Pancreatitis in which department is being treated. Treatment of acute pancreatitis in a hospital

Malfunctions in the functioning of the pancreas cause many inconveniences to a person, interfere with normal life. Pancreatitis is diagnosed in acute or chronic form. Pain in pancreatitis can reach high intensity, they are accompanied by loss of appetite, weight loss, inability to sit and walk normally. It is important to know how to diagnose pancreatitis and be able to cope with pain at home and in a hospital setting.

Inflammatory and degenerative processes that occur in the pancreas are called pancreatitis. On the mechanism of appearance pain the following processes occurring in the pancreas affect:

Experts identify many reasons for the onset and progression of pancreatitis. According to statistics, in 30% of patients, the cause of the origin of pancreatic inflammation cannot be found out. Pancreatitis can be caused by:

  • Drinking alcohol in excessive doses. Alcohol is one of the main reasons for the appearance of pancreatitis; with regular drinking of strong drinks, iron ceases to function normally, which has an extremely negative effect on the health of the whole organism.
  • Food errors. Fatty, fried and spicy foods, systematic overeating leads to excess production of gastric juice and damage to the gland.
  • Abnormalities in the work of the gallbladder (cholelithiasis). The pancreas and gallbladder have a common excretory duct into the duodenum. If the duct is blocked by stones, the digestive secretions stagnate, which causes inflammation or destruction of the gland.
  • Stressful situations, nervous overstrain.
  • Injuries abdominal operations, abdominal injuries, abdominalin which the pancreatic gland can be damaged.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Infections (flu, mumps, colds, viral hepatitis).
  • Neoplasms in the peritoneum.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and duodenum... Gastritis, duodenitis, ulcers can negatively affect the release of intestinal juice.
  • Negative impact medical supplies... Many medications, antibiotics, hormones, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, have a negative effect on the pancreas and can cause inflammation.

The nature and localization of pain in pancreatitis

Pain sensations in pancreatitis are different, have a daily frequency and depend on the anatomical location of the focus - the area of \u200b\u200bthe pancreatic lesion (head, body, tail), the type of inflammatory process. The nature of pain in pancreatitis is different:

  • cutting;
  • pricking;
  • aching;
  • acute;
  • stupid;
  • pressing;
  • burning;
  • boring;
  • pulling.

In chronic pancreatitis, there is no clear localization of pain, it can be of different intensity, occur periodically (cramping type). Strengthening of pain syndrome occurs at night. When chronic inflammation gland pain is localized in:

  • upper and middle abdomen;
  • lumbar region, in the form of a full belt or partial - on the left side;
  • back area;
  • lower part chest (area of \u200b\u200bthe lower ribs).

In acute pancreatitis, patients feel a pulling, unbearable, acute, compressive, acute and girdle pain, which is localized in:

  • the left side of the abdomen;
  • back;
  • left hypochondrium;
  • abdominal cavity.

How to recognize acute pancreatitis

When acute attack pancreatitis, the pancreas begins to digest not food, but itself. If you do not apply for medical help, do not begin to follow the rules of nutrition, edema and inflammation of the tissue around the pancreas occurs. In advanced cases, gland necrosis may develop. Determining the symptoms of acute pancreatitis is simple, it is:

  • nausea;
  • bloating;
  • heart palpitations;
  • a significant decrease in blood pressure;
  • aversion to any food and drinking water;
  • dizziness;
  • sharp pain under the right rib;
  • flatulence;
  • vomiting with impurities of bile;
  • pale, yellowish skin;
  • acute girdle pain with pancreatitis, which subside in a sitting or lying position, if you bend your knees under you.

How to relieve pain in acute pancreatitis

Acute inflammation of the pancreas occurs suddenly, often the patient has to provide first aid at work or at home. Therapy of this form of pancreatitis is carried out exclusively in a hospital under the supervision of a physician. In case of acute girdle pain, it is necessary to induce ambulance and do the following:

  • Provide the patient with peace - both physical (sudden movements cause pain) and emotional.
  • Take off or unbutton clothing that interferes with breathing or is compressing your stomach.
  • To reduce the pain syndrome, you need to seat the sufferer by tilting the torso forward, or recommend lying in the fetal position.
  • The patient needs to drink a quarter of a glass of boiled water or mineral water without gas every half hour.
  • Cold relieves pain. For 10-15 minutes, you can place a hot water bottle with ice, chilled gel bags, or a bottle of frozen water on your stomach (in the area of \u200b\u200bpain localization).
  • Give the patient to take an antispasmodic - No-shpu, Papaverine or Drotaverin, if possible, do intramuscular injection with one of these medicines.
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Only doctors can determine the type of inflammation. In order not to further exacerbate the situation before the arrival of doctors, in case of an acute attack, the sufferer is prohibited from:

  • Taking deep breaths - they increase the pain.
  • Eat food.
  • Taking pain relievers (Spazmalgon, Analgin, Baralgin) - they dull pain and can prevent specialists from correctly diagnosing the disease.
  • Take enzyme preparations (Mezim, Creon, Festal), which can worsen the patient's condition.
  • If you vomit, do not use solutions or medicines to cleanse the stomach.
  • Warming the abdominal area - this can lead to swelling and sepsis.

Inpatient treatment

After hospitalization, in order to determine the symptoms of pancreatitis, the patient is prescribed a diagnosis, which includes:

  • general blood analysis;
  • x-ray and ultrasound of the peritoneum;
  • blood chemistry;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy (probing);
  • laparoscopy;
  • computed tomography.

