The child's chalazion does not pass. How to cure chalazion in a child? Disinfectant eye drops

There are many different types rashes that can form on the baby's eye. If a child has a chalazion, Komarovsky is famous children's doctor, which many young mothers trust, recommends starting the fight against the phenomenon as soon as possible.

If this is not done, the baby's vision may deteriorate, the development of concomitant diseases of the organs of vision is possible.

Insidious education

Outwardly, chalazion is similar to barley, so parents sometimes confuse them. Due to the fact that barley is considered an almost safe phenomenon, in most cases retreating on its own, parents do not always start timely treatment of chalazion.

This disease is understood as an inflammatory disease of the eyelids, which develops due to the clogging of the sebaceous gland. In this case, pus accumulates under the eyelid.

The name of the disease is translated as "hailstone", the very formation of it and reminds when it is formed - it is convex, solid.

Chalazion can appear both in one century, and in both. When the "hailstone" is still small, it practically does not interfere with the patient, does not bring pain. But it increases over time, begins to put pressure on the cornea, and then not only discomfort and pain can appear, but also a drop in visual acuity. In some cases, the disease is accompanied by conjunctivitis.

Symptoms of the disease

They appear as the disease progresses:

  • First, a small swelling appears in the child's eye, which is a consequence of a blockage of the sebaceous gland;
  • In the part of the eyelids where the formation has formed, redness of the skin is usually observed;
  • Often, swelling with redness covers the entire area around the eyes;
  • Often the disease is accompanied by skin irritation in the affected area, the appearance of itching;
  • In some cases, the disease leads to constant lacrimation.

Barley is characterized by the same signs, due to which these two phenomena can be confused. But barley breaks through for several days, while swelling, swelling, redness are eliminated, and soon there will be no trace of it.

In both cases, when pressed, the child does not feel significant discomfort, pain, but in the case of chalazion, these signs may reveal themselves later.

A completely different picture is observed with the further development of the chalazion:

  • The swelling becomes firm;
  • Due to the rounded shape of the formation, the child's eyelid acquires a convex shape in the place where it appeared.

Large "grains" interfere with the child, he feels discomfort while closing and opening his eyes.

The disease, unlike barley, may not recede for several months. In rare cases, over time, it is eliminated on its own (in about 25% of cases), but it is absolutely impossible to expect this to happen. Moreover, Dr. Komarovsky, however, like all doctors, insists that treatment should begin immediately as soon as the disease is detected.

Causes of the disease

Chalazion, as a rule, is a consequence of other diseases and problems in the functioning of the body, which is another good reason to pay attention to it in time.

Disease provocateurs can be:

  • Weakening of immunity;
  • Frequent respiratory diseases;
  • The child has diabetes mellitus;
  • Increased oily skin;
  • Infectious eye diseases;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Infectious diseases of the body as a whole.

In addition, it is necessary to ensure that hygiene rules are strictly followed, and if this does not happen, inflammation may occur. sebaceous glands century due to the accumulation of dirt in the eyes of the child, which provokes the appearance of a chalazion.

Treatment of the disease

Parents should not determine on their own whether a fight with an illness is required or whether he is capable of eliminating himself in this particular case. This is decided only by a doctor, and you can turn to a pediatrician or an ophthalmologist for help with chalazion.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, the disease can be successfully treated with mercury ointment and recinol emulsion. Along with these agents, drugs with antibacterial effects are usually used.

In severe cases, surgical removal of the formation may be prescribed. This operation is not complicated, it is performed quickly, and there are no scars or any other traces after it. Removing the chalazion by surgery significantly increases the chances that the disease will not recur. True, there is one caveat - children suffering from dysbiosis, diabetes mellitusare more likely to face the disease again.

One of the modern, painless methods of eliminating the problem is a laser. The procedure is performed using local anesthesia. The laser can be used for any degree of development of the disease, and the risk of relapse in this case also tends to zero.

With regard to drug treatment, it can be carried out with the help of such drugs.

  • Mercury yellow ointment. The composition of the drug, in addition to the main substance (mercury ointment), includes components such as anhydrous lanolin, refined bovine fat, refined pork fat. The tool has an antiseptic effect, it is used externally by applying an ointment to the place where the formation has appeared. The tool can be used several times / day, but the frequency and dosage in which the drug should be used should be indicated by the doctor. Contraindication to treatment with mercury ointment is only the child's personal intolerance to its components;
  • Torbeks. The drug is available in the form of drops and ointments, and in ophthalmology they are both used. For the treatment of halation, children are often prescribed Torbeks drops. The tool has antibacterial effects, and it can even be used for treatment for newborns. The composition of the medication includes components such as tobramycin ( active substance), sodium sulfate, tilaxopol, sodium hydroxide, sulfuric acid, boric acid, benzalkonium chloride. The dosage and frequency of use should be determined by the doctor, but usually the drug is prescribed in an amount of 1-2 drops with a frequency of application several times / day. A contraindication to the use of the medication is a personal intolerance to tobramycin and aminoglycosides in general;
  • Hydrocortisone ointment. The active component of the drug is a glucocorticosteroid of synthetic origin. The ointment has anti-inflammatory, anti-edema effect, helps relieve itching. You need to apply the ointment twice or thrice / day with a thin layer. The duration of treatment with hydrocortisone ointment is determined by the doctor. He will also give more accurate recommendations regarding dosages and frequency of application of the ointment, which are indicated in accordance with the stage of the disease. Contraindication to the external use of hydrocortisone ointment is individual intolerance to hydrocortisone.

In addition to these drugs, glucocorticosteroids, administered by injection into the cavity of the formation, can be prescribed.

Only the doctor should determine which of the drugs in this group will be used. The medication administration procedure should be performed exclusively by medical professionals.

Homemade recipes

To eliminate freezing, some moms use folk remedies.

The most popular ones are:

  • Aloe juice. It is instilled about 5 times / day in the amount of 4 drops / one eye. Aloe disinfects, helps relieve inflammation;
  • Cabbage. Washed vegetable leaves are recommended to be applied to the eye. You can grind them, combine them with the egg white and apply as a compress by wrapping the ingredients in a cloth. Cabbage is known for its disinfecting effect as well as its ability to draw out pus.

If you decide to carry out treatment with folk remedies, remember that they can only be used as a temporary method for symptomatic treatment. You still need to see a doctor without fail.

Chalazion is inflammatory process on the skin of the eyelids, which may be accompanied by soreness, increased lacrimation, reddening of the mucous membrane and cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye, deterioration of visual function. With timely diagnosis, you can quickly and effectively get rid of the pathology. Treatment of chalazion in a child according to Komarovsky allows you to eliminate the disease as gently as possible.

The sebaceous meibomian glands, which are localized inside the upper and lower eyelids along the edge of the ciliary row, have branched ducts. The glands produce a secret that moisturizes the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye, serves as a lubricant for the eyelid and eyelashes when blinking.

The ducts of the glands open in the growth zone of the eyelashes in the child. When clogged with dust particles, inflammatory processes inside the gland (each eye has about 20-25 branches), the outflow of fatty secretions can be disrupted. Its accumulation and the formation of an inflammatory spherical skin element.

Chalazion is sealed with a capsule shell made of connective tissue ducts, inside contains granulation tissue and epithelial cells. Komarovsky asks not to postpone treatment.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion on the etiology of the disease

The causal factors of pathology are chalazion, Komarovsky E.O. does not differentiate into adults or children. Disease of dirty hands, hormonal disorders, lack of treatment for diseases of the mucous membrane, are characteristic of people of any age.

Among the common etiological factors, it is worth highlighting:

  • violation of intestinal microflora and general immunity with provocation of dysbiosis, local skin phenomena, which can increase the risk of developing chalazion;
  • hypothermia of the body, draft;
  • violation of the acid-base balance of the facial skin;
  • type of skin with increased fat content in adolescence with an excess of sebum production, lack of personal hygiene;
  • hormonal disorders in the body (thyroid pathology, diabetes mellitus);
  • frequent respiratory illness;
  • hypovitaminosis, lack of a balanced diet;
  • violation of basic metabolism;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal system;
  • lack of preventive examinations by a pediatrician, ophthalmologist, irregular treatment;
  • tendency to allergic reactions.

Komarovsky notes that the incidence of illness in a child aged 5-8 years due to the lack of the concept of personal hygiene, visiting children's groups, the formation of immunity in babies.

Features of the treatment of chalazion according to Komarovsky

When diagnosing chalazion of the upper eyelid in a child, treatment Komarovsky E.O. recommends starting with a massage of the eyelids to stimulate the unclogging of the glands and then contact a specialized ophthalmologist at a children's clinic for further correction of therapy, to prevent the development of complications.

Facilities traditional medicine Komarovsky does not accept and does not recommend using. The risk of developing side effects and negative reactions is high.

You must first consult with a specialist, then apply the permitted methods of treatment. It is not recommended to warm up with compresses: there is a danger of provoking a suppuration of the eyelid, pain and redness with progressive visual impairment in a child.

Pharmacy preparations

At the initial stages of the development of a chalazion, a conservative method of treatment is used in a child. Includes local forms of drugs - drops, ophthalmic ointments, solutions with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory properties. Medicines aimed at restoring the work of the meibomian glands, eliminating secondary infectious processes that can impede the outflow of fat and fluid.

In the absence of a clinical effect from local forms, Komarovsky advises to use the injection of glucocorticosteroids into a capsule with pus (Diprospan, Dexamethasone). Promotes drainage, resorption, anti-inflammatory action of drugs.

There are effective drug groups of drugs for the treatment of the disease:

Chalazion drops:

  • Tobrex and Sofrax are antibacterial drops of the aminoglycoside group, which are effective against many bacterial pathogens;
  • Tobradex - in addition to the antibiotic-tobramycin, the drug contains a hormonal component that eliminates inflammatory reactions, relieves puffiness of the eyelids;
  • Floxal - drops based on the antibiotic-ofloxacin, have a spectrum of action;
  • Tsipromed - the drug has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect, it contains a fluoroquinolone component.

Ointments for treatment, gels for use in the eye area with chalazion in a child:

  • Mercury ointment - an antiseptic component will eliminate pathogenic microflora, and Lanonin helps to relieve swelling, eyelid hyperemia;
  • Hydrocortisone ointment - has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, decongestant effect.
  • ointment with Tobramycin - has an antibacterial effect, the composition of natural ingredients allows the use in infants from birth.


In the absence of a positive result from the use of conservative methods of therapy, Dr. Komarovsky advises the use of surgical correction of pathology. The treatment of chalazion in a child is carried out in a hospital setting under local anesthesia or general anesthesia (under the age of two).

The operation consists of several stages:

  1. Treatment of the operative field with antiseptic solutions.
  2. Anesthetic injection into the eyelid cavity.
  3. Fixation of the eyelid with a clamp in the desired position to ensure surgical access.
  4. Incision with a scalpel from the inner side of the eyelid with a dissection of the chalazion capsule, elimination of the contents of the secret outward
  5. After removing the capsule, the wound surface is treated, sutures made of self-absorbable materials are applied.
  6. At the end of the surgical correction, an aseptic dressing is applied.

The duration of the operation is 15-20 minutes, after the end the child goes home, and after 2-3 days it is necessary to conduct a control examination with a doctor.

The method of minimally invasive intervention is used - excision of the chalazion with a laser beam. The procedure takes up to 10 minutes and is safe for the child.

Laser excision of the capsule does not involve suturing, which is a plus of the procedure, the wound heals much faster, no eye patch is required, and the treatment is painless.

Komarovsky insists on surgical correction in severe cases, it is not recommended for children under 12-14 years old due to the stress factor for the child and the load on the body with anesthetic drugs.

The effectiveness of the use of folk remedies

Therapy with folk remedies in childhood permissible in complex therapy, after consulting a doctor.

Monotherapy using traditional medicine is unacceptable; traditional medicine should be the basis for treating a child.

Compresses, herbal lotions are used in the initial stages of development, in the absence of atypical symptoms.

What methods can do harm in childhood

For effective treatment chalazion in a child, it is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene, doctor's recommendations, so as not to harm the baby:

  • observe the frequency, dosage eye drops and ointments recommended by the doctor - a reduced concentration of the drug for children;
  • do not self-medicate, using alternative medicine methods and warming up with compresses;
  • do not try to open the capsule on your own - it can cause a secondary layering of pathogenic microflora with subsequent suppuration;
  • independently use medicines.

