How to treat the skin of the head from acne. Why acne appears on the head - what to do? The presence of acne disease

Acne on the head is not just an unpleasant phenomenon that causes negative emotions. These rashes may cause strands, right up to loss of all hair. That is why they cannot be ignored. Today we will tell why acne appeared on the heads in her hair and how to deal with them.

Why appear acne on the head?

The reasons for the appearance of acne in adults

The reasons for this trouble can be the following factors.

  1. Failure to work internal organs.
  2. Insufficient or incorrect locomon care.
  3. Bold type of epidermis or curls. If a large amount of bass accumulates on the head of the head, then it clogs the pores, in which the dirt also accumulates. That is why the skin can occur on the skin.
  4. Disruption of hormonal background.
  5. Problems with nervous system, frequent stress.
  6. Irregular periods.

Causes of the appearance of acne in a child

We draw your attention that such rashes on the head may occur not only in adults, but also in children, and this can happen at any age. The reasons for this in this case can be:

  1. Allergic reactions. If the baby is on breastfeeding, I can have an allergy to some product that used mom. That is why acne may appear on the head. If it is already powered by independently, the allergies may be for some product that he used. However, the cause of allergies may not only be products. Household chemicals, shampoos, etc. - All this can provoke the occurrence of allergic reactions, and, consequently, acne.
  2. Any disease, such as windmill.

Since acne on the head can talk about some kind of illness, then you should not postpone from a visit to the doctor with this problem. Then you can start timely treatment, which will be more effective on early stages Detection of illness.

Acne in hair:may indicate both incorrect hygiene and serious diseases

How to avoid acne appearance?

So that acne on the head in her hair was not disturbed, follow the following recommendations.

  1. Observe personal hygiene norms. Head should be worn regularly. You should not wait until it becomes completely dirty. It will be enough for two similar procedures per week so that the hair is always clean. Note that it is also not worthwhile to wash your head, as this can cause dry epidermis.
  2. Normalize intestinal microflora. You can do this with the help of special preparations that the doctor can recommend. In addition, use porridge, wholegrain bread, fermented dairy products, dried fruits, in particular prunes, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  3. Put your nerves in order.
  4. Refuse to eat alcohol and sharp seasonings, as well as reduce the consumption of sugar and salt.
  5. In sunny weather we carry a headdress.
  6. Wash with soap tools for hair that you use. These include combs, hairpins, rims, etc.
  7. As possible, touch the skin of the head with your hands, and before touching it, wash your hands with soap.
  8. Support water balance organism. To do this, drink at least 7 glasses of clean water per day.
  9. Strengthen immunity.


Traditional treatment

We have already talked about the fact that if there was a boss on the head, then you need to consult a doctor. If no pathologies are found in the body, which led to such consequences, then the specialist appoints local treatment rashes. He discharges a number of acne preparations that need to use daily, lubricating the foci of their localization. Also, acne is recommended to wipe with alcohol-containing means so that they are swept away. At the same time, it is generally recommended to use vitamins and beer yeast for the overall strengthening of the body.

Popular treatment

For the treatment of acne on the head you can also use folk methods, but only if they are approved by a doctor.

Salt Baths with Gray

This is the most common method of treating acne on the heads in her hair. To do this, you are encouraged to purchase a special composition and take a bath with it. Procedures should be carried out daily within 2-3 weeks. After that, the epidermis head becomes clean.

Degtyar soap

To clear the epidermis of heads from acne, it is recommended to change your shampoo on a tar soap. Wash your head 2 times in 7 days. In addition, the foam of this means is recommended to apply to the foci of localization of acne overnight, and in the morning wash it off.

Shampoo enrichment

To prepare this remedy for acne on the epidermis head, take:

  1. Shampoo - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Tea tree oil - 3 drops.

Add the oil into the shampoo and stir well. Use this head to wash your head. Procedures spend 2 times in 7 days, and very soon from acne will not remain a trace.


  1. Honey - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon.

In liquid warm honey, add cinnamon and stir carefully. After that, put a mask on the scalp for 20 minutes. Next, wash your head, applying any soapy to this. Procedure spend 2 times in 7 days until the acne is completely disappeared.



  1. Apple vinegar - 100 ml.
  2. Water is 100 ml.

Connect both products and the resulting means rinse your head after washing. Next rinse your head again, but this time clean water. Use this composition every time after washing your head.

