Lymphomyosis instructions for use analogs. Cheap analog "lymphomyosis"

Synonyms: Lymphomyosot.

Lymphomyosis ( international name Lymphomyosot) is a homeopathic preparation, which has pronounced lymphodic, anti-inflammatory, detoxification and immunomodulatory properties. Due to the composition, the analogues of which does not exist, it significantly improves the metabolic processes. We offer you an overview of the features of the drug and recommendations for its use.

Lymphomyosot Heel is produced by the German pharmacological company with world name Heel. This manufacturer produces a drug in the form of drops, granules and injection solutions.

Lymphomyosis is a multicomponent drug. It has 17 ingredients that have different origins: vegetable, animal and mineral. The effect of the drug on the body is due to how each individual component is influenced by:

  • Field forget-me-not-plant, which is endowed with anti-inflammatory and musolitic effect;
  • Veronica Drug - is known as an antiallergic and reducing agent;
  • Dubrovnik yesterday - with tissue hypertrophy facilitates the health and state of the patient;
  • Pine ordinary is an excellent disinfectant for mucous membranes, and also cleans blood and lymph;
  • Gerana Robert is a natural antiseptic, promotes the interruption of the growth process of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Drug gradder - effective tool From cough, has an expectorant effect;
  • Walnut is an indispensable source of many important vitamins and trace elements;
  • The hostech winter - removes toxins from the body, and also has a good anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Gaustry yellow - favorably affects the body temperature, has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties;
  • The diadem conductor - the poison of this spider is used in the treatment of neurological problems;
  • Iodide iron - applied with an increase in lymph nodes;
  • Sarsaparill - renders positive effect on the condition of the liquid medium of the body;
  • Norichnik knotted - helps the patient get rid of itching and burning, as well as sore throat;
  • Doshylac - effective anesthetic, anti-refuge and toning component;
  • Sodium sulfate - contributes to the normalization of appetite and digestion;
  • Calcium phosphate is used for regeneration and development of bone-muscular tissues;
  • Levothyroxin - has an impact on the processes of growth of tissues and metabolism.

In addition, ethanol is present as part of the drops, and there is no alcohol in the ampoules. In solution for injection, excipients - water and sodium chloride.

Drops are the most common and convenient for the use of a form of release of lymphomyosis. The bottle of transparent dark glass contains 30 ml. Transparent yellowish liquid with a characteristic alcohol smell.

Tableted form of the drug - the least common. In addition, lymphomiosis in granules is not so easy to find in pharmacies. The method of reception is sublingual. Based on this, it should be noted that this form of release is not suitable for small children, because they are not able to keep the tablet under the tongue until it dissolves, but it is quite acceptable for schoolchildren and adults.

The injection solution is usually appointed in particularly complex or acute cases. In this case, the duration of the course of treatment is much less than when taking drops. Lymphomiosis injections are allowed to make intramuscular, subcutaneous, intravenous, intra-articular and intradermal methods, depending on the appointment of the attending physician. In some cases, it is allowed to receive the contents of the ampoules orally. Each ampoule contains 1.1 ml. Solid.

Indications for use

As a rule, lymphomiosis is prescribed as part of complex therapy in the treatment:

  • Chronic tonsillitis and other nasopharynx pathologies;
  • Medicinal intoxication;
  • Hypertrophy Almonds;
  • Mesadenit;
  • Lymphadenopathy;
  • Tuberculosis, tonsilogenic and other types of intoxication that arose due to infections;
  • Hypoplastic diathesis in the case of exudative-catarial diathesis;
  • Diabetes mellitus, which is accompanied by polyinairopathy;
  • Diseases that develop against the background of immunodeficiency;
  • Perioreural swelling;
  • Lymphatic edema;
  • Lymphatism;
  • Heart and renal edema;
  • Somatic personality disorders;
  • Asthenia;
  • Astheno-neurotic syndrome;
  • Endogenous dermatosis;
  • Eczema;
  • Neurodermit and other skin diseases.

