress and remove the voltage using respiratory gymnastics And other techniques that the doctor will advise you. Help relaxing baths with the use of sedative essential oils and herbs. Perhaps the patient will register sedatives Natural or synthetic origin. If the tremor does not have malignant and occurs in a light form, then, as a rule, the above-mentioned procedures should be sufficient to eliminate painful symptoms and the removal of the nervous voltage.

As for the strong tremor, which prevents the patient to live normally and work, then in this case, potent drugs are used, removing this problem. As a rule, it is beta-blockers, which in fairly low dosages are able to reduce the amplitude of jitter. These drugs significantly improve the patient's condition and quickly eliminate clinical manifestations pathological process.

In the treatment of essential tremor, antagonists are used by β-adrenoreceptor, benzodiazepines (clonazepam), prison. Tolerance can be produced to the action of these funds, so they are recommended to use them only.

Medicase therapy of cerebeller tremor is usually ineffective. There are messages by successful application Klonazepama, Prisononon.

Effective in the treatment of heavy cerebellery tremor surgical methods - Stereotactic thalamotomy, Talamus microstimulation. This is the newest treatment technique that is successfully used in European countries, Israel, the United States and in Japan. With the deep stimulation of the brain, the patient in the brain is implanted with electrodes that are stimulating (or overwhelming) activity of individual zones responsible for coordination of movements and tremor. This treatment technique is currently being improved, and it is actively used in the treatment of diseases such as Parkinson's disease, epilepsy and others.

Complications of tremor

The main complication observed in tremor is a decrease (or complete loss) of disability. With severe tremor forms, the patient is difficult to even perform elementary things: to eat or dress. In such cases, the patient cannot do without any assistance.

Prevention of tremor

Refusal from harmful habits, as well as taking drugs that can cause tremor.

Tremor is one of the most common disorders of the motor function. Shivering develops against the background of reducing receptor-innervated muscles. As a result of this state, the rhythmic moves that are not measurable, increasing as a result of muscle activity. During sleep, such a phenomenon does not occur.

What it is

The physiological type of this phenomenon may accompany each healthy man. The amplitude of movements will be so small that it is impossible to notice it with an ordinary look.

With such a phenomenon, newborn children can talk about the immaturity of the nervous system. Typically, such a state is considered normal and over time passes.

In the case when the trembling of the limbs does not stop over two weeks and is not associated with exercise or emotional experiences, then we can talk about the beginning of the development of the disease. Here will be required to help a specialist.

Types and forms

Specialists in the field of medicine are offered several pathology classifications, thanks to which you can more accurately determine the type of condition of the patient and choose the most effective method Medical therapy.

Depending on the etiology, 2 main types of tremor are distinguished:

  • physiological;
  • pathological - It occurs as a complication with any diseases. It has certain clinical and electrophysiological characteristics.

By the nature of the manifestation, there are the following types:

  1. Tremor rest - It occurs at the time of muscle relaxation when only gravity force affects them. The active arbitrary movements contribute to the decrease, as well as accurate purposeful, resulting in a complete disappearance of trembling. Such a pathological condition in most cases is observed in Parkinson's disease and other similar syndromes.
  2. Tremor actions - refers to pathological form and arises against the background of arbitrary muscle contractions. Includes the following subspecies: isometric; postural; kinetic.

Pathological tremor is classified for:

  • essential - most often affects the brushes of the hands, can be combined with the tremor of the head, legs, body;
  • cerebelchik - characterized by a sufficiently low frequency of oscillations than and differs from many other types of shake hyperkinosis;
  • dystonic - Observed with dystonia. The location of localization is the part of the body, which was subject to dystonic hyperkinosis;
  • primary orthostatic - is characterized by a sharp pronounced instability during the rise of the lying or sedentary position;
  • parkinsonic - in people who suffer from Parkinson's disease, any kind of tremor may occur, but most often a classic rest;
  • toxic and medication - arises against the background of the reception of a certain number of drugs;
  • Holmes - the increase in hyperkinase occurs as a result of long-term deduction limb on weight;
  • psychogenic - the frequency of oscillations has a variable character, it starts suddenly, additional mental symptoms are manifested;
  • tremelor soft sky - It occurs when the trunk of the brain or cerebellum arises, has 2 forms - essential and symptomatic.

