Dreams for the day. What days of the week dreams come true

The world of man dreams is a variety of unique images and plots, but not all of them can be interpreted and clarified by an ordinary manual. Sometimes dreams are so incomprehensible and confused that it seems to us doubtful any intention to interpret them. The thing is that it is not always a dream and you need to interpret around the dream. This is due to the fact that only on certain days and numbers of the month of the dreams carry a symbolic or literal meaning for a person.

Many scientists were taken for identifying patterns in the process of implementing the plot of sleep. The conclusions that were made were led to the construction of a dream analysis scheme, which should be carried out immediately before the beginning of the interpretation of one or another plot. That is, before interpreting sleep images, it is necessary to shed light on whether this dream is meaningful at all, or it is nothing more than information that is coming from the subconscious. You can do it, considering that the lunar days, the day of the week, the calendar day happened to dream.

Which calendar days are the dreams on the numbers of the month according to dreams?

As for the first two points, these stages of analysis are based on astrologywhereas the latter is more closely connected directly with numerology. Ancient esotericists believed that the calendar date of the day carries special information, positive, negative, or neutral, which can be detected by means of comparing the numbers of the month with numerology data on specific figures. In other words, on the basis of the laws of Numerology, a table was drawn up, which pointed out in which calendar day and the number of the month of the dreams of the Dreams, or in which day the dream is a completely opposite expression of reality.

It is worth noting that such an approach led to what was derived separate classification Dreams depending on how much they are significant and correct according to the analysis of the above method.

The classification of dreams in the numbers of the month looks like this:

1. Dreams that come true soon and carry positive omen.
2. Also prophetic, but warning about significant problems.
3. Visions that are the game of the subconscious and meaningless.
4. Protect dreamswho become a reality under certain conditions and execution of ritual actions.
5. Dreams that deceive us, reflecting the situation in their content at all as actually everything is.

As a result, it should be emphasized that this method of analysis of dreams before direct interpretation should be used exclusively comprehensively, given the influence of both the day of the week and the current lunar days. If there is a responsible attitude to the question under consideration, you can push bad thoughts from yourself and avoid delusions regarding your future.

We all see dreams. Most of them are pleasant, and we want them to be fulfilled, some we can't remember the next morning, some extremely unpleasant and scary, and we are afraid of their execution.

Scientists say that sleep is a process when our brain "folds on the shelves" all the information obtained in the day when our thoughts, fears, hopes and experience merge into one picture and appear in bright images. Since ancient times, there is a belief that many dreams that we see on certain days come true. When we see prophetic dreams?

Very dreams by day of week

Most often we see dreams in the morning, so the day when we wake up, and is the day when we see sleep, not the previous one.

IN monday Dreams come true for those born on this day.

The dream we saw in tuesdaymay perform in a week or two, but the probability of this is 50 to 50.

Friday Son. It is a warning of the coming, it can some extent be a proper.

Stop sleeping on the night on saturday Perhaps, but not necessarily.

Sunday Son. It can be done, but no one cannot talk about him. If you told you that he dreamed in, - Keep it in secret, otherwise the sleep will not come true.

On the lunar calendar

Dreams belong to astrology (science of fortune telling on the stars), therefore, to interpret sleep, it is customary to use the calendar (in the lunar month 30 days).

IN third lunar day You can see rare, special dreams that come true in the near future.

Sixth lunar day It puts the condition for the realization of sleep: you must be balanced, calm, not annoyance and not angry. Sleep can carry very important informationmay not mean anything, but it will come true if you follow "Condition".

The number seven has magical propertiesso dreams in seventh lunar day They are prophetic, come true very quickly, but it is impossible to tell them anyone.

On the next eighth, Day Sleep is also proper. On this day, dreams are connected with your desires or even with your destination, so it is necessary to treat such dreams very carefully.

Ninth lunar day May give good, favorable dreams that can come true, and can give nightmares, about which you should not worry - they will not come true.