How does the drug operate / the action mechanism

According to the instructions, lymphomyosis is a homeopathic preparation, which is prescribed as part of complex therapy for diseases. lymphatic system.

This homeopathic It is immunomodulating, disintellation, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, as well as lymphatic drainage.
During the course of treatment, various are activated exchange processes, as well as the outflow of lymphs from tissues, the protective function of lymph nodes is improved. In addition, the drug contributes to the removal of toxins.

As a result of such an impact of the active components of the drug on the patient's body, an improvement in the interaction of nervous, endocrine and immune systems is observed. Stimulation of local immunity mucous membranes throughout the body. Recreation of lymphomiosis contributes to the optimal penetration of other drugs in tissue, and their toxic effects on the body decreases.

The pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of the drug have not been studied at this time.

Instructions for use

Most often, lymphomyosis is prescribed in drops. As a rule, take them three times a day, if there is no special instructions attending physician. In addition, in the case of an acute flow of the disease in the first day, the reception of the required amount of the drug is allowed every 20-30 minutes, but not more than 8-10 receptions per day. The next day, go to the triple reception of the medication.

Adults and children of senior school age can drip the drug directly in the mouth, but can be dissolved in water if necessary. Little children are forbidden to take an unbalanced drug due to the content of ethanol in it - this can cause unwanted reactions such as vomiting, nausea. The duration of the course depends on the disease and is determined by the attending physician. As a rule, it is 8-12 days, but in some chronic diseases it can be significantly longer - up to 5 weeks. It is necessary to withstand the interval between food and the drug intake - 20-30 minutes to or 1-1.5 hours after. Recommended for a few seconds to delay the drug in the mouth before swallowing for better suction.

Standard single dosage drops:

  • Child up to 1 year - 1-2 drops;
  • Child 1-3 years - 3 drops;
  • Child 3-6 years old - 5 drops;
  • Child 6-12 years old - 7 drops;
  • Children from 12 years old and adults - 10 drops.

Injections perform 1-3 times a week. 1 injection - 1 ampoule. The course of treatment is up to 4 weeks. If necessary, a reappointment of the course is allowed.

Possible side effects and contraindications

If you follow the instructions, the drug is prohibited to prescribe to patients under 18 years of age. However, this drug is often prescribed quite often to small children, including newborns - it has proven efficacy, and thanks to natural composition it is not able to harm the small organism.

Caution is assigned to patients with problems with thyroid gland, liver, as well as those who have alcoholic and narcotic dependence, and transferred to the brain injuries.

Usually, adverse Reactions The drug does not cause. However, in the case of increased sensitivity Allergic reactions may occur to one of the components.

When injections, local responses may occur in the form of redness and seals.

Analogs of the drug and price

The price of lymphomiosis is determined by the form of release and the country's region. On average, the injection solution is within 450 rubles, and on average 500 rubles.

At this time, complete structural analogues of lymphomiosis does not exist, since the drug has a unique composition. However, there are a number of drugs that are used in the treatment of the same diseases as the aforementioned homeopathic agent. These include:

  • Sumamoks;
  • Miramistin;
  • Tomerentine;
  • Ronidase;
  • Kyzyl Mai;
  • Unidox Solutab;
  • Esparoxy;
  • Cigrobid;
  • Augmentin;
  • Neovasculgen;
  • Broncho-munal;
  • Sumamed;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Akwalor Forte;
  • Streptils;
  • Roxyxal;
  • Rapiklav;
  • Yox;
  • Cystamine;
  • Bioparox;
  • Naltezin;
  • Panklav;
  • Heirumat;
  • Ecositrine;
  • Fuggestin;
  • Clever;
  • Tonsonotrene;
  • Tonsilgon n;
  • Terceph;
  • Grammidine.