According to the nature of the movements performed, these types of tremor distinguish:

  • "Yes Yes";
  • "no no";
  • imitation of skiing pill;
  • coin account.

Depending on the frequency of the oscillatory movement:

  • slow;
  • quick.

Classification under the conditions of occurrence:

  1. Dynamic - arises as a result of muscle activity.
  2. Static - The location of localization is part of the body, which is at rest.
  3. Mixed - can develop in any states.
  4. Postural - The emergence contributes to the deduction of the limbs in one unchanged position.

The localization site of tremor can be hand, feet, head and tongue, rarely torso and other parts of the body.


The occurrence of muscle contractions of an involuntary nature can contribute:

  • dysfunction some sections of the brain responsible for muscle activity;
  • some neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis, stroke, cranial and brain injuries, neurodegenerative pathology.

In addition, other factors provoke the manifestation of the trembling of the limbs and the body are distinguished. These include:

  • atherosclerosis vascular system a brain, which leads to chronic pathologies of cerebral circulation; It occurs as a result of the formation of cholesterol plaques on the vascular walls, which leads to a narrowing of arterial vessels;
  • excessive use alcohol drinks;
  • tumor neoplasm in cerebellum;
  • disease Miron which represents a hereditary benign disease and is characterized most often with the shake of the cervical muscles;
  • side effects some drugs;
  • depression;
  • violations degenerative character;
  • kidney I. liver insufficiency;
  • diseases shield glands;
  • disease Wilson Konovalova, Manifests failures exchange processes copper;
  • poisoning poisonous substances;
  • narcotic broken
  • sugar diabetes.

The development of tremor can be observed as a result of excitement, on the background physical fatigue or emotional overvoltage. These factors refer to physiological.


Depending on the form of tremor, pathology will be accompanied by the following clinical signs:

  1. Physiological - Lightweight and rapid movements of the eyelids, fingers on their hands, heads. It may appear as a result of overwork, voltage, cooling, against the background of emotional excitation or muscular activity.
  2. Hysterical - non-permanent amplitude and rhythm, which are intensified under the influence of psychological factors.
  3. Senile - Shakes fingers, head and lower jaw.
  4. Alcoholic - trembling is observed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe face, in the fingers with an elongated hand, in the language.
  5. Parkinsonic - the shiver often arises in their hands, but legs, tongue, chin, head can also be involved. Such a state for a long time can only appear on one side or have an asymmetrical nature. The severity of symptoms is observed in a calm state, during sleep they usually disappear.
  6. Mezentcefal (Tremelor Holmes) - endfillments located on the opposite side of the middle brain are subjected to involuntary movements regarding the one that has been exposed to pathological changes.

In any case, it will be possible to correctly diagnose only after diagnostic measures.


To make the diagnosis and definition of the type of tremor, it is necessary, first of all, to learn anaman data and conduct a physical examination.

When collecting anamneza The nature of the development of pathology is specified, that is, it was a gradual or sudden phenomenon. In addition, it is important to take into account which parts of the body were involved in the process, the conditions under which the manifestations of involuntary movements began, as well as factors contributing to their strengthening or decreasing (for example, stressful or depressive state, alcohol, caffeine, caffeine). With a sudden manifestation of the disease, it is necessary to learn from a patient about all the moments that could serve as the beginning of such a state.

All bodies and systems must be examined to determine the existing other diseases that may be the cause of tremor development. This will indicate such symptoms as:

  • two In eyes;
  • muscular weakness;
  • head pain;
  • fever;
  • reduced masses bodies;
  • intolerance heat;
  • slowness movements.

During the study of the anamnesis, special attention is paid to disease and states, against the background of which involvement of involuntary movements. It is also important to know if anyone from the relatives on the first line of this disorder (tremor) suffers.

In addition, it turns out the data on the reception of any drugs capable of manifestation of tremor, caffeine, alcohol and other substances.

In a physical examination, tremor must be differentiated from such pathologies such as tachycardia, fever and arterial hypertension. As a result of the general inspection, attention appeals to the manifestation of signs possible development Cachexia and psychomotor excitation. The absence or presence of facial expansions is revealed. Be sure to palpate the thyroid gland.