To relieve pain, doctors can prescribe narcotic analgesics, and in severe cases, the anesthesia regimen is supplemented with the appointment of neuroleptics, antispasmodics, antibiotics, tranquilizers, antidepressants. The most common analgesics are:

  • Ketanov;
  • Tramadol;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Omnopon;
  • Promedol;
  • Fentanyl;
  • Novocaine.

Therapy for acute pancreatitis is selected individually for each patient. Besides the reception medicines the patient must adhere to a strict diet. In the first days after hospitalization, doctors prescribe:

  • Bed rest. Getting out of bed and moving is necessary gradually, after the permission of the doctor.
  • Hunger - its duration is determined by a specialist, after the end of the food ration expands gradually.

First aid for exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

In the chronic form of pancreatitis, the patient has similar symptoms - as in acute inflammation, but they are less pronounced. At first, the pain is paroxysmal and cutting, then it becomes aching and dull. Often there are hunger pains with pancreatitis, which are relieved after eating, but do not completely disappear. In most cases, symptoms of chronic pancreatitis appear after:

  1. violation of diet;
  2. nervous shocks;
  3. alcohol abuse;
  4. heavy smoking.

In the event of an exacerbated chronic inflammation, you should not self-medicate - you should immediately call a doctor. Before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to give the sufferer the first first aid (in the same way as in acute inflammation) and give the following drugs:

  • Pain relievers (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Metamizole, Dicloberl, Spazmalgon, Baralgin, Ibufen). They can be taken only if the patient is sure that the pain is caused by an exacerbation of inflammation of the pancreas. The dosage and type of medication depends on the advice of a specialist during previous attacks.
  • 2 tablets Allohola in combination with an antispasmodic (Drotaverin, No-shpa). The drug can be taken in the absence of stones in gallbladder, it helps to normalize the outflow of bile and gastric secretions from the gland.

Pain therapy for chronic pancreatitis

Treatment of chronic inflammation is aimed at detoxifying the body, eliminating pain, relieving the inflammatory process, and normalizing digestion. After comprehensive survey peritoneum and, if test results are available, the gastroenterologist individually develops a treatment regimen for each patient, which includes taking medications, antienzyme drugs, vitamins, and adherence to a diet. Of the medicines, doctors prescribe:

  1. Inhibitors of pancreatic secretion - used to temporarily inhibit (disable) the gland. The drugs in this group include Gordox, Kontrikal, Kontriven, Aprokal. These medicines:
    • slow down the functioning of the protease of cellular elements and blood plasma;
    • prevent pancreatic necrosis;
    • reduce the work of the kinin-kallikrein system (KKS).
  2. The hormonal drug Somatostatin or its analogs (Octreotide) is used to reduce pain in chronic pancreatitis, suppress the secretion of serotonin in the gland.
  3. Enzyme drugs (Panzinorm, Mezim, Festal, Pankurmen, Creon, Enzistal Pancreatin) - have the following effect on the patient's health:
    • facilitate the process of processing food;
    • reduce the intensity of pain;
    • normalize work and reduce the load on the pancreas;
    • promote proper absorption of organic matter.
  4. H2 blockers histamine receptors (Famotidine, Nizatidine, Cimetidine) - designed to suppress secretion in the pancreatic gland by suppressing the production of hydrochloric acid in the intestine.
  5. Blockers (inhibitors) proton pump - Ezocar, Omeoprazole, Rabeprazole. The main task of these drugs is to ensure the inhibition of hydrochloric acid secretion by blocking the proton pump in the parietal cells.
  6. Diuretic drugs - Diacarb, Triampur, Furosemide.
  7. Antihistamines (Pipolfen, Suprastin, Peritol, Diphenhydramine) are prescribed to reduce the swelling of the gland tissues.
  8. Antacids (Phosphalugel, Palmagel, Maalox, Altacid) are designed to neutralize hydrochloric acid, which is secreted by the stomach.
  9. Antispasmodics (Drotaverin, Papaverin, Euphyllin, No-shpa, Riabal, Spazmolin) - are prescribed to relieve pain.
  10. Antibacterial drugs (Amoxilav, Azithromycin, Abaktal, Sumamed) are used to eliminate bacterial microflora that can cause infection. Antibiotics completely destroy all microflora in the intestine, therefore they are used in combination with probiotics (Linex).
  11. Cholinolytics - Chlorosin, Metacin, Platyphyllin, Antopit. Medicines of this group normalize the digestive function.
  12. Antisecretory agents - Omeprazole, Lansoprazole, Omez. Medicines significantly reduce pain, suppress the secretion of hydrochloric acid, and reduce inflammation.


Preventive measures for any type of pancreatitis are simple. To prevent the occurrence of inflammation, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • Get rid of bad habits... Minimize or completely abandon the use of alcoholic beverages, smoking.
  • Lead an active lifestyle, engage in light sports (for example, breathing exercises).
  • Coffee lovers are allowed to drink no more than 1 cup per day. Preference should be given to natural products.
  • Observe the daily regimen, do not eat at night and before bedtime.
  • It is worth limiting the consumption of fast food, fatty, smoked, spicy, fried foods.
  • Eat sugar-containing foods in moderation.
  • You need to eat fractionally, in small portions, there are freshly prepared dishes.
  • Before the feast, it is necessary to take enzyme medicines (Pancreatin, Mezim, Festal).