Lymphomyosis is a drug of antigomotoxic therapy (one of the directions of homeopathy) used to normalize the condition of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system performs protective (lymph nodes) and cleansing (lymphatic vessels) of the function, neutralizing and deriving toxins and decay products from the body. The combined homeopathic means of lymphomiosis, which does not have analogues at the pharmaceutical market today, acts on the lymphatic system directly, showing an immunostimulating and expressed drainage effect. Immunological reactivity is a key type of human body's protective reaction to the adverse effects of damaging exogenous factors, including pathogenic bacteria, toxins viruses. The most important role in this process is played by a lymphatic system, which not only neutralizes, but also removes the products of metabolism (both normal and harmful) from the body. Lymph nodes in this case act as filters. Their hypertrophy, pain in palpation, signs of inflammation testify to the presence of violations in the functioning of organs and systems. Unfortunately, modern medicine It has a very meager arsenal of funds to normalize the work of the lymphatic system. Antigomotoxic therapy, one of the means of which is lymphomiosis, is aimed at restoring the mechanisms of natural purification of the body, autonomous regulation of homeostasis, restoration of healthy tissues.

It is important that these goals are achieved without excessive toxic load on the body characteristic of allopathic medicine preparations. In antigomotoxic drugs, the active ingredients of natural origin are contained in a special active state, but in meager doses, unable to provide damaging effects on organs and tissues. Area Application Lymphomyosis - comprehensive treatment Inflammation of the skymands, lymph nodes. The multiplicity of application is 1-3 times a week (injection), three times a day (drops). The duration of the drug course is 1 month (injections), 8-12 days (drops). The extension of the course or his repetition is possible only in coordination with the doctor. Unwanted side effects - no, with the exception of rare cases allergic reactions. Contraindications for use - Individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Due to the insufficiency of information on the consequences of drug administration to pregnant and nursing women, as well as persons under the age of 18, the use of lymphomiosis in these categories of patients is undesirable. Considering the presence in the preparation active iodine, his appointment to persons suffering thyroid glandmust be carried out only after a thorough assessment of "benefit / risk". Lymphomyosis is well combined with other medicines both allopathic and homeopathic medicine.


The multicomponent homeopathic preparation, the action of which is due to the components included in its composition.

Form release

The solution for the introduction of a homeopathic colorless, transparent, odorless.

1 AMP.
Myosotis Arvensis (Miosotis Arvensis) D30.55 μl
Veronica Officinalis (Veronica) (Veronika Omitnation (Veronica)) D30.55 μl
TEUCRIUM SCORODONIA (teukrium yesteronia) d30.55 μl
Pinus Sylvestris (Pinus Silvestris) (Pinus Sylvestris) D40.55 μl
Gentiana Lutea (Gentiana Lutea) D50.55 μl
Equisetum Hyemale (Equisetum Hiemale) D40.55 μl
Sarsaparilla (SMILAX) (Sarsaparill (Smilaks)) D60.55 μl
Scrophularia Nodosa (Nodo Nodo) D30.55 μl
Juglans Regia (Juglans) (Yuglans Rega (Yuglans)) D30.55 μl
CALSIUM PHOSPHORICUM (calcium phosphoricum) D120.55 μl
Natrium Sulfuricum (sodium sulfuricum) D40.55 μl
Fumaria Officinalis (Fumaria Omitnation) D40.55 μl
Levothyroxinum (Levothyroxinum) D120.55 μl
Araneus Diadematus (Aranea Diadema) (Arananeus Diameatus (Arana Diadem)) D60.55 μl
Geranium Robertianum (Geranium Robertianum) D41.1 μl
Nasturtium officinal (Nasturtium Aquaticum) (Nasturticium of input (Nasturticium Aquatikum)) D41.1 μl
Ferrum Jodatum (Ferrum Iodatum) (Ferrum Iodatum (Ferrum Iodatum)) D121.1 μl

Auxiliary substances: sodium chloride (to establish isotonia), water d / and.