Komarovsky advises that to prevent negative reactions, consequences, complications from the visual apparatus, it is necessary to seek medical help. The doctor will help you choose the optimal treatment regimen, eliminate chalazion in a short time.

The term "chalazion" comes from the Greek language and literally translates as "hailstone". It is understood as a pathological enlargement of the meibomian gland. The clinical picture, especially in the early stages of development, of the pathological process is very similar to that of another ophthalmic disease - barley. The treatment of this disease is very long and it often happens that conservative methods of therapy are not so successful.

What should be the actions of parents when the first symptoms of chalazion appear in a child, what is the secret of successful treatment and how to avoid relapses, we will tell in this article.

What it is?

In the thickness of the cartilage of the upper and lower eyelids, a person has specific sebaceous glands with a branched system of ducts, which are called meibomian. Their more precise localization is the inner part of the eyelid skin next to the ciliary edge. The ducts of the meibomian glands open in the growth zone of the eyelashes. On average, each person has about 35-50 such glands in the upper eyelid and 20-30 in the lower.

The meibomian glands produce a special secret, which is one of the structural components of the tear film that moisturizes the eye. Also, the secret is needed to lubricate the cornea and moisturize the edges of the eyelids. He plays the role of a kind amartizator in the mechanism of contact of the edges of the eyelids with the surface of the eyes.Also, the fatty secretion of the meibomian gland regulates the level of moisture in the eye with the tear fluid, preventing its excessive evaporation.

When the meibomian gland becomes inflamed, a blockage of its excretory ducts occurs, which inevitably leads to a disruption of the normal outflow of fatty secretions. Gradually, it begins to accumulate inside the gland, which causes its gradual increase. The area of \u200b\u200bsecretion accumulation turns into a rounded seal, separated from the adjacent tissues by a connective tissue capsule.

In the course of numerous studies, it was found that the chalazion consists of granulation tissue, as well as many epithelioid and giant cells. If a pathogenic pathogen gets there, then can develop purulent inflammatory process, which will result in the formation of an abscess(purulent exudate isolated from nearby tissues by a dense connective tissue capsule). In this case, pronounced signs of inflammation will appear in the formation zone of the chalazion: swelling and redness of the skin, pain.

Sometimes it happens that the chalazion breaks through itself without outside interference. In its place, a fistula can form, which is a channel connecting the chalazion capsule and the surface of the eyelid skin. Granulations (areas of tissue growth) appear near the cutaneous opening of the fistula. The skin in this area becomes inflamed and very sensitive.

The development of the disease can be quite long and has a recurrent nature (the reappearance of such a seal), in this case conservative treatment may be prolonged and not give the desired result.

Then the only thing effective method, helping to get rid of the chalazion, remains surgical removal. But despite this, in the early stages of treatment, most ophthalmologists prefer drug therapy for the disease, considering the surgical method as an extreme measure, especially if the patient is a child.

Treatment features

There is a persistent belief in the medical environment that the formation of chalazion occurs under the influence of the same pathogenic microflora as barley. It follows from this that the therapy of the disease should primarily be aimed at destruction of the pathogen.However, in any case, the ophthalmologist determines the tactics of treatment after examining the child. It is highly undesirable to self-medicate, since only a specialist can differentiate the disease among other ophthalmic pathologies and prescribe adequate therapy.

With a weak severity of symptoms and a sluggish pathological process, conservative methods of treatment help children, but the course of therapy in such cases can be quite long.

In cases of acute manifestation of clinical signs of chalazion, its surgical removal can be applied.

Antibiotic therapy involves the use disinfecting eye drops or ointments, among which "Tobrex", yellow mercury and hydrocortisone ointment, as well as Vishnevsky's ointment, etc. With prolonged treatment, the ophthalmologist may prescribe the introduction of medicinal injections directly into the chalazion cavity. This technique is quite effective, but it is prescribed to children with caution, since this procedure is accompanied by a number of side effects.

Eye drops "Tobrex" have a wide spectrum of action. They belong to the pharmacological group of aminoglycosides. The main active substance of the drug is tobramycin, it is able to fight streptococcal and staphylococcal infections, E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, enterobacter and Klebsiella. However, the drops do not show activity when interacting with group B streptococcus. Additional components of the drug: sodium chloride, boric acid, purified water.

"Tobrex" is very effective in the treatment of chalazion, as well as other inflammatory diseases eyes, such as keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva - the mucous membrane of the eye), blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelid), etc. Also drops will be prescribed as a disinfectant in the postoperative period.The course of treatment for children should not exceed a week. In the acute phase of the disease, the drug is instilled at least 3-4 times a day. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug.

The eye instillation regimen prescribed by your doctor should be followed exactly. You cannot arbitrarily increase the number of instillations per day or use the drug longer than the prescribed course of treatment. During treatment with this remedy wearing contact lenses is possible.

Eye drops Floxalable to provide effective action in the fight against pathogenic microflora, represented by obligate and facultative anaerobes, as well as aerophiles and chlamydia. Ofloxacin acts as the main active substance of the drug. The use of "Floxal" is advisable in the treatment of infectious diseases such as chalazion, keratitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, barley, corneal ulcer, etc. The course of treatment with the drug is no more than two weeks. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug.

You can not start using "Floxal" without the appointment of an ophthalmologist. During the course of treatment with the drug, contact lenses should not be worn.

Eye drops "Tsipromed" have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. The drug shows high efficiency in the fight against gram-positive and gram-negative pathogenic microflora. Cypromed belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones.

Ophthalmologists recommend using Tsipromed for the treatment of the following inflammatory diseases: chalazion, conjunctivitis, uveitis, keratitis, blepharitis, dacryoscystitis, etc. The course of drug treatment should not exceed two weeks. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug. "Tsipromed" is not prescribed for the treatment of chalazion for children under one year old.

You do not need to try at home without first consulting an ophthalmologist to treat chalazion with folk remedies (for example, various decoctions and lotions using calendula, chamomile, aloe juice, etc.) and other dubious alternative methods (homeopathy, various conspiracies, etc.) ...

Children's doctor Komarovsky, well-known in our country, whose opinion is authoritative not only for many Russian parents, but also for most pediatricians, insists that in the event of a chalazion in a child you must first resort to standard methods of traditional medicine, and not to "grandmother's" recipes, which not only do not help to get rid of the chalazion, but can also be dangerous to the health of the child (especially when it comes to treating the baby).


The main sign of the development of this disease is the formation of swelling in the region of the edge of the eyelid, closer to the eyelash growth line. In the future, an elastic seal with smooth edges appears in its place, resembling a pea in shape. Redness is observed on the inner surface of the eyelid.

Chalazion rarely causes pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe century. If an infection joins such a pathological process, then all the signs of an acute inflammatory process will additionally appear: pain, swelling, redness, and possibly spontaneous opening of purulent exudate from the inner edge of the eyelid. In such cases, treatment includes antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy,and also application physiotherapy procedures.

Chalazion at initial examination resembles barley in many ways. They differ in that barley, after the "breakthrough" of pus outward, usually resolves and all symptoms gradually disappear. Chalazion, in turn, rarely breaks through, gradually gains in size and becomes quite dense.

Blockage of the meibomian gland can occur in one or two eyelids at once.

If a child with chalazion is not provided with the necessary treatment for a long time, the seal can grow to those limits when, by putting pressure on neighboring tissues, it can provoke the development of other diseases of the visual apparatus. therefore you shouldn't delay going to an ophthalmologisteven if the painless eyelid seal does not give your child any discomfort. Remember that conservative treatment of chalazion is appropriate only in the initial stages of the development of the disease or after it has broken through.

When the accumulated secret of the meibomian gland has become denser, only surgical intervention can eliminate the problem, which, psychologically, is not so difficult for children as for their frightened parents.

In children, cases of recurrent multiple chalazions are not often recorded. Usually, the chalazion can reappear in the same place where it was previously removed. This is due to the fact that the tumor was not completely removed during the operation.

There is a theory that suggests that the presence of hyperopia (farsightedness) in a child contributes to the development of chalazion. In any case, this type of refractive error requires spectacle or contact correction, as well as other methods of treatment (apparatus therapy, visual gymnastics, physiotherapy procedures, etc.).

The appearance of a chalazion can occur against the background of a decrease in immunity... This can also be explained by hereditary or acquired instability of the immune system to gram-positive microflora. In this case, a treatment plan should be drawn up with the participation of an immunologist. Chalazion may appear as a result of an anatomical defect, which is manifested by a too narrow lumen of the meibomian glands, as a result of which the normal outflow of fat secretion is disrupted.

Another reason for the periodic blockage of the ducts of the meibomian glands is weak functional activity of the muscular apparatus, affecting the movement of secretions in a certain direction, as well as a low content of the protective protein of the secretory tear immunoglobulin. In such cases, the child usually has multiple chalazions periodically.

A special eyelid massage can minimize the risk of chalazion, but the child will still need a consultation from narrow specialists.

Operative intervention

The ophthalmologist decides whether surgery is necessary. At the same time, he should proceed from how long the course of drug treatment lasts and what is the positive dynamics of recovery. If the "pea" does not pass and does not decrease for a very long period, then most likely the doctor will suggest its surgical removal.

The operation takes place under local anesthesia. If the patient is under 2 years old, then the manipulation will be performed under general anesthesia.

The whole procedure can be roughly divided into several stages:

  1. Introduction of an anesthetic into the eyelid cavity;
  2. After the onset of local loss of sensitivity, the seal is fixed at the base with a clamp;
  3. An incision is made on the inside of the eyelid through which the capsule is removed;
  4. Sutures are applied to the incision;
  5. The eyelid is treated with antiseptic agents;
  6. Finally, an aseptic bandage is applied to the eye.

In the postoperative period, the patient needs to wear a slightly pressure bandage for some time. It is necessary to remove it only before placing a medicinal ointment under the eyelid.

In addition to surgical removal of the seal from the thickness of the eyelid with a scalpel, there is a method for removing chalazion with a laser.This technique has some advantages over the usual eyelid surgery, among them the main thing is the absence of the need to suture after the completion of the manipulation, as well as the fact that the operation is absolutely bloodless. Naturally, thanks to this, the period full recovery after the operation, as well as after this procedure, you do not need to wear a bandage for a long time. Parents' feedback on this method is mostly positive.

In the case when a scar remains after the operation, which, with regular contact with the surface of the cornea, creates a risk of damage to it, it is necessary to wear special lenses to prevent intense friction until the surgical wound is completely healed.

For information on how to treat chalazion in children, see the next video.

Chalazion is a painless, rounded formation, localized in the cartilaginous plate of the eyelid. It is mobile, not welded to the skin and surrounding tissues. The pathological process is based on chronic inflammation... It is caused by a blockage of the sebaceous (meibomian) gland.

Chaliazion is sometimes called a hailstone. Such a term is associated with the external similarity between the nodule in this disease and falling pieces of ice from the sky. In ophthalmic practice, it is called "cold barley".

Chaliazion is sometimes called a hailstone

The soft tissues of the eyelids contain a lot of anatomical structures that protect the organ of vision from aggressive environmental factors. The sebaceous glands constantly produce a secretion rich in fats. It forms a thin film on the surface of the eyeball, preventing it from drying out. When the exit to the outside of this secret is violated, a chalazion occurs.

The sebaceous gland is "doomed" to the continuous production of fatty secretions. When obstruction occurs, this production does not stop. The result of this situation is the formation of a reservoir with fatty contents (cyst). Sometimes she may fester. The body responds by introducing a capsule to limit damage. The resulting structure tends to grow gradually.

When the patency of the duct is restored, the contents come out, and the capsule dissolves after a while.

The hailstone can affect all age groups. It is more often diagnosed in preschoolers and schoolchildren. The main reasons for the formation of chalazion in childhood are considered:

  • poor adherence to the rules of personal hygiene, when they rub their eyes with dirty hands, introducing an infection;
  • hypothermia;
  • decreased immunity due to frequent viral, infectious diseases;

  • eye injuries;
  • problems with the stomach, intestines, dysbiosis, especially in infants;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious and inflammatory lesions of the eyelids (conjunctivitis, blepharitis), requiring prolonged use of local ointments;
  • hormonal disruption, accompanied by increased production of fatty secretions (most common during the transition period);
  • some skin diseases - seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea;
  • often recurrent barley.