IN tenth day The opposite: everything is bad, terrible in dreams come true, and good - no.

Special day is twelfth: It is in this lunar day that dreams can give a hint how to do in various situations. Also sleep will surely come true.

IN fifteenth day It is necessary to pay attention to which moon: growing or decreasing. If growing, then dreams come true in the sooner time, but they must be able to solve - they give a hint in which problems and tasks must be solved first.

IN twentieth lunar day Dreams are special, they can even "order": if some very much torments you important question, the answer to it you can get in a dream on this day. Also dreams come true.

Twenty-second day - day of wisdom. On this day you can see, get extremely important information. Dreams come true.

IN twenty-third day The dreams are incomprehensible, the worst is mostly coming true.

Twenty-seventh day It gives prophetic dreams, however, the dreams are intricate and complex, so they need to be understood, but they reveal the essence of your nearest environment.

Twenty-eighth day Also gives prophetic dreams, which speak about the upcoming difficulties and obstacles. You can get rid of this by paying the price: Losing money.

Fantastic dreams dreams thirtieth lunar dayBut the essence of their true and truthful, so they come true.

By the usual calendar

Sometimes it is not possible to find out what a lunar day today is, but it is important to know, is a dream of prophet or not. To do this, you can use the usual calendar, which we use daily. For our convenience, astrologers studied dreams and on this calendar, so the information is very reliable.

IN first day of the month We see dreams that foreshadow personal troubles, thus being things.

Dnah second day They come true very soon and exactly as we see them.

Dreams next third, days can come true, but not necessarily.

Number five It is not inferior to a number seven in magical strength, so the dreams of the fifth numbers are things, they can begin to come true even on this very day.

Dnah tennous Day Usually promise difficulties and small problems. Come true for 20 days.

Datty dozen day thirteenth, affects love relationship Man and executed for 2 weeks.

Dreams the next day fourteenthare performed exactly to the smallest details, over the next month.

IN sixteenth day The dreams are shot, which quickly become a show.

Executions of dreams seen in seventeenth day, It should be waiting for a whole year, but will surely come true.

Son on nineteenth day It will come true in three years, even if during this time you forgot it.

Sleep twenty third day Promises trouble, but comes true in the near future.

Sleep the next day twenty-fourth, comes true for 2 weeks and carries only positive changes in life.

IN twenty fifth day We see prophetic dreams, quickly performed.

On the other days, dreams are not things, and sometimes are empty and not important.

Carefully examine your dream, in the smallest details. To do this, use dreambooks, but listen and your intuition - she will tell more than dream book: Books are often mistaken, intuition is almost never.

For a full-fledged picture, read carefully, on what day of the week, at what day on the lunar and ordinary calendar you saw this or that dream, and, comparing the received data, you will get a one-way image of your near future.

How to determine that the dream will come true?

There is no accurate answer to this question, but there are beacon questions, the answers to which will help to understand how real what is the fact that they have dreamed of how close it is to truth and, accordingly, maybe a dream can come true.

1. How well, I remember the dream?

Important dreams, which are prophetic dreams and are well cut into memory. Let not completely, only a small part, but this part is distinctly, as in reality, must be before your eyes.

2. How long is the dream?

The prophetic dreams always have a logical conclusion, unless you have not woken dramatically. A prophetic dream can be compared with the film: there is a tie, some action, climax and a logical end. If at least one thing is not, then this dream is not a prophetic.

3. Is long a dream? How detailed it?

"The brevity is a talent sister," said A. P. Chekhov. The same with dreams: prophetic dreams are simple, short and concise.

4. What colors around me?

People rarely see black and white dreams, more often colored, so it is difficult to determine in color how real sleep is. The brighter, the color is richer, the greater the likelihood that sleep prophetic.

5. How old are I in a dream? More or less of my real age?

If you are in a dream younger than the present, then the dream is not a prophetic. If you are older or your real age - sleep may be proposed.