During a focused inspection, an estimate of the localization and frequency of tremor fluctuations in various states is given: at rest, when driving, when hanging the position of the limbs examined.

Mandatory is and exhaustive neurological examination. Functions are studied card nerves, gait, deep reflexes, performs a sample for cerebellar dysfunction.

In some cases, additional research may be required:

  • computer I. magnetic resonance tomography of the brain;
  • level definition tyroxina and thyrotropic hormone;
  • analysis on determining content urea and ammonia in blood;
  • measurement of the concentration of free mETAINEFRINES in plasma;
  • excretion medical with urine;
  • level ceruloplasmin in blood and serum.

Electromyography and electronomiography are not used frequently.


Therapeutic measures are selected in each case individually, depending on the degree of pathology. With a light form, relaxing techniques are recommended:

  • respiratory gymnastics;
  • bath with addition essential oils and herbs;
  • natural or synthetic sedative preparations;
  • avoiding stressive situations.

This is usually enough to eliminate painful sensations and remove the nervous tension.

With strong tremor, as a rule, potent drugs are prescribed:

  • preparations Levodopa - needed in the presence of Parkinson's disease;
  • agonists Dopamic receptors are helping to reduce the amplitude of oscillations, reduce the manifestation of symptoms;
  • beta blockers;
  • soothing and tranquilizers;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • stimulators blood circulation brain;
  • thyareostatic;
  • barbiturates and benzodiazepitis.

If medicia treatment Does not lead to positive results, apply stereotactic thalamotomy. The main task of this method lies in the deep stimulation of the thalamus nuclei by means of electrodes.

Consequences and complications

Specialists stand out by several of the most common complications that may arise against such a background. pathological statelike tremor. These include:

  • social violations adaptation;
  • inability to independent commit certain actions;
  • difficulties in pronunciation speech against the background of the involuntary movements of the muscles of the face and the lower jaw;
  • difficulties during the fulfillment of familiar action, for example, makeup, Shave, eat food or drink.

It is important to remember that it is not always possible to completely get rid of tremors, even if the most modern medications and methods that allow only some time to remove the corresponding symptoms. The process can progress, thereby delivering even more inconveniences and difficulties.

At different stages of life, almost every person faces such an unpleasant phenomenon that received the name from experts. tremora. What is the reason for its appearance and is it possible to avoid visiting a specialist? Are drug treatment exist and how effective folk remedies? By what symptoms, the patient can understand that the doctor's appeals are not avoided?

Under tremor Experts understand the involuntary fine controversy of the limbs or other parts of the body. In some cases, the oscillatory movements of the entire body of the patient are noted. Tremor is found in both people and animals, such as dogs.

Classification of tremor

Specialists offer several classifications of the disease, allowing to determine the type of pathological process and choose the optimal treatment option:

Physiological tremor. In this case, we are talking about the insignificant trembling of hands, mainly in an elongated position. There is a low-amplitude oppression of brushes, fingers, or the entire limb. It manifests itself in most people after taking a solid dose of alcohol or with strong excitement. The amplitude of jitter ranges from 8 to 12 Hz, depending on the patient's condition.

Essential Tremor.. According to the results of long clinical studies It is recognized as postural and extremely rarely revealed at rest. This is a tremor movement. In some cases, doctors note that essential tremor is actively developing in an older age and can be localized in a certain muscle group. For example, only tremor legs, heads or tremor hands are diagnosed. Its amplitude is about 4-8 Hz. Depending on the location of pathology, symptoms can differ significantly.

Cerebelchik or in other words, intentive tremor. The most sharply manifests itself at the time of arbitrary movements. Minor frequency in the range of 3-4 Hz. In rare cases, patients can only be affected by the body, and the limbs and head are not involved in the pathological process.

Tremelor rest or, in other words, Parkinsonic tremor of the patient's limbs. The oscillatory movements are most pronounced at rest and the oscillation frequency is about 3-7 Hz.

The following classification is based on the intensity of oscillatory movements. In this case, allocate:

Quick tremor, when the frequency of oscillation reaches 6-12 Hz;
Slow Tremor in which the frequency of oscillations is 3-5 Hz.

