How to suspect ommopalitis in a newborn? Ommalitis inflammation of the navel in the child is 5 years old.

Ommalite is inflammation of the navel. The disease is found in both children and adults. In this article, we will consider detail this pathology.

General view

Such a slight body as a navel, in fact, is a useless part of the human body. Only during the period of nursing the fetus, he plays a crucial role in the life and development of the child. After birth, it becomes unnecessary. The navel is a natural scar, which appears after the excision of the umbilical cord in the infant on the front abdominal wall.

The obster cuts and shifts the cord, and ten days later, its remnants disappear, forming a wound. After her healing on the stomach, a neat navel appears. However, everything is not always going so smooth. Sometimes moms notice that the navel begins to mock. This is due to the infection of the umbilical wound, manifested in the form of redness, edema, purulent discharge, increase in temperature, stomach pain. It is impossible to ignore such a phenomenon.

Inflammation of the navel may appear in adults. The disease is called "Omm'alite". It is characterized by the development of the inflammatory response of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the navel area. In the running stages there is a threat to the development of umbilical sepsis. Pathology is accompanied by a change in the shape of the navel. It becomes convex and hot, especially near the inflammatory hearth.

Ommophalitis in adults may complicate the appearance of a poucher fistula. In this case, operational intervention is required. The causes of o-naughty can be different, which determines the further therapeutic tactics. Therefore, with a similar problem, you should immediately contact a specialist. Most often, the development of the disease provokes a bacterial and fungal infection.

Ommophalitis in adults may appear after piercing or improper care after the procedure. Depending on the root causes, two main forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • primary - infection penetrates directly into the umbilical wound;
  • secondary - infection joins Sviday.

Depending on the shape, ommopal is acute and chronic. And there is also a classification that shares the pathology into categories depending on the nature of inflammation:

  • catarial. This is the most common type of disease. Serous fluid is distinguished. Crusts appear;
  • phlegmonous;
  • gangrenous - difficult to treat;
  • purulent. The navel opens over the abdominal wall. Ulcers and purulent allocations are formed. The gangrenous and purulent form refer to the necrotic appearance of Ommalitis.

The reasons

The disease develops as a result of infection penetration. To provoking factors that can contribute to the entertainment of pathogenic microflora, the following can be attributed:

  • non-compliance with due instrument of personal hygiene rules;
  • incorrect treatment of the umbilical wound;
  • use of dirty bedding or underwear, towels;
  • contamination with urinous or feces;
  • improper treatment of skin damage formed;
  • touching the umbilical wound with dirty hands.

An important role is played by infectious diseases, which are more susceptible to a woman during pregnancy. The pathogenic microflora can easily hit the umbilical cord. Such microorganisms are most often advocating such microorganisms.

  • staphylococci
  • streptococci
  • intestinal wand
  • sinnaya wand.

Features anatomical structure Also related to the probability of occurrence of illness. If the umbilical canal is narrow and deeply rotten, the die-fledged skin cells and sewing glands can accumulate. Ommophalitis in children basically arises as a result of improper or insufficient care.

The photo shows one of the most common causes of ommopalite - piercing

Inflammation may occur if the baby happened under the non-suited tap water or was not well removed with a sprawset. It can easily cause infection of the umbilical wound. As a result, liquid begins to accumulate in it, on the surface of which a crust appears.

After it dries and disappears, small yazens remain in her place. Such ommopal is called simple, or catarrhal. If a purulent secret is distinguished from the wound, the skin is red and swells, the kid rises the temperature, then it is already about purulent form. Treatment is carried out in a hospital.

Ommophalitis in adolescents and adults is much less common. And this is understandable, because the umbilical wound has long heal, and the probability of the appearance of a pathological focus is negligible. However, the disease can still arise if a person does not waste the navel area too thoroughly and does not remove pollution accumulated in it.

Various factors can contribute to the progression of the disease:

  • weakened immunity;
  • supercooling;
  • overwork;
  • prematurity, small weight (children's omphalitis);
  • infectious diseases of the skin;
  • scratches, cuts, combing in the navel region;
  • the presence of scars or tattoos;
  • rubbing the navel close clothes or belt buckle;
  • inflammation after surgery;
  • excess weight;
  • the presence of diabetes.

Important! In the risk group there are women of young people who love to decorate their testicles piercing.

Another reason for the enhancing infection can be fistula. It is a channel with which is connected different cavities. Fistulas are congenital and acquired. Of these, yellow liquid can be released, cavalous masses, urine.

In case of incomplete fiction appointed conservative treatment. Effective baths with potassium permanganate, dressings with chlorophilite solution. You can dry the wound using iodine or zeam. If the fistula does not overgrow, carry out operation.


Newborn, the umbilical wound usually heals for two weeks. With proper processing, it is delayed. However, if the infection is injected, the wound does not heal for a long time, and serous-purulent liquid is distinguished from it. First, the crust appears, then it smelled, opening the wound again. The main symptoms of Ommophalita include redness, edema, the appearance of discharge.

Adults most often develops a light shape of Ommalitis. It manifests itself in the form of edema, redness and appearance of selections. In more severe cases, the secret has blood and purulent. The navel does not just mock, it comes from it nasty smell. He becomes convex and hot to the touch. Ommophalitis is characterized by the appearance of not only local signs, but also common.

The human body temperature rises, it becomes sluggish and apathetic. All layers are affected on the necrotic stage of the disease. abdominal wall. Inflammation applies even to internal organs. The skin becomes dark blue. The danger of this state is to develop peritonitis and sepsis - complications that can lead to a fatal outcome.


Experts identify three forms of Ommalitis. Each of them is a consequence of the previous one and occurs in the absence of treatment. So, Ommalite has three stages of development:

  • mocking navel, or a simple form;
  • phlegmonous variety;
  • necrotic, or gangrenous inflammation.


The overall condition of the patient is not violated. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe navel, weaving is observed with separation of serous or purulent. The pathological secret dries out, covered with a thin crust. At the bottom of the wounds, with a long flowing pathological process, mushroom tumors may be formed.

Child calm. Him normal temperature Body, calm sleep and healthy appetite. The edges of the wounds usually do not change or may be a little edema. Underground vessels are impossible to properly.

Important! Catarial omphalitis causes exclusively local changes.

Staphilococci becomes most often becoming the inflammatory process. The occurrence of the catarrhal form in infants is facilitated by intrauterine hypoxia, thick umbilical cords, violation of the rules of asepsum during the handling of the navel. And also impose a tetracycline ointment or synthesis emulsion.

Despite the fact that this is a light shape of Ommalitis, it is necessary to proceed to treatment immediately, otherwise the disease will cause serious complications. Therapy can be held in outpatient conditions. Several times a day you need to process the wound with an antiseptic solution. During processing, you do not need to forget to remove the resulting crusts. From physiotherapy procedures, ultraviolet irradiation is locally used.

Simple form manifests itself only by local signs.


This is a dangerous stage of the amalite, in which the inflammatory process affects the surrounding tissues. There is a gradually deterioration of the overall state. When developing phlegmon front abdominal wall, the temperature rises above 39 degrees. In this case, the ulcer is an ulcer. When pressed, a purulent secret is highlighted from it.

Allocations have an unpleasant smell. The zone around the navel is inflamed and sweat. When pressed, the strongest pain occurs. Symptoms of intoxication are joined to local manifestations.

The patient becomes sluggish and apathetic. He has no appetite. Children are capricious, they have frequent joins. Phlegmosic ommophal is an indication for hospitalization.

The body's body due to physiological features is not able to fully fight damaging factors. That is why from the first days of life behind the baby should be careful care. Specific treatment is carried out by the surgeon. The specialist uses drainage for the outflow of purulent content. For this purpose, a blanket ring is carried out and drainage is inserted.


It is extremely rare in weakened patients with impairment of the immune system. Inflammation applies to deep, hitting the internal organs. The skin becomes dark. It resembles a bruise after hitting.

The likelihood of peritonitis is high - inflammation of the peritoneum, which can end with a fatal outcome. The spread of infection on the umbilical vessels can lead to sepsis - blood infection. Antibiotics prescribe doctors as treatment wide spectrum actions. Often the patient is required operational intervention.