At the earliest stages of the disease, the child may complain of a burning sensation, discomfort in the sore eye. Outwardly, there may be no changes. After a few days, the eyelid may swell. There are complaints about:

  • sensation of a foreign body in the eye;
  • pain when moving the eyeballs;
  • burning;
  • dryness, redness of the affected eye, relieved by rapid blinking.

In the early stages of the illness, the child may have redness in the affected eye

At the same time, a red area of \u200b\u200binflammation with a white dot appears on the eyelid. The listed complaints disappear in a few days. Over time, the inflammation and swelling will decrease slightly. The white point turns into a cone-shaped painless formation, causing only cosmetic inconvenience.

Children who are unable to speak or express themselves well become moody. Mothers note that the baby is constantly rubbing, touching the sore spot. If such a situation arises, then it is better to play it safe and contact your doctor.

In the lower eyelid, children may experience several hailstones at the same time, which significantly worsens symptoms in the early stages. In the absence of adequate treatment, they increase. The result is visual impairment.

Chalazion in a child is very easy to diagnose if you contact a specialist! Ophthalmologists are involved in the identification and treatment of this problem. The final diagnosis is based on:

At the first symptoms of the disease, we strongly recommend contacting an ophthalmologist

The doctor collects an anamnesis of the disease and life from the words of adults when the patient is still small. He is interested in the following points:

  • the presence of a previous eye injury;
  • chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, dermatitis);
  • recent infectious and inflammatory lesions of the conjunctiva and cornea.

This is necessary to identify the most likely cause of the development of chalazion, as well as to prescribe a rational treatment.

On examination, the ophthalmologist discovers a thickening in the soft tissues of the lower eyelid, painless on palpation, round in shape, of dense consistency. However, in the early days, the chalazion has the same appearance as the barley. For a more accurate identification of a specific pathology, the doctor conducts differential diagnostics based on the search for differences between similar diseases.

Comparison table.

An effective method of treatment is the surgical removal of the chalazion

When a chalazion appears, therapeutic measures pursue certain tasks:

  • elimination of the cause;
  • treatment of the hailstone itself;
  • correction of therapy for concomitant pathology, which is the cause of the formation of this disease;
  • prevention of the transition to a chronic form.

Such goals are achieved with the help of:

  1. Conservative treatment.
  2. Surgical removal of chalazion.

In any case, treatment this education on the lower eyelid in children should be complex.

Therapy is always started conservatively.... In this case, the following are assigned:

  1. Local eye preparations - ointments and drops:
  • antibacterial (drops Tobrex, Tsipromed, tetracycline ointment);
  • anti-inflammatory (hormone-based ointments - hydrocortisone or dexamethasone) are used under strict medical supervision;
  • activating local immune protection - Ophthalmoferon.

Also prescribed antibacterial drops Tobrex

All of these activities are prescribed simultaneously to achieve the best therapeutic effect.

Antiallergic drugs are prescribed for children in order to slightly reduce edema near the site of inflammation, to prevent the development of allergic reactions. The duration of admission, dosage, the medicine itself is selected by the doctor, taking into account the age.

Physiotherapy is carried out on an outpatient basis by specially trained personnel. At home, you can apply warm compresses for no more than 5-10 minutes. They are carried out using sterile gauze moistened with boiled water.

How to properly massage the affected area, the specialist will show. The main point when performing a massage is soft movements without the use of force. The procedure is performed with clean hands!

Specially trained staff performs outpatient physiotherapy

Any physiotherapeutic effect is aimed at expanding the vessels around the chalazion, accompanied by a decrease in muscle spasm. The result of such actions can be a partial restoration of the patency of the sebaceous gland duct and the release of the accumulated secretion to the outside.

The conservative path is resorted to if the chalazion is less than 2 weeks old. With a longer duration of the disease, such therapy is not very effective.

Widespread use at the moment has earned the introduction of anti-inflammatory drugs (Kenalog, Diprospan) directly into the very focus of inflammation. I rarely prescribe this method for children. Such a measure is shown for large chalazion sizes, when the parents refuse the operation. The effect after administration is observed 2 weeks after the injection.

Indications for surgery:

  1. Lack of positive effect from ongoing conservative therapy.
  2. Disease duration is more than 2 weeks.

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. It takes 15-20 minutes. During the operation, peeling (isolation and removal) of the formation together with the capsule is carried out, as well as the subsequent suturing. Access to the chalazion during removal is chosen by the attending physician. He can be:

  • through the mucous membrane of the eyelid after its eversion;
  • through the skin.

For surgery, use:

  • laser removal;
  • conventional surgical method.

In the first case, the incision is made using a special laser knife, and the rest of the operation is carried out with standard devices. The advantage of this method is that there is no need for postoperative sutures. If the incision is made with an ordinary scalpel, then at the end of the intervention, the wound is sutured. The stitches are removed for 5-7 days.

No scars remain for any type of operation!

The baby's health depends entirely on the parents. Medical professionals strongly advise against self-medication. Only an ophthalmologist can correctly diagnose, choose a rational therapy for a baby!

Traditional methods can be used in a complex effect only after consulting a doctor.

Do not self-medicate. The child's health is always in the hands of the parents. See your doctor at the first symptoms

Prevention of chronization of the process

The prevention of the transition of chalazion in children to a chronic course consists of two components:

  1. Finding out the cause, its elimination and prevention.
  2. Timely seeking qualified medical care.

Chalazion in children is benign... But this does not mean that parents do not need to warn and treat him.

Dec 17, 2016Doc

Chalazion appears in a child quite often, but in many cases, parents mistake it for barley and either don't necessary measures on treatment, or expect that the disease will go away on its own.

Such an attitude to this inflammatory disease may be fraught with the fact that instead of a simple and quick conservative treatment at the initial stages, many are subsequently forced to turn to surgeons and remove the chalazion by radical methods.

In children, the disease develops evenly and gradually, and most symptoms do not appear immediately.

It is worth showing the child to an ophthalmologist when even one or two of these signs appear, which may indicate a chalazion:

  • redness of the eyelid area;
  • the appearance of puffiness in the eye;
  • the formation of a dense capsule that looks like barley, but does not have its characteristic yellowish color;
  • lacrimation.

Also it is worth listening to the complaints of the child himself, which can indicate itching, burning and pain in the eyelids, although pain is not a typical symptom of this disease.

The reasons why chalazion occurs in children and adults are the same. The exception is dysbiosis, an exclusively childhood disease that can potentially lead to chalazion.

The appearance of the disease is influenced by such factors and diseases.:

  • hypothermia of the body;
  • problems with the skin of the face (children with oily skin are usually prone to chalazion);
  • diabetes;
  • frequent respiratory diseases of a cold and viral nature;
  • diabetes;
  • neglect of personal hygiene;
  • weakened immunity.

Important! The last two reasons are the most common and in most cases it is they who lead to chalazikon in children.

Features of the upper and lower chalazion in a child

In terms of causes and origin, there is no difference between the upper or lower eyelid chalazion. The differences in this case are purely "technical" and relate to the manifestations of the disease.

Considering the upper chalazion, you can see its rapid manifestation, which allows you to almost immediately diagnose the disease. The capsule on the upper eyelid develops faster and is always easy to find.

Such features make it possible to successfully treat upper eyelid disease, while this the disease in the lower eyelid is not so noticeable and in the first days only a specialist can determine its presence (and then, if diagnostics will be carried out as a result of subjective complaints of the child).

Important! Chalazion on the lower eyelid takes longer to mature, and at the same time it almost never resolves itself, requiring quick and adequate treatment.


What to do if a child has halizion, and how to treat an eye disease?

Chalazion treatment at different stages can be performed in different ways: in the early stages, conservative methods without surgery and traditional medicine will help, while in an advanced form, a capsule with pus can only be removed surgically.

But even many adults are afraid of the second option, and it is impossible to expect a child to react positively to the prospect of surgery.

Therefore, it is better not to bring about such a condition and start treatment in advance, when traditional medicines can still help. Especially if the disease occurs in a baby or a child under 2 years old.

For the treatment of baby chalazion, eye drops and ointments can be used. Good examples of ointments are hydrocortisone, mercury yellow, or torbex. In any case, the components in such ointments are aimed at restoring the stable functioning of the glands and eliminating purulent formations that interfere with fluid drainage.

In rare cases, when the form of the disease is neglected, children are injected with corticosteroid drugs directly into a capsule with pus - this allows to speed up the process of resorption.

Important! But such drugs can negatively affect the hormonal background of children, therefore, if injections are necessary, drugs of the glucocorticosteroid group are more often prescribed, which are more gentle.

Operational measures to treat the disease

The operation to remove the halizion is the most effective measure, but operations for children are prescribed only after they can be convinced in practice of the ineffectiveness or complete absence of the effect of conservative therapy.

Chalazion removal is carried out in stationary conditions, but the child does not need to stay in the hospital for the entire subsequent rehabilitation period.

Depending on the type of surgery, it takes about 10 or 20 minutes (laser intervention is faster).

Laser cutting of a pus capsule is generally the best option for children.... Firstly, the child is in the doctor's office for a minimum amount of time, although even this is almost always stressful for children. Secondly, after such an operation, no sutures are needed, and this method is completely safe.

Parents often consider traditional medicine to be the best option for treating children. Basically, doctors treat such unconventional treatment either neutrally or positively, and only deny the treatment of severe forms of the disease with such methods.

In the case of chalazion, ophthalmologists also see nothing wrong with traditional medicine.

But only on condition of preliminary consultation of the patient with the doctor and the allocation of a secondary role to this method, since the basis of treatment should be traditional medicine.

There are many alternative methods of treating such a disease, but the following are as gentle and harmless as possible, so they are best suited for treating children:

  1. At the initial stage of the disease (the first 3-5 days), gas can be instilled freshly squeezed aloe leaf juicediluted with water one to one. For children, such a remedy is dripped more often than for adults - 5-6 times a day, four drops.
  2. Another effective remedy is cabbage compress, finely grated or chopped. Cabbage in this form is mixed with raw egg white, which must be separated from the yolk, and placed in several layers of gauze or cloth. The mixture should not ooze strongly through the fabric, which should only be slightly damp on the outside. When applying such a compress to the affected eyelid, it is important that the secreted juices are in contact with the skin of the child's eyelids.
  3. Another version of the compress is made from dry dill seeds... Two tablespoons of such an herb are poured with boiling water (about two hundred grams), after which the mixture must be additionally kept on fire for 10 minutes. As a result, the seeds will boil into a homogeneous mass, which must be placed in a tissue and, after allowing the product to cool slightly, apply to sore eyelids.

Important! When preparing compresses, it is always important to observe the temperature: it should be slightly higher than comfortable, but at the same time not to burn the skin.

How to cure diseases according to the method of Dr. Komarovsky?

Famous Russian pediatrician, doctor Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, believes that children's chalazion is not as scary as ophthalmologists say about it. Moreover, Komarovsky claims that only three out of four cases of this disease need to be treated, and 25% of them go away on their own.

In some situations, you can really do just a massage that stimulates the unclogging of the glands.

But the child must still be under the supervision of the attending physician, and if the situation worsens, it is necessary to urgently start drug treatment.

Doctor Komarovsky completely rejects the recipes of traditional medicine, advising, if necessary, to use yellow mercury ointment or reciniol emulsion for treatment. This is part antibacterial therapy, the use of which allows you to avoid inflammation of the chalazion.

The value of prevention with chalazion is explained by the fact that the disease can lead to serious consequences, especially if you do not treat it responsibly.

Important! In children, such a disease occurs no more often than in adults, but cases of relapse of children's chalazion are constantly recorded, which cannot be said about adult patients.

Concerning with children it is necessary to carry out educational work aimed at teaching them simple rules of prevention, which will help prevent not only chalazion, but also most other ophthalmic diseases.

The child should be taught how to wash hands and face with soap after walking, after playing with other children, as well as before eating and after using the toilet.

It is also necessary to provide proper nutrition containing foods rich in minerals and vitamins.

You should not give up and vitamin complexes: even despite the large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables on the menu, such products must be given to the child constantly and in large quantities in order to replenish the daily norm of useful micronutrients.

It is cheaper and easier to use multivitamin supplements and preparations.