6. Is there such a situation in my daily life possible?

7. Is it possible to realize the problem of the issue or the problem that you have had a dream?

8. Information received in a dream contributes to my inner growth?

If the answers to these two questions "yes", then sleep can come true. The prophetic dreams are usually as close as possible to the real situation, so something supernatural in a dream will not come true.

9. How logical are all events and actions in a dream?

If the logic is clearly broken, the sleep is chaotic, there are contradictions, then sleep is not realized. If the logic is traced and the causal relationship is not broken, sleep may be proposed.

10. What time in a dream?

Often in dreams you can find out the exact time or accurate date: I read somewhere, I saw or heard. Sometimes instead of the exact time is given other information - the time of year. It is also a symbol of realizability of sleep.

11. Where is the dream going?

It is a dream, in which the place of what is happening is quite real: you yourself have been there or this is someone else's city, but with natural landscapes.

12. Did I feel something?

We perceive the information with all our receptors: auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory, temperature. In touching dreams, smells and sounds are most pronounced, sometimes you can feel the taste of something. Conventional dreams are abounding only with visual images.

13. How many round and spherical around me?

The ball is the most ideal figure in the universe. Round forms and spherical objects are found in our daily life literally everywhere. Also in dreams: if round items (clock, plate, etc.) are a lot, then the dream is realistic and can be proposed.

14. What did I feel when I woke up?

The very first sensations are very important, because the brain has not yet processed the information, and the intuition already suggests whether the dream will be a dream or not. Usually people feel some kind of alert, the alertness when we saw a real dream, even if he does not promise anything wrong.

Answer these questions as fair as possible and deliberately. If possible, write out the answers to the notebook - on them you can remember the dream and then, after careful understanding, determine the degree of sleep in the present conditions. And comparing the answers received and the day when you dreamed a dream, you can determine with confidence by 80%, is a dream of a prophetic or not. But the guarantees, unfortunately, no one can give.

Astrologers have long noticed that every day the week is addressed from a certain planet of the solar system. Knowing, which properties have long been put on the planets, you can predict that we will bring the day of the week, and also explain the meaning of dreams that we dream at night.

Sunday is the day of the sun. The planet patronizes joy, creativity and inspiration. Dreams from Saturday on Sunday will tell you what to do for a happier life.

Good and good dreams on this day will mark speedy changes, the emergence of big plans, the zaestying of new acquaintances. You can expect strong love, your hidden talents will appear. Dreams foreshadow for you an active and creative lifestyle.

Bad dreams should be interpreted as a prevention of difficulties. Your affairs will require investments a lot of time and effort. You can expect insaneness and emptiness, which, however, foreshadow the offensive of the "white" stripes in life. Negative dreams can also mean nervous or physical overwork.

Dreams from Sunday for Monday

Monday is the day of the moon. The planet is responsible for emotional condition and the inner world of man. On Monday, we become irritable, nervous, offended. Therefore, dreams on this day are associated with our emotions and experiences. If the dreams are long and colorful, it means you have a lot of routine work, troubles and household problems. If the sleep is short and neuropy, then you can avoid problems, you will be restrained and collected, you can maintain a positive, despite the influence of the moon.

Dreams from Monday to Tuesday

Tuesday is the day of the militant Mars. He patronizes targeted people with personal ambitions and prone to self-improvement. Dreams on this day are associated with your aspirations.

If the sleep is calm, then you have found yourself worthy use, you will easily overcome obstacles. Such dreams promise a quiet life without any special incidents.

If the dream is bright and fast - you are ready for new accomplishments. Get on any undertaking, and act immediately.

Acute items dreamed on Tuesday (needle, knife and other) mean that you must go to active actions.

If the sleep is unpleasant, it means that you pay too much attention to your ego, conflicts are possible. Leading in dreams - to success in affairs.