It is simply impossible to determine the cause of inflammation of the navel. A surgeon is needed. And it will also be necessary to carry out bacteriological seeding of a dilated wound. The treatment of omphalitis directly depends on the cause caused by the disease. It is most often treated with a conservative way, however, during the formation of fistulas, it is not necessary to do without surgery.

Important! Compliance with navel hygiene, while he heals - this is the best prevention of ommopalitis.

As treatment, antibacterial agents are used in the form of ointments and tablets. If the inflammation pathogen is fungal infection, antifungal drugs are prescribed. Injections also introduced anti-stococcal immunoglobulin. The main focus is on strengthening immunity. For this, vitaminotherapy is carried out.

Piercing navel should be carried out in a specialized salon by a professional master. The use of exclusively sterile materials, as well as high-quality products, minimizes the risk of unpleasant consequences. After the procedure, pain and swelling usually appear. In this case, cold compress will help. For its preparation, it is enough to make a water-flushed towel. And you can also overtake into the cloth a piece of ice.

If bleeding is best used a tampon from the bandage. The plaster does not use. The navel area should be protected from damage and infection penetration. Before touching decoration, you need to wash your hands with antibacterial soap. And also should be removed dust and dirt from under the nails. At least once a week, bed linen needs to be changed and a personal towel.

The navel area is necessary to process disposable wet napkins. And also follows the time to limit contact with pets. It is better to use antibacterial soap as cleansing. Alcohol and hydrogen peroxide will not fit. For processing, take a cotton wand. The procedure must be performed carefully. Do not pull the decoration.

Solific solution has good disinfecting properties. For its preparation it is necessary to dissolve a quarter of a teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of warm boiled water. The finished means is used to prepare compresses. After disinfection, piercing should be slightly slightly, and then gently flush it with a one-time cloth.

Until full healing is not to change the original decoration. No need to touch it, pull and rotate. Do not wear cramped clothes and underwear. It is better to replace the hot bath with a water-tempered water shower. The jet of water will clearly clean the wound from the dirt and remnants of the detergent, preventing them from entering the wound.

Until full healing is forbidden to swim in the pool and open reservoirs. In extreme cases, it is better to use waterproof plaster

The most important thing

Ommalite is inflammation of the navel. In adults, the disease most often occurs after piercing in the non-compliance with the rules of hygiene. Contribute to the occurrence of illness can sugar diabetes, overweight. In infants, Ommophalitis is the result of incorrect care. The catarrhal stage is the easiest form of the disease, but in the absence of treatment, it can go to the purulent phase.

If the cause of inflammation served as a bacterial infection, it is necessary to treat it with antibiotics. But to begin with bacterial sowing discharge. Treatment includes the processing of the wound with antiseptic solutions. In severe cases, the operation will be required.

Ommalitis (Lat. Omphalitis) is a bacterial inflammation of the bottom of the umbilical wound, the umbilical ring and subcutaneous fat tissue around the navel. There are a simple, phlegmonous, necrotic forms of omphalitis.

Ommopalite - Cause (etiology)

The inflammatory process is localized in the area of \u200b\u200bthe umbilical fossa or applies to the skin and other fabrics in the circle of the navel.

Infection from the umbilical wounds is often propagated by the umbilical vessels, fixed in the umbilical arteries, Vienna.

Om'malitis - mechanism for occurrence and development (pathogenesis)

The purulent-septic diseases of the navel in newborns in frequency and practical significance occupy one of the first places in the structure of the morbidity of children of the 1st month of life. Purulent infection navel has a variety clinical manifestations, among which you can find a fairly pronounced local process without severe common septic manifestations, as well as a severe picture of sepsis for the most minor local inflammatory phenomena. Puff purulent infection - a frequent source of sepsis in small children and severe diseases in older children.

Underfloor infection is quite often caused by staphylococci and streptococci, less often - other microbes (intestinal wand, pneumococci, diphtheria stick).

Infection in rare cases can occur before birth, during the dressing and doping of the umbilical cord. However, the most often infection occurs between the 2nd and 12th day of life, when the cult can be contaminated with urine, child feces or will be driving infection with surrounding items or staff hands; Infection can also occur by drip transmission of infection from caring faces.

The development of the pathological process with a purulent infection of the navel can go different ways due to which a variety of it is observed. clinical forms. So the best frequent formwhich the pathological process takes is ommopalitis.

The causative agent (mainly staphylococcus) of omphalitis penetrates the tissue, adjacent to the navel, through the culture of umbilical cord or through the wound after its deposition. The infection can be distributed and fixed in the umbilical vessels (more often in arteries, less often in veins), causing productive, purulent or necrotic inflammation. The spread of inflammation leads to the development of phlegmon in the field of navel. When involving the umbilical vein in the process, there is a phlebitis (see the full arch of knowledge), which can spread across a portal vein into its internal branching. Often, in the course of veins, purulent foci are formed, sometimes after healing the umbilical wound.

Ommalitis - Pathological Anatomy

The residue of the umbilical cord is not muffed, but becomes inflamed, wet, swollen, acquires a dirty-brown color, makes an unpleasant smell. Initially, the general condition of the child does not suffer, and then the body temperature rises, the loss of appetite is noted, lethargy appears. When the gangrenose umbilical umbilical deposits remains a firmly non-healing wound, which can be a source of sepsis development.

The most common and prognostically favorable form of the disease is simple omphalitis (wetting navel), in which the navel occurs a long non-healing granulating wound with a meager serous-nailed separated. The condition of the child is satisfactory. Periodically wound is covered with a crust; Granulations can be redundant, forming the mixing of the mushroom shape (Fungus Umbilici).

Phlegmosic omphalite is characterized by acute inflammation around the umbilical wound (by the edema, the infiltration of tissues, the skin hyperemia, the dying area). The edges of the wound bent, the probe is determined by the move, which is often associated with an affection. Process progression can lead to a phlegmon of the abdominal wall.

Nerctic Ommophalitis occurs extremely rarely as a complication of phlegmon around the navel from sharply weakened ashairs. The skin in the navel area has a crimson-cyanotic color, tissue necrosis quickly spreads to all layers, a deep wound is formed, which can lead to an intestine egg.

The most dangerous tumor complications are septicemia and sepsis (see sepsis). The local complications include the phlegmon of the abdominal wall (see phlegmon of the abdominal wall), the contact peritonitis (see peritonitis), pylephlebit (see Pilyfelbit), liver abscesses (see the liver abscess), to remote - portal hypertension (see hypertension).

Ommophalit - symptoms (clinic)

Ommalitis - simple form

A simple form, known as the "Moicing Pup", is characterized by the fact that after the residue of the umbilical cord, the infected umbilical wound heals badly, is covered with granulations, on the surface of which droplets of serous or serous-purulent liquid appear. Falling, separated forms crusts, which are gradually rejected. Healing of such an umbilical wound occurs within a few weeks. The overall condition of the child remains satisfactory, all physiological departures (chair, sleep, appetite) are normal, the mass of the child's body increases.

With the protracted healing of the umbilical wound, there is sometimes excessive growth of granulations that form a tumor mass with a wide base or on a thin leg, which resembles a fungus and therefore received the name Fungus. Fungus is pretty carnate to the touch, painless, has a pale pink color, when infected is covered with a fibrinous flare, and then the child becomes restless, especially when swaddling and shifting.

Ommophalit - phlegmonous form

The phlegmonous form of ommopalitis is characterized by the spread of the inflammatory process in the circle of the navel, into the fabric adjacent to it. The skin near the navel becomes hyperemic, edema and infiltrated, and the umbilical area sputs above the surface of the abdomen. At the bottom of the ulcerative fossa in some cases, an ulcer is formed. The inflammatory process can spread to the front wall of the abdomen or remain local. Often, when pressed on an octopupex area of \u200b\u200bumbilical wounds, pus is released.

The general condition in phlegmonous ochelitis is impaired, the body temperature increases, the appetite decreases, the mass of the body decreases, there may be dyspeptic disorders. The severity of the general condition of the patient depends on the prevalence of the process: an increase in temperature to 37.5-38 ° C and moderately expressed concern are characteristic of limited forms, and an increase in temperature to 39-40 ° C with toxicosis phenomena - for extensive phlegmon.