Note that if you have acne on your heads in the hair, then they cannot be squeezed in any way, otherwise it can lead to blood infection. Only traditional or folk treatment methods will help you get rid of rash data, and your epidermis will again become clean.

Acne on the head in the hair is not a pleasant and not aesthetic phenomenon. Their feature is that, not knowing the causes of the occurrence, cure them very difficult.

A single answer to the question why acne appeared on the head, no. This process is influenced by many factors that can be both internal and external.

Causes of internal character

Everyone knows that acne is often a sign indicating the presence of pathological processes in the body. That's what they can say:

  • Unstable hormonal background. This happens during puberty, taking hormonal preparations, pregnancy and lactation. Also, hereditary and acquired thyroid diseases may affect;
  • Infectious processes in the field of sexual system;
  • The hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which their blockage and inflammation occurs;
  • Bacterial infections. Especially those who amaze skin Covers;
  • Violations in work nervous system. Often acne arise from people who have undergone severe stress or a protracted depression;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The presence of dysbiosis can be said about this reason.

Acne on the heads in the hair in women for reasons of hormonal disorders arise much more often than in men, but the other sources can be equally dated both sexes from the representatives of both sexes.

Causes of external character

Sometimes the culprits of the appearance of acne on the head are external factors. In this case, we can talk about the following reasons:

  • Wearing hats from unfulfilled fabrics. Their synthetic nature does not allow air to come to the head, which leads to a rich sweating and pore clock;
  • The use of unsuitable hygiene products. It's no secret that shampoos and hair conditioners rarely can be chosen from the first time;
  • Acne on the heads in the hair in men who cut onto the lysco, are rarely the result of using poorly sharpened trimer blades;
  • Steroids and anabolics. This is another reason why men can develop acne on the head;
  • Water with a large amount of chlorine;
  • Incorrect hygiene. It is important to note that it can relate to it, both rare and too frequent washing hair;
  • Poor unbalanced nutrition. When acne appears on the head, it is worth thinking whether the daily diet does not include too much greasy and heavy food.

Wearing synthetic hats - one of the reasons for the appearance of acne on the heads in her hair

Another reason can be called an allergic reaction to any irritant. It can be hair paint or a chemical curling agent. In view of their often aggressive nature, they can cause a response in the form of a rash.

What exactly became the source of an unpleasant phenomenon in the form of acne, a doctor can identify the doctor based on a survey.

Clinical manifestations

Not always when acne occurs on the head, there is an unpleasant feeling. In some cases, the person does not bother absolutely nothing. But it does not always happen, painful acne can also appear on the head and accompanied by itching or painful sensations in their irritation. Since not always acne signals about your appearance, a person can detect them only after some time, because the thick of the hair, the less they are visualized.

Acne can be located along the entire surface of the head or only in certain zones, for example, the occipital. Acne on the head may have different look. They can be large or small, red or pale, solitary or rash. But the main classification is still based on appearance, and on the character of their manifestation.

Types of acne on the head

All acne appeared on the head is made to divide on 2 types:

  • So-called comedones. They are ordinary acne, which appear in places of clogged sebaceous glands. They can be like civic, so and subcutaneous. Such acne is distinguished by the absence of inflammation. Accordingly, a person does not feel any pain nor itching, no other unpleasant sensations. Most of all in this case concerns their inestica;
  • Inflamed acne. These purulent acne on the heads in her hair look like a comedone, but they differ in the presence of a white head. In addition, they often have red, which speaks of their inflammation. In the same category also includes wen. They look like ordinary cones, but when pressed on them, pain arise.

At the nature of acne will be directly dependent and therapeutic therapy.

Inflamed acne on the head

Methods of treatment

Acne treatment is usually carried out comprehensively. First of all, it is necessary to identify the original source of the rash. After all, otherwise, acne will occur again and again, despite the therapy.

It is also important that the solution to the problem requires consultation from a qualified physician. Unfortunately, many, for the first time, encountered with acne on the head, do not hurry to contact the specialists, but begin to use various shampoos, treating balms and masks. Men can and stick hair at all, without thinking that it only worsens the situation. Most often, adequately people assess the situation and turn to the doctor when acne on the head begin to root or when independent treatment For a long time does not give the result.


