How to use Miramistin for intimate hygiene. Suppositories with Miramistin instructions for use

Women's diseases - an unpleasant and costly thing. I would like to use multifunctional drugs for treatment, and not use a dozen narrowly targeted suppositories, ointments and tablets.

One of these multitasking drugs is the Miramistin antiseptic. The drug is used in the treatment of purulent skin lesions, rehabilitation of wound surfaces, for the treatment of fungal diseases, in gynecology, urology, in surgical and dental practice.

Everything for space. The history of the drug

The fact that terrestrial microorganisms feel great in zero gravity, scientists have long understood. And they also reproduce remarkably and behave even more aggressively than on Earth.

The cosmonauts needed a universal antiseptic. The complexity of the research was that the drug was supposed to act on different kinds microorganisms and fungi, but be safe for humans. Don't be addictive.

The 80s of the last century are considered the beginning of the development of Miramistin. And in 1991, the drug was launched into mass production. The first trial batches of the drug were produced under the trade name "Infacept".

A little later, the familiar name appeared - the solution was called "Miramistin".

The drug "Miramistin" is supplied in the form of a ready-made solution. The drug is released in the form of an ointment, but it is rare in pharmacies.

The concentration of the active substance in the miramistin solution is only 0.01%, therefore, the solution does not need to be further diluted. The solution is available in 0.1 L, 0.2 L or 0.5 L bottles.

The ointment is produced in tubes of 15 g. 1 g of the ointment contains 5 mg of miramistin in terms of dry matter. Ointment "Miramistin" is most often used in dermatological practice.

Indications for the use of Miramistin in gynecology:

  • "Miramistin" is prescribed in the treatment of vaginal pathologies of inflammatory genesis;
  • fungal infection - candidiasis;
  • inflammatory processes on the uterine mucosa;
  • trauma, wound lesions in the postpartum period;
  • prophylactically - for the treatment of STDs, complications in the birth and postpartum period.

The drug "Miramistin" has proven itself so well that the period of lactation and pregnancy is not a contraindication for its use.

Side effects in gynecology manifested themselves only in the form of individual intolerance.

Noted side effect only when using the ointment. After treatment with Miramistin, burning sensation, redness may occur. skin... But these phenomena go away on their own and do not need to cancel the drug or the use of antihistamines.

Pharmacinetics - how the drug works

Miramistin is not absorbed into the mucous membranes and skin. It has an exclusively local disinfecting effect. A feature of Miramistin is that it makes even resistant hospital strains of viruses, fungi and bacteria less resistant to antibiotics.

The drug enters the cells of the pathogen and destroys the intercellular membranes. "Miramistin" acts on various types of staphylococcus, streptococcus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella. "Miramistin" is used in the form complex therapy in the treatment of herpes viruses, human immunodeficiency virus.

Application in gynecology

The correct use of the drug in gynecological practice will be the key to a speedy recovery. The method of application should be discussed with your doctor.

  1. Cotton or gauze swabs. This method of administration is used for vaginitis, colpitis, endometritis. The tampon is abundantly moistened with Myrmistin solution and inserted into the vagina. The course of treatment is 7 days. But it can be extended according to indications.
  2. Douching with Miramistin solution. Irrigation of the vagina and perineum is recommended as the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, fungal infections. Used after intercourse. After douching, it is advisable not to go to the toilet and not wash yourself for 2 hours.

  3. Electrophoresis "Miramistina". Electrophoresis is a delivery drug to the affected area with an electric current. This method of administration of the drug is prescribed for diseases of the small pelvis. Prescribed as part of complex therapy. On average, 10 sessions of electrophoresis are performed.
  4. When treating urethritis, "Miramestin" is injected into the urethra. This route of administration is also used for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
  5. Ointment "Miramistin" is practically not used in gynecology. The drug is applied to the wound surface in the treatment of suppuration in postoperative period in the perineum, postpartum trauma.

The ointment can be applied directly to the wound, or it can be applied to a gauze pad that will cover the affected area. The duration of the use of "Miramistin" is determined individually.

Miramistin. Patient reviews

What do the women who used Miramistin write? The reviews are very positive. If we calculate the proportion, then the reviews of dissatisfied patients make up only 1% of the total number of users.

That is, 99% of patients were satisfied after treatment with Miramistin both in gynecological practice and for the treatment of ENT organs, purulent wounds, herpes virus, acne rash.

On my own behalf, I would like to note that "Miramistin" treated her daughter. A child at the age of one and a half years caught stomatitis - somewhere he pulled something into his mouth. The Miramistin solution was used to lubricate the mouth and gums. After 2 days, we forgot about stomatitis.


  • The drug is multifunctional and affordable for the average person. It is able to enhance the effect of antibiotics and suppress even resistant hospital strains of bacteria and viruses.
  • Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician.
  • Well tolerated by patients. Side effects after using Miramistin are extremely rare.
  • Thanks to the space industry for the excellent development!

