Cold dermatitis - treatment of ointments and folk remedies, photos. Cold Dermatitis Treatment of Cold Dermatitis

When symptoms of the disease of cold dermatitis in a child or adult, a specific treatment is required on the skin. Unpleasant disease is considered a subspecies allergic Urban.may occur with complications and requires medical therapy. Doctors diagnose dermatitis in externally manifested signs, blood tests and pH metry.

What is cold dermatitis

If we speak in a simple language, cold dermatitis is an atypical allergy to the frost, manifested in the form of inflammation. A response of the skin during cooling are red itchy spots, peeling and cracking, runny nose, conjunctivitis. There is a cold-type dermatitis on face, own sinksah, neck, hands, legs, knees, in the folds of the body. It is important to diagnose allergies correctly, reveal the causes and eliminate the symptoms.

Symptoms of allergy to cold

Highlight general symptoms Allergy to the cold characteristic of its localization on any parts of the body of an adult and a child:

  • dry peeling dark red or burgundy spots of up to five centimeters;
  • itching, burning, cracks, a crust is formed;
  • sneezing, runny nose, burning in the eyes, tearing;
  • may be accompanied by conjunctivitis of non-infectious origin.

As the allergy to the cold manifests itself: after cold exposure, the skin is covered with specks that pass in the warm room, but replaced with reinforced rhinitis. If a person's stay with signs of allergies in frosty conditions is long, it will begin to choke - an asthma will appear when inhalation of cold air will appear, his mucous meal will appear.

On hands

Atypical cold allergies on the hands of an adult and the child manifests itself with standard signs: open parts of the limbs (or for a long time cooled) blush, become slightly swelling. With the continuation of the cold exposure, itching small blisters of different sizes appear, by type of burdens or mosquito bite, midges. Over time, they crack, form bubbles, burst, exposing the mocking areas of the skin.

On the face

The cold allergy on the face is considered the most common due to the low protection of this part of the body from the frost. The manifestation of dermatitis is possible even in the fall - the wind, frost, the decrease in temperature affect the appearance of red or pink itchy spots with a diameter of 1-4 cm. Cold Harus May give the face roughness. The symptoms of dermatitis on the frost appear immediately - after 5-10 minutes, when the cooling is continued.

The stains increase in size, form foci with a bright border of their relief, become bluish color. Then they develop into bubble rashes that wet and squeeze. After returning to the heat, dermatitis passes, the skin pale, but with long-term finding in the cold, the swelling of the larynx, lips, mucous and suffocation is added. On the ears, the manifestation of dermatitis of cold type is similar to the face, but they freeze even faster. In case of failure to measures, necrosis of tissues may develop.

On foot

Atypical allergies to the cold on the legs are rarely manifested because the skin is protected by clothing. From the cold exposure suffer from the shin, the inner part of the hips and the area under the knees - skin Covers Harfish. Red itchy spots are not cracking, not moat, pass one hour after eliminating the unfavorable factor. With long-term cold depression, drowsiness can develop, dry vomiting, dizziness, appetite loss, a slight increase in temperature.

Causes of cold allergies

Today, dermatologists and allergologists continue to study the causes of cold allergies. There are three theories why frost so adversely affects the human body:

  1. The cold impact forms a rapid spasm of peripheral capillaries, as a result, the blood supply to the epidermis is violated and an inflammatory response is developing.
  2. When the temperature decreases, some people combine the skin structure proteins. The resulting substances are strong irritants of the body, provoke the production of histamines and mediators of inflammation, dermatitis develops. When heating, unstable connections are disintegrated, allergies disappear.
  3. People suffering from cold allergies have insufficient fat or rare surface surfaces. When cooled from it, moisture evaporates, dehydrated cells are exfoliated, the surface is cracking, leading to dermatitis.

The main provoking factors for the occurrence of dermatitis from cold doctors are called the following:

  • impairment of immunity;
  • bad habits;
  • gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers, dysbacteriosis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis;
  • foci of chronic infection: sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis, periodontitis, caries;
  • cold impact on internal organs and infections: cystitis, pyelonephritis, salpingitis, vaginitis;
  • elderly age Or, on the contrary, the cold manifestation of allergies suffer from breast kids, but with mature it passes, like diathesis;
  • women sick dermatitis more often.