Dreams from Tuesday on Wednesday

Wednesday - Day of Air Mercury. He patronizes people who know how to express their thoughts and feelings. On Wednesday there are a variety of light dreams, which we often cannot remember. They carry meaning information about people with whom you communicate. Often concern your work and travel.

Fast sleep on Wednesday with frequent change of pictures is characteristic of sociable people. He foreshadows change in good direction. It may be recovery from the illness, joy at work and at home. Dreams on this day foreshadow the acquisition of new acquaintances, communication with which will be useful to you.

A boring sleep comes from a lack of information. You will seek people who will supply you interested news.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday

Thursday - Jupiter's Day. He patronizes good luck, success, forming views on life. Fast and bright dreams on this day will open you a veil over the prospects at work, the possibility of obtaining financial profit. Dreams will show the true attitude of the authorities, partners and sponsors to your work. On the possibility of career growth, business relationships, ways to solve problems can be judged in dream images. If you were a member of any enterprise or event, it means that success is waiting for success.

If dreams are slow, dull - do not wait for changes in the workplace. Dreamed the past - you will continue the tradition of parents and master the family profession.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday

Friday - Venus Day. It allows you to perceive the world With love, feeling and seeing beauty in everything. Dreams from Thursday to friday come true. They are usually associated with creativity, material status and personal life. Dreams show the true feelings of a person when and how your desires will be fulfilled.

If you have acquired some thing in a dream, then your desire will be accurate. If you lost something - they are waiting for difficulty financial plan. Heavy work to achieve intended goals is waiting for you if a black and white dream dreamed.

If you dreamed close people, then you should try to become independent of them. Feelings it should not touch. You just need to stay yourself if you want a pleasant, healthy and full-fledged communication with people close to you.

Dreams on Friday on Saturday

Saturday is the day of Saturn. Symbolizes wisdom and life experience. Patronizes fate, tests. Certain rules and laws of behavior in society should be followed. Dreams will show you, from what you need to refuse soon and in which it is worth limiting. Dreams foreshadow the coming events, their relationships, sequences. Tell about the future perspective of plans and conceived affairs.

Heavy black and white sleep with the images of obstacles, such as wall, - they say that your desires will not be performed soon or not fulfilled.

A pleasant and easy dream speaks of the execution of your plans quickly and without much effort.

Dreams from Friday on Saturday will tell about the fate of loved ones, relatives and yours.


Seven planets seven days of the week Astrologers are united in the seven-pointed star of magicians. We are recommended to adhere to the following rule: dreams, dreamed on Monday, will come true on Thursday; Dinders on Tuesday - will come true on Friday; On Wednesday - will be performed on Saturday. Share, respectively: Thursday - Sunday; Friday - Monday; Saturday - Tuesday; Sunday - Wednesday.

Good all dreams!

Many people are wondering what dreams of the day of the week meaning. And indeed, this topic is very fascinating, especially for those who are interested in Esoteric. So, it is briefly telling about everything to have at least a small idea of \u200b\u200bthis topic.

Sunday Monday

So, telling about what the dreams have a day of the week, it is worth it from this gap between the days. Vision, which appeared to a person at this night, is usually referred to as "bodily". Often they point to the affairs of the man he is busy lately and its emotional state. It is worth paying attention to the length of the vision. Short and unremarkable, vaguely remembering - to good. No difficulties in the near future the dream in life will not be. But from Sunday on Monday a long, filled with details and bright pictures, a dream is not good. Carts are harvested.

The first chases ...

That's right, we are talking about Monday and Tuesday. Talking about them is also worth mentioning. Esoterics advised to listen to the visions that came to a person on the night from Monday to Tuesday. Because they are often harbing serious changes in life. The brighter the vision, the greater the significant events in the near future. In the event that the dreams appear as a member of any conflict and understands that the victory in the dispute behind him is good. So, soon he will achieve any success. But if the dream did not leave a pleasant aftertaste, then nothing is good to expect. Perhaps the vision was to the upcoming clarification of relationships with loved ones. In any case, people say, who know far from one value of dreams by day of week. And to believe or not - the case of everyone.