The following classification is based on involved involuntary movements:

No no;
Movements resembling riding pill or forming balls;
Movements similar to the account of coins, etc.

Classification based on etiology disease occurrence:

Emotional. It occurs at the moment of strong excitement or fright.
SenileForming in old age.
Hysterical, manifested at the time of maximum excitation of the nervous system.
Essential or tremor movement.
Tremelor rest or tremor, characterizing the trembling limbs in Parkinson's disease.
Alcoholicnoted in patients suffering from alcohol addiction. This is the so-called clapping tremor. He can also be observed at liver failure and with hypoglycemic coma.
Yatrogenic tremor. In most cases, it is replaced by the concept of "mercury tremor". It occurs in mercury poisoning and can serve as one of the symptoms of pathology. It is characteristic both for acute and chronic poisoning.
Tremor observed with thyrotoxicosis.
Rubred tremor It occurs during the defeat of the middle parts of the brain and is characterized by a combination of tremor of peace and tremor movement.

Symptoms and signs of tremor

Experts suggest that the manifestations of tremor are similar, but differ at the location of the lesion. Highlight tremors:

Century or eyes;
Hand brushes;

The patient has a rhythmic oscillatory movement of a certain part of the body. Depending on the degree of damage and severity of the disease, the intensity of involuntary movements may vary. Experts argue that the pathological process can increase when exposed to adverse factors and slightly decrease with the patient's condition. So, in the case of a diagnosed emotional tremor, when the patient is excited, the frequency of oscillatory movements increases sharply, and in a calm state the same person is much less suspected involuntary movements of the limbs.

In medicine, cases are described when one patient has not only a certain type of tremor, and several different pathological processes are immediately. For example, a pronounced resting tremor and a slight postural tremor. Or a clear postural tremor on the background of a weakly noticeable intentional tremor. It should be noted that even the presence, at first glance, minor vibrational movements differing from the main tremor has an important diagnostic value.

Specialists suggest that regardless of the type of tremor and signs of the disease, this pathological process indicates the presence of a more serious illness in the patient's body. That is why, in the treatment of oscillatory movements, the patient has paramount importance to identify the main cause of the disease, and the elimination of symptoms is only the second stage.

Experts revealed several characteristic features For each type of tremor:

Physiological tremor is usually enhanced by hypothermia, muscle tension, fatigue or emotional patient's excitation. It is characterized by small and fast trembling limbs.
Senile or, in other words, Shenyl tremor. With this pathology there is a fine contraction of the chin, the lower jaw, head and fingers. In this case, patients do not have difficulty with performing any manipulations.
Mercury tremor begins in a patient at rest, and subsequently enhances when performing any movements. Initially arises in the muscles of the face, then goes to the limbs.
Alcohol tremor manifests itself with an abstinence syndrome, alcohol poisoning or when excessive use. The patient has a fine trembling of the diluted fingers of the hands, as well as the Tremelor of the tongue and facial muscles.
With hysterical tremor, patients at the moment of psychogenic effects are increasing vibrational movements of limbs and bodies. It should be noted that they can be worn as an attack and constant character. The amplitude of oscillations of non-etinakov and the frequency of muscle contractions can be significantly retired.
The tremor arising from the lesion of the cerebellum is characterized by the fact that when applying the limb to the target target, the amplitude of the oscillatory movements is enhanced, and the execution of manipulation is difficult. In some cases, it is manifested when trying to keep equilibrium or a certain pose. But there are cases when vertical position The tremor is enhanced, and when switching to a horizontal position - disappears.

Complications of tremor

Experts identify several most common complications, which include:

Violations in the field of social adaptation, as well as the inability to make certain actions in the workplace;
Difficult speech with tremor of the lower jaw and facial muscles;
Difficulties with the performance of ordinary actions: shave, makeup, drink and food. The impossibility of performing the most simple actions leads to a violation of the psycho-emotional state of the patient.

It should be noted that getting rid of tremor fails, even using modern medicines and techniques. The process will be exacerbated over time, delivering to the patient more and more difficulties and inconvenience.

Causes of tremor

Despite the active development of medicine in recent decades and the technical capabilities of the patient's examination, the specialists have not yet come to a common opinion regarding the reasons that cause tremor.