Latin name:Miramistin
ATX code: D08AJ
Active substance:Miramistin
Manufacturer: Infamed, Russia
Pharmacy dispensing condition: Without recipe

Miramistin is a drug with a wide spectrum of action, it is recommended to be taken for the prevention and treatment of external and internal infections.

Indications for use

The drug is indicated for use in such cases:

  • Gynecology and obstetrics: carrying out preventive and therapeutic procedures aimed at eliminating suppuration in the injured perineal area, stopping the inflammatory process, treating infections after childbirth
  • Traumatology and surgery: treatment of purulent wound surfaces, prevention of suppuration, therapeutic therapy for purulent inflammatory process musculoskeletal system
  • Dentistry: preventive measures, medical procedures for inflammatory diseases oral cavity infectious nature (stomatitis, periodontitis, gingivitis, periodontitis), hygienic care of dentures
  • Combustiology: therapeutic therapy for severe burns (2 and 3 degrees), preparatory treatment of the burn surface before dermaplasty
  • Urology: treatment for urethritis, cystitis or urethroprostatitis (acute or chronic form), if the disease is caused by specific and non-specific pathogenic microorganisms
  • Dermatology, as well as venereology: carrying out therapeutic and preventive procedures aimed at eliminating fungal lesions of the skin, as well as mucous membranes
  • Otorhinolaryngology: treatment of otitis media (acute and chronic form), tonsillitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, and pharyngitis

The drug can be used for the purpose individual prevention sexually transmitted diseases (including genital candidiasis and herpes, chlamydia, syphilis, trichomoniasis, and gonorrhea).

It is also possible to prescribe the drug Miramistin for children, starting from the age of three, with an acute course of pharyngitis or with exacerbations of tonsillitis.


The main active ingredient of this drug is miramistin. There are no other auxiliary substances in Miramistin.

Healing properties

Due to its antimicrobial properties, Miramistin kills hospital strains of bacteria that are insensitive to the action of antibacterial drugs.

The medicine has a bactericidal effect against a number of gram-positive, gram-negative pathogenic microorganisms (anaerobes and anaerobes), axomycetes, fungal flora, dermatophytes.

In addition, the drug has antiviral properties, having a detrimental effect on herpes viruses, as well as human immunodeficiency.

During the use of the drug, it is possible to prevent infection of burn and wound surfaces and accelerate regeneration processes that stimulate the work of local immunity by activating the function of phagocytes.

The use of the drug helps to improve the functioning of the monocyte-macrophage system. Hyperosmolar activity helps to stop the inflammatory process and prevent the spread of infection. During treatment with the drug, you can observe the rapid adsorption of suppuration, after which a dry scab is actively formed. Along with this, no damage to granulation and a negative effect on healthy skin cells were revealed, and there was no inhibition of marginal epithelialization.

The drug does not cause allergic manifestations in the vagina (for example, like suppositories) and irritation after application on the skin.

Miramistin solution

Price from 185 to 746 rubles.

A clear, colorless solution with 0.01% Miramistin content is available in a polyethylene bottle with a volume of 50 ml, 150 ml and 500 ml.

Instructions for using the solution

When using the solution topically, it is recommended to moisten a gauze napkin with it and apply over the burn or infected wound surface, then an occlusive dressing should be formed. After surgery for osteomyelitis, it is necessary to well irrigate the wound surface medicinal solution directly through the drainage system, after which tamponing can be carried out.

Using Miramistin in gynecology in order to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, an intimate hygiene procedure should be carried out, and then the genitals should be carefully treated with a cotton swab moistened with a solution. Douching of the vagina can be performed using a dose of 5-10 ml of solution. After the procedures, you can use antibacterial candles. For men, intraurethral administration of 1 ml is recommended. Such procedures should be carried out no more than 2 hours after intimacy.

Inflammatory processes of female genital orans are treated by intravaginal administration of tampons moistened with Miramistin in the same way as candles.

With purulent otitis media, a solution of 1 ml is injected directly into the ear canal.

With sinusitis, the washing procedure maxillary sinus the nose is carried out after the removal of pus.

How to gargle with Miramistin

Gargling is carried out for laryngitis, tonsillitis or tonsillitis 4 to 6 times throughout the day. The duration of use of the drug is determined individually by the attending physician after assessing the general condition of the patient.

Miramistin spray

Price from 227 to 374 rubles.

The preparation in the form of a spray is represented by a 0.01% solution in a 50 ml and 150 ml bottle with a spray nozzle.

Instructions for using the spray

It is recommended to use a spray for angina, as well as other colds... Visible therapeutic effect from medical procedures will occur during the treatment of the disease on early stage (nasal congestion, sore throat). After the disappearance of the sore throat and nasal discharge, it is worth contacting a doctor who will evaluate the therapeutic effectiveness of the treatment.

You can use the spray for children from the age of six, the procedure for irrigating the oral cavity is performed 3-4 times throughout the day by pressing the dispenser once. For children 7-14 years old, the frequency of use of the spray is 3 to 4 times over 24 hours, irrigation is carried out by double-clicking on the bottle. The duration of treatment with Miramistin is 4-10 days. At the initial stages, discomfort in the mouth and mild pain at the irrigation site are possible.