Pancreatitis of the pancreas is very serious illness, in which iron is damaged, and in the future this leads to changes in metabolism. Today we will consider the causes of this ailment, how to deal with it, what methods to use in this case.

The causes of the disease

The diagnosis of "pancreatic pancreatitis" in our time is quite common. But why are people increasingly suffering from it? You will understand everything when you learn the reasons that stimulate the appearance of this ailment.

  1. Busting with alcoholic beverages.
  2. Improper nutrition, namely the frequent use of salty, spicy and fatty foods.
  3. Excess weight.
  4. Concomitant diseases such as: cholecystitis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis, ulcer, gastritis, tumor.
  5. Operations on the pancreas or trauma on it.
  6. Tobacco smoking.
  7. Food allergy.
  8. Heredity.
  9. Taking medications, after which the disease appears (tetracyclines, cytostatics, sulfonamides).

Symptoms of acute pancreatitis

With this form of the disease, the free outflow of pancreatic juice is disturbed, it ceases to be digested by its own enzymes. For a diagnosis like acute pancreatitis pancreas are characterized by:

  1. Strong pain. It occurs on the left side of the abdomen, and after a while it spreads to the entire abdomen.
  2. Nausea and even vomiting.
  3. Blood pressure is disorganized.
  4. Understanding of reality is violated.
  5. A state of shock may occur.

These symptoms are too severe to be treated at home. Therefore, in acute pancreatitis, an ambulance should be called urgently. An experienced surgeon must examine the patient and must be admitted to the hospital for further treatment and observation. Avoiding pancreatic surgery when acute form the disease is unlikely to succeed.

Chronic pancreatitis: symptoms and treatment in the initial period

The signs of this type of disease are not so dire and do not require immediate assistance. Now we will consider what chronic pancreatitis is, the symptoms and treatment of this type of disease.

First, it is necessary to distinguish two periods in chronic inflammation:

  1. Elementary.
  2. Period of obvious damage to the pancreas.

The first period can last for a long time - up to 10 years. Symptoms for this period:

  1. Pain syndrome. The pain can be localized in the upper and middle abdomen, in the left lumbar region, and even in the region of the heart. Most often, such unpleasant sensations arise 15-20 minutes after eating.
  2. Nausea, vomiting is possible.
  3. Bloating.
  4. Diarrhea.

The first point is often observed in patients, but the rest may not arise. Even if a symptom appears, with the help of drugs, you can quickly relieve the condition.

Period of overt damage to the pancreas

Here the signs are of the following nature:

  1. The pains become not as obvious as in the first case.
  2. In this case, dyspeptic syndrome prevails: heartburn, belching, nausea, bloating.
  3. Maldigestion syndrome occurs. This is when there is a violation of the digestion of food to those particles that would be absorbed.
  4. Malabsorption syndrome occurs. In this case, the absorption mechanism in the small intestine is completely disrupted.

For maldigestion and malabsorption, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • offensive, copious stools;
  • loss of body weight;
  • vision decreases in the evening;
  • bleeding gums appear;
  • conjunctivitis, stomatitis, and itching of the skin may occur;
  • anemia develops;
  • due to the fact that there is a violation of calcium absorption, there are cramps and pain in the bones;
  • neuropsychic agitation;
  • the appearance of cold sweats;
  • trembling in the body;
  • dry skin;
  • there is a feeling of constant thirst.

Treating chronic pancreatitis is necessary to avoid pancreatic surgery. Therapy must be adequate and reasonable. Only after passing all the necessary tests, as well as consulting a doctor, therapy can be prescribed. Now we will consider what kind of diagnostics the sick person must undergo in order to clarify the picture of the disease.

Disease recognition

The following types of diagnostics will give a complete picture of the disease:

  1. Ultrasound procedure. Ultrasound of the pancreas with pancreatitis is an integral analysis procedure. This type of diagnosis shows how much it is increased in size, shows the heterogeneity of the structure, the possible presence of cysts and the expansion of the ducts. The accuracy of such a study is 80-85%. This is not a very high result, so you should additionally pass laboratory tests.
  2. Computed and magnetic resonance imaging. Such types of diagnostics, as in the first case, show how much the pancreas is enlarged. In addition, with the help of such studies, it is possible to identify malignant formations, pseudocysts, lesions of neighboring organs.
  3. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. This is the most accurate procedure that shows almost 100% results. Plus, this type of diagnostics is the cheapest of the above. True, there is also a disadvantage: this method is not the most pleasant, and in some cases painful.

What tests do I need to take to make a diagnosis?

In addition to the above methods of recognizing the disease, the doctor gives a referral for the delivery of such studies:

  1. General blood analysis. His results show signs of inflammation and possible anemia.
  2. Blood donation to determine blood sugar levels. Such an analysis is necessary to find out if the patient has diabetes mellitus.
  3. General urine analysis. Shows possible diseases kidneys.
  4. Electrocardiogram and echocardiography rule out heart disease.

After passing the above tests, the picture will become clearly visible, and a diagnosis of pancreatic pancreatitis is made or not.

The role of specialists in the treatment of the disease

Pancreatitis of the pancreas requires proper treatment. Therefore, the patient should be consulted not by one doctor, but by several, so that a general picture of his condition is formed, and the doctors prescribed him the correct therapy.