Attention! It is important to make sure that the child is less likely to hypothermia, and if it was not possible to prevent a cold, it is important to comprehensively treat it so that there are no untreated symptoms in the form of fever and cough.

Such "remnants" may indicate the imminent transition of the disease into a chronic form, which adversely affects the immune system, and without a healthy immune system, it is difficult to talk about protection from chalazion.

In the photo you can see the manifestation of chalazion on the eyelids in children:

What the disease looks like can be found out from the following photos:

From this video you will learn more about the disease and treatment methods:

It is necessary to closely monitor the well-being of the child and external changes in his body: this is the most effective preventive measure that prevents many diseases.

The term "chalazion" comes from the Greek language and literally translates as "hailstone". It is understood as a pathological enlargement of the meibomian gland. The clinical picture, especially in the early stages of development, of the pathological process is very similar to that of another ophthalmic disease - barley. The treatment of this disease is very long and it often happens that conservative methods of therapy are not so successful.

What should be the actions of parents when the first symptoms of chalazion appear in a child, what is the secret of successful treatment and how to avoid relapses, we will tell in this article.

What it is?

In the thickness of the cartilage of the upper and lower eyelids, a person has specific sebaceous glands with a branched system of ducts, which are called meibomian. Their more precise localization is the inner part of the eyelid skin next to the ciliary edge. The ducts of the meibomian glands open in the growth zone of the eyelashes. On average, each person has about 35-50 such glands in the upper eyelid and 20-30 in the lower.

The meibomian glands produce a special secret, which is one of the structural components of the tear film that moisturizes the eye. Also, the secret is needed to lubricate the cornea and moisturize the edges of the eyelids. He plays the role of a kind amartizator in the mechanism of contact of the edges of the eyelids with the surface of the eyes.Also, the fatty secretion of the meibomian gland regulates the level of moisture in the eye with the tear fluid, preventing its excessive evaporation.

When the meibomian gland becomes inflamed, a blockage of its excretory ducts occurs, which inevitably leads to a disruption of the normal outflow of fatty secretions. Gradually, it begins to accumulate inside the gland, which causes its gradual increase. The area of \u200b\u200bsecretion accumulation turns into a rounded seal, separated from the adjacent tissues by a connective tissue capsule.

In the course of numerous studies, it was found that the chalazion consists of granulation tissue, as well as many epithelioid and giant cells. If a pathogenic pathogen gets there, then can develop purulent inflammatory process, which will result in the formation of an abscess(purulent exudate isolated from nearby tissues by a dense connective tissue capsule). In this case, pronounced signs of inflammation will appear in the formation zone of the chalazion: swelling and redness of the skin, pain.

Sometimes it happens that the chalazion breaks through itself without outside interference. In its place, a fistula can form, which is a channel connecting the chalazion capsule and the surface of the eyelid skin. Granulations (areas of tissue growth) appear near the cutaneous opening of the fistula. The skin in this area becomes inflamed and very sensitive.

The development of the disease can be quite long and has a recurrent nature (the reappearance of such a seal), in this case, conservative treatment can be long and not give the desired result.

Then the only effective method to help get rid of the chalazion is surgical removal. But despite this, in the early stages of treatment, most ophthalmologists prefer drug therapy for the disease, considering the surgical method as an extreme measure, especially if the patient is a child.

There is a persistent belief in the medical environment that the formation of chalazion occurs under the influence of the same pathogenic microflora as barley. It follows from this that the therapy of the disease should primarily be aimed at destruction of the pathogen.However, in any case, the ophthalmologist determines the tactics of treatment after examining the child. It is highly undesirable to self-medicate, since only a specialist can differentiate the disease among other ophthalmic pathologies and prescribe adequate therapy.

With a weak severity of symptoms and a sluggish pathological process, conservative methods of treatment help children, but the course of therapy in such cases can be quite long.

In cases of acute manifestation of clinical signs of chalazion, its surgical removal can be applied.

Antibiotic therapy involves the use disinfecting eye drops or ointments, among which "Tobrex", yellow mercury and hydrocortisone ointment, as well as Vishnevsky's ointment, etc. With prolonged treatment, the ophthalmologist may prescribe the introduction of medicinal injections directly into the chalazion cavity. This technique is quite effective, but it is prescribed to children with caution, since this procedure is accompanied by a number of side effects.

Eye drops "Tobrex" have a wide spectrum of action. They belong to the pharmacological group of aminoglycosides. The main active substance of the drug is tobramycin, it is able to fight streptococcal and staphylococcal infections, E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, enterobacter and Klebsiella. However, the drops do not show activity when interacting with group B streptococcus. Additional components of the drug: sodium chloride, boric acid, purified water.

"Tobrex" is very effective in the treatment of chalazion, as well as other inflammatory eye diseases such as keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva - the mucous membrane of the eye), blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelid), etc. Also, drops are prescribed as a disinfectant in the postoperative period.The course of treatment for children should not exceed a week. In the acute phase of the disease, the drug is instilled at least 3-4 times a day. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug.

The eye instillation regimen prescribed by your doctor should be followed exactly. You cannot arbitrarily increase the number of instillations per day or use the drug longer than the prescribed course of treatment. During treatment with this remedy wearing contact lenses is possible.

Eye drops Floxalare able to have an effective effect in the fight against pathogenic microflora, represented by obligate and facultative anaerobes, as well as aerophiles and chlamydia. Ofloxacin acts as the main active substance of the drug. The use of "Floxal" is advisable in the treatment of infectious diseases such as chalazion, keratitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, barley, corneal ulcer, etc. The course of treatment with the drug is no more than two weeks. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug.

You can not start using "Floxal" without the appointment of an ophthalmologist. During the course of treatment with the drug, contact lenses should not be worn.

Eye drops "Tsipromed" have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. The drug shows high efficiency in the fight against gram-positive and gram-negative pathogenic microflora. Cypromed belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones.

Ophthalmologists recommend using Tsipromed for the treatment of the following inflammatory diseases: chalazion, conjunctivitis, uveitis, keratitis, blepharitis, dacryoscystitis, etc. The course of drug treatment should not exceed two weeks. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug. "Tsipromed" is not prescribed for the treatment of chalazion for children under one year old.

You do not need to try at home without first consulting an ophthalmologist to treat chalazion with folk remedies (for example, various decoctions and lotions using calendula, chamomile, aloe juice, etc.) and other dubious alternative methods (homeopathy, various conspiracies, etc.) ...

Children's doctor Komarovsky, well-known in our country, whose opinion is authoritative not only for many Russian parents, but also for most pediatricians, insists that in the event of a chalazion in a child you must first resort to standard methods of traditional medicine, and not to "grandmother's" recipes, which not only do not help to get rid of the chalazion, but can also be dangerous to the health of the child (especially when it comes to treating the baby).

The main sign of the development of this disease is the formation of swelling in the region of the edge of the eyelid, closer to the eyelash growth line. In the future, an elastic seal with smooth edges appears in its place, resembling a pea in shape. Redness is observed on the inner surface of the eyelid.

Chalazion rarely causes pain in the eyelid area. If an infection joins such a pathological process, then all the signs of an acute inflammatory process will additionally appear: pain, swelling, redness, and possibly spontaneous opening of purulent exudate from the inner edge of the eyelid. In such cases, treatment includes antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy,and also application physiotherapy procedures.

Chalazion at the initial examination resembles barley in many ways. They differ in that barley, after the "breakthrough" of pus outward, usually resolves and all symptoms gradually disappear. Chalazion, in turn, rarely breaks through, gradually gains in size and becomes quite dense.

Blockage of the meibomian gland can occur in one or two eyelids at once.

If a child with chalazion is not provided with the necessary treatment for a long time, the seal can grow to those limits when, by putting pressure on neighboring tissues, it can provoke the development of other diseases of the visual apparatus. therefore you shouldn't delay going to an ophthalmologisteven if the painless eyelid seal does not give your child any discomfort. Remember that conservative treatment of chalazion is appropriate only in the initial stages of the development of the disease or after it has broken through.

When the accumulated secret of the meibomian gland has become denser, only surgical intervention can eliminate the problem, which, psychologically, is not so difficult for children as for their frightened parents.

In children, cases of recurrent multiple chalazions are not often recorded. Usually, the chalazion can reappear in the same place where it was previously removed. This is due to the fact that the tumor was not completely removed during the operation.

There is a theory that suggests that the presence of hyperopia (farsightedness) in a child contributes to the development of chalazion. In any case, this type of refractive error requires spectacle or contact correction, as well as other methods of treatment (apparatus therapy, visual gymnastics, physiotherapy procedures, etc.).

The appearance of a chalazion can occur against the background of a decrease in immunity... This can also be explained by hereditary or acquired instability of the immune system to gram-positive microflora. In this case, a treatment plan should be drawn up with the participation of an immunologist. Chalazion may appear as a result of an anatomical defect, which is manifested by a too narrow lumen of the meibomian glands, as a result of which the normal outflow of fat secretion is disrupted.

Another reason for the periodic blockage of the ducts of the meibomian glands is weak functional activity of the muscular apparatus, affecting the movement of secretions in a certain direction, as well as a low content of the protective protein of the secretory tear immunoglobulin. In such cases, the child usually has multiple chalazions periodically.

A special eyelid massage can minimize the risk of chalazion, but the child will still need a consultation from narrow specialists.

The ophthalmologist decides whether surgery is necessary. At the same time, he should proceed from how long the course of drug treatment lasts and what is the positive dynamics of recovery. If the "pea" does not pass and does not decrease for a very long period, then most likely the doctor will suggest its surgical removal.

The operation takes place under local anesthesia. If the patient is under 2 years old, then the manipulation will be performed under general anesthesia.

The whole procedure can be roughly divided into several stages:

  1. Introduction of an anesthetic into the eyelid cavity;
  2. After the onset of local loss of sensitivity, the seal is fixed at the base with a clamp;
  3. An incision is made on the inside of the eyelid through which the capsule is removed;
  4. Sutures are applied to the incision;
  5. The eyelid is treated with antiseptic agents;
  6. Finally, an aseptic bandage is applied to the eye.

In the postoperative period, the patient needs to wear a slightly pressure bandage for some time. It is necessary to remove it only before placing a medicinal ointment under the eyelid.

In addition to surgical removal of the seal from the thickness of the eyelid with a scalpel, there is a method for removing chalazion with a laser.This technique has some advantages over the usual eyelid surgery, among them the main thing is the absence of the need to suture after the completion of the manipulation, as well as the fact that the operation is absolutely bloodless. Naturally, this significantly shortens the period of complete recovery after surgery, and after this procedure, you do not need to wear a bandage for a long time. Parents' feedback on this method is mostly positive.

In the case when a scar remains after the operation, which, with regular contact with the surface of the cornea, creates a risk of damage to it, it is necessary to wear special lenses to prevent intense friction until the surgical wound is completely healed.

For information on how to treat chalazion in children, see the next video.

Eye diseases are not uncommon in children. It is very important to identify them in time. Chalazion of the upper or lower eyelid refers to such pathologies. This is a fairly common disease that is caused by a blockage of the sebaceous gland. Chalazion is often mistaken for eye barley, since both diseases are actually similar in their symptoms. However, unlike barley, chalazion does not dissolve on its own and is much more dangerous in its complications and consequences. How not to miss the moment and diagnose the disease in time?

Chalazion (in the lane - "hail") is a swelling of the eyelid, formed as a result of blockage of the sebaceous (meibomian) gland and the accumulation of fluid in it. The meibomian glands are branched sebaceous glands located deep in the cartilage of the upper and lower eyelids. They function as excretory ducts that open at the lash line.

During normal activity, the sebaceous glands produce a fatty secretion that moisturizes the tear film and lubricates the cornea and edges of the eyelids. Thus, they reduce friction between the edge of the eyelids and the front of the eye during blinking. Blockage of the glands leads to the accumulation of fatty secretion in the duct, the gland increases in size and a capsule is formed. The meibomian glands are also responsible for moisturizing the surface of the eye: they retain the tear layer on the eye.

Chalazion is found in both adults and children.

There are chalazion of the upper and lower eyelids. There are no particular differences between them. In both cases, the cartilage surrounding the gland becomes inflamed, as a result of which its blockage occurs and fluid accumulates in it.

