Ancient amulets. Slavic symbols and the meaning of traditional Slavic symbols

Charms of the ancient Slavs in folk embroidery

Our distant ancestors, as you know, worshiped the forces of nature. The amulets of the ancient Slavs, in fact, are a whole science associated with pagan deities. You can meet protective symbols everywhere - from the signs depicted on household items to clothing and accessories. A special protective role was given to embroidery. Today we see in it only folk ornaments decorating clothes. However, this is far from being the case: each embroidered pattern carried certain information designed to assist in solving important life tasks.

Folk embroidery adorned not only clothes, but also table and bed linen. At the same time, the location of the pattern, its color, and the drawing, and the process of execution itself mattered. So, on clothes, the ornament was traditionally located in a circle - on the hem, on the belt, on the sleeves, on the collar. The main purpose of embroidery was not decoration, as is commonly believed, but protection from damage and other evils.

Embroidery rules

The charms of the ancient Slavs in folk embroidery required strict adherence to a number of rituals, even at the preparatory stage. The embroidery itself should not have knots on the reverse side, since the knots, according to legend, deprived the amulet of power. Here are some rules that had to be observed when performing protective embroidery:

1. You can’t embroider a charm for yourself.
2. The amulet is performed exclusively at will and from pure heart. It is impossible to force or ask someone to create a charm for themselves.
3. Amulets endowed with the most powerful force, are performed by blood relatives - parents, children, brothers and sisters. Amulets created by the hands of one of the spouses are endowed with the same power, provided that the relationship is harmonious.
4. The choice of material that serves as the basis for the amulet must be in harmony with the person to whom it is intended.
5. In the process of making the amulet, one should think about who it is intended for, mentally imagining its image and feeling its energy, character and needs.
Only with strict observance of all these rules, the amulet will have a protective force and protect its owner from many misfortunes.

Slavic symbols - amulets

Symbol interpretation

At first glance, many patterns seem to be the same. For example, resemblance such amulets as "fern flower" and "grass overpower" or "carol" and "Ladin" can mislead an ignorant person who takes them for the same symbols. The difference lies in the direction of the rays of the pattern. The main part of the amulets are solar signs, that is, various options swastikas, which also affects their similarity.

Below are some of the symbols of Slavic amulets and their purpose.

Kolyadnik - personifies the god Kolyada. It means change for the better, renewal, the victory of good. A male sign that gives strength in victory over the enemy, and in creative work.

Molvinets - gives protection from an evil word, a family curse, the evil eye and other types of damage. Grants the power of eloquence.

Kolovrat - symbolizes the rising sun, as the eternal victory of Light over darkness. Its meaning also depends on the color that this sign is depicted: red - rebirth, blue - renewal, black - change.

The cross of Lada - the Mother of God, Ladinets - personifies happiness and harmony in the family. female sign from the evil eye. Often he was inscribed in a circle to give more strength.

Kolard - refers to the wedding symbolism. Newlyweds were given jewelry with his image, so that the family union was strong, and the offspring were healthy.

The fern flower (Perun's color) is another fiery amulet, symbolizing the purity of the Spirit. The sign, which has healing power, is designed to fulfill wishes. Promotes the disclosure of the spiritual forces of man.

Odolen-grass is a symbol designed to protect against various ailments. It was believed that, as a double fire sign, this symbol is able to destroy any disease with fire and purify the soul and flesh.

The swastika is an eternal universal cycle, personifying the Supreme Law, to which all things are subject. The symbol is intended to protect the Heavenly law.

Solard is a wedding symbolism that marks the prosperity and prosperity of the family for the sake of descendants and for the glory of the gods and ancestors.

Slavic symbols - amulets

Inglia is the life-giving Fire of Creation, from which the Universe and all things appeared. Symbolizes divine Purity - the basis of the protection of the World from the forces of Darkness.

The soul swastika is a symbol of the concentration of the Higher healing forces. He made up an ornament of clothes exclusively for the Priests who had risen to the Highest level of spiritual perfection.

The spiritual swastika is a sign that embodies the harmony of the soul and body. An invariable attribute of the Magi and magicians, giving strength to control the elements of nature.

Dukhobor - personifies the inner life fire that destroys bodily and spiritual ailments in a person. The sign was applied to the material with which the patient was covered.

Spiritual power - the symbol was used to enhance the concentration of spiritual and physical strength necessary to accomplish great deeds for the benefit of descendants and their people.

Znich is a sign of the fiery god guarding the sacred Living Fire - an inexhaustible source of life.

Bunny is a solar sign that represents renewal. It was believed that a woman who wore a belt with the image of a symbol would give birth to boys - the successors of the family.

Dunia - The fusion of heavenly and earthly living fire. Designed to preserve the ways of permanent unity of the genus. The shape of this sign served as the basis for the construction of fiery altars.

Velesovik is a symbol that protects a loved one who is away from home, from various adversities and the elements of nature.

Slavic symbols - amulets

Thunderbolt is a symbol of the god Indra - the keeper of the ancient heavenly wisdom of the gods. It was often applied to military armor and weapons, and was also depicted at the entrance to the vaults. It was believed that every enemy would be struck by thunder.

Thunderstorm - was used as a sign that makes it possible to control the forces of nature. As a talisman, the image of the symbol was intended to protect dwellings and temples from various misfortunes.