You can independently determine the tendency of your body to the dermatitis of the cold type to avoid consequences and problems in the future. For study, press for a small period of time to the elbow spin of a piece of snow or ice. When painting the site, you can talk about the danger of dermatitis. In addition to this test, it is necessary to pay attention to the skin reaction during the cold exposure - red spots and dryness indicate a tender's tendency.

Diagnosis of cold dermatitis

It is impossible to call a dangerous disease, but without treatment, dermatitis brings discomfort to patients due to the inestticism of the appearance of the skin. Plus, the threat of skin infection through cracks and the formation of pigment spots and scars after healing appear. The diagnosis of cold dermatitis is carried out by a dermatologist. After examining and interviewing the patient, he will hold a pH-metry, establish an acid-alkaline skin balance and will make a dermatoscopy, explores the epidermis to exclude oncology.

On pH-metry, you can see what the dermatitis could cause, eliminate the influence of the fungus or the manifestation of psoriasis. Some doctors prescribe a patient survey at a gastroenterologist to detect chronic diseases. When studying the doctor's allergies, you can send a patient to a urologist, a gynecologist or a otolaryngologist. In severe cases, you will need to pass blood, urine and feces to explore possible causes of dermatitis.

Allergy treatment for cold

Diverse Methods and Methods Includes medical treatment Allergy to cold. Comprehensive therapy In the form of taking tablets, the use of external ointments and getting rid of chronic diseases will help cope with the signs of dermatitis and eliminate the disease. How to treat allergies to the cold:

  • conduct symptomatic therapy that will help get rid of dermatitis (antihistamines - tablets and sprays);
  • accelerate the healing of cracks and wet spots ointments, gels, creams;
  • take vitamins, eliminate dysbacteriosis;
  • revise cosmetic skin care - turn on fat creams, careful cleansing agents.



Soothing inflammation on the skin and neurodermatitis will help the ointment of cold dermatitis. Without prescription, your doctor can use zinc ointment, Bepanten, Skin-Cap or Gel Phenistil - they eliminate the manifestations of allergies and heal itching sections. When accessing a doctor, you can get a recipe with antihistamine ointments with hormone content, we need to use them strictly according to the instructions, not exceeding the amount and duration of the course. Bold cream will help protect the skin from dermatitis before cold exposure.

Treatment of cold dermatitis by folk remedies

Along with traditional cold dermatitis treatment is carried out folk remedies To reduce the consequences:

  • tincture to increase skin resistance to cold influence - Mix nine, altea root, licorice, pour boiling water and insist 10 hours, drink 100 ml, in three receptions;
  • take dried and crushed boiled chicken egg shell - on a teaspoon three times a day, contraindications - allergies to eggs and childhood;
  • drinks in the mornings on an empty stomach of a decoction of field horsetail of 40 drops for a month to eliminate signs of allergies;
  • before cold influence and at night, take the decoction of the raspberry root.


It is completely impossible to protect against the disease, but the prevention of cold dermatitis will help to cope with the partial manifestation of allergies. Recommended:

  • half an hour before the exit to the street lubricate the face and hands with a fat nutritious cream;
  • fit the frost only in warm clothes, a hat, glove, protect the face with a volume scarf;
  • when exacerbating dermatitis do not drink cold water, cooled drinks, products;
  • moisten the skin of the hands during the day, install the air humidifier in the house to eliminate dust - source of allergies;
  • compliance with the diet appointed by an allergist;
  • falling the course of vitamins in the fall;
  • eliminate allergens from the diet from food - citrus juices, chocolate, nuts, radish, horseradish;
  • after consulting a gastroenterologist to take a course of admission mineral water Essentuki to eliminate the disorder of the tract possible cause dermatitis;
  • harden contrast shower or baths to increase body resistance to cold influence;
  • pour infections, pathology - causes of dermatitis.

Stock Foto Cold allergies on hands

These are inflammatory changes in skin, developing as a response to cooling it. It is manifested in the form of red spots of spots, the surface of which is prone to peeling and the formation of cracks. Cold dermatitis is localized on face, ears, neck, hands, knees or hips. It may be accompanied by a runny nose and conjunctivitis. The diagnosis of cold dermatitis includes a pH-metry of the skin and dermatoscopy, additional examinations of the patient for identifying chronic infectious foci or digestion disorders. The treatment is to eliminate cold exposure, correction of concomitant disorders, the appointment of antihistamine preparations and means that improve blood circulation.