1.1 ml (1.1 g) - ampoules of colorless glass (5) - Packaging cell contour plastic (1) - Cardboard packs.
1.1 ml (1.1 g) - ampoules of colorless glass (5) - Packaging cell contour plastic (20) - cardboard packs.


Intramuscularly 1.1 ml (1-3mpules content) 1-3 times a week for 4 weeks. An increase in the duration and re-couping course is possible by the appointment of a doctor.


Cases of overdose have not been registered to the present.


The purpose of homeopathic preparations does not exclude the use of other medicines.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible.


In comprehensive therapy with exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, lymphadenitis of non-specific etiology.


  • age up to 18 years (due to clinical failure);
  • pregnancy and period breastfeeding (due to insufficiency of clinical data);
  • increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

With caution: diseases of the thyroid gland, due to the presence of an active component containing iodine.

Features of application

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Due to the insufficiency of clinical data, the use of the drug during pregnancy and in breastfeeding period is contraindicated.

Application in children

Contraindicated to children under 18.

special instructions

In the diseases of the thyroid gland, the drug is possible only after consulting a doctor.

When receiving homeopathic medicines, a temporary aggravation of the available symptoms is possible (primary deterioration), in which case the drug should be discontinued and consult with the doctor.

When appearance side Effects You should consult a doctor.

Impact on the ability to driving vehicles and control mechanisms

Homeopathic preparations cause frequent disputes - they provide real help or pharmacists earn, offering patients "pacifiers"? This medicine has positive responses from patients and doctors, helps to quickly cope with diseases. What properties is the medicine, as treatment occurs, is there any contraindications - about it in annotations to homeopathic media.

Instructions for the use of lymphomyosis

The medication belongs to homotoxic drugs. In order for the treatment to give the result, you need to accumulate medicine in the body. This requires a long course. The drug lymphomiosis is shown in diseases of the lymphosystem, has the ability to:

  • raise immunity;
  • intensify lymphotok from tissues;
  • eliminate swelling that interfere with breathing in the diseases of the throat;
  • activate the intestinal lymphosystem that affects the entire body;
  • remove inflammatory processes;
  • disposal toxins from the body provoking intoxication.

When the medicine penetrates into the cells, occurs:

  • activation of local immunity in lymph nodes;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • normalization of fabric nutrition;
  • regulation of joint actions internal secretion, nervous, immune system;
  • diuretic effect - removal of excess fluid;
  • accelerating the delivery of other drugs to the place of lesion, reduce their dosage;
  • reducing the poisoning effect of medicines on the body.

Composition and form of release

Homeopathic remedy is made in two forms. Each has its own features when used. Lymphatic drugs are produced in the form:

The composition of lymphomiosis includes substances per 100 ml of solution:

Number, gram


Nasturtium aquaticum

Geranium Robertianum

Araneus Diadematus.

Fumaria officinalis

Natrium Sulfuricum

Calcium phosphoricum

Scrophularia nodosa.

Equisetum Hyemaale.

Pinus Sylvestris

Teucrium Scorodonia.

Veronica officinalis.

Myosotis Arvensis


35% of the composition

One ampoule of medication for injections contains ingredients of animal, vegetable and mineral origin:

Number, mg.

Main substances

Ferrum iodatum

Nasturtocium of the word

Geranium Robertianum

Arananeus Diadeatus


Fumaria Omitnation

Sodium sulfuricum

Calcium phosphoricum

Yuglans Regia

Chesturia Nodoz


Equisiethum Hieleale

Gentiana Lutea

Pinus Silvestris

Theukrium yesteronia

Veronica Omitnales

Mozotyis Arvensis


Sodium chloride

pharmachologic effect

A large number of active substances The composition has a healing effect on the body. The main thing is lymphatic drainage. Medicine Lymphomyosis:

  • activates the exchange processes of tissues;
  • eliminates the edema of the intercellular space (matrix);
  • enhances the protective barrier of lymph nodes;
  • forces the removal of homotoxins;
  • restores the homogeneity of the matrix;
  • updates metabolism in cells;
  • enhances immunity;
  • organizes the interaction between the organism systems - endocrine, nervous, immune;
  • increases tissue bioavailability to any medicines.