The chalazion of the upper eyelid immediately manifests itself as a rounded and dense tumor-like node. The mechanism of its appearance is as follows: the ducts of the sebaceous glands are clogged, it stops secreting necessary substance for the formation of a lipid layer on the surface of the eyeball.

Chalazion of the upper eyelid in a child

Chalazion of the lower eyelid at the initial stage is hardly noticeable. The tumor is located on the inside of the eyelid, in the cartilage tissue. Sometimes the growth shrinks and disappears. But most often it either stays the same size or increases. In patients suffering from this type of pathology, vision deteriorates: they see images vaguely. Moving your eyes up or down causes discomfort.

Chalazion of the lower eyelid in a child

Children 5-10 years old are at risk, more often the disease is detected in them. Chalazion can be an independent disease or be a consequence of other diseases.

The reasons for chalazion in children include:

  • Introducing infections to the eye glands.For example, a child with dirty hands scratched his eyes and brought an infection.
  • Weakened immunity after suffering colds: flu, ARVI, ARI.
  • The presence of diabetes mellitus in a child;
  • Excessive sebaceous discharge from the skin glands.

Chalazion develops gradually. The child initially has a slight swelling of the eyelid (lower or upper); this is a consequence of blockage of the sebaceous gland. Gradually, the skin of the eyelids turns red, and the swelling becomes more and more. The initial stage of chalazion is accompanied by itching and burning of the affected eyelid

After a few days, the swelling develops into a dense capsule inside the child's eyelid. The painful sensations are not very strong: there is an inconvenience due to the growing seal.

Chalazion rarely goes away on its own. And this should not be expected. In advanced cases, the disease leads to conjunctivitis and severe visual impairment. An ophthalmologist's consultation is required in this situation. Self-medicating a chalazion is dangerous.

If a bulge is noticeable in a child's eyelid, then this means that the chalazion is located at the very surface, and in other cases, it can be seen only by twisting the eyelid.

The usual diagnosis of chalazion is based on an external examination of the patient. External symptoms indicate the disease: deformation of the eyelid, the appearance of compaction. Infrequent and painful blinking movements allow accurate diagnosis of the disease without using instrumental methods inspection.

In rare cases (if relapses occur too often), laboratory research eye tissues. This is also necessary in order to exclude the possibility of occurrence malignant tumor century.

Chalazion treatment can be carried out in three ways: conservative, surgical and laser.

With a timely visit to a doctor, the disease can be overcome without surgery. This is possible only at the initial stage of clogging of the gland, before a dense capsule has formed. Conservative treatment involves two options:

  1. Treatment with eye ointments and drops. The essence of their use is in the disinfection of the tissues of the diseased century, the elimination of pus and the restoration of the normal functioning of the glands. Doctors usually prescribe Torbex drops, yellow mercury or hydrocortisone ointment. The course of treatment is individual in each case.
  2. Injections. This treatment is unpleasant for young patients, but very effective. Medicines (corticosteroids) are injected directly into the lump to dissolve it.

When the chalazion has already reached a certain density and does not bring pain, it can be removed exclusively by surgery. The operation itself is considered uncomplicated and is carried out quickly.

After the operation, no scars remain, as it is performed on the inner eyelid. In most cases, children do not have relapses. Children suffering from dysbiosis or diabetes mellitus can get sick again.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The child's eyelid is clamped, the conjunctiva is cut and the painful lump is removed. No stitches are applied, but only a bandage that can be removed after 2 days. The site of the operation is disinfected with an antibiotic.

This method is the most progressive of all. But, unfortunately, not all hospitals have modern equipment.

Removal of the capsule by laser takes place under local anesthesia and always gives an excellent result, even with large seal sizes. In addition, the laser procedure eliminates the likelihood of recurrence of the chalazion.

It should be noted right away: resorting to folk methods of treating chalazion in children is necessary only after consulting a doctor. Self-treatment can lead to unpleasant consequences.

At the initial stages of chalazion, aloe juice will be very useful. It needs to be instilled 5 times a day, 4 drops in a sore eye. Aloe is widely known for its disinfecting properties. At the same time, you can gently, with clean hands, massage the seal formed in the child's eyelid, which facilitates the discharge of pus.

Traditional medicine advises using a cabbage compress for chalazion, which tends to relieve inflammation. To prepare the compress, you need to finely chop the raw cabbage, mix with the protein of the raw egg, pack in clean gauze and apply to the sore spot.

You can also try applying a dill seed compress to the sore eye. For this, 2 tablespoons of seeds must be boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. The dill gruel should be cooled slightly and a compress should be made by wrapping the mixture in a gauze napkin.

Some parents claim that they have completely cured chalazion in their children. in a simple way: simply applied to the eyelid with a towel dipped in boiled water.

If a chalazion is not treated correctly and bothers a child or an adult for a long period, then a cyst may form, and this is very dangerous for the body. Basically, the disease develops slowly. The first sign - a swollen eyelid - becomes noticeable only after two weeks. Basically, the chalazion is distinguished by a benign chronic course. The disease may appear even after the end of treatment.

It is categorically unacceptable to delay the treatment or removal of the chalazion from the child. The increasing pressure of the seal on the cornea can damage it and cause keratitis - inflammation of the lining of the eye, which in some cases leads to loss of vision.

In order to prevent chalazion, parents need to teach children to wash their hands regularly, especially not to allow them to rub their eyes with dirty hands. In addition, it is recommended to strengthen the immunity of children and treat all colds to the end.

Timely and correct treatment chalazion, namely the elimination of the inflammatory process of the eyelids at the most early stages... In addition, you need to monitor digestive system child, teach him a healthy lifestyle and try to avoid stress.

Selection of glasses for vision: everything about how to choose the right optical lenses and the shape of the frame for different types of faces.

What to do if you are overtaken by age-related hyperopia, read this article.

How to wear contact lenses correctly:

So, chalazion in a child is a disease that can be successfully treated in the early stages.... Do not waste time, at the first sign you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a qualified doctor will be able to distinguish barley in a child's eye from a chalazion and prescribe a competent treatment. It should always be remembered that the parents are responsible for their child, and the doctor is responsible for their little patient.

The etiology of this ophthalmic problem is based on the lack of the possibility of outflow of the lipid secretion produced by the sebaceous glands of the eyelids.

Factors predisposing to blockage of the lumen:

  • An inflammatory process that provokes edema of superficial tissues, which does not allow the secretion produced to “evacuate” through the excretory ducts.
  • The production of a thick secret by the glands, which is not able to move normally to the exit.
  • Untreated barley

The list of risk factors associated with the formation of a sebaceous plug is very impressive, and not all are directly related to the eyes and eyelids.

  • diabetes
  • dysbiosis
  • chronic form of blepharitis, conjunctivitis
  • biliary dyskinesia
  • gastritis
  • enterocolitis
  • vascular lesions of the facial skin
  • seborrhea
  • low immunity - colds, hypothermia
  • poor eye hygiene
  • vitamin deficiency

To minimize the risks of relapses of chalazion, sometimes it is enough to normalize the daily routine - avoid stress, eat right, get enough sleep.

Then the likelihood of meeting with a nodule on the eyelids will decrease, or you will completely forget about such a problem.

However, the above is an idealized scenario; in practice, getting rid of this defect is sometimes a very difficult task.

To limit ourselves to conservative treatment, the appearance of hailstones cannot be ignored; it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist in time.

The main manifestation of the disease is the appearance of a hailstone on the upper or lower eyelid, this is the reason for the type of disease:

  • the eyelid is affected from the extreme part, causing discomfort and itching, this phenomenon is common in children, self-treatment can worsen the situation and cause a relapse;
  • the lower eyelid, amazed, resembles barley, the localization of the tumor process is observed in the eyelash zone, an experienced ophthalmologist will be able to determine the disease and its nature.

The course of this disease is characterized by several main stages, depending on which one or another therapeutic process is prescribed. At the initial stage, the disease is virtually invisible, the person is not worried about unpleasant phenomena. The disease may be accompanied by skin redness. Distinguishing it from barley is problematic.

At the third stage, the lump begins to grow for a long time, the process lasts up to 2-3 weeks, at this stage it is advisable to use drug treatment through pharmacy and folk drugs.

On last stage there is a large growth, the tumor increases in size, the patient needs an urgent surgical intervention... The operation is performed by a specialist in the field of surgery.

To answer the question of how to cure chalazion without surgery, it is worthwhile to understand that you need to start the treatment process at the third stage, and even better to diagnose the disease at the initial stage and take measures to eliminate it.

The disease is traditionally provoked by the influence of several factors on it, usually these are background diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • skin rashes;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • stressful condition;
  • barley;
  • use of lenses;
  • infectious diseases;
  • weakening of immunity;
  • the fact of respiratory diseases;
  • infection in the eyes;
  • neglect of hygiene;
  • frequent eye rubbing.

To treat a disease with proven means, it is necessary to determine the cause of its manifestation.

This event takes place, however, the procedure should be carried out by an experienced professional using a special sterile instrument. Through a needle, special injections are made into the chalazion, which dissolve the formation and relieve the inflammatory process. Self-execution of the event is not allowed so as not to bring the infection.

The reason for the development of chalazion is the blockage of the duct of the meibomian (sebaceous) gland of the eyelid, as a result of which the formed lipid secret does not drain outward and accumulates in the lumen of the gland duct. This mechanism leads to inflammation of the tissue around the gland, the encapsulation of the lesion and the formation of a benign nodule on the eyelid.

Often, the formation of chalazion occurs against the background of the previous barley, especially in cases of incomplete cure or recurrence of the latter. Predisposes to the development of chalazion chronic blepharitis, rosacea, oily skin, seborrhea, diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal diseases (dysbiosis, biliary dyskinesia, chronic gastritis, enterocolitis).

Contributing factors can be stress, hypothermia, acute respiratory viral infections, hypovitaminosis, infection in the eye in case of violation of personal hygiene rules, improper handling of contact lenses.

Microscopically, a chalazion is formed by granulation tissue and a large number of epithelioid and giant cells.

What is the origin of chalazion? Most often, the disease develops as a result of non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Chalazion on the eye can appear due to irregular washing or improper use of contact lenses. Sometimes it forms in the place of untreated barley.

The causes of the appearance of chalazion can be weakened immunity, postponed respiratory viral infections (ARVI), frequent stress, hypovitaminosis. Sometimes the disease develops against the background of chronic systemic diseases.

Diseases in which chalazion often appears:

  • diabetes;
  • dysbiosis;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • enteritis;
  • biliary dyskinesia.

Note that chalazions appear more often in people with seborrhea and oily skin. Since their processes of formation and secretion of sebum are disrupted, the disease affects them with ease.

There are a lot of reasons provoking the onset of inflammation of the upper eyelid, as well as the lower one:

  • hypothermia of the tissues of the eye;
  • immunodeficiency states of the body;
  • colds, hormonal diseases;
  • barley;
  • getting an infection with dirty hands, a towel or contact lenses;
  • increased production of secretions by the glands, leading to blockage of the lacrimal duct;
  • acute inflammatory process of the meibomian gland;
  • inflammation of the eyelids (blepharitis);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

All these conditions cause the appearance of chalazion, and during therapy it is important to eliminate not only inflammation on the eyelids, but also the root cause, which was the starting point of the disease. Ignoring the causes of the disease threatens with repeated relapses.

The main task of the meibomian gland is to produce a fatty secretion, which prevents the evaporation of tear fluid from the eyeball. If the duct is blocked for any reason, the fatty secretion begins to accumulate inside, after which a swelling appears on the eyelid. Why this happens is still not known for certain, but it is generally accepted that the following external factors and conditions of the body increase the risk of the appearance of chalazion:

  • previously transferred ophthalmic diseases - conjunctivitis, blepharitis;
  • skin diseases - seborrhea, rosacea, oily skin;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, enterocolitis, intestinal dysbiosis, worms;
  • decreased immunity against the background of frequent colds, hypothermia, stress;
  • lack of vitamin B due to malnutrition;
  • wearing contact lenses;
  • neglect of hygiene rules.

Currently complete list the reasons provoking the appearance of the chalazion of the upper or lower eyelid has not been established. However, it is known that this disease is often the result of such processes:

  • Clogging of the glands (a process similar to that observed with barley);
  • Abnormal tissue growth;
  • Skin diseases, including rosacea and seborrhea.