Preparations to eliminate acne are prescribed by a doctor and depend on the cause of their occurrence. Healing acne on heads in her hair can help:

  • Preparations of local action. These are the very funds that are applied directly to the acne themselves. They can have a different effect: anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, drying. Often, after applying such creams, ointments, solutions, the patient notes a decrease in the feeling of itching. Among the most common and affordable funds can be noted a zinc ointment, salicyl ointment, levomecol and, so-called boltushka, which includes Levomycetin. The modern range also allows you to choose more expensive creams and ointments if necessary. Among them are especially popular, Skinoren, Zinyritis, Advanta;
  • Antibiotics. We are needed if the appearance of acne preceded the inflammatory process of a bacterial nature. Usually they are prescribed with red painful pimples on the head. The variety of antibiotics is also very significant and therefore selecting them better after all analyzes testifying to sensitivity to them. It is important to remember that the approximate antibiotics should be accompanied by the use of funds that promote the preservation of natural microflora of the stomach;
  • Sorbents. In the event that the cause of acne under the heads on the head lies in an allergic reaction or in pathologies such as eczema, the reception of sorbents will be very useful. Finding into the body, they literally absorb toxins and bring them naturally. Many are familiar with these drugs Activated corner or cut. The advantage of sorbents is that in addition to eliminating acne on the head, they contribute to the cleansing of the body as a whole, which can positively affect general condition health;
  • Preparations restoring microflora. They include probiotics, prebiotics, eubiotics. These drugs affect the body, similar to sorbents. But in this case, there is not the process of the output of toxins, but the restoration of healthy microflora of the stomach. The most famous Linex, Hilak-Forte, Enterozermina, lactobacterin, bifidobacterin.

Skinoren - gel to fight acne on the head in her hair

Additionally, the patient can be appointed vitamin complexes that will help the body faster and more efficiently deal with the cause of unpleasant rash. Best of all, if the complex will include vitamins A and E.

Folk Methods

Folk medicine, although not official science, but often helps to fight various pathologies. In this case, it can also offer several ways to solve the problem:

  • Apple vinegar. This type of vinegar is characterized by a softer concentration compared to its dining group. It is mixed with conventional water 1: 1, and then rinsed washed hair and scalp. After that, the head must be rinsed again simply with water;
  • Celandine. It has its own antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. 2 tablespoons of crushed plants pour the floor liter of boiling water. The tool insists for 2 hours, after which it must be strain and, it is ready for use. With the help of such a decoction, appliques are made, wetting gauze or fabric in it and applying to problem places on the head for half an hour. Celebrel can be used as fresh and dry;
  • St. John's wort A tablespoon of chopped dry grass is poured with boiling water in a volume of 500 ml. The resulting mixture boils on the plate 2-3 minutes, after which they are filtering and coated. The tool is used to rinse hair and scalp.

Broth of the Zverboy - folk remedy To combat acne on heads in hair

No less popular with this problem healing masks. An example is the mask of streptocide and aloe. A pair of aloe leaflets softened to the condition of mashed potatoes and mix with 20 ml of water and 10 pills of strepticide, pre-exhausted into powder. The resulting mask is applied to the head, trying to launch into the skin, and wait 30-40 minutes. Head must be kept under the cellophan. At the end of the procedure, everything must be rinsed thoroughly.

Correct Hygienic Skin Care

The correct skin care is not less than the treatment. Just observing the following recommendations, you can hope for a really good result:

  • It is necessary to use shampoos and other hair products of the most natural composition, in which there are no dyes and sulfates. It is best to purchase a specialized shampoo against acne on the head in the hair;
  • Head washing must be carried out as they are contaminated. It is desirable that this was not a daily procedure, since such actions can be irritated once again to the already inflamed skin. But rare head washing can have their own minuses, namely provoke the accumulation of a large amount of skin and dead skin;
  • For the period of treatment, it is necessary to abandon the use of paints, varnishes, foams and other means for hair not essential;
  • Thermal impact on hair and skin when applying a hair dryer or iron is also eliminated;
  • For men will have to give up from shaving heads.

In addition, pledge successful treatment It is proper balanced nutrition.