The heavenly boar symbolizes the merger of the past and the future, earthly and heavenly wisdom. It was applied to the clothes of people who embarked on the path of spiritual self-improvement.

Yarovik is a sign depicted in front of the entrance to the storehouses of the harvest or places of keeping livestock. It was believed that this symbol helped to preserve the harvest and protect livestock from death.

Yarovrat is a sign of the Yaro-god, the ruler of favorable weather conditions for growing grain crops. The image of the symbol can be found on agricultural implements.

The symbol of the Race is a sign that protects great nations from various evil forces and enemies, protecting earthly wisdom. The symbol means the union of the Aryans and Slavs - the great races.

Boundary - personifies the universal boundary, serving as a threshold between earthly life and life after death. Depicted in front of the entrance to the Temple and the Sanctuary.

Kolokhort is a sign that personifies the eternal cycle of opposites - life and death, good and evil, wisdom and stupidity. It was used in cases where it was required to resolve a dispute.

Ratiborets is the personification of military prowess and courage. It was applied to military armor, weapons, banners and banners. According to legend, this sign is able to blind the enemy and force him to flee from the battlefield.

Slavic symbols - amulets

Slavets is a female symbol, endowing girls and women with health, and married women with healthy offspring. The sign can often be found in embroidery decorating women's clothing.

Ognevitsa is a sign that protects married women from evil forces. It is often found in embroidery of clothes interspersed with other protective symbols.

Radinets is a symbol that protects babies from damage and the evil eye, giving them peace. Depicted on baby cradles and cradles.

Vseslavets is a sign that protects dwellings and granaries from fires, families from disagreements, neighbors from civil strife. A symbol, according to legend, leading all Clans to harmony and unity.

A light is a symbol that unites two great fiery streams: Divine and Earthly, as a result of which the Universal whirlwind of transformation is born, which helps a person to reveal the meaning of being.

Svitovit is the eternal relationship between the elements of heavenly fire and earthly water. Women preparing to become mothers embroidered this sign on their clothes. The symbol personified the birth of a pure soul.

Slavic symbols - amulets

Svarozhich is a symbol that protects a person from degradation, supports everything reasonable. The sign of the power of the god Svarog - the keeper of the diversity of life forms in the universe.

Svarga is a sign of spiritual ascent on the path to perfection.

Svaor - the solstice - marks the movement of the Yarila-sun across the firmament. Calls for purity of thoughts and spiritual insight.

Svaor - symbolizes the constant celestial movement and the circulation of the vital forces of the universe. Svaor, applied to household items, means, according to legend, prosperity and well-being in the house.

Wedding attendant - The strongest family amulet, meaning the merger of two genera, male and female, into a single life system.

Rysich - is considered the most powerful amulet against the forces of Darkness. In ancient times, it was depicted on the walls of Sanctuaries and Temples, on stones near the altars. Later it began to be applied to any buildings.

Austinets - in everyday life was called "Bulletin". It was believed that it protects not only people, but also livestock and poultry from misfortunes. The sign was also depicted on agricultural implements in order to improve the growth of crops, increasing the yield.

Salting - A sign symbolizing the setting sun, retiring to rest, Yarila. It personifies the completion of creative work, the spiritual stamina of man and the peace of nature.

Rodimych - A sign that personifies the continuity of generations and reliably preserves the ancestral memory.

Slavic symbols - amulets

Rodovik - marks the support and help of the ancestors-grandparents to those who work for the benefit of their descendants.

Rasich - A sign of the unity and power of the great clans of the Races: yes 'Aryans, x' Aryans, Svyatorus and Rassen.

Ginger is a symbol of abundant harvest and fertility. It was depicted above the entrance to the harvest storage, and also applied to agricultural tools.

The fireman is a fiery sign of the God of the Family, often found on platbands, shutters, slopes of roofs of houses, on the ceilings of buildings.

Guardian - A sign that brings happiness, health and joy. An ancient amulet that guards good luck and happiness.

Newborn - The sign is often present in the ornament women's clothing. It is considered a powerful protective symbol that gives multiplication to the family.

Navnik is the personification of the spiritual paths of a person after death, which lead to their native heavenly world, from where the soul came.

The Heavenly Cross was used as a body amulet, giving a person guardianship and help of the ancestors of his family.

Charovrat is a symbol that protects a person from the action of evil spells. It was believed that the fire of this sign burns the dark forces.

Slavic symbols - amulets

Fash is a symbol that keeps a person from base thoughts and selfishness. It marks the victory of reason over the forces of darkness and ignorance.

Suasti - marks the cycle of life on earth, eternal rotation. It symbolizes the four cardinal points, the four northern rivers flowing in ancient Daria.

Svyatoch - symbolizes spiritual enlightenment and the rebirth of a great race, connecting Illumination and Spirituality - the Golden and Heavenly Cross.

Stribozhich is a sign symbolizing the god Stribog, who commands hurricanes and winds. A symbol that protects dwellings and granaries from the effects of bad weather, giving sailors and fishermen a calm body of water. In the form of this symbol, windmills were built so that the mills would not stand still.

Holy gift - personifies Daria - the ancient server ancestral home of the white peoples, located in the Northern Ocean and who died after the first flood.