And if there was a vision from Tuesday on Wednesday - what to pay attention to? For all. As it is believed that these visions come true. Materializes! Therefore, the dream, which came on the night from Tuesday on Wednesday, is usually distributed as an important message, information for the subconscious. So the dream is advisable to take into account all the little things remembered in a dream. And then turn to dreams.

Wednesday Thursday

And how are the dreams glowing on this night? On the days of the week, the value here is very interesting. It is important to remember the content. If there were people in a dream, including both close and strangers - it is anxious sign. And he says that a person should pay more time to work. He does not in the first place, but in vain. On this field, he will just be able to achieve success if it makes the necessary efforts.

And the numbers can tell a lot. In particular, if a person saw from Wednesday to Thursday, a clear dream, in which he tries to do something, solve some problems and runs in search of something uncertain - he needs urgently to do labor activity. For the near future, the plan is one - work and work again!

From Thursday to Friday

You can talk about this topic for a long time, telling about the dreams by day of the week. The value here is known to everyone. Probably, everyone knows the saying: "From Thursday to Friday - all dreams come true." Is it so? Is it possible to believe in such a statement? Well, in any case peoplestudying dreams of the days of the week and numbers assure that on the night from Thursday on Friday you can really see vision's meaning. And such can be considered in all rights if it dreamed before midnight. True, it will be quite difficult to calculate it, as few people can focus on time, staying in a dream. But still.

It is advised to analyze both the picture, the plot and emotions that the dreams experienced during sleep. And if for several days he will experience strange feelingAs if all that greeted and really happened - then the dream can be exactly human.

Friday Saturday

The penultimate pair of day, which should be told, discussing which interpretations are dreams of the days of the week and the numbers of the lunar month. What is the forecast for this time segment? Saturday dreams are a consequence of newly performed actions and actions. Even if the vision turned out to be scary and frightening, you should not pay too much attention to it. Better get rid of tension and fatigue in real life And just in case prepare for a difficult period.

Sleep is just a precursor, a warning. And people who disassembled in this topic argue: if something was gracious, especially bad, then you need to tell about it. One, two, three, five people - the more, the better. Popular belief It says: if you do this, then the dream seems to be "clarified", it will be dispersed in our light. But this is already a hint for superstitious, which are too believed in dreams and their meaning of the week.

Saturday Sunday

The last thing you need to tell. So, many concerns the question: What do dreams mean, dreamed of night from Saturday to Sunday? Interpretation depends on their content. Was pleasant Son.When a person experienced only positive emotions? It means everything is OK! The dreams are full of strength and now - the best period for any undertakings or the incarnation of long-minded ideas.

A boring dream indicates that the person was overwhelmed and depleted both in physical and emotional plan. Therefore, he would not hurt a full-fledged rest. Esoterics believe that best way Will be a pastime with energetic and cheerful people. So it turns out to recharge them with a positive and continue to exercise active life. In general, if you briefly talk, then this is the picture and evacuated. And to believe in the interpretation of dreams by day of the week or not - it already solves everyone for himself.

From a long time, the interpretation of dreams was the most favorite business of the predictors. Their forecast was based on time and seen the object. The prediction of dreams by day will allow to fully understand its subconscious and, based on this to lead the upcoming events.

Decoding dreams by day of the week

Every day corresponds to a specific planet, which means it affects what will be seen in a dream.