Food that we use can improve the state of health, and maybe, on the contrary, it will be ruined. In the treatment of acne on the skin of the head, the diet also plays a very important role. In this case, the recommendations are divided into 2 lists: what needs to be included in its diet and what is categorically necessary to refuse.

Diet in the treatment of acne implies use:

  • Vitamin A. I can meet it in most green vegetables, as well as in potatoes, carrots, liver and red sweet pepper;
  • Vitamin E. Contained in large quantities in nuts, legumes, buckwheat;
  • Omega acids. First of all, it is necessary to use fish of greasy varieties. Acids are also kept in vegetable oils.

Refuse will have to be refused:

  • Alcoholic beverages;
  • Coffee;
  • Canned;
  • Spices;
  • Marinades.

And, of course, it is necessary to minimize fatty heavy foods as much as possible, as well as products with a large number of dyes and flavors.


If the head of the head is subject to acne, then it is necessary to observe preventive measures. In general, they are reduced to the same recommendations that are present in the treatment:

  • Use of hair products with natural composition;
  • The maximum possible refusal to use hair styling: hairdryers, bad, varnishes;
  • Compliance with hygiene;
  • Wearing hats from natural fabrics.

But if the acne still appeared, in no case should they crush them. You must immediately contact a specialist.

Despite the abundance of the reasons for the appearance of acne on the scalp, in its essence, they are divided into just two species - ordinary comedones and inflammatory rashes. The comedones are cysts formed by blocking the mouth of the hair follicles with a mixture of a lunned epithelium and skin. Pimples of an inflammatory character are a red papula with a purulent tip. Such inflammations can be made and root, it is easy to damage when combing, which leads to the spread of the infectious process. Their size can vary from one millimeter to one centimeter.

Causes of acne on the scalp

The appearance of acne on any body of the body testifies to various human health problems, be it a man, woman, child or teenager. Get rid of acne only with cosmetics means to drive into the actual inclination. Acne treatment should always be comprehensive and, first of all, aims to eliminate the causes of the disease. All causes of rash on the head can be divided into three main groups:

  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • incorrect selection of hair care products and scalp;
  • violations of medical and psychological nature.
The emergence of acne on the scalp is more susceptible to men

Acne can pour out due to abuse of products such as salt, pepper, sweet or fatty food.

It is as such a "gentleman's set" is usually characterized by fast food, which men abuse much more often than representatives of the beautiful sex.

With the wrong selection of cosmetics for hair care products may appear allergic reactions. The use of a shampoo that is not suitable for your skin type can lead to disorders of the acid-alkaline balance of the skin and hair, the work of the sebaceous glands, which leads to a variety of negative consequences. In addition to acne, it may be dry and hair liability or, on the contrary, increased fatty, enhanced loss, dandruff, etc.

Abuse of hygienic procedures is also not recommended: too frequent head washing violates the natural protective properties of the skin, making it particularly vulnerable to various pathogenic microorganisms. The same applies to frequent use of the hair dryer.

The group of medical problems leading to the appearance of acne at all and on the head in particular the most extensive. These include:

In addition, synthetic linen, bad habits, supercooling or overheating, chlorinated water, disadvantage in the diet of products containing retinol and carotene can contribute to the appearance of acne.

Acne treatment under hair

Before making any independent actions to eliminate acne on the head, it is necessary to establish the reason for their appearance. Make it can only specialist. Therefore, first of all, the consultation of the doctor of the dermatologist will be required. But, since the list of reasons for the appearance of acne is not limited to the problems of the skin, you may need consultation and other specialists: endocrinologist, gynecologist, allergist, neurologist. It is possible that you will need to pass biochemical analysis Blood and / or blood test for hormones. To diagnose the problems of internal organs that may entrust the appearance of acne, often apply ultrasound procedure.

If hair loss has become a consequence of acne on the head, applying conventional shampoos inexpediently

Regardless of the main causes of the disease identified as a result of medical diagnosis, it is recommended to normalize the diet. It is necessary to limit the intake of salted, oily and sweet food, to use a sufficient amount of fiber and products rich in vitamins, calcium, selenium and zinc, omega-3 saturated fatty acids, avoid food with preservatives.

Choose hair care products should be strictly confined with hair type and scalp. Among the general recommendations applied in complex therapy acne on the head, noted the refusal to harmful habits and healthy image Life - moderate physical exercise Freshly air.