Solon - a protective sign that protects a person and his property from exposure dark forces. Applied to clothing and household items.

Slavic amulets and their meaning is a separate topic for the study of historians. They can tell us a lot. Amulets are part of the cultural heritage of our ancestors. By them one can judge the wisdom and religion of this great people. Most of the amulets have solar symbols, which indicates the worship of the Slavs to the Sun. They were used for personal protection and protection of loved ones from natural phenomena, evil, damage or the evil eye.

Amulets were selected individually. If, for example, in Christianity, adults and children wear a cross for protection, then in paganism one could choose an amulet that was close in energy and meaning. Then he became not just an accessory for beauty, but a really strong amulet.

Despite the fact that we live in the 21st century, Slavic amulets are still popular. people wear them different ages and professions. When choosing Slavic amulets, you need to know their meaning, description and interpretation. If you do not pay due attention to the choice of an amulet, then it may not be suitable energetically and will not provide proper protection.

The amulets of the ancient Slavs contain not only solar symbols denoting the worship of the cult of the sun. Some of them (Kolovrat, Ladinets, Solstice) are swastikas. Our galaxy, called the Milky Way, has the same shape, and that's not all. Human DNA also resembles a swastika. This may mean that the Slavs had a deeper knowledge than is known. A mere coincidence can also be discussed, but it is unlikely, given all the wisdom of this great people.

Modern Slavic talismans have the same appearance, as they were before. On the Internet you can find their photos, on the basis of which amulets are made. In ancient times, the materials that were available to the people were used to make amulets. Wood was originally used. Later, they began to be made from metals, as well as animal bones or teeth. Such Slavic amulets and amulets gave a person the power of the animal to which these parts belonged.

Now the amulets of old Rus' are made mainly of gold and silver, while silver products are still preferred, since it was previously believed that this metal repels evil spirits. This means that such amulets of the Slavs will provide a person with the most powerful protection. Gold items also emphasize the status of the owner. They are the most valuable and costly of all amulets.

When choosing a talisman, you need to focus on their meaning and on your intuition. If you are drawn to a certain talisman, then it fits in terms of energy. Do not forget about which amulet makes sense. There are Slavic charms from the evil eye and damage, for good luck, for financial well-being, and others.

Slavic amulets for men

Male Slavic amulets have always differed from female amulets. First of all, they have different energy. In addition, the male amulet was supposed to protect a person during hunting and battle. It also kept health and brought good luck.

Slavic amulet for men is traditionally made of silver or copper. They are simple and concise, unlike some female mascots. The most powerful are those amulets that a man's mother, wife or sister made. In ancient times, women even made them from their own hair. Such a charm was supposed to return a loved one from the war alive and unharmed.

Men can wear Slavic amulets in the form of jewelry, or you can put their symbols on military equipment or embroider them on clothes.

Veles is one of the gods of the Slavic pantheon, in whose honor this amulet was created. It looks like the paw of a bear or wolf. A man had to wear such a talisman all his life, without parting with him. The amulet can bring a person to the very top of the career ladder, make him rich and successful. The amulet is suitable for men whose occupation is affected by the weather: fishermen, farmers, firefighters, hunters and others. The amulet also protects against misfortunes, troubles and so on.

Such Slavic signs are endowed with the element of fire, which is able to protect against any negative energy, quarrels, weather phenomena, damage and the evil eye. Previously, this amulet was used to improve relations between clans and to protect against wars.

This amulet enhances all the character traits that a real man should have: valor, courage and masculinity. It makes a person stronger and more enduring, and also inspires self-confidence. Previously, only military men could wear it, but now it is also suitable for everyday use. The amulet protects against evil spirits, damage and evil eye.

The amulet helps a man become stronger, wiser and more courageous. It gives strength that allows you to withstand enemies and natural elements. The amulet can be worn by any man, but most of all it is suitable for people whose occupation depends on the elements: sailors, firefighters, fish and others.

The amulet is suitable for people striving for spiritual growth. It helps to improve oneself and protects from diseases, spoilage and the evil eye.

This amulet can only be worn by men who have reached the age of 32. You can start wearing it earlier, but only after fulfilling your duty to the Motherland, for example, after participating in hostilities. The amulet helps to change life for the better.

Thanks to such a talisman, a man gains wisdom, courage and the strength of his ancestors. He also receives protection from the elements and ensures the success of all endeavors. The Stribozhich amulet also has similar properties. It is recommended to pay special attention to such amulets for men whose work is associated with salvation or danger: firefighters, police rescuers and others.

This is one of the most popular and revered amulets. He made a man braver, strengthened the will to win and gave strength. The amulet protected during the battle, as well as in everyday life.

This amulet is suitable for men seeking self-improvement. It develops the gift that a person has, energizes, helps to understand the meaning of life. The amulet protects men from failures, troubles, damage and the evil eye. Thanks to the amulet, you can find your true love or revive old feelings in your soul.

The amulet was created in honor of Perun, the god of thunder and lightning. He gave the man his protection and strength. The amulet helped to survive on the battlefield and protect the native land from enemy attacks. The amulet also provides protection for the man's family and helps maintain marital fidelity.

Charms of the ancient Slavs for women

Women's Slavic amulets differ from men's in their grace and beauty. They help a woman to maintain a family hearth and give birth to healthy children. Amulets protected her and her future offspring. Slavic amulets for women can be worn as jewelry or embroidered with a symbol on clothes.