Indications for use

The main purpose of homeopathic remedy is the treatment of diseases of the lymphatic system. Lymphomiotosis helps to cope with intoxication appearing in any inflammatory processes, drug reception. Medication is prescribed if available:

  • edema of different etiology - renal, heart, lymphatic, with diabetes;
  • acquired immunodeficiency;
  • protracted lymphatism;
  • allergic, exudative diathesis;
  • lymphadenopathy;
  • mesadenit;
  • states accompanied by fever;
  • brakes of intellectual development.

Lymphomyosis is used after the operation to remove the breast tumor to restore lymphottock. Excellent reviews have a drug in otolaryngologists, which are prescribed it for the treatment of nasopharynx diseases, especially in chronic form. The drug is used in diagnosing:

  • hymorite;
  • sinusitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis of any etiology;
  • angina;
  • inflammation of adenoids;
  • hypertrophy Almonds;
  • adenoita.

The medication has proven effectiveness in the treatment:

  • enteritis complicated by diarrhea;
  • neuralgia;
  • rheumatism;
  • leather diseases - neurodermititis, eczema, dermatosis;
  • sugar diabetesaccompanied by polyneuropathy;
  • disorders of digestion - vomiting, meteorism, belching;
  • pathologies gOOD SYSTEM;
  • spinal diseases;
  • calcium deficiency;
  • bronchitis;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • lack of appetite;
  • state of exhaustion;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • nephrosis;
  • colitis with bleeding;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • neoplasms;
  • asthenia.

Method of application and dosage

The drug prescribes a homeopath to which the patient directs a profile specialist. The course of treatment, the dosage is selected in accordance with the severity, the nestness of the disease, the patient's condition. There are features of use:

  • required long use homeopathic agent for the accumulation of substances by the body;
  • injections are recommended for chronic course of the disease.


Homeopathic remedy is applied strictly by appointment of a doctor. Current in drops has features of reception. Recommendations:

  • treatment course - up to 12 days;
  • the undiluted dose is accepted sublingual - dripping through the dispenser and is absorbed under the tongue;
  • maximum amount for an adult patient - 20 drops three times a day;
  • it is permissible to dissolve the dose in 50 ml of water, swallowed, pre-holding in the mouth;
  • use 30 minutes before eating or in an hour after.


Lymphomyosis in ampoules is prescribed with a severe course of the disease. Indications are acute conditions, injuries, bleeding, in conditions of resuscitation, the need for intensive therapy, rescue life, supporting the functions of the body. The advantages of such treatment - the solution begins a rapid effect, it is possible to use a variety of methods for introducing means. Instructions for use prescribes:

  • course procedures - month;
  • if necessary, the doctor prescribes repeated treatment;
  • pricks put up to three times a week, if required, - daily.

The traditional form of injection is intramuscular. In addition, the solution is introduced:

  • intravenously;
  • subcutaneously;
  • periarticular - at the points of acupuncture of the joints;
  • intraodelly;
  • method of mesotherapy - to remove fluid in the treatment of cellulite;
  • method of homeowyitis - in biologically active points on the body;
  • segmental - in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe spinal column;
  • when carrying out a pharmaceutope - combining acupuncture injections.

special instructions

Application instructions stipulate important points to which it is necessary to pay attention to the use of homeopathic. Unacceptable independent use of medication without appointing a doctor. It is necessary to take into account:

  • reception of the drug can provoke exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease;
  • when side effects appear, you need to consult a doctor to adjust the course of treatment, dosage or complete cancellation of the medication.