It has been reliably established that the occurrence of tremor may be due to a genetic factor. In a number of families, for several generations, the descendants have one or more types of tremor. In this case, it is not about senile tremor, but about other varieties of the pathological process.

There is also a theory according to which the tremor may arise as a consequence of suffering severe stress. In this case, it is appropriate to talk about hysterical tremor or tremor on an emotional background. Essential tremor arises as a result of chromosomal mutation. Osteochondrosis is also capable of causing tremor extremities and heads.

Experts also talk about the presence of tremor not only in adults, but also in newborns. Bremor head in infants may be due to genetic diseases or increased norepinephrine baby's blood. The tremor of the hands and feet testifies to the underdevelopment of the nervous system, as well as the hypoxia of the fetus.

Diagnosis and treatment of tremor

Each patient who falls to the reception to specialists is a thorough examination. Its purpose becomes clarifying the dynamics of the pathological process, direction and nature of movements, as well as the intensity of muscle oscillations.

Doctors spend a survey consisting of several stages:

Inspection and patient poll. At this stage, the deadlines for the occurrence of the disease, as well as related pathologies.
Neurological examination that allows you to identify violations in the work of the nervous system.
Laboratory diagnosticsproviding information about the status thyroid gland and endocrine system. Hormone hyperproduction can cause tremor.
Functional tests to determine the physical capabilities of the patient. These include requests to bring a cup with water or draw a spiral to the lips.

It should be understood that the specific treatment of tremor does not exist. The use of drugs can only slightly reduce the manifestations of muscle oscillatory movements. For this purpose, beta adrenoblocators are used.

Interesting Facts
The frequency of essential tremor is reduced by age. At the same time, experts argue that the beginning of the disease at an older age leads to a more rapid increase in symptoms and deterioration.
Tremor in newborn children does not require treatment up to 3-cheerful age and the baby must be under the close observation of specialists. It should be remembered that this condition may indicate serious pathologies.
Alcohol use by initial stages The development of tremor can almost completely eliminate involuntary oscillatory movements. After a short time, the symptoms are returned with the new force and chronic alcoholism is gradually joined to Tremor.

If the patient is diagnosed with a hysterical tremor, the doctor will appoint tranquilizers or sedatives. Not bad results gives the use of anticonvulsant drugs.

The use of physiotherapy procedures led to the separation of specialists in two camps. Supporters of such treatment argue that muscle training has a beneficial effect on the patient, and opponents recommend to refrain from additional loads.

In particularly severe cases it may be necessary surgery. Its purpose becomes stimulation of certain brain centers and applies with the complete absence of the effect of using drug treatment.

Prevention of tremor

Moderate physical exertion, proper and full nutrition, a timely examination at a specialist in the presence of this disease in the family history, the full compliance with all the recommendations of the doctor and the refusal of smoking and alcohol will allow to minimize the risk of developing tremor or to significantly delay its start.

Methods of treating tremor

The herbalists recommend somewhat very effective tools To remove the symptoms of tremor:

Taken in equal shares crushed plants (Melissa, St. John's wort, Rosehip root, mint, rosemary leaves and hop cones) mix together. 50g the resulting mixture is pouring 500ml vodka and insist in a dark cool place for three weeks. Recommended every 2-3 days gently shake the container with tincture. At the end of the term, strain and take 2 drops three times a day before meals and drink a glass of water. Course duration 7 weeks, then a month break. The total duration of treatment is 1 year.

A oats decoction is able to significantly reduce the tremor or legs. On 9 spoons of oats, it is necessary to take 3 liters of water and cook on a weak heat for an hour. Then it is recommended to leave it overnight in a warm place. In the morning, strain and drink all the decoction over the next day. The effectiveness of the means is due to the beneficial effect of oats components on the patient's nervous system.

Tremor is one of the most common disorders of the motor function. Shivering develops against the background of reducing receptor-innervated muscles. As a result of this state, the rhythmic moves that are not measurable, increasing as a result of muscle activity. During sleep, such a phenomenon does not occur.

What it is

The physiological type of this phenomenon may accompany every healthy person. The amplitude of movements will be so small that it is impossible to notice it with an ordinary look.

With such a phenomenon, newborn children can talk about the immaturity of the nervous system. Typically, such a state is considered normal and over time passes.