The patient should come for a consultation with such specialists:

  1. Gastroenterologist. He prescribes treatment.
  2. To the surgeon. The help of this specialist is needed if the pain does not stop or any complications appear.
  3. Endocrinologist. It is necessary if the patient has diabetes mellitus.
  4. To a cardiologist. The consultation of this specialist is necessary to exclude possible pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

The outcome of the treatment will depend on the qualifications of the doctors. Therefore, you need to choose the best of the best in their fields. You can ask about the experience of doctors, how many operations they performed, whether there are any statistics. Your health is in your hands. And because of how experienced a specialist is, the speed and effectiveness of your treatment and speedy recovery will depend on 80%.

The principles of proper nutrition for pancreatitis. Diet

With this disease, it is important to follow certain rules regarding nutrition. Since the patient's well-being will depend on the quality and quantity of food taken. The following principles need to be known:

  1. You need to eat food at least 5-6 times a day. You need to eat little by little, in small portions.
  2. It is best to eat pureed foods. The fact is that with such a serving of the dish, the gastric mucosa will not be irritated.
  3. The diet should be dominated by proteins (150 grams per day). The amount of fat should not exceed 80 grams per day. You also need to be careful with carbohydrates.
  4. A taboo is put on food that is too hot or, on the contrary, cold.
  5. During an exacerbation of the condition, it is advisable to completely abandon any food for at least one day.

Now let's look at what foods have a beneficial effect on the condition of the pancreas.

The main condition for a disease such as pancreatitis is diet. This is the main principle of treatment. What is the essence of the diet? In the use of only those foods and dishes that will not irritate the mucous membrane of the pancreas. The following products can and should be used by people suffering from this type of inflammation.

  1. Wheat bread stale, yesterday.
  2. Soup in secondary chicken or beef broth.
  3. Meat: chicken, veal, turkey. Cooking method: boil, bake in the oven. The meat must not contain any seasonings.
  4. Fish, steamed, cooked or baked in the oven.
  5. Dairy products with a low percentage of fat.
  6. Boiled vegetables. If you want raw, then only in grated form.
  7. Various types of pasta.
  8. Cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal).
  9. Baked fruits (meaning apples and pears).
  10. Jelly.
  11. Compotes, jelly, weak tea.

List of foods that are contraindicated in pancreatitis

  1. Primary meat or fish broths. That is, fatty, high-calorie.
  2. Millet cannot be used from cereals.
  3. Fatty meats, fish, poultry.
  4. From vegetables, radish, radish, cabbage, sorrel and spinach are taboo.
  5. Fresh bread or any pastry.
  6. Various types of sausages, canned food.
  7. Alcoholic drinks.
  8. Ice cream.
  9. Strong tea, coffee.

The use of the above products will lead to a negative outcome, which is called "inflammation of the pancreas" (pancreatitis, to put it simply). In order not to play roulette with your health, remember the foods that are prohibited from eating with this disease. After all, dieting is already 60% of the positive outcome of the course of the disease.

Chronic pancreatitis treatment

Therapy for this disease is aimed at reducing the amount of bile. Pancreatitis of the pancreas, the treatment of which is reduced only to the use of special pills, will give a temporary result. And if, in addition to this, the patient eats properly, follows a diet, then this will be an almost 100% guarantee of a successful recovery.

But now let's dwell on the drugs that help fight this disease.

So, medications that help relieve muscle spasm:

  1. These are pills for the pancreas. Pancreatitis is treated with the following antispasmodics: No-shpa, Spazmoverin, Spazmol.
  2. Substance for preparation dosage forms "Papaverine".

The following drugs reduce gastric secretion:

  1. Omeprazole capsules.
  2. Tablets "Ranitidine", "Famotidine".

The following drugs normalize the digestive process and regulate the functions of the pancreas. "Allohol", "Pancreatin", "Fenipentol" are pills for the pancreas. Pancreatitis is not a death sentence.

Also, for the treatment of pancreatitis, drugs are prescribed that inhibit the production of pancreatic enzymes. Among such drugs, the "Aprotinin" solution is often used.

If there is severe pain or a person loses weight, then hospitalization and further therapy are possible strictly under the supervision of specialists. Surgical intervention is prescribed in the event that the pancreas is no longer subject to therapy. Treatment, diet for severe damage will not help. Only the removal of one part of it will save from further destruction.

It cannot be said that after drug treatment full recovery comes. It is sad to say, but pancreatitis cannot be completely cured. But in order for the pancreas not to collapse further, it is important to undergo treatment, as well as to follow the strict diet, which was described above.

Treatment of acute pancreatitis

This type of disease requires hospitalization. In the hospital, the patient is prescribed the following therapy:

In addition, therapy includes:

  1. Complete interruption of oral feeding for up to 6 days. This is necessary so that the activity of the pancreas is temporarily suspended.
  2. Intravenous food.
  3. Artificial activation of urination in order to quickly toxic substances excreted in the urine.
  4. Bowel lavage.

Prevention of pancreatitis

To prevent a relapse, and the disease does not knock you down again, it is important to follow these rules:

  1. Eat right. Diet is the most important condition for maintaining a healthy pancreas.
  2. A categorical ban on any kind alcoholic beverages.
  3. Quit smoking.
  4. To reduce physical exercise... Running, jumping, baths and saunas are bad for the pancreas. Breathing exercises and massage are ideal.

From the article you learned what a disease called pancreatic pancreatitis is. They determined what methods to treat this ailment, as well as how to recognize the disease. They realized that a strict diet is the key to a speedy recovery of the patient.