It's important to know:

  • homeopathic remedy does not affect the ability to driving a car, work in conditions of requiring increased concentration of attention;
  • the daily dose contains 0.2 grams of ethanol - this must be considered under states requiring the exclusion of alcohol;
  • the use of drugs in the pathologies of the thyroid gland is possible only after consulting an endocrinologist.

Lymphomyosis during pregnancy

The child's waiting period is a serious test for the body of a woman. Using any medicinal preparations At this time, it can negatively affect the health of the embryo and the future mother. Although gynecologists give positive feedback, the effect of the use of medication in small doses, the instruction prohibits the use of lymphomiosis during pregnancy. This is due to:

  • lack of research results;
  • the presence of a large number of active substances in the composition.

Lymphomyosis Children

The instruction prescribes the use of the drug for children from 18 years. According to the reviews of pediatricians, lymphomyosis is permissible in small dosages, with constant monitoring of the state of the child. Recommend drops to breed juice and dissolve under the tongue. It is possible a dose, discharged for a day, dilute with a glass of water and drink on a small throat all day. The instruction assumes for children:

  • up to a year - 1-2 drops for taking;
  • from one to three years - 3;
  • from three to six - 5 drops;
  • older - 10 per reception.

Lymphomyosis for children of pediatricians is prescribed in injections, starting with infant age, with constant control of the state. Shocks put:

  • course 2 months;
  • 1-2 times a week, depending on the severity of the child's disease;
  • in the sharp form of the ailment - every day;
  • intramuscularly subcutaneously;
  • dose up to year - 1/6 ampoules;
  • from 1 to 3 years - the fourth part;
  • from three to six - half of the ampoule;
  • over 6 years old - a whole.

Medicinal interaction

According to the instructions for use, the homeopathic drug lymphomyosis can be taken together with any drugs. Chemical properties The substances that make up are exceptional qualities. When using the drug:

  • the active ingredients of other medicines are faster to the lesion focus;
  • the process of treatment is accelerated;
  • you can reduce the dosage of concomitant drugs;
  • weathered side effects.

Side effects and overdose

During the use of the drug, when conducting research, overdose cases are not fixed. Lymphomyosis can cause side effects in the presence of sensitivity to ingredients. The emergence is not excluded:

  • reactions at the injection site - redness, itching, swelling;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • general weakness;
  • skin rashes;
  • hyperemia face;
  • sweating;
  • urticaria;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • anaphylactic shock.


The drug lymphomiosis must be taken only by appointment of a doctor. It is important to take into account all the contraindications for the use of a specific patient. Due to the content of ethanol drops, it is forbidden to take a medicine:

  • under the pathologies of the brain;
  • children under 18 (there are no research data);
  • in the case of alcoholism;
  • with liver diseases;
  • in the case of brain injuries;
  • in the period of breast feeding.

It is not recommended to use lymphomiosis in the presence of increased sensitivity to components. The medicine contains iodine-containing substances Ferrum Jodatum and Thyroxin, which activate the production of thyroid hormones. Only during the control of the endocrinologist, it is permissible to carry out patients having:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • thyrotoxicosis.

Terms for sale and storage

The drug lymphomiosis in drops, in the form of a solution for injections, can be purchased at the pharmacy without a recipe. Instructions for use negotiates the conditions for storing medication. Important moments:

  • the drug must be in place inaccessible for children;
  • it is forbidden to use after the shelf life - 5 years;
  • organize dry, protected from light, electromagnetic radiation place.


Homeopathic preparation does not have full analogs in composition, influence on the body. You can choose medications that have a similar pharmaceutical effect. These include homeopathic agents:

  • Waocara - drops, treat the inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, lymphadenitis, stomatitis;
  • Angi Hel CD - pills for resorption with antiseptic effect;
  • Fitangin EDAS-105 - treats lymph nodes, angina, inflammation of almonds;
  • Tonsilla composites - a solution for injections, has a lymphodic, detoxification, immunostimulating effect.