Ommalitis - necrotic

The necrotic form of Ommalite is very rare, usually in children with reduced food. Personaling at first as phlegmonous ommopalitis, the process spreads deep into. The skin in the navel region becomes dark red with a blue tint, it comes necrosis and detachment from the extensive wounds to be tissues. This form of omphalite is the hardest, accompanied by severe intoxication and ends in most cases sepsis.

With any form of Ommalitis, there is always a real danger of the spread of infection on the umbilical vessels, it comes from where the nuclear septic septice originates.

Ommalitis - Treatment

Showing the purpose of antibiotics. Local treatment consists in speedingly removal of the PUP residue by cutting off the cult in compliance with all the ranges of asepta. The wound is burned 5% alcohol solution iodine, and in the following days - 3% silver nitrate solution. With the appearance of swelling and hyperemia of the skin around the navel, the purpose of physiotherapeutic procedures - ultraviolet irradiation and UHF currents is shown.

With a simple form of Ommalite, only local treatment is required, which can be carried out outpatient. The wilt navel is migrated 1-2 times a day with a 5% silver nitrate solution or a 5% potassium permanganate solution, or 1% iodine alcohol solution. If a pus is isolated from the umbilical wound, then it is washed with hydrogen peroxide, then they are migrated to the specified solutions and sprinkled with white strepticide powder, xeroform, dermatol, vioform. If, after the remnant of the umbilical cord, after 5-7 days, the navel washing remains and the granulation is formed, the battery is allowed with the addition of potassium permanganate (water should be light pink).

At the phlegmonous form of ommopalitis, more energetic treatment is carried out. Intramuscularly introduces the antibiotics of a wide range of action for 10-14 days. The feeding of maternal milk is of great importance. The appointments of vitamins (B) and (C) are necessary, repeated intravenous hemotransphus in the intervals of 5-6 days. Applicable intravenous infusion of plasma, intramuscular injections of gamma globulin. According to the indications they are prescribed glucose, heart rate.

Locally, if there is no fitting, the affected area around the navel is glued with a solution of antibiotics. The daily dose of one or another antibiotic is dissolved in 20-25 ml of 0.25% novocaine solution and from two to three points infiltrate fabrics around the navel.

The currents of the UHF or irradiation of the mercury-quartz lamp also are also used. On the affected area, impose a bandage with the ointment of Vishnevsky, with the lactate of the Stacridine (Rivanol), Furacilin, and others. If a peppy is detected, then resort to surgical intervention.

With the necrotic form of Ommalitis in all cases, surgical intervention is required along with energetic common treatment (antibiotics, blood transfusions, plasma, vitaminotherapy, the introduction of gamma globulin, physiotherapy).

With Ommalite, severe complications are possible, which themselves can serve as a source of septicemia and septicopemia. The severe complications of Ommothitis include peritonitis, liver abscess, hematogenous osteomyelitis, the suppuration of the lungs, which are most often developing against the background of sepsis.

Forecast with simple omphalite is favorable. With phlegmonous and necrotic form, the forecast is made with caution due to the possibility of the development of umbilical sepsis.

Ommalitis - Prevention

To avoid the development of ommothitis in a newborn, it is necessary to carefully care for the umbilical wound. To do this, it is necessary daily, twice a day to wash the umbilical wound with antiseptic means so that bacteria do not penetrate it, and also monitor the color of the umbilical ring.

Newly minted parents are particularly pretty. After all, it is no secret that while she did not heal, there is a possibility of infection, but with it and the development of inflammatory skin processes and subcutaneous tissues. If this happened, talking about the disease called Ommophalit navel.

What underwater stones are in yourself medical term? And why his treatment should begin to engage as soon as possible, and besides under the guidance of experienced doctors?

What is ommopalitis?

Ommophalitis (from the Greek Omphalos - "Pup" + ITIS - the ending pointing to inflammation) is a disease affecting predominantly newborn children. It is manifested by inflammation of the bottom of the umbilical wound, the umbilical rings with the vessels adjacent to it, and the subcutaneous fatty tissue in the umbilical ring area. The disease is developing approximately the 2nd week of the baby's life.

Ommophalitis, along with other pathologies of the neonatal period, such as streptodermia, epidemic bubble, is not so rare. The problem is that in time unbearable ommopalis acts destroyably on the body, leading to such consequences, as peritonitis, sepsis, phleet vessels, phlegmon. Therefore, if you found that something is wrong with the navel, immediately show the baby to the doctor in order not to tighten with treatment.

Causes of occurrence

The only reason for the development of ommopalite is to enter infection through the header of the navel. Most often, staphylococci or streptococcis become the culprits of infectious infection. Less often, gram-negative bacteria, whose representatives are intestinal and diphtheria wand.

How does an infection get inside? There are several factors provoking the development of omphalitis:

  • Incorrect or insufficient treatment of the umbilical wound.
  • Failure to comply with hygienic standards during a baby's care: the treatment of the navel with dirty hands of parents or medical staff, the late ablution of the baby after it is practiced.
  • Care for the child is carried out by a sick person capable of transmitting an air-droplet infection.
  • Development of diaper dermatitis. A long time is in a polluted urine or fender diaper, the skin sweats. Exacely the position of rare bathing and lack of air baths.
  • Primary infection with other skin infectious disease, for example, piederma or folliculite.
  • Extremely rare infection happens directly during childbirth when the navel channel is tied up.

The premature babes born in community-friendly aceptic conditions (for example, homework), as well as those who hardly passed intrauterine development, burdened with hypoxia, congenital abnormal pathologies were susceptible to the greater risk.

A variety of forms of the disease and its symptoms

Ommophalit navel, depending on the severity of its flow, is classified into catarrhal, necrotic and phlegmonous. If the disease has evolved against the background of infection of the navel, the omphalite is called primary. In the case when the infection is joined by existing anomalies, such as fistulas, they speak of secondary omphalite. Consider all the available forms in more detail.

"Wet naughty"

The most "simple" form of the disease, which, besides, is the most common, has the best favorable forecasts. His generally accepted medical name - catarrhal omphalitis. As a rule, the umbilical residue disappears independently during the first 10 days of life. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe umbilical ring, epithelialization begins to occur, that is, the healing of the navel. A crust is formed, which by the end of the second week dries and also disappears, leaving a clean pretty navel.

The healing of the umbilical wound takes place in several stages

However, if infection has fallen into the wounder, local inflammation does not give her to be delayed. Instead, serous-purulent liquid is distinguished, sometimes with blood impurities, and the wound process is delayed for many more weeks. Periodically crusts cover a bleeding place, but after their deposit of due epithelialization does not occur. Just such a phenomenon and got the name of the wet navel.

Long inflammation It leads to the formation at the bottom of the navel of the protrusion similar to the fungus, the so-called Fungus. And although the physical condition of the newborn does not particularly suffer: the appetite is good, the child adds goodness in weight, sleeps tightly, etc. - Around the umbilical ring, redness and swelling are observed, it is possible to increase the body temperature to 37-37.2 o C.

Phlegmous Ommophalite

This form of the disease says when the "mocking navel" was not given sufficient care, and inflammation spread to nearby tissues. The reddened skin is accompanied by the edema of the subcutaneous fiber, because of which the belly seems slightly swollen. A venous drawing in the field of the front abdominal wall is more clearly visible. If in addition, red stripes are observed, the development of lymphangitis is possible - diseases in which capillaries and lymphatic vessels are affected.

If the infection has spread to the aircraft tissue, do not self-medicate. The child should inspect a qualified specialist

A characteristic symptom of phlegmonous ommopalite - Piorya. In the process of pressing in the navel area, purulent contents are distinguished. An ulcers may form at the site of the ulcer. Such complications are also affected by the kid 'well-being: the child eats badly, capricious, often jumps away. It is sluggish, the thermometer column rapidly grows up - to 38 o C.

Nerctic Omthalitis

The most unfavorable course of the disease, but fortunately, is quite rare, mainly in weakened kids with obvious signs of immunodeficiency and the delay in physical and psycho-emotional development. Belly skin is not just hyperemic. It becomes dark-bug, in places of blue, since the suppuration spreads deeper.