As a measure of preventing inflammatory processes, immunity is recommended to be strengthened with specialized vitamin complexes.

First of all, acne treatment is aimed at eliminating the hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands. If it is caused by the Malassezia fungus activity, which dwells on the skin, without creating problems, apply antifungal therapy: selenium disulfide or lithium succinate as part of shampoos, ketoconazole in composition pharmaceutical preparations For receiving inside.

If the cause of acne has become bacterial infection (Most often it is the bacteria of the kind of Cockkops or PropioniBacterium Acnes), prescribe antibiotics. It may be amoxicillin, erythromycin, adifloxacin and benzoyl peroxide.

If the appearance of acne is caused by violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, prescribe drugs to normalize microflora, and enterosorbents are shown to eliminate toxins and slags.

With allergic origin of acne on the head apply antihistamines. If their appearance is associated with stress or violations in the work of the CNS, prescribe drugs to strengthen the nervous system.

Hormonal drugs can assign women if it is established that the cause of their problem is in the lack of estrogen. For outdoor use, a solution is shown salicylic acid, fuccin, camphor alcohol, ichthyol ointment, etc.

Useful with this problem is the impact of ultraviolet irradiation. In the most difficult cases can apply surgical interventionat which abscesses are revealed and disinfect. Among the hardware methods for removing acne can be applied electroplating and disinfecting with a vacuum.

Acne on the head in women also appear often, like men. When calculating, the creation of hairstyles, the touch of inflamed areas cause soreness, annoy.

It is not necessary to leave unplaceable phenomenon. Women's pimples - a signal of failures inside the body. Learn how to get rid of the comedones and urns on the head, learn the prevention measures.

Causes of occurrence

The scalp is a favorable environment for inflammatory processes. Why do acne appear on the head? Cocktail from sebaceous discharge, sweat, dust, dandruff provokes irritation, itching the skin.

But if women regularly wash the hair, enjoy balsams, make masks, actively care for hair, accumulation of fat, dirt should not be. Where then acne?

The reasons for the appearance of glands on the head in women are somewhat different than in men. The strong floor suffers from the following factors:

  • hormonal failures;
  • bad skin and hair hygiene, buying cheap shampoos;
  • harmful working conditions associated with oils, dust, high temperatures;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • addiction to acute, fried, fatty food.

The appearance of pimples on the head in women is more often caused by internal problems than the action external factors. The ladies carefully take care of the hair, pickyly choose a new shampoo or balm according to the hair type. Many fine sexers are watching weight, eat right.

There are several factors provoking uphties on the head:

  • hormonal failures during pregnancy, after delivery, during menopause;
  • spring of hormones in front of menstruation leads to ugly pimples on the face, in the scalp;
  • polycystic ovarian - hormonal disease requiring serious treatment;
  • frequent stress, lack of sleep, disorder of the work of the gastrointestinal bodies;
  • bacterial, fungal infections;
  • increased challenges during overweight.

Varieties of pimples on the head

Depending on the degree of inflammation, two types of rash are distinguished:

  • comedones (black dots). Pores are clogged with mud, a cluster of a hasty secret, there is no inflammation. When squeezing black points inside open comedones, dirt falls, the follicle is inflamed;
  • jews. It appears red, in the komedon cavity accumulates the pus, the inflammatory process develops. The affectionant becomes painful, is injured when calculating.

Important! With regular care for the hair, constant use not only for shampoos, but also cleansing masks, it is possible to prevent the conversion of comedones into uluses. Even the increased skin salinity is not a hindrance to preserve beauty and health champions. Hormonal failures, the wrong work of the gastrointestinal tract - the problems are serious, one hygienic procedures do not do.

Methods and rules of treatment

Finding pimples in her hair, many girls and women begin to more actively care for the hair. Ladies more often wash strands, wipe the skin with alcohol, rinse with herbal champs, apply masks from natural components. Often these measures help get rid of the comedones.

What should I do, if the rumors, cleansing masks do not help, jets appear with enviable regularity? Output one - sign up for a consultation to trichologist without delay.

Treatment begins with a patient survey, surrender analyzes. Often, women need consultation of the gynecologist, endocrinologist. Depending on the reason that caused unpleasant manifestations On the skin, therapy is assigned.