It is noted that even with the coincidence of several factors capable of provoking chalazion, the disease does not always occur. In many cases, the processes of clogging of the gland, and the growth of tissue, are solved without outside interference and the accumulated pus or dirt comes out on their own. And only in those cases when for some reason this does not happen, a chalazion is formed.

Chalazion is often confused with barley.

In the first stages, the disease has features common to the inflammatory processes of the century and is often difficult to diagnose. The disease proceeds as follows:

  • in the first days, there is also a swelling of the eyelid typical for barley, accompanied by painful sensations,
  • after a couple of days the pain disappears, the chalazion remains on the eyelid in the form of a round painless swelling, which grows over time;
  • with an increase in the size of a neoplasm, it begins to press on the cornea and cause discomfort;
  • after a few weeks, the tumor increases pressure on the cornea and, when it reaches a large size, becomes painful again.

The appearance of a chalazion may be accompanied by slight swelling and the appearance of a red or grayish spot on the back of the eyelid. Temperature and weakness with such a disease are extremely rare.

Often the disease is mistaken for simple barley, but their main difference is that barley can pass on its own, while chalazion is a chronic disease and requires treatment. Inflammation of the edge of the eyelid, near the cartilage and sebaceous gland, causes the formation of a purulent sac. If treatment is not started on time, a cyst may form on the eyelid with mucus inside.

The main features include:

  • The appearance of painful lumps on the eyelid.
  • Swelling of the upper eyelid, hard peas.
  • Deterioration of vision, the possibility, with advanced disease, of the occurrence of astigmatism.
  • Irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye.
  • The temperature rises, the lemph nodes increase.
  • One or more of the sebaceous glands of the eye thicken.

Symptomatic picture of the disease

The most common complication of chalazion is its relapse - the re-development of the disease after recovery. The reason for this may be untimely or improper treatment of the disease, weakened immunity, non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene or failure to follow the doctor's recommendations.

Other possible complications:

  • abscess - a cavity filled with pus in the thickness of the eyelid;
  • keratitis is an inflammatory lesion of the cornea;
  • fistula - a gaping channel connecting the cavity of the chalazion with the surface of the eyelid;
  • conjunctivitis - inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • astigmatism caused by deformation of the cornea.

At first, the symptoms of chalazion are very similar to those of barley: swelling occurs, which is a little sore and irritated, but very soon such symptoms disappear, and a slight swelling appears at the site of the edema, which begins to grow. Over time, this formation reaches the size of a pea and becomes dense.

If you turn out the eyelid and look at its back side, then there is a spot - red or gray. Some patients complain of itching and watery eyes. A chalazion can appear both in one century, and in two at once. In addition to the sensation of a foreign object in the eye in the initial stages of the disease, patients rarely complain of other symptoms.

If treatment is not carried out, then an inflammatory process may soon develop, which ends in suppuration. The abscess puts pressure on eyeball and visual perception is impaired.

If the abscess breaks out, then a fistula will appear in its place, around which the skin turns red and a tough crust appears. To prevent this from happening, the treatment of such a disease should be carried out at the initial stages.

What a chalazion looks like

If the tumor grows too much, then it will press on the eye cornea. This process can cause serious complications:

  • deterioration of vision;
  • astigmatism;
  • inflammation and clouding of the cornea, which can lead to loss of vision - complete or partial;
  • an abscess if an infection enters the area of \u200b\u200bformation.

Before and after removal

Hygiene is the main prevention of chalazion. It is imperative to wash off cosmetics before going to bed, do not touch your eyes with dirty hands, bring contact lenses, follow all the rules.

In addition, it is necessary to raise the immune system, use high-quality cosmetics, treat barley to the end, treat chronic and immune diseases. At the first manifestations of chalazion, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist.

The symptomatic pattern (external manifestations, internal sensations) is based on the current stage of development of the pathology - the size of the formed formation.

At the initial stages, there is a similarity between the signs of chalazion and the symptoms of barley - swelling, swelling, redness. However, this is where the clinical correlation ends.

Barley appears, develops rapidly, quickly reaching impressive sizes, the formation area is the edge of the century.

The hailstones, on the other hand, are in no hurry, the time interval of the course can be calculated in months. The appearance of multiple chalazions is likely, simultaneously in both centuries. Another difference, the area of \u200b\u200bformation of the seal - the opposite surface, from the side of the conjunctiva.

Two variants of the inflammatory process of the meibomian glands are classified, the ophthalmic name is meibomite:

  • acute
  • chronic - chalazion of the century (hailstone)

The clinical picture of each is characterized by a list of general as well as specific signs inherent directly to this form of the disease.

Signs of acute meibomite

  • lacrimation
  • irritation
  • on the inner surface, in the thickness of the cartilaginous tissue, a purulent rounded seal, the size of a wheat grain, is fixed, the central area is grayish-yellow
  • palpation is painful
  • sensation foreign object in the eye
  • burning

Perhaps spontaneous opening, release of purulent secretions.

Probable ways of pus exit:

  • through the cartilage of the eyelid, conjunctiva
  • the main excretory duct of the affected meibomian gland

A fistulous course is formed, with granulations growing around, preventing the wound from healing. The skin on the eyelids dries up.

Pathological discharge, resembling sour cream in consistency, is capable of spreading and affecting neighboring glands.

Signs of chronic meibomite

A long-term “living”, long-term non-bursting abscess is a serious cause for concern, the likelihood of a surgical solution to the problem will increase.

A growing focus of inflammation (chalazion) can press on the cornea, provoking the development of astigmatism, distorting visual perception.

The inflammatory process of the meibomian glands can easily become chronic, disturbing with persistent relapses. This occurs with weak immunity, or an advanced form.

Clinical manifestations:

  • cosmetic defect (swelling) resembles a small nodule 4-6 mm, slowly growing, grayish-red
  • there is no “adhesion” to the skin of the eyelids, the edges of which thicken, redden
  • difficult blinking movements
  • yellowish-gray plaques (plugs) are formed, filled with thick lipid secretion of the affected gland, dead cells of the epithelial layer
  • feeling of heaviness, constant eye fatigue
  • chronic conjunctivitis
  • photophobia

Eye disease has been known for a long time, translated from Greek it means: "a small nodule, hardening." The development of the disease is slow and is a consequence of blocking the function of the sebaceous gland in the eyelid region. The blockage process is observed in connection with various causal factors, which leads to an undoubted thickening of the gland. The resulting seal is called this disease. There are several signs that make chalazion different from barley:

  • within a few days after the onset of the disease, the inflammatory signs disappear, in their place there is only a seal, similar in appearance to a small lump;
  • the nature of the occurrence of barley is the infection of the sebaceous glands, and in the disease under consideration, the clogging factor plays a role;
  • chalazion has a much larger size.

Such features of the disease reduce the entire result of treatment to removal. However, you can do this with conventional medications without surgery. For a better understanding of the process, we will consider the causal factors and symptoms of the disease.

A rounded swelling develops under the skin of the affected eyelid. It gradually increases, which makes it visible to others. In addition to sensory discomfort, the build-up is distinguished by the delivery of a significant cosmetic defect that cannot be masked. In one eyelid, a patient may experience several ailments at the same time. In some cases of the course of the disease, several characteristic symptoms can be observed:

  • throbbing pain;
  • a strong burning sensation;
  • increased body temperature;
  • sensitivity at the site of the lesion;
  • noticeable skin redness;
  • watery eyes;
  • itching and swelling.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of external signs with eversion of the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe eyelid. For the chalazion to be cured by medical supplies without the help of a surgeon, it is necessary to pay attention to its signs immediately after their manifestation and consult a specialist.

If relapses occur frequently, this indicates that the disease is becoming a chronic process. Most often, people with weakened immunity suffer from the disease. The course of the disease can be accompanied by phlegmon of the century, keratitis and other phenomena. If you resort to unqualified therapy, the process of squeezing the optic nerve becomes unfavorable.

Chalazion (from the Greek - nodule, hailstone) is characterized by chronic proliferative inflammation of the eyelid around the meibomian gland, which develops when its excretory canal is blocked and secretions accumulate in it. The meibomian glands are located in the thickness of the cartilage, have a tubular structure and open with their outlet ducts to the inner surface of the eyelid. In each eyelid, there are about 50-70 glands that produce the outer (lipid) layer of the tear film. The function of the meibomian glands is to keep the eyeball hydrated and prevent tears from evaporating from the surface of the eye.

In ophthalmology, chalazion is a widespread problem and accounts for 7.4% in the overall structure of eyelid pathology. The disease can affect people of all ages, but it is more common among adults, mainly between the ages of 30-50.

The risk group is people over 30 years old. Failure to provide care can lead to the spread of the tumor to the entire eye. Disease and not started treatment on time can lead to cancer of the meiboim gland. Not worth treating chronic illnesslike a simple barley. Chalazion treatment with folk remedies is the most effective relief from illness. If it is impossible to contact a specialist, you should start treating chalazion at home. But you still need to see a doctor.

Advice! Aloe, tea tree oil, soda - well treat the disease, but purulent formations require drug treatment.

In most cases, patients are especially concerned about the cosmetic defect with the growth of education. Chalazion, which is not treated, can increase to such an extent that it can cause visual impairment by exerting mechanical pressure on the eyeball.

Symptoms appear when the channels of the meibomian gland are clogged with secretory fluid, which provokes inflammation of nearby areas, and a capsule forms around the center of inflammation. These glands are located in the cartilage of the eyelid, producing a fatty lubricant that helps the eyelids slide better against the cornea during eye movements. Also, this secret is spent on the formation of the lipid layer of the tear film.

Chalazion should not be confused with barley, in which the inflammation does not flow into chronic forms. Chalazion, on the other hand, even when cured, tends to have frequent relapses. The onset of the disease is manifested by a dense formation the size of a pea, with swelling of the skin above it, the hailstone is mobile, the conjunctiva is inflamed, bright red with a grayish zone in the center. The area is moderately painful to touch; if there are complications, then the pain syndrome is very strong.

Symptoms of the disease

Chalazion is more dangerous for its consequences than for the direct processes occurring in the process of its development.

The main signs of chalazion, by which this disease can be recognized and distinguished from barley, are:

  • edema of the eyelid, which was affected by the disease, while the area of \u200b\u200bedema that appeared in the first days is simply dense to the touch, and the development of purulent formations in it occurs later;
  • from the affected century can eyelashes fall out;
  • photophobia appears and lacrimation increases, which is difficult to control;
  • in the process of pressure of the abscess on the cornea, its deformation is possible and, as a result, the development of astigmatism.

Chalazion is often confused with barley, and these diseases do have similar mechanisms of development and course.

You can treat both diseases at home medication, common folk recipes, as well as unique ones that are suitable only for a specific disease.

The main symptom of the disease is the appearance of a ball, dense to the touch, under the skin surface. Chalazion can appear both on the upper and lower eyelids, and be accompanied by different symptoms inflammation, depending on the stage of formation:

  • The first phase is characterized by reddening of the skin, the appearance of discomfort in the eye, discomfort when blinking.
  • At the stage of ripening (second stage), on palpation, you can clearly feel the appearance of a pea, which will increase in size over time.
  • The third stage is the growth of education, the appearance of itching. On palpation of the eyelid, you can see that the lump is not adhered to the skin and moves easily.
  • In the fourth stage, a grayish skin tone appears around the seal. Chalazion may start to burst, then the body temperature will rise, and lacrimation will increase.

With the development of chalazion, a dense rounded formation appears under the skin of the lower or upper eyelid. This nodule is located in the thickness of the cartilage, not welded to the skin, painless on palpation. The formation tends to grow slowly and can reach a size of 5-6 mm. As it grows, the chalazion becomes visible from the skin, forming swelling and a visible cosmetic defect. From the side of the conjunctiva, an examination reveals a site of local hyperemia with a central grayish zone. Formation of several chalazions is possible simultaneously on the upper and lower eyelids.

In some cases, chalazion is accompanied by itching and lacrimation, increased sensitivity to touch. The growing chalazion can press on the cornea, causing astigmatism and distorted vision. An unopened chalazion that has existed for a long time turns into a cyst with mucous contents.

With suppuration of chalazion, symptoms of inflammation appear: local redness of the skin, edema, throbbing pain, softening of the nodule. A rise in body temperature and the development of blepharitis are possible. Chalazion can spontaneously open to the surface of the conjunctiva with the release of purulent secretions. In this case, a fistulous passage is formed, around which granulations grow. The skin of the eyelids becomes dry, reddened, covered with dried crusts of discharge.