The kid has no strength to fight infection, so the disease is rarely accompanied by increased temperature. Rather, on the contrary, it is below 36 o C, and the child itself moves little, the reaction is slowed down. Any complications are dangerous for the life of a baby, since bacteria, falling into systemic bloodstream (so-called septic infection), may provoke the development of such diseases:

  • osteomyelitis - the bone marrow is inflamed, and with it all bone elements;
  • enterocolit - the mucosa of the intestinal tract is inflated;
  • peritonitis - Inflammation of the peritoness and organs abdominal cavity;
  • purulent pneumonia;
  • phlegnon of the abdominal wall (accumulation of pus).

Treatment of necrotic (gangrenous) omphalitis is carried out only in hospital aceptic conditions, often with surgical intervention.


The primary diagnosis is made immediately at the reception during the inspection of the baby pediatrician, a neonatologist or a children's surgeon. However, to make sure that there are no complications about which we have previously spoken, additional instrumental diagnostics are appointed:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • Ultrasound of soft tissues;
  • the abdominal cavity x-ray.

Even if the diagnosis was supplied by a neonatologist, a child is necessarily inspecting a children's surgeon.

Inspection of the baby Children's surgeon is required

The separated liquid, especially with pus impurities, is taken for analysis (bakposposev) to accurately determine the infectious pathogen. This is important, after all, by defining, with what kind of infection we are dealing, as well as its sensitivity to antibacterial agentsThe doctor will be able to pick up the group of antibiotics, which will be the most effective in treatment.

How to treat мофалит

At home is treated only a simple shape of ommopalitis. This requires local processing of the umbilical wound to 4 times a day. First, there are 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide into the wound and hygienic chopsticks remove the contents. Then drying and simultaneous antiseptic measures: the wreck is treated with a diamond-green solution, furacilin, chlorophyllipte, dioxidine, or 70% alcohol. Baby bathe in a pale pink solution of manganese.

In severe cases, the appointment of antibiotic therapy, as well as local application Antiseptic ointments (Vishnevsky, Banocin Liniment) in the form of imposing bandages on the wound. It is possible to smoke antibiotics directly the focus of inflammation. Fungus Navel is causing an indication of silver nitrate (Lapis).

Drainage can be put on the wound - a special tube on which a good pus outflow is provided. According to the indications, disintellation solutions intravenously, the introduction of gamma globulin, as well as excision (surgical removal) of necrotized fabric sections. Jumps also remove surgically.

The infant is prescribed drugs for improving immunity, vitaminotherapy.

If the doctor considers it appropriate, physiotherapy treatment methods are used, such as UFO, UHF therapy or helium neon laser.


The forecast for the treatment of catarrhal omphalitis in newborns is very favorable and ends with complete recovery. As for phlegmonous or necrotic ommophalite, it all depends on how quickly the treatment will begin and all possible methods of therapy will be used. The risk of death in septic infections is always high.

Preventive measures

  • to change the diaper in a timely manner;
  • wake up the child if necessary during the day;
  • daily process the umbilical wound with hydrogen peroxide and green to the full healing;
  • all navel care manipulations are flushed with soap hands;
  • if in the wound became noticeable purulent or seals appeared, without postponing, show the child to the doctor.

From the first days of life, the newborn needs special attention from parents.

Children such age category differ in weak immunity and increased sensitivity to bacteria and infections.

Some diseases arise due to adults. These include enemmalite in the newborn.

In a broad sense, this pathology is an inflammatory process that affects the skin around the umbilical wound. The most common cause of this disease is considered incorrect baby care.

Concept and characteristic

Ommmalitis in newborns - Photo:

Om'malitis is an infectious disease that arises mainly in newborns In the first weeks of their lives. The pathological process leads to inflammation of subcutaneous tissue and skin around the umbilical ring.

The disease has characteristic symptoms, making a preliminary diagnosis of the doctor can establish during a visual inspection of a baby.

The treatment of omphalitis should be immediately implemented. Otherwise, inflammation can spread to the internal organs of the child.

How is infection?

In most cases, the causative agent of Ommalite is Golden Staphylococcus(almost 80%). Less than provoking the disease can intestinal sticks and streptococci.

As a result of pathogenic microorganisms in the umbilical wound, their distribution occurs not only by skin cover in a specific area, but also in the peritoneum, as well as the internal bodies of the baby.

The main factor increasing the risk of infection is lack of treatment of umbilical wound In the first days of the life of the newborn.

Code of ICD 10: P38 Ommalite newborn with small bleeding or without it.

Infection of an umbilical woundmay occur in several ways.

The infection may become the consequence of other pathological processes in the body of a newborn or to get into it in contact-household.

Before processing the wound, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands and prevent its pollution. Otherwise, the risk of infection increases several times. In addition, the source of infection can become contact with an infected person. In this case, hand washing will not help avoid infection.

Causes of occurrence

Ommophalitis most often occurs in children with critical weakened immunity.

In the risk group there are premature babies and kids who have emerged as a result of complex generic activity.

Organisms of such babies can not fully resist infections. The reason for the development of the inflammatory process may be the slightest deviation from the processing mode of the umbilical wound to accelerate its healing.

Reasonsommophalitis can be the following factors:

Classification and forms

Ommophalitis in newborns can be primary and secondary. In the first case, the disease develops on the background infection of the umbilical wound.

The cause of secondary omphalitis becomes the newborn pathology of a congenital or acquired nature.

Additionally, the disease is divided into a simple and launched shape Depending on the degree of progression of the inflammatory process.

By the nature of the flow, the Ommalite is divided into the following types:

Symptoms, signs and clinical picture

The healing of the umbilical wound should occur for a maximum of two weeks. In some cases, this process may be accompanied by the formation of small yellow crusts.

This nuance is not pathology, but when any discharge appears, the risk of infection occurs. Such a symptom is accompanied by the wound suppuration. Additional signs of Ommmalitis are gradually developing.

When they appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Symptomsommopalite is manifested in the following states:

  • redness of the skin around the umbilical ring;
  • too long healing of the umbilical wound;
  • blue shade of the skin around the navel of the newborn;
  • the appearance of the rash around the umbilical ring;
  • the swelling of the tissue around the navel;
  • discharge from the umbilical wound;
  • flowing and capriciousness of the child;
  • bad appetite;
  • Body.

Complications and consequences

Ommophalit refers to the number dangerous diseases.

If the inflammatory process was not eliminated, as a result of which its spread of the child occurred, any internal organs can violate performance.

Infection affects intestines, lungs, endocrine system, Blood I. the lymph nodes. Against the background of the disease in the infant rises risk of infection with other diseases infectious nature, including inflammation of the lungs.

Some of these diseases are mortally dangerous and can cause the fatal outcome of the newborn.

Complicationsommopalitis can be the following consequences:

  • inflammation bone tissue (osteomyelitis);
  • defeat by the inflammatory process of arteries and veins;
  • abscesses of internal organs;
  • sepsis (blood infection);
  • lymphangitis (inflammation);
  • pneumonia (infectious lung damage);
  • peritonitis (development of the inflammatory process in the peritoneum);
  • detection of intestines (enterocolit).


The diagnosis of ommopalite does not imply difficulties for a specialist.

Recognize signs of the disease doctor may on the basis of external signs inflammatory process.

Additional procedures are prescribed to determine the stage of development of infection and the degree of defeat of the organism of the newborn.

Data of such studies are necessary for the preparation of the course of the disease. If the treatment is incorrect, then the risk of complications will increase.

Diagnostics Ommophalitis is carried out by the following procedures:

  • bakpospanese discharge from the umbilical wound;
  • biochemical analysis of blood and urine;
  • Ultrasound of soft tissues and abdominal cavities;
  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • review radiography of the abdominal cavity.


How to treat baby? In the treatment of ommond, doctors can use Several patterns of therapy.

The key role is played by the overall condition of the child, the individual features of his body, the stage and the degree of development of the disease, as well as the presence of additional diseases, against the background of which the baby occurred.

Treatment can be carried out in a hospital or home. To appoint a certain course of therapy, a preliminary and full-fledged survey of the newborn is necessary.


Local treatment of ommopalite is to eliminate the inflammatory process antiseptic solutions.

Such a form of therapy is permissible only in the absence of complications of the disease.