It is a charm of happiness and love. It was popular in ancient times and is in demand among modern women. The amulet helps to successfully marry, endure and give birth to a child. It also protects against illness and bad luck.

This is a double-sided amulet - one side is Yarovik, the other is Fireman. Thanks to this combination, the amulet has incredible power. It helps to increase wealth and attracts good luck. The amulet protects the woman herself and her future children from diseases, troubles, damage and the evil eye. It strengthens the spirit and gives strength to cope with all difficulties. Yarovik-Ognevik helps a woman to endure pregnancy and childbirth more easily.

The amulet was created in honor of the goddess Lada-Virgin Mary - the goddess of love and family. It helps a woman to preserve her beauty and youth, protects from the machinations of evil spirits and evil people. The amulet gives a woman love, helps to successfully marry and give birth to healthy children.

The amulet was created in honor of the goddess Makosh. She patronizes mature women, helps them create a strong family and gives strength to maintain a family hearth. Accordingly, the amulet has these properties. It suits married women. The amulet protects from troubles, diseases, attracts money and happiness.

The amulet has long been worn only by adult women who have become mothers, and in modern world this tradition is not broken. Only in this case, the amulet will provide protection and bring good luck, and will not destroy the energy of its mistress.

This amulet should be worn by those girls who want to have children. He will help them fulfill their dream. During pregnancy, its defenses do not weaken. The amulet helps to cope with depression, which pregnant women are prone to and relieves pain during childbirth. After the birth of a child, the amulet will protect mother and baby from troubles, hardships, damage and the evil eye.

The amulet Ladinets brings happiness to a woman, its other name is the Cross of the Lada-Virgin Mary. The amulet also helps to cure female diseases and protects against disease. It also protects from the evil eye, damage and any bad looks.

Charms for children

Slavic amulets, talismans and amulets are also suitable for children. There are such amulets that can be hung over a child's bed and then he will protect him from evil, envious glances, the evil eye and damage. IN old times mother made a charm for the child. Usually, the baby's clothes were decorated with such symbols. Now Slavic amulets for children can simply be bought at any specialized store.

The amulet was created in honor of the god Rod, the god of all life on earth and in other worlds. It was hung over the crib or placed in the baby's cradle. Thanks to this, the child received protection for himself and his entire family. It was customary to always keep such a charm in the house even after the baby grew up.

To protect the baby, mothers can make a swaddle doll. This Slavic amulet is still customary to make independently. In the process of work, do not use scissors and needles. A small tourniquet is made from white fabric, which will be the body of the pupa. Then a scarf is tied on her, and she is swaddled in a small rag. From above, the chrysalis is wrapped with red thread. It is not customary to draw a doll's face. It needs to be placed in the baby's crib. Thanks to this amulet, the child will receive protection from damage and the evil eye.

Old Slavic amulets for the home

Slavic amulets for the home protect against theft, fire and other misfortunes. The image of almost any amulet can decorate the walls of the dwelling, except for those that can only be worn personally.

The image of this amulet can be hung on the walls of the house to protect it. It drives away evil spirits, prevents diseases from entering the home, and protects from thieves and fires. Alatyr also attracts happiness and good luck. It can not only be hung on the walls of the house, but also worn personally in the form of jewelry or embroidered on clothes.

For the home, the amulet Rodovik, Molvinets and other universal amulets are also suitable.

Universal amulets

Ancient Slavic amulets can be universal, that is, they can be worn by everyone without exception.

This is the guardian of the newlyweds. It protects the love of a married couple from fading, from cheating and quarrels, but only if it is worn correctly. It cannot be worn by any of the spouses. On the day of marriage, it is put on the husband and wife, and after that they should no longer part with it. However, it cannot be used without embroidery, which is traditionally placed on the matrimonial bed.

As soon as the first child is born, the spouses remove the amulet, wrap it in embroidery and put it in a safe place. He does not lose his strength and continues to protect the family, but with replenishment.

Overcoming the grass is considered a female amulet, but its reverse side is the Color of the fern, which is a male amulet. This means that this is a universal amulet that protects against evil spirits, damage and the evil eye and attracts happiness and luck.

This amulet should not be confused with the Seal of Veles, because these are different amulets. The Veles amulet looks like an inverted letter A. This is a universal amulet that helps to discover hidden potentials. The amulet opens the way to secret knowledge. With it, you can perform magical rituals. The amulet makes it possible to establish a connection with the other worlds.

The amulet was created in honor of the god Svarog. It helps to develop spiritually, realize the meaning of life and not deviate from the intended goal. While wearing the amulet, you can’t do bad deeds, because Svarog is revered only for goodness and justice, so the punishment for such acts will not be long in coming.

As the legends say, this amulet was presented as a gift to people by the god of the Family himself. There is nothing surprising in the fact that it is considered the most powerful amulet. It protects, attracts good luck and helps to find love. The amulet can be worn as jewelry, its image can be embroidered on clothes or applied to the body like a tattoo.

The Star of Rus' is a talisman that has traditionally been considered male. It helps to understand the meaning of life, the secrets of the universe and protects from negative energy. Now it can be worn by women who perform male functions in life. For example, they occupy leadership positions or raise a child without a husband. The amulet gives a woman strength so that she can cope with all difficulties.