When preventing influenza, it is necessary to process the mucous membranes of the mouth once a day.

With urethritis, cystitis and urethroprostatitis in men, intraurethral application of the spray is indicated after intimate hygiene. The daily doses of the drug are from 2 to 5 ml, the procedures are carried out three times throughout the day.

Miramistin - Darnitsa ointment

Price from 83 to 158 rubles.

The preparation in the form of an ointment is represented by a homogeneous whitish substance. The drug is released in aluminum tubes containing 15 g or 30 g of ointment. A cardboard box contains 1 tube, instructions.

Instructions for using the ointment

In the treatment of purulent wounds and burn surfaces of the 1st degree, it is recommended to use the ointment once within 24 hours. At the first signs of healing of skin wounds, it is recommended to apply the medicine once for 24 or 72 hours.

The duration of treatment is determined by the degree of wound healing and the speed at which they are cleared of pus. With deep localization of the infection, it is possible to prescribe the drug Miramistin with antibacterial agents. During the entire course of taking the antibiotic, it is recommended to regularly apply the ointment to the infected wound.

For dermatological diseases, the ointment should be applied in an even thin layer to the affected skin surface. You can also apply a gauze bandage and ointment to the wound.

During the treatment of dermatomycosis, it is recommended to use Miramistin with agents that have antimicrobial properties (for example, with Griseofulvin). Before therapy, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for detaching the nail plate.

The highest daily dosage of the drug in the form of an ointment should not exceed 100 g.

Application during pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is possible to take the drug for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes during pregnancy and lactation if there are serious indications for use. When rinsing the throat and instilling the nose with a solution during pregnancy, the risk of the active substance entering the systemic circulation is minimal.

How exactly to carry out the procedure for instilling the nose and washing the throat, as well as the use of which medication is preferable, should be clarified with the attending physician. During treatment, there is a need for regular monitoring of the condition of the pregnant woman.


Taking the drug is contraindicated in patients with excessive susceptibility to miramistin.


During the use of the drug, no mutagenic effects of Miramistin were detected.

Contact of the drug Miramistin with the mucous membranes of the eyes should be excluded. The possibility of using a drug in ophthalmology is determined exclusively by a specialist.

Cross-drug interactions

The combination of this medication with antibacterial agents (suppositories, tablets) may increase their antibacterial properties.

The possibility of using the drug Miramistin with antibiotics for cystitis should be clarified with the attending physician.

You can learn about cystitis, diagnosis and treatment of cystitis

Side effects

Adverse reactions during therapy with Miramistin are very rarely diagnosed. In some cases, when treating the wound surface and after douching with cystitis, minor pains and a slight burning sensation may occur. Unpleasant symptoms go away on their own; drug treatment is not canceled. Side effects can be seen in the form of skin allergies.


At the moment, there have been no registered cases of overdose of this drug. It is worth remembering that if you use Miramistin with antibacterial agents for local use, it is possible that the active substance gets into the general bloodstream, which reduces the rate of blood clotting. In the presence of bleeding, it is worth reducing the dosage of the medication or completing the treatment

Conditions and shelf life

The solution and ointment must be stored in compliance with the temperature regime (no more than 25 C. The shelf life of the solution is 3 years, the ointment is 2 years.


Yuria-Pharm, Ukraine

average price - 266 rubles.

Dekasan is a drug with antiseptic properties. The drug can be used to treat and prevent infection of the skin, genitourinary organs, and the respiratory system. Active substance antiseptic solution represented by decamethoxin. The medicine is available in ampoules and vials of various dosages.


  • Available without a prescription
  • The drug can be used to treat children from the third year of life
  • Effective in the treatment of respiratory diseases, with cystitis.


Every woman at least once in her life has faced gynecological problems and diseases that cause discomfort, and sometimes even embarrass.

But not many people know that these problems can be solved with the help of a drug such as Miramistin, which is easy to purchase at any pharmacy without a prescription form and for little money.

What is Miramistin for?

Miramistin is an excellent antiseptic agent that has a deadly effect on both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

It is also active against almost all pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases, such as trypanosomiasis and others.

Antifungal effect is also characteristic of this drug in diseases such as dermatophytosis, and others.

In addition, Miramistin is able to activate the body's nonspecific immune response, which significantly accelerates the tightening of wounds, burn surfaces and other injuries.

The drug enhances the effect of most antibiotics, and also reduces the resistance of microorganisms to the latter.

It has a hyperosmolar effect, thus pulling on pathological types of exudate and accelerating the formation of dry scab tissue.

It does not have the ability to be absorbed through the skin and damaged areas into the bloodstream, which makes it relatively harmless for pregnant women, as well as children of all ages.

A separate and important property of Miramistin is its destructive effect on the so-called "hospital" microorganisms, which are distinguished by their particularly high virulence (ability to cause illness), as well as strong enough resistance to many antibacterial agents.