Conduct treatment at home, But in the presence of suspicion of the spread of infection, the newborn is placed in the hospital. A specialist should determine the need to hospitalize the child.

Local treatment is the following procedures:

  1. In the wound, you need to drill a few drops of hydrogen peroxide (the residues of the liquid are neatly removed with a cotton wand or disk).
  2. Treatment of umbilical wound with drugs from a group of antiseptics (chlorophyllipte, furaticiline, greencase solution).
  3. Additionally, you can process the skin of herbal beams (for example, decoction of calendula or chamomile).
  4. When forming Fungus, it is recommended that the ignition with the use of silver nitrate.
  5. When bathing a newborn, it is recommended to add several crystals of manganese in water.


The need for systemic treatment of ommopalite arises in the presence of complications inflammatory process.

In this case, the only way to eliminate the infection is the use of antibiotics.

Preparations of this category can be assigned in the form of ointments or other formas of release. It is impossible to select them on their own. The need to use antibiotics should determine only a doctor.

The systemic treatment of ommopalite is the following procedures:


In the treatment of ommopalitis are widely used physiotherapeutic procedureshelping to greatly speed up the process of recovery of the child.

The newborn can be assigned to the processing of umbilical wound helium-neon laser, UFO, UHF therapy or microwave.

Procedures do not deliver baby pain and they are moved well. The doctor should determine the need to apply a specific type of physiotherapy.


In the presence of complications or necrotic lesions of the tissue around the navel, in most cases there are the need for surgical intervention.

Mandatory this procedure is in the formation of Fungus, the uterocreter fistula, the extensive phlegmon of the abdominal cavity or the absence of the result of the therapy.

After the operation for the opening of an ulcer or removal of dead fabrics An additional treatment is appointed to accelerate the wound healing process.

Navel diseases during newborn, what to do? Learn this from the video:

I am convincingly please do not engage in self-medication. Sign up for a doctor!

Ommophalitis in newborns: symptoms, treatment, reviews from the forum

Ommophalitis in newborns occurs when non-compliance with the basic rules of hygiene. The skin around the navel begins to blush, mock and fog, and the health of the baby gradually worsens.

Ommalite is an inflammatory lesion of the skin and subcutaneous fiber in the field of umbilical wound in children, which occurs most often for 2-3 weeks of life. The main pathogens are some bacteria (intestinal chopstick, streptococcus, staphylococcus) and mushrooms. There are several forms (stages) of ommopalite:

  1. Simple form, the most common and without complications. It is characterized by redness and swelling of the umbilical ring, a pronounced increase in the temperature of the skin around the focus of infection, lethargy and anxiety. Separated wounds are transparent or light yellow, sometimes with a small admixture of blood.
  2. Purulent form. Accompanied by bad well-being Child, weakness, lack of appetite, increasing body temperature up to 38 ° C and higher, pronounced redness and skin swelling on the stomach. Selection from the navel become more viscous and dark, acquire an unpleasant smell.
  3. Phlegmonous form. The state of the newborn is severe, characterized by a resistant increase in temperature above 39 ° C, the convulsions of the extremities, vomiting, breast failure. The wound surface increases in size and is a shroud-covered ulcer. An venous grid is manifested on the skin of the belly, which is why it acquires a blue shade. Ommalitis quickly applies to the adjacent fabrics and vessels of the abdominal cavity.
  4. Necrotic form. It occurs in the later stages of the disease and is characterized by the omnipation of the affected fabrics. In the absence of immediate treatment, the infection leads to sepsis.

It should be remembered that in premature babies the body is not yet able to properly fight infection, so the initial manifestations of the disease can be lubricated and weakly pronounced. At the same time, the omphalitis quickly progresses and goes into a difficult form.

Causes of the disease

The main cause of OmPhalitis in newborns is considered a violation of the hygiene rules, when the umbilical wound is infected with contact with contaminated surfaces or the contents of the diaper. It is less likely to infection at the hospital with poor-quality clamping or coarse violation of the rules for processing the excreted umbilical cord. The prerequisites for the development of Ommalitis is the following:

  • birth of a premature and weakened kid;
  • complicated pregnancy and childbirth;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • the pathology of the vascular of the abdominal cavity of the child, including fistula;
  • runting infections of the skin and hair follicles.

Diagnosis of the disease

A slightly separated from the navel in the first days after discharge from the maternity hospital is considered the norm and should not cause concern from the parents. However, if within 1-2 weeks, inflammation does not pass or enhanced, you should immediately consult a doctor. Ignore the symptoms of Ommophalita is unacceptable.

In pronounced damage to the surface of the navel, the definition of pathology usually does not represent any difficulties. Visible changes of the skin are often accompanied by changes in blood composition: ESP increases and the number of leukocytes.

In some cases, with the ineffectiveness of the appointed therapy and the manifestation of complications of Ommalite, additional research is prescribed:

  • bacterial sowing of the contents of the umbilical wound;
  • analysis of venous blood for the presence of infections;
  • Ultrasound abdominal cavity to eliminate the accumulation of pus;
  • Uzi belly fabrics to eliminate the lesion of subcutaneous fiber tissue.

The simple form of Ommalite is treated with local means for the appointment of a doctor: greenflaw, alcohol, a solution of mangalls, silver nitrate, Mirismine. When processing dried outlets around the navel, it is necessary to swallow the hydrogen peroxide and carefully removed using a sterile cotton wand.

The purulent omphalitis of newborns often requires a simple surgical procedure: the opening of the affectionate with the help of a special probe and deleting its contents. In the wound, as a rule, drainage is installed to prevent stagnation of selections. Treatment of umbilical wounds with standard means is added to impose bandages with antiseptic ointments and gels, and in some cases physiotherapy (UFO procedures, UHF).

The phlegmonous and necrotic forms of ommopalitis require immediate hospitalization and prolonged systemic treatment. In mandatory, the child is prescribed antibiotics of a wide range of action. In severe cases of ommopalite, removal of dead tissues and the removal of symptoms of intoxication of the body is required by intravenous injections of the glucose solution. If necessary, anti-stococcal immunoglobulin is introduced. Throughout the service in the hospital and after discharge home, long-term vitamin therapy courses are held (vitamins A, C and group B).

Forecasts and prevention

With proper treatment, the simple and purulent form of omphalitis proceeds easily and without consequences for the body of the child. In severe and running cases, problems are inevitable. To the most dangerous complications include:

  • inflammation of blood vessels and lymph nodes;
  • phlegmon abdominal wall;
  • extensive destructive pneumonia;
  • bone lesion (osteomyelitis);
  • inflammation of the intestinal walls;
  • peritonitis;
  • abdominal abdominal abscesses;
  • pathological growth of connective tissue around the navel requiring plastic surgery in future;
  • in advanced cases - blood infection up to death.

Congenital pneumonia in newborns

To avoid unpleasant omphalitis and its consequences, a number of rules must be followed:

  • thoroughly wash your hands with soap before processing the umbilical wound;
  • use only sterile napkins, cotton discs and sticks;
  • often change the diaper and properly carry out all hygiene measures;
  • conduct all designated procedures for premature and weakened kids;
  • if any suspicious discharge is found immediately consult a doctor.

To process umbilical wounds, a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and a 2% solution of diamond greenery should be used if the pediatrician is not assigned otherwise. Sanation is carried out 3-4 times a day until full wound heal. To do this, you need to split the child, remove the diaper and apply a significant amount of peroxide on the wound surface, after which it is carefully removed by a dried selection. It is forbidden to immerse the woven sticks deep and tear crusts from the surface of the skin. The topped area is then needed to be chopped with green, capturing not only the umbilical wound from all sides, but also the skin around it. It is possible to talk about the healing of the wound when when applied to it will cease to hiss hydrogen peroxide.


After the birth of a child, it is necessary:

  • Every day to handle the navel area to full healing;
  • The first thing the wound is processed by hydrogen peroxide, and after drying with any alcohol antiseptic solution;
  • Process the wound regularly;
  • With the appearance of a pus or a circulating fluid from the wound, consult a doctor immediately.