This amulet symbolizes the movement of the Sun along its trajectory. It helps a person to maintain health, protects from troubles, damage and the evil eye, and promotes procreation.

Protect the Slavs and their meaning is interesting topic which can be developed and studied for a long time. Men can choose only one amulet for themselves, and women are allowed to use the power of several talismans, but the selection of the amulet must be approached with all responsibility.

  1. Perunov color, or fern flower- a symbol aimed primarily at protecting the owner from the evil eye, bad influence, dirty thoughts. It also fulfills the desires of the wearer, but only those the fulfillment of which a person desires with all his heart.
  2. Kolyadnik - originally a male symbol of the Family and the Sun. Only allowed to wear it male gender. The symbol gave courage in battle and wisdom on the path of life.
  3. Ladinets - this symbol is similar to the previous one, only it is intended for women. Ladinets programs a woman for a good marriage and a strong family.
  4. Cross of Svarog - this symbol was not used as a talisman. He only showed the patronage of the Highest of the Gods and asserted the power of the Universe.
  5. Amulet Makosh - a symbol used by creative people to gain inspiration, and by mothers, as it personifies fertility. It contains the strongest energy.
  6. Source - is considered a flow of energy that can help in any business, if used correctly.
  7. Molvinets is a powerful amulet. Blocks all the negativity said towards its owner. Protects not just one person, but the whole family.
  8. Yarovik - aimed at protecting the home and economy. Symbolizes safety and reliability.
  9. The light is a symbol of the Way. It helps to find answers to global questions, find the meaning of life and strengthen the spirit.
  10. Valkyrie - the amulet was used mainly by warriors. It represents courage and wisdom.
  11. The symbol of the Family is the symbol of the Sun. Saves from any disease. It contains powerful universal energy.
  12. Stribozhich - protects from natural disasters, pacifies nature.
  13. The star of Lada is a symbol of the strength of the Family. Protects a woman, family and home.
  14. Rasich - symbolizes the power of four Races, four Clans. It awakens harmony and the ability to contemplate in a person.
  15. Perunitsa is a symbol of victory, determination, a powerful amulet. Literally personifies the earthly energy of lightning.
  16. The solstice is a symbol of optimism, the energy of the creator, protection from bad weather and the evil eye. Stores the power of the Sun, showing the direction of its movement.
  17. Star of Inglia - personifies the Universal beginning, the moment of the universe. Unites three components: body, spirit and soul, into one.
  18. The wedding man is a symbol of a powerful union. He was sewn on the clothes of the newlyweds, so that their marriage was indestructible.
  19. Dukhobor is a symbol of the inner flame of man, life. It was not used as a talisman, but was able to protect the soul with proper use.
  20. Svarga - personifies perfection in the flesh. Helps people on the path of Truth and Consciousness.
  21. Ognevitsa is a patronizing symbol for adult woman. Helps her in everything and protects from evil forces.
  22. The black sun is a generic symbol. Very rare sign, about which there is still little information. It is known to be charged with colossal power and can harm the inexperienced.
  23. Svitovit - symbolizes the horizon, the collision of two worlds - heavenly and earthly. Powerful amulet.
  24. Kolard is a fiery symbol of rebirth and purity.
  25. Odolen-grass - has strong protective properties. Able to protect from evil spirits and diseases caused by them.
  26. Rubeznik - based on the name, a symbol of the boundary, border, point of no return. Marks the line between two worlds.
  27. Ratiborets is an exclusively military symbol. It personifies courage, courage in battle, gives immeasurable spiritual power, but only to those who are ready to give their lives for their land.

The pagan beliefs of the ancient Slavs are inextricably linked with the forces of nature and the animal world. The ancient Slavs had many sacred animals, each tribe had its own totem animal - the patron of the entire tribe, which will always protect its people from natural dangers, from enemies and diseases. The ancient Slavs believed that a totem beast - a bear, horse, bull (tour), wolf, falcon or deer, would ensure the continuation of the family, save those who turned to him for help, transfer their strength, dexterity, wisdom, endurance, fertility to them. In pagan times, the ancient Slavs believed that any part of the sacred beast (totem) has the same power, the same properties as the living beast itself. That is why archaeologists find many pagan amulets in the mounds in the form of bones, fangs, tufts of wool, horns, paws, and images of animals. Slavic pagan amulets associated with the cult of animals reflect the ideas of the ancient Slavs about the “blood” relationship of people of a certain kind or tribe with a revered animal (totem) ....

Images of animals, the totemic ancestors of the ancient Slavs, inhabited the world of Slavic fairy tales. This is a horse, dog, bull, bear, wolf, goose, raven, falcon, eagle, frog, pike. In Russian folk tales and legends reflected the idea of ​​the origin of the hero from the totem. Animals in fairy tales usually became human helpers, guides, prophets, remember the Gray Wolf from the tale of Ivan Tsarevich and rejuvenating apples. Many beliefs and magical rites of the ancient Slavs associated with animals persisted until the 19th century, for example, in Christmas divination often use a rooster or a hen.

Tour and Turkish .

In the Middle Ages Thor's hammer considered in d military-trading society of the Varangians-"Rus" an amulet that gives warriors strength and endurance, protects against any natural disasters, protects against death, hunger, poverty, and gives fertility.