In the case when the trembling of the limbs does not stop over two weeks and is not associated with physical exertion or emotional experiences, then we can talk about the beginning of the development of the disease. Here will be required to help a specialist.

Types and forms

Specialists in the field of medicine are offered several pathology classifications, due to which it is possible to more accurately determine the type of condition of the patient and select the most effective method of therapeutic therapy.

Depending on the etiology, 2 main types of tremor are distinguished:

  • physiological;
  • pathological - It occurs as a complication with any diseases. It has certain clinical and electrophysiological characteristics.

By the nature of the manifestation, there are the following types:

  1. Tremor rest - It occurs at the time of muscle relaxation when only gravity force affects them. The active arbitrary movements contribute to the decrease, as well as accurate purposeful, resulting in a complete disappearance of trembling. Such a pathological condition in most cases is observed in Parkinson's disease and other similar syndromes.
  2. Tremor actions - refers to pathological form and arises against the background of arbitrary muscle contractions. Includes the following subspecies: isometric; postural; kinetic.

Pathological tremor is classified for:

  • essential - most often affects the brushes of the hands, can be combined with the tremor of the head, legs, body;
  • cerebelchik - characterized by a sufficiently low frequency of oscillations than and differs from many other types of shake hyperkinosis;
  • dystonic - Observed with dystonia. The location of localization is the part of the body, which was subject to dystonic hyperkinosis;
  • primary orthostatic - is characterized by a sharp pronounced instability during the rise of the lying or sedentary position;
  • parkinsonic - in people who suffer from Parkinson's disease, any kind of tremor may occur, but most often a classic rest;
  • toxic and medication - arises against the background of the reception of a certain number of drugs;
  • Holmes - the increase in hyperkinase occurs as a result of long-term deduction limb on weight;
  • psychogenic - the frequency of oscillations has a variable character, it starts suddenly, additional mental symptoms are manifested;
  • tremelor soft sky - It occurs when the trunk of the brain or cerebellum arises, has 2 forms - essential and symptomatic.

According to the nature of the movements performed, these types of tremor distinguish:

  • "Yes Yes";
  • "no no";
  • imitation of skiing pill;
  • coin account.

Depending on the frequency of the oscillatory movement:

  • slow;
  • quick.

Classification under the conditions of occurrence:

  1. Dynamic - arises as a result of muscle activity.
  2. Static - The location of localization is part of the body, which is at rest.
  3. Mixed - can develop in any states.
  4. Postural - The emergence contributes to the deduction of the limbs in one unchanged position.

The localization site of tremor can be hand, feet, head and tongue, rarely torso and other parts of the body.


The occurrence of muscle contractions of an involuntary nature can contribute:

  • dysfunction some sections of the brain responsible for muscle activity;
  • some neurological Disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, stroke, cranial trauma, neurodegenerative pathology.

In addition, other factors provoke the manifestation of the trembling of the limbs and the body are distinguished. These include:

  • atherosclerosis The vascular system of the brain, which leads to chronic pathologies of the cerebral circulation; It occurs as a result of the formation of cholesterol plaques on the vascular walls, which leads to a narrowing of arterial vessels;
  • excessive use alcohol drinks;
  • tumor neoplasm in cerebellum;
  • disease Miron which represents a hereditary benign disease and is characterized most often with the shake of the cervical muscles;
  • side effects some drugs;
  • depression;
  • violations degenerative character;
  • kidney I. liver insufficiency;
  • diseases shield glands;
  • disease Wilson Konovalova, manifested by the failures of copper exchange processes;
  • poisoning poisonous substances;
  • narcotic broken
  • sugar diabetes.

The development of tremor can be observed as a result of excitement, against the background of physical fatigue or emotional overvoltage. These factors refer to physiological.