  • It is interesting to read: the treatment of perthes disease in a child

The prevention of inflammation of the navel in the infant involves observance of hygiene during the treatment of umbilical cord, regular care. Contraindicated independently remove the crust with the umbilical wound, use the leukoplasty. In the event that the place has flushed, swelling, or selected, do not postpone the consultation from the pediatrician and start the treatment in a timely manner.

Causes of occurrence

It is not clear to the scientist to the end, which directly leads to the appearance of granulation tissue in this area. The main reason is the presence of a wide umbilical ring, which predisposes to the development of Fungus. In newborns entering one of these groups, this phenomenon occurs more often:

  • premature children;
  • babies, with a weak immune system, as a result of which the residue of the umbilical cord may be infected with the subsequent appearance of granulation;
  • overweight kids.

Normally, after separation of the cult, the bottom of the navel becomes clean. Mushroom formation develops when there is an unexplored residue of the umbilical process.

Fungus begins to grow imperceptibly, gradually increasing in size. He is striking children in the first two months of life. The process can independently stop, not significantly affecting the child's health or continue, causing a cosmetic defect and the danger of complications.


The main symptom of the disease is the presence of mushrooms. At the initial stage of its growth, it is practically not visible. When small nodules (or one larger node) are increased in size, they can be seen during daily hygiene of the umbilical wound, after bathing. For Fungus, the following features are characterized:

  • color pale pink, less often - red or burgundy;
  • consistency dense, homogeneous;
  • the structure resembles a mushroom (single knot on a thick base) or a grape cluster (nodule structure);
  • painless during palpation;
  • slowly growing.

With the uncomplicated course of the disease, general symptoms, as a rule, does not happen. The child can react only when education is treated or it is injured by clothes (diaper, toy).

With the accession of infection and the development of ommopalite, it is possible:

  • floodiness and bad mood;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • bad sleep;
  • general malaise;
  • loss of appetite and weight loss;
  • soreness, edema, hyperemia and local temperature increase in the octopuspical zone;
  • separation from the navel of different character;
  • local vascular changes.

If the inflammatory process is left without treatment, bacteria can penetrate the overall bloodstream and cause sepsis. Such a state will be a threat to the child's life. To prevent this, it is important to diagnose the ummophalit and begin therapeutic measures.


As a rule, the diagnosis of granulation growth does not cause difficulties. What if parents suspected this pathology from their baby, the answer is simple: to make an appointment with a pediatrician or a children's surgeon.

The doctor will examine the child. If he has reason to believe that infection is possible, it will appoint additional surveys. These include:

  • generalization analyzes (blood, urine);
  • bacteriological study of a branching wound separated by the definition of sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • Ultrasound of soft tissues of the octopuspical region to identify complications (subcutaneous abscess, inflamed lymph node, etc.).

When discovery of noncatarian omphalitis, other diagnostic measures may be needed. They will allow differential diagnosis not only with inflammation, but also with other pathologies (lipoma, hernial protrusion, fistula, etc.).

Ommophalita species

Ommophalitis (from other Greek. Oμφαλός - navel, IT - inflammation) is a serious pathology that requires active medical tactics. With the slightest suspicion of inflammation of the umbilical wounds of the newborn, parents should show the kid to Dr.. Therefore, it is so important to know what this disease looks like.

Select four clinical forms of the inflammatory process in the navel:


Characterized initial signs infectious damage. There is a swelling and redness of the skin around the navel, light mucoster appears, sometimes with streaks of blood. There is no general symptoms. This form is good to treat and has a favorable forecast.


In this period of the inflammatory process, purulent exudate appears. The navel at the same time has an unpleasant smell, inhomogeneous, viscous consistency of yellow or brown. The selection is irritated by gentle skin near the navel, hyperemia and swelling are enhanced, local pain appears.

The total body temperature rises to subfebrile numbers. The child's well-being worsens. The baby refuses his chest, crying, worried, sleeps badly. If you do not start treatment in time, the process will go to the next stage and the consequences will be serious.


There is a pronounced general symptomatics. The child completely loses interest in food, experiencing severe intoxication. The body temperature ranges from 38.5 to 40 ° C. The navel is an ulcerative surface separating purulent masses.

The infection extends to the surrounding tissues, penetrating into the lymphatic network (red strides are visible). The forecast is extremely unfavorable, the urgent hospitalization of infant to the profile department is required.


The baby is in very serious condition. In the umbilical area there are necrosis of fabrics, the skin around can turn and be covered with blood-purulent mucus. Bacteria are affected not only lymph nodes, but also penetrate the blood in the octopupex vessels, causing sepsis. Emergency medical care and systemic treatment are required.

Given all the danger of this pathology, parents must be aware of their responsibility: not to practice self-medication and when any symptoms appear to contact the doctor.

Treatment methods

Choice medical tactics With an uncomplicated Fungus depends on the size of the formation and general condition of the child. If smaller growing and do not tend to increase further growth, they are observed. Home parents independently handle the navel zone every day. After a while everything is normalized.

With large sizes of education, it is removed. The operation is carried out in the department of children's surgery, where the baby is hospitalized for preoperative surveys and preparations for manipulation. Granulation tissue is removed (scalpel or laser), after which the wound is washed with a solution of antibiotics.

Surgical intervention is resorted by ineffectiveness of conservative events. Most moms and dads fear to expose their baby to general anesthesia and operations, so try to maximize the possibilities of non-invasive techniques. The popular conservative methods for the treatment of poucher fungus in newborns include:

  • classical hydrogen peroxide treatment and diamond greenery after bathing kid;
  • processing with 5% iodine solution (either "fuccinic" or by manganese, or any other antiseptic) after water procedures;
  • use of antibacterial oats;
  • moxibustion of a leap pencil (silver nitrate) twice a day;
  • the use of "chlorophyllipt" (eucalyptus vegetation preparation);
  • application people's Method Cutting Fungus Cook Salt.

According to numerous reviews of parents and the conclusion of a number of foreign doctors, the treatment of a regular cooking salt gives good results. The technique is simple: twice a day in the navel half an hour, the food salt falls asleep. So that it does not fall out, impose a plaster. After 30 minutes, the wreck is opened and washed with water. On average, after 12-14 days, the granulation completely disappear.

Prevention measures

Granuloma navel in newborns, according to physicians, does not have specific prophylaxis, as this phenomenon is associated with the individual characteristics of the body. The task of adults caring for a baby is to prevent the development of an infectious process. To do this, follow the child's hygiene rules and ensure that the navel is always clean and dry.

Foreign pediatricians and popular in Russia Dr. Komarovsky do not recommend abuse of local antiseptics, causing the umbilical wound. In his opinion, that the clothespin with the residue of umbilies fasterly disappeared and the healing process was not delayed, clean water, sterile napkins and fresh air are needed.

However, the Soviet standard for processing hydrogen peroxide and diamond greenery has a place and is used by most parents. The rules for processing the navel are as follows:

  1. Throwing a few droplets of 3% hydrogen peroxide on the bottom of the umbilical fifth.
  2. Wait until the reaction occurs.
  3. Remove the contents with a clean cotton wand or a sterile napkin, observing increased caution, a little stretching the edges of the navel.
  4. Drop the ward with a sterile napkin.
  5. To handle the cleaned area with light touches, ranging from the center to the periphery, without pressure, trying not to touch the skin around.

In addition to the direct processing of the baby, you should thoroughly wash all the toys with economic (antibacterial) soap, stroke clean things, clean and ventilate the children's room. It is very important to exclude the contact of the umbilical zone with diaper and clothing.

Prevention of complications and purulent forms of ommopalite is reduced to providing timely medical care. Only the doctor will be able to appoint proper treatment that will lead to the kid recovery.

IMPORTANT! * When copying materials to the articles, be sure to specify an active reference to the original source:

Factors causing inflammation of the umbilical wound

Developing ommophalitis in newborns is dangerous by its complications, therefore, it is necessary to identify the reason for the occurrence of the inflammation of the umbilical rings in the child as soon as possible. Among the negative factors are distinguished:

  • scarce hygiene from parents and medical staff in the maternity hospital;
  • improper fixation of the umbilical cord;
  • infection in the processing of umbilical wound;
  • poor genetic predisposition;
  • anomalies of the development of abdominal walls;
  • the pathogens may also be streptococci and staphylococci.