For treatment inflammatory diseases Nasophacks You can choose medications based on vegetable extracts:

  • Tonumotrene - pills for resorption, accelerate reparative processes in mucous membranes;
  • Toncilgon N - drops, dragee, possess an antiseptic effect in the treatment of an infected respiratory system;
  • Likopid - treats the pathology of nasopharynx, hypertrophy of adenoids, almonds;
  • Umkalor - drops, have an immunostimulating effect, antimicrobial activity;
  • Lymphosan - removes toxins, eliminates intoxication, relieves inflammation.

You can pick up medication toolshaving a similar healing effect in the treatment chronic diseases respiratory tract:

  • Grammidin, IMUDON - are used in diseases of the throat, oral cavity;
  • Broncho-Munal - reduces the severity of ENT diseases, stimulates local immunity;
  • Bioparox - spray, treats infection of the respiratory organs;
  • Augmentin - antibiotic, counteract bacterial diseases, gives complications on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Aqua Maris is a spray based on sea water for washing the nasopharynx.

To cope with the problems of the pathologies of respiratory organs, medications are used:

  • Cyprolet A - Antibacterial Medicine wide spectrum actions;
  • Sodium nucleicate - immunomodulator, eliminates intoxication, used with inflammation, infections;
  • Naltezin, Rapten Duo - Nonteroid Anti-inflammatory drug, has a lot of contraindications;
  • Miramistin - antimicrobial Wide spectrum of action.

Price of lymphomiosis

Homeopathic medicine in the form of droplets and injection mortar and its analogues can be purchased through a pharmacy network. It is easy to order a tool in online pharmacies. The cost will affect the release form, dosage. When buying through the Internet, transportation costs will be added. The price in rubles for residents of Moscow is:

Form release

Dosage, ml


average price, R.


drops (bottle)

Tonsillo compositum

Fitangin EDAS-105

Angine Hel SD


The cost of drugs based on vegetable extracts with similar medical actionwho sell without recipes:

Form release

Dosage, ml


Average price, r.



Toncilgon N.




powder for preparing a solution of oral administration


Modern pharmacology presents every consumer a huge list of drugs. Different drugs can be used from the same disease. If their composition is the same, then you can call such funds with structural analogues. Generics may also differ in different active substances, but at the same time have identical effects on the body. Today's article will tell you about the preparation of "lymphomyosis." Analogs, features of use and readings will be presented to your attention.

Description of the drug: composition, form of release and method of application

Before you know which analog of "lymphomiosis" you can choose, you should familiarize yourself with original drug. Refers medication to homeopathic remedies. Its composition contains mineral, vegetable and animal supplements. Among them are the following: geranium, pine, flimber, poison spider, pharmacy Veronica, Dubrovnik, walnut, Horsetooth, forget-me-not, Priva, Norichnik, Nasturtium, Sarsaparill, Salt, Calcium Phosphate, Iron, Levothyroxin. The effect of the drug is due to the components belonging to its composition. The cost of the medication depends on its type.

The drug is produced in three dosage forms: Tablets (up to 800 p.), Drops (500-800 r. over 30 ml) and a solution for injection (600 r. for 5 ampoules). Abstract recommends using the following doses of homeopathic agent:

  • tablets are placed under the tongue until complete dissolution, the dose is established individually (not recommended for young children);
  • tincture is used 10-15 drops for adults and 3-10 - for children, it is accepted three times a day;
  • injections are introduced 1-3 times a week (acute situations require daily use) for a whole ampoule for adults and 1/6-1 / 2 - for children.

Indications for use

Any analog of "lymphomiosis" must have the same readings for use. In this case, drugs can be called generics. A homeopathic remedy for the treatment of many diseases is prescribed. Its work is due to the components belonging to the composition. The medication has an anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antioxidant, disinfective action. The drug has a lymphatic and anti-enemy effect, it can also accelerate the metabolism.