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Treatment of pancreatitis in a hospital is carried out in order to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, if the disease has passed into a severe phase. Treatment of acute pancreatitis in a hospital is necessary to stop the effect on the patient's body of the current attack of the disease, as well as to eliminate factors that can cause further development disease.

Chronic diseases are usually treated at home, but in some cases they are treated on an outpatient basis in a polyclinic. Sometimes, if the patient begins to have necrosis of the pancreatic tissue, the patient undergoes a surgical operation.

How is acute pancreatitis treated in a hospital

Hospitalization is needed when severe attack acute pancreatitis, which cannot be treated with pain medications at home. After the patient is delivered from the admission department of the clinic, he is transferred to the intensive care unit. Treatment is carried out with the obligatory participation of an anesthesiologist and a resuscitator.

Acute pancreatitis is treated as follows:

  1. First, doctors relieve the patient's pain and various nervous, reflex disorders with the help of analgesics. For this, drugs Baralgin, Promedol, Analgin, etc. are used. The blockade with Novocaine can be used.
  2. To combat hypertension in the bile ducts, doctors use No-shpa, Nitroglycerin and other drugs.
  3. The pancreas needs to be unloaded, so the patient is prescribed hunger. He has to take alkaline drinks like Borjomi.
  4. In combination with the above measures, prevention and treatment of blood clots in the vessels of various organs (pancreas, liver, etc.) is carried out.

Pancreatitis is a disease

Pancreatitis is a disease that occurs as a result of a malfunction of the pancreas. "Pancreas" - from Latin is translated as pancreas. The most important reason for the disruption of the functioning of this organ is a violation of blood circulation, as a result of which there is an incorrect production of enzymes and hormones. If the enzymes do not have time for certain reasons to leave the pancreas and are activated, then this leads to the destruction of the organ itself. The inflammatory process that accompanies this disorder leads to gradual tissue replacement or necrosis. The most dangerous manifestations that pancreatitis can gradually lead to is diabetes mellitus or pancreatic cancer. If this disease is not treated in a timely manner, then it may gradually even lead to death.

Every year there are more and more people with pancreatitis. Statistics say that every 8th man and 4th woman suffer from pancreatitis. Symptoms and treatment depend directly on the degree of morbidity. People who do not know how to control their appetite, consume large amounts of fatty or fried foods, and alcoholic beverages are prone to the disease.

Pancretitis reasons


  • Diseases of the gallbladder.
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  • Abdominal trauma.
  • The presence of worms and the toxins they release.
  • Improper drug treatment.
  • Overweight.

There are several types of pancreatic problems.

  • Reactive pancreatitis... The cause of this disease is the presence of a violation of the gastrointestinal tract. During an exacerbation, intense pain appears under the left rib.
  • Acute pancreatitis... Severe pain occurs after certain factors: consumption of alcoholic beverages, spicy, fried or salty foods the day before. And also after poisoning with preservatives, spoiled foods. The patient's condition deteriorates very quickly. It is in this form, after 30 years, that the disease is diagnosed. The pancreas needs to be treated for problems that are just beginning.
  • Chronic pancreatitis... If a person repeatedly avoids treatment for pancreatitis, then gradually he leads his body to chronic manifestations pancreatitis.


Pancreatitis symptoms

The pancreas is a relatively small organ, but it performs a number of vital functions for the body. For example, the production of enzymes for the breakdown of foods. In case of malfunction of the gland, enzymes remain in its ducts, thereby disrupting its work. What symptoms can occur with inflammation of the pancreas?

  • Elevated temperature. She indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. The rates can be very high. It is necessary to treat not only the symptoms, but also the organ itself.
  • The pressure can become either very high or very low. With the intensive development of the disease, the patient notices a sharp change in the pressure figures.
  • Nausea, belching, dry mouth, hiccups are all symptoms that indicate a problem with the pancreas. If only the symptoms are eliminated, then the treatment may be delayed.
  • Painful sensations. This is the very first symptom that occurs. The pain can be acute, constant, sometimes it changes to dull. They can be so intense that they even cause painful shock. Pain with pancreatitis is considered stronger than even with a heart attack. With partial inflammation of the pancreas, pain appears under the right or left rib, and with a full one - around the waist. In case of severe pain, it is recommended to consult a doctor, and he will choose.
  • Vomiting with bile. A person at this time cannot eat anything. Fasting during an exacerbation leads to a faster recovery of the body.
  • Change in complexion. The skin becomes pale at first, and then a gray, earthy tint. Facial features become more and more pointed.
  • Sticky sweat.
  • Shortness of breath associated with vomiting.
  • You can first notice the presence yellow bloom in the language.
  • Constipation or. Abrupt stool change with unpleasant odor and bits of food that hasn't been digested. Acute pancreatitis and loose stools are characterized by frothy discharge. But another situation is also possible. This is constipation accompanied by bloating. The belly becomes hard.
  • Skin discoloration. For example, the lower back and the area around the navel can become bluish, sometimes marbled. The lower abdomen and groin area turn greenish blue.
  • Manifestations obstructive jaundice... Due to the increase in the size of the pancreas, the gallbladder is compressed and the skin and sclera become yellow.

If symptoms are detected, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance, since with pancreatitis very severe pain occurs, and this can be fatal. by yourself, also not recommended.

Signs of a neglected disease

Advanced pancreatitis

Is a disease that threatens the patient's life. With purulent lesions of the pancreas, a sharp increase in temperature and profuse swelling occur. The pressure drops sharply.