They say children! - Zhenya, you did not see, here on the shelf lay money? ..

Not. But if you really need - I can draw you.

One of the reasons for the occurrence of visible inflammation around the navel is Chlebseyella or an intestinal wand. Often it penetrates the body due to poor immunity of the newborn. Also in the risk group, children born prematurely or under protracted heavy childbirth are falling.

Symptoms of the "Mokutnaya Navel", or Ommalitis in newborns

Determine the presence of infection in the umbilical wound can be at home. Anxiety should be beaten if the kid has the following symptoms:

  • the swelling of the tissues around the umbilical wound;
  • redness of the skin;
  • gnoe, Sukrovitsy with an unpleasant smell;
  • "Wet naughty";
  • increase in temperature, the total weakness of the kid;
  • in complicated form, the skin becomes blue and spreads around the umbilical ring on a large area.

Note! Depending on the form of the disease, the symptoms of its development may be varied, so if you have suspicion of ommopalis in a newborn, urgently consult a doctor.

In our videos, you will learn what is umoalite in newborns and how to treat it. Experts share their opinion.

Types of Ommophalitis in newborns

Ommophalitis in newborns is divided into two groups: the first (catarrhal, purulent, necrotic, phlegmonous) and the second (primary and secondary).

They say children! Pasha (4 years):

Mom, what are you, tomorrow you will go to work again?

And the day after tomorrow too?

And let's send Pope there, and you will be with me!

Dad was on vacation at that time.

The first and easiest to develop catarrhal omphalitis in newborns is considered. This type of disease occurs on the 2nd -12 day after the birth of crumbs. With the development of such a form in infants, you can see the local change in skin: redness, swelling, palpation hardness. It is possible to treat a simple form of a chance in a day hospital or at home.

Purulent omphalitis in newborns requires immediate treatment, as there is a risk of developing such a complication as sepsis in infants. At this stage, you can notice the pus when pressing the baby's navel ring. With such symptoms it is necessary to show the child to the children's surgeon.

FLEGMONAL OMPHALITE in newborns is developing if the form of the disease is launched. A characteristic feature at this stage is to increase the body temperature of the child to critical marks. Also, the skin around the navel becomes hot and has a pronounced red color.

The necrotic form of the disease is considered life-threatening, manifested by the symptoms of the appearance of the tissues and their separation, to protrude the umbilical wound. Sometimes through her, fragments of intestinal loops are even visible.

How to treat omphalit in newborns? Major techniques

The treatment of o-naphalite in infants is carried out in stages, and also depends on which stage there is a disease. When identifying symptoms of developing infection, additional medical diagnosis. Initially, the baby should inspect the neonatologist and pediatrician. The kids are assigned analyzes (bapposev of the navel discharge) to determine the necessary therapy and, if necessary, to properly choose antibiotics for infants.

The ultrasound diagnosis of the abdominal organs is carried out, this is performed to eliminate the consequences of the disease, namely the development of sepsis in infants.

Catarial shape baby It can be treated at home by prickly pharmaceutical agents, compliance with the recommendations for the care of the umbilical wound. The treatment of purulent omphalitis in newborns is carried out only under constant hospital observation and provides for local treatment with antiseptic agents three or four times a day. With purulent ummophalit, the newborn is used originally a hydrogen peroxide, and then alcohol solutions of calendula, diamond greenery or chlorophyllip are applied.

Attention Parents! Use "Zelenk", treating the place of inflammation in newborns, you need not often and carefully, as this antiseptic absorbs into the baby's skin for a long time and can hide some symptoms of developing complications.

A physiotherapy with ultraviolet irradiation is required, and with an increase in Fungus, doctors make it migration. It is also mandatory disinfectant dressings with polymixin, ointment of Vishnevsky, Levomecole and Bacitrazin.

If conservative treatment does not help and the growing of an ulcer is observed, resort to surgical intervention.

Nerctic ommopalis in newborns is eliminated by laser. During this procedure, damaged tissues are removed. Then, in the process of rehabilitation, antibiotics are prescribed, for example, Flexing or amosyn. In severe cases, several active drugs. Baby swimming during the treatment of infection of the umbilical wounds is made with the addition of "manganese" in the tip of the knife.

Treatment of Ommophalitis in newborn herbs, recipes

In the treatment at home, folk remedies can be applied: swimming in herbs that relieve inflammation (chamomile decoration, turning), adding solutions from plants that contribute to the wound healing (St. John's wort, clean region).

The chamomile decoction is as follows: 2 tbsp. Spoons of chamomile flowers pharmacy fall asleep into a liter jar and weave the liter of boiling water. We leave to appease. The tool can be used when cooled. If you use the grass a turn, the decoction is made similarly, only 1: 1 is used on the water and medicinal plant.

To prepare a solution from cleanstole, it is necessary to assemble the plant in a fresh form in a clean area. Dried grass and grind, then we recruit cleanly 1 tbsp. Spoon pour 1.5 tbsp. Boiling water, then boil this solution for 15 minutes, cool. During the week, the tool must be stored in a cool place, after which it can be used to wash the baby's navel.

Complications and consequences: What to fear?

Incorrect treatment or long-term absence of it often entails the development of adverse effects, for example, in the form of the development of concomitant diseases:

  • arteitis, phlebitis;
  • lymphangitis, enterocolitis;
  • peritonitis, sepsis;
  • there is a bubble tumor.

P. proper treatment Ommophalitis in newborns disappears without a trace. In the future, the child's life depends on the form of the suffering disease and the peculiarities of its flow.

Attention! The purulent form of illness in the child is treated harder, therefore, in the future there may be problems with the Pup. Probable danger to the life of the baby is possible only with the development of accompanying diseases.

Look at the video about how to care for the umbilical wound to prevent ummophalit in the newborn.

Causes of Ommalitis of newborns

The cause of Ommalitis in children is most often violations. Such disorders can lead to a decrease in the barrier functions of the skin in the navel region, which can contribute to the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria (staphylococcus, streptococcus, etc.).

Symptoms of omphalitis in children

The disease usually begins at the end of the 1st week of life. Against the background of redness of the umbilical rings from the umbilical fossa, a transparent or yellowish color separate appears. With a light severity of the disease, the general condition of the child is usually not broken, with a more severe course, the child becomes sluggish, the activity of sucking is reduced, the weight gain decreases, the body temperature can increase.

Treatment of ommopalitis

In the treatment of moonlitis of the newborn, it is important to optimize the care of the child. Medicia treatment It usually consists in frequent (3-4 times a day) processing of wounds with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and a 2% alcohol solution of diamond green. Antibacterial ointments are also used, antibiotics inside may be recommended.

Rules hygiene navel

  1. Before healing, always hold the umbilical wound open.

    Wet and wound-lifting wound under clothing and diaper is a favorable environment for breeding and the life of bacteria.

  2. Daily until the healing of the navel is bathing the baby in boiled water, adding manganese into it to get a weak-pink solution.
  3. Treat the navel at least and no more than 2 times per day. Three times processed only when the sword is blood.
  4. Before processing the navel, be sure to wash your hands with soap and wipe with an alcohol napkin or antiseptic. All you use to handle the navel should be intended only for baby.
  5. More often change the child diapers and clothing. Even if they are dry and clean.

Use diapers with a special navel neckline.

How to handle the umbilical wreck?

  1. If Pupovina has not yet disappeared, you should process the umbilical ring and the umbilical umbilical umbilical cord. At home it is better to use chlorophyllipt. You can use and conventional green, but on its background it is badly visible, as the navel is healing.

    In no case do not try to tear, unscrew or cut off the umbilical. You can cause bleeding and incur infection.

  2. After the burst, the wreck is first treated with hydrogen peroxide, dripping 2 - 3 drops, then dried with a sterile napkin, removing those crusts that splamen. At the end, the wreck is treated with chlorophyllip, trying not to touch the skin around.

What is ommopalitis?

Ommophalitis in newborns is the inflammatory process of the bottom of umbilical wounds, navel vessels, leather and subcutaneous tissue in the navel area. Through the wound, the infection penetrates the tissue surrounding the navel, causing inflammation, then applies to the umbilical vessels and is fixed in them.