  1. Sunday Monday. Patron - Moon. Dreams are told about the emotional psychological state, the conflicts are internal and with their surroundings. Short - do not foresee problems, long, on the contrary, talk about the upcoming troubles and large quantities Work.
  2. Monday Tuesday. Patron - Mars. Dreams are connected with their own aspirations, they demonstrate your dreams and desires. If the night was alarming, there is a possibility of a future conflict, calm, on the contrary, speaks of a favorable solution to a complex problem.
  3. Tuesday Wednesday. Patron - Mercury. The dreams of this day are harbingers of major changes in life, they are problematic to be remembered. This planet is responsible for communicability, if you do not have difficulty at night, it means that everything will be fine in life.
  4. Wednesday Thursday. Patron - Jupiter. The dreams will be prompted how to fix any situation related to material status and activities.
  5. Thursday Friday. Patron - Venus. At night, almost always prophecies. It is proved that on this day, intuition of each person is very much aggravated. You can even see the ways and the deadlines for the execution of your desires. The acquisition of something says to satisfy your feelings in reality, the loss prevents the restriction of needs.
  6. Friday Saturday. Patron - Saturn. Dreams make the secret causes of life situations that are exactly this night to see the necessary strategy behavior. Today there are probabilities to learn about fate.
  7. Saturday Sunday. Patron - Sun. The dreams will appear people who illuminate your life. You can expect tips to gain happiness in life. Snowy sleep speaks about the nervous tension, which was survived during the day.

Very dreams by day of week

If you analyze what you saw at night, you can learn about the upcoming events.

  1. Monday is the first day of the week, and therefore dreams tell about situations that will occur for a long time.
  2. Tuesday - seen on this night show all your thoughts and experiences, dreams are considered to be prophended and executed within 10 days.
  3. Wednesday - Night at the peak of psychological activity brings information about what will be tomorrow.
  4. Thursday - the dreams are ordinary, can come true within a few days.
  5. Friday - on this night they will definitely come true in the near future.
  6. Saturday - After a difficult week, the brain rests, dreams do not foreshadow anything.
  7. Sunday - day festive, information obtained at night will come true in the morning.

Edition of dreams by day of week

About whether the night vision will come true in time when it was seen:

It is known that he seen at night can be made to make up, now, knowing the decoding, you can easily give a weak dream on the right day of the week.


What days dreams come true

Interpretation of dreams by the number of months:

Interpretation of dreams by day of week







Patron of the day - the sun. On the night of Saturday on Sunday, we should expect hints, what efforts must be taken to become happier. Dreams with positive emotional color - to good change in life. Gloomy dreams are a warning about possible difficulties or a tip of a long-standing problem, which takes a lot of mental strength.


Dream interpretation on the day of month

  • The 1st day of the month - the dreams on this day are performed as accuracy and the good one is commented.
  • The 2nd day of the month - the dreams on this day are empty and not meaningless.
  • The 3rd day of the month is the dreams on this day fair and quickly performed.
  • The 4th day of the month - dreams on this day come true no, and foreshadow are.
  • 5th day of the month - dreams on this day good value, this dream is very accurate.
  • The 6th day of the month - dreams on this day come true in twelve days.
  • The 7th day of the month - the dreams are happy on this day, but you should not talk about them.
  • The 8th day of the month - dreams on this day lead to the execution of desire.
  • 9th day of the month - dreams on this day come true and soon promise success.
  • The 10th day of the month - the dreams on this day are foreshadowed by some difficulties.
  • The 11th day of the month - dreams on this day come true and lead to joy.
  • The 12th day of the month is the dreams on this day quickly and favorably executes.
  • The 13th day of the month - dreams on this day come true and lead to trouble.
  • The 14th day of the month - dreams on this day are unsuccessful, but do not touch personal life.
  • The 15th day of the month - dreams on this day will soon come true and very well.
  • The 16th day of the month - the dreams on this day do not come true and the values \u200b\u200bdo not have.
  • The 17th day of the month - the dreams on this day are promised success and executed within 20 days.
  • The 18th day of the month - dreams on this day lead to profits and new clothes.
  • 19th day of the month - dreams on this day lead to family troubles.
  • The 20th day of the month - dreams on this day come true, but you should not tell them anyone.
  • 21st day of the month - dreams on this day come true and foreshadow the fulfillment of desires.
  • The 22nd day of the month - dreams on this day come true quickly, do not promise trouble.
  • The 23rd day of the month is the dreams on this day in the most accuracy soon come true.
  • The 24th day of the month is the dreams on this day joyful and coming soon.
  • The 25th day of the month - dreams on this day are full of lies and deception, quickly come true.
  • The 26th day of the month - dreams on this day are full of pleasure and fun.
  • The 27th day of the month - the dreams on this day are meaningless and no meaning.
  • The 28th day of the month - dreams on this day come true for 30 days.
  • The 29th day of the month - the dreams are not executed on this day, the dreams are empty and nothing means.
  • The 30th day of the month - dreams on this day are fantastic and not always come true.
  • The 31st day of the month is the dreams of love victories and pleasures, come true within 15 days.