On the eye, the chalazion looks like a rounded tumor-like neoplasm. The skin above it may be slightly reddened and hot to the touch. Along with this, a person experiences lacrimation, discomfort and soreness in the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected eye.

The resulting lump squeezes the eyeball, causing a passing deformation of the cornea. This, together with eyelid edema, irritation and tearing, leads to a temporary deterioration in vision. A person may have fog before the eyes and other unpleasant phenomena. As a rule, all these symptoms disappear after recovery.

Chalazion is a blockage of the exit holes of the meibomian glands, which are located in the eyelids and are responsible for the production of lubricating fluid.

The chalazion of the upper and lower eyelids is characterized by the following signs:

  • burning sensation in the eye;
  • irritation and redness of the eyelid;
  • swelling of the affected eyelids;
  • profuse uncontrolled lacrimation;
  • photophobia;
  • with an advanced form, pressure on the purulent capsule can cause painful sensations.

This disease can manifest itself at any age.

But mainly chalazion is found in children and young people, since during this period of life the glands work more actively and secrete more lubricating secretion, which in large quantities leads to clogging.

The symptomatology of this disease is characterized by a smooth increase in the inflammatory process, and a gradual transition to a chronic form of the disease.

Initially, the patient has:

  1. Depending on the location of localization, swelling of the upper or lower eyelid.
  2. Soreness appears that is not intense.
  3. There is irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye, due to which it becomes red.
  4. On palpation, the mobility of the tumor is noted, which can have a white or grayish tint.
  5. Outwardly, the seal resembles a small pea, or hailstone.
  6. It is very important to start at this very moment. chalazion treatment... If for some reason this does not happen, the clinical picture is added with new symptoms. The patient has:
  7. Impaired visual acuity.
  8. The quality of visual images becomes blurred, due to which the outlines of objects become indistinct.
  9. The chalazion can grow up to 1 cm in diameter.
  10. There is an increased separation of tear fluid.
  11. An increase in body temperature is possible.
  12. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyelids, there is a feeling of itching and soreness.
  13. The lump gradually develops into a cyst, which can fester, open up on its own, with the formation of a fistulous course.

This course of the disease becomes chronic, with periods of exacerbation and remission.

In more severe forms, chalazion on the eyelids can have several seals that tend to merge with each other, becoming larger in size.

Varieties and stages of the disease

This disease is characterized by a cyclical nature of the process, in this regard, 4 stages are distinguished:

  1. Initially, there is redness in the eyelid area, which is accompanied by a slight feeling of discomfort, reminiscent of a speck in the eye area. At this stage, the disease resembles the appearance of barley.
  2. During the second stage, the seal takes on a clear outline, which makes it look like a small pea or hailstone.
  3. The third stage begins to develop after two weeks.... The bump can grow in size, and if you do not start treatment with medications, you can lose time. And to resolve this situation, it will be necessary to resort to operable therapy.
  4. The last stage of development is accompanied by the appearance of a sealwith the possibility of self-opening. It also often leads to the development of a cyst.

Chalazion of the century in children

The appearance of a chalazion in childhood is not a rare pathology.

In the etiology of development, the following reasons are distinguished:

  • Children often do not keep their hands clean, touch their faces, and rub their eyes.
  • In childhood, the final formation of the body's immune system has not yet taken place, and therefore they often suffer from colds, which are complicated by the appearance of chalazion.

A variety of this pathology can be single or multiple. To diagnose the disease, it is very easy to conduct a visual examination. In a child, you can see a small hyperemic tubercle, when pressed, pain sensations increase.

The difficulty of diagnosis arises if the pineal seal is localized directly near the cartilaginous part of the eyelid. The peculiarity of the flow, this process in a child, can be attributed to the fact that the chalazion is often opened, followed by the release of the greasy plug.

If the parents did not go to the ophthalmologist in time, the seal develops into a cyst, which makes it impossible to treat without surgery.

Chalazion in a child occurs often, this is due to the following reasons:

  • children touch their eyes with dirty hands and do not always observe eye hygiene,
  • frequent colds and decreased immunity are also characteristic of childhood.

As with adults, children may develop single or multiple formations. When the chalazion is located at the edge of the eyelid, it is not difficult to notice it, but if the formation has arisen closer to the cartilaginous part of the eyelid, then you will not immediately notice it. In children, khalyazin often breaks open by itself, and the fat plug comes out, but there are times when the formation degenerates into a cyst.

The sooner the parents bring the child to an ophthalmologist, the more chances that the treatment will be conservative. Most often, the doctor prescribes ointments and drops, and also prescribes physiotherapy procedures.

Chalazion in children

Lump on the eyelid in a child, as a rule, occurs with farsightedness. Unlike adults, children are less likely to suffer from relapses of this disease, therefore, chalazion is more often treated without surgery. In childhood, the use of compresses or other procedures on the eyelid can accelerate suppuration and help spread the infection to soft tissue, and the inclusion of immunomodulators in the therapy regimen can provoke the reappearance of hail.

During the treatment of chalazion, it is worth taking into account the age characteristics of the child - narrow lacrimal ducts and a weak tone of the smooth muscles of the eyelid. Massage helps to stop these shortcomings and at the same time get rid of the seal. Additionally, hydrocortisone ophthalmic or yellow mercury ointment can be used, which are dispensed only by prescription. To practice folk recipes on children is unacceptable.

Fragile children's organism prone to all sorts of inflammation and infections. You can resist the pressure of pathogenic flora by adhering to basic hygienic rules, taking measures to increase the child's immunity. Often, inflammation of the upper eyelid can be accompanied by multiple chalazions and have subsequent relapses.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that neoplasms on the eyelids are formed due to deep internal reasons and are only external manifestations of the underlying disease. The pediatrician does not advise warming the chalazion due to the possible development of a secondary infection. Chalazion treatment in children is based on the use of drops and ointments. Severe cases of inflammation must be surgically removed.


In most cases, the clinical picture of a chalazion speaks for itself, and therefore it is not difficult for a doctor to make the correct diagnosis and choose a treatment.

  • Using the eversion of the eyelid (used if the hail is located under the upper eyelid), the ophthalmologist can visually notice a small pineal lump that is painful to the touch.
  • In some cases, this pathology must be differentiated from the development of barley or adenocarcinoma of the membrane gland.
  • If adenocarcinoma is suspected, the ophthalmologist prescribes a histological examination to clarify the diagnosis.

Chalazion is recognized by an ophthalmologist during external examination of the modified eyelid. The main signs of formation are the identification of a seal in the thickness of the eyelids the size of a millet grain or a small pea, not soldered to the surrounding tissues. With eversion of the eyelid, local conjunctival hyperemia is noted. When moving, the affected eyelid lags behind the healthy one and makes blinking movements less often.

Carrying out instrumental diagnostics with chalazion, as a rule, not required. Recurrent and rapidly growing chalazions require differential diagnosis with meibomian adenocarcinoma. For this purpose, it may be necessary to conduct a histological examination of the biopsy specimen of the formation.

An experienced ophthalmologist can make a diagnosis immediately after examining the patient. For this, it is enough for the doctor to examine the patient in a slit lamp. If you suspect the presence of concomitant diseases, a specialist may prescribe an additional examination or send a person for a consultation with another specialist.

If the patient consulted at the initial stage of the disease, then a visual examination is enough for the ophthalmologist; after the diagnosis is established, the doctor prescribes treatment.

If the doctor observes an advanced stage, then it is necessary to conduct biomicroscopy, histological analysis and differential diagnosis. If the treatment is no longer effective, then the chalazion is removed.

As a rule, an experienced ophthalmologist only needs to examine the patient to make an accurate diagnosis. The doctor prescribes analyzes only when the chalazion on the eyelid occurs very often or in large quantities. In case of relapses, it is necessary:

  • biopsy and exclude the presence of a tumor in the sebaceous duct or basal cell carcinoma;
  • pass fecal analyzes for the presence of helminthic invasions;
  • conduct a screening immunogram;
  • be tested for bacterial culture, blood for Helicobacter pylori and other bacteria that can provoke the development of a purulent infection.

Therapeutic treatments

If the inflammation has just begun, the use of germicidal eye drops will help, such as:

  • futsitalmic;
  • tobropt;
  • ciprolet.

They are instilled into the eyelids 2-3 drops 2-3 times a day. Prevents the spread of inflammation and dry heat applied to the eye area. It can be heated salt in a linen bag or a hot egg in its shell. At the beginning of treatment, the use of physiotherapeutic procedures is indicated:

  • laser and magnetic therapy;
  • warming up;
  • electrophoresis.

Also, an effective conservative treatment is the imposition of various ointments on the inflammation focus.

After studying this section, you can learn the basic tools used for therapy. To eliminate the disease, they traditionally resort to conservative methods. These include physical therapy, folk remedies, and medications. The operation is prescribed only in cases where the therapy methods carried out were ineffective.

This complex is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process, and in order to achieve an instant resorption effect. Massage, ultrasound therapy, compresses, laser therapy are used to solve problems. Each measure has its own effect and is prescribed by a specialist depending on the stage of the disease and the general clinical picture. When prescribing procedures, the individual characteristics of the patient and his personal wishes are taken into account.

Compliance with them will prevent disease and other infectious processes in the eye area:

  • not recommended to go to public placeswhen massive colds are observed;
  • you need to lead a healthy lifestyle with adherence to sleep and wakefulness, proper nutrition;
  • it is important to avoid stress and excessive exertion, overheating and hypothermia;
  • if contact lenses are used, this should be done as carefully as possible;
  • you should strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene.

If changes have occurred in the body and in the eye, it is necessary to consult a doctor promptly. This will keep your health strong and your mood good.

Consequences of chalazion century - what is the danger?

With timely adequate treatment, the chalazion passes without any consequences. Typically, a person recovers within 1–2 weeks after starting treatment. In some cases, a relapse is possible - the reappearance of a chalazion. With improper therapy, abscess formation or other dangerous complications may occur.

Chalazion most often develops due to non-observance of the rules of personal hygiene in people with weakened immunity, diabetes, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The disease can affect adults and children of any age. The typical symptoms of chalazion are the appearance of a tumor-like formation in the thickness of the eyelid, itching, discomfort and lacrimation.

How to cure chalazion? In the initial stages, the disease is treated conservatively. The patient is prescribed antibiotics and corticosteroids in the form of drops and ointments. In case of ineffectiveness of such therapy, the patient is given steroid injections. The drugs are injected directly into the chalazion cavity. If this does not lead to recovery, the patient is operated on.

The first danger in the development of this pathology is associated with the rupture of the compacted hailstone. Especially if the chalazion is localized on the inner surface of the eyelid. Its contents enter the conjunctival sac, which is the reason for the possible development of keratitis or conjunctivitis.

These diseases can lead to:

  • Partial or complete loss of visual perception.
  • The appearance of blurred vision.
  • In more severe situations, an abscess may develop, or purulent fusion of subcutaneous adipose tissue (phlegmon).
  • Some cases are accompanied by the development of astigmatism.
  • It is very important for the adult population to know that there are cases when an untreated eyelid chalazion develops into adenocarcinoma (a type of oncopathology).

Folk remedies for the treatment of the disease

Before treating chalazion, it is necessary to study the action of all possible drugs... Drops are often prescribed. They do not cloud vision (unlike ointments), provide a quick therapeutic effect, relieve inflammation and prevent the development of bacteria.

When a chalazion appears (it doesn't matter whether the lower or upper eyelid), the following groups of drops are introduced into the treatment:

  • antibacterial;
  • hormonal;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory.

Each variety has certain properties, indications / contraindications, application features and composition.

Chalazion of the upper eyelid can be quickly cured with ointments (addition to drops). When an adult shows signs of illness, hormonal, antibacterial and healing drugs are used.

A quarter of patients with chalazion in the upper eyelid do not feel any unpleasant symptoms and do not receive any treatment, while the disease goes away on its own. But this is not the case for everyone, so others are treated.

When treating at home, you can apply hot compresses, and then massage the eyes. These manipulations help to remove the blockage and release the contents of the formation.

To make a compress, you need to warm the napkins in hot water. Burning wipes should not be applied, the temperature should be comfortable for the skin.