Forms of drug release

Miramistin is produced in the following types:

  1. Liquid for external use in a working dilution of 0.01% - produced in polyethylene bottles with a volume of 50 ml with a nozzle and 200 ml with an aerosol spray.
  2. 0.5% ointment - produced in tubes of 15g and 30g, as well as in plastic jars of 50g, 100g and 1000g.
  3. Liquid for disinfection of the mouth and throat - produced in bottles with a volume of 150 ml.
  4. Drops for the treatment of otolaryngological pathologies. (Okomistin and others).

Indications for use of Miramistin

Miramistin is used in many areas of medicine:

  • In surgery and traumatology: for disinfection of infected, skin lesions in the presence of purulent exudate, as well as for secondary processing wounds at the stage of granulation;
  • In otolaryngology: for the comprehensive treatment of sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, different forms tonsillitis, as well as uncomplicated otitis media. The drug is allowed to be used by children by inhalation during acute respiratory diseases. For children under 12 years old, the drug is mixed with 0.9% saline in a ratio of 1: 2;
  • Therapeutic treatment of burn surfaces II and III degree as well as for preparing fresh burns for skin grafting. Sufficiently effective in the treatment of sunburn;
  • In dental practice: for the healing of stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, as well as in order to prevent the occurrence of infectious processes after surgical interventions on the mucous surfaces of the mouth. In addition to all of the above, this medicine used for cleaning and disinfecting dentures;
  • In ophthalmology: use eye dropswhich contain 0.01% miramistin. They are effective in most viral, bacterial, as well as fungal keratitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis. It is also allowed to use miramistin for purulent-inflammatory folliculitis (popularly called barley) in children over 3 years of age;
  • In obstetric and gynecological practice: for the treatment of vulvovaginitis, cervical erosion, disinfection of postpartum injuries, including those infected, as well as the prevention of infections caused by the process of childbirth;
  • In urology: for the comprehensive treatment of various forms of cystitis, inflammatory processes of the urethra, as well as urethroprostatitis caused by chlamydia, Trichomonas, gonococci and other bacteria susceptible to the influence of miramistin;
  • In venereology: for prevention and general treatment diseases transmitted through sexual contact: trichomoniasis, candidiasis, gonorrhea;
  • In dermatology: for prevention and general therapy mycoses of the feet and large muscle folds, fungal pathologies of the skin and mucous surfaces, onychomycosis, keratomycosis, as well as strepto- and staphyloderma. It is advisable to understand that in this case, Miramistin should be used as one of the auxiliary drugs in a comprehensive treatment, and in no case on its own, since, most likely, such a treatment course will not bring the expected result.

In what cases is Miramistin used in women?

Women often use Miramistin at home for such pathological conditions as:

  • prevention of symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases after intimate contact (gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, herpes, chlamydia, trichomoniasis);
  • prevention and therapy of fungal pathologies (genital candidiasis,);
  • treatment of metritis and vulvovaginitis caused by microbes sensitive to miramistin.

Miramistin action

Outwardly, miramistin is a transparent substance, sometimes slightly yellowish, of a uniform consistency, with a specific odor.

It includes: in 1 ml of the drug - 0.1 mg of miramistin, purified water.

Miramistin is a broad-acting antimicrobial agent, which is due to the hydrophobic effect on the cell membranes of microbial cells, while significantly increasing their permeability, which has a destructive effect on them.

Consider the features of the drug:

The use of miramistin in parallel with various antibacterial agents significantly enhances the effect of the latter, and also activates cellular immunity, which not only shortens the overall recovery period, but also accelerates the tightening of wound surfaces and other cutaneous injuries.

The use of Miramistin in gynecology

During the course of treatment of "female" problems, a 0.01% solution of miramistin is often used, which does not require additional dilutions before use.

The source of first aid is for:

Ways to use Miramistin

How to use the drug can only be determined by a doctor, depending on the nuances and severity of the course of the disease, the individual susceptibility of the patient's body, the presence of aggravating pathologies, as well as contraindications for use.

There are such ways to use the drug:

  1. Using vaginal tampons . To do this, form the correct gauze swab of a suitable size, or take a ready-made one, moisten it with a miramistin solution and insert into the vagina. This method of drug administration is very useful and is used for endometritis, metritis, as well as in the comprehensive treatment of cervical erosion. The duration of treatment should not be less than seven days; only the attending physician can extend or shorten the course.
  2. Introduction of miramistin into the urogenital canal through a catheter. Such manipulations are carried out in the treatment of cystitis and urethritis of varying complexity. Relief comes after the first procedure, but for the complete elimination of the disease, you must go through them at least three times.
  3. Douching. It is necessary to inject the drug to the site of the inflammation focus. The positive side such manipulation is that it is easy enough to perform and you do not need special devices to douche. Most often, this method is used in order to cure or to prevent the occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases, after sexual contact, as well as in pathological conditions of the vagina, fungal etiology.
  4. Electrophoresis (carrying the drug deep into the tissue by means of a low voltage electric current). This technique is used in therapy for the comprehensive treatment of pathologies of the small pelvis (salpingitis, adnexitis, and others). To greatly improve general state you need to do at least 10 sessions in stages.
  5. Use of Miramistin in the form of an ointment. In gynecological practice, Miramistin ointment should be used extremely rarely, mainly for the healing of ruptures that occur during childbirth, surgical wound surfaces and damage to the skin layer.