Slavic amulets in the form of fish were included in a set with other bronze amulets from the burial mounds of the Novgorod, Leningrad and Bryansk regions. For example, a fish pendant from a 12th-century burial in the Bryansk region was attached to an arched pendant along with a key, knives and a skate, and lay at the right shoulder of a female skeleton.

Protect the birds.

Very often there are amulet pendants depicting birds. Several types of Slavic amulets are associated with the images of birds - roosters, ducks, geese, hens, owls. The ancient Slavs believed that birds were messengers of heaven, messengers of the gods. It was believed that birds are able to drive away troubles, ailments, show the right path and help make a decision.

The oldest type of flat Slavic amulets, depicting a duck with a smooth head, a flat wide beak and a convex chest, arose in the Ladoga region, in the second half - the end of the 10th century. At the end of the 10th century, such amulets appeared in Novgorod, and in the 11th-12th centuries they became widespread in the Novgorod and Pskov lands and the Upper Volga region, where their production was established.

A special type of flat slotted through holes amulets are pendants with noisy pendants. The amulet depicts rooster with one or two heads. Such amulets were produced in the Kostroma Volga region and were also found in Russian cities located along the Oka and Klyazma (Old Ryazan, Vladimir, Suzdal - XII-XIII centuries). From here, amulets - roosters reached the Volga Bulgaria, Perm Vychegodskaya.

Rooster - the emblem of the rising sun, chasing sleep, and the cock crow at dawn notifies everyone of the coming of a new day, calling all wildlife to new activity and life, and chicken egg - the emblem of the upcoming birth and fertility, left deep traces in modern folk customs. Chicken and duck were a symbol of fertility and prosperity.

The Bodrichi, that is, the Vendo-Rus, called themselves Reriks (Reregi) or Falcons, hence the name Rurik or Rerik means Falcon. If the Varangian prince called to Novgorod was really Prince of Bodrich, then it was most fitting for him to be called the nickname of his people "Falcon" = Rerik or Rurik , and if he considered his family or people to be happening from the sun - Horsa, then, in view of the foregoing, again the most natural the generic name should have been Ros or Rus (gr. ρωσ )

Bear paw or claw.

The bear is the owner of the pagan forest, a strong, powerful and noble beast, which was feared and respected. It was believed that the bear is a fair beast, and can protect from evil, or punish a person for manifesting evil. In many houses they kept as a talisman claw bear. The Slavs believed that the claw of a formidable forest beast would protect people from troubles and illnesses, protect them from dangers and bring good luck.

Our ancestors endowed the bear with wisdom and great knowledge, but they never said his name out loud, as it was believed that the bear would immediately appear nearby. The bear had many names - Misha, Grandfather, Mikhailo Potapych, Master of the Forest, Clubfoot, Taptygin, Biryuk (from Sanskrit root ). Biruk, biruka - bhīruka - shy, fearful, lonely biryuk, lives in ber loge - in the "bear den".

Bears were called in Old Slavonic Komami and revered them as masters of the forest. Everyone knows the proverb "The first pancake is lumpy" previously written like this: "", through A.
In early spring, large, furry, angry and hungry bears woke up in the forest after hibernation, they were very dangerous, they had to be appeased with something. Once this time began among the Slavs Maslenitsa week, which in Old Slavonic was called komoeditsa. So they fed the bears that woke up in the spring with the first pancakes, throwing the first pancake on a tree.
And the sentence itself reads like this: “The first pancake is for coma, the second pancake is for acquaintances, the third pancake is for relatives, and the fourth pancake is for me.”

"From Rig Veda is known , that the original zoomorphic incarnation of the cloudy or spring sun was a horse and a horse's head, as a symbol of the speed with which the morning light spreads ... ".[About Yaril. 81-82].

In the pagan beliefs of the Proto-Slavic tribes, the Sun was depicted as Mountainous (Highest, Most High), moving across the sky. From the word " mountains niy" is the name of the pagan Slavic - Horse, Horos. The name of the Slavic solar god Khors, Horos - hṛṣ - is inextricably linked with fire and the sun. In the Rig Veda and in the pagan religion of the Slavs, the Sun was depicted as horse moving through the sky. In the Vedas hari= fiery color, hari= fiery colored horses of Indra; hari vant, the epithet of Indra - "provided with horses." In Sanskrit: Hrshu - hṛṣu - Agni, fire; Sun; - a quivering moment of delight, and the highest (highest) joy.

In ancient Russian Kyiv, the name Khorsa Dazhbog recorded in chronicle. In ancient Umbria, the name Horsa is written in the inscription, on the Iguvinian tables, as an epithet of a god.

The emblem of the sun god was everywhere a white horse,
white horses were sacrificed to him ( Ros(ss,s) and Rus(ss,s) - light) suit.

In Sanskrit, the Rig Veda: Kinvin, kindhin, kilkin - kinvin, kindhin, kilkin - horse, horse, (from the root "kin" - kin - horse) - "luminous, possessing brilliance." In Sanskrit, the Rig Veda: Knas - knas - shine, shine.(a related word in Russian: prince, princely, princely ...)