  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.
  • EGDS.
  • ERCP.
  • X-ray internal organs.
  • General analysis of blood and urine.
  • Tomography.

Pancreatitis treatment

After diagnosing the body and establishing a diagnosis, treatment begins. Acute pancreatitis should only be treated in a hospital. The patient should be under constant medical supervision. Acute pancreatitis can lead to the death of the patient, so action must be taken very quickly.

If the patient has symptoms of pancreatitis, then help must be provided immediately. For this, cold is placed on the patient's stomach. Of the tablets, it is best to take drugs in order to relieve spasms - No-shpa (tablets) or Papaverine (intramuscularly). Avoiding food intake can make the situation worse. Before the arrival of the ambulance, bed rest must be observed. Treatment is prescribed by the doctor himself.

Hunger cure

There are three most important steps to restoring your health: rest, hunger, and cold.

First aid that a paramedic will give you

  • A drug to stop vomiting.
  • A drug for pain relief.
  • Saline dropper.
  • Antisecretory.

The hospital prescribes this treatment

In acute pancreatitis, the pain is so severe that it has to be stopped with the help of narcotic analgesics.

There are cases in which it is necessary to remove the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe pancreas using surgical intervention... Additionally, the abdominal cavity is washed.

When the acute period has passed, the patient is recommended diet No. 5. It consists in a fractional meal - up to 8 times a day. Everything should be mashed, boiled or steamed. Food should be warm, but not hot or cold. Do not eat fried, smoked, salted; foods in abundant quantities. But don't take diet as the main treatment. You should also avoid drinking alcohol while you are undergoing treatment.

Acceptable products include: rye croutons soaked in water; porridge cooked in water, mashed zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, potatoes; puddings, jelly. Nothing else is allowed for food. It is unacceptable to consume alcoholic beverages even in small doses.

Chronic pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis

In the presence of chronic pancreatitis, prolonged inflammatory process in the tissues of the pancreas. The problem is that even if the root causes of the disease are removed, destructive processes in the body continue to occur.

In chronic pancreatitis, there are two periods.

Elementary. This is a period of calm. It can be very long and asymptomatic.

Aggravation. When the destruction of the organ reaches a certain stage, painful sensations arise in the pancreas that cannot be stopped. It is necessary to treat the pancreas even before the onset of an acute condition.

What's happening?

  • The development of the disease occurs over a long time. Sometimes even up to 10 years. Painful sensations are periodic. Pain comes later a short time after eating and can last from several minutes to a day. The pain can be under the ribs, in the upper abdomen, and radiate to the left shoulder blade, to the region of the heart. When the body bends forward, the pain decreases.
  • Pancreatic problems are caused by eating fried, smoked, or spicy foods. Alcoholic or carbonated drinks, coffee, chocolate also negatively affect this organ.
  • Especially exacerbations in chronic pancreatitis are observed after the holidays. This is due to the consumption of a large number of different foods. For the prevention of the disease, it is recommended to consume fats, proteins and carbohydrates separately.
  • Seasonal exacerbations are accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, and sharp weight loss. With timely treatment, the organ regains its functions. This continues until the next violation of separate nutrition or the use of alcoholic beverages.
  • With a prolonged illness, the pancreas is disrupted. The production of the hormone and enzyme is gradually disrupted.
  • Skin color changed. It turns yellow, just like the sclera. Can be permanent or temporary.
  • Gradually, chronic pancreatitis can turn into diabetes mellitus. The same effect can occur on the basis of stress.


Diagnosis of the disease

First of all, if you suspect chronic pancreatitis, it is advisable to consult a specialist and be examined. Basic diagnostic methods:

  • Checking feces for elastase levels, as well as the presence of fat.
  • CT scan.
  • Blood test.

Pancreatitis treatment

Treatment for chronic inflammation of the pancreas, weak or intense manifestations are observed. Most often, treatment is recommended, as in acute pancreatitis, that is, hospitalization and treatment in a hospital.

A patient who has been diagnosed with this must go to the sanatorium at least twice a year. It is also necessary to constantly follow a diet. Any deviations from the norm will lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

Diet for chronic pancreatitis

The diet for this disease is very unpleasant - it excludes all delicious foods. For example, chocolate, coffee, mushrooms, barbecue, fried foods, smoked meats. Vegetables and fruits are boiled or baked, and then turned into gruel using a blender or meat grinder.

You need to eat several times a day. One meal should fit in a glass. But you should not allow the feeling of hunger, so the meal should be repeated at least once every three hours.

If the patient does not break the diet, then the painful sensations may not bother him. You need to know how to stop pain in case of violation proper nutrition.

  • Doctors prescribe drugs to relieve pain - Drotaverin, No-shpa. But if the pain does not stop within a day, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.
  • Preparations to eliminate spasms in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Medicines with a diuretic effect to reduce swelling.

Chronic pancreatitis and home remedies

Folk remedies

Home recipes can only be consulted when the doctor has examined the patient and eliminated the need to stay in the hospital. Treat with home remedies.

Decoctions of herbs. Take corn silk, dandelion root, violet, anise fruit, celandine, and mountaineer. Take 2 tablespoons of the herb and fill them with a liter of hot, but not boiled, water. It is necessary to cool the broth. Take several times a day before meals. Drink for two weeks, then take a break until the next exacerbation.