L50.2. The urticaria caused by the impact of low or high temperatures


Cold dermatitis is an inflammatory skin reaction in response to the effects of cold. In addition to him, the cold can provoke a number of pathological reactions in the human body. Thus, when exposed to cold, a skin reaction in the form of urticaria, cold rhinitis and cold conjunctivitis can develop. Known clinical form Bronchial asthma, in which attacks provokes inhalation of frosty air (cold asthma).

The reasons

Symptoms of cold dermatitis

Cold dermatitis is characterized by the appearance of dry peeling dark red or bordeed spots in open areas of the skin of the skin of 2-5 cm. Their appearance is accompanied by pronounced itching and burning. Over time, cracks appear on the surface of the spots, the formation of a crust. Most often, the skin of the face, ear shells, neck and hands are exposed to cold damage. Sometimes the rashes of cold dermatitis are localized on closed, but the most sensitive to cold, areas of the skin - on the knees and the inner surface of the hips.

The manifestations of cold dermatitis may be accompanied by chichany and watery discharge from the nose (cold runny nose), a feeling of burning in the eyes and tear (cold conjunctivitis), which are held in the warm room.


The diagnosis of cold dermatitis is established when identifying typical spots on the skin and a clearly traceable connection of their appearance with the effects of cold. Additionally, dermatoscopy of elements and measuring rh-leather is carried out. To eliminate the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and the presence of chronic foci of infection, the dermatologist can give a direction to the gastroenterologist, a otolaryngologist, urologist or gynecologist. When identifying relevant indications, the patient is carried out by abdominal ultrasound, gastroscopy, duodenal probing, rhinoscopy, pharyngoscopy, kidney ultrasound, gynecological ultrasound, Cala and urine bapposev, feces analysis on dysbacteriosis, bacteriological examination of the smear from the zea and other surveys.

Cold dermatitis differentiate from psoriasis and dermatitis of other etiology: atopic, drug, simple and allergic contact dermatitis. Cold dermatitis needs to be distinguished from cold urticaria, which is manifested on the skin of intensively bubble bubble elements.

Treatment of cold dermatitis

Therapy of cold dermatitis, as well as the prevention of its appearance, is mainly in protecting the skin from the effects of cold. First of all, it is warm clothing, gloves, hats and scarves. Protecting the skin helps the application of a fat nutritional cream on open areas of the skin 30-40 minutes before leaving the warm room to the cold. Patients with cold dermatitis must also avoid contact with cold water and eliminate the reception of cold products (drinks, ice cream). To combat dry skin, air indoor air should be moisturized and apply special cosmetic products for daily skin care.

Antihistamines, vitamins (C, A, RR, E), drugs that improve microcirculation and peripheral blood circulation are used in the treatment of cold dermatitis. The elimination of the infection hearth and the elimination of violations in the work of the gastrointestinal organs is important.

Maintaining Top AllergyCurge Curly Peacefulness on Listeless Color Face-Defense Leather Leather Skin "Chopki" on the skin of the Detracks on the Gubacies in the corners of the lips in the winter months the skin of the face, lips and hands like under the sight - it is attacked by cold, "evil" gusty wind, snow, temperature differences . And in the room, the epidermis suffers from the underwent air emanating from the heating devices of the heat. To preserve the health and beauty of the skin, you need to know with what problems it is most often fabulous in the most fabulous season. Medaboutme will tell how to help the epidermis when it serves SOS signals in winter.

Cold allergy

This trouble may hit any open areas of the body, not only a face or hand. Cold wretched manifests itself like blistering rashes or simple red spots. Sometimes allergic reaction It is expressed on the cold in the form of edema or burning, peeling. The response of the body to the stimulus can be very disturbed by a person, deliver tangible discomfort.

What to do?

For the treatment of cold allergies, it is necessary to consult a doctor. As a rule, antihistamines and special protective equipment for leather are prescribed for its elimination. To reduce the risk of the emergence of a negative reaction to the frost, the cold wind needs to be long-term to strengthen the immune system and, if possible, avoid stress. Stress-resistant people with strong immune defense It is less likely to be dangerous to the occurrence of cold boak.