Dreams of the day of the week

For proper interpretation Seen in a dream should not only carefully read the information contained in dreambooks, but also to take into account, in what specifically the day of the week you were given this story. It is proved that dreams that have arisen on the night on a certain day of the week have their own unique features, we offer you to familiarize yourself with them.


The first day of the week is under the auspices of the Mystical Moon, and therefore all dreams that have arisen on Monday night will fully reflect your emotional state. In these dreams should not be sought hidden meaningSince they first serve as an indicator of your thoughts, feelings and experiences.

The second day of the week is under the patronage of the militant Mars. All you see on the night on Tuesday is relying with your life priorities and goals and helps to figure it out, whether you have chosen your guidelines. So, if the plot of your dreams was calm and harmonious, it means that you are completely satisfied with your reality on this segment of life. Too bright, saturated sanguage plot on the night on Tuesday indicates that the inner energy is currently overflowed (it should be skillfully use). If, after donating in your soul, there was a unpleasant precipitate, it means that you began to forget about universal values \u200b\u200bon the way to implement our own ambitions, and this moment subconsciously delivers the strongest inconveniences.

The third day of the week is in the power of a calm, balanced Mercury. Dreams, which appeared on Wednesday night, foreshadow enough of not significant life changes. Often their plot is concentrated around real characters from your reality and tells about your life as a whole. It should be noted that if the whole chain of bright, dynamic dreams have been vaccinated on this day, it means that in the coming days your existence will become more rich and eventful (it is possible that you will go on a trip or get a tempting offer). In the same case, if the dreams on Wednesday were very sad and monotonous, be prepared for the fact that in the coming days there will be some stagnant in your life, characterized by the lack of information and any movement.

The fourth day of the week is managed by Jupiter, the planet, which is responsible for social and personal success, as well as for the formation of your universe. All you see on the night of Thursday will tell you in detail about your current service affairs and how you feel in society. In addition, the dream, which appeared on this day, can become an excellent prompt for you about what direction you should move to achieve success.

The fifth day of the week is in power of sensual Venus, which is responsible for the sphere of romance, love and interpersonal communication. Dreams, seen on Friday night, have a property come true, and therefore, as much as much as much as possible, take their night fantasies. Even before climbing from bed, analyze your dream, remembering all its details and details. If, in the plot of his dream, you received something as a gift or purchased, it means that your spiritual and material needs will be fully satisfied completely soon. And, on the contrary, a loss or damage to anything on Friday, foreshadows you disappointment and loss, and also indicates the need to measure their ambitions somewhat.

Over the sixth day of the week, the strict and sad Saturn is dominated, who teaches us wisdom by severe tests. Everything you dream on Saturday night, try to take the most calm. Decipher the items seen and relate them to their reality (very often in such dreams are encrypted hidden messages about what rules and norms you should follow in order to gain an internal equilibrium and steadily overcome all the obstacles ones).