Treatment is always complex. If you have had problems with a hormonal background, gynecological diseases, pay more attention to the therapy of identified pathologies. The disadvantage or excess of certain hormones provokes inflammation of the epidermis, itching, abundant rash or painful single acne.

Combine reception tablets, droplets restoring women Health, from folk methods. Outdoor treatment will reduce inflammation, will reduce discomfort, diseases of ulcers.

Medication drugs

  • take drops, tablets assigned by an endocrineologist or gynecologist with hormonal disorders. In some pathologies, the reception of drugs is stretched for years;
  • wipe the skin around the rashes by salicylic or camphor alcohol. Do not lubricate the head of the inflamed comedone: irritation will become stronger. Act without pressure, in order to accidentally break the skin: the rose will grow in neighboring sites, inflammation will increase;
  • treat guns with anti-inflammatory ointments. Effective erythromycinic, Zinc ointment, Levomikol, syntomicin liniment. It is prohibited to prescribe for outdoor use. The doctor will write down ointment or emulsion taking into account individual characteristics;
  • with large, painful glasses, use inexpensive compositions, proven over the years - the ointment of Vishnevsky or ichthyol ointment. Preparations have nasty smellBut act efficiently. If the guns are a bit, each formation is smeared by ointment, cover the bandage, secure the design with the plaster;
  • heavy rash forms cannot be cured without receiving antibiotics. We offer a full course appointed by a doctor. Strictly observe the intervals between the reception of the tablets: the interval disorder reduces the effectiveness of antibacterial compositions. Tetracycline, erythromycin, amoxicillies are effective.

Important! Visit UV Teparia sessions. During the procedure, the activity of pathogenic microorganisms is reduced, the surface of the inflamed areas is dried. The procedure is carried out in a physiotherapy office. medical institution, cosmetology clinic.

Skin care during therapy


  • buy a confusion shampoo;
  • wash your head as dirty, but not too often, so as not to annoy the inflamed epidermis;
  • refuse to constantly use drying compositions;
  • less likely use foam, mousse, hair polish;
  • refuse the thermal layer;
  • make hair masks from natural components, avoid annoying compositions.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Procedures C. medicinal herbs, natural ingredients will speed up recovery, complement the care for inflamed skin covers. Always test the new tool on the wrist or behind the ear so that the irritation does not intensify.

Best recipes:

  • herbal decoction. Take on the tablespoon of chamomile, a series, calendula, sage, add a liter of hot water, boil the composition. After 5 minutes, remove the saucepan from the fire, let it brew 40 minutes, filter. After each wash, wet the epidermis herbal decoction;
  • aloe juice from acne. Enrich aloe biologically active substances: Cut the fleshy leaves, pack in white paper, stand in the refrigerator (on the bottom shelf). Remove the juice from the prepared leaves, lubricate the inflamed zones. Conduce the procedure daily;
  • tea tree oil from acne. Add ether with anti-inflammatory properties in ragners for rinsing, masks, balms, shampoos. Pure epidermis product do not lubricate to avoid burns;
  • mask from honey and cinnamon from abundant rash. Couple in a porcelain or glass bowl with a warm medal (4 tbsp. L.). Add 2 h. Cinnamon powder. Gently apply a mixture to problem areas. Insulated cap do not wear. The time of the procedure is one third, the clean chamomile decoction is clean.

Diet and proper nutrition

Healthy nutrition - a prerequisite for curing jets in hair. Incorrect work of the stomach, intestines - frequent cause rashes.


  • fit small portions, 5-6 times during the day;
  • refuse fat, too salty, acute food, drift, large quantity;
  • eat more vegetables, fruits, leaf greenery, berries. Eat every day 1 h. Bran, drink on a glass of kefir for normal intestinal activities;
  • porridge, soups on vegetable broth, boiled chicken, hard cheese, 1 egg every two days;
  • reduce the number of cups of coffee to one per day or refuse the invigorating drink. Replace green tea coffee.

Treatment inflammatory process On the skin of the head in women - long, difficult process. The interaction of internal and external factors explains frequent relapses, not always a successful struggle with inflamed comedones.

The rash therapy caused by hormonal failures, improper work of the gastrointestinal tract is heavily. The more carefully the patient performs the recommendations of the doctor, the higher the chances of disappearance side Effects The form of glasses.