Cooperose skin

Although Cupperosis is not a seasonal phenomenon, it is in winter a strong redness of the skin of the face is most worried about women and men. This problem appears due to circulatory disorders, extending vessels, usually it is hereditary. In the cold season blood vessels Thread, the load on them is enhanced. And in addition to redness of the skin, Cooperoz can remind itself with the appearance of a capillary grid. The next stage of the problem becomes a rosacea or pink acne.

What to do?

Cooperosis is easiest to prevent anyone to treat consequences. It is advisable to begin preparations for the cold in advance for the prevention you need to strengthen the vessels. To increase their elasticity, make an emphasis on contrasting washouts, regularly rub the face with ice cubes, apply creams with extract horse chestnut, vitamins C, RR, K. These substances also strengthen the walls of the vessels. And with the already occurring Cooperoza, go to cosmetics for sensitive skin, try to easily eat acute food, alcohol, foods with caffeine content.

Winter skin problems are brighter than all in January, when the reserves of vitamins have long been exhausted, and the cold is only enhanced. The painful and dry skin is in the painful and dry skin, and oily - calmer. Due to seasonal jumps, dry skin are rapidly aging, so special attention needs to be careful. Do not forget that due to low temperatures song hardware slows down. So fat skin of the person can temporarily become combined and even normal in its type.

Inflammation on the face

Especially suffer from redness, inflammation of the skin in winter winners of dry and light skin. In the cold season, there are different reasons for such a problem. The main of them is the wrong face care. Inflammation appears with excessive hobbies with fatty creams. Instead of proper nutrition, these tools are clocked. Also, inflammation may arise due to applying moisturizing cosmetics on the face before going to the cold.

What to do?

For the prevention of inflammation, refuse frequent washbasins, using alcohol-containing lotions, tonic. It is better to use fifts and gentle gels to carefully delete contaminants. And be sure to take care of the exfoliation of dead cells, the use of suitable protective agents. As in the summer, it is impossible to touch the face on the street with hands. To remove the already arisen inflammation, add cosmetics with zinc content, salicylic acidEucalyptus oil.

Dusty color face

In the winter months, the skin of the face may suffer from a lack of vitamins and oxygen. We try less likely to go outside in cold weather, so as not to freeze. Instead of long walks, we protect against frosts in heated, often stuffed premises. Therefore, skin covers lose radiance, beautiful blush. The blood circulation of the epidermis worsens, because of which the skin becomes gray and lifeless. Plus, the lack of the sun naturally leads to stress, which is also one of the enemies of the blooming species.

What to do?

To improve the color of the face in the winter, review your diet. It needs to add more rich in vitamins products. The most important for the health and beauty of the skin is considered vitamins C, E, groups B, RR and other substances. You will not be mistaken if you can regularly eat yellow and orange vegetables, fruits, kiwi and broccoli, cereal and dairy products, fish, liver. And try to drink more clean water! You can also help the skin using homemade cosmetics. To enhance blood circulation, peelings should be made. After removing dead particles, it is desirable to complete the beauty session by applying a mask with a moisturizing effect.

Tempered skin

In the cold season, a high test for the skin becomes a meeting with cold wind. The situation exacerbates low air humidity. And although the tempering of the skin of the face, lips and hands does not appear only in winter, it is in frosts that such a problem delivers the most trouble. The epidermis cracks and grisges, redness and swelling appear on the surface of the cover. The weathered skin is sometimes even similar to the burnt, negative changes occur due to the rapid leather drying. The covers lose moisture, the activity of the sebaceous glands is broken, as a result, a person faces discomfort.

What to do?

For the prevention of dying, it is necessary to properly care for the skin in the winter. It is important to abandon the washing of simple water, it is better to clean the face with milk, cosmetic cream. For dry skin, olive oil is wiping. For half an hour before going out into the street, you must apply a dense layer of the nutrient cream on the face, concealer. At home and in the office, use air humidifiers. And for strong wind Do not forget to protect your skin with a scarf.