Miramistin and female diseases

Miramistin helps well with such female pathologies:

  • Inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa;
  • Inflammatory process of the mucous layer in the uterus;
  • Pathology of the small pelvis: adnexitis, salpingitis, "adhesive disease";
  • Fungal pathologies in the vagina (urogenital candidiasis);
  • Treatment and prevention of the occurrence of venereal diseases.

The use of miramistin during pregnancy

This tool has successfully passed special clinical trials and has not shown a single embryotoxic effect.

Nevertheless, many doctors warn about the undesirability of its use during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Its use in some cases leads to increased skin sensitivity in the fetus.

This leads to dermatitis and allergies.

Despite the relative safety of the drug, its appointment should be strictly according to indications and only on the recommendation of the attending physician.

Application after childbirth

Instructions for use after childbirth:

  1. Treatment postoperative suture (with a caesarean section). For this purpose, the drug is preferable to use in the form of a solution, since the ointment does not allow the skin to breathe, which means that the healing process will only be delayed. To process the seams, you should prepare in advance everything you need for a new dressing: a sterile gauze swab, hydrogen peroxide, scissors, a plaster. Next, you need to get rid of the old dressing, disinfect the seams with hydrogen peroxide until the reaction stops completely, only after that you should apply Miramistin. Further, it is advisable to cover the seams with a sterile swab and fix with a plaster.
  1. Processing after natural birth process:
    • Perineal wounds, for external debridement female organs; in this case, it is preferable to prescribe miramistin in the form of a spray or just a solution;
    • Damage to the mucous surface of the vagina, as well as the cervix.
    • In the therapeutic treatment of such problems, daily douching with a solution of miramistin is most often prescribed for a week. In the most difficult cases, it is possible to extend therapy up to 1 month;
    • sometimes you can use tampons soaked in miramistin solution.
  2. Complicated damage to genital tissues with the formation of purulent exudate. In this variant of the disease, tampons soaked in a solution of miramistin are used. Tampons should be changed at least six times a day. The duration of such treatment is determined by the gynecologist.

Contraindications for use

The use is highly undesirable for patients with increased susceptibility to the active ingredient, as well as to the additional substances of this agent.

The appointment of Miramistin for children under 3 years old should be strictly negotiated with the attending pediatrician. In this case, the working solution should be mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 1 or 1: 2. In this case, constant monitoring of the child's health is required.

The drug should be used with caution in patients with chronic skin diseases.

Side effects of Miramistin

Since Miramistin does not contain dyes, fragrances and other aggravating components, the appearance adverse reactions extremely unlikely, which is supported by reviews of cured patients over the years.

A local reaction to the drug is possible in the form of a slight burning sensation, which disappears within 30 seconds after treatment. Cancellation is not required in this situation.

Sometimes, in patients prone to allergic manifestations, external dermatitis may occur, itching when the product comes in contact with the skin.

In this situation, it is advisable to consult a doctor and, possibly, change the drug.

Instructions for the use of Miramistin

Miramistin solution is used as follows:

  • For the treatment of traumatological pathologies, burns and woundsthe surfaces are treated with a solution of the agent, aseptic dressings are applied, which are irrigated with a solution of miramistin. The frequency of such manipulations should be at least 3-4 times a day for the entire time it takes to recover. Sometimes, simply wetting the wound surface several times throughout the day is enough.
  • In gynecology: for irrigation of the mucous surface of the vagina and cervix before the onset of the labor process, for baths after gynecological examinations, as well as for the healing of ruptures and postpartum surgical traumatic conditions. Treatments are carried out at least 2 times a day for a week, in some cases, treatment may last a little longer.
  • Also used during caesarean section for processing an operating wound on the uterus and washing its inner surface.
  • To prevent the appearance of genital infectious pathologies.It is advisable to use Miramistin solution no later than 2 hours after unprotected intercourse. Before treatment with the drug, it is necessary to carry out a set of hygienic procedures in relation to the external female organs. Then 1-2 ml of the contents of the bottle is carried out external washing of the vagina, then about 10 ml of the agent is injected inside for 3 minutes. You can also wash the skin of the inner thighs and buttocks with a solution. After using the medicine, it is advisable not to go to the toilet "in a small way" for 1.5-2 hours.
  • In urology: appointed as part of complex treatment with various forms and courses of cystitis. For this into the cavity bladder Miramistin is injected, diluted with saline in a ratio of 1: 1. Such procedures should be repeated at least 5 times.
  • Vaginal tampons are also used, which are irrigated with miramistin solution. Tampons are inserted deep into the vagina and left there indefinitely. It is advisable to change such tampons several times throughout the day for 5-7 days.
  • In otolaryngology: to cure sinusitis, it is recommended to wash the paranasal sinuses with the required amount of solution until the exudate is completely washed out; with an inflammatory process of the external ear, a turunda is moistened in the medicine and placed in each ear for half an hour three times a day. The duration of the course of treatment should be at least one week. With otitis media, miramistin in the form of drops is instilled into each ear 2-3 drops 2 times a day for at least 10 days.
  • Recommended for disinfection of the oral cavity after surgery, as well as for the treatment of various forms of laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. For this, daily, repeated rinsing of the mouth with a solution of miramistin is recommended. The amount of the drug should be at least 15 ml per rinse.
  • In ophthalmology: for the treatment of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis and other diseases, eyes are buried 3-4 times a day for 7 days. With purulent folliculitis, a bandage is made on the sore eye. To do this, moisten a gauze swab in a solution of miramistin, squeeze it slightly and apply it to a closed eye for 45-60 minutes. For a speedy recovery, repeating this procedure costs at least 5 times. To use the drug in the form of a spray should be as follows: first you need to remove the cap, then remove the spray nozzle from the box and attach it to the spout in the upper part of the bottle. After that, you need to activate the sprayer by double clicking on it.
  • For the treatment of acute tonsillitis with a spray: for children over 3 years old, one spray of spray is enough for one procedure; children from 6 years old need 2-3 sprays of the drug; teenagers from 12 years old and adults - at least 4 sprays. Also in such cases, children use a rinse solution: children aged 3-6 years need 4-5 ml of miramistin, which is stirred with water in a 1: 1 ratio; children aged 6-12 years - 8 ml of the usual solution of the drug will be enough; children over 12 years old - 10-12 ml per rinse.
  • Inhalation has a good effect based on miramistin, which are prescribed to children with residual cough, chronic bronchitis, in the complex therapy of pneumonia. This requires 4-5 ml of 0.01% solution of Miramistin to perform one procedure. For children under 12 years of age, the drug is mixed with isotonic NaCl solution in a ratio of 1: 1 or 1: 2.


An analogue of Miramistin today is such a drug as Chlorhexidine.

These drugs different composition, but their readings are identical. According to experts, Miramistin remains safer.

It can even be prescribed to small patients. But Chlorhexidine has a pronounced antimicrobial effect.

The pharmaceutical industry currently offers a large number of medicationseffective in the prevention and treatment infectious diseases... One of these drugs is Miramistin, which has antiviral, bactericidal and antifungal effects.

Miramistin is the development of domestic technologists, whose goal was to create a universal antiseptic drug. Its main advantage is that it is active against almost all types of microorganisms, including tubercle bacilli, pneumococci and other dangerous microbes. In addition, it is able to fight complex viruses, such as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

The drug is available in various dosage forms, such as spray with special nozzles, solution with a dispenser, gynecological suppositories, ointment for external use. All this determines a wide field of application of the drug in different areas medical practice: Miramistin is widely used in dentistry, urology, gynecology, otorhinolaryngology, traumatology, pediatrics and for intimate hygiene.

A special property of Miramistin, which is of interest in the context of this article, is antifungal activity, due to which the drug is prescribed for thrush in dentistry and gynecology.

What is a thrush?

Thrush, or - a type of fungal infection caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

Microorganisms of this kind are conditionally pathogenic, that is, normally they are part of the microflora of the mouth, intestines, vagina, and during normal vital activity of the body they do not cause symptoms of the disease.

However, under the influence of external or internal environmental factors (stress, hypothermia, decreased immunity, chronic diseases, taking antibiotics, metabolic disorders, overwork, hormonal disruptions), these microorganisms become pathogenic for humans.

Fungi of the genus Candida are capable of lysis (destruction) of erythrocytes, damage to the epithelium of the skin and mucous membranes; block local immune reactions, can form a protective capsule while in the body, which makes them immune to the action of the immune system.

Mushrooms of the genus Candida under a microscope

Thrush can occur on many tissues and organs, but most often it occurs in the mouth () and genitals, both in men and women (urogenital candidiasis).

Oral mucosa candidiasis is more common in newborns, but may also occur in older children. At the same time, the child develops a white curdled coating on the tongue, inner lips and cheeks, which cannot be washed off with a regular rinse.

The patient may be worried about soreness and hypersensitivity mucous membranes, hyperemia, edema. Newborns with candidiasis of the mouth often cry, refuse to eat, they have increased salivation.

Genital candidiasis occurs when the balance of normal microflora is disturbed, white bloom, redness (hyperemia), itching, tingling, burning in the external genital area. Women have a sharp-smelling acidic discharge from the vagina, there may be pain during urination or intercourse. Men experience burning and itching in the area foreskin and the glans penis, which is also accompanied by a foul-smelling cheesy discharge.