Dandelion. In the spring, you need to dig out the root of the dandelion, wash and chop finely. Pour boiled water, but it is advisable to observe the reaction of the body in the first three days, in order to determine the dose. It is necessary to take 2 months. Repeat for prevention is necessary twice a year: in spring and autumn.

Mint tea with honey. This tool is absolutely simple, but it has a lot medicinal properties... Peppermint will help to empty the gallbladder more quickly and improve the functioning of the pancreas. Honey in its composition contains 26 trace elements of the periodic table, necessary for the work of the whole organism, in particular the gastrointestinal tract. You can drink mint tea in unlimited quantities and use this remedy for treatment or prevention.

Buckwheat with milk whey. This is ideal for prevention. Prepare buckwheat first - rinse and dry. Grind it with a blender. Bring the whey to a boil separately.

Buckwheat diet

Buckwheat diet for pancreatitis

There is also an effective method for treating the pancreas.

Day one, second and third. Boil buckwheat powder for 3 minutes in whey. You need to use a tablespoon every hour. You don't need to eat anything else that day.

Fourth and fifth day. Replace whey with low-calorie milk. You can eat such porridge as much as you like. Time is also not important. The main rule is that a person cannot starve.

Sixth day. Serum porridge is consumed in the morning and in the evening, and in the afternoon you can eat your favorite food.

With these recipes, you can treat the pancreas. But it is easier to do prevention than to deal with treatment.

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, accompanied by impaired carbohydrate metabolism and digestion. The outflow of enzymes is disturbed, as a result of which the tissues of the organ are subjected to cleavage by their own product. It occurs against the background of alcohol abuse, pathology of the biliary system, insufficient intake of proteins and fats from food, metabolic disorders of amino acids, exposure to toxic factors, infections and injuries. It can be chronic or acute.

Pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas

The chronic type has three clinical forms:

  • obstructive;
  • parenchymal (inflammatory).

It is characterized by the development of edema and coagulation necrosis, which leads to fibrosis in some areas. The destruction of the glandular tissue is accompanied by a weakening of the exocrine and endocrine function pancreas. It proceeds with episodes of exacerbation and remission.

How long does pancreatitis last in remission

The main reason for the end of remission is an error in the diet

Fabrics do not restore their original structure. Therefore, functional impairments persist for life. The disease can be long-term, for many years not to manifest itself, if the patient follows the recommended diet and takes medications prescribed by the doctor. Inpatient therapy is not required.

Supportive care - non-absorbable antacids, drugs substitution therapy, means that eliminate violations of gastroduodenal motility. Taking these drugs can slow the progression of the disease, delay the onset of diabetes mellitus, significant digestive disorders.

Duration of treatment

Substitution treatment continues throughout the patient's life. In case of damage to the tail of the pancreas with destruction of the bulk, daily insulin administration is required in a volume corresponding to the level of glycemia and bread units of food consumed. If the phenomena of exocrine insufficiency prevail, pancreatic enzymes are indicated after meals (Pancreatin, Creon).

Patients who have developed an exacerbation of the disease are placed in the hospital. As a rule, this happens when the recommended diet is violated, using:

  • spicy;
  • salty;
  • excessively sour;
  • pickled foods;
  • fried.

Most often, remission is interrupted after taking even small doses of alcohol or non-alcoholic energy drinks (Red Bull, Adrenaline Rush).

Information! It takes from one week to a month or more to restore the condition of the pancreas. The term depends on the severity of the lesion and the patient's response to the drugs used.

Correction of the condition is performed using a large number of saline and colloidal solutions (Trisol, Reopolyglucin), agents that inactivate the patient's own enzymes (Gordox), histamine H2 receptor blockers (Famotidine), antispasmodics (Drotaverin). With development hemorrhagic syndrome produce a transfusion of coagulation factors, fresh frozen plasma.

Requires the introduction of analgesics. With moderate pain, NSAIDs (paracetamol, analgin) can be prescribed. In some cases, it becomes necessary to use drugs.

In the first 2-3 days from the onset of an exacerbation, the patient needs hunger. Then they begin to feed him with liquid food, gradually expanding the diet.

The list of permitted products includes:

  • cottage cheese;
  • steam omelet;
  • lean fish;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • steam puddings;
  • enveloping mucous porridge;
  • baked apples.

You should refuse canned food, whole milk, fatty or smoked fish, hard-to-digest meat, meat and mushroom decoctions, fresh rye bread... In addition, other foods that are irritating to the stomach and intestines should be avoided.

Signs of exacerbation

Exacerbation is accompanied by the appearance of pain

Pain is the main symptom of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. It can be localized in the left hypochondrium, epigastric zone, or be shingles in nature. It occurs, as a rule, 40-60 minutes after dieting. In the supine position - worse, sitting with an inclination forward - weakens. Sensations are sharp or dull, pressing.

Patient complaints during exacerbation:

  1. Belching, heartburn, nausea.
  2. Steatorrhea, diarrhea.
  3. Stool up to 6 times / day, mushy, with an unpleasant odor.
  4. The appearance of bright red, rounded spots on the skin is possible ().

Information! An exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis lasts from 1 to 4 weeks, but acute manifestations persist for 2-7 days. Further, against the background of therapy, the clinical picture becomes less pronounced.

Acute pancreatitis

Initially, aseptic inflammation of the tissues of the pancreas, in which there is an acute violation of its function. May be mild, moderate, or severe.

A mild course is characterized by swelling of the organ and does not lead to the formation of necrosis. The duration of the attack, subject to volumetric infusion therapy - about 3-7 days.