Peeling and dryness

Dehydration of the skin in winter is the standard problem with many people. Especially - owners of sensitive and dry skin. Such skin covers are rapidly damaged during the cold season, thinned. They affect both frost and wind on the street and dry air at home, in the office, public transport. The first signal indicating skin dehydration is peeling.

What to do?

For the prophylaxis of peeling, you need to thoroughly feed and moisturize the skin. But moisturizing means must be used before bedtime, and not before entering the street. In the composition of the nutrient cosmetics should be present bone essential oils. The feeling of the strut will remove the thermal water. Scrubs and peelings with dryness should be applied as less as possible. Be sure to eat fat fish, nuts, seeds and avocado - they are rich in fatty acids necessary to protect the skin from peeling. Highly flavored face skin will return to the life of mesotherapy.

Skin irritation

Most often with irritation of the skin in winter, lovers of winter sports are facing. For example, skiers or runners. Because of a long time in the fresh air, their skin is exposed not only to the effects of wind and frost, but also ultraviolet rays. Such a "cocktail" invariably leads to irritation - its symptoms resemble easy frostbite. The skin is covered with red spots, itching and tingling appears.

What to do?

To remove irritation after long walks, you need to use cosmetics with regenerating action. Decpenshenol must be present in their composition - this component will calm down, will help the epidermis to recover. And to protect the skin from winter irritation, use products that protect both frost and sun. It can be special cosmetics for athletes. Or - combination of several means. For example, a protective cream and cream with high levels SPF.

"Chickey" on the skin of the hands in winter for the prevention of influenza and ORVI, we try to wash your hands more often, because of which the skin cracks, covered with cracks and "chickey". They spoil appearance Hands, plus such phenomena deliver tangible discomfort. "Goose" skin becomes also due to lack of vitamins, a sharp temperature difference, wind. Chopping nutritious creams can not always cope with this problem. It is necessary to approach her solution comprehensively to make hands soft, gentle.

What to do?

To get rid of the "chickey", you must first take care of the cleaning of the skin of the hands, and then - about its nutrition, moisture, protection. For exfoliation of oroging particles, use scrubs and peelings at least once a week. Pleight the skin with masks, and after washing sure to put creams in the hands with the wax content, cocoa butter, vitamin E. Do not forget to wear gloves, even if the street is slurry! For express restoration of the cracked hands, it is possible to use paraffin therapy, baths with oils and other "fast" beauty treatments.

Cracks on Gubach

The cracking of the skin of the lips appears for the same reasons as the tempering of the face. However, the main provoking factors are complemented by the fact that there are no lips sebaceous glandswhose secret could protect gentle covers. We also often lick lips into windy weather, resulting in cracking. The skin of the lips becomes cravive and due to lack of vitamins. In the presence of cracks, skin buses are blushing and inflated, peeling and other unpleasant symptoms appear.

What to do?

Be sure to use hygienic lipsticks, lip balms. If possible, for a while, give up the use of brilliants, instead you can use lipstick with dense textures. They will create an additional barrier to protect against wind and cold. It is only important that cosmetics do not dried his lips. Clean the skin with peels and scrubs in a timely manner, follow the lips massage and use the nutrient masks. For example, with honey.

Hygienic lipstick or colorless balm can be used not only to protect the skin of the lips. These cosmetics are also suitable for eliminating peeling on dry skin. Sometimes lubricate damaged lip balm sites overnight - in the morning skin covers will delight you soft.

Singing in the corners of the lips, except for cracks, the skin of the lips can be disturbed by another problem. These are snacks in the corners of the lips or Angulitis. The appearance of the ailment is associated with different reasons, in most cases - with a lack of vitamins of group V. In winter, avitaminosis is sharpened, to seasonal provoking factors include a decrease in immunity, hypothermia, permanent licking. The snakes begin with redness of the corners of the mouth, the next stage of Angulitis is the appearance of bubbles with purulent liquid.

What to do?

Like many other winter problems, it is easier to prevent. The preventive complex must include the revision of the diet. The menu should be diverse, it must be removed from it all sharp, smoked and salted, alcohol. Protect the lips from the wind by hygienic lipstick. If the ailment has already appeared, it is necessary to treat it with ointments with antibacterial, antimicrobial components after receiving a doctor's appointment.

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