The disease is transmitted by sexual and contact-household routes, and a transplacental route is also possible - from mother to child.

The growth and reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida leads to damage to the mucous membranes and weakening of local tissue immunity, which can provoke additional infection of the focus with coccal flora and other pathogenic microorganisms. That is why an attentive approach and complex therapy are necessary for candidiasis.

Treatment of candidiasis of any organ system can be general and local. At the initial stages of the development of the disease against thrush, it is recommended to use local antiseptics with focal action, one of the best among them is Miramistin.

Hypoallergenicity of the drug, non-toxicity, no side effects and the absence of a systemic effect on the body makes it possible to use Miramistin for thrush in infants.

Thrush in newborns most often occurs if the mother has been infected - when the fetus passes through the birth canal, pathogenic fungi penetrate the mucous membranes of the child, causing infection.

Also, infection can occur with insufficient disinfection of objects with which the baby is in contact - nipples, toys, bottles for baby food, diapers.

For treatment, a solution of Miramistin is used in the form of a spray of 0.01% concentration in a package with a dispenser.

It is necessary to irrigate the child's mucous membranes with Miramistin, the frequency of application will be determined by the pediatrician. For older children, mouthwashes several times daily after meals can be used instead of spraying.

Usually, the medicine does not cause side and allergic reactions, but in advanced cases of the disease, a slight burning sensation is possible, which occurs due to the washing off of the fungal film from delicate skin.

Possible contraindications: individual intolerance active substance Miramistin, which can manifest itself in the form of a strong burning sensation and other uncomfortable sensations.

Treatment of thrush in women

For women, the use of Miramistin is most relevant for gynecological purposes for the treatment of thrush on the genitals, as well as for maintaining the proper level of intimate hygiene.

The most common method of treating thrush in women is douching, for which you need to purchase a solution of Miramistin 500 ml and a syringe. Irrigation is done 2-3 times a day, in the bathroom. 10-15 ml of the drug is injected into the vagina in several repetitions. There may be a slight burning sensation that disappears as the procedure is completed.

One more efficient method treatment of candidiasis - the introduction of hygienic tampons impregnated Miramistin, in the vagina for 2-3 hours.

It is more efficient because active substance during the entire procedure, it is directly in the focus of infection, compared to douching, in which the solution immediately flows out of the vagina.

To neutralize thrush on the external genital organs, you can use Miramistin ointment - it is applied to the surface of the labia with a thin layer, while not rubbing, and after 2-4 hours, the remnants of the drug are removed with sanitary napkins or washing.

Also, Miramistin is available in the form of candles. At night, they are inserted into the vagina, the duration of the course of treatment is determined by the gynecologist. If necessary, antifungal drugs are additionally prescribed for oral administration (Fluconazole and its analogues).

Treatment of thrush with Miramistin during pregnancy is absolutely safe. The drug is not absorbed into the bloodstream, but has only a superficial effect, thus, the possible harm to the fetus is minimized.

The use of the drug during menstruation is impractical, since abundant discharge simply will not allow the active substance to linger on the affected mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix.

During pregnancy, it is undesirable to douch, therefore it is better to give preference to tampons, suppositories and ointments with Miramistin.

Miramistin is used after unprotected intercourse, as the drug is very effective for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Spirochetes, treponemas, chlamydia, Trichomonas, gonococci and other pathogenic microorganisms are sensitive to the drug.

Prevention makes sense if it is carried out no more than 2 hours after intercourse. In this case, you can significantly reduce the risk of contracting an STD.

For intimate hygiene Miramistin can be used to maintain normal microflora in the genitourinary system.

Treatment of candidiasis in men

Male thrush is often latent. Treatment is usually carried out locally, most often this is sufficient, since due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body, urine has a bactericidal effect on pathogenic microflora and suppresses the development of the fungus.

For the treatment of thrush in men, washing of the urethra with Miramistin solution, treatment of the external genital organs with a spray, and the application of a therapeutic antiseptic ointment are used.

There is an opinion

In many cases, Miramistin really helps to get rid of thrush, which is confirmed by numerous reviews.

The pediatrician discovered thrush in the mouth of the newborn son. What is strange, I have never suffered from this disease, probably because my son pulls everything into his mouth. I lubricated the ulcers with a cotton swab soaked in Miramistin, after 2 days the child's condition improved markedly.

Christina, Barnaul

I have been suffering from candidiasis since the age of 16, I caught a little cold - immediately it appears. I always treated her with pills, and during pregnancy I was faced with the fact that nothing is possible from drugs. The Miramistin candles helped, though they are expensive, but I do not risk the child's health.

Elina, Krasnodar

It should be borne in mind that:

  • any treatment must be agreed with the attending physician, whose instructions must be strictly followed;
  • in order to avoid recurrence of infection, your sexual partner should also be treated;
  • if necessary, a single use of antifungal tablets is prescribed.

Do not neglect the treatment of thrush. In the initial stages, it can be harmless, but as it progresses, it becomes chronic and can cause infertility.