The greatest probability of the development of Omm'alite in:

  • premature babies;
  • kids who were born prematurely;
  • children born at home;
  • kids S. congenital anomalies Development of navel;
  • newborn with infectious diseases of the skin;
  • kids with dads in the navel area.

Why occurs ummophalitis in children?

The cause of Ommalitis is bacteria. Among bacteria causing inflammation of the umbilical wounds, staphylococci and streptococci are occupied first place. Also, the cause of inflammation can be other bacteria, among them intestinal and siny sticks, protein. Promotes the emergence and development of infection. Wrong care for the umbilical wound and disregard for hygiene rules.

Normal healing of the umbilical wound is considered in the case when the umbilical residue disappears on the 3rd day of the baby's life, and completely navel heals for 2 to 4 weeks.

After the departing of the umbilical, the most dangerous period comes. The wound is open, and the infection easily penetrates inside. At this time, the processing of the navel is important to pay special attention, following the rules of hygiene.

Several conditions include factors that contribute to the development of inflammation:

  1. Violation of the rules for the care of the baby's navel.
  2. Neglect of personal hygiene rules.
  3. Long wearing diapers, a rare change of pellery and children's clothing.
  4. The baby can get infection from family family members.

For the disease, some of the family, try to limit the contact of the patient relative with the newborn.

What could be omphalitis?

By the nature of inflammation, the following forms of omphalite are distinguished:

  • catarrhal;
  • purulent;
  • phlegmonous;
  • necrotic.

Catarial Ommophal

The catarrhal omphalitis is the most favorable form of the disease, the main sign of which is a long non-healing wound at the bottom of the navel with a meager (in small quantity) a watery separated.

With this form, a liquid is constantly distinguished from the navel, so it is often called the "wounded navel". Periodically, the wound is covered with a crust. In some cases, a small redness and swelling around the navel may occur. When feeling the octopuspical region, the vessels are not palpable (not feels at hand).

Pay your attention to the fact that when you catarrhal form, the general state of the baby is not violated. The kid is active, well eats, the body temperature is normal.

This is the only form of Ommalitis, which can be treated at home. All others are treated in the surgical department of the children's hospital.

Purulent ummophalite

Purulent omphalite is characterized by the development of the edema (swelling) and hyperemia (redness) of the umbilical ring. The skin around the navel is hot to the touch. In this case, purulent contents are allocated from the wound. From the navel may proceed an unpleasant odor. In some cases, when feeling, inflamed umbilical vessels are determined.

The disease may be accompanied by an increase in the body temperature of the kid. If at this time you will share the blood test from your finger, inflammatory changes will be detected in it.

If the child's health is violated not much, you can be treated at home under the constant control of your pediatrician. But if your doctor strongly recommends you in the hospital, do not refuse. It is better to be treated in the department under constant control than earn major complications.

Phlegmous Ommophalite

Phlegmosic ommopal arises when the inflammatory process extends and captures the incomplete area.

With Ommalite such a form, the edema increases, the skin in the navel area is hyperemic, the umbilical area is protruding, as if torn over the tummy. The vessels of the front abdominal wall expand, the venous pattern on the stomach is clearly visible. In some cases (if during processing, do not remove the crust) at the bottom of the wounds in the navel can form ulcers with uneven edges and fibrin beats (white, similar to film, structure).

There is a deterioration in the general state. The breastsect is sluggish, weakly sucks the chest, often jumps. The skin of the baby is pale, or even a pale gray. The body temperature rises to high numbers (above 38 degrees). Croha ceases to gain a mass of the body, can even be loss.

Nerctic Omthalitis

Nerctic ommopalite is a complication of a phlegmonous form, which, fortunately, is extremely rare. But still it is found in highly weakened and premature babies.

The process of inflammation penetrates deeper. The toddler's skin becomes the bug-blue. Necrosis (death) comes, and it peers from below the lying tissues, forming a big wound. Inflammation can spread to the abdominal muscles and even on the intestines. This form is very heavy and dangerous in what can lead to sepsis (penetration of infection in blood). The overall condition of the child in this form is heavy.

How is the diagnosis of "Omm'alite"?

The diagnosis of the doctor may inspect the baby's navel.

If necessary, it can assign blood test, blood sowing and separated from the navel to determine the pathogen. Ultrasound and supervisory x-ray cavity can also be appointed.

Consultation of a children's surgeon is assigned.

How to treat omphalitis?

At home you can treat only catarrhal. All other shapes are treated in the Surgery Department.

The main task in the treatment of ommopalites is to purify the umbilical wound.

Treatment of the disease is divided into several directions (stages).

Local treatment - Treatment of umbilical wounds:

  • the processing of the wounds is carried out 4 times a day, using a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide;
  • after instillation of hydrogen peroxide, it is cleaned with a woven wand;
  • the final stage is the treatment of antiseptic solutions (chlorophyllipt, propolis, dioxidine);
  • UFO (physiotheredar using ultraviolet radiation) umbilical wounds are carried out when prescribing a doctor;
  • you need to bathe the child.

For severe general condition Bathing is contraindicated. In this case, the skin is cleaned with wet napkins.

General treatment is aimed at improving the well-being kid.

General treatment includes:

  • antibiotic therapy, which is selected according to the results of Bakposev;
  • disintellation (excretion of inflammation of the child from the body);
  • vitamin therapy;
  • purpose of drugs that enhance protective immunity functions.

Surgical treatment is carried out in the department in the development of complications.


Care for newborns, in particular processing of umbilical wounds, should be carried out daily in compliance with all rules. In order to prevent the development of inflammation, parents need to seriously refer to the care of the baby and fulfill all the care recommendations, data in the maternity hospital and the pediatrician at the first patronage of the newborn.

The forecast for the timely and adequate treatment of non-molds is favorable. Therefore, if the navel does not heal two weeks after childbirth or you see redness and the selection of pus from the navel, immediately consult with your pediatrician.

Ommophalitis in adults and children: treatment of inflammation of the navel

This is a multifactoric type disease that affects the navel area, the skin and the subcutaneous layer. In this case, lymphatic and blood vessels in organism.

Most often, the navel o-navel affects the newborn in the first days of life. As a rule, the disease proceeds with complications. This is due to the transition to the processing of the culture of umbilical cord and the prevention of infection.

Ommophalitis in adults, the treatment of his symptoms requires timely appeal to the doctor.

Determination of the disease

Pretty rare phenomenon of the navel disease in adults. Such a disease proceeds to light form, and adequate and modern treatment brings the result in a short period of time.

Ommophalitis of bacterial origin belongs to surgical pathologies, with the development of a more severe pathology, ommopalis sometimes requires surgical intervention.

To avoid the operation, you must definitely pay attention to the main symptoms and carry out the treatment of inflammation.

Ommophalit is a pretty simple disease, but its main species and forms are quite serious. These are inflammatory processes in the skin, which as a result develop the wound.

Due to the origin, you can identify two types of lesions:

  1. Primary - the development of infection directly in the very umbilical wound;
  2. Secondary - the attachment of infection to the federation (due to the progression of the disease).

The nature of the inflammatory process:

  1. Catarial (serous-purulent, simple and "wounded naughty") is a more common form. It occurs when the epithelium begins to slowly cover the wound. In this process, a colorless liquid comes out of the wound, and after granulation and blood crusts occur.
  2. Phlegmonous.
  3. Non-necrotic (gangrenous) - this type is very difficult to cure.
  4. Purulent lesions are a particularly serious form of ommopalite, due to which strong ulcers occur, purulent discharge, and also repels the navel over the abdominal cavity.

Forms are divided into acute, chronic and bacterial nature of origin.

Causes of navel infection

The factor in the development of the lesion of the navel is considered an affecting body infection (staphylococcus or intestinal wand), which penetrates the umbilical wound. She completely heals after the appearance of a child to light. Pathology struck newborns, as well as older children and even adults. General factors that provoke the development of infection:

  • not following the elementary rules of hygiene, which very often leads to the separation of infection, which is why not only children are infected, but also adults;
  • poor wound processing;
  • pollution with urine or carte masses;
  • dirty bedding, lower clothes or towel.

It is also important to take into account the pregnancy at which many infections are transferred from the mother to the newborn child. If it is ill to infectious disease, bacteria can penetrate the umbilical cord.

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