Compresses are applied for 15-20 minutes several times a day. The massage is done in circular movements, which are directed downward if the chalazion is located on the upper eyelid, and up if the formation is on the lower eyelid. The massage is carried out within a minute and also helps in opening the ducts of the glands and allowing the contents to escape.

Perhaps the doctor will advise you to inject with steroid drugs. They help relieve inflammation a couple of weeks after the injection. The doctor independently injects the medicine into the education center from the inside of the eyelid.

Provided that the chalazion is large, strongly interferes with the patient and occurs periodically, it is proposed to remove it. The formation is incised and curettage is performed - scraping.

This procedure is done only by specialists. Local anesthesia is given to prevent the patient from feeling pain. The removal procedure takes no more than half an hour, after which the patient is prescribed an eye ointment with antibacterial properties. Within a week after surgery, the eyelid may swell and bruise may occur.

Laser removal of the chalazion can be an alternative to surgery. The doctor dissects the capsule with a laser beam and its contents are evaporated. This method is safer and less traumatic.

After such removal, there is no need to suture, the wound is guaranteed not to become infected, and the recovery process will take less time.

If, despite proper treatment, the chalazion reappears, then it is worth undergoing a full diagnosis from a therapist, perhaps another disease, for example, skin pathology, may predispose to the development of this disease. In extremely rare cases, chalazion can be of malignant origin.

Laser treatment

Chalazion in children

If you decide to treat the disease using folk methods, you still have to go for a consultation with an ophthalmologist, he will tell you which methods can be used in your case and which cannot. Moreover, we must not forget that folk methods treatments are just additional measures that will complement drug treatment. The most effective "grandmother's recipes":

  1. Aloe juice. It is necessary to cut off the leaf of the plant, rinse well and squeeze the juice out of it. In the affected eye, this juice should be instilled five times a day, four drops. Then the eye must be closed and lightly massaged.
  2. Salt. Heat regular table salt in a skillet, then transfer it to a natural cloth bag. While the salt is hot, apply the pouch to the eye for 3-7 minutes. Thus, you will provoke the opening of the abscess and the cleansing of the glandular ducts. It must be said that the benefits of this method are rather dubious, because in some cases, heating can cause secondary infection, and the situation will become worse.
  3. Boric acid. With this tool it is necessary to make compresses on the eye. Some traditional healers advise after that to apply fresh cottage cheese wrapped in a napkin to the sore eye.
  4. Altay. The affected eye can be washed with marshmallow infusion. Dry marshmallow root should be poured with a glass of boiling water. After 8 hours, filter the infusion and wash the eye three times a day.
  5. Calendula. This plant is also used for compresses on sore eyes. Two tablespoons of raw materials must be poured with a glass of boiling water and held for half an hour, then moisten a tampon in the infusion and apply for a few minutes to the affected eye. Calendula disinfects well and relieves inflammation.
  6. Chamomile and sage. In the same way as the infusion of calendula, you can prepare an infusion of chamomile or sage. These plants also have anti-inflammatory properties.
  7. Dill Grind dill and a tablespoon, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew, and then apply a swab soaked in the infusion to the eye.

As for children, in relation to them, alternative methods should be used with extreme caution - many medicinal herbs can cause allergic reactions... Be healthy!

As in the treatment of many other diseases, when a chalazion appears, doctors choose conservative therapy. At the initial stages, eye drops, ointments, thermal physiotherapy procedures, and eyelid massage are prescribed. These methods are designed to make the chalazion dissolve or burst itself. At the stage when the rupture has occurred, antibacterial agents are additionally used to prevent infection from entering the sebaceous ducts. If conservative treatment has not yielded results, they resort to surgical removal of the hailstone.

When starting chalazion therapy, it is necessary to establish at what stage the inflammatory process is:

  1. At the initial stage of development of this pathology, treatment with eye drops and ointments can be applied.
  2. Launched forms are treated with laser removal or surgery.

In the early stages of chalazion, conservative methods are used. Instillations of disinfecting eye drops are prescribed, placing mercury ointment behind the eyelid. Dry heat compresses, UHF therapy, eyelid and clogged gland massage can be used to treat chalazion. Chalazion inflammation is a contraindication to thermal procedures, since heating can contribute to the spread of inflammation to nearby tissues with the development of an abscess or phlegmon of the eyelid.

Good therapeutic effect possess chalazion injections corticosteroid drugs (betamethasone, triamcinolone). Corticosteroids are injected into the chalazion cavity with a thin needle and lead to a gradual resorption of the neoplasm.

The radical treatment of chalazion is performed surgically. The operation is outpatient and is performed under local anesthesia through a transconjunctival or skin incision. During the operation, the chalazion is husked together with the capsule. When a fistulous tract is formed, an operating incision is made along its entire length, after which the altered tissues are excised. After chalazion removal sutures are applied to the eyelid, and a tight pressure bandage is applied to the eye. In the postoperative period, the use of anti-inflammatory eye drops or ointments is recommended for 5-7 days.

An alternative to the classic surgical method serves as laser removal of chalazion. In this case, the capsule is dissected with a laser, the contents of the chalazion are removed, followed by evaporation of the capsule with laser radiation. Laser removal of chalazion is less traumatic, does not require stitches and allows you to exclude a recurrence of the disease. To prevent injury to the cornea by a postoperative scar, the patient is recommended to wear a soft contact lens for several days.

How and how to treat chalazion? In the initial stages of the disease, eye drops and ointments are used; in more severe cases, surgical treatment is indicated. The specialist will tell you which drugs are best used for treatment and how to get rid of chalazion without surgery - in some cases, instead of surgery, an injection of corticosteroids is performed.

Steroids are the drugs of choice for chalazion. They have powerful anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative effects, thereby speeding up recovery. Corticosteroids for this disease are used only topically, in the form of eye drops, creams or ointments.

Tobrex eye drops, which belong to the group of fast-acting antibiotic drugs, are considered a universal and mildest remedy. Such a remedy is indicated even for newborn children, but depending on age, a different number of drops are buried.

For adult patients, it is enough to instill two drops of the drug 2-3 times a day, according to the decision of the attending physician.

Among antihistamines, the most popular drops are opatanol, which contain the active substance olopatadin. Often this medication is used when patients develop allergies to other drugs. Side effects no such drops have been identified, and the course of treatment can last from a week or more in severe forms of chalazion.

Drops are instilled 2-3 times a day, one or two drops. Burying is done every eight hours.

Due to the lack of active chemicals, such drops are considered less effective than tobrex, and the course of treatment can last up to four months.

Of the antibacterial ophthalmic drops, one can note floxal, which is instilled two to four times a day, one drop at a time.

The course of treatment with such drops should not be more than two weeks: if after this period no results are observed, the doctor prescribes other drugs.

If other drops are used in parallel with floxal, the time between the instillation of different drugs should be 5-10 minutes.

As an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drug, tobradex drops are prescribed, which include toramycin, an antibiotic wide range actions.

What to do and what to handle if the "hailstone" has broken (burst)

If it happened that the chalazion broke through on its own, there is no need to panic and run to the doctor.

The natural rupture of the chalazion is preferable to prolonged resorption. In the first hour, you must try to disinfect the wound.

One of the most convenient treatments is Chlorhexidine. Drops Tsipromed and Albucid are analogs of a disinfectant.

If the pus is not completely drained out, there is a high likelihood of a second focus of the disease. Therefore, the primary task is to treat an open fistula from a purulent residue. After opening the chalazion, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed.

He will examine the patient and, if pus remains inside, he will take measures to eliminate it. In the first days, the treatment will be aimed at disinfecting the former chalazion.

If in the first few days after the breakthrough of pus there is no way to visit an ophthalmologist, then you need to get by with a home first-aid kit.

Levomikol is suitable as a disinfecting ointment. Aloe juice will draw out the remnants of pus and relieve inflammation.

It is very important, when self-opening a chalazion, to provide help needed sick.

This requires:

  • Treat the surface of the resulting wound with an aseptic solution(chlorhexidine bigluconate, furacilin, a weak solution of potassium permanganate).
  • Need to drip eyes (instillation should be carried out in both eyes) Albucid or Tsipromed.
  • After opening the seal, it is necessary to apply an eye patch and urgently visit the clinic, since a small amount of purulent contents remains in the sac cavity, which will interfere with wound healing.
  • In more severe cases, the possibility of fistula formation appears. To prevent this, the patient will undergo surgical cleaning of the eye, with the removal of the remaining capsules.

Barley and chalazion century - the difference

In the initial stages, chalazion may resemble barley. With both diseases, a person has pain, discomfort, redness of the skin and a feeling of distention in the eyelid region. However, the barley is opened after 2–3 days, and its contents flow out. After this, the patient immediately feels relief.

Unlike barley, chalazion continues to grow and grow in size for two to three weeks. A person develops a large tumor-like formation that prevents him from seeing normally. Even if the chalazion has broken through, the resulting wound will not heal. She will gap for a long time and give the patient a lot of discomfort. If untreated, the disease will soon recur again.

Note that you can distinguish a chalazion by its location. As a rule, it is localized in the thickness of the eyelid, while barley is located at its edge. Outwardly, the chalazion is more like a subcutaneous tumor, and the barley is a small abscess with a rim of hyperemia (redness).

Due to the fact that these two forms of the pathological process, at the initial stage of their development, have a similar clinical picture, problems may arise in establishing an accurate diagnosis.

This is due to the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • In the etiology of development, the main reason is the pathogenic microflora.
  • The bulk of the provoking factors are the same.
  • During the onset of the disease, therapy does not differ significantly.
  • Recipes for folk medicine can be used both in the first and in the second case. But this can only happen with the permission of the ophthalmologist. This takes into account the age, the cause of the disease, and the individual characteristics of the patient.
  • Barley and chalazion do not pose a threat to human life, and in most cases, in addition to painful sensations, they cause cosmetic discomfort.

With a detailed study of these diseases, an experienced specialist, without special difficulties, recognizes this chalazion or barley.

  • With chalazion, infection, a secondary symptom, since the pathology begins with obstruction of the sebaceous gland.
  • Chalazion always has a chronic course, and a rise in temperature is extremely rare. When probing a hailstone, it is noted that it is not associated with skin tissues. In some cases, soreness may be absent.
  • Lump with a chalazion century, rarely spontaneously opens, the purulent contents are not completely removed and, as a result, a fistula is formed, from which the sacral contents are constantly separated. Over time, the cavity of the capsule gradually fills with pus. This leads to a recurrence of relapse.
  • With the development of barley, the pathological process begins sharply, accompanied by the appearance of hyperthermia (may have indicators up to 38 degrees), the tubercle has a smaller shape than with chalazion, but severe pain is noted on palpation.
  • After opening the seal formed during the development of barley, the wound surface quickly healswithout leaving scar and adhesive changes.
  • Barley is well treated with medications, which cannot be said about chalazion therapy... If precious time is missed, the main treatment option is surgery.

Chalazion removal

If suppuration has begun, the chalazion is removed by radical methods. Today, ophthalmic operations are performed in two ways:

  • Surgical excision. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Using a scalpel, the doctor makes a transconjunctival or skin incision, through which he removes the hailstone along with the capsule with a special device. When a fistulous tract is formed, an incision is made along its entire length, the affected tissues are excised, after which a suture is applied. The operation lasts from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Laser removal. In this case, the dissection of soft tissues is done using a laser. After removing the capsule with its contents, the resulting cavity is also treated with laser radiation. The duration of this procedure is 20-45 minutes.

The operation to remove the chalazion is prescribed in the absence of results from the use of conservative therapy. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia and takes about 15-20 minutes. Before surgical intervention, the entire surface of the face is processed from the side of the diseased eye. At the end of the operation, the affected eyelid is treated with a corticosteroid ointment, and a pressure bandage is applied to the eye.

The contents of the capsule must be sent for histological examination. In any case, the elimination of chalazion without surgery is the primary direction in the treatment of the disease. A good alternative to a scalpel is laser removal of the chalazion. The procedure is practically bloodless, eliminating the recurrence of the disease. The only postoperative condition is not to wet your eyes.

Find out how to treat upper eyelid barley.

The key to successful treatment of the chalazion of the upper or lower eyelid is correct diagnosis, including visual examination and histological examination in case of relapses of the disease, as well as timely provision of qualified medical care to the patient (as in the case of cataracts). About features modern methods removal of such a neoplasm will be discussed below.

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