In general, Miramistin has no structural analogues. However, there are functional ones - these are drugs that have a similar effect on the pathogenic flora:

  • Pimafucin;
  • Vagotil;
  • Hexicon;
  • Epigenes intimacy;
  • Fluomizin and others.

These analogs are presented in the form of creams, ointments, gels, tablets, suppositories, solutions and sprays.

Statistics to date approvesthat the number of people with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is steadily increasing. For example, in our country in 2011, 653 thousand HIV-infected people were registered. More more number people with other venereal infections, this is clearly demonstrated by the huge queues at the dermatovenerologic dispensaries. All these problems could well have been avoided, firstly, by using contraception, and secondly, by timely prevention of STDs, if unprotected intercourse did take place.

It is to the second point that attention is so actively drawn specialists, because very often the importance of preventive measures is completely undeservedly belittled. Meanwhile, properly carried out prevention can literally save lives. What is it, what tools are better to use and how to correctly implement it?

You can find a lot on the shelves of pharmacies disinfectant solutions, with which you can carry out prevention. Not only their price tag differs, but also their effectiveness. So, the most effective and safe today is Miramistin, which is in no way inferior in quality to foreign analogues. It is he who, in the lowest concentration, is able to destroy HIV, while other disinfectant solutions cope with this task only in rather high concentrations. Miramistin is also able to effectively fight against herpes viruses, which are resistant to acyclovir. Moreover, it has been proven that with respect to specific pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis and trichomoniasis), Miramistin has a more pronounced microbicidal effect than some other disinfectants. It is important that this drug does not damage the mucous membranes of the external and internal genital organs, while simultaneously activating the work of local immunity, relieving inflammation and stimulating regeneration processes. He remains active for a long time, fighting infection. It has also been proven that this remedy helps to shorten the duration of antibiotic therapy, increasing the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to antibiotics.

What specific diseases can protect miramistin? This list is quite impressive due to the broad antimicrobial action of the drug. It destroys many disease-causing bacteria, fungi, and viruses, often even those that are resistant to certain antibiotics. Thus, Miramistin used on time will prevent infection with genital herpes, HIV, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, syphilis, gonorrhea, and genital candidiasis.

However, full protection against these venereal diseases possible subject to the competent use of miramistin. It is very important to remember that the maximum effect of the drug can be obtained by applying it in the first two hours after the unprotected intercourse has taken place. The sooner you use Miramistin, the more likely it is that pathogenic bacteria or viruses will not penetrate the tissues and cause infection. The later after sexual intercourse prophylaxis was carried out, the higher the chances of getting sick.

For the prevention of STDs suitable solution for local application 0.1% in bottles of 50 and 150 ml. It comes with a urological applicator and a spray nozzle, with which the solution is very convenient to inject. Be sure to wash the external genital organs, the pubic area and the inner thighs with soap, rinse thoroughly, and then treat with a gauze cloth or cotton pad well moistened with miramistin solution. Women should inject 5 to 10 ml of miramistin into the vagina using a spray nozzle. 1.5-3 ml is injected into the urethra through the urological applicator for men, and 1.5 ml for women for 2-3 minutes. In this case, the mouth of the urethra must be pressed with fingers so that the solution does not flow out ahead of time. It is also recommended not to urinate after these procedures for at least a couple of hours.

Prevention of infections miramistin after anal sex can be conducted by both men and women. Men treat the penis as described above, and women inject a solution of miramistin into the vagina, process the entrance to the vagina and external genitalia. In this case, Miramistin acts as a disinfectant after anal sex and destroys all bacteria, viruses, fungi that enter the genital tract during the change of anal and traditional types of sex. It is not customary to treat the rectum directly with Miramistin, since it is difficult on its own, although it is implicitly effective. Consequently, during anal sex, a condom is traditionally an effective means of protection for a woman; if it was not available, it is mandatory to inject miramistin into the rectum after treatment of the urogenital organs.

After application solution you may feel light, it usually goes away within 15 seconds, allergic reactions to the drug are extremely rare. If necessary, miramistin can be used by pregnant and lactating women. It is believed that the active substance is practically not absorbed from the surface of the mucous membranes. Also, in the course of several studies, no toxic effects of miramistin on the embryo were detected.

For some, the question arises "is it necessary to carry out prevention of STDs with miramistin, if a condom was used during a dubious intercourse? "Today it is already known that a condom does not protect against some sexually transmitted infections, in particular treponema pale - the causative agent of syphilis can penetrate through microscopic pores in latex. And of course it will not protect against infection birth control pills, spermicides and other contraceptives. Therefore, if an unreliable sexual contact occurred in a condom, it is better to play it safe and use Miramistin in order to finally protect yourself - this will not be superfluous. However, don't forget the expiration date. The solution can be stored for no more than 3 years. But even if you managed to prevent STDs with Miramistin in the first two hours, it is still highly advisable to consult a venereologist within two weeks after intercourse, the safety of which you doubted.

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