  • follow the health, attend the gynecologist twice a year, examine every year from the endocrinologist. The initial stages of pathologies are easier to be therapy;
  • take hormonal drugsprescribed by the doctor during the appointed period. Cancellation of some tablets immediately worsens the condition of the hormonal background, the pimples are returned again;
  • use high-quality hair cosmetics, buy shampoos without sulfates and parabens;
  • if the rashes appeared after a strong chemical curling, staining in low-cost compositions, refuse to use these funds. Come to the skin, in the future, paint the hair with gentle embellishments without ammonia, make biowavits based on natural components;
  • wash your head on time, do not try to regularly disguise the stamp of the "right" hairstyle, writing a problem for a shortage of time. Dry shampoos use no more often once a week;
  • adhere to the principles healthy nutrition, Eat less coffee, alcohol, fastofud, concentrates. Chemical components, harmful nutritional supplements cause imbalance in the work of the gastrointestinal organs;
  • protect the maternity outlook from the scorching sun, frosty air, while resting at the seaside resort, protect the curls with a bathing cap;
  • more easily use styling compositions, dry the strands in the air, exhibit a hairdryer to the average temperature mode;
  • regularly fueled the epidermis, strands with vitamins, minerals, take fish fat, Bades for hair health. For outdoor use, use homemade masks, perform aroma painting, rinse the champper with a decoction of medicinal herbs.

Remember: The appearance of acne and comedones on the head often provoke women themselves. Think about to change in life, listen to the recommendations of trichologists and phytotherapists. Attention to yourself will warn the problem with internal organs, Save Health misular part Heads.

Video. TV shows "Live great" about pumped on your head:

Acne is an unpleasant disease in all senses. A similar pathology appears at any age, both both on the face and on the scalp, causing painful sensations.

What really helps in the treatment of acne at all and on the head in particular, and what can only harm? Before choosing a way to eliminate acne, it is worth dealing with the reasons for its occurrence.

Causes of acne appearance

How to appear acne on the head

The mechanism of education acne is simple. Each layer of leather - epidermis, dermis, hypoderma responsible for specific functions.

Song and sweat glands are located in the Derma ( connective tissue), Moreover, most of them on the skin of the head.

Allocated silent glares Skin fat, goes on the skin through the base of the follicle (pores). Connecting from laterThey create a hydrolynid film designed to protect the skin from drying and protect the bacteria from reproduction.

If glands work too actively, skin salty clogs, causing the reproduction of pathogens of microbes. The bacteria penetrating through the film populate the pores, causing inflammation, manifested in the form of acne.

Other possible and how to treat them, read the article on our website.

Since acne - the cause of hair loss, read about masks against this ailment: kefir, eggs and others folk masks And professional means from hair loss - use.

Treatment traditional and folk

Treatment of such far from only a cosmetic defect is necessarily, and the faster, the better. Moreover, if the problem is not solved on time, a person can bald at all.

Self-treatment is dangerous in that not everyone knows his skin typeAnd without consultation with a dermatologist, experiment with advertised drugs is dangerous.

Methods of treatment set and in traditional medicine, and folk:

  • Warming the affected skin of the hair ultraviolet;
  • Willing acne on the head with a solution sea salt with addition sulfurremoves itching and peeling;
  • The oldest means are hot salt baths With a lot of sulfur (bath packaging, temperatures - about 37 degrees). Regulate the fatty hair and skin, relieve inflammation. Take

There are also pharmacy preparations with the same components, but the duration of the medication is very limited, since drugs are not always natural origin.

  • Camphor or salicylovaya alcohol for burning acne under the hair (instead of extrusion);
  • - antiseptic (wash, wash your head), shampoos and lotions on initial stage (acquire certified, in the pharmacy). In case of intolerance, the ordinary soap helps the smell;
  • Brewer's yeast, Clean the organism from toxins and improve the condition of the skin under the hair. Sold in tablets (capsules), a course of reception - two or three months to three times a day before meals. Consult your doctor, since there is a means and contraindications - gout, kidney problems, allergies.

Also for internal use:

  • 20 g of chamomile flowers;
  • 20 g of flax seeds;
  • 70 g of dry beer yeast.

A teaspoon of a mixture on a glass of low-fat warm milk - can be applied for several months. Then with an obvious improvement of the state of the head to take a break.