Lack of treatment leads to the development of necrosis, which requires surgical intervention... Without surgery, it is usually fatal. Cardiac arrest occurs against the background of intoxication and damage to nearby organs by digestive enzymes. This usually happens on the 7-10th day of illness.

If the patient was operated on in a timely manner, it takes about 1 month to recover. In the future, he needs a life sentence, which is selected in accordance with the existing violations.

Reactive pancreatitis

Reactive pancreatitis may result from drug toxicity

It flows with pronounced clinical manifestations, however, responds well to treatment. Usually does not lead to the formation of pancreatic necrosis. It occurs as a reaction to the influence of a provoking factor: shock, intoxication, exacerbation peptic ulcer, poisoning, taking certain medications. Treatment is no different from mild acute pancreatitis. The recovery period is 3-5 days with an early start of therapy.

How long pancreatitis lasts depends on:

  • forms of pathology;
  • doctor's qualification level;
  • the initial state of the pancreas in particular and the entire patient's body as a whole.

Above are the average periods, which can differ significantly, both upward and downward. Getting started quickly treatment measures... Therefore, at the first signs of pathology, you should immediately contact the clinic for examination and prescribe the necessary therapy.

Often, with the first attacks of pancreatitis, a person needs immediate hospitalization, especially if the abdominal pain becomes unbearable.

In this regard, it is necessary to postpone the planned activities, so many patients are interested in how long they stay in the hospital with pancreatitis. The answer to this question may depend on the type of inflammation of the pancreas, the speed of diagnosis, and many other factors.

If a person has symptoms of an attack of pancreatitis, the first step is to call an ambulance. While doctors get to the patient, it is important to provide first aid quickly. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Place the patient on a sofa or bed.
  2. Attach a heating pad filled with cold water or a wet napkin. It is absolutely impossible to warm the abdominal area.
  3. Open a window indoors. Air it out.

When the doctor arrives at the site, he will carry out the necessary procedures based on the provided clinical picture... Most often, with attacks of pain, papaverine is administered. Further, the patient is admitted to the hospital, while hospitalization cannot be refused.

At the first attacks of pain in the abdominal region, it is necessary to call a doctor or go to the hospital. A delay of even a few hours can seriously affect the patient's condition and cause complications. In addition, acute pancreatitis without correct treatment can quickly develop into chronic.


How long is pancreatitis treated after hospitalization? With an exacerbation, infusion treatment is usually required, after which the patient is discharged to continue therapy at home. Once the patient is admitted to the hospital, he is measured blood pressure and he goes to initial inspection to the doctor. Further, it is necessary to carry out the following diagnostic measures:

  • a blood test to determine leukocytes and enzymes;
  • laparoscopy;
  • ultrasound examination.

After carrying out all the necessary procedures, the doctor assesses the pancreas and the patient's condition and identifies the form of pancreatitis. Based on the data obtained, a method and treatment plan is selected and a selection is made drugs... Treatment for moderate is carried out in the intensive care unit, with severe pain and intoxication, resuscitation may be required.

Inpatient treatment

Acute pancreatitis in adults is treated in a hospital with the following measures:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to relieve pain. For this, drugs such as Baralgin, Novocain, Analgin, Promedol are used in the form of tablets and injections.
  2. The second step is to hypertension the bile ducts. For this, a drug such as No-Shpa is suitable.
  3. It is imperative to remove the load from the pancreas and ensure peace. This will help water starvation. In the first few days after the start of treatment, you can drink ordinary drinking and mineral water.
  4. Prevention of thrombus formation is often important.

How long does it take for emergency measures? This usually takes from a few minutes, but sometimes it takes a whole day. After they are carried out, a period of intensive therapy begins.

It includes taking sorbents (Smecta, Almagel) and anti-inflammatory medications (Gordox and Mannitol by drip, Kontrikal). To reduce hydrolysis, diuretics (Furosemide) are prescribed.

To prevent deterioration of the patient's condition, it is necessary to clean and drain the stomach, as well as check the condition of other internal organs, but a complete medical examination is not carried out due to its dangerous condition. To facilitate the work of the pancreas, insulin injections are given.

Thus, it usually takes about 7-10 days to eliminate an attack of acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of its chronic form, with the first 2-3 days being the period of the most intensive therapy. After being discharged from the hospital, the patient should be under the supervision of doctors from one and a half months to six months.

Chronic pancreatitis should be stopped with the passage of periodic examinations, adherence to the regime and self-administration of the recommended medications.

Surgical intervention

How many are in hospitals with pancreatitis if surgery is needed? This form of treatment can take a different amount of time, the time depends on the scale of the problem.

Pancreatitis treatment surgery can be prescribed when diagnosing complications. It is indicated for jaundice, lack of benefit from medications, detection of formations in the pancreas on ultrasound.

In this case, time will be needed not only for the preparation and direct implementation of the surgical intervention, but also for the rehabilitation period. Thus, the patient spends about a week after it in the hospital and spends about 1.5-2 months on home treatment.

He is prescribed a special diet, drug therapy, physical exercises, and also make a plan for the daily regimen. Admission to the hospital is again necessary at the first sign of complication.


When a person has strong pain and signs of acute pancreatitis, there is a high probability that he will be admitted to the hospital. In such cases, you cannot hesitate and it is important to immediately seek qualified help.

In the most successful cases, it is possible to get rid of the disease in a week, however, with delay and violation of the regimen, therapy can take up to several months.

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