The main indications for use are:

  • tonsillitis in different forms (acute and chronic, bacterial and viral);
  • Packing, in the armpits and so on);
  • hypertrophy of lymphoid tissue (adenoitis), including the Occollectric Ring;
  • drug and infectious intoxication;
  • immunodeficiency states caused by different reasons;
  • diabetes;
  • swelling, including lymphatic;
  • tumors of different character (benign and malignant);
  • somatic disorders, asthenia;
  • skin allergic diseases and the pathology of the ENT organs.

Do not use a medication with increased sensitivity to components and during the exacerbation of thyroid diseases. In such cases, it is advisable to choose the analogue of "lymphomyosis". The substitute, in turn, may be cheaper or more expensive. Consider some of them.

Homeopathic tool "Toncilgon"

Analogue of "lymphomyosis", which consumers often prefer, is a means of "tonsilgon". This medicine in the same way refers to homeopathic remedies. Produced in the form of droplets and tablets. There is a drug 450 rubles - a solution and 400 p. - Dragee. It can be said that this is a cheap analogue of "lymphomyosis", but also the composition of various drugs. The basis of the tonsilgon medication was: chamomile, horsetail, yarrow, walnut, dandelion and oak bark.

Indications for the use of this drug are infectious and inflammatory diseases. upper departments Respiratory tract: tonsillitis in different forms, pharyngitis, adenoiditis. The medication has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, speeds up the regeneration to accept dragee children are allowed only from 6 years. Drops are used since the year.

Plant complex "Lymphosan"

The manufacturer offers several types of its products, so the range of application of this product is quite wide. It is used to treat immune and at intoxication and inflammatory process, pathologies of the heart and liver, urological ailments. A medication is appointed and for the treatment of ENT diseases. As part of the funds there are only vegetable components.

Immunomoduator "Likopid"

If there is intolerance of any component, then it recommends replacing the instrument "lymphomyosis" instruction. Analogs are selected with another active ingredient. More often, preference is given to medicines, not homeopathy. In some kind of substitute plant preparation "Lymphomyosis" can be called the pills "Likopid". They produce immunostimulating effect, increase the activity of capillary cells. The drug is used during acute and chronic respiratory tract infections, hepatitis, herpes, psoriasis, pathologies of LOR-organs, hyperrophy of lymphoid tissue (almonds and adenoids).

The cost of tablets intended for children is no more than 300 rubles. The drug for adults is more expensive - about 1500-2000 rubles. This includes the main active substance called glucosamemmuramildepeptide.

Drops "Notta"

Replace the drug "Lymphomyosis" with certain indications can be the composition of "Nott". This is a homeopathic remedy, which includes the following components: chamomile pharmacy, phosphorus, zinc valerian and coffee tree extract. It is worth this drug on average 200 rubles. It has a tranquilizing, soothing, sedative effect. The medication improves sleep, increases psycho-emotional stability, effective in physical and mental loads.

The instructions indicate that it is used at fear, nervous excitability, anxiety and experiences. NOTTA is appointed with disorder of attention, as well as in the complex therapy of immunodeficiency and somatic diseases. It is not recommended for children up to three years and persons with individual intolerance to components.

Is there an absolute analogue of the media "lymphomyosis"?

You already know what drugs in one way or another can be replaced the composition in question. As you managed to find out, the components included in the medication differ from the original means.

Often consumers are asked: is there an analogue of "lymphomiosis" at a more affordable price, but with the same composition? The answer to it will be negative. This medicine Unique in its structure and action. The structural analogues of this drug have not yet been found.


Replace the homeopathic tool "lymphomyosis" by the compositions that are used with the same testimony. But you should not pick up alternative on your own. You can simply make a mistake in your preference. Consult a doctor to choose a medicine that will be suitable for you. Good luck!

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