Medical masks

You can try hair mask:

  • two h. l. yeast and tablespoon of yogurt mix with two h. l. olive oil, orange, lemon and carrot juice (on a teaspoon);
  • clean the scalp and apply for 20 minutes;
  • rinse with warm water.

For oily and porous skin: 2 tbsp. l. Breaking yeast to dilute with a small amount of milk and apply for 20 minutes. In warm form, rinse your head. With systematic use normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.

One more effective mask For oily skin:

  • 1 t. Spoon of tea tree oil;
  • 1 tsp cinnamon;
  • two tablespoons of honey.

Pass the scalp, then wash the mask and rinse your head apple vinegar Popolas with water.

For dry scalp:

  • a tablespoon of yeast and 10 ml of water;
  • yolk and oil of wheat sprouts - 2 teaspoons.

Mask activates exchange processes. Rub it into your hair and keep 20 minutes. Wash out warm water.

For dry peeling skin: 2 h. L. Dry yeast to dissolve in the water to a thick cockpit, add:

  • yolk;
  • two tablespoons of rubber wheat grains;
  • three tablespoons of cream.

All mix and apply for 20 minutes., Active massaging head. Removable remnants with warm water.

Universal maskImproving blood circulation:

  • spoon of yeast dilute with water;
  • add a tablespoon of ground grape bones.
  • after stirring, apply for a problem zone with 5 minutes, massaging the skin;
  • wash warm water.

Ointment, shampoos

  • Special antibacterial ointi (Levomecol, boroplus, etc. by appointment of a doctor), relieve inflammation to inflict on affected areas;
  • Ichthyol Clean or with glycerin - to process each pimple under the hair thin layer 2 times in the morning, you can change the dressing every day;
  • Use also degty-based shampoos.

Vitamin Complexes and Diets

For the scalp and hair skin useful:

  • vitamin C - orange, black currant, grapefruit, onions;
  • vitamin E. - Fish, nuts, milk;
  • vitamin A - eggs, carrots, parsley, apricots;
  • vitamins Group B. - oatmeal, buckwheat, salmon, herring, rice, bananas, cabbage, tomato, mushrooms, nuts;
  • vitamin K. - fish, chicken, milk, eggs, cheese;
  • vitamin PP. - pumpkin, rowan, peanuts;
  • vitamin D. - Cod livers, eggs, butter, fish, sea cabbage.

You can try such a diet that includes:

  • prunes;
  • fruits;
  • cabbage;
  • porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat);
  • dairy products;
  • green tea;
  • natural juices;
  • mineral water.

Use on hair care. It has positive feedback from people with similar problems.

Use masks for light hair with natural components - about them. These masks contribute to improving the state of the scalp and hair growth.

Mumia will help me to cure not only the scalp, but also restore the hair structure: - This article will tell you how to use this natural means.

Preparations with antibiotics

Each case requires individual advice. Besides a dermatologist, you need visit EndocrinologistPerhaps a gastroenterologist, strengthen immunity.

Important and regular competent hygiene: Wash your head correctly, dry well before processing.

If the use of local means is ineffective, the doctor may assign the course of antibiotics:

  • Zinrit- ointment with erythromycin;
  • Differin- cream with retinoids;
  • Skinoren- gel with azelic acid for outdoor use;
  • Kpinesfar- Combined drug;
  • Benzamycin- benzailpyroxide with erythromycin;

Parallel is carried out course of restorative therapy. Do not forget that antibiotics are serious medicines with by-phenomena In the form of allergies, reducing immunity, liver failure, I. self-medication is absolutely unacceptable.

Daily head care

The achieved effect must be maintained by proper care For the scalp. Competent care should be four-step:

  • cleansing;
  • moisturizing;
  • food;
  • protection.

Clean problem skin Head degtyar soap or born alcohol. You can use for the head of the chamomile brave, Hypericum. Oily skin need moisturizing No less than dry. It is best to moisten it with lanolin cream or special creams.

Safety such a scalp well special masks, among other things, those mentioned above.

Any treatment will be effective only if you consider it with all the responsibility, not counting on the rapid result of the miraculous drug, revise your lifestyle and habits in nutrition, causing reinforced secretion of the sebaceous glands.

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