At the end of the VI-VII centuries. amulets-skates appear in the Volga-Vyatka and Volga-Kama interfluves. Usually, horse amulets are found in conjunction with other amulets: spoons, bells, combs, animal fangs, etc. Most often, these pendants were worn on special chains on the chest, left shoulder, less often - at the waist. At the end of the 12th century, hollow skating pendants with noisy pendants appeared; they exist in Ancient Rus' until the end of the XIV century, the collection of these pendants includes 260 items.

And in our time, the ancient Russian custom is not forgotten - decorate the roofs of houses with skates, images of one or two horse heads. In each house one could see the attributes of a horse team - horseshoes, bells, a horse skull served as a talisman for a pagan sanctuary, and horse skulls planted on fences around stables and barns protect herds from pestilence. The horse was often depicted on ancient Russian pendants and amulets of the 11th-13th centuries, the image of a horse was considered the strongest amulet of happiness and prosperity, protecting the home and the whole family from troubles and illnesses.

Wolf the ancient Slavs had a totem beast and called it a strange name Simargl .

In his "Word" Nestor, mentioning the pagan gods, writes as follows: "Believe in perun ... and in the sima, and roared"(according to the list of the XIV century), that is , and Semo (Semo) from the ancient Sabine: "glory, dignity, perfect." The ancient Slavic leaders called themselves Wolves. In ancient Russian Kyiv, Sim Yar = Yarovit, or Sim Ger = Gerovit, where "Sim" is "genius, demigod." Feronia (Heronia) = Gerunya or Yarunya. The son of Feronia - Herilus = Yarilo. Ἡρακλῆς - Hercules = Eryl- a representative of solar heat and light, a victorious champion of monsters that bring darkness and cold.

Semargl. St. George's Cathedral - 1234, Yuryev Polskoy, Vladimir region

Wolf-Simargl is a symbol of strength and justice among the ancient Slavs, victorious defender of light and sun, fighter against the monsters of darkness and cold.

The wolf and the she-wolf are symbols of the devoted love of monogamous, who either remain in a couple for life, or are single.

From the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. on the territory of the Slavs who lived in Danube basin (Danube, Czech Republic, Moravia), started expansion of the Celts, from Gaul going east. They were calledvolks-tectosages (volks - "lovers of wandering") from a Germanized name (German * Walhz < галльск.volcae, Celtic ethnonym Volcae-"wolves". The expansion of the Celts was accompanied by their cultural upsurge in Hallstatt skoe and later - in latent Russian time 4th-3rd centuries BC e.

From that moment began as called Celts initial Russian chronicle, reflecting the Germanic form.

Laurentian Chronicle: " ... more often to fight on zhiouschaia that. Volkhi and Sloveni sidhu bo that before Slovenia. And Volhve. priiasha the land of Slovensk, then Ougri drove away In l chi. and inherit the land [that].”

Slavs who retreated to the north, to the Vistula, carried away the Celts. The Celts and Celtic influences also went to the east, to the territory of the Right-bank Ukraine and the Northern Black Sea region. Galich, Galicia, Galicia probably close to the name of the Galatians.

Wolves-tectosages are known on the Vistula and in Galicia, in Volhynia - wolves are no longer directly traced, they act nerves, tribe under a different name. However, this is what it says about the neurons Herodotus:

“The Scythians and Hellenes living in Scythia say that once a year each of the neurons turns into a wolf for a few days and again becomes what it was ”(Herodoti historiae IV, 105. Rocognovit C. Hude. Oxonii, 1976).

In ancient ethnogeography, which has come down to us thanks to, they were located to the west of the Scythians, on the border with the Agathirs, that is, the Balkan world. Pliny and Ammianus Marcellinus mention Nervii at the origins of Borysthenes(Pripyat), and Nervii in Gaul.

Volks-tectosages spread in the Danube region not far from the Dacian tribes, etymologically - also "wolves". Slav. * vulk"wolf", which is completely absent in the anthroponymy (personal names) of most Slavic languages, is in the personal names of part of the southern Slavs - among the Serbs, Croats. Serb-Croatian: Vukobrat, Vukoman, Vukomil, Vukomir, Vukosav, Vukovoj, Bjeloruk, Dobrovuk, Milovuk

A special place is occupied by Slavic amulets in the form of snakes. In the Upper Volga region, in a burial mound of the 11th century in Zagorye, near the female skeleton, there were three bronze round slotted pendants, in the center of which was placed an image of a coiled snake, connected to the rim of the pendant by six rays.

Amulets in the form of snakes carved from iron plates were found in the mound of the village of Vasilki, Vladimir Region. There is no doubt that the image of the snake was given

At all times, the Slavs tried to protect themselves and their loved ones from evil, problems, slander, illness and mental anxiety with the help of amulets. If we touch on history, then the ancient Slavs worshiped the cult of the Sun, therefore Slavic amulets were always with solar signs, the main task of which is to protect the person wearing them.

You should not think that any amulet can protect a person, because there are no universal options, as, for example, in Christianity. In order for the amulet to serve as reliable protection, it must be properly selected. One of the clearest examples of Slavic amulets (individual) can be considered the solar sign of the Valkyrie, which was worn only by Slavic women who cared about protecting their kind and family. The charms of the Slavs have long been intended to create a kind of protective screen for a person, home, family from all sorts of troubles, illnesses and troubles.