Depending on the form of tremor, pathology will be accompanied by the following clinical signs:

  1. Physiological - Lightweight and rapid movements of the eyelids, fingers on their hands, heads. It may appear as a result of overwork, voltage, cooling, against the background of emotional excitation or muscular activity.
  2. Hysterical - non-permanent amplitude and rhythm, which are intensified under the influence of psychological factors.
  3. Senile - Shakes fingers, head and lower jaw.
  4. Alcoholic - trembling is observed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe face, in the fingers with an elongated hand, in the language.
  5. Parkinsonic - the shiver often arises in their hands, but legs, tongue, chin, head can also be involved. Such a state for a long time can only appear on one side or have an asymmetrical nature. The severity of symptoms is observed in a calm state, during sleep they usually disappear.
  6. Mezentcefal (Tremelor Holmes) - endfillments located on the opposite side of the middle brain are subjected to involuntary movements regarding the one that has been exposed to pathological changes.

In any case, it will be possible to correctly diagnose only after diagnostic measures.


To make the diagnosis and definition of the type of tremor, it is necessary, first of all, to learn anaman data and conduct a physical examination.

When collecting anamneza The nature of the development of pathology is specified, that is, it was a gradual or sudden phenomenon. In addition, it is important to take into account which parts of the body were involved in the process, the conditions under which the manifestations of involuntary movements began, as well as factors contributing to their strengthening or decreasing (for example, stressful or depressive state, alcohol, caffeine, caffeine). With a sudden manifestation of the disease, it is necessary to learn from a patient about all the moments that could serve as the beginning of such a state.

All bodies and systems must be examined to determine the existing other diseases that may be the cause of tremor development. This will indicate such symptoms as:

  • two In eyes;
  • muscular weakness;
  • head pain;
  • fever;
  • reduced masses bodies;
  • intolerance heat;
  • slowness movements.

During the study of the anamnesis, special attention is paid to disease and states, against the background of which involvement of involuntary movements. It is also important to know if anyone from the relatives on the first line of this disorder (tremor) suffers.

In addition, it turns out the data on the reception of any drugs capable of manifestation of tremor, caffeine, alcohol and other substances.

In a physical examination, tremor should be differentiated from pathologies such as tachycardia, fever and arterial hypertension. As a result of the general inspection, attention appeals to the manifestation of the signs of possible development of cachexia and psychomotor arousal. The absence or presence of facial expansions is revealed. Be sure to palpate the thyroid gland.

During a focused inspection, an estimate of the localization and frequency of tremor fluctuations in various states is given: at rest, when driving, when hanging the position of the limbs examined.

Mandatory is and exhaustive neurological examination. The functions of the cranial nerves, gait, deep reflexes are studied, the sample is performed for the presence of cerebellar dysfunction.

In some cases, additional research may be required:

  • computer I. magnetic resonance tomography of the brain;
  • level definition tyroxina and thyrotropic hormone;
  • analysis on determining content urea and ammonia in blood;
  • measurement of the concentration of free mETAINEFRINES in plasma;
  • excretion medical with urine;
  • level ceruloplasmin in blood and serum.

Electromyography and electronomiography are not used frequently.


Therapeutic measures are selected in each case individually, depending on the degree of pathology. With a light form, relaxing techniques are recommended:

  • respiratory gymnastics;
  • bath with the addition of essential oils and herbs;
  • natural or synthetic sedative preparations;
  • avoiding stressive situations.

This is usually enough to eliminate painful sensations and remove the nervous tension.

With strong tremor, as a rule, potent drugs are prescribed:

  • preparations Levodopa - needed in the presence of Parkinson's disease;
  • agonists Dopamic receptors are helping to reduce the amplitude of oscillations, reduce the manifestation of symptoms;
  • beta blockers;
  • soothing and tranquilizers;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • stimulators blood circulation brain;
  • thyareostatic;
  • barbiturates and benzodiazepitis.

If drug treatment does not lead to positive results, apply stereotactic thalamotomy. The main task of this method lies in the deep stimulation of the thalamus nuclei by means of electrodes.

Consequences and complications

Specialists are distinguished by several of the most common complications that may arise against the background of such a pathological condition as tremor. These include:

  • social violations adaptation;
  • inability to independent commit certain actions;
  • difficulties in pronunciation speech against the background of the involuntary movements of the muscles of the face and the lower jaw;
  • difficulties during the fulfillment of familiar action, for example, makeup, Shave, eat food or drink.

It is important to remember that it is not always possible to completely get rid of tremor, even if the most modern drugs and methods that will allow for some time to remove the corresponding symptoms will be used. The process can progress, thereby delivering even more inconveniences and difficulties.

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