The last day of the week is under the powerful patronage of the Sun (the planet responsible for joy, happiness, creativity and inspiration). Everything that dreams of you on this day will tell you how you can make your existence even more joyful and harmonious. If you dreamed good dream, it promises you a stably cheerful emotional background and the offensive of a bright life. In the same case, if on Sunday night you saw a negative painted plot, then you are currently on the verge of mental and physical exhaustion (you are the time to slightly reduce the life pace and think about a full-fledged vacation).


From Friday to Saturday, prophetic dreams? And in general, what do dreams donated on different days of the week ???



The 1st day of the month - the dreams on this day are performed as accuracy and the good one is commented.
2nd - Dreams on this day are empty and meaningless.
3rd - dreams on this day fair and quickly performed.
The 4th - dreams on this day come true no on and foreshadowed good.
5th - Dreams on this day good value, this dream is very accurate.
6th - Dreams on this day come true in twelve days.
7th - Dreams on this day are happy, but do not talk about them.
8th - Dreams on this day lead to the execution of desire.
9th - Dreams on this day come true and soon promise success.
10th - Dreams on this day are foreshadowed by some difficulties.
The 11th - Dreams on this day come true and lead to joy.
12th - Dreams on this day are quickly and favorably executed.
The 13th - Dreams on this day come true and lead to trouble.
The 14th - dreams on this day are unsuccessful, but do not concern personal life.
15th - Dreams on this day will come true soon and very well.
16th - dreams on this day do not come true and do not matter.
The 17th - Dreams on this day are promised success and executed within 20 days.
The 18th - Dreams on this day lead to profits and new clothes.
19th - Dreams on this day lead to family troubles.
20th - dreams on this day come true, but do not tell them anyone.
21st - Dreams on this day come true and foreshadow the fulfillment of desires.
The 22nd - Dreams on this day come true quickly, do not promise trouble.
23rd - Dreams on this day in the accuracy soon come true.
24th - Dreams on this day joyful and coming soon.
25th - Dreams on this day are full of lies and deception, quickly come true.
26th - Dreams on this day are full of pleasure and fun.
27th - Dreams on this day are meaningless and no meaning.
28th - Dreams on this day come true for 30 days.
29th - dreams on this day are not executed, the dreams are empty and nothing means.
The 30th - dreams are fantastic on this day and do not always come true.
31st - Dreams of love victories and pleasures come true within 15 days.
Dreams of the day of the week

Monday is under the auspices of the moon - the earthly satellite managing human emotions. Dreams on Monday night will tell about the psychological state of the person and its internal conflicts with himself and close people. Dreams are short and distinct no problems. Strange and long dreams will bring trouble and associated experiences.

The day patronizes the militant and energetic Mars, prompting a person not to retreat from its goals. The alarming dreams signals the impending conflict, and the dreams, carrying peace and peace, will tell about a favorable solution to any complex problem.

Day belongs to Mercury, managing communicative abilities People, their ability to climb their feelings and thoughts in words. This is the day of the lungs, but difficult to memorize dreams, but they become precursors of important life changes, talk about the upcoming meetings, negotiations and new acquaintances.

The day in the mercy of Jupiter, which brings success and good luck and helps to form sustainable life views. On this day, expect dreams about professional activity and opportunities to fix the financial situation. Thursday's dreams will tell how to cope with the most confusing life collisions.

The afternoon is managed by Venus - the patroness of love and harmony, who gives people to the soft and sophisticated perception of the surrounding world. Dreams from Thursday on Friday have long been considered prophetic, and this is not devoid of real grounds: on this night, the person's intuition is extremely exacerbated.

Lord of the day - Saturn, symbolizing wisdom and life experience. Sleeping on Saturday night will prompt certain rules and strategy of behavior in society. Saturday dreams make obvious hidden reasons for exciting life events, warned against the consequences of thickening actions and the implementation of unclear plans.

Patron of the day - the sun. On the night of Saturday on Sunday, you should expect a prompt

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