Each Slavic amulet is individual, so it is important to select it not only for its beauty, but also for its value. Choosing a talisman is a complex process, requiring not only the definition of beauty criteria, but also basic knowledge about a particular type that will become a real helper, and not just another fashion accessory.

Each culture is characterized not only by its own epic and traditions, but also by its own system of esoteric images, in which, on the basis of the most elementary geometric figures, the foundations of being and worldview of representatives of a particular nationality are laid. We can safely say that symbols and emblems are an obligatory component of all religious denominations, communities and cultures.

Our Slavic ancestors had enough knowledge to compose their own

model of the device of the surrounding world. the brightest

the same shape as DNA. If we turn to the Sumerian epic Enuma Elish, then it clearly shows the connection between the Vedas ancient india, the basis of which can be safely considered Slavic traditions. This epic describes in sufficient detail the processes of the emergence of the solar system. Don't forget about
Mahabharata, which is written on the basis of the Perun Vedas. The history of the Slavs is full of secrets and mysteries, and anyone who wants to comprehend them should not just look at the pictures with Perun or Dazhbog, but really study the records and testimonies that have survived to our times in the epics of various countries. Unfortunately, some people, having seen and bought Slavic amulets, consider themselves descendants of the great Aryans, but this is not entirely true, because for them they are nothing more than a trinket, and such people have nothing to do with Slavic history.

These are far from all examples of the fact that the ancient Slavs had knowledge that modern mankind does not yet have. To maximize the preservation of knowledge gained over the centuries, symbols were used - simple images that are much more understandable knowing person than numerous volumes of libraries. By the way, paper media can easily be destroyed (just remember the Library of Alexandria), and a symbol applied to a talisman or just a stone will not be distorted by a certain vision and will retain its original meaning. Every descendant of the Slavs is simply obliged to know and understand the meaning of the foundations of ancient Slavic mythology, runes and amulets, because this is our history, no matter how hard they try to hide it behind Christian canons, it will remain a real story.

How to choose the right Slavic amulet

Slavic amulets and their meanings are a whole section of history, despite all simplicity and clarity at first glance. Everyone who decides to buy a Slavic amulet should know that it only benefits if it is charged on time and according to all the rules. In ancient times, this mission was undertaken by the Magi, who specialized in concentrating energy in the amulet. Today it is almost impossible to meet them, but this is not a reason to be upset - the amulet can be charged on its own if you follow a simple set of actions. You should not think that the process of loading the amulet resembles some kind of satanic actions with obligatory sacrifices, in most cases the forces of nature are used, unity with which for the Slavs has always been the most important magical ritual. In order for Slavic amulets to work to protect their owner, it is important to choose them correctly. Below are the main tips for choosing and using Slavic symbols in everyday life:

  1. ➡ It is necessary to choose a talisman rationally. It is not enough just to read about the amulet and its possible protection. It is worth spending more than one hour for a thorough study of each amulet, its properties, purpose, wearing rules and many other important points. It is important to initially determine the properties that the amulet should have. An important point is the metal from which it will be made - the most common is silver, as it combines the unique properties of cleaning, ionization, oxidation resistance and low cost, which is affordable for many
  2. ➡ If you are confident in your intuition before purchasing a talisman, then you can try to choose it, relying solely on it. But it is worth using intuition only if you have already carefully studied all the properties and effects of Slavic amulets. It is worth remembering that relying on "luck" does not always make sense, since the amulet is bought not to wear it for a couple of days, but for life. If you have any doubts about the purchase of a particular amulet, then it is better to consult with a specialist who will tell you everything in detail and help you choose the best option. It is important to understand that it is worth buying Slavic amulets from trusted manufacturers, not relying on merchants in the passages who offer symbols of the ancient Slavs of unknown origin and, at the same time, often with distorted runes and ancient signs;
  3. ➡ Slavic symbols on amulets are more than a beautiful and original decoration. This is a personal assistant, so after buying a talisman, pay attention to changes in life, starting from the moment of its constant wearing. Such actions are necessary in order to understand that the main task of the amulet is your protection, and if the amulet does not protect its owner, then you may have chosen it incorrectly or used it incorrectly. All Slavic amulets protect their owners, but evil thoughts at the stage of charging the amulet or its incorrect use can nullify the positive impact. The amulet is only a symbol of protection, it is an assistant in righteous deeds, but a person himself is the blacksmith of his own happiness. Your fate directly depends on the decisions you make and subsequent actions. If you want the amulet to truly protect from adversity and disaster, constantly work on yourself, improve yourself, comprehend the physical and spiritual components of Being. Only in this way the amulet will become an assistant in achieving the goals set for itself.

Male and female amulets

All Slavic amulets are divided into two main categories - for men and for women. The basis of any amulet is the symbol depicted on it, associated with certain forces of nature. Despite the fact that faith in higher powers and gods today is not as great as it was before, amulets are closely connected with higher powers that constantly affect a person. That is why it is important not only to choose the right amulet, but also to charge it with pure thoughts, constantly wear it and believe in its magical power. It just so happened that in the beliefs of the ancient Slavs there was a clear division into male and female patrons, therefore, amulets should be chosen in accordance not only with the month of birth, but also with gender. Silver is considered a traditional material for the manufacture of Slavic amulets, since this metal has unique properties